ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE Ki OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME I No. 13 - 21 January 1948 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria, Trieste - 1948 (a) The employees inscribed in the special roll shall remain in service until they have reached the age of 65 years or 40 years service ; they may, however, be relieved from their service for reasons of inefficiency at any time, upon the decision of the respective Administration, which decision cannot be appealed. (b) The existing disciplinary provisions for permanent (di ruolo) employees of State Administrations shall be extended to the personnel inscribed in the special roll in so far as they are applicable. (c) In addition to the cases provided for by Article 66 of R. D. No. 2960 dated December 30, 1923, the employee shall be liable to dismissal without any disciplinary proceeding if he has been sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment. ARTICLE V (a) In case of cessation of employment due to the expiration of the terms provided for by first para of Article 1V, or to dismissal for inefficiency, the employees inscribed in the special roll shall be entitled to receive one monthly rate of their last allowances for each year of service, or fraction thereof exceeding 6 months. (b) The same indemnity shall be"due, in case of death, to the minor children of the deceased employee, as well as to his relatives, within the second grade, provided they were living on his charge. PART II SPECIAL PROVISIONS GOVERNING NON-PERMANENT TEACHERS ARTICLE VI The inscription of non-permanent public teachers in the special roll set forth in Article I of this Order, and their legal status deriving from such inscription, shall be subject to the special provisions established in the following Articles, as well as to the general provisions set forth in Part 1 of this Order as far as they are applicable. ARTICLE VII Non-permanent teachers shall be entitled to the inscription on the special roll provided they comply with the following conditions : а) That they were in service at the beginning of the school year 1947-1948 at one of the intermediate or elementary public schools within the Zone. б) For intermediate school teachers : -—- that they are in possession in addition to an academic or equivalent evidence of graduation required for the post of professor, of the professional qualification (abilitazione) or ability (idoneità). For elementary teachers: — evidence of ability (idoneità) proved in a public competition. c) That they exercise teaching at public schools (Governmental) as their regular profession and not as an accessory, occasional, or temporary employment. d) That they follow a regular, continuous and constant weekly timetable. For the purpose of inscription into the special roll, the following equivalents shall be accepted in lieu of the approved qualifications or abilities (abilitazione and idoneità) : a) as to intermediate teachers in possession of graduation certificate (laurea) only : — tfce service at public schools for at least 5 years with a qualification for the entire period not inferior to very good (valente) ; and b) as to elementary teachers in possession of a teacher graduation (diploma di abilitazione magistrale) only : — the service at public schools for at least seven years with the qualification „laudable“ for the entire period. ARTICLE IX At the beginning of each , school year the School Authorities shall continue to confer the posts of substitute (supplenze) and specially employed public teachers (incarichi) as provided for by existing Law and the inscription of the applicant’s name in the special roll shall not constitute a preference in the compilation of the rank list (graduatoria). ARTICLE X Teachers who, at the beginning of the school year would not be assigned the post of a substitute or specially employed teacher, or those who, though thus appointed, would be relieved from such post during the course of the year because it has been conferred to a permanent holder (titolare di ruolo), may be transferred to offices of other Administrations in accordance with Article II of this Order. ARTICLE XI The increases of pay due every four years mentioned in Article III of this Order shall be computed for non-permanent teaching personnel on the basis of their total, though not continuous, school service, and on the allowances they are paid for their actual teaching pest. The termination of service of non-permanent teaching personnel due to reasons provided for by first para of Article IV, shall be subject to the provisions in force for the corresponding categories of permanent teaching personnel. ARTICLE XII The provisions set forth in Part I hereof shall be applied as to the non-permanent nonteaching personnel serving at public institutes of education (istituti governativi di educazione). PART III FINAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE XIII (a) The existing provisions concerning the inscription in the normal rolls of the personnel of State Administrations shall not be abrogated or modified by the provisions of the present Older. (b) The inscription in the said normal rolls shall automatically cause the cancellation of the respective person from the special roll. ARTICLE XIV The special roll established by the present Order, will be set up by Department of Finance of the Allied Military Government, and shall not be subsequently modified unless for correction of eventual errors incurred at the first compilation thereof. ARTICLE XV The present Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 14th day of January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General S. U. Army Director General. Civil Affairs Order No. 117 INCREASE OF FINES IN ¡PENAL LAW AND PROCEDURE WHEREAS, General Order No. 30 B dated 1 June 1946 has provided for amendments of the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure ; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and necessary to increase the fines provided for by penal laws, within that zone of the Free Territory of Trieste now occupied by the British-United States Forces ; NOW. THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article I of General Order No. 30 B dated 1 June 1946 is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : ARTICLE I Section 1. — Article 24 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „The punishment by fine (,,multail) consists in the payment to the State of a sum not less than 400 lire and not more than 400,000 lire. Whenever the law prescribes punishment by imprisonment only and the crime is actuated by motives of gain, the Judge may add a fine (,,multali) of from 400 to 160,000 lire. When the fine prescribed by the law, even if the maximum be imposed, is found to be inadequate by reason of the economic condition of the accused, the Judge is authorized to increase such fine up to three times its amount.11 Section 2. — Article 26 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows: „The punishment by penalty for contraventions („ammenda") consists in the payment to the State of a sum not less than 160 lire and not more than 80.000 lire. Whenever the penalty prescribed by law, even if the. maximum be imposed, is found to be inadequate by reason of the economic condition of the accused, the Judge is authorized to increase such penalty up to three times its amount." Section 3. — Item (3) of Article 66 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows: „(3) 800,000 lire in case of fine („multa") and 160,000 lire in case of penalty („ammenda") or 2,400,000 lire in the case of fine („multa"") and 480^000 lire in the case of penalty („ammenda" ) if the Judge exercises the power conferred by the third para of Article 24 and the second para of Article 26." Section 4. — Item (3) of the first para of Article 78 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows: (3) 1,200,000 lire in case of fine („multa") and 240,000 lire in case of penalty („ammenda" ) or 3,200,000 lire in the case of fine („multa") and 640,000 lire in the case of penalty („ammenda") respectively if the Judge exercises the power conferred by the third para of Article 24 and the second para of Article 26." Section 5. — Article 133 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „Whenever it is necessary for any legal purpose to establish an equivalent between pecuniary punishment and punishment by detention, such calculation shall be made on the basis of one day of punishment by detention for every 400 lire or fraction thereof of the pecuniary punishment. Whenever the establishment of the equivalent refers to pecuniary punishment inflicted prior to the effective date of this Order, the calculation shall be made on the basis of one day of punishment by detention for every 100 lire or fraction thereof of the pecuniary punishment." Section 6. — Article 162 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : „In the case of contraventions („contravvenzioni") for which the law prescribes'a penalty („ammenda") solely, the offender before the opening of the trial („dibattimento") or before the order inflicting the punishment („decreto di condanna") is made, may be permitted to pay a sum equal to one-third of the maximum punishment provided by law for the contravention together with the costs of the proceedings. Such payment shall extinguish the offence". Section 7. — The first para of Article 237 of the Penal Code is hereby amended to read and provide as follows: „Caution for good behaviour („cauzione di buona condotta") shall be given by the deposit in a postal booklet („libretto postale") bearing no interest, of a sum of not less-than 8,000 lire and not more than 160,000 lire which, in the event of forfeiture in accordance with law, shall be paid to the Treasury of the State." Section i. — Sections 7 and 8 of Article II of General Order No. 30 B, dated 1 June 1946, are hereby repealed. Section 2. — The limit of the pecuniary punishment established by Article 512, items 1 and 3 and by Article 513, items 1 and 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure for the admissibility of appeals against sentences of the First instance, is hereby increased to 16,000 lire. Section 3. — In the case of sentences relating to offences committed prior to the effective date of'this Order the limit for the admissibility of appeals established by Article 512, items 1 and 3 and by Article 513, items 1 and 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure shall be in the amount of 4,000 lire. ARTICLE III The limits of the pecuniary punishment, presided for by Article 19 of R.E.L. 20 July 1934, No. 1404, converted into the Law 27 May 1935, No 835, as established for the granting of judicial pardon is hereby increased to 120,000 lire. Likewise the limit established by Article . 20 of the aforesaid R.D. L. 20 July 1934, for the granting of conditional suspension of the punish ment is hereby increased to 120,000 lire. ARTICLE IV Section 1. — The pecuniary punishment for offences as provided for by the Penal Code or by special penal laws as well as the pecuniary sanctions for infractions of the law as provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure are hereby increased to eight times the original amount. Section 2. — The provision of the preceding Section shah not be applicable to (a) pecuniary punishments based upon the amount involved in the offence (,,pene proporzionali“) ; (b) special laws issued after 1 June 1946 ; and (c) tax or financial laws regardless of their date of issue. ARTICLE V This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 15th day of January 1948.- RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affaris Order No. 109 SUSPENSION OF DISMISSALS FROM INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to make temporary provisions designed to limit the industrial unemployment within that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I PROCEDURE TO BE APPLIED IN CASE OF DISMISSALS From the effective date of this Order, to and including 31 March 1948, mass dismissals, as 'well as individual dismissals of industrial workers, shall be prohibited except as provided for in the following Articles of this Order. ARTICLE II COLLECTIVE DISMISSALS Section i. — Managements of industrial firms, who deem it necessary to dismiss a njimber of workers as a consequence of restriction or transformation of the firm’s activities, shall notify the Shop-Stewards’ Committee of their decision indicating the reasons for, date and number of the dismissals.' Section 2. — The reasons for dismissals shall be examined, if requested by the Shop-Stewards’ Committee, by the Management and the Shop-Stewards’ Committee in a spirit of mutual understanding. In the same spirit shall be examined also the possibility of avoiding the dismissals without creating an undue burden to the firm. Section 3. — Should an agreement between the two parties be reached, the dismissals shall be thereupon put into effect. In the event that the two parties do not succeed in reaching an agreement as to the number of workers to be dismissed, the matter shall be submitted to the two organizations concerned, namely the Trades Union Central Coordinating Committee and the Association of Industrialists, who will examine the facts alleged by the two parties, in an attempt to come to an agreement. Section 4. ■— Dismissals for the purpose of reducing the staff must be justified as such in the letter giving notice of the dismissals. In case of re-engagément of workers within one year, the firm shall be bound to re-engage those workers who were dismissed. Section 5. ■— The procedure referred to in this Article, is not applicable to dismissals due to termination of work, or to Building Trades, seasonal and occasional occupations. INDIVIDUAL DISMISSALS Section i. — Managements of industrial firms, who deem it necessary to dismiss a worker for disciplinary reasons, lack of output or for any other reason, shall inform the Shop-Stewards’ Committee of this proposed action. Section 2. — In the case of dismissals for disciplinary reason provided for by the law or Labor contract, the Management may suspend the »worker immediately and then follow the procedure outlined in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. — In case of lack of output, the firm shall give the worker a warning and refer the matter to the Shop-Stewards’ Committee, who shall, if appropriate, advise the -worker to improve his output. Should both the warning and the intervention of.the Shop-Stewards’ Committee prove unsuccessful and should the firm decide to carry out the dismissal, the procedure referred to in Section 1 and subsequent shall be followed. Section 4. — Upon receiving communication as per Section 1, the Shop-Stewards’ Committee may request, within three days, the right to examine the reasons alleged by the Management. In case of an agreement, the worker shall be notified of his dismissal with immediate effect. ARTICLE IV ARBITRATION BOARDS FOR COLLECTIVE DISMISSALS Section 1. — In the event that the two parties mentioned in Article II, Section 3 of this Order do not succeed in reaching an agreement as to the number of workers to be dismissed, the question shall be submitted for decision to the Arbitration Board for Collective Dismissals, hereinafter described, within two weeks of the date the communication was given by the Management to the Shop-Stewards’ Committee. The »Arbitration Board for Collective Dismissals shall consist of the Director of the Labor Office or his representative as chairman with vote and four other members with vote, two nominated by the Trade Unions and two by the Association of Industrialists. Two technical representatives of the Labor Office without vote shall assist. Section 2. — Within 10 days from the request of arbitration, the Labor Office shall request and receive from the employer concerned and/or from his Association and from the Trade Unions, all the information deemed necessary. When the said information is received, the Director of the Labor Office shall call the Arbitration Board for Collective Dismissals and shall establish the date for the hearing. Section 3. — When the parties concerned in the dispute have explained their positions and offered all pertinent evidence, the Board shall hear the evidence which is deemed useful and sufficient for the decision of the dispute and shall issue its award within 5 days from the hearing. This award, after approval by AMG Department of Labor shall be communicated to the parties concerned, and the original thereof shall be deposited with the Department of Labor Section 4. — The decision of the Arbitration Boards, approved by the Department of Labor shall have the same force and effect of Collective Labor Contracts. ARTICLE V ARBITRATION BOARDS FOR INDIVIDUAL DISMISSALS Section I. — In the event that the two parties mentioned in Article III, Section 4 of this Order do not succeed in reaching an agreement, the question shall be submitted for the decision to the Arbitration Board for Individual Dismissals, hereinafter described, within the prescribed term of 5 days from the communication given by the Management to the Shop-Stewards’ Committee. The Arbitration Board for Individual Dismissals shall consist of the Director of the Labor Office or his representative as chairman with vote and two other members with vote, one representing the Trade Unions and the other the Association of Industrialists. Two technical representatives of the Labor Office without vote shall assist. Section 2. — The Labor Office shall request, within 5 days from .the request of Arbitration all information deemed necessary from the employer and/or from the Association of Industrialists. When the said information is received, the Labor Office shall call for the Arbitration Board and shall hold a hearing in which the employer and the worker and/or their representatives shall be present, assisted upon request, by representatives of their respective organizations. Section 3. — When the parties concerned have explained their position and offered supporting evidence thereto, the Arbitration Board shall hear the evidence which is deemed useful for settling the dispute and shall issue the award within five days from the hearing of the evidence. The above mentioned award, after approval by the AMG Department of Labor, shall be communicated to the parties concerned and the original thereof shall be deposited with the Department of Labor. Section 4. — The decision of the Arbitration Board, approved by the Department of Labor, shall have the same force and effect as any labor contract stipulated between workers and employers. ARTICLE VI CONDITIONS FOR THE DISMISSAL AND EVENTUAL RE-ENGAGEMENT Section I. — In case of individual as of mass dismissals, the following elements shall be taken into account: seniority of service, family status, family’s economic situation, particular technical skill and output of the workers. Section 2. — In case the firm should proceed to the re-engagement of workers within one year from the date of dismissal, it shall be bound to re-engage those‘workers who were dismissed and who are qualified to perform the required tasks. PROCEDURE Section i. — Whether in individual or in collective disputes, the members of the Arbitration Boards with deciding-vote shall be nominated by the concerned parties within 10 days from the request thereon from the Labor Office. If the parties, though duly invited, fail to nominate members, the Director of the Labor Office is authorized to appoint all the members of the Boaid. Section 2. — The Labor Office competent for the decision of the dispute, shall provide for the office services, and for the accomodation of the Arbitration Board and shall bear the necessary expenses including the indemnity to be paid to the members of the Board. Section 3. — The Arbitration Boards shall issue the award by a majority vote guided by the principles of equity, and shall not be bound by any determined rule of procedure. The award shall be made in writing, briefly describing the reasons for the award. ARTICLE VIII EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into effect on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General TJ. S. - Army Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 125 TIME-LIMIT FOR THE SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS UNDER ORDER No. 147 WHEREAS Article II of Order No. 147, dated 6 June 1946, provides for a contribution by the Allied Military Government to owners who in the period from 15 June to 1 October 1945 had repaired private dwellings damaged by war action or as reprisal against Partisan activities ; and WHEREAS it is considered advisable and. necessary to fix a time-limit for the submitting of applications for the said contribution, within that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste now administered by the British-United States Forces : NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: TIME LIMIT FOR LODGING APPLICATIONS A time-limit for the lodging of applications under Article II of Order No. 147, dated 6 June 1946, is hereby fixed at 29th February 1948. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE ..This Order shall take effect on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, IT. S. Army Director' General ,Civil Affairs Order No. 105 COMPULSORY ENGAGEMENT IN PRIVATE CONCERNS OF PERSONS DISABLED OR INVALIDED DUE TO LABOR ACCIDENTS WHEREAS it is considered, advisable and necessary to issue provisions for the compulsory engagement in private concerns of persons disabled or invalided due to labor accidents, in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter re-f erred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW, THEREFORE. I. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General Civil Affairs, ORDER: RATIO TO BE EMPLOYED Section 1. — Private concerns employing more than 50 workers and/or employees shall give engagement to persons disabled or invalided due to labor accidents at the rate of one such person for every 50 employed persons of fraction thereof exceeding the number of 25. Section 2. — Persons disabled or invalided due to labor accidents already engaged in service prior to the effective date of this Order shall be computed in the percentage established in the preceding Article. ARTICLE II INAPPLICABILITY Air and sea-shipping concerns shall-not be subject to the provision set forth in the preceding Section as far as navigating personnel are concerned. APPIO ABILITY Section 1. —^The provisions of this Order shall be applicable to all male employees under 60 years of age and all female employees under 55 years of age, provided they shall have suffered a permanent reduction of their ability to work of not less than 40%, due to labor accidents or professional diseases. Section 2. ■— The above provision shall not be appbcable to persons who have been totally disabled or invalided as a result of labor accidents, nor shall the same apply to those persons who, according to the judgment of the Commission established under Article V herein, owing to the nature and type of the'r disability, might endanger the health and safety of their fellow workers or the safety of their respective establishment. ARTICLE IV APPLICATION BY DISABLED PERSON Section 1. ■— Any person disabled or invalided due to labor accidents desiring such engagement shall submit an application to the „Associazione Mutilati ed Invalidi del Lavoro, Sezione di Trieste“ enclosing all documents - (in particular, the certificate of the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro“ certifying their grade of reduction of ability to work) that can prove his general and specific professional or working capacity. Section 2. ■— The above mentioned „Sezione dell’Associazione Mutilati ed Invalidi del Lavoro“ shall issue to every person concerned a certificate indicating his number of inscription in the appropriate roll. ARTICLE V ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION Section 1. ■— For the purpose set forth herein, a Commission in hereby established at thejLabor Office, to be presided over by the Manager of the said Office or by a person delegated by him, consisting of two representatives of the „Associazione Mutilati ed Invalidi del Lavoro“, of one representative of the Trade Unions („organizzazione sindacale dei lavoratori“) and of two representatives of the syndicate' organizations of employers („organizzazioni sindacali dei datori di lavoro“). Section 2. — The said Commission shall decide on the ability to work of the disabled and invalided workers and determine their professional category, and furthermore provide for their engagement. ARTICLE VI RIGHT TO RESCIND BY EMPLOYER The employer may rescind the labor contract („rapporto di lavoro“.) with the disabled or invalided worker whenever, according to the opinion of the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro“ and of the Labor Office the disability of such worker has increased to the extent that it is impossible on his part to perform the work he had been engaged for, or whenever the Labor Office has ascertained the existence of the conditions mentioned in Article 111 Section 2 of this Order. ARTICLE VII RIGHT OF APPEAL As against the decision issued by the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli lnfortuni sul Lavoro“ determining the grade of reduction of ability to work, an appeal may be filed in accordance with the terms and procedure prescribed by existing laws. ARTICLE VIII TIME TO FURNISH DATA TO LABOR OFFICE Section 1. — Within 15 days after the effective date of this Order all employers shall declare in writing to the Labor Office the total number of persons employed by them specifying the number for each establishment and dividing them according to their category and sex. Section 2. — Not later than 30 June and 31 December of each year the employers shall forward to the Labor Office the above data as well as the number and the particulars of disabled and invalided workers engaged pursuant to the provisions of this Order. ARTICLE IX PENALTIES Section 1. — Any employer violating the provisions cf this Order shall be liable to punishment by a fine („ammenda“) from 20C0 Lire to 20.000 Lire for each worker to whom the violation refers. Section 2. — Any employer failing to make in due time the declaration provided for by Article VIII of this Order shall be liable to punishment by a fine („ammenda“) from 4000 Lire to 20.000 Lire.. ARTICLE X SUPERVISION The Labor Office shall supervise the application of the provisions of this Order. ARTICLE XI EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 132 (55 A) DESIGNATIONS OF TITLES AND DEPARTMENTS IN ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend Order No. 5J dated January 10, 1948, to alter the designations of a certain Officer and Office, NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I 1. — Article V, Section 3, Order No. 55 dated January 10, 1948, is amended by deleting therefrom : „Director of Railways - Branch-Office of Railways Directorate - Transportation“ and substituting therefore : Director of Railways Branch - Directorate of Railways - Transportation. 2. — Article VII, Section 2, said Order, is amended by deleting therefrom : „Railways Directorate Railways Officer“ and substituting therefore, as Section 3 thereof: „SECTION 3. — The head of the Directorate of Railways shall be designated „Director of Railways“. 3. — Article VIII, Section 1 is amended by deleting therefrom „Director of Railways -Railways Officer“. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective as of January 10, 1948. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of January, 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs APPOINTMENT OF DR. GINO PALUTAN AS AREA PRESIDENT FOR TRIESTE AREA WHEREAS by Administrative Order N. 7 of September 22, 1945 Aw. Edmondo PUECHER ivas appointed Area President and Dr. Oino PALUTAN Vice Area President, and WHEREAS Aw. Edmondo PUECHER has resigned said appointment on 1st January 1948 for reasons of ill health, and WHEREAS it is considered advisable that Dr. Oino PALUTAN, Acting Area President by virtue of Administrative Order N. 26 of November 6, 1947, be appointed Area President, NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, pursuant to the power vested in me by Sect. 2 General Order N. 11 of August 11, 1945, ORDER: 1. — Dr. Gino PALUTAN is hereby appointed Area President in place of Aw. Edmondo PUECHER with effect from January 1, 1948. 2. — This Order shall enter into force on the date it is signed by me. Dated in Trieste, this 16th day of January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 43 / APPOINTMENT OF PROVISIONAL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE OF THE „ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER L’ ASSISTENZA DI MALATTIA AI LAVORATORI“ WHEREAS Area Order No. 61, dated 14 January 1947, provided for the appointment of a Provisional Consultative Committee of the „Istituto Nazionale per V Assistenza di Malattia ai Lavoratori“ ; and WHEREAS by Decree of the Acting Area President No. 3186/15172, dated 9 December 1947, the Members of the above Committee have been appointed ; NOW. THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, pursuant to the provisions of Article III, Section 2 of Area Order No. 51, ORDER: 1. — The following persons, Members of the Provisional Consultative Committee of the „Istituto Nazionale per PAssistenza di Malattia ai Lavoratori“ are hereby appointed President and Vice Presidents of the Committee as hereunder specified, with effect from December 9, 1947 : Dr. Attilio COFLERI — President Aw. Livio ZAY — Vice President Sig. Renato RXZZOTTI — Vice President. 2. — This Order shall enter into force on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 12th day of January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General. Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 44 PROMOTION TO PORT BOATSWAIN WHEREAS, ROCCO Giovanni and FACCHINETTI Giovanni, have both been found qualified for 'promotion to the post of Port Boatswain ; NOW, THEREFORE, /, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General Civil Affairs ORDER: 1. — That ROCCO Giovanni, be and he hereby is temporarily promoted to PORT BOATSWAIN, 3rd Class, with date of seniority effective from 1st November 1947. 2. — That FACCHINETTI Giovanni, be and he hereby is temporarily promoted to SECOND PORT BOATSWAIN, with date of seniority effective from 1st November 1947. 3. — This Order shall become effective upon the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 14th day of January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Armjr Director General, Civil Affairs TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF DR. GUIDO BAISSERO AS CONSERVATOR OF NOTARIAL ARCHIVE OF TRIESTE WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to fill the post of Conservator of Notarial Archive, at present vacant; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs ORDER: 1) Dr. Guido BAISSERO is hereby temporary charged with the functions of Conservator or Notarial Archive of Trieste with all emoluments and indemnities pertaining to an official of VI grade. 2) This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 12th January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 49 DISCHARGE OF MEMBERS OF EPURATION COMMISSION OF FIRST INSTANCE, TRIESTE WHEREAS by Area Notice No. 1 dated 30th July 1945, Administrative Order No. 14 dated 28th September 1945, Area Administrative Order No. 10 dated 12th March 1946, and. Area Administrative Order No. 28 dated 18th June 1946, the persons after mentioned were appointed members of the Epuration Commissions of First Instance for Trieste; WHEREAS by Order No. 50 dated 10th December 1947, provision was made for the termination of said Commissions as at 31 January 1948, and it is necessary to discharge these persons from their offices ; and WHEREAS by Order No. 50 dated 10th December 1947, an Epuration Office is established to deal with all residual matters and it is necessary to appoint an official to take charge thereof ; NOW, THEREFORE. I. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: DISCHARGE OF MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSIONS OF FIRST INSTANCE The following persons are hereby discharged from the offices held by them with the Epuration Commissions of First Instance, Trieste : Avv. ARAGNI Antonio, Via Cesare Beccaria 6, Trieste Avv. PALESE Raoul, Via Macchiavelli 20, Trieste Avv. DEPASE Silvio, Via S. Lazzaro 17, Trieste Avv. PRESCA Romeo, Via Battisti 8, Trieste Avv. JAUT Giorgio, Via Torrebianca 25, Trieste Avv. LEBAN Edoardo, Piazza S. Giovanni 4, Trieste ARTICLE II APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL IN CHARGE OF RESIDUAL MATTERS Avv. Silvio DEPASE above mentioned, is hereby appointed Official in charge of the Epuration Office established under Order No. 50 dated 10th December 1947. ARTICLE III This Order shall come into effect on 31 January 1948. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs DISCHARGE OF MEMBERS OF THE TERRITORIAL EPURATION COMMISSION OF APPEAL WHEREAS by Order of Appointment dated 31st August 1945, Administrative Order No. 16 dated 27th December 1945 and Administrative Order No. 64 dated 23rd September 1946 the persons after mentioned were appointed members of the Territorial Epuration Commission of Appeal, Trieste ; and WHEREAS by Order No. 50 dated 10th December 1947, provision was made for the termination of said Commission as 31st January 1948, and. it is necessary to discharge these persons from the offices held by them ; NOW, THEREFORE, 1, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The following persons are discharged from the offices held by them with the Territorial Epuration Commission of Appeal, Trieste : Ing. GANDUSIO Fernando, Viale XX Setiembre 1, Trieste Avv. AGNELETTO Giuseppe, Via S. Lazzaro 17, Trieste Avv. FLOREANI Guido, Via Bonomo 15, Trieste Avv. CHIARUTTINI Bruno, Via Revoltella 63, Trieste Avv. MOSETTI Marcello, Via Mercadante 1, Trieste ARTICLE II This Order shall come into effect on 31st January 1948. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of January 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs CONTENTS Order Page No. 43 Provisions concerning non-permanent (non di ruolo) personnel of State Administrations within the Zone ....................... 209 No. 117 Increase of fines in penal Law and procedure................. 212 No. 109 Suspension of dismissals from industrial employment ........ 215 No. 125 Time-limit for the submission of applications under Order No. 147 218 No. 105 Compulsory engagement in private concerns of persons disabled or invalided due to labor accidents ........................ 219 No. 132 (55 A) Designations of titles and departments in Allied Military Government .................................................. 222 Administrative Order No. 38 Appointment of Dr. Gino Palutan as Area President for Trieste Area ........................................................... 223 No. 43 Appointment of Provisional Consultative Committee of the „Istituto Nazionale per l’assistenza di malattia ai lavoratori“ 223 No. 44 Promotion to port boatswain ....................................... 224 No. 45 Temporary appointment of Dr. Guido Baissero as conservator of notarial archive of Trieste..................................... 225 No. 49 Discharge of members of Epuration Commission of first instance, Trieste ...................................................... 225 No. 50 Discharge of members of the Territorial Epuration Commission of Appeal................................................. 227