C4 W CQ S D Z \ N \ to 3 fc3) / “CHISHOLM BOUND 1982” is the name of our campaign. Each one of us ought to try and enroll just one new member. At times one need not go any further than one's own family, neighbor or friend. For an application refer to the March ZARJA. LETTER TO POSTMASTER Hon. William Bolger Postmaster General 475 L’Enfant Plaza West SW Washington, D.C. 20260 Dear Mr. Bolger, We urge you to support the printing of the Lovrenc Kosir commemorative stamp. He is one of the world's foremost postal pioneer reformers of the 19th century. In 1835 he was the first to conceive the adhesive postage stamp. And in 1839, he was the first to propose that postage stamps be sold in booklets. We believe that Lovrenc Kosir deserves a place of honor and gratitude as a pioneer of the postage stamp and his significant contribution to human progress. Sincerely, Officers and Members Slovenian Women's Union Branch 20, Joliet, Illinois CC: Hon. George M. O’Brien Member of Congress CALENDAR i3 JUNE 6 JUNE 25 JUNE 28 JULY 18-SEPT 13 SEPT 20 SEPT 27 OCT 10 OCT 11 OCT 31 21, Cleveland, COMMEMORATIVE MASS 12, Milwaukee, JUNIORS' PICNIC 50, Cleveland, OUTDOOR MASS - CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONFERENCE 14, Euclid, CARD PARTY 23, Ely, MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION 47, Garfield Hgts., 50th ANNIVERSARY 1, Sheboyqan, WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION 100, Fontana, CALIFORNIA- WASH INGTON-OREGON STATE CONVENTION 50, Cleveland, 50th ANNIVERSARY 103, Washington, D.C., DINNER —DANCE syyyyyyyyyyyy^yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy^yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy: ZARJA - THE DA WN (ISSN 0044-1848) NO. 6 JUNE, 1981 VOL.53 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of A merica — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00— naročnina $10.00 letno za ne-člane. For Social Members, .65 per month — za družabni članice .65 mesečno. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA 4.11, No. Chicago St., Joliet, II. 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL AH communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. r mesecu. Editor, ( OKI N NE l. ES KO V A K Editorial Office, 2032 W. Cermak Kd., Chicago, II. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-6679 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JUNE Presidents June 4 — Maria Cvetnic, Br. 55, Girard, OH June 11 - Frances Correll, Br. 93, Brooklyn, NY Secretaries: June I - Ann Pavclic, Br. 8, Stcelton, PA June 2 - Blanche Laurich, Br. 81, Keewatin, MN June 3 - Jane Hudak, Br. 74, Ambridge, PA June 17 - Christine Meyer, Br. 86, Nashwauk, MN Many Happy Returns of the Day! wy/yyy/yy/yyyy/yy/yyMMyy/y/wy/yyyyyyy/yyyyyyyyy/yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy/y/??///?. U.S.S. Band TO TOUR SLOVENIA One of the most unique musical groups is the United Slovenian Society Band, a 30 piece instrument and marching band that has been established for 3-1/2 years in Cleveland, Ohio and is under the direction of Norman Novak. This month they will tour Slovenia for the first time and visit various places on a grand tour. Among the band members and their families are many S.W.U. members. We wish them godspeed and great enjoyment. INDEPENDENT ^PAVINGS 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731- 8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio44119 486- 4100 MAKE PLANS NOW, FOR THE S.W.U. Christian Women’s Spiritual Conference July 18-19 We’d like to hear from you as it’s only a little more than a month until we meet in Lemont, Illinois to participate in our first Christian Women’s Spiritual Conference, for which we have been privileged to obtain the cooperation of our most distinguished Aux. Bishop of Toronto, Canada, Most. Rev. Aloysius Ambrožič, the help and guidance of moderator Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M., the spiritual director of Zveza, plus the beautiful singing of our Sisters of Mt. Assisi and the members of Slovenska Pesem chorus of Chicago-Joiiet, directed by Rev. Vendelin Spendov, O.F.M. D.M. The hospitality of the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers awaits us at the Retreat House in Lemont where a weekend of spiritual activities is sure to leave us all better for the experience. Remember, there are limited sleeping places available at the Retreat House. However, you will be welcome to attend the conferences each day or both days, singly. Call or write immediately for all particulars. And further, we welcome all women, members and their families, age is no barrier. A hearty welcome to all. Let’s make this an event we can all benefit from spiritually and emotionally. Call or Write, S.W.U. Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, 111. 60432. Get your group together and reserve your place at the first Christian Women’s Conference! PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE This is the month of brides and we wish much joy to all members and friends taking this step. To our scholastic memmbers graduating from schools and colleges, we hope for a bright future. We must not forget Fathers on their day; they are the backbone of our lives and we especially pray for them. There are many anniversaries and birthdays this month — my felicitations to you. The time is getting closer to our Christian Women’s Conference in Lemont. I hope you are planning to join us for the special occasion, honoring our Blessed Mother. We are looking forward to hearing the words of Bishop Ambrozich and interesting sessions of “Questions and Answers”. Get your reservation rii NOW. We expect one bus from Minnesota and are hoping Cleveland will bring a group. Let’s make this a program we will long remember! If we raise our voices to Mary in a group, we are more apt to be heard. The need for prayer is now. On April 4th, I attended the Cotillion Ball in Cleveland where 13 debs were presented in beautiful and moving reception. These young ladies symbolize the future of our organization. Their youth and effervescence are stimulation for us all. The dinner was superb and 1 enjoyed the dancing later. It was nice to visit with many of our members. Mary Bostian, Ann Tercek and Sophie Magayna welcomed me with a lovely corsage; Carole Globokar was most gracious and is to be complimented on the evening’s program and festivities, as is Frances Seitz, without whose help we would be much handicapped. She is indeed a stalwart. Much credit to the branches that worked so hard to make this event the success it was. The Slovene Home for the Aged was the recipient of the proceeds from the Cotillion. I visited the Home on Monday and will write more about :!.is and the luncheon at Sterle’s in my next article. A copy of the “Thank You” from the Home received by the Junior League was mailed to me; mere words cannot express their feelings. This was truly a good cause. This was a very enjoyable and stimulating week-end for me. I was fortunate to be able to attend the Maple Heights Button Box Jam Session on Sunday with my hosts; Theresa and Michael Salay, who were most gracious and considerate in aceompaning me. Stephanie Fryger and her group made me feel welcome, also. My visit to the Chatter Box was greatly enjoyed. Try to remember our ailing members and friends with a card or a visit, you will make them very happy. For our deceased, especially our fathers, our prayers are constant. I shall continue my story about Cleveland in the next issue; hope you are not bored. I was not. May God Walk With You! Mary Muller Presidents, Mary and Carol, greeting the guests at the 6th S.W.U. Debutante Cotillion Ball. SUCCESS WITH UNITY TALLEY Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M.: Stop and think! The events of our daily life follow each other so fast that we do not find time for reflection, to stop and think of where we are going. The speed of modern living is robbing us of precious moments, when we could slow down and find new strength and reassurance for our earthly pilgrimage. A person can come so far that he or she starts to question his, her own identity. On one occasion Christ suggested to His own apostles after a busy day: “Why don’t you go to a deserted place and rest?” This is necessary for all of us. We have to admit that to be a Christian, even more to be a Catholic we find all kinds of obstacles. It takes courage to be a good Catholic woman, wife and mother in our — many times -paganistic society. Therefore it is good that you ask yourself: what am I doing on this planet? What is the reason that 1 am here? Since 1 am here what is my future? What brings me real joy and satisfaction? What is most difficult to accept about myself and about my family? Am I satisfied with my life as it is or would I change if 1 could? Nobody says that we have to accept daily events as they come, that we don’t have control over them, that we can not change them for better and for our own profit. Many a mother, a wife thinks it is hopeless and the only thing she can do about her situation is to talk and complain about it. To be alive means to live, to grow, to change; to be able to accept the success and failure, above all — to love. If there is a problem, the first thing we can do is to face it, to expose it, to talk about it with people we trust, to pray over it and then to act. These are a few thoughts we shall discuss at our Christian Women’s Conference in July. Just the idea that we will be together to pray and ponder the different facets of life, will bring us new strength and joy. Life is celebration of the gift that God bestowed on us at our birth. Celebration is something joyous. Our days in July should bring new impetus into our daily lives, new joy and a strong bond between God, ourselves and the people we meet every day. Eleven of the fourteen states plus Washington, DC participated in the campaign. Illinois efforts amounted to 56, Ohio 36, Minnesota 31 and Wisconsin 19. Results ranging from one to six members came from the states of Pennsylvania, California, Colorado, Oregon, New York, Washington, DC, Indiana and Michigan. Those enrolled included 30 Class A members of which 10 were Junior transferees, 93 Class B members of which 41 were transferees and47 Juniors fora total of 170. Top Ranking campaign workers were: Jean Zubek, branch 2 secretary — 9 members Jonita Ruth, home office worker — 7 Margaret Fischer, branch 1 secretary — 6 Marion Marolt, branch 17 president and national auditor— 6 Agnes Lovati, branch 20 secretary — 5 Helen Golich, branch 95 treasurer— 5 High scoring branches were: Branch no. 20, Joliet, IL — 23 members Branch no. 33, Duluth, MN — 20 Branch no. 2, Chicago, IL 18 Branch no. 50, Cleveland, OH 13 All workers are eligible for cash awards: $1.00 for each Class B member, 50$ Class A members and 25c for each Junior enrolled. To every campaigner we extend our sincerest appreciation for her fine salesmanship and her contribution to the success of the campaign. With the prizes being doubled for the Chisholm Bound Campaign, we hope for twice as many workers, all riding happily victorious on the membership express! OLGA ANCEL, secretary CONFERENCE PANELIST When we meet in July to join in praying for our spiritual uplift, there will be lessons to be learned from the speakers and the questions brought to their attention from the guests. Among those who will be on the panel is a young seminarian, Michael L. Morison, son of our good member of Br. 2, Frances Morison, formerly Frances Puchreiter from Crosby, Minnesota. Michael has taught religion since 1974 and currently is a teacher and community service coordinator at Notre Dame High School in Niles, Illinois. He is studying in the Department of Theology at Notre Dame University. He has his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Loyola University. One of his main interests is Prayer, to which he will speak when we meet at the Conference. EVERYONE HAD A BALL AT THE COTILLION The beautiful Debutante Cotillion Ball in Cleveland was in the able hands of the above committee who arranged for the most effective way for the 13 young ladies to meet the public. Above we see, from left, front: Sophie Magayna, Regional President of Ohio, Kathy Primuth, Frances Bradek, Mary Bostian, Past National President, Carol Globokar, Chairman of the event and President of the SWU Junior League and Irene Jagodnik, National Auditor. Standing, from left are Ann Tercek, President of Br. 50, Jo Sieworek, Mitzi Azman, Mayme Muller, National President, Charles Tercek, Sharon Globokar, Frances Sietz, Co-ordinator, Kimberly Ross and Mitzi Globokar. It was an unforgettable evening for all. HERITAGE NEWS Irene M. Odorizzi Heritage Officer ONWARD AND ONWARD. . . Work on the establishment of our own S.W.U. Museum is progressing and the call is now out for all our membership to take part in their own way by scouting around for material that will be a part of the displays. One of our major efforts will be an exhibit showing the “Journey to America” by our immigrant families. If you have any memorabilia that refers to this period in the life of your relatives, we will be happy to have them. Another display will be a follow up in the immigrant’s life in America and a third show the contributions of prominent Americans of Slovenian descent. There will also be a section for native costumes and items brought here from Slovenia such as Parts of costumes, art and crafts, hand-made clothing, and mementos, etc. We know our members have many things that fit in the above descriptions and we are hopeful that you will send them to the Home Office immediately. We will accept these items as donations or “on loan”, as you will wish. Write for more information to: Mrs. Irene Odorizzi, 2362 Paddock Lane, Reston, VA 22091 or send directly to the Home Office, 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. WE’RE CHISHOLM BOUND—82! Top prize is a cash sum of $82 to one worker. For each new member, you will be entitled to one coupon and made eligible for the prize, all workers will receive cash prizes as follows: $2 for every Class B member, $1 for every Class A member and 50C for every Junior enrolled. Bring in more new members! Let’s increase our ranks! BSD I V M Tl am NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, VVI Greetings! We wish to express our sincere thanks to all the bowlers who* participated in the Mid-West Bowling Tournament held in Sheboygan. Also our appreciation to Lil Putzel who was in charge of the tournament and Anne Modiz, Director, who made all the arrangements, for her work and responsibilites for the event. We were pleased to see Marion Marolt from West Allis, our National Auditor and many out-of-town spectators. The bake sale held in conjunction with lunch was in the charge of Dorothy Behnkeand her helpers. We extend our appreciation to all who contributed bakery including the excellent poticas and strudels. Our congratulations to Mary Jo Grabner, our Scholarship Winner who made the Dean's List at St. Norbert’s College, DePere, Wis. Keep up the good work, Mary Jo. We lost a long-time member, Mrs. Frances Grabner. May her soul rest in peace! To the surviving family our deep sympathy. Our condolences to Mary Leon and both families upon the loss of her brother Adolph Pelko. There will not be meetings in June or July. Have you taken care of your 1981 dues? 1 f not, please do so. Extending our good wishes and speedy recovery to all the sick. Have a nice and safe vacation everyone. MARGARET FISCHER, Reporter NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL We had a nice attendance at our last meeting with the business on hand being finalized and a few plans discussed for future meetings. Our members are asked to have their dues paid once for the whole year and to do this by May of every year. Since the dues is so little, this can easily be done. The branch will benefit by this efficient method of collection. Members are also asked to check their beneficiaries as written on the policy. Make a change if it is needed. Corrections and updating is always good when done in time. Our Chicago Bowling Team of Br. 2, won the top honors in the recent Bowling Tournament in Sheboygan. Congratulations to all the bowlers! And, a very happy birthday to Verona Antolin who just had her 87th birthday. Helen Arko became a great, great grandmother to a baby boy. She was 81 years old on April 16th. Happy birthdays and congratulations! Graduates on my list are, Joseph Podder from St. Stephen Grade School, and his sister, Joanne Podder from St. Anne’s High school. Junior member, Joseph Scianna made his First Holy Communion here at our church. Congratulations to all. Mary Hozzian, now living in Fair Oaks, Cal. sent greetings to all. On the sick list we have 2 members: Ursula Kerzisnik and Elsie Melissa. Remember them in your prayers. Jim Koziarz, son of our member Angie, and his wife had a bad car accident on Easter Sunday morning. His mom is asking us to remember them in our prayers. Rose Zielinski visited her sister in Oregon and planned to see our members out there. We of Br. 2, sent a little gift to our sisters of Br. 45 in Portland to be delivered by Rose. The gift was a bouquet of red crocheted carnations, made by wonderful craftsman, Ann Bunetta. June will be the last time we meet until September. Since we have a lot of planning to do for the Christian Women’s Conference in Lemont, July 18-19, we hope you will attend and help out where you can. In any case, plan to attend and be a part of it. We’re definitely counting on you! Best wishes for a happy and fun-filled summer. ANN SCIESZKA NO. 6, BARBERTON, OH Our May meeting was very enjoyable. Too bad some members forgot about it. Our next meeting will be Oct. 4th. Please mark it down on your calendars. I will write to remind you before then. 1 again have to ask you to pay up over-due assessment. Please let me know when you are 75 years old. Some of you are far behind in your dues, and you make it very hard on the secretary who must use up the money paid into the treasury by prompt-paying members. It’s really not fair and 1 wish you would understand. So, please pay back dues. Thank you. Hope all Mothers enjoyed their day. We send you all our best wishes Get well wishes to our sick members, namely Mary Platner, Frances Rogel, Louise Ujcic and social member, Frances Zupec and to those we do not know about. God bless you all. MITZI NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OH April showers brings May flowers, but April has brought our branch many tears of sadness. We lost four ladies. First was Rose Davis, our 52 year member, then Mary Rudman, 50 year member this year, our beloved Frances Leskovec, 45 years and such a good member for our branch and then, Agnes Yakos, also a long-time member who had open heart surgery but her heart failed at the end. To all the surviving families, our deepest sympathies; to our departed members, may they rest in peace. We also lost 4 members because they refuse to pay the increase in dues. Maybe 25 cents a month doesn’t mean very much but when it’s $3 per year, to some it means a lot. That’s 8 ladies we lost this month and we don’t know how we will replace them. My report is coming to you from San Diego, California where I am visiting my sister-in-law and my niece and husband. It’s so beautiful here, I never dreamed California had so many mountains. It reminds me of Slovenia, like the little villages, and at night it is so beautifully lit up! We didn’t have a meeting in April but will celebrate Mother’s Day in May. Thanks to National President, Mary Muller, for her visit to Cleveland to attend our Cotillion Ball. The luncheon we had with her at Sterle’s Restaurant the next day was greatly appreciated by all the branches; we enjoyed her visit very much. Happy birthday to all you ladies, and to all our ailing members, a speedy recovery. My greetings to all of you from San Diego, California! ! SOPHIE MAGAYNA NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI Our April meeting had a very good attendance. Let's hope it continues. One never knows what surprises will S.W.U. 1981 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS! It is with pleasure and pride that the Scholarship Committee of the Slovenian Women’s Union announces the selection of four deserving students to receive $500 scholarships each for 1981: 1. Miss Susan Terselic, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Terselic, 18113 Hollingsworth Dr., Rockville, Md., of Branch No. 103. Susan will major and minor in one of the following areas: East European/Slavic Studies, Slavic Languages and/or International Relations at Pennsylvania State or University of Michigan. 2. Miss Mary Vertacic, daughter of mr. and Mr. John Vertacic, 2001 N. 28th St., Sheboygan, Wis., of Branch No. 1. Mary will major in Business Administration at St. Norbert College, DePere, Wis. 3. Mr. Douglas Walsh, Son of Mrs. M. Donalyn Walsh, 5760 Rochelle Dr., Greendale, Wis., of Branch No. 43. Douglas will major in Pre-law at Northwestern University or University of Wisconsin-Madison. 4. Mr. Dennis Vincent Piechowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Piechowski, 402 Menage Ave., Raymond, Minn., of Branch No. 23. Dennis will major in Business Administration or Computer Science at St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. We extend congratulations to these competent young people who are extremely qualified to pursue their chosen careers in colleges of their choice. We wish them the very best! Respectfully submitted, Mary Muller Anna Hodnik Olga Ancel Rose Kraemer Mary Bostian Irene Odorizzi Hermine Dicke, chm. come, which makes it all more worthwhile! The meeting started with Slovenian prayers led by Frances Plesko (back from Florida) and roll call showed all officers present. Reports were all read and approved. The card party was discussed with good response for donations and help. Mary Kiel gave a report on the bus tour in May and those interested signed up. The tour for Baraga Day was also mentioned. USPEH’s letter was read inviting everyone interested to purchase tickets for the event taking place May 15th at the Ethnic Village featuring various displays and Slovenian creations, and a concert by the Chorai Group. Meeting closed with Stavia leading the English prayers. Our large Easter Bunnies were with us to help decorate the tables which Jo Wilhelm always takes care of. Colorful Easter Eggs were there, too, donated by Mary Kiel. Wine was donated by Fannie Seston, Easter candy, ham was donated by Stavia and her husband, Matt as well as Mary Starich and Jo Wilhelm helping to see that we all enjoyed a good lunch. Birthday cake was brought by Mrs. Stiglitz and her daughter. Peppy and Tillie Russ also donated cake for her birthday. We sang to our birthday gals later. Alma Hoelzel, a new social member, made red and white carnations for each of us as a surprise. They really looked and smelled real. Thank you, Alma, and for those who didn’t get one, she promised more at the May meeting. She wasn’t ex- pecting so many members to be present. Donors were Stavia, Mary Starich, Mrs. Potis, Julia Pesec, M. Kiel, C. Kastelic, Tillie Russ M. White, and A. Bisjak. The women weren’t in a hurry so we still played our favorite game. Our Card Party the following Sunday was a real success, thanks to the dedication of Stavia, Jo, Mary Starich, Sophie Stampfel, Betty Stark, Olga Fredericks, Frances Plesko and Evelyn Laurich who all worked diligently and donated prizes as well as bakery, to really put us ahead. Thank you all! Other donors were Chris Bojance, A. Urankar, M. Kiel, M. Brekkan, L. Vodnik, Tillie Russ, Ann Plautz, and Mary Potisk. J. Jelenc donated our tickets and cash as well as M. Skušek, R. Schroeder, L. Korpnik, J. Pesec. Stiglitz, Bisjak, Korošec and myself. If 1 failed to mention anyone, I apologize because it is not intentional. 1 just don’t always have time to catch it all when I’m keeping track of tickets and money. Next time, let me know personally. Thanks to all members and friends who attended; it all helped to make the work involved worthwhile. A special "thank you” to the workers and donors! 1 have said it so many times, but I’ll say it again: we have a great group! We can all be proud of them! MARY DEZMAN NO. 14, EUCLID, OH Our salute to the “Mother of the Year”, Mary Dolsak, took place at our May 5th meeting. Mary is very deserving of this honor. Volunteering her services is not new to her. At many of our community benefit functions you can find Mary working her culinary wonders in the kitchen. Mary is also very devoted to her family being a mother, grandmother, and very soon a greatgrandmother. We were delighted to have her daughter-in-law, Marlene Perdan, share the evening with us. Mary has carried on in the tradition of her mother who was also very active in the lodge and had founded the drill team which was named after her, “Frances Rupert Cadets”. A pleasant surprise was a visit by the S.W.U. Twirlettes from Branches 14, 32 and 50 who arrived to entertain us and also to honor Mary. The children were adorable and did an excellent job under the direction of Barbara Grzincic. Congratulations Mary, from all members of this lodge, your family and many friends! We also honored all mothers and grandmothers at this gathering and very touching and sentimental poetry was recited to us first in Slovenian by President Mary Stražišar, then in English by Secty. Antoinette Zabukovec. Tillie Spehar cooked up a delicious meal for us consisting of tossed salad, golden home fries, peas and carrots, luscious breaded pork chops, topped off by home-baked apple strudel and coffee. Tillie and her helpers, Alvira Jelercic and Barbara Magayna, were heartily applauded by the ladies. We were also happy to have Tinka Kanalec join us as a guest. Also present was Marie Lindic, daughter of Louise Ko/ely, who was sworn in as a new member to Branch No. 14. Congratulations, Marie, and Welcome! Ileene Collins filled us in on our upcoming Card Party. It will be held on Sunday, September 13 at the Euclid Park Clubhouse, located north of East 222nd St. and Lake Shore Blvd, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. For a change of pace, we’ll serve desert and salad along with coffee for refreshments. On the same day, we’ll also have a Bake Sale of delicious homemade pastries, etc. baked by our ladies. We’ll also have an assortment of door prizes for the lucky people attending, plus a beautiful afghan crocheted by Mary Stražišar of Kewanee. Ticket donation is S2 and arc available from Vera Bajec at 481-7473, or our lodge members. We were sorry to hear that member Mrs. Cebul is in the hospital. Mrs. Cebul comes to almost all of our meetings, so she was truly missed. We’re happy to hear that Mrs. Kuser is home from the hospital and doing well. Jennie Longar of Denver, Colorado wrote us a note to let us know she is coming along nicely. We wish a speedy convalescence to all our ill members! Condolences to member Lucille Korensic on the death of her sister-in-law, Ann Sustarsic, wife of Ed Sustarsic. May she find eternal peace! ALICE KUHAR NO. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, II. At our April meeting we held a poi luck dinner with about seventy members in attendance. At this time we honored Ann Lustig for her many years as chairlady of many of our successful activities. President Marge Prebil opened the meeting with a prayer and presented a corsage to Ann. Helen Gornick took reservations for our chicken dinner and “Woman of the Year" celebration in May. At the June meeting, Marge Spretnjak will show slides taken at our parlies dating back to 1952. Andrea Krai gave a report on the bowling tournament which was held in Sheboygan in April. She received a third award in the singles event and Chris Tomasik was a third place winner in the doubles. Marge Prebil read a letter in Slovenian from I-ranees Halfner our 92 year old member in California. Sunshine prizes of three homemade loaves of bread baked by Emma Kralj and a trinket bo\ made by Sylvia Spretnjak were won by Dolores O’Brien, Pat Sehwer, Audry Christianson and Phyllis Perko. Alter the meeting the members sampled all the delicious pot luck dishes they brought. Earlier in the day the hall had been cleaned and transormed to a party setting by Phyllis Perko, Sylvia Spretnjak and Marge Prebil. Later they were helped with the kitchen chores by Helen Gornick, Ann Ksiazek, Mary Priesol, Mary Ann Sambol, Dolores O’Brien, Edna Winters, Pat Lustig and Barbara Maggio. A big thank you to everyone who contributed, starting with the appetizers and wine, to the main course, side dishes and delicious desserts. There was 100% co-operation! Ann Lustig’s family was invited to the celebration and she was surrounded by her husband John, son John Jr., daughter Pat Schwer with her husband Dale and their three children, daughter-in-law Pat Lustig and son, sisters Mary Bublich and Manda Maggio, sister-in-law Ann BuDlich and niece Barbara Maggio. Marge Spretnjak presented Ann with a Memory Book which was filled with pictures and articles from Zarja recording her many activities. Gladys Buck and Marge Prebil enacted a hilarious “Half and Pol” skit and in a more serious vein, Pauline Klobučar read a tribute to Ann showing our appreciation. One of Ann’s hobbies is collecting music boxes and she received a miniature musical Greek Bazouki as a gift. This was presented to her by Tina Martin director of the Br. 16 Kitchen Band which was founded by Ann. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter NO. 20, JOLIET, 1L To our fathers......... “Happy lather's Day with love and gratitude Today and Everyday. The recently published book, “Slovenian Heritage, Vol. I” by Edward Gobetz was presented to the Joliet Public Library by our branch. Lucky Emma Nosse won the attendance award of $25.00 at our April meeting and in turn donated her winnings to the SWU Scholarship Fund. The monthly award reverts back to $2.00 at the next meeting. Ciet Well Wishes to: Anne Stefanic, Anne Papesh, Lil Anderson, Johanna Krall and Mary Volf. Heartfelt sympathies to: Diane Ryzner and Marcia Fedo on the death of their grandmother Florence Gleason; Antonia Tijan, Rose Walker, Mary Bozich, Joan Bozieh, Marilyn Tarizzo on the death of their niece, sister and aunt, Anna M. Birsa. Baby congratulations to Joan and John Lesnik, a girl and Judy and Tony Mravle, a boy! Happy Birthday to: John Jevitz, former Joliet township clerk and Will County Forest Preserve District Superintendent celebrating his 80th birthday. He is one of the founders of the Old Timers Baseball Association, and is president emeritus of the association. He still sings with the St. Joseph Church Choir. John is a great booster of our branch and promoted many successful affairs for us thru the years. And Happy Birthday to Agnes Wade who was pleasantly surprised by her many friends at a birthday party. Happy 80th Birthday, Agnes! Johanna Krall - our 50 year member - and a member of St. Joseph Senior Parishioner’s Club was inducted into the Senior Service Hall of Fame on May 28 at the Senior Service Center. Spending their winter vacation for the 10th year in Hawaii, the paradise island, were Dorothy and Fred Jursinic. Can anyone top this record? And sporting tropical tans are Millie and Rudy Pucel and son, Vic, who recently spent 2 weeks in America’s paradise on St. John and St. Thomas of the Virgin Islands. Reminder: The Christian Women’s Conference in Lemont on July 18 and 19. Reservations are still being accepted. CALLING ALL JUNIORS: Our super summer fest picnic that you’ve been waiting for will be on Wednesday, June 24 at the Ancel residence, 1115 Frederick St. For additional information call 723-0882 or 727-3475. Are you interested in Bowling during the summer months? Come and join the team and bowl with your junior friends. It’s fun, it’s easy, call 727-3475 or 727-1926 for particulars. Congratulations to all of our graduates. May success and happiness follow you all the days of your life! JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC NO. 22, BRADLEY, II. At our April meeting there was very little business to attend to other than collection of dues so more attention was given to the socializing. Emma Znidarsich, our member who now resides in Hurley, Wisconsin, paid a visit to the Lustig family. She was here to attend the first Communion of her granddaughter. We were all glad to hear about her well being but regret we couldn’t see her in person at our meeting — maybe next time around. We want to thank her for her generosity 10 our special fund. Emma Lustig retired after 38 years of work as a medical stenographer at St. Francis Hospital in Evanston. Emma will be settled at the home of her sister, Toni Legris, for a happy future of doing nothing or anything her heart desires — congratulations and best wishes to you, Emma. Glad to have you back in our midst and able to attend all our meetings again. Our President, Mary Rittmanic, and family will be attending the graduation of their grandson, Carl Hoffman. Carl attended University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and will be interning in Milwaukee. We want to congratulate him, the proud grandparents and parents of such a studious young man. Our dear charter member, Anna Jamnick, will be happy participating at her granddaughter, Theresa’s wedding May 30th. We want to extend our congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple. Ann Richards has mixed emotions about the new addition to her family. Her granddaughter is presenting her with a granddog who will answer to the name of “Maggie”. Mollie Staresinich, our “Woman of the Year” was honored with a monetary gift at our meeting. She is a dedicated, attentive, deserving member for this honor. Mother’s Day will be celebrated in May. She is the heart of the family, l ather’s Day will be celebrated in June. He is the head of the family. We should "honor thy mother and father” not only on this day but throughout the year with happy attention and those of us who have deceased parents will continue to pray for their peace and happiness in their heavenly abode. We want to thank Toni l.egris and Billie Lustig, our hostesses at our meeting, for their generosity. The luncheon was delicious and the atmosphere cozy. Remember these dates members: June 16th Zveza meeting with Mollie Staresinich and Libbie Kinder as hostesses. July 12th Our Slovenian picnic at Leo's Acres. July 18th & 19th Christian Women’s Conference in Lemont, 111. MARGE PL.ANTON, Reporter NO. 24, LA SALLE, II. There was a good attendance at our April meeting which is very gratifying. We can accomplish so much more for the good of our Branch when more of us meet and contribute ideas and men offer to help bring these ideas to fulfillment. Our Financial Secretary, Wanita Hclmer and husband George observed their 3()th wedding anniversary on March 29th. The day began with a Mass of Thanksgiving in Resurrection Church. Their children, Karl and Kristin, presented the Offertory gifts during the Mass. A family dinner followed with both mothers, Emma Shimkus and Mrs. Helmer in attendance at Mass and dinner. Congratulations to Wanita and George and may they enjoy many more happy years together! Mary Furar and Mary Knap were reported to be ill and hospitalized. They arc both recuperating at home now. We pray for their return to good health and that God will grant good health to all our sick members. We gathered at the Paramount Club on Sunday, May 3, for our annual Mother of the Year dinner, honoring Mary Gornik. There were 44 in attendance, including Mary’s “In Appreciation” Officers of Br. No. 16 at celebration honoring Ann L us tig. Front Row: Ann Lustig and Tina Martin, Auditor. Back row: Phyllis Perko, Recording Secretary, Sylvia Spretnjak, Auditor, Helen Gor-nick, yice-President, Marge Prebil, President and Gladys Buck, Secretary- Treasurer. entire family — son Joseph and his wife, daughter Dorothy and her husband, the grandchildren and their spouses and great-grandchildren. Also Mary’s sister, Louise Haley and her guest. Our Spiritual Advisor, Father Richard Fitzsimmons, spoke and reminded us how very Christ-like a mother is. He also said that Mary is one of the best-natured, always smiling parishioners. He has never known her to be unpleasant or complaining. Frances Puetz gave a special tribute to our honoree with a very original poster using the name MARY GORNIK and defining Mary’s special qualities each letter represented. She presented this poster to Mary along with a “Love in every SLOVENIAN” shirt as a gift of our love for Mary. Father Bernard Horzen added to our program with a short talk. He presented a St. Francis plaque to Mary as a memento of the special occasion. Frank Uranich sang several members for us accompanied by Mary Kay Pangrcic on the guitar. The officers served as the dinner committee. We all had a lovely time - - the food prepared by our Christine Witek and her staff was so good -and our honoree was a very happy lady. She expressed this as she introduced each of her family and thanked everyone for selecting her for this honor and coming to the dinner. We welcome Marie Matual as a new member. Let’s all try to add a few more to our group. Our next meeting will be Thursday, June 18th, at 7:30 p.m. in La Salle Catholic School Library. We should know by then how many will be attending the Christian Women’s Conference in Lemont on July 18-19. ANNE M. WANGI.ER Reporter Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wisconsin 53711 f)o& (j> | T | ANS and I am pleased to share five excellent recipes that have not appeared in this column and will be included iji the new cookbook: Chicken Alexander by Jane Flajnik ol' Sewickley, Pa., Glazed Carrots by Mary Frangesch 01 West Allis, Wis., Slovenian Potato Salad by Ann Golichnik of Sheboygan, Wis., Baked Alaska by Theresa Montcalm of Kitzville, Minn., and Banana Oatmeal Cookies by Carita Ancel Girman of Elmhurst, 111. CHICKEN ALEXANDER Jane, now retired, was at one time a cook for a wealthy family. She prepared Chicken Alexander for this particular dinner when the guests included Mr. and Mrs. Pillsbury of Minneapolis and Mr. and Mrs. Armour, from the meat packing firm of Chicago. She added: “All loved the flavor. Many took second helpings”. 2 fry inn chickens, cm up 4 tablespoons flour 2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper / stick butter, melted 5 green onions, chopped (tops too) / cup while port wine I can 111) 1/2 ounces) beef consomme, undiluted I tablespoon butter 1-2 tablespoons flour 1/4 to 1/2 cup half and half cream Slivered toasted almonds, optional Heat oven to 350'. Wash chicken pieces; drain and pat dry. Shake pieces in paper bag with flour, salt and pepper until each piece is well coated. Melt butter in skillet and fry chicken slowly until lightly browned, adding more butter if needed. I ill to a roasting pan with lid. With kitchen shears, cut up 5 green onions with tops and sprinkle over chicken. Pour wine and consomc over all. Cover and bake at 350 lor 35 minutes or until fork tender basting now and ihen. Aroma is grand as it cooks. Remove chicken to warm platter. Place roasting pan over low heat on GLAZED CARROTS Mary Frangesch’s Glazed Carrots is an easy and delicious way to prepare this very nutritious and vitamin-filled vegetable. 2 pounds carrots 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt Pinch of pepper 4 tablespoons butter Heat oven to 350°. Peel carrots and cut with a serrator (makes carrots more attractive) and slice. Butter 2-quart casserole. Add carrots (no water) and top with remaining ingredients. Bake covered in 350° oven for 1 hour. Mix once or twice during baking time. stove. Add 1 tablespoon butter and 1-2 tablespoons flour, stirring until sauce is smooth. Remove from heat and add enough half and half or rich milk to make a nice sauce. Bring to boil; boil one minute, stirring. Pour over chicken. Slivered almonds may be sprinkled over chicken when serving to flossy it up. Yields 8 servings. BAKED ALASKA Have you every tried Baked Alaska? For Father’s Day? It’s a real treat. Theresa Montcalm sent me her recipe after I requested a Baked Alaska dessert for the cookbook at the Minnesota State Convention. Spongecake or any variety box caKe 1 quart ice cream, any flavor 6 quart ice cream, any flavor 6 large egg whites, room temperature 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup white sugar Fill bowl with softened ice cream (I used one that measures 7 1/4 inches from one side of inner rim to the other). Place in freezer to freeze. Bake cake in round cake pans. Place thoroughly cooled cake on center of thick wooden board several inches larger than cake. Preheat oven to 500'. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until frothy. Add sugar gradually, I tablespoon at a time, beating alter each addition. Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Loosen ice cream and invert bowl over cake. Trim cake to size of bowl. Cover cake and ice cream completely with meringue sealing the meringue to the board so ice cream is completely enclosed. On lowest rack, bake in 500 oven for 3 to 5 minutes until meringue is delicately browned. Serve at once. Serves 6-8. 4*rJHH?•§?*9?*9?4* Happy I others Day to all Fathers! Congratulations lo all graduates and much love lo all the prelt) brides! Fondlv, Hermine SLOVENIAN POTATO SALAD This salad is good any time, but especially during the picnic season. 6 medium potatoes (about) 1 clove garlic, minced, if desired 2 green onions, thinly sliced (including tops) 1 hard-boiled egg, sliced vinegar and oil (1 part vinegar and 2 parts oil; and if desired, add a little water to dilute vinegar) salt and pepper, to taste a little sugar, if desired Boil potatoes in salted water, in jackets. Drain, cool, peel and cut into thin slices. To potatoes, add garlic, onions, egg, vinegar, oil, seasoning and a little sugar. To mix, tip from one bowl to another several times (prevents potatoes from breaking up as with handling). BANANA OATMEAL COOKIES More treats for the summer outings! / 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour I cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3/4 cup shortening 1 egg, well beaten 1 cup mashed ripe bananas 1 3/4 cups quick-cooking oats 1/2 cup chopped nuts Heat oven to 350°. Grease cookie sheet. Resift flour with sugar, soda, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon into mixing bowl. Cut in shortening until crumbly. Add egg, bananas, oats and nuts. Beat until thoroughly blended. Drop by teaspoon I uls, about 1 1/2 inches apart, onto greased baking sheet. Bake at 350° about 15 minutes or until almost no imprint remains when pressed with linger. Remove from pan im-Miiediatcly to cake rack to cool. Yield: 42 cookies. IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lane Reslon, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT Irene I*. Odorizzi 1981 ANTON FROM JURŠČE PART I “ANTON THE BOY” My name is Anion Sedmak. I was born on February 22, 1904, in a small village called Juršče in the province of Slovenia, the first child of Ivana Šajn Sedmak and Anton Sedmak. Life was very difficult in this isolated spot in the mountains. Our land was not very fertile; potatoes and cabbages were about the only crops hardy enough to grow in the rocky soil. Cows and sheep were a necessity of life, and each day one of my first chores was to accompany the village cows up the mountain to graze. 1 would carry a little bread and, if lucky, some cheese to sustain me for the day. Life was very difficult, and the war added to our hardship. Food was always scarce but during the war, with my father in the Army, it was worse. At the beginning of the first World War, 1 was ten years old and the “man” of my family; by this time I had four brothers, Pepe, Ludve, Albin, and Polde. My mother would go to larger towns scrounging up whatever food she could to send home, where it was doled out according to age; the oldest got three potatoes, the next got two, and so on to the youngest. There was always a scarcity of food. I remember having located a plum tree, miles away from our house, with only one or two plums growing on the tree. Several times a week, 1 would check on the ripeness of the fruit. Finally, one day, unable to wait any longer, 1 eagerly ate the fruit, which was not yet fully ripe. To this day, I have never eaten fruit more appreciably or enjoyed it with such anticipation and relish. When 1 was twelve, 1 lied about my age and applied for a job as a civilian behind the lines, carrying bread and water in ox carts to the troops. 1 recall that the wheels of the cart were padded with straw to prevent creaking. Along with the other young boys from the village, we were outfitted in uniforms, dug trenches and we helped bring out the wounded. The village school teacher was upset about all ot this and went to the authorities revealing our true ages. Just as the war was about over, I was sent home. Nearly two months after the end of the war, cattle, horses, and sheep, left by a departing enemy, were straying everywhere; people were helping themselves to all these animals. I decided that since we had lost two good horses to the war, we should be entitled to replace them. My mother did not agree with me, however, and when 1 found two horses she would not let me bring them home. 1 kept them in the woods nearby where 1 fed and groomed them daily. My mother finally relented in her attitude and 1 brought the horses home triumphantly, only to find out the white horse was blind. We used him A dashing and handsome young man, Anton Sedmak, posed for this picture in 1927. to plow anyway. It was a joke at our house for a long time. After the war, returning soldiers would pass through our village, tired, ragged, and worn out. The good people of our village shared with them what little they had. One evening in 1920, as my mother, four brothers and I were about to begin our evening meal, a light knock sounded at the door. There stood a gaunt, bearded, and ragged looking soldier, obviously in need of food and rest. He stood there silently as my mother bade him enter and join us for supper. We all ate. The bearded man sat there silently. After we all had eaten, he turned to my mother and asked, “lvana, don’t you recognize me?” No! It couldn’t be, but it was! It was our father, returned from the war. He had traveled all the way across Europe from a concentration camp in Siberia, sometimes getting rides in ox carts, sometimes just walking. There was such happiness that night, the whole village celebrated with us. My father had been to America before the war to work and earn money. He had planned to do this again, but since returning from the war his health did not permit such a long journey by ship; therefore, it was decided that 1 would go in his place. 1 used his passport and just changed the age. Mixed emotions filled me as 1 stood in line for the quota. 1 was only seventeen, a small seventeen at that, and could not speak English at all, nor had 1 any skills. But, there 1 was, in line, waiting for a number that would allow me to leave everything behind and go to the country called America. Fate, or whatever one chooses to call it, took me by the hand; the line to America was cut behind me. 1 was the last one to leave till the next quota. The morning of my departure arrived! It was still dark when my mother awakened me. My brothers all hid, tor they were sad at the thought of my leaving and didn’t want to say good-bye. My father and 1 took the horse and wagon to Trieste where we stopped at a restaurant (my first one) for coffee. I shall never forget that morning as 1 said good-bye to my father. It would be thirty-five years before I would see him again. Had I realized that at the lime, I often wonder if I would have had the courage to board the ship. Ah yes, the ship, that is another story. The Italian liner, called the “Columbia”, was in terrible condition, and the rough sea didn’t help. The quarters were small and crowded with men, women children, and crying babies, and cluttered with parcels and baskets of every size, shape and smell. It was a terrible voyage, and I was already homesick for the hills of Juršče. Most of the passengers were Italian, and even though I spoke Italian, I still felt all alone. I spent almost the entire trip in the hold of the ship where the animals were kept. In those days, there was no such thing as refrigeration, live animals were brought on board to be slaughtered for food as the need arose. I found a similar refuge there, talking to the cows and sheep, and shedding a few homesick tears. We finally arrived at Ellis Island, after what seemed an interminable trip, only to be told that we were in quarantine. Some of the Italian women had a contagious disease and there were doubts about whether we could enter the country. I shall never forget those two weeks. The physical examination was the most dehumanizing and degrading experience I have ever had. Sixty years later the memory is still vivid. We were herded like cattle into a room where we were told to disrobe and climb a huge staircase, in the nude! The doctors sat at the top and watched us to check for physical disability. We were prodded and poked, and marked with chalk. One woman committed suicide while we were there, because they were going to send her back. After two weeks, we were released. 1 found out later that our ship sank on its return voyage. (j0 he continued) NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Greetings from Br. 25. Hope you all had a nice Easter and Mother’s Day. Since my last report 3 of our dear sister members have gone to their eternal rest, Julia Paucek, Mary Telban and Agnes Obramovich. Our member, Josephine Ambrosic lost her son, John, at the age of 29. May the Lord give them heavenly peace and eternal joy. Our heartfelt condolences to all their loved ones. Say a prayer for our many sick members, too, especially for the older ones and those in nursing homes. Congratulations to my neighbors, Mr & Mrs. Jerry Glavac, on their 60th wedding anniversary. A Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated at their home by Rev. Jos. Boznar. God give them health. Congratulations are also in order to Tony Petkovšek on his tenth anniversary of the Polka Village store. The 6th Debutante Cotillion was held on April 4th and our lovely debutante from Br. 25 was Arlene Zakrajšek. The S.W.U. Junior League is doing a good job. Every Cotillion is nicer than the previous one. We were honored to have our President, Mary Muller with us also for the Ball and a luncheon the next Monday at Sterle’s Country House. A short meeting was also held. St. Vitus parish had an Appreciation Dinner for all the dedicated workers for the parish. Recognition was given to three workers. Woman of the Year was our beloved Mary Otoničar, age 91 for her 71 years of work. She still keeps in touch by telephone. She was head cook for many dinners, ordinations, weddings. It wasn’t easy many times during the last 70 years. Now we have convection ovens and electric mixers. No more mixing dough by hand for hours and hours. Many of our Altarcloth laces are by hei hand. She took care of all the church laundry, baked thousands of communion hosts. Many Slovenian Missionaries are remembered by her financially. Was very active until this year for the St. Vitus Altar Society and also enrolled over 1200 members for the Slovenian Women’s Union during her membership. Br. 25 benefitted from all of this in some way or another. She is truly an amazing lady and deserving of all the honors. (Photo on page 19.) Man of the Year for the parish is Joseph Baškovič, our accountant (does a good job, no red ink!), also he is an Eucharistie minister, church councilman and is on the Diocesan School Board. Richard Pangonis was honored for his work with the youth of our parish. There will be a short meeting in July and again in August. Come and enjoy yourselves playing “B”. Bring your friends. Wishing all the members a happy and safe summer vacation. JENNIE FEMC NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Here it is, June again; how time does fly! This month will be our last meeting before summer so it shall be our Pot Luck Dinner. A good reason to come to the meeting, eh? We wish to welcome Ann C'hincar back from Florida, but we understand that she has been in Euclid General Hospital for many tests. Good luck, Ann, and may good health return to you by the time that my notes are printed. Our sympathy to Maria Obrega on the death of her father in Slovenia; also, to Slokar family on the loss of Mary, our member; and to Vida Fink on the loss of her mother, Caroline Gulish. May they all rest in peace. Congratulations to Timothy Znidar, grandson of Ceal Znidar, on his engagement to Pamela Helen Warner; also to Robert and Deborah (Petkovič) on their recent marriage Don’t forget your dues if you haven’t paid them; remember the Pot Luck Dinner. Have a good summer! PHYLLIS NO. 33, DULUTH, MN Our congratulations to Anna Vrklan for 50 years as member of our branch. She was given a copy of “Footsteps Through Time” by Irene Odorizzi and “From Slovenia to America” by Marie Prisland. At our April meeting Mrs. Winkler (Fran Danko’s sister) and her husband demonstrated how to cut and make jewelry out of rocks. Bertha Panyan missed receiving the April attendance prize, so $25.00 will be the prize for May. Hope YOU win! We were to honor Liz Smolnikar as Mother-of-the-Year at that meeting. Some of our members are planning to go to Lemont, 111. for Christian Women’s Conference. We are anxious to see the Slovenian costumes which some are making. Congratulations to Betty Pic-conatto who received a certificate of thanks for her volunteer driving of the elderly. Congratulations also to Suntina (Louis) Spehar and Loretta Inimerfail for new grandchildren. Thoughts and prayers for any sick members including; Sophie Malchow, Florence Burger, Jane Purdy, Armenia Giacomini, Ann Samarzia, and Suntina (Louis) Spehar. “Good Health” to you! Our prayers and sympathy to the family of Mary Shubitz, last charter member, who died in March. She will be missed by them and all of us. God love her! LOIS M. PELANDER Reporter NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Hi - everyone! Our April 1st* meeting was very full one - so many things to discuss. First of all, our bake sale was to be held April 8th and naturally we hoped to make some money to help defray convention expenses. We called it the OHIO —MICH. STATE PRESIDENT APPOINTED President Mary Muller has appointed Sophie Magayna, Secretary of Br. 10 to continue as Regional President for Ohio-Michigan, filling out the vacant, unexpired present term. Mandatory retirement after two terms is stipulated in our By-Laws for all State Presidents. However, there was no election for a new State President at the Ohio Convention in May, 1980. Mrs. Magayna, long a most active officer in the Cleveland area, was endorsed by a vote of confidence of 57 members of the Combined Cleveland branches at a special meeting held in Cleveland in April. All states are required to elect their presidents at a State Convention held prior to the National Convention. She attends the National Convention representing her State and serves in this capacity for the 3 year term until the subsequent State Convention, again preceding the next National Convention. MAKE MEETINGS FUN! The months pass by quickly and bad wintry weather behind us, so everyone can now get out and attend the meetings and lodge affairs. In some areas, meetings are dispensed with in the hot summer months and yet, these are some of the best times our elderly women can get out and about. The more meetings per year, the less members are apt to forget dales and dues to be paid. The meeting may also be the only social function they attend in a months time. Today, much is written on how the senior citizen should spend his or her time, volunteering services, hobbies, crafts, exercising programs and such, but sometimes, none of these apply to some as they are not able to do these things. They enjoy being with people and talking about ordinary things with their own kind. This is why our meetings are so important to them and why, we should make them interesting and welcoming. ALBINA UEHl.EIN Pre-Easter Bake Sale and had ethnic foods for sale. Florence Raymond chaired this committee. Our Mother’s Day Banquet honoring Frances Zalec as our Mother of the Year, was held on Thursday, May 7th at the Slovenian National Home. Her family was all to be in attendance as well as friends and Zveza sisters. Our ticket sales were also going very well — The names were called April 15th at the “Free Press” office. Florence Raymond and Frances Zalec did such a great job distributing carnations to our shut-in members for Mother’s Day last year, that President Samsa asked them to do a repeat this year. We (Branch 38) planned to attend 9:30 mass on Sunday, May 10th honoring our departed members. Our birthday club members for April were Jennie Samsa and Kathy Knuth. Each were presented with $1.00 - Our traveling prize winner was Mary Briski and the lunch committee consisted of Sisters Lucy Hakala, Kate Sirovina, Mary Elo and Jessie LePage; each donated a prize and the four winners were Mary Briski, Bertha Pluth, Rose Slonemark and Mary Margo. The girls served cherry cheesecake and coffee - DELICIOUS - and such huge pieces. We said prayer in memory of Sister Frances Rupar who passed away after a four month illness and was buried this morning. May she and all oui deceased members rest in peace. May Ciod keep you all in the palm of his hand. I KANC'ES KELLY, Secretary NO. 40, LORAIN, OH Since it is impossible to be in iwo places at once, 1 have Agnes Bucher to thank for the notes enabling me to MARY SHUBITZ 1897-1981 Mary Shubitz, 83, the last surviving charter member of Br. 33, Duluth, passed away March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph. She was born June 25, 1897 in Ziri, Slovenia, and emigrated to the U.S. in 1921. She lived in Dululh 60 years. In the fall of 1929 she was one of the organizers of Br. 33 and served as it’s seeretary-treasurer for over 25 years. September 1979 she was honored as one of two then remaining charter members of Br. 33 on the occasion of their 50th Anniversary, celebrated during Minnesota Day. Many of her friends were fascinated by her proficient skill in making bobbin lace, or Spice, an art she learned as a child in Slovenia. To Mrs. Shubitz, her God, her family and her Church were her life. She was a dedicated member of St. Klizabeth’s parish and as Sacristen look care of altar linens, etc., for a great many years in her quiet, pleasant, smiling way she did her write this article. 1 was in New Jersey attending the funeral of a relative. The meeting on April 8th was attended by 12; attendance prize won by Sue Tomazic and donated by Sophie Pogachar. So, come on ladies, (lie meetings are waiting for you lo join us and have a good time. A guest, Marge Bartish, brought by Agatha Donges, was welcomed and hope she will come again. On our sick list are Mary Kurjan and Ann Rozanc, both recovering from eye surgery. Rose Konjar is also in the hospital. Get well wishes to all! special service to God in whatever was asked of her. This much loved little lady is survived by eight children, 29 grandchildren and five great- grandchildren. Three daughters, five grandchildren and three great- grandchildren are currently members of Br. 33. Our love and prayers are for her and for her family. Rest in I'eace! A very special 80th Birthday Wish to our able and very capable secretary, Angeline Kozjan. A very young 80 she is - a busy and active woman. Many, many more years of good health to her. Others celebrating birthdays this month are Angie Voytko, Emma Kurjan and Genevieve Wenzel. Happy Birthday! They all served a delicious dessert luncheon. Our thanks to Angie Brehany, Helen Škerjanc and Mrs. Seskar for donation of prizes. Congratulations to two new “Grandmas", Frances Russ and Agatha Donges; the new additions are both boys! Soon it will be Father’s Day - if you are lucky, give your dad a hug and a kiss! I’ll close with this poem. It is in loving, not in being loved, The heart finds its quest. It is in giving, not in getting, our lives are blest. MARY PLOSZAJ NO. 41, CLEVELAND, OH Our March meeting was opened by our President, Amelia Oswald with prayers for all our members and our deceased members. What a pleasant surprise to see 14 members present! Our officers are working so diligently to keep our lodge active and it gave them quite a boost to see so many of our ladies present. Thank you, ladies! We discussed our coming event honoring our Mother of the Year. Chosen was Angela Bohinc, one ot our charter members. Her continuous efforts to support our lodge in all of its endeavors were to be honored on May 24th, 1981. A Mass in her honor and in honor of all the members of Slovenian Women’s Union was held at St. Mary’s church celebrated by Fr. Victor Tome, pastor, followed by a delicious dinner at Slovenian Workmen's Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. We enjoyed a lovely meal prepared by Mars Dolsak and her wonderful cooks. Our ladies offered to donate cakes and all types of delicious goodies for you to enjoy. Our member Julia Kompas passed away. May she rest in peace. Mrs. Prelogar has been ill and is now living with her daughter in Illinois. We all miss her and wish her well and a speedy reco\ cry. A most pleasant surprise greeted us when we received our copy of Rodna Ciruda, a maga/ine from Slovenia. A lovely article appeared about our Secretary, Cecelia Wolf honoring and praising her lor her many activities and told ol her help to others in so many worthwhile projects. We are all so very proud of her special recognition. Even in lar away Slovenia they know of her pleasant personality and her diligent work. Congratulations, C ecelia! We all know how wonderful and helpful you have always been, and we are all happy with you in the accolodes tendered to you from far away Slovenia. How lucky we are to have you! If your dues have not been paid won’t you help our new and efficient secretary, Justine Prhne by sending them to her at 20710 Edgecliffe Drive, Euclid, Ohio, 44123. May the blossoming of Spring gladen your hearts and may the Lord grant you all good health! Amelia Oswald and Justine Girod attended the Joint meeting of Branches which was held at Sterle’s Slovenian Restaurant to meet and honor our National President, Mary Muller. A most pleasant person, she gave a stimulating talk on the progress of our organization and stated that only by working together can we grow. Sophie Magayna graciously agreed to fill in the vacancy in the term of State District President, even tho she is such a busy person. She seems to know all the answers when we approach her with puzzling inquiries about questions of protocal and procedure. Thank you, Sophie. JUSTINE GIROD, Reporter NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OH It was beautiful at the April Debutante Ball. We had one of our members participating, Beth Ann Harr, who just moved to Lake Villa, Indiana, about six months ago. She came back to attend the Ball and visit with all of us. It was very exciting. Beth Ann looked lovely, of course, as did all the debs. It was so nice to see her brother who is stationed at Great Lakes Base in Illinois. He was in uniform. There was also a great group of relatives, among them her grandmother who came from Ft. Meyers, Florida. Another grandmother, Betty Gawor, is also our member. Beth’s parents are Walter and Betty Ann Harr and were very proud of their daughter. Betty Ciawor is staying and visiting her relatives, her sister, Tonka and Louis Kastelic and son’s family, Joanne and Dan Kosak. Wedding congratulations to our charter member of Florida, (Betty’s sister also), celebrating their 66th wedding anniversary. Our besi wishes to them and many more healthy years ahead. Wedding happiness to Mit/ie and Louis Champa’s grandson, Lou III. He and Caroline were married June 1st. Our best wishes to them. Welcome to our three new members! Mother and her two daughters are Albina Mroezka anil Jeanne Ofl'uit and Diane Balach. I hey are Pauline Hribar's daughter and granddaughters. Bless her for enrolling them. Happy birthday to our members, Mary Ann Filips, Jennie Intihar, Betty Ann Kastelic, Dolores Lipnos and Olga Ponikvar. Congratulations to Theresa Gorup who became a grandmother again. And finally, our sympathy wishes to Ann Draganic whose son-in-law, passed away in Florida. We wish our sick and elderly members all the best; - we’re thinking of you and we love you. Picnic in July!! Meeting June 9th! MARY LOU PRHNE NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI The April meeting was short and snappy, as most of the unfinished business was completed. A bus was chartered for the Sheboygan state convention which will be held in September. It is the duty of the members to attend these state (conventions. Start thinking and calling in your reservation. Sandy Schachtschneider became grandma for the third time; congratulations on the new granddaughter. The Zupancic’s were on an Amtrak Circle trip for three weeks. Rosie and Zup enjoyed the trip very much. You can get off the train wherever you decide, visit Iriends and relatives and then board another train. Sounds like a lot of fun. Matilda Simcie is also visiting friends in California. She loves to travel. Katie Osep spent a few days in Indiana with her son. Mary Jurovich was in Florida most of the winter and just came home recently with a little tan. Jenny Kouehich had surgery and is still hospitalized, and just got word that Jennie Desnikar is in the New Berlin Hospital. To these two ladies and all others who are ailing a very speedy recovery. We sang Happy Birthday to all our celebrants, and they in return treated us to lucious cakes, strudel and coffee. Quite a treat! Next meeting will be June 8th and hope we have an overcrowd, as there will be no meeting July and August. ROSE KRAEMER NO. 50, EUCLID, OH April meeting opened by President Ann Terce k with 104 members present, well-attended with two new members plus three juniors. April was initiation month for new members of the year. Helen l.evstick did a good job with the installing of thirteen new members. The ceremony was impressive with lit candles and the Cadets escorting the new members and the members singing during the marching. OUR BELOVED MOTHERS Frances Sietz reported on the Charity Deb Ball. The Debs looked like brides in their beautiful white gowns. The fathers were so proud of their daughters. We were happy and honored to have the National President, Mary Muller with us also. We understand she was very impressed and gave a short speech. Our Jr. League President, Carol Globokar opened with introductions and Tony Petkovšek was the M.C. Our Branch had seven debs. So, thank you, girls, and all the members and friends that attended. The Monday after the ball a Luncheon was held for the National President at Frank Sterle’s Country House Restaurant. Eight branches were represented with 57 members present. At this meeting, as Ohi-Michigan State President, we appointed Sophie Magayna. Congratulations, Sophie. We know you will do a good job. Our Card Party will be over by this reading. We know it will be a big success with the proceeds going to Slovene Home for the Aged. Thank you, ladies, for your prizes, bakery help and donations. Our President took care of the arrangements for the Outdoor Mass and breakfast on June 28th, 9:30 Mass, but she will not be with us, as she will be on tour in Europe with the U.S.S. Band. Her husband, Charlie plays trumpet in the band. Bon Voyage, Ann and Charlie! Get Well Wishes Ann Krulac, and Sophie Volcensek; also to her husband who had a stroke. Deepest Sympathies to Frances “Terry” Hočevar in loss of sister Mae Baraga. Rose Roesch’s brother Victor Bavec died, also the brother-in-law of Lillian Bavec. Rose Zaller lost her brother-in-law; Eleanore Rudman her mother-in-law Mary Rudman. Josephine and John Seelye lost their grandson, age 3, who darted into a truck and was killed instantly. May the perpetual light shine upon them. Our Mothcr-of-the-Year Ruth kolenc’s article and picture is in June issue. News: Andrea Maslar, grand- daughter of Marge Masler is an Occupational Therapy Major at Mt. Aloysius College. Also named to “Who’s Who’’ among students in American Junior College. Vera Šebenik and husband Frank visited son and family for Easter in Michigan. Jane and Angelo Vidic back from visit to Oregon after two months, quieted Mt. Helen temporarily. Rose and Pat McHugh are home after three months in California. Alice and Lou Debeljak 6, Barberton: VICTORIA BELFORD A happy person, most deserving and worthy is Victoria Belford, chosen by members of Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio to be their Mother of the Year. She resides at 23 30th St., N.W. and has a birthday on October 5th. She was born in Wendell, West Va. She is a widow for thirty years and reared a large family herself. They are six daughters: Sherry Stalnaker, Ruth Belford, Sheila Caynor, Sandra Belford, Virginia Belford, Mary Denise Belford and Victoria Pusschl. Her family has been enlarged in recent years with the addition of 7 grandchildren. For the past 12 years, she has been retired from Wright Tool and Forge Co. where she was employed. Crocheting is her most enjoyable past-time. Our salute to Mrs. Belford and tho belated, a sincere Happy Mother’s Day wish! invited to son Dale and family for Easter. Helen Hrastar's daughter Helen Cooney of Chicago received her Pharmacist License. She is the mother of two children, and Vicky Rossman of Connecticut is a Council Woman in Groton, Conn. She is the mother of four children. Ann Winter’s husband and who is Dorothy Winter’s father retired from General Motors after working there for 22 years. Ann and I rank Krištofi'celebrated their 41st Wedding Anniversary and Daughter Darlene and husband John celebrated their anniv. Sister Donna Krištofi' received grant and will study Abstraction Medieval Alt at NY. State University. Congratulations to the Krisioff’s. Your Reporter VI RA MATEYKA 50, Cleveland: RUTH KOLENC Congratulations to Ruth Kolenc our chosen MOTHER OF THE YEAR. Ruth was born in Johnstown, Pa. Her maiden name was Cruickshank. There she worked as a Store Clerk. In 1942 she came to Cleveland, Ohio where she worked at the General Electric Co. In 1947 she married Joseph Kolenc. They have three children, Susan age 33, David 29 and Karen 25. They also have two grandchildren, Sheryl 11 and John 8 who are our Junior Members. Ruth is our member for 8 years and has been a real asset to our Branch as you can see the adorable doll dressed in Slovenian National Costume. She makes all of the clothes to dress them up. She has donated two of them to our Branch from which we have benefited much financially, in addition to this she also donated one to our Headquarters which was given on their Heritage Day, and one to the Slovene Home for the Aged. Ruth is a real homemaker, very talented in crafts. She makes beautiful flower arrangements and center pieces, loves baking and cake decorating, and makes unusual pastries. She has a collection of over fifty dolls, but her real love is the doll in the National Costume. As our MOTHER OF THE YEAR Ruth is in charge of the kitchen every meeting night, takes care of the refreshments, with the help of three hostesses. It is quite a job to set up and cut up all the pastries for over 100 members. Ruth thinks this a good idea for you get to know more members by having different hostesses each month. So, with all these talents and generosity we salute you Ruth, with Good Health and Ciod Bless. Ann Tercek NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MN We held our meeting on the first Wednesday of the month and there were a lot of members present. We prayed the Rosary for our deceased members and also for the sick. We wish to express our best wishes to sister Mary Bartol who is in the hospital. We pray for her and hope she'll soon be on the road to recovery. Our wishes to all others who are ill. And, to all our mothers, we hope and pray that they all have wonderful memories of Mother’s Day. These wishes go especially to our Mother of the Year, Muriel Sabatini. Our meeting was brief with president, sister Rose Trombly leading us in prayer. We concluded our meeting and went on to the social of the evening. Sisters, Phyllis Pavich, Dorothy Ban and Muriel Sabatini hosted the evening. A delicious lunch was served and cards enjoyed. Honors went to the following: Smear, Rose Zidarich, Jennie Crea, Gertrude Kochevar and FrancesRuss; Bridge was won by Celia Politano and Millie Barbato and “B” by Grace Carozza and Ann Mansfield. Door prize went to Millie Barbato. We had a delightful evening. I also wish to take this time out to wish sister Angeline Hrovat godspeed to a rapid recovery. She underwent surgery and is now recovering. We all hope to be seeing her up and around soon. We have one more meeting, then vacations will begin. So, please take care of yourselves so we see one another at the meeting, the first of I he month, starting again next Sept. God bless you and keep you in the best of health. Try to get a new member along the way. Remember, ilie more the merrier! GLRIRUDEKOCHLVAR NO. 54, WARREN, OH Our next meeting will be on June 16th at 7:30 at the home of Mary Bokros on Cadwaladcr-Sonk Rd. She will be assisted by Millie Pollock. Please try to attend since this will be our last meeting before the fall season which will open on September at my home. Our last meeting was at Mary Xuga’s home with Anne Savor as co-hostess. The attendance was poor but we did discuss our Mother-Daughter luncheon for May. The results will be in the next issue. We shall honor our Special Mother of the Year, my mom, Rose Racher who will celebrate her Klsi birthday this year and her 59th wedding anniversary. Quite an accomplishment! Just heard that our good friend and member, Frances Banozich from Phoeniz, Arizona will be visiting in Warren at the end of May. She has two brothers here and several other relatives. It will really be great to see her again. Her daughter, Marie Drašler is flying down with her. Congratulations to my daughter and member, Pat Ponikvar, who is graduating from J.F.Kennedy High School. She has made honors all through school and has been active in school functions and now plans to go into nurses’ training, having been accepted at St. Elizabeth Medical Center. Neeless to say, we are all very proud of her. Congratulations to Mary Zuga’s family. Her son, Gary, and daughter-in-law, Terry have a new daughter. She’s their first! Get well to all those ailing and Happy Father’s Day, dads! JOANNE PONIKVAR NO. 57, NILES, OH Our April meeting, held at the home of our president was well-attended. Final plans and reservations were completed for the Mother’s Day Dinner, to be held at Mollicas at 5:30 May 12th. Get well cards were signed for our ailing members, Betty Slanina and Mary Strah. Betty has a broken ankle and Mary has phlebitis, so get well as soon as possible girls. The new cook book is on sale and is chuck full of goodies. This book would make some bride to be very happy if she was to receive one in a shower or as a gift. And the price is right too. Virginia Zevkovich and 1 were on the lunch committee and Mary Moler won the door prize and Leona Cvengros won the “gumdrop” prize. Birthday greetings to Virginia Filipan, Ann Fonce, Mary Mollica, Josephine P a v I a c i c h, Mary Spagnoletta, and Frances Yerman. ANN PEASE, Reporter NO. 73, WARRENSVIl.I.E HEIGHTS, OH Our 45th Anniversary Mass was held April 26, 1981, at St. Jude’s Church in Warrensville Heights, Ohio, at 10 A.M. Father Joseph Hemmer officiated at the Mass, and his sermon seemed to emphasize “togetherness”. How true this is as per the old saying “One cannot stand alone”. After Mass, members and some of the spouses and children, all met at the “Sveden House” in Maple Heights, Ohio, for a Smorgasbord type luncheon. All in all, it was a lovely anniversary, and we want to thank all those who attended this affair. We are sorry to report that Ann Yane’s sister, Emma Smith, recently passed away. I also am sorry to report that my dear mother, Mae Sedlak, passed away April 7th in her sleep. May they and all the souls of the faithfully departed, rest in peace! Louise Majersic, Mary Schneider and their sister Julia Nill took a vacation going first to Virginia to visit Mary’s daughter Elaine and family, and while Mary stayed with her daughter, Louise and Julia went on to Georgia to visit their niece and family in Georgia and also their nephew and family in Kentucky. A nice time was had by all. Ann Fike, our Vice President, is in California visiting her daughter and family at the time of this writing. We want to thank our Editor, Corinne Leskovar, for the large box of cancelled stamps she forwarded to my house for the Kidney Dialysis Foundation all beautifully and correctly trimmed. We also want to thank Olga Sray and her co-workers for the large amounts of cancelled stamps they send us every month. One never knows when an illness will strike each and everyone of us, and maybe someone — somewhere — will be doing the same thing we are trying to do, and that is to come to the aid of those less fortunate than we are. Hope everyone had a blessed and happy Easter. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary NO. 67, BESSEMER, PA Meeting was called to order by Ann Markovich, Treasurer. Mrs. Mary Snczic was in the hospital and is now home. She has to stay off her feet and rest. We all wish her a speedy recovery and that she will be with us at the next meeting. There were 11 members present and we’d like to see more attend. Just a few did not pay their dues yet. Please do so we can keep our books in order. There will be no meeting in July and August. May God bless everyone and keep you in good health. MARY PERC1C, Sec. and Reporter NO. 74, AMBRIDGE, PA It is with sadness and regret that we have to speak of the passing ol sister Mary Yanehar on April 8th, 1981. She was a faithful and loyal member of our society since 1936 and will be missed by all her friends and neighbors. Our heartlelt sympathy to her daughter, son, son- in-law and grandchildren. On a happier note, we want to send birthday greetings to the following (belatedly) “May babies”: Sophie Gorup, Jennie Rosenberger, Antonia Somrak, Sophie Tekstar and Ann Zorman. JANE HUDAK, Sec’y NO. 81, KKEWATIN, MN A meeting was held on Wednesday, April 29th, in Father Frederick Hall to make plans for the Mother of the Year Breakfast to be held on May 3, 1981. A letter was read regarding the convention in Janesville, Wisconsin on July 17 to July 20, 1981. Any members interested in attending see President Josie Kapla for particulars. Birthday Cake for members at Leisure Hills will be held on July 15, 1981 at two o’clock. All members are urged to attend. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses Mary Brletich, Antoinette Mestnick and Ann Dickovich. The Mother of the Year Breakfast honoring Mrs. Mary Fox was held on May 3, 1981 in Father Frederick Hall. The members attended the 10:30 Mass with Father O’Donnell the celebrant. The soloists were Barbara Spolarich, who sang the Ave Maria, and Mary Spolarich, who sang Lepa si, Lepa si, Roža Maria". The members of the Slovenian Women’s Union sang “Je Angel Gospodov”. A delicious breakfast was served by the members. Grace was said by Father O’Donnell. A welcome message was given by our President, Josie Kapla. A response was given by our honored guest, Mrs. Mary Fox. She was presented with a corsage and a Rosary. A special guest was her son, Leo. The breakfast was climaxed with group singing. The tables were decorated in a spring motif. A Tulip centerpiece was given by Helen Quayle. MARY MICHEL1CH, Reporter NO. 89, OGLESBY, 11. A happy and loving Mother’s Day - What would we do or where would we be with them!!! At our April meeting we discussed the upcoming July meeting of the Christian Women’s Conference. As of this date, the number of members attending is undecided. Interested members are reminded to make reservations soon. In honor of Mother’s Day our members (12 of them) over 80 years old will be treated with a little surprise. Member, Lena Dawson reported on the S.W.U. Bowling Tourney in Sheboygan, Wisconsin April 4th & 5th. The organization helped the bowlers from our branch with the expense for this trip. Chairman Catherine Golick presented our guest, Mr. Robert Nelson, an instructor at 1VCC college, who showed a stylish and informative movie entitled: The Beautiful Blue and Red Danube. This movie took us through the Balkan countries including Yugoslavia. The movie was very well received and appreciated. The entertainment committee presented Mr. Nelson with an envelope and president Mary Ann Samuelson gave him a pineapple-upside-down cake in appreciation of his presentation. Sunshine chairman, Darlene Wasielewski reported the following to be on the sick list: Mary Dornik, at St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, 1L, Magdalene Skoporc, Celia Hobneck. Our birthday members for the month were Helen Komater and Anna Krancic. Br. 89 hosted the Mother-Daughter Banquet on May 11th at the Cedar Point Motel Restaurant. We had a wonderful committee in charge and hope to be able to report on the event in the next ZARJA. Door prizes were awarded and we extend our thanks to the chairman and refreshment committee, namely, Catherine Golick, chairman, Leanne Samuelson, Emma Casserly, Josephine Schmidt and Mary Dornik. Until next month, stay happy! MARY ANN SAMUELSON, Reporter NO. 92, GUNNISON, CO Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 92 held the April meeting at the home of Frances Guerreri. 14 members were present and two guests, Rita Johnson and Beth Weaver. The Minutes were read and approved as was the treasurer’s report. A card from Joe Carricato was received. He is the husband of our member, Rose. Glad you are feeling better, Joe. Also, we received a card from the Nursing Home thanking us for the prizes. Old business included plans for our Mother’s Day dinner. We planned a luncheon get-together. Frieda was to call members beforehand. Bunnie and Linda made a crown for our Mother of the Year, Frieda. Fran Austin was to make the centerpiece and nine members took door prizes. Guests were also welcome. Later in May we planned a birthday party at the Nursing Home on the 23rd. Ice cream, cookies and punch was served. Fran Austin, Margaret Depew, Sharon Mills, Betty Stefanic, Rose Carricato and Frances Guerreri had the honor of helping with the party arrangements. Thanks, ladies. Mystery box was donated by Fern and won by Beth. Our hostess served a very tasty turkey salad, crackers, wine, potica and cream puffs. We should have known better that to eat dinner before our meeting! Still we all had our share of all the goodies. High prize winners were Fern and Rita, low, to Margaret Depew and Ann. Wishes to all for a very happy summertimne and Happy Father’s Day. FERN WHITE, Reporter NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, II. We had a terrific turnout, with 46 members at our April meeting. After all reports, May (Bob) Perkovich, Chairperson for our May Party and Evelyn Driscoll Co-Chairperson, both felt that they could rely on all members to make this an outstanding success. We also welcomed Margaret Niksich as a new member of our branch. Glad to have you aboard! On our program Hazel Vrklan was back with us for Phase 2, of how to apply the proper way of makeup, which gave us an insight of how wrong we could be in various ways we did up our faces. Very interesting indeed for all of the members who attended. Many thanks to Hazel in the way she presented it. Adeline Marino was the model, and did a magnificent job in applying the makeup. Table decorations using a Easter theme were made by Virginia Kwiatkowski and Yours Truly, the tasty delicacies by Hannah Piekarski a lamb cake, Ann Brkljacic, a Cross, and Lottie Brkljacic, Betty Markusic, Evelyn Driscoll, Lois Chereso and Yours Truly, A big thank you to all. Cash by: Rose Winters $5 — Gertrude Grupka 52.50, Sophie Barbieh $2. We are sorry to hear that (Mary (Matt) Perkovich has been hospitalized and had undergone gall bladder surgery; and Ann Sertich who also has been hospitalized. We are praying for all our members who are ailing. A son, Edward, was born to Hannah and Edward Piekarski, it is the couple’s first child. The baby Greetings from Youth Director: Congratulations! and my best wishes to all our junior members who will be graduating from colleges, vocational school, high school and grammar school. I just wish there were a way we could recognize each and everyone of you. I’m sure there are many who have been outstanding academically and also in extra curricular activities. Can’t some of you older members of the Slovenian Women’s Union take a little time to write and tell us about them? We need to hear more about what the good kids are doing if we are going to effect change in our society, We hear so much in the newspapers about the bad kids that one gets to think that being bad is the “in” thing to be recognized. I firmly believe that there are more good than bad and we have to let these good kids know how much we appreciate their accomplishments. I was so happy to again receive a letter from junior member, Kathy Nusko, Br. 2 Chicago, telling me she was contributing two articles for ZARJA. Our organization is indeed fortunate to have her as a member. I hope that she will be the inspiration for others to start contributing articles. Kathy not only is receiving a monetary gift for her articles but she is gaining valuable experience. She receives encouragement from older family members. This is what I would like to ask all you parents, grandparents and aunts to do. To get them started you may have to sit down with them and help them plan their article. Once they get one printed in the ZARJA and see their names in print they will take the initiative to do more. Summer vacation is a good time to do this since they don’t have school work to do. If you go on vacations, have them write down some notes on the trip and when they get home help them put it together for an article in ZARJA. Let’s hear from you! ANNA L. HODNIK weighed 8 lbs., and 14 ozs. We hope Mom and Dad enjoy health and contentment with their new-born, and our heartiest congratulations to both of you. Our sincere good wishes to Marge Doherty, who won the humanitarian award for 1981. You are to be congratulated for your loyalty to the people of So. Chicago, and in all of your undertakings. The members are proud of your achievements, and may the future years be happy and fruitful. We are proud to say that two of our members have received the honor of the award, Marge and Frances Benkovich. Birthday Greetings to the June Celebrants: Alyce Kropel, Anna Starcevich, Mary Malcic, Manda Sarieh (Tex) Mary Kostecka, Irene Evans (Ark) Helen Hoff, Kate Jackovich, Eva Mesin, Helen Alb, Betty Markusic, and Rosemary Latoza. My thoughts turn to all of the daddy’s out there. We wish all of you good health, blessings, and joy! Happy Father’s Day! MILDRED JAMES NO. 100, FONTANA, CA More plans were made for the Western States Zveza Convention to be held here in Fontana on Oct. 10th. All indications point to the fulfillment of long-established dreams of Br. 100. Again, we repeal the sincere welcome, for participation and cooperation of our sister branches. No organization can function at its full capacity without the involvement of its members. We are anticipating a big attendance for this long-looked-for event. Now, it’s up to you ladies to make it a successful reality! I read every word that printed in the ZARJA. The insert contributed by Br. 20 in Joliet, Illinois convinced me that we have a potential member in Ann Brolich, who resides in Ontario, Calif., the same near-by town that our Western States President, Mary Jasina resides in. Ann, why not transfer membership and participate in the functions of our local branch? You are just a short distance from Fontana and I’m sure Mary will be pleased to have you as a passenger on the nights we meet. We’re a nice group of ladies (stated with unbiased sincerity) and would warmly welcome you in our midst. We would also greet our own nonattending members most cordially, the more the merrier! Did you get that, Agnes? His Honor, our Mayor, Frank Horzen and his charming lady, Cecelia, have returned home from the Capital of all Capitals, Washington D.C. Celia was relating the truly wonderful time she ex- perienced there, especially attending the services at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The Shrine defies oral description. It has to be viewed to be fully appreciated. Other National monuments were included in their itinerary, one of them being a tour through the White House! That does it! I'm going to make my trip to Cucamonga! 23rd St, how about accompanying me? We could have a lot of fun at California’s oldest winery, tasting all the wines! Granted, we wouldn’t see much other than their sampling room but just think of the headache we would have the next day to remind us of the wonderful time we had! You see? The fumes are working on me already! 1 forgot to include the names of the nice people that the Horzens met in Washington. One of them is Vice-President of our Branch 103 there, Nika Kovacic and the other is their Secretary, Mary Mejae. Respectfully submitted, EDITH DRAWENEk CT>ftRTERI?0aSE 3RH • 1 50 Rooms & Suites • Restaurant & Lounge • Banquet Rooms • Business Meeting Rooms • Ballroom • Sauna • Game Rooms 24800 Euclid Ave. Euclid, Ohio • Enclosed Swimming Poo1 withTerrace Bar • Whirlpools • Exercise Room Barber Shop 261-0300 MINUTES OF THE BOARD DIRECTORS’ MEETING MARCH 2, 3, 4,1981, HOME OFFICE, JOLIET, ILLINOIS (Continued) Compliments were extended to the President for her good work in the past year to establish better communications between officers and branches. Bringing unity to the organization is vital for success in all our endeavors. She has been in contact with local officers frequently and has undertaken chairmanship of the Christian Women’s Conference as a part of her dedication to her administrative tasks. Written reports by officers not present were received and accepted as read. A report was received from Frances Sietz of Cleveland, Ohio on the current activities of the junior members of her area. Greetings were received from former president, Mary Bostian of Euclid, Ohio and Honorary State President Anna Pachak of Pueblo Colorado. The Directors were very grateful for their good wishes. The President called on Mrs. Odorizzi for a report on the Heritage Committee work of the year and plans for the future. After presentation of a detailed report on establishment of the S.W.U. Museum of Slovenian Heritage, a lengthy discussion was held. The following proposal was agreed by the Board, on a motion by Marion Marolt, seconded by Barbara Rosandich and carried. An S.W.U. Museum of Slovenian Heritage will be established within the Home Office building utilizing part of the first floor office space. A committee will be formed to carry out Phase 1 of the Heritage Museum Project as submitted by Mrs. Odorizzi at this meeting. All will be financed thru the Heritage Fund which has been accumulated through the past three years from proceeds of the Slovenian Heritage Days in Joliet cosponsored by Branch 20. Meeting on Monday was adjourned at 6 p.m. * * * The members of the Board met the same evening with officers and members of Br. 20, Joliet to report on the S.W.U. Museum project. At this meeting, the Heritage Fund Financial Report was given by the secretary, Agnes Lovati of Br. 20, Fr. David Stalzer, co-chairman of the three past Heritage Days expressed his gratification that each of these events was most successful and profitable. The President appointed the first Heritage Museum Committee of local Joliet members who will work with Mrs. Odorizzi in the formation of the Museum. They are: Mildred Pucel, Chairman, Fr. David, Advisor and members Mary Evanich, Agnes Lovati and Marie Malnerick. This committee will undertake to carry out Phase I of the Museum Project. The committee and members were very happy with this decision and promised to do their utmost to reach a successful goal. A proposal was made by this committee that a once-a-year fund-raising program be instituted for the Museum and they offered to do the clerical work it would entail. The final decision on this fund-raising proposal will be made at the 1982 National Convention. At this time, Fr. David also reported on the present situation concerning the Slovenian Miners’ Memorial to be erected in Minnesota. The Slovenian Miners’ Memorial will be co-sponsored by the S.W.U. and other national fraternal organizations. The American Slovenian Catholic Union has already agreed to be part of the project. The American Fraternal Union has also been asked to cooperate. SLOVENIAN HERITAGE MUSEUM PHASE I I. Planning, study and organization of the museum: Board Meeting, March 2, 1981. A. Space: Museum will occupy the main floor of the Home Office for easy accessibility from the street for visitors as well as bringing in large objects & supplies. The present office equipment on the first floor will be relocated in one area. B. Collection of materials. Zarja publicity Branch representatives Secretaries of branches They will publicize and collect artifacts in the name of the Heritage Museum. One person in each branch would be responsible for forwarding organizational mementos and records. C. Curator: An individual who would work in the capacity of a curator registering items which have been received and looking after the museum would have to be secured. This might be a paid position but preferably one that is unpaid. D. Contact a professional person for exhibits and displays. It is important that we effectively display the artifacts collected. Even though our museum will be small we must make the most effective use of the space. F. Supplies and equipment needed Exhibit material Showcases Mannequins, wigs Lighting fixtures Metal Shelving Folders, envelopes, boxes for storage Printed forms for registering and filing. Slide-tape presentation (listed on another pari of the outline) G. Work Room: A placed used for storing artifacts until they are ready for display, and a general area to keep supplies and work without doing it in the main part of the museum. A Minnesota committee in charge of the site selection supports Chisholm, Minnesota as the place where the Memorial would be most appropriate. Fr. David also contacted the Minnesota Interpretative Center which is located near Chisholm and was happy to receive word that they would accept the Memorial within the confines of the Center. His reports will be published in Zarja and he hopes to visit Minnesota soon to make further arrangements. The report was accepted. The Joliet members were also given the outline of activities for the Christian Women’s Conference taking place in Lemont, Illinois in July and volunteers were asked for many duties. The Home Office will be the central correspondence center for the Conference. At the conclusion of the evening meeting, refreshments were served by Mary Evanich and Mille Pucel. MINUTES OF THE DIRECTORS’ MEETING Board of Directors Meeting was called to order Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. The Auditing Committee commenced the work of the examination of the ledgers of the Secretary, Treasurer, Publisher’s Fund and Scholarship Fund. Auditing Committee reported all in order. (Their report and Financial Report was published in May issue.) Meeting recessed at 12 noon. The officers assembled after lunch at 1 p.m. for the afternoon session. President led the prayer. Correspondence was read. Question was raised as to the enrollment of members in Canada. Secretary will look into it. Enrollment in the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation was agreed. Christian Women’s Conference The afternoon session was attended by Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M., Spiritual Advisor of the S.W.U. The President outlined the schedule for the first S.W.U. Christian Women’s Conference to take place in Lemont, Illinois July 18 and 19, 1981. Fr. Athanasius reported on the preliminary arrangements that have been made to bring about the Conference preliminaries. Fie was in contact with Bishop Aloysius Ambrozich of Toronto. President Muller made the formal invitation to him to be our main celebrant and to attend the conference. The Bishop has agreed to attend. He will be the main homilist at Sunday’s mass. The site of the Conference is the Shrine of the Blessed Mother in Lemont operated by the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers. Saturday night accommodation will be made for 100 to 120 persons at the Shrine. Five meals will be provided, two on Saturday and three on Sunday, all at a nominal charge. The Editor has published the schedule and invitation to all members and non-members to attend and further publicity has been in ZARJA issues since the first of the year. We will also advertise in other newspapers. The costs for the Conference were set by the preliminary committee and also published in April ZARJA, namely $50.00 for complete package costs and $40 for anyone not using the sleeping facilities at Lemont. The National President is the general chairman. The National Secretary will head the central reservation office in Joliet. The President and Editor visited branches in Chicago and South Chicago earlier this year to ask for volunteers to help with various committees. They received a fine response from members in both places. Correspondence has been received Irom other states as well. Regional President of Minnesota, Tory Bobence is organizing a chartered bus for Minnesota members. Mary Jasina, Reg. Pres, of California is planning on attending. The President has been in contact with all Regional Presidents asking for their help in organizing the various traveling groups. Highlights of the Conference are the two Holy Masses, Saturday evening in Slovenian vernacular and Sunday morning in English. Two conferences are planned, one each day and more will be scheduled if desired. The moderator on Saturday will be Fr. Athanasius and on Sunday it is our belief that the Bishop will be in attendance. Liturgical music will be coordinated for all religious services. The grounds ol the Shrine will be available to all for walking and relaxing. On Sunday, members of Br. 2 will provide extra refreshments on the picnic grounds of the Shrine. The Conference will be open to all — members and nonmembers alike. To be included in the Package costs will be the following items for both A and B packages, registration materials, food vouchers, candles, meditative reading material and program with mass liturgy. The committee will arrange for the Slovenian mass singing to be led by choristers of the Slovenian chorus Slovenska Pesem and English songs by the chorus of the Sislers of Mt. Assisi Convent which adjoins the Shrine. Reservations will be accepted until July 1st for the Package arrangements and after the deadline all will be welcome to attend both Masses. The President reported that many members have plans to take their yearly vacations in connection with the trip to Lemont. A map of the area and reservation forms shall be published in ZARJA. All the Directors agreed that this event will be very interesting and meaningful for the organization and its members. Fr. Lovrenčič was excused and after a brief recess the meeting continued. Membership Campaign A new membership campaign will be held to begin the day after the present campaign and end March 31st, 1982. It will be a pre-convention campaign inasmuch as it will immediately precede the National Convention in May of 1982. The following details were agreed unanimously by the Directors. The name will be “We’re Chisholm Bound in 82!” beginning April 1, 1981, ending March 31, 1982. A grand prize of $82.00 cash will be given to one worker. Every worker will receive a coupon for every five members she enrolls, in any class, this entitling her to be considered for the $82 prize. Cash prizes will also be given to EACH worker as follows: $2.00 for every Class B new member, $1.00 for every Class A new member and 50