221 Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast Abstract Between 2011 and 2016 we surveyed 42 sites of coastal salt marshes of Croatia. We confirmed the occurrence of several rare and endangered plant species. Ten of them are included in the Red List of Croatia; critically endangered (CR) Eleocharis uniglumis, Triglochin barrelieri and T. maritima, endangered (EN) Carex divisa and C. extensa, vulnerable (VU) Parapholis incurva, Salsola soda and Suaeda maritima and category data deficient (DD) Limonium virgatum and Puccinellia festuciformis. We also report localities of other rare taxa of salt marshes like Allium telmatum, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium, Juncus gerardii, Parapholis filiformis, Plantago cornuti, Samolus valerandi and Scorzonera parviflora. Several plant species are endangered. Their habitats, salt marshes were converted into fields or destructed by construction for developing tourist infrastructure. Today only a part of the remained areas are under protection. Izvleček Med letoma 2011 in 2016 smo pregledali 42 lokalitet obalnih slanih močvirij na Hrvaškem. Potrdili smo pojavljanje številnih redkih in ogroženih rastlinskih vrst. Deset jih je vključenih na rdeči seznam Hrvaške; skrajno ogrožene (CR) Eleocharis uniglumis, Triglochin barrelieri in T. maritime, ogrožene (EN) Carex divisa in C. extensa, ranljive vrste Parapholis incurva, Salsola soda in Suaeda maritime, ter iz kategorije premalo znane vrste (DD) Limonium virgatum in Puccinellia festuciformis. Poročamo tudi o nahajliščih drugih redkih vrst na slanih močvirjih kot so Allium telmatum, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium, Juncus gerardii, Parapholis filiformis, Plantago cornuti, Samolus valerandi in Scorzonera parviflora. Številne rastlinske vrste so ogrožene. Njihova rastišča so spremenili v njive ali pa so jih uničili z gradnjo turistične infrastrukture. Danes je le del teh preostalih območij zaščiten. Keywords: halophytes, distribution, rare species, Eastern Adriatic Sea. Ključne besede: halofiti, razširjenost, redke vrste, vzhodni Jadran. Received: 14. 03. 2017 Revision received: 28. 01. 2018 Accepted: 30. 01. 2018 1 Institute of Botany, Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, SK-845 23, Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail: daniel.dite@savba.sk, zuzana.dite@savba.sk 2 Department of Botany, Slovak University of Agriculture, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK-949 76 Nitra, Slovakia. E-mail: pavol.elias.jun@gmail.com 3 Administration of the Slovenský kras National Park, Hámosiho 188, SK-049 51 Brzotín, Slovakia. E-mail: robert.suvada@sopsr.sk Daniel Dítě1, Zuzana Dítětová1, Pavol Eliáš jun.2 & Róbert Šuvada3 DOI: 10.1515/hacq-2018-000217/2 • 2018, 221–234 Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 222 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 Introduction Natural sea coasts are very diverse and also highly threat- ened habitats throughout Europe (Cori 1999, Kutiel et al. 2000, EEA 2006) by industrial activities, traf- fic, tourism, drainage, land use changes, abandonment from traditional farming, eutrophication (salt meadows and marshes) and pollution (EEA 2006). This whole- European trend is observed also on the Adriatic coast with a highly developed tourist infrastructure. Rocky, indented coastlines which in Croatia prevail are today subjected to massive construction of resorts and mari- nas. Flat shores occur mostly in broad river estuaries. In Croatia the low flat coastline is naturally rare, therefore are more threatened due to their easier accessibility. Such places were usually inhabited earlier and they were used as salt works (Solanas) (e.g. Ston, Nin, Pag). These shal- low ponds for salt production provided secondary habi- tats for salt marsh vegetation. Several salt marshes were converted into intensive agricultural fields (e.g. Neretva River Delta) and those which have remained undrained were utilized as pastures (Stančić et al. 2008). Today only a few areas are under protection. Nature reserves were declared, for instance in the estuary of the Karišnica River (Karin Gornji), in Ninsko blato and on the island of Pag Malo Blato and Kolansko blato. The Neretva River Delta, listed in the Ramsar Convention, is under the process of establishing a protected area for its proper management (Glasnović et al. 2007). We provide brief description about the recently con- firmed localities, vegetation characteristics and popula- tion size of the following rare native plant species oc- curring on coastal saline wetlands of Croatia: Allium telmatum, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium, Carex divisa, C. extensa, Eleocharis uniglumis, Juncus gerardii, Limonium virgatum, Parapholis filiformis, P. incurva, Plantago cornuti, Salsola soda, Samolus valerandi, Scor- zonera parviflora, Suaeda maritima, Triglochin barrelieri and T. maritima. From these species C. divisa, C. extensa, E. uniglumis, J. gerardii, P. cornuti, S. soda, S. valerandi, S. parviflora and T. maritima grow in inland saline habi- tats as well (Eliáš et. al 2013, Király et al. 2013). This survey is not objected to detailed analysis of coastal vegetation. Our aim was to summarize our find- ings on the recent occurrence of rare species in the con- text of the regional and local literature available and to contribute towards a more comprehensive knowledge of the vascular flora of the study area. We also give short information about the interesting areas of salt marshes on the Croatian coastline. Material and methods We considered the target habitat according to defini- tion of Adam (1990): salt marshes or tidal marshes are a coastal ecosystem in the upper coastal intertidal zone between land and open salt water or brackish water that is regularly flooded by the tides. Study area The study was carried out in the area of the Central and North East Adriatic. The southernmost location was the site near Ston (42°49'40.1", 17°42'4.2"), the northern- most one was the Mirna River mouth on the Istrian pen- insula (45°19'11.9", 13°36'3.5", Figure 1). According to its geological structure, the east coast of the Adriatic shows predominance of limestone and dolomites from the cretaceous period, forming, for the most part, a low-lying and rocky coast, while the areas of low and al- luvial marshy coasts are very rare (cf. Pandža et al. 2007). Data collection Dates of individual visits are given at particular locations. The sites were found (Figure 1) according to the available literature data and with the help of the program Google Earth. Particular attention was paid to plant species linked to coastal salt marshes included in the Red Book of Croa- tia (Nikolić & Topić 2005) and Flora Croatica (Nikolić 2017). Other salt marsh species were selected according to Stančić et al. (2008). Species of other coastal habitats (sand dunes, rock cliffs) were not subjected to this survey. Plant nomenclature follows Euro+Med (2017). We classi- fied the vegetation on alliance level followed by the works of Pandža et al. (2007) and Stančić et al. (2008), names of syntaxa follow Mucina et al. (2016). The list of all surveyed sites with short descriptions is given in the Appendix. Results 42 sites of salt marshes were visited of the Croatian coastline between years 2011–2016. The most common species typical to the examined habitat were Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Puccinellia festuciformis and  Sarcocornia fruticosa (for particular locations see the List of sites). We confirmed the occurrence of several rare and endangered plant spe- cies of the Croatian Red List. In category critically en- dangered (CR) we found Eleocharis uniglumis, Triglochin barrelieri and T. maritima, in category endangered (EN) Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 223 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 Carex divisa and C. extensa, in category vulnerable (VU) Parapholis incurva, Salsola soda and Suaeda maritima and in category data deficient (DD) Limonium virgatum and Puccinellia festuciformis. In addition, P. festuciformis was recorded on each site. Critically endangered species (CR) Eleocharis uniglumis: this rare species was found on 6 sites. Each of them is located on the island of Pag and its vicinity. It grew in the upper salt marshes, away from the tidal zone in the vegetation of the alliance Juncion maritimi on less saline soils. Triglochin barrelieri: rare species, obliged strictly to coastal salt marshes. We confirmed it on 7 locations. In Zablaće near Šibenik was recorded on two sites in the vegetation of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae. Small population was found on the northern part of Ninsko blato. On other two neighboring sites (Rtina and Ljubač), richer populations were found with thousands of individu- als. It was recorded most frequently in the vegetation of the alliance Juncion maritimi. In Ljubač the species created also initial stands on the sandy beach. Smaller populations were found in the vegetation of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae in Privlaka south of the island of Vir. The northernmost stands were observed in Vlašiči on the island of Pag where it grew in vegetation of both above mentioned alliances. Triglochin maritima: only three sites were confirmed. Rich population was found in Ninsko blato in the al- liance Juncion maritimi. Two sites close to each other were found on the Istrian peninsula: several specimens were recorded in a small fragment of salt marsh near Lanterna (site no. 41) and rich stands were found in the Mirna River estuary. The species grew in flooded, initial species-poor vegetation together with Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense and Puccinellia festuciformis. Endangered species (EN) Carex divisa: a relatively widely-distributed species which was confirmed on 14 sites. It created dense stands on margins of salt marshes within the alliance Juncion maritimi with a transition to humid grasslands of the alliance Molinio-Hordeion secalini. Rich populations were found in Jadrtovac, Rtina, Ninska solana and Figure 1: Map of the studied area (See the list of localities and their short description in Appendix 1). Slika 1: Zemljevid preučevanega območja (seznam lokalitet in njihov kratek opis je v Prilogi 1). Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 224 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 on several sites on the island of Pag (Vlašići, Povljana, Paška solana, Kolansko blato). The species combination with pure stands of Sarcocornia fruticosa is interesting from coenological point of view. We found it in Su- petarska Draga on the island of Rab. Carex extensa: one of the common species not only of salt marshes. It was found on 23 locations, while popula- tions were usually poor. Its coenological optimum was found in stands of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae and less frequently in Juncion maritimi. Carex extensa oc- curred outside salt marshes as well, especially on rock coast affected by seawater, for instance in Supetar, Su- martin (island Brač in yrs 2010 and 2011) and Rukavac (island Vis in 2013). Vulnerable species (VU) Suaeda maritima: this species obliged to salt marshes was recorded relatively rarely, on 12 sites. It grew most fre- quently in initial stands of the alliances Therosalicornion and Salicornion fruticosae on wet soils with the highest salt content [Zablaće, Vrulje, Brodarica, Privlaka; Su- petarska Draga and Lopar (island Rab); and several sites in Istria] or in salt works (Ninska solana, Paška solana). In the highly attacked Pantan reserve near Trogir (Ka- menjarin & Pavletić 2002, Vladović et al. 2015) it was not confirmed. Occassionally it was found outside of mud flat salt marshes, in the Neretva River Delta near Blace on gravel coasts. Parapholis incurva: we detected the species only on four sites of salt marshes. It grew in species-rich stands of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae in Zablaće – Malo jezero, Privlaka, Rtina and Ljubač. More often was recorded in initial gravel habitats. Salsola soda: the species was found on five sites in open, relatively-species rich vegetation of the alliances Sali- cornion fruticosae and Juncion maritimi on several mi- cro-sites in Zablaće (together with Pharapholis incurva), in the vegetation of the alliance Salicornion fruticoase in Posedarje and Vlačiši. In Pantan reserve near Trogir where Kamenjarin & Pavletić (2002) report associa- tion Salsoletum sodae, it was not confirmed. Similarly as P. incurva, S. soda was more frequent outside of salt marshes, e.g. on gravel beaches (Supetar on the island Brač, several places on Pag and Vir islands). These two species according to our observations do not avoid dis- turbed, semi-natural coastal habitats. Data deficient (DD) Limonium virgatum: this rare species was confirmed in Zablaće-Malo jezero (Mala Solina), Privlaka and Ljubač in species rich vegetation of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae. Rare species not included in the Red List: Allium telmatum was found on several locations on Pag Island in the vegetation of Salicornion fruticosae (Dinjiško polje, Paška Solana) and Juncion maritimi as well (Vlašići, Malo blato, Kolansko blato, Metjana and Ninsko blato). Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium: relatively frequent species of salt marshes. We found it on 17 sites mostly in Juncion maritimi communities: Rtina, Ljubač, Vlašići, Povljana, Paška solana, Modrić, Blace or in more initial stages of the same vegetation (Zablaće, Posedarje, Paška solana). In Vrulje, Karin Gornji, Kampor (Rab Island), Soline (Krk Island) and Funtana (Istria) we recorded the species in the alliance Salicornion fruticosae. Juncus geradii is similarly frequent, confirmed on 16 sites (Figure 1): Rtina, Vlašići, Povljana and Paška solana as a component of the alliance Juncion maritimi. Smaller populations were found within the alliance Salicornion fruticosae – Vrulje, Soline (Krk), Osor (Cres) and Lan- terna (Istria). In Ivinj, Ljubač, Modrić, Zablaće or So- line (Krk) it often created pure mono-dominant stands on the margins of salt marshes. Parapholis filiformis: the species occurred very rarely in salt-marsh vegetation, only on two new sites (Pag, Vlašići and Rtina) in species-rich stands of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae in small populations. Plantago cornuti: this species was found rarely, in four sites (Ninsko blato, Ninska solana, Ljubač, Povljana) always in the stands of Juncion maritimi. Samolus valerandi: in salt marshes the species was re- corded relatively rarely, on 9 sites, in the vegetation of the alliance Juncion maritimi. In the northern part of Vransko jezero it created pure initial stands or it grew together with Juncus maritimus and Schoenoplectus lito- ralis on exposed rocky banks. Scorzonera parviflora: the species was recorded on 11 sites, 6 of them were located on Pag. It occurred strictly in stands of Juncion maritimi; in Vlašići it was found rarely in transition vegetation between this alliance and Salicornion fruticosae. Several sites are featured with large stands with very rich populations of the species (thousands of individuals), e.g. Ljubač, Rtina, Vlašići or Kolansko blato. On many localities were recorded Salicornia europea agg. Since most of the sites were visited in the first half of the vegetation season (end of April – beginning of May) when specimens were immature, we determined it only on aggregate level. The most typical stands were devel- oped in the mouth of Karišinica River (Karin Gornji) where it created large mud flat zones in the vegetation of Therosalicornion. Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 225 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 Discussion From 129 plant species growing on the Croatian coasts 41 are obliged to coastal salt marshes (Stančić et al. 2008). Less than the half of them (16) is included in the Croa- tian Red Book (Nikolić & Topić 2005). Four species are listed in the highest threat category (CR): Triglochin bar- relieri, T. maritima, Pancratium maritimum and Puccinel- lia distans subsp. distans. The latter one is expanding along roadsides of Western and Central Europe in the last dec- ades (Šerá 2008, Brandes 2009, Dítě & Dítětová 2016). Triglochin barrelieri has according to Stančić et al. (2008) three localities on the coastline, mostly in the vegetation of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae. Nikolić & Topić (2005) and Mitić et al. (2009) reported the species from two sites on Pag Island (Dinjiško polje, Vlašići), where it was published also by Horvatić (1934). It is recorded in the same vegetation by Nikolić & Topić (l. c.) from Krapanj (also Pandža 1998), Zablaće and the vicinity of Šibenik (e.g. Milović 2002). Alegro et al. (2010) reports it from three Important Plant Areas (IPA): Otok Pag, Šibenski arhipelag (otok Murter) and Rtina-Miočići. From Murter Island it is reported by Milović & Pandža (2010). Sites Privlaka and Ljubač were not published so far. The richest populations were observed in the alliance Juncion maritimi and on sandy beaches in pioneer vegeta- tion flooded by seawater. According to Stančić et al. (2008) Triglochin maritima has occupy 6 localities in stands of Salicornion fruticosae. Except the northern part of the Istrian peninsula (Nikolić & Topić 2005, Rottensteiner 2012) the species was found also in Ninsko blato in the vegetation of Juncion maritimi which was not known in the literature. Eleocharis uniglumis according to the Red Book of Cro- atia has 7 localities: only two of them on the coast, Mljet Island (Mitić et al. 2009) and Pula (Nikolić & Topić 2005). Rottensteiner (2012) mentioned it from coastline near Poreć. Sites found by us were not published so far. The richest populations were found in Povljana (Pag) and in brackish marshes of Vransko jazero. Although Carex divisa and C. extensa have high threat category in the Red List (EN) they appear to be common species in the study area. According to Stančić et al. (2008) C. extensa was found at 106 locations. The high number of sites is related to the ecological requirements of the spe- cies. Several sites (Ljubač, Rtina, Nin, Privlaka) where the species was found during our survey are not included in the Red Book, even the sites on Brač and Vis islands. Spe- cies of category VU appear to be common as well. For instance Parapholis incurva has according to Stančić et al. (2008) 100 known locations in several vegetation types, even in ruderal habitats, Suaeda maritima has 92 and Sal- sola soda 75 locations (Stančić et al. l. c., Nikolić 2017). Both last two above mentioned species are regarded rela- tively common also in other works (e.g. Starmühler 2003, 2007, Mitić et al. 2009, Rottensteiner 2014a). Conversely, numerous rare species of the Croatian coast are not included in the Red Book. For example Parapholis filiformis has occurred, according to Stančić et al. (2008), only at single locality in Croatia. Subsequently, the spe- cies was published in the inventory of the flora of Vis (Mitić et al. 2009) and it is reported also from Brač in the actual national database of the Croatian flora (Nikolić 2017). The above mentioned data show that P. filiformis is a very rare species. Our two confirmed localities (Rtina and Vlašići) are new to Croatia. The plant grows there in species-rich stands of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae. Distribution of Plantago cornuti in Croatia is insuffi- ciently known. Stančić et al. (2008) reports only a single location. Further locations mentioned Mitić at al. (2008) and Nikolić (2017) on the islands of Cres and Lošinj (S Is- tria), near Obrovac, in Krka National Park and Split (cen- tral aj S Dalmatia). Our localities are concentrated in rela- tively limited area in N Dalmatia where the species was not reported so far (Figure 1). In addition, we found the species on the bank of Prokljan Lake west of Bićine (43°50'8.10", 15°51'34.02", unmapped). The species was recently found also in salt marsh near Sečovlje, Slovenia (Stahrmüler 2001, Rottnesteiner 2014b) near the Slovenian-Croatian border. According to published data, Samolus valerandi is oc- curred relatively frequently in Dalmatia (Mitić et al. 2009, Nikolić 2017), but it is quite rare in Istria (Stah- rmüler 2001, Rottensteiner 2014a, Nikolić l. c.). This was confirmed by our survey as well. Among rare species, Scorzonera parviflora needs special attention, since it is mentioned very seldom in the Croa- tian literature. It was published from Malo Blato on the island of Pag (Horvatić 1934; as S. candollei = S. humi- lis). Mitić et al. (2009) report the species from other two sites on Pag (Vlašići, Kolansko blato). From this island it is recorded also by Magaš (2000), Alegro et al. (2010) and  Dítě et al. (2015). Scorzonera parviflora is known from the brackish Vransko jezero as well (Sviličić 2013, Dítě et al. 2015). We complete the chorological data of the species from the territory of Croatia, as those sites have not been published so far. The species indicates re- markable salt marsh habitats which are highly threatened by secondary succession associated with land use changes. Another rare plant, Allium telmatum, was described a short time ago from the Dalmatian coast as endemic of the Quarner (Bogdanović et al. 2009). Certain locations with detailed coenological data (Malo blato, Kolansko blato) were published by Dítě et al. (2015). Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 226 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 In the past, the majority of salt marshes were tradition- ally grazed or mowed. Extensive farming needs to be re- introduced in Croatia for conservation purposes (Stančić et al. 2008). Inidigenous plants growing in salt marshes are essential to the stability of the coast in trapping and binding sediments, they play an important role in the aquatic food web (Woodroffe 2002). These ecosystems are suffering an accelerating process of degradation due to land use changes and eutrophication (e.g. the Neretva River Delta). Numerous sites of drained or embanked salt marshes elsewhere, e.g. in Western Europe, are managed by grazing and their vegetation is relatively well-preserved (Jensen 1985, Bouchard et al. 2003, Loucougaray et al. 2004). Traditional farming (grazing, eventually mowing) is required in Jadrtovac, Ninsko blato, Rtina, Ljubač, Pov- ljana, Vlašići, Malo Blato and Osor (Cres). Construction works e.g. in Lopar, Privlaka and Starigrad-Seline lead to irreversible devastation of salt marshes. Localities which still need protective measures by law are Zablaće-Mala Solina (Malo jezero), Brodarica, Privlaka, Solina (Krk), Rovinj and Cervar (Istria). 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New York, 640 pp. Appendix The list of localities and their short description (species we focused on are bolded): 1) Ston, south of the solana, 42°49'40.1", 17°42'4.2". Remnants of salt marshes next to the abandoned sola- na, degraded, only slight occurrence of several coastal species, expansion of reed. Carex divisa, Carex extensa, Halimione portulaco- ides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Sarco- cornia fruticosa. Date of visit: 30. 4. 2015 2) Blace, sandy beach 2 km north-west from the vil- lage, belt of salt marshes in the Neretva River Delta, 43°0'57.58", 17°28'3.422. Damaged by drainage and other human activities, several fragments of preserved vegetation. Carex ex- tensa, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Suaeda maritima, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 30. 4. 2015 3) Trogir, Pantan reserve, saline marshland on the coast, 43°31'26.8", 16°16'17.6". Remnants of salt marshes attacked by human activities, massive expan- sion of reed, in the tidal zone small mosaics of in- digenous halophytic vegetation dominated by Juncus maritimus. Carex extensa, Juncus maritimus, Halimione portula- coides, Limonium narbonense. Date of visit: 30. 4. 2015 4) Jadrtovac, river estuary, 43°40'52.0", 15°57'28.7". Large coastal habitat with preserved halophytic veg- etation. Carex divisa, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus mar- itimus, Limonium narbonense, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Spergularia media. Dates of visits: 26. 4. 2014, 17. 5. 2016 5) Brodarica, sea shore bay, 43°41'32.25", 15°56'21.3". In the preserved halophytic vegetation dominate Hal- imione portulacoides, Limonium narbonense, on the exposed surfaces Salicornia europaea agg. From the mainland it is filled up with garbage. Artemisia caerulescens, Carex divisa, Halimione por- tulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Salicornia europaea agg., Sarcocornia fruticosa, Spergu- laria media, Suaeda maritima. Dates of visits: 1. 5. 2015 6) Zablaće, salt marshes of the hotel complex Solaris, on the banks of the channel St. Ante, 43°42'3.9", 15°53'2.0". Large complex of salt marshes, partly af- fected by human activities (drainage, contamination from garbage) with well-developed halophytic vegeta- tion. On the periodically dried surfaces dominate Ar- throcnemum macrostachyum, away from the coastline are stands of Limonium narbonense and Juncus mariti- mus which requires more balanced water regime. Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, Artemisia caerulescens, Carex divisa, Carex extensa, Halimione portula- coides, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Salsola soda, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Tripo- lium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 17. 5. 2016 7) Zablaće - bay, at the marina in the settlement, 43°42'13.9", 15°52'16.9". Small preserved salt marsh with species-poor vegetation of Salicornion fruticosae. Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Sarcocornia fruticosa. Date of visit: 17. 5. 2016 Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 228 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 Artemisia caerulescens, Carex extensa, Halimione por- tulacoides, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limo- nium narbonense, Sarcocornia fruticosa. Dates of visits: 1. 5. 2015, 17. 5. 2016 11) Vransko jazero, north shores of the lake, 43°56' 3.4", 15°30'45.8" Moderately saline marshes not connected with the sea, typical coastal wetland species of the class Sarcoccorni- etea fruticosae are absent. Attempts of drainage, large ar- eas are expanded by reed and Cladium mariscus. On the shallow lakeshore Schoenoplectus litoralis is abundant. Eleocharis uniglumis, Juncus gerardii, Juncus mar- itimus, Samolus valerandii, Scorzonera parviflora, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Dates of visits: 30. 4. 2011, 27. 4. 2012, 1. 5. 2015, 24. 8. 2015, 17. 5. 2016 12) Karin Gornji, mouth of the river Karišnica, 44°7' 49.3", 15°37'7.9" (Figure 2) Large complex of salt marshes with preserved vegeta- tion. Stands of Juncus maritimus and Limonium nar- bonense dominates, on the exposed bottoms primar- ily affected by tidal water are wide belts of Salicornia europaea agg. Artemisia caerulescens, Carex extensa, Centaurium Figure 2: Salt marshes in the estuary of the Karišnica River (Karin Gornji). Slika 2: Slana mokrišča v estuariju reke Karišnice (Karin Gornji). 8) Zablaće – Malo jazero (Mala Solina), northern shore of the pond, 43°42'51.2", 15°51'53.2" Relatively well preserved, wide belt of coastal halo- phytic vegetation with Salicornion fruticosae is devel- oped on the north and northwestern shores of the salt pond which is connected with the sea by a canal. Rich populations of Arthrocnemum macrostachyum and Triglochin barrelieri were there recorded. Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, Halimione portulaco- ides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Limo- nium virgatum, Parapholis incurva, Salsola soda, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Triglochin barrelieri. Date of visit: 17. 5. 2016 9) Zablaće – salt pond north of Velo Blato, 43°43' 02.8", 15°52'16.7" Relatively well preserved site with a small periodic salt pond without a visible connection with the sea. Artemi- sia caerulescens, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Puccinellia festuciformis, Salicornia europea agg., Salsola soda, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Triglochin barrelieri. Date of visit: 26. 4. 2014 10) Ivinj, 43°47'50.1", 15°40'51.3" Small preserved stands of Salicornion fruticosae in the bay of the stream estuary. Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 229 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 spicatum, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Salicornia europea agg., Spergularia salina, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 18. 5. 2016 13) Karin Gornji, northen part of the settlement, 44° 8'19.3", 15°37'48.5" In the bay several species of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae form a narrow belt of preserved vegetation, rich populations of Juncus maritimus as well. Artemisia caerulescens, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Salicornia europaea agg., Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 18. 5. 2016 14) Vrulje, small salt marsh in the settlement, 44°8' 38.6", 15°37'54.4" Well-developed vegetation of Salicornion fruticosae, rich populations of Carex extensa, smaller patches of Salicornia europaea agg. and Suaeda maritima. Artemisia caerulescens, Carex extensa, Halimione por- tulacoides, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limo- nium narbonense, Salicornia europaea agg., Samolus valerandii, Suaeda maritima, Tripolium pannoni- cum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 17. 5. 2016 15) Posedarje, bay with a chapel Svati Duh, 44°12' 20.9", 15°28'15.6" This large coastal wetland is considerably expanded by reed. Vast accumulation of organic material from the sea (algae) is also notable. In stands not affected by reed expansion dominate Juncus maritimus, Limo- nium narbonense and Aster tripolium subsp. tripolium. Artemisia caerulescens, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Salsola soda, Sali- cornia europaea agg., Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Dates of visits: 3. 5. 2015, 24. 8. 2015, 18. 5. 2016 16) Nin, Ninska solana, 44°14'15.3", 15°11'9.5" (Fig. 3) In the salt evaporation basins grow species of the alli- ance Salicornion fruticosae, on the western part of the site well-developed stands of Juncion maritimi. Carex divisa, Carex extensa, Halimione portula- coides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Plan- tago cornuti, Salicornia europaea agg., Sarcocornia fruticosa, Scorzonera parviflora, Suaeda maritima. Date of visit: 27. 4. 2014 Figure 3: Salt marshes in the abandoned salt works of the Ninska solana. Slika 3: Slana mokrišča na opuščenih solinah v Ninski solani. Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 230 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 Figure 4: Ninsko blato – a remarkable site of salt marsh vegetation of the Dalmatian coast. Slika 4: Ninsko blato – pomembno rastišče slane močvirske vegetacije na dalmatinski obali. Figure 5: Ljubač – a remarkable site of salt marsh vegetation of the Dalmatian coast. Slika 5: Ljubač – pomembno rastišče slane močvirske vegetacije na dalmatinski obali. Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 231 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 17) Ninsko blato, 44°15'8.4", 15°10'10.7" (Figure 4) Large, botanically remarkable site of salt marshes situ- ated directly on the sandy beach visited by masses of tourists. The majority of the site is occupied by stands of Juncus maritimus. Allium telmatum, Artemisia caerulescens, Carex divisa, Carex extensa, Halimione portulacoides, Jun- cus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Plantago cor- nuti, Scorzonera parviflora, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Triglochin barrelieri, Triglochin maritima. Dates of visits: 28. 4. 2014, 22. 8. 2015 18) Ljubač, large salt marsh in the bay, 44°15'15.1", 15°18'2.5" (Figure 5) According to our knowledge this site is the most re- markable among the visited salt marshes of the Croatian coast; the highest number of halophytes and the larges variety of vegetation types were recorded here. The site is threatened by emerging tourism, it would be appro- priate to ensure protection. It is the northernmost local- ity where we recorded Arthrocnemum macrostachyum. Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, Artemisia caerulescens, Carex divisa, Carex extensa, Eleocharis uniglu- mis, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Limonium bellidi- folium, Limonium virgatum, Parapholis incurva, Plantago cornuti, Samolus valerandii, Salicornia europaea agg., Sarcocornia fruticosa, Scorzonera parv- iflora, Triglochin barrelieri, Tripolium pannoni- cum subsp. tripolium. Dates of visits: 2. 5. 2015, 22. 8. 2015, 18. 5. 2016 19) Modrić, 44°15'30.4", 15°32'26.2" Salt marsh at the estuary of the creek with narrow in- lets, several freshwater springs mouthing to the sea. Very rich populations of Carex extensa, typical species of the Salicornion fruticosae are absent. Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium nar- bonense, Samolus valerandi, Tripolium pannoni- cum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 3. 5. 2015 20) Privlaka, Virski most, 44°16'32.2", 15°07'4.1" Relatively large salt marsh in the bay, Salicornion fruti- cosae species dominate. Recently it is increasingly dam- aged by road construction and parcel developments. Artemisia caerulescens, Carex extensa, Centaurium spicatum, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Limonium virgatum, Parapho- lis incurva, Salicornia europea agg., Sarcocornia fruti- cosa, Suaeda maritima, Triglochin barrelieri. Dates of visits: 27. 4. 2014, 28. 7. 2016 21) Rtina, salt marshes in the river estuary, 44°16'49.7", 15°18'21.6" (Figure 6) Together with Ljubač it is the most remarkable site Figure 6: Rtina – a remarkable site of salt marsh vegetation of the Dalmatian coast. Rich stands of Scorzonera parviflora. Slika 6: Rtina – pomembno rastišče slane močvirske vegetacije na dalmatinski obali. Bogati sestoji vrste Scorzonera parviflora. Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 232 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 of coastal halophytic habitats in Croatia. Beyond salt marshes far from the coastline where tidal waters do not reach wet meadows are developed with thou- sands specimens of Orchis laxiflora and  Chouardia litardierei. Human intervention on this site is also re- flected, one part was drained due to the landing area for paragliding. Artemisia caerulescens, Carex divisa, Carex extensa, Eleocharis uniglumis, Halimione portulacoides, Jun- cus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Parapholis incurva, Parapholis filiformis, Sarcocor- nia fruticosa, Scorzonera parviflora, Triglochin bar- relieri, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Dates of visits: 29. 4. 2014, 18. 5. 2016 22) Starigrad, Seline, 44°16'59.4", 15°27'41.1" Small salt marsh vanishing due to construction works. Remnant vegetation with Juncus maritimus and Limo- nium narbonense. Artemisia caerulescens, Carex extensa, Juncus mariti- mus, Limonium narbonense. Date of visit: 3. 5. 2015 23) Pag, Vlašići, 44°19'15.0", 15°12'25.3" (Figure 7) The site is featured by well developed stands of Sali- cornion fruticosae and Juncion maritimi. Rich popula- tions of several rare coastal salt marsh species. Allium telmatum, Artemisia caerulescens, Carex di- visa, Carex extensa, Eleocharis uniglumis, Halimi- one portulacoides, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Parapholis filiformis, Sal- sola soda, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Scorzonera parvi- flora, Suaeda maritima, Triglochin barrelieri. Dates of visits: 26. 8. 2011, 28. 4. 2012, 23. 8. 2015, 18. 5. 2016 24) Pag, Povljana, salt marsh in the Stara Povljana gulf, 44°19' 46.4", 15° 7' 53.7" Relatively unharmed salt marsh in the sandy bay is surrounded by agricultural land. Expansion of Phrag- mites australis. Carex divisa, Eleocharis uniglumis, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Plantago cornuti, Scorzonera parv- iflora, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 29. 4. 2014 25) Pag, Povljana, north of the settlement, 44°21'16.4", 15° 5'47.1" Small salt marsh on the shore of the lagoon connected with the sea by channel. Carex extensa, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbo- nense. Date of visit: 18. 5. 2016 Figure 7: Vlašići – a remarkable site of salt marsh vegetation of the Dalmatian coast (Pag Island). Slika 7: Vlašići – pomembno rastišče slane močvirske vegetacije na dalmatinski obali (otok Pag). Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 233 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 26) Pag, solana Dinjiška, 44°21'36.8", 15°10'45.6" Salt evaporation ponds, lagoons and salt meadows. Allium telmatum, Artemisia caerulescens, Carex ex- tensa, Carex divisa, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Samolus valerandii, Salicornia europaea agg., Sarco- cornia fruticosa. Dates of visits: 28. 8. 2011, 20. 8. 2015 27) Pag, Malo Blato, 44°22'4.8", 15° 7'1.3" This well-known site is recently overgrown by Cla- dium mariscus. Salt marshes of the alliance Juncion maritimi are preserved in the northwestern part. Allium telmatum, Carex extensa, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Samolus valerandii, Scorzonera parviflora. Dates of visits: 31. 8. 2011, 30. 4. 2012, 29. 4. 2014, 18. 5. 2016 28) Pag, Paška solana, 44°25'2.5", 15° 4'44.5" Vast majority of the site are the salt evaporation ponds. On the western border of the site are logoons with vegetation of Salicornion fruticosae, sporadically occur stands of Juncion maritimi. Allium telmatum, Artemisia caerulescens, Carex extensa, Carex divisa, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium nar- bonense, Samolus valerandii, Salicornia europaea agg., Sarcocornia fruticosa, Scorzonera parviflora, Suaeda maritime, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Dates of visits: 28. 8. 2011, 30. 4. 2012, 29. 4. 2014, 20. 8. 2015, 18. 5. 2016 29) Pag, Metajna, salt marsh on a slope with no con- nection with the sea, 44°30'10.9", 15° 1'15.0" Peculiar site, the marshes are watered by springs emerging from the moderate slopes 15 m above the sea level. It is threatened by construction of a large parking area. Allium telmatum, Eleocharis uniglumis, Juncus mar- itimus, Samolus valerandii, Scorzonera parviflora. Dates of visits: 23. 8. 2015, 19. 5. 2016 30) Pag, Kolansko blato, ornithological reserve, 44° 30'51.8", 14°55'6.9" Large site on the shores of the lagoon with vegeta- tion of Salicornion fruticosae, further away from the sea are stands of Juncion maritimi. To these marshes are connected wet meadows with thousands of Or- chis laxiflora and Chouardia litardierei. The majority of the site is however damaged by drainage and ex- panded by reed. Allium telmatum, Artemisia caerulescens, Carex ex- tensa, Carex divisa, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Samolus valeran- dii, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Scorzonera parviflora, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Dates of visits: 1. 5. 2011, 30. 8. 2011, 29. 4. 2012 31) Cres, salt marsh in the lagoon near Osor, 44°41' 38.1", 14°23'50.7" Large salt marsh with well developed vegetation of Salicornion fruticosae. One of the few managed sites, grazed by sheep. Artemisia caerulescens, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Salicornia europea agg., Sarcocornia fruticosa. Date of visit: 20. 5. 2016 32) Rab, Kampor, salt marsh in the bay, 44°46'4.2", 14°44'33.4" Small salt marsh with well developed stands of Sali- cornion fruticosae. Carex extensa, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus mar- itimus, Limonium narbonense, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 19. 5. 2016 33) Rab, Supetarska Draga, 44°47'55.2", 14°43'40.9" Large salt marsh in the river estuary. Species of the alliance Salicornion fruticoase prevail, vast areas are highly salinized without vegetation cover. Artemisia caerulescens, Carex extensa, Carex divisa, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Salicornia europaea agg., Sarcocornia fruti- cosa, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Dates of visits: 20. 7. 2010, 2. 5. 2011, 19. 5. 2016 34) Rab, Lopar, near the marina, 44°50'9.4", 14°43' 30.2" Remnants of coastal vegetation damaged by construc- tion. Carex extensa, Centaurium spicatum, Halimione por- tulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Salicornia europea agg., Sarcocornia fruticosa, Spergu- laria media, Suaeda maritima. Dates of visits: 19. 7. 2010, 19. 5. 2016 35) Cres, near the marina in the town Cres, 44°56'39.2", 14°24'54.6" Small degraded salt marsh partially expanded by reed. Carex extensa, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbon- ense. Date of visit: 20. 5. 2016 36) Rovinj-Val Saline camping, bay north of the town, 45° 6'56.3", 13°37'26.7" The largest preserved salt marsh on Istria with well developed vegetation of the alliance Salicornion fru- ticosae. Artemisia caerulescens, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Sarcocornia fruti- cosa, Suaeda maritima. Date of visit: 20. 5. 2016 Daniel Dítě, Zuzana Dítětová, Pavol Eliáš jun. & Róbert Šuvada Rare plant species of salt marshes of the Croatian coast 234 17/2 • 2018, 221–234 37) Krk, Soline, salt marsh in the bay, 45° 8'57.6", 14°36'9.3" Large salt marshes where typical species of Salicornion fruticosae prevail. The site is endangered by massive tourism (beach, healing mud). Artemisia caerulescens, Carex extensa, Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 19. 5. 2016 38) Funtana, 45°10'44.2", 13°36'17.7" Degraded salt marsh overgrown by reed. Remnants are of the species of the alliance Salicornion fruticosae. Artemisia caerulescens, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Sarcocornia fru- ticosa, Suaeda maritime, Tripolium pannonicum subsp. tripolium. Date of visit: 20. 5. 2016 39) Cervar, 45°16'35.9", 13°36'18.6" Small salt marsh in the bay, well developed, species- poor stands of Salicornion fruticosae. Artemisia caerulescens, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Salicornia europea agg., Sarcocornia fruticosa, Suaeda maritima. Date of visit: 21. 5. 2016 40) Vabriga, Santa Marina, 45°17'8.8", 13°36'10.7" (Figure 8) Small salt marsh in the bay, well developed, species- poor stands of Salicornion fruticosae. Artemisia caerulescens, Halimione portulacoides, Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Sarcocornia fruti- cosa, Suaeda maritima. Dates of visits: 21. 5. 2016 41) Lanterna, 45°18'51.44", 13°36'53.0" Small degraded saline vegetation cut off the sea by the road. Juncus gerardii, Juncus maritimus, Limonium nar- bonense, Salicornia europaea agg., Sarcocornia fruti- cosa, Triglochin maritima. Dates of visits: 30. 8. 2005, 21. 5. 2016 42) Antenal, lagoon in the Mirna river estuary, 45°19' 11.9", 13°36'3.5" Peculiar site with large salt marshes in the river mouth, initial, species-poor vegetation, part are overgrown by Phragmites australis. Juncus maritimus, Limonium narbonense, Triglochin maritima. Dates of visits: 30. 8. 2005, 21. 5. 2016 Figure 8: Salt marshes at Vabriga, Santa Marina (Istria). Slika 8: Slana močvirja pri Vabrigi, Santa Marina (Istra).