CHRISTOPHER LEE Di mmm DM w mm mm Vsak žanr ima svoj obraz, po katerem ga ločimo od drugih in po katerem ga konec koncev prepoznamo kot žanr: če pomislite na vestem, se vam prikaže obličje Clinta Eastwooda, ki vas hkrati spomni na triler; ninja-fu vigilance imajo podobo Chucka Norrisa, ki hkrati odslika-va tudi »missing in action« vietnamiade; »bloodsport« se po Sylvestru Stalloneju seli v Jean-Clauda Van Damma, čistokrven akcioner se zadnje čase skriva za ozkim pogledom Stevena Seagala, prav tako kot melodramo najlažje prepoznamo v nedolžni pojavi Julie Roberts; komedija pa je že itak najbolj podobna Stevu Martinu. Če bi nadaljevali z naštevanjem, bi vsekakor prišli tudi do grozljivke, hororja, ki so ga ne glede na njegovo razvejanost zakoličile klasične pošasti. Ena takih je vampir, največkrat imenovan Drakula, ki ima še dandanes samo en obraz — tistega, ki mu gaje posodil Christopher Lee; to pa zato, ker je Bela Lugosi prezgodaj odšel v kraljestvo senc, mi pa smo bili še premladi, da bi se od njega lahko dostojno poslovili; Max Schreck se je spremenil v Klausa Kin-skega, John Carradine in Lon Chaney, jr. sta se od Drakule dokaj hitro oddaljila, Michael Johnson, Louis Jourdan in Frank Lagella pa so si itak samo mislili, da so tisto, kar smo si mi mislili, da bodo. Ostal je samo Christopher Lee. Najbolj senzualni, arhetipski in postavni Drakula je bil rojen v Londonu 27. maja 1922 z imenom Christopher Frank Lee Carandini, kot sin angleškega polkovnika in kontese iz Modene, Marie Estelle Carandini. Do dneva, ko je Nicolo Carandini, italijanski ambasador v Londonu, v svojem bratrancu prepoznal markantno filmsko osebnost, je Christopher študiral na Wellington Collegu, postal pilot angleškega RAF in nekaj časa delal celo v obveščevalni službi. Filippo Del Giudice, mož iz hiše Two Cities Films, ga je predstavil producentom, ki jih je motilo ravno to, da je velik:- koščena, suverena in 190 centimetrov visoka postava je že tedaj v sebi skrivala lik, ki ga drugi niso mogli upodobiti, vampirja za vse čase, večnega nega-tivca, ki ga je Christopher srečal šele po manjših vlogah v Hamletu (Laurence Olivier, 1948) in Captain Horatio Horn-blower (Raoul Walsh, 1951). Leta 1957 pride Curse of Frankenstein, takoj za njim, leta 1958, pa Dracula (a. k. a. Horror of Dracula); oba filma je režiral Ter- ence Fisher, hišni režiser kultnega Hammer Film-, s slednjim je Leeju odprl pot v večnost; Lee paje v zahvalo takrat Hammer Filmu, Drakuli in žanru samemu dal svojo podobo. Legendarnega vampirja je Christopher Lee podoživel še sedemkrat (za Hammer Film samo še prvih pet): Dracula, Prince of Darkness (Terence Fisher, 1966), Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (Freddie Francis, 1968), Taste the Blood of Dracula (Peter Sasdy, 1970), Scars of Dracula (Roy Ward Baker, 1970), Dracula A.D. (Alan Gibson, 1972) in Satanic Rites of Dracula (a. k .a. Count Dracula and His Vampire Bride, Alan Gibson, 1973). Ker je že ustaljeno, da tudi žanr prepozna svoja karizmatična utelešenja, je Leejeva impresivnost segla tudi prek meja britanske horor produkcije: s Christopherjem Leejem so hoteli med zvezde še režiserji, kot so Steno (Tempi Duri per i Vampiri, 1959, Italija), Je sns Franco (El Conde Dracula, 1970, Španija) in Edouard Molinaro (Dracula, Père et Fils, 1976, Francija). Vsem ni uspelo, medtem ko Christopherju Leeju je: pred vami je njegova pot, monu-mentalna filmografija, ki jo sestavlja več kot sto stopnic — in vsaka stopnica je nov obraz, nov značaj in nov ugriz v sočno tkivo žanra—izberite torej tudi tiste, kijih do sedaj še niste. FILMOGRAFIJA CHRISTOPHERJA LEEJA (v njej so našteti vsi filmi Christopherja Leeja, ki v uvodu niso bili omenjeni): Corridor of Mirrors, Terence Young, 1948 One Night With You, Terence Young, 1948 Saraband a. k. a Saraband for Dead Lovers, Basil Dearden, 1948 Scott of the Antarctic, Charles Frend, 1948 The Gay Lady a. k. a Trottie True, Brian Desmond Hurst, 1949 Valley of the Eagles, Terence Young, 1951 The Crimson Pirate, Robert Siodmak, 1952 Babes in Bagdad. Edgar G. Ulmer, 1952 Moulin Rouge, John Huston, 1952 Innocents in Paris. Gordon Parry, 1953 That Lady, Terence Young, 1955 The Warriors a. k. a The Dark Avenger, Henry Levin, 1955 Storm Over the Nile., Zoltan Korda, 1956 The Cockleshell Heroes, Jose Ferrer, 1956 Port Afrique, Rudolph Maté, 1956 Private's Progress, John Boulting, 1956 Beyond Mombasa, George Marshall, 1956 The Pursuit of the Graf Spee a. k. a The Battle of the River Plate, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1956 Night Ambush a. k. a III Met by Moonlight, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1957 She Played With Fire a. k. a. Fortune is a Woman, Sidney Gllliat, 1957 The Accused a. k. a. The Traitors, Michael McCarthy, 1957 Bitter Victorv, Nicholas Ray, 1957 The Truth About Women, Muriel Box, 1958 A Tale of Two Cities, Ralph Thomas, 1958 Missiles From Hell a. k. a. The Battle of V-l a.k.a. The Unseen Heroes, Vernon Seweli, 1958 The Hound of Baskervilles, Terence Fisher, 1959 The Man Who Could Cheat Death, Terence Fisher, 1959 The Mummy, Terence Fisher, 1959 Playgirl After Dark a. k. a. Too Hot To Handle. Terence Young, 1960 Wild for Kicks a. k. a. Beat Girl, Edmond T. Greville, 1960 House of Fright a. k. a. The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll, Terence Fisher, 1960 Horror Hotel a. k. a. City of the Dead, John Moxey, 1960 The Hands of Orlac, Edmond T. Greville, 1960 The Puzzle of the Red Orchid a. k. a The Secret of the Red Orchid, Helmut Ashley, 1961 The Devil's Daffodil a. k. a. The Daffodil Killer, Akos Rathony, 1961 Scream of Fire a. k. a. The Taste of Fear, SethHolt, 1961 The Terror of the Tongs. Anthony Bushel!, 1961 Hercules in the Haunted World. Mario Bava, 1961 The Pirates of Blood River, JohnGilling, 1962 Corridors of Blood, Robert Day, 1962 Castle of the Living Dead. Herbert Wise (Luciano Ricci), ¡963 Horror Castle a. k. a. Terror Castle, Anthony Dawson (Antonio Margheriti), 1963 Devil-Ship Pirates, Don Sharp, 1964 The Gorgon, Terence Fisher, 1964 Dr. Terror's House of Horrors, Freddie francis, 1965 She, Robert Day, 1965 The SkulL Freddie Francis, 1965 The Face of Fu Manchu. Don Sharp, 1965 Rasputin — The Mad Monk, Don Sharp, 1966 The Brides of Fu Manchu. Don Sharp, 1966 Psycho-Circus a. k. a. Circus of Fear, John Moxey, 1967 Theatre of Death a. k. a. Blood Fiend, Samuel Galu, 1967 The Blood Demon a, k. a. The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism. Harald Rein!, 1967 46 The Vengeance of Fu Manchu, Jeremy Summers, 1967 Five Golden Dragons, Jeremy Summers, 1967 Island of (he Burning Doomed a. k. a. Night of the Big Heat, Terence Fisher, 1967 The Devil's Bride a. k. a. The Devil Rides Out, Terence Fisher, 1968 The Crimson Cult a. k. a. Curse of the Crimson Altar, Vernon Swell, 1968 Blood of Fu Manchu a. k. a. Kiss and Kill a.k.: Against All Odds a. k. a. Fu Manchu and the Kiss of Death, Jesus Franco, 1968 The Oblong Box, Cordon Hessler, 1969 The Magic Christian. Joseph McGrath, 1969 The Castle of Fu Manchu a. k. a. Assignment Istanbul, Jesus Franco, 1970 Scream and Scream Again, Gordon Hessler, 1970 One More Time. ■Jerry Lewis, 1970 Night of the Blood Monster a. k. a. Throne of Fire, Jesus Franco, 1970 Julius Caesar, Stuart Burge, 1970 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, Billy Wilder, 1970 The House That Dripped Blood. Peter Duffell, 1970 Hannie Caulder, Burt Kennedy, 1971 I, Monster, Stephen Weeks, 1971 Horror Express, Eugenio Martin, 1972 Raw Meat a. k. a. Death Line, Gary Sherman, 1972 Nothing But the Night a. k. a Devil's Undead a. k. a. The Resurrection Syndicate, Peter Sasdy, 1972 (tudi izvršni koproducent) The Wicker Man, Robin Hardy, 1973 The Creeping Flesh, Freddie Francis, 1973 The Three Musketeers, Richard Lester, 1974 The Man With the Golden Gun, Guy Hamilton, 1974 Dark Places, Don Sharp, 1975 Diagnosis: Murder, Sidney Hayers, 1975 Killer Force a. k. a. The Diamond Mercenaries. Val Guest, 1975 The Four Musketeers, Richard Lester, 1975 To The Devil a Daughter, Peter Sykes, 1976 Airport '77, Jerry Jameson, 1977 End of the World, John Hayes, 1977 Starship Invasions a. k. a. Alien Encounters, Ed Hunt, 1977 Return From Witch Mountain, John Hough, 1978 Caravans, James Fargo, 1978 The Pirate a. k. a. Harold Robbins' The Pirate, Kenneth Annakin, 1978 (TV film) The Passage, Lee J. Thompson, 1979 Jaguar Lives, Ernest Pintoff, 1979 An Arabian Adventure, Kevin Connor, 1979 Bear Island, Don Sharp, 1979 Captain America II, IvanNagy, 1979 (TV film) 1941, Steven Spielberg, 1979 Circle of Iron a. k. a. The Silent Flute, Richard Moore, 1979 Serial, Bill Per sky, 1980 Once Upon a Spy, ¡van Nagy, 1980 (TV film) The Salamander, Peter Tinner, 1981 An Eye for an Eye, Steve Carver, 1981 Goliath Awaits, Kevin Connor, 1981 (TV film) Safari 3000 a. k. a. Rally, Harry Hurwitz, 1982 Charles & Diana: A Royal Love Story, James Goldstone, 1982 (TV film) The Return of Captain Invincible a.k.a. Legend in Leotards, Philippe Mora, 1983 House of the Long Shadows, Pete Walker, 1983 The Rosebud Beach Hotel. Harry Hurwitz, 1984 The Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf, Philippe Mora, 1985 Jocks, Steve Carver, 1987 The Return of the Musketeers, Richard Lester, 1989 Treasure Island, Fraser Heston, 1990 (TV film) Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Joe Dante, 1990 Honeymoon Academy, Gene Quintano, 1990 Curse III: Blood Sacrifice a. k. a. Panga. Sean Barton, 1990 Incident at Victoria Falls a. k. a. Sherlock Holmes and the Incident at Victoria Falls, Bill Corcoran, 1991 P.S.: Mogoče tudi to ni vse; ena od vampirjevih lastnosti je tudi sposobnost spreminjanja forme, kar mu omogoča, da se znajde pred vami, ko to najmanj pričakujete; zato se ne smete čuditi, če boste Christo-pherja Leeja opazili tudi v kakšnem filmu, ki zgoraj ni naveden. MAX M0DIC 47