ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME IV No. 1Q - 11 April 1951 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editorial« Libraria S. p. A.. Trieste - 1951 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 52 INCREASE OF FEES FOR PROFESSIONALS IN ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE AND FOR ACCOUNTANTS («RAGIONIERI») WHEREAS it is considered advisable to increase the fees for professionals in economics and commerce and for accountants, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BL ANCHARD, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER : ARTICLE I Order No. 286, dated 9 January 1947, concerning the increase of fees for accountants («ragionieri») and commercialists («dottori commercialisti»), is hereby repealed. The fees, however, relating to services rendered before the effective date of this Order shall be calculated on the basis of said Order No. 286. ARTICLE II The fixed fees contemplated in the tariffs published by Decrees of the Head of the Government No. 137 dated 29 J'anuary 1938, and No. 1609, dated 1 December 1941, shall be increased thirty times. The classes of percentage fees shall be increased at the same rate, without any change, however, to the relative percentages. ARTICLE IH This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at Trieste, this 3rd day of April 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army R~f.: LDlA!5ll45 Director General, Civil Affaire Order No. 53 DECLARATION OF PRESUMED DEATH OF PERSONS WHO DISAPPEARED CONSEQUENT TO DEPORTATION OCCURRED BETWEEN 8 SEPTEMBER 1953 AND 12 JUNE 1955 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to issue provisions concerning declaration of presumed death of persons who disappeared consequent to deportation occurred between 8 September 1943 and 12 June 1945, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier Generate U. S. Army, Directcr General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The provision of the second paragraph of article 58 of the Civil Code shall not be applicable to declarations of presumed deaths of persons who disappeared as a result of deportations between 8 September 1943 and 12 Jlune 1945. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at Trieste, this 3rd day of April 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref.: LDIAI51I46 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 54 NEW CONCESSIONS OF TEMPORARY IMPORTATIONS AND EXPORTATIONS WHEREAS it is considered advisable to issue new provisions regarding temporary importations and exportations, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER : ARTICLE I The following commodities are hereby added to the list of goods which may be temporarily imported for processing in accordance with Table I appended to D. L. 18 December 1913 n T453, converted into the Daw 17 April 1925, n. 473: DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purposes for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for reexportation 1. Steel wire and discs For the manufacture of 2. Raw amianthus steel-wool For conversion into thread and ropes, fine filaments able to incandesce, a-mianthus and rubber pasteboard, amianthus pasteboard, amianthus fabrics and other amian- 100 kgs. 1 year 3. Bismuth (metal) thus products For the production of bismuth salts (carbonate, 100 kgs. 1 year 4. Pit coal salicylate, etc. ) For distillation and subsequent re-exportation, in whole or in part, of. the by-products of such distillation (coke in blocks and dust tar, gas 100 kgs. 6 months 5. Cellulose and ammonia waters) For the manufacture of rolled transparent viscose („cellophane“) and relative finished pro- 1000 kgs. 1 year 6. Copper ores (copper- ducts For extraction of the cop- 100 kgs. 1 year pyrite, copper cements, copper mud, etc.). 7. Monostyrol per therein contained For conversion into poly- 1000 kgs. 1 year 8. Olive and seed oil (within the quota estab- styrol For the preparation of hors-d’oeuvres and ve- 100 kgs. 1 year lished by Art. 3 of R.D.L. 21 Sept. 1933, n. 1223, as converted into the Law 11 Jan. 1934, n. 74) getables in oil 100 kgs. 6 months DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purposes for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for reexportation 9. Copper ,zinc, tfn, in block« or scrap For conversion, :nto alloys comprising these metals or with other metals, into semi-finished products 500 kgs. 1 year 10. Copper alloyed with aluminium and other For conversion into semifinished products 500 kgs. 1 year metals (AMPCO alloy with copper predominating in weight) in cast plates, blocks, etc. 11. Scrap iron and steel For conversion on first melting into steel castings 1000 kgs. 1 year 12. Semolina from hard wheat For the production of „pasta“ and other foodstuffs 500 kgs. 4 months 13. Motor-vehicle frames (chassis) To be fitted with vehicle bodies unlimited 6 months 14. Cotton cloth of the „popeline“ type (either fancy striped, containing dyed yarns in their warp or weft, or smooth, with frame of simple cloth or satin, To be mercerized and/or made unshrinkable by the chemical process named „permashrunk“ and/ or finished (concession valid until 31 December 1951) 50 kgs. 1 year or figured by means of „ratier“ or „jacquart“ 15. Jute fabrics For the coating of electric cables and conductors 100 kgs. 2 years 16. Wool fabrics (felts) For the manufacture of tennis balls (concession valid until 31 Dec. 1952) 25 kgs. 1 year The following commodities are hereby added to the list of goods which may be temporarily exported for processing in accordance with Table II appended to D. L. 18 December 1913, n. 1453, converted into the Law 17 April 1925, n- 473: DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purposes for which temporary exportation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily exported Maximum term allowed for reimportation Wool yarns of various types to be made unshrinkable (concession valid until 31 December 1951) 100 kgs. 6 months Cotton fabrics of the po- To be dyed, mercerized, peline type (either fancy made unshrinkable by striped, containing dyed the mechanical process yarns in their warp or named „sanforizzazione“ weft, or smooth with a or rigmel finished and/or frame of simple cloth otherwise finished (con- or satin, or figured by cession valid until 31 means of „ratier“ or December 1951) 100 kgs. 6 months „jacquart“). ARTICLE III The concession relating to the temporary importation of silk waste for macerating and combing is hereby amended as follows: « silk waste for macerating, combing and spinning (concession valid until 31 December 1951)». ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective in the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 17 February 1951. Dated at Trieste, this 5th day of April 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref.: LDlAl51139 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 55 PHYSICAL AND ECONOMIC TREATMENT OF FEMALE WORKERS DURING PREGNANCY AND SUBSEQUENT TO DELIVERY WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to issue new provisions regarding the physical and economic treatment of female workers during pregnancy and subsequent to delivery, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General -U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER : CHAPTER, I PROTECTIVE RULES ARTICLE I The provisions of this Chapter shall be applicable to expectant and nursing mothers employed by private employers, including those employed in agriculture (salaried workers, labourers, and those working on a profit-sharing basis), as well as to those employed by Offices and Agencies of the State, the Province, the Communes and other Pubblic Bodies and Cooperative Sociétés, even if members of the latter, whenever the treatment afforded them under laws and regulations now in effect is less favourable than that provided for by this Order. ARTICLE II Section 1. — Provisions for the physical and economic treatment of female workers (during pregnancy and subsequent to delivery) who are employed in domestic service and those who perform paid work at home for third persons (lavoratrici a domicilio) will be e-stablished by a later Order. Section 2. — Until the issuance of such Order the provisions set forth in Chapter III of this Order shall be applicable to female workers referred to in the preceding Section. ARTICLE III Section 1. — Female workers described in Article I hereof shall not be dismissed during pregnancy, when the pregnancy is certified as existing by a medical statement, until the expira^'on of the period of interdiction from work set forth in Article V hereof, nor until the child is one year old. Section 2. — The prohibition against dismissal shall not be applicable in the following cases : a) where a fault of the female worker constitutes a proper ground for the rescission of the labor contract; b) in case the concern where the female worker is employed discontinues its activity; c) in case of termination of the work for which the female worker was hired, or in case of rescission of the labour contract because of the expiration of the term for which stipulated. Section 3. — In case of sickness arising from pregnancy during the months prior to the period of interdiction from work the employer shall keep open the position for female workers to whom the prohibition of dismissal is applicable- AETIGLE IV Section 1. — Until the publication of Regulations for the implementation of this Order female workers set forth in Article I hereof shall not be employed, during pregnancy, in transportation services, in lifting of weights, in dangerous, hard or unhealthy work * as defined by existing legal provisions, from the day of submission of the medical statement certifying pregnancy, in terms of Article III and XXXI hereof, and for a period of three months subsequent to delivery, and of seven months in case of direct nursing of the child- Section 2. — During the period set forth in the preceding Section the female workers concerned shall perform other duties. AETICLE V Female workers shall not be permitted to work during the following periods: a) three months prior to the presumed date of delivery indicated in the medical certificate of pregnancy, if employed in industry; eight weeks prior to the presumed date of delivery if employed in agriculture; six weeks prior to the presumed date of delivery if employed in any other category; b) during the period prior to delivery as indicated above, plus any additional period that may develop in case the delivery occurs later than the presumed date; c) during a period of eight weeks subsequent to delivery. AETIGLE VI The Labour Inspectorate may, on the basis of a medical certificate, extend the periods of absence from work set forth in paragraphs a) and c) of the preceding Article up to an additional six weeks, whenever the working conditions may be detrimental to the health of the mother or of the child. AETIGLE VII In case of serious complications arising fr om pregnancy or of a preexisting illness which may be/ aggravated by pregnancy, female workers to whom the prohibition of Article V hereof is applicable, may remain absent from work, from the date of submission of the medical statement certifying the actual pregnancy, after control by the Labour Inspectorate AETICLE VIII Section 1. — Female workers contemplated by Article I hereof shall be entitled to the pre-natal and post-natal benefits provided by the Insurance Institute with which they are insured against sickness, even in case of cancellation of the labour contract, provided their pregnancy began at a time when said contract was still in force. Section 2. — Pregnant female workers shall be entitled, free of charge, to periodical medical examinations to be provided for by the Insurance Institute with which they are insured. It shall be the responsibility of the Labour Inspectorate to ascertain that pregnant female workers receive the benefits provided in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article. Section 1. — Female workers subject to the prohibition set forth in Article V hereof who nurse the child directly, shall be granted, by their employer, two rest periods during the day for nursing, for a period of one year from the birth of the child. Section 2. — Said rest periods shall be in addition to those provided for in Articles 18 and 19 of law 16 April 1934, No. 653. These periods of rest shall be of one hour’s duration, and the female worker shall be entitled to leave the work premises to nurse the child during this period if the employer has not provided a nursing room or kindergarten («asilo nido») in terms of Article XI, or if such facilities are located outside the work premises, or if the times of the beginning or cessation of work do not allow the transportation of the child to the nursing room or to the kindergarten («asilo nido»). Section 3. — If the employer has provided a nursing room or kindergarten («asilo nido») the rest period shall be of one-half hour’s du ration and the mother shall not be entitled to leave the work premises. ABTICLE X The rest periods for nursing of the child shall be considered as working hours in regard to duration of work and compensation for work. ARTICI|E XI * Section 1. — Employers shall set up within the work premises a nursing room for children of female workers whenever at least 30 married women, of not more than 50 years of age, are employed in the establishment. Section 2. — The Labour Inspectorate may, upon approval by the Deparment of Labour, authorize the employer to set up, in lieu of the nursing room, a kindergarten («asilo nido») in the vicinity of the work premises, for the nursing, feeding and custody of female workers’ children aged not more than three years, and the Labour Inspectorate may also encourage the establishment of conveniently situated kindergartens («asili nido») to be used by more than one establishment. Section. 3. — The Labour Inspectorate may exempt an employer from the obligation to establish a nursing room or kindergarten («asilo nido») if the employer contributes towards the institution or financing of conveniently situated kindergartens («asili nido») for more than one establishment, to be used by female workers employed by him. Such exemption may also be granted whenever the female workers may use kindergartens («asili nido») administered and managed by Welfare Bodies, provided the employer contributes towards their financing. • Section 4. — In respect of agricultural work in areas where female workers are employed (casual labourers, wage-earners and those working in a profit-sharing basis), the Labour Inspectorate shall encourage the establishment of nursing rooms and kindergartens («asili nido»). The employers of the area shall contribute towards the financing of such nursing rooms and kindergartens («asili nido») which may be set up either in the chief places («capo- luoghi») of the Communes or in the locality where the majority of the work is carried out. / Section 1. — Hygienic principles shall be followed in the construction' and furnishing of the nursing rooms, which shall be properly fitted out, kept scrupulously clean, and supplied with water- Section 2. — Properly qualified personnel shall be assigned to the nursing rooms for the custody of children during the working hours of the mothers. ARTICLE XIII The kindergartens («asili nido») shall be operated in accordance with pertinent rules concerning the care of infants and shall be te chnically fitted out in order to insure the safety of the children during the working hours of the mothers. Regulations in these matters will be issued by the Labour Inspectorate. Properly qualified personnel shall be assigned to the kindergartens («asili nido») forcare and education of infant children. CHAPTER II ECONOMIC TREATMENT ARTICLE XIV The period of compulsory absence from work referred to in Articles V and VI hereof, shall be computed as time worked for seniority in service, for the 13th month’s pay and annual leave. ARTICLE XV In the case of voluntary resignation of the female worker during the period in which, according to Article III hereof, dismissal is prohibited, the female worker shall be entitled to the dismissal indemnities provided for by laws and by the labour contracts in force ARTICLE XVI If a female worker, who has been absent from work pursuant to the provisions of this Order, resumes work, the labour contract entered into with her substitute shall be rescinded «ex lege». Such rescission may take place without notice and dismissal indemnity provided the substitute was informed of the temporary nature of the employment prior to engagement. ARTICLE XVII Section 1. — Female workers serving with industrial and commerciai concerns, credit and private insurance agencies and female employees in agriculture shall be entitled to a daily indemnity of 80% of their normal compensation for the entire period of compulsory absence from work provided for by Articles V and VI hereof. No other indemnity due in case of sickness shall be paid- Section 2. — The indemnity set forth in the preceding Section shall be paid by: a) the appropriate funds («competenti gestioni») of the «Istituto Nazionale per TAssicurazione contro le malattie», in those cases in which the said «Istituto» must pay the normal sickness indemnity; b) directly by the employer at his own expenses for those female workers who, in caoe of sickness, are not entitled to sickness indemnity from the above mentioned «I-stituto». Section 3. — The daily indemnity shall be paid in the same manner as the benefits payable under compulsory sickness insurance. Section 4. — Periods of sickness resulting from pregnancy or confinement shall not be computed in the period established by laws, regulations or by contracts concerning normal sickness assistance. Section 5. — No change is made hereby in the economic treatment currently applicable to female workers employed with Offices and agencies of the State, the Province, the Communes or of other Public Bodies. ARTICLE XVIII Section 1. — Determination of the rate of indemnity provided for by the preceding Article sh^ll be made by taking into account the following earnings: a) for female workers (operaie) the average daily total compensation for eight hours received by them during the two pay periods immediately preceding that period when the absence commenced; b) for female employees (impiegate) the total amount of compensation received by them in the month preceding that month in which their absence commenced. Section 2. — In computing the compensation the same elements shall be considered as for the benefits under compulsory sickness insurance. ARTICLE XIX The indemnity set forth in Article XVII' hereof shall also be paid in case of rescission of the labour contract as provided for by Article III, para b) and c), of this Order when said rescission occurred during the periods of interdiction from work set forth in Articles V and VI of the present Order. ARTICLE XX Female workers benefiting from the provisions of Article VII, hereof shall be entitled to the normal economic treatment established in case of sickness for the period outside the period of irterdiction from work prior to delivery. ARTICLE XXI Spontaneous and therapeutical miscarriage, save in case of unlawful abortion, shall be considered for all purposes, as sickness caused by pregnancy or confinement subsequent to delivery. ARTICLE XXII Section 1. — Until the organization of the existing system for unified contributions in agriculture the female workers in agriculture set forth in Article I hereof, who are not qualified as employees (impiegate), shall be entitled, in addition to the entire benefits in case of birth and confinement pursuant to Order No. 191 dated 16 August 1946 with subsequent amendments, to a lump-sum («una tantum») indemnity at the following rates: 1. salariate fisse, assimilate, obbligate e braccianti o compartecipanti permanenti 2. braccianti o compartecipanti abituali » 25.000 3. braccianti o compartecipanti occasionali » 15.000 4. braccianti o compartecipanti eccezionali » 12.000 Section 2. — The above indemnity shall be paid in two equal instalments 'the first at the beginning of the period of compulsory interdiction from work and the second after delivery. Section 1. — With effect from the beginning of the first period of pay after 21 November 1950 employers shall, in order to cover the cost arising from the application of the provisions of Article XVII, para a) and Article XXII hereof, pay a supplementary contribution at the following rates to the «Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie»: a) industry sector, 0.53% of the compensation; b) commerce sector, public and private bodies whose personnel is insured with I-N. A.M., 0.31/o of the compensation; c) credit and insurance sector, 0.20% of the compensation; d) agriculture sector, 0.45%jof the average compensation to be converted into a daily fixed contribution for each hectare of cultivated ground (ettaro-cultura) according to the provisions in force for the assessment and collection of contributions in agriculture- Such supplementary contributions shall be in addition to the contributions provided for in the Table annexed to Order No. 170 dated 9 July 1946, to Order No. 191 dated 16 August 1946 and subsequent amendments thereto, and shall be made in compliance with the provisions governing the calculation thereof. Section 2. — Contributions at the rates equal to those set forth in Section 1, above, shall be paid by employers to other Insurance Institutes to which contributions for sickness insurance are paid. Section 3. — The rules governing the contributions for compulsory sickness insurance shall be applicable to the payment of the supplementary contribution, to the infringement of pertinent obbligations, as well as to any other matter relating to such contribution. Secion 1. — The marriage and birth insurance instituted by R-D.L. 14 April 1939, No. 636, converted into Law 6 Jluly 1939, No. 1272, is hereby abolished effective from 1 January 1951- Section 2. — As of the same date, 1 January 1951, the pertinent contribution set forth in Table A, B, C and D, attached to the above quoted Decree shall be due in favour of the «Ente Nazionale Assistenza Orfani Lavoratori Italiani». ARTICLE XXIII ARTICLE XXIV Section 3. — The «Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale» shall continue to collect the aforesaid contribution according to the existing procedure relating to the assessment and collection thereof, and shall pay the amount, without any charge for expenses, to the «Ente Nazionale Assistenza Orfani Lavoratori Italiani», in accordance with modalities to be agreed upon between the two Institutes. CHAPTER III SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING FEMALE HOME-WORKERS AND THOSE EMPLOYED IN DOMESTIC SERVICES Section 1. — Female home-workers (lavoratrici a domicilio) who perform paid work for third persons and those employed in domestic services shall be paid a maternity allowance at the rate of 12.000 Lire, in case of delivery, pending the issuance of the Order contemplated in Article II hereof. Section 2. — In case of spontaneous or therapeutical miscarriage such allowance shall be paid at the rate of 7.000 Lire- Section 3. — The allowances set forth in the preceding Sections shall be paid by the «Istituto Nazionale per la Previdenza Sociale». Section 1. — The allowances set forth in the preceding Article shall be due provided that during the two years preceding delivery at least 52 weekly contributions are shown as due by the employers, even if not paid. Section 2. — In respect of births occurring prior to 31 December 1951 the said allowances shall be due provided at least 26 weekly contributions are shown as due by the employer, even if not paid. Section 3. — The allowances set forth in the preceding Article shall not be due if the female worker is entitled to the benefits provided in the preceding Articles XVTI and XXII. Section 1. — In order to cover the allowances set forth in Article XXV hereof, the employers concerned shall from 1 January 1951 pay to the «Istituto Nazionale per la Previdenza Sociale» contributions at the following rates: ARTICLE XXV ARTICLE XXVI ARTICLE XXVII — home-workers — workers employed in domestic services: 10.— Lire weekly a) Communes with a population exceeding 100.000: male workers engaged for the whole day male workers engaged for half day female workers engaged for the whole day female workers engaged for half day 10.50 Lire weekly 8.— Lire weekly 5.50 Lire weekly 3-— Lire weekly b) Communes with a population not exceeding 100.000: male workers engaged for the whole day male workers engaged for the half day female workers engaged for the whole day female workers engaged for half day 8.— Lire weekly 8.— Lire weekly 3.— Lire weekly 3-— Lire weekly Section 2. — Collection of the contribution shall be made in accordance with the procedure established for the collection of the contribution due for such workers according to Article 6 of R.D.L. 14 April 1939, No. 636. ARTICLE XXVIII The fund set up with the proceeds of the contributions set forth in the preceding Article shall be administered, through a separate management, by the organs of the «Isti-tuto Nazionale per la Previdenza Sociale», according to the provisions of R.D.L. 4 October 1935, No. 1827. ARTICLE XXIX In respect of the benefits and contributions provided for by Articles XXV and XXVII hereof there shall be applied, as far as applicable, the provisions of R.D.L. 4 October 1935. No. 1827, converted with amendments into Law 6 April 1936, No- 1155. CHAPTER IV VARIOUS PROVISIONS AND PENALTIES ARTICLE XXX The benefits provided for by this Order shall replace the corresponding treatment in case of pregnancy, nursing an confinement established by collective bargaining contracts; unless the benefits of the latter are more favourable, in which case such greater benefits shall remain in force. ARTICLE XXXI Section 1. — The medical certificate of pregnancy shall state the presumed date of delivery; in this regard it shall be taken as evidence irrespective of any mistake made in the estimate of such date. Section 2. — The rules governing the issuance of the medical certificate of pregnancy and the medical certificates necessary for the application of this Order will be fixed by appropriate Regulations- ARTICLE XXXII All the documents necessary for the application of this Order shall be exempt from stamp duty and registry tax and shall be issued free of charge. ARTICLE XXXIII Employers failing to comply with the provisions of this Order shall be liable to the following penalties: a) 5.000 Lire to 50.000 Lire fine («ammenda») for each of the employed female workers to whom the contravention refers, for violations for Articles IV, V and VI hereof or in case of refusal, opposition or hindrance to the exercise of the right of absence from work set forth in Article VII hereof; b) 10.000 Lire to 100.000 Lire fine («ammenda») for violations of Articles III, IX, X and XI hereof; c) 5.000 Lire to 30-000 Lire fine («ammenda») for violations of Articles XII and xm hereof. ARTICLE XXXIV R.D.L. 22 March 1934, No. 654 concerning the maternity treatment of female workers is hereby repealed as from the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE XXXV Section 1. — Regulations for the application of this Order will be issued and approved under the terms of a subsequent Order. Section 2. -y- For violations of the Regulations mentioned in Section 1 above, a fine («ammenda») up to 30.000 Lire may be provided for therein. ARTICLE XXXVI This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me and shall be operative as from 21 January 1951- Dated a TRIESTE, this 7th day of April 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref.: LDlA/5117 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 56 DETERMINATION OF AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS OF DOMESTIC SERVANTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT. OF COMPULSORY SOCIAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to adjust the average weekly earnings set forth in the Table annexed to D.M. 24 .June 1939 in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD. Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The attached Table shewing the average weekly earnings of persons employed, under whatever denomination, in domestic services, is hereby approved as being effective for the as-sessment of the contributions under compulsory insurance against invalidism, old age and tuberculosis as set forth in Table B annexed to R. D.L. 14 April 1939, No. 636, as well as of the contributions due to the Social Insurance „Integration Fund“, the „Social Solidarity Fund“ and the „Ente Nazionale Assistenza Orfani Lavoratori Italiani“, pursuant to Orders No. 102 dated 5 April 1946, No. 104 dated 8 April 1946, No. 462 dated 11 September 1947 and No. 55 dated 7 April 1951. ARTICLE 11 This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me and shall be operative as from 1 January 1951. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th da^ of April 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/A/5118 Director General. Civil Affairs Table “A„ TABLE OF AVERAGE WEEKLY SALARIES FOR DOMESTIC SERVANTS Commîmes with more Communes with no more than 100.000 inhabitants than 100.000 inhabitants Males Females Males Females U £ * >> O cô* 73 O P» o d 73 o ^ >> *-* o3 «4-1 -S* >» «¿4 & ^ 73 «S >> S s. "O C3 ’S ® 73 cd ’S ® 73 o3 'S æ TS ce >7. O i U >> o £. T3 o f, ^ î>> o Ü. £ Ü "Ö3 U £ 'S ’S -2 'S a > ■q. "i Ph Ê 'E 'S s ® g - g ® g ~ g s g Æ 8 ® g ■= H 'S Eil « s H H S H h -S H Average weekly salary 822.- 660,- 440. - 260,- 660,- 660.-r 260.- 260.- Contributions : Invalidity and old age 20,40 20,40 20,40 12,30 20,40 20,40 12,30 12.30 Insurance against tuberculosis. 1,45 1,45 1,45 1,30 1,45 1,45 1,30 1,30 Social Insurance Integration Fund : Insurance against invalidism and old age 28,77 23,- 15,45 9,05 23,- 23,- 9,05 9,05 Insurance against tuberculosis. 20,55 16,30 11. - 6,50 16,30 16.30 6,50 6.50 Social Solidarity Fund : at the charge of the employer 24,68 19,70 13.25 7,75 19,70 19,70 7,75 7,75 at the charge of the worker .. 12,30 9,80 6.60 3,90 9,80 9.80 3,90 3,90 E. N. A. O. L. I 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,20 1,35 1,35 1,20 1.20 VaJue of the stamp 109,50 92,- 69,50 42,- 92,- 92,- 42,- 42,- Administrative Order No. 25 AUTHORITY TO UNIVERSITY OF TRIESTE TO ACCEPT A DONATION WHEREAS the University of Trieste has made an application to the Allied Military Government for authority to accept a donation made in its favour by the Commune of Ponzano Veneto (Treviso) of a library formerly owned by the deceased Prof. Giovanni Cicogna, and there are no objections thereto, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER : 1. The University of Trieste is hereby authorized to accept the donation made in its favour by the Commune of Ponzano Veneto (Treviso) of a library formerly owned by the deceased Prof. Giovanni Cicogna. 2. This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 2nd day of April 1951- VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Executive Director to Ref.: LD/B151/25 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 26 RECOGNITION OF JURIDICAL PERSONALITY OF «ENTE DI CULTO ORFANOTROFIO MARIANUM» AND AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY WHEREAS the «Ente di Culto Orfanotrofio Marianum» has applied for recognition of juridical personality as well as for authorization to purchase the immovable property owned by Dr. ZANN1NI Nino of the late Luigi and his children Zannini Luciano, Zannini Piero and Zannini Maria Rosa, and WHEREAS said applications have been duly approved by the Zone President of Trieste and there is no objection thereto, 1 NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F. A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER î ARTICLE I RECOGNITION OF JURIDICAL PERSONALITY OF «ENTE DI CULTO ORFANOTROFIO MARIANUM» AND AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY The juridical personality of the «Ente di Culto Orfanotrofio Marianum» is hereby recognized. 2. The «Ente di Culto Orfanotrofio Marianum» is hereby authorized to purchase from Dr. ZAN-NINI Nino of the late Luigi and his children Zannini Luciano, Zannini Piero and Zannini Maria Rosa the immovable property situated at Trieste, Villa Opicina forming the P- T. 2521, 1146, 2503, 1303, 1209, 3140 and 2054 of Villa Opicina. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me. / - Dated at Trieste, this 5th day of April 1951 YONNA F. BURGER Colonel F. A. Executive Director to Ref.: LDIBI51I12 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 27 APPOINTMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF «ENTE PER IL TURISMO» OF TRIESTE WHEREAS the Board for the «Ente per il Turismo» of Trieste, appointed by Administrative Order N. 9 dated 12 February 1951, has elected in its first meeting held on 10 March 1951, as its President, Avv. Piero SLOCOVICH and it is necessary to confirm him in his appointment, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. Pursuant to Article 3 of Administrative Order N- 9 dated 12 February 1951, Avv. Piero SLO-COVl'CH is hereby appointed President of the «Side per il Turismo» of Trieste. 2. This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 5th day of April 1951- VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Executive Director to Ref.: LDIBI51I26 Director General, Civil Affairs APPOINTMENT OF DOTT. AMBROGIO SACCHI AS ACTING SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE COMMUNE OF TRIESTE WHEREAS the post of Secretary General of the Commune of Trieste has become vacant, and it is necessary to fill the vacancy, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. Dott. Ambrogio Sacchi is hereby appointed Acting Secretary General of the Commune of Trieste. 2. This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at Trieste, this 6th day of April 1951. YONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Executive Director to Ref.: LDIBI51I27 Director General, Civil. Affaire Notice No. 16 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY PRIVATE HOSPITALS Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, established pursuant to Order N. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued, in respect of personnel employed by private hospitals not members of category associations, the following award: LODO ARTICOLO 1 L'efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’avviso n. 27 nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dd. 1 giugno 1950, si intende prorogata sino al 31 dicembre 1951, con le modificazioni indicate negli artico!; che seguono. ARTICOLO 2 A partire dal 1 marzo 1951 la tabella degli stipendi e dei salari prevista nell’art- 1 del lodo prima citato, risulta così modificata: Uomini Impiegato di concetto L. 23.700 mens. Impiegato d’ordine » 12.940 mens. infermiera diplomata » — Infermiera abilitata » — Donne L. 17.250 mens. » 8-690 mens. » 17-250 mens. » 9-350 mens. 210 A.M.G. - F.T.T. Gazette - Vol. IV, No 10-11 April 1951 Cuoca qualificata » — » 9-350 mens. Cuoca non qualificata » — » 6.580 mens. Inserviente » — » 5-230 mens. Lavandaia » — » 6-580 mens. Oper- specializzato » 14.350 mens. - Oper. qualificato » 10.700 mens. - Uomo di fatica » 7.300 mens. Fattorino sotto i 18 anni » 5.230 mens. - Custode » 5.920 mens. ABTIGOLO 3 A partire dalla stessa data il valore del punto cui si accenna all’articolo 2 del lodo sopra citato, sarà portato da lire 55 a lire 58.50 solamente nei riguardi di quelle aziende i cui dipendenti godono di un vitto del valore di almeno 85 punti; rimarrà invariato per le rimanenti. ARTICOLO 4 Sarà considerata legittima una richiesta di revisione del presente lodo anteriore alla scadenza prevista dall’articolo 1, solamente nel caso in cui avesse a subire delle modificazioni il trattamento economico di analoghe categorie di lavoratori. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 20 febbraio 1951. Il Presidente: Sgd. Walter LEVITUS I Componenti: » Egone GOLIMARI » Marino VARINI » Renato CORSI I Consulenti Tecnici: Guido BORZAGHINI Nicolò PASE » Giovanni POLI Approvato: 22 marzo 1951 Sgd. DE PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at Trieste, this 6th day of April 1951. Ref.: LDICI51I12 Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS CHIEF DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 0 O NTE N rr s Order Page No. 52 Increase of fees for professionals in economics and commerce and for accountants («ragionieri») .................................................................... 193 >N:- 53 Declaration of presumed death of persons who disappeared consequent to deportation occurred between 8 September 1943 and 12 June 1945 ....... 194 No. 54 New concessions of temporary importations and exportations........................194 No- 55 Physical and economic treatment of female workers during pregnancy and subsequent to delivery .................................................................... 198 N~. 56 Determination of average weekly earnings of domestic servants for the purpose of assessment of compulsory social insurance contributions . ...................206 Administrative Order No. 25 Authority to University of Trieste to accept a donation...........................208 No. 26 Recognition of juridical personality of «Ente di Culto Orfanotrofio Marianum» and authorization to purchase immovable property .................................208 No. 27 Appointment of the President of the Board of «Ente per il Turismo» of Trieste 209 No. 28 Appointment of dott. Ambrogio Sacchi as Acting Secretary General of the Commune of Trieste.............................. . ... ..................210 Notice No. 16 Minimum wages for personnel employed by private hospitals.........................210