D — VOLUME 33 O GLASILO ZENSKE Z SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted. December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Vstanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor— REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS-. Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—ANTONIA TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. * * * DIRECTORS oj Women’s Youth and Sports Activitiess IVomen’s Division—ELIZABETH ZF.FRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago ,8. Illinois Junior Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * » Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ELLA STARIN 17814 Dillcwood Rd„ Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. ★ * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TANKO, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TANKO, ALBINA NOVAK ♦ * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA THE DAWN Z‘J1 Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWL members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Ptiblisiier: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8. III. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 VV. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. O/V THE COVER . . . Two Presidents! Our personable Supreme Presidents, Mrs. Josephine Livek and Mrs. Antonia Tanko were photographed at the Directors’ Meeting Aug. 28, 1961. It was Mrs. Livek’s opportunity to officially congratulate the new President, Mrs. Tanko, and to welcome her to the Home Office. And, Mrs. Tanko, in turn, was the happy recipient of the good wishes and greetings of the past and newly-elected officers who expressed their sincere hopes for a successful term of office. 35th JUBILEE — CLASS “B” CAMPAIGN New Deadline, March 31st, 1962! All new members enrolled will be counted for prizes awarded to diligent workers! Complete list of rules and awards for the 35th Jubilee Class B Campaign is on page 230! DATES TO REM EM HER . . . (>ct. i — Turkey Dinner, Br. 100, Fontana, Calif, at K.S.K.J. Hall Oct. 8 — State Convention and 35th Anniv. Br. 2, Chicago, Oct. 22 — Chicken Dinner, Br 14, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 29 — Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., 8 p.m. St. Mary’s Aud. Nov. 12—35th Anniv., Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ll\ OCTOBER Supreme Officers: Oct. 8 — Antonia Tanko, Supreme President, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 9 — Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Chicago, III. Oct. 15 —Anna Pachak, State President of Colo.-Kans.-Mo., Pueblo, Colo. Oct. 15 — Mildred James, State President of 111.-Ind., So. Chicago, 111. Oct. 30 — Elizabeth Zefran, Director Women’s Activities, Chicago, 111. Branch Presidents: Oct. 3— Pauline Barbarich, Br. 0, Barberton, O. Oct. 10 — Mary E. Roso, Br. 45, Portland, Ore. Oct. 11 — Theresa Potokar, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 14 — Josephine Oswald, Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. Oct. 15 — Theresa Bizjak, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Oct. 22—Mary Stupar, Hr. 85, DePue, 111. Oct. 23—Nancy Satkovich, Br. 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. Oct. 29 — Henrjette Van Haverbeck, Br. 9, Detroit, Midi. Oct. 30—Frances Bresak, Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio MANNY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ZARJA** DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Vol. XXXIII No. 10 OCTOBER, 1961 LETO XXXIII — Št. 10 Our Presidents M ontlily Alessage 35th Jubilee Class (B) Campaign. Win a free trip by bus to the Capital City in Washington, D. C. in May 1962! Besides, a Cash Award for every new member enrolled in this Campaign! Look, for only 65«! a month, a member is insured for $300.00 — Funeral Benefit from age 14 to 30 years. For 65c per month, all who join between the ages of 31 and 40 years receive Funeral Benefit of $250.00. For all who join between the ages of 41 and 45 years, $200.00 and between the ages of 46 and 56 years, $150.00. In Class A, the assessment is 40c per month; and the Funeral Benefit is $100.00. We accept females from 14 up to 50 years of age. Juvenile Class from baby to age 21 years for only 10c a month and the Funeral Benefit is $100.00. In order to get this trip all you have to do is get 35 points and besides you shall receive $35.00 for your spending money. (In case you are unable to make the trip, we will then reimburse you the bus fare, but I am sure each and every one would love to make this trip with the group.) Following is the schedule of points that you will have to secure to win the trip and cash prize: (One) Class B members you receive l point plus $1.00 cash (Two) Class A members you receive 1 point plus $1.00 cash (Four) Junior members you receive 1 point plus $1.00 cash Total 35 points for Grand Prize! Closing date for this campaign is March 1st, 1962. For this campaign which just started, July 1st, I have to report that we have a National Auditor w'ho is also Vice President of Branch No. 25 none other than our “spark plug”, Vicki Faletič, as National Campaign Director. She herself procured 79 members in the last campaign and has 30 signed up in this campaign already! I wish that we had more members like her and which shows that it can be done if we all try and secure new members. Let us all go out and work in this campaign and all get free trips to Washington, D.C! It is worth trying; besides, we can build our membership in the Union as never before! We all know that the older members are leaving us and we have to replace them with the new ones; so, two good purposes are served. At our Semi-Annual Board of Directors meeting, a great discussion was had on the subject of our youth. We are all determined to see what can be done for them. It will take a little time, but, believe me, a great deal can be done to get them interested in our Union. Cleveland is doing a marvelous job under the able leadership of Frances Sietz, Margaret Rebol and their assistants. Christine Menart of Forest City, Pa. has a very large group of Juveniles and is doing a great deal for them. How about our other branches? What are you doing for your youth? It would be very nice if we would hear from you in our Junior page of the Dawn Magazine. Our magazine Zarja — The Dawn is very newsy, educational, and interesting and is being edited by lovely Cor-*nne Leskovar, who puts all her effort into making it the best. I am sure you all agree with me it is the best, not only do the members read It but I have found out that most of the husbands also enjoy reading our Zarja. A very sad parting was had at this Board meeting with the old officers who have given up their posts; President, Josephine Livek, Auditors, Mary Otoničar, and Katie Past and Present Supreme Officers at the Home Office for August Directors’ meeting. Front row: Mmes, Livek, Tanko, Prisland and Novak; Standing: Mmes. Gaspich, Železnikar Faletič, Podgoršek, Leskovar, Triller and Otoničar. Triller. They have promised to keep us posted on their activities and still faithfully work on for the Union and I wish them again an abundance of health and luck in the years to come. To the new officers, I wish renewed energy so we can work hard and in harmony for the betterment of our beloved Slovenian Women’s Union. October 8th, the Illinois State Convention and 35th Anniv. of Branch no. 2 in Chicago takes place. I wish you a great success! Antonia Tanko, Supreme President REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: MEEKNESS A passerby asked once a blacksmith who was putting a new set of heavy steel tires on a heavy log wagon: “How far do you think a set of those heavy steel tires would run on paving before wearing out.” The answer was: “Oh, about 3,000 miles. These are the best made, but it wouldn’t be more than that.” The same man asked an automobile mechanic who was putting a new set of rubber balloons on a car: “What would be the top mileage on those tires.” “Hard to say what the top would be,” he replied, “some run as much as 40 to 50,000 miles. These should give at least 30,000 1 should say.” “Do you mean to say that a rubber tire will run ten times as far as the steel one before wearing out?” the man wanted to know. “That's right,” he answered. “You see it’s the give in it.” The passerby started to see the light. Strange as it may seem, in some situations rubber outwears steel, and does so because it is more pliable and relaxed. It fits itself to the irregular surface on the road, and thus reduces wear and tear to the minimum. The rigid steel wagon tire never shapes itself to anything, but crushes and grinds its way along. It takes the full shock of each bump and is ultimately worn out by its own hardness. Rubber runs longer because it has give in it. This is not a freak of nature, but conforms to a law of life. It may seem a paradox, but it is true. Hardness of spirit, attitude, viewpoint, may seem a protection-but it is likely to prove just the opposite. It takes relaxed pliability to survive the bumps. The person who solves the problem most quickly and easily is not likely to be the one who gets tough but the one who adapts himself to situations. Pliability outlasts hardness. It’s the give in it. MINUTES OF THE DIRECTORS SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING HOME OFFICE, CHICAGO, ILL., AUG. 28, 29, 1961 The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors of S.W.U. was opened on Monday morning, Aug. 28th, 1961 at the Home Office in Chicago, 111., at 9:30 a.m. The following officers were in attendance: president, Antonia Tanko, founder, Marie Prisland, secretary, Albina Novak, treasurer, Josephine Železnikar and auditors, Anne Podgoršek, Victoria Faletič and Frances Gaspich. Present also were Directors, Josephine Divek, Mary Otoničar and Katie Triller who gave their 6 month reports. The first order of business was the examination of financial books. The audits completed, all the Directors visited the Metropolitan State Bank to examine and verify the contents of the safety deposit box there. All documents were found in order as specified in the secretary’s financial statement. The newly-elected auditors were given instructions by the outgoing officers on procedures of examination. They expressed their satisfaction that all financial accounts and documents were found to be true and in order. The Directors continued the meeting at the Home Office with the reading of reports which were accepted. Report of former President, Josephine Livek Esteemed Directors! Greetings to all of you assembled here at the first Directors’ meeting since the convention in Ely, Minn., May 22, 1961. This is the concluding meeting for some of us and the start for the newly-elected officers. Since most of you have had years of experience as branch officers, this task in the Supreme Office will be easier to follow. I know you will try your best for the betterment and growth of the organization. The audit of the books from Jan. 1st to June 30th, 1961 has been conducted this morning and the investments checked at the Metropolitan State Bank and found to be in good order. This was yet the responsibility of the previous auditors, sisters Mary Otoničar and Katie Triller who are present here. This concludes our work from our respective offices. I would like to thank the Directors of the former Board, for their constant cooperation during my entire term; also, the branch officers and members for the courtesy shown me. It has been a pleasure to have been associated with you. And, a word of special thanks for the lovely remembrance presented to me at the convention, a diamond wrist watch which I shall always cherish. I do hope that the same friendship will continue to be shown to our new president, sister Antonia Tanko and her staff. May the S.W.U. grow under your leadership and guidance, sister Tanko. You can be assured that responsibility to the organization can be counted on whenever I shall be called upon for service. I wish you good luck and an abundance of health. Josephine Livek Report of the Past-President of Auditing Committee Distinguished officers, Mrs. Marie Prisland, newly elected president, Mrs. Antonia Tanko, secretary, Mrs. Albina Novak, and all Directors assembled at this semi-annual meeting. My wishes for a very profitable discussion of the points on which we must deliberate today. We are happy to have with us our new president, Mrs. Tanko and new auditors, Mrs. Faletič and Miss Gaspich. All the books have been checked by our committee and found in perfect order, namely, the statements and ledgers of the secretary, Albina Novak, treasurer, Josephine Železnikar, editor Corinne Leskovar and Scholarship Fund books which are in the charge of our honorary president, Marie Prisland. All were found to be in the best order. In the afternoon, we examined the contents of the safety deposit box at the bank and found all in perfect order. The 12th National Convention is history. I must say that the members of our hostess branch, no. 23 of Ely, Minn, were most kind and gracious to us. Thanks to them for all the good things we enjoyed and for their hospitality. Special mention should be given Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, our Minn. State President, for all she did for the success of the convention. In the pre-convention membership campaign, we were pleased at the good results. I hope that the same success will be ours in the campaign planned currently. To all the branches which participated in the campaign, our heartfelt thanks and we urge you to make every effort now in the post-convention campaign. In conclusion, may I offer my sincere thanks to all the Directors for the friendly association we have had through the last term and my wishes are for your continued good health and for Zveza’s continued progress. Mary Otoničar Report of the Past Second Supreme Auditor Heartfelt greetings to all the Directors at today’s meeting. We have gathered for the purpose of examining the books and operation of the organization for the past six months. The ledgers of the supreme secretary, supreme treasurer, editor of Zarja and president of Scholarship Fund have been checked and found accurate. Following this examination, we visited the Metropolitan State Bank where Zveza has the safety deposit box containing all the savings and investment documents. There, too, all was found in perfect order, coinciding with the secretary’s financial statement. We are pleased that our investments are bringing in lucrative dividends without which, we could not cover our expenses, since each year there are more and more death claims. Our pioneer members are leaving us for their heavenly reward and we must fill the ranks with new members. My sincere thanks to my co-Directors with whom I have worked these many years and for their dedicated work for Zveza. Special thanks to Rev. Claude Okorn for his beautiful messages in Zarja which all members love to read and to Corinne for her work in editing the publication. May God bless all the work done for the benefit of our membership. Katie Triller Report of the Finance Committee Secretary and President of Scholarship and Benefit Committee A hearty welcome to all, especially to the new Supreme president, sister Antonia Tanko, and the two new auditors, sisters Vicki Faletich and Frances Gaspich. We sincerely wish you luck and much happiness in the new office. Your great work for the organization in the past assures us that you will be conscientious and efficient officers. To our former Supreme president, sister Josephine Livek, to our “No. 1 Girl”, sister Mary Otoničar and to sisters Katie Triller, Frances Globokar and Mary Muller, who are departing from their office — a sincere and warm THANK YOU for their work and loyalty towards our organization. They will be remembered with gratitude and fond memories. Investments My financial report will be brief since I prepared for the convention a written detailed report which has been received by all the Supreme officers and delegates. I have had considerable pre-and post-convention work but less work with investments. Due to that large convention expense there was not much surplus. One investment was made, namely: $5,000.00 in State of Massachussets direct obligation bonds, 3.90% interest, maturing January 1, 1976. Cost or the bonds $3,'783.00. Later this year ten U. S. government bonds will mature in the amount of $23,000.00. This sum will be reinvested. Scholarship Fund Balance January 1, 1961............................... $7,258.68 Donations: Mary Otoničar, in memory of her son 5.00 Marie Prisland, in memory of Josephine Speck, pres. Br. 46, St. Louis 5.00 Interest Community Federal Sav. & Loan 106.25 Interest Sheboygan Savings and Loan 38.62 Total $7,413.55 100.00 100.00 $7,213.55 Expense: Frances A. Bresak, scholarship Larry J. Pfeil, scholarship Balance July 1, 1961 The Scholarship awards for 1961—1962 has been granted by the Scholarship Committee to the following students: Nancy Beck, member of branch No. 50 in Cleveland, Ohio. Her goal is to obtain a college education to become a professional dietitian. She will attend Notre Dame College for Women to further her education. Her mother, Mrs. Marie Beck, is secretary of branch No. 50. Richard L. Grill, Cicero, 111., is the son of Mrs. Rose Grill, a member of branch No. 2, in Chicago. He will enter the De Paul University to major in music. He has been showing talent in this field since he was 4 years old. He is very grateful for the scholarship. Benefit Fund Balance January 1, 1961 Income: Donations at the convention Sale from handwork at the convention (Complete report was given in August Zarja) $174.65 367.30 255.95 Total Expense: Two CARE packages To Sisters in Lemont for the Home for the Aged 723.00 $797.90 $18.50 Total Balance July 1, 1961 741.50 $56.40 Total in Scholarship and Benefit Funds July 1, 1961 $7,269.95 To the above sum of $723.00 for the Home for the Aged, the proceeds for the afgan, donated by Mrs. Angela Križman, mother of our Supreme secretary, has been added in amount of $300.00 Branch No. 2 in Chicago has donated $600.00 Branch No. 16, So. Chicago has donated $175.00 Total donation from Zveza for the Home for the Aged $1,798.00 From (his report we note with pleasure the generosity of our members, who contributed a sizable sum towards the erection of the Home for the Aged in Lemont. A special tribute to the branches in Chicago and South Chicago for their efforts on this behalf. May the good Lord bless our members for their contribution to this worthy cause. At the convention, a beautiful watch was presented to me in memory of the founding of our organization. I am most grateful to the Board of Directors for this sincere gesture, very much appreciated. This concludes my report. I sincerely hope that this meeting — the first with the new officers attending — will be pleasant and constructive, and that our new president has ready a nice program which could be enacted for the welfare and progress of our organization — not seeking so much what Zveza can do for US, but what WE do for Zveza. Marie Prisland Report of Supreme Secretary Sincere greetings to you all! Today we will have the examination of the ledgers and investments by the auditors of the past term under whose jurisdiction the business of the first six months of 1961 was held. Also we have with us the new president and the two new auditors who have assumed the duties and obligations of their respective office on July 1st of this year. To the retiring president and directors I extend heartfelt thanks for their conscientious work for the many past years and hope that they will continue to be of service in their branch and for the organization. The new directors are no strangers to us. Each one holds a record of many successful accomplishments. Each one also holds office of importance in the branch she belongs and has been performing an excellent job. We are certain that from now on they will be even of greater service in all matters pertaining to the welfare of Zveza. Our new president Mrs. Tanko held a valuable office that of State President in our strong state of Ohio for the past three years. She has proven her efficiency as a leader and an untiring worker. I’m certain that she will apply herself with diligence and understanding in the highest position of Zveza and I hope and pray that she will be blessed with good health and that she will enjoy her post as the head of the organization. Since a complete report of my work was given at the convention which closed only a few months ago, I will not go into details. In the six month statement of income and disbursements which follows is the complete message of the business transactions. Again we had many death claims to pay; and the convention expenses depleted our general expense fund completely. This fund will have to be reimbursed with money from interest of investments and other available sources. STATEMENT OF INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS Pregled Dohodkov in Stroškov JANUARY 1, 1961 — JUNE 30, 1961 Income — Dohodki: Assessment: Class A — Razred A ... $15,707.00 Class B — Razred B .. 8,213.10 Juvenile — Mladinski .. 1,668.30 Social members................. 66.70 Miscellaneous — Razno . 473.80 Bus fare paid by visitors 210.00 Proceeds from cookbooks — znesek od kuharskih knjig 1,000.00 Rental income — Najemnina .................. 960.00 Interest on bonds — Obresti 3,349.57 Interest on deposits — od bank .... 4,927.50 Total income — skupni dohodki ..................... $36.575.97 Disbursements — Stroški; Death claims — Smrtnine Class A — Razred A (67 claims) .... $6,700.00 Class B — Razred R (5 claims) .............. 850.00 Juvenile — mladinski (1 claim) .... 25.00 $7,575.00 Benedictine Abbey Press — Zarja — The Dawn: Printing — tiskanje ...................... 5,475.00 Postage — poštnina ......................... 262.95 Address changes — spremembe .................. 157.71 5,895.66 Officers salaries — plače uradnic (7 mos.) ---------- 4,200.00 Administration (7 months) — administraciji.. 3,015.00 Traveling & per diem — potovalni stroški 747.T>9 Home office rent—najemnina za gl. urad (7 months) 525.00 Printing — office supplies, tiskovine — razno . . 299.47 Postage, telephone, sundries—pošta, tel., razno 320.84 Actuarial service — aktuarska posluga (7 months) 140.00 Fuel — electricity, water — kurivo, luči, voda .. 178.68 Awards: — Nagrade: Secretaries — tajnicam ................... 608.45 Bowling — Kegljanje ...................... 489.00 Campaign — Kampanjske .................... 396.20 Miscellaneous — razne .................... 199.03 Real Estate tax (1 year) — davek od hiše .... 427.50 Social Security tax — socijalno zavarovanje ... 47.63 Accrued interest on bonds (dozorele obresti) .. 11.91 Convention Expenses — konvenčni stroški .... 10,770.19 Total disbursements — skupni stroški $35,847.15 Six month income — 6 mesečni dohodki ............... 3G.575.97 Six month disbursements — 6 lues, stroški .... 35,847.15 Six month gain in all funds — 6 mes. prebitek 728.82 Balance December 31, 1960 — prebitek 31. dec. $150,011.13 Balance June 30, .1961 —prebitek 30. junija, 1961 $450,769.95 CLASSIFICATION OF FUNDS RAZPREDELBA SKLADOV Class A Income — Dohodki razred A $ 9,816.90 Paid 67 claims—Plačanih 67 smrtnin 6,700.00 3,116.90 Class B Income—Razred dohodki .. 5,686.00 Paid 5 claims—Plačanih 5 smrtnin 850.00 4,836.00 Juve. dept., income—mlad. oddelek 1,668.30 Paid 1 claim—Plačan 1 slučaj 25.00 1,643.30 General expense fund — stroškovni sklad: Class A contribution — prispevek raz. A $ 5,890 10 Class B contribution — prispevek raz. B 2,527.10 Social members — družabne članice 66.70 Miscellaneous — razni prispevki 683.80 Rental income — najemnina od posestva 960.00 Proceeds from cookbooks—od kuharskih knjig 1,000.00 Interest — obresti od investicij 8,277.07 Total income—skupaj $ 19,404.77 6 month disbursements—6 mes. stroški ...... $ 28,272.15 C month income—6 mes. dohodki 19,404.77 6 month deficit—6 mes. primanjkiaj 8,867.38 Deficit Dec. 31, 1960—primanklaj v dec. ... 959.2S Deficit in expense fund—skupni primanjkiaj . 9.826.G6 STANDING OF ALL FUNDS June 30, 1961 Stanje vseh skladov 30, junija, 1961 Class A — Razred A $293,832.96 Class B — Razred B 123,610.25 Juvenile dept. — Mladinski oddelek 43,153.40 Total — skupaj Deficit June 30, 1961 — Primanjkiaj 9,826.66 Grand total in all funds — skupaj ....................... $450,769.95 STATEMENT IN LEDGER ASSETS Total U. S. Bonds ....................• $105,329.64 Catholic Bonds ....................................... 35,674.00 Mutual Bonds .......................................... 20,234.00 State Bonds ........................................... 38,558.50 Savings ,& Loan deposits ............................. 235,000.00 Central Bank of Cleveland .............................. 3,297.05 Real Estate ......................................... 12,394.20 Metropolitan State Bank .................................. 281.96 Total ledger assets ............... $450,769.95 Balance Dec. 31, 1960 — Prebitek 31, dec. 1960 $450,041.13 Balance June 30, 1961—Prebitek 30. junija, 1961 450,769.00 Financial statement presented at the Board of Directors meeting, August 28, 1961. Josephine Livek, Past-president; Antonia Tanko, president; Albina Novak, secretary; Josephine Železnikar, treasurer. Books and financial report of Supreme Secretary and Supreme Treasurer examined and found in complete order: Mary Otoničar, past auditor; Katie Triller, past auditor. Ann Podgoršek, auditor; Vickie Faletič, Auditor; Frances Gaspich, Auditor. Chicago Illinois, August 28, 1961. Subscribed and sworn before me this 28th day of August, 1961. Louis Zefran, Notary Public In closing just a word on the ensuing campaign for new members. No doubt the awards to the workers will be discussed at this meeting very carefully and generously. Therefore, I hope most sincerely that all branches will take an active part in it, and thereby increase their membership. My three week vacation spent in Slovenia was very interesting. Albina Novak Report of the Supreme Treasurer Esteemed Directors gathered at the first post-convention session. I hope that this meeting will benefit our membership. My report is brief as the details of the financial statement are found in the Supreme Secretary’s report. I fully agree with her report. The summary of the last 6 months business is as follows: Income in 6 months, Jan. 1 - June 30, 1961 ...........$36,575.97 Disbursements for same period ........................$35,847.15 Gain in all funds for 6 months ......................$ 728.82 Total Ledger Balance, June 30, 1961 ..................$450,769.95 As you see, we gained very little in the last 6 month period; however, you must remember that the convention expenses were very high as well as numerous death claims paid out. Since the convention, there have been lew activities, therefore, we look forward to the future and a lull program. I did attend the Silver Jubilee Mass of our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Okorn which was a very pleasant occasion. Warmest wishes to all. Josephine Železnikar Report of the President of Auditing Committee Esteemed Directors, assembled today at the first session of our new term. A most hearty welcome to our new officers. I know they will be happy in their respective offices and carry out their duties with pride. We have audited the books of the Secretary, Treasurer, President of Scholarship Fund, Managing Editor and found everything in perfect order. Also examined the safety deposit box at the bank containing bonds, savings accounts, and other important documents and this, too, was found in perfect order. Minnesota Zveza Day will be celebrated In Chisholm, on September 10th. Hope we have a grand turn out from all the Minnesota branches. We have chartered a bus and it is filled to capacity already. Our members love to go to these gatherings and visit with their friends on the Range. We are always assured a wonderful time. 1 am happy to report our branch will have a bowling team this fall and play in a league. The Pots and Pans column is especially observed in our beloved Zarja each month is surely welcomed by our members. To our former directors: President Livek; Auditors Mary Otoničar and Katie Triller we are very grateful for their many years of services. They have contributed much to the success of our great organization. May God give them health and happiness. I am sure they will continue to work in spirit for our future progress and with the new term of officers — we may work happily together for a bigger and better S.W.U. I am glad to see Ms. Prisland, Albina Novak, and Toni Tanko looking so well after their trips abroad. My hope is that during our Post Convention membership campaign the branches will work hard to enroll new members to replace many we lost in death. May our decisions be beneficial to all members. Ann Podgoršek, Auditor EDITOR’S REPORT My warmest greetings to you all — it is a distinct pleasure to welcome our new Supreme Officers and wish them well in their new offices. It is my fervent wish that, as it pertains to Zarja, they will be as active as possible in our organization. With the Convention just a few months past, my report will be very brief. I feel that the points brought up at the Convention, namely: 1. That Zarja deadline be advanced to the 5th of the month to facilitate earlier delivery; 2. That reports be limited to a column of space per reporter; 3. That Zarja continues in its present form with the same method of operation; and, 4. That we regulate the mailing list of members by having local secretaries send a list of members with correct addresses once a year to my office. are all for the betterment and progress of our organization. I cannot add more, except that I shall try to abide by the decisions and suggestions of the Convention and to improve the publication however and whenever it is possible to do so. The December issue, which will be a very full one again this year, will include some advertisements which are needed for the Publishers’ Fund expenses. I hope our diligent members will again help out in this matter. Of necessity, the deadline for all copy and ads for the Dec. issue will be Nov. 1st, so that the issue is out in plenty of time for important December meetings. I’m sure all reporters will comply with this wish of the convention, so that all branches will benefit by receiving Zarja early. Once again, may I extend a sincere hope that our new Board members, and the former members, will participate in each issue of Zarja to make it an even more interesting and enlightening. Corinne Leskovar Women’s Activities Director, Elizabeth Zefran, visited the meeting on Monday and extended her wishes to the Directors for a successful meeting. She Is busily arranging a ten team bowling league in Chicago and has reports of many new teams being forming all across the country. She is greatly encouraged by this news and hopes it means a bigger and better sports program for the Union. Sincere Thanks to Former Directors A tribute to the conscientious work of the Past Supreme Officers present at the meeting was given by the Directors. To Past-president, Josephine Livek, past-audl-tors, Mary Otoničar and Katie Triller, the Board expressed gratitude for their dedicated work and friendly cooperation with sincere wishes for their continued good health and future support for the welfare of Zveza. The past officers responded by saying they will always have Zveza at heart and will try to be as helpful as they can at their respective branches # * * Tuesday morning, Aug. 29th, 1961, the semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 10:00 a. m. by the president, Antonia Tanko. Her prayer was for a day of good deliberations for the benefit of the organization. Corinne Leskovar, Editor, was named recording secretary. Correspondence was read by the secretary. Letters of greeting were received from Barbara Kramer of San Francisco, Calif., Marie Floryan, Supreme Vice-President of West Allis, Wise., and Ella Starin, State President of Ohio—Michigan, who also sent a beautiful bouquet to the Directors. Greetings to the esteemed Directors of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Accept my warm greetings with my very best wishes for a successful meeting. God bless you all! Marie Floryan, Supreme Vice-President West Allis, Wisconsin Written report of State President Rose Scoff was read and accepted. Board of Directors: Heartfelt greetings and best wishes to the Supreme Officers and to your first meeting since the 12th National Convention held in Ely, Minn. First and foremost I wish to thank you for bestowing me the honor of Supreme President of the States of California, Oregon and Washington. The opportunity and pleasure to meet so many of you again was indeed rewarding. At this time I wish to report that we are unable to have a “Zveza Day” due to the fact that we celebrated the 35th anniversary of the organization with a trip to Hawaii. It took special meetings to arrange a committee to welcome the guests to San Francisco. At the earliest possible time I shall contact Fontana, Calif, to arrange a “State Day” for next year if they consider it. Rose Scoff, State President The Secretary also read the invitation of Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn., for official representation at the Minnesota State Day to take place Sept. 10, 1961. Branch secretary, Anna Trdan added her greetings and that of the branch to the Directors assembled. A letter from officer of Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal., Frances Chiodo, was read, encouraging annual Tours to Hawaii similar to the one made this year. The secretary was In receipt of a letter of thanks from the Franciscan Slovenian Sisters in Lemont, 111., who acknowledged the donation made for their building fund. This letter was graciously accepted by the Directors. Investments Director Prisland opened discussion on the investments planned for the next term. She stated that some government bonds will be maturing and that re-investment should be made in reputable savings institutions and for additional government bonds. The Directors studied the financial picture presented to them by the Finance Committee and determined that re-investments be made as bonds mature. The authority to make reinvestments according to her best judgement was given to the secretary of the Finance Committee, Marie Prisland. Organizational Matters A discussion on the necessity of increasing activities among the branches particularly at the monthly meetings, was opened by Director Faletič. She urged that more be done at the meetings to induce greater interest in the organization. More emphasis on the ritual and ceremony connected with various activities would bring out the membership. Closer sisterly relations between members is desired. The Directors determine that through writeups in Zarja, more interest could be built up, especially more frequent articles by the Supreme Officers. The necessity of officers at the branch level to exercise enthusiasm for branch activity is of utmost importance as well. President Tanko suggested that the biggest and most significant achievement, which is her goal, is to “perk up” the branches where there is a complete lack of activity. She believes that in Cleveland, a great beginning has been made in the line and that more can and should be done lo help branches in all states. All Directors participated in this discussion bringing out points to be followed in the future: especially in regard to increasing the interest of the younger members, and, keeping the older members active and proud of Zveza. Scholarship Fund Director Prisland read a letter of gratitude from the mother of Scholarship Student, Nancy Beck of Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. The Directors appreciated Mrs. Beck’s comments and compliments on the fine way in which the organization has grown during the years to a place of high prestige in the fraternal world. This past term, scholarship grants for the year were given to two students, Miss Beck and Richard Grill, son of member of Br. 2, Rose Grill. Both students had the highest scholastic backgrounds and recommendations from their schools. Director Prisland suggested that in the future, in addition to the letters of recommendation each applicant be required to write an essay on the subject “What I Know About Slovenian Women’s Union.” On the basis of her work with the juveniles in Cleveland, and at the request of Juvenile Leader Frances Sietz of Br. 50, Director Faletič recommends that in the future, consideration for scholarship grants be given to those active in some phase of the organization — that the student must have some background with the organization in order to qualify him or her for the scholarship. The Directors were in complete agreement with this statement and request that the Scholarship Committee include these points in the application form for future scholarship awards. New Membership Campaign The most important subject of the meeting, that is, ways to increase memberships, was opened by the president. The post-convention membership campaign already announced in Zarja received enthusiastic support from the Directors. A new name was suggested, with all members participating in name — search and final choice for a campaign title was: 35th Jubilee — Class “B” Campaign, incorporating the 35th anniversary of S.W.U. with the accent on new Class B memberships. The following is the schedule of awards: A point system will be employed, 35 points being the top award. A point will be given for each class B member enrolled; J/2 point will be given for each class A member enrolled and '/4 point will be given for each juvenile member enrolled. 35 points will entitle a worker to the top award: Free round trip fare to Washington, D. C. next spring for the S.W.U. sponsored excursion, plus a cash award of $1.00 per point, or $35.00. Other cash awards will be as follows: For enrolling 1 class B member, (1 point), award $1.00 For enrolling 2 class A members, (one point), award $1.00 For enrolling 4 Juvenile members, (one point), award $1.00 No cash awards will be paid for less than one point. The 35th Jubilee — Class “B” Campaign will close March 31st 1962! The Directors also suggested that workers in this campaign remember the schedule of ages under which Class B benefits are paid, as follows: $300.00 death benefit for those joining from ages 14 to 30 years inclusive; $250.00 death benefit for those joining between ages 31 and 40 years inclusive; $200.00 death benefit for those joining betwreen ages 41 and 45 years inclusive; $150.00 death benefit for those joining between ages 46 and 56 years inclusive. The funeral benefit for class A members is $100.00, ages 14 to 56 years and juvenile class benefit is also $100.00 from birth to any age. These benefits are paid after two years membership in good standing. Assessments: Class A, 40 cents per month (25«( mortuary fund payment; 15^ expense fund payment); Class B, G5 , Marlene. , In her memory, a ciborium has been placed in Christ the King ’ ' Church. Carleen Skrabec was a > , member of Branch no. 3, Pueblo, i Colo, since her birth. Her mother and two sisters and many other rel- > ' atives are all members, too. She > . was accompanied to her final rest- ( ing place by six of her sister-mem-bers, all dressed as little flower ’ ' girls, who placed a white flower on • . her bier as a last gesture. This , most touching scene will never be forgotten by all who were there. ' Little angel, Carleen, went to her > < heavenly home amid the loving , , prayers of all of us. Anna Pachak — i— ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ i■ ■ ■■■ —i —i ■■■ Tim* INTRODUCING . . . BABY MARTIN SPEHAR Mrs. Tillie Spehar is the president of our branch no. 14 in Euclid, Ohio —and also, a new mother since baby son, Martin Edward, was born 011 July 1st, 1961. The new baby has a two year old brother, Michael who is happy at the prospect of having his own playmate at home. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Spehar operate a grocery and meat market 011 E. 200th St. in Euclid and Tillie, who came to this county only four years ago, is a very able businesswoman. Branch no. 14 is very proud of our young president! And, we welcome little Martin to our Junior circle! Pauline Cesar, Sec’y PEN PALS WRITE Dear Juniors, Now we go back to school again. I hope you like it! We have no more Tuesday practices because of school. Practices are now on Saturdays at 12:00 noon. The girls keep practicing very nicely with the baton twirling. The ladies are helping us very nicely. Frances Sietz is a very good teacher and she also helps along. Many girls joined Bowling 1 hope you will join some day. Bowling will take place at Grdina’s Bowling Alleys each Saturday. That’s all for this time Goodbye! Mary Ann Dear Juniors: By the time our Juniors read this message, school will be on for a month! We should all be adjusted now, and classes running smoothly. Our Junior groups have been going strong, because there is soooo much to look forward to! Bowling started Sept. 9th. 1 hope we have a lot of teams! I’m going to bowl'along with our juniors, too. We will bowl every Saturday at the Grdina’s alleys at 3 o’clock. From now on, all our activities for PAPER-PLAY PASTIMES After a day of trick-or-treating, youngsters like to celebrate Halloween with a party at home. Wise moms encourage them to make their own decorations, party invitations, costumes, favors, — for Halloween, Christmas or any other occasion. It’s easy with just construction paper, pushout picture seals, crayons, a bit of ribbon or string. PARTY INVITATIONS Almost any home has a collection of left-over greeting-card envelopes which a child can use for sending out invitations. Cutting a folder of construction paper to fit each envelope, the child is ready to create a whole batch of entirely different cards. “Eureka” gummed seals with pumpkins, witches and black cats are perfect for illustration—without the mess of scissors or paste pots. Or a bright cardboard cutout can be mounted on the front of the card. With crayons, the youngster can draw a border design around his illustration — and write the party invitation inside. Of course children can make delightful Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine and birthday greeting cards the same way, using seals and cutouts of appropriate full-color subjects. Juniors will be on Saturdays, from 11 o’clock until bowling time. So, just think of all the fun in store for all you boys and girls! I hope you had a good vacation — and are getting ready to write pen pal letters! Start today, I’ll be looking forward to reading them. Tell me about your trips, what sports you played and how you helped around the house and yard. I’ll answer every one —just send them along to the Editor, THE DAWN, 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago 8, 111. Do you have any ideas on things you would like to do to keep our junior members active? Send them in so we can follow up YOUR ideas! Your Pen Pal, DONNA COSTUMES A real “bonny bonnet” can be made in a jiffy with just a plain paper plate and a bit of ribbon or colored string. Have the child cut two slits — 011 opposite sides of the plate, near the outer rim. A ribbon can be threaded up through one slit, across the top of the “bonnet” and down through the other slit — to be tied under the chin. Here’s where the children’s imagination is allowed full play . . . who can create the most interesting headgear? The paper plate can be bent into many different shapes. — poke bonnet, turn-ed-up brim, peak cap with rear brim torn off. “Eureka” picture seals from any one of dozens of little books available — holiday subjects, birds, flowers, fish, dogs, antique cars, story-book characters — can be pasted around the “brim” or “crown” of the hat. DAISY-CHAIN DECORATIONS Eureka Specialty Printing Co. offers a "perfectly simple and simply perfect” idea for party decorations. Elab-orate-looking daisy chains of paper rings — in colors to suit any holiday — are fast and easy for kids to make. Let them choose orange and black for Halloween . . . pink, blue and yel low for birthdays . ... red and green for Christmas. From construction paper, the youngsters cut strips 4 inches long and 1 inch wide. They turn each strip into a ring, fastening it closed with a pregummed picture seal, linking rings into one another. Silver or gold “Unicorn” brand stars added to a Christmas garland will make it even more attractive. Have fun making Daisy Chain Decorations! 1 -------------------- Happy Halloween Halloween ideas for your Oct. 31st fun-day! PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 VV. Cermak Ktl., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois PLAN YOUR VACATION IN EUROPE! AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND 3, OHIO We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA iiP JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $13,500,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od IG. do 60. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embnlmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin H.GRDINII & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocent.no postrežbo. Tel.: HEndersori 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio