142 arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 Arhitektura. Skulptura. Spomin. / Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. 24_ GRMEČ, 1979 Ljubomir Denković BIH Spominski kompleks Korčanica na Grmeču • Korčanica, Sanski Most, Bosna in Hercegovina • Kipar: Ljubomir Denković • Material: beton, beli marmor, steklo, baker • Fotografije: Roberto Conte, Boris Trapara • Besedilo: Boris Trapara (s podatki, prevzetimi s spletne strani Architectuul) Memorial complex Korčanica at Grmeč • Korčanica, Sanski Most, Bosnia and Herzegovina • Kipar: Ljubomir Denković • Material: concrete, white marble, glass, copper • Photographs: Roberto Conte, Boris Trapara • Text: Boris Trapara (with information, taken from website Architectuul) 143arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 razstava / exhibition Spominski kompleks Korčanica je posvečen partizanski bolnišnici, ki je med leto- ma 1942 in 1943 delovala na osvobojenem ozemlju na pobočjih Grmeča. Poleg osrednjega spomenika ga sestavlja še več manjših spominskih obeležij. Zasnoval ga je srbski kipar Ljubomir Denković. Pobuda za njegovo zgraditev sega v leto 1975. Denkovićeva rešitev je bila izbrana na natečaju, na katerega je prispelo 13 predlo- gov umetnikov in arhitektov iz vse Jugoslavije. Spominski kompleks Korčanica je bil svečano odprt 27. julija 1979, ob obletnici vstaje ljudstva Bosne in Hercegovine. V osrednjem delu sta dva velika, skoraj 15 m visoka polkrožna marmorna bloka/ membrani, ki obdajata dvonivojski prostor notranjega svetišča (simbolika cvetnega popka). Ostanki v spodnjem delu kažejo, da je bil v središču prostora postavljen bakren model hribovitega okoliškega terena s prikazom partizanske bolnišnice, ki je delovala na tem območju. Osvetljen je bil z zenitalno svetlobo od zgoraj. Ob monumentalni strukturi spomenika je velika krožna vodna površina premera 18 m, v kateri odseva okoliški gozd, s čimer se ustvari povezava med naravnim in grajenim okoljem. Pot obiskovalca najprej vodi po gozdnem pobočju, se nato vzpne do spo- menika in po krožnem stopnišču med membranama zakroži do skritega jedra v njegovi notranjosti, nato pa vodi še globlje v gozd do manjših spominskih elemen- tov, ki obeležujejo lokacije drugih delov takratnega bolnišničnega kompleksa. Do- godki v počastitev spomina na umrle ob spomeniku ne potekajo več. Spominski kompleks Korčanica je v slabem stanju in hitro propada. Uradno ni zaščiten kot del kulturne dediščine. Ker je uničen, zapuščen in zasmeten, je poleg spomenika na Makljenu eden najbolj ogroženih spomenikov NOB v Bosni in Hercegovini. Načrtov za njegovo obnovo in rehabilitacijo ni, obenem pa območje zaradi izoliranosti, za- puščenosti in oddaljenosti od prometnih omrežij ni privlačno (niti priporočljivo) za obiskovalce in turiste. Memorial complex Korčanica is dedicated to the largest Partisan hospital, which was active in the liberated territory of the slopes of Grmeč between 1942 and 1943. Composed of the central monument and several smaller memorials, it was designed by Serbian sculptor Ljubomir Denković. The initiative for its construction dates to 1975 with Denković’s solution having been chosen in a competition out of 13 entries by artists and architects from the entire Yugoslav territory. The grand opening for memorial complex Korčanica was held on 27th July 1979, on the an- niversary of the uprising of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The central segment features two large semicircular marble blocks/membranes almost 15 m tall enveloping the two-level space of the inner sanctum (symbolism of a flower bud). The remains in the lower section suggest that the centre used to feature a copper model of the surrounding hilly terrain with a depiction of the Partisan hos- pital once active in the area. It was lit from the top by a skylight immediately above it. Next to the monumental structure is a large circular water surface (18 m) reflect- ing the nearby forest and thus creating a connection between the natural and built environments. Initially, the path leads the visitor up a forest slope, rises to the monument, and finally circles over the round staircase between the membranes to arrive at the hidden core in its interior. The trail continues further into the forest, towards smaller memorial elements commemorating the sites of other units be- longing to the erstwhile hospital complex. Remembrance commemorations in memory of the dead no longer take place at the monument. Memorial complex Korčanica is in a poor state of repair and deteriorating at a rapid pace. It is not of- ficially protected as cultural heritage. Subject to ruin, neglect, and squalor, it is one of the most threatened monuments to People’s Liberation Struggle in Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the monument at Makljen. There are no plans for its renovation and rehabilitation, and visiting is neither attractive nor recommended due to the area’s remoteness, abandonment, and a lack of traffic connections.