ª. ÇETIN, T. KIVAK: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS FOR THE TURNING ... 133–140 OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS FOR THE TURNING OF 15-5 PH STAINLESS STEELS USING THE TAGUCHI METHOD UPORABA TAGUCHI METODE ZA OPTIMIZACIJO PARAMETROV OBDELAVE PRI STRU@ENJU NERJAVNEGA JEKLA 15-5 PH ªerif Çetin1, Turgay Kývak2 1Düzce University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, 81620, Düzce, Turkey 2Düzce University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, 81620, Düzce, Turkey turgaykivak@duzce.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-01-05; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-01-27 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.007 The present study investigated the effects of the control factors of cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut on the response variables of cutting force (Fc) and surface roughness (Ra) in the dry turning of 15-5 PH martensitic stainless steel. Using PVD TiAlN-AlCrO- and CVD TiCN-Al2O3-TiN-coated carbide-cutting-tool inserts, a number of turning experiments were conducted via the L18 (21×33) Taguchi mixed orthogonal array. The machining parameters were optimized using signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Additionally, empirical models were created for predicting the Fc and Ra using multiple-regression analysis. The results indicated that depth of cut was the most significant cutting parameter affecting Fc, while the feed rate contributed the most to Ra. The developed quadratic regression model, showing a high determination coefficient of 0.981 for Fc and 0.988 for Ra, accurately explained the relationship between the response variable and the control factors. Keywords: Taguchi method, turning, cutting force, surface roughness, 15-5 PH steel [tudija prou~uje vplive kontrolnih faktorjev kot so: hitrost rezanja, hitrost podajanja in globina rezanja na spremenljivki odziva: silo rezanja (Fc) in hrapavost povr{ine (Ra) pri suhem stru`enju martenzitnega nerjavnega jekla 15-5 PH. Z uporabo PVD TiAlN-AlCrO- in CVD TiCN-Al2O3-TiN-nanosov na karbidnih vlo`kih za rezanje, so bili izvedeni {tevilni preizkusi stru`enja s pomo~jo me{ane L18 (21×33) Taguchi ortogonalne matrike. Parametri obdelave so bili optimirani z uporabo razmerja signala {uma (S/N) in analizo variance (ANOVA). Dodatno so bili postavljeni empiri~ni modeli za napovedovanje Fc in Ra z uporabo razli~nih regresijskih analiz. Rezultati so pokazali, da je globina reza najpomembnej{i parameter rezanja, ki vpliva na Fc, medtem ko hitrost podajanja najve~ prispeva k Ra. Razviti kvadratni regresijski model, ki ka`e dolo~en visok koeficient 0,981 za Fc in 0,988 za Ra, natan~no pojasni razmerje med spremenljivko odziva in kontrolnimi faktorji. Klju~ne besede: Taguchi metoda, stru`enje, sila rezanja, hrapavost povr{ine, jeklo 15-5 PH 1 INTRODUCTION 15-5 PH is a precipitation-hardened martensitic stain- less steel that has the characteristics of high strength, good corrosion resistance, excellent weldability, low dis- tortion and good mechanical properties at temperatures up to 600 °F (316 °C).1–3 15-5 PH stainless steel is widely used in the chemical, nuclear, aerospace, paper, food processing, petrochemical and general metalwork- ing industries.4–5 Stainless steel is one of the materials that exhibits poor machinability. The greatest difficulty in the machining of these materials is poor surface quali- ty and a short tool life.6 Especially after precipitation hardening, the increase in hardness and mechanical properties makes machinability even more difficult. However, only a few reports exist concerning the machining of precipitation-hardened martensitic stainless steel. In the aviation and automotive sectors, the turning operation is one of the commonly used metal-cutting methods for industrial component manufacturing. In industries where accuracy and measurement integrity are important, ways to improve the surface quality and lower the costs of lathed components have become perpetual subjects of investigation.7 Furthermore, surface rough- ness plays a significant role in the development and specification of the surface qualities of the produced components. When the surface-roughness value falls within the desired limits, it directly affects the material, energy and labor costs. In addition, a good surface quali- ty provides significant improvements in the tribological properties, fatigue strength, corrosion resistance and aesthetic appearance of the finished product.8–10 One of the most important factors in production is energy con- sumption. The power consumed during machining is the factor that determines the energy consumption. Apart from the material factor (in terms of kW), the necessary power for the turning operation depends on the cutting depth, feed rate and cutting speed. Depending on the specific cutting resistance of the material with the other factors, the main cutting force (Fc) needed during ma- chining is one of the most important parameters deter- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 133–140 133 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 67.017:669.018.23:621.9 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(1)133(2017) mining the power consumption for machining and con- sequently the energy cost.11 There is a strong relation between the cutting force and the surface roughness, accuracy of the workpiece and tool wear.12 There are a number of parameters, including cutting speed, feed, cutting depth and chip angle, that affect the cutting force and surface roughness.13–14 Suitable machining para- meters must be determined in order to obtain low costs and high-quality products. For this purpose, several opti- mization methods and techniques are being used, one of which is the Taguchi experimental design method, which has been successfully applied in the solution of optimi- zation problems.15-16 D. P. Selvaraj et al.17 utilized the Taguchi method to define the optimal cutting parameters in the turning of two different grades of duplex stainless steel. The turning operations were carried out with TiC- and TiCN-coated carbide-cutting-tool inserts. The effects of cutting speed and feed rate on the cutting force, surface roughness and tool wear were analyzed and the results showed that the feed rate was the most significant parameter influencing the surface roughness and cutting force. The cutting speed was identified as the most signi- ficant parameter influencing the tool wear. C. Campo- seco-Negrete18 conducted an experimental study to optimize machining parameters during the turning of AISI 6061 T6. The machining parameters were optimized using orthogonal array, S/N and ANOVA. The results showed that feed rate was the most dominant factor affecting the energy consumption and surface roughness. A. J. Makadia and J. I. Nanavati10 used res- ponse surface methodology (RSM) to determine the optimal cutting parameters for surface roughness in the turning of AISI 410 steel. The developed prediction model showed that the feed rate was the most significant factor on the surface roughness, followed by the tool nose radius. The surface roughness values were found to increase with increasing feed rate and to decrease with increasing tool nose radius. C. Ezilarasan et al.19 experimentally investigated and analyzed the machining parameters while turning Nimonic C-263 alloy, using Taguchi’s experimental design. The cutting parameters considered were cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. The response variables of cutting force, tool wear and surface roughness were measured. Optimized cutting parameters were observed at 210 m/min cutting speed, 0.05 mm/r feed rate and 0.50 mm depth of cut. A. Hasçalýk and U. Çaydaº20 studied the turning operation of Ti-6Al-4V alloy and broadly examined the effects of cutting parameters on surface roughness and tool life by using the Taguchi method. An orthogonal array, S/N ratio, and ANOVA were employed to investigate the performance characteristics in the turning of commercial Ti-6Al-4V. The feed rate was found to be the most important factor on the surface roughness while cutting speed was the main factor that had a significant effect on tool life. Upon examining studies in the literature, it can be seen that the Taguchi method has been successfully used in the optimization of machining parameters. On the other hand, the machinability of stainless steels is be- coming a subject of perpetual investigation because of their wide usage and hard machinability characteristics. However, in recent years, very few studies have been conducted on the machinability of precipitation-hard- ened stainless, which, due to their excellent mechanical characteristics, are used especially in the aviation indu- stry. Consequently, in this study, the aim was to optimize the machining parameters affecting the cutting force and surface roughness during the dry turning of 15-5 PH stainless steel using coated cementite-carbide tools. To this purpose, an experimental design employing a Ta- guchi L18 orthogonal array was created and analytical models were developed using regression analysis in order to estimate Fc and Ra. In addition, ANOVA was applied to determine the effect levels of the machining parameters. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Machine tool and workpiece material The experimental investigation was carried out using a Johnford TC 35 lathe with a maximum spindle speed of 3500 min–1 and a 10-kW drive motor. The workpiece material used for experimentation was 15-5 precipi- tation-hardened (PH) martensitic stainless steel with a hardness of 42 HRC, in the form of round bars, 40 mm in diameter and 300 mm in length. The chemical com- position and mechanical properties of the test samples are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The precipi- tation-hardening treatment consisted of solutionizing at 1040 °C and air quenching, followed by a final tem- pering at 550 °C for 4 h (H1025 condition). The typical microstructures in the etched condition of the 15-5 PH stainless steel are shown in Figure 1. It can be clearly seen that the microstructure of the 15-5 PH precipi- ª. ÇETIN, T. KIVAK: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS FOR THE TURNING ... 134 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 133–140 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Microstructure of the precipitation-hardened 15-5 stainless steel Slika 1: Mikrostruktura izlo~evalno utrjenega nerjavnega jekla 15-5 tation-hardened stainless steel shows lath martensite and fine carbides. Table 1: Chemical composition of 15-5 PH martensitic stainless steel (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava martenzitnega nerjavnega jekla 15-5 PH (w/%) Ni Cu Cr C Si Mn P S Nb Ta 5.08 3.53 15.02 0.07 0.338 0.791 0.022 0.004 0.324 0.15 Table 2: Mechanical properties of 15-5 PH martensitic stainless steel Tabela 2: Mehanske lastnosti martenzitnega nerjavnega jekla 15-5 PH Tensile strength (MPa) Yield strength (MPa) Percentage elongation (%) Hardness (HRC) 1202 1172 12 42 2.2 Cutting tools and holder In the turning tests, commercially available PVD and CVD multilayer-coated carbide inserts (Sandvik Coro- mant – ISO CNMG 120408) were employed. The pro- perties of the cutting tools and coating materials are given in Table 3. A right-hand style mechanical tool holder (ISO PSBNR 2525M12) was used for mounting the inserts. For each experimental parameter, a fresh cutting edge was utilized. The turning experiments were performed using two different cutting tools (PVD and CVD), three cutting speeds (150, 200, and 250) m/min and three feed rates (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) mm/r. Table 3: Properties of cutting tools and coating materials Tabela 3: Lastnosti rezilnih orodij in nanosov Coated method Coated materials Material quality of ISO (Grade) Coating thickness (μm) Hardness (HV) PVD TiAlN/AlCrO GC1125 4 1640 CVD TiCN/Al2O3/TiN GC2015 5.5 1500 2.3 Cutting force measurement During turning, the cutting force (Fc) was measured by using a three-component piezoelectric dynamometer (KISTLER – 9257B). The signals of Fc from the dyna- mometer were transmitted to a Kistler 5070-A multi- channel amplifier. Dynoware software was used for the data-acquisition system of the machine. The experimen- tal setup and cutting force measurements are shown in Figure 2. 2.4 Surface-roughness measurement The average surface roughness (Ra) of the workpiece was measured on a MAHR Perthometer M1 portable surface-roughness device. Cut-off and evaluation lengths for the surface roughness measurements were selected as 0.8 mm and 5.6 mm, respectively. Before the measure- ments of Ra, the measuring device was calibrated utiliz- ing a standard calibration specimen. The measurements were taken at three locations (120° apart) around the circumference of the workpieces in order to minimize the deviation, and the average values were reported. The surface roughness measurements are given in Figure 3. 2.5 Taguchi’s design of experiments Taguchi’s Design of Experiments provides a simple, efficient and systematic approach for determining the optimum machining parameters in the manufacturing process.21,22 The Taguchi method significantly decreases the number of tests needed and increases the machining performance by using orthogonal arrays.23,24 For the realization of the experimental design, first of all, the control factors and their levels must be determined. In this study, the cutting tools (PVD and CVD), cutting speed (V), feed rate (f) and depth of cut (ap) were deter- mined as the control factors. The cutting tool was desig- nated in two levels, whereas the other control factors were in three levels. The control factors and their levels are indicated in Table 4. ª. ÇETIN, T. KIVAK: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS FOR THE TURNING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 133–140 135 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 3: Surface-roughness measurement Slika 3: Merjenje hrapavosti povr{ine Figure 2: Experimental configuration for the measuring of cutting force Slika 2: Eksperimentalni sestav za merjene sile rezanja Table 4: Control factors and their levels Tabela 4: Kontrolni faktorji in njihovi nivoji Control factors Symbol Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Cutting tool A PVD CVD - Cutting speed (m/min) B 150 200 250 Feed rate (mm/r) C 0.1 0.2 0.3 Depth of cut (mm) D 0.5 1 1.5 The full-factorial experimental design required a large number of 54 (21×33) tests, along with increased costs. Thus, Taguchi’s experimental design was able to provide better results with fewer tests. For the specified control factors and their levels, L18 was selected as the most suitable orthogonal array (Table 4). Consequently, the number of tests was decreased significantly and only 18 tests were made. The Taguchi method uses a loss function to determine the quality characteristics and the values of this loss function are also converted to a S/N ratio. In analyzing S/N ratios, three different quality cha- racteristics are used: the "lower-the-better", the "higher- the-better" and the "nominal-the-best". Minimization of the Fc and Ra values was the main purpose of this study. For this reason, the "lower-the-better" quality characte- ristic was used for Fc and Ra. "Lower is the better" characteristics (minimization): S/N n y i i n =− ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥= ∑10 1 2 1 lg (1) In the Equation (1), yi is the observed data at the i-th experiment and n is the number of observations. 3 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Analysis of the S/N ratio and ANOVA results The S/N ratio is defined as the ratio of the average for the standard deviation. This ratio is used to measure the deviation of quality characteristics from the desired value. In this study, Fc and Ra were specified as the quality characteristics. Lower Fc and Ra values are important from the point of view of energy consumption and product quality. Therefore, the "lower-the-better" equation was used for the calculation of the S/N ratio. The test results of the Fc and Ra and the corresponding S/N ratios are given in Table 5. The averages of the Fc and Ra values obtained from the experimental study were calculated as 447.67 N and 1.97 μm, respectively. The S/N response table was used for the analysis of the effects of the control factors (Ct, V, f and ap) on the Fc and Ra. The S/N response table for Fc and Ra is given in Table 6. The highest S/N ratios in the table show the optimum levels. A graphical representation of variations in the S/N ratios depending on the Fc and Ra control factors is given in Figures 4 and 5. The optimum levels for Fc and Ra were determined as A2B3C1D1 and A2B2C1D1, respectively. Thus, the optimum cutting- force value was obtained at 250 m/min cutting speed, 0.1 mm/rev feed rate and 0.5 mm cutting depth using the ª. ÇETIN, T. KIVAK: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS FOR THE TURNING ... 136 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 133–140 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Table 5: Experimental results and S/N ratios values Tabela 5: Rezultati eksperimentov in vrednosti razmerja S/N Exp. No. Control factors Cutting force, Fc (N) S/N ratio for Fc (dB) Surface roughness, Ra (μm) S/N ratio for Ra (dB) A Cutting tool (Ct) B Cutting speed (V) C Feed rate (f) D Depth of cut (ap) 1 PVD 150 0.1 0.5 195 -45.80 0.71 2.97 2 PVD 150 0.2 1.0 452 -53.10 1.99 -5.98 3 PVD 150 0.3 1.5 927 -59.34 3.97 -11.98 4 PVD 200 0.1 0.5 183 -45.25 0.42 7.54 5 PVD 200 0.2 1.0 460 -53.26 1.51 -3.58 6 PVD 200 0.3 1.5 912 -59.20 3.48 -10.83 7 PVD 250 0.1 1.0 308 -49.77 1.89 -5.53 8 PVD 250 0.2 1.5 627 -55.95 1.94 -5.76 9 PVD 250 0.3 0.5 357 -51.05 3.22 -10.16 10 CVD 150 0.1 1.5 411 -52.28 1.06 -0.51 11 CVD 150 0.2 0.5 273 -48.72 1.67 -4.44 12 CVD 150 0.3 1.0 656 -56.34 3.86 -11.73 13 CVD 200 0.1 1.0 277 -48.85 0.61 4.29 14 CVD 200 0.2 1.5 687 -56.74 1.53 -3.69 15 CVD 200 0.3 0.5 356 -51.03 3.08 -9.77 16 CVD 250 0.1 1.5 397 -51.98 0.57 4.88 17 CVD 250 0.2 0.5 268 -48.56 0.88 1.11 18 CVD 250 0.3 1.0 312 -49.88 3.12 -9.88 TFc (cutting force total mean value) = 447.67 N TFc-S/N (cutting force S/N ratio total mean value) = -52.06 dB TRa (surface roughness total mean value) = 1.97 μm TRa-S/N (surface roughness S/N ratio total mean value) = -4.06 dB CVD-coated tool, whereas the optimum Ra was obtained at 200 m/min cutting speed, 0.1 mm/rev feed rate and 0.5 mm cutting depth, also by using the CVD-coated tool. Table 7: Results of ANOVA for cutting force and surface roughness Tabela 7: Rezultati ANOVA za silo rezanja in hrapavost povr{ine Variance source Degree of freedom (DoF) Sum of squares (SS) Mean square (MS) F ratio Contribu- tion rate (%) Fc A 1 34148 34148 5.33 3.96 B 2 43599 21799 3.40 5.05 C 2 256557 128278 20.01 29.74 D 2 464230 232115 36.21 53.82 Error 10 64098 6410 - 7.43 Total 17 862632 - - 100 Ra A 1 0.4214 0.4214 3.78 1.74 B 2 0.5862 0.2931 2.63 2.41 C 2 21.2808 10.6404 95.38 87.64 D 2 0.8777 0.4388 3.93 3.61 Error 10 1.1156 0.1116 - 4.59 Total 17 24.2816 - - 100 ANOVA was used for the purpose of determining the effects of the control factors (Ct, V, f and ap) of the experimental design on Fc and Ra. The ANOVA analysis was performed with a 5 % significance level and 95 % confidence level. The ANOVA results for the Fc and Ra are shown in Table 7. In the determination of the signi- ficance levels of the control parameters, F ratio values were used, and from this, the contribution ratios of the machining parameters were calculated. The most effec- tive factor on the Fc was revealed to be the depth of cut (factor D) with a 53.82 % contribution ratio, whereas on the Ra, the most effective factor was the feed rate (factor C) with a contribution ratio of 87.64 %. Figure 6 shows the percentage contributions of the control factors on Fc and Ra. The error percentages were extremely low at 7.43 % and 4.59 %, respectively, for Fc and Ra. 3.2 Evaluation of the experimental results The variations in the cutting forces obtained during the experimental study for precipitation-hardened 15-5 PH steel are given in the graphs of Figure 7. The cutting force exhibited a slight decrease with the increasing cutting speed. It is thought that the increasing cutting speed caused a decrease in the tool-chip contact area, resulting in a decrease in the cutting forces.25 From the point of obtaining lower cutting force values, the CVD TiCN-Al2O3-TiN-coated tool showed some advantage over the PVD TiAlN-AlCrO-coated tool (Figure 7a). Cutting depth and feed rate had a significant effect on the cutting force (Figure 7b). Increase in the feed rate and ª. ÇETIN, T. KIVAK: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS FOR THE TURNING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 133–140 137 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 5: S/N graph for surface roughness Slika 5: S/N diagram za hrapavost povr{ine Figure 4: S/N graph for cutting force Slika 4: S/N diagram za silo rezanja Table 6: S/N response table for Fc and Ra control factors Tabela 6: Tabela S/N odgovora za Fc in Ra kontrolna faktorja Levels Cutting force (Fc) Surface roughness (Ra) A B C D A B C D Level 1 -52.52 -52.60 -48.99 -48.40 -4.811 -5.276 2.275 -2.125 Level 2 -51.60 -52.39 -52.72 -51.87 -3.304 -2.675 -3.723 -5.400 Level 3 - -51.20 -54.47 -55.91 - -4.222 -10.724 -4.647 Delta 0.93 1.40 5.49 7.51 1.506 2.601 12.999 3.275 Figure 6: Percentage contribution of the control factors for cutting force and surface roughness Slika 6: Prispevek kontrolnih faktorjev v odstotkih na silo rezanja in hrapavost povr{ine depth of cut values increased the cutting force consider- ably. After precipitation hardening, the hardness of the material reached a value of 42 HRC and its resistance was increased against the penetration of the cutting tool. In addition to the increase in hardness, the martensite formation in the material structure following the heat treatment played an important role in the increasing cutting forces. Consequently, with the increase in Fc, the cutting depth was more effective than the feed rate. The variations in surface roughness obtained in the experimental study for precipitation-hardened 15-5 PH steel are given in the graphs of Figure 8. Especially in the tests made with the CVD-coated tool, the Ra values decreased with increasing cutting speed. Although the application of different coatings had no effect on surface roughness, lower and Ra values were obtained with the CVD-coated tool. At a feed rate of 0.2 and 0.3 mm/r, increasing cutting depth caused the Ra values to increase (Figure 8b). Therefore, it is possible to say that among the parameters tested, the feed rate was the most effec- tive parameter on the Ra. Since the Ra is a function of the feed rate, the increased values increased the Ra signi- ficantly. Moreover, the results of variance analysis also verified that feed rate, with a contribution rate of 87.64 %, was the most effective parameter on Ra. The cutting speed increasing in a way parallel to the cutting forces caused a decrease in the Ra values. Furthermore, the in- creasing cutting depth, especially at higher feed rates, caused the Ra values to increase slightly. As was the case with the cutting forces, with the surface roughness, the CVD TiCN-Al2O3-TiN-coated tool also displayed some advantage over the PVD TiAlN-AlCrO-coated tool. This can be explained by the lower frictional coefficient of the TiN coating on the uppermost layer of the CVD coating. 3.3 Empirical models and prediction performance For the purpose of defining the relationship between one dependent variable and one or more independent variables, regression analysis was used.26 In this study, dependent variables were defined as Fc and Ra, whereas the independent variables were specified as the cutting tool, cutting speed, feed rate and cutting depth. Estima- tion equations for Fc and Ra were established for linear and quadratic regression models separately. The estima- tion equations obtained for the linear-regression model of Fc and Ra are given in Equations (2) and (3), whereas the estimation equations obtained for the quadratic regression model are given in Equations (4) and (5). Fc Ct V f ap l = − − − + + 113667 871111 1075 14575 388167 . . . . (2) ª. ÇETIN, T. KIVAK: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS FOR THE TURNING ... 138 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 133–140 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 7: Effect of cutting parameters on cutting force: a) cutting speed and cutting tool, b) feed rate and depth of cut Slika 7: Vpliv parametrov rezanja na silo rezanja: a) hitrost rezanja in rezilno orodje, b) hitrost podajanja in globina rezanja Figure 8: Effect of cutting parameters on surface roughness: a) cutting speed and cutting tool, b) feed rate and depth of cut Slika 8: Vpliv parametrov rezanja na hrapavost povr{ine: a) hitrost rezanja in rezilno orodje, b) hitrost podajanja in globina rezanja R-Sq = 89,93 % R-Sq(adj) = 86,83 % Ra Ct V f l =− − − − + + 0 0297778 0306 0 00272667 1289 0 42866 . . . . . 7ap (3) R-Sq = 87,04 % R-Sq(adj) = 83,05 % FC Ct V f ap q =− + + + −1098 02 142 084 9 25331 485461 348127 . . . . . − − + − − 0857436 330 082 47 4709 0 0130256 14 . . . . CtV Ctf Ctap VV . . . . . 1955 0699091 305532 117487 258 969 Vf Vap ff fap ap − − + + ap (4) R-Sq = 98.11 % R-Sq(adj) = 91.97 % Ra Ct V f q = + + + + − 2 20536 0 939478 0 0300324 8 99345 31784 . . . . . 4 0 00727744 25756 0352393 0 000113 ap CtV Ctf Ctap − − + + − . . . . 441 0 0278727 0 00193455 611292 141846 VV Vf Vap ff − − − − + . . . . fap apap + +0 74574. (5) R-Sq = 98.79 % R-Sq(adj) = 94.87 % The correlation coefficient (R2) of the equations obtained with the linear-regression model for Fc and Ra were calculated as 89.93 % and 87.04 %, respectively. These values were calculated for the quadratic regression model as 98.11 % and 98.79 %. When compared with the linear-regression model, it can be seen that more accurate estimations can be made using the quadratic regression model. Figure 9 gives the comparison of the Taguchi method with regression models for the estimation of Fc and Ra. From the figure it is clear that for both Fc and Ra, the closest values to the line were obtained with the quadratic regression model, followed by the values obtained by the Taguchi method and the linear regression model. Thus, it is possible to apply the quadratic regression model successfully for the estima- tion of Fc and Ra. 4 CONCLUSION This study was focused on the optimization (via the Taguchi method) of machining parameters, which in- cluded cutting tool, cutting speed, feed rate and cutting depth affecting cutting force and surface roughness in the turning of 15-5 PH martensitic stainless steel. Analy- tical models were developed using regression analysis for the estimation of Fc and Ra. The results are summa- rized as follows: The optimum levels of the control factors for mini- mizing Fc and Ra were defined by using signal-to-noise ratios. The optimum control factors for cutting force (A2B3C1D1) were determined as a CVD-coated cutting tool, a cutting speed of 250 m/min, a feed rate of 0.1 mm/r and a depth of cut of 0.5 mm, while the opti- mum control factors for surface roughness (A2B2C1D1) were determined as a CVD-coated cutting tool, a cutting speed of 200 m/min, a feed rate of 0.1 mm/r and a depth of cut of 0.5 mm. The ANOVA analysis revealed that the depth of cut was the most dominant parameter on Fc with the contri- bution ratio of 53.82 %, and that the feed rate was the most dominant parameter on Ra with the contribution ratio of 87.64 %. The R2 values of the equations obtained by the linear-regression model for the cutting force and surface roughness were calculated as 89.93 % and 87.04 %, respectively. These values were found to be 98.11 % and 98.79 % for the quadratic regression model. The higher correlation coefficients showed that the models had a good estimation ability. Consequently, from the point of view of estimation performances, the best result was obtained with the quadratic regression model, followed by the Taguchi method and the linear regression model, accordingly. From the point of view of obtaining lower cutting force and lower surface roughness, the CVD TiCN- Al2O3-TiN-coated tool exhibited some advantage over the PVD TiAlN-AlCrO-coated tool. In conclusion, in the turning of precipitation-hard- ened 15-5 PH stainless steel, the Taguchi method can be used successfully to decrease energy consumption and to increase product quality. ª. ÇETIN, T. KIVAK: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MACHINING PARAMETERS FOR THE TURNING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 1, 133–140 139 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967-2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 9: Comparisons of actual predicted values for: a) cutting force and b) surface roughness Slika 9: Primerjave dobljenih-napovedanih vrednosti za: a) silo rezanja in b) hrapavost povr{ine Acknowledgment The authors wish to place their sincere thanks to Düzce University Scientific Research Project Division for financial support for the Project No: BAP 2014.07.04.217 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Aghaie-Khafri, F. Adhami, Hot deformation of 15-5 PH stainless steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 527 (2010), 1052–1057, doi:10.1016/ j.msea.2009.09.032 2 A. Mondelin, F. Valiorgue, J. Rech, M. Coret, E. Feulvarch, Hybrid model for the prediction of residual stresses induced by 15-5PH steel turning, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 58 (2012), 69–85, doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci. 2012.03.003 3 A. Kumar, Y. Balaji, N. Eswara, P. Rasad, G. Gouda, K. 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