Middle Miocene calcareous nannoplankton of NE Slovenia (western Central Paratethys) Middle Miocene calcareous nannoplankton of NE Slovenia (western Central Paratethys) Miloš Bartol Paleontološki inštitut Ivana Rakovca ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana Ljubljana 2009 Miloš Bartol Middle Miocene calcareous nannoplankton of NE Slovenia (western Central Paratethys) © 2009, Založba ZRC / ZRC Publishing Recenzenta / Reviewers Stjepan Ćorić, Aleksander Horvat Jezikovni pregled / Language review Camille Acey Izdajatelj / Issued by Paleontološki inštitut Ivana Rakovca ZRC SAZU Za izdajatelja / Represented by Špela Goričan Založnik / Published by Založba ZRC / ZRC Publishing, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana Zanj / For the publisher Oto Luthar Glavni urednik / Editor-in-Chief Vojislav Likar Oblikovanje platnic / Cover design Boštjan Bugarič Tisk / Printed by Present d.o.o., Ljubljana Naklada / Printrun 200 izvodov / copies Izdajo je finančno podprla / The publication was financial y supported by Javna agencija za knjigo RS / Slovenian Book Agency CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 56(497.41) BARTOL, Miloš Middle Miocene calcareous nannoplankton of NE Slovenia (western Central Paratethys) / Miloš Bartol ; [izdajatelj] Paleontološki inštitut Ivana Rakovca ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana. - Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2009 ISBN 978-961-254-149-1 247181312 Vse pravice pridržane. Noben del te izdaje ne sme biti reproduciran, shranjen ali prepisan v kateri koli obliki oz. na kateri koli način, bodisi elektronsko, mehansko, s fotokopiranjem, snemanjem ali kako drugače, brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja lastnikov avtorskih pravic (copyrighta). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. CoNtENtS Abstract 7 Povzetek 8 1. INtroduCtIoN 9 1.1. Problem outline and research objectives 9 1.2. The Central Paratethys region in the Middle Miocene 9 1.2.1. Palaeogeography 9 1.2.2. Palaeoclimate 11 1.3. Stratigraphic correlation of the Badenian 12 1.3.1. Biostratigraphy 12 1.3.2. 3rd order eustatic cycles and O-isotope stratigraphy 12 1.4. The Mura Depression – geological setting and description of sections 14 1.4.1. Geological setting 14 1.4.2. Description of sampled sections 16 2. MatErIal aNd MEthodS 23 2.1. Sampling 23 2.2. Sample preparation 23 2.3. Nannoplankton analyses 23 3. SYStEMatIC PalaEoNtoloGY 25 3.1. Coccolithophores 25 3.1.1. Heterococcoliths 25 3.1.2. Holococcoliths 30 3.1.3. Nannoliths 30 3.2. Calcareous dinoflagel ates 33 3.3. Taxonomic notes 33 3.4. Nannoplankton assemblage composition 34 4. BIoStratIGraPhY 35 4.1. Middle Miocene nannoplankton biozonations 35 4.2. Observed biostratigraphic events and the presence of marker species 37 4.2.1. The sections assigned to NN4 37 4.2.2. The sections assigned to NN5 38 4.2.3. The sections assigned to NN6 39 4.2.4. The lack of evidence for NN7 39 4.3. A local biostratigraphic zonation for the Mura Depression 39 4.3.1. A combination of existing zonations 39 4.3.2. Definitions of local interval zones 40 5. FaCIES, StratIGraPhY aNd dEPoSItIoNal ENVIroNMENtS 41 5.1. Lithofacies of sampled Badenian deposits 41 5.2. Sequence stratigraphic correlation 41 5.3. The lateral distribution of facies 43 5 6. NaNNoPlaNKtoN aNd PalaEoEColoGY 45 6.1. Nannoplankton assemblage composition 45 6.2. The nature and number of dominant species 47 6.3. The temporal pattern of changes in nannoplankton assemblage composition 47 6.3.1. Interval zone MuN4 47 6.3.2. Interval zone MuN5a 50 6.3.3. Interval zone MuN5b 50 6.3.4. Interval zone MuN5c 50 6.3.5. Interval zone MuN5d 50 6.3.6. Interval zone MuN6 51 6.4. Calcareous dinoflagel ates 51 7. uPPEr BadENIaN PalaEoClIMatE aNd PalaEoGEoGraPhY 53 7.1. Palaeoclimate 53 7.2. Palaeogeography 53 8. CoNCluSIoNS 55 aCKNoWlEdGEMENtS 56 rEFErENCES 57 PlatES 67 aPPENdIX: Nannoplankton assemblage composition 119 6 Abstract In the early Middle Miocene the Central Paratethys had reached its maximum extent and consisted of a series of basins linking the Mediterranean and (via the Eastern Paratethys) the Indo-Pacific. The Badenian is a Central Paratethys stage which can be correlated with the Langhian and the Lower Serravallian of the Mediterranean and with the standard nannoplankton biozones NN4 (top part), NN5, and NN6 (lower part). It also corresponds to the final stage of the Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO), when favourable environmental conditions allowed for the thriving of calcareous nannoplankton producing a substantial fossil record. The Badenian deposits, composed of marl, lithothamnium limestone and subordinate sand, sandstone, and clay are widely exposed in Slovenske Gorice. Palaeogeographicaly this area was part of the Mura Depression on the western margin of the Pannonian Basin System at the eastern mouth of the Slovenian Corridor – a seaway linking the Central Paratethys and the Mediterranean. Twenty-two sections in Slovenske gorice were studied for nannoplankton. A total of 109 species of calcareous nannoplankton were determined, belonging to 34 different genera, of which Helicosphaera, Reticulofenestra and Discoaster were represented by the highest number of species. A precise local biostratigraphic scheme for the Badenian was established. Lateral and vertical environmental changes in the Mura Depression were studied. The development of nannoplankton assemblages was compared to that of the Mediterranean. The rich and well preserved nannoplankton assemblages and the use of several biostratigraphic zonations enabled the stratigraphic correlation of individual sections and the reconstruction of the local ranges of individual species. Six interval zones (MuN4, MuN5a-d and MuN6) were defined on the basis of the LO of Heliosphaera ampliaperta, the FO and LO of Helicosphaera waltrans, the FO of Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis, the LO of Sphenolithus heteromorphus and the FCO of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm). Sand interbeds in some predominantly marl successions as well as the dynamic pattern of occurrences of Braarudosphaera bigelowi (possibly indicating fresh water influences) and typical pelagic species indicate considerable sea-level fluctuations attributed to eustatic changes of the 3rd order cycles TB2.3, TB2.4 and TB2.5. Distinctly different lithologies assigned to a single short interval zone were fund to occur in short distances from one another. This confirms that the Mura Depression was a heterogeneous depositional environment with deeper basins existing in close proximity of shallow marine settings. In the Late Badenian, a shallow carbonate platform existed in the southeastern part of the study area, while deeper marine environment had developed in the northwestern part. The vertical changes in nannoplankton assemblage composition reflected considerable environmental fluctuations, particularly in terms of nutrient availability (associated with water depth), temperature and seasonality. The high species diversity, the presence of discoasters and sphenoliths, and the abundance of helicoliths indicate relatively warm water throughout the entire interval studied. A strong but gradual increase in seasonality is detected through the Badenian. An interesting interval, enriched with several species of the warm water genera Discoaster and Sphenolithus, was observed at the NN5/ NN6 boundary, which was correlated with the Mi3 event (a rise of δ18O) that represented a major cooling step at the end of the MCO. Though it is quite controversial, the abundance of warm water indicators in deposits of this age is not an isolated event and has also been reported from the vicinity of Belgrade. It is possible that the cooling at the end of the Middle Badenian had already affected the deeper benthic environments, while surface waters remained warm enough to sustain warm water assemblages in at least the southwest part of the Central Paratethys. Badenian nannoplankton assemblages from the Mura Depression closely resemble those from the North Mediterranean. This parallelism is most clearly demonstrated for the youngest deposits studied - assigned to MuN6 (lower part of NN6) - when several biostratigraphic events occur in the same sequence in both regions. This suggests that the Slovenian Corridor was still active in the beginning of Late Badenian, corresponding to the global eustatic cycle TB2.5. While the exact time of its closure cannot be determined, it can be narrowed down to a 400 ky interval between the FCO of Reticulofenstra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm) at 13.1 Ma and the beginning of the Sarmatian at 12.7 Ma. 7 Povzetek V spodnjem srednjem miocenu je Centralna Paratetida dosegla največji obseg in je v nizu povezanih sedimentacijskih bazenov povezovala Mediteran in (preko Vzhodne Paratetide) Indopacifik. Badenij, stopnjo Centralne Paratetide, je mogoče korelirati z langhijem in spodnjim serravalijem in s standardnimi nanoplanktonskimi conami NN4 (zgornji del), NN5 in NN6 (spodnji del). Sovpada tudi z zadnjim obdobjem miocenskega klimatskega optimuma (MCO), ko so ugodne razmere omogočile uspevanje kalcitnega nanoplanktona. Badenijski skladi vzhodne Slovenije so sestavljeni iz laporja, litotamnijskega apnenca in podrejenih peskov, peščenjakov in glin ter se raztezajo čez Slovenske gorice. Paleogeografsko je to območje pripadalo Murski udorini na zahodnem robu Panonskega sistema bazenov ob vzhodnem ustju Slovenskega koridorja – morske povezave med Centralno Paratetido in Mediteranom. V okviru raziskave je bilo v Slovenskih goricah posnetih in vzorčevanih 22 profilov, v vzorcih iz katerih je bilo določenih 109 vrst kalcitnega nanoplanktona iz 34 rodov, med njimi so z največjim številom vrst zastopani Helicosphaera, Reticulofenestra in Discoaster. Izdelana je bila natančna lokalna biostratigrafska conacija badenija. Preučene so bile lateralne in vertikalne paleoekološke spremembe v Murski udorini, najdene nanoplanktonske združbe pa so bile primerjane s tistimi iz Mediterana. Bogate in dobro ohranjene združbe so ob uporabi več obstoječih biostratigrafskih zonacij omogočile stratigrafsko korelacijo posameznih profilov in rekonstrukcijo lokalnih stratigrafskih rangov posameznih vrst. Na podlagi prisotnosti vrst Helicosphaera ampliaperta, H. waltrans, H. walbersdorfensis in Sphenolithus heteromorphus ter porasta pogostosti vrste Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm) je bilo definiranih šest intervalnih biocon (MuN4, MuN5a-d in MuN6). Interkalirane peščene plasti med laporji v sedimentarnih razvojih nekaterih profilov in dinamičen vzorec prisotnosti vrste Braarudosphaera bigelowi (ki morda odraža občasne sladkovodne vplive) ter tipičnih pelagičnih vrst nakazujejo precejšna nihanja morske gladine, povezane z evstatičnimi spremembami v okviru globalnih evstatičnih ciklov 3. reda TB2.3, TB2.4 in TB2.5. Litologija nekaterih profilov podobne starosti se izrazito razlikuje, čeprav so med seboj oddaljeni le nekaj kilometrov. To potrjuje, da je bila Murska udorina heterogeno sedimentacijsko okolje, kjer so plitvejši in globlji deli ležali v neposredni bližini. V zgornjem badeniju se je na jugovzhodnem delu obravnavanega območja nahajala plitva karbonatna platforma, na severozahodu pa je sedimentacija potekala v globljemorskem okolju. Spremembe v sestavi nanoplantonskih združb odražajo precejšnje spremembe skozi čas, posebej kar zadeva dostopnost hranil (ki je povezana z globino), temperaturo in sezonski značaj podnebja. Velika vrstna pestrost ter prisotnost diskoastrov, sfenolitov in številnih helikolitov kažejo na razmeroma visoke temperature skozi celoten obravnavani interval. Opažen je bil trend velikega a postopnega povečanja sezonskega značaja podnebja skozi badenij. Na meji biocon NN5 in NN6 je bil opažen zanimiv interval, obogaten s številnimi vrstami indikatorskih rodov tople vode Discoaster in Sphenolithus. Korelirati ga je mogoče z dogodkom Mi3 (porastom δ18O), ki odraža ohladitev ob koncu MCO. Čeprav je pojav toplovodnih vrst v plasteh take starosti precej nenavaden, ne gre za osamljen primer, saj o podobnem poročajo iz bližine Beograda. Morda je ohladitev ob koncu MCO vsaj v jugozahodnem delu centralne Paratetide najprej prizadela globlje bentoške ekosisteme, medtem ko so površinske vode ostale dovolj tople, da so omogočale uspevanje toplovodnih vrst. Razvoj badenijskih nanoplanktonskih združb Murske udorine je na moč podoben opisanim razvojem iz severnega Mediterana. Vzporednost vztraja vse do najmlajših plasti, obravnavanih v tej študiji, ki pripadajo spodnjemu delu standardne nanoplanktonske biocone NN6, ko je mogoče v obeh regijah slediti istemu sosledju biostratigrafskih dogodkov. To kaže, da je bil Slovenski koridor vsaj na začetku zgornjega badenija (in globalnega evstatičnega cikla TB2.5) še odprt. Natančnega časa zaprtja te morske povezave ni mogoče določiti, možen čas zaprtja Slovenskega koridorja pa lahko zožimo na 400 tisoč letni interval med porastom pogostosti vrste Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm) pred 13,1 milijoni let in začetkom sarmatija pred 12,7 milijoni let. 8 1. iNtroduCtioN 1.1. Problem outline and research objectives meters in thickness (Mioč & Žnidarčič,1996; Gosar, 2005), however, outcrops are extremely rare and of limited extent. During the Middle Miocene the Central Paratethys region The aim of this work is to present an integral study of underwent significant palaeogeographical and palaeocli- calcareous nannoplankton in the Middle Miocene deposits matic changes; in the early Middle Miocene, the Badenian, of eastern Slovenia. The primary research objectives were the Central Paratethys reached its maximum extent and the taxonomic analyses of nannofossils from Slovenske consisted of an unbroken chain of epicontinental basins Gorice and interregional, as well as global biostratigraphi- linking the Mediterranean and (via the Eastern Paratethys) cal correlations. Another goal of this research was the re- the Indopacific (Rögl 1998; Goncharova et al., 2004; Bál- construction of palaeoecological and palaeogeographical di, 2006). The climate in the entire Paratethys realm was events taking place in this area during the Middle Miocene, subtropical - warm and humid (e.g., Ivanov et al., 2002; as reflected in the composition of Badenian nannoplankton Jiménez-Moreno et al., 2006), owing to the final stage of assemblages and their changes through time. the Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO). By the late Mid- dle Miocene, the Sarmatian, the situation had changed dra- 1.2. The Central Paratethys region in the Middle matical y; the Central Paratethys had lost its open oceanic Miocene connections and salinity had become regional y-specific, with a strong decrease in the Pannonian Basin (Paramon- 1.2.1. Palaeogeography tova et al., 2004). The climate had become temperate and marked by strong seasonal changes and latitudinal gradi- The Central Paratethys consisted of epicontinental tecton- ents (eg., Bicchi et al., 2003; Jiménez-Moreno & Suc 2007; ic basins of lower and Middle Miocene age (Rögl, 1998), Utescher et al., 2007a). Many aspects of palaeoclimatic situated between the Carpathians, the Dinarides, and the changes associated with the end of the MCO and the exact Eastern Alps. The geological development of this region time of termination of communication between the central has received a great deal of scientific attention (e.g., Cloet- Paratethys and the Mediterranean are still the subjects of ingh et al., 2002). During the Miocene, the topography of scientific debate. the Central Paratethys area along with marine connections The Miocene Paratethyan deposits in eastern Slovenia to the neighbouring seas underwent repeated changes as a were deposited in several depressions on the western consequence of intensive teconic activity (Royden & Báldi, margin of the Pannonian Basin System, which resulted 1988; Royden, 1988) and several successive transgressions from the crustal extension in the late Early Miocene and regressions (e.g., Kováč et al., 2007). (Márton et al., 2002; Vrabec & Fodor, 2006; Jelen et The Central Paratethys consisted of a series of intercon- al., 2008). The Mura Depression (or the western part nected deep basins, separated by shallows and carbonate of the Mura-Zala Basin) formed the eastern mouth of platforms. The Mura Depression (western part of the Mu- the Slovenian Corridor, a seaway between the Central ra-Zala Basin in Fodor et al., 2002 and Márton et al., 2002) Paratethys and the Mediterranean. Marine deposits from was one of the smaller basins in the west Central Parateth- this basin stretch across northeast Slovenia and have been ys. The South Burgenland Swell separated this basin from biostratigraphical y assigned to the Karpatian, Badenian, the Styrian Basin in the north, Pohorje and Kozjak lay on Sarmatian and Panonian. Stratigraphy relies mostly on its western coast, while its southern boundary ran near the foraminifera (Rijavec, 1976; 1978), however in some cases Donat fault (Márton et al., 2002); sediments from the Mura calcareous nannoplankton was used as a supplementary Depression can be found in northeast Slovenia and extend biostratigraphic tool (e.g., Mioč & Marković, 1997; into neighbouring Austria, Hungary, and Croatia (Gosar, nannoplankton analyses by J. Pavšič). 2005). The Middle Miocene Central Paratethys deposits In past research, diverse and well-preserved nannofossil in Slovenia were also studied in the Krško basin and the assemblages have been found in the Middle Miocene Bade- Tuhinj syncline south of the Periadriatic lineament (Hor- nian deposits of the Mura Depression (Pavšič, 2002; Bartol vat, 2004) and in the Planina syncline (Oblak, 2006). & Pavšič, 2005), and the basic geological maps (Aničić & From the Oligocene until the end of Middle Miocene, the Juriša 1985; Žnidarčič & Mioč, 1988) show that the larg- time resolution of isotopic events in the Central Paratethys est part of Badenian deposits stretches across the Slovenske region is comparable with global trends (Abreu & Haddad, Gorice hill range in eastern Slovenia. The Badenian sedi- 1998), which indicates good communication between the mentary successions consist of conglomerate, marl, sand- Central Paratethys and the neighbouring seas. During stone, and lithothamnium limestone and can exceed 2000 the Badenian period of the Middle Miocene, the Central 9 Fig. 1.1. Palaeogeographical reconstructions of the Central Paratethys realm during the Karpatian and the Badenian (simplified after Rögl, 1998; 1999). The red circle marks the position of the Mura Depression. Paratethys reached its maximum extent and communicated the Slovenian Corridor, linking the Central Paratethys and with the Mediterannean and (via the Eastern Paratethys) the Mediterranean, had already closed in the Upper Bad- the Indo-Pacific (Rögl, 1998; Meulenkamp & Sissingh, enian; however, some other authors (e.g., Ilyina et al., 2004; 2003; Goncharova et al., 2004; Báldi, 2006). The Badenian Báldi, 2006) are uncertain whether this seaway was open was also the last ful y marine period in the life of the Central or closed. Paratehys, as communication with the neighbouring seas The structural development of the southwestern part of had ceased by the beginning of the Sarmatian (Rögl, 1998; the Central Paratethys took place in three successive phases: Kováč et al., 1999), with salinity becoming regional y- the beginning extension at the transition of the Oligocene specific (Paramontova et al., 2004). and the Miocene, the main extension in the middle Mi- General palaeogeographical reconstructions of the Cen- ocene, and the transpression in the Pliocene and Quarter- tral Paratethys region during the Badenian and the Sarma- nary (Prelogović et al., 1998). The most important tectonic tian are shown in Fig. 1.1. According to Rögl (1998, 1999), process for the development of the basins was the lateral 10 extrusion of tectonic microplates from the collision zone in the oxygen isotope values from the deep-sea sediment between the African and the Eurasian plate; the tectonic cores from the ocean floor (Flower & Kennett, 1994; interaction of the Eurasian and the Adriatic plate caused Zachos et al., 2001), as well as the marine and continental thrusting and folding in the Alps and the Dinarides as well fossil record (e.g., Ivanov et al. 2002; Böhme, 2003; Bicchi as dextral strike-slip faults along the Periadriatic tectonic et al., 2003; Jiménez-Moreno, 2006). The Miocene Climatic zone (Royden & Baldi, 1988). The Eastern Alps moved in Optimum (MCO) reached its maximum within standard an eastward direction along the Periadriatic Lineament, nannoplankton zones NN4 and NN5 (Müller, 1989). which separates the Eastern and the Southern Alps then Most palaeoecological reconstructions of the Central Pa- bifurcates (or trifurcates) in southeastern Slovenia and ratethys region were made through interpretations of fossil northeastern Croatia and continues as a double central- flora and fauna. Ivanov et al. (2002), Palmarev & Ivanov Hungarian and Balaton fault (Jelen & Rifelj, 2002) and the (2004), Kvaček et al. (2006), Jiménez–Moreno (2006), Drava fault (Tomljenović & Csontos, 2001). The eastward Jiménez-Moreno et al. (2006), and Jiménez-Moreno & Suc continental escape in the Eastern Alps was accompanied by (2007) analysed the Badenian vegetation and concluded the lithospheric extension and subsidence (Royden, 1988; that the Badenian was a period of stable, very warm and Fodor, 1995; Prelogović et al., 1998; Tari & Pamić, 1998; humid, subtropical climate with a moderate cooling and Lučić et al., 2001; Márton et al., 2002; Vrabec & Fodor, drying trend towards the end. 2006), and the lateral extrusion associated with the exten- Badenian faunas of bryozoans (Moisette et al., 2006), sion caused the development of the epicontinental basins of echinoderms (Kroh, 2007), and mol uscs (Harzhauser et the Central Paratethys where marine sedimentation begun al., 2003) were very diverse and similar throughout the en- (Saftić et al., 2003); fresh water sedimentation began simul- tire Central Paratethys realm; foraminifera were also very taneously in some smaller basins, which had developed in diverse (Rijavec, 1978; Oblak, 2006). Minimal winter water the Dinarides (Pavelić et al. 1998; Ilić & Neubauer, 2005; temperatures, estimated on the basis of echinoderm fauna, Krstić et al., 2007). reached between 15 and 18°C (Kroh, 2007) or between 14 The most intense episode of tectonic activity occurred and 16°C, when estimated on the basis of mol usc fauna during the Early and Middle Badenian, when eustatic (Harzhauser et al., 2002). changes were about an order of a magnitude smaller than The Late Karpathian and the Early Badenian climate was the changes induced by tectonic activity (Báldi et al., 2002). warm and wet (Ivanov et al., 2002; Böhme, 2003; Palmarev The multi-phase tectonic activity during the transition of & Ivanov, 2004; Böhme et al., 2007). During this time pe- the Lower and Middle Miocene (the Karpatian and the riod, mixed mesophytic forest with diverse broadleaved Badenian) is often referred to as the Styrian tectonic phase, evergreens was the most common type of vegetation in the and this multi-phase event (Pleničar & Nosan, 1958; Spez- Central Paratethys region, while the southern shores of the zaferri et al., 2002; Rögl et al., 2007a) caused the uplift of Central Paratethys were covered with evergreen vegetation the Burgenland Swel , which separated the Styrian Basin (Utescher et al., 2007a, b). and the Mura Depression (Ebner & Sachsenhofer, 1995). During the Middle Badenian, a minor cooling occurred, Several discordances associated with the Styrian phase are reflected in the migration of warm water species of marked by tuff beds indicating volcanic activity (Royden echinoderms towards the south (Kroh, 2007). In the Middle & Báldi, 1988). The tuffs have been radiometrical y dated, Badenian, the environmental conditions in Central Europe and the first tectonical y-generated break in sedimentation were favourable for ectothermic vertebrates adapted to dry comprises the time interval between 16.5 and 16.1 or 16.2 conditions (Böhme et al., 2007). Utescher et al. (2007b) Ma, the second one between 15.4 and 14.8 Ma (Handler report that, by that time in the Central Paratethys realm, et al., 2005), while the third one (the existence of which is the mixed mesophytic vegetation was largely replaced not entirely certain) cannot be radiometrical y dated and by deciduous forests; though, in some areas mesophytic belongs to the upper part of the biozone NN5 (Rögl et al., vegetation remained present, while flora with a xerophytic 2007a). aspect primarily reflected local conditions. Böhme et al. The subsidence in the entire Central Paratethys region (2007) argue that during this time temperatures remained lasted until the end of the Badenian, though its intensity high, but there was a change in the distribution of gradual y decreased (Fodor et al., 2002). The Upper Bad- precipitation, which became seasonal and brought on long enian is characterized by a relatively small rate of subsid- dry periods. ence and low tectonic activity, so bathymetric changes were During the Early and Middle Miocene, the Central Pa- controlled primarily by eustatic fluctuations (Báldi et al., ratethys was warmer than the Eastern Paratethys, while in 2002; Kováč et al., 2007). the Late Miocene the difference was greatly reduced (Kroh, 2007). At 14 Ma, cooling and increased seasonality occurred 1.2.2. Palaeoclimate in both regions (Syabyraj et al., 2007; Bojar et al., 2004). By the end of NN5, most tropical bryozoans had disappeared The Miocene was a time of global climatic changes. The from the Central Paratethys (Moisette et al., 2006); in the Early and Middle Miocene were marked by a several Styrian Basin, a drop in temperatures occurred (as indicat- million-year period of warm climate, the Miocene Climatic ed by the δ18O content of pectinid and brachiopod shel s) at Optimum (MCO), which came to an end during the Middle 14 Ma (Bojar et al., 2004). In the Karpathian Foredeep, the Miocene global climate transition. The MCO is reflected warm water planktonic foraminifera disappeared within 11 the NN5 biozone, while in the Mediterranean the drop in Orbulina suturalis Zone (corresponding to the Lower and temperature was less pronounced (Bicchi et al., 2003); the the Upper Lagenidae Zone), the Spiroplectammina carinata cooling trend during NN5 was stronger in the eastern part Zone (corresponding to the Agglutinated Foraminifera of the Central Paratethys (Bicchi et al., 2003). Zone), and the Bolivina dilatata Zone (corresponding to However, some parts of the Central Paratethys realm ap- the Bulimina-Bolivina Zone). The Upper Badenian Ammo- pear to not have undergone significant climatic changes nia ( Rotalia) beccari Zone was missing due to erosion. until the end of the Badenian, or rather, there are mixed The standard nannoplankton zonations of Martini (1971) signals concerning this issue. Late Badenian vegetation in Bukry (Bukry, 1971a; Okada & Bukry, 1980) are based on Serbia was thermophyllous and evergreen (Utescher et al., the same stratigraphic events, but only the former is used 2007b), which reflects a warm climate. Additional y, Ran- in this work. dazzo et al. (1999) report that most of the lithothamnium The correct correlation of the Badenian sub-stages de- limestone in the Central Paratethys realm was deposited in fined by benthic organisms and the planktic world-zona- relatively cool water; however, the limestone from the Dan- tions is still missing (Kováč et al., 2007). Steininger et al. ube and Zala Basins (the Hungarian part of the Mura-Zala (1976) correlate the base of the Badenian with the lower Basin) have accumulated at a faster rate and can be associ- part of NN5, and though this correlation can still be traced ated with warm water. Furthermore, though Schmidt et al. in recent literature (e.g., Švabenická, 2002a), most authors (2001) associate the low biodiversity found in the lithoth- (including Steninger et al., 1988; Kováč et al., 2007; Piller et amnium limestone in southeast Austria with temperate cli- al., 2007 and Rögl et al., 2007b) place the beginning of the mate, Kroh (2004) cal s this into question by discussing the Badenian in the upper part of NN4. presence of two tropical echinoderm species in Austrian The time of the transition between the Badenian and Badenian deposits of the same age. the Sarmatian is debatable; Steininger et al. (1976) corre- The end of the MCO was diachronous in different parts late this transition with NN8 but recent publications have of the world, as climatic changes were closely associated shifted this boundary further back in time. The Badenian/ with palaeogeographic and tectonic changes (Bruch et al., Sarmatian boundary is placed differently by different au- 2007). Stable oxygen isotope records from deep sea sedi- thors in the interval between the lower part of NN7 (e.g., ment cores indicate a global cooling trend at approximately Steininger et al., 1988) and the transition of NN5 and NN6 15 Ma (Zachos et al., 2001). Böhme (2003) notes that the (e.g., Vakarcs et al., 1998). Most authors place the end of the end of the MCO in continental Central Europe occurred Badenian in the middle of NN6 at 13 Ma (e.g., Steininger & between 14 and 13.5 Ma - somewhat later than in Americas Wessely, 2000; Ćorić et al., 2004) or 12.7 Ma (e.g., Piller et and the oceans. al. 2007; Rögl et al., 2007b; Kováč et al., 2007). By the end of the MCO, global ocean circulation had The age of the oldest Badenian deposits in different parts changed and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet had developed of the Central Paratethys varies due to the complex struc- (Flower & Kennett, 1994; Shevenell & Kennett, 2004). Báldi ture of the sea floor. In northeast Austria (Molasse Basin), (2006) asserts that the type of circulation had changed in the oldest Badenian deposits are assigned to the upper the Central Paratethys as wel . In the Central Paratethys part of NN4 (Ćorić et al., 2004), while in northern Bosnia region, the MCO ended during the Badenian; however, the (Jerković & Ćorić, 2006) and Transylvania (Chira in Vulc, exact time of the cooling seems to vary considerably among 2003) they belong to the bottom part of NN5. In the Styrian different regions. Basin, the oldest Badenian deposits – in Wagna and Retz- nei, approximately 10 km north of Šentilj - are correlated 1.3. Stratigraphic correlation of the Badenian with NN4 and NN5 respectively (Rögl et al., 2007a; Ho- henegger et al., 2009). 1.3.1. Biostratigraphy In this work, the datums of nannoplankton events of Lourens et al. (2004) for the Neogene Period were used. Though comparable to the neighbouring bioprovinces, the Central Paratethys is a distinct bioprovince where the 1.3.2. 3rd order eustatic cycles and O-isotope stratigraphy specific character of fauna and flora required and enabled an elaboration of a local stratigraphic system (e.g., Stein- Correlation of the depositional sequences of the Central inger et al., 1976; Steininger et al., 1988; Piller et al., 2007). Paratethys with the global sea-level changes is not a simple The Badenian is a Central Paratethys stage, a chronostrati- task because of the strong interference of regional factors. graphic unit of the early Middle Miocene age. The stage Individual sedimentary sequences often do not correspond name derives from the town of Baden in south Austria to global sea-level changes (Kováč et al., 2007). The Middle where the unistratotype is exposed (Steininger et al., 1976; Miocene sequences from the western and Southern part Rögl et al., 2008) of the Central Paratethys (Vienna Basin, Styrian Basin, The definition of the Badenian relies mostly on mol usc Danube Basin and Transylvanian Basin according to Kováč and benthic foraminiferal stratigraphy. A biostratigraphic et al. (2007) can be correlated with three global 3rd order survey of Slovenske Gorice, based on foraminifera (Rijavec, eustatic cycles TB2.3, TB2.4 and TB2.5 of Haq et al. (1988) 1976; 1978), confirmed that the age of the sediments in- and Hardenbol et al. (1998). They have been recalibrated creases in from east to west. Evidence of three Badenian by Rögl et al. (2007b) and correspond to Early, Middle, foraminiferal biozones has been found: the Praeorbulina - and Late Badenian respectively (Fig. 1.2). Kováč et al. 12 Ammonia beccarii Bulimina/ Bolivina Fig. 1.2. The stratigraphic correlation of Mediterranean and Central Paratethys stages, biozonation based on foraminifera and nannoplankton, oxygen isotope data and 3rd order sequences plotted against an absolute time scale. (2007) subdivide the Badenian only into Early (roughly (Pezelj & Sremac, 2007). In the Carpathian Foredeep and corresponding to TB2.3 and TB2.4) and Late Badenian the Transylvanian Basin, the advanced stage of this regres- (corresponding to TB2.5) (Fig. 1.2). sion is associated with the deposition of fresh water evap- The Lower Badenian corresponds to the global cycle orites (Peryt, 2006; Cendón et al., 2004). These evaporites TB2.3 (Kováč et al., 1999; Márton et al., 2002; Harzhauser are directly overlain by marine sediments (Ślaczka & Oszc- & Piller, 2007). The transgression at the beginning of the zypko, 2002), reflecting the transitional nature of the sea- Badenian has been described in several locations in Slov- level drop. enia (Pleničar et al., 1991), Austria (Ebner & Sachsenhofer, Some authors (e.g., Vakarcs et al., 1998) correlate the 1995; Kováč et al., 2004), and Croatia (Lučić et al., 2001; TB2.5 eustatic cycle with the Sarmatian, however this cycle Saftić et al., 2003). The end of the Lower Badenian eustatic is usual y correlated with the Upper Badenian (e.g., Strauss cycle (TB2.3) is marked by a rapid sea-level drop of more et al., 2006, Schreilechner & Sachsenhofer, 2007; Piller et than 100 m (Rögl et al., 2002). al., 2007; Rögl et al., 2007b). The TB2.4 cycle roughly corresponds to the Middle Sedimentary cycles in Fig. 1.2 are plotted against the oxy- Badenian (Harzhauser & Piller, 2007; Rögl et al., 2007b). gen isotope curve from the reference site 608 of Miller et During the NN5, the sea in the wider Pannonian region al. (1991). The Badenian can be correlated with three Mi- was at a relative highstand, reaching the maximal depth of ocene oxygen stable isotope zones: Mi1b (upper part), Mi2, the neritic (Kováč et al., 1999); the transgression covered and Mi3 (Fig. 1.2). The most notable stable oxygen isotope the entire Central Paratethys, including the Transylvanian stratigraphic event of this time interval is the maximum Basin (Rögl et al., 2007b). A regression at the end of the δ18O value at the beginning of the Mi3 zone of Miller et al. global cycle TB2.4 in the upper part of NN5 is a well rec- (1991); it represents one of the major cooling steps during ognizable palaeobatimetric event. In southeast Slovenia, it the long-term decrease in global temperatures during the is marked by a hiatus between the Middle and the Upper entire Cenozoic and is also referred to as the ‘Mid-Miocene Badenian (Pavšič & Aničić, 1998; Oblak, 2003). During the event’. It is dated at 13.6 Ma and slightly precedes the LO of sea-level lowstand, fresh-water influences occurred in mar- Sphenolithus heteromorphus, marking the boundary of the ginal areas, while the deeper basins remained unaffected standard nannoplankton biozones NN5 and NN6. 13 Fig. 1.3. A map of the Mura Depression showing the inferred position of boundaries between tectonic subunits (Mioč & Žnidarčič, 1996) and the depth of Pre-Neogene basement (Gosar, 2005). The study area is marked with a square (enlarged in Fig. 1.4). 1.4. The Mura depression – geological setting and was not a uniform sedimentary basin but, rather, a quite description of sections heterogeneous one. The age of the oldest marine sediments in different 1.4.1. Geological setting parts of the Central Paratethys is also variable. The Bad- enian and the Karpatian are separated by an unconformity; Geological y, the Mura Depression can be divided into the youngest Karpatian and the oldest Badenian deposits three distinct units: the Pre-Neogene basement, the are missing and a concordant sequence has not yet been Tertiary sediments, and Quarternary cover (Mioč & described, though it presumably exists in the Transylva- Žnidarčič, 1996). The Pre-Neogene basement of the Mura nian basin (Sorin Filipescu, oral communication). A well Depression represents the eastern extension of the Alps. marked transgression characterises the oldest Badenian Pre-Miocene tectonic activity resulted in the disintegration facies in the entire Central Paratethys realm (Harzhauser et of this structure into several tectonic subunits, separated by al., 2003), and it is also noticeable in the Mura Depression faults running in a northeast-southwest direction (Pleničar (Márton et al., 2002); first, the sea flooded the deepest parts et al., 1991); these tectonic subunits are the Radgona of the confined depressions (half-grabens) and in turn Depression, the Murska Sobota Massif, the Ljutomer separate basins were united as the transgression advanced Depression, and the Ormož-Selnica Antiform (Mioč & (Fodor et al., 2002). Žnidarčič, 1987; 1996) (Fig. 1.3). The thickness of Neogene Slovenske Gorice, along with Haloze, Dravinjske Gorice, deposits varies considerably in different parts of the Mura Goričko, and the lowlands surrounding the rivers Mura and Depression, reaching 2000 m in the Radgona Depression Drava represent the Slovene part of the Mura Depression and even as much as 4000 m in the Ljutomer Depression, (Žnidarčič & Mioč, 1989). In the Upper Miocene and but only 500-1000 m in the Murska Sobota Massif (Mioč Pliocene, this independent tectonic unit disintegrated into & Žnidarčič, 1996; Gosar, 2005). The structural and several tectonic blocks. The Badenian deposits extend in stratigraphic relations between the Pre-Neogene basement a patch, a few kilometres wide, which stretches between and Neogene deposits and within the Miocene deposits Šentilj, Lenart, and Zgornji Duplek (Fig. 1.4). (Novak et al., 1976) are evidence of synsedimentary The Badenian successions in Slovenske Gorice usual y tectonic activity and indicate that the Mura Depression begin with conglomerate or breccia (Mioč & Žnidarčič, 14 1* ! Šentilj " 2 ! LEGEND 3 Globovnica fault ! Section ! 1* Šentilj ! 2 Šentilj - Polička vas ! 3 Polička vas ! 4 Jakobski Dol 2 ! 5 Jakobski Dol 1 ! 6 J Kungota fault 4 urovski Dol ! ! 7 Križišče Partinje-Varda 5 ! 8 Partinje ! ! 9 Zgornje Partinje ! 10 Lenart-avtocesta 0 ! 11 Lenart-avtocesta 1 ! 12 Lenart-avtocesta 2 ! 13 Lenart 6 ! 14* Hrastovec ! ! 15* K. Jablance-Hrastovec ! 16 Zimica 7 ! ! 17 Vinička vas ! 18* Jablance Pesnica fault 8 ! ! 19* Voličina ! 20 Zgornji Duplek 2 9 10 12 ! ! ! ! ! 21 Zgornji Duplek 1 11 Lenart ! " 22 Kamenščak 13 ! * - barren of nannofossils 14* ! Tectonic blocks Jarenina block Maribor " Lenart block 15* Maribor block ! 16* 17 19* ! ! ! 18* ! 20 boundary of tectonic subunits ! lithothamnium limestone Badenian Drava fault 21 ! 22 ! 0 3km § " Fig. 1.4. Geological map of the study area (modified after Mioč & Žnidarčič, 1987) with the localities of all sampled sections. The positions of the Badenian deposits, lithothamnium limestone, and boundaries of the tectonic subunits of Slovenske gorice (Mioč & Žnidarčič, 1996) are indicated. 1987). In the central part of Slovenske Gorice, fine-grained lithological variability (e.g., Vrsaljko et al., 2005), reflecting Karpatian sediments are overlain by fine-grained sediments the complexity of sea-floor topography. of the Lower Badenian age instead of gravel (Novak et In certain localities in Slovenia (Rižnar et al., 2002), al., 1976). The Badenian facies successions include sands Croatia (Vrsaljko et al., 2006), and Serbia (Mihajlović and clays and are dominated by sandy, clayey, and silty & Knežević, 1989), the transition of the Badenian and marls, while lithothamnium limestone and calcarenite the Sarmatian is marked by a hiatus, while in others are characteristic of the youngest Badenian beds (Mioč (Vrsaljko et al., 2006) the transition is concordant. This is & Žnidarčič, 1987). Badenian deposits throughout the another indication of the heterogeneity of the depositional Central Paratethys are characterized by considerable lateral environment. 15 Fig. 1.5. Marl successions in the Lenart avtocesta 2 (A) and Jakobski Dol (B) sections. Fig. 1.6. A rhodolith (A) and rudstone consisting of rhodoliths in fine-grained hard marl matrix (B), both from the Vinička vas section. 1.4.2. Description of sampled sections Several of the sampled sections recorded in Slovenske Gorice consisted exclusively of marl (Fig. 1.5). The carbon- There are virtual y no natural outcrops of Miocene rocks ate fraction of Badenian marls from Slovenske Gorice con- and sediments in the hill range of Slovenske Gorice, as the sists mainly of nannofossils while the clastic components terrain is gently sloping and overgrown with thick natural are predominantly clay and silt. The marls usual y con- vegetation or is used for agricultural purposes. All sections tained no fossils visible to the naked eye, but were rich in sampled in Slovenske Gorice were of anthropogenic origin calcareous nannofossils. and were found in road or housing construction sites. In Lithothamnium limestone is common in the Badenian the scope of this study, 22 sections were sampled; nanno- deposits in Slovenske Gorice as wel . It occurs in a continu- fossils were found in samples from 17 sections, 5 were bar- ous belt between Hrastovec and Kamenščak (Fig. 1.4). The ren of nannofossils. The localities of all sampled sections Vinička vas section is a small cart track going up a slope of are shown in Fig. 1.4. a hil , situated in the middle of the limestone patch between 16 Hrastovec and Kamenščak. The lithothamnium limestone 16m . . . . in the Vinička vas section is rudstone, consisting of rhodo- . . . . liths imbedded in a fine-grained hard marl matrix (Fig. 1.6). Individual layers within this section were very difficult 15m to discern. A few thin and irregular hard marl interbeds were sampled and proved to be rich in nannofossils. Five sections are represented below in the form of strati- graphic columns; they were selected because they consist of 14m more than one lithofacies and are among the thickest sec- tions sampled in Slovenske Gorice. . . The Lenart –avtocesta 0 section (Fig. 1.7) consists mostly . . . . . . . . 13m of grey marl; this clastic component varies in grain size . . . . . . . . from clay to sand. The marl is relatively rich in mica, and . . several sand and sandstone interbeds (up to 20 cm thick) . . 12m . occur within the predominantly marl sequence. Some marl . . . . . . .. . . . . . beds are normal y-graded, and a transition from sandy to . . . . . . silty or clayey marl can be observed. Between meters 4 and 5.5, several thin (up to 1 cm) 11m horizons of fine sand with numerous pteropod fragments occur (Fig. 1.12); the sample for micropalaeontological . . . . . analyses was taken at 4.90 m (sample Lat-1). At 11.40 m, . . . 10m . . . . . . . . . . . marl is replaced by a thick bed of normal y-graded sand 5 . . . . . .. . . . to silt with several horizons containing solidified sandstone N concretions. The succession continues with an erosional . . . . . . . . contact with the overlying marl bed, which is grey and 9m rather monotonous. The uppermost part of the recorded section consists of sand. The Lenart–avtocesta 1 section (Fig. 1.8) cuts through a 8m . . . . . . . sedimentary succession of grey marl with a relatively high . . . . . content of mica. No fossils, visible to the naked eye, were observed in the marl, except for some fragments of mol usc shel s, concentrated in a few thin layers of somewhat 7m coarser grained marl. The marl sequence is interrupted by . several thin (up to 10 cm) sand and sandstone interbeds. . . . . . . . . . .. The 13 samples from this section were collected at 50 cm 6m intervals. . . . . The lower part of the Jurovski Dol section (Fig. 1.9) is . .. .. . . . . composed of interbedded grey clayey marl, yellow silt, . t-1 . . . 5m . . . . sand, and sandstone. Samples from this part of the sec- 5b N tion were collected at 10 cm intervals. The marl was rich uN in nannofossils, while the sand and sandstone contained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . poorly-preserved assemblages or were entirely barren of 4m sample La nannofossils. After a vegetation-covered 20 m gap in the Legend section, the section continues with a 9 m thick bed of lithothamnium limestone conglomerate (Fig. 1.13). The 3m 5 M clayey marl solid conglomerate consists of various fossils, mostly con- N cretions of red algae, but also fragments of corals and large N . . . silty marl . foraminifera; it also contains chert pebbles, ranging in size . . . . . sandy marl from a few millimetres to several centimetres (Fig. 1.14). 2m . .. . . .. . The conglomerate contains numerous lenses of grey marl . . . . .. sand . measuring a few centimetres to over 1 m (Fig. 1.15) that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sandstone seem to occur in discrete strata (Fig. 1.13). Samples for nan- 1m . . . . noplakton analyses were collected from these marl lenses. . . . colours represent . . . . The Lenart section (Fig. 1.10) consists of rather uniform . actual colours . . . . . . . . . . of sediments succession of grey clayey marl beds without any fossils vis- . 0m ible to the naked eye. The succession is interrupted by two sand interbeds at 17 and 18.5 m. In the lowermost marl bed, Fig.1.7. The stratigraphic column of the Lenart–avtocesta 0 some pteropod shel s were found. From the 21st m onward, section. The position of the sample is indicated. 17 samples: samples: 6m . . 35m . JU-52* . . . Lc-13 .. . . . . . . . . . . JU-51* . . 34m . . JU-50* . Lc-12 .. . . . .. . . . . . 33m ... . ... . . JU-49* . . . . JU-48* . . . . . . 5m Lc-11 . . 32m . . . . .. . . . . JU-47* . . . 31m . ... . . . Lc-10 . . . JU-46* . . . JU-45* . 30m . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . JU-44* . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. JU-43* . . . . . 4m . Lc-9 . 29m . . . . . . . . 5d . . JU-42* . . . uN . 28m . . . JU-41* . 5 / M . Lc-8 . N . N . . . . . . . . uN5b . . . .. . . .. . 27m JU-40* . . .. . .. . . . . . . .... . JU-39* . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . NN5 / M JU-38* .. . . . . 3m 26m Lc-7 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6m JU-37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Legend . . . ... . . clayey marl . . . . . . . . . . . . JU-27 . . . . .. .. 5m . . . . sandy marl Lc-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . JU-26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . sand . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2m 5b ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sandstone . uN ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . conglomerate 2m . Lc-5 ... . . 1m . . . . . . . 5 / M . .. . . .. . . . N ... colours represent . ... . N actual colours . . ... of sediments . . . 0m JU-1 . . . . . Lc-4 . . Fig. 1.9. The stratigraphic column of the Jurovski Dol . . section. The positions of the samples are indicated. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . Lc-3 . . 1m .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . Legend . . . . silty marl . . . . Lc-2 . . . . . sandy marl . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. sand . . Fig. 1.8. The stratigraphic column . . . colours represent of the Lenart–avtocesta 1 section. . actual colours . The positions of the samples are . of sediments Lc-1 . 0m indicated. 18 samples: 26m samples: Fig. 1.10. The JAB-55 stratigraphic column of L-17 ... the Lenart section. The ... 25m positions of the samples ... are indicated. 6m ... 24m L-13 ... JAB-51 L-12 23m L-11 5m JAB-50 L-10 ... ... 22m L-9 ... LT-96 ... ... 6 ... ... 21m uN ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 / M ... ... N 20m ... ... ... 4m LT-1 . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . 19m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . LE-45 . . . . . . .. . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . 18m ... . . . . . LE-1 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . L-16 ... . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . . . . .. 17m . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 3m ... . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . 16m . . NN6 (?) ... . . . . . . L-2 . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 14m ... ... ... L-1 5d N ... 13m ... uN ... ... 5 / M 2m 12m ... NN ... ... 10m LR-40 ... ... ... ... ... ... 9m ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .. . . . . . . Legend 8m . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clayey marl ... 1m . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . 7m . . silty marl ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. sand ... . . . . . . . . . Legend ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . sandstone 6m LR-1 . . . . . . . . . clayey marl . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . laminae ... . . . . . . . . . . . 2m L-16 (3) silty marl . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . colours represent . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . actual colours . . . . . . . .. sand . . . . . . . . . L-16 (2) . . . . of sediments . . . . . rhodolith 0m JAB-1 . . . . . 1m L-16 (1) colours represent actual colours Fig. 1.11. The stratigraphic column of the Jablance 0m of sediments section. The positions of the samples are indicated. 19 individual rhodoliths, imbedded in marl, were observed (Fig. 1.10). Fragments of plant remains were observed in a horizon at 23 m. Rhodoliths become more common to- wards the top of the section. At the very top of the section the carbonate content of marl increases, and the marl be- comes much harder and lamel ate. The Jablance section sequence (Fig. 1.11) begins with a thick bed of sand with a 30 cm thick interbed of solid sandstone. Wave-formed ripple marks were observed on the upper surface of the sandstone bed (Fig. 1.17A). Succession continues with stratified clayey marl with or- ange laminae in the upper part. This is followed by another thick sand bed with orange laminae (Fig. 1.18A) and intra- clasts consisting of clayey marl (Fig. 1.17B). Near the top of the section, there is a horizon with sand- stone concretions. An irregular contact separates the sand Fig. 1.12. Fine sand with numerous pteropod fragments from the overlying clayey marl with orange laminae (Fig. arranged in laminae (arrows). Lenart–avtocesta 0 section 1.18B). All samples from this section were barren of nan- (photo: T. Popit). nofossils and only a few isolated foraminifera tests were found, making them insufficient for any substantial bios- tratigraphic analysis. Fig. 1.13. The upper part of the Jurovski 9m Dol section, composed of conglomerate containing marl lenses of various sizes. Fig. 1.14. The conglomerate from the upper part of the Jurovski Dol section with chert pebbles. A – close view, B – polished surface. 20 Fig. 1.15. Large (A) and small (B) marl lens in the upper part of the Jurovski Dol section. bo br f Fig. 1.16. A cross section through a rhodolith from the Lenart section. Crustose coralline algae are arranged in concentric layers, foraminifers (f), bryozoans (br), and borings of various organisms (bo) can also be observed. Fig. 1.17. Wave formed ripple marks on the upper surface of a sandstone bed (A) and clayey marl intraclast in a sand bed (B), both in the Jablance section. 21 Fig. 1.18. Laminated sand (A) and marl (B) in the Jablance section. 22 2. MAtEriAL ANd MEtHodS 2.1. Sampling treatment with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, and washing through a sieve with 0.1 mm mesh. Most of the samples for the micropalaeontological analyses were collected at 10 cm intervals. In the lithothamnium 2.3. Nannoplankton analyses limestone sections (Spodnji Duplek 1 and 2, Zimica, Vinička vas), 1-3 samples were collected from thin marl Determination of species relied mostly on Farinacci (1969), beds within the limestone. In the sections from highway Perch-Nielsen (1985a, b), Young (1998), Burnett (1998), construction sites Lenart–avtocesta 1 and 2, samples were Varol (1998), Wise et al. (2002), and the Nannotax web collected at 50 and 100 cm intervals, respectively. page (http://nannotax.org/). The biostratigraphic analyses One to three samples from the sections Vinička vas, are based on zonations proposed by Martini (1971), Theo- Jablance, Križišče Jablance-Hrastovec, Voličina, Zimica, doridis (1984), Fornaciari et al. (1996), and Di Stefano et and Zgornji Duplek 1 and 2 were collected for foraminiferal al. (2008). analyses. All determined species are listed in chapter 3, and speci- mens of all species are figured in Pl. 1-25. The terminology 2.2. Sample preparation used follows the guidelines given in Young & Bown (1997), Bown & Young (1997), and the INA web page (http://www. Smear slides were prepared from all collected samples. nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/ina/). The synonymy has already Hand specimens were cleaned by paring the outer surfaces been exhaustively dealt with in several works (e.g., Wise et off and scraping fine dust of material onto a glass slide. This al., 2002), so only the original name of each species and was then moistened with distilled water and spread across the name(s), which is (are) currently in use, were listed in a glass slide, which was placed on a hot plate to dry. Once this work. No descriptions of species have been included, dry, the slide was covered with a cover slip glued to a slide except where the observed specimens varied from original using Canada Balsam. All sediment samples were routinely and other general y accessible descriptions. examined under a light microscope at a magnification of For each sample the overall preservation of nannoplank- 1000× under plane polarized light (PPL) and cross polar- ton was evaluated (Appendix). Each sample was assigned ized light (XPL). Light microscopy was carried out using a into one of the four categories according to the following Zeiss Axioplan 2 microscope, a Zeiss AxioCam HRc digital criteria: camera, and an analogue camera located at the Department B (barren): Samples contained no nannofossils. of Geology in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engi- P (poor): Severe dissolution, fragmentation, and/or neering at the University of Ljubljana. overgrowth had occurred. Primary features may have Five samples (LR-34, LR-35, LR-38, LT-51 in PV-1) se- been destroyed, and many specimens cannot be lected for the excellent state of preservation of microfossils identified to the species level. Species diversity is and high species diversity of the nannoplankton assem- greatly reduced. blages, were prepared for the SEM. First, the samples were M (moderate): Dissolution and/or overgrowth are centrifuged by scraping a dust of material into a centrifuge evident. A significant proportion (up to 10%) of the tube, topping it up with distilled water, and spinning it at specimens cannot be identified to species level with 350 rpm in the centrifuge for about one minute. The super- certainty. Fragile forms may be removed from the natant was then re-suspended and centrifuged at 1000 rpm assemblage. for three minutes. The pellet was re-suspended and cen- G (good): There is little or no evidence of dissolution trifuged at 1000 rpm several times. After centrifuging the and/or overgrowth. Diagnostic characteristics are sample was diluted with distilled water, strewn onto a cover preserved, and nearly all specimens can be identified slip, placed on a hot plate, and left to dry. The cover slip was to species level. then mounted on a stub, coated with gold, and examined The relative abundance of individual species in indi- under magnifications 3,500-20,000× using a JEOL JSM- vidual samples was estimated (Appendix) by using a semi- T330A SEM at the Ivan Rakovec Institute of Paleontology quantitative method proposed by Hay (1970). Abundance of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy estimates were expressed in the following manner: of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana. Abundant: over 10 specimens per field of view, Some samples from the Jablance, Voličina, Zgornji Common: 1-10 specimens per field of view, Duplek 1 and 2, Vinička vas, and Zimica sections were rare: 1 specimen per 2 to 10 fields of view, prepared for foraminiferal analysis by mechanical breaking, Few: 1 specimen per 11 to 100 fields of view. 23 To enable comparisons between different sections, of specimens in individual samples were considered. estimates of nannofossil abundance for entire sections were Average abundances for individual taxa were determined made (see Fig. 6.4). The estimates are based on the semi- on the basis of all samples containing these taxa. Then quantitative abundance estimates of species in individual abundance estimates for individual sections were made in samples described above. The total abundance of coccoliths the following manner: was estimated in the following manner: / : the taxon is not present in any of the samples from the + : less than 50 % of all samples contain one or more section, common species; + : the taxon is present and occurs in abundances below ++ : more than 50 % of all samples contain at least one average, common species, less than 50 % of all samples contain ++ : the taxon is present and occurs in average abundances, at least 1 abundant species or more than 20 autoch- +++ : the taxon is present and occurs in above-average thonous species; abundances. +++ : more than 50 % of all samples contain at least 1 The abundance estimate marks were printed in bold abundant species or more than 20 autochthonous spe- when the taxa were continuously present – that means cies. they were found in at least 80 % of all samples (or 70 % The presence of select species or genera in individual for dissolution sensitive forms, absent mostly from poorly- sections was analysed as well (see Fig. 6.4). The percentage preserved samples). Samples barren of nannofossils were of samples, containing individual taxa, and the abundance excluded from the total sum of samples. 24 3. SYStEMAtiC PALAEoNtoLoGY 3.1. Coccolithophores 1971 Helicopontosphaera granulata n. sp. - Bukry & Percival, p. 132, pl. 5, figs. 1, 2. The classification scheme of Young & Bown (1997) was 1975 Helicosphaera granulata (Bukry & Percival) Jafar & used. Species within individual genera are listed in alpha- Martini - Jafar & Martini, p. 390. betical order. A total of 106 species of coccolithophores were deter- Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965 mined, belonging to 33 different genera (Pls. 1-25). Heli- Pl. 2, figs. 5-7, 9-15 cosphaera, Reticulofenestra and Discoaster are represented 1965 Helicosphaera intermedia n. sp. - Martini, p. 404, pl. 35, by the highest number of species. figs. 1, 2. remarks: The observed specimens were smaller Phylum: Haptophyta (Hibberd, 1972) Cavalier-Smith, 1986 (~9 µm) than those of the original description (11- Class: Prymnesiophyceae Hibberd, 1976 14 µm) and highly variable. 3.1.1. Heterococcoliths Helicosphaera mediterranea Müller, 1981 Pl. 4, figs. 1-4 order: Zygodiscales Young & Bown, 1997 1981 Helicosphaera mediterranea n. sp. - Müller, p. 428, pl. 5, Family: Helicosphaeraceae Black, 1971 figs. 1-4. Genus: Helicosphaera Kamptner, 1954 Helicosphaera minuta Müller, 1981 Pl. 3, figs. 1-5, 16, 17 Helicosphaera ampliaperta Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1981 Helicosphaera minuta n. sp. - Müller, pl. 1, figs. 1-6, 16, 1967 17. Pl. 5, figs. 8-12, 15 1967 Helicosphaera ampliaperta n. sp. - Bramlette & Helicosphaera obliqua Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967 Wilcoxon, p. 105, pl. 6, figs. 1-4. Pl. 5, figs. 6, 7 1967 Helicosphaera obliqua n. sp. - Bramlette & Wilcoxon, Helicosphaera carteri (Wallich, 1877) Kamptner, 1954 p. 106, pl. 5, figs. 13, 14. Pl. 1, figs. 1-8, 14, 15, 17-19 remarks: Only a few specimens were observed. They 1877 Coccosphaera carteri n. sp. - Wallich, p. 348, pl. 17. were smaller (7 µm) than those of the original descrip- 1954 Helicosphaera carteri (Wallich, 1877) Kamptner - tion (8-10 µm). Kamptner, pp. 21, 73, figs. 17-19. Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae (Haq, 1971) Jafar & Helicosphaera compacta Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967 Martini, 1975 Pl. 5, figs. 1, 18 Pl. 4, figs. 9-15 1967 Helicosphaera compacta n. sp. - Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1971 Helicopontosphaera perch-nielseniae n. sp. - Haq, p. 116, p. 105, pl. 6, figs. 5-8. pl. 10, figs. 5-7. remarks: The observed specimens were smaller 1975 Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae (Haq, 1971) Jafar & (7-9 µm) than those of the original description (9-12 µm). Martini - Jafar & Martini, p. 391. Helicosphaera euphratis Haq, 1966 Helicosphaera recta (Haq, 1966) Jafar & Martini, 1975 Pl. 2, figs. 3, 4, 8 Pl. 5, figs. 2-5 1966 Helicosphaera euphratis n. sp. - Haq, p. 33, pl. 2, figs. 1, 3. 1966 Helicosphaera seminulum recta n. sp. - Haq, p. 34, pl. 2, fig. 6, pl. 3, fig. 4. Helicosphaera granulata (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Jafar 1975 Helicosphaera recta (Haq, 1966) Jafar & Martini - Jafar & Martini, p. 391. & Martini, 1975 Pl. 1, figs. 9-13, 16 25 Helicosphaera scissura Miller, 1981 1970 Discolithina desueta n. sp. - Müller, p. 113, pl. 3, figs. 3-5. Pl. 5, figs. 13, 14, 16, 17 1984 Pontosphaera desueta (Müller, 1970) Perch-Nielsen - Perch-Nielsen, p. 43. 1981 Helicosphaera scissura n. sp. - Miller, p. 433, Pl. 3, figs. 10a-c, 11a, 11b. Pontosphaera desuetoidea Bartol, 2009 Helicosphaera cf. truempyi Biolzi & Perch-Nielsen, 1982 Pl. 6, figs. 4, 23 Pl. 2, figs. 1, 2 2009 Pontosphaera desuetoidea n. sp. – Bartol, pl. 1, figs. 1-10. cf. 1982 Helicosphaera truempyi n. sp. - Biolzi & Perch- Pontosphaera geminipora Bartol, 2009 Nielsen, p. 171-175, pl. 1, figs. 1-8. Pl. 6, figs. 18-20 remarks: The observed specimens were very rare 2009 Pontosphaera geminipora n. sp. – Bartol, pl. 1, figs. 11- and considerably smaller (~10 µm) than those of the 14. original description (18-20 µm). Pontosphaera latelliptica (Báldi-Beke & Báldi, 1974) Helicosphaera vedderi Bukry, 1981 Perch-Nielsen, 1984 Pl. 3, figs. 11, 12 Pl. 6, figs. 14, 15 1981b Helicosphaera vedderi n. sp. - Bukry, p. 463, pl. 6, figs. 1974 Discolithina latel iptica n. sp. - Báldi-Beke & Báldi, pl. 9, 8-17. figs. 1, 4, tab. 3, figs. 9, 11, 12. 1984 Pontosphaera latel iptica (Báldi-Beke & Báldi, 1974) Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis Müller, 1974 Perch-Nielsen - Perch-Nielsen, p. 43. Pl. 3, figs. 6-10, 20 1974 Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis n. sp. - Müller, pp. 392, Pontosphaera multipora (Kamptner, 1948) Roth, 1970 393, pl. 2, fig. 15, pl. 4, figs. 35-37, 45-46. Pl. 6, figs. 1-3, 16, 17 1948 Discolithus multiporus n. sp. - Kamptner, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. Helicosphaera wallichii (Lohman, 1902) Okada & 9a, 9b. McIntyre, 1977 1970 Pontosphaera multipora (Kamptner, 1948) Roth - Roth, Pl. 3, figs. 13-15, 18, 19, 21 p. 860. 1902 Coccolithosphaera wal ichi n. sp. - Lohmann, p. 138, pl. remarks: The observed specimens varied greatly in 5, figs. 58, 58b, 59, 60. size (4-12 µm), while the original description only in- 1977 Helicosphaera wal ichi (Lohman, 1902) Okada & cludes a single measurement - 9 µm. McIntyre - Okada & McIntyre, pl. 4, fig.8. remarks: The observed specimens were slightly smaller Pontosphaera plana (Bramlette & Sul ivan, 1961) (~8 µm) than those of the original description (9-9.5 µm). Haq, 1971 Pl. 6, fig. 5 Helicosphaera waltrans Theodoridis, 1984 1961 Discolithus planus n. sp. - Bramlette & Sullivan, p. 143, Pl. 4, figs. 5-8 pl. 3, figs. 7a-c. 1984 Helicosphaera waltrans n. sp. - Theodoridis, 1984, p. 1971 Pontosphaera plana (Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961) Haq - 124, pl. 13, fig. 2, pl. 20, fig. 5-9, pl. 26, fig.2 Haq, p. 143, pl. 10, fig. 1. Genus: Scyphosphaera Lohman, 1902 Family: Pontosphaeraceae Lemmermann, 1908 Scyphosphaera amphora Deflandre, 1942 Genus: Pontosphaera Lohmann, 1902 Pl. 7, figs. 5, 22 1942a Scyphosphaera amphora n. sp. - Deflandre, p. 132, Pontosphaera callosa (Martini, 1969) Varol, 1982 figs. 21, 22. Pl. 6, figs. 6-10, 21, 22 1969 Discolithina cal osa n. sp. - Martini, p. 287, pl. 26, Genus: Transversopontis Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966 figs. 7-9. 1982 Pontosphaera cal osa (Martini, 1969) Varol - Varol, p. 253. Transversopontis exilis (Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961) Perch-Nielsen, 1971 remarks: The size range of the observed specimens was Pl. 7, figs. 1, 2 larger (8-13.5 µm) than that of the original description (9-12 µm). 1961 Discolithus exilis n. sp. - Bramlette & Sullivan, p. 142, pl. 2, figs. 10a-c. Pontosphaera desueta (Müller, 1970) Perch-Nielsen, 1984 1971 Transversopontis exilis (Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961) Perch-Nielsen - Perch-Nielsen, p. 38, pl. 27, figs. 3, 5, Pl. 6, figs. 11-13 6, pl. 31. 26 Transversopontis pulcher (Deflandre, 1954) Perch- order: rhabdosphaerales Ostenfeld, 1899 Nielsen, 1967 Family: rhabdosphaeraceae Lemmermann, 1908 Pl. 7, fig. 4 1954 Discolithus pulcher n. sp. - Deflandre - Deflandre & Genus: Blackites Hay & Tove, 1962 Fert, p. 142 pl. 12, figs. 17, 18. 1985 Transversopontis pulcher (Deflandre, 1954) Perch- Blackites trochos Bybel , 1975 Nielsen, 1967; Perch-Nielsen, p. 497, figs. 51.12, 13. Pl. 7, fig. 19 remarks: The observed specimens were considerably 1975 Blackites trochos n. sp. - Bybel , p. 230, pl. 6. smaller (~5 µm) than those of the original description (9 µm). Genus: Rhabdosphaera Haeckel, 1894 Transversopontis pulcheroides (Sullivan, 1964) Báldi- Rhabdosphaera crebra (Deflandre, 1954) Bramlette & Beke, 1971 Sullivan, 1961 Pl. 7, figs. 6, 7 Pl. 7, figs. 12, 16 1964 Discolithus pulcheroides n. sp. - Sullivan, 1, p. 183, pl. 4, 1954 Rhabdolithus creber n. sp. - Deflandre - Deflandre & figs. 7a, 7b. Fert, p. 157, text figs. 81, 82, pl. 12, figs. 31-33. 1971 Transversopontis pulcheroides (Sullivan, 1964) Báldi- 1961 Rhabdosphaera crebra (Deflandre, 1954) Bramlette & Beke - Báldi-Beke, p. 17, tab. 3. Sullivan - Bramlette & Sullivan, p. 146, pl. 5, figs. 1-3. Transversopontis sigmoidalis Locker, 1967 Rhabdosphaera procera Martini, 1969 Pl. 7, fig. 3 Pl. 7, figs. 13-15 1967 Transversopontis sigmoidalis n. sp. - Locker, 763, pl. 1, 1969 Rhabdosphaera procera n. sp. - Martini, p. 289, pl. 26, fig. 3, pl. 2, fig. 4. figs. 10, 11. Rhabdosphaera sicca (Stradner, 1963) Fuchs & order: Stephanolithiales Bown & Young, 1997 Stradner, 1977 Family: Calcisoleniaceae Kamptner, 1927 Pl. 7, figs. 9-11, 17, 18, 20, 21 1963 Rhabdolithus siccus n. sp. - Stradner - Bachmann et al., Genus: Calciosolenia Gran 1912 emend. Young et al. 2003 p. 158, pl. 24, fig. 8, text-figs. 3: 3, 3a. 2002 Rhabdosphaera sicca (Stradner, 1963) Fuchs & Stradner Calciosolenia sp. 1977; Wise et al., 2002. Pl. 8, figs. 6-10 Rhabdosphaera vitrea 1954 Scapholithus fossilis n. sp. - Deflandre - Deflandre & (Deflandre, 1954) Bramlette & Fert, p. 165, pl. 8, figs. 12, 16, 17. Sullivan, 1961 Pl. 7, fig. 8 Calciosolenia brasiliensis (Lohmann, 1919) Young et al. 1954 Rhabdolithus vitreus n. sp. - Deflandre - Deflandre & 2003 Fert, p. 157, pl. 12, figs. 28, 29, text-figs. 83, 84. Pl. 8, figs. 16-18 2002 Rhabdosphaera vitrea Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961; Wise et al. 2002. 1919 Cylindrotheca brasiliensis n. sp. – Lohman, p. 187, fig. 56. 2003 Calciosolenia brasiliensis (Lohman, 1919) Young - Young et al. 2003, p. 35. order: Prinsiales Young & Bown, 1977 Family: Noelrhabdaceae Jerković, 1970 order: Syracosphaerales Ostenfeld, 1899 Genus: Cribrocentrum Perch-Nielsen, 1971 Family: Syracosphaeraceae Hay, 1977 Cribrocentrum reticulatum (Gartner & Smith, 1967) Genus: Syracosphaera Lohman, 1902 Perch-Nielsen, 1971 Pl. 9, figs. 1, 2, 6 Syracosphaera pulchra Lohmann, 1902 1967 Cyclococcolithus reticulatus n. sp. - Gartner & Smith, p. Pl. 8, figs. 1-3, 5, 14 4, pl. 5, figs. 1-3, 4a-d. 1971 Cribrocentrum reticulatum Perch-Nielsen - Perch- 1902 Syracosphaera pulchra n. sp. - Lohmann, p. 133, 134, Nielsen, p. 28, pl. 25, figs. 1-9. pl. 4, figs. 33, 36, 37. 1972 Reticulofenestra reticulata (Gartner & Smith, 1967) Roth & Thierstein, 1972 – Roth & Thierstein, p. 436. Syracosphaera histrica Kamptner, 1941 Pl. 8, figs. 4, 11-13, 15 1941 Syracosphaera histrica n. sp. - Kamptner, p. 84, 104, pl. 6, figs. 65-68. 27 Genus: Cyclicargolithus Bukry, 1971 Reticulofenestra haqii Backman, 1978 Pl. 12, figs. 1-6, 10, 15-17 Cyclicargolithus abisectus (Müller, 1970) Bukry, 1973 1978 Reticulofenestra haqi n. sp. – Backman, p. 110, 111, Pl. 9, figs. 10, 17, 18 pl. l, figs. l-4. 1970 Coccolithus? abisectus n. sp. - Müller, p. 92, pl. 9, figs. 9, 10, pl. 12, fig. 1. Reticulofenestra hillae Bukry & Percival, 1971 1973a Cyclicargolithus abisectus (Müller, 1970) Bukry - Pl. 10, fig. 12 Bukry, p. 703. 1971a Reticulofenestra hil ae n. sp. - Bukry & Percival, p. 136, Cyclicargolithus floridanus (Roth & Hay, 1967) pl. 6, figs. 1-3. Bukry, 1971 Reticulofenestra lockeri Müller, 1970 Pl. 9, figs. 7, 8, 12, 13, 16 Pl. 10, figs. 9, 10, 14 1967 Coccolithus floridanus n. sp. - Roth & Hay – Hay et al., p. 445, pl. 6, figs. 1-4. 1970 Reticulofenestra lockeri n. sp. - Müller, p. 116, pl. 6, 1971a Cyclicargolithus floridanus (Roth & Hay, 1967) Bukry figs. 1-5. - Bukry, p. 312. remarks: The observed specimens were considerably smaller (5-8 µm) than those of the original description Genus: Reticulofenestra Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966 (8-12 µm). Reticulofenestra bisecta (Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966) Reticulofenestra minuta Roth, 1970 Roth, 1970 Pl. 12, figs. 11-14, 21-23 Pl. 10, figs. 13, 17 1970 Reticulofenestra minuta n. sp. - Roth, p. 850, pl. 5, figs. 3, 4. 1966 Syracosphaera bisecta n. sp. - Hay, Mohler & Wade, p. 393, pl. 10, figs. 1-6. Reticulofenestra minutula (Gartner, 1967) Haq & 1970 Reticulofenestra bisecta (Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966) Berggren, 1978 Roth - Roth, p. 847, pl. 1, fig. 8. 1971 Dictiococcites bisectus (Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966) Pl. 12, figs. 7-9, 18-20 Bukry & Percival - Bukry & Percival, p. 127, pl. 2, figs. 1967 Coccolithus minutulus n. sp. - Gartner, p. 3, pl. 5, figs. 3-4, 12, 13. 5a-c. remarks: According to an alternative taxonomic sub- 1998 Reticulofenestra minutula (Gartner, 1967) Haq & Berggren, 1978; Young, p. 247, pl. 8.3, fig. 20. division the name is used for specimens <10 μm, while specimens >10 μm are assigned to R. stavensis. Reticulofenestra perplexa (Burns, 1975) Wise, 1983 Pl. 10, figs. 20-24 Reticulofenestra callida (Perch-Nielsen, 1971) Bybel , 1975 1975 Dictyococcites perplexa n. sp. – Burns, p. 583-585. Pl. 10, figs. 1-4, 19 1983 Reticulofenestra perplexa (Burns, 1975) Wise - Wise, pl. 3, figs. 1-3, pl. 4, figs. 1-7. 1971 Dictyococcites cal idus n. sp. - Perch-Nielsen, p. 28, pl. 22, figs. 1-4, pl. 23, fig. 3, pl. 61, figs. 30, 31. Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (Gartner, 1967) 1975 Reticulofenestra cal ida (Perch-Nielsen, 1971) Bybell - Gartner, 1969 Bybel , p. 197. >7 µm: Pl. 11, figs. 1-5, 23-25 Reticulofenestra dictyoda (Deflandre, 1954) Stradner, <7 µm: Pl. 11, figs. 6-11, 20-22 1968 1967 Coccolithus pseudoumbilicus n. sp. - Gartner, p. 4, pl. 6, Pl. 10, figs. 5-8, 11 figs. 1-2, 3a-c, 4a-c. 1969 Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (Gartner, 1967) 1954 Discolithus dictyodus n. sp. Deflandre -Deflandre & Gartner – Gartner, p. 587-589, 591, 592, 598, pl. 2, Fert, p. 140, text- figs. 15, 16, 18. figs. 4a-c. 1968 Reticulofenestra dictyoda (Deflandre, 1954) Stradner - Stradner & Edwards, p. 19, pl. 12, figs. 1-4, pl. 13, figs. l, Reticulofenestra scrippsae (Bukry & Percival, 1971) 2, pl. 14. figs. 1-5, pl. 22, fig. 4, text-fig. 2c. Roth, 1973 Reticulofenestra gelida (Geitzenauer, 1972) Backman, Pl. 10, figs. 15, 16, 18 1978 1971 Dictyococcites scrippsae n. sp. - Bukry & Percival, p. 128, Pl. 11, figs. 12-19 pl. 2, figs. 7, 8. 1973 Reticulofenestra scrippsae (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Roth 1972 Coccolithus gelidus n. sp. - Geitzenauer, p. 407, pl. 1, – Roth, p. 732. figs. 1,2, 5, 6. 1978 Reticulofenestra gelida (Geitzenauer, 1972) Backman – remarks: According to an alternative taxonomic sub- Backman, p. 112. division specimens <10 μm are assigned to R. bisecta. 28 order: Watznaueriales Bown, 1987 Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930 Family: Watznaueriaceae Rood, Hay & Barnard, 1971 Pl. 13, figs. 1-7, 9, 10; Pl. 14, figs. 1-4, 7-12 1877 Coccosphaera pelagica n. sp. - Wallich, p. 348. Genus: Watznaueria Reinhardt, 1964 1930 Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller - Schiller, p. 246, figs. 123, 124. Watznaueria barnesae (Black, 1959) Perch-Nielsen, 1968 Pl. 9, figs. 3-5, 9 remarks: In pl. 14, figs. 7-12 the form with central cross (figured in Bown et al., 2008, fig. 3M). 1959 Tremalithus barnesae n. sp. - Black – Black & Barnes, p. 325, pl. 9, figs. 1, 2. 1968 Watznaueria barnesae (Black, 1959) Perch-Nielsen - Coccolithus streckeri Takayama & Sato, 1987 Perch-Nielsen, pl. 22, figs. 1-7, pl. 23, figs. 1, 4, 5, 16. Pl. 13, figs. 17, 18, 21, 22 1987 Coccolithus streckeri n. sp. - Takayama & Sato, p. 690, pl. 1, figs. 4a, 4b. order: Arkhangelskiales Bown & Hampton 1997 (in Bown & Young 1997) remarks: Young (1998) interprets this form as an early Family: Arkhangelskiellaceae Bukry, 1969 emend. ontogenetic phase of C. pelagicus with a central bridge. Bown & Hampton 1997 Genus: Coronocyclus Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966 Genus: Broinsonia Bukry, 1969 Coronocyclus nitescens (Kamptner, 1963) Bramlette & Broinsonia parca (Stradner, 1963) Bukry, 1969 Wilcoxon, 1967 Pl. 9, figs. 20, 21 Pl. 9, figs. 11, 14, 15, 19 1963 Archangelskia parca n. sp. - Stradner, p. 10, pl. 1, figs. 1963 Umbilicosphaera nitescens n. sp. - Kamptner, p. 187, pl. 3, 3a. 1, fig. 5, text-figs. 37a-c. 1969 Broinsonia parca (Stradner, 1963) Bukry – Bukry, p. 23, 1967 Coronocyclus nitescens (Kamptner, 1963) Bramlette & pl. 3, figs. 3-6. Wilcoxon - Bramlette & Wilcoxon, p. 103, pl. 1, fig. 4, pl. 5, figs. 7-8. remarks: The specimens found were considerably order: Podorhabdales Rood et al., 1971 emend. smaller (6-9 µm) than those of the original description Bown, 1987 (8.5-9.5 µm). Family: Cretarhabdaceae Thierstein, 1973 Genus: Retecapsa Black, 1971 Family: Calcidiscaceae Young & Bown 1997 Retecapsa sp. Genus: Calcidiscus Kamptner, 1950 Pl. 9, fig. 22 Calcidiscus carlae (Lehotayova & Priewalder, 1978) Janin, 1992 order: Coccosphaerales Haeckel, 1894 Pl. 15, figs. 16-18 Family: Coccolithaceae Poche, 1913 1978 Cycloperfolithus carlae n. sp. - Lehotayova & Priewalder, pp. 487, 489, pl.10, fig.1. Genus: Coccolithus Schwartz, 1894 1992 Calcidiscus carlae (Lehotayova & Priewalder, 1978) Janin – Janin, p. 171. Coccolithus formosus (Kamptner, 1963) Wise, 1973 Pl. 13, figs. 14-16, 19, 20 Calcidiscus leptoporus (Murray & Blackman, 1898) Loeblich & Tappan, 1978 1963 Cyclococcolithus formosus n. sp. - Kamptner, p. 163, Pl. 15, figs. 4, 8-10 pl. 2, fig. 8, text-figs. 20a, 20b. 1973 Coccolithus formosus (Kamptner, 1963) Wise - Wise, 1898 Coccosphaera leptopora n. sp. - Murray & Blackman, p. 593, pl. 4, figs. 1-6. p. 430, 493, pl. 15, figs. 1-7. 1978 Calcidiscus leptoporus (Murray & Blackman, 1898) Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry, 1971, emend. Wise, Loeblich & Tappan - Loeblich & Tappan, p. 1391. 1973 Pl. 13, figs. 8, 11-13; Pl. 14, figs. 5, 6 Calcidiscus macintyrei (Bukry & Bramlette, 1969) Loeblich & Tappan, 1978 1971a Coccolithus miopelagicus n. sp. - Bukry, p. 310, pl. 2, Pl. 15, figs. 11, 12 figs. 6-9. 1973 Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry, 1971, emend. Wise - 1969 Cyclococcolithus macintyrei n. sp. - Bukry & Bramlette, Wise, p. 593, pl. 8, figs. 9-11. p. 132, pl. 1, figs. 1-3. 1978 Calcidiscus macintyrei (Bukry & Bramlette, 1969) Loeblich & Tappan - Loeblich & Tappan, p. 1392. 29 Calcidiscus premacintyrei Theodoridis, 1984 1954 Zygolithus bijugatus n. sp. - Deflandre - Deflandre & Pl. 15, figs. 1-3, 13-15 Fert, p. 148, pl. 11, figs. 20, 21, text-fig. 59. 1959 Zygrhablithus bijugatus (Deflandre, 1954) Deflandre - 1984 Calcidiscus premacintyrei n. sp. - Theodoridis, p. 81, pl. Deflandre, p. 135. 2, figs. 1-3. Genus: Clathrolithus Deflandre, 1954 Calcidiscus tropicus Kamptner, 1956 Pl. 15, figs. 5-7 ? Clathrolithus spinosus Martini, 1961 1956 Calcidiscus tropicus n. sp. – Kamptner, p. 9. Pl. 17, fig. 15 1961 Clathrolithus spinosus n. sp. - Martini, pl. 4, fig. 38. Genus: Ubmilicosphaera Lohman, 1902 Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974 3.1.3. Nannoliths Pl. 16, figs. 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19 1974 Umbilicosphaera jafari n. sp. - Müller, p.394, pl.1, figs. Family: Braarudosphaeraceae Deflandre, 1947 1-3, pl. 4, figs. 43, 44. Genus: Braarudosphaera Deflandre, 1947 Umbilicosphaera rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Varol, 1982 Pl. 16, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 14, 17 Braarudosphaera bigelowii (Gran & Braarud, 1935) 1956 Cyclococcolithus rotula n. sp. - Kamptner, p. 7. Deflandre, 1947 1980 Geminilithel a rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Backman - Pl. 18, figs. 12, 13 Backman, p. 52, pl. 1, figs. 14-15, pl. 8, fig. 3. 1935 Pontosphaera bigelowi n. sp. - Gran & Braarud, p. 388, 1982 Umbilicosphaera rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Varol - Varol, fig. 67. p. 248, pl. 4, fig. 5. 1947 Braarudosphaera bigelowi (Gran & Braarud, 1935) Deflandre - Deflandre, p. 439, figs. 1-5. 3.1.2. Holococcoliths Genus: Micrantholithus Deflandre, 1950 Family: Calyptrosphaeraceae Boudreaux & Hay, 1969 Micrantholithus flos (Deflandre, 1950) Deflandre, 1954 Pl. 18, fig. 18 Genus: Syracolithus Deflandre, 1952 1950 Micrantholithus flos n. sp. - Deflandre, p. 1158, figs. Syracolithus schilleri (Kamptner 1927) Kamptner, 1956 8-11, (without description). 1954 Micrantholithus flos (Deflandre, 1950) Deflandre - Pl. 17, figs. 1-7, 16-19 Deflandre & Fert, p. 169, pl. 13, figs. 10, 11. 1927 Syracosphaera schil eri n. sp. – Kamptner, p. 179, figs. 4, 5. Micrantholithus sp. 1970 Holodiscolithus macroporus (Deflandre, 1954) Roth - Pl. 18, figs. 14, 19 Roth, p. 866. 2002 Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Kamptner 1956; Cros & Fortuño, p. 169, fig. 107b. Family: Lithostromationaceae Deflandre, 1959 Syracolithus dalmaticus (Kamptner, 1927) Loeblich & Tappan, 1966 Genus: Lithostromation Deflandre, 1942 Pl. 17, figs. 10-12, 20 Lithostromation perdurum Deflandre, 1942 1927 Syracosphaera dalmatica n. sp. - Kamptner, 1927, p. 178, text-fig. 2. Pl. 18, 1-3, 24, 25 1989 Homozygosphaera wettsteini (Kamptner, 1927) Halldal 1942b Lithostromation perdurum n. sp. - Deflandre, p. 918, & Markali, 1955; Mihajlović & Knežević, 1989. figs. 1-9. 2002 Syracolithus dalmaticus (Kamptner, 1927) Loeblich & Tappan, 1966; Cros & Fortuño, p. 169, fig. 107a. remarks: The observed specimens were smaller (9- 12 µm) than those of the original description (12-16 µm). remarks: This holococcolith is presumably produced by the haploid generation of Helicosphaera wal ichi (Geisen et al., 2004). Family: triquetrorhabdulaceae Lipps, 1969 Genus: Zygrhablithus Deflandre, 1959 Genus: Triquetrorhabdulus Martini, 1965 Zygrhablithus bijugatus (Deflandre, 1954) Deflandre, 1959 Triquetrorhabdulus auritus Stradner & Allram, 1982 Pl. 17, figs. 8, 9, 13, 14 Pl. 18, figs. 8, 9; ? Pl. 20, fig. 12 30 1982 Triquetrorhabdulus auritus n. sp. - Stradner & Allram, Discoaster formosus Martini & Worsley, 1971 p. 595, pl. 7, figs. 1-8, text-figs. 3a-c. Pl. 22, figs. 1, 13 Genus: Orthorhabdus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967 1971 Discoaster formosus n. sp. - Martini & Worsley p. 1500, pl. 2, figs. 1-8. Orthorhabdus serratus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967 remarks: The observed specimens were smaller (6- Pl. 18, figs. 6, 7; Pl. 20, figs. 10, 13-15 12 µm) than those of the original description (15-19 µm). 1967 Orthorhabdus serratus n. sp. - Bramlette & Wilcoxon, p. 114, pl. 9, figs. 5-10. Discoaster gemmeus Stradner, 1959 1989 Triquetrorhabdulus serratus (Bramlette & Wilcoxon, Pl. 21, fig. 4 1967) Olafsson - Olafsson, p. 22, pl. 1, fig. 12. 1959 Discoaster gemmeus n. sp. - Stradner, p.1086, text-fig. remarks: The observed specimens were considerably 21. smaller (8-9 µm) than those of the original description (10-20 µm). Discoaster aff. kugleri Martini & Bramlette, 1963 Pl. 24, figs. 8, 16, 17 aff. 1963 Discoaster kugleri n. sp. - Martini & Bramlette, p. order: discoasterales Hay, 1977 853, pl. 102, figs.11-13. Family: discoasteraceae Tan, 1927 remarks: The observed specimens of Discoaster aff. ku- gleri are similar to those from the experimental Mohole Genus: Discoaster Tan, 1927 drilling (Martini & Bramlette, 1963). They differ from the original description by the presence of a strong cen- Discoaster adamanteus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967 tral knob with rather strong ridges extending along the Pl. 22, figs. 4, 5, 10 rays. See also taxonomic notes in chapter 3.3. 1967 Discoaster adamanteus n. sp. - Bramlette & Wilcoxon, p. 108, pl. 7, fig. 6. Discoaster moorei Bukry, 1971 Pl. 24, figs. 1-3, 15 Discoaster aulacos Gartner, 1967 1971b Discoaster moorei n. sp. - Bukry, p. 46, pl. 2, figs. 11, Pl. 21, figs. 13, 14, 16, 17 12, pl. 3, figs.1, 2. 1967 Discoaster aulacos n. sp. - Gartner, p. 2, pl. 4, figs. 4a, 4b, 5a. Discoaster musicus Stradner, 1959 Pl. 22, figs. 2 (cf.), 3 Discoaster binodosus Martini, 1958 1959 Discoaster musicus n. sp. - Stradner, p. 1088, text-fig. 28. Pl. 21, fig. 5 1958 Discoaster binodosus n. sp. - Martini, p. 361, 362, pl. 4, Discoaster obtusus Gartner, 1967 figs. 18a, 18b, 19a, 19b. Pl. 22, fig. 8 remarks: The observed specimens were smaller (7 µm) 1967 Discoaster obtusus n. sp. - Gartner, p. 2, pl. 3, figs. 1-4, than those of the original description (8-16 µm). 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b. Discoaster braarudii Bukry, 1971 ? Discoaster sp. Pl. 24, figs. 4-7, 12-14 Pl. 21, figs. 1-3 1971b Discoaster braarudi n. sp. - Bukry, p. 45, pl. 2, fig. 10. Discoaster stellulus Gartner, 1967, emend. Jiang & Discoaster deflandrei Bramlette & Riedel, 1954 Wise, 2006 Pl. 21, figs. 8, 12, 15, 18 Pl. 22, figs. 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15 1954 Discoaster deflandrei n. sp. - Bramlette & Riedel, p. 399, 1967 Discoaster stel ulus n. sp. – Gartner, 1967, p. 3, pl. 4, pl. 33, fig. 6, text-fig. 1. figs. 1-3. 2006 emended Jiang & Wise - Jiang & Wise, p. 83, pl. 1, figs. 1-22. Discoaster druggii Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967 Discoaster tanii Bramlette & Riedel, 1954 Pl. 21, figs. 9-11 Pl. 21, figs. 6, 7 1967 Discoaster druggi n. sp. - Bramlette & Wilcoxon, p. 110, pl. 8, figs. 2-8. 1954 Discoaster tani n. sp. - Bramlette & Riedel, p. 397, pl. 39, figs. 19a, 19b. Discoaster exilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963 Discoaster variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963 Pl. 23, figs. 1-4, 13-15 Pl. 23, figs. 5-12; cf. Pl. 24, figs. 9-11 1963 Discoaster exilis n. sp. - Martini & Bramlette, p. 852, pl. 104, figs. 1-3. 1963 Discoaster variabilis n. sp. -Martini & Bramlette, p. 854, pl. 104, figs. 4-9. 31 Family: Sphenolithaceae Deflandre, 1952 1985a Micula concava (Stradner, 1960) Verbeek, 1976; Perch- Nielsen, p. 391, fig. 58.30. Genus: Sphenolithus Deflandre, 1952 Sphenolithus abies Deflandre, 1954 iNCErtAE SEdiS Pl. 19, figs. 11-14; Pl. 20, figs. 1, 8, 9 Genus: Biantholithus Bramlette & Martini, 1964 1954 Sphenolithus abies n. sp. - Deflandre - Deflandre & Fert, p. 164, pl. 10, figs. 1-4. Biantholithus sparsus Bramlette & Martini, 1964 Sphenolithus conicus Bukry, 1971 Pl. 18, figs. 17, 21, ?22, ?23 Pl. 19, figs. 5, 6 1964 Biantholithus sparsus n. sp. - Bramlette & Martini, 1971a Sphenolithus conicus n. sp. - Bukry, p. 320, pl. 5, p. 305, pl. 4, figs. 21-24. figs. 10-12. Genus: Tribrachiatus Kamptner, 1958 Sphenolithus cf. delphix Bukry, 1973 Pl. 19, figs. 15-18 Tribrachiatus orthostylus (Bramlette & Riedel, 1954) Shamrai, 1963 cf.1973b Sphenolithus delphix n. sp. - Bukry, p. 679, pl. 3, Pl. 18, fig. 20 figs. 19-22. 1954 Discoaster tribrachiatus n. sp. – Bramlette & Riedl, Sphenolithus heteromorphus Deflandre, 1953 p. 397, pl. 38 Pl. 19, figs. 1-4, 7, 8; Pl. 20, figs. 7, 11 1963 Tribrachiatus orthostylus n. sp. Shamrai - Shamrai, p. 38, pl. 2, fig. 13, 14. 1953 Sphenolithus heteromorphus n. sp. - Deflandre, p. 1786, figs. 1, 2. Tribrachiatus bramlettei (Bronimann & Stradner, 1960) Proto Decima et al., 1975 Sphenolithus moriformis (Brönniman & Stradner, 1960) Pl. 18, fig. 15 Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967 Pl. 19, figs. 9, 10; Pl. 20, figs. 2-6 1960 Marthasterites bramlettei n. sp. - Brönnimann & Stradner, p. 366, figs. 17-20, 23, 24. 1960 Nannoturbel a moriformis n. sp. - Brönnimann and 1975 Tribrachiatus bramlettei (Broniman & Stradner, 1960) Stradner, p. 368, figs. 11-16. Proto Decima et al. - Proto Decima et al., p. 49, pl. 4, 1967 Sphenolithus moriformis (Brönniman & Stradner, 1960) figs. 7, 8. Bramlette & Wilcoxon - Bramlette & Wilcoxon, pp. 124-126, pl. 3, figs. 1-6. 3.2. Calcareous dinoflagellates Sphenolithus radians Deflandre, 1952 Pl. 19, figs. 19-21 Three species of calcareous dinoflagel ates were deter- 1952 Sphenolithus radians n. sp. - Deflandre - Grassé, p. 466, mined, all belong to the genus Thoracosphaera. Some un- figs. 343j-k, 363a-g. determined specimens were attributed to calcareous dino- flagel ates as wel , they are figured in Pl. 25, figs. 10, 12, 13, 15, 16. Family: Microrhabdulaceae Deflandre, 1963 Phylum: Pyrrophycophyta Bold, 1973 Genus: Microrhabdulus Deflandre, 1959 Class: dinophyceae Fritsch, 1935 order: Thoracosphaerales Tanger, 1982 Microrhabdulus decoratus Deflandre, 1959 Family: Thoracosphaeraceae Schiller, 1930 Pl. 18, figs. 4, 5 1959 Microrhabdulus decoratus n. sp. - Deflandre, p.141, Genus: Thoracosphaera Kamptner, 1927 pl. 4, figs. 6-8. Thoracosphaera fossata Jafar, 1975 Pl. 25, figs. 4, 7, 9 Family: Polycyclolithaceae Forchheimer, 1972 emend. 1975 Thoracosphaera fossata n. sp. - Jafar, p. 83, pl. 11, Varol, 1992 figs. 1, 2. Genus: Micula Vekshina, 1959 Thoracosphaeraheimii (Lohmann, 1919) Kamptner, 1954 Micula concava (Stradner, 1960) Verbeek, 1976 Pl. 25, figs. 1, 5, 8 Pl. 18, figs. 10, 11, 16 1919 Syracosphaera heimi n. sp. - Lohmann, p. 117, fig. 29. 1960 Nannotethraster concavus n. sp. - Stradner - Martini & 1954 Thoracosphaera heimi (Lohmann, 1919) Kamptner - Stradner, p. 269, figs. 12, 18. Kamptner, pp. 40-42, figs. 41, 42. 32 intraspecific variability within the genus Discoaster. Thoracosphaera saxea Stradner, 1961 Stradner (1972) explains that this variability is particularly Pl. 25, figs. 2, 3, 6, 11, 14 wide in the case of D. variabilis, D. bol i , and D. kugleri. 1961 Thoracosphaera saxea n. sp. - Stradner, 1961, p. 84, fig. These species can be interpreted as extreme morphotypes 71. within a continuous spectre of slightly varying forms. In accordance with Perch-Nielsen (1985), Young (1998), and Wise et al. (2002) Calcidiscus macintyrei is determined 3.3. taxonomic notes as a circular placolith with a diameter of 10 μm or more with a small central pore (or depression) with about 40 el- Discoaster adamantheus and some similar species are ements composing each shield. The diameter of the very considered by Young (1998) to be preservational species few specimens observed in this study (Pl. 15, figs. 11, 12) or the product of intraspecific variability. This is surely a measured between 11-12 μm. This is also in accord with the reasonable way to treat these forms as diagenetical y-altered measurements used by Fornaciari et al. (1996), who ascribe discoasters were clearly present in the studied material. to C. macintyrei specimens equal to or larger than 11 μm. Furthermore, species like Discoaster adamantheus, The nannoliths from Slovenske Gorice that have been as- D. stel ulus, D. obtusus, and D. formosus might in fact signed to the species Sphenolithus aff. delphix (Pl.19, figs. represent distinct morphotypes or unusual forms of other 15-18) can be distingushed from S. heteromorphus by the species. Despite the fact that the species status of these more elongate and sharpened apical spine and lateral ele- forms is debatable, in this work they were listed as separate ments giving it a triradiate outline. For this reason, the two species for two reasons: first, considering these forms as species are listed separately. As the lateral elements of the separate species enables a comprehensive representation specimens are not distinctly smaller than the elements of morphological diversity of nannofossils found in the the proximal shield, it is possible that the nannoliths as- studied material and links it with existing work. Secondly, signed to S. aff. delphix are in fact distinct morphotypes of the presence of such forms might prove to have some S. heteromorphus. palaeoecological significance (e.g., growth in suboptimal conditions). 3.4. Nannoplankton assemblage composition The case is similar with the species (or form) Coccolithus streckeri, which, again, is interpreted by Young (1998) as Up to 38 species of calcareous nannoplankton were found an early growth-stage of large C. pelagicus with bar. This in individual samples. Coccolithus pelagicus, Helicosphaera species/form is also listed separately, for the same reasons carteri, Sphenolithus heteromorphus, Reticulofenestra minu- as stated above. ta and some other Reticulofenestra species dominate the as- Some very rare specimens of Discoaster aff. kugleri (Pl. semblages. The genera Helicosphaera, Reticulofenestra, and 24, figs. 8, 16, 17), similar to those from the experimental Discoaster are represented by the highest number of spe- Mohole drilling (Martini & Bramlette, 1963), were found cies. The first two have common representative species in in the studied material. They differ from the original samples from all studied sections, Discoaster by contrast, is description of D. kugleri by the presence of a strong only common in short intervals of some sections. central knob with rather strong ridges extending along Allochthonous species with documented last occurrenc- the rays. However, the specimens found did not show the es before the Middle Miocene are listed separately; they are characteristic lack of radial symmetry. always rare or very rare. It is very likely that specimens of In some samples, some very rare atypical specimens of some other species with longer ranges have been reworked Discoaster cf. variabilis were found, with some character- as wel . Their presence is considered negligible by the anal- istics of Discoaster bol i (Pl. 24, figs. 9-11). The (lack of) ogy with clearly reworked specimens, which never repre- stratigraphic significance of both morphotypes mentioned sent a significant proportion of the studied nannoplankton above is discussed in chapter 4.2. assemblages. The occurrence of discoasters, similar to important Nannoplankton assemblage composition of all examined stratigraphic markers, can be explained in terms of the samples is presented in the Appendix, Tabs. 1-13. 33 4. BioStrAtiGrAPHY 4.1. Middle Miocene nannoplankton biozonations The standard biozones of the Miocene have been fur- ther subdivided into shorter intervals. Theodoridis (1984) Young (1998) divided the Neogene into 8 successive inter- established a zonation, based on a wide array of samples vals on the basis of the most clearly observable biostrati- from the Miocene deposits in Spain, Israel, the Mediterra- graphic events. These intervals represent the minimal time nean islands, Java and borehole cores from the Atlantic and resolution and can be determined even when the nanno- the Indian Ocean, while Fornaciari et al. (1996) proposed plankton assemblages are poorly preserved. According to an alternative biostratigraphic nannoplankton zonation, this division, the Middle Miocene (and the top of Lower based exclusively on material from the north Mediterra- Miocene) can be assigned to intervals C and D. Interval C nean. Their work was recently emended by Di Stefano et can be correlated with standard nannoplankton biozones al. (2008). NN4 and NN5 and is characterized by large diversity of All zonations mentioned above are correlated in Fig. 4.1. nannoplankton assemblages. Interval D (Young, 1998) can Most sections from Slovenske Gorice were relatively be correlated with the upper part of the Middle Miocene short. A combination of existing zonations enabled the and the standard nannoplankton biozones NN6 and NN7. stratigraphic correlation of individual sections. The sam- It is marked by lower diversity than interval C. ples were arranged in biostratigraphical order by using All but one of the measured sections were assigned to combined events used in previously established biozona- the interval C (Young, 1998), comprising the boundary tions. This enabled the reconstruction of the local ranges between the Lower and the Middle Miocene. The upper of autochthonous species (Fig. 4.2) and the arranging of part of the Lenart section was assigned to the interval D sections into a biostratigraphical order (Fig. 4.3). No sin- (Young, 1998). gle existing zonation was directly applicable to Slovenske Fig. 4.1. The stratigraphic correlation of all nannoplankton biozonations used in this study, ploted against an absolute time scale. The dashed lines indicate boundaries of uncertain age. 35 36 ? Fig. 4.3. The stratigraphic correlation of all studied sections. Position of the Lenart-avtocesta 2 section is inferred from the supperposition of deposits and could not be confirmed biostratigraphical y. Gorice, so 6 local biozones were defined (MuN4, MuN5a- 1993) and has been dated at 18.42 Ma in the equatorial d, MuN6). Pacific (Olaffson, 1989). The presence of Helicosphaera ampliaperta in some samples from both sections indicates 4.2. observed biostratigraphic events and the presence that the sampled beds are not younger than the top of NN4. of marker species This is further supported by the presence of H. scissura and H. euphratis in some samples from the section Jakobski Dol 4.2.1. The sections assigned to NN4 1. Another indication of the age of the marls in the Jakobski Dol 1 section is the presence of a single discoaster species - The stratigraphic marker species of NN4 were present in Discoaster deflandrei. According to Fornaciari et al. (1993), samples from several sections, yet the composition of the this is the dominant discoaster species until the end of accompanying assemblage and their distribution pattern NN4; after the beginning of NN5 D. deflandrei represents suggest that they are autochthonous only in two sections: less than 30% of all discoasters. Zgornje Partinje and Jakobski Dol 1 (Appendix, Tabs. 1, 2). Helicosphaera scissura is also present in several samples Both sections consist of a lithologicaly uniform succession from the Jakobski Dol 2 section (Appendix, Tab. 3), where of marls. The marls from Zgornje Partinje are yellow and it is considered autochtonous, while Discoaster deflandrei sandy while the ones from Jakobski Dol 1 are dark grey and is the dominant discoaster species in the samples from silty (Fig. 1.5B). Sphenolithus heteromorphus was present the Šentilj – Polička vas section (Appendix, Tab 4). These in most samples from both sections, which indicates two sections could therefore be assigned either to the top that they are not older than NN4. The FO of this species part of NN4 or the bottom part of NN5. The absence of is an excellent biostratigraphic horizon (Fornaciari et al., Helicosphaera ampliaperta alone does not suffice to assign Fig. 4.2. Compilation of observed ranges of autochthonous species in all examined sections. The stratigraphic marker species that were used to establish local biozones are marked in blue. 37 them to NN5 with certainty (the species is reportedly rare Polička vas (Appendix, Tab. 11A) and Lenart sections (Ap- in the upper part of its range). pendix, Tab. 13A), where they are supposedly reworked. Fornaciari et al. (1996) assign the top of NN4 to subzones Sections Polička vas (Appendix, Tab. 11), Zgornji Duplek MNN4b and the bottom of MNN5a (MNN4c and MNN5a 1 and 2, Zimica, Vinička vas (Appendix, Tab. 12), and the in Di Stefano et al., 2008) (Fig. 4.1). The MNN4b of bottom part of the Lenart section (Appendix, Tabs. 13A-C) Fornaciari et al., 1996 (MNN4c in Di Stefano et al., 2008) is can all be assigned to the Eu-discoaster musicus subzone of characterized by the temporary disappearance (or extreme Theodoridis (1984), as the assemblages from samples from rarity) of Sphenolithus heteromorphus and a short acme of these sections contain H. walbersdorfensis while H. wal- Helicosphaera ampliaperta, which is also observable in the trans is absent. equatorial Pacific (Shafik et al., 1998) and northeast Austria H. waltrans is certainly a stratigraphical y useful species, (Ćorić et al., 2004). The extreme rarity of S. heteromorphus as it only occurs in a short interval in the Middle Miocene is also observed in the northwestern Central Paratethys (Theodoridis, 1984; Fornaciari et al., 1996; Di Stefano et al., (Švabenická, 2000, 2002a) and in the Molasse Basin (Ćorić 2008). According to Švabenická (2000, 2002a, 2002b) and & Švabenická, 2004). Ćorić et al. (2007), the FO of the species is diachronous in Theodoridis (1984) defines the upper part of NN4 as the eastern (top of NN4) and western part of the Central the Eu-discoaster signus subzone. As Discoaster signus was Paratethys, as well as the Mediterranean (middle part of not found in any sample from Slovenske Gorice, no direct NN5). Fornaciari et al. (1996) report the FO of H. waltrans correlation with this interval zone was possible. in the Mediterranean in NN5 (MNN5a), while Di Stefano et al. (2008) observe this event in NN4. Hohenegger et al. 4.2.2. The sections assigned to NN5 (2009) observe the FO of rare specimens of H. waltrans in the Styrian basin in NN4 (bottom of the Badenian), how- Fornaciari et al. (1996) divide the standard nannoplankton ever, their results show that the species is very rare and eas- biozone NN5 into intervals MNN5a and MNN5b on the ily overlooked in the lower part of its range, as it was only basis of the presence of Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis. found in a single sample assigned to NN4. In the emended version of their stratigraphic division (Di For reasons stated above, any correlation based on the Stefano et al., 2008), MNN5a is divided into two successive first occurrence of this species has to be approached with biozones by the LCO of Helicosphaera waltrans, which is caution. Contrary to its FO, the LCO of H. waltrans is a not considered a good stratigraphic marker by Fornaciari reliable stratigraphic marker and was dated at 14.36 Ma by et al. (1996). Abdul Aziz et al. (2008). Hohenegger et al. (2009) report the FO of H. walbersdor- In the Mediterranean, the ranges of H. ampliaperta and fensis in NN4, which is not the case in Slovenske Gorice, H. waltrans overlap, but this is not the case in the Mura De- where the species was only observed in nannoplankton as- pression, where a situation similar to the one described by semblages typical of NN5 and NN6. Theodoridis (1984) was observed – the FO of H. waltrans The Jakobski Dol 2 (Appendix, Tab. 3), Šentilj-Polička occurs in NN5. vas (Appendix, Tab. 4), and Lenart–avtocesta 2 sections In several samples from the Partinje, Lenart, Zimica, (Appendix, Tab. 7) could all be assigned to MNN5a (sensu Zgornji Duplek 1 and 2 and Vinička vas sections (Appen- Fornaciari et al., 1996), since they belong to NN5 and do dix, Tabs. 8, 12, 13), which belong to the upper part of NN5, not contain H. walbersdorfensis. The Partinje, Kamenščak, rare specimens of Sphenolithus abies and/or Discoaster Polička vas and Lenart sections, as well as the limestone braarudii were found. The same species (though D. braaru- sections (Zimica, Zgornji Duplek 1 and 2 and Vinička vas) dii is determined as Discoaster brouweri ) are reported from could all be assigned to MNN5b (sensu Fornaciari et al., the upper part of NN5 from the Transylvanian Basin (Chira 1996) as they contain H. walbersdorfensis and Sphenolithus & Vulc, 2003), East Carpathians (Mărunţeanu, 1999), and heteromorphus. the Vienna Basin (Kováč et al., 2004). Theodoridis (1984) divides NN5 into three successive Helicosphaera wal ichi was found in some samples from intervals: Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae (between the LO the Križišče Partinje-Varda, Kamenščak, Partinje, Jurovski of H. ampliaperta and the LO of H. perch-nielseniae), Heli- Dol, and Lenart sections (Appendix, Tabs. 5, 8, 9, 10 and cosphaera waltrans (the entire range of H. waltrans) and 13). Its distribution pattern is somewhat puzzling, since Eu-discoaster musicus (between the LO of H. waltrans and these sections are attributed to the middle part of NN5. the LO of Sphenolithus heteromorphus). Very rare specimens of Syracolithus dalmaticus holo- The presence of Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae was re- coccoliths ( Homozygosphaera wettsteinii in Mihajlović & corded in some samples from the Jakobski dol 1 and 2 sec- Knežević, 1989), were found in the upper part of the Lenart tions (Appendix, Tabs. 2 and 3) and also in Jurovski dol, section (Appendix, Tab. 13D), assigned to the base of NN6. Lenart–avtocesta 1, and Križišče Partinje-Varda sections These holococcoliths are reportedly produced by the hap- (Appendix, Tabs. 10, 6 and 5), where H. waltrans was found loid generation of Helicosphaera wal ichi (Geisen et al., as well; this clearly indicates that Martini’s subzones H. 2004). Their occurrence corresponds to the reported range perch-nielseniae and H. waltrans partial y overlap. Some of H. wal ichi (Mihajlović & Knežević, 1989; Chira, 2001; very rare specimens of H. perch-nielseniae were found in Chira & Vulc, 2003), while H. wal ichi occurs somewhat individual samples from the Partinje (Appendix, Tab. 8A), earlier in Slovenske Gorice. 38 4.2.3. The sections assigned to NN6 tion and in several samples from the Lenart section some very rare specimens of Discoaster aff. kugleri (Pl. 24, Figs. Biozones NN6 and NN7 are very difficult to distinguish 8, 16, 17) were found. The specimens resemble the atypi- in the Central Paratethys realm (Stradner & Fuchs, 1979; cal morphotype of D. kugleri (Martini & Bramlette, 1963) Bajraktarević, 1983; Mihajlović & Knežević, 1989). NN6 from the Mohole experimental drilling, but they are not begins with the last occurrence of Sphenolithus heteromor- characterized by a lack of radial symmetry and are not con- phus; this event is global y wel -correlated and is observable sidered to be reliable stratigraphic markers. In the case of in the middle of the Lenart section (Appendix, Tab. 13B). In Partinje section, the accompanying assemblage contained the equatorial Pacific, it was dated at 13.51 Ma (Turco et al., Sphenolithus heteromorphus, Helicosphaera waltrans, and 2002) and 13.2 (Backman & Raffi, 1997). Olaffson (1989) ob- H. walbersdorfensis, but no specimens of Reticulofenestra serves this event at 13.17 in the equatorial Atlantic, however, pseudoumbilica > 7µm (Appendix, Tab. 8), so the section he reports a dramatic abundance drop wel before this level. was assigned to NN5 (MuN5c). In the case of Lenart sec- A similar situation is described in the western Mediterranean tion, the accompanying assemblage contained Sphenolithus by Abdul Aziz et al. (2008), who calculate the LCO of the heteromorphus, H. walbersdorfensis, and very rare specimens species at 13.54 Ma or 13.63 Ma, according to different age of R. pseudoumbilica >7 µm (Appendix, Tabs. 13A, B). The models, while the LO of the species occurs about 0.3 Ma later. section was assigned to the top of NN5 (MuN5d). The occur- The FO of very rare specimens of Reticulofenestra pseu- rence of discoasters similar to D. kugleri before NN6 was also doumbilica (>7 μm) occurs at the very top of NN5. Perch- reported by von Salis (1982), who describes their occurence Nielsen (1985a), Fornaciari et al. (1990), and Young (1998) from the beginning of NN6 in the southeast Atlantic. consider this event to be an alternative marker of the In the Lenart, Zimica, and Zgornji Duplek 2 sections, boundary between NN5 and NN6. The two events are si- some atypical specimens of Discoaster cf. variabilis were multaneous in the Mura Depression, which corresponds found with some characteristics of Discoaster bol i (FO to the situation in low latitudes, while in higher latitudes in the middle of NN7 according to Raffi et al., 1995). The the FO of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm) occurs specimens found are considered to represent an unusual considerably later (Raffi et al., 1995) than the LO of Sphe- morphotype of D. variabilis. nolithus heteromorphus. Some authors (Raffi et al., 1995; Marino & Flores, 2002; Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm) is very rare Chira in Vulc, 2003) use the FO of Calcidiscus macintyrei at the base of NN6 and becomes more common some- and the LO of Cyclicargolithus floridanus as approxima- what higher. The FCO of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica tions of the boundary of NN6 and NN7. Both events were (>7 μm) was dated at 13.10 Ma (Abdul Aziz et al., 2008). noted in the Mura Depression in the upper part of the Near the FCO of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Lenart section (Appendix, Tab. 13C). The accompanying (>7 μm), the FO of very rare specimens of Calcidiscus mac- assemblage is characterized by high diversity, the presence intyrei was observed; this corresponds to the boundary of of Orthorhabdus serratus (the single blade variety and the Mediterranean biozones MNN6a and MNN6b of Fornaci- normal morphotype), Coronocyclus nitescens (elliptical va- ari et al. (1996). The FO of Calcidiscus macintyrei was dated riety), and Calcidiscus premacintyrei. All of these species at 13.16 Ma (Turco et al., 2002). Olaffson (1989) and Raffi & have their LO before the end of NN6 (Young, 1998). This Flores (1995) do not consider the FO of Calcidiscus macin- indicates that these assemblages can be assigned to NN6. tyrei to be a good stratigraphic marker as it is diachronous The same events, occurring in a very similar manner and in in different latitudes. precisely the same order of succession, can be observed in In the studied material, Cyclicargolithus floridanus be- the Mediterranean (Fornaciari et al., 1996), where they are comes very rare near the LO of Sphenolithus heteromorphus also assigned to NN6. Considering all of the above, none of (Appendix, Tab. 13) and gradual y disappears at the base the samples from Slovenske Gorice was assigned to NN7. of NN6. Its LCO is very close to the FO of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm), while its LO is very near the FCO 4.3. A local biostratigraphic zonation for the Mura of this species. The LO of Cyclicargolithus floridanus is dated depression at 13.32 Ma in the equatorial Pacific (Turco et al., 2002), at 12.65 Ma in the equatorial Atlantic (Olaffson, 1989) and at 4.3.1. A combination of existing zonations around 13.3 Ma in the Mediterranean (Hilgen et al., 2003). In the North Atlantic, a dramatic drop in its abundance oc- Several events used in the biostratigraphic zonations of curs at 13.2 Ma, but rare specimens of the species persists Theodoridis (1984) and Fornaciari et al. (1996) emended for as long as 11.9 Ma (Gartner, 1992). It appears that the by Di Stefano et al. (2008) were observed in the studied LO of this species is diachronous in different latitudes (Ma- material, however, none of these schemes accurately rino & Flores, 2002; Turco et al., 2002) and different geo- described the situation observed in Slovenske Gorice. The graphic regions. use of combined marker events from all three zonations above and the standard nannoplankton zonation of Martini 4.2.4. The lack of evidence for NN7 (1971) made it possible to divide the studied interval into six successive interval zones. Their correlation with the The base of NN7 is defined at the FO of Discoaster kugleri zonations of Theodoridis (1984) and Fornaciari et al. (1996) (Martini, 1971). In a single sample from the Partinje sec- emended by Di Stefano et al. (2008) is shown in Fig. 4.1. 39 Both Fornaciari et al. (1996) and Di Stefano et al. (2008) Interval MuN5b. — MuN5b is defined as the the interval use several FCO and LCO of individual species as strati- between the FO of Helicosphaera waltrans and the FO of graphic markers. Apart from the case of the FCO of Re- Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis; the nannoplankton assem- ticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm), observed in a long blage is not particularly rich and nannofossils are moder- continuous section, only the FO and LO (respectively the ately common with Helicosphaera and Reticulofenestra rep- presence or absence of individual species) have been used resented by several species. The FO of Discoaster variabilis, in this particular case for the following reasons: Calcidiscus premacintyrei, and the FO of Rhabdosphaera • abundance oscil ations of individual species were not procera were observed in this interval. considered to represent reliable stratigraphic events as H. waltrans is very rare in most of its range observed in they could vary between different depositional envi- the material from Slovenske Gorice, but the well-preserved ronments due to ecological factors; state of the studied material and the sampling in high- • some stratigraphic markers (e.g., Helicosphaera wal- resolution increased the probability of finding rare species trans) were rare or very rare in most of their observed (at least in some samples) and allowed its FO to be used as stratigraphic range; a stratigraphic marker. • the shortness of sections in Slovenske Gorice restricted the possibility of tracking abundance changes through time and provided little room for comparison. Interval MuN5c. — MuN5c is defined as the interval be- tween the FO of Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis and the LO 4.3.2. Definitions of local interval zones of Helicosphaera waltrans. The nannofossils are abundant and nannoplankton assemblages are relatively diverse. The Interval MuN4. — MuN4 is only limited upwards and ends FO of Sphenolithus abies was observed in this interval. The with the LO of Heliosphaera ampliaperta. The base of this interval corresponds to MNN5b biozone of Di Stefano et al interval was not defined, as the material from this time (2008) during which H. waltrans and H. walbersdorfensis interval was rather scarce and no stratigraphical y useful coexist in low abundances. The upper boundary of the in- events were observed. terval can be correlated with the end of Theodoridis’s Heli- The interval is marked by low species diversity and a cosphaera waltrans biozone (1984) (Fig. 4.1). scarcity of nannofossils. Discoaster deflandrei dominates among the discoasters. Very rare specimens of H. ampliap- Interval MuN5d. — MuN5d is defined as the interval be- erta, H. scissura and H. euphratis are present. tween the LO of Helicosphaera waltrans and the LO of Sphe- This interval zone can be correlated with the upper part nolithus heteromorphus. The nannoplankton assemblages of the NN4 of Martini (1971) and the Eu-discoaster signus are very diverse, nannofossils are very abundant. Syracol- zone of Theodoridis (1984) (Fig. 4.1). ithus dalmaticus has its FO in this interval, as does the ellip- Interval MuN5a. — MuN5a is defined as the interval be- tical morphotype of Coronocyclus nitescens and the single tween the LO of Heliosphaera ampliaperta and the FO of blade morphotype of Orthorhabdus serratus. Towards the Helicosphaera waltrans. The assemblage composition is top of the interval the FO of very rare specimens Reticulofe- similar to that in the interval MuN4, however, diversity and nestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm) can be observed. Discoaster abundance of coccoliths are markedly higher in MuN5a. braarudii and D. moorei were only observed in this interval, The LO of Helicosphaera scissura and the FO of Discoaster but this could be due to ecological factors. exilis and Helicosphaera minuta were observed in this in- This interval zone can be correlated with the top part of terval. The latter seems to be a local event as Helicosphaera NN5 (Martini, 1971). It is identical to the Discoaster musi- minuta is already present in the middle Karpathian in the cus biozone of Theodoridis (1984) and can also be roughly Styrian Basin (Spezzaferri & Ćorić, 2001). correlated with the MNN5c biozone of Di Stefano et al. Interval MuN5a can be correlated with the lowermost (2008) (Fig. 4.1). part of NN5 and possibly with the top of NN4 (Fig. 4.1), as Helicosphaera ampliaperta is reportedly very rare in the Interval MuN6. — MuN6 is defined as the interval between upper part of its range. The interval can be partly corre- the LO of Sphenolithus heteromorhus and the FCO of Retic- lated with the beginning of Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae ulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm). The nannofossils are biozone of Theodoridis (1984); this biozone, however, ends very abundant and nannoplankton assemblages are very with the LO of Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae and the FO of H. waltrans, while in Slovenske Gorice the ranges of the diverse. In the beginning of the interval, Reticulofenestra two species overlap. This overlapping is also observed in pseudoumbilica (>7 μm) becomes continuously present in the Mediterranean by Fornaciari et al. (1996). all samples and gradual y increases in abundance, while In the Mediterranean (Di Stefano et al., 2008) and the Cyclicargolithus floridanus gradual y dissapears from the eastern part of the Central Paratethys (Švabenická, 2002b), assemblage. The FO of very rare specimens of Calcidiscus the ranges of Helicosphaera ampliaperta and H. waltrans macintyrei was observed in this interval. overlap. This is not the case in the Mura Depression, where The interval can be correlated with the bottom part of a situation similar to the one described by Theodoridis NN6 (Martini, 1971), the Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis (1984) was observed, i.e. the FO of H. waltrans clearly biozone of Theodoridis (1984) and MNN6a biozone of Di occurs within NN5 (Fig. 4.1). Stefano et al. (2008) (Fig. 4.1). 40 5. FACiES, StrAtiGrAPHY ANd dEPoSitioNAL ENViroNMENtS 5.1. Lithofacies of sampled Badenian deposits (Riegl & Piller, 2000). The limestone is composed mostly of the remains of corallinacean algae and contains the remains The sections sampled in the scope of this study consisted of of other organisms like corals, mol uscs, echinoderms, and marls, sands, and lithothamnium limestone; most often an other fossils. entire section consisted of a single lithofacies. Rhodoliths are formed in a wide range of marine en- Marls represent the dominant lithological component vironments down to depths of about 90 m. They require in the studied sections. They are typical y deposited in clear waters that are sheltered from excessive wave and tidal offshore environments The marls sampled in Slovenske currents (Bosence, 1983) but have a certain level of energy Gorice contained relatively diverse nannoplankton assem- in their environment, as their formation requires frequent blages (except in the case of laminated marls in the Jablance movement. This is particularly so in the case in the sphe- section), which is consistent with an offshore depositional roidal laminated rhodoliths, which usual y form under the environment and indicates that Badenian marl successions influence of strong currents (Burgess & Anderson, 1983). were formed in deeper water environments within the Rhodolits can also be associated with transgressions, sea- Mura Depression. Marls in some of the sampled Badenian level fluctuations, and intensive tectonic activity, which successions might have originated from redeposition. This causes the development of complex sea floor topography could explain the faint normal grading observed in marls (Randazzo et al., 1999). in the Lenart–avtocesta 0 and 1 sections (Figs. 1.7, 1.8). The Jurovski Dol section lies outside the extensive The nannoplankton assemblages found in individual sec- lithothamnium limestone area between Hrastovec and tions exhibit specific character and with very few excep- Kamenščak (Fig. 1.4). The upper part of the Jurovski Dol tions (see chapter 4.1.2) stratigraphic markers of specific section (Figs. 1.9; 1.13) consists mostly of lithothamnium interval zones do not occur together with the stratigraphic limestone conglomerate containing fossil fragments of markers of other interval zones as would be expected in the various kinds. It also contains chert pebbles, ranging in case of any significant redeposition. If redeposition did in size from a few milimeters to several centimetres (Fig. fact occur, it probably happened shortly after the primary 1.14), and marl lenses (Fig. 1.15), which probably represent deposition. the remains of deformed marl interbeds. The presence of Sands are more characteristic of nearshore shallow water marl lenses and pebbles in lithothamnium limestone con- environments; an example of this is the Jablance section, glomerate suggests that these deposits are the product of consisting mostly of sand. A shallow to intertidal deposi- redeposition and mixing of material from various sources. tional environment of the deposits sampled in this section Lithothamnium limestone presumably originates from a is further demonstrated by the presence of wave-formed carbonate ramp or a platform, while the pebbles suggest a ripple marks on the upper surface of a 20 cm sandstone bed near-shore environment. Their occurrence in combination (Fig. 1.17A). with marl, containing a diverse nannoplankton assemblage The limestone sections Zgornji Duplek 1, Zgornji Duplek including several pelagic species, suggests their redeposi- 2, Zimica, and Vinička vas are situated within a continuous tion in a deeper marine environment. patch of lithothamnium limestone between Hrastovec and Kamenščak (Fig. 1.4). The structure of this large carbonate 5.2. Sequence stratigraphic correlation body is not uniform – near Kamenščak in the south-west, the lithotamnium limestone is bindstone rich in macrofos- As stated above, most sampled sections consisted of a sils (Horvat, oral communication), while in Vinička vas, single lithofacies. Recording the development of somewhat in the centre of this area, lithothamnium limestone occurs thicker and more diverse sedimentological sucessions was in the form of abundant spheroid concentric rhodoliths only possible in a few cases (Figs. 1.7 – 1.11). The arrange- bound together with hard marl to form rudstone (Fig. 1.6). ment of sections into a stratigraphical order on the grounds Rhodoliths were also found in the top part of the Lenart of the presence of nannoplankton marker species (Fig. 4.3) section, where they were incased in marl. provided some further insight into the stratigraphical dis- Lithothamnium limestone was formed in shallow coast- tribution of lithofacies in the Mura Depression. al environments at a depth less then 50 m, but usual y no Sand and sandstone were barren of nannofossils and deeper than 15 m (Ranazzo et al., 2002). It accumulated could only be dated biostratigraphical y in the case of inter- throughout the entire Central Paratethys region during beds within predominantly marl successions. In all such the entire span of the Badenian and was often deposited cases except the upper part of the Lenart section (Fig. 4.3), on shallow carbonate platforms or ramps rather than reefs they were assigned to the interval zone MuN5a. This inter- 41 val was correlated with the lower part of NN5 and probably plek 1 and 2, Vinička vas) belong to the interval MuN5d corresponds to the sea-level lowstand at the transition of (top of NN5), but the duration of the time interval during global 3rd order eustatic cycles TB2.3 and TB2.4 (Fig. 1.2) which the limestone was deposited is uncertain. The bore- and the transition between the Lower and the Middle Bad- hole in Lormanje, approximately 1 km southeast of Lenart enian. The pattern of lithological succession of interbedded (Novak et al., 1974a; b), that passes through over 100 m marl and sand beds is difficult to correlate with a single of lithothamnium limestone, indicates that lithothamnium eustatic event and suggests several short lived sea-level limestone was accumulating in the Mura Depression as changes, possibly resulting (at least in part) from tectonic early as in the Early Badenian. activity. This is in accordance with the findings of Kováč In the top part of the Lenart section, some rhodoliths et al. (2007), who find the correlation of 3rd order eustatic were found embedded in marl (Figs. 1.10, 1.16); they are in- changes and Central Paratethys sedimentary sequences is cased in predominantly terrigenous sediment, which sug- not simple because of interference from regional factors gests that they are most probably allochthonous (Burgess and describe several different possible correlations (Fig. & Anderson, 1983). Their redeposition was synchronous 1.2). with their formation, or it occurred as a consequence of a Sand beds in the Lenart section were correlated with in- regression that caused the increase in the energy level in the terval MuN6, corresponding to the base of NN6 (Figs. 4.1, shallow carbonate platforms or even their emergence from 4.3), and probably indicate a sea-level drop at the transition the sea. Their redeposition seems more likely as rhodoliths of global eustatic cycles TB2.4 and TB2.5 or the Middle and themselves bear some characteristics of deeper water (over the Upper Badenian. 50 m) origin according to Bosence (1983), like concentric The palaeogeographic maps created by Goncharova et layers of crustose corallines together with foraminifers and al. (2004) and Ilyina et al. (2004) show carbonate bioherms bryozoa and borings of various organisms (Fig. 1.16). Ac- and platforms existing in the entire Central Paratethys cording to the stratigraphic position of their occurrence, realm throughout the entire Badenian (Fig. 5.1). Nanno- the inferred shallowing could occur during the regression plankton assemblages found in all marl samples from the at the transition of global eustatic cycles TB2.4 and TB2.5 lithothamnium limestone sections (Zimica, Zgornji Du- (corresponding roughly to the transition of NN5 and N Fig. 5.1. Maps of the palaeogeographical situation of the studied area during the. Early Badenian - left (Goncharova et al., 2004), Late Badenian - right (Ilyna et al., 2004). The location of the Mura Depression is marked with a red circle. 42 NN6). Another argument in favour of the inferred shallow- 5.3. The lateral distribution of facies ing is the disappearance of discoasters and the rise in abun- dance of sphenoliths in the upper part of the Lenart section The studied sections, which belong to the same interval indicating a rise in nutrient levels (Bartol & Pavšič, 2005). zone, often reflect different depositional environments. The The lithostratigraphical correlation of Badenian deposits most prominent example of this are the sections assigned to from this marginal part of the Central Paratethys is highly the interval MuN5d. On one hand there are the thick marl unreliable, as very different facies occur simultaneously in beds from the Polička vas and Lenart sections (bottom part) different localities. The striped sands and laminated marls with diverse nannoplankton assemblages suggesting an off- might represent an exception in this respect as they are shore depositional environment. On the other hand there are not very common in Badenian successions, but they mark Zimica, Zgornji Duplek 1 and 2, and Vinička vas sections the Badenian/Sarmatian transition in several localities (Appendix, Tab. 12), which are composed of lithothamnium throughout the Central Paratethys, including the vicinity limestone and were assigned to the same interval zone. Sec- of Lenart in Slovenske Gorice (Novak et al., 1974b, Rijavec, tions with distinctly different lithologies of very similar age 1973), the central Pannonian Basin (Báldi, 2006), and Ka- were found only a few kilometres apart (Figs. 1.4, 4.3). This raburma near Belgrade (Mihajlović & Knežević, 1989). is a clear indication that in the Mura Depression during the Striped sands and marls with alternating light grey and MuN5d interval (top of NN5) deeper basins existed in close dark yellow-brown laminae (Fig. 1.18) make up a consider- proximity of shal ow carbonate platforms. able portion of the Jablance section. This might bear some The diversity of depositional environments in the Central stratigraphical importance and allow a tentative correlation Paratethys region during the Badenian is also referred to by of the Jablance section with the Badenian/Sarmatian transi- several other authors (e.g., Randazzo et al., 1999; Vrsaljko tion. et al., 2005) and is figured on the palaeogeographical maps There is another clue about the age of the deposits from in Fig. 5.1, where the complexity of the Mura Depression in Jablance section. The age of the sediments in Slovenske space and time is clearly observable. Gorice is growing in the east-west direction (Rijavec, 1976; The existence of a carbonate platform in the southeast- Žnidarčič & Mioč, 1989). The Jablance section is situated ern part of the study area seems highly probable, consid- about 1 kilometre west of the Vinička vas section, which ering there is a large limestone patch between Hrastovec implies that deposits from the Jablance section are young- and Kamenščak with Zgornji Duplek 1 and 2, Zimica and er than the ones sampled in Vinička vas. The dip angle of Vinička vas sections (Fig. 1.4). bedding planes recorded during field observations further The existence of a carbonate platform bordering on the suggests the superposition of deposits sampled in Jablance deeper marine environment is also reflected in the pres- over those from Vinička vas. Since the Vinička vas section ence of rhodoliths encased in marl in the upper part of the is biostatigraphical y assigned to MuN5d (top of NN5), Lenart section (MuN6, lower part of NN6); they were sup- the deposits sampled in Jablance section are younger than posedly redeposited in the deeper peri-platform environ- NN5. ment near a carbonate platform. D Fig. 5.2. A depositional model of the south-western part of the Mura Depression in the Late Badenian with positions of studied sections. 43 The observed differences between the depositional envi- Murska Sobota Massif as it is shown in Figs. 1.3 and 1.4. ronments in the Mura Depression during the upper part of The boundary between Radgona Depression and Murska NN5 could be attributed to the position of sections on two Sobota Massif can also be inferred from the thickness of different tectonic blocks (Fig. 5.2). The varying thickness Neogene deposits (Gosar, 2005) (Fig. 1.3). of Neogene deposits on the pre-Tertiary basement (Mioč Our data indicate that the inferred boundary between & Žnidarčič, 1996; Gosar, 2005) confirms that the tectonic the Radgona Depression and Murska Sobota Massif (Mioč subunits constituting the Mura Depression had subsided & Žnidarčič, 1996) should be shifted towards the south to different depths. Therefore it seems likely that the de- to include the site of the Lenart section into the Radgona posits sampled in the Lenart, Jurovski Dol, and Polička Depression, while the lithothamnium limestone sections vas sections were deposited on a deeply subsided tectonic between Hrastovec and Zgornji Duplek belong to the Mur- block, while the ones from the Vinička vas, Zgornji Duplek ska Sobota Massif as proposed on the sketch of Mioč & 1 and 2 and Zimica sections were deposited on another tec- Žnidarčič (1996). tonic block, which provided a shallower marine environ- The boundary between deep water facies and shallow wa- ment. ter facies corresponds to the Pesnica fault, which separates The studied area lies on two different tectonic blocks: the Jarenina and Lenart tectonic blocks from the Maribor the Radgona Depression, where the depth of the Pre-Ne- and Pesnica tectonic blocks of Slovenske Gorice (Fig. 1.4). ogene basement reaches 2000 m, and the Murska Sobota Perhaps the correspondence is coincidental or perhaps the Massif, where the Pre-Neogene basement is only 500 to Pesnica fault is, in fact, much older than previously sug- 1000 m deep (Figs. 1.2, 5.2). Mioč & Žnidarčič (1996) posi- gested and represents one of the boundaries of the tectonic tion the boundary between the Radgona Depression and subunits of the Mura Depression. 44 6. NANNoPLANKtoN ANd PALAEoECoLoGY 6.1. Nannoplankton assemblage composition factory state of preservation. This enabled the reconstruc- tion of relatively diverse nannoplankton assemblages even The composition of fossil nannoplankton assemblages de- in sections where most samples were poorly preserved. At pends on the palaeoecological conditions at the time of least some samples from all sampled sections, except the deposition and diagenetic changes. Through diagenesis, upper part of the Jurovski Dol section, contained recogniz- nannofossils can dissolve and thus disappear from the as- able sensitive forms of coccoliths, including holococcoliths, semblage or they can be modified to a point where they Syracosphaera spp., Rhabdosphaera spp., Pontosphaera spp., become unrecognizable. Some species of coccoliths are and Braarudosphaera bigelowi . This indicates that they are more susceptible to diagenetic changes then others. Bukry realistic representations of the original taphocoenoses. (1981a) composed a scale of sensitivity of different hetero- The number of autochthonous species found in an in- coccoliths to dissolution; selected groups from this scale, dividual sample depends strongly on the state of its pres- which were also found in the studied material, are listed in ervation, and the average number of species in a sample Fig. 6.1. The higher the position of a certain form in the list, from a single section is therefore not a very good measure the more resistant it is to dissolution. At the bottom of the of species diversity. In spite of large differences between the list, holococcoliths have been added as they are general y number of analysed samples and the state of preservation more sensitive to dissolution than heterococcoliths. of nannofossils, most of the studied sections contained be- tween 30 and 40 autochthonous species. Only two sections stand out in this respect: Fig. 6.1. Selected • the Zgornje Partinje section, with a total of only 13 groups of species nannofossils • part of the Lenart section, with a total of 58 species. arranged with All nannoplankton assemblages from Slovenske Gorice respect to their are rather diverse, and this might indicate warm surface resistance to waters. The number of all autochthonous species in all ex- dissolution amined samples is shown in Fig. 6.2. Within individual in- (modified after terval zones, the species diversity is comparable, except in Bukry, 1981a). The the following cases: higher in the list • The nannoplankton assemblage in the sections assigned a certain group to interval MuN4 (NN4), are considerably poorer than is positioned, the other sections, particularly in the case of Zgornje more resistant it is Partinje. Though most of the material in the Zgornje to dissolution. Partinje section is poorly preserved, the presence of dissolution-sensitive species in some samples indicates that this is not entirely a consequence of diagenetic The samples from the Lenart and Polička vas sections alteration. The low diversity could be explained by contain the most diverse nannoplankton assemblages, low water temperatures; yet the continuous presence which enabled their correlation with the top part of NN5 of Sphenolithus heteromorphus indicates that this is and the bottom part of NN6 (MuN5d and MuN6). The not the case. The low diversity may reflect the sea- poorest nannoplankton assemblages were found in samples level lowstand at the beginning of the Badenian, as from the Zgornje Partinje and Jakobski Dol 1 sections. nannoplankton assemblages are general y more diverse The state of preservation and nannoplankton diversity in pelagic environments. are obviously correlated. The samples with the poorest • The nannoplankton assemblage in the upper part of preservation of nannofossils contained the least diverse the Jurovski Dol section is much less diverse than the nannoplankton assemblages. This could have a significant assemblages from the other two sections assigned to effect on the recorded composition of nannoplankton as- the interval MuN5d. The material from this section semblages. To avoid this effect, samples were collected in was probably subjected to stronger diagenetic over- short intervals (10 cm), which increased the possibility of print, due to the contact of two different lithologies reconstructing realistic representations of original taphoc- (marl lenses within lithothamnium limestone, see Figs. oenosis, as we were able to choose among several different 1.9 and 1.15). This would also explain the absence of samples, among which at least some would be in a satis- forms sensitive to diagenetic alteration. 45 Fig. 6.2. The number of autochthonous species in all examined samples. 46 • The middle part of the Lenart section assigned to the Flores et al. (2005), and Krammer et al. (2006) interpret transition of MuN5d and MuN6 (NN5 and NN6) is small reticulofenestrids as typical r-strategists that are able characterized by exceptional y diverse nannoplankton to withstand oligotrophic conditions, but only thrive in assemblages rich in discoasters and sphenoliths. This is high-nutrient environments. Nagimarosy (2000) points interpreted as a result of high temperatures creating an out the opportunistic character of the Reticulofenestra spe- environment suitable for the thriving of various nan- cies and reports that some species tolerate fluctuations in noplankton species. salinity rather wel . An abundance of reticulofenestrids in Samples from all studied sections contain allochthonous Lower Miocene beds from southeast Slovenia, enriched Paleogene species and also some Mesozoic species. The with pentaliths (Bartol et al., 2008), corresponds to the lat- redeposited species originate from older sediments and ter observation rather wel . rocks that can also be found in the Pre-Neogene basement The recent Helicosphaera species are common in warm of the Mura Depression. They were probably transported surface waters with a medium to high content of nutri- into the sedimentary basin by rivers. During the phase of ents (Negri & Vil a, 2000; Melinte, 2005). The recent Heli- intensive tectonic activity during the Lower and Middle cosphaera carteri is most abundant in warm tropical marine Badenian (Styrian phase) some parts of the Mura Depres- environments; however, it is also present in temperate and sion emerged from the sea – as indicated by the borehole in cold environments (Edwards, 1968) and prefers high-nu- the centre of the Murska Sobota Massif, in which the Lower trient waters (Perch-Nielsen, 1985a, Baumann et al., 2005). Badenian sandy marls are directly overlain by Upper Bad- Nagimarosy (2000) presumes that Helicosphaera species enian clayey and sandy marls (Novak et al., 1976). Emerged indicate shallow water, while Švabenická (2002a) interprets areas like these represent another likely source of redepos- the abundance of Helicosphaera species as an indication of ited Paleogene species. The number of allochthonous spe- unstable environmental conditions and links their domi- cies in all examined samples is presented in Fig. 6.3. nance to shallow epicontinental seas and possibly to the The number of allochthonous species per sample varies beginning of a transgression. between 0 and 11, though only a handful of samples con- In most of the analysed nannoplankton assemblages as- tain more than 4 (Fig. 6.3). No particular differences among signed the Middle and the Upper Badenian, more than different sections were observed in this respect, with the one nannoplankton species is abundant. Baumann et al. exception of the assemblage from the Jakobski Dol 1 sec- (2005) compared the species composition of living assem- tion, where only one sample contained an allochthonous blages and the assemblages found in taphocoenosis in the species. The near absence of allochtonous species could be sediment, and found that a single assemblage in the sedi- attributed to poor preservation of the material, but it might ment consists of several living assemblages. The seasonal also reflect less intensive redeposition of older nannofos- changes of living assemblages could not be observed in the sils, associated with the Lower Badenian transgression. taphocoenosis; however, longer-term climatic and oceano- graphic changes were clearly recorded. The presence of sev- 6.2. The nature and number of dominant species eral dominant species in the Badenian assemblages from the Mura Depression is probably a consequence of cyclical The dominant species in all recorded nannoplankton as- short-term (seasonal) changes in the composition of the semblages include Coccolithus pelagicus, Helicosphaera car- living assemblage reflecting the seasonal character of the teri, Reticulofenestra spp. and Sphenolithus heteromorphus. climate. Coccolithus pelagicus of modern oceans is a typical subar- The presence of dominant taxa in all sections containing ctic species (Baumann et al., 2000). It thrives in water tem- nannofossils is shown in Fig. 6.4. peratures below 10°C, and, as such, it is considered to be an indicator of cold water (Ćorić & Rögl, 2004; Krammer 6.3. The temporal pattern of changes in nannoplankton et al., 2006). At the same time, the bigger morphotype of assemblage composition Coccolithus pelagicus (a sibling species) is known to thrive in considerably warmer (18°C) waters along the coasts of Several other aspects of nannoplankton assemblage com- Portugal (Cachão & Moita, 2000), South Africa (Baumann position bearing potential palaeoecological relevance were et al., 2004), and New Zealand (Ziveri et al., 2004). This considered. Apart from the number and nature of domi- means that only the smaller morphotype is useful as a cold nant species discussed in the previous chapter, special at- water indicator. Coccolithus pelagicus is also considered to tention was paid to the presence and abundance oscil a- be an r-strategist (Ćorić & Rögl, 2004), as it thrives in high tions of several taxa, which were indicative of certain en- nutrient waters and can form very large populations in up- vironments. The presence and abundance of these taxa is welling regions (Baumann et al., 2000). The opportunistic presented in Fig. 6.4. nature of the species is also indicated by its unusual y long stratigraphic range, from the early Paleogene to this day 6.3.1. Interval zone MuN4 (Sato et al., 2004). The species of the cosmopolitan genus Reticulofenestra Samples from the Zgornje Partinje and Jakobski Dol 1 sec- are often subject to substantial – and sometimes difficult to tions, assigned to the interval MuN4, contain coccoliths in interpret (e.g., Kameo & Takayama, 1999) – oscil ations in relatively low abundances (Fig. 6.4). The assemblage in the the abundance and size of coccoliths. Negri & Vil a (2000), Zgornje Partinje section is dominated by Helicosphaera car- 47 Fig. 6.3. The number of allochthonous species in all examined samples. 48 areous alcg c ntainin ns co ectioll s axa in a ator tdic al iniclog oeco alaef p ce oenres he p nd t pecies, a ant s min f do tity o nd iden hapter 2.3. ber a nd c um, n ext aee t dance n s bun sil a lanatio ofos or exp anne nTh oplankton. F Fig. 6.4. nann 49 teri, which might indicate the beginning of a transgression 6.3.3. Interval zone MuN5b (according to Švabenická, 2002a), since species diversity is relatively low and typical pelagic species are missing (Ap- The nannoplankton assemblages from the sections as- pendix, Tab. 1). In the Jakobski Dol 1 section, Coccolithus signed to this interval zone are quite similar to one another. pelagicus dominates the assemblage, while Helicosphaera Coccolithus pelagicus, Helicosphaera carteri, and Reticulofe- carteri and Reticulofenestra minuta are common (Appen- nestra minuta are commonly abundant in the same sam- dix, Tab. 2). A few discoasters in samples from this section ple, implying the seasonal character of climate (see chapter might reflect a deepening of the depositional environment 6.2). Very rare specimens of typical pelagic species ( Pont- (Chapman & Chepstow-Lusty, 1997), as could the continu- osphaera multipora, Rhabdosphaera sicca, Discoaster sp.) ous presence of rare or few specimens of Pontosphaera spp. are present, but no holococcoliths were found. The pres- (a pelagical genus according to Melinte, 2005). The con- ence of a few discoasters and few to rare sphenoliths indi- tinuous presence of rare specimens of Sphenolithus spp., cates warm water (Fig. 6.4). an indicator of warm water (according to Perch-Nielsen, Reticulofenestra gelida is believed to represent a cold wa- 1985a; Nagymarosy, 2000; Krammer et al., 2006), charac- ter morphotype of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (Wei & terises both sections. Thierstein, 1991). Where both species occur in the same sample, the seasonal character of a climate with distinct 6.3.2. Interval zone MuN5a cold periods can be inferred (Spaulding, 1991). A few Re- ticulofenestra gelida specimens were found in samples from The nannoplankton assemblage from both sections be- the Lenart–avtocesta 1 and Križišče Partinje-Varda sec- longing to the interval zone MuN5a (Šentilj-Polička vas tions; they were very rare to rare in the former, while only and Jakobski Dol 2) resembles the assemblage from the sec- a few specimens were found in the latter. This is another tions belonging to MuN4 (Appendix, Tabs. 3, 4). The two indication of the seasonal character of the climate during assemblages assigned to this time interval are also rather interval MuN5b. similar to one another, except for the obvious distinction in the abundance of Reticulofenestra minuta that dominates 6.3.4. Interval zone MuN5c the assemblages in the Jakobski Dol 2 section and is rare in the assemblages from the Šentilj-Polička vas section (dom- Some samples from the Partinje and Kamenščak sections inated by Coccolithus pelagicus) (Fig. 6.4). Ćorić & Rögl contained few to rare Braarudosphaera bigelowi pentaliths, (2004) describe alternating assemblages, where either Coc- which perhaps indicate fresh water influences or the prox- colithus pelagicus or Reticulofenestra minuta dominate; the imity of a brackish environment. The assemblages from dominance of the latter supposedly occurs when there is a the two sections are quite different from one another; in rise in temperatures and a drop in the amount of nutrients. the assemblage from the Kamenščak section Coccolithus This could also be the case in the assemblages from Sloven- pelagicus is the dominant species and holococcoliths are ske Gorice, as the dominance of Reticulofenestra minuta co- absent, which could reflect a high concentration of nutri- incides with a slight increase in the abundance of discoast- ents in the water, perhaps associated with shallow water. ers, possibly indicating a moderate deepening (and a drop The most abundant species in the samples from the Partinje in the nutrient levels) of the depositional environment. section is Reticulofenestra minuta, with large oscil ations in Both assemblages contain rare sphenoliths and rare or abundance. Coccolithus pelagicus and Helicosphaera carteri few discoasters, which normal y indicate warm water. are common and a few holococcoliths were found. This as- Discoasters are never abundant in shallow water (Bukry, semblage is also marked by an increase in Sphenolithus spp. 1981a), so their rarity is probably linked to shallow water, abundance, denoting very warm water (Fig. 6.4). rather than low temperatures. Both assemblages contain Reticulofenestra pseudoumbil- Braarudosphaera bigelowi is able to thrive in low salin- ica and R. gelida; along with the simultaneous occurrence ity marine environments (Bartol et al., 2008 and the refer- of several dominant species in the assemblage, implying the ences therein), while the genus Pontosphaera is an indica- seasonal character of the climate. tor of stable marine environments with only slight salinity fluctuations (Melinte, 2005). The presence of B. bigelowi 6.3.5. Interval zone MuN5d pentaliths in several consequent samples from the middle part of the Šentilj–Polička vas section might indicate envi- The nannoplankton assemblages from this time interval are ronments with lowered salinity. The species Pontosphaera characterized by very high species-diversity, implying very multipora is continuously present and is only absent in a warm water (Perch-Nielsen, 1985a), which is, then, fur- single sample (ŠP-11), where there B. bigelowi reaches its ther suggested by the continuous presence of discoasters maximum abundance. This corresponds well to the pre- and sphenoliths (Fig. 6.4). Near the top of the lower part sumed palaeoecological preferences of both species and of the Lenart section there is an interval enriched with sev- implies a short term episode of slight fresh water influenc- eral species of discoasters (Appendix, Tab. 13B); similar – es, perhaps indicating the proximity of land. though less pronounced – enrichments can be observed in 50 the upper part of the Jurovski Dol section and the Zgornji 6.3.6. Interval zone MuN6 Duplek 1 section (Appendix, Tabs. 10, 12). Discoasters indicate warm water (Perch-Nielsen, 1985a; Nagymarosy, Only the upper part of the Lenart section was assigned 2000; Melinte, 2005; Krammer et al., 2006), and their in- to this time interval corresponding to the lower part of creased abundance suggests a rather deep depositional NN6; the nannoplankton assemblage is rich and diverse, environment with a low concentration of nutrients (Chap- and – apart from a few isolated specimens – discoasters are man & Chepstow-Lusty, 1997); this could coincide with a absent. Stil , the warm-water character of the assemblage sea-level highstand at the end of a transgression or at the is apparent as sphenoliths are abundant, while the species beginning of a regression. The warm water character of the linked to a deep oligotrophic environment ( Pontosphaera assemblage is further demonstrated by the abundance of spp ., Rhabdosphaera spp ., Syracolithus schil eri) continue to Cyclicargolithus floridanus, a species which reaches its max- be present in relatively high numbers (Fig. 6.4). imum abundance in this time interval; the peak in its abun- Discoasters and sphenoliths are both reliable warm-wa- dance is followed by a peak in the abundance of discoasters. ter indicators and are presumably linked to relatively deep Since Cyclicargolithus floridanus prefers a higher concen- water. The samples from the Lenart section display an in- tration of nutrients (Melinte, 2005) while discoasters prefer teresting pattern; though both genera were supposed to be oligotrophic environment, this probably reflects a drop in K-strategists, discoasters become abundant in one part of the concentration of nutrients, possibly linked to the sea the section (top of NN5) and practical y vanish from the level rise. The decrease in the abundance of Helicosphaera next, whereas sphenoliths become abundant. This clearly carteri during a peak in the abundance of discoasters sug- demonstrates that the palaeoecological preferences of both gests a drop in nutrient concentrations as wel . groups are at least slightly different. Sphenoliths presum- The co-occurrence of several dominant species and the ably prefer water that is somewhat richer in nutrients than presence of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica and Reticulofe- discoasters (Bartol & Pavšič, 2005) . nestra gelida (a summer and winter variety of the same spe- Occasional rises in abundance of Braarudosphaera cies according to Wei & Thierstein, 1991) in the samples bigelowii might reflect fresh water influences. This repre- from all sections assigned to this time interval indicates the sents an argument in favour of the shallowing in this in- seasonal character of climate. terval zone. The Lenart and Polička vas sections contain relatively common specimens of Pontosphaera spp. (an indicator of 6.4. Calcareous dinoflagellates zero or slight salinity fluctuations according to Melinte, 2005), Rhabdosphaera spp. (indicator of oligotrophy, ac- Specimens of calacareous dinoflagel ates were rarely pre- cording to Negri & Vil a, 2000; rhabdoliths contribute to sent in samples from all sections examined except Zgorn- the buoyancy of coccolithophores and are characteristic of je Partinje; this could perhaps be interpreted as a vague environments with low turbulence, according to Edwards, indication of water depths, as calcareous cysts are only 1968 and Baumann et al., 2005) and holococcoliths (indi- common in pelagic populations and are strongly subor- cating oligotrophic environments according to Cros et al., dinate to naked forms in the neritic (Janofske & Karwath, 2000; Baumann et al., 2005; Cros et al., 2000; Cros & Es- 2000). trada, 2008). This presumably reflects relatively deep water The most common of all calcareous dinoflagel ate taxa oligotrophic depositional environment in this part of the found was Thoracosphaera saxea. It was present in samples Mura Depression at the top of NN5. from all sections except Zgornje Partinje and Jakobski Dol The assemblages from the sections of lithothamnium 1 (MuN4). Thoracosphaera tuberosa and Thoracosphaera limestone (Zgornji Duplek 1 and 2, Zimica and Vinička heimii were also found in samples from most studied vas) are considerably poorer than the assemblages from the sections (Appendix, Tabs. 1-13). other sections assigned to MuN5d. This is attributed to a Calcareous dinoflagel ates thrive in low-nutrient waters. much lower number of samples and different depositional Several species demonstrate a preference for warm waters. environments and/or stronger diagenetic influences oper- Stil , the ecological preferences of individual species are ating at the contact of two different lithologies. very specific, and it is not possible to use the entire group Discoasters are very rare in most of the nannoplankton as an indicator of oligotrophic or warm waters (Höll et al., assemblages found in Slovenske Gorice; they only become 1998). abundant in a short time interval at the top of NN5. The The distribution patterns of the three determined species temperature threshold for discoasters is 14°C (Chapman are markedly different from one another; this indicates & Chepstow-Lusty, 1997). Their abundance would imply the distinct ecological preferences of different species. It favourable conditions for their development, though some is impossible to give a more precise description of these species ( Discoaster aulacos, D. variabilis, D. formosus) are preferences based only on the presence of a few specimens, smaller than stated in their original descriptions. This particularly as their distribution patterns are obscure might reflect suboptimal conditions for their development, and do not seem to correspond with any of the observed perhaps linked to temperatures close to their tolerance changes in the composition of calcareous nannoplankton threshold. assemblages. 51 7. uPPEr BAdENiAN PALAEoCLiMAtE ANd PALAEoGEoGrAPHY 7.1. Palaeoclimate in deposits of this age is not an isolated event. The nan- noplankton assemblages found in Višnjica and Karaburma Notable changes in nannoplankton assemblage composi- near Belgrade (Pavšič & Mihajlović, 1981) are very simi- tion, relative abundances, and number of taxa were ob- lar to those from the Lenart section. At the very bottom of served in the studied material. They reflect considerable en- NN6, there is a short interval of enrichment with several vironmental fluctuations, particularly nutrient availability species of discoasters that, in turn, are replaced by sphe- (perhaps associated with water depth), temperatures, and noliths (Mihajlović & Knežević, 1989). The nannoplankton seasonal changes. High diversity, the continuous presence assemblages from Turda and Ocna Dej in Romania, which of rare discoasters and sphenoliths, and the abundance of are assigned to the transition of NN5 and NN6 (Chira, Helicosphaera spp. indicate relatively warm water through- 2001) are also rich in discoasters and could be considered out the entire interval studied. to indicate warm water as wel . An interesting interval, enriched with several species of The termination of MCO in the Central Paratethys was the warm water genera Discoaster and Sphenolithus, was diachronous; climatic oscil ations which lead to the end of observed at the transition of MuN5d and MuN6 (in the MCO in the Central Paratethys realm started to occur in Lenart section, and part of the Jurovski Dol and Zgornji the Middle Badenian and appear to be regional y specific Duplek 1 sections) (Appendix, Tabs. 10, 12, 13B-D). The (see chapter 1.2.2). Temperatures in different regions of the discoaster-enriched beds are also marked by very diverse Central Paratethys realm were rather variable (Kroh, 2007; nannoplankton assemblages, and both of these characteris- Utescher, 2007b), with the western and southwestern part tics indicate high surface water temperatures; the warm wa- of this region appearing to be warmer than the north and ter character of the assemblage is not as pronounced during northeast. This might reflect better communication within any other interval. On the basis of the LO of Sphenolithus the western part of the Paratethys realm. Though the cool- heteromorphus, which is a global y well-correlated event, ing at the end of the Middle Badenian had already affected we can estimate the absolute age of these beds at 13.53 Ma the deeper benthic environments (as indicated by the δ18O (Lourens et al., 2004). content of pectinid and brachiopod shel s from the Styrian In the Lenart section, the discoasters virtual y disappear Basin discussed by Bojar et al., 2004), the surface waters after the beginning of NN6. However, their disappearance obviously remained warm enough to sustain a distinctly does not reflect a drop in temperatures, as they are replaced warm water nannoplankton assemblage at least in the by an abundance of sphenoliths, which are considered to be southwest part of the Central Paratethys. warm water indicators as well (Appendix, Tab. 13B-D). The most probable reason for this switch seems to be the shal- 7.2. Palaeogeography lowing of the depositional environment coupled with a rise in nutrient availability (Bartol & Pavšič, 2005). Shallowing The most intriguing palaeogeographical problem in the is also indicated by the presence of individual rhodoliths study area is the time of the final closure of the Slovenian within the marl matrix towards the top of the Lenart sec- Corridor, the link between the Central Paratethys, and the tion (Figs. 1.10, 1.16). Mediterranean (Figs. 1.1, 5.1). Horvat (2004) reports that As far as the calcareous nannoplankton assemblages of the Slovenian Corridor remained open until the end of the Mura Depression are concerned, the rise in δ18O which NN5 at 13.53 Ma, according to Lourens et al. (2004), or coincides with the boundary of the Middle and the Upper 13.37 Ma, according to Abdul Aziz et al. (2008). At the end Badenian – known as the Mi3 event of Miller et al. (1991) of the Badenian, bryozoans (Moisette et al., 2006) and oth- – goes unnoticed. As a matter of fact, the youngest assem- er stenohaline organisms (Kroh, 2007) disappeared from blages considered in this study (the bottom of NN6) display the Central Paratethys, and in the Sarmatian, the first en- a distinct warm water character. However, the presence of demic gastropods appeared (Harzhauser et al., 2002); this several dominant species and Reticulofenestra gelida can is evidence that the Slovenian Corridor was closed by the be observed from the beginning of NN5 on and increases beginning of the Sarmatian. The Slovenian Corridor there- upwards (Fig. 6.4); this suggests the increasingly seasonal fore closed at some point in the Late Badenian (between the character of the climate and reflects the changing of domi- NN5/NN6 boundary at 13.53 Ma and the beginning of the nant species within different seasons. Sarmatian at 12.7 Ma). The enrichment in warm water taxa at the time of the The deposits sampled in the Lenart section, where the Mi3 event, when the MCO was coming to an end, is quite boundary of the Middle and Late Badenian can be ob- surprising. Nevertheless, the presence of warm water taxa served, show some indications of a regression, but no evi- 53 dence of any major change that could be associated with the sion of the events mentioned above suggests the persistence closure of the Slovenian Corridor or a change in circulation of a seaway connecting the Mediterranean and the Central type from anti-estuarine to estuarine as suggested by Báldi Paratethys realm in the bottom part of NN6. (2006). Perhaps a change of such magnitude could explain The Late Badenian regression at the end of the eustatic why the deposits sampled in the Jablance section (tenta- cycle TB2.5 increased the palaeogeographic complexity of tively correlated with Late Badenian or Early Sarmatian) the Central Paratethys realm. It is possible that the connec- are so distinctly different from all other sampled deposits. tion between the Central Paratethys and the Mediterranean Badenian nannoplankton assemblages from the Mura terminated in a gradual manner, so that the Mediterranean Depression closely resemble those from the Mediterra- influences ceased in the eastern and northern part of the nean (Fornaciari et al., 1996; Di Stefano et al., 2008), and Central Paratethys sooner than they did in its western and apart from the very similar species composition, the same southern part. The present study suggests that the commu- biostratigraphic events can also be observed in the same nication between the two realms was still active at least in succession. This parallelism is particularly distinct in the the lower part of NN6 and the TB2.5 global eustatic cycle. youngest deposits studied in Slovenske Gorice, assigned to The parallelism between the changes in nannoplankton as- MuN6 (lower part of NN6). The last common events be- semblages in the Mura Depression and the Mediterranean tween the two realms observed in the scope of this study is still present in the youngest Badenian deposits consid- are the FO of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 μm), the ered in this study (top of Lenart section). The last events LO of Sphenolithus heteromorphus, the LO of Cyclicargo- observed in both realms are the FO of Calcidiscus macin- lithus floridanus, the FCO of Reticulofenestra pseudoum- tyrei and the FCO of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (>7 bilica (> 7μm), and the FO of Calcidiscus macintyrei; all of μm); the latter event was recently dated by Abdul Aziz et these events take place in a short interval around the NN5/ al. (2008) at 13.1 Ma. Though the exact time of closure of NN6 boundary. While the LO of Sphenolithus heteromor- the Slovenian Corridor cannot be determined, this allows phus is a global y well-correlated event, the other events the time interval within which the seaway closed, to be mentioned above are reportedly diachronous in different narrowed down to a 400 ky period between 13.1 Ma and regions. The close resemblance in nature and the succes- 12.7 Ma. 54 8. CoNCLuSioNS Twenty-two sections of Badenian deposits in Slovenske associated with global eustatic cycles TB2.3, TB2.4, and Gorice were studied. The lithology of most sections was TB2.5. A transgression at the beginning of the Badenian rather uniform - consisting exclusively of marl or lithoth- (beginning of TB2.3) is reflected in the composition of the amnium limestone - while a few sections consisted of marls nannoplankton assemblages. The regressions at the tran- with interbedded sands. sition of 3rd order cycles TB2.3/TB2.4 and TB2.4/TB2.5 109 species and forms of calcareous nannoplankton were are reflected in the sand interbeds in predominantly marl found in samples from 17 sections. Coccolithus pelagicus, successions. The appearance of rhodoliths within the marl Helicosphaera carteri, Reticulofenestra spp., and Spheno- succession and a change in the nannoplankton assemblage lithus heteromorphus dominated the assemblages. The composition mark the beginning of the regression at the genera Helicosphaera, Reticulofenestra and Discoaster are end of TB2.5. represented by the highest number of species. The presence The presence of warm water taxa indicated warm water of dissolution-sensitive forms in samples from all studied throughout the entire studied interval. The presence of sev- sections indicates that the composition of nannofossil as- eral dominant species in nannoplankton assemblages along semblages was not significantly altered by diagenesis. The with the increasing abundance of Reticulofenestra gelida sampling in high resolution and the use of semi-quantita- pointed to gradual y increasing seasonality from the begin- tive estimations of relative species abundances enabled the ning of NN5 onwards. tracking of changes in the composition of nannoplankton The nannoplankton assemblages from the uppermost assemblages through time. part of NN5 and the lower part of NN6 were very diverse None of the existing calcareous nannoplankton biozona- and rich in discoasters (MuN5d) and sphenoliths (MuN6), tions for the Middle Miocene could be directly applied to which indicates high water temperatures at the NN5/NN6 the studied material. The use of combined marker events, boundary, which was correlated with the Mi3 isotopic event however, made it possible to divide the studied time inter- marking the start of a global cooling. This controversy can val between the upper part of NN4 and the lower part of be explained by the cooling affecting deeper benthic envi- NN6 into 6 interval zones (MuN4, MuN5a-d, and MuN6) ronments while having little or no effect on the tempera- defined on the basis of the LO of Heliosphaera ampliaperta, ture of surface waters. the FO and LO of Helicosphaera waltrans, the FO of Heli- The changes in the nannoplankton assemblage compo- cosphaera walbersdorfensis, the LO of Sphenolithus hetero- sition observed in the Mura Depression closely resemble morphus, and the FCO of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica those described in the Mediterranean. This parallelism (>7 μm). is still present in the youngest sediment samples from Various studied sections that were assigned to the same Slovenske Gorice, which were assigned to the NN5/NN6 interval zone reflected different depositional environments. boundary and the lower part of NN6. From these find- These findings indicate that shallow marine environments ings it can be concluded, that the Slovenian Corridor was existed in close proximity of deeper basins in the Mura De- still open at the beginning of the Late Badenian. The time pression. During the Late Badenian a shallow carbonate interval during which the final closure of the Slovenian platform existed in the southeast of the study area and was Corridor occurred can be narrowed down to the time in- replaced by deeper marine environment in the northwest. terval between the FCO of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Changes in the facies and the composition of the nan- (>7 μm) at 13.1 Ma and the beginning of the Sarmatian at noplankton assemblages reflected sea-level oscil ations 12.7 Ma. 55 ACKNoWLEdGEMENtS I would like sincerely to thank Stjepan Ćorić and Aleksander Horvat for reviewing the manuscript and providing many helpful suggestions and remarks, to Špela Goričan and Adrijan Košir for critical reading of the manuscript and for their comments, and to Jernej Pavšič for helping me with the field work and for supervising the making of the dissertation, which served as the basis for this work. I am grateful to Ines Galović for taxonomic remarks and a discussion on systematic palaeontology, Fred Rögl, Lubov Borisovna Ilyna and Irina Alexandrovna Goncharova for the permission to reproduce their palaeogeographical maps, and Sergej Valentinovich Popov for sending me the original documents. I would also like to thank Špela Goričan, Adrijan Košir, and Franci Cimerman for helping me with the work on the SEM and to Tomislav Popit for sharing his field notes from the sections in highway construction sites and the sample Lat-1. I am also grateful to Boštjan Bugarič for designing the cover and to Adrijan Košir for preparing the final graphic design and page setting of this book. 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Figure 3: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, proximal view, sample Lac-15. Figure 4: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, proximal view, sample LT-31. Figure 5: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, distal view, sample LR-40. Figure 6: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, proximal view, sample LR-40. Figure 7: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, distal view, sample LR-24. Figure 8: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, distal view, sample LT-96. Figure 9, 10: Helicosphaera granulata, (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, distal view, sample LT-11. Figure 11: Helicosphaera granulata (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, distal view, sample LT-96. Figure 12: Helicosphaera granulata (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, distal view, sample Lac-14. Figure 13: Helicosphaera granulata (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, distal view, sample JU-43. Figure 14: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 15: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, proximal view, sample LR-38. Figure 16: Helicosphaera granulata (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, proximal view, sample LR-34. Figure 17: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, proximal view, sample PV-1. Figure 18: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, proximal view, sample LT-51. Figure 19: Helicosphaera carteri Kamptner, 1954, distal view, sample LR-38. Figures 1-13: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 1, 10, 11 and 12 PPL, others XPL. Figures 14-19: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 68 Plate 1 Plate 2 Figure 1: Helicosphaera cf. truempyi Biolzi & Perch-Nielsen, 1982, distal view, sample LT-96. Figure 2*: Helicosphaera cf. truempyi Biolzi & Perch-Nielsen, 1982, sample JU-16. Figure 3*: Helicosphaera euphratis Haq, 1966, sample JU-10. Figure 4: Helicosphaera euphratis Haq, 1966, sample JA-3. Figure 5: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, distal view, sample LR-31. Figure 6: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, proximal view, sample LE-19. Figure 7: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 8*: Helicosphaera euphratis Haq, 1966, proximal view, sample LR-38. Figure 9: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, proximal view, sample LT-31. Figure 10: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, proximal view, sample LT-51. Figure 11: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, proximal view, sample KAM-5. Figure 12: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, distal view, sample LT-61. Figure 13: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, distal view, sample LR-36. Figure 14: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 15: Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 1965, distal view, sample LR-38. Figures 1-13: LM, 1000x, XPL, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 14, 15: SEM, scale bar in each figure. * film camera, scale approximate. 70 Plate 2 Plate 3 Figure 1, 2: Helicosphaera minuta Müller, 1981, proximal view, sample ŠP-16. Figure 3, 4: Helicosphaera minuta Müller, 1981, distal view, sample Lac-5. Figure 5: Helicosphaera minuta Müller, 1981, sample KAM-19. Figure 6: Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis Müller, 1974, proximal view, sample PO-20. Figure 7, 8 : Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis Müller, 1974, proximal view, sample LR-13. Figure 9: Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis Müller, 1974, proximal view, sample LT-51. Figure 10: Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis Müller, 1974, proximal view, sample Lac-14. Figure 11, 12: Helicosphaera vedderi Bukry, 1981, proximal view, sample PO-1. Figure 13: Helicosphaera wal ichi Okada & McIntyre, 1977, distal view, sample PO-23. Figure 14: Helicosphaera wal ichi Okada & McIntyre, 1977, proximal view, sample JU-6. Figure 15: Helicosphaera wal ichi Okada & McIntyre, 1977, proximal view, sample PO-20. Figure 16: Helicosphaera minuta Müller, 1981, proximal view, sample LT-51. Figure 17: Helicosphaera minuta Müller, 1981, proximal view, sample LT-51. Figure 18: Helicosphaera wal ichi Okada & McIntyre, 1977, proximal view, sample KPV-8. Figure 19: Helicosphaera wal ichi Okada & McIntyre, 1977, proximal view, sample PO-11. Figure 20: Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis Müller, 1974, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 21: Helicosphaera wal ichi Okada & McIntyre, 1977, proximal view, sample LR-34. Figures 1-15, 18, 19: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 12 PPL, others XPL. Figures 16, 17, 20, 21: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 72 Plate 3 Plate 4 Figure 1: Helicosphaera mediterranea Müller, 1981, proximal view, sample JAK-10. Figure 2: Helicosphaera mediterranea Müller, 1981, proximal view, sample JU-10. Figure 3: Helicosphaera mediterranea Müller, 1981, sample KAM-16. Figure 4: Helicosphaera mediterranea Müller, 1981, sample PO-20. Figure 5: Helicosphaera waltrans Theodoridis, 1984, distal view, sample JU-4. Figure 6: Helicosphaera waltrans Theodoridis, 1984, distal view, sample Lc-3. Figure 7: Helicosphaera waltrans Theodoridis, 1984, proximal view, sample JU-6. Figure 8: Helicosphaera waltrans Theodoridis, 1984, distal view, sample JU-6. Figure 9: Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae (Haq, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, proximal view, sample KPV-4. Figure 10: Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae (Haq, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, distal view, sample PO-11. Figure 11, 12: Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae (Haq, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, distal view, sample JA-30. Figure 13: Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae (Haq, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, proximal view, sample PV-1. Figure 14: Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae (Haq, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, proximal view, sample PV-1. Figure 15: Helicosphaera perch-nielseniae (Haq, 1971) Jafar & Martini, 1975, proximal view, sample LR-34. Figures 1-12: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 10 and 12 PPL, others XPL. Figures 13-15: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 74 Plate 4 Plate 5 Figure 1: Helicosphaera compacta Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample JAK-3. Figure 2: Helicosphaera recta (Haq, 1966) Jafar & Martini, 1975, distal view, sample LR-17. Figure 3: Helicosphaera recta (Haq, 1966) Jafar & Martini, 1975, distal view, sample PO-11. Figure 4: Helicosphaera recta (Haq, 1966) Jafar & Martini, 1975, distal view, sample PO-6. Figure 5: Helicosphaera recta (Haq, 1966) Jafar & Martini, 1975, proximal view, sample JAK-13. Figure 6, 7: Helicosphaera obliqua Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, distal view, sample JAK-3. Figure 8, 11: Helicosphaera ampliaperta Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample JA-24. Figure 9, 10: Helicosphaera ampliaperta Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample JA-14. Figure 12, 15: Helicosphaera ampliaperta Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, distal view, sample KAM-16. Figure 13, 14: Helicosphaera scissura Müller, 1974, distal view, sample JA-24. Figure 16, 17: Helicosphaera scissura Müller, 1974, distal view, sample ŠP-1. Figure 18: Helicosphaera compacta Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, proximal view, sample PV-1. Figures 1-17: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 10, 11 and 17 PPL, others XPL. Figure 18: SEM, scale bar in figure. * film camera, scale approximate. 76 Plate 5 Plate 6 Figure 1: Pontosphaera multipora (Kamptner, 1948) Roth, 1970 emend. Burns, 1973, sample LR-38. Figure 2: Pontosphaera multipora (Kamptner, 1948) Roth, 1970 emend. Burns, 1973, sample LR-37. Figure 3: Pontosphaera multipora (Kamptner, 1948) Roth, 1970 emend. Burns, 1973, sample JAK-14. Figure 4: Pontosphaera desuetoidea Bartol, 2009, sample JU-6. Figure 5: Pontosphaera plana (Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961) Haq, 1971, sample JAK-14. Figure 6: Pontosphaera cal osa (Martini, 1969) Varol, 1982, sample LR-36. Figure 7: Pontosphaera cal osa (Martini, 1969) Varol, 1982, sample LR-38. Figure 8: Pontosphaera cal osa (Martini, 1969) Varol, 1982, sample LR-38. Figure 9: Pontosphaera cal osa (Martini, 1969) Varol, 1982, sample LR-36. Figure 10: Pontosphaera cal osa (Martini, 1969) Varol, 1982, sample LE-19. Figure 11: Pontosphaera desueta (Müller, 1970) Perch-Nielsen, 1984, sample LT-21. Figure 12: Pontosphaera desueta (Müller, 1970) Perch-Nielsen, 1984, sample Lc-8. Figure 13: Pontosphaera desueta (Müller, 1970) Perch-Nielsen, 1984, sample KAM-27. Figure 14: Pontosphaera latel iptica (Báldi-Beke & Báldi, 1974) Perch-Nielsen, 1984, sample KAM-5. Figure 15: Pontosphaera latel iptica (Báldi-Beke & Báldi, 1974) Perch-Nielsen, 1984, sample KAM-6. Figure 16: Pontosphaera multipora (Kamptner, 1948) Roth, 1970 emend. Burns, 1973, distal view, sample LR-34. Figure 17: Pontosphaera multipora (Kamptner, 1948) Roth, 1970 emend. Burns, 1973, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 18: Pontosphaera geminipora Bartol, 2009, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 19: Pontosphaera geminipora Bartol, 2009, holotype, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 20: Pontosphaera geminipora Bartol, 2009, distal view, sample LR-34. Figure 21: Pontosphaera cal osa (Martini, 1969) Varol, 1982, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 22: Pontosphaera cal osa (Martini, 1969) Varol, 1982, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 23: Pontosphaera desuetoidea Bartol, 2009, holotype, distal view, sample LR-38. Figures 1-15: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figure 9 PPL, others XPL. Figures 16-23: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 78 Plate 6 Plate 7 Figure 1: Transversopontis exilis (Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961) Perch-Nielsen, 1971, sample JAK-14. Figure 2: Transversopontis exilis (Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961) Perch-Nielsen, 1971, sample PV-3. Figure 3: Transversopontis sigmoidalis Locker, 1967, sample JU-26. Figure 4: Transversopontis pulcher Perch-Neilsen, 1967, sample LR-2. Figure 5*: Scyphosphaera amphora Deflandre, 1942, sample KPV-4. Figure 6: Transversopontis pulcheroides (Sullivan, 1964) Báldi-Beke, 1971, sample Lac-5. Figure 7*: Transversopontis pulcheroides (Sullivan, 1964) Báldi-Beke, sample PO-4. Figure 8: Rhadbosphaera vitrea (Deflandre, 1954) Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961, sample LR-24. Figure 9: Rhabdosphaera sicca (Stradner, 1963) Fuchs & Stradner, 1977, sample LR-17. Figure 10: Rhabdosphaera sicca, (Stradner, 1963) Fuchs & Stradner, 1977, sample Lc-10. Figure 11: Rhabdosphaera sicca (Stradner, 1963) Fuchs & Stradner, 1977, sample KPV-7. Figure 12, 16: Rhabdosphaera crebra (Deflandre, 1954) Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961, sample JU-40. Figure 13: Rhadbosphaera procera Martini 1969, sample Lc-10. Figure 14: Rhadbosphaera procera Martini 1969 sample LT-61. Figure 15: Rhadbosphaera procera Martini 1969, sample LT-51. Figure 17: Rhabdosphaera sicca (Stradner, 1963) Fuchs & Stradner, 1977, sample LT-51. Figure 18: Rhabdosphaera sicca (Stradner, 1963) Fuchs & Stradner, 1977, sample LT-51. Figure 19: Blackites trochos Bybel , 1975, sample LR-37. Figure 20: Rhabdosphaera sicca (Stradner, 1963) Fuchs & Stradner, 1977, sample LT-38. Figure 21: Rhabdosphaera sicca (Stradner, 1963) Fuchs & Stradner, 1977, sample LR-35. Figure 22: Scyphosphaera amphora Deflandre, 1942, sample LR-34. Figures 1-16, 19: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 9, 12 and 13 PPL, others XPL. Figures 17, 18, 20-22: SEM, scale bar in each figure. * film camera, scale approximate. 80 Plate 7 Plate 8 Figure 1: Syracosphaera pulchra Lohman, 1902, sample LR-39. Figure 2: Syracosphaera pulchra Lohman, 1902, sample LR-38. Figure 3: Syracosphaera pulchra Lohman, 1902, sample LE-19. Figure 4: Syracosphaera clathrata Roth & Hay 1967, sample JU-26. Figure 5: Syracosphaera pulchra Lohman, 1902, sample ŠP-1. Figure 6: Calciosolenia sp., sample LR-17. Figure 7, 8: Calciosolenia sp., sample LE-25. Figure 9: Calciosolenia sp., sample LT-81. Figure 10: Calciosolenia sp., sample Lac-5. Figure 11: Syracosphaera clathrata Roth & Hay 1967, sample PV-1. Figure 12: Syracosphaera clathrata Roth & Hay 1967, sample LT-51. Figure 13: Syracosphaera clathrata Roth & Hay 1967, sample LT-51. Figure 14: Syracosphaera pulchra Lohman, 1902, sample LT-51. Figure 15: Syracosphaera clathrata Roth & Hay 1967, sample LT-51. Figure 16: Calciosolenia brasiliensis (Lohman) Young 2003, sample LT-51. Figure 17: Calciosolenia brasiliensis (Lohman) Young 2003, sample LT-51. Figure 18: Calciosolenia brasiliensis (Lohman) Young 2003, sample LT-51. Figures 1-10: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 6, 8 and 10 PPL, others XPL. Figures 11-18: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 82 Plate 8 Plate 9 Figure 1, 2: Cribrocentrum reticulatum Roth & Thierstein, 1972, sample PV-12. Figure 3, 4: Watznaueria barnesiae (Black, 1959) Perch-Nielsen, 1968, sample JAK-2. Figure 5: Watznaueria barnesiae (Black, 1959) Perch-Nielsen, 1968, sample JU-45. Figure 6: Cribrocentrum reticulatum Roth & Thierstein, 1972, sample Lc-10. Figure 7, 8: Cyclicargolithus floridanus (Hay et al., 1967) Bukry, 1971, sample LR-39. Figure 9: Watznaueria barnesiae (Black, 1959) Perch-Nielsen, 1968, sample JA-14. Figure 10: Cyclicargolithus abisectus (Müller, 1970) Bukry, 1973, sample LR-30. Figure 11: Coronocyclus nitescens (Kamptner, 1963) Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LT-61. Figure 12: Cyclicargolithus floridanus (Hay et al., 1967) Bukry, 1971, sample ŠP-8. Figure 13, 16: Cyclicargolithus floridanus (Hay et al., 1967) Bukry, 1971, sample JAK-9. Figure 14: Coronocyclus nitescens (Kamptner, 1963) Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LE-3. Figure 15: Coronocyclus nitescens (Kamptner, 1963) Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-1. Figure 17: Cyclicargolithus abisectus (Müller, 1970) Bukry, 1973, sample JA-14. Figure 18: Cyclicargolithus abisectus (Müller, 1970) Bukry, 1973, sample PV-15. Figure 19: Coronocyclus nitescens (Kamptner, 1963) Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample JU-40. Figure 20, 21: Broinsonia parca (Stradner, 1963) Bukry, 1969, sample LR-38. Figure 22*: Retecapsa sp., sample LR-38. All figures: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 2, 4, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 PPL, others XPL. * film camera, scale approximate. 84 Plate 9 Plate 10 Figure 1, 2: Reticulofenestra cal ida (Perch-Nielsen, 1971) Bybel , 1975, sample KAM-18. Figure 3: Reticulofenestra cal ida (Perch-Nielsen, 1971) Bybel , 1975, sample KAM-17. Figure 4: Reticulofenestra cal ida (Perch-Nielsen, 1971) Bybel , 1975, sample JA-23. Figure 5, 6: Reticulofenestra dictyoda (Levin, 1965) Martini & Rizkowski, 1968, sample JAK-5. Figure 7, 8: Reticulofenestra dictyoda (Levin, 1965) Martini & Rizkowski, 1968, sample JAK-8. Figure 9: Reticulofenestra lockeri Müller, 1970, sample PO-3. Figure 10: Reticulofenestra lockeri Müller, 1970, sample JAK-2. Figure 11: Reticulofenestra dictyoda (Levin, 1965) Martini & Rizkowski, 1968, sample ŠP-11. Figure 12*: Reticulofenestra hil ae Bukry & Percival, 1971, sample JU-36. Figure 13: Reticulofenestra bisecta (Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966) Roth, 1970, sample JU-40. Figure 14: Reticulofenestra lockeri Müller, 1970, sample JA-23. Figure 15: Reticulofenestra scrippsae (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Roth, 1973, sample PO-6. Figure 16: Reticulofenestra scrippsae (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Roth, 1973, sample Lac-15. Figure 17: Reticulofenestra bisecta (Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966) Roth, 1970, sample JU-41. Figure 18: Reticulofenestra scrippsae (Bukry & Percival, 1971) Roth, 1973, sample JU-41. Figure 19: Reticulofenestra cal ida (Perch-Nielsen, 1971) Bybel , 1975, sample LR-35. Figure 20: Reticulofenestra perplexa (Burns, 1975) Wise, 1983, sample LT-71. Figure 21: Reticulofenestra perplexa (Burns, 1975) Wise, 1983, sample ŠP-1. Figure 22: Reticulofenestra perplexa (Burns, 1975) Wise, 1983, sample ŠP-8. Figure 23: Reticulofenestra perplexa (Burns, 1975) Wise, 1983, sample LE-19. Figure 24: Reticulofenestra perplexa (Burns, 1975) Wise, 1983, sample LE-7. Figures 1-18, 20-24: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 2, 6, and 8 PPL, others XPL. Figure 19: SEM, scale bar in each figure. * film camera, scale approximate. 86 Plate 10 Plate 11 Figure 1: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (>7 µm), sample LR-40. Figure 2: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (>7 µm), sample LT-71. Figure 3: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (>7 µm), sample JU-45. Figure 4, 5: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (>7 µm), sample LT-51. Figure 6: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (<7 µm), sample PO-3. Figure 7: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (<7 µm), sample LR-40. Figure 8: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (<7 µm), sample LR-29. Figure 9: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (<7 µm), sample LT-51. Figure 10: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (<7 µm), sample LT-31. Figure 11: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (<7 µm), sample LE-25. Figure 12, 13: Reticulofenestra gelida (Geitzenauer, 1972) Backman, 1978, sample PV-1. Figure 14: Reticulofenestra gelida (Geitzenauer, 1972) Backman, 1978, sample LR-35. Figure 15: Reticulofenestra gelida (Geitzenauer, 1972) Backman, 1978, sample LT-31. Figure 16: Reticulofenestra gelida (Geitzenauer, 1972) Backman, 1978, sample LE-25. Figure 17: Reticulofenestra gelida (Geitzenauer, 1972) Backman, 1978, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 18: Reticulofenestra gelida (Geitzenauer, 1972) Backman, 1978, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 19: Reticulofenestra gelida (Geitzenauer, 1972) Backman, 1978, distal view, sample LR-38. Figure 20: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (<7 µm), proximal view. Figure 21: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (<7 µm), distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 22: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (<7 µm), proximal view, sample LR-34. Figure 23: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (>7 µm), proximal view, sample LR-38. Figure 24: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (>7 µm), distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 25: Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 1969, (>7 µm), proximal view, sample LT-51. Figures 1-16: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 5, 9 and 13 PPL, others XPL. Figures 17-25: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 88 Plate 11 Plate 12 Figure 1: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, sample ZP-7. Figure 2: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, sample LR-40. Figure 3: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, sample KPV-7. Figure 4: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, sample KPV-1. Figure 5: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, sample JAK-3. Figure 6: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, sample LT-11. Figure 7: Reticulofenestra minutula (Gartner, 1967) Haq & Bergren, 1978, coccosphere, sample LT-51. Figure 8: Reticulofenestra minutula (Gartner, 1967) Haq & Bergren, 1978, sample LT-16. Figure 9: Reticulofenestra minutula (Gartner, 1967) Haq & Bergren, 1978, sample LR-1. Figure 10: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, coccosphere fragment, sample Lc-10. Figure 11: Reticulofenestra minuta Roth, 1970, sample KPV-1. Figure 12: Reticulofenestra minuta Roth, 1970, sample KPV-1. Figure 13: Reticulofenestra minuta Roth, 1970, sample JU-41. Figure 14: Reticulofenestra minuta Roth, 1970, sample JU-41. Figure 15: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, coccosphere, sample LT-51. Figure 16: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, distal view, sample PV-1. Figure 17: Reticulofenestra haqi Backman, 1978, sample PV-1. Figure 18: Reticulofenestra minutula (Gartner, 1967) Haq & Bergren, 1978, coccosphere, sample lT-51. Figure 19: Reticulofenestra minutula (Gartner, 1967) Haq & Bergren, 1978, distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 20: Reticulofenestra minutula (Gartner, 1967) Haq & Bergren, 1978, distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 21: Reticulofenestra minuta Roth, 1970, distal view, sample PV-1. Figure 22: Reticulofenestra minuta Roth, 1970, distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 23: Reticulofenestra minuta Roth, 1970, distal view, sample LR-34. Figures 1-14: LM, 1000x, XPL, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 15-23: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 90 Plate 12 Plate 13 Figure 1, 2: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, sample LE-19. Figure 3: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, with bridge, sample Lac-15. Figure 4: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, with bridge, sample PO-15. Figure 5: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, with bridge, sample KAM-15. Figure 6: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, coccosphere, sample LR-37. Figure 7: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, coccosphere, sample LT-11. Figure 8: Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry, 1971 emend. Wise, 1973, sample JU-15. Figure 9, 10: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, sample KAM-18. Figure 11: Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry, 1971 emend. Wise, 1973, sample PV-3. Figure 12: Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry, 1971 emend. Wise, 1973, sample Lac-15. Figure 13: Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry, 1971 emend. Wise, 1973, sample Ju-45. Figure 14: Coccolithus formosus (Kamptner, 1963), Wise, 1973 sample JAK-4. Figure 15: Coccolithus formosus (Kamptner, 1963), Wise, 1973, sample JA-3. Figure 16: Coccolithus formosus (Kamptner, 1963), Wise, 1973, sample JAK-4. Figure 17, 18: Coccolithus streckeri Takyama & Sato, 1987, sample LT-56. Figure 19, 20: Coccolithus formosus (Kamptner, 1963), Wise, 1973, sample KAM-6. Figure 21, 22: Coccolithus streckeri Takyama & Sato, 1987, sample LR-35. All figures LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 2, 9, 18, 19 and 22 PPL, others XPL. 92 Plate 13 Plate 14 Figure 1: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 2: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 3: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, coccosphere, sample LR-35. Figure 4: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, with central bar, distal view, sample LR-38. Figure 5: Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry, 1971 emend. Wise, 1973, distal view, sample LR-34. Figure 6: Coccolithus miopelagicus Bukry, 1971 emend. Wise, 1973, distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 7: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, left with central cross, both distal view, sample PV-1. Figure 8: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, with central cross, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 9: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, with central cross, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 10: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, with central cross, proximal view, sample LR-38. Figure 11: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, with central cross, proximal view, sample LR-38. Figure 12: Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) Schiller, 1930, with central cross, proximal view, sample LR-38. All figures SEM, scale in each figure. 94 Plate 14 Plate 15 Figure 1: Calcidiscus premacintyrei Theodoridis, 1984, sample LT-51. Figure 2: Calcidiscus premacintyrei Theodoridis, 1984, sample LR-7. Figure 3: Calcidiscus premacintyrei Theodoridis, 1984, sample LE-45. Figure 4: Calcidiscus leptoporus (Murray & Blackman, 1898) Loebelich & Tappan, 1978, sample LT-91. Figure 5: Calcidiscus tropicus Kamptner, 1956, sample LT-21. Figure 6: Calcidiscus tropicus Kamptner, 1956, sample LR-8. Figure 7: Calcidiscus tropicus Kamptner, 1956, sample LR-35. Figure 8: Calcidiscus leptoporus (Murray & Blackman, 1898) Loebelich & Tappan, 1978, sample LT-96. Figure 9: Calcidiscus leptoporus (Murray & Blackman, 1898) Loebelich & Tappan, 1978, sample LT-11. Figure 10: Calcidiscus leptoporus (Murray & Blackman, 1898) Loebelich & Tappan, 1978, distal view, sample, LR-34. Figure 11: Calcidiscus macintyrei (Bukry & Bramlette, 1969) Loebelich & Tappan, 1978, sample LT-21. Figure 12: Calcidiscus macintyrei (Bukry & Bramlette, 1969) Loebelich & Tappan, 1978, sample LT-96. Figure 13: Calcidiscus premacintyrei Theodoridis, 1984, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 14: Calcidiscus premacintyrei Theodoridis, 1984, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 15: Calcidiscus premacintyrei Theodoridis, 1984, proximal view, sample LR-38. Figure 16: Calcidiscus carlae (Lehotayova & Priewalder, 1978) Janin, 1992, distal vew, sample LR-35. Figure 17: Calcidiscus carlae (Lehotayova & Priewalder, 1978) Janin, 1992, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 18: Calcidiscus carlae (Lehotayova & Priewalder, 1978) Janin, 1992, distal view, sample LR-35. Figures 1-9, 11, 12: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 6, 9, 11, 12 XPL, others PPL. Figures 10, 13-18: SEM, scale in each figure. 96 Plate 15 Plate 16 Figure 1: Umbilicosphaera rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Varol, 1982, sample LR-40. Figure 2: Umbilicosphaera rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Varol, 1982, sample LR-38. Figure 3, 4: Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974, sample PO-2. Figure 5, 6: Umbilicosphaera rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Varol, 1982, sample LT-51. Figure 7, 8: Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974, sample LR-36. Figure 9: Umbilicosphaera rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Varol, 1982, sample LE-25. Figure 10: Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974, sample LR-36. Figure 11: Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974, sample LR-25. Figure 12: Umbilicosphaera rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Varol, 1982, distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 13: Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974, proximal view, sample PV-1. Figure 14: Umbilicosphaera rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Varol, 1982, distal view, sample LR-38. Figure 15: Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974, skupina, proximal view, sample PV-1. Figure 16: Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974, distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 17: Umbilicosphaera rotula (Kamptner, 1956) Varol, 1982, distal view, sample LR-38. Figure 18: Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974, distal view, sample LT-51. Figure 19: Umbilicosphaera jafari Müller, 1974, proximal view, sample PV-1. Figures 1-11: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 4, 6 and 7 XPL, others PPL. Figures 12-19: SEM, scale in each figure. 98 Plate16 Plate 17 Figure 1: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, sample LE-45. Figure 2: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, sample LT-81. Figure 3, 4: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, sample LT-31. Figure 5: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, side view, sample LR-35. Figure 6: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, 1970, side view, sample LR-35. Figure 7: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, side view, sample LR-34. Figure 8: Zyghrablithus bijugatus (Deflandre, 1954) Deflandre, 1959, sample JAK-2. Figure 9: Zygrhablithus bijugatus (Deflandre, 1954) Deflandre, 1959, sample JAK-12. Figure 10: Syracolithus dalmaticus (Kamptner) Loeblich & Tappan, 1966, sample LT-11. Figure 11: Syracolithus dalmaticus (Kamptner) Loeblich & Tappan, 1966, sample LT-61. Figure 12: Syracolithus dalmaticus (Kamptner) Loeblich & Tappan, 1966, sample LT-71. Figure 13: Zygrhablithus bijugatus (Deflandre, 1954) Deflandre, 1959, sample PO-5. Figure 14: Zygrhablithus bijugatus (Deflandre, 1954) Deflandre, 1959, sample JAK-5. Figure 15: ? Clathrolithus spinosus Martini, 1961, fragment, sample LT-51. Figure 16: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, sample LT-51. Figure 17: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, sample LT-51. Figure 18: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, overgrown, sample LT-51. Figure 19: Syracolithus schil eri (Kamptner 1927) Loeblich & Tappan 1963, sample LT-51. Figure 20: Syracolithus dalmaticus (Kamptner) Loeblich & Tappan, 1966, sample LT-51. Figures 1-15: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 6, 7, 10 and 15 PPL, others XPL. Figures 16-20: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 100 Plate 17 Plate 18 Figure 1: Lithostromation perdurum Deflandre, 1942, sample LR-38. Figure 2: Lithostromation perdurum Deflandre, 1942, sample LR-38. Figure 3: Lithostromation perdurum Deflandre, 1942, sample LR-37. Figure 4, 5: Microrhabdulus decoratus Deflandre, 1959, sample JAK-2, different orientation of sample. Figure 6: Orthorhabdus serratus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample JU-14. Figure 7: Orthorhabdus serratus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LT-61. Figure 8: Triquetrorhabdulus auritus Stradner & Allram, 1982, sample JU-14. Figure 9*: Triquetrorhabdulus auritus Stradner & Allram, 1982, JU-14. Figure 10: Micula concava (Stradner, 1960) Verbeek, 1996, sample JAK-1. Figure 11, 16: Micula concava (Stradner, 1960) Verbeek, 1996, sample PV-12. Figure 12: Braarudosphaera bigelowi (Gran & Braarud, 1935) Deflandre, 1947, sample LT-96. Figure 13: Braarudosphaera bigelowi (Gran & Braarud, 1935) Deflandre, 1947, sample LT-6. Figure 14: Micrantholithus sp., sample JU-43. Figure 15: Tribrachiatus bramlettei (Broniman & Stradner, 1960) Proto Decima et al., 1975, sample L-16(1). Figure 17: Biantholithus sparsus Bramlette & Martini, 1964, sample JAK-2. Figure 18: Micrantholithus flos (Deflandre, 1950) Deflandre & Fert, 1954, sample LT-21. Figure 19: Micrantholithus sp., sample JU-48. Figure 20: Tribrachiatus orthostylus (Bramlette & Reidel, 1954) Shamrai, 1963, sample PO-7. Figure 21: Biantholithus sparsus Bramlette & Martini, 1964, sample PO-27. Figure 22, 23: ? Biantholithus sparsus Bramlette & Martini, 1964, sample Lac-15, different orientation of sample. Figure 24: Lithostromation perdurum Deflandre, 1942, sample LR-35. Figure 25: Lithostromation perdurum Deflandre, 1942, sample LR-35. Figures 1-23: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figure 2 PPL, others XPL. Figures 24, 25: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 102 Plate 18 Plate 19 Figure 1, 2: Sphenolithus heteromorphus Deflandre, 1953, sample JA-30. Figure 3, 4: Sphenolithus heteromorphus Deflandre, 1953, sample Lac-5, different orientation of sample. Figure 5: Sphenolithus conicus Bukry, 1971, sample PV-2. Figure 6: Sphenolithus conicus Bukry, 1971, sample JA-7. Figure 7, 8: Sphenolithus heteromorphus Deflandre, 1953, sample KPV-8. Figure 9, 10: Sphenolithus moriformis Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-1. Figure 11, 12: Sphenolithus abies Deflandre, 1954, sample LE-25, different orientation of sample. Figure 13: Sphenolithus abies Deflandre, 1954, sample LT-71 Figure 14: Sphenolithus abies Deflandre, 1954, sample LE-45. Figure 15, 16: Sphenolithus cf. delphix Bukry, 1973, sample PO-11, different orientation of sample. Figure 17: Sphenolithus cf. delphix Bukry, 1973, sample Lac-15. Figure 18: Sphenolithus cf. delphix Bukry, 1973, sample JU-43. Figure 19: Sphenolithus radians Deflandre, 1952, sample JU-8. Figure 20: Sphenolithus radians Deflandre, 1952, sample JA-7. Figure 21: Sphenolithus radians Deflandre, 1952, sample PV-1. All figures LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 2, 8 and 10 PPL, others XPL. 104 Plate 19 Plate 20 Figure 1: Sphenolithus abies Deflandre, 1954, sample LR-34. Figure 2: Sphenolithus moriformis Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-34. Figure 3: Sphenolithus moriformis Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-34. Figure 4: Sphenolithus moriformis Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-34. Figure 5: Sphenolithus moriformis Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-34. Figure 6: Sphenolithus moriformis Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-34. Figure 7: Sphenolithus heteromorphus Deflandre, 1953, sample PV-1. Figure 8: Sphenolithus abies Deflandre, 1954, sample LR-34. Figure 9: Sphenolithus abies Deflandre, 1954, sample LR-34. Figure 10 Orthorhabdulus serratus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample PV-1. Figure 11: Sphenolithus heteromorphus Deflandre, 1953, sample PV-1. Figure 12 ? Triquetrorhabdulus auritus Stradner et allram, 1982, sample LR-34. Figure 13: Orthorhabdulus serratus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, single blade morphotype, sample PV-1. Figure 14: Orthorhabdulus serratus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, single blade morphotype, sample PV-1. Figure 15: Orthorhabdulus serratus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, overgrown, sample PV-1. All figures SEM, scale in each figure. 106 Plate 20 Plate 21 Figure 1*: ? Discoaster sp., sample JA-16. Figure 2*: ? Discoaster sp., sample LR-35. Figure 3: ? Discoaster sp., sample JU-45. Figure 4: Discoaster gemmeus Stradner, 1959, sample JU-2. Figure 5: Discoaster binodosus Martini, 1958, sample JU-41. Figure 6*: Discoaster tani Bramlette & Riedel, 1954, sample LR-35. Figure 7: Discoaster tani Bramlette & Riedel, 1954, sample JU-43. Figure 8: Discoaster deflandrei Bramlette & Riedel, 1954, sample Lc-10. Figure 9: Discoaster druggi Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample JU-26. Figure 10: Discoaster druggi Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample PO-24. Figure 11*: Discoaster druggi Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-35. Figure 12: Discoaster deflandrei Bramlette & Riedel, 1954, sample JU-45. Figure 13: Discoaster aulakos Gartner, 1967, sample ŠP-11. Figure 14: Discoaster aulakos Gartner, 1967, sample PV-8. Figure 15: Discoaster deflandrei Bramlette & Riedel, 1954, sample PO-20. Figure 16: Discoaster aulakos Gartner, 1967, sample JU-43. Figure 17: Discoaster aulakos Gartner, 1967, sample LR-34. Figure 18: Discoaster deflandrei Bramlette & Riedel, 1954, sample LR-34. Figures 1-16: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 1, 2, 3 and 11 XPL, others PPL. Figures 17, 18: SEM, scale bar in each figure. * film camera, scale approximate. 108 Plate 21 Plate 22 Figure 1 Discoaster formosus Martini & Worsley, 1971, sample LR-38. Figure 2 Discoaster cf. musicus Stradner, 1959, sample PO-15. Figure 3 Discoaster musicus Stradner, 1959, sample LR-40. Figure 4: Discoaster adamanteus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-38. Figure 5: Discoaster adamanteus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample JU-43. Figure 6: Discoaster stelul us Gartner, 1967 emend. Jiang & Wise, 2006, proximal view, sample LR-39. Figure 7: Discoaster stelul us Gartner, 1967 emend Jiang & Wise, 2006, proximal view, sample LR-37. Figure 8: Discoaster obtusus Gartner, 1967, sample PO-35. Figure 9*: Discoaster stelul us Gartner, 1967 emend. Jiang & Wise, 2006, proximal view, sample LR-33. Figure 1 0: Discoaster adamanteus Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967, sample LR-34. Figure 11: Discoaster stelul us Gartner, 1967 emend. Jiang & Wise, 2006, proximal view, sample LR-34. Figure 12: Discoaster stelul us Gartner, 1967 emend. Jiang & Wise, 2006, distal view, sample LR-34. Figure 13: Discoaster formosus Martini & Worsley, 1971, sample LR-35. Figure 14: Discoaster stelul us Gartner, 1967 emend. Jiang & Wise, 2006, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 15: Discoaster stelul us Gartner, 1967 emend. Jiang & Wise, 2006, distal view, sample LR-35. Figures 1-9: LM, 1000x, scale bar 5 µm. Figure 9 XPL, others PPL. Figures 10-15: SEM, scale bar in each figure. * film camera, scale approximate. 110 Plate 22 Plate 23 Figure 1: Discoaster exilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, proximal view, sample LR-40. Figure 2*: Discoaster exilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 3*: Discoaster exilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 4: Discoaster exilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view (both specimens), sample LR-40. Figure 5: Discoaster variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample LR-38. Figure 6: Discoaster variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 7: Discoaster variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample LR-1. Figure 8: Discoaster variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample JU-43. Figure 9*: Discoaster variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, proximal view, sample LR- 36. Figure 10: Discoaster variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample LR-34. Figure 11: Discoaster variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, proximal view, sample LR-35. Figure 12: Discoaster variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample LR-35. Figure 13: Discoaster exilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample LR-34. Figure 14: Discoaster exilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample LR-34. Figure 15: Discoaster exilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, distal view, sample LR-34. Figures 1-9: LM, 1000x, PPL, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 10-15: SEM, scale bar in each figure. * film camera, scale approximate. 112 Plate 23 Plate 24 Figure 1*: Discoaster moorei Bukry, 1971, sample LR-34. Figure 2*: Discoaster moorei Bukry, 1971, sample PV-15. Figure 3: Discoaster moorei Bukry, 1971, sample LR-40. Figure 4: Discoaster braarudi Bukry, 1971, sample LR-34. Figure 5: Discoaster braarudi Bukry, 1971, sample LR-37. Figure 6*: Discoaster braarudi Bukry, 1971, sample LR-34. Figure 7: Discoaster braarudi Bukry, 1971, sample LR-38. Figure 8: Discoaster aff. kugleri Martini & Bramlette, 1963, sample LR-9. Figure 9: Discoaster cf. variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, sample LR-38. Figure 10: Discoaster cf. variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, sample LR-35. Figure 11: Discoaster cf. variabilis Martini & Bramlette, 1963, sample LR-34. Figure 12: Discoaster braarudi Bukry, 1971, sample LR-35. Figure 13: Discoaster braarudi Bukry, 1971, sample LR-35. Figure 14: Discoaster braarudi Bukry, 1971, sample LR-35. Figure 15: Discoaster moorei Bukry, 1971, sample LR-34. Figure 16: Discoaster aff. kugleri Martini & Bramlette, 1963, sample LR-35. Figure 17: Discoaster aff. kugleri Martini & Bramlette, 1963, sample LR-35. Figures 1-11: LM, 1000x, PPL, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 12-17: SEM, scale bar in each figure. * film camera, scale approximate. 114 Plate 24 Plate 25 Figure 1: Thoracosphaera heimi (Lohman, 1919) Kamptner, 1954, sample LR-4. Figure 2: Thoracosphaera saxea Jafar, 1975, sample PV-2. Figure 3: Thoracosphaera saxea Stradner, 1961, sample PV-10. Figure 4: Thoracosphaera fossata Jafar, 1975, sample JA-16. Figure 5: Thoracosphaera heimi (Lohman, 1919) Kamptner, 1954, sample PV-15. Figure 6: Thoracosphaera saxea Stradner, 1961, sample PV-10. Figure 7: Thoracosphaera fossata Jafar, 1975, sample LE-7. Figure 8: Thoracosphaera heimi (Lohman, 1919) Kamptner, 1954, sample Lc-10. Figure 9: Thoracosphaera fossata Jafar, 1975, calcisphere, sample PO-10. Figure 10: Peridinium sp., calcisphere - part, sample LR-35. Figure 11: Thoracosphaera saxea Stradner, 1961, calcisphere, sample PV-1. Figure 12: Calcisphere, sample LR-35. Figure 13: ?Calcisphere, sample LR-35. Figure 14: Thoracosphaera saxea Stradner, 1961, calcisphere filled up with pyrite crystals, sample LR-35. Figure 15: Calcisphere, sample LR-35. Figure 16: Calcisphere, fragment, sample PV-1. Figures 1-9: LM, 1000x, XPL, scale bar 5 µm. Figures 10-16: SEM, scale bar in each figure. 116 Plate 25 APPENdiX: NANNoPLANKtoN ASSEMBLAGE CoMPoSitioN Tables 1-13 show nannoplankton assemblages from all ex- During the original examination Reticulofenestra gelida amined samples and the semi-quantitative abundance esti- in Reticulofenestra minutula were considered as morpho- mations for all species. The latter are represented by black types of R. pseudoumbilica in R. haqui respectively, and dots of 4 different sizes, depending on their realative abun- their presence was not recorded. Because of their poten- dance (see legend). For further explanation see chapter 2.3. tial palaeoecological significance, some samples were re- The preservation of nannofossils in each sample is examined to determine their presence. In the case of some described with one of the following categories: sections (Lenart–avtocesta 0 and 1, Lenart – lower part, good: well preserved material without obvious signs of Zimica, Zgornji Duplek 1 and 2, Vinička vas) all samples overgrowth or dissolution, were re-examined in this respect, while in the case of other moderate: moderately well preserved material showing sections only some samples were selected (and are marked signs of overgrowth or dissolution, with asterisks – like ZP-1*). poor: poorly preserved material. Most specimens badly damaged, barren: sample barren of nannofossils. The species are listed in alphabetical order. Allochtho- nous species are separated from the autochthonous species which constitute Badenian nannoplankton assemblages. The number of autochthonous and allochthonous species in each sample is given as wel . table 1: Zgornje Partinje section 119 table 2: Jakobski dol 1 section 120 table 3: Jakobski dol 2 section K-1* K-2 K-3 K-4 K-5* K-6 K-7 K-8 K-9* K-10 K-11 K-12 K-13* K-14 JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JAK-15 7μm r 121 table 4: Šentilj-Polička vas section 122 table 5: Križišče Partinje-Varda section 123 table 6: Lenart–avtocesta 0 and 1 sections 124 table 7: Lenart–avtocesta 2 section 125 table 8A: Partinje section (samples Po 1-20) 126 table 8B: Partinje section (samples Po 21-45) ? 127 table 9: Kamenščak section 128 table 10A: Jurovski dol section (samples Ju 1-26) 129 table 10B: Jurovski dol section (samples Ju 27-55) 130 table 11: Polička vas section 131 table 12: Lithotamnium limestone sections: Zimica, Zgornji duplek 1 and 2 and Vinička vas 132 table 13A: Lenart section (samples L-16 (1-3), Lr 1-19) 133 table 13B: Lenart section (samples Lr 20-40; L-1) 134 table 13C: Lenart section (samples LE 1-45) 135 table 13d: Lenart section (samples Lt 1-96, L 9-13, L-17) 136