S'Ny URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ZENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION NUMBER 12 DECEMBER, 1981 *sssssssssssssssssssssss^ VOLUME 53 ishirxjyou % C/vleppiest (^fjpigtirtas evgp / ON THE COVER.. toto otottototoottos “Debby and Santa” Who could resist a smile when thinking of Santa Claus? And, who can resist smiling at the sight of little Debby Drobnick, a doll if there ever was one, as she sits with her own Santa doll? Debby is going to be four years old in February. Her mother and grandmother are all members of Br. 32 as is Debby since the age of one month! Debby’s Slovenian costume outfit is one she wears proudly. She wore it when she and her grandmother carried the offering for Br. 32’s commemorative mass in October and again for the branch’s Memorial Mass for Albina Novak in November. As we approach the happy Christmas season, our Cover will put you in the right mood — as Debby typifies the joy of happy children! & ZARJA - THE DAWN NO. 12 (ISSN 0044-I848) DECEMBER, 1981 VOLUME 53 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress CHRISTMAS PARTIES OF OUR BRANCHES Dec. 5 — JUNIOR CHRISTMAS PARTY Br. 2, Chicago, IL Dec. 6—Br. I9, Eveleth, MN Dec. 6 — Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., OH Dec. 6—Br. 59, Burgettstown, PA Dec. 6 — Br. 79, Enumclaw, WA Dec. 7 — Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., OH Dec. 7— Br. 89, Oglesby, IL. Dec. 8—Br. 14, Euclid, OH Dec. 8 — Br. 42, Maple Hgts., OH Dec. 9 — Br. 25, Cleveland, OH Dec. 9—Br. 40, Lorain, OH Dec. 10 — Br. 2, Chicago, IL preceded by CHRISTMAS MASS Dec. 11 — JUNIORS CHRISTMAS PARTY, Combined Branches, Cleveland, OH Dec. 12 — JUNIORS CHRISTMAS PARTY Br. 42, Maple Hgts., OH Dec. 13 — Br. 22, Bradley, IL Dec. 13 — Br. 35, Aurora, MN Dec. 13 — Br. 50, Cleveland, OH Dec. 14 — Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI Dec. 15 — Br. 1, Sheboygan, WI Dec. 15 — Br. 54, Warren, OH Dec. 16 — Br. 32, Euclid, OH Dec. 20— Br. 17, West Allis, WI Dec. 20— Br. 20, Joliet, IL OTHER DATES TO REMEMBER.... March 14 — Games Party, Br. 16, So. Chicago, IL March 27-28 — Midwest Bowling Tournament, Chicago, IL April 24 24 — Spring Dance, Br. 79, Enumclaw, WA Official Publication oj the Slovenian Women's Union of A merica — Uradno glasilo Slo venske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne Številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00 — naročnina $10.00 letno za ne-člane. For Social Members, .65 per month — za družabni članice .65 mesečno. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA 431, No. Chicago St., Joliet, II. 60432 Telephone (HIS) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. r mesecu. Editor, COR!N NE LESKO V A R Editorial Office, 2032 IV. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, II. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-6679 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN DECEMBER National Officer: Dec. 6 — Albina Uehlcin, Director, Lakewood, OH National Women's Activities Presidents: Dec. 5 — Rose Marie Steckel, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, PA Dec. 6 — Stella Ciccioni, Ur. 70, W. Aliquippa, PA Dec. 15 — Victoria Volk, Br. 99, Elmhurst, It Dec. 21 - Mary Mihelich, Br. 79, Enumclaw, WA Dec. 24 — Mary Strazishar, Br. 14, Euclid, OH Dec. 26 — Dorothy Lausche, Br. 15, Cleveland, OH Dec. 30 — Jennie Gerk, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., OH Dec. 31 — Frances Vidmar, Br. 83, Crosby, MN Secretaries: Dec. 23 — Mary Meadows, Br. 56, Hibbing, MN Dec. 29 — Elizabeth Birk, Br. 84, New York, N.Y. Dec. 30— Mary Jermene, Br. 85, Depue, IL Many happy returns of the day! >NDEPENDF SAVINGS NT 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 920 E. 185th. Cleveland. Ohio44119 731- 8865 486- 4100 PRESIDENT'S MESS A GE The holiday season is approaching and happy thoughts of Good Will come to mind. May the Christ Child bring you the fulfillment of hopes and dreams, inspire you with the joy of giving your time to those less fortunate. Many branches have Christmas parties for adult and juvenile members; make this an occasion to bring in a friend or neighbor that they may be inspired to join your group. In October, Branch 2 hosted the State Convention, which was very well attended. Many items were discussed and questions answered; this is what it’s all about. We understand each other better and inspire togetherness. The ladies on committee did an outstanding job, as all who were there can attest. I was privileged to attend the Western States Convention in October; Branch 100 in Fontana were hostesses. Mass was at Sacred Heart Church with Father Stancar, spiritual director of the branch officiating. He was assisted by Pastor Joseph Snoj, Fathers Frank Horvat and Christopher Stavros. Several sisters from their school also were present. The dinner was well planned and Regional President Mary Jasina directed the meeting with aplomb. It was a pleasure to meet many old friends and greet new ones. I had the opportunity of meeting my aunt Helen Lapp who resides in the Slovene Home and was the house guest of Mayor Frank Horzen and his charming wife Cecelia. They are, indeed, gracious hosts. I shall long remember my stay with them. By now your branches have elected new officers or re-elected the old ones. Let us try to co-operate and give our time when we are called upon to do so. When volunteers are called for, be one. It is a feeling of accomplishment and much good will emerge from the deed. Let us remember our ailing members and friends with a card or visit this holiday season, especially. We, in Chicago, have lost a very dear friend and benefactor with the death of Louis J. Zefran. He was the husband of former National Treasurer, Elizabeth, to whom we extend our sincerest condolences, as also to her family. This is, indeed, a great sorrow for our community. For him and all our beloved deceased, we ask the Lord’s blessing, that they be accepted in His heavenly environs. My sincerest holiday greetings to the Board members, as well as all our members and their families. May the Christ Child bestow health and happiness to all. May God Walk With You. Mary Muller The States of California-Washington-oregon were invited to State Day Oct. 11th held in Fontana under the auspices of Br. 100. Stale President, Mary Jasina is seen here with National Presitlent Mary Muller, center, and Fontana mayor, Frank Horzen holding the city’s proclamation in tribute to the day. FONTANA, CAL. HOSTS MEETING Our Western States Convention has come and gone and with it many pleasant memories of members banded together for a mutual benefit. Sad to relate that none of our sister branches in the states of California, Washington or Oregon honored us with their presence. Great distance divides us from the rest of you. And Oregon members who planned to be with us were unable to attend due to an auto accident. Br. 13 from San Francisco also missed a memorable, festive event of our commendable organization. Congratulatory messages however, were received and read aloud at the business meeting. Word came from Br. 79 in Enum-claw, Wash., Former State President, Rose Scoff of San Francisco and from Ann Tercek, President of Br. 50, Cleveland. Perhaps in year ’82 there will be no hindrances of any sort to forestall attendance at the next State Convention when we will celebrate 25 years of unity. More information on this subject at the later date. We were very thrilled to have our National President, Mary Muller come all the way from Chicago to commemorate our convention. Mary is a beautiful person; she excells in personality, in spirit, in character and appearance. I could go on ad infinitum extoling the lovely impressions she left behind with our members. But, that would mean printing an extra edition of the ZARJA. I’m sure our Editor, Corinne is busy enough getting just one copy assembled. Besides, Corinne is well aware ol Mary’s virtues as are all those who have had the pleasure of Mary’s company. The filing into the church was solemnly and beautifully negotiated. Two young ladies, Teresa Mlakar and Marylynn Nichols dressed in traditional Slovenian garb pictorially added to the already impressive procession. Mass was celebrated by our Spiritul Adviser, that really nice person, Fr. Strancar. He was assisted by Fr. Snoj and Fr. Horvath. The St. Joseph’s adult choir under the direction of Florence Strnad rendered songs of beauty. The choir also sang in Slovenian which made many hearts palpitate with pleasure. Mayor Frank Horzen was our guest speaker. He was eloquent in his speech and especially eulogistic in his and our pride in Slovenian heritage. We never tire of being made aware of that issue be it in voice or print. Mayor Horzen presented our branch with a plaque from the city of Fontana, proclaiming Oct. 10th, 1981 as S.W.U. Day! That’s quite an (Continued on pane 30) Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M. Holy season of Christmas It was in the Advent of 20 years ago that our late Holy Father Pope John XXIII summoned the Second Vatican Council. Every Christian heart beat faster with joy and anticipation of what this ecumenical council would bring us; we had high hopes. Now that the council is closed and a decade and a half has passed into history, we are really disappointed: we had so many hopes, now there is much disappointment. We hoped that after this gathering of bishops with the holy father, everything would be new. New life in the church, new vocations, a better life among the Christians. We are forgetting one thing: The council did fulfill its mission; now it is up to us to implement its teaching. It is up to you and me to accept Christ. We are in Advent and approaching the Christmas season, a season of hope and love and good will. Not only from Christmas, but from every big feast day we expect so much; then the holy day comes and we are disappointed. Do we really stop to think why are we disappointed? Our church is giving us this holy day; all that is necessary for the celebration of the birth of Christ, so that this season would be profitable for our spiritual and physical well being; it is up to you and me to prepare ourselves, to answer the question: what do we expect from this season, and especially in what frame of mind are we going through these holy days. Every day is God’s gift to us; every day the Almighty shares his life with you; but on a special day like Christmas, God is even more generous; there is no limit to his goodness. It was on Christmas day that the Heavenly Father shared with us the greatest of gifts — His only Son. Now He expccts us to receive Him with open hearts and minds. To accept Him means that He becomes part of our life, yes life itself. This Christmas can be like many others that have come and gone into history without any trace of influence on our daily life; or it can bring us new life, new hope and especially the joy of realizing that in our dark and confused times the divine Son was born to be with us till the end. mas ABIDE W ITH YOU THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR WISCONSIN BRANCHES MEET AT SHEBOYGAN The Sheboygan Branch No. 1 of the Slovenian Women’s Union hosted the State Convention on Sunday, September 27th and also observed their 55th Anniversary. The Convention meeting was held in Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish Hall and was opened with a prayer by State President Anna Modiz. She also led everyone in prayer for our deceased founder, Marie Prisland. Anna welcomed all officers of the Slovenian Women’s Union, delegates and guests which included our National Secretary — Olga Ancel; our National Auditor - Marion Marolt; and Hermine Dicke, Head of the Scholarship Committee and Zarja’s “Pots & Pans”. Rose Zuponcic, 1980 Recording Secretary read the minutes of the last convention which was held at St. John’s The Evangelist Church Hall and hosted by Milwaukee’s Branch No. 43. The results of the questionnaires were then given by the delegates of each branch present: Julie Ann Gruenke (Branch No. 1), Frances Piwoni (Branch No. 17), Elsie Perko (Branch No. 102), and Branches No. 12 and No. 43. Anna Modiz also read correspondence from Elsie Perko of Branch No. 102 (Willard) regretting that their branch could not attend. A letter from Mary Muller, our National President, was also read advising all members of the National Convention date changed to 1983. The Board felt the change would institute a more financial good for our organization. A discussion on the National Convention program took place. It was recommended that all business and the election of officers be held first. When all business is completed then tours and social activities could be planned. Also, some discussion took place regarding the delegate’s importance in being present to vote. The meeting was then adjourned. At 11:30 am the entire group attended Mass in the church with Fr. Richard Fale as the celebrant. The choir under the direction of Pauline Rupar, with Monica Virant as organist sang many familiar Slovenian hymns. The Grand Executive Inn was the setting for the dinner and program. Fr. Richard Fale led everyone in prayer before the dinner. Immediately following dinner, a program followed. Olga Ancel and Marion Marolt spoke briefly and brought greetings from the National Office. Hermine Dicke was the guest speaker. Her topic was “Scholarships” and spoke also about the forthcoming cookbook which should be out sometime around Christmas. Julie Gruenke, Branch No. I, Youth Delegate, read two poems, “New Friends & Old Friends”; and “Yesterday”. Both were very appropriate for the occasion. A vocal duet comprised of Pauline Rupar and Frances Grabner sang familiar Slovenian songs which sent shivers up and down your spine and some “happy tears” with their beautiful harmony. Ruth Sheck, Branch No. 1 President and Anna Modiz, State President, thanked everyone for coming to make the convention an enjoyable one. Janet Maurin, Vice President of Branch No. 1 was Program Chairman for the day. Closing the program were THE 4MS of Sheboygan Falls, Wi. who arc a musical family band consisting of Rudy and Janet Maurin and their two sons — John and Paul. Many people got up to dance or sing with them. The yodeling done by Paul brought back memories from Slovenia for some people present. It was a good way to end a beautiful State Convention Day in 1981 in Sheboygan, Wi. The next convention will be held at St. John’s The Evangelist in September, 1982, the date to be announced later by Branch No. 12 who will be next year’s host. By: JANET MAURIN, State Convention Recording Secretary, 1981 Greetings! A report on the October meeting. Our president, Ruth Sheck opened the meeting with a prayer. Correspondence was read. The financial books of the secretary and treasurer were approved by the Auditors. A vote of thanks was given to ■ Ann Modiz for her work and responsibilities for the Wisconsin State Convention held September 27th in Sheboygan. She in return thanked all members who assisted her. It was decided to hold a pot-luck with a Christmas program on our meeting date: December 15th in the St. Cyril and Methodius Church Hall at 6 P.M. All members are invited to attend. After the business meeting a social was held. The hostesses being Dorothy Brezonik and Margaret Fischer. Thoughts and prayers for the sick and shut-ins. Blessed Holidays to all the National Officers and to all the members everywhere. MARGARET FISCHER Reporter NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL The Christmas season is here — starting with the Children’s party on Dec. 5th — we hope our junior members will be all in attendance. It’s at 1:30 p.m. at the St. Stephen’s Lower Church Hall. Bring your families and join in the fun! The adult member Christmas Party will take place on Dec. 10th and membership tickets for the dinner are only $3. Guests are charged $5. Make sure your reservations are in plenty of time. We will have the fine catering of Andy Gorkis and we know you will enjoy it. The chairmen of the dinner are Mary Muller, 849-3704 and Ann Mladic, 847-6732. Our anniversary mass will be at 7:00 p.m. that evening with the dinner to follow in the Lower Hall. Pastries and prizes are always welcome. Bring a grab bag gift, value $3. Birthday ladies at the last meeting were Elsie Melissa, Corinne Leskovar, Gloria Nusko and Anna Ahacic who was 93 years young. Anniversary people are the following: Fran Morison 30th year, Irma Pasdertz, 32 years, Anne Hozzian, 25th, Albie Rasp, 45th and Jean Zubek, 28th year. Congratulations to all the members and their husbands with wishes for many more. On the sick list is Urska Kerzisnik who suffered a fall at her home and broke her hip. She is recuperating after surgery at St. Anthony’s hospital. We pray she will soon be well. We were saddened by the death of Julia Pavlin, the mother of Lil Putzell, our treasurer. Deepest sympathy to the family. Let us remember Mrs. Pavlin and all our departed members in our prayers. Br. 2 Mass for the sick members each month will be listed in the church bulletin (“Chimes”) so watch for the date and attend if possible. We hope the new SWU cookbook, “Pots and Pans” will be out soon — everyone is waiting for it anxiously. The results of our elections held in October are as follows: President Frances Morison, Vice-President Mary Lauretig, Secretary Jean Zubek, Treasurer Lil Putzell, Recording Secretary Gloria Nusko, Sentinel Luba Troha, Auditors Elsie Cizek, Mary Podder and Sally Kavcic. Our Spiritual Director is pastor, Fr. Vendelin Spendov. Slovenian Reporter is Ana Gaber and English, Yours Truly. Kitchen IN MEMORIAM t LOUIS J. ZEFRAN Well-known businessman of Chicago, III. passed away in October. One of our ZARJA advertisers for many, many years, he was a great fraternalist and humanitarian. Our sympathy to his family. God grant him eternal peace! helpers will be Katie Sarbarneck and Ann Terdin. Sunshine Lady is Jean Zubek and Birthday Lady is Anne Mladic. Congratulations to all on the staff! Br. 2 members have decided to have a “50-50” project beginning in November and ending in December. The proceeds will go toward the branch’s contribution to the Slovenian Miner’s Memorial in Minnesota. Prizes are based on the 50-50 ratio. Ladies, with the Christmas season here, let us remember our shut-in members. Send them Christinas greetings to cheer them for the holidays. To all our members and especially those out-of-town ladies, Br. 2 wishes you the holiest Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good health and prosperity to all. ANN SC1ESZKA NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OH There will be no meeting in December and our Christmas party plans will be planned at the November meeting. Our deepest sympathy goes to the family of Louise Čebular, one of our first fifty year members who passed away. Also, to ther families of Josephine Kuret and Phyllis Cer-melly. May they have eternal rest and peace. On our sick list we have Helen Moze who was hospitalized, had surgery and is now home doing well. Millie Novak is also home and recuperating. Our member, Mary Novinc is at this time at St. Augustine Manor. Our State Convention which was on Sept. 27th was well-attended by our members and good reports by the branches were given. Sophie Magayna, State President and secretary of our branch presided. We honored Frances Sietz, a member of Br. 50 for her many years of devotion to S.W.U. The celebration that was held at Rechar Ave. Hall for the 50th anniversary of Br. 50 was also attended by our members. We wish them great success and many more years. At this time, we wish all our members a blessed Christmas, Happy New Year and good health and peace. ANN STEFANČIČ NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI Our October meeting was well-attended even though several of our regular members were on the sick list and we’re hoping they soon are well enough to join us again especially for the holidays coming up. Frances Plesko led us in prayer in Slovenian to begin the meeting. All officers were present. Reports were given and accepted as read. Our Delegate, Stavia Dobersek, gave her report on the State Convention meeting. Please note that we are the hosts for 1982 and it will be our 55th Anniversary the same year. Plans were made for a committee to start working on the date and place for this event. We also learned that our National Conventions will be held every four years now instead of three, which means that the next one will be held in Chisholm in 1983. Speaking of Chisholm, the letter asking for donations toward the Slovenian miners and laborers’ Memorial to be erected at the Iron Range Center was read and a donation was suggested and approved. The Christmas visits to the Nursing Homes was also discussed and Mary Kiel brought Santa bottles that she made for us to fill with candy for each of our members there. We also welcomed Julia Schnick into our group. Remember, we’re always ready to receive new members, young or old! Sick members reported were Mary Skusek, Frances Lauer and Joanna Turk. Please remember them in your prayers. Mary Rugle also is ailing! Our meeting ended with Stavia leading us in English prayers. Several attendance prizes were again donated and distributed to the lucky ones. Cakes and strudel were brought in by our birthday girls Marie Brekkan, Evelyn Laurich as well as Mary Kiel and Ursula Ruppe. “Happy Birthday” was sung for them once we all sat down to the treats and coffee, followed by our favorite game. Sophie Ermence, sister of Mary Cheplak and former Frances Remec passed on to her eternal life. Our sympathy to all her relatives. She was also an aunt of mine through marriage. God rest her soul in peace! MARY DEZMAN S.W.U. QUIZ: What would you like to see emphasized more at your meetings? What subject would you like to have debated by your members at a meeting? What suggestions do you have for your Branch? What community projects do you think worthwhile for your Branch to sponsor? NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Happy, Happy News: Branch No. 13 reports with much happiness the marriage of Marion Clark to Car-mello Mirabella, July 18, 1981 at Virginia City, Nevada. Marion was born in Yukon, Pennsylvania and Carmello (Mel) is a native of San Francisco. The delightful wedding party consisted of Mel’s cousins Maid of Honor and Best Man respectively, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fava and Mrs. & Mr. Robert Perrquett. To Marion and Mel we wish a happy and long life of wedded bliss. Of course, knowing Marion who extends herself so fully, they can’t miss. Happy wishes on your marriage from Branch No. 13 officers and members. Regards from Mrs. Mary Tomic! Met daughter Millie and she informs me Mom is doing just fine and wants to be remembered to all the ladies. Thanks! Vinka Kopec’s little daughter Valerie underwent open heart surgery at the U. C. Hospital. It has been a dreadful concern as Valerie is only a baby, 6 months old at the time of this operation. But as Vinka says, “God took care of her and she came out of the surgery just fine”. Of this we are all happy. Good luck (o all. Katie Govednik, who for many years lived at 579 San Bruno Ave., S. F., living later in a rest home in Hayward, passed away. Truly this good lady has found a good home with GOD. Mary Petkovich, living at the University Ladies’ Home in S. F., fell and broke her leg. She is now in the Sunnyside Convalescent Hospital recuperating. Rose Scoff had a visit from Irene Jagodnik, Nat’l Auditor from Joliet. Irene came to California to visit her daughter (Business Manager ol Channel No. 2). Irene gave Rose a set of beautiful silver place mats for our next financial benefit. Our Slovenian Reporter, Poldica Podgornik, has sustained a dreadful fall breaking her hand and hip. Our prayers are with you Poldica for a speedy recovery. Certainly, she has had more than her share of LOUSY luck! Let’s hope 1982 will be just a little kinder to this sweet lady. Good news, too, from Tillie Hansen (my former bowling partner). She is moving from her gorgeous home to a lovely con-dominum which will be less work and allow Tillie more lime for travel and pleasure. Happy leisure time, Tillie, and good health to you from all. Lovely note from Margaret MEL & MARION MIRABELLA Bertains who tells us Mary Springer was a happy to see her name in the Zarja! Despite the darn arthrities and much discomfort Mary wants to be remembered to all the ladies of Branch No. 13. Even we, who do not see each other often, we do think and pray for one another. Just remember dear members, out of sight does not mean out of mind! God Bless all and may your holidays be joyous in the company ot your dear families. It is only with our families LIFE IS GOOD. FRAN E. CHIODO Reporter NO. 14, EUCLID, OH After an active summer and fall season, our members have settled down and are looking forward to our Annual Christmas Meeting and Party. At that time, we’ll also be honoring our 50-year members. Congratulations! Unfortunately this month we do have a list of ill members: Pauline Koncilja, Mrs. Caroline Gabrenja who broke her arm at the Slovene Home for the Aged, Rosie Mauric and Millie Tomarek. Mary Kusar has returned from the hospital to the Slovene Home for Aged. We all send speedy wishes to these fine ladies along with our prayers for a return to good health. Our sympathy is extended to member Mary Mrsnik on the death of her brother who passed away in Arizona, and was buried here in Cleveland. May God rest his soul. Ileene Collins and her husband Jay must have had a great time on their tour through Europe and Yugoslavia. Welcome home Ileene! Our Slovenian reporter Mary Iskra and her husband Frank also went on a short bus excursion. It certainly is difficult to believe that 1982 is just around the corner! A Blessed Christmas to all and Best Wishes for a Safe, healthy and happy New Year! ALICE KUHAR On October 4th twelve of our members attended the Illinois-Indiana State convention. They were our delegate Edna Winters, Helen Gornick, Gladys Buck, Mary Brebrich, Ann Ksiazek, Mary Krz-naric, Pauline Klobučar, Mary Maricich, Alvina Sreboth, Marge and Sylvia Spretnjak and Fran Zupančič. The Slovenian Mass at St. Stephens church was just beautiful and was also in honor of the 800th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi. The buffet dinner was enjoyed in an Octoberfest setting. While tables were being cleaned for the meeting, the ladies were entertained by a wonderful Slovenian band. At our October meeting, Helen Gornick read the delegate’s report of the convention proceedings. In 1982 our branch will host the convention. Our Christmas party will be held on December 10th at 6:30 at the Villa Cosenza. Dinner tickets are $8.00. Bring an unwrapped 52.00 gift for the grab bag. Door prizes are also appreciated. Please call Ann Lustig at BA 1-4586 for reservations. A letter was read from Father David Stalzer, member of Br. 20, about the memorial to Slovenian Miners and Laborers in Chisholm, Minnesota. SWU will be the main force in reciting this memorial. A contribution of 525.00 was voted to be donated from our branch. Dolores Franko, Mary Krznaric, Chris Whalen and Beverly Matushek took over the kitchen duties to serve the refreshments of our birthday celebrants. They were Millie Skul, Betty Natarelli, Mary Ann Star-cevich, Edna Winters, Dolores O’Brien and Fran Zupančič. Phyllis Perko and Dorothy Perko were absent because of the illness of their husbands. Best wishes to Mike and Matt for improved health. Get well wishes were sent to Ann Kompare who was hospitalized. Cards were signed by all the ladies at the convention for Ann and for Katie Triller who will be 93 years old in November. Katie is presently residing at the Lake County Convalescent Home, 2900 W. 93rd Avenue, Crown Point, Indiana 46307. Congratulations to Mary Priesol who has a new graddaughter, Mary Therese Marsh. Welcome to new member Gary Malone, son of Cindy Malone and Grandson of Virginia Komlanc and to Catherine Kaminski daughter of Ann Marie Kaminski. Nine year old Paul Matushek participated in Annunciata School’s Math-a-thon to raise funds for St. Jude children’s research hospital. Each child was given a math workbook and sought out sponsors who would donate a certain amount of money for each math problem the student completed correctly. Paul’s efforts brought in a total of $102.60. Suzanne Sesek, granddaughter of Zinka Sesek, also participated and brought in contributions of $101.28. All told $3,000.00 was realized. Congratulations! Our Games party will be held in the Spring on Sunday, March 14th. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, W1 We are having ideal weather for this time of the year and here’s hoping for a mild winter. REMINDER: Our annual meeting will be held on Sunday, December 20th at 2:00 P.M. in the Baraga Hall of St. Mary’s church hall. Please use the rear door. It is important that members attend this meeting as we have important business matters to discuss, and election of officers for the coming year. We will have a Christmas social after the meeting with distribution of Childrens Christmas gifts, exchange of gifts among our members ($2.00 value). Lunch and desserts will be served. Donations of desserts would be appreciated, please call 327-3871 or 327-1444. Mom (Marie Floryan) and I attended the Minnesota Regional Convention in Ely, Minn. The meeting was very informative and very well represented by the various branches. After a successful meeting we attended the high mass at St. Anthony’s Church, with Rev. John Sustarsic giving an inspirational sermon. The choir under the direction of Miss Mary Hutar sang the mass with several beautiful Slovenian melodies. We wish to thank you, Br. No. 23, officers and members, members of the various Minnesota branches, and especially John & Barbara Rosandich, for the warm hospitality you have all shown us during our visit with you. We will long remember those moments we spent with you. On September 27, 1981 a bus was chartered for our trip to Sheboygan, WI to attend the Wisconsin Regional Convention hosted by Br. No. 1. After a successful meeting we marched in a body to St. Cyril & Methodius Church, with Rev. Richard Fale celebrant of the Holy mass. After mass, we went to the Executive Inn for a delicious banquet and a delightful program. Thank you officers & members for your gracious hospitality. Just heard that Mary Ann Ybanez is undergoing surgery on her legs; also her sister, Kathy Kunert just came home from the hospital. We wish a speedy recovery to them both. At this time 1 would like to send birthday greetings to Marie Floryan’s sister-in-law, Lucija Gregorčič, who was known in her younger days as “Little Cilka”. She was well known for her bakery, especially the strudels and poticas. Cilka is going to be 100 years young on December 8, 1981. Members and friends, maybe you could send her a card or stop in for a short visit, I know it would be greatly appreciated. Her address is: St. Josephs Nursing Home, 5301 W. Lincoln Ave., West Allis, WI 53219. Members in arrears please bring your dues up to date. The secretary must have her books in order. To all the officers and members of theS.W.U. my wish for Christmas: May you ' have the spirit of Christinas, which is peace. The gladness of Christmas, which is hope, The heart of Christmas, which is love and May the Christ Child bless and keep you close to Him during the New Year of 1982. MARION M. MAROLT NO. 19, EVELETH, MN On October 4th we had our meeting. We were honored to have our State President Victoria Bobenc and Youth Director Anna Hodnik among us. We thank them very much for coming and sharing some of their thoughts with us. We made plans for the Christmas party on December 6. We will have a good dinner and presents for everyone. I hope all of you can come. In March we had a successful bake sale. Our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Katherine Skul was honored in May. A good dinner was served and the plans were made for August picnic, which was held at Primozich’s at Ely Lake. Some of our members attended the state convention at Ely. The day was enjoyed by all. Thank you Ely members for a nice day, good food and entertainment. Sincerely, VIDA LENARI, Sec’y 5 LOVELY MEMBER IS BRIDE Elizabeth Pizar Arthur Elizabeth Pizar and Michael Edward Arthur exchanged wedding vows in a double ring ceremony July 25 in St. Aloysius Church, West Allis, Wis. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Key. The bride was given in marriage by her godfather, Joseph P. Soltis Sr. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Joseph A. Pizar of West Allis and the late Mr. Pizar. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Edward F. Arthur and the late Mr. Arthur. Mrs. Gilbert Forbas was matron of honor. Lee Guse served as best man and ushers .were James Lazear and Donald Mateer. The ceremony was followed by a dinner at Klemmer’s Restaurant. The bride is a graduate of Milton College, Milton, Wise., and Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. Mr. Arthur received a master of science degree from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, and is manager of materials and vacuum engineering with McGraw-Edison Co., South Milwaukee. The couple is residing at 6090 Tulip Lane, Greendale, following a wedding trip to Hilton Head Island, S.C. Beth and her mother, Helen are staunch members and her aunt, Frances, is our treasurer of Br. 17. Our heartiest wishes to the newlyweds and family. NO. 20, JOLIET, IL BOWLING NEWS Halloween party was held October 26th after bowling, many of the bowlers dressing in costume, with our best costume prize going to Louise Hedrick. Refreshments were served with goodies being donated by Mary Rudman, Agnes Verbiscer, Millie Ellena, Mary Kay Demick, Judy Kozol, Loretta Grezetich, Judy Derlinga, Betty Fassiotto, Lorraine Rothlisberger and Ann Kobe. A beautiful Floral Centerpiece donated by Loretta Grzetich was won by Ann Mulvey. As of Oct. 26 Merichka’s Restaurant is in first place with 14 Wins and 7 Losses. Our top four bowlers are Marj Wajchert 158, Judy Derlinga 157, Lorraine Rothlisberger and Vickie Bernickas with 156. The popular 3-10 split was picked up by Ann Sternisha, Betty Fassiotto, Kathy Lovati, Mary Lou Kroviak, Mary Rudman, Marion Jakovich, Rose Costelli, Lorraine Rothlisberger. 5-7 Ann Mulvey, 5-10 Vicki Bernickas, 3-7 Millie Ellena, 6-7 Ann Kobe, 6-7-10 Ann Mulvey, 5-8-10 Rose Costelli. As you can see many of our bowlers have a Great Eye! Merry Christmas to all (rom the bowlers of Branch No. 20. JUDY KOZOL, Sec. if. if. if. * * * S.W.U. Bowling Directors’ meeting was held at the home of Rose Kraemer in Milwaukee. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Kraemer. Present were Marion Marolt, Vice-President, Lil Putzell, Secretary and Treasurer, and Directors, Mary Rudman, Judy Derlinga, Ann Modiz, and a guest Pauline Machak of Joliet. Lena Dawson was absent. Elected to the new term were: Rose Kraemer, President, Marion Marolt, Vice-President, Lil Putzell, Sec. and Treas. and Directors, Mary Rudman, Judy Derlinga, Ann Modiz. The S.W.U. Bowling Tournament will be held in Chicago March 27-28, 1982. The next meeting of the Directors will be June 19th, 1982. Just a few lines regarding the Bowlers’ Halloween Party for Br. 20. It was held at Rivals Club Rooms and we’re sure that everyone had a good time. Prizes were awarded to those in costumes. Later refreshments were served. Lorraine Rothlisberger, our Bowling President and her committee did a wonderful job. Thanks, Lorraine and those who participated. MARY RUDMAN We had a lot of fun at our Halloween party and meeting held at the Drassler’s lovely, spacious home. Mayme was our gracious hostess and Mary Rittmanic and I were cohostesses. Ann Richards took the costume prize as our unfriendly ghost that had everyone guessing until roll call. Our finance committee was busier than busy collecting dues: con- vention expenses, penny drill, and other monies. They must have been counting $ bills in their sleep that night. The gift prize, won by me, was donated by Mayme Drassler. It reaped $12.75 for our treasury (not bad). Thanks Mayme! After reading the letter from Father Stalzer concerning the monument of our Slovenian miners, we agreed to make one donation now and one later. We had a very successful state convention and want to thank Branch 2 for this most satisfying day — the St. Stephen’s choir was very professional and beautiful, the food plentiful and good, the polka band endeared themselves to us all, and the speakers put it across well. It’s all over with but we’ll have pleasant memories to last forever. Plans were completed for our Christmas party at the South Sea Restaurant on Sunday, December 13th. The meeting will be held at Mollie McIntyre’s home with Dorene Oulthouse and Ann LaMontagne as co-hostesses. Looking for a good response! The hear, here, and where about our members: Wishing Ann Jamnick well after her cataract surgery. Libby Kinder and daughter, Ann, took a mystery tour trip and were pleasantly surprised to be in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, area.; There they enjoyed the beauty of the colorful fall and were awed by the Canadian geese formation as they took to the south (smart birds). Mayme Dressier went on a mystery trip with the Senior Citizens and had a most enjoyable time in Hickory Hills Saber Room listening to Jan Garber and the Ink Spots. Ah! sweet mysteries of life! Mollie McIntyre received word from her relatives, the Ed Komidors of Chisholm, Minnesota. His granddaughter, Daphne, will be performing with the "Tammies” in the Joliet Rialto Theater on December 6th. Hope our Zveza members keep this engagement in mind. The Lustigs visited with their aunt, (Continued on page 14) Vinska Trgatev committee: Mildred Puce!, Agnes Lovati, Dolores “Smitly” Ambrozich and seated, MaryMarolt^^^^^^^| Derlinga M •JSj SS3®I grapes! Presentation ln honor of HERALD-NEWS Wednesday. O. tnlur Living Ghostly delight This Halloween turn your lurne intn a haunted house by including some friendly, atul delicious, ([hosts in your parly plans. ^ ^ ^ m- Kvvin McNamara and Kathy l.er thin or about 40 x m to 70 inches in sile Some will extend over the edge of table, On one side have dough overhang about H inches. With scissors or sharp knife mm off all around the thickened edge, (use for small strudel or apple turnovers) Sprinkle buttered bread crumbs over entire dough to edge of table. Along side with H inch overhang sprinkle most of the thinly sliced apples over half of dough Spnnkle remaining dough with sugar, Turn side edges inward about i or 4 inches. Klip the M inch extension over apples Sprinkle it with remaining apple slices, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. With fingers roll first couple inches then laise the cloth and gently roll strudel to the other end. In a well-buttered jellvroll pan form into an S shape With pastry brush spread with melted butter and bake ill a preheated 4.'iO degree oven for .III minutes. Reduce heat to 400 degrees and bake l.ri minutes longer l.et set about 10 minutes before slicing Most delicious when served warm. Spnnkle with powdered sugar before serving, if desired Hundreds of fun loving people came to celebrate with us the traditional Vinska Trgatev or Slovenian Grape Festival on Oct. 10. This occasion marked another successful event sponsored by your branch. A big THANK YOU to the following committees who made the joyous evening a reality: Posters: Walter Bernadyn and Jenny Skul; Decorations: Joe and Dolores “Smitty” Ambrozich, Marge and Ed Rachor, Gen and Gene Klainsek, Jenny Skul, Theresa Schmidberger, Steve and Marie Malnerich, Dan Mueller, Joey Zolper, Joe Skul, Olga and Ed Ancel, Mary and Stan Marolt, Millie and Rudy Pucel, Mary Anzelc, Fr. Dave Stalzer and A1 and Agnes Lovati; Bartenders: Jim Ostrem, Ed Ancel, John Anzelc, Gene Klainsek, Joe Ambrozich and Tony Mihelich; Admission and tickets: Marie Malnerick, Theresa Schmidberger, Jenny Skul, Marge Rachor and Dolores “Smitty” Ambrozich; Kitchen: Margaret Stalzer, Frances Kodrich, Dorothy Koncar, Anne Kobe, Florence Ancel, Jennie Gore and Emma Nosse; Chefs: Mayme and Franz Fedo — prepared the Hot Beef; Bakery Donors: Emma Planinšek — 1; Mary Ambrozich — 3; Alice Vergo — 2; Frances Capitino — 2; Justine Kauzlaric — 2; Margaret Stalzer; Anne Kobe; Sauerkraut speciality: Rosemary Konopek; Flower Donors: Steve and Theresa Sitar owners of the Valley View Garden Center who graciously donated 32 Begonia plants as center pieces; and 8 hanging planters as prizes; Candy for arbor: Joseph Ambrozich, Jr.; Carpenter: Tony Ancel con- struction of the arbor; Town Officials: Mayor and husband — Carita and Scott Gir-man; Judge — Rudy Pucel; Baliff — Joe Vidmar; Jailer — Joe Skul; Sheriff - Don Hubert; Collector — Gen Klainsek; Narrator — Fr. Dave Stalzer; Detectives: Marge and Ed “Fly” Rachor; Bill and Diane Govednik; Tony and Julia Kaluza; Dorothy and John Mahan; Jenny Skul; Theresa Schmidberger; Publicity: Fr. Dave Stalzer and Mildred Pucel — Joliet Herald News — full page coverage in the Living section; ^ Radio Stations spot advertising; DECEMBER, 1981 Attending the dance were members from our neighboring branches: Mary Lauretig, Rose Ceferin, Rosemarie, Rose, Mike and Ray Ceferin of Branch No. 2, Chicago, IL. and Mary Gramc, Mary and Joe Piletič and Agnes Ostrowski of Branch No. 24, LaSalle, IL.. We enjoyed having you with us. Our Branch has pledged $500.00 to the Slovenian Miner’s Project at the Interpretative Center in Chisholm, which averages to approximately a little over to one dollar per adult member. Deepest sympathy to the family of Mary Maichin our over 50 year member who died at the age of 94; to Mary Ann Spelich on the death of her father Peter Kuzma; Dorothy Jursinic on the death of her brother Robert Mau. Congratulations to Antoinette and Ed Pucel on the marriage of their son Michael to Evelyn Katz. Get Well Wishes to Judy Mravle and Carita Girman. Baby Congratulations to Nancy and Bill Bussey — girl; Mary Lou and Frank Golf — boy; Jessie and Robert Cambic — boy. Anniversary Congratulations to Frances and Paul Capitino — 40th; Rosemary and Robert L. Rogel — 25th; Julia and Tony Kaluza — 25th. Newlywed blessings to LuAnn Stefanic and Mark Goldman. Congrats to the Mother-of-the Bride, Ann Stefanic, our member too! This is an official announcement. Our Branch is promoting a trip to Nastiville and Knoxville, Tennessee during the month of May, 1982. Members and friends are asked to schedule their vacations for that month and start saving your money. All neighboring branches are welcome to join us. Watch this column for further details. At our October meeting Helen Zadel Plut was the grand door prize winner. Not being present, in November it will go at $10.00. Hostesses for the October meeting were Dorothy Horvat, Marie Malnerick,Theresa Maretntich and Jc Buchar. Thanks, we appreciated those delicacies. By this time our spiritual advisor, Fr. Dave Stalzer has returned from a tour of the Holy Land. We know he will have an interesting report. Coming events: — December meeting is Sunday the 20th at 1:30 pm; election of officers; Christmas Party with a $3.00 gift exchange — See you all at our meeting to be followed by food, music and Christmas cheer. “May your Christmas be a blending of peace and joy and love unending." JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC LETTER FROM OUR READER: Dear Editor, 1 am concerned about the many elderly and sick shut-ins who depend on radio and TV for their worship and consolation. Please alert your readers and ask them to help keep these programs on. Sincerely, Josephine V. Oblak Felton, California Member of Hr. 21 Please address a letter to the Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 stating your protest to Petition No. R.M. 2493 being circulated by Madalyn Murray O'Hare to remove religious broadcasting from radio and television including Sunday services. The FCC is holding a hearing on the matter soon. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated. rln Me mori am \ V BLAG SPOMIN I 1 — Mary Brezovnik — Charter 2 — Mary Zver 3 — Frances Babich 6 — Mary Godesa 7 — Anne Prince 10 — Josephine Barbo 12 — Angeline Krolnik 15 — Theresa Mary Janezic 16 — Stephanie Hermanak (98 years old) Anna Springer 23 — Helen Marn — Charter 25 — Josephine Brodnik Mary Razinger 27 — Jennie Baraga Mary Bradica 32 — Mary Branisel Frances Jalovec Mary Vodičar 38 — Anne Bambich 40 — Jennie Zgonc 41 — Anna Tomazic 47 — Jennie Bizjak — Charter and 50-yr 55 — Mary Svesko 56 — Anna Janezich — Charter 64 — Genevieve Sambol 81 — Mary Kramarich — Charter 90 — Frances Skvartz A NEW SERIES FOR YOU! As a natural result of the many stories and interviews made by our Cultural Officer, Irene Odorizzi in her quest for immigrant history, she has found that the children of our immigrants, the first generation of Americans by birth that issued from our Slovenian grandparents, have equally interesting life-stories and do, in fact, reflect the earliest years of the Slovenian-American presence. Thus, we present the first of the new series of monthly stories, compiled by Mrs. Odorizzi from her files. For more information and inquiries, you may write to her as follows: Mrs. Irene Odorizzi, 2362 Paddock Lane, Reston, VA 22091 Your continued cooperation in sharing your families' history is appreciated. THE NEXT GENERATION “FANT OD FARE” (Boy of (he Parish) John L. Jevitz, supporter of the SWU No. 20 Fraternalist par excellence o f Joliet, III A very active life of public service and fraternalism can be traced through John L. Jevitz’s collection of letters, program booklets, photos, newspaper articles, and awards. In his very modest and unassuming way, he is reluctant to acknowledge his accomplishments and success, even though they speak eloquently for him. John, a behind-the-scenes man, is somewhat embarrassed when friends or fellow workers acknowledge his outstanding characteristics, because he has always tried to maintain a "lowprofile. ” Rather than take credit alone, he manages to include anyone who has contributed to the honor, recognition, or award that is presented to him. John claims that, "I am a very lucky man as I was always associated with the best of people — the grandest fellows! And some wonderful ladies too! Just plain good environment. God bless them!” John's entire family, well-known in civic, community, church, and fraternal affairs have been actively interested and participating in activities which were felt to be of most good for all. Whatever hat John wore in his public and political life, it seemed to fit: President of the Match Workers Union at 1953 Member of the County Board of Supervisors, 1929-33 Depu ty Township A c cess or Deputy County Clerk Chief Deputy Sheriff Superintendent of the County Forest Preserves for 15 years Township Clerk Circuit Court Bailiff from which he retired in 1974 Executive Secretary Republican County Central Committee, 25 years First Slovenian Radio Program in Joliet, Illinois, 1928- 33 First Slovenian Day in Joliet, Illinois, September 1933 Member of St. Joseph's Church Choir, more than 50 years Baseball Player, President City League, 1932-38 Organizer of the Old Timers Baseball Association of Will County, and Honorary President Member Nationalities Division of the Republican National Committee, Washington, D. C., 1960-63 President United Slovenian Societies of Joliet, Illinois, 1933-38 © 1981 Irene Planinšek Odorizzi U.S. Marshall, World War II Supreme Vice President of American Fraternal Union, 1948-52 President of the Holy Name Society, St. Joseph’s, 1960-61 Will County Cancer Crusade, Chairman, 1961 Member of the following organizations: K.S.K.J. No. 2, St. Joseph’s American Fraternal Union, Sts. Peter & Paul Western Slavonic Association No. 56, All Saints American Slovenian Home St. Joseph’s Parish Senior Citizens St. Joseph’s Church Choir St. Joseph's Holy Name Society Joliet Rivals Club Northwest Recreation Club Fraternal Order of Eagles Q: Tell us a little about your parents and their birthplace in Slovenia? A: My father, John J. Jevitz, was born in Stopice near Novo Mesto, Slovenia and came to America in 1896. He arrived in Steelton, Pennsylvania; as did many Slovene men, he remained there a year, then moved to Chicago where he married Celia Hren in 1900. they moved to Joliet, Illinois in 1902. My mother, who also came from Stopice, arrived in Chicago in 1885 eleven years earlier. She was definitely among the first wave of Slovenes that emigrated to the United States. Q: Were your parents active in fraternal affairs? A: After my parents and I, who was born on April 24, 1901, moved to Joliet, my father soon became active in Slovenian fraternal society affairs, holding many offices and positions in the lodge and also serving as delegate to various conventions. Mother confined herself to housekeeping and raising the family, consisting of myself and four sisters, Gussie, Celia, Elizabeth, and Lucille. She did attend all of the fraternal affairs, and because she was culturally inclined, especially loving Slovene songs and dramatics, whenever we youngsters participated in some event, we could always count on mother’s support. Q: Was there much cultural interest among Slovenes at that time in Joliet? A: There were many choirs, as well as an outstanding dramatic group which performed plays in Slovene, and later in English, first at Pulaski Hall, then at St. Joseph’s Church Hall, once it was built. The halls were packed on Sunday afternoons and there were times when the actors performed their plays in other Slovene parishes in Illinois, as La Salle or Waukegan. Q: Did you recall any young man and women that participated in the dramatic activities? A: Oh, definitely! Let me mention the trio first, which consisted of Paul Laurich, now deceased, who was a very outstanding actor, Frank Vraničar, and myself. Frank was studious and always got a big part. It’s surprising »OTICI Left photo is of John’s parents taken shortly before his mother passed away in 1954. Above, we see John L. Jevit/ at his desk at (he Joliet Township office in 1973. that he didn’t get killed walking home on Ruby Street, book in hand, studying his part. His eyes were always in his script. 1 didn’t take major roles, but felt it a privilege that they allowed me to participate. Tony Stefanich was also a tremendous actor and I can reall some of the actresses who were also very commendable: Mame Plut, Josephine Bucar, Mary Ursich, my sister Mrs. Gussie Russ, and my cousin, Lucille Jevitz. Q: Seeing that your father was deeply interested in fraternal life, can you recall any of his comments or the activities in which he participated? A: Well, I can recall how his interest all started, because my father mentioned this story a number of times. One day he was walking home from work, lunch bucket in hand, when a fellow Slovene met him and started a conversation. “Hey, John, you’re going to be delegate to the next convention.” My father replied, “Not me. I’m not a member long enough. I’ve only been here since 1902.” Despite that fact, he was chosen in 1908, when the K.S.K.J. held their convention in Pittsburg, and that is when Joseph Zalar was elected Supreme Secretary of the K.S.K.J. My father later became parliamentarian of the lodge, dedicating himself especially to the by-laws to such an extent that Joseph Zalar, Supreme Secretary, gave him this title: “Walking By-laws.” Father had an excellent memory and practically had the by-laws memorized. Meetings at that time were extremely popular and the hall was filled beyond capacity. They had to keep the doors open to accommodate everyone. Of course, there was much argumentation and debate about many issues. 1 recall an incident when a heavy debate was in progress. My father, who remembered all the by-laws from the conventions, just sat back and listened. Someone then stated, “The argument’s over!” My Dad raised his two fingers, “Not yet, it isn’t.” He always raised two fingers when he wanted to speak. He was called upon, “Go to the by-laws for your answer. You haven't checked the bylaws yet. Look on page 341, Section 76 (or something like that) and there is your answer. That issue was determined at the Cleveland convention.” And would you believe he was correct, and that he didn’t even have the book of bylaws with him for reference? Whenever Dad attended the convention as a delegate, he was always put on the bylaws committee. My father was loaded with common sense and a good memory. He also became smarter as he went along through life. Q: Do you think that you inherited this fraternal spirit from your father? A: 1 picked up a little from him. At 16 years of age, I was made a member of the K.S.K.J. 1 can still recall standing before the President (I think it was Mr. Golobitch) holding up my hand and solemnly taking the oath ol membership, and then returning to my seat. There were other young men who joined also. Some oi them attended with their fathers later on, others never showed up again. My father would remind me, “John, it’s time to go to the meeting.” Q: Was there much social spirit and loyalty associated with a particular lodge? A: Oh, my yes! The lodge and the church were the only real social life the people had. They mingled together and discussed the “Old Country,” what area they came from, if they participated in the military, type of work performed in Slovenia, how they came here, what boat, what year, in what parts of the U.S. was the best work available, where to build a house or rent an apartment, how to get into a different type of work that paid a greater salary, the political scene in Slovenia and in the U.S.; the topics were endless. The meetings and social events also provided the time when you not only reminisced, but also sang Slovenian songs (which everyone did) and drank a glass of beer or wine together. Q: With so many Slovenes living in Joliet, and involved in the organization, was there much competition for office? A: Holding Office was far more important than it appears to be now. There were more people interested and capable of providing leadership to larger number ol active members. One could say that there was minor, sometimes major, politics in the fraternal organizations. Q: Why did the fraternal organizations begin in the first place? A: The basic reason that they were formed was for the security and protection of the Slovene immigrants. II anything happened to a man or his family, and that was not a rare incident, while he was in America, and il he didn’t have the funds to handle the financial responsibility, this could be a problem to the entire Slovenian community. The worker received no insurance with his employment as he does now -- so the lodges were formed and they paid death benefits which would handle the funeral expense of the deceased. At lirst, each member was assessed one dollar when someone died, but that form of assessment was improved upon by assigning a small amount on a monthly basis. There was still another problem that arose and that was one of outstanding debts, especially to the lady who might have boarded the deceased. Who would pay his bill? Well, this problem was handled by a $50.00 “bureau benefit.” The landlady received payment for the services she rendered from this fund. Many doctors just tore up the bill if someone died and the family could not pay. The organization set up a table of death benefits as part of the burial insurance. From the initial $300-$400 benefit, the amount grew to $1,000. Assessment and benefits were based on wages. When wages were low, the assessment was low. The policy improved from a “pay your entire life” to a 20-year endowment policy. Members could change the old policy to a new one and receive credit for their payments. Q: What about si^k benefits, was that ever a necessity? A: In a way, the fraternal organizations were way ahead of private companies that now provide health care services, such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The sick benefits paid were for the number of days ill, and also part of the doctor’s fees. Wages were so low at that time a man could barely eke out a living for his family, and perhaps pay back the borrowed passage to America. If illness came, and for any long length of time, the now meager dollars he might have saved were spent immediately, so a sick benefit plan was devised. Members also watched that the benefits were not abused. If they saw a member who was supposed to be sick and he was out by his garden gate, or elsewhere, you might not be surprised to hear this reported at the lodge meeting. A discussion might ensue as to whether or not he should be given the benefits. Lodge Officers usually visited the members who were on the sick list. Q: Approximately how much was the sick benefit at that time? A: It was about $3.00 to $4.00 a day, because that was equivalent to what men were making at the mill.Then insurance laws were introduced by the government and the auditors checked the books at the home office. The insurance adjustor still has control over the assessment and benefits that an organization provides. Fraternalism slowly changed into an insurance-oriented organization. All of the organizations operate under the same rules. Q: H'as there ever a time, in the early formation of the lodge, that the treasury could not handle the expenses? A: Aside from the assessment each member paid, there were also social programs like dances, banquets, picnics, and raffles to raise money for the treasury. You know these organizations literally “scratched without a dime” when they were first started. All these social events allowed the members to have a good time and still help to fill the coffers. Q: Are you able to speak Slovene seeing that your parents spoke the language at home? A: Oh yes, I can read, write, speak, and sing in Slovenian, as well as English, and on numerous occasions have been asked to be Master of Ceremonies or guest speaker for various Slovene functions, including the Slovenian Women’s Union, No. 20, at their many banquets. In fact, many people believed that 1 was an immigrant because I was bi-lingual. Q: Let's find out a little about you personally, John. A: I was educated at St. Joseph’s School, when they had the old school and Sister Ferdinand was teacher and principal. As a youngster, I was interested in cultural things like singing in St. Joe’s choir, as well as the church dramatics club. Sports was also one of my great loves, especially baseball. My best years pitching were from 1917-1926, then 1 changed my team and began “pitching” for Will County in various capacities. I’ve been a baseball booster all my life, and in 1949 organized the “Old Timers Baseball Association” of Will County and was president for ten years. The Lottie and John Jevitz association then gave me the title of honorary president, and in 1974, 1 was presented with the 25th Anniversary Recognition Award at the Annual Reunion Dinner. Q: Politics has also been one of your interests, hasn ’t it? A: Yes it has. You know I’ve always equated politics with good government whether it is local, state, or national, and felt it was my responsibility as a citizen to contribute to a way of life that would benefit the common good. Q: After the second World War, there was a movement among Slovenes in the States to provide aid to their homeland. Weren’t you involved in this work? A: Along with the other fraternal organizations in Joliet, one of which was the “Slovenian Women’s Union,” spearheaded by Emma Planinšek and Josephine Erjavec in the local area, and Marie Prisland and Albina Novak on the national level, we began collecting for aid to the Slovenes who had suffered during World War II. Many felt they were fortunate to be in the U.S. during those years, and were so willing to help the distressed in Slovenia after the war. My interest in my heritage also continued while I was involved with the Republican Party as GOP Will County Central Committee, and a member of the Heritage Division of the Republican and National Committee, visiting Washington, D.C., and meeting with President Nixon and Vice President Agnew as a group of Nationality Representatives for the U.S. Q: Tell us a little about your family life. When were you married, John? A: Lottie Witczak and I were united in marriage on January II, 1925. Both of us were employed at the Federal Match Corporation, now extinct. She is a wonderful wife and mother to our children, and I may add, well liked by all. We are blessed with two sons, John and Gene, and two daughters, Dorothy and Geri. They are all doing very well in their chosen fields of endeavor, and have brought to our family eleven fine grandchildren. Our children are also active in civic, church, and community life. Q: Your approach to public service is very positive and unselfish. Have you found any disappointments along the way? A: Certainly, 1 would not be honest if I didn’t admit that there were some disappointments and frustrations, but they were at a miminum. I always kept my main objective in mind, and that was to work for the common good. The Good Lord and life has been wonderful to us. The End John's political activity is theorized by his comment, “My participation was more a matter of ‘service to the public.' Although politics can be honest and honorable - - some politicians are not!’’ John’s major characteristics are resourcefulness and organizational ability with a keen sense of detail. This SIGN UP A NEW MEMBER, TODAY! in the Pre-Convention Campaign See your Branch Secretary for Application blanks! can be seen in the quote taken from the Joliet Herald News, July 21, 1959, when he was superintendent of the Will County Forest Preserve District: "Operating on a limited budget, Jevitz has combined rejected materials given him by industry; natural logs from the parks themselves; and labor to put the Forest Preserves into fine condition. " "Many might throw up their hands and quit, but Jevitz has found a way to make Will County's Forest Preserve District among the most attractive in the State. " Thanks John, for a life of committment to the common good! Dori M. Kregar, a member of Br. 55, Girard, Ohio, submitted the following poem which is her own composition. We hope every one enjoys reading Dori’s Christmas thoughts. The Christmas Story Many centuries ago in Bethlehem a beautiful babe was born, A babe who was to change the world through His birth on Christmas morn. His parents were a pleasant pair whom God had joined together, Chosen were they from all the rest to be His parents forever. Shepherds came from all around to see the beautiful sight. They were informed by the angels while watching their sheep that night. Three wise men came from afar to pay homage to the King, Guided by the star in the heavens, Gold, Frankincense, and Myhrr they did bring. On this blessed Christmas Day let your love flow from within, Open your hearts to the babe for He came to conquer sin! Dori Kregar Branch — 55 Girard, Ohio ta Alouise Epley, secretary and Kay Yuratovac, president of Br. 73, Warrensville Heights, Ohio with Corinne Leskovar, Editor, at the Golden Anniversary of Br. 50. Photographer was Margarita Franchini, a dear member of Br. 73. FOR CHRISTMAS Select a gift from the books the Slovenian Women’s Union has published in the past several years. “FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA”, by S.W.U. Founder, Marie Prisland is an indispensible addition to your library. Any young person on your list, granddaughter or grandson, would find this very interesting in explaining his ancestors’ lives when they came to America. This book sells for $5.50 hardbound and $3.50 softbound plus 75« postage. “FOOTSTEPS THRU TIME” by Irene Planinšek Odorizzi, S.W.U. Cultural Officer and author of the IMMIGRANT SERIES IN ZARJA is a compilation of some of the stories of our immigrant women whose lives are inspirational and educational. Order it at a cost of $6 plus 75ftftS. ft 2. SEASON'S GREETINGS from EDWARD F. KOMPARE FUNERAL HOME g K <5 S A South Chicago, Illinois, 60617 Phones: 2<2( 2i3i 2' 2)2< .i. 2. S', 3< 2i 2.2. S2i2i2.2i Si2. 768-1111 — 768-8800 ft R », 2. 2. 2,2, & 2,2, a 2< 2.3,2i 2< Si & 2 3 Sincere congratulations to Andy and Sophia Pogacher and Frank and Angie Zgonc on their 40th wedding anniversary. We wish you many, many more! We now have a junior member, my little granddaughter, Raelene Kuhar. I hope she has a bright future in S.W.U. No. 40! A belated, but, no less sincere sympathy to Theresa Rajher on the death of her son. Rose Konjar’s daughter Dorothy Kiedrowski passed away — she will be remembered for her many years as a member of the Bresak Cadets. She is also survived by her husband Harold; 3 sons, 2 brothers and 5 grandchildren. Our long time member Ann Udovich, lost her son Robert after a long illness. “Robbie” was only 26 years old and all who came in contact with him loved him. He was always outgoing and enjoyed being with people. His happy ways will be sadly missed. Besides his mother he is survived by his brothers Arthur and Terrence; sister, Beverly Popovich; several nieces and nephews. His father, Vincent died in 1970. May all the souls of the faithful departed — Rest in Peace. I’ll close with this poem: Tomorrow is not promised to us Nor any other day; So let's make the most of today! MARY PLOSZAJ NO. 42, MAPLE HOTS., OH Christmas Party is Dec. 8th for all members and families and Dec. 12th for our children at the SNH at 1 p.m. Keep in touch! (622-1207) Happy Birthday December ladies to Mary Yemec, her daughter, Marge Church, Frances Zakrajšek, Donna Stubljer and our Florida lady, Julia Lipnos. What a marvelous crowd for our Oct. meeting. A nice surprise to see Sophie Magayna and Frances Sietz, too. After the meeting, we celebrated the 90th birthday of Mrs. Simončič. She brought her delicious apple strudel, not knowing of her own surprise party! Her grandsons donated refreshments and the food. Her daughter made delicious flancate and Frances Tomsic, another October celebrant, made cheese cake. To top it all, the branch had a big cake made for her, too. A huge sign was made by Millie Rizzo’s husband (He owns Rizzo Sign Company) and we all signed it later. There was another surprise, music by the Maple Hgts., Button Box band. They were there to play to Mrs. Simončič. It was a lovely party! She wants to thank all the ladies for the surprise and gifts, the money-tree donated by the members (made by Yours Truly); also, for all the lovely cards and the big surprise card from President and Mrs. Reagan. We want to wish Tonka Kastelic a nice stay at her sister Frances Logan’s place in Fr. Myers, Florida, where she plans to be all winter. Tonka left with Betty Gawor and her husband who were returning to their home at Ft. Myers after being here all summer. I want to thank you wonderful members, too, and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy, Prosperous New Year 1982. Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! MARY LOU PRHNE NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI The October meeting was fairly well-attended. Some of our members were on European tours, others on vacations and some ill. I am sure at the next meeting the above problems will be over and a good attendance on hand. The Card Party plans were completed. If the weather is nice, I’m sure we’ll have a big crowd. The next event that was decided on was the Christmas Party Pot Luck Dinner. Each member attending is asked to bring her favorite dish of food. Please call the president, Doris Frahm on what you would like to bring. She has a list of foods and members who signed up as to what they are bringing. In this way there will be a better selection of different types of food. We also discussed having our annual Luncheon is Served sometime in March and in May, our Mother’s Day dinner. So, we have several social events to look forward to. Our late fall travelers are Mary Musich who went to visit her sister Tina in Washington for a month. Mary is a traveling girl, always on the go. Galluns are back from Rome. Christine and Sharon Stein left for Las Vegas, also Jim and Marge Peters. Hope you all win a big bundle! Rose Suponsic and ger husband are in Minnesota visiting their relatives and friends. Sophie Rifelj and her husband, John, went to visit their son, Tony and his family in Massachusetts, stayed there for five days and then on to Niagara Falls, thru Canada. On Sept. 12th, Doris Misewicz was married to John Broadway at St. Augustine’s church. The reception was held at Countrv Gardens. The bride is the daughter Mrs. Marcella Misiewicz and the groom is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Art Broadway. To the newlyweds and parents, our congratulations. Robert Glenn Rousha and Catherine Agnes Heinen were married at St. Pius X church in Wauwatosa. The groom is the son of Mrs. Frank Pousha of West Allis and the bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Neil Heinan of Wauwatosa. Catherine and Robert, our best wishes and congratulations. To the parents of this couple, best wishes, too. We missed Joan Ziebell at our meeting and later in the evening found she is seriously ill and in the hospital. She is at St. Francis Hospital and her cousin, Mickey Widemsek, the son Frances and Louis Widemsek, had surgery at Froedert Memorial Hospital. To these two members, and all our shut-ins, a speedy recovery. We will remember you all in our prayers. For the 1982 dues, be sure to call me before mailing so you send the correct amount. Next meeting is Dec. 14, our Pot Luck Dinner. Congratulations to our Scholarship Winner, Douglas Walsh. ROSEKREAMER NO. 45, PORTLAND, OR Branch No. 45 would like all its members to know that we will be having our annual Christmas party in December. All members will be notified by the calling committee as to the exact date and place for the occasion. We hope for a very good turn out on this special festivity. We will have the usual exchange of gifts for those who wish to participate. Let’s make this a big one, bring a family member with you if you would like. Would also like to remind all members to please bring their dues up to date by sending check to Mary Roso, President. If possible make a year’s payment which makes for easier bookkeeping for her. A reminder to remembering our members in nursing homes. So until we see each other at the Christmas party, good heatlh to all. Your reporter, ALICE E. VIDAN CHRISTMAS PR A YER Mother Mary, Mother mild. May / take Thy little Child From His manger bed of hay, Hold Him, press Him to my heart today? May I take the Precious One, Lovely Mother, Thy newborn Son, Cuddle Him and sins a while, Love Him, watch Him smile? / shall be gentle with the Treasure, Mv joy no one can measure, As 1 hold Thv little Child; May I Mother, Mother mild? Marie C. Dye GARFIELD HGTS. HAS GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY PARTY It was a beautiful September Sunday morning when members of Br. 47 and neighboring branches of the Slovenian Women’s Union gathered in the vestibule of St. Laurence’s Church for the 11:30 a.m. mass to celebrate the 50th anniversary. Charter members and 50 year members were presented with lovely golden carnation corsages. Our officers wore red carnations. In full number, we marched two by two into the reserved pews. Father Dominick, Principal of the Benedictine High School had the Mass. Before Mass, Father congratulated us for the good doings of the past and he read the history of our branch which began June 17, 1931. Mass was ended with the organist playing “Lepa si, lepa si, roža Marija”, which was just beautiful. Following was dinner at the Slovenian National Home in Maple Hgts. Grace was said by our Recording Secretary, Jennie Praznik. John Taucher, my better half, was the Master of Ceremonies. The program was opened with Ranee Horvat singing the National Anthemn. She has a most beautiful voice. Agnes Zagar, Ranee’s grandmother, sang the Slovenian hymn. Ranee also entertained us later with a medley of songs accompanied by John Wolf on the accordian. John and Tom Praznik also played a few numbers. Our State President for Ohio and Michigan, Sophie Magayna and National Auditor, Irene Jagodnik were present. Both wished us much success in the years to come. Terry Wallace wearing a Slovenian National Costume (Narodna noša) presented our charter members ajid fifty year members each a gift. She also lighted a candle in memory of all our deceased members. We then paused for a moment of silent prayer. Congratulations to Br. 50 on their 50th Anniversary held Oct. 11th. Our bake sale and bazaar that was held at the Grape Festival “Vinska Trgatev” was a big success. Thanks to all our members who worked, baked, donated hand made items or whatever. Many thanks to all. It surely brought our treasury up. Congratulations to Antonia Dolinar who became great grandmother to a bouncing baby boy born Oct. 17th to Joseph and Karen Waid of New Lyme, Ohio. He’s named Colin. On Sept. 27th, at the Ohio State Convention of the SWU held at the Slovenian National Home on Holmes Ave., we honored Frances Sietz. It was her Recognition Day and Frances was very surprised by all the tributes. She was presented a lovely corsage plus big applause in thanks for all her years of work. She has been Youth Director for many years and in the past served with the Drill Teams. Frances is 100% for helping youth, no matter what, large or small. She is always ready to help and give suggestions. Keep it up, Frances! We could not have made a better choice as she is most deserving of the title, Frances Sietz Woman-of-the Year! We all love you! During the convention, all branches gave their reports as to what their branches have been doing. It was most interesting. We learned a lot. Our deepest sympathy to the Rickard family on the loss of their mother Mary Rickard (Zuppan), wife of Howard, mother of William, Margaret Branovic, Betty Fiorilli, Grandmother of 7 and great grandmother of 2. May she rest in peace. To all our members who have birthdays in Oct., Nov. and Dec., happy and healthy days! Those on the sick list are wished all the best and we hope you will get well sooner than soon. Our yearly meeting and Christmas Pot Luck party will be held at the Slovene National Home in Maple Hgts., on Sunday, Dec. 6th at 1:00. Election of officers will take place. Bring door prizes and a can or two of staples to fill baskets for door prizes. Happy Holidays to all our members. MARY TAUCHF.R Anna L. Hodnik: Learn Slovenian 65th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Merry and Blessed Christmas! Vesel in Blagoslovljen Božič! Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will! Slava Bogu na višavah in na zemlji mir ljudem, ki so blage volje! liV- J/r -,'te /- Peace -- Mir Joy - Veselje Christmas carol -- božična pesem greeting card - voščilna karta shepherd -- pastirček baby, infant — detece candle - sveča manger - jaslice gift - darilo ornament - okrasek beautiful - krasen stable — hlev angel - angelček wreath — venec Santa Claus - Miklavž midnight mass - polnočnica John and Antonia Dolinar celebrated their 65(h Wedding Anniversary on September 25th, 1981. On Oct. 17th, they became great grandparents to Colin Waid of New Lyme, Ohio. Antonia is our beloved charter member of Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio and we wish the family the very best. MINUTES “FRANCES SIETZ DA Y’7 OF THE STATE CONVENTION FOR OHIO—MICHIGAN On Sept. 27, 1981 at 11:30 p.m. a meeting was held for Ohio branches at the Slovenian National Home on Holmes Ave. in Collinwood. Regional President, Sophie Magayna was re-elected for another term. She received the congratulations of all for accepting this duty to carry on in promoting a successful S. W.U. Marie Prisland Cadets recited the Pledge of Alliegance to the Flag and the meeting was on. “Greetings and welcome to all branches, may we all work together for the benefit of our organization,” were the opening words of the President. Roll Call was held and introduction of past National President, Mary Bostian, the National Auditor, Irene Jagodnik who recited a poem and Women’s Activities Director, Albina Uehlein. Hard working member, Frances Sietz was also present. Minutes of the last convention were read by Marie Beck approved and accepted as read. Each branch was called upon to give a yearly report on their standing of business operation, statistics on the members, the losses, complaints, etc. (See branch reports in the Slovenian column.) Sept. 27th was also named Frances Sietz Day in special recognition of her work with the SWU. What a surprise when the Cadets escorted her in and pinned on a corsage of yellow mini-roses! Frances is well deserving of any honors. She is a 50 year member of br. 50, past president for many years, and always full of new ideas which she helps to carry out. A co-founder of the Debutante Cotillion Balls many young and beautiful ladies were presented to our society under her direction. She is a writer of many articles in the ZARJA, always working hard for the promotion of junior activities. She plans the Christmas parties for the little ones and formed the Junior League of past debutantes to keep them interested in the organization. She tells us that our youth is the future of the organization, and they must be taught to follow in our footsteps. She is wonderful mother and grandmother. Yes, the lady truly deserves this honor today and always. Besides devoting much time to the combined branches, she demonstrates her sewing skill, her talent at baking, crafts and works long hours when needed at our bazaars and baking demonstrations. (I know Frances since 1936 when Clevelanders came to Milwaukee for the National Convention.) A big hand was also given to Sophie Magayna for her hard work as State President as she is always there when branches are in need of help. A reminder was extended to all members that a mass would be held for our organizer of Br. 50 and past national officer, Albina Novak on Nov. 22nd at St. Vitus Church at 10:30 a.m. All were urged to attend. A motion was made that Br. 105 in Detroit, Michigan be contacted to host the next State'Convention. A prayer and candles were lighted by Cadets for the 59 departed members in 1980. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. after which sandwiches, pastries and coffee were enjoyed by everyone. Wishes to all for a healthy, happy remainder of the year and nice holidays. Marie Beck, Recording Sec. Our Ohio-Michigan State Convention was held Sept. 27, 1981 at the Collinwood Slovene Home. With the convention we honored Frances Sietz who has been a very devoted member to our organization and S.W.Union. She is one of the members who became a 50 year member this past month — her long-term membership being with Br. 50. She is past National Youth Director, a very good writer in ZARJA and a good promoter.^ surely did our hearts good to see her escorted through the crowd of conventioners by the Marie Prisland Cadets. When she was brought to the front she was pinned with a corsage, a gift from the Combined Branches of Cleveland. This was a great surprise to Frances and she was very happy, the best part was when all the ladies in the hall gave her a standing ovation for her very deserving work! Her best topic is promotion of youth. We salute Frances for all her wonderful work! The convention meeting was very well-attended by all the branches of the area; the gals gave some wonderful reports. More on the convention is found in the Minutes. Br. 47 celebrated their 50th Anniversary with a nice banquet. 1 was happy to attend such a nice affair. Thanks to all the officers for inviting me. Keep up the good work, ladies! I attended a meeting of Br. 32 with their past president, Mary Bostian. We enjoyed the meeting very much. All the officers gave nice reports; they remember every sick member, help with their dues and their wonderful cooks, Ann Rossman and Mary Ster donate their precious time to help the branch. President, Hermine Strainer runs a very interesting meeting that is usually well-attended by members. I also attended the meeting of Br. 42 in Maple Hgts. Frances Sietz joined me that night. President, Mildred Lipnos also conducts an interesting meeting. Secretary, Mary Lou Prhne is surely a sparkplug for that branch. Many ladies attended, in fact, the meeting room was all filled with our members. Afterward, we celebrated the birthday of Mr. Simončič who was 90 years young. You should see her! When her name was called, she sprang up so quickly, you’d think there was a spring stuck to her legs. What a party they had for her! Later, more ladies joined plus 5 members of the Maple Hgts. Button Box band and they played some good old Slovenian songs. Frances and I were very happy we attended this wonderful party and meeting. Then there was Br. 50’s Golden Jubilee celebration in October. Of course, we were all delighted because Corinne Leskovar, our Editor of ZARJA was with us. Somehow it just made it a perfect day for them; their church services at St. Mary’s in Collinwood, the Marie Prisland Cadets leading the march and our Blessed Mother smiling down on us with a beautiful sunny day. Father Tome, our pastor, helped make it a great day in church for all the members who attended such a wonderful occasion. Ann Tercek, president, was a perfect Mistress of Ceremonies at the banquet, the program was short and sweet. The dinner by Julie Zalar was perfect. All in all, a memorable occasion. Thanks to all the branches that attended. We always have so many things going on in Cleveland and Euclid, it’s hard to keep up. Br. 14 had a card party and five ladies of Br. 10 attended, president, Ann Markovich, Vice-President, Frances Zagar, Alice Struna and Toni Alic and yours truly. Mary Strasizar, president and Vera Bajec, secretary, all the members plus Mrs. Collins who was in charge of the card party, are to be congratulated on a job well done. They had loads of prizes and thanks to all the members for their donations. Every good Slovenian has a generous heart! Our Combined Branches did really well this past year. As you know, we met with Hermine Dicke in February, Mary Muller, National President in April and now in October, Corinne Leskovar, thus three ladies of the National Board visited us. Plus, we get to see Irene Jagodnik and Albina Uehlein, our two local National Officers, so we are very lucky here in Cleveland and are able to keep up with all the happenings in our great organization. At this time I’d like to thank all the officers and the ladies who attended our Combined Branches meetings in the year. They come a long way, but it is to our advantage that we hear from each other about each branch’s activities. A new year is around the corner — we hope it will be a healthy one for all of us and successful for our organization. A very blessed Holiday Season to all branches, National Officers and Spiritual Advisors and to all members! SOPHIE MAGAYNA Regional President, Ohio-Mich. SLOVENIAN MINERS’ PROJECT NEEDS YOUR HELP! Dear Officers and Members: On September 21, 1981 a letter was sent to all local Branches of the Slovenian Women’s Union requesting contributions from the local branches for the Slovenian Miners Project to be erected at the Iron Range Interpretative Center in Chisholm, Mn. Since our organization has spearheaded this project we hope all our branches will co-operate and participate in this memorial. Let every branch show they care and are interested. No matter if your contribution is large or small, please let us unite and work together to preserve our heritage. All donors will be listed in future Zarjas, both organizations and individuals. Our goal is $10,000.000. Working together we can and will achieve it. Remember, if we can’t preserve our culture and heritage, who will? Thanks to everyone for their splendid co-operation and interest. God Bless, Always! Gratefully, Fr. DavidStalzer Co-Ordinating Chairman 50 YEARS FOR BRANCH NO. 50 What a beautiful day it was on October 11th! Our dear Lord gave us a warm day full of sunshine as we gathered for our Holy Mass at St. Mary’s Church in Collinwood. Everyone seemed to be very happy and with us was our dear editor, Corinne Leskovar. The members and Combined Branches came in very good numbers and the Marie Prisland Cadets were there one hundred percent and that made the day! Our Spiritual Advisor, Father Victor Tome, had a very beautiful Mass and the choir members did a super job in the singing of Slovenian and English songs. Thank you Father Tome and the St. Mary’s Church Choir and organist Ivan Rigler. Our banquet was very well-attended, and we are sorry that we could not accomodate all who wanted tickets. We are happy to report that from the original 20 ladies, we have seven charter members and they were all present: The first president Sophie Posch, and Jo Seelye, Antoinette Celesnik, Carole Traven, and the three Bencin sisters Josephine, Mitzi, and Frances. We also have eleven 50 year members and all were present, except three for reason of illness and Mrs. Pavlovič who lives out of town. The late Mrs. Albina Novak and Josephine Seelye were organizers of our Branch. God bless and reward them, and all fifty year members, too. It is because of you that we have our Branch No. 50 today. At our October meeting everyone was thanked personally, but there are too many names to mention here, so again “Our Sincerest Thank You” to all the committees that helped in any way to make our Golden Jubilee a memorable one. Thanks to all Combined Branches and out of town branches for their greetings and donations, our mayor Anthony Giunta for presenting us with the plaque from the city of Euclid, our members the song birds, Carolyn Budan, Rose Mary Marn and Jane Poznik, and the Dawn Choral Group, who entertained us with the beautiful Slovenian songs. Through the years, with good leadership, our Branch did very well. We are third largest in membership, the meeting attendance averages one hundred, and the members are very generous of themselves and their monies. We donate a large sum every Christmas Season to five organizations plus to the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund. We show great honor to our chosen Mother-of-the-Year, and what a great job she in turn does for us by taking care of the refreshment tables every meeting night. The many pastries are donated by our generous ladies, who are such good bakers. We sell many cook books, song books, and also the “Footsteps Through Time” books. When members are hospitalized, we send them a touching poem composed by Carole Traven and signed by all members attending the monthly meeting, also a check, (which is usually returned,) as a small token of love from our members. Oh! These dear members surely love their S.W.U. and their Branch 50. The Cadets also play an important role in our organization. At the passing of a member, they always come in good numbers to pray at the funeral parlor, attend the Mass, and go to the cemetery. Branch 50 is also well-represented in the Dawn Carol Group for which we are proud. READERS PLEASE NOTE — They always welcome new members, especially now that their concert is over, please come to enroll for the new year. Well, I could go on and on, and last but not least, in order to complete a perfect weekend we had a friendly get-together breakfast with Corinne on the morning after our “BIG DAY”. We greatly enjoyed having you with us, Corinne. (My great pleasure. C.) Thanks again everyone for everything, Hvala lepa in Bog plačaj! ANN TERČEK Golden and Sunny, Br. 50’s day! Much has been written about Br. 50, their successes and their fine progress over the 50 years of their existence. Knowing the ladies of Br. 50 is a special enrichment in one’s life. They are so full of spirit and interest in the things they do. Leaderships by Ann Tercek has brought them to the crest of their popularity and she follows a line of wonderful leaders since their founding. The celebration of their Golden Anniversary began at mass with a tribute to our organization expressed by Father Victor Tome, pastor of the beautiful St. Mary’s Assumption church on Holmes Ave. With the majestic sound of Ivan Rigler’s organ, the melodic singing of the choir and Father’s inspired officiating, the day began most appropriately. Banners flying, the Marie Prisland Cadets were there in all their glory. Mr. & Mrs. Brodnik and Mrs. Jeam Tomsic beautifully garbed in Slovenian national costumes led the procession. Later in the day, a capacity crowd gathered at the Rechar Ave. S.N.D. for a sumptuous dinner prepared by Julie Zalar and her crew, served most efficiently in a flower bedecked hall. Banners with branch numbers were hanging from the walls, signifying the Cleveland branches in attendance. A golden glow enhanced the stage area where gold mums in gold vases bordered the stage floor and seated at a long table sparkling with golden garlands sat the 7 Charter Members and officers of Br. 50. Each was called to receive gifts and with the 50 year members, were honored with much applause. It was most interesting that almost all those involved with the cooking, serving, entertaining and preparation of the party were all members of Br. 50. Beautiful singing by their members, Carolyn Budan (with Frank Plut), Rosemary Marn and Jane Poznik and the Dawn Choral Club impressed me greatly. The ladies of Br. 50 are absolutely the most talented, energetic and well-disposed group of women I have ever seen working together! Being with them and the Cleveland members was indeed uplifting. An unforgettable moment ot the evening was their tribute to dearly departed members. The three little golden-haired angels symbolically held lighted tapers while the Dawn Choral Club sang a Slovenian ballad. On the table were written the names of the members of Br. 50 who have reached their heavenly reward. This type of tableau has been done many times in many years past, but it seems that on their 50th anniversary, we all felt there was more meaning to this prayerful moment than any before. During my visit to Cleveland I had the opportunity to visit with many friends especially my dear life-long friends Fran Seitz and Carole Traven. At Carole’s home we listened to the special interview of Ann Tercek over Tony Petkovsek’s Saturday radio program. Alice Kuhar, our gifted member of Br. 14 (and reporter, too) conducted the interview and brought out all the pertinent facts concerning the anniversary party to be held the following day. In her own sweet way, Ann called to me, “Corinne, are you listening?” Yes, 1 was, Ann, and thanks to you, many others were listening too, and enjoying the fact that we are proud ladies of the Slovenian Women’s Union! I must say just another word about our dear Fran Seitz. Undoubtedly, Fran is one of the most unique women in this world! What she does is often inspired! She’s always thinking and planning. People like Fran are to be cherished and I’m so happy that the Ohio members realizing this gave her recognition at their State Convention in September. Go back to the beginning years and there’s Fran, marching up and down calling signals and keeing the drill teams in step. Go down thru the years and see her sewing up a storm whether it be uniforms for the ladies, costumes for the kids, gowns or what have you. Countless angels and queens were clothed by Fran! She still has two main interests: first, children (of all ages) and secondly, to do or make something “nice”. We all love Fran — we can’t help it! May her reward be a long and content life — with health to do things as she wishes! And, my sincere thanks to Br. 50 for the birthday remembrances, the attention given me as your guest and life-long friendship which 1 will always treasure. Corinne Leskovar Beginning another 50 ... Strong emotions were communicated at the celebration of the SWU Branch 50 Anniversary. Nearly everyone was smiling as they recalled how No. 50 got started and how, with the help of charter members and membership drives, we are now going to take another step forward and enroll many new members. Appreciation should be given to the present officers and the committee members who labored through long months of preparations to make our 50th anniversary one of the best ever. A special program arrangement consisted of our local talent — BY OUR OWN MEMBERS. Main guest speaker was Editor of ZARJA, Corinne Leskovar of Chicago. In Memoriam of our deceased members, everyone present in the hall paused for a few minutes in quiet tribute. The SWU Choral Club sang an appropriate song while three beautiful little junior members formed a living picture of angels holding candles at the plaque which listed all the names of Br. 50’s beloved departed members. Special recognition was given to our seven charter members and the 11 fifty-year members. Many representatives of our neighboring branches were present and received a round of applause. Thanks to members, families and friends, the 50th Anniversary party was a very successful event. Now is the lime to enroll our young people so that they, too, can celebrate the centennial year, 50 years from now. “Surprise, Frances Sietz — This is your day! ’ ’ Emotions do run high when someone is given a surprise! For years I’ve been repeating my request to have the Combined Branches of Cleveland make a big celebration to recognize all our past workers and active members who have and are still working to help our SWU organization keep strong. So what happens? At our Ohio-Michigan State Convention Sept. 27th I was given an Honor Award for Leadership and Achievement to the Slovenian Women’s Union! I was presented a beautiful yellow tea rose corsage and a monetary gift. An experience like this makes you want to work harder — think and talk about our wonderful organization and its wonderful members. Thank you all ever so much for a memorable surprise! FRANCES SIETZ Golden Celebrators, the officers and charter members of Br. 50. From left to right: Dorothy Winters, Vice-President, Ann Tercek, President, Irene Jagodnik, Secretary, Corinne Leskovar, Kditor of ZARJA — THE DAWN, Carole Traven, Sophie Posch, first President, Josephine Seelye, Antoinette Celesnik, Josephine Bencin, Mitzi Bencin and Frances Bencin. All these members are still active with the branch. The three Bencin sisters are uniquely loyal. Frances recalls that she was the 20th person present at the founding meeting, and although very young, was invited to join to make the quota necessary for the charter. Organizer Albina Novak held this first meeting at her home and her baby, Corinne, was also present. Corinne later became the first juvenile department member of SWU and still later mascot of the Marie Prisiand Cadets drill team. The evening was a grand reunion of members and friends. 50 Year Members of Br. 50 Left to right: Julie Gorensek (accepting for Toni Turek); Julia Sadar, Ann Slapnik Petkovšek, Frances Sietz, Rose LoPresti, Pauline Krall (accepting for Angela Krall) and Jennie Kepic. Mayor of Euclid, Ohio, Anthony Guinta had many praises for Slovenians in Euclid. Ann Trecek, Pres, of Br. 50 received a special commemorative plaque from the City on this occasion. Speaking of the old days was Corinne Leskovar, F2ditor of ZARJA. 50 year members received mementos of the anniversarv. Irene Jagodnik Secretary called their names while Ann and Dorothy Winter, branch officers, prepared gifts. Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wisconsin 53711 Pots and HOLIDAY FRUIT COOKIES cup cut-up mixed candied fruit cup flaked coconut cup snipped dates powdered sugar 1 cup granulated sugar 1 1/4 cup margarine or butter, softened 112 2 eggs 1/4 1-1/4 cups Bisquick baking mix 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts Heat oven to 350°. Grease 9 x 13-inch pan. Beat sugar, margarine and eggs until light and fluffy. Stir in remaining ingredients except powdered sugar. Spread in pan. Bake about 25 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Sprinkle with powdered sugar while warm. Cool completely. Cut into about 1 1/2 inch squares. Makes 54 cookies. Improves in flavor with age. CREAMED ZUCCHINI 2 tablespoons margarine 2 tablespoons pimiento or butter 1 can (17 ounces) cream 1 medium zucchini, sliced style corn 1/4 cup chopped onion 1/2 teaspoon salt Dash pepper Heat butter in skillet. Wash and slice unpared zucchini. Saute in the margarine or butter with onion until soft. Add pimiento, corn, salt and pepper. Stir and cook until corn is heated through. 4 servings. Holiday Time is the season for joy, sharing and good food. Five of our members share one of their holiday favorites. Frances Prisland of Highland Park, 111., enjoys Gesnetzeltes, an excellent veal dish served with buttered noodles, rice or potatoes. Rosemary Orenchuk of Burgettstown, Pa., serves an interesting combination of zucchini and corn in Creamed Zucchini while Elsie Zalar of Willowick, Ohio loves to bake her favorite Holiday Fruit Cookies. On New Year’s Eve Stella Longosz of Chicago entices her guests with Cheese Puffs and Mary Frangesch of West Allis whips up Tom and Jerries that top all drinks. Merry Christmas to all, Hermine NO. 50, CLEVELAND, OH Back to normal and in the groove again with our October meeting having 90 members present. Everyone seemed to be so happy and glad that our 50th Anniversary dinner was over and that it was such a successful, “classy” affair! Many congratulations from all over the U.S., branches writing and extending their wishes. These were read at the well-run program. Our president, Ann Tercek deserves a lot of credit and we thank her and all who helped to make it run so smoothly. A full house, delicious dinner, well-served, beautifully decorated stage and program was well received by all. Also, an excellent turnout on a warm, sunny day at Mass in the morning led by our Cadets and Jean Tomsic and John and Mariia Brodnick in their narodna noše. We truly enjoyed the Slovenian singing at mass by the choir of St. Mary’s and the officiating of Fr. Tome. A happy meeting followed the next day at MacDonalds. We had breakfast and honored Corinne Leskovar, our Editor and guest at the affair. We gave her a good send-off back to Chicago. Nice meeting you, Corinne! (Thank you and the same to you, Vera. C.) Many birthdays were celebrated by the Tome family in November. Grandpa Tome on the 11th, his twin grandsons, on the 9th and brother of grandpa on the 31st. Thomas Tome is going to France to buy merchandise for his art gallery in Chicaeo which is called “Fly by Nite!” Other birthdays were Rose & Pat McHugh, Vera Mateyka, Mary Perusek, Ann Hočevar, Rose Bavec and others I may have missed. Sorry! I’m still new! Anniversaries celebrated by Mary Jo and Peter Rom, 25th, Ann & Louis Winter, 40th, (parents of our v-p Dorothyann), Christine & John Nestor, 40th and taking a trip to New Orleans with sister Jennie and Stan Laurich, Ann and John Muhic, 43rd, and they’ll be visiting daughter and family in Birmingham, Alabama; Frank & Ella Skoda to visit daughter in New Jersey. Molly Mauer’s son, Jeffrey, an electrical engineer went to Singapore, Malaya for 7 weeks and stopped in Hawaii for 2 days courtesy of Avtron Corp. May all have happy and safe celebrations! Ann Rijavec gained a son-in-law. Congratulations! Jean Jansa, first time grandma: Jaclin Ann. Watch those vest buttons, Bill! Pauline Klemenc, grandmother for the 4th time to Nancy’s daughter. While visiting their daughter in Oakland Hills, Cal., Irene & Tony Jagodnik were happy to receive a warm welcome and generous hospitality from Rose Scoff of Br. 13 in San Francisco. (Thanks, Tony, for the dinner music — appreciatd by all.) Ann Kristoff is still nursing her leg but back in the fold made mention of her husband’s sculpturing a monument in the back yard that will depict the “Ages of Man” and will be given to the Slovene Home for the Aged to grace their frontage. How lovely! Also, our Mary Champa, a resident there and who played an accordian for years is now playing the organ for the weekly Saturday mass. As she cannot see the notes, she plays by ear. She also helps out at the desk. Just incrdible! We miss her and her accordian at our functions. Also, S.H.A. will have a bowl-a-rama in May. More later. Carolyn Budan, 50 years a singer with Glasbena Matica who honored her recently for her endeavors. Keep it up, Carol! A Mass on Nov. 22nd was for Albina Novak, our Founder and former National Officer of Zveza and mother of our Editor. Don’t forget, our Christmas party on Dec. 13th. It will be at the Waterloo Hall. Get your tickets and make reservations. Donation is $5. GESNETZELTES 2 pounds veal 1 tablespoon brown gravy 2 tablespoons butter sauce (comes in a 5 ounce jar) I large onion, sliced 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms. Few sprigs of parsley, snipped washed and sliced Salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 pint whipping cream Cut veal into thin strips; saute in butter with onion. Simmer covered for about 40 minutes or until tender. Stir in chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Add brown sauce and mushrooms sauteed in butter. Stir in 1/2 to 1 cup cream, as desired to make a gravy. Serve over noodles, rice or potatoes. Serves 6. CHEESE PUFFS 1/2 loaf of 1 day old 1-2 tablespoons grated while sandwich bread onion (drained) 1 package (8 ounces) cream pinch of baking powder cheese, room temperature 1 egg yolk Cut rounds of white bread with a biscuit cutter or small glass (approximately 4 circles per slice). Cream the cheese and blend with remaining ingredients. Spread bread circles to edge with cheese mixture making rounded tops. Broil in 400° oven until lightly golden brown, about 3 minutes (keep watching as the cheese burns easily). Serve hot. TOM AND JERRY 6 eggs separated 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar to add to egg yolks 1-1/2 cups granulated sugar 1/4 cup powdered sugar, 1/8 teaspoon (scant) allspice, strained through a sieve optional 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, Dark or golden rum optional Brandy Hot water Nutmeg Separate eggs. Beat whites with cream of tartar to a marshmallow consistency. Gradually add sugar and continue beating with each addition. Add allspice and cinnamon, if desired. Beat yolks with cream ol tartar, adding gradually the strained powdered sugar. Beat until very stiff. Fold yellows into whites. Gently stir in the vanilla. Fill mug 1/2 full of batter; add 1 ounce of rum plus 1/2 ounce of brandy. More if mugs are large. Fill slowly with hot water, stirring. Sprinkle with grated nutmeg. Makes about 12 large mugs of Tom and Jerries. Come and enjoy and bring a friend. Call Irene Jagodnik. Like to thank the Editor of ZARJA for entering pictures of our 50th anniversary and in appreciation the Branch sent a donation of $50.00 to ZARJA help defray the costs. Thanks, Corinne. Our sympathy to Mary Wolfe whose husband got sick while on their Alaskan tour and died when they returned. Celia Bleckman lost her husband, Jack. May they rest in peace. A donation of $25.00 for the Slovenian Miners Memorial in Minnesota was sent by our branch and Rose Bavec who was born there, added $10.00 Irene Meden volunteered to be our historian to save and preserve the records of our branch with artifacts, picutres, etc. Our Mother of the Year, Ruth Kolenc made a beautiful Halloween witch display and served calorie-less refreshments from our generous members. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and don’t forget our Christmas party. Reservations! Give thanks — spring cleaning Last February, Hermine Dicke, our Pots and Pans food editor visited Cleveland, Ohio and participated as a judge in the USS Band Bake-Off. While there she also met with members of Cleveland branches. On this photo she is with Ann Tercek, President of Br. 50. Jean Križman and Jennie Gorjanc, both well-known Cleveland volunteer workers for the Slovene Home for thr Aged, presided at the USS Band Bake-off. Winning recipes were printed in Pots and Pans columns of April and October, 1981. and taxes are at least 4 months away. Aren’t you glad? Merry Christmas to all. VERA ŠEBENIK, Sub. reporter NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MN Sorry to say it’s getting harder and harder for us to get together. Our hall has been taken away from us and we are now meeting at members’ homes. Thanks to our sister Mildred Barbatto for having us last month. It isn’t easy to crowd a big group in little corners but we sure managed nicely. Thanks, again, Millie. We opened our meeting with the recitation of the rosary in honor of all our deceased members and also our sick. We would like to say Godspeed for a rapid recovery to all our sick members. Its so hard to keep track of you all. There are a few who have changed their addresses since we have last seen them. Unless we are informed, we cannot know where you are. Please let us know — call secretary-treasurer, Jenny Crea so she has your correct address in the records. We discussed our Christmas party to take place soon. The more ideas we have the better. It’s no fun to plan alone. It takes a lot of people to make a successful party. Sister, Rose Trombley, our president, led us in the concluding prayer. We enjoyed the social of the evening. Hostesses were sisters Mary Techar, Florence Techar and Frances Rapovich. They served a delicious lunch and cards were played with honors to the following: Jennie Crea, Gertrude Kochevar, high, Margaret Kochevar, Rose Trombley low in Smear; Mildred Barbatto high and Celia Palitano low in Bridge, Ann Mansfield high and Mary Techar low in “B”. Door prize to Rose Trombley. We had a wonderful evening. Looking forward to seeing you the first Wednesday of the month. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR NO. 54, W ARREN, OH Our last meeting was held at the home of our president, Josie Kassan; assisting her was Vic Zuga. Final plans were made for the Christmas Luncheon with Millie Poliak as chairman. It will be held on Dec. 15th a Tuesday, at 1:00 p.m. at the El Rio, Millie will be calling members to make their reservations. There will be no gift exchange but you can bring canned foods for a prize. You are welcome to bring a guest to the luncheon. A discussion was held about a card party but plans were not finalized. Congratulations to Margaret Racher who is once again a great grandma. A baby boy, Brian Joseph was born to Pat and Jeff Miller. Louise Tomazin, our social member, is convalescing at son Charles Tomazin’s home. She is recuperating from a fractured hip. Helen Gorsick is doing well after cataract surgery. Merry Christmas and a Blessed, Prosperous and Healthy New Year in 1982 to all. JOANNE PONIKVAR, Sec’y-Treas. NO. 55, GIRARD, OH It is hard to believe that our Fall is almost over and happy to anticipate the holidays. Not having meetings for three summer months now, let me write just about high lites of the different members and their families. For June, we had my brother, Joseph and his wife, Henrietta Cekuta celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on June the 27th. They renewed their wedding vows again in the same church they were married in St. Rose Church, Girard. The Mass was very inspirational, inasmuch as all those that attended came up to the Sanctuary and formed a circle around Henrietta and Joseph. Wish these two many more happy wedded years. Beatrice Brayer, Frances Yerman, Josephine Persuek attended this Mass, and they are ladies of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Thank all of you ladies for coming and sharing your best wishes to our family. In the month of July, yours truly had a Hawaiian Luau in my back yard on July 14th in honor of my great nephew, Jack Twaddle of Hawaii. Hawaiian Leis were worn by all who attended, and Kay Sefcik, Delores Depietro, and Susie Kuzman of the Mahoning Valley Button Box Club entertained us with Hawaiian Melodies and naturally a few Polkas and Waltzes. Jose Umeck of California, son of Joseph and Anna Umeck of Niles, Ohio visited in Girard and I’ll tell you, everyone was happy to see him, and of course he had to play a few numbers for us on the Button Box. We hope to have a nice report on our Oct. 29th Card Party in the next issue. Closing with wishing Happy Birthdays to all celebrants. See you at the December meeting!!! SOPHIE CEKUTA NO. 56, HIBBING.MN Our October meeting was very well-attended. Reports were read and accepted. Reported sick were Sandy Matezevich and Margaret Skorich. A speedy recovery to them and all sick members. New social members accepted were Catherine Philipich and Rose Dilerud. Our membership is going down; let’s all see if we can’t come up wiih some new members. We need young ones. Presideni Rose Maras had pictures that were taken at Mrs. Zaic’s birthday party and several members attended. The secretary sold several cookbooks. She still has some on NOTICE TO ALL CLEVELAND BRANCHES! “Santa Claus is Coming to Town!” Where: Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Rd. When: Dec. 11, 1981. Time: Friday night, 7 p.m. Why: Junior Members’ Christmas Party. This is going to be a beautiful affair. Bring your youngsters! They all will dance, sing, jump, play games and enjoy refreshments. Santa will give out gifts. (Each parent is asked to bring a small gift for Santa to present to their children). The residents of the Home enjoy watching the kiddies have fun — as we know from last year’s party being such a success. We are happy to be invited back again. So, call 261-2856 or 944-6964 for reservations! FRANCES SIETZ hand — they make nice Christmas gifts. Winners of prizes were Mary Meadows and Valeria Carlson. It was decided to hold our Christmas Party at the meeting place. Ann Satovich was the special prize winner. Lunch was served by hostesses Carol Maras, Rose Maras, Judy Radovich and Mary Bill. Cards were played and prize winners were Agnes Barkis, Catherine Miller and Ann Selvo. With best wishes to all. ANNE B. SATOVICH, Reporter NO. 57, NILES, OH The October meeting was held at the home of our president Frances Yerman and it was really nice to see Nancy Segreta and Rebecca Trotagot attend the meeting after their long absence due to illness. May you be blessed with good health from now on. Virginia Filipan and Virginia Zevkovich are still on the sick list, as is Rose Sperko’s husband and we wish all of them a speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Julia Yakup on the loss of her youngest sister. May her soul rest in peace. Busy arranging things around are John and Jane Logar after they moved into their new home in Cortland, Ohio. Nettie Hoffman had a long visit with her daughter in Dimondalc, Michigan and is now ready to stay home for a little while. But just a little while. Lou and Fran Racher had their daughter visiting them from Avon, Colorado. Denise is hoping for a lot of snow as she lives in the ski area and skiing is an everyday event. I want to thank Mary Molar for giving me the news as I was in Gettysburg with my sister Mary Strah. We had a wonderful trip and the foliage was just beautiful this time of the year. The door prize was donated by Mary Ann Leonard and was won by Florence Nevins. Birthday greetings to Frances Stanek, Rebecca Trotagot, and Julia Yakup for November and Mary Klobučar, Phyllis Muecio, Jennie Novak, Adelia Sabot, and Mary Young for December. RESOLVE To strip the soul of all pretense, To hold each day in reverence, To keep the head and heart apace, To make this world a worthwhile place, To share my bread with those in need. To tolerate my neighbors creed, To keep a stride without a strut, To make a home in manse or hut, To have the grit to grin at loss, To master life and be its boss. A NN PEA SE, Reporter NO. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA Hello! The trees are bare and the snow is covering the branches! Winter has arrived! Christmas is coming and 1981 is ending. Have you sat and wondered where all those days went? If you haven’t, you’re too late. Here’s hoping you and yours have a happy and enjoyable holiday. October’s meeting was opened with the Lord’s Prayer by President Frances Korošec to the 20 members present. A motion was made and carried to send a donation for the Memorial to the Slovenian Miner and Laborer. Belated wedding anniversary wishes to Theresa and Steve Shearson on their 48 years of marriage. May they look forward to their Golden. Michelle Jean is the new granddaughter of Mary Vuksanovich who was born Sept. 16th and tipped the scale at 8 lbs. 2 ozs. Denise and Gary Cline are the proud parents. Plans for our Christmas Covered Dish will be Sunday, Dec. 6th. Report details of the affair in my next article. Fannie Sage’s pickle pear tree kept her busy the last few months making pear strudel. She sent my family a pan of the delicious calories. She and my mom. Hilda Montequin, made the cheese strudel filling that was in the Oct. ZARJA. It was very good. Fannie took sick and spent weeks with her daughter in Canton, Ohio and will spend Christmas in Maryland with her son and family. Hopefully, she’s feeling well and will be back in full swing. Special holiday birthday greetings go out to Mary Serrini, Hilda Gavazzi and Tommy Paskutius. Keep those chimneys cleaned as Santa will be dropping in with goodies for all. Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone! Santa’s Elf, ROSEMARY NO. 71.STRABANE, PA On Sept. 10th, Br. 71 held its fall meeting with 17 members present. It was so nice to renew friendships after our summer vacation and catch up on news about our members. We are pleased to announce that Pam Taylor was the lucky winner of the summer money-maker. Profits are used to provide socials following each meeting. Our Thanksgiving meeting in November promised to be fun thanks to the proceeds of the beautiful shawl donated by our talented and generous member, Ruby Taylor. Aggie Boštjančič was the lucky winner of the shawl. The “Member of the Month” for September was Josephine Cushma. Josephine is a charter member of our branch and is one of our most faithful members. She is the mother of six children and spends her free time baking for her family and crocheting. The membership presented her with a red carnation in appreciation. Our members had much news to report since our last meeting in May. We were all saddened by the passing of our sister member, Mary Elizabeth Koval on July 16th. Her family deeply appreciated our thoughts and prayers and many branch members were present to pay their last respects. Mary and Anton DeLost lost their youngest son, Fred DeLost during the summer. Mary is a member for many years and we share in their loss. Our deepest sympathy to both families. On our summer sick list were Aggie Boštjančič and Julia Cushma. Julia was hospitalized for a short time. We wish you both a speedy recovery and pray for the return of good health. Congratulations are in order for Sister Frances Polaski and her husband, Louis, who recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Many more golden years together are wished for both of you. Members present for the meeting and celebrating birthdays in September and October were Denise Swihart, Sharon Boštjančič and Mary Progar. The meeting on Nov. 12th was planned with a Thanksgiving theme. Dorothy Bruce and Denise Swihart are in charge of the social to follow the meeting. Lucille Smith reminded all members to pay their dues for the year. Following the meeting, a special treat was prepared by Marge Valenčič and Marlene Tkach. Delicious food was served and prizes were donated by Lucille Smith to several lucky members. Please try to attend our next meeting and join in the fun. PEGGY GR1CAR NO. 73, WARRENSV1L1.E HGTS, OH Our fall season started out with a bang on Aug. 31st with our annual cook-out at Louise Epley’s. We had a great turnout of members and husbands with the weather in our favor. Our chef this year was Joe Travnik who grilled the hot dogs to perfection. Thanks to all who brought the added goodies and refreshments, we again had a grand feast. A big thank you to Max Miklaus for playing his accordian for our singing and dancing pleasure. Evelyn Majercik surprised us with a few renditions on her new button box. Keep up the practicing, Ev and you too, will be a real pro! I am sorry to report that our loyal reporter, Mildred Roberts, had a fall which fractured a disc and at this writing she has spent three weeks at Suburban Hospital. Her room-mate for a while was Adeline King who also was in for some back therapy. Hope by the time you read this Millie and Adeline will both be home and well on the way to recovery. Still recuperating from surgery is Virginia Cherosky. She is staying with son, Bill in Orwell, Ohio. We pray that ever day she will be stronger and can be back with us again. Happy to see Mary Schneider getting around so well now that her broken hip is on the mend. Congratulations to Br. 50 officers and members on their Golden Jubilee. Louise, Margarita, Kay and Peter Yuratovac attended. We enjoyed the dinner and the delightful program. It was well-planned with much cooperation from their membership. We wish them continued harmony and success in future years. On Nov. 10th, Margarita and Larry Franchini celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. A trip to beautiful Hawaii will make this a very memorable occasion. Congratulations from all of us and best wishes and blessings for continued happiness. Steve and Helen Dusek drove out to the west coast for a month vacation. We will be happy to hear of their travels. Ann and Ralph Fihe are having a home built in Sarasota, Florida where they will spend their winter months. We are happy that Ann will be with us during the summer. October was the month for birthdays. We had a dinner scheduled for Oct. 31st at the Maple Hgts. Slovenian Home. Since it was Halloween we decided to dress up. More in a later report. Our December meeting will be at Evelyn Majercik’s home with our usual pot luck. Election of officers will also take place. To all members, we wish a blessed and happy holiday season. Your pinch-hitting scribe, KAY YURATOVAC NO. 79, ENUMCLAW, WA Seventeen members gathered at our president’s home, (Mary Michelich) Nov. 1st. Those present voted to retain the same slate of officers for 1982. Dorothy Kovacevich was the unanimous choice as our next Mother of the Year. We were all happy to see Mary Bratovich present having recovered from an auto accident. The Spring Dance was set for April 24, 1982. It was decided to try holding it on a Sat. evening next spring. A local button box band will be hired for the music. We are all looking forward to that. Our Christmas party will be Dec. 6 at the Krain Community Hall. It will be pot luck with a good time provided for all. The next meeting will be March 7th, 1982 at Dorothy Kovacevich’s. The members out here in the northwest wish each and everyone of you a wonderful holiday and a great year in 1982. D. SLEIGH, Reporter NO. 89, OGLESBY.IL As leaves have turned Iheir colors and dropped off the trees, and days are getting shorter, we would like to thank Br. 2 for hosting the ILL-1ND State Convention Oct. 4th at St. Stephen’s. We attended a beautiful Slovenian High Mass sung by their choir and pastor at the altar, Rev. Vendelin Spendov O.F.M. After mass, we had a very delicious dinner served by Andy Gorkis Catering. Refreshments were plentiful. Following the dinner, State President Angie Nico conducted the convention. Fr. Spendov gave an opening prayer and we met the National Officers, Delegates and branch presidents. I was a delegate for our branch. I enjoyed it ana meeting so many nice people there. Fr. David Stalzer gave gave the closing prayer. We enjoyed John Amon and his orchestra for a great sing-a-long and music for dancing. Door prizes were given out to just about everyone present. Angie and I enjoyed visiting Alvie Jerin’s old Chicago neighborhood near St. Stephen’s church were I was familiar with many families long ago. We were shown the Senior Men’s clubroom and the old location of Jerin’s grocery store. I remember helping Alvie stock shelves in my younger years when I was visiting her with my mom. October 10th was the Bake Sale in Oglesby at Rudy Stuebler’s Royal Lancs Bowling Alley lobby. It was a great success thank to all of you for contributing such fine baked goods, such as cakes, noodles, etc. and for your money donations. Oct. 12th was our monthly meeting. Vice-President, George Dooley conducted the business meeting. Report was given on the activities mentioned above. Mrs. Anna Krancic had eye surgery recently. We wish her well. Sorry I could not be with you for the meeting as my boyfriend’s father passed away that evening just before the meeting would have started. He was like a grandpa to me, a very close friend. October refreshment committee was Terri Essl, chairman, Irene Peterlin, Georgia Binna and Barbara Sitor. All good wishes to October, November and December birthday celebrants. We were hoping that at the November meeting on the 9th we would have more members present to plan the Christmas party and for election of officers. Refreshment committee were Lynn Walielewski, chairman, Marian July, Sophie Frank and Pam Nosalik. The Christmas party was scheduled for the 7th of Dec. at Sy’s Place in Oglesby at 6:30 p.m. A $2 gift exchange for whoever wants to participate. Father Bernard Horzen will show slides of his trip to Jerusalem, Ml. Sinai, etc. Dinner reservations are due by Dec. 1st. Please call me, Mary Ann Samuelson, after 3 p.m. 883-3291; Frances Kirbach after 5:30 p.m. 883-3260 or Mary Kernz, anytime of day, 883-8975. Wishes to you all for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. My next report will be in March as we have no meetings in January or February. We were very happy to have Fr. Frank Perkovieh in our area for the first time. We celebrated a Polka Mass at St. Mary’s church in Peru on Sept. 20th. Lunch was served after mass at the school hall. Joe Cvek and the Polka Massters played. Fr. Frances Kasperski, pastor made another reservation with them to return again in 1982. I was so happy to meet Fr. Perkovieh in person. I sold many of his records and tapes. I hope he gets to fulfill all his dreams and plans for the future. He told me of his hopes to visit Slovenia next year and I hope he meets my cousin Franci Dular there. Best wishes to all. MARY ANN SAMUELSON, Pres. NO. 92, GUNNISON, CO Hope you all had a nice summer. We are now well into the cold season. Even tho we have had snow around, we still do not have any in town at this writing. 1 know a lot of people are waiting for it, but I must say I’m not one of them. On the 22nd of Sept. we all got together at the home of Margaret Malenšek for a surprise birthday party for charter member, Ann Malenšek. She was so surprised, bless her heart! She told me later that it was after 1 a.m. before she could fall asleep that night! She added, “I didn’t mean to have tears in my eyes, but there they were!” It’s nice to do something for someone who has been so faithful to our club. Many more years of good health, Ann! On the 20th, our meeting was at the home of Ann. Roll call showed 15 members present and one guest, Barbara Woodard. Minutes and treasurers’ report were approved as read. President Margaret Depew was absent, therefore, presiding was Fran Austin, vice-president. Correspondence was a letter from the Home Office. Approved was a donation of $20 for the Slovenian Miner’s Project. A thank you card from Bunnie Spritzer was read. Rita Johnson is our newest member accepted. Welcome, Rita. We are happy to have you with us. Frieda, Fran and Fern were to attend the meeting at the Nursing Home later in the month. Election of officers was scheduled One of our treasures! We cherish our older members! They are the inspiration ot' »o many families and certainly the branches of Zveza. We present here one of this special kind of person, a lady who will celebrate her 95th birthday this month. She is Mrs. Louise Gerdesich of Franklin Park, Illinois, a member of Br. 99. On the photo she is seen with her oldest grandchildren, Lori, 16, Bill, 15 and Larry, 14. One can tell from their smiles that they really love their great grandma! Louise Kambic Gerdesich was born Dec. 6, 1886 at Metlika, Bela Krajina, Slovenia. She came to America when she was about 18 years old. In Bradley, Illinois she met and married her husband and had 11 children. At the age of 52, her husband passed away; she has also lost four of her children in the course of these years. Mrs. Gerdesich never re-married and reared her family as best she could. Fifty-three years ago, the family moved to the Chicago area, finally settling in Franklin park. She says she became a member of Br. 99 when it was in its first years. One of her sons, Rudy, lives with her. She does all the cooking, (only home-made bread is eaten in their home) and cans fruits and vegetables as she always has. Her poticas are the best ever made. Her daughter, Louise says no one ever sees their mother when she isn’t smiling. She also has excellent hearing and a very keen mind and memory. Most of all, she loves company and she certainly must have it with 12 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren who love her so much! This is really a Mother’s Day story — but, for this family, Mother’s Day is all the time. And this month, on St. Nicholas Day, they will reunite to celebrate an auspicious birthday. Our sincere felicitations! L. wot for the Nov. meeting at the home of Loretta Szallar. Secret Pal name drawing was held at this meeting. Our Christmas party will be a pot luck again at the home of the president. A special thank you to Margaret and husband Don for the use of their home. A package will be prepared for a needy family at Christmas time. It was approveu that a $10 limit on Christmas gifts be made for secret pals. Convention will be here in our town next year. We’ll be talking about this and more details will be given later. Mystery Box donated by Fran Austin won by Mary Volk. High prize winners were Bunnie and Loretta; Low, Barbara and Fern. Our hostess served a delicious pumpkin pie, apple cider and wine. See you next month. Hope you all have nice holidays. FERN WHITE NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, IL 39 members attended our October meeting. I always like to report the good news first. It’s a pleasure for me to announce that Adeline Marino enrolled her sister-in-law, Anna Mae Marinov, as a new member; nothing but a warm welcome awaits you here with us, Anna Mae! The nominating committee for the coming delegation of officers are: Mary (Bob) Perkovich Chairperson, assisted by Manda Dosen and Bernice Morrison. After the business session, the ladies enjoyed socializing and the goodies donated by, Mary (Bob) Perkovich, Evelyn Driscoll, Amelia Cuzella, Mary Taporis and Yours truly; the table of decorations with a halloween theme, by the following hostessess, Fran Benkovich, Mary Taporis and Mary (Bob) Perkovich. Cash by Harriet Isek, $3. I am delighted to hear that the following members who have been hospitalized are now on the mend: Ann Kompare, Katica Klepich, Manda Dosen, Ann Sertich, Louise and Rose Mary Dichele. Our prayers and best wishes to all of you, and to all of our members who are ailing. Our branch has donated $50 to the Slovenian Miners Project, we know how desperately the money is needed to complete a difficult task such as this one. We salute Fr. David Stalzer for his spirited and sustained work in the cause of erecting this memorial and accepting the task as Co-Ordinating Chairman. 14 members attended our State Convention which was held at St. Stephen’s Hall. Once again the opportunity is afforded us as members of this great organization to express our views and what direction our organization is headed. Our members came away from the convention greatly impressed with the cordiality of Br. 2 officers and members and their hospitality. We thank you all for making our day with you so very pleasurable. 45 members traveled to Springfield to visit our State Capital. 1 am sure that all of us arrived home with the most pleasant memories of this visit. Most impressive was the way every one at the Capital greeted us; the employees were all very friendly and quite helpful in answering questions and explaining the many important functions that take place in the Capital. Every minute was perfect, and even the trip home failed to dampen our spirits and our enthusiasm! It was great fun being with such happy people. For this experience we are not likely to forget and was loads of fun, the members join me in saying thanks to Sylvia Vukodinovich for her time and effort in preparing this trip. I would also like to add, how good it was to see Phil Collins, Rep. of the Tenth Ward again! Our time together was all too brief, yet it served to span the years. We thank you for greeting us! Birthday Greetings to our December Celebrants: Rose Marie Cacich, Josephine Stengel, Frances FONTANA MEMBERS CELEBRATE STATE DAY Br. 100 members were happy to meet (he National President, Mary Muller on her visit to Fontana. They look a moment lo pose for Ihis picture at the Slate Convention. From left to right, standing: Marie Arneson,Recording secretary, Rosemary Mlakar, secrelary-treasurer, Elizabeth Marinovich, Kdith Drawenek, reporter, and Cecelia Horzen, vice-president; seated: Mary Muller, Nat’l President, Mary Jasina, Slate President and Anne kupel, Br. 100, President. President Muller enjoyed meeting members and residents of (he beautiful U.S. southwest coast. NO. 100, CONT I): honor and very flattering. In fact, it boosted my ego to the extent that it caused a swelled head. I’m speaking for myself, bul I’ll wager lhat other members were experiencing the same symptoms. Steve Mohorko was another guest speaker who talked about our Slovenian backgrounds and notably that of Bishop Slomšek who is being petitioned for sainthood. Gracing the head table were four priests, namely, Fr. Strancar, Fr. Snoj, Fr. Horvath and Fr. Christopher. We were also honored by the presence of four sisters from the Sacred Heart Convent. A very delicious sit down dinner was served at the completion of our guests’ orations. Dessert consisted of yummy strudels which were instrumental in causing me to jog my way back to the kitchen for an added serving. Much time and effort was spent in preparations for our celebratorious dinner. Ladies, we herewith thank you formally for your endeavors and for the mouth-watering repast that resulted from your labors. Thank you, each and everyone. After dinner, we proceeded with our meeting and the business at hand. The gavel was cheerfully relinquished by our branch president, Anne Kapel, and the procedures were conducted intermittently by Mary Jasina, State President and Mary Muller, Nat’l President. Mrs. Muller spoke freely on many subjects and seriously at times on the problems that face every organization and the solutions that are gained when everyone works hand in hand, striving to reach and attain a satisfactory goal. A new member was introduced into our branch at this time and had the honor of being installed by Mary Muller. She is Hilda Lipec and she resides in Hollywood. She attended our convention in the company of her husband, Eugene. We welcome you heartily, Hilda, and be assured that your participation in our ac- Perpich, Fran Seabloom, Hermina Lakich, Vica Rukavina, Stephanie Magnavite, Marge Simunich, Mary Kahn, Mary Ann Taporis, Lucy Sarich (Tex) Hannah Piekarski, Anne Tonkovich, and Lois Chereso. In conclusion, as we near the most joyous season of the year, we offer you our sincerest wishes for a very enjoyable holiday. MILDRED JAMES tivities will bring enjoyment to all concerned. Our meeting was concluded on a happy note. That is not unusual and is taken for granted when so many nice ladies are in attendance. Elizabeth Marinovich made and donated a beautiful afghan that went to Milka Zupancich. (I never win!) Fr. Horvath won a choice bottle of wine and Mary Glad was the recipient of a beautiful plant arrangement, donated by the Nichols Florists. We take this opportunity with much pleasure, to congratulate Stephanie Majcen on her 50th year as a member of the S.W.U. Nice going, Stephie; you’re setting a fine example of dedication for other members to follow. Happy, happy birthday to all who were celebrating their special day in the months of October, November and in December. The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are first, hard work, second, stick-to-it-iveness, third, common sense. Happiness does not depend upon a full pockethook, hut upon a mind full of rich thoughts, and a heart full of rich emotions. ☆ * ☆ Mary Ercek was called to her eternal rest and our condolences are conveyed to her family. May she rest peacefully in the hands of God. Get well prayers are being said for all our ill members and friends. Recovery prayers from me are sent across the miles to Christine Pirman and Elsie Melissa. God grant the fulfillment of my wishes. We had a very likeable male visitor in our home for the past three weeks, and I had a marvelous time with him. 1 would have like to have had him longer, but I have no luck where men that I am fond of are concerned. They always belong to somebody else. In this instance, my sister-in-law, Emily, has priority, I had to relinquish my brother with his undeniable charm, back to her. Oh, well, there is always next year to look forward to yet another pleasant visit. Speaking of visits, Marv Muller informed us that she will make every effort to attend our 25th annivarsary next year. We hope that visit will materialize for certain. It will add enjoyment to our group. The events that took place at our first convention will no doubt be discussed at the coming meetings. We will revicve the pleasantries that were put to memory. God bless all whose eyes are cast upon my submission to the ZARJA. EDITH DRAWENEK Reporter, Br. 100 p. Athanazij Lovrenčič, of m: Božič — naše upanje ZAPISNIK DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE ZA OHIO IN MICHIGAN Na dan ko nam je nebeški Oče poslal svojega Sina, je On dal svetu zopet vir pravega veselja in vzrok novega upanja. Svet se je pogrezal vedno globlje in globlje v temo; a na božični dan je zasvetilo Sonce, da vsi ki hočejo hoditi v svetlobi, imajo luč. V naših dneh božič nam je postal neko romantično doživetje, ki traja vsako leto le par dni, potem pa zopet zgine. In prav zaradi tega nimamo posebne koristi od praznovanja teh dni. Božič ni nič drugega kot pa praznovanje zgodovinskega dejstva ko je Sin božji postal človek, da bi nas rešil. On je postal eden izmed nas, da bi mi postali božji dediči. Dogodki današnjih dni niso prijetni; zdi se da se tudi mi z današnjim svetom pogrezamo vedno globlje v temo; dozdeva se nam, da tudi naš položaj postaja brezupen. A če smo odkriti, moramo priznati, da to se dogaja ljudem zato, ker so zavrgli Njega, ki bi naj bil naše upanje. V božiču današnji ljudje praznujejo vse drugo, kot pa rojstvo božjega Sina; v tem velikem dnevu ne vidijo božje ljubezni, ki se je usmilila naše revščine, ampak skušajo le ustreči svojim telesnim željam. Skozi ta sveti čas bomo slišali toliko lepih misli izraženih ali v besedi ali v pesmi, a vse to nam ne bo v korist, razen če sprejmemo ta praznik to kar je, Rojstvo Našega Gospoda. Ta božič lahko postane vir pravega veselja in blagoslova, če odpremo svoja srca v živi veri in sprejmemo to Božično Dete v svoje vsakdanje življenje. Jezus prihaja, ne da ostane v jaslicah, ampak da pride k tebi, da hodi s teboj, moli s teboj, trpi s teboj. On prihaja zopet v tem božičnem času zato, da ko bo tvoje življenje končano, boš ti lahko pohitel, pohitela k Njemu, ki je ljubezen. Božični dan je svetla luč v tem razburkanem in s sovraštvom napolnjenim svetom. Ta božič ti zopet pričuje, da se Bog ni spremenil, da te On ljubi. On ti hoče poklicati v spomin tisto živo vero ki je bila v tvojem srcu kot otroku: da se je na božično noč rodilo božje Dete; Vsemogočni te hoče opomniti na dejstvo, da si ti na svetu le zato da ljubiš Boga in bljižnjega, tudi če svet hodi v nasprotno smer. Kajti le ljubezen gaje primorala, daje prišel med nas, kot nam pravi božična pesem: Sama ljubezen do nas Te Nedeljo dne 27. septembra, je bil lep jesenski dan. V Slov. Narodnem domu na Holmes Ave. smo se sestale članice in odbornice klevelandskih podružnic. Čestitke za uspelo konvencijo so bile izrečene novo-izvoljeni drž. preds. Sophie Magayna, ki prav dobro vodi skupne podružnice. Sophie in Marie Prisland cadets odprejo sejo z “Pledge of Allegiance.” Pozdravi odbornice vseh podružnic, nato predstavi prejšnjo gl. preds. Mary Bostian, gl. nadzornico Irene Jagodnik, mladinsko direktorico Albino Uehlein, Frances Seitz in zapisnikarico Marie Beck. Po prečitanju zapisnika lanske konvencije, ki je potrjen, so sledila poročila podružnic. Žal smo pogrešili št. 6, Barberton. Od št. 10 iz Clevelanda jih je bilo navzočnih 11 in Ann Markovič poroča, da je njihova podružnica dosegla starost 54 let. Imajo 242 članic, seje so dobro obiskane, a smrt jim je iztrgala 8 članic. Jennie Gorišek je 106 let mlada. V januarju prežgejo sveče v spomin vseh umrlih. V nov. so izvolile novo poročevalko Ann Stefančič, ki je tudi bila izbrana za “mater leta”. O Božiču in za Veliko noč darujejo za cerkev Marije Vnebovzete, kakor tudi za dom ostarelih na Neff Rd. Št. 14 ima 3 navzoče in tajnica Vera Bajec poroča, da imajo 261 članic. Med njimi jih je 70, ki so dosegle častitljivo starost nad 75 let in med njimi je ena, ki ima že 101 let. Tri imajo v domu na Neff Rd. 4 so umrle. Na pepelnično sredo imajo sv. mašo za žive in umrle. Letos so imele piknik na “Šuštar’s farm”. Imeli so dober uspeh, enako tudi na Card party. O Božiču so počastili 46-50 letne članice z dobro večerjo. Za št. 15, Marie Fabian poroča, da ima 125 članic, izgubile so 4, 3 so odstopile in 2 prestopile k št. 42. Pomoč je dobrodošla. Od št. 21 jih je prišlo 6. Stella Dancul pove, da imajo 99 članic. Seje imajo vsaki drugi mesec, vsako drugo sredo. Od zadnje gl. konvencije so zgubile 16 članic. Ena članica je umrla. Za vsako umrlo članico darujejo $10. Materinski dan praznuje vse članstvo z okusno večerjo. Od št. 25 so navzoče 3 odbornice, preds. Ann Maver, uradnica Jennie Feme in tajnica Cirila Kermavner. Imajo 361 članic; smrt jim je iztrgla 22, katere je težko nadomestiti. Za Dom na Neff Rd. so darovale $100.00. Preds. št. 32, Hermine Strainer je pripeljala 4 odbornice. V aprilu so imeli “Luncheon is served” z velikim uspehom. V pomoč so prišle tudi druge podružnice. Tajnica Jo Comenshek ima 205 članic v razredu A in B, 15 socilanih in 16 mladinskih. Zgubile so 7. Št. 40, Lorain se ponaša, da ni zgubila nobene članice v letu. Predsednica in gl. direktorica ženskih aktivnosti, je sama prišla. Poroča, da imajo 97 članic. Ob pogrebni maši molijo rožni venec in prejmejo sv. Obhajilo. Za št. 41 so navzoč preds. Amalia Oswald, podpreds. Justine Girod in nadzornica Josephine Herter. Podr. šteje 98 članic, zgubila so 4. vsem VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO članicam naše S.Ž.Z. posebno podružnice katere obhajate 50 letnico v tem letu. ANNA PACHAK Častna državna predsednica PUEBLO, COLORADO S tajnico št. 42 Mary Lou Perhne, so prišle 3 odbornice. Imajo 66 članic v obeh razredih, 15 mladinskih in 3 družabne. Za 11, ki so starejše od 75 let, podr. plača članarino. V maju imajo sv. maše za žive in mrtve sosestre, enako tudi za materinski dan. Članice že tretje leto romajo na božjo pot "Sorrowful Mather", kjer praznujejo Slovenski dan. Vinski trgatev imajo 11. oktobra. Darujejo za cancer, za Dom ostarelih in St. Vincent. Od št. 47 so prišle 4 članice. Preds. Jennie Praznik poroča praznovanje 50 letnice Zveze. Imajo 91 članic v obeh razredih in 15 mladinskih članic. Zgubile so 6. Kadar članica umrje, darujejo $5.00 za šolinski sklad in $5.00 za sv. mašo zadušnico. Št. 50, Euclid so zastopale kar 11 zvestih članic. Preds. Ann Terček poroča, da so darovale za Dom ostarelih na Neff Rd. $1,000.00 in $500.00 za druge dobrodelne namene. Proslava 50 letnice št. 50 se bo vršila 11. okt. V veselje vseh, bo naš gost urednica Zarje, Corinne Leskovar, hčerka Albine Novak, ki je to podružnico ustanovila. Št. 68, Fairport je mala podr. 52 članic, pa je poslala kar 9 zastopnic na konvencijo. Preds. Rose Bradač, zapisnikarica Molly Južna, poročevalka Frances UIle itd. Podr. je stara 45 let. Bolana je članica, dolgoletna poročevalka v slovenščini, Julka Klammer. Preds. št. 73, Kay Yuratovac ima 100 članic, 2 sta zapustile našo Zvezo. V juniju ima uspešno prodajo "rummage sale". Po Veliki noči imajo sv. maše za žive in pokojne. Denar darovan za umrle pošljejo v Šolniški sklad. Po poročilu podružnic so kadetke spremile FRANCES SEITZ na oder, kjer so ji pripeli šopel rumenih vrtnic in jo počastile za "FRANCES SEITZ DAN”. Zelo je bila presenečena nad to zasluženo priznanje. Frances je vredna te slave, saj je bila dolgoletna preds. št. 50, vedno se bori za priznanje mladine, ki bo sledila po naših stopinjah. Ona je pričela prvi Cotillion Ball za mlade dekleta, spisala in priobčila je veliko dopisov v Zarji. Vedno je delala za povzdig vseh podružnic. Jaz je poznam že od leta 1936, ko je bila konvencija v Milwaukee. Prisrčne čestitke, Frances! Sophie Magayna je bila zadovoljna s poročilom podr., želi in priporoča uspeh za Zvezo. Predlagano je bilo, da bi stopili v stik s št. 105. Če bo mogoče, bi imele konvencijo drugo leto v Detroitu. Povabi se vse navzoče, da se udeležijo sv. maše za pok. ustanoviteljico, Albino Novak, dne 22. novembra ob 10:30 dop. v cerkvi Sv. Vida. Seja je bila zaključena ob 4:30 pop. z molitvijo v spomin 59 pokojnih članic tega leta ob prižganih svečah. MARIE BECK — SKULL, zapis. Vaša zapisnikarica želi vsem skupaj božji blagoslov, da Vas ohrani zdrave in vesele do konvencije prihodnjega leta. DOPISI ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO V decembru ne bo seje in načrte za našo božičnico smo napravili na seji v novembru. Globoko sožalje izražamo družini Louise Čebular, ene izmed prvih 50 let članic, ki je preminula. Sožalje tudi družinam Josephine Kuret in Phyllis Cermelly. Naj počivajo v božjem miru! Na bolniški listi imamo Helen Moze, ki je bila v bolnišnici na operaciji in je na dobri poti okrevanja. Naša članica, Mary Novinc je v St. Augustine domu. Naša državna konvencija, ki se je vršila dne 27. septembra, je bila dobro obiskana in poročila naših podružnic so bila podana o živahnem delu med članicami. Naša tajnica, Sophie Magayna je predsedavala kot državna predsednica. Počastile smo članico št. 50, ses. Frances Sietz za njena številna leta in požrtvovalnosti za napredek SŽZ. Slavje se je vršilo v dvorani na Recher Ave. to je bila 50 letnica podr. št. 50 in naše članice so se tudi udeležile. Želimo jim se mnogo let uspehov. Ob zaključku želimo vsem članicam blagoslovljene Božične praznike in srečno ter zdravo Novo leto! ANN STEFANČIČ ŠT. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Zahvaljujem se Zarji, št. 13, St. Francis Lodge, SNPJ in našemu Slovenskemu zboru za sočutne karte in darila v moji težki bolezni. Bog poplačaj! Naš Slovenski zbor je praznoval 30 letnico poročnega slavja našega organista Aleš Šimenca in soproge Dorothy. Naj bi jima sonce sijalo še mnogo let v zdravju in ljubezni v krogu njune čislane družine. Naši sestri Radovich pa želimo še mnogo let zdravja, da bi s svojo močo in veselo naravo premagala težko bolezen. Bog jo živi! Iz vsega srca želimo tudi zdravja možu naše pevke Ani G. (Prosim obrnite na sl. 34) ČIKAŠKI SLOVENSKI PLESALCI so veselih obrazov, saj je velika množica navdušeno odobravala njihovo predstavljanje običajev zelene Štajerske. Na sliki so med drugimi dosedanja predsednica št. 2, Magda Simrajh, članice Patti Zubek, hčerka tajnice št. 2. in Kathy Vučko ter Tonči Leskovar, ki je s prijatelji zgradil pravi kozolec. PROSLAVA SLOVENSKEGA DNE V CHICAGU 24. oktobra 1981 Vsaka bralka naše ZARJE gotove ve in ji je dobro znano, da slovenstvo v Ameriki ni še mrtvo. Mnoge starejše članice še rade govorijo po slovensko in — čast onim, ki so svoje otroke in vnuke naučile toliko, da razumejo. Kjer so pa Slovenci naseljeni v večjih skupinah, tam imamo slovenske fare, pevske zbore, mladinske plesne skupine, radijske slovenske oddaje in tudi slovenske šole. Priznati moramo, da je slovenska skupina v Chicagu prav delavna in ima lepe uspehe na vseh svojih področjih. Velikega priznanja je vreden slovensko — ameriški radijski klub, ki se že 31 let oglaša po mestu in okolici s slovenskimi melodijami in s slovensko besedo. Vsako leto prav v priredbi tega kluba obhajamo veliki Slovenski dan, ki je bil letos 24. oktobra. In ta Slovenski dan je ena najlepših naših letnih prireditev, tudi najbolj obiskanih, tako da je naša sveto-štefanska dvorana vedno premajhna. Radijski klub vodita znana in narodoljubna dr. Leskovar in njegova žena Corinne. Kdo je ga. Corinne Leskovar ženam pri Slovenski ženski zvezi pač ni treba pojasnjevati. Vsak mesec najdemo na svoji mizi doma mesečnik Zarja, katerega ona že leta dolgo mojstersko ureja. Ker pa je ona “tudi doma” v muziki in plesu, je prav ona pred leti ustanovila priznano in občudovano folklorno plesno čikaško skupino, ki povsod nastopa z velikim uspehom. Letošnji Slovenski dan je bil pravi ljudski praznik veselja in lepote. Petje, rajanje, ples, muzika — so sestavljali celotni program. Moraš videti, moraš slišati, moraš doživeti, ker povedati se ne da! Udeleženci so pri petju sodelovali-navdušeno in z velikim pevskem znanjem. Slovenska radost in slovenski ponos! Prireditelji so zaradi pestrosti povabili še nastopajoče goste iz Kanade. Kot središčno točko so določili javno priznanje vsem skupinam, ki delajo za slovensko kulturno rast v Chicagu. Te so: slovenska Slomškova šola, zbor Slovenska pesem, zbor France Prešeren, ansambel Glas Slovenije, folklorna plesna skupina ameriško-slovenskega radijskega kluba. Zelo privlačno in pristno slovensko je bila zadnja točka pod naslovom “Gremo na Štajersko”. Zamislimo si slovenski svet pod štajerskimi vinogradi s klopotci in s pravim slovenskim kozolcem (Tonček Leskovar) polnim koruze. Mladina se pa zbira v nedeljo, ne več trudna od vsakdanjega dela, pač na razigrana in vseh muh polna. V polni življenski moči zapoje in zapleše. Po sklepnem prizoru in skupnem združenju vse nastopajoče mladine, ki jo je bil ves oder poln, se je v dvorani dvignilo burno ploskanje, ki je vsebovalo veliko zahvalo prirediteljem kakor tudi vsem nastopajočim! "V... ' \ .. /r NA ČIKAŠKEM SLOVENSKEM DNEVU so bila podeljena Slovenska odlikovanja učiteljem Slomškove slovenske šole, pevskih zborov in folklornih skupin. Na sliki so odlikovanci, med njimi tudi naša poročevalka Ana Gaber v sredi. Na levi je napovedovalec Ludvik Leskovar in na desni Mary Foys, podpredsednica št. 2. V ozadju je kozolec in Pohorje s klopotcem. ŠT. 13: Judnich, ki je že preko leto dni v bolnici in mu pridna in plemenita žena Eni pomaga in se žrtvuje z vsem za njegovo ljubo zdravje. Le korajžno naprej Eni, moja ljuba sestrična. Bog, ki vidi v Tvoje srce, bo pomagal, saj njemu je vse mogoče. Naš Father Milovilovich je zopet v bolnici. Vsi mu želimo skorjašnje zdravje! Ob koncu pa še eno pesmico: Kapljice deževne v nočeh, na okno mi zlivajo se; v prečutih nočeh bolečin in trpljenja dušnega. O Gospod, usmili se, sirote v težkih dneh. Ne odvzemi mi odpuščanja mojih pregreh. Pusti mi vero, ki me edina spremlja; pusti spomine ob katerih živim. Naj vera živi ob deževnih burnih nočeh v upanju na rešitev spon tegaživljenja gorja in solza. POLDICA PODGORNIK ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Ko boste brale te vrstice, bo naša decemberska seja že za nami. Na tej seji bomo počastile članice, ki so pristopile k SŽZ v letih 1928-29-30-31-32, to je so naše članice nad 50 let. Jih je kar precej. Carolin Gabrenja je praznovala 102 rojstni dan, dne 10. novembra. Žal je pri padcu se precej pobila. Mary Kušar je tudi nazaj v bolnišnici in je skupaj v sobi s Helen Mihelič. Vse tri živijo v domu ostarelih na Neff Rd. in so zelo vesele obiskov. Umrl je brat od Mary Mršnik, John Lube. Naše sožalje. Naj pokojni počiva v miru božjem. Vsem prav vesele Božične praznike in srečno, zdravo Novo leto 1982. Pozdrav vsem članicam po Ameriki. Poročevalka MARY ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, Wl Z veseljem sporočam, da smo imele 18. oktobra živahno sejo pri kateri smo imele tudi žrebanje. Vse je bilo zelo uspešno. Hvaležne smo odboru, ko je tako marljivo delal za uspeh prireditve. Srčna hvala vsem, ki ste darovale toliko lepih dobitkov. To je naša edina letna prireditev da si naša blagajna opomore, zato nas toliko bolj veseli, da se članice zavedate in je Vaša radodarnost toliko bolj pripoznana. Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste darovale za lunch, da smo res veselo in zadovoljno zaključili ta dan. Vse pa, ki se niste udeležile te seje, srčno vabim, da pridete na glavno sejo dne 20. decembra. Letna seja je kakor veste zelo važna. Slišale boste kako napredujemo in kaj bomo vse storile za bodočnost in korist Zveze. Imele bomo izmenjavo daril v vrednosti 2 dolarjev. Katere pa se nočete s tem ukvarjati, pa pozabite na ta špas in pridete vseeno na sejo in zabavo. Ne bo vam žal! Vse tiste, ki pa nismo “liberated” in smo še kar rade “sužnje” kuhinje, pa lepo prosim, prinesite malo vaše prečene dobrote in umetnosti na decembersko glavno sejo. Naj bo to že karkoli. Piškoti in malo peciva. Seveda naj omenim, da se tudi potic in drugih dobrot ne bomo branile. Oh, teh vabljivih slovenskih dobrot, ni nikoli preveč. Saj je Božič — kakšne pa bi bile, da ne bi pekle kolačev in potic za praznike. Seveda nas kličejo starokopitne, ampak teh dobrot se pa le nihče ne gani. “Sedaj pa kuhalnice v roke me vzemimo, domove naše za vselej osvobodimo; vsak, ki pod našim krovom spava, Slovenska jed mu bo ta prava, štruklji, žganci, cmoki, zelje, kaša, to bila je dobra hrana naša. Škoda, da mlinar moke več ne melje, to bi bili dobri žganci, klobasice in zelje, potica, šarkelj, krofi polni vitaminov iz narave, ki so jih vzeli ven iz naše dobre hrane...” Zdravniki pravijo, da šala je boljša kot zdravilo. Sedaj pa pustimo ta špas in Vam sporočam, da so sestre Mary Ybanez in Kathv Kumert obe bolane. To sta sestre naše dobre članice Molly Mathea. Želimo, da se obema ljubo zdravle kmalu vrne. To želimo tudi vsem sosestram, ki jih tare bolezen. Ravno ko to pišem, sem dobila vest, da je umrla članica Mrs. Frances Rozman. Molimo zanjo. Sorodnikom pa izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Naj vsem sosestram, ki so odšle v večnost sveti večna luč. H koncu še želim vsem članicam Zveze blagoslovljene Božične praznike ter srečno, zdravo Novo leto! mARY MURN ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Hvala Bogu za naše indijansko poletje. Drevesa so vsa v nepopisnem slavju barv in jesensko cvetje je še posebno lepo ali pa nam toliko bolj ugaja, ker vemo, da je zima blizu in v kratkem bo nastopil čas kidanja snega. Naša dobra članica Theresa Zdovc, je umrla v visoki starosti 94 let. Naj ji Bog nakloni večni mir. Naše iskreno sožalje žalujoči družini. Vse članice lepo vabljene na našo sejo dne 9. decembra ob 1:30 popoldne v Družbini sobi dvorane Sv. Vida. Na raspolagalo bodo okrepčila vključno kalorije in seveda priljubljene igre. Ker naša podružnica ne prireja prodaje peciva, ali kartnih zabav, zato nudimo enkrat na leto loterijo, in vsi dobitki bodo v denarju. Zato članice prosim, da bi poslale en dolar dodatno k članarini za vstopnice in prejele boste srečne številke. Ne moremo darovati v dobre namene če nimamo denarja, zato prosim, da nam pomagate. Naša tajnica je Cirila Kermavner, 6610 Bliss A ve., Cleveland 44103. Našim bolnim članicam želimo hitro okrevanje. Vabimo vas tudi, da obiskujete naše številne članice, ki se nahajajo v starostnih domovih, ali jim vsaj pošljite kako kartico. Prav vesele Božične praznike in srečno in uspešno Novo leto vsem članicam SŽZ. Naj Vas božje Dete vse blagoslovi! JENNIEFEMC ŠT. 68, FAIRPORT HRB., OH Tudi jesenski letni čas je po svoje lep. Kmetje pospravljajo svoj pridelek, zelenjavo, sadje, kar je odveč odpeljejo na trg — Market —. Polje pripravijo za prihodnjo pomlad in naredijo praho, da ni preveč plevela po njivah, praha plevel zamori. Tudi tukaj si nekateri pripravimo, domačega kislega zelja, krompirja, jabolk, jaboljčne mezge, ker je le boljše domače in tudi dosti cenejše. Naša oktoberska seja se je vršila 21. t.m. na tretjo sredo, kot ponavadi. Nisem se je mogla udeležiti, poprej ta dan sva šla z možem po flu shot-injekcijo proti prehladu k zdravniku in mi ta injekcija ni naredila prav, pa najbrže je bilo krivo tudi, ker so na žolču kamni in najbrže ne bo šlo brez operacije. Konvencija Ohio-Michigan, katera se je vršila na nedeljo 27. septembra na Holmes v Clevelandu, se nas je udeležilo devet članic iz naše podružnice, še kar povoljno število. Imele smo tudi vstopna darila — door prize —, srečo so imele tudi tri naše članice. Po končani konvenciji smo imele prigrizek sandwiche z odličnim sirovim in jabolčnim štrudelom. Tako smo se spoznale z nekaterimi članicami od sosednjih podružnic in slišale njih delovanje. Vesela sem bila srečanja po dolgih letih z gospo Amalijo Osvald iz Clevelanda, obe sva z lepe Menešije doma. Prav tako se nas je udeležilo enajst članic 50 obletnice ustanoviteve št. 50. S.Ž.Z. v Slov. domu na Rehar v Euclidu. To pa je bil res zelo lep in pomemben program in tudi še živečih menda 8 ustanovnih članic, katere so bile lepo počaščene in dobile priznanje in spomine na ta lepi jubilej. V programu katerega je vsaka dobila pri svojem sedežu sem tudi opazila ime naše urednice gospe Corinne Leskovar, in imela priliko jo osebno pozdravit, to so redki slučaji. V koledarju Ave Marija, pa je lepa fotografija od gospe in njenega soproga Dr. Ludvik Leskovar. In tudi v narodni noši v Ave Mariji jo opazim. Tukaj rojena in zelo lepo slovensko govori. Nabito polna dvorana, baje je bilo preko 400 vstopnic prodanih. Pripravili so nam tudi odlično kosilo. Muzikantje pa tudi prve vrste. V septembru smo imeli v našem mestu odprto hišo — open house — in na ogled nove bolnice. Odborniki in govorniki so med drugim povedali, da je bila od leta 1920 do 1932 šola za bolniške sestre — nurses — bilo je ob tej odprtiji udeleženih kakih 12 do 15 ženskih, ki so to šalo napravile za bolniške sestre. Bile so vse v častitljivih letih, in povečini tudi so v tej tastari bolnici delale. Članici Jean Snidersich je umrl njem svak — Brother in law — v Minesoti. Z njeno svakinjo — sister in law — sta šle na pogreb, prevozile sta z autom, črez tisoč milj dolgo pot. Je pravila, da tudi tam imejo naš mesečnik Zarjo, da so ji tam gospe pravile, da rade čitajo dopise od naše podružnice iz Fairporta. Sedem dni sta tam ostale. In tam pri svakinji jim je skuhala mesne štruklje, kako, da so se jim dopadli. Nazaj grede sta se pa še ustavile v Detroitu pri sinu Leonu, on ima učiteljsko službo, žena je pa bolniška sestra — nurse —. Jean je tudi 3 krat stara mama. Lepo bi bilo, da bi se tudi iz Minnesote, kaj Zarji 'oglasile; bi tudi tukaj rade brale, kako pa tam živite. Dobim tudi prav lepa osebna ljubezniva pisemca skozi dopise v Zarji, iz Floride. Hvala Ti Kristina, tudi meni je veselje čitati pisma svojih znancev in prijateljev, kajne Antonije vse novice iz naših krajev izveš, ki tudi ljudi poznaš. Naša članica sestra Jennie Lagina je imela v tem mesecu rojstni dan k kateremu je dobila čestitke od predsednika Ronald in Nanci Reagan, to je nekaj posebnega, to niso navadni zemljani in vsaki ne doseže 85 let. Lansko leto je pa dobila lep spomin za 50 obletnico članstva iz glavnega urada S.Ž. Zveze Chicaga. Naše čestitke Jennie. V decembru pa so zagledale luč sveta: Latorsky Ann, Findak Steffine, Hamborg Barbara, Nosse Matthew, Zalar Kathleen, Vanderworth Mary in Tobul Kallianne. Vsem najboljše želje še na mnoga leta. Lep pozdrav vsem luštnim ljudem in God Bless America. Painesville, 29. oktober 1981. JULKA KLAMMER ŠT. 100, FONTANA, CA Najprej bom nekoliko opisala našo konvencijo, ki se je vršila 10. oktobra v Etivanda, kjer ima Father Snoj svojo faro. Glavna predsednica, Mrs. Muller nas je obiskala za to slavnost, za kar smo ji hvaležni. Žal, da se nismo mogle udeležiti naše članice iz San Francisco, Oregon in Washington. Upam, da bo še kedaj prilika, da se snidemo skupaj. Sv. mašo je daroval naš duhovni svetovalac F. Strancar in imel lepo pridigo. Z njim so somaševali F. Snoj, F. Horvat in F. Christopher. Za lepo petje pa je poskrbela Mrs. 'Strnad. Prav lepa hvala njej in pevkam, ki so zelo lepo pele. Po sv. maši smo šli v dvorano za cekvijo. Naša državna predsednica Mary Jasina je predstavila glavno predsednico, Mary Muller, ki je podala kratek in zanimiv govor. Imeli smo tudi med nami župana iz Fontane, Frank Horzen in Mr. Mohorko. Vsak je imel kratek nagovor. Bilo je res zanimivo. Čas je prišel za kosilo, ki ga je imela v oskrbi Mary Jasina. Imela je dobre sodelavce v kuhinji. Bilo je izvrstno kosilo in gre vsem iskrena zahvala za njihovo delo. Ne smem pozabiti žene, ki so spekle zelo dober jabolčni štrudel in kelnarja Sam Kurilich, ki je nalival kozarce. Torej, HVALA VSEM! Škoda, da nismo imeli več ljudi za to praznovanje. Ne smemo pozabiti velikega doprinosa za Zvezo, ki so požrtvovalno delale za skupnost, posebno naše ustanoviteljice Mrs. Prisland, Mrs. Albina Novak in druge. Naj Bog vsem obilno poplača! Moram še omeniti in smo hvaležni tistim, ki so nam poslale karte za našo praznovanje: Mrs. Rose Scoff, Mrs. Boštjan in Mrs. Ann Terček. Hvala vsem in prav lepe pozdrave! JEAN KURILICH, poročevalka MLADA BREDA Povest dr. Ivan Pregelj I del. 3. O znancih, ki so še neznani. Nadaljevanje — Četrti dan je Tomaž odšel s svojimi sedmimi piškavimi. Na cesti se je ozrl na Peč. Katra je stala še vedno na vratih in se mu — kakor se mu je zdelo — nasmihala. »Kura te brcnila!« se je razjezil Tomaž in pljunil, ko da se hoče otresti na ta način spomina na zadnje dni žaljenega ponosa in bridkega dela. In istočasno je začutil Tomaž žejo, kakoršne ni čutil že par let. Vso zimo bi lahko pil nanjo. In pil je celo noč ■ in cel dan in še eno noč. Tisto jutro zatem se je zbudil in preštel svojo gotovino, par srebrnih dvajsetič in prgišče zelenkastih četrtakov. Molče je vtaknil glavo v vodo, oblekel jopič in storil trden sklep, da gre v svet, in če mora pri zadnjih hišah začeti beračiti. Tako je počasi in pol nezaveden koračil po cesti, in prav tisti hip je nekdo hitel s Peči doli na cesto in Tomaž je mrmral nekaj silno neprijaznega pred se in hitel, da bo preje mimo poti na Peč. »Judeževi groši — prigoljufani!« je mislil pri sebi in z odporom pogledal pred se. In tam, kjer se je spustila pot s Peči na cesto, je stala Katra. In tisti prijazni smeh ji je igral na zdravem in mladem licu. In Tomaž je čutil, da čaka žena nanj in se pridušil pri sebi: »Ne boš me več kavka, ne! Za sto goldinarjev ti ne delam več, saj nisem živina!« »Ne, živina pa nisem!« je zaključil in pljunil in hotel mimo žene. »Kaj? Ali se ne poznamo več? je pozdravila Katra. »Meni se mudi!« je zagodrnjal Tomaž in hotel mimo. »Zaradi par besed ne bo zamude,« je rekla in mu zastavila pot, da se je moral Tomaž ustaviti. Prav ob njem je stala in prijazen smeh ji je igral na obrazu. »Lej,« je nadaljevala, »ali je potreba takemu delavcu, da hodi v svet, ko je doma dela in zaslužka dovolj.« Tomaž je zamahnil malomarno z roko. »Bajtarjem se ne udinjam. Kaj pa bo meni par grošev. Nak, to ni nič. Po svetu je bolje.« »Na Peči nismo bajtarji,« je odvrnila ona. »Hudirja!« se je odzval Tomaž, »že vem, kako je pri vas. Še kože ne bi odnesel cele. Nak! Tako pa ne.« »Lej ga no! Kdo pa pravi, da boš tako delal, ko te dni?« In prijazni in vabljivi nasmeh ji je zopet blodil čez lice in Tomažu se je polagoma mehčalo srce. Moj Bog, v žepu je tako žalostno žvenketalo ostalih par dvajsetič. In po svetu je daleč. Vendar pa je dejal: »Ne bo nič, mati!« »Škoda takega hlapca, takega delavca,« je dejala ona prilizljivo in se dodobra prikupila Tomažu. Laskalo mu je, daje žena hvalila njegovo delavnost. »Če delam, delam pošteno, to je že res!« je govoril. In glasneje so zapele dvajsetice: malo nas je. Vendar pa je pomislil Tomaž, da bi se mu smejali v vasi, češ: na Peč je šel za hlapca, in je dejal: »Ne, za hlapca nisem.« Ali Katra ni odnehala. Še slajše se mu je nasmehnila in za roko gaje prijela: »Kdo neki pravi, da boš za hlapca? Lepa je ta! Ali je Peč taka beračija? Za hlapca nad hlapci boš, za oskrbnika.« Čudovita je bila Katrina prekanjenost, ko je bila izrekla zadnje besede. Zadela je v živo. Samozavest Tomaževa se je pod takim navalom sesula vase, in obličje mu je nehote razjasnila radost. Kakor je bila ta izprememba hitra, je vendar uganila Katra takoj, da je Tomaž njen. Segla je naglo v žep, in Tomaž je tiščal, prej ko se je zavedel, v roki lep nov desetak. »Premisli,« je govorila žena, »cel dan ti pustim čas, da ne porečeš, da sem te premotila.« »Tisto pa ne!« je odvrnil Tomaž; in zaradi lepšega je pristavil: »Razmislil bom že, če je res tako. Za oskrbnika, to je nekaj drugega.« »Tako je, tako!« je hitela žena. »Šmentan fant, trd si, pa mi zato ugajaš. Le nase boš malo bolj gledal. Lej no kakšen pa si. In brke si pusti, da mu silijo v usta, ko staremu pijancu.« »He,« je pomislil Tomaž, »ta je lepa. Kaj pa, če nima ta nekaj? Vrag vzemi žene, še neumna zna biti name.« Tomaža je postalo nehote sram pred njo in zamrmral je nekaj ko, da kadar odhaja človek v svet, ne gleda na to, kakšen je. »Pojdi no,« je odvrnila prijazno Katra, »to že pride, kaj!« »Tu je moja roka!« je odločil Tomaž, »in drugo se zgovorimo jutri!« »Jutri,« mu je stisnila ona roko. In Tomaž se je vrnil proti vasi, Katra pa na Peč. In ves čas se je zadovoljno smehljala pred-se in z vidno radostjo je postajala na poti in se ozirala. Daleč, daleč okoli je bilo vse njeno. In ta zavest jo je navdajala kakor tolikrat, tudi sedaj z zadoščenjem: Zaslužila sem. Kljub temu je leto za letom zaključila njene podobne misli grenka resnica. In tedaj se ji je lice spačilo, in mali sin je tedaj ni rad srečal, zakaj brez vzroka je kričala nanj. Drugega dne je bil prišel Tomaž na Peč in zasedel svoje častno mesto. Katra je bila nasproti njemu ista ko prejšnji dan. Nevedoma so drugi hlapci in dekle hote in nehote čutili, da Katra želi, da stoji mej njo in njimi Tomaž. In pokorili so se mu. On pa je nosil glavo in s srebrno verižico je žvenketal, in kozji repek se mu je svetil za klobukom, in ob nedeljah je včasih iz same oholosti plačeval kmetom za vino. Celo proti domačemu sinu se je vedel oholo, vendar pa toliko vljudno, da je Juri rad šel ž njim, bodisi na polje ali v vas. In če sta zavila v gostilno in popila polič vina, in je prišlo do plačila, je vselej plačal Tomaž, češ: »Kaj boš ti. Saj vem, da tiščiš par desetic. Le pusti jih, da se ne prehlade.« »Hlapec je grof, sin pa strada,« so pravili ljudje, in smilil se jim je molčeči in bolehni sin s Peči. In neke nedelje se je zgodilo, da je fant zašel mej svoje sovrstnike. Krenili so v gostilno. Juri ni hotel ž njimi. (Nadaljevanje na sl. 40) ANA GABER: ŠT. 2, Chicago, IL ?NAŠA SLOVENSKA^ DEDIŠČINA pogledat. Da ni očeta samo enkrat vprašal, ali pojdeta kmalu k Štrukljevim gledat sv. tri kralje, lahko verjamete. Na vse načine je premleval vprašanje, kako neki so postavljeni pri sosedovih sv. trije kralji in kakšne konje neki imajo. Končno so oče vendarle veleli: “Kje si fant? Le pridi, greva k sosedovim gledat jaslice. ” Vsem našim čitate/jicam blagoslovljene božične praznike z božjim mirom, kakršnega svet ne more dati V tem sestavku bomo skupno z malim nedolžnim Madrškim Ludvetom podoživljali Božič. Z njim vred bomo težko čakali na postavljanje jaslic v kotu in potem strmeli vanje kakor na izredno čudo. Kaj lepšega pač ni na svetu, si misli deček. Naše žene so priznale, kako so bile ganjene, ko so brale “Ludvetova Velika noč" in "Romar na Zaplaz”, kajti vsakemu ženskemu srcu je otrokovo čutenje tako blizu. Ludovik P uš: SOSEDOVE JASLICE V skromni kmetski hiši so otroci vsi zatopljeni v postavljanje jaslic. Edini fantiček Ludve med številnimi sestricami kar žari od navdušenja in veselja, ko oče slovesno vzamejo iz kota razpelo in namestijo tja deščico, na kateri bodo stale jaslice. Mah se je že dolgo sušil pod streho in je pripravljen. Pastirci in ovčke iz papirja so tudi že pregledani in popravljeni. Ko je poličica v kotu gotova, začno z delom. Hribec iz mahu je hitro napravljen. Težje gre z razmeščanjem ovčk in pastircev. Vsak hoče bolj prav vedeti. Vendar se končno vse uravna v splošno zadovoljstvo. Pod hribcem je hlevček z Detetom, Marijo in Jožefom. Preostanejo samo še sv. trije kralji. Kaj in kam z njimi? Dečko se z vso svojo zgovornostjo zavzema zato, naj pridejo trije Modri takoj k jaslicam. Kako bi bilo mogoče pustiti jih — pa čeprav samo za štirinajst dni, do praznika sv. treh kraljev — v škatli in jih ne postaviti v kot, ko imajo pa tako čudno lepe konje. Zakaj konji so bili malemu junaku vedno nekaj posebnega. Še Ovničkove konje je občudoval, kadar so jih Ovničkov oče zaprezali v voz z velikim kurnikom, da bi krenili proti Novemu mestu po prašiče. Pa kaj so bili Ovničkovi proti tem, na katerih jezdijo sveti trije kralji. Ovničkovi so mršavi in držijo glave premalo pokonci — ti so pa lepo okrogli, vratovi se jim kar bočijo in vsi so opasani z dragocenimi pasovi in brzdami. Prerekanju zavoljo svetih treh kraljev in njihovih konj napravijo konec oče: “Le pusti, naj ostanejo do svojega praznika lepo v škatli. Zvečer pojdeš z menoj k Štrukljevim. Tam boš videl sv. tri kralje na konjih še vse drugačne, kakor so pri nas. Če boš priden, jih pojdeš k sosedovim še večkrat In sta šla. Do Štruklja je bilo je nekaj korakov. Sneg je bil zunaj in mrzla burja je brila okrog oglov. Dečku ni bilo mar ne snega ne burje. V mislih je gledal sv. tri kralje, kako ponosno jezdijo na iskrih konjih protiv bornemu hlevcu. Videl jih je, kakor bi se zares premikali in kakor da bi bili živi. Konji ponosno dvigajo vitke noge, da se jim leskečejo svetle podkve in grizejo v uzde, ker jih sveti jezdeci ne pustijo v dir. To bi se ne spodobilo. Pri Štrukljevih je bilo temno v hiši, ko sta vstopila. Bil je že mrak svetega večera. Iz kota je žarela prečudna rdečkasta svetloba, s katero je bil razsvetljen hribec. Jaslice so imele štalico postavljeno na vrhu hriba, ne pa pod njim kakor pri njih doma, a sredi hribca — čudo prečudno! V rdeči luči so se premikali na iskrih konjih sv. trije kralji, gibali so se, kako bi bili živi. Vmes pa je drobno cingljalo, kakor bi pozvanjali z zlatimi zvončki sami nebeški angelci. Deček je obstal in se zamaknil v prečudne jaslice. Ni črhnil besedice, le pritajen vzdih občudovanja; “Joj, to je lepo”, se mu je izvil iz prsi, kadar je po kratkem presledku spet prvi prijezdil iz ozadja Gašper, “ki jezdi narnaprej, k’ za vsa pota vej", za njim se je pokazal Miha, “ki jezdi prec za njim, da se pogovarja z njim’’, končno pa je prišel še Boltežar, “ki je narodzad, ves je v portah, ves je zlat." In ti konji! Kako kraljevsko se nosijo kot da bi vedeli, da na njih jezdijo kralji iz daljne Jutrove Najbogatejša angleška knjiga o slovenski dediščini: SLOVENIAN HERITAGE, Vol. I Uredil univ. prof. dr. Edi Gobec (Outstanding Educator of America, 1971), s pomočjo Milene Gobec in Ruth Lakner. Privlačna, trdo vezana knjiga, 642 strani (6 x 9), 25 poglavij, nad 700 slik. SLOVENSKA AMERIŠKA USPEŠNICA (BESTSELLER), ki je doživela tri natise v enem letu! Kaj pišejo o tej knjigi trezni, poučeni in pošteni ljudje, ki so vredni zaupanja? Prevzv. g. škof, dr. Alojzij Ambrožič, Toronto: "UDam, da mi boste verjeli, ko vam povem, da so čestitke in zahvala iskrene, prisrčne in globoke. Tako vi kot obe sodelavki ste ustvarili veliko delo... Priloženo naj bo majhno znamenje spoštovanja do vašega dela.” Msgr. dr. Vilko Fajdiga, vodilni kat. predavatelj in pisatelj, Ljubljana: "Čudovita nova knjiga, monumentalno delo, ki tudi najboljši poznavalec zgodovine in krajev našega naroda še vedno najde v njej kaj takega, česar še ni nikoli vedel ali slišal.... Tudi g. nadškof dr. Šuštar je je bil zelo vesel in zagotavljam Vas, da so bili njegovi zadnji trenutki pred odhodom v Ameriko pri Vaši knjigi.” Dr. Janez Milčinski, predsednik Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana: “...navdušen sem nad bogastvom gradiva, ki ste ga zbrali in nad lepo, okusno opremo. Čestitam Vam k opravljenemu delu in Vam želim mnogo lepih uspehov pri Vaših prizadevanjih za ohranitev in popularizacijo slovenske naravne in kulturne dediščine.” Dr. Ludvik Leskovar, predsednik Slovenskega ameriškega radijskega kluba in vodilni javni delavec v Chicagu: "Knjiga vsebuje nepopisno mnogo gradiva o našem narodu, kakor doslej še nobena v angleškem jeziku.” Univ. prof. dr. Štefan Slak, University of Toledo: “Knjiga je pestra, urejena z okusom in ljubeznijo, ter pisana tako, da bo zanimiva za vsakogar, ki hoče kaj zvedeti o Slovencih - do sedaj najvažnejša publikacija o Slovencih v angleščini.” Ameriški Srbobran: “...izjemno važna knjiga, ki dela čast prof. Gobcu, njegovim številnim sodelavcem in vsem Slovencem.” Preč. Fran Sodja, vzgojitelj in pisatelj, Argentina: "... veliko delo, ki zasluži hvaležnost ne le izseljencev, ampak vsega naroda.” Dr. Anton Ravnik, California:"...znanstvena, bogato dokumentirana zgodovinska študija, ki dvigne ugled malega slov. naroda na stopnjo velikih držav.” Rektor, msgr. dr. M. Jezernik, Rim: “...publikacija, ki odkrije veliko biserov, ki bi sicer šli vzgubo.” Dr. William Heiliger, strokovni raziskovalec in pisatelj v “Balkan Studies”: “...pomemben doprinos k izseljenskim študijam nete v ameriškem, ampak tudi v svetovnem merilu.” LOG Zeitschrift fuer Internationale Literatur, Dunaj: “...publikacija, ki njenega vpliva ne kaže podcenjevati.” Naš tednik, Celovec, Avstrija: “...dragocen priročnik o slovenski dediščini.” Zaliv, Trst, Italija: "... ni monotono naštevanje, ampak živahna enciklopedija.” Univ. prof. dr. Ludvik Čepon, St. Vincent College: "Končno imamo knjigo (o slovenski dediščini), ki jo lahko vsakomur s ponosom pokažemo.” Mrs. Olga Thomsen, "stara mama” (kot je sama po slovensko napisala) olimpijskih zvezd Erika in Beth Heiden: “Kako ogromno raziskovalno podvzetje, tako dobro izvedeno in tako poučno! Knjiga je napravila na Erika in Beth zelo močan vtis.” Ann Landers, svetovno znana novinarka z najvišjim številom čitateljev na svetu: “Knjiga SLOVENIAN HERITAGE je zaklad.” * * * Te edinstvena angleška knjiga o slovenski zgodovini, doprinosu in dediščini stane s poštino vred 17.50 U.S. (ali 20 kanadskih ali avstralskih) dolarjev. Naroča se na naslovu: SLOVENIAN RESEARCH CENTER OF AMERICA, Inc. 29227 Eddy Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092, USA dežele. Ko bi jaz kdaj mogel imeti tako lepega konja je čustvoval fantiček na tiho. In se mu je porodila misel v glavi: “Postal bom gospod in bom imel še lepšega konja, kakor ga imajo naš gospod kaplan. Tako lepega bom imel, kakor ga ima Gašper.... * * * Sanje ob sosedovih jaslicah so se na neki način uresničile. Deček je šel čez nekaj let v latinske šole. Pridno se je učil in postal gospod, a tako lepega konja, kot je na njem prijezdil Gašper iz ozadja sosedovih jaslic, ni videl nikdar več do današnjega dne in ga ne bo do smrti.... Kaj šele, da bi ga imel! Cankar v ameriškem gledališču Ivan Cankar, največji slovenski pisatelj, ki je moral v svojem plodnem življenju pretrpeti toliko preganjanja in sramotenj, je letos septembra doživel eno svojih številnih zmagoslavij v širokem svetu. Clevelandsko mestno bralno gledališče “Spaces” nam je v dneh 13., 18., 19. in 20. septembra podalo krstno predstavo njegovih “Podob iz sanj" (Dream Visions) v angleščini. Zahtevno delo je pripravil in režiral mladi ameriški Slovenec Anton Zupančič, doktorand iz dramatike na Kentski državni univerzi in profesor na clevelandskem kolegiju Notre Dame. Anton ali “Tony” se je pred leti kot študent vpisal na tečaje slovenščine in slovenske literature na kentski univerzi, kjer se je posebno navdušil za Ivana Cankarja. Ko se je kot sodelavec Slovenskega ameriškega inštituta -- Slovenian Research Centra seznanil še z odličnimi prevodi Cankarjevih del v angleščini v pripravi neprekosljivega Cankarjevega prevajalca Antona Družine in s Centrovo zbirko diapozitivov slovenske umetnosti, je dozorela v njem misel, da je treba predstaviti Cankarjeve “Podobe iz sanj” v angleškem prevodu tudi ameriški javnosti. Moč in globina Ivana Cankarja, lepota mojstrskega Družininega prevoda in velika nadarjenost mladega režiserja in njegovih ameriških in slovenskih igralcev so se zlile v krstno predstavo “Podob iz sanj", enega najlepših biserov slovenske književnosti, v intimni atmosferi mestnega bralnega gledališča na Gledališkem trgu (Playhouse Square) v Clevelandu. Skrbelo nas je, ali bodo gledalci - zlasti še tujci -- Cankarja razumeli. Pa smo takoj spoznali, da je Cankar tako močan in občečloveški, da še vedno osvaja, presune in duhovno bogati igralce in gledalce in to preko vseh jezikovnih, narodnostnih in ideoloških razlik. Od Petra Klepca preko simbolike pehanja “mravlj”, gorja vojne, pohlepa in nezvestobe pa tja do grozljive prikazni umrlega očeta, ki pušča za sabo le v trnje oviti vprašaj, se je vrstila podoba za podobo in vabila v trpljenju preizkušano dušo k očiščenju in poveličanju. Nadarjeni, v Ameriki rojeni režiser Zupančič je odlično rešil svojo nalogo in dostojno prikazal Cankarjevo veličino in umetniško moč. Med nastopajočimi sta bila dva stebra Slovenskega dramskega društva “Lilija", nadarjena Mojca Slak in Srečko Gaser in naslednji mladi poklicni ameriški igralci: Allan Byrne, Val Mayerik, Jane Van Bergen, Craig Webb in Connie Weil. Vsi nastopajoči so se čudovito lepo vživeli v svoje zahtevne, menjajoče se vloge. Njih živo, močno igro so na platnu v ozadju posrečeno spremljale in potencirale trojne skioptične slike za razne scene najprimernejših slovenskih umetnin. Posebno so izstopale krasne ilustracije, ki jih je za Družinin angleški prevod knjige "Podobe iz sanj" (Dream Visions) pripravila mednarodno priznana slovenska ameriška umetnica Lillian Brulc, poleg čudovite umetnosti slikarjev Riharda Jakopiča, Andreja Jemca in Franceta Miheliča ter staroste slovenskih kiparjev prof. Franceta Goršeta. Čeprav krajevni listi niso o krstni predstavi tega bisera slovenske književnosti črhnili niti besedice (kot so svoječasno zavrgli naša poročila o Cankarjevi premijeri na kolegiju v Kansasu, kratka registracijska poročila o slovenščini na Kentski univerzi in toliko drugega), je bil obisk na dveh od štirih predstav kar razveseljiv. Ameriško in slovensko občinstvo je hvaležno sprejelo Cankarjevo mojstrovino in izrazilo željo, naj bi igralci predstavo gotovo ob priliki ponovili. Mlademu režiserju in vsem igralcem k lepemu uspehu iz srca čestitamo, istočasno pa smo jim zelo hvaležni, ko so želeli morebitni dobiček IVAN JURKOVIČ: Cankarjev spominik na Vrhniki pokloniti v Centrov tiskovni sklad za tisk Cankarjevih angleških prevodov. Kot prva bo v nekaj mesecih izšla prav knjiga “Dream Visions” (Podobe iz sanj). Center pripravlja tudi tri nove angleške knjige o ameriških Slovencih, kjer bo tisoč vsake z delno podporo ameriškega vzgojnega ministrstva razposlal ameriškim knjižnicam in šolam zastonj, deficit pa skušal kriti iz razprodaje knjig. Od po Centru izdanih del so trenutno na voljo: SLOVENIAN HERITAGE, Vol. I (642 strani, $16), slovenska ameriška uspešnica, ki je niti bojkoti, niti krivični napadi niso mogli zadušiti in je šla skozi tri natise v manj kot enem letu; SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE MANUAL, Vol. I ($7) in Vol. II ($8.50, učbenika slovenščine za angleško govoreče, ki jih uporabljajo slovenski tečaji in samouki širom Amerike, Kanade in Avstralije; in ANTHOLOGY OF SLOVENIAN AMERICAN LITERATURE ($7), angleška zbirka izbranih slovenskih pisateljev v Ameriki in Kanadi, z reprodukcijami 60 slovenskih izseljenskih umetnin. Naročniki naj, prosimo, dodajo še $1.50 za poštnino in zavoj za prvo knjigo in dolar za vsako naslednjo, v Kanadi pa razliko v vrednosti dolarja. Naročila sprejema: SLOVENIAN RESEARCH CENTER, 29227 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 USA. Številnim sodelavcem, naročnikom in prijateljem smo vedno, a še prav posebno v teh časih težkih preizkušenj, za vso pomoč in naklonjenost iz srca hvaležni. Dr. Edi Gobec »Zakaj pa ne greš?« je vprašal eden. »Tako,« je odvrnil Juri. »Pusti ga no,« je pristavil porogljivo drugi, »saj vidiš, Tomaža ni, kdo neki bo plačal zanj.« Fantje so se zasmejali, Juriju pa je udarila rdečica v obraz. »Le pojdi, Juri, plačam pa jaz,« je dejal prvi fant. »Grem,« je odvrnil Juri; »nocoj plačam jaz za vse.« »Dobro, Juri! Ti že lahko,« so pritrdili fantje. Ko so pili, je stopil Juri h krčmarju v stran. »Bom plačal vse jaz, pa nimam pri sebi!« je govoril in silno gaje bilo sram. »Že napraviva fant,« je hitel krčmar. »Take dolžnike vidim rad. Kolikor hočeš, Juri. Tebi, kar hočeš. Potolažen se je vrnil fant k tovarišem. Drugega dne pa je stopil k materi in jo prosil denarja. »Kaj?« se je razjezila žena, »zapravljati tudi že znaš! Lepa je ta. Na dolg pije, pa še za druge plačuje.« »Tomaž ima denarja dovolj, jaz pa nič,« ugovarja Juri. »A tako,« je zakričala mati, »Tomaž ima denar. Pojdi in služi, pa ga boš imel še ti, kaj le polegaš in še napoto delaš.« Sinu se je storilo milo in skoro jokaje je dejal: »Mati, kaj sem vam storil, da ste taki z menoj. Vam je več za Tomaža, ko za sina. In glejte, mati! To je za plačilo, da vas prosim, kjer bi lahko sam vzel. Saj Peč bo vendarle moja!« Hipoma se je ženi stemnilo lice. Rdeč obraz ji je zalila kri in je viknila: »Lepa hvaležnost je to. Peč bo njegova. Kdo ti jo pa jemlje, kdo? To pa vedi! Ne bo prida iz tebe, prav tak si, ko tvoj oče. In Bog je že vedel, zakaj ga je vzel. Kdo se je pa trudil za Peč. Ti in on? Seveda. Pognal bi bil vse, in kar je pustil, in kjer sem se mučila osemnajst let, tam misliš začeti zdaj ti. Le gospodari! Prav nobene reči ne maram več. Prav nobene.« »Mati!« je prosil sin, »nihče ni nehvaležen, to ni res—« Ali ona se je bila obrnila zaripla od jeze in hotela iz sobe. Prav ta hip so se odprla vrata, in neznan človek je vstopil. Ko da je zagledala strah pred seboj, je Katra obstala in strmela nekaj hipov v prišleca, potem je presunljivo zaklicala: »Kaj hočeš ti tu? Kaj hočeš« »Katra!« je težko zasopljen odgovoril mož, »prišel sem«. »Ta je lepa,« je odvrnila ona, »prišel je. In kdo te je klical? Kdo ti je dovolil, da smeš priti?« »Če je tako,« je drgetalo izza usten tujčevih, »saj grem takoj. Naj bo. Poginem na cesti. Zbogom sestra!« Stari in betežni mož se je obrnil. »Mati,« JE ZAKLICAL Juri, »ali imam strica?« Mož je pri teh besedah obstal. Katra pa se je obrnila k sinu. »Da strica imaš in lepega. Lahko si ponosen nanj.« »Mati,« je odvrnil sin, »kar sama se pomenita.« In Juri je šel. Ko je bil odšel, je Katra molče strmela na brata, ki je bil nepovabljen sedel k mizi. Silno truden in slab je moral biti in zelo reven. Morda se je v teh hipih celo zasmilil sestri. Ali silno je morala sovražiti ta žena, zakaj prijazna beseda ni prišla iz njenih ust. »Katra,« je povzel znova besedo tujec, »sama sva ostala na svetu.« Ona je molčala. »Nikogar nimam svojega, samo tebe. In bolan sem bil. Za delo nisem več. Kako naj živim?« »In hiša in premoženje?« je bruhnilo iz nje. »Prodali so. Saj je že pet let od tedaj. Ali nisi dobila pisem?« Žena ni odgovorila. »Ni bilo sreče. Odkar so sezidali tisto železnico, je bilo z našo proč. In tudi ti nisi hotela pomagati.« »Nisem hotela!« je planila žena kvišku, »nisem hotela. Prav praviš, res je, nisem hotela. In ali veš, zakaj nisem hotela, zakaj?« Oči so ji gorele v čudoviti jezi in solze so ji stopile vanje. Sunkoma je sopla in ko da se ji prsti krčijo, se je zdelo, in da se zdajpazdaj zakadi v moža. Toda ni se zakadila. Zasmejala se je, da je moža pretreslo od glave do nog.« »Ali hočeš res vedeti, zakaj nisem hotela?« je rekla porogljivo in zopet sedla. »Lej, ali sta hotela ti in oče? Ali nisem rekla, ne maram ga? Sta li hotela vidva? Kaj sta rekla vidva? Da, da! Tudi ti, ravno radi tebe je bilo vse to.« In znova se je žena zasmejala. Zbarantala sta me, pa nista imela sreče. Železnico so preložili in hiša je propadla. Ali zdaj veš, zakaj nisem hotela?« Brat se je dvignil. Prezirljivo ga je gledala sestra in rekla: Če greš, te ne zadržujem. Podila te pa tudi ne bom. Lahko ostaneš, če misliš, da ti bo pri meni prijetno.« S solznimi očmi je pristopil mož, da ji seže v roko. »Nočem,« je odtegnila ona roko. Nikaka dobrota to ni. Saj boš še videl, ti moj čedni bratec, ti!« In zasmehujoče se je obrnila in odšla v vežo in zaklicala: »Kje je Jerica?« Prišlec pa je s solzami v očeh gledal pred se v belo mizo, in nikogar ni bilo, ki bi mu bil rekel dobro besedo. Tako je sedel dolgo, dokler ni začul znova glasu svoje sestre. V tem hipu so se odprla vrata in od Katrine roke pognana je omahnila v sobo, mala, bleda in revna deklica in se opotekla in padla sredi sobe. Prej, ko se je revče dvignilo, jo je žena prijela za lase in ji sklonila glavo skoro do tal in zlobno vikala: »Kaj? Ali se tako pometa? Kaj je to? Kolikokrat ti še povem?« Od strahu je dekletce drhtelo, in možu je pogled za rezal v srce. »Saj je še otrok!« je prosil. »Otrok seveda! Ali misliš, da bom vse redila zastonj? Pri nas delamo in če ne, ne jemo, moj ljubi. Kaj? Si se premislil? Ostaneš?« »Ali smem?« je vprašal. »Smeš!« je odvrnila zasmehujoče, »gori pod streho ti dam kot.« Nato se je obrnila k deklici. »Pojdi zdaj in pokaži temu možu, kje mislim.« (Nadaljevanje prihodnič) 66 FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART” DAVY’S COLUMN Powder-Puff Football Hi Boys and Girls, Have you ever been to a girl’s football game? 1 had the pleasure last Sunday, and let me tell you, it’s different from when the guys play. My “baby-sister”, who’s a senior in high school, joined the Senior’s Powder-Puff Football Team. They practiced all week after school for their one and only game of the year. It was against the Juniors. One major difference between the girls and the guys is the clothing used to play the game. Unlike the guys, the girls wear no type of padding (unless they’re trying to impress one of the male members of the audience) or protection at all. They play in sweatsuits. This lack of protection makes the game a little rougher than when guys play. I mean some real brutal casualties happen. For example, in the middle of a play one of the juniors headed from the field to the side lines. One of her team mates called to her asking what was wrong. “I broke a fingernail,” she replied. “Oh really? There’s a fingernail file in my purse. It’s in my locker,” her team mate called back sympathetically. A sub was put in until the girl returned, as good as new. Another difference is the girls are apt to be a little more emotional than guys. One senior caught the pass intended for her and ran for a touchdown. By the time she reached the 5 yard line, the entire senior football team was running after her to congratulate her. People, I’m 14 WORDS OF CHRISTMAS PUZZLE Christmas Santa Claus Stocking Reindeer Snow Gifts Caroling Sleigh Jingle Bells Tree Decorations Elf Trim Family GIRLS’ FOOTBALL IS AN EXCITING SPORT! talking everybody from the sidelines yelling in a fatMerly voice, “Ladies, as well as those on the field. remember your positions. We don’t I heard one male bystander have time between plays to look comment that they had better be them up.” carelul so not to be penalized for too All in all it was a fun afternoon, many players on the field. Oh, seniors won 6-2. Also, throughout the game the ’Til next month assistant coach is pacing the sidelines DAVY “14 WORDS OF CHRISTMAS” By Kathy Nusko, age 15 c H R I S T M A S S S M T () A I A E R R L M M S A T () () G A B C R I) I) E E F L N N M I, P Q W Z T E X Y Z I A B C T O E F G S H I I J L 1. 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