1048 DOI: 10.17344/acsi.2017.3476 Acta Chim. Slov. 2017, 64, 1048-1055 Short communication Geographical Origin Characterization of Slovenian Organic Garlic Using Stable Isotope and Elemental Composition Analyses Anja Mahne Opatic,12 Marijan Nečemer,4 David Kocman1 and Sonja Lojen1,3 1 Department of Environmental Sciences, "Jožef Stefan" Institute, Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia_ 2 Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Faculty of Environmental Science, University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, Nova Gorica, Slovenia 4 Department of Low and Medium Energy Physics, "Jožef Stefan" Institute, Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia * Corresponding author: E-mail: anja.mahne00@gmail.com Tel: +038631873994 Received: 25-04-2017 Abstract In the present research, the applicability of stable isotope ($13C, $15N, $34S, $18O) and multi-element (P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr) data for determining the geographical origin of garlic (Allium sativum L.) at the scale of Slovenia was examined. Slovenia is a rather small country (20273 km2) with significant geological and biological diversity. Garlic, valued for its medicinal properties, was collected from Slovenian farms with certified organic production and analyzed by elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry combined with energy dispersive X- ray fluorescence spectrometry. Multivariate discriminant analysis (DA) revealed a distinction between four Slovenian macro-regions: the Alpine, Dinaric, Mediterranean and Pannonian. The model was validated through a leave-10%, 20% and 25% out cross validation. The overall success rate of correctly reclassified samples was 77% (on average), indicating that the model and the proposed methodology could be a promising tool for rapid, inexpensive and robust screening to control the provenance of garlic samples. Keywords: Food traceability, Garlic, Geographical origin, Stable isotopes, Elemental composition, Slovenia 1. Introduction Garlic (Allium sativum L.), a bulb vegetable widely used in global cuisine, is one of the most investigated food products. It contains approximately 65% water, 28% carbohydrates, 2% proteins, 1.2% free amino acids and 1.5% fiber. A further 2.3% is comprised of organosulfur compounds, which give garlic its characteristic pungent taste and flavor. These compounds are strongly related to garlic's beneficial effects on health,1 exhibiting antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic activities as well as containing protective medicinal properties against cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.1,2 In recent years, proof of provenance has played an increasingly significant role in food safety and quality surveillance programmes. It also affects consumers' rights in accordance with national legislation, international standards and guidelines. Thus, geographical origin determi- nation has become another fundamental factor used for evaluating the quality of a product.3 In Slovenia, the quality of garlic is currently defined by the Rules on the Quality of Vegetables.4 At larger scale, in Europe, Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2288/97 lays down the marketing standards for garlic.5 These rules concern the visual appearance of vegetables (size, shape, firmness, cleanliness etc...), packaging and labeling, including the declaration of origin of produce. Nevertheless, rapid, reliable, robust and inexpensive screening methods are still necessary in order to ensure the geographical authenticity and trace-ability of food products and in addition, the main goal of research in this field has been lately focused on defining the parameters and providing appropriate analytical tools. One of the important techniques, where the scope of geographical assignment of food products can be remarkably extended, relies on a combination of isotopic and elemen- tal fingerprinting. An important prerequisite is the availability of suitable databases, based on a large number of authentic samples. Moreover, basic knowledge on stable isotope fractionation effects in nature also needs to be increased.6 For garlic, no databank for tracing its origin at national, continental or global scale has been set up yet, in spite of global utilization of garlic as a condiment in cuisine or for medicinal purposes.7 Many authors have attempted to determine the geographical origin of different cereal grains,8-11 Chinese teas12 and honey13 using only stable isotopes of light elements. Samples classification into groups according their geographical origin was relatively successful, indicating that better classification could be achieved by applying not only stable isotope ratios of one or two light elements, but by using multielement stable isotope ratio data. Moreover, the use of stable isotope data in combination with multi-elemental analysis can provide even better discrimination in the case of apple juices,14 teas,15 tomatoes,16 wines17 and honey.18 In spite of this, a combination of multielement stable isotopes and multi-element fingerprinting has been rarely used, especially for tracing the geographical origin of vegetables. There has been scarce research on determining the geographical origin of garlic. Smith (2005)19 proposed trace metal profiling using high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in order to determine the country of origin of garlic, whilst to authors' very best knowledge there appears to be very little literature data published applying stable isotope ratios or their combination with elemental composition data, e.g. Feher et al., (2017).20 The popularity of garlic in Slovenia is increasing extremely. According to the Statistical office of Republic of Slovenia total production of garlic in Slovenia in 2015 was 980 t, hereof 478 t for market production.21 This was 3 times higher for total production and 35-40 times higher for market production in comparison to 10 years ago. In ten years (i.e., 2005-2015) the garlic import from other countries has decreased for around 20%, and amounted to 1296 t in 2015.22 Slovenia is a small country (20273 km2) characterized by rich geological, climatological and biological diversity. It is situated between the Alps, the Dinaric Mountains, the Pannonian Basin and the Mediterranean Sea, making it ideal for this study. Our primary aim was to examine the possibility of using stable isotope ratio, multielement analyses, and chemometry (specifically, multivariate discriminant analysis (DA)) for characterizing and classifying organically grown Slovenian garlic according to the geographical macro-region in which it was cultivated (Alpine, Dinaric, Pannonian, or Mediterranean). The data gathering at the scale of Slovenia has commenced within the framework of the project "ISO-FOOD- ERA chair for isotope techniques in food quality, safety and traceability" funded by the EU. Furthermore, it is also expected that our findings will initiate the creation of a national database as the proposed methodology could be a promising tool for fast and cheap screening purposes which would allow for seamless implementation into existing food regulations and trade agreements. 2. Materials and Methods 2. 1. Sampling Samples were collected in autumn 2014 and 2015 from several Slovenian certified organic farms in order to ensure authenticity, traceability and equivalent production regimes. In total, 38 samples of garlic from four different Slovenian macro-regions (Fig. 1) were obtained. Fig. 1. Regionalization of Slovenia into four macro-regions23 with sampling sites and years of garlic samples 2. 2. Stable Isotope Analysis Samples for simultaneous carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotope ratio analysis were dried to constant weight in an oven at 60 °C. The dried samples were then homogenized and ground to a fine powder using a mortar. A known weight (10 mg) of garlic powder was folded and compressed in a tin capsule and introduced into the au-tosampler. Analysis was carried out using an Elementar vario PYRO cube elemental analyser (OH/CNS Pyrolyser/ Elemental Analyser) linked to an IsoPrime100 continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IsoPrime, Cheadle, Hulme, UK). Each sample was analyzed in three repetitions. The difference between the replicates for any of the elements did not exceed 0.2%o. For oxygen stable isotope analysis, liquid samples were obtained by squeezing fresh garlic through a gauze. Isotopic ratios were then measured after equilibration (40 °C, 6h) with 5% CO2+ He mixture. Analysis was performed using an IsoPrime100 isotope ratio mass spectrometer and MultiFlow preparation system (IsoPrime, Cheadle, UK) according to the ENV 12141:1996.24 The stable isotope compositions are reported according to the IUPAC guidelines25,26 as relative differences in the isotope ratios (isotope-delta values), as seen in Equation (1)25: ill p _ p ¿f" E=- p m (1) The superscripts i and j denote the higher and lower atomic masses of the analysed element E, and Rp and RRef denote the heavy-to-light isotope ratios of the element E in the analysed sample and the reported reference material, respectively. A short-hand notation for elements with only two relevant stable isotopes is used in the text, i.e., S13C, S15N, and the S34S; the S values are expressed in per mil (%o) relative to standards. The S13C values are expressed relative to VPDB (Vienna Peedee belemnite) on a scale normalized by assigning consensus values of -46.6% to L-SVEC lithium carbonate and +1.95% to NBS 19 calcium carbonate. The S18O values of water are expressed relative to the VSMOW2 (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water 2), S34S relative to the VCDT (Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite), and S15N relative to Air (atmospheric N2). By definition, the S value of the reporting standards is 0%. For S13C and S15N measurements, working standards were used, calibrated versus USGS40 (L-glutamic acid; certified S13CVPDB value -26.39 ±0.04%; recommend-edS15N value -4.5 ±0.1%o), USGS41 (L-glutamic acid; certified S13CVPDB value +37.63 ±0.05%; recommended S15NAir value +47.6 ±0.2%), IAEA-CH-6 (sucrose with certified S13C value -10.45 ±0.03%), IAEA-N-1 (ammonium sulfate with certified S15NAir value +0.4 ±0.2%) international reference materials, and IAEA-SO-5 (barium sulfate with recommended S34S +0.5 ±0.2%) reference material for sulfur. The accuracies of the S13C, S15N, and S34S analyses were monitored with commercially available isotope standards (Sercon) with recommended 513C and 515N values, and informative 534S values: Wheat Flour Standard Organic Analytical Standard (OAS; -27.21 ±0.13%; +2.85 ±0.17%; -1.42 ±0.80% for S13C, S15N and S34S, respectively), Sorghum Flour Standard OAS (-13.68 ±0.19%; +1.58 ±0.15%; +10.11 ±1.00%) and Protein (Casein) Standard OAS (-26.98 ±0.13%; +5.94 ±0.08%; +6.32 ±0.80%). All these values were certified by the Elemental Microanalysis Ltd. The measured 518O values were recalculated using the in-house reference materials (distilled seawater with SisO value +0.34 ±0.07%, MilliQ water with S18O value -9.12 ±0.07% and snow with 8mO value -19.73 ±0.09%). All these working standards were calibrated vs. the IAEA international reference material VSMOW2 with recommended 518O„„„„ value 0 ±0.02% and Greenland VSMOw Ice-Sheet Precipitation (GISP; certified S18Ovsmow -24.76 ±0.09%). Reproducibility of the measurements was ±0.1% for 518O, ±0.2% for S13C and ±0.3% for S15N and 534S. 2. 3. Elemental Analysis Multielement determination of macro (P, S, Cl, K, Ca) and micro elemental (Zn, Br, Rb, Sr) content was performed in single measurement using non-destructive energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Pellets were prepared from 0.5 to 1.0 g of powdered sample material using a pellet die and hydraulic press. For excitation, the disc radioisotope excitation source of Fe-55 (25 mCi) and Cd-109 (20 mCi) from Eckert and Ziegler were used. The emitted fluorescence radiation was measured using an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer consisting of a Si(Li) detector (Canberra), a spectroscopy amplifier (Canberra M2024), analogue-to-digital converter (Canberra M8075) and PC-based multichannel analyser (S-100 Canberra). The spectrometer was equipped with a vacuum chamber (Fe-55) for measuring light elements P-Cl. The energy resolution of the spectrometer was 175 eV at 5.9 keV. The complex X-ray spectra were analyzed using AXIL spectral analysis software. Quantification was then performed utilizing the Quantitative Analysis of Environmental Samples (QAES) software, developed in our laboratory.27,28 The estimated analysis uncertainty was 5% to 10%. The accuracy of the data was checked using the National Institute of Standards and Technology 1573a reference material (tomato leaves). 2. 4. Statistical Analysis Statistical calculations were carried out using the XL-STAT software package (Addinsoft, New York, USA). Simple statistics included analysis of variance by ANOVA with Duncan's tests for comparison of means for normally distributed data, and Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks (Kruskal-Wallis test) for not normally distributed data in order to reveal statistically significant differences, whilst multivariate DA was used for determination of key factors responsible for discrimination of four Slovenian geographical macro-regions. 3. Results and Discussion 3. 1. Garlic In Table 1 means and standard deviations of the stable isotope and elemental composition of the 38 garlic samples according to their given macro-region origin are reported, whilst Table 2 gives means, standard deviations and ranges (minimum- maximum) of the stable isotope and elemental composition of the 38 garlic samples, irrespective of geographical origin. The data of S15N, S18O, S34S, P, K and Zn were normally distributed and their variances were homoscedastic, while the data of $13C, S, Cl, Ca, Br, Rb, Sr and Si were not normally distributed. According to ANOVA test three parameters (518O, P, K) were statistically significant (p<0.05) for discriminating between the four Slovenian macro-regions. Additionally, the Kruskal- Wallis test revealed that only $13C is statistically significant for determining the origin of the garlic samples. 3. 2. Stable Isotopes We emphasize that only statistically significant parameters are described below. In this regard, the post-hoc Duncan test revealed that it is possible to differentiate the Mediterranean region from all the other regions on the basis of 518O values. The lowest 518O values were measured in garlic samples from the Dinaric region (average S18O = -2.6%o), whilst the highest S18O values were found in samples from the Mediterranean region (average 518O = -0.8%). The Alpine and Pannonian regions fell in between with average values of 518O = -2.1% and 518O = -1.9%, respectively. The xylem sap of terrestrial plants reflects the integrated isotopic com-positons of the water sources, since the water is absorbed through the root system with no isotopic fractionation during uptake. After that, transpiration through the leaf stomata occurs, leading to enrichment of 518O in the leaf water.29 The distribution trends of 518O values in garlic samples is similar to that observed in Slovenian groundwater,30 when considering the 518O content of groundwater in the Mediterranean re- ir T3 T3 I J? ro i—H +1 +1 +1 +1 Li^ Li^ 5¡ MD O !S • ^ C5 Q 53 | ii .2 ^^ i s ss < ¡y í 8 T3 T3 2 +1 a V i-, C0 2 a 13 V B - Jg o UJ to Oh rí „ to u O •J3 ^ V i o 3 1 Q i/i I * +l O a h u (5 § s o 00 s +1 I 00 o ^ ^ CK +1 I NO =5