36 Documenta Praehistorica XLVII (2020) Introduction Since the inception of research in Southwest Asia, the unique ‘bridging’ role of the Natufian culture1, between the ‘Palaeolithic’ and the ‘Neolithic’ (with all that such a role implies) has been widely acknow- ledged (Garrod 1932; Neuville 1934). The ‘inter- mediate’ nature of this entity – representing the shift from the preceding groups of mobile hunter- gatherers towards the following settled farming so- cieties, especially in the Mediterranean zone – is re- flected in many aspects of its material culture and lifeways (Fig. 1). There is, for the first time, evidence of long-term, semi-sedentary basecamp sites with substantial, durable structures accompanied by a largely microlithic knapped industry (Palaeolithic in nature), together with a heavy-duty component and sickle blades (heralding the chipped stone traditions of the Neolithic). Other distinctive features include cemeteries exhibiting complex burial rites, extensive groundstone and bone tool assemblages, and the ap- pearance of artistic and symbolic manifestations as constant components of the material culture reper- toire (see Bar-Yosef, Valla 1991; 2013; Cauvin 2000; Goring-Morris, Belfer-Cohen 2013a; Grosman, Mun- ro 2017; Nishiaki et al. 2017; Shaham 2014; Ye- shurun et al. 2014). Yet, after many years of systematic research the ter- minology and processes involved in the transforma- From the Epipalaeolithic into the earliest Neolithic (PPNA) in the South Levant Anna Belfer-Cohen, Nigel Goring-Morris Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, IL anna.belfer-cohen@mail.huji.ac.il< nigel.goring-morris@mail.huji.ac.il ABSTRACT – This paper examines the nature of initial neolithisation indications during the terminal Pleistocene and earliest Holocene in the Southern Levant. This interval corresponds to a period of significant and geographically variable environmental changes in the region. Various lines of evi- dence are provided to demonstrate the long durée (~15 000 years) character of interactions during the Early, Middle and Late Epipalaeolithic that were instrumental to the emergence of the fully- fledged agricultural life ways in the later phases of the Early Neolithic (PPNB). IZVLE∞EK – V ≠lanku raziskujemo naravo kazalcev za≠etne neolitizacije v ≠asu kon≠nega pleistoce- na in najzgodnej∏ega holocena na obmo≠ju ju∫ne Levante. V tem ≠asu je pri∏lo do pomembnih, ven- dar geografsko razli≠nih okoljskih sprememb v regiji. Ponujamo razli≠ne dokaze o dolgoro≠ni (ok. 15 000 let) naravi interakcij v ≠asu zgodnjega, srednjega in poznega epipaleolitika, ki so bili klju≠ni pri oblikovanju razvitih na≠inov poljedelstva v kasnej∏ih obdobjih zgodnjega neolitika (PPNB). KEY WORDS – Southern Levant; Epipalaeolithic; Natufian; Early Neolithic; cultural continuity KLJU∞NE BESEDE – ju∫na Levanta; epipaleolitik; Natufijska kultura; zgodnji neolitik; kulturna konti- nuiteta Od epipaleolitika do najzgodnej[ega neolitika (PPNA) v ju/ni Levanti DOI> 10.4312\dp.47.3 1 Originally considered as ‘Mesolithic’, nowadays it is attributed to the ‘Late Epipalaeolithic’ period, see Table 1. From the Epipalaeolithic into the earliest Neolithic (PPNA) in the South Levant 37 Current research has clearly demonstrated that there is solid evidence for local, in situ continuity between the two cultural manifestations. This is re- flected by recent investigations of several ‘Epi-Na- tufian’ and ‘Khiamian’ settlements in the Mediterra- nean zone.2 Sites are mostly located at low eleva- tions at the edge of the lower Jordan valley, i.e. Sa- libiya IX, Gilgal II, Huruk Musa and Nahal Ein Gev II (Dag, Goring-Morris 2010; Eitam et al. 2015; Enoch- Shilo, Bar-Yosef 1997; Grosman et al. 2016; Rosen- berg et al. 2010) and in the low-lying areas west of the central hill range, i.e. Nahal Oren, Tel Bareqet, Tzur Nathan, Kaizer, Qula and Hatoula (Grosman, Goren-Inbar 2007; Herzlinger et al. 2013; Khalaily, Marder 2010; Lechevallier, Ronen 1994; Marder et al. 2007; Paz et al. 2009; Ronen, Lechevallier 1991; Stekelis, Yisraely 1963; Zbenovich 2006), all dating to the interval of c. 12 500–11 600 cal BP. The ar- chaeology of those sites provides solid evidence of tion from the latest Natufian to the first Neolithic entities, namely the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA; incorporating at least two cultural entities, the ‘Khia- mian’ and the ‘Sultanian’) has been contentious and hotly debated (e.g., Abbès 2014; Bar-Yosef et al. 2010; Belfer-Cohen, Goring-Morris 1996; Crow- foot-Payne 1976; Garfinkel 1996; Gopher, Barkai 1997; Kuijt 1996, 1997; Nadel 1990; Ronen, Leche- vallier 1999). Additionally, there has been increas- ing awareness that, at least in the Southern Levant, the criteria that justified the use of the term ‘Neoli- thic Revolution’ actually became apparent only with the shift from PPNA to PPNB (Goring-Morris, Belfer- Cohen 2011a; 2016; and see below). Initially, as is often the case in archaeology, it was assumed that the Neolithic ‘package’ was ‘exotic’ (i.e. allochthonous), having arrived from somewhere outside the region, as it was assumed that major changes as a rule occurred through external ‘stimuli’ (e.g., Kenyon 1957). Later, it was believed that du- ring the latest Natufian phase there was a reversion to more mobile life- ways, brought about mostly due to the ‘forcing’ conditions of the sup- posedly harsh climatic Younger Dr- yas event (e.g., Grosman, Belfer-Co- hen 2002; Moore et al. 2020). Still, it was assumed that the local Neoli- thic rose from the ‘ashes’ of the de- clining Natufian, without going into the specifics of how this came about, or the relation of the local southern Neolithic to the emergence of early Neolithic phenomena in the north- ern Levant (Belfer-Cohen, Goring- Morris 2014; Cauvin 2000; Mellaart 1975). That the local Neolithic rep- resents Natufian survival, ‘by-the- skin-of-their-teeth’, is strengthened also by the presence of only a few sites with a unbroken Natufian – Neo- lithic sequence and the fact that most PPNA occurrences are found in dif- ferent locations from the preceding major Natufian base camps (see Bel- fer-Cohen, Goring-Morris 2010; Go- ring-Morris, Belfer-Cohen 2016 for details and references). Fig. 1. Distribution of Late Epipalaeolithic (c. 15000–11600 cal BP) sites in the Levant: Early Natufian, Terminal Ramonian, Late Natu- fian, Harifian and ‘Other’. 2 In the southern desert margins there appears to have been a virtual hiatus between the end of the Epipalaeolithic Harifian enti- ty (= local variant of the Late/Final Natufian) and the initial PPNB (Goring-Morris 1991). Though see also the ‘Epi-Harifian’ of Abu Madi I in southern Sinai (Pomerantz-Greenblat 2014). Anna Belfer-Cohen, Nigel Goring-Morris 38 local, endemic developments ‘bridging’ the end of the Natufian complex foragers’ existence and the emergence of larger, clearly sedentary PPNA (Sulta- nian) settlements. In attempting to understand the dynamics that ope- rated to enable the appearance of what is consider- ed to represent the initial Neolithic, it is necessary to refer to the Early and Middle Epipalaeolithic. In- deed, quite a number of ‘Natufian-cum-Neolithic’ cha- racteristics appear much earlier, already by the Early Epipalaeolithic, with the onset of the Last Glacial Ma- ximum (LGM; and see Table 1). This said, we shall present rather briefly the processes believed to be in- strumental in shaping the Natufian entity, and which apparently continued into the Neolithic. Clearly, some of what will be presented is rather speculative, but we do rely on evidence to that effect in the ar- chaeological record. We should clarify that we ad- here to and point out the separation between long- term and short-term trends taking place throughout the entire Epipalaeolithic sequence. The Early and Middle Epipalaeolithic (Figs. 2, 4) The effects of the LGM appear to have differed be- tween the Mediterranean zone (cold and wet) and areas further to the south (cold and dry) due to changes in the configuration, tracks and intensities of the winter storms (‘Cyprus lows’) over the eastern Mediterranean (Bar-Matthews et al. 1999; Enzel et al. 2008; though see Miebach et al. 2016). With the onset of the Early Epipalaeolithic, c. 25 000 cal BP, a long-term trend of steady demographic growth is notable in the Southern Levant, continuing thereafter (Goring-Morris, Belfer-Cohen 2011a.Fig. 2; Gros- man 2005; Stutz et al. 2009). Concurrent with the increase in population there was shrinkage in the scale and scope of the ranges/territories of specific Epipalaeolithic groups, when a variety of different entities can be identified based upon the stylistic pro- clivities of the chipped stone assemblages (Belfer- Cohen, Goring-Morris 2011; Goring-Morris 1995; Leplongeon, Goring-Morris 2018; Marder, Goring- Morris in press). These processes were not linearly accumulative, since they were also affected by chang- ing environmental circumstances, including the glo- bal rise of sea levels and the drop in Lake Lisan lev- els reflecting significant changes in the ratio if pre- cipitation vs. evaporation (Lisker et al. 2010; Torf- stein et al. 2013). With the beginning of an amelioration following the LGM, c. 20/19 000 cal BP, the formerly arid south ‘opened up’, and the Middle Epipalaeolithic entities emerged, expanding throughout the Levant (Goring- Morris, Belfer-Cohen 2019). It was against this back- ground of long durée processes that short-term trends were observed amongst the more specific and immediate interactions of the various mobile foraging groups inhabiting the region. It is in the context of the early Epipalaeolithic Mas- raqan entity (Tab. 1) that there is already direct evi- dence for the extensive use of small-grained seeds and the cultivation and harvesting of cereals in the Southern Levant (Arranz-Otaeguia et al. 2016; Gro- man-Yaroslavski et al. 2016; Piperno et al. 2004; Snir et al. 2015a; 2015b). Although this evidence derives from only one site, Ohalo II, it can be rea- sonably assumed that these practices occurred on a small-scale in other (Early and Middle) Epipalaeoli- thic communities, at least in the Mediterranean re- gion. This is also the period when quantities of pounding and grinding stones are first documented (Belfer-Cohen, Hovers 2005; Rosenberg 2008). The sizes of mobile bands of Palaeolithic foragers are commonly thought to comprise ~25 individuals. In order to sustain genetically viable populations, the minimum mating pool should have included ~250 individuals, necessitating contacts with ~10 other groups, at least on a periodic basis (Birdsell 1968; Wiessner 1974; Wobst 1975). The presence of mas- sive aggregation sites, i.e. Kharaneh IV and Jilat 6 (Garrard, Byrd 2013; Maher, Conkey 2019; Maher et al. 2011; 2016), spanning the later Early and the beginning of the Middle Epipalaeolithic (c. 19 500– Period Cultural Entities cal BP Duration Years Early Epipalaeolithic Masraqan, Nebekian, Kebaran, Nizzanan ~25 000–19 000 ~6000 Middle Epipalaeolithic Geometric Kebaran, Mushabian, Ramonian ~18 500–15 000 ~3500 Late Epipalaeolithic Natufian, Terminal Ramonian, Harifian ~15 000–11 650 ~3350 PPNA Khiamian, Sultanian ~11 650–10 600 ~1050 PPNB Early, Middle, Late, Final PPNB ~10 600–8350 ~2250 Tab. 1. Chronological scheme of terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene cultural entities in the South- ern Levant. From the Epipalaeolithic into the earliest Neolithic (PPNA) in the South Levant 39 18 500 cal BP), encompassing several sociocultural entities in eastern Transjordan, are clearly impor- tant in this regard. They by far exceed the sizes of earlier or indeed contemporary occupations else- where in the Southern Levant. This novel means of social interaction would have fostered groups’ ties at a larger scale than previously (Belfer-Cohen, Go- ring-Morris 2017). Formerly thought to be strategically located for the interception of migratory herds of gazelle, recent preliminary isotopic evidence indicates that the prey were non-migratory, and instead thrived in large herds within the local steppic environment (Hen- ton et al. 2017; 2018). Nevertheless, the size and scope of the occupations do indicate the (seasonal?) aggregation of bands from throughout much of the region, as reflected in the large quantities of marine molluscs recovered, which derive from both the Red and Mediterranean Seas (Rich- ter et al. 2011; and see Byrd et al. 2016 for modelling of the ranges of such groups). The various archaeological en- tities (identified on the basis of stylistic techno-typological crite- ria) of the Early and Middle Epi- palaeolithic are generally de- marcated both chronologically and geographically; the latter is especially observable when comparing the Mediterranean and the arid areas of the South- ern Levant. Thus one can follow through the archa- eological record the spatial movements of groups pertaining to one entity or the other (e.g., Belfer- Cohen, Goring-Morris 2011). With the shift to the Middle Epipalaeolithic, as environmental conditions improved, the Geometric Kebaran techno-complex was initially dispersed throughout the northern and Southern Levant (Bar-Yosef, Belfer-Cohen 1989; Bar- Yosef, Meadow 1995; Goring-Morris 1987; 1995). Coevally, the earlier phase of the Mushabian techno- complex was restricted only to the Negev and Sinai. Later, the Geometric Kebarans seemingly disappear- ed from the south, in our opinion ‘evicted’ by the Mushabians and their descendants, the Ramonians, albeit while continuing to thrive in the north within the Mediterranean zone (Goring-Morris 1987; 1995). Fig. 2. Artistic and symbolic items from the Levantine Epi- palaeolithic. Early Epipalaeo- lithic: A Urkan-e-Rubb II; B Qa- shish; C–D Kharaneh IV; O Ji- ita. Late Epipalaeolithic (Early & Late Natufian): E Wadi Ham- meh 27; F, G, R, V Eynan (Ain Mallaha); H, U el-Wad; I Upper Besor 6; J, L Hayonim Cave; K, P, S Fazael VI; M Raqefet Cave; N Hayonim Terrace; T Nahal Ein Gev II; (Harifian) Q Ramat Harif. After: Copeland, Hours 1977; Edwards et al. 2013; Gar- rod 1936–1937; Garrod, Bate 1937; Hovers 1990; Maher et al. 2012a; 2012b; Noy 1986; Perrot 1960; 1966; Rosenberg et al. 2020; Valla 2019; Valla et al. 2012; Yaroshevich et al. 2016. Photos: Nigel Goring- Morris, Gabi Laron, Alexander Marshack – Archives of Insti- tute of Archaeology, The He- brew University of Jerusalem. Note different scales. Anna Belfer-Cohen, Nigel Goring-Morris 40 Matters changed, however, with the emergence of the Late Epipalaeolithic Natufian, which apparently spread throughout the Southern and Northern Le- vant, with observable adjustments to the particula- rities of each phytogeographic zone (as reflected in the different phases and facies of the entity) (Ashke- nazy 2014; Belfer-Cohen, Goring-Morris 2013). Though most of the material culture remains from the Early and Middle Epipalaeolithic are the lithic as- semblages, the retrieved material also comprises bone tools, a groundstone industry, ochre and shells as well as artistic-cum-symbolic manifestations, which though rare, are more frequent than in the preced- ing Upper Palaeolithic entities (e.g., Gregg et al. 2011; Hovers 1990; Kaufman 1999; Muheisen 1988; Rabinovich, Nadel 1995; Richter et al. 2011; Yaroshevich et al. 2016; and see Belfer-Cohen, Go- ring-Morris in press). The Late Epipalaeolithic (Figs. 1–4) It seems that the encounters during the later Middle Epipalaeolithic between the Geometric Kebarans and the Mushabians/Ramonians were instrumental in the emergence of the Natufian techno-complex (dated to the Late Epipalaeolithic, from c. 15 000 cal BP onwards), with its distinctive features, to be found throughout the Southern Levant and beyond. How did this come about? We hypothesize that the Geometric Kebarans were ‘pushed out’ of the Negev and Sinai in the south, where they are seemingly documented for only a short duration, retreating northwards into the Medi- terranean zone, back to their ‘ancestral’ territories that they traditionally shared with those Geometric Kebaran bands which had continued to exploit the lusher regions of the Southern Levant, perhaps ‘bear- ing with them gifts’ from the south (also see below). Under such circumstances (Mediterranean Geomet- ric Kebaran communities facing the presence of Geo- metric Kebaran ‘refugees’ from the south), there would have been two options: ❶ Either the ‘newcomers’ were rejected and left to their ‘gruesome’ fate; or, ❷ They were accepted by the local communities, with whom they most probably continued to have shared a mating pool. We believe that the available prima facie archaeo- logical evidence tends to favour the latter scenario. Accordingly, individual Geometric Kebaran group sizes increased, requiring re-alignments in the spa- tial configurations of their territories, reflecting high- er population densities and contraction into smaller territories than previously (Belfer-Cohen, Goring- Morris 2013; Goring-Morris, Belfer-Cohen 2013a). While there is no evidence in the Mediterranean zone for aggregation sites on the scale seen previ- ously during the earlier Epipalaeolithic (see above)3, it seems that still other social mechanisms would have had to be initiated in order to ensure inter-com- munity contacts and thus retain a sufficiently large mating pool. Indeed one can observe certain characteristics that clearly derived from the south and were incorporat- ed into the Natufian cultural repertoire, being intro- duced (rather than ‘imposed’), individually or within single groups. An obvious example of this is the use of the microburin technique (mbt) in some Natufian sites, while absent from others (Bar-Yosef, Valla 1979; Henry 1974). Indeed, we believe that the mbt – used systematically during the Nebekian, Nizzanan and Mushabian (and including in the Negev/Sinai and eastern Transjordan) to shape microliths, but unknown in the Mediterranean Kebaran and Geo- metric Kebaran, was now introduced to some Medi- terranean Natufian communities.4 It seems that there was a need to deal both with the ‘external’ changes in groups’ subsistence resources (necessitated by changes in territory sizes and pop- ulation densities), as well as with the ‘inner’ social alterations affected by increased numbers of group members, some of whom were the ‘newcomers’ from the south. Even though the changes affected some groups more than others, overall one can ob- serve a ‘domino’ effect that ultimately impacted the entity as a whole. Signalling and symbolling incre- ased significantly, as is apparent in the rich assem- blages of artistic manifestations in many Natufian sites (e.g., Major 2018; Nadel, Langyel 2009; Orrel- 3 In the semi-arid Negev highlands, the Rosh Horesha/Saflulim site complex may represent a Late Natufian aggregation site (Goring- Morris et al. 1999) that likely reflects the more mobile adaptation of this local facies due to environmental factors as opposed to coeval Natufian communities in the Mediterranean zone. 4 While, as a rule the Geometric Kebarans did not use the mbt technique habitually, there are sporadic instances in the Negev of un- usual assemblages with Geometric Kebaran-like typological forms, i.e. trapeze/rectangle variants, fabricated using the mbt at Shlu- hat Qeren II, amongst other sites (Goring-Morris 1987.170). From the Epipalaeolithic into the earliest Neolithic (PPNA) in the South Levant 41 le 2014; and references therein). All of these may contribute to ex- plaining the appearance of those novel elements distinguishing the Natufian from its predecessors, making it unique among the Epi- palaeolithic entities; still, some of these elements continued to be shared with the immediately en- suing Neolithic (PPNA – c. 11 600 cal BP). At the same time, the Natufians retained features and character- istics of their preceding ances- tors. Moreover, detailed studies have revealed that, in fact, quite a few of the ‘Neolithic hallmarks’ are deeply rooted in the cultural realms of the Epipalaeolithic en- tities, even the earlier ones (Go- ring-Morris, Belfer-Cohen 2016; Belfer-Cohen, Goring-Morris in press). It seems that by following the di- stinct and specific trajectory of the evolution of Natufian ‘exis- tence’, we can start to unwrap the beginnings of the PPNA. Thus one can observe in the Natufian that: ❶ As communities became in- creasingly sedentary there were opportunities to accumu- late more ‘stuff’ (i.e. material belongings). ❷ As communities increased in size there was a ne- cessity to develop novel social mechanisms to regulate the increasingly complex nature of inter- personal, intra-community and inter-community interactions. ❸ The growing intra- and inter-group densities dic- tated more marked distinctions among the vari- ous communities comprising the Natufian entity as a whole. Most immediately, many of these phenomena were expressed in the archaeological record, including a desire for ‘exotics’, and investments in the decora- tive and symbolic aspects of both non-utilitarian and mundane artefacts. The latter was expressed, among other ways, by the distinct stylistic ‘signatures’ of specific communities (Belfer-Cohen 1991; Belfer- Cohen, Goring-Morris 2013; Noy, Brimer 1980; Ro- senberg et al. 2020; Shaham 2014; Shaham, Bel- fer-Cohen 2013; Shaham, Grosman 2019; Torres et al. 2020). The processes enumerated above continued into the PPNA, evolving and changing through time (as had already occurred during the course of the 4000 year sequence of the Natufian), accompanied by increas- ed interactions with entities further afield (e.g., Kha- laily, Valla 2013). Indeed, similarities and continuities are manifested in a wide range of material culture realms. Thus with regard to the constructed environment a num- ber of architectural concepts continued, with the ongoing use of semi-subterranean circular structu- res. Indeed, it was only with the transition to the Pre- Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) that the shift to quadri- lateral concepts in the Mediterranean zone is observ- Fig. 3. Early (A-G) and Late Natufian (H-J) burials. A-B Hayonim Cave; C-G, H-J Eynan (Ain Mallaha – note arrangement of three legs in I. All decorations and grave goods are in orange. (Modified after Belfer- Cohen 1988; Perrot, Ladiray 1988). Note different scales. Anna Belfer-Cohen, Nigel Goring-Morris 42 ed, culminating in the Middle PPNB (e.g., Banning 1998; Goring-Morris, Belfer-Cohen 2013b). We be- lieve that the appearance of obvious communal structures in the PPNA is, in a way, the culmination of mostly social processes evolving during the course of the Natufian. A unique Natufian phenomenon observed in the Me- diterranean region is the ‘return to the caves’ (Bar- Yosef, Martin 1981; Belfer-Cohen, Goring-Morris 2009; Goring-Morris, Belfer-Cohen 2010), namely the intensive use of caves for special activities, e.g., burial grounds, ceremonies, feasting, etc., as illus- trated by the Hilazon Tachtit cave (Grosman, Mun- ro 2007, 2016; Grosman et al. 2008; Munro, Gros- man 2010), Hayonim cave (Belfer-Cohen, Bar-Yosef 2012) and Raqefet cave (Nadel et al. 2013). Perhaps this restricted use of caves by members of particular Natufian groups reflects com- munal activities that would later take place during the Neolithic in communal, ‘pub- lic’ buildings (see Hayden 2012). Indeed it is of interest to note that during the Natu- fian, large-scale structures are first observed in its early sta- ges; yet they disappear from the later architectural repertoire, perhaps replaced by the activities in the caves, as the examples above all pertain to the Late/Final Natufian. It is of interest to note that the kiva-type structure, O75, at PPNA Wadi Faynan 16 (WF16) provides similarities with the large-scale structures at (early) Natufian Eynan (L131) and Wadi Hammeh 27 (Edwards 2013; Fin- layson et al. 2011; Haklay, Gopher 2015; Mithen et al. 2018; Valla 1988). Clearly, continuity is also ob- served in the artistic manifestations (Shaham, Gros- man 2019). The funerary practices provide an apt example of such a clear continuity between the Natufian and PPNA. Mostly because of the detailed data available, but also because these practices reflect processes and beliefs that are not impacted directly by the physical surroundings (as opposed to the more mundane as- Fig. 4. Epipalaeolithic excha- nge items. A-B, G-H, J-L Natu- fian; C, F Harifian; D, E Keba- ran and Geometric Kebaran. A Kebara Cave (flint ‘luna- tes’); B Hayonim Cave, Eynan and el-Wad (jewelry – bone, shells and exotic minerals); C Shluhat Harif (green meta- morphic handstone); D, E Ka- raneh IV (marine – Red and Mediterranean Seas – mollu- scs); F Ramat Harif (turquo- ise pendant); G Hayonim Cave (Mediterranean scapho- pod beads); H-I Eynan (obsi- dian blade/bladelets and exo- tic green stone ornaments); J Hayonim Cave; K Eynan; L Kebara Cave (non-local ba- salt groundstone items). Pho- tos after: Bar-Yosef Mayer, Zohar 2010; Khalaily, Valla 2013; Maher et al. 2012a; Ri- chter et al. 2011; Archives of Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusa- lem. Note different scales. From the Epipalaeolithic into the earliest Neolithic (PPNA) in the South Levant pects of daily existence, such as the availability of food resources). Clearly there were various proces- ses already developing during the course of the Na- tufian (suffice it to note the disappearance of dec- orated burials in the Late, as opposed to the Early Natufian, and the rise in the practice of skull re- moval). Cemeteries emerged in designated areas within Natufian habitation sites, a phenomenon al- ready apparent in its initial stages in the Geometric Kebaran (Maher et al. 2011). By the Natufian, the funerary practices included dedicated architecture, as exemplified by the funerary structure of ‘Habita- tion’ 1 at Eynan (Ain Mallaha), which is quite diffe- rent from domestic structures with its plastered bench and upright monoliths (Perrot, Ladiray 1988). It is during the later Natufian that dedicated burial sites emerged, e.g., Hilazon Tachtit, Raqefet and Na- hal Oren (Grosman, Munro 2016; Nadel et al. 2013; Noy 1993). In terms of actual burial practices, PPNA burials fol- low patterns already documented during the Natu- fian – namely a variety of burial positions: single and multiple, primary (sometimes disturbed) and se- condary burials; sometimes with grave markers; se- lective skull removal; few, if any personal decora- tions; re-arrangements of human bones; and unique burials (Croucher 2012; Goring-Morris, Belfer-Co- hen 2013c; and references therein; and see Fig. 3). Additionally, certain Natufian and PPNA funerary practices appear to herald subsequent developments during the PPNB, i.e. the likely appearance of foun- dation burials, as exemplified at Natufian Hilazon Tachtit (Grosman, Munro 2016) and PPNA Burial F8(298) at WF16 (Mithen et al. 2015). There are also other practices heralding the PPN, namely the use of ‘pasty’, plaster-type material to encase and/or cover burials, e.g., Natufian Nahal Ein Gev II (Frie- sem et al. 2019; Grosman et al. 2016) and PPNA WF16 (Mithen et al. 2015). Continuity of practices is observed through cases of ‘basket’ and ‘bundle’ burials, the use of stone ‘pil- lows’ in graves, the decorative pigmentation of skulls, joint human/animal burials, as well as evidence for funerary feasting. Natufian examples of the above derive from Eynan (Perrot, Ladiray 1988), Nahal Ein Gev II (Grosman et al. 2016), Azraq 18 (Boc- quentin, Garrard 2016), Shubayka 1 (Richter et al. 2019), Hayonim Terrace (Valla 2012), and Hilazon Tachtit (Munro, Grosman 2010); the PPNA exam- ples derive mainly from the site of WF16 (Mithen et al. 2015). In addition, the ‘sitting’ graves in the ce- metery area at PPNA Hammeh are somewhat rem- iniscent of both those at the Early Epipalaeolithic Ain Qasiyah, Natufian Hayonim cave and the later PPNB burials at Tell Hallula on the Euphrates (Bel- fer-Cohen 1988; Guerrero et al. 2009; Makarewicz, Rose 2011; Richter et al. 2010). Practices observed even earlier, in the Early Epipa- laeolithic levels of Kharaneh IV (Maher et al. 2011; 2012a) are the introduction of animal horn cores as head adornments, found also in Natufian Eynan (Perrot, Ladiray 1988; and see Figure 3.H), and at PPNA Hatoula (Le Mort 1994; Goring-Morris, Bel- fer-Cohen 2011b)5. Another feature, quite enigma- tic, relates to intentionally holed/pierced skulls, whe- ther with a sizeable or narrow bored hole, observ- ed as isolated cases all through the Natufian-PPNA- PPNB sequence. One parsimonious hypothesis claims that the holes were intentionally bored post-mortem for suspending the skulls, based on observations made on a PPNB plastered skull from Jericho (Flet- cher 2016). Intentional drilling of skulls (rather than excavation accidents) was also observed on Early Natufian (H25 at el-W, see Weinstein-Evron 2009) and Late Natufian individuals (H23 at Nahal Oren, see Dupouy-Madre, Crognier 1973), and has been reported in a number of personal observations6. The rich symbolic/artistic repertoire of the Natufian (e.g., Major 2018 and references therein) can be de- scribed, for our purposes, as reflecting three compo- nents: ❶ general ‘Natufian’ features through time (phases); ❷ local, site specific and regional particularities (fa- cies); and ❸ long durée features evolving through time that continued into the Neolithic. Illustrations of the latter include the appearance of artistic manifestations observed in Late Natufian sites in the Jordan Valley incorporating the use of 5 The accompaniment of horn cores with burials is documented both, earlier in the Late Upper Palaeolithic, at Nahal Ein Gev I (Arens- burg 1977) and later in the PPNB (Locus 1304) at Kfar HaHoresh associated with a skull cache (pers. obs.). 6 A human cranium with a drilled hole in the parietal (for suspension?) was described from a LPPNB multiple grave (Loc. 1155) at Kfar HaHoresh (Simmons et al. 2007.17, Fig. 13b). This skull formed part of a deliberate spatial arrangement, perhaps in the form of a depiction. It also demonstrated evidence for perimortal trauma indicating that the individual may have been a victim of ho- micide. More recently, a similar phenomenon of a drilled skull was published from PPN Göbekli Tepe, supposedly as an innova- tion (Gresky et al. 2017). 43 Anna Belfer-Cohen, Nigel Goring-Morris 44 soft limestone/chalk as raw material, or incised pat- terns on bone and stone (e.g., Grosman et al. 2016; Hershman, Belfer-Cohen 2010; Shaham, Grosman 2019; and references therein), bead-spacers (Bar- Yosef Mayer 2010) and the appearance of green beads (Bar-Yosef Mayer, Porat 2008). Accordingly, it seems likely that both the material culture of the Natufian and PPNA designate continuity and change pertaining to signalling and symbolism of a long durée nature, most probably indicating the lengthy process of the transformation before, and in paral- lel to, the economic ‘turn-over’ to fully agricultural practices. Additionally, while there is already evidence dur- ing the earlier Epipalaeolithic for long distance ex- change, e.g., marine molluscs (Bar-Yosef Mayer, Zo- har 2010; Richter et al. 2011), during the course of the Natufian the range of items and sources involv- ed in long-distance exchange increased significantly; this includes basalt for groundstone tools (Wein- stein-Evron et al. 2001), flint (Delage 2013, 2018) and obsidian (Khalaily, Valla 2013), as well as green stone (Bar-Yosef-Mayer, Porat 2008). Source areas include the Nile Valley, Transjordan, the Mediterra- nean and Red Seas, western Sinai, northwestern Saudi Arabia, Cappadocia, as well as sources closer to home (Belfer-Cohen, Goring-Morris in press; Go- ring-Morris, Belfer-Cohen in press). Concluding remarks In exploring the shift in the Southern Levant from the Epipalaeolithic to the Neolithic we have suggest- ed an apparent continuity, illustrating it with a few examples. Clearly, however, when checking the ac- cumulating archaeological data, it becomes obvious that the processes of change were incremental and of long durée, the initial roots of which can be traced right back to at least the Early Epipalaeolithic, almost ten millennia prior to the emergence of the Natu- fian. Still, during the long and winding course of the Natufian and after, during the PPNA, cultural proces- ses demonstrate major changes in life-ways in com- parison to the preceding Palaeolithic. This is reflect- ed at the level of the individual community, as well as within the region as a whole, and beyond. Ultima- tely, the available evidence indicates that the ‘ar- chaic’ villages of the PPNA ‘Sultanian’ should be viewed as the culmination of developments begin- ning with the emergence of the Natufian, c. 15 000 cal BP ago, setting the backdrop against which the fully fledged agricultural villages of the subsequent PPNB emerged. We have focused on data pertaining to Natufian – PPNA continuity, primarily within the Mediterra- nean ‘core area’ (i.e. a ‘linear’, to some degree, pro- cess), ignoring other contemporaneous develop- ments taking place farther afield in neighbouring areas, such as the appearance of the Harifian entity (c. 12 650–11 650 cal BP), with its particular adap- tations to the arid Negev and Sinai (Goring-Morris 1991; Goring-Morris, Belfer-Cohen 2013a). While geographically marginal, environmental chan- ges in this area (i.e. the Younger Dryas event at 12 900–11 600 cal BP) may have triggered proces- ses the impact of which reverberated throughout the broader region. Even if the Mediterranean zone it- self was not involved (i.e. did not suffer from wors- ening conditions except to a limited degree, if at all), the phenomena taking place in the neighbouring, more arid, regions may also have indirectly impacted the Mediterranean zone. Indeed, we believe that the dynamics of such phenomena played a significant role in developments portraying the neolithisation processes (e.g., Watkins 2013), including actual movements of populations, such as the Late Epipa- laeolithic/Early Neolithic colonization of Cyprus (Clarke 2014; Simmons 2014). These processes in- troduced new lifeways, new spiritual paradigms, and, when moving into territories already settled by in- digenous populations, invoking what may be view- ed as the cultural parallel of the biological force of ‘hybridization vigour’. Summing up all of the above, based on both the ar- chaeological record and the way we currently un- derstand cultural evolution (Henrich 2016 and refe- rences therein), one can conclude by stating that the Southern Levantine Neolithic phenomenon can be said to have arisen from the ‘ashes’ of the Natufian. 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