INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGY, LJUBLJANA, YUGOSLAVIA 67-Ga CITRATE AND 75-Se METHIONINE IN THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF THYROID NODULES Erjavec, M., M. Auersperg, R. Golouh, M. Porenta, J. Snajder Povzetek: Avtorji so scintigrafirali 71 bolnikov z obolenjem ščitnice s pomočjo 75-Se metionina in 67-Ga citrata, da bi ugotovili vrednost teh radiofarmakov v preoperativni diagnostiki malignih tumorjev. Ugotovili ¡so, da je tolmačenje konvencionalnih scintigrafskih slik težko in nezanesljivo. Izdelali so računalniško metodo, ki je omogočila izražanje radioaktivnosti tkiv vratu v odnosu na »telesno ozadje« in omogočila iztiskavanje »kvantitativne slike«. S to metodo so prikazali, da se oba radiofavmaka kopičita v različih normalnih in patoloških strukturah vratu, pri čemer se razmerje do »telesnega ozadja« giblje med 1,5—2,5. Izjemo predstavljajo anaplastični karcinom, maligni limfomi in thyreoiditis Hashimoto, kjer so našli vrednosti do 5,2. Med uspešno terapijo in po njej je bilo ugotovljeno zniževanje vrednosti za 67-Ga, s čimer je podana možnost zasledovanja uspešnosti zdravljenja. r i UDK 61644-006-07:621.039.8(497.1) Deskriptori: Nuklearna medicina, 67-Ga citrat, 75-Se metionin. Radiol. Iugosl., 4; 329-334, 1974 L Solitary thyroid nodules which fail to concentrate radioiodine or radiopertech-netate (cool and cold nodules) occur frequently and represent, histologically, a variety of conditions including malignancy. Early and adequate surgery is likely to »cure« patients with well differentiated adenocarcinomas, whereas for anaplastic tumors radiation seems to be the preferable treatment (1). Benign adenomas and regressive changes may not need immediate treatment. In this study, scintillation scanning with 67-Ga citrate and 75-Se methionine . has been tried in order to examine its ability to improve the preoperative differentiation of thyroid nodules. Material and methods. — To the first group of 35 patients with thyroid nodules 2 mC of 67-Ga citrate and/or 0.25 mC of 75-Se methionine were administered i. v. If both radiopharmaceuticals were ščitnica diagnostika diferencialna, J tried on the same patient, the latter was given after a two-weeks delay in order to decrease the background radioactivity within the neck. The images of the neck were made two days later by means of a rectilinear color-dot scintiscanner or an Anger camera. In the first group of 35 patients, the relative concentration of the radiopharmaceuticals within the nodules was visually scored as higher ( + ), same (+ /—) or lower (—), than that within the normal thyroid tissue. Since the overall target/non-target ratios were low in most cases, the scoring of images was soon found to be uncertain. Further, the precise topographic correlation of conventional thyroid images with the 67-Ga and/or 75-Se was difficult and errors due to subjective interpretation could not be avoided. In order to improve the reproducibility of 4 330 Erjavec, M., M. Auersperg, R. Golouh, M. Porenta, J. Snajder this interpretation, a computer assisted technique was devised for a better assessment of the quantity and topography of the radionuclide concentration within the normal and pathological neck tissue. A second group of 36 patients was given orally about 1 mC of 99 m-Tc pertech-netate as the second tracer, about 30 minutes before the scintigraphy with either of the two radiopharmaceuticals. A dual-analyser digitalised scintiscanner was used for this study. The spectrometers were set at appropriate photopeaks for either radionuclide. Parallel to the colour-dot imaging, counts from the two analysers were collected by a CAMAC type data acquisition system and punched into the paper tape. The tapes were processed off-line by a 6000 series CDC digital computer. After the formation of the two matrices within the computer core memory, the background counts for each matrix were assessed by averaging the activity of two adjacent scanning lines with the lowest mean values. Then the »background« counts were subtracted and the remaining data smoothed. The images of the two radionuclide distributions were produced on a fast lineprinter using alphanumeri-cal symbols corresponding to 10 isocount levels. Blanks and overprints were employed to increase the legibility of the image. The apparent target/bcg ratios of 75-Se and that of 67-Ga within the neck structures were visualised by an additional »quantitative« image of the count/background ratio, the printing levels being arbitrarily preset at a »maximum« of 3 times the background value. The highest count/background ratio and its coordinates were printed out also numerically. In order to facilitate the topographic correlation, the contours of the functioning thyroid, represented by a half-maximum isocount line of the 99 m-Tc matrix established separately, were brought into the processed 75-Se or 67-Ga matrix by using a particular symbol. In two cases of autonomous or toxic adenomas the diagnosis was supported only by clinical, laboratory and scintigra-phyc finding. The rest of the patients were operated. Surgical specimens were topographically oriented and histologically examined. The findings were topographically correlated with scintigrams. Results. — Results of altogether 148 observations in 71 patient are summarised in Tables 1 and 2. They show on the whole that in various neck structures the concentration of both radiopharmaceuticals employed is roughly comparable. Apparent differences between the uptake of 67-Ga and 75-Se methionine for papillary and follicular carcinomas shown in tab. l. are probably due to unavoidably subjective interpretation of conventional images and were not confirmed by computer processed records. Both agents were taken up by normal thyroid gland about twice as much as by the surrounding normal tissue. The mean values of the gland uptake seemed to depend slightly on the hormonal activity but the ranges in normal, suppressed and hyperactive thyroid tissue obtained by quantitative scanning largely overlap. Regressive changes within nodular goiter concentrated neither of the two agents. Acute purulent inflammation showed a moderate content of both radionuclides. Chronic thyroiditis showed a large variety of uptake values of either agents, the highest ones were obtained in Hashimoto disease while in the fibroplastic inflammation the values found were approaching the body background. Both agents were markedly concentrated in anaplastic carcinomas and in malignant lymphomas, but the values obtained in papillary, follicular and medullary carcinoma were virtually undistinguisha-ble from the normal thyroid tissue. Discussion and conclusions. — Difficulties in the correct preoperative differen- 67-Ga citrate and 75-Se methionine in the differential diagnosis .. 331 Table 1 Conventional imaging of 75-Se methionine and/or 67-Ga citrate uptake; 61 observations in 35 patients N° of ob serv . 75°Se methione - + No^ of ob serv. 67-Ga citrate - +/- + Adenomas 5 _ _ 5 6 4 2 Toxic adenomas 2 — — 2 2 2 — — Nodular goiter with regression changes 14 4 10 — 15 14 1 Papillary and follicular carcinoma 6 —3 3 4 3 1 Anaplastic carcinoma and malignant lymphoma 2 —— 2 3 — —3 Purulent inflammation 1 —— 1 1 — — 1 Total No. of observations 30 31 The uptake of radionuclides within lesion was visually scored as higher (+), same (+/—), or lower (—) than that within thyroid tissue. Table 2 Computer-assisted imaging of 67-Ga citrate aand/or 75JSe methionine uptake; 87 observations in 36 patients bi:: Uptake of b f:: Uptake of •