DOI: 10.17573/ipar.2017.2.04 1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu Dobruša Lipovž Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje; Ljubljana, Slovenija Melita Moretti Univerza v Ljubljani; Slovenija IZVLEČEK Kvantitativno analizo kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu smo izvedli s pomočjo merskega instrumenta SERVQUAL, s katerim smo merili udeleženčeva pričakovanja in njihove zaznave kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja, in sicer s pomočjo petih razsežnosti: zunanje podobe, zanesljivosti, odzivnosti, zaupanja in pozornosti. Analiza je pokazala, da se pričakovana kakovost usposabljanja na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu statistično značilno razlikuje od dejanske zaznane kakovosti ter da je dejavnik zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj »zanesljivost izvajalca in predavatelja« pozitivno povezan z zadovoljstvom udeležencev teh usposabljanj. Rezultati analize bodo lahko v pomoč upravljalcem človeških virov in managementu v izbranem javnem zavodu in v drugih organizacijah, kakor tudi raziskovalcem, saj lahko ti na osnovi ugotovitev te raziskave ter dodatno zbranih podatkov izpeljejo dodatne analize. Ključne besede: usposabljanje, znanje, kakovost, digitalizacija poslovanja, javni zavod JEL: M53 1 Uvod Živimo v družbi znanja, v družbi nenehnih sprememb, med katere uvrščamo npr. nove informacijske in ostale tehnološke tehnologije ter vrsto političnih, socialnih, ekoloških in gospodarskih sprememb (Drucker, 2007; Evans, 2014). Zaposleni najbi sledili temu razvoju - vseživljenjsko usposabljanje je tako stalnica razvoja vsakega posameznika in tudi organizacije, v kateri je posameznik zaposlen (Černetič, 2006). Te spremembe danes in tudi v prihodnje spreminjajo navade in odnos posameznikov ter tudi organizacij - Lipovž, D., & Moretti, M. (2017). Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu [Analysis of professional 93 training in business digitalisation at a selected public institute]. International Public Administration Review, 15(2), 93-144, Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti razvija se novo, bolj odgovorno vedenje (Aguinis & Glavas, 2012; Martínez, Pérez & Bosque, 2013; Buslovich & Searcy, 2014). Pomembno vlogo pri uspešnosti organizacij (profitnih in neprofitnih) igrajo tudi neopredmetena sredstva organizacije. Številni teoretiki in raziskovalci so mnenja, da je vlogo znanja treba upoštevati kot osnovni element organizacije, njen razvoj, spodbujanje in prilagajanje pa so bistvenega pomena za trajnostni razvoj organizacij (Ortas & Moneva, 2011; Wright & McMahan, 2011). Za potrebe pridobivanja znanja v organizaciji te za svoje zaposlene organizirajo različna strokovna usposabljanja (Ortas & Moneva, 2011; Medina, 2017). Ta se osredotočajo na kratkoročne in s trenutnimi spremembami skladne dopolnitve znanja in veščin, njihov obseg usposabljanj pa je skladen s potrebami po znanju v posamezni organizaciji (Dermol, 2010). Analizirali smo kakovost strokovnih usposabljanj v izbranem javnem zavodu, in sicer na področju digitalizacije njihovega poslovanja - upravljanja z dokumentarnim gradivom. Upravljanje z dokumentarnim gradivom je eden izmed temeljev sodobnega upravnega poslovanja, je temeljni proces vsakega upravnega organa, kadar na podlagi javnih pooblastil opravlja upravne naloge. Ko bo projekt upravljanja z dokumentarnim gradivom v celoti začel delovati v temeljni dejavnosti 2017, bo omogočeno učinkovito brezpapirno poslovanje izbranega javnega zavoda, transparentnost in sledljivost dokumentov, upravljanje z zadevami in subjekti ter vodenje evidence o dokumentarnem gradivu v celoti z informacijskim sistemom in prilagoditvami novim tehnološkim zahtevam (ZPIZ, 2016). Vse to zahteva sodobne informacijske vire (zaposlene, poslovne partnerje, dokumentacijske podatke, podatkovne baze, programsko opremo, strojno opremo, sistem za neprekinjeno napajanje, poslovne prostore ipd.) (Likar & Trček, 2012). Posebno pozornost je treba nameniti tudi ranljivosti (slabosti) informacijskega sistema, ki jo lahko izrabi ena ali več groženj, med katere štejemo razne varnostne grožnje (npr. vdiralce v sisteme s pisanjem programskih virusov, nezadovoljne zaposlene, naravne nesreče, okvare programske in strojne opreme), fluktuacijo zaposlenih in odtujitve določenih informacijskih virov (Anderle, 2012). Tako brez kakovostnega managementa varnosti informacijskega sistema ne gre več - v organizaciji je treba vzpostaviti ustrezno varnostno politiko, zaposlene pa usposabljati o njihovih dolžnostih pri varovanju informacij in delu s temi informacijami in posodobitvami informacijskega sistema. Za merjenje kakovosti storitev se uporabljajo različni modeli, s katerimi lahko merimo uporabnikova pričakovanja in zaznavamo kakovost storitev. Pri izvedbi raziskave smo uporabili model SERVQUAL (Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry, 1988) - raziskali smo pet razsežnosti kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj, in sicer: zanesljivost, zaupanje, zunanjo podobo izvajanja usposabljanj, pozornost in odzivnost izvajanja storitev strokovnih usposabljanj. Na osnovi opisanega in pregleda do sedaj opravljenih raziskav v Sloveniji smo ugotovili, da v javnih zavodih empiričnih raziskav s področja kakovosti 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu strokovnih usposabljanj po modelu SERQUAL ni bilo. V tem smo zaznali raziskovalno vrzel, zato menimo, da je to problematiko smiselno raziskovati. Cilj prispevka je, prvič, predstaviti značilnosti kakovostnih usposabljanjin zadovoljstvo udeležencev usposabljanjna splošno, in drugič, obravnavati izsledke kvantitativne raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli v februarju 2016 na naključnem vzorcu udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanjs področja digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu. 2 Strokovna usposabljanja Pomen strokovnih usposabljanj je povezan spreminjajočo se vlogo človeških virov v organizaciji (Pena & Villasalero, 2010; Ubeda-Garcia, Marco-Lajara, Sabater & Garcia-Lillo, 2013). Organizacije zaradi večje potrebe po novem znanju, prilagoditvi ravni usposobljenosti zaposlenih (novo zaposlenih v primerjavi z do sedaj zaposlenimi) zaradi povečanja produktivnosti, ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti zaposlenih organizirajo različna strokovna usposabljanja za svoje zaposlene (Ortas & Moneva, 2011; Medina, 2017). Strokovna usposabljanja lahko gledamo z več perspektiv: • Strokovna usposabljanja lahko vidimo kot sredstvo organizacije, s katerimi se vpliva na posameznika znotrajorganizacije (na njegov značaj, tekmovalnost, sistem vrednost, stališča ipd.) (Ferraz & Gallardo-Vazquez, 2016), • Strokovna usposabljanja se lahko pojmujejo kot proces razvoja, izboljšanja delovnih mest, vedenj in stališč zaposlenih (Paauwe, 2009; Wright & McMahan, 2011), • Strokovna usposabljanja lahko štejemo kot sredstvo za zmanjševanje razlik med tistim, kaj lahko zaposleni ponudijo glede na svoje izkušnje in spretnost in glede na razlike med zahtevami delovnega mesta (Mata, Guenagia & Rodriguez, 2006), • Strokovna usposabljanja lahko imenujemo proces prilagajanja in poklicnega usmerjanja zaposlenih, ki omogoča spremembe v organizaciji, s tem pa se poveča potencial organizacije (Winters, Meijers, Kuijpers & Baert, 2009; Nguyen, Truong & Buyens, 2010). Poudarjamo pa, da se učinkovitost strokovnih usposabljanj lahko meri le s stalnostjo teh usposabljanj v daljšem časovnem obdobju, saj morajo zaposleni, z namenom boljše učinkovitosti, stalno pridobivati nova znanja in spretnosti (Collier, Green, Young-Bae & Peirson, 2011). Strokovna usposabljanja so za posameznika pomembna v vseh življenjskih obdobjih, predvsem zaradi njihovih učinkov dela in boljše zaposljivosti (ILO, 2009) - (1) zgolj zaposleni z dovolj znanja lahko dosežejo visoko zastavljene cilje organizacije in (2) samo zaposleni z znanjem lahko ubranijo organizacije pred agresivnimi strategijami na trgu. Tako morajo biti v organizacijah razvite Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti različne strategije na področju človeških virov. Raziskava Úbeda-García idr, (2013) je pokazala, da so politike strokovnih usposabljanj odvisne od strateške usmeritve organizacije, Usmerjenost strokovnih usposabljanj je odvisna tudi od razvojne faze organizacije - v času rasti organizacije so primerna usposabljanja z jasnim motivacijskim načrtom za promocijo organizacije - v času vzdrževanja oz, preživetja organizacije so primerna usposabljanja za izboljšanje kakovosti dela, procesov in postopkov, medtem ko v fazi zatona organizacije usposabljanja zgubljajo na pomenu (Buller & McEvoy, 2012; Ferraz & Gallardo-Vazquez, 2016), Torej, strokovna usposabljanja so organizaciji dolgoročna naložba, vendar le, če je sistem ugotavljanja potreb po usposabljanju in izvedba usposabljanj na dovolj visoki ravni kakovosti (Wieland Handy, 2008; Gomezelj Omerzel, 2010), Dermol (2010, str, 50) med dimenzije kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj šteje: »Sistematičnost v izvedbi procesov usposabljanj, prepoznavanje in upoštevanje učnih potreb; postavljanje jasnih učnih ciljev; uporaba metod poučevanja, ki ustrezajo zastavljenim ciljem in učnim vsebinam; relevantnost vsebin usposabljanj in ovrednotenje usposabljanj«, Pri razvoju in implementaciji strategy's področja človeških virov ima management v organizaciji odločilno vlogo (Blewitt, 2014; Dodds, Laguna-Celis & Thompson, 2014) - uspeh programov strokovnih usposabljanj je odvisen od podpore managementa (raziskave Devos et al,, 2007; Wieland Handy, 2008; Moretti & Markič,2015), od podpore sodelavcev (glej raziskave Holton, Hsin-Chih, & Naquin, 2003; Wieland Handy, 2008; Moretti & Markič 2015), ter od spodbud glede prenosa znanja v prakso (npr, povišanje osebnega dohodka in druge nagrade), ki spodbujajo zaposlene k uporabi novih znanj v praksi (glej raziskave Holton et al,, 2003; Wieland Handy, 2008; Moretti & Markič 2015), Zaradi specifičnih lastnosti storitev, tudi storitev s področja izvedbe strokovnih usposabljanj, je kakovost izvedbe strokovnih usposabljanj težko ovrednotiti - uporabniki storitev opredeljujejo kakovost z drugega vidika, kot jo opredeljujejo izvajalci storitev - kakovost storitev, tudi kakovost izvedbe strokovnih usposabljanjlahko merimo s stališča uporabnikov/udeležencev in s stališča ponudnikov/izvajalcev te storitve (Podbrežnik & Bojnec, 2013), Parasuraman, Zeithaml in Berry (1985, str, 41-50) so v osemdesetih letih razvili model vrzeli zaznane kakovosti storitev, kjer je kakovost storitve opredeljena kot »razlika med pričakovanji uporabnika in njegovim zaznavanjem izvedene storitve« (Podbrežnik & Bojnec, 2013, str, 3), Osnova za merjenje zaznane kakovosti storitev je merilni inštrument SERVQUAL, kjer se kakovost storitev meri s petimi razsežnostmi kakovosti storitev: (1) otipljivost (fizične sestavine storitev) (angl, tangibles), (2) zanesljivost (angl, reliability), (3) odzivnost (angl, responsiveness), zaupanje (angl, assurance), in (5) pozornost (angl, attentiveness) (Parasuraman et al,, 1985; 1988), Merilni inštrument SERVQUAL je sestavljen iz dveh delov (pričakovanja in zaznana kakovost), vsakega sestavlja 22 trditev, s katerimi se pojasni teh pet 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu razsežnosti kakovosti storitev. Oceno kakovosti storitev se poda na naslednji način (Parasuraman et al., 1985; 1988): • V primeru, da je razlika med zaznano kakovostjo storitev in pričakovanji pozitivna, pomeni, da je kakovost storitev izvedena nad pričakovanji; • V primeru, da razlike med zaznano kakovostjo storitev in pričakovanji ni, pomeni, da je kakovost storitev izpolnila pričakovanja; • V primeru, da je razlika med zaznano kakovostjo storitev in pričakovanji negativna, pomeni, da je kakovost storitev izvedena pod pričakovanji, Ladhari (2009) je izvedel pregled uporabe merilnega instrumenta SERVQUAL - na osnovi številnih raziskav, ki so bile izvedene do tega obdobja, je ugotovil, da je to najboljše orodje za merjenje zaznane kakovosti storitev. Kakovost storitev so z merilnim inštrumentom SERVQUAL merili tudi številni raziskovalci po letu 2009 (raziskave Udo, Bagchi & Kirs, 2011; Lee & Kim, 2012; Podbrežnik & Bojnec, 2013; Yousapronpaiboon, 2014; Pradela, 2015; Liu et al. 2015; Lampič, 2016; Hamari, Hanner & Koivisto, 2017 itd.). Ugotavljamo, da je kakovost, tudi kakovost izvedbe strokovnih usposabljanj, povezana z zadovoljstvom udeležencev usposabljanj (Schermerhorn, 2013; Dermol, 2010) - če kakovost storitev izpolnjuje pričakovanja ali jih celo preseže, so uporabniki teh storitev zadovoljni. Tudi Oliver (2010, str. 8) meni, da je zadovoljstvo uporabnikov »odziv na neko izpolnitev ali neizpolnitev. Je njegova sodba o tem, ali je značilnost storitve ali pa sama storitev dosegla (ali dosega) želeni nivo izpolnitve ali ne«. Pri analizi strokovnih usposabljanjna področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, smo se osredotočili na to, kako so kakovost ocenjevali udeleženci teh usposabljanj. Ti so ocenjevali kakovost strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja ocenjevali z naslednjimi razsežnostmi: • Zunanja podoba (urejenost in profesionalnost predavatelja, primernost opreme, prostora in inventarja); • Zanesljivost (izvedba usposabljanja v obljubljenem roku, primerno gradivo, primerna tehnična oprema in zanesljivost predavatelja); • Odzivnost (izvedba po terminskem planu, odzivnost predavatelja); • Zaupanje (vljudnost in zaupanje predavatelja, zaupanje izvajalca usposabljanj); • Pozornost (ustreznost urnika usposabljanj, pozornost predavatelja do udeležencev). Udeleženci so tako na vsako trditev iz posamezne razsežnosti odgovarjali dvakrat: (1) s prvim delom smo merili pričakovanja oz. pomembnost teh usposabljanj; (2) z drugim delom smo merili zaznavanje udeležencev o teh usposabljanjih. Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti 3 Raziskava Namen raziskave je analizirati kakovost strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu v Sloveniji. Za dosego namena smo si zastavili dve hipotezi, in sicer: H1: Pričakovana kakovost usposabljanja na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu se statistično značilno razlikuje od dejanske zaznane kakovosti. H2: Obstaja statistično značilna povezanost med oceno zadovoljstva udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanjna področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu in skupnimi dejavniki zaznane kakovosti teh usposabljanj. 3.1 Metodologija Empirični del je temeljil na kvantitativni metodologiji raziskovanja. Podatke in informacije smo pridobili s pomočjo vprašalnika SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et. al., 1988), ki je bil sestavljen iz treh delov, in sicer: • Prvi del: splošni demografski podatki anketiranih oseb. • Drugi del: trditve s področja ugotavljanja pričakovanjudeležencev strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja. • Tretji del: trditve s področja ugotavljanja zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanjna področju digitalizacije poslovanja, skupna ocena zadovoljstva teh usposabljanj. Anketirani so stopnjo strinjanja (drugi in tretji del vprašalnika) podali na petstopenjski Likertovi lestvici, razen pri vprašanju, ki je povezano s skupno oceno pomembnosti posameznih dimenzij kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja, kjer so anketirani med te dimenzije razdelili 100 točk. Pred izvedbo anketiranja smo vprašalnik preizkusili s pomočjo sedmih oseb iz vzorca. Od uprave izbranega javnega zavoda smo pridobili soglasje za izvedbo raziskave. Kot tehniko anketiranja smo uporabili anketiranje po elektronski pošti, dostop do vprašalnika pa je bil preko službe za razvojkadrov in upravljanja poslovnih procesov izbranega javnega zavoda posredovan vsem udeležencem strokovnih usposabljanj. Zanesljivost vprašalnika smo potrdili s Cronbach a = 0,950. Pri analizi podatkov smo uporabili naslednje metode analize podatkov: osnovno statistično analizo (povprečje - M; standardni odklon - SD; frekvence - f; odstotek frekvenc - f %), T test dvojic (angl. Paired-Samples T Test), faktorsko analizo (uporabili smo metodo Principal axis factoring in pravokotno rotacijo faktorjev Varimax) in regresijsko analizo (uporabili smo metodo Stepwise). 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu 3.2 Ciljna skupina raziskovanja V raziskavo smo vključili udeležence strokovnih usposabljanjs področja digitalizacije poslovanja v letu 2015. V izbranem javnem zavodu je bilo na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v letu 2015 izvedenih 16 usposabljanj (predstavitve in delavnice, neposredno povezane z vodenjem postopka z brezpapirnim poslovanjem; predavanja o varstvu osebnih podatkov, s poudarkom na delu s stranko), usposabljanj se je udeležilo 584 zaposlenih, Tabela 1. Demografski podatki anketiranih oseb Karakteristike Deskriptor f f % Spol Ženski 108 82,4 Moški 23 17,6 Starost Minimalna starost 23 Maksimalna starost 59 Povprečna starost 43,78 Organizacijska enota Centrala zavoda 4 3,1 Sektor 6 4,6 Območna enota 115 87,8 Oddelek 6 4,6 Delovno mesto Vodja organizacijske enote (direktor sektorja, vodja službe, vodja oddelka) 20 15,3 Strokovni delavec, ki rešuje upravne zadeve 95 72,5 Pisarniški delavec (skenerist, evidentičar, pripravljalec dokumentacije) 16 12,2 Delovne izkušnje do 5 let 4 3,1 nad 5 do 15 let 40 30,5 nad 15 do 25 let 39 29,8 nad 25 do 35 let 46 35,1 nad 35 let 2 1,5 Čas zaposlitve do 5 let 7 5,3 nad 5 do 15 let 57 43,5 nad 15 do 25 let 36 27,5 nad 25 do 35 let 28 21,4 več kot 35 let 3 2,3 Izobrazba Srednješolska izobrazba 19 14,5 Višješolska izobrazba 25 19,1 Visokošolska strokovna/univerzitetna izobrazba 73 55,7 Specialistična/strokovni magisterij 10 7,6 Skupaj 131 100,0 Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Vrnjenih smo prejeli 131 popolnoma rešenih vprašalnikov (22,4 % odzivnost), Ženske so izpolnile 108 vprašalnikov (82,4 %), moški 23 vprašalnike (17,6 %), Minimalna starost anketirane osebe je 23 let, maksimalna 59 let, Največ anketiranih (87,8 %) delo opravlja v posameznih območnih enotah izbranega javnega zavoda, in sicer kot strokovni delavec, ki rešuje upravne zadeve (72,5 % anketiranih), ima nad 25 do 35 let delovnih izkušenj (35,1 % anketiranih), v izbranem javnem zavodu so zaposleni od 5 do 15 let (43,5 % anketiranih) ter imajo končano visokošolsko strokovno/univerzitetno izobrazbo (55,7 % anketiranih), Ostali podatki so razvidni v Tabeli 1, 3.3 Osnovne statistične analize 3.3.1 Ocena pričakovanja udeleženca strokovnih usposabljanj s področja digitalizacije poslovanja Na postavljene trditve s področja pričakovanja udeleženca strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja so anketirani odgovarjali na petstopenjski Likertovi lestvici (1 - nikakor ni pomembno; 5 - zelo je pomembno). Anketirani so pri dimenziji kakovosti usposabljanj»zunanja podoba« v povprečju, kot najbolj pomembno ocenili sodobno tehnično opremo (M = 4,36; SD = 0,68), najmanj pomembno pa urejenost izvajalca (M = 3,90; SD = 0,80) -Tabela 2. Tabela 2. Ocena pričakovanja udeleženca usposabljanj - zunanja podoba Spremenljivke M SD Izvajalec mora imeti sodobno tehnično opremo (premično platno, belo tablo, projektor, računalnik ipd,) 4,36 0,68 Izvajalec mora biti profesionalno-družben (objektiven, formalen) 4,29 0,67 Izvajalec mora imeti primerne urejene prostore in vzdrževan inventar (mize, stoli, osvetlitev prostora itd.) 4,18 0,78 Izvajalec mora biti primerno urejen 3,90 0,80 Pri dimenziji kakovosti usposabljanj »zanesljivost«, so anketirani v povprečju kot najbolj pomembno ocenili, da mora izvajalec podati snov brez napak (M = 4,41; SD = 0,58), kot najmanj pomembno pa, da mora izvajalec peljati usposabljanja v obljubljenih rokih (M = 4,12; SD = 0,65) - Tabela 3, 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu Tabela 3. Ocena pričakovanja udeleženca usposabljanj - zanesljivost Spremenljivke M SD Izvajalec mora odpredavati snov brez napak. 4,41 0,58 Prostori, v katerih se izvajajo usposabljanja morajo biti pripravljeni po dogovoru. 4,37 0,68 Gradivo mora biti urejeno, vsebovati mora vse sestavine usposabljanj in to brez slovničnih napak. 4,36 0,59 Tehnična oprema mora delovati brez napak. 4,31 0,57 Izvajalec mora izvesti usposabljanja v obljubljenih rokih. 4,12 0,65 Pri dimenziji kakovosti usposabljanj »odzivnost«, so anketirani v povprečju kot najbolj pomembno ocenili, da mora izvajalec odpraviti probleme/težave, ki se pojavijo med usposabljanjem čim prej (M = 4,36; SD = 0,62), kot najmanj pomembno pa, da mora izvajalec pred začetkom usposabljanj podati terminski plan predavanj in se ga dosledno držati (urnik) (M = 4,10; SD = 0,67) - Tabela 4. Tabela 4. Ocena pričakovanja udeleženca usposabljanj - odzivnost Spremenljivke M SD Izvajalec mora rešiti probleme/težave, ki se pojavijo med usposabljanjem čim prej. 4,36 0,62 Izvajalec mora prisluhniti željam udeležencem in poiskati ustrezno rešitev. 4,36 0,62 Izvajalec mora odgovarjati na vprašanja udeležencev hitro in popolno. 4,26 0,60 Izvajalec mora pred začetkom usposabljanj podati terminski plan predavanj in se ga dosledno držati (urnik). 4,10 0,67 Pri dimenziji kakovosti usposabljanj »zaupanje«, so anketirani v povprečju kot najboljpomembno ocenili ustrezno znanje predavatelja z obravnavanega področja (M = 4,69; SD = 0,56), kot najmanj pomembna jim je prijaznost in ustrežljivost predavatelja (M = 4,09; SD = 0,67) - Tabela 5. Tabela 5. Ocena pričakovanja udeleženca usposabljanj - zaupanje Spremenljivke M SD Predavatelj mora imeti ustrezna znanja z obravnavanega področja. 4,69 0,56 Vedenje predavatelja mora vzbujati zaupanje. 4,28 0,69 Izvajalec usposabljanj mora vzbujati zaupanje. 4,26 0,65 Predavatelj mora biti do udeleženca usposabljanj vljuden. 4,20 0,60 Predavatelj mora biti prijazen in ustrežljiv. 4,09 0,67 Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Anketirani so pri dimenziji kakovosti usposabljanj »pozornost« v povprečju kot najbolj pomembno ocenili, da mora predavatelj biti pozoren ter razumeti potrebe in želje udeležencev usposabljanj (M = 4,28), kot najmanj pomembna jim je ravnanje predavatelja v dobro udeleženca (M = 4,13) - Tabela 6. Tabela 6. Ocena pričakovanja udeleženca usposabljanj - pozornost Spremenljivke M SD Predavatelj mora biti pozoren ter razumeti potrebe in želje udeležencev usposabljanj. 4,28 0,59 Predavatelj si mora vzeti čas za udeleženca usposabljanj. 4,24 0,63 Urnik usposabljanj mora biti ustrezen. 4,16 0,61 Predavatelj mora vedno ravnati v dobro udeleženca. 4,13 0,73 3.3.2 Pomembnost posameznih dimenzij kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja Pomembnost posameznih dimenzijkakovosti usposabljanjna področju digitalizacije poslovanja, kot so: zunanja podoba (urejenost prostorov, sodobna tehnična oprema, urejenost predavatelja, urejeno gradivo), zanesljivost (zanesljivo, natančno in v dogovorjenem roku opravljena storitev usposabljanja), odzivnost (pripravljenost pri reševanju eventualnih nastalih problemov, hitra odzivnost predavatelja na prošnje udeležencev usposabljanj s področja obravnavane tematike), zaupanje (znanje in vljudnost predavateljev, ki vzbujajo zaupanje) in pozornost (prijaznost, skrb in pozornost do vsakega udeleženca usposabljanj), so anketirani ocenjevali na način, da so med posameznimi zgoraj omenjenimi dimenzijami razdelili 100 točk. Tabela 7. Ocena pomembnosti petih dimenzij kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja Min Max M Odzivnost (pripravljenost pri reševanju eventualnih nastalih problemov, hitra odzivnost predavatelja na prošnje udeležencev usposabljanj s področja obravnavane tematike) 1 90 28,67 Zaupanje (znanje in vljudnost predavateljev, ki vzbujajo zaupanje) 0 80 20,98 Zanesljivost (zanesljivo, natančno in v dogovorjenem roku opravljena storitev usposabljanja) 2 90 20,82 Zunanja podoba (urejenost prostorov, sodobna tehnična oprema, urejenost predavatelja, urejeno gradivo 0 95 15,31 Pozornost (prijaznost, skrb in pozornost do vsakega udeleženca usposabljanj) 0 80 15,22 Anketirani so kot najbolj pomembno ocenili dimenzijo »odzivnost« (M = 28,67/100), najmanjpomembno pa dimenzijo »pozornost« (M = 15,22/100) - Tabela 7. Ugotovili smo, da je udeležencem usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu najbolj 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu pomembna pripravljenost izvajalca reševati eventualne nastale težave ter njegova hitra odzivnost na prošnje udeležencev usposabljanjs področja obravnavane tematike. 3.3.3 Ocena zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu Anketirani so stopnjo strinjanja s postavljenimi trditvami s področja zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanjna področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu izrazili po Likertovi lestvici od 1 (nikakor se ne strinjam) do 5 (popolnoma se strinjam). Anketirani so se v povprečju najboljstrinjali s trditvijo, da je predavatelj primerno urejen (M = 4,07; SD = 0,69), najmanjpa s trditvijo o primerno urejenih prostorih in primerno vzdrževanem inventarju (M = 3,81; SD = 0,86) -Tabela 8 (dimenzija zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj »zunanja podoba«), Tabela 8. Ocena zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu - zunanja podoba Spremenljivke M SD Predavatelj je bil primerno urejen. 4,07 0,69 Predavatelj je bil profesionalno-družben (objektiven, formalen). 3,98 0,77 Izvajalec je uporabljal sodobno tehnično opremo (premično platno, belo tablo, projektor, računalnik ipd,), 3,83 0,86 Primerno urejeni prostori in primerno vzdrževan inventar (npr, mize, stoli, osvetlitev prostora), 3,81 0,86 Anketirani so se v povprečju najbolj strinjali s trditvijo, da je izvajalec izvedel usposabljanja v obljubljenih rokih (M = 3,85; SD = 0,71), najmanj z trditvijo, da je tehnična oprema delovala brez napak (M = 3,43; SD = 0,98) - Tabela 9 (dimenzija zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj »zanesljivost«), Tabela 9. Ocena zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu - zanesljivost Spremenljivke M SD Izvajalec je izvedel usposabljanja v obljubljenih rokih. 3,85 0,71 Prostori, v katerih so se izvajala usposabljanja, so bila pripravljena po dogovoru. 3,85 0,75 Predavatelj je podal snov brez napak. 3,70 0,74 Gradivo je bilo urejeno, vsebovalo je vse sestavine usposabljanj ter bilo brez slovničnih napak, 3,67 0,83 Tehnična oprema je delovala brez napak, 3,43 0,98 Anketirani so se v povprečju najbolj strinjali s trditvijo, da je izvajalec pred začetkom usposabljanj podal terminski plan predavanj in se ga tudi dosledno Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti držal (M = 3,85; SD = 0,68), najmanj s trditvijo, da je predavatelj čim prej reševal probleme/težave, ki so se pojavile med usposabljanjem (M = 3,79; SD = 0,69) -Tabela 10 (dimenzija zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj »odzivnost«), Tabela 10. Ocena zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu - odzivnost Spremenljivke M SD Izvajalec je pred začetkom usposabljanj podal terminski plan predavanj in se ga tudi dosledno držal (urnik), 3,85 0,68 Predavatelj je prisluhnil željam udeležencem in poiskati ustrezno rešitev, 3,82 0,67 Predavatelj je odgovarjal na vprašanja udeležencev hitro in popolno, 3,81 0,70 Predavatelj je čim prej reševal probleme/težave, ki so se pojavile med usposabljanjem, 3,79 0,69 Anketirani so se v povprečju najbolj strinjali s trditvijo, da je bil predavatelj do vsakega udeleženca usposabljanj vljuden (M = 4,05; SD = 0,61), najmanj s trditvijo, da je vedenje predavatelja vzbujalo zaupanje (M = 3,85; SD = 0,68) -Tabela 11 (dimenzija zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj »zaupanje«), Tabela 11. Ocena zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu - zaupanje Spremenljivke M SD Predavatelj je bil do vsakega udeleženca usposabljanj vljuden, 4,05 0,61 Predavatelj je imel ustrezna znanja z obravnavanega področja, 3,99 0,63 Predavatelj je bil prijazen in ustrežljiv, 3,97 0,67 Izvajalec usposabljanj je vzbujal zaupanje, 3,86 0,69 Vedenje predavatelja je vzbujalo zaupanje, 3,85 0,68 Anketirani so se v povprečju najbolj strinjali s trditvijo, da je predavatelj vedno ravnal v dobro udeleženca (M=3,85; SD=0,71), najmanj pa s trditvijo, da si je predavatelj vzel čas za vsakega udeleženca usposabljanj (M=3,69; SD=0,83) -Tabela 12 (dimenzija zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj »pozornost«), Tabela 12. Ocena zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu - pozornost Spremenljivke M SD Predavatelj je vedno ravnal v dobro udeleženca, 3,85 0,71 Urnik usposabljanj je bil ustrezen, 3,84 0,68 Predavatelj je bil pozoren ter razumel potrebe in želje udeležencev usposabljanj, 3,77 0,72 Predavatelj si je vzel čas za vsakega udeleženca usposabljanj, 3,69 0,83 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu 3.3.4 Skupna ocena zadovoljstva s strokovnimi usposabljanji v izbranem javnem zavodu Anketirani so podali skupno oceno zadovoljstva strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu (oceno zadovoljstva po Likertovi lestvici od 1 (zelo nezadovoljen) do 5 (zelo zadovoljen)). Ugotavljam, da so anketirani v povprečju zadovoljni s strokovnimi usposabljanji na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu (M = 3,60; SD = 0,78). Največ anketiranih se je na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu udeležilo usposabljanjna področju upravljanja dokumentarnega gradiva (UDG) (77,9 % anketiranih) in zakona o upravnem postopku (ZUP) (74,8 % anketiranih) - Slika 1. Slika 1. Udeležba na strokovnih usposabljanjih na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu v letu 2015 Največ anketiranih (57,3 %) je bilo zelo zadovoljnih z usposabljanji na področju UDG - Slika 2. Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Slika 2. Področje strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja, s katerim so anketirani bili najbolj zadovoljni Največ anketiranih (57,3 %) je bilo najmanjzadovoljnih z usposabljanji s področja ZUP - Slika 3. Slika 3. Področje strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja, s katerim so anketirani najmanj zadovoljni Izobraževanje izven zavoda | 12,2% ZUP 57,3 % Izobraževanje - priprava in skeniranje dokumentov | 1,5% Izobraževanje - arhiviranje dokumentov | 3,1% Varovanje podatkov | 7,6% UDG IS,3 % 0% 20% 40% 60% S0% 100% Največ koristi v uporabi na delovnem mestu jim je prineslo usposabljanje s področja UDG - tako je odgovorilo 71,8 % anketiranih - Slika 4. 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu Slika 4. Koristi posameznih strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja glede uporabe na delovnem mestu Izobraževanje izven zavoda | 3,1% ZUP | 13,0% Izobraževanje - priprava in skeniranje dokumentov | 2,3% Izobraževanje - arhiviranje dokumentov 0,8% Varovanje podatkov | 9,2 % UDG | 78,1% 0% 20% 40% 60% 30% 100% 3.4 Faktorska analiza zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu Faktorsko analizo (Bartlett test sig = 0,000; KMO = 0,933) smo izvedli z metodo glavnih faktorjev (angl. Principal axis factoring) in pravokotno rotacijo faktorjev Varimax. Dobili smo tri zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, ki skupaj pojasnijo 69,76 % celotne variance zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja, Prvi faktor FZ1 smo glede na vsebino imenovali »Pozornost, zaupanje, odzivnost izvajalca in predavatelja«. Faktor FZ1 vsebuje 13 spremenljivk, Drugi faktor FZ2 vsebuje pet spremenljivk - imenovali smo ga »Zunanja podoba prostora«. Tretji faktor FZ3 vsebuje štiri spremenljivke - imenovali smo ga »Zanesljivost izvajalca in predavatelja« - Tabela 13. V nadaljevanju smo jih opredelili kot elemente zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu. Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Tabela 13. Elementi zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu Spremenljivka *Faktorji FZ1 FZ2 FZ3 Predavatelj je bil pozoren ter razumel potrebe in žeje udeležencev usposabljanj. 0,831 Predavatelj je bil prijazen in ustrežljiv. 0,816 Izvajalec usposabljanj je vzbujal zaupanje. 0,812 Predavatelj je vedno ravnal v dobro udeleženca. 0,804 Vedenje predavatelja je vzbujalo zaupanje. 0,785 Predavatelj si je vzel čas za vsakega udeleženca usposabljanj. 0,759 Predavatelj je bil do vsakega udeleženca usposabljanj vljuden. 0,754 Predavatelj je odgovarjal na vprašanja udeležencev hitro in popolno. 0,735 Predavatelj je imel ustrezna znanja z obravnavanega področja. 0,730 Predavatelj je prisluhnil željam udeležencem in poiskati ustrezno rešitev. 0,690 Predavatelj je čim prej reševal probleme/težave, ki se pojavijo med usposabljanjem. 0,675 Urnik usposabljanj je bil ustrezen. 0,590 Predavatelj je odpredaval snov brez napak. 0,585 Predavatelj je bil primerno urejen. 0,824 Predavatelj je bil profesionalno-družben (objektiven, formalen). 0,724 Izvajalec je uporabljal sodobno tehnično opremo (premično platno, belo tablo, projektor, računalnik ipd.) 0,719 Izvajalec je imel primerne urejene prostore in vzdrževan inventar (mize, stoli, osvetlitev prostora itd.). 0,718 Prostori, v katerih so se izvajala usposabljanja, so bila pripravljena po dogovoru. 0,614 Gradivo je bilo urejeno, vsebovalo je vse sestavine usposabljanj ter bilo brez slovničnih napak. 0,649 Tehnična oprema je delovala brez napak. 0,622 Izvajalec je pred začetkom usposabljanj podal terminski plan predavanj in se ga tudi dosledno držal (urnik). 0,562 Izvajalec je izvedel usposabljanja v obljubljenih rokih. 0,551 Odstotek pojasnjene variance 36,594 18,843 14,322 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu 3.5 Preverjanje zastavljenih hipotez 3.5.1 Hipoteza 1 Pričakovana kakovost usposabljanja na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu se statistično značilno razlikuje od dejanske zaznane kakovosti. Hipotezo 1 smo preverili s t testom dvojic (angl. Paired-Samples T Test). Preverili smo, ali obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med oceno pričakovanj udeležencev (tako smo opredelili lastnosti idealnega ponudnika strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja) in oceno zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanjna področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu - dobili smo oceno SERVQUAL. Iz tabel 14, 15, 16, 17 in 18 je razvidno, da so razlike SERVQUAL pri 20 posameznih parih spremenljivk negativne, kar pomeni, da strokovna usposabljanja na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu ne dosegajo pričakovanja. Pri spremenljivki urejenost izvajalca je razlika SERVQUAL pozitivna, kar pomeni, da urejenost izvajalca celo presega pričakovanja udeležencev. Pri spremenljivki prijaznost in ustrežljivost predavatelja statistično značilnih razlik ni. To pomeni, da prijaznost in ustrežljivost predavatelja dosega pričakovanja udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, V nadaljevanju prikazujemo posamezne dejavnike kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, Iz Tabele 14 je razvidno, da med oceno zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu in oceno pričakovanj udeležencev pri dejavniku »zunanja podoba« obstajajo statistično značilne razlike pri vseh štirih spremenljivkah: urejenost prostorov in inventarja, sodobna tehnična oprema, urejenost izvajalca ter objektivnost in formalnost izvajalca (sig < 0,05). Razlike pri urejenosti prostorov in inventarja, sodobni tehnični opremi, ter pri objektivnosti in formalnosti izvajalca so negativne, kar pomeni, da ti elementi ne dosegajo pričakovanj udeležencev usposabljanj. Urejenost izvajalca (ocena SERVQUAL ima pozitiven predznak) celo presega pričakovanja udeležencev. Največja statistično značilna negativna razlika je pri tehnični opremi (premično platno, belo tablo, projektor, računalnik ipd.) (ocena SERVQUAL = -0,527; sig = 0,000). Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Tabela 14. T-test dvojic - zunanja podoba Spremenljivke SERVQUAL (Razlika M) Sig Urejenost prostorov in inventarja (mize, stoli, osvetlitev prostora ipd) -0,374 0,000 Sodobne tehnična oprema (premično platno, belo tablo, projektor, računalnik ipd.) -0,527 0,000 Urejenost izvajalca 0,168 0,044 Objektivnost in formalnost izvajalca -0,313 0,000 Iz Tabele 15 je razvidno, da med oceno zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu in oceno pričakovanj udeležencev pri dejavniku »zanesljivost« obstajajo statistično značilne razlike pri vseh spremenljivkah (sig < 0,05). Te razlike so negativne, kar pomeni, da izvedba usposabljanj, pripravljenost prostorov, delovanje tehnične opreme, gradiva in predavanje izvajalca ne dosegajo pričakovanj udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu. Največja statistično značilna negativna razlika je pri tehnični opremi (premično platno, belo tablo, projektor, računalnik ipd.), ki ni delovala brez napak (ocena SERVQUAL = -0,885; sig = 0,000), Tabela 15. T-test dvojic - zanesljivost Spremenljivke SERVQUAL (Razlika M) Sig Izvedba usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v obljubljenih rokih -0,275 0,001 Pripravljeni prostori v skladu z dogovorom -0,519 0,000 Delovanje tehnične opreme brez napak -0,885 0,000 Urejenost gradiva (gradivo vsebuje vse sestavine usposabljanj in to brez slovničnih napak) -0,687 0,000 Izvajalčevo predavanje -0,710 0,000 Iz Tabele 16 je razvidno, da med oceno zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu in oceno pričakovanj udeležencev pri dejavniku »odzivnost« obstajajo statistično značilne razlike pri vseh spremenljivkah (sig < 0,05). Te razlike so negativne, kar pomeni, da terminski plan predavanj, urnik predavanj, izvedba predavanja, hitrost reševanja problemov/težav, ki se pojavijo med usposabljanji, ter hitrost iskanja ustreznih rešitev ne dosegajo pričakovanj udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu. Največja statistično značilna negativna razlika je pri hitrosti reševanja problemov/težav, ki se pojavijo med usposabljanji (ocena SERVQUAL = -0,573; sig = 0,000). 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu Tabela 16. T-test dvojic - odzivnost Spremenljivke SERVQUAL (Razlika M) sig Terminski plan in urnik predavanj -0,244 0,002 Izvedba predavanja -0,450 0,000 Hitrost reševanja problema/težave, ki se pojavijo med usposabljanji -0,573 0,000 Hitra iskanja ustrezne rešitve -0,542 0,000 Iz Tabele 17 je razvidno, da med oceno zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu in oceno pričakovanj udeležencev pri dejavniku »zaupanje« obstajajo statistično značilne razlike pri štirih spremenljivkah (sig < 0,05). Te razlike so negativne, kar pomeni, da zaupanje v izvajalca, vedenje izvajalca, znanje in vljudnost predavatelja ne dosegajo pričakovanj udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu. Največja statistično značilna negativna razlika je pri znanju predavatelja z obravnavanega področja (ocena SERVQUAL = -0,695; sig = 0,000). Pri spremenljivki »prijaznost in ustrežljivost predavatelja« statistično značilnih razlik ni, kar pomeni, da prijaznost in ustrežljivost predavatelja dosega pričakovanja udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, Tabela 17. T-test dvojic - zaupanje Spremenljivke SERVQUAL (Razlika M) sig Zaupanje v izvajalca -0,397 0,000 Vedenje izvajalca vzbuja zaupanje -0,427 0,000 Prijaznost in ustrežljivost predavatelja -0,122 0,106 Znanje predavatelja z obravnavanega področja -0,695 0,000 Vljudnost predavatelja -0,153 0,019 Statistično značilne razlike med oceno zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu in oceno pričakovanj udeležencev pri dejavniku »Pozornost« obstajajo pri vseh spremenljivkah (sig < 0,05). Te razlike so negativne, kar pomeni, da ustreznost urnika usposabljanj, pozornost predavatelja, razumevanje potreb in želja udeležencev usposabljanj ter ravnanje predavatelja v dobro udeleženca usposabljanj ne dosegajo pričakovanj udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu. Največja statistično značilna negativna razlika je pri pozornosti predavatelja (ocena SERVQUAL = -0,542; sig = 0,000) - Tabela 18. Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Tabela 18. T-test dvojic - pozornost Spremenljivke SERVQUAL (Razlika M) sig Ustreznost urnika usposabljanj -0,321 0,000 Pozornost predavatelja -0,542 0,000 Razumevanje potreb in želja udeležencev usposabljanj -0,511 0,000 Ravnanje predavatelja v dobro udeleženca usposabljanj -0,282 0,000 Ugotovitev hipoteze 1: S hipotezo 1 smo predvidevali, da se pričakovana kakovost usposabljanja na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu statistično značilno razlikuje od dejanske zaznane kakovosti. Hipotezo 1 smo preverili s T testom dvojic. Ugotovili smo, da se ocene razlikujejo pri enaindvajsetih od dvaindvajsetih spremenljivk, zato smo hipotezo 1 sprejeli, 3.5.2 Hipoteza 2 Obstaja statistično značilna povezanost med oceno zadovoljstva udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu in skupnimi dejavniki zaznane kakovosti teh usposabljanj. Hipotezo 2 smo preverili z regresijsko analizo (uporabili smo metodo Stepwise), Odvisna spremenljivka je bila skupna ocena zadovoljstva udeležencev usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, neodvisne spremenljivke pa posamezni elementi zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, ki smo jih dobili s pomočjo faktorske analize zaznane kakovosti teh usposabljanj, Ugotovili smo (Tabela 19), da le en element zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu vpliva na oceno zadovoljstva udeležencev usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, in sicer »Zanesljivost izvajalca in predavatelja« (FZ3; Pn = 0,490), ki ima srednje močan in pozitiven vpliv, Tabela 19. Ocene regresijskih koeficientov Model Nestandardni koeficienti Standardni koeficient Beta t sig Beta Standardna napaka Konstanta 1,783 0,351 5,085 0,000 FZ3 Zanesljivost izvajalca in predavatelja 0,490 0,093 0,420 5,253 0,000 Druga dva elementa zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu »Pozornost, zaupanje in odzivnost 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu izvajalca in predavatelja« (FZ1) in »Zunanja podoba prostora« (FZ2) sta statistično neznačilna - nimata vpliva (sig > 0,05) - Tabela 20. Tabela 20. Iz modela izključene spremenljivke Model Beta In t sig FZ1 Pozornost, zaupanje in odzivnost izvajalca in predavatelja 0,162 1,388 0,168 FZ2 Zunanja podoba prostora -0,109 -0,969 0,334 Regresijski model pojasni 17,0 % variabilnosti ocene zadovoljstva udeležencev usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu - Tabela 21. Tabela 21. Koeficient multiple korelacije in determinacijski koeficient Model (r) Korelacijski koeficient (R2) Determinacijski koeficient Popravljeni (R2) determinacijski koeficient Ocena standardne napake 1 0,420 0,176 0,170 0,713 Ugotovitev hipoteze 2: S hipotezo 2 smo predvidevali, da obstaja statistično značilna povezanost med oceno zadovoljstva udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu in skupnimi dejavniki zaznane kakovosti teh usposabljanj. To hipotezo smo preverili z regresijsko analizo. Ugotovili smo, da je samo en element zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja povezan z zadovoljstvom udeležencev usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu (»Zanesljivost izvajalca in predavatelja« - ima pozitiven in srednje močan vpliv), ostala dva dejavnika zaznane kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja pa ne, zato hipoteze 2 ne moremo sprejeti. 4 Sklepne ugotovitve Namen raziskave je analizirati kakovost strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu v Sloveniji. Raziskavo smo izvedli med udeleženci strokovnih usposabljanj s področja digitalizacije poslovanja v letu 2015 v tem zavodu, zato rezultatov raziskave ne moremo posploševati na vsa usposabljanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, kakor tudi ne na vsa usposabljanja v javnih zavodih v Sloveniji. Kot osnovo za analizo smo uporabili merski instrument SERVQUAL, s katerim smo merili udeleženčeva pričakovanja in njihove zaznave kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja. Prva ključna ugotovitev raziskave je, da strokovna usposabljanja na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu ne dosegajo pričakovanj, razen pri spremenljivki »urejenost izvajalca« (razsežnost kakovosti usposabljanj Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 101 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti »zunanja podoba«), kjer urejenost izvajalca celo presega pričakovanja udeležencev teh usposabljanj ter pri spremenljivki »prijaznost in ustrežljivost predavatelja«, kjer statistično značilnih razlik ni - prijaznost in ustrežljivost predavatelja dosega pričakovanja udeležencev strokovnih usposabljanjna področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, Druga ključna ugotovitev raziskave je, da so anketirani v povprečju srednje zadovoljni s strokovnimi usposabljanji na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu, Največ anketiranih se je na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu udeležilo usposabljanjs področja upravljanja dokumentarnega gradiva (krajše UDG) in zakona o upravnem postopku (krajše ZUP), Nekajveč kot polovica anketiranih je bila najbolj zadovoljna z usposabljanji na področju UDG, kjer so pridobljeno znanje tudi koristno uporabili v praksi (na delovnem mestu), Nekajveč kot polovica anketiranih je bila najmanj zadovoljna z usposabljanji na področju ZUP, Zaznano kakovost strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu v Sloveniji lahko pojasnimo z naslednjimi dejavniki: (1) pozornost, zaupanje, odzivnost izvajalca in predavatelja, (2) zunanja podoba prostora in (3) zanesljivost izvajalca in predavatelja, Tretja ključna ugotovitev raziskave je, da le dejavnik zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj »zanesljivost izvajalca in predavatelja« pozitivno in srednje močno vpliva na oceno zadovoljstva udeležencev teh usposabljanj, Dejavnika »zunanja podoba prostora« in »pozornost, zaupanje, odzivnost izvajalca in predavatelja« na oceno zadovoljstva udeležencev teh usposabljanj nimata vpliva, Do sedajraziskave, ki bi analizirala kakovost strokovnih usposabljanjna področju digitalizacije poslovanja nismo zasledili, Tu vidimo naš prispevek k razvoju teorije in stroke, Rezultati raziskave bodo lahko v praktično pomoč upravljalcem človeških virov in managementu v izbranem javnemu zavodu in v drugih organizacijah, kakor tudi raziskovalcem, saj lahko l ti na osnovi ugotovitev te raziskave ter na osnovi dodatno izbranih podatkov izpeljejo dodatne analize, V nadaljevanju predlagamo tudi nekaj predlogov za nadaljnje raziskave: • metoda SERQUAL ne omogoča identifikacije vzročnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na trenutno zaznano kakovost usposabljanj, zato bi bilo dobro v prihodnje raziskati tudi te dejavnike, • izvedba raziskave tudi pri drugih usposabljanjih v izbranem javnem zavodu ter rezultate primerjati med seboj, • izvedba raziskave z drugim merilnim instrumentom, • raziskavo v prihodnje razširiti in raziskati vplive kakovosti usposabljanj na ostale segmente v izbranem javnem zavodu, npr, raziskati, v kolikšni meri kakovost usposabljanj vpliva na delovno uspešnost v tem javnem zavodu, 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analiza kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu Dobruša Lipovž je diplomirala na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede. Sodeluje pri projektih za izmenjavo podatkov med državnimi institucijami, razvija in uvaja sistem za upravljanje z dokumentarnim gradivom v povezavi z drugimi sistemi,podprtimi s statističnimi modeli na Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje. Ukvarjala se je tudi z razvojem vodenja evidenc posameznih podpornih dejavnosti (kadrovske, finančne, pravne). V povezavi z zunanjo institucijo je na nivoju R Slovenije vzpostavila elektronsko sprejemanje obrazcev matične evidence zavarovancev, ki so podlaga za vzpostavitev elektronske evidence za zagotavljanje priznanj pravic iz pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja. Dr. Melita Moretti je doktorirala na področju organizacijskih znanosti na temo trajnostne rabe energetskih virov na Univerzi na Primorskem. Njeno raziskovalno, razvojno in strokovno delo je usmerjeno na področje managementa, managementa znanja, marketinga in prodaje. 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(2016). Upravljanje z dokumentarnim gradivom. Interno gradivo. Ljubljana: ZPIZ. 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 DOI: 10.17573/ipar.2017.2.04 1.02 Review article Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute Dobrusa Lipovz ZPIZ; Ljubljana, Slovenia Melita Moretti Univerza of Ljubljana; Ljubljana, Slovenia ABSTRACT A quantitative analysis was performed about the quality of professional training in business digitalisation at a selected public institute with the SERVQUAL measurement instrument that measured the expectations of the participants and perception of quality of professional training in business digitalisation by measuring the following five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and attentiveness. The analysis has shown that the expected quality of training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute statistically significantly differs from the actual perceived quality, and that the factor of perceived quality of training 'the reliability of the provider and the lecturer' positively corresponded with the satisfaction of the participants in these trainings. The results of the analysis will be of practical assistance for managers of human resources and the management of the selected public institute, other organisations, as well as researchers, who can carry out additional research on the basis of the findings of this research and additional selected data. Keywords: training, knowledge, quality, business digitalisation, public institute JEL: M53 1 Introduction We live in a knowledge society, in a society facing constant changes, such as, new informational and other technological advances, as well as a number of political, social, ecological and economic changes (Drucker, 2007; Evans, 2014). The employees are supposed to follow this development - lifelong learning has become a constant for on-going development of each individual and also of the organisation, in which the individual is employed (Cernetic, 2006). Today and in the future these changes will change the habits Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 119 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti and attitudes of individuals and organisations - developing new, more responsible behaviour (Aguinis & Glavas, 2012; Martínez, Pérez, & Bosque, 2013; Buslovich & Searcy, 2014). Intangible assets of organisations also play an important role in their success (both for profit and non-profit organisations). Many theorists and researchers believe that the role of knowledge should be considered as a basic element of an organisation, while its development, incentive and adaptation are essential for the sustainable development of organisations (Ortas & Moneva, 2011; Wright & McMahan, 2011). In order to acquire more knowledge, organisations employ different professional trainings for their employees (Ortas & Moneva, 2011; Medina, 2017). Professional trainings focus on complementing knowledge and skills according to short-term and current changes, while the scope of training is according to the requirements for knowledge in an individual organisation (Dermol, 2010). We analysed the quality of professional training at the selected public institute in digitalisation of business processes - document management. Document management is one of the foundations of modern administrative operation, it is the fundamental process of each administrative body when it conducts administrative tasks on the basis of its public mandate. When the document management project will become fully operational in its core activity in 2017, it will enable effective paperless operation of the selected public institute, transparency and traceability of documents, management of cases and entities and keeping records of documentary material in full using the IT system and will be able to adapt to the new technological requirements (ZPIZ, 2016). All this requires modern IT resources (employees, business partners, documentation data, databases, software, hardware, uninterruptible power supply, facilities, etc.) (Likar & Trcek, 2012). Special attention should be given to the vulnerability (weakness) of the IT system that can be exploited by one or more threats, among which are different security threats (for example, system injectors through writing program viruses, dissatisfied employees, natural disasters, software and hardware failures), employee turnover and disposal of certain IT resources (Anderle, 2012). Thus, security quality management of an IT system is a must and an organisation needs to set up an appropriate security policy and train its employees of their duties to protect information and to work with information and update the IT system, Different models have been used to measure the quality of services, which can measure the expectations of the users and detect the service quality. The SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988) was used to examine the five dimensions of the quality of professional training, namely: reliability, assurance, the tangibles of training implementation, attentiveness and responsiveness of the implementation of professional training services. Based on the above-described and an overview of the research carried out so far in Slovenia, it has been discovered that there have been no empirical 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute researches performed in public institutes in Slovenia in quality of professional training using the SERVQUAL model. Here, we detected a research gap and therefore believed that this issue was worth researching, Primarily, the objective of the paper is to present the characteristics of quality training and satisfaction of participants in training in general, and secondly, to address the findings of a quantitative survey conducted in February 2016 on a random sample of participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute, 2 Professional Training The importance of professional training is linked with the changing role of human resources in an organisation (Pena & ViUasalero, 2010; Ubeda-Garcia, Marco-Lajara, Sabater, & Garcia-Lillo, 2013). In order to increase productivity, creativity and innovativeness of employees, organisations implement different professional trainings for their employees because of an increased need for new knowledge, adaptation of the level of qualifications of employees (new employees compared to earlier employees) (Ortas & Moneva, 2011; Medina, 2017). Professional trainings can be examined from different perspectives: • Professional training can be considered as a means of an organisation that affects an individual within the organisation (effects on their character, competitiveness, value system, attitudes, etc.) (Ferraz & Gallardo-Vazquez, 2016), • Professional training can be seen as a development process, improvement of jobs, behaviour and attitudes of employees (Paauwe, 2009; Wright & McMahan, 2011), • Professional training can be considered as a tool to reduce the differences between what employees can offer according to their experience and skills and job requirements (Mata, Guenagia, & Rodriguez, 2006), • Professional training can be referred to as an adaptation process and vocational guidance of employees, which enables changes in an organisation, thus increasing the organisation's potential (Winters, Meijers, Kuijpers, & Baert, 2009; Nguyen, Truong, & Buyens, 2010), However, we emphasise that the effectiveness of professional training can only be measured by the continuity of such training over a longer period of time, since employees need to constantly gain new skills in order to improve their efficiency (Collier, Green, Young-Bae, & Peirson, 2011), Professional training is important for an individual at all stages of life, mainly because of their work effects and better employability (ILO, 2009) -(1) only employees with sufficient knowledge can achieve the high objectives Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti of the organisation, and (2) only employees with knowledge can defend organisations against aggressive market strategies. As a result, organisations have to develop different strategies in the area of human resources. The research by Úbeda-García et al. (2013) has shown that professional training policies depend on the strategic guidelines of an organisation. The guidelines for professional training also depend on the development stage of an organisation - during the organisation's growth, training is appropriate with a clear motivation plan for promoting the organisation, during maintenance, i.e. the survival of the organisation, training is appropriate in terms of improving the quality of work, processes and procedures, while in stage of decline of organisations, training loses its importance (Buller & McEvoy, 2012; Ferraz & Gallardo-Vazquez, 2016). Therefore, professional training is an organisation's long-term investment, but only if the system for identifying training needs and training is implemented at a sufficiently high level of quality (Wieland Handy, 2008; Gomezelj Omerzel, 2010). Dermol (2010, p. 50) includes the following dimensions in terms of quality of professional training: 'Systematic implementation of training processes, recognition and consideration of learning needs; setting clear learning objectives; use of teaching methods that suit the objectives and learning content; relevance of training content and evaluation of training'. In development and implementation of strategies in human resources, management has the decisive role in the organisation (Blewitt, 2014; Dodds, Laguna-Celis, & Thompson, 2014) - the success of professional training programs depends on the support of management (research by Devos et al. 2007; Wieland Handy, 2008; Moretti & Markic, 2015), on the support from co-workers (see research by Holton, Hsin-Chih, & Naquin, 2003; Wieland Handy, Moretti & Markic 2015) and on the incentives to transfer knowledge into practice (i.e. increase in personal income and other rewards) that all encourage employees to implement new knowledge in practice (see research by Holtonet al., 2003; Wieland Handy, 2008; Moretti & Markic 2015). Due to specific characteristics of services, including professional training services, the quality of the implementation of professional training is difficult to evaluate - service users define quality from another perspective than the service providers - the quality of services and the quality of the implementation of professional training can be measured from the perspective of the users/participants and from the perspective of service providers/lecturers (Podbreznik & Bojnec, 2013). In the 1980's, Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry (1985, pp. 41-50) developed a gap model of the perceived service quality, where the quality of the service was defined as 'the difference between the expectations of the customer and the perceived service quality' (Podbreznik & Bojnec, 2013, p. 3). The basis for measuring the perceived service quality is the SERVQUAL measurement instrument, where service quality is measured in five dimensions: (1) tangibles (physical components of the service), (2) reliability, (3) responsiveness, (4) assurance, and (5) attentiveness (Parasuraman et. al, 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute 1985; 1988). The SERVQUAL measurement instrument consists of two parts (expectations and perceived quality), each consisting of 22 statements to clarify these five dimensions of service quality. The service quality assessment is issued as follows (Parasuraman et al., 1985; 1988): • In the event the difference between the perceived quality of services and the expectations is positive, it means that the quality of the services has been implemented above expectations; • In the event that there is no difference between the perceived quality of services and the expectations, it means that the quality of the services has not fulfilled the expectations; • In the event that the difference between the perceived quality of services and the expectations is negative, it means that the quality of the services is below expectations; Ladhari (2009) carried out an overview about the use of the SERVQUAL measurement instrument - based on a number of studies that had been carried out before and found this to be the best tool for measuring the perceived quality of services. The quality of services was also measured by a number of researchers after 2009 with the SERVQUAL measurement instrument (researches by Udo, Bagchi, & Kirs, 2011; Lee & Kim, 2012; Podbreznik & Bojnec, 2013; Yousapronpaiboon, 2014; Pradela, 2015; Liu et al. 2015; Lampic, 2016; Hamari, Hanner, & Koivisto, 2017, etc.). It has been determined that the quality, including the quality of the implementation of professional training, is linked with the satisfaction of the participants (Schermerhorn, 2013; Dermol, 2010) - if the quality of services meets the expectations or even exceeds expectations, the users of these services are satisfied. Oliver (2010, p. 8) also believes that user satisfaction is 'the customer's response to fulfilment or non-fulfilment. It is the customer's judgement on whether a service feature or the service itself has provided (or attained) the desired level of fulfilment or not'. In analysing professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute, we focused on the quality assessment of the participants of these trainings. The participants assessed the following dimensions of quality of professional training in business digitalisation: • Tangibles (appearance and expertise of the lecturer, suitability of the equipment, facility and inventory); • Reliability (implementation of training within the promised deadline, appropriate materials, appropriate technical equipment and reliability of the lecturer); • Responsiveness (implementation accordingto schedule, responsiveness of the lecturer); • Assurance (courtesy and assurance of the lecturer, assurance of the training provider); Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti • Attentiveness (suitability of the training schedule, the lecturer's attentiveness towards the participants). Namely, participants responded twice to each statement for a particular dimension: (1) the first part measured their expectations, i.e. the importance of this training; (2) the second part measured the perceptions of participants of this training. 3 Research The purpose of the research is a quality analysis of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute. In order to achieve the purpose, two hypotheses were set, namely: H1: The expected quality of training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute is statistically significantly different from the actual perceived quality, H2: There is a statistically significant correlation between the assessment of the satisfaction of participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute and the overall factors of the perceived quality of this training, 3.1 Methodology The empirical part was based on quantitative research methodology. Data and information were obtained using the SERVQUAL questionnaire (Parasuraman et al., 1988). The questionnaire was composed of three parts, namely: • First part: general demographic data of respondents; • Second part: statements for determining the expectations of participants in professional training in the area of business digitalisation; • Third part: statements for determining the perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation and overall assessment of the satisfaction of the training. The respondents expressed their level of agreement (the second and third part of the questionnaire) with the five-level Likert scale, except for the issue related to the overall assessment of the importance of individual dimensions of the professional training quality in digitalisation of business, where respondents distributed 100 points among those dimensions. The questionnaire was tested before the survey was conducted with the help of seven people from the sample. Consent for the implementation of the research was obtained from the management of the selected public institute. Surveying was done by e-mail and the access to the questionnaire was sent to all participants of professional training through the Personnel Development and Business Process Management Department of the selected public institute. 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach a = 0.950. The following data analysis methods were used for data analysis: basic statistical analysis (mean - M; standard deviation - SD; frequencies - f; frequency percentage - f%), paired sample t-test; factor analysis (the principal axis factoring method was used and vertical rotation of Varimax factors) and regression analysis (Stepwise method). 3.2 Target Research Group Participants involved in professional training in business digitalisation in 2015 were included in the research. At the selected public institute 16 training courses were carried out in business digitalisation in 2015 (presentations and workshops directly related to the management of the paperless paperwork process, lectures on the protection of personal data with emphasis on working with the customer), where 584 employees attended trainings. We received 131 fully completed questionnaires (22.4% response rate). 108 questionnaires (82.4%) were completed by women, whereas 23 questionnaires (17.6%) by men. The minimum age of a respondent was 23 years and maximum 59 years. Most of the respondents (87.8%) work in individual regional units of the selected public institute and are professional workers who handle administrative matters (72.5% of respondents), have over 25 to 35 years of work experience (35.1% of respondents), have been employed at the selected public institute for 5 to 15 years (43.5% of respondents) and have completed higher education/university education (55.7% of respondents). Other data are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Demographic data of respondents Characteristics Descriptor f f% Gender Woman 108 82.4 Man 23 17.6 Minimum age 23 Age Maximum age 59 Average age 43.78 Head office 4 3.1 Organisational unit Division 6 4.6 Regional unit 115 87.8 Department 6 4.6 Head of organisation unit (director, head of service, head of department) 20 15.3 Job Professional worker handling administrative work 95 72.5 Office worker (scanner, registrar, documentation preparer) 16 12.2 Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Characteristics Descriptor f f% up to 5 years 4 3.1 from 5 to 15 years 40 30.5 Work experience from 15 to 25 years 39 29.8 from 25 to 35 years 46 35.1 over 35 years 2 1.5 up to 5 years 7 5.3 from 5 to 15 years 57 43.5 Period of employment from 15 to 25 years 36 27.5 from 25 to 35 years 28 21.4 over 35 years 3 2.3 Secondary education 19 14.5 Education Short-cycle higher education 25 19.1 Higher professional/university education 73 55.7 Specialist/Master's 10 7.6 Total 131 100.0 3.3 Basic Statistical Analyses 3.3.1 Assessment of the Expectations of the Participants of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation Respondents answered to statements on expectations of professional training in business digitalisation using the five-level Likert scale (1- not at all important; 5 - very important), In terms of quality dimension 'tangibles', the respondents on average evaluated as most important modern technical equipment (M = 4,36; SD = 0,68) and as least important the appearance of the lecturer (M = 3,90; SD = 0,80,) - Table 2, Table 2. Assessment of expectations of the training participants - tangibles Variables M SD The provider needs to have modern technical equipment (mobile screen, white board, computer, etc.) 4.36 0.68 The provider needs to be professional-social (objective, formal) 4.29 0.67 The provider needs to have well-kept facilities and well-maintained inventory (desks, chairs, room lighting, etc.) 4.18 0.78 The appearance of the provider needs to be appropriate 3.90 0.80 In terms of quality dimension 'reliability', the respondents estimated as most important that the lecturer is able to convey the subject matter without 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute mistakes (M = 4.41; SD = 0.58) and as least important that the lecturer needs to conduct the training within the promised deadlines (M = 4.12; SD = 0.65) -Table 3. Table 3. Assessment of expectations of the training participants - reliability Spremenljivke M SD The lecturer needs to teach the subject matter without mistakes. 4.41 0.58 The facilities, where the training is taking place, need to prepared according to the agreement. 4.37 0.68 Material must be well-prepared and contain all the components of the training without grammatical mistakes. 4.36 0.59 Technical equipment needs to operate without errors. 4.31 0.57 Provider needs to carry out the training within the promised deadlines. 4.12 0.65 In terms of quality dimension 'responsiveness', the respondents on average assessed as most important that the lecturer needs to address any problems/ issues arising during the course of training as quickly as possible (M = 4.36; SD = 0.62), and as least important to issuing a time schedule of the lectures ahead of training and rigorously following it during training (schedule) (M = 4.10; SD = 0.67) - Table 4. Table 4. Assessment of expectations of the training participants - responsiveness Variables M SD The lecturer needs to address any problems/issues arising during the course of training as quickly as possible. 4.36 0.62 The lecturer needs to pay attention to the requests of the participants and try to find the right solution. 4.36 0.62 The lecturer needs to answer any questions from the participants quickly and completely. 4.26 0.60 The lecturer needs to issue a time schedule for the lectures ahead of training and thoroughly follow it during training (schedule). 4.10 0.67 In terms of quality dimension "assurance", the respondents estimated as most important adequate level of expertise in the subject area from the lecturer (M = 4.69; SD = 0.56) and as least important kindness and helpfulness of the lecturer (M = 4.09; SD = 0.67) - Table 5. Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Table 5. Assessment of expectations of the training participants - assurance Variables M SD Lecturer needs to have an adequate level of expertise in the subject area. 4.69 0.56 The lecturer's conduct needs to invoke assurance. 4.28 0.69 The training provider needs to invoke assurance. 4.26 0.65 The lecturer needs to be polite towards the training participants. 4.20 0.60 The lecturer needs to be friendly and helpful. 4.09 0.67 In terms of quality dimension 'attentiveness', the respondents on average estimated as most important that the lecturer is attentive and understands the needs and desires of the participants (M = 4.28) and as least important actions of the lecturer for the benefit of the participants (M = 4.13) - Table 6. Table 6. Assessment of expectations of the training participants - attentiveness Variables M SD The lecturer needs to be attentive and understand the needs and desires of the training participants. 4.28 0.59 The lecturers needs to make time for each training participant. 4.24 0.63 Training schedule needs to be appropriate. 4.16 0.61 The lecturer needs to act for the benefit of the participants at all times. 4.13 0.73 3.3.2 The Significance of Individual Dimensions of Training Quality in Business Digitalisation The significance of individual dimensions of the quality of training in business digitalisation, such as: tangibles (appearance of the facility, modern technical equipment, appearance of the lecturer, well-prepared material), reliability (reliable, accurate training within the agreed deadline), responsiveness (willingness to address potential problems, quick response of the lecturer to the requests of the training participants in the area in question), assurance (knowledge and courtesy of the lecturers who emulate confidence) and attentiveness (kindness, care and attention to each training participant) were assessed in a way that the participants distributed 100 points among the individual dimensions. As most important the respondents rated the dimension 'responsiveness' (M = 28.67/100) and as least important 'attentiveness' (M = 15.22/100) - Table 7. It was determined that the training participants in business digitalisation at the selected public institute chose as most important the willingness of the lecturer to address potential problems, as well as to quickly respond to requests from the training participants in the area in question. 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute Table 7. Ocena pomembnosti petih dimenzij kakovosti usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja Min Max M Responsiveness (willingness to address potential problems, rapid response of the lecturer to requests from training participants in the area in question) 1 90 28.67 Assurance (knowledge and courtesy of the lecturers emulating assurance) 0 80 20.98 Reliability (reliably and accurately providing the training service within the agreed deadline) 2 90 20.82 Tangibles (appearance of the facility, modern technical equipment, appearance of the lecturer, well-prepared material) 0 95 15.31 Attentiveness (kindness, care and attentiveness to each training participant) 0 80 15.22 3.3.3 Assessment of Perceived Quality of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at the Selected Public Institute The respondents expressed their level of agreement with statements in terms of perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute using the Likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), On average, the respondents strongly supported the assertion that the lecturer was well-groomed (M = 4.07; SD = 0.69), and least agreed with the statement that the facilities were well-kept and inventory properly maintained (M = 3.81; SD = 0.86) - Table 8 (perceived quality dimension of training 'tangibles'), Table 8. Assessment of perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute - tangibles Variables M SD Lecturer was well-groomed. 4.07 0.69 Lecturer was professional-social (objective, formal). 3.98 0.77 Lecturer used modern technical equipment (mobile screen, white board, computer, etc.). 3.83 0.86 Well-kept facilities and properly maintained inventory (i.e. desks, chairs, room lighting). 3.81 0.86 On average, the respondents strongly supported the assertion that the lecturer conducted the training within deadlines (M = 3.85; SD = 0.71), and least agreed with the statement that the technical equipment operated without errors (M = 3.43; SD = 0.98) - Table 9 (perceived quality dimension of training 'reliability'). Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Table 9. Assessment of perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute - reliability Variables M SD The provider carried out the training within the promised deadlines. 3.85 0.71 The facilities where the training was taking place were prepared according to the agreement. 3.85 0.75 The lecturer presented the subject matter without mistakes.. 3.70 0.74 Materials were well-prepared and contained all the components of the training without grammatical mistakes. 3.67 0.83 Technical equipment operated without errors. 3.43 0.98 On average, the respondents strongly agreed with the statement that the lecturer provided the training schedule prior to the training and consistently complied with it (M = 3.85; SD = 0.68), and least agreed with the statement that the lecturer addressed problems/issues arising during training as quickly as possible (M = 3.79; SD = 0.69) - Table 10 (perceived quality dimension of training 'responsiveness'). Table 10. Assessment of perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute - responsiveness Variables M SD The lecturer provided the time schedule of the lectures ahead of training and observed it during training (schedule). 3.85 0.68 The lecturer paid attention to the requests of the participants and tried to find the right solution.. 3.82 0.67 The lecturer answered all questions from the participants quickly and completely. 3.81 0.70 The lecturer addressed problems/issued arising during training as quickly as possible. 3.79 0.69 On average, the respondents strongly supported the statement that the lecturer was polite to every training participant (M = 4.05; SD = 0.61), and least agreed with the statement that the lecturer's behaviour invoked assurance (M = 3.85; SD = 0.68) - Table 11 (dimension of perceived quality of training 'assurance'). On average, the respondents strongly agreed with the statement that the lecturer always acted in the best interest of the participant (M = 3.85; SD = 0.71), and least agreed with the statement that the lecturer took time for each training participant (M = 3.69; SD = 0.83) - Table 12 (perceived quality dimension of training 'attentiveness'). 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute Table 11. Ocena zaznane kakovosti strokovnih usposabljanj na področju digitalizacije poslovanja v izbranem javnem zavodu - zaupanje Variables M SD The lecturer was polite towards each participant. 4.05 0.61 Lecturer had adequate level of expertise in the area in question. 3.99 0.63 The lecturer was friendly and helpful. 3.97 0.67 The training provider invoked assurance. 3.86 0.69 The lecturer's conduct invoked assurance. 3.85 0.68 Table 12. Assessment of perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute - attentiveness Variables M SD The lecturer at all times acted in the best interest of the participants. 3.85 0.71 Training schedule was appropriate. 3.84 0.68 The lecturer was attentive and understood the needs and desires of the training participants. 3.77 0.72 The lecturer made time for each training participant. 3.69 0.83 3.3.4 Overall Assessment of Satisfaction of Professional Training at the Selected Public Institute The respondents gave an overall assessment of the satisfaction of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute (satisfaction assessment according to the Likert scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied)). It was determined that on average the respondents were satisfied with professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute (M = 3.60; SD = 0.78). Most of the respondents have previously attended training in business digitalisation in the public institute in the area of document management (DM) (77.9% of respondents) and in the area of Administrative Dispute Act (74.8% of respondents) - Figure 1. Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Figure 1. Participation in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute in 2015 Most respondents (57.3%) were very satisfied with trainings in the area of document management (DM) - Figure 2. Figure 2. The area of professional trainings in business digitalisation where respondents were most satisfied Most respondents (57.3%) were least satisfied with training in the area of Administrative Dispute Act - Figure 3. 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute Figure 3. The area of professional trainings in business digitalisation where respondents were least satisfied Izobraževanje izven zavoda ZUP Izobraževanje - priprava in skeniranje dokumentov Izobraževanje - arhiviranje dokumentov Varovanje podatkov UDQ 1 12,2 % 1 57,3 % 1 1,5% 1 3,1 % i i i 1 7,5% 1 IS,3 % 1 1 0% 20% 40% 60% 30% 100% The most beneficial training for the respondents was training in document management (DM) - 71.8% respondents gave this answer - Figure 4. Figure 4. Benefits of individual professional training in business digitalisation Education outside the institute 1 3.1% Administrative Dispute Act 1 13.0% Education - preparing and scanning documents 1 2.3% Education - archiving documents 0.8% Data protection 1 9.2% DM 73.1% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 3.4 Factor Analysis of Perceived Quality of Training in Business Digitalisation at the Selected Public Institute Factor analysis (Bartlett test sig=0.000; KMO=0.933) was done using the principal axis factoring and vertical rotation of Varimax factors. Three perceived qualities were obtained in the area of business digitalisation at the selected public institute, which together explain 69.76% of the total variance of the perceived quality of training in business digitalisation, Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Table 13. Elements of perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute Variable *Factors FZ1 FZ2 FZ3 The lecturer was attentive and understood the needs and desires of the training participants. 0.831 The lecturer was friendly and helpful. 0.816 The training provider invoked assurance. 0.812 The lecturer at all times acted in the best interest of the participants. 0.804 The conduct of the lecturer invoked assurance. 0.785 The lecturer made time for each training participant. 0.759 The lecturer was polite towards each participant. 0.754 The lecturer answered all questions from the participants quickly and completely. 0.735 Lecturer had an adequate level of expertise of the area in question. 0.730 The lecturer paid attention to the requests of the participants and tried to find the right solution. 0.690 The lecturer addressed problems/issues arising during training as quickly as possible. 0.675 The training schedule was appropriate. 0.590 The lecturer presented the subject matter without mistakes. 0.585 Lecturer was well-groomed. 0.824 Lecturer was professional-social (objective, formal). 0.724 Lecturer used modern technical equipment (mobile screen, white board, computer, etc.). 0.719 The provider had well-organised facilities and maintained inventory (desks, chairs, room lighting, etc.). 0.718 The facilities, where the training was taking place, were prepared according to the agreement. 0.614 Material was well-prepared and contained all the components of the training without grammatical mistakes. 0.649 Technical equipment operated without errors. 0.622 The lecturer provided the time schedule of the lectures ahead of training and consistently followed it during training (schedule). 0.562 The provider carried out the training within the promised deadlines. 0.551 Percentage of explained variance 36.594 18.843 14.322 The first factor FZ1 was named according to the content "Attentiveness, assurance, responsiveness of the provider and lecturer". FZ1 factor contains 13 variables. The second factor FZ2 contains five variables and was named 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute "Tangibles". The third factor FZ3 contains four variables and was named "Reliability of the provider and lecturer" - Table 13. The factors are defined as elements of perceived quality of training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute. 3.5 Validation of Set Hypotheses 3.5.1 Hypothesis 1 The expected quality of training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute is statistically significantly different from the actual perceived quality. Hypothesis 1 was validated using the paired sample t-test. It was examined whether there were statistically significant differences between the assessment of the expectations of the participants (defining the characteristics of an ideal provider of professional training in business digitalisation) and assessment of the perceived quality of professional training in the area of business digitalisation at the selected public institute - resulting in the SERVQUAL assessment. Tables 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 show that the SERVQUAL differences in 20 pairs of variables are negative, which means that professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute do not meet the expectations. The SERVQUAL difference for the variable appearance of the provider is positive, meaning that the appearance of the provider exceeds the expectations of the participants. There are no statistically significant differences for the variable kindness and helpfulness. This means that friendliness and helpfulness of the lecturer meet the expectations of the participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute. The individual quality factors for professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute are shown below. Table 14 shows that during the assessment of the perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute and the assessment of participants' expectations for the factor 'tangibles', there are statistically significant differences for all four variables: appearance of the facilities and inventory, modern technical equipment, appearance of the provider and the objectivity and formality of the performer (sig < 0.05). Differences in the appearance of the facilities and inventory, modern technical equipment, and objectivity and formality of the provider are all negative, which means that these elements do not meet the expectations of the training participants. The appearance of the provider (SERVQUAL is positive) actually exceeds the expectations of the participants. The highest statistically significant negative difference is for technical equipment (mobile screen, white board, projector, computer, etc.) (SERVQUAL = -0,527; sig = 0,000). Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Table 14. Paired sample t-test - tangibles Variables SERVQUAL (Difference M) Sig Urejenost prostorov in inventarja (mize, stoli, osvetlitev prostora ipd) -0.374 0.000 Sodobne tehnična oprema (premično platno, belo tablo, projektor, računalnik ipd.) -0.527 0.000 Urejenost izvajalca 0.168 0.044 Objektivnost in formalnost izvajalca -0.313 0.000 Table 15 shows that during the assessment of the perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute and the assessment of participants' expectations in the factor 'reliability' there are statistically significant differences in all variables (sig < 0.05). Here, differences are negative, which means that the implementation of training, the appearance of the facilities, the operation of the technical equipment, materials and the lecturer of the provider do not meet the expectations of the participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute. The highest statistically significant negative difference is for technical equipment (mobile screen, white board, projector, computer, etc.) that did not operate without errors (SERVQUAL = -0.885; sig = 0.000). Table 15. Paired sample t-test - reliability Variables SERVQUAL (Difference M) Sig Implementation of training in business digitalisation within the promised deadline -0.275 0.001 Appearance of facilities according to the agreement -0.519 0.000 Operation of technical equipment without errors -0.885 0.000 Material preparation (materials include all the components of the training and contain no grammatical errors) -0.687 0.000 Lecture of the provider -0.710 0.000 Table 16 shows that during the assessment of the perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute and the assessment of participants' expectations for the factor 'responsiveness' there are statistically significant differences in all variables (sig < 0.05). These differences are negative, which means that the timetable of lectures, the schedule of lectures, the implementation of lectures, the promptness of addressing problems/issues arising during training, and the promptness of finding suitable solutions do not meet the expectations of participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute. The highest statistically significant negative difference is for promptness in addressing problems/issues arising during the training (rating SERVQUAL = -0.573; sig = 0.000). 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute Table 16. Paired sample t-test - responsiveness Variables SERVQUAL (Difference M) sig Schedule and timetable of lectures -0.244 0.002 Implementation of lectures -0.450 0.000 Promptness in addressing problems/issues arising during training -0.573 0.000 Trying to find the appropriate solution as quickly as possible -0.542 0.000 Table 17 shows that during the assessment of the perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute and the assessment of participants' expectations in factor 'assurance' there are statistically significant differences for all variables (sig < 0.05). Differences are negative in value, which means that the assurance in the provider, conduct of the provider, knowledge and courtesy of the lecturer do not meet the expectations of the participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute. The highest statistically significant negative difference is for the lecturer's expertise in the subject area (SERVQUAL = 0.695; sig = 0.000). There are no statistically significant differences for the variable 'friendliness and helpfulness of the lecturer', meaning that friendliness and helpfulness of the lecturer meet the expectations of the participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute. Table 17. Paired sample t-test - assurance Variables SERVQUAL (Difference M) sig Assurance in the provider -0.397 0.000 Conduct of the provider invokes assurance -0.427 0.000 Kindness and helpfulness of the lecturer -0.122 0.106 Level of expertise of the lecturer of the subject area -0.695 0.000 Courtesy of the lecturer -0.153 0.019 Statistically significant differences between the assessment of perceived quality of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute and the assessment of participants' expectations in the factor 'responsiveness' are present for all variables (sig < 0.05). The differences are negative, which means that the relevance of the training schedule, the lecturer's attentiveness, understanding of the needs and desires of the participants in the training, and the lecturer acting in the best interest of the participants do not meet the expectations of the participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute. The highest statistically significant negative difference is for the attentiveness of the lecturer (SERVQUAL = -0.542; sig = 0,000) - Table 18. Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti Table 18. Paired sample t-test - attentiveness Variables SERVQUAL (Razlika M) sig Adequacy of the training schedule -0.321 0.000 Attentiveness of the lecturer -0.542 0.000 Understanding the needs and desires of the training participants -0.511 0.000 Lecturer acting in the best interest of the training participants -0.282 0.000 Hypothesis 1 finding: Hypothesis 1 assumed that the expected quality of training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute is statistically significantly different from the actual perceived quality. Hypothesis 1 was tested using the paired sample t-test. It was determined that values differ in twenty-one out of twenty-two variables, therefore hypothesis 1 was accepted, 3.5.2 Hypothesis 2 There is a statistically significant correlation between the assessment of the satisfaction of participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute and the overall factors of perceived quality of these training. Hypothesis 2 was verified by regression analysis (the Stepwise method was used). The dependent variable was an overall assessment of the satisfaction of participants in the training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute, while independent variables included individual elements of the perceived quality of training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute, which were obtained through factor analysis of the perceived quality of these training courses, It was established (Table 19) that only one element of the perceived quality of training in business digitalisations at the selected public institute influenced the assessment of the satisfaction of participants in training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute, namely 'Reliability of the provider and lecturer'" (FZ3; fin = 0.490), which has a moderately strong positive influence. Table 19. Evaluation of regression coefficients Model Non-standard coefficients Standard Beta coefficient t sig Beta Standard error Constant 1.783 0.351 5.085 0.000 FZ3 Reliability of the provider and lecturer 0.490 0.093 0.420 5.253 0.000 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute The other two elements of the perceived quality of training in the area of business digitalisation at the selected public institute 'Attentiveness, assurance and responsiveness of the provider and lecturer' (FZ1) and 'Appearance of the facilities' (FZ2) are statistically insignificant - they have no influence (sig > 0.05) - Table 20. Table 20. Model of excluded variable Model Beta In t sig FZ1 Attentiveness, assurance and responsiveness of the provider and lecturer 0.162 1.388 0.168 Appearance of the facility -0.109 -0.969 0.334 The regression model explains the 17.0% variability of the assessment of the satisfaction of training participants in the area of business digitalisation at the selected public institute - Table 21. Tabela 1. Koeficient multiple korelacije in determinacijski koeficient Model (r) Correlation coefficient (R2) Coefficient of determination Corrected (R2) coefficient of determination Estimated standard error 1 0.420 0.176 0.170 0.713 Hypothesis 2 finding: Hypothesis 2 expected that there was a statistically significant correlation between the assessment of the satisfaction of participants in professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute and the overall factors of the perceived quality of these trainings. The hypothesis was verified using regression analysis. Only one element of perceived quality of training in the area of business digitalisation was found to correlate with satisfaction of participants in training in the area of business digitalisation at the selected public institute ('Reliability of the provider and lecturer' - it had a positive and moderately strong influence), while the remaining two factors of the perceived quality of training in the area of business digitalisation, i.e. hypothesis 2, could not be accepted. 4 Conclusions The purpose of the research was analysis of professional training in business digitalisation at the selected public institute. Research was conducted among the participants of professional training in business digitalisation in 2015 at the institute, therefore the results of the research cannot be generalised to all trainings at the selected public institute, either to all trainings in public institutes in Slovenia. The basis for the analysis was the measurement instrument SERVQUAL, which measured the participant's expectations Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti and their perceptions of the quality of professional training in the area of business digitalisation. The first key finding of the research is that professional training in the area of business digitalisation at the selected public institute fails to meet expectations, except in terms of the variable 'appearance of the provider' (quality dimension of training 'tangibles'), where the appearance of the provider even exceeds the expectations of the participants in these training courses, and for the variable 'friendliness and helpfulness of the lecturer', where there are no statistically significant differences - the friendliness and helpfulness of the lecturer meet the expectations of the participants in professional training in the area of business digitalisation of business at the selected public institute. Another key finding of the research is that the on average respondents were moderately satisfied with professional training in the area of business digitalisation at the selected public institute. In the area of business digitalisation, the majority of respondents attended training courses in the area of document management (DM) and the Administrative Dispute Act. More than half of the respondents were most satisfied with the training in the area of document management, where they were able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice (at the workplace). A little over half of the respondents were least satisfied with the training in the area of the Administrative Dispute Act. The perceived quality of professional training in the area of business digitalisation at the selected public institute in Slovenia can be explained with the following factors: (1) attentiveness, assurance, responsiveness of the performer and lecturer, (2) appearance of the facility, and (3) the reliability of the provider and the lecturer. The third key finding of the research is that only the factor 'the reliability of the provider and the lecturer' of the perceived quality of professional training had a positive and moderately strong effect on the assessment of the satisfaction of the participants in these training courses. The factors 'appearance of the facility' and 'attentiveness, assurance, responsiveness of the provider and lecturer' had no impact on the satisfaction of the participants in these training courses. Up until now there has been no research analysing the quality of professional training in the area of business digitalisation. This is our contribution to the development of theory and expertise. The results of the analysis will be of practical assistance for managers of human resources and the management at the selected public institute and other organisations, as well as for researchers, who can carry out additional research on the basis of findings of this research and additional selected data. Below are some suggestions for further research: 100 International Public Administration Review, Vol. 15, No. 2/2017 Analysis of Professional Training in Business Digitalisation at a Selected Public Institute • the SERVQUAL method does not allow the identification of causal factors that affect the currently perceived quality of training, and it would be good to explore these factors in the future, • conducting research also for other trainings at the selected public institute and comparing the results with each other, • conducting research with another measurement tool, • in the future expanding the research and exploring the impacts of training quality to other segments at the selected public institute, i.e. to investigate to what extent the quality of training affects work performance at this public institute. Dobrusa Lipovz graduated from the Faculty of Organisational Sciences. She participates in data exchange projects between state institutes, is developing and introducing a system for document management in relation with other systems, supported by the statistical models at the Pensions and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia. She has also been involved in the development of record keeping for different support activities (personnel, financial, legal). In connection with an external institute she has established the electronic acceptance of forms from the register of births, marriages and deaths of insured persons at the level of the Republic of Slovenia, which are the basis for the establishment of electronic records for providing rights from the pension and disability insurance. Melita Moretti, PhD, obtained her PhD in organisational sciences in the area of sustainable use of energy resources at the University of Primorska. Her research, development and professional work focuses on management, knowledge management, marketing and sales. She participates in international scientific conferences, she is the author and/or co-author of professional and scientific articles, co-author of a scientific monograph, author of independent work of a scientific monograph and a member of various project groups related to economy and public administration. Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, letnik 15, št. 2/2017 121 Dobruša Lipovž, Melita Moretti References Aguinis, H., S Clavas, A. (2G12). What we know and don't know about corporate social responsibility: a review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 38(4), 932-968. 1G.1177/G1492G6311436G79 Anderle, J. (2G12). Inovativni pristop pri zagotavljanju varnosti informacijskih sistemov (magistrsko delo). Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za management. Blewitt, J. (2G14). Understanding sustainable development. London: Routledge. Buller, P., S McEvoy, C. (2G12). Strategy, human resource management and performance: sharpening line of sight. 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