Naslov—Adch-esi nova doba 6233 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio (Tel. HEnderson 38Sf) Kaša J. S. K. Jednota je samo bratska podporna organizacija brez vsakih dru-*ih primesi, in kot taka uspeva. Ohranimo jo tako! (NEW ERA) URADNO GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE — OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION M Second Clase Matter April 15th, 1926, at The Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio Under the Act of March 3rd, 1870. — Accepted for Mailing at Special Rate of Postage, Provided for in Section 1103, Act of October Ird, 1117, Author!*«*'. March 16th, 1135 ST. 6. CLEVELAND, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 — SREDA, 7. FEBRUARJA, 1940 VOL. XVI. — LETNIK XVI. j tenpin and the duek-pin. When we sponsor these tournaments j and the ones who attend them find that our Union is showing progress in sports. The membership is growing, and with the aid of sports it shall continue to increase. In conclusion, I want to thank the Supreme Officers for | their splendid cooperation received from them in the past six months, and may this meeting bring good results for the benefit of the membership who belong to the SSCU. May we continue the good work for this coming year so that our Union will grow even larger. " j Fraternally yours, Paul J. Oblock, Second Supreme Vice President ' Report of Second Supreme Vice President accepted. POROČILO GLAVNEGA TAJNIKA JSKJ Glavnemu odboru JSKJ: V prilogi je moje poročilo o dohodkih in izdatkih obeh od- I delkov Jednote od 1. julija 1939 do 31. decembra 1939 ter o finančnem stanju Jednote z dnem 31. decembra 1939. Poročilo ! je bilo predloženo v pregled nadzornemu odseku glavnega odbora, ki bo glede pravilnosti istega podal svoje lastno poročilo, j Premoženje odraslega oddelka je z dnem 31. decembra 1938 znašalo $2,315,781.82, dne 31. decembra 1939 pa j $2,527,712.44. Napredek $211,930.62. Premoženje mladinskega oddelka je dne 31. decembra 1938 znašalo $156,972.09. dne 31. decembra 1939 pa $173,024.37. Napredek $16,052.28. Premoženje obeh oddelkov je dne 31. decembra 1938 znašalo $2,472,753.91, z dnem 31. decembra 1939 pa znaša $2,700,736.81. Napredek v obeh oddelkih $227,982.90. Bolniški in odškodninski sklad je dne 31. decembra 1938 znašal $29,640.01, dn6 31. decembra 1939 pa ^39,299.56. Napredek $9,659.55. Onemoglostni sklad je z dnem 31. decembra 1938 znašal $21,137.69, dne 31. decembra 1939 pa $20,867.31. Nazadovali za $270.38. Športni sklad je z dnem 31. decembra 1938 znašal $5,367.96, dne 31. decembra 1939 pa $6,249.47. Napredek $881.51. Stroškovni sklad je z dnem 31. decembra 1938 znašal $19,- i 902.49, dne 31. decembra 1939 pa $29,432.94. Napredek $9,530.45. j Tekom leta 1939 je bilo ustanovljeno eno novo društvo, an- | gleško poslujoče društvo “Sentinels” št. 236, v Strabane, Pa. V j isti dobi so prenehala poslovati štiri društva; št. 104 se je združila ji št. 70, St. 195 je pristopila k št. 44, št. 161-pristopila k j št. 149 in št. 119 se je združila s št. 81. Z dnem 31. decembra je j Jednota štela 186 društev. V odrasli oddelek Jednote je tekom leta 1939 pristopilo j 1051 članov, v mladinskega pa 1897, skupaj 2948 članov in članic, j Dne 31. decembra 1938 je štela Jednota v odraslem oddelku 14312 članov ,v mladinskem pa 8141. skupaj 22453 članov in članic. Dne 31. decembra 1939 je Jednota štela v odraslem oddelku 14878 članov, v mladinskem pa 8927, skupaj 23805 članov in članic. Na podaljšani zavarovalnini (extended insurance) se je dne 31. decembra 1938 nahajalo 277 članov, 31. decembra 1939 pa 283. V odraslem oddelku je tekom leta 1938 umrlo 140 članov, v mladinskem pa 13. Tekom leta 1939 je v odraslem oddelku umrlo 162 članov, v mladinskem pa 5. V drugi polovici leta 1939 nismo imeli v mladinskem oddelku nobenega smrtnega slučaja. Stroški tretje mladinske konvencije, ki se je vršila meseca avgusta 1939 so znašali $3,095.20, stroški druge atletične konference, ki se je obdržavala istotako v avgustu 1939, so pa znašali $2,015.93. Tekom leta 1939 se je tudi izvršil redni pregled naših knjig in računov ter splošnega poslovanja naše Jednote, in sicer od zastopnika zavarovalninskega oddelka države Minnesote in od zastopnika zavarovalninskega oddelka države Ohio. Poročilo o rezultatu tozadevne revizije je bilo priobčeno v Novi Dobi dne 17. januarja 1940. Stroški pregleda, ki jih ima v smislu določb zakona plačati Jednota, so znašali $1,229.20. Kot član in tajnik finančnega odseka sem vodil svoj urad v smislu pravil in navodil glavnega odbora in po svojem najbolj- : šem prepričanju. Isto so storili tudi ostali člani tega odseka. j Prihodnjega septembra se bo vršila 16. redna konvencija naše Jednote. Predložil bom članstvu v razpravo gotove popravke in dodatke k obstoječim pravilom, ki so iz izkušenj, katere i sem imel tekom zadnjih treh let, potrebni, in ki so istočasno namenjeni, da zadostijo določbam zakonov v državah, kjer Jednota posluje. Ker se bo, kot že rečeno, letos vršila 16. redna konvencija, in ker samo z denarnimi nagradami ne pridobivamo zadostnega števila novih članov, je priporočljivo, da razpišemo konvenčno člansko kampanjo, katere'namen naj bi bil, da se uspešne kon-testante poleg običajnih nagrad odlikuje s častnim delegatstvom na konvenciji. V zvezi s tem bom predložil načrt, ko pride to vprašanje na dnevni red. ' K sklepu se vsem glavnim odbornikom, kakor tudi društvenim uradnikom in uradnicam najtoplejše zahvaljujem za njih naklonjenost in prijazno sodelovanje tekom leta 1939. Z bratskim pozdravom, < Anton Zbašnik, glavni tajnik. Poročilo glavnega tajnika se sprejme. * POROČILO GLAVNEGA BLAGAJNIKA Dragi mi sobrat je glavni odborniki: Sobrat Zbašnik, glavni tajnik, je ravnokar v podrobnostih poročal o finančnim stanju Jednote z dne 31. decembra 1939, za oba oddelka, zato ne smatram za potrebno ponavljati istih številk. S tajnikovim poročilom se docela strinjam. Sledila bodo poročila glavnih nadzornikov, glede katerih upam, da so našli vse poslovanje v redu. Iz poročila je razvidno, / „ ZAPISNIK gg *jGA ZBOROVANJA GLAVNEGA ODBORA JSKJ, KI JE VRŠILO V ELYU, MINNESOTA, OD 29. DO •?/. JANUARJA mo. Prva seja I rovan'laVni Predsednik Paul Bartel otvori prvo sejo letnega zbo-nein Ja v Ponedeljek 29. januarja ob 9. uri zjutraj. Po običaj-I *)°niik0ZdraVU *n dobrodošlici na naslov navzočih glavnih od-toSrrlzrazi žeijo, la naj bi bili zaključki tega zborovanja v Kat U^ec^ ^• S. K. Jednote. *Wr<° Se k0Jištatira, da so navzoči sledeči glavni odborniki: t p0(ipr ^avn* predsednik; Paul J. Oblock, drugi glavni Jr., Sev^^: Anton Zbašnik, glavni tajnik; Frank Tomsich, ^rbovm°Žni tajnik; Louis Champa, gl. blagajnik; Anton J. »ik g] °’ Ure^nik-u p ravnik Nove Dobe; John Kumse, predsednik; p^la(lz°rnega odbora; Janko N. Rogelj, prvi gl. nadzorni ^ran'char> drugi gl. nadzornik; Matt Anzelc, j nadzornik; Andrew Milavec, Jr., četrti gl. nadzornik. ^0ročaeCfa Se P*smo vrhovnega zdravnika dr. F. J. Archa, ki ‘ega zborol !e zaradi prevelike zaposlenosti ne more udeležiti Za °\anja- Opravičilo se vzame na znanje. ®ik AnjZa^snikarja tega zborovanja je soglasno določen ured- 1 *k°dtli^n Terbovec. Za zapisnikarsko delo se mu določi od- j gas ' lsti višini kot na prejšnjih zborovanjih. ^ ter ort nja se določi od 9. ure dopoldne do 12. ure opol- | ^ato ^ ®est'’n popoldne, ka i.- Se Prečita zapisnik zadnjega zborovanja glavnega od- WdUj!T-me kot čita”- nanje poročil glavnih odbornikov. ••X Ce • POROčilo GLAVNEGA PREDSEDNIKA ■ V gJ6-n* ^avni odborniki: | Vsak 1S U ^rav^ *ma glavni predsednik dolžnost se udele-tei-C ]'}°!^e^ne reviziJe knjig, obenem tudi sej glavnega od- | tuna Pismeno poročilo njegovega delovanja za zadnjih p LSecev. H»nje Vam moram, da se mi je bilo nemogoče udeležiti j a^V|lek,'i'T'X',e 'ac^ m°JeRa dehi, in sem v tem smislu obvestil , jSa pry.ajnika ter mu naročil, naj me v moji odsotnosti za-,ie ' ^avni podpredsednik. Sobrat tajnik mi je sporočil, i I t r \}j .Mantel,j?ryi glavni podpredsednik, na bolniški . OravliL ? tudi 0,1 r.e bo navzoč pri reviziji, radi tega sem " * n T ^leZ vsa^e rezervacije podpisati knjige, katere so : v M0jr°rniki Pregledali zadnji teden. itie$eCu P°ročiI° za za(injih šest mesecev bo to pot kratko. ! [*°te v 2 SePtembru tega leta se bo vršila konvencija naše Jed- ; ^ dom &ni naselt>ini Waukeganu, Illinois, kjer je tako rekoč ! ^ Poro-jjradi tega bom skušal Vam podati ob tej priliki obšir- 1 0‘ ' m°-iega delovanja za našo organizacijo za zadnjih ’ ^ Pr t ’ °^^ar sem v uradu naše Jednote. | *Viji 6klih mesecih, to je po mladinski ter atletični ( ‘H po^1: kateri sta se vršili s tako velikim uspehom, nismo \ i^Jflav3 dogodkov. Vršil sem svojo uradno dolžnost na-‘ /Jf° dno\neiTlU uradn» odgovarjal sem točno na pisma, katera j, Neiii 2 110 Prejemam od našega članstva, ter ob enem zasle- | ter zanimanjem vsakdanjo porast naše orga- " S«?.°,ktobra so i se udeležil proslave trideset-letnice '' Alo'1zi’,a> 87, v St. Louisu, Mo. Društvo posluje v ,"*i Ust,naselbini že zadnjih trideset let in, kot so mi trdili še • tydeail°Vn^ 'ter sedanji vodilni odborniki društva, jih v ( enkrat še ni obiskal naš glavni odbor- ^i]!°^eri ,šf111 °bisk0m 80 tamOšnji člani zelo zadovoljni, za- Usm ^’di sam, ker prepričan sem, da ta moja pot ni l>k0 RPeha, ker v St. Louisu je še precej polja za našo po- d’ P.°'sebno sedaj, k so dobili nekaj mladih moči na j s rustva V ^slov^ • &0Jen a 11-lem med menoj in glavnim uradom sem zado- o * ker mi je sem pa tam sobrat glavni tajnik O^iih* 4njU ln razmerah v glavnem uradu ter o njegovih izbiti v'n Uradnih opravkih za Jednoto. Glavni predsednik k01^0 0(/a^^ zadevah informiran, drugače mu je nemogoče °dča (g0vai'jati članstvu na različna vprašanja, katera se fasa stavi. W^Sa Za^'-,učujem moje poročilo, želeč tej seji složnega ter ;Hij 6n0tn ‘^delovanja od strani celokupnega odbora, le s tem J| acijj °rujmo* složno, da bomo koristili celokupni orga- ^rjrocii Paul Bartel, glavni predsednik. Hjfyj. ° Predsednika sprejeto. ^’Th°P THE SEC0ND SUPREME VICE PRESIDENT yA* a e Honorable Supreme Board of SSCU: Sembfcr of the Supreme Board 1 am submitting my e Supreme Officers of the South Slavonic Catholic ^ ^Uprfe st six months I earnestly tried to fulfill my duties *e Officer of the SSCU. I answered all of my various °tiest S an^ Otters from the Supreme Office with my best y 0$nion and for the best of our Union. A C ar htis passed and may we not forget the A CSS th t took place during last year; many good things \rr^fm °ut to be of benefit for our Union. We had a very a°d I am sure that our Union is way ahead in ‘Ofy tba‘i in the past years; now that the year 1940 has i around let us all try together and do even more . Vo done in securing new members for our splendid I-,. Ik e hr ■ Ve Played an impressive part in our Organization. Viat1)1118 that the supreme board committee on athletics es enough money for the two bowling tournaments, the s' da je jednotino premoženje v drugi polovici leta 1939 spet po-; j vol jno,napredovalo. Večina društev pošilja mesečne asesmente pravočasno, kakor je predpisano v pravilih, in navadno pravilno označijo v ka-■ ke svrhe je pošiljali denar, zakar sem društvenim uradnikom in : .uradnicam hvaležen. Ako so društveni asesmenti pravočasno po-. slani v glavni urad in vse listine pravilno izpolnjene, gre poslo-! vanje toliko bolj hitro naprej. Moje poslovanje z glavnim uradom je vsestransko zado-jvoljivo. Vselej, kadar pridem po jednotinih opravkih v glavni urad, sem točno postrežen. Delo in odgovornost mojega urada, -in ravno tako vaših, se od dneva do dneva zvišuje, zato ker Jed-nota lepo napreduje v članstvu in financi; ampak vsak dober : uradnik z veseljem opravlja svoje delo, ako vidi tako lep napredek pri Jednoti. Poslovanje in dolžnost mojega urada sem vedno skušal opravljati točno in pravilno, kar mi je bilo mogoče, hvaležen i sem pa tudi vam vsem, za vaše tako prijazno sodelovanje. Ker : se bo letos vršila konvencija, upam, da bo to zborovanje glav-: nega odbora storilo nadaljne uspešne korake za še večji napredek Jugoslovanske Katoliške Jednote. S spoštovanjem predloženo, Louis Champa, glavni blagajnik. Poročilo gl. blagajnika se sprejme. REPORT OF SUPREME MEDICAL EXAMINER j The Supreme Board, ! South Slavonic Catholic Union, Ely, Minn. | Sirs and Brothers :— As I have written to our Supreme Secretary, it was impossible for me to be at this meeting due to the amount of professional work at hand. However I am submitting my semi-annual report hoping that I will be excused for not being present at this meeting. This report as usual will cover the work of my office for I the last six months of 1939. As has been the custom of this of- ; ! fice for years past all claims, applications and other papers were | acted upon as promptly as possible and the facts presented were j acted upon in accordance with the by-laws now in force in our 1 i Union. The number of new applications or applications for increase ! i in insurance considered was three hundred seven (307). The I number of claims for maternity benefits was ninety live (95) or; 'twenty three (23) less than for the same period one year ago.] i The number of claims for operation and indemnity benefits pre- j 1 sented was one hundred thirty nine (139) or four more than the | I same period of 1939. The number of claims for sick benefits and benefits from the disability fund considered was two thousand forty-four (2044) or five less than one year previous. This shows that there has not been much change in the amount of benefits j paid in 1939 when compared with the same period of 1938. This also shows that the general health of the membership is still j good when we consider that the general age may be higher. This ! also should indicate that there was again a substantial increase! in the balances of both the sick and indemnity fund and the din- j ability fund during the last six months of 1939. Locally I attended the meetings of the Federation of lodges J of our Union in Western Pennsylvania. Although not the official! delegate to the annual meetings of the Pennsylvania Fraternal Congress, I attended the session since it was held in Pittsburgh There I received some valuable information of which the Supreme Secretary was informed and upon which he took immediate action. I am sure Mr. Anton Zbasnik will give you full details on this matter. During the past six months the correspondence with the Supreme Judiciary Committee was practically . negligible, indicating peace and harmony among the membership and also indicating the practicability of our present by-laws. In conclusion I wish to thank the Supreme Board, the Supreme Judiciary Committee as well as all the local lodge officers for their splendid cooperation and good will. It is my sincere wish that this meeting again continue in the constructive progress of our South Slavonic Catholic Union. Fraternally submitted, F. J. Arch, Supreme Medical Examiner, i Report of Supreme Medical Examiner accepted. * POROČILO UREDNIKA-UPRAVNIFA NOVE DOBE Glavnemu odboru JSKJ :— Kampanja preteklega leta s sledečo mladinsko konvencijo i in atletično konferenco je prinesla znatno razgibanost med naše j članstvo v splošnem. To se je izražalo tudi v drugi polovici leta ! 1939 v živahnejšem dopisovanju, kar znači, da se članstvo bolj j in bolj zanima za svojo organizacijo. Glavni odborniki ste lahko opazili, da je bilo treba Novo Dobo izdajati na osmih straneh bolj pogosto kot običajno. Posebno naši mlajši člani odraslega in seveda tudi mladinskega oddelka so bili nenavadno aktivni v dopisovanju. Določeni dve strani Nove Dobe za angleško čtivo sta bili dostikrat premajhni. To je gotovo zelo razveseljiv pojav, ker kaže zanimanje mladine za našo in njeno organizacijo. Vsi vemo, da je bodoči napredek Jednote odvisen v glavnem od mladine. Ako bomo znali mladino pridobiti in jo v organizaciji obdržati, bomo napredovali. V splošnem je treba priznati, da člani pri svojih dopisih upoštevajo pravila in smernice J. S. K. Jednote. Zato vlada med članstvom mir in bratsko razpoloženje. Urednik ni imel v preteklem polletju nikakih sporov z dopisniki in, če je kje nastal 1 kak majhen nesporazum, ga je bilo mogoče dogovorno porav-1 nati v obojestransko zadovoljstvo. Dobrohotno pismeno pojas-' nilo ali priporočilo od strani urednika je navadno vselej doseglo svoj namen. Urednik je skušal od svoje strani vsem po 1 najboljši možnosti ustreči in od članov v splošnem je bil deležen , (Dalje na 2. strani) VSAK PO SVOJE \ OBISKOVALCI . ; Obiskovalce imam rad. To se pravi, ne vseh in ne vselej, toda ! večinoma. Obiskovalci na splošno so dobrodošli vsak dan, z izjemo ponedeljka in torka. Ta dva dneva bi želel zapisati med postne dni z ozirom na obiskovalce. Posebno torek. Ta I dan je tako rekoč bilja pred te-I densko izdajo lista in mora biti ! do poldneva vse urejeno in pri-| rejeno glede gradiva za list in ; glede sprememb v naslovih. In pismonoše so po navadi zelo 1 radodarni s pošto ob ponedelj-I kih in torkih. V torek popoldne ! je treba zidati svinčene kolone | lista, loviti zadnje tiskarske ! škrate in opraviti sto drugih drobnih poslov, ki nimajo imen. Minute pa bežijo kot so svoje-časno laški junaki izpred Kobarida. Ob torkih se torej obiskovalcev bojim le za spoznanje manj kot nahoda, flu in kuge na parkljih in gobcih. Ure so neizprosne in delavcev v tiskarni se ne sme pustiti čakati. Devetindevetdeset odstotkov mojega vsakoletnega mišidušanja gre na račun torkovih obiskovalcev. Najbolj vesel sem obiskoval-jcev, ki pridejo iz drugih krajev, j morda iz oddaljenih držav, ter ; se gredoč oglasijo v uredništvu. Videti stare in nove prijatelje j« j vedno užitek. Poleg tega obisko-: valci iz drugih krajev vselej i kalne atmosferi. Tako im obiskovalec iz Kansasa prinese od- j sev sončnih rož, iz Minnesote šepet belih brez in sinjih jezer, iz Pennsylvanije idilo ljubkih I sotesk in razigranost piknikov, | iz Wyominga zdravo vonjavo ; divjega žajblja, iz Colorada zanos mogočnih snežnikov in kri-j stalnih gora, iz Oregona in i Washingtona prelest žarnih vrtnic, iz Californije šepet palmo-! vih gajev in vrisk večne pomladi, itd. Taki obiski so na gotov i način podobni predvajanju lepih j zvočnih filmov. Obiski različnih agentov pomenijo vselej izgubo časa in največkrat tudi izgubo dobre volje. Kakšen agent je vsiljiv kot brencelj. Ko se ga po dolgem otepanju iznebiš, opaziš z ! nevoljo, da je komaj do srede pripeljani članek na typewriter-ju skočil s tira. Od idej, ki so se prej tako lepo vžigale, ni ostalo niti tlečega ogorka, miselna nit, ki je prej tekla kot namazana, je pretrgana, in ne veš, kje bi iskal odtrgani konec, j Potem prihajajo kolektorji vseh mogočih barv, ki zbirajo prispevke za različne instituci-j je, za propagando in obrambo tega ali onega, v same plemeui-: te svrhe, seveda. Še najbolj po-jšten se mi je zdel rojak, ki je prišel in dejal, da ni lačen, toda j ga čudno zavija v trebuhu in da | vsled tega krvavo potrebuje 10 ali 15 centov za požirek rakije. Vmes prihajajo prodajalci kravat, brivskih rezil, biksa, mo-! litvenikov, čebule in patentiranih medicin, kolektorji zavrženega papirja, zbiralci starih znamk, nabiralci oglasov in taki, ki zgrešijo prava vrata in se namesto k dohtarju ali dentistu j zaletijo v uredništvo. S člani, ki prihajajo zaradi | sprememb v naslovih, po kake informacije ali po drugih poslih, ki se tičejo lista in or- • ganizacije, ni nikoli sitnosti in • jeze. Zdi se, da oni so edini, ki • se v polni meri zavedajo, da i urednik-upravnik mora svoje de-i ! lo opraviti sam, in če z drugi- (Daije na 4. strani) urad, oglašal sem se s primernimi članki in črticami v Novi j Dobi, kar ste menda opazili od časa do časa. Pišem nekako iz j potrebe, ker čutim v sebi dolžnost napram našemu članstvu, od katerega sem dobil mnogo odobravanja in željo, da bi nadalje- | j val tudi v bodoče. Skušal bom po svojih danih močeh to vršiti | ! tudi v bodočnosti. V konvenčnem letu moramo poskrbeti tudi za splošno ogla- j j sevanje naše Jednote. že dejstvo, da bodo naši društveni tajniki ! odškodovani za delo, ki je v zvezi z mladinskim oddelkom, nas mora voditi na nova pota, kjer bomo dosegali izboljšave, ki bodo , !oglašale našo organizacijo. Vsaka kampanja doseže nove ljudi, ki se seznanijo z našim delom, tako naj tudi naša predkonvenčna \ jkampanja presega preko vseh drugih naših kampanj. Kot član finančnega odbora sem priporočal in glasoval za nakup tistih bondov, katere sem smatral za dobre in obresto- ; nosne. Končno se zahvaljujem vsem za složno poslovanje v zadnjih šestih mesecih ter želim sedanjemu za,s..1 d ar. ju dosti plodonosnih 1 zaključkov. j Z bratskim pozdravom, Janko N. Rogelj, prvi glavni nadzornik JSKJ. Poročilo prvega gl. nadzornika se sprejme. * REPORT OF SECOND SUPREME TRUSTEE To the Honorable Supreme Board of the S. S. C. U.:— As a member of the Board of Trustees who participated in j the current semi-annual audit of the books and accounts of the Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer and Editor-Manager of j “Nova Doba,” it. is my pleasant duty to report that everything was found correct, and that a substantial gain is shown in prac-i tically all Funds, despite the fact that several extraordinary expenditures, such as the installation of a new bookkeeping system, the Juvenile Convention and Athletic Conference, were met. Credit for this must be given to all concerned, but especially to the able management of our Supreme Secretary, brother Anton Zbas-nik, under whose administration and guidance our Union is making such unusually sound and satisfactory progress. Prior to our arrival at the Home Office the investments were counted and checked at our Depository, the Northern National Bank in Duluth, Minn. The coupons for interest maturing up to September 12, 1940, were removed and entrusted to our Supreme Treasurer for collection. Since our last audit a very practical new bookkeeping sys tern has bpen installed in the Home Office tinder the supervisior of Mr. Joseph H. Kolkmeyer, a thoioughly experienced account ant, formerly affiliated as an Examiner with the Ohio Insurant Department. Having previously on numerous occasions suggestec changes and revisions in our filing and accounting systems, as may be found by reference to my semi-annual reports as fa: back as six years ago, it affords me a great deal of satisfactior to see this so well accomplished. Since we are a sturdy, growing institution these changes will prove to have cumulative benefits all around. A combined net financial gain of $192,131.20 is shown ii the Assets of our Adult and Juvenile Departments during th< pa:.;t six months. Our Assets now exceed Two Million, Seven Hun dred Thousand Dollars and are fast approaching the Three Mil lion Dollar mark. As a member of the Finance Committee my efforts hav< : been directed at securing the best possible investments for ou: surplus funds in accordance with our by-laws and requirements A complete report was made to our Supreme Secretary an< Chairman of our Board of Trustees in regard to the trip I mad* to Marion, 111., at the direction of our last Supreme Board meet jing. The matter was satisfactory concluded for our Union. A more detailed verbal report will be made later during thi; I session of the other duties assigned to me, all of which wer performed to the best of my ability. Sincerely and Fraternally yours, Frank E. Vranichar, 2nd Supreme Trustee Report of Second Supreme Trustee accepted. * POROČILO TRETJEGA GLAVNEGA NADZORNIKA Cenjeni mi glavni odborniki: Dne 22. januarja smo se sešli na The Northern Nationa j banki v Duluthu, kjer ima Jednota shranjene svoje bonde. Tan |smo opravili svoje delo, kakor so poročali prejšnji odborniki : Dne 23. januarja smo pričeli s pregledovanjem knjig glavnegi ! tajnika, glavnega blagajnika in urednika-upravnika Nove Dobe Sporočiti moram, da smo knjige omenjenih glavnih urad 11likov našli v dobrem in lepem redu. Zadnjih šest mesecev sem vršil delo mojega urada, kakoi i mi narekujejo pravila, in vedno delal tako. kot mislim, da je moja dolžnost. Veseli me, da naša Jednota tako sijajno napreduje Za a uspeh se moramo zahvaliti našemu zavednemu in zvestemu ! članstvu. | Dne 9. decembra sem se po sklepu glavnega odbora udeležil državnega bratskega kongresa v St. Paulu, Minn. O tem sem podal že moje poročilo v Novi Dobi. želim, da bi to zasedanje glavnega odbora napravilo dobre zaključke. Pozabiti ne smemo, da sc v letošnjem letu vrši konvencija naše Jednote. Zato moramo iti na agitacijo, da pridobimo naši organizaciji dosti novih in zdravih članov. Koncem mojega skromnega poročila se prav lepo zahvaljujem celoskupnemu glavnemu odboru za složno sodelovanje, ki je bilo v korist naše Jugoslovanske katoliške jednote. Z bratskim pozdravom, Mati Anzelc. tretji glavni nadzornik JSKJ. Poročilo tretjega gl. nadzornika se sprejme. * REPORT OF FOURTH SUPREME TRUSTEE To the Supreme Board of the SSCU:— Gentlemen: In accordance with our Constitution and By-Laws, I, together with the rest of the members of the Board of Trustees and the Supreme Treasurer met on January 22, 1940 at the Northern National Bank in Duluth, Minn. As our prescribed duty we carefully examined and counted all bond certificates stored in the five safety deposit boxes kepL in the great vaults of the Northern National Bank. We also cut coupons for the interest falling at this lime or perhaps in the near future. All coupons were then turned over to our Supreme Treasurer. As a result of our examination, I am pleased to state that the bank’s list of our bond certificates was identical with ours. Every thing checked out wtl! Further complying with our Constitution and by-laws, wej came to the Home Office for the purpose of examining the books I and accounts of our Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer and! that of our Editor-Manager. During our examination, we carefully examined all incomes and expenditures of our Union. Every j thing was checked. As a result of our examination, I am proud I to state that our Union is certainly getting prosperous, more and more. I vouch that the papers disposed to' the general public! showing our Union’s business as of December 31st is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. In the past six months a more modernized system of bookkeeping was also accredited to our Union. Upon the new system I must comment, that it possesses the advantage not only of assembling more complete information of our Union’s business but also provides a better check on the mathematical accuracy of the clerical work. As a member of the finance committee, I continued to use my very best judgement when selecting bond offerings for consideration when investing our Union’s surplus. As to the correspondence with the Home Office, 1 considered carefully every letter I received and made a reply as soon as possible. In conclusion therefore, I wish to thank you members of the Supreme Board for the good cooperation, which meant progress to our Union, and I hope that the same spirit of cooperation shall exist in the future. Fraternally submitted, Andrew Milavec, Jr., 4th Supreme Trustee. DOPISI Pueblo. Colo. — Tudi pri na* na zapadli zahteva narava sv« je in nam odnaša ‘‘list » ,i| tom.” Društvo Sv. Petra in * la, št. 15 JSKJ, je v letu 1 -spremilo dva svoja člana - v nemu počitku. V letu 19 . nas je bela žena spet zgo obiskala. Dne 8. januarja l je namreč po dolgi bolezni P minil sobrat Nikolaj Starci ustanovitelj in eden prv* c‘ nov društva št. 15 JSK • ko j ni sobrat je bil rojen n® pri Črnomlju v Beii Kraj'« ie bival v Ameriki 50 le ■ mu bo ohranjen blag njegovi družini pa bodi oi s ^ ni društva izraženo iskren žal j e. k k Report of Fourth Supreme Trustee Accepted. REPORT OF ENGLISH EDITOR AND COMMISSIONER ATHLETIC Zapisnik letnega zborovanja glavnega odbora JSKJ (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) slične bratske naklonjenosti. Dela je včasih čez glavo, toda če urednik-upravnik vidi blagohotno upoštevanje od strani član- j stva, so vse težkoče olajšane in pozabljene. Delo z naslovnikom in drugi posli upravništva se z nara- ; ščajočim številom članstva večajo, kar je samoumevno. Vseka-\ kor skuša biti upravnik tudi pri teh poslih točen, kolikor je v : razmerah mogoče. Zato tudi v teh ozirih ni bilo od strani član- ; stva nikakih resnih pritožb. Oglasi se v splošnem točno plačujejo. V preteklem polletju je bila za oglase in za naročnine nečlanov poslana glavnemu blagajniku vsota $221.98. Konci preteklega leta je bilo dolgovano Novi Dobi na oglasih $164,45; večji del'te vsote pa je bil j poravnan že v letošnjem januarju. Nova Doba se tiska v približno 14,000 iztisih tedensko. Tis-1 kar na “Enakopravnosti,” kjer se list tiska, nam daje v vseh ozi- i l ih dobro in točno postrežbo. | K zaključku naj *1)0 omenjeno, da je bil urednik-upravnik ' deležen prijaznega in točnega sodelovanja od glavnega urada in od vseh glavnih in porotnih odbornikov, s katerimi je bil v kakršnih koli osebnih ali pismenih stikih. Pravega bratskega sodelovanja in naklonjenosti je bil deležen tudi od društvenih j uradnikov ter od dopisnikov v splošnem. Za to želi izraziti na ! tem mestu iskreno zahvalo vsem! Anton J. Terbovec, urednik-upravnik Nove Dobe. Poročilo urednika-upravnika se sprejme. * POROČILO PREDSEDNIKA GLAVNEGA NADZORNEGA ODBORA Cenjeni souradniki: Kot predsednik glavnega nadzornega odbora Vam vljudno sporočam, da smo pričeli s pregledovanjem jednotinega premoženja, kakor sledi: V ponedeljek, dne 22. januarja, ob deveti uri zjutraj, smo se ustavili na The Northern National banki v Duluthu, Minn., kjer ima naša Jednota shranjene vse vrednostne listine. Pregledali in prešteli smo vse jednotine bonde ter od njih odrezali vse vrednostne kupone, kateri dozorijo v prihodnjih osmih mesecih. Iste smo izročili glavnemu blagajniku, da jih ob času do-zoritve vnovči. Iz varnostnih shramb na banki snu vzeli bonde, kateri bodo izplačljivi ali zamenjani, kakor sledi: City of Beresford, S. D. Water Works Bonds, $8,000.00; Crow Wing County, Minn., Refunding Bonds, Series P>, $500.00; Detroit, Mich., Water Bond, $1,000.00; Glencoe Park District, Cook County, 111.; $3,000.00; Liberty County, Texas Road, $12,000.00; in Indiana Electric Corp., First Mortgage Gold Bonds, $10,000.00. S pregledovanjem knjig in računov v glavnem uradu smo pričeli dne 23. januarja ob deveti uri zjutraj. Pregledali smo vse knjige glavnega tajnika, glavnega blagajnika in nrednika-upravnika Nove Dobe. Z zadovoljstvom in veseljem Vam sporočam, da smo proiiašli vse poslovanje in račune prejeomerijenih uradnikov v dobrem in lepem stanju. Zatorej priporočam glavnim odbornikom, da račune sprejmete, kakor so bili predloženi po glavnem tajniku in glavnem blagajniku. Zadnjih šest mesecev sem bil pooblaščen od Vas, da bi zastopal Jednoto na prireditvah in praznovanju raznih jubilejev. Obžalujem, ker se nisem mogel udeležiti. Vselej sem obvestil mojega namestnika, da je on mesto mene zastopal Jednoto. Ker se Jednota vedno veča v članstvu in premoženju, je bilo precej dopisovanja v zadnjih šestih mesecih z glavnim tajništvom in ostalimi glavnimi odborniki.Skušal sem vso korespondenco točno odgovoriti, istotako sem bil ,jaz deležen točnosti od prizadetih, zakar jim izrekam iskreno zahvalo. Kot član finančnega odbora sem vedno priporočal in glasoval za bonde, kateri so bili najbolj koristni za našo Jednoto. Pri pregledovanju porodnih nagrad našim članicam-mate-ram sem opazil, da so bile izplačane samo nagrade materam, a nagrada, ki jo sprejme otrok, če pristopi v našo organizacijo, ni bila izplačana. To se pravi: Matere niso vpisale novorojenčke v Jednoto. Zato bi opozarjal naše društvene tajnike, da bi nagovorili enake matere, da vpišejo svoje malčke v našo Jednoto, da bodo deležne predpisane nagrade, s katero lahko plačajo precej asesmentov, zakar je njih otrok zavarovan v slučaju smrti. Z bratskim pozdravom, John Kumse, predsednik glavnega nadzornega odbora. Poročilo predsednika gl. nadzornega odbora se sprejme. * POROČILA PRVEGA GLAVNEGA NADZORNIKA Dragi mi glavni odborniki: Strinjam se s poročilom predsednika glavnega nadzornega odbora, da smo dne 22. januarja pregledali jednotino premoženje na The Northern National banki v Duluthu, Minn. Odrezali smo vse dozorele kupone od vseh bondov, katere bo potreba vnovčiti do našega prihodnjega pregledovanja. Na dan 23. jatuW.ja smo pričeli s pregledovanjem knjigovodstva in poslovanja glavnega tajnika, glavnega blagajnika in urednika Nove Dobe. Primerjali smo dohodke in izdatke med društvi in Jednoto, kakor tudi poslovanje s strankami, s katerimi posluje naša organizacija. Ugotovili smo, da njige soglašajo s poročili in s predloženimi računi. Našli smo knjigovodstvo v čistem in vzornem redu, zakar priporočam sprejem vseh predloženih računov. V našem glavnem uradu je bilo vpeljano novo knjigovodstvo, ki v vseh potrebah in ozirih odgovarja in soglaša s sodobnimi zahtevami modernega poslovanja bratske podporne organizacije. Dvostavno knjigovodstvo v glavnem uradu je bila naša nadvse potrebna preureditev, ki omejuje zastarele metode poslovanja ter v splošnem kaže poslovanje bolj lahko umljivo, točno in razločno. S porastom naše organizacije je prišlo tudi pomnoženo poslovanje, katerega sedaj novo knjigovodstvo nadkriljuje in zavzema tako, da omejuje delo, katerega je zahteval stari sistem knjigovodstva v glavnem uradu. V zadnjih šestih mesecih me je glavni odbor poslal na društveno proslavo v Ches^wick, Pa., na zasedanje državnega bratskega kongresa v Akron, Ohio, in na proslavo Slovenske delavska dvorane na Prince Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. O tem sem poro- 1 v Novi Dobi. Udeleževal sem se društvenih prireditev' naših društev v Clevelandu, kakor tudi sej ohajske federacije. Poleg mojega običajnemu dela. katerega predpisuje moj i To the Officers of the SSCU Supreme Board: Both the juvenile and the adult English-speaking members have shown marked attention to our SSCU during the last six months of the year 1939, as a result of the third biennial juvenile convention and second athletic conference held in Ely, Minnesota last August. While the juveniles did write a great deal since the first juvenile convention made SSCU history in 1935, it appears to me that last year the juniors wrote considerably more for the Nova Doba; and particularly so, the delegates after returning home from the convention. Personal contacts on the train and duiing their stay in Minnesota’s vacationland stirred any number to contribute more articles to a point where the juveniles apologize for not writing oftener. The regular English section profited from the second athletic conference with several delegates reporting many interesting facts on the conference and their stay in Ely. Of greatest importance to our Union perhaps are the links of young delegates situated in various states connected to form an unbroken chain of fellowship. No longer do our lodges appear as abstract/ numbers to our delegates, for last August the blanches represented in Ely came to life as persons who formed permanent friendships. And our SSCU is the magnetic force which attracted the delegates to the juvenile convention and athletic conference; in turn these young people are fast becoming staunch supporters of their lodges !and the Union. This bond of delegate-made-friendship is spreading to other members, and an observer will notice this influence in the many contributing articles to both the juvenile section and the regular English section of our official organ. Softball and bowling featured the athletic activities engaged in by some of our SSCU lodges during the last half of 1939. In Ohio, seven ST5CU branches played some three months of softball, and in the elimination series Cardinals lodge, 229, of Struthers, O., rightfully earned the title of Ohio State SSCU Softball Champion. Gold belt buckles and silver softballs were awarded the champions and runner-up team, the Collinwood Boosters, 188, Cleveland, O.. as prizes by our Organization. In the state of Pennsylvania three of our lodges sponsored softball teams, and a regular schedule of games for the year 1940 is anticipated. Although some of our lodges already have bowling teams entered in competition, many more are expected to participate in this indoor sport soon. Several lodges are pointing to this year’s national SSCU tenpin and duclcpin tournaments, which are sponsored annually by our Organization. This concludes my report for the last six months of 1939. Louis M. Kolar, English Editor and Athletic Commissioner. Report of English Editor and Athletic Commissioner accepted. REPORT OF CHAIRMAN OF THE NATIONAL JUVENILE PUBLICITY COMMITTEE ! ’ ' Members of the Supreme Board ' South Slavonic Catholic Union of America Ely, Minnesota Gentlemen: Following is a report of activities from Uncle Stan, better ! known to members of the SSCU as “Little Stan,” and who«e real i name is Stanley Pechaver. This report covers publicity work in 'Nova Doba during the six months of 1939 and the first part of 1940 and it also contains a sort of prediction for 1940. During the past six months I have continued writing Inspirational articles for our official organ, always with the view in mind to generally maintain the interest of our members in our organization. Particularly have 1 tried to keep up the interest of the juvenile members—even though 1 thought that becoming an “Uncle” might change matters. But evidently from all appearances, the “Uncle” was accepted wholeheartedly by every-I one. At any rate, throughout the last six months I have continually strivfed to write in a style that would keep up the interest and enthusiasm of our members in our organization. Personal correspondence, weekly press conference with our supreme secretary, and other means were used to gain material which would all add to interesting, humorous, articles. Last year our Third Biennial Juvenile Convention and Athletic Conference was a grand success. It was then that I started a “Juvenile Honor Roll” for our juvenile newspapermen and women. Those who contributed to the page regularly would get their names i» the honor roll. But ihis idea had to be abandoned (Continued ca uadc 3) (Nikolaj Starašimc) - I člani in članice JSKJ’ ^ pfi di drugi rojaki, naj J ‘ takih slučajih spomnil*. ^ j. važnosti je, da človek 3 ...^ g dobri podporni organise je naša J. S. K. Jednota. ^ ka podpora je vedno c ° ^ šla, posebno pa še v P J| L dolgih bolezni. Smrtni«8 j. JL' krije stroške pogreba 1 ; stavi j a poleg tega ae. prvo pomoč družini PO* Nihče se še ni keSal’ član dobre podporne .^ ^1'( cije, marsikdo pa se ,ie ze^ ^1- «. c ker ni bil, oziroma, ker J §. ' štvo pustil. Pa tudi jf ^ marsikaterega pokojni iii obžalovala, ker njen re jje, j h bil član podporne organ ^ ali pa, ker jo je iz ^ drugega vzroka Pustl.'^ru^ \ vpišemo novega člana v $ ^ JSKJ, storimo dobro gifrj ^ samo za društvo in pak storimo v prvi V1' 1-ego& Jjj delo za zavarovanca in 11 aj# ' 'Mjjj ! družino. Končno uPoi%e ; (J^ da plača Jednota za t vo pridobljenega člana n‘^ v gotovini, da plača zdravniško preiskavo . ne višine in da je ' i prosta. Končno ne P°za ^’ j A zakoni narave neprestan* ^ ^ jo naše vrste in da .ie ( j., naša, kot dobrih član°v’ ^flVjii!l %, stale vrzeli izpolnimo z : | čJani. j5 ^ Na letni seji društva ’ v., irj de .. i. »1 JSKJ, ki se je vršila 1 ^d* ^ bra 1939, je bilo sklenjeni društvo proslavi 40-let’1^' jj , i0i je ustanovitve enkrat J 1940. Naše društvo je ^ ,fej j » II ovij en o 13. marca bo dne 13. marca 1940 ^ 1 let. Datum in nrogra111 ^ $ * • o » i P ve naše štiridesetletnic a javljen pravočasno. ..e j Mff Priporočljivo je, da1,1 \ stvo v večjem števil*1 11 if Jii. valo rednih društvenih Jk je bilo dosedaj v nava^j,gjr sebno letos, ko bomo o ; (^ društveno 40-letnico, *J' j j.^ dobilo, da bi članstvo ' Vj številu posečalo redne 0 seje. Torej člani in čla111*^^ ^ dite na redno sejo mese#* ,j)i^ | ^‘Ijj ar ja kar mogoče pol110® -jjo m Po seji bomo imeli nek0 ^ | , ^ bave s prostimi okrepči ''.j ^ je bilo na zadnji letni '" ji I1**J rej, 11a svidenje in bra ■_ | zdrav! — Za društvo JSKJ: Joseph Merlnir’ _ •Dalje na 3. .Jj| ik letnega zborovanja glavnega odbora JSKJ (Continued from pane 2) k °* of publicity for the campaign. Interest was high, and eMembers did not need addition:'! inspiration to write, with this year, I have resumed the Honor Roll tijjdl ’and I find that results and interest have increased deli^ |*a'e received wonderful cooperation from the Home Of-e e(iitorial staff of Nova Doba, supreme officers, and ,8' Without this, it is doubtful whether 1 could have con- I L?0rk8UCessfuiiy* ijjsh °^s very premising. It is another Convention year ‘**1 assU carry on another campaign for new members, I I “red that cooperation from our vast membership will be w cent. %\v °Sing’ * w's^ to extend warm greetings to all. They are fejjj lni> and next year when you convene for another ses-W,e’ ^ l10^6 that this unexcelled, unprecedented “Florida Tha«t'Vith us aSain- ifsn,, *n^ y°u aU> and hoping that your session will be **'»»1, I remain, "Eternally, Uncle Stan Pechaver. ^ar„°rt of National Juvenile Publicity Committee Chair-accePtfid. Hfe;;:'' * N^ikaPre^itanj u 'n sprejemu poročil glavnih odbornikov, ■ !'KoiangleŠke sekc]‘je Nove Dobe in športnega komisarja ^rojarja *er kampanjskega direktorja Stanleya Pechaver-^ova]a.glavni tajnik, da je treba na zahtevo newyorskega Sn lllnskega ejepart m en ta sprejeti primerno resolucijo z H°j a p0slv°vanje laše Jednote v državi New York. V to ^ERp^ena s^ede^a resolucija: ® executive committee of the South Slavonic *!I0on America at a meeting held on the 19th day of Wj39’ adopted the following resolution: ^Hca n That the South Slavonic Catholic Union of Psan 'V autlaorized, or having ■applied for authority to do Vi2e business in the State of New York, does hereby g0c- ,e Resident and secretary, under the corporate seal *^of ^ aPPoint the Superintendent of Insurance of the Nend/y ^01'k, his successors in office, and any deputy su-te°fNn ’ its true and lawful ATTORNEY, in and for the ipon whom all lawful process against said served in any action or proceeding against said U th 6 ^a^e New York, subject to and in accordance »Vic '6 Provisions of the Insurance Laws of the State of ■ !Ue bi"1/0106 t^le ^me suc^ service- This appointment tV|C uP°n any successor acquiring the assets and P’iiiid , e Abilities of such insurer by merger or consolida-m^ra t terminated so long as there are in effect i*Were.S’ or liabilities or duties arising out of contracts, lssiled or delivered bv such insurer in this State; and IftfC' I i* do ^ That the South Slavonic Catholic Union of I heret)y authorize the president and secretary, un- I ^°ftlf0ra^e Sea^ Society to execute and file in the \ cevtef?U^erintendent of Insurance of the State of New S t° VJ lcate of designation of an officer, agent or other i °m be f°rwai'ded all process served pursuant 1 on*06 ^aw the State of New York upon the Super- ; Suty nsurance of said State, his successors in office, or I L ^OLvr>ler'n^enc1en^ ’ an£i it i*s further !^doe That the South Slavonic Catholic Union of I i^Po ^ere^y authorize the president and secretary, un-suJ'ate seal of the Society to change such designation, i ^tiou e^Uer>t designation, by filing a new certificate of ■iNeirfxl office of the Superintendent of Insurance of I YorU" Hj That the action of the executive committee in i! ^ 4vni + ,0reeoing resolution is hereby approved. ? ^el^11^ PretilaJ?a» da se resolucijo sprejme; podpira ^Juček Resoluci.ia sprejeta. • e Prve seje ob 12. uri opoldne, I : ■ l\ni Druga seja ■ 1 C0tloldnledsednik 0tvori drugo sejo 29. januarja ob pol . ] °' Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot na prej- Si 'avo pridejo razne zadeve, ki jih ima za predlo- ■ l % v, aJnik. ’ ' tiil^din ,fril'e na vrsto zadeva Antona R. Mahneta, bivšega ' • oddelka društva št. 30, ki je bil ubit v avto- ! | ^ ti^ec* kratko potem, ko je dopolnil 18. leto ter je pre-,1 k^°P vn m^a(iinskega oddelka, ter ni bil napravil prošnje ! ^.It! Do ^ '^''asli oddelek. Po pregledu zadevne korespon-1 °Jasnilih, ki j ih je osebno podal cče pokojnika, je dasi z obžalovanjem, izjavil, da z ozirom h j >e Pravil je nemogoče plačati kakršno koli smrt- 1 s . - 3 ^ elan društva št. 2, ki je 75 let star in živi v • 1 Prosi za kakšno podporo v obliki plačane- ; j, " Sklenjeno, da se plača zanj asesment za 6 mese- I K v ' tir' ^ yZe^"’ ^*an društva št. 20, ki je že dolgo bolan ter '1 Ž VS° b°iniško in onemoglostno ipodporo ter je leta • Pn*1'*1® S\$600-00 0(,-škodnine, želi dobiti še nekaj nadaljne - % ^ije Jeno> da st listine o njegovem zdravstvenem ii h^teva v Pregled vrhovnemu zdravniku, in, če jih on • i J|,J i-sp]., Ustrezajoče, se more gori omenjenemu članu 5 $200.00 odškodnine. i %'%u °l ^iaiiica društva št. 27, ki je že deset let bolna f VRo PcciPoro> prosi za kako izredno podporo. ■ ; ^ Sa- o,Q0 iz onemoglostnega sklada. '■ ] l9jqVec* član društva št. 30, je bil operiran meseca ■ ^ ’ toda n dobil nikake operacijske podpoi-e, ker f ; L esecev član Jednote. Sklenjeno, da se mu na pod- i' L^*ta pravil nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. r (]• ^*sm° tajnika društva št. 37, ki v imenu društva ’ '1aj ^i siavni odbor pri bodočih naročilih jedno- ki j°*eiiai'jev naročil poleg manjših tudi nekaj večjih 1 bili primerni za zborovalne dvorane naših dru- Ik štev in slične javne prostore. Pismo se vzame na znanje s pripombo, da se bo skušalo želji društva ugoditi. Društvo št. 37 tudi izraža željo, da naj bi se ne zahtevalo bolniških obiskovalcev za bolnike, ki so neozdravljivo bolni. Po pravilih, ki so sedaj v veljavi, glavni odbor v tej zadevi ne more dovoljevati nikakih izjem. Izpremembo zamore napraviti le konvencija. Sicer je pa bratstvo obiskovati bolne člane, četudi se ni bati, da bi isti simulirali ali kršili pravila. John Kromar, član društva št. 37, ki je v potrebi, prosi za kako izredno podporo. Lani mu je bila nakazana izredna podpora v znesku šestmesečnega asesmenta. Sklenjeno, da se mu plača,/asesment še za 6 mesecev. Jacob Požar, član društva št. 37, star 57 let, brezposeln in v potrebi, prosi za izredno podporo. Sklenjeno, da se plača zanj asesment za 6 mesecev. Glavni tajnik predloži obširno korespondenco med glavnim uradom in tajnikom društva št. 40, iz katere je možno povzeti, da je poslovanje omenjenega društvenega tajnika v mnogih ozirih površno, neredno in pomanjkljivo, kar logično zadržuje delo in točnost glavnega urada. Glavni odbor apelira na tajnika društva št. 40 naj skuša biti v bodoče bolj natančen in točen v poslovanju, da ne nastanejo večje neprilike in morda nepotrebni stroški za Jednoto. Uršula Vidic, članica društva št. 42, stara 71 let in brez sredstev, prosi za nekaj izredne podpore. Se sklene plačati zanjo asesment za šest mesecev. Anna Kostelic, dolgoletna članica društva št. 52, je bila operirana, pa po pra'vilih ni upravičena do operacijske podpore, zato prosi za kakšno izredno podporo. Se sklene, da se plača zanjo asesment za 6 mesecev. John Petrič, član društva št. 66, ki je bil operiran na očesu, želi dobiti kako podporo, na podlagi osebnega pi3ma, brez zdravniških listin, ki so v tako svrho potrebne in zahtevane. Glavni odbor želji omenjenega člana ne more ugoditi. Joseph Rožič, član društva št. 66, se je moral podvreči operaciji, za kakršno naša pravila ne določajo operacijske podpore. Operacija, ki je bila uspešna, ga je stala veliko vsotb denarja, zato prosi za nekaj izredne podpore. Se mu nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore na podlagi točke 307 naših pravil. Anton Krištof, član društva št. 71, ki je neozdravljiv in želi odpotovati v stari kraj, prosi za nekako odpravnino. V smislu sedanjih pravil se takih odpravnin ne more izplačevati. Z ozirom na zadevo se naroči glavnemu tajniku, da se drži dosedanjih navodil za slične slučaje in da pismeno obvesti društvenega tajnika, kaj se more storiti za prosilca. V zadevi Josepha Agniča, člana društva št. 71, se sklene, da se njegova nakaznica za operacijsko podporo ponovno pošlje v pregled in presojo vrhovnemu zdravniku. John Debeljak, član društva št. 71, je bil poškodovan v času, ko je bil suspendiran, in je v smislu pravil izgubil pravico do bolniške podpore za čas zdravljenja dotične poškodbe. Rekord člana dokazuje, da je bil že večkrat prej suspendiran, vselej brez slabih posledic. Ker pa je to prvi tak sdučaj, odkar so v veljavi sedanja pravila, in ker je omenjeni član prejel še zelo malo bolniške podpore, se mu v svrho male olajšave nakaže $35.00 izredne podpore. Druga seja zaključena ob pol šestih zvečer. Tretja seja Tretjo sejo otvori glavni predsednik dne 30. januarja ob 9. uri dopoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot na prejšnjih dveh sejah. Zapisnikar prečita zapisnika prve in druge seje, ki se sprejmeta kot čitana. Sledijo zadeve, ki jih ima za predložiti glavni tajnik v rešitev glavnemu odboru. V zadevi Franka Završnika, člana društva št. 87, ki je v umobolnici, se da glavnemu tajniku navodilo, da obvesti društvo, kako naj postopa. Društvo št. 94 prosi za podporo $100.00 iz športnega sklada. Prošnji se ugodi. Društvo št. 130 bo enkrat poleti proslavilo 20-letnico svoje ustanovitve in prosi, da bi se glavni tajnik udeležil zadevne prireditve. Sklenjeno, da se društvu ustreže in da se gl. tajnik Anton Zbašnik udeleži prireditve kot slavnostni govornik; v primeru, da bi bil on zadržan, ga nadomesti gl. nadzornik Frank E. Vranichar. Anna Brahovski, članica društva št. 138, prosi za nekaj podpore za operacijo, za kakršno v pravilih ni določene podpore. Po pregledu raznih listin je sklenjeno, da se ji na podlagi točke 307 nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. Društvo št. 138 prosi za $35.00 podpore iz športnega sklada. Se odobri. ' Glavni tajnik prečita korespondenco med glavnim uradom in društvom št. 141. Glavni odbor se strinja z navodilij ki jih je v zadevi društvu dal glavni tajnik. V zadevi pokojnega Johna Gosenca, člana društva št. 144, ki je plačeval asesmente po prenizki starosti in na ta način plačal $134.04 premalo, se odobri postopanje glavnega tajnika, ki se je v zadevi ravnal točno po določbah pravil. John D. Judnich, član društva št. 144, prosi za nekaj izredne podpore za operacijo, ki je stala znatno vsoto, za katero pa v pravilih ni določene podpore. Se mu na podlagi točke 307 nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. Louise Mikec, članica društva št. 149, se je morala podvreči operaciji, ki jo je stala $75.00, za katero pa v pravilih ni določene operacijske podpore; želi vsled tega nekaj izredne podpore. Se ji na podlagi točke 307 nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. Valentin Murn, član društva št. 154, ostarel, brez sredstev in brez dela, prosi, da bi se zanj plačalo nekaj hsesmentov. Sklenjeno, da se mu plača asesment za 6 mesecev. Theresa Koschak, članica društva št. 184, je bila operirana in ji je bila odklonjena operacijske podpora. Na razpolago so dodatna pojasnilo o zadevi in se sklene vso stvar poslati vrhovnemu zdravniku v ponovni pregled. Pismo Anne Leskovar, članice društva št. 190,^ se vzame na znanje. O priporočilih se lahko razpravlja v glasilu, uveljaviti pa jih more le konvencija. Arfthony Gorup, član društva št. 196, prosi nekaj podpore za operacijo, katera ni pokrita v pravilih. Se mu na podlagi i^oč-ke 307 nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. t John Rt,iss, član društva št. 225, je jzgubil del kazalca na roki, zakar želi odškodnino. Društvu se naroči, da se naj zahtevo napravi na formi 102, nakar se ista pošlje v pregled vrhovnemu zdravniku. John Pogačnik, član društva št. 229, prosi za izredno podporo za operacijo, kattera ni pokrita v pravilih. Sklenjeno, da naj glavni tajnik dobi o zadevi nadaljne podatke. Stanley Progar, član društva št. 236, vprašuje, če se še plačujejo nagrade za ustanovitve novih društev. Se mu odgovori, da plačevanje takih nagrad že več let ni v praksi, ker se plačujejo nagrade za nove člane. Federacija društev JSKJ za di-žavi Illinois in Wisconsin želi dobiti nekaj finančne podpore. Po daljši debati je sklenjeno, da se iz športnega sklada nakaže vsota $50.00 vsaki izmed petih obstoječih federacij društev JSKJ. V zadevi bondov Perry countya v državi Kentucky v znesku $10,000.00 se na priporočilo protektivnega odbora za lastnike bondov sklene sedanje bonde, ki so se obrestovali po 5%, zamenjati za nove bonde po 4% obrestne mere. Glavni tajnik in glavni blagajnik sta pooblaščena, da izvršita to zamenjavo. Tretja seja zaključena ob 12. uri opoldne. * Četrta seja Glavni predsednik otvori četrto sejo 30. januarja ob pol dveli popoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot na prejšnjih treh sejah. Nadaljuje sc z razpravami o zadevah, ki jih ima za predložiti glavni tajnik. Na priporočilo Euclid, Ohio, Bondholders Protective Committee in Ohio Municipal Advisory Council, se sklene zamenjati dosedanje bonde mesta Euclida v državi Ohio v znesku $20,000.00 za nove bonde nižje obrestne mere. Obresti novih bondov bodo znašale povprečno 4%. Glavni tajnik in glavni blagajnik sta pooblaščena, da to izmenjavo izvršita. Sklenjeno, da se članarina za American Fraternal Institute več ne obnovi. Pismo od Foreign Language Information Service, vsebujoče zahvalo za v preteklem letu nakazani prispevek, se vzame na znanje. Pismo od uprave Slovenske delavske dvorane v Clevelandu, Ohio, vsebujoče zahvalo, ker se je zastopnik naše Jednote udeležil otvoritve povečanja dvorane, se vzame na znanje. Prečita se pismo od tajnika Slovenskega narodnega muzeja v S. N. Domu v Clevelandu, Ohio. Pismo vsebuje zahvalo za naklonjene predmete in prošnjo za nadaljno naklonjenost, tako od strani glasila kot v drugih ozirih. Pismo se vzame na znanje s pripombo, da glavni odbor smatra omenjeno ustanovo za dobro in času primerno ter zato tudi od strani naše organizacije za priporočljivo. Finančne podpore gl. odbor ne more nakazati; v tako svrho bi moral.imeti dovoljenje konvencije. Pismo “Cankarjevega Glasnika,” ki se priporoča za oglase, se vzame na znanje. V zadevi nekih vprašanj od strani Slovenskih domov glede oglasov na zastorih, se sklene ostati pri prejšnjem sklepu, namreč, da Jednota takih oglasov ne bo več obnavljala. Glavni tajfiik poroča, da je Jednota dobila od zavarovalnin-skega departmenta države Minnesote dovoljenje, da prenese del prebitka smrtninskega sklada mladinskega oddelka v stroškovni sklad istega oddelka. Poročilo se vzame z zadovoljstvom na znanje. Glavni tajnik je pooblaščen, da se meseca februarja udeleži zimskega zasedanja N. F. C. v Chicagu. Obenem mu je naročeno, da pri tisti priliki aranžira sestanek z zavarovalninskim komisarjem države Wisconsin v zadevi nabave licence. Prečitano je pismo od glavnega tajnika SSPZ, vsebujoče vprašanje, da-li je glavni odbor JSKJ pripravljen stopiti v stike z glavnim odborom SSPZ v svrho razgovorov o načrtih glede združitve teh dveh organizacij. Glavni odbor sklene, da se na o-menjeno vprašanje bratske SSPZ odgovori pritrdilno. Razgovori naj bi se pričeli enkrat potem, ko bosta obe organizaciji poslali svoja poročila na države. Za JSKJ se teh razgovorov udeležuje odsek treh glavnih odbornikov, katerega tvorijo: Anton Zbašnik, Janko N. Rogelj in Frank E. Vranichar. Tajnik tega odseka je Janko N. Rogelj. Glavni odbor JSKJ meni, da bi se ti razgovori lahko pričeli enkrat začetkom aprila. Prizadeti naj se medsebojno dogovorijo glede kraja in datuma za sestanek. Prečita se pismo od Mr. Zvonka Novaka, avtorja novega Slovensko-angleškega in angleško-slovenskega besednjaka, ki i-šče finančnih sredstev za založbo omenjene knjige. Po njegovem mnenju naj bi JSKJ prispevala ali kreditirala $1,200.00 v to svrho. Glavni odbor je mnenja, da je omenjeno književno delo dobro in slovenski javnosti potrebno, toda nima oblasti razpolagati s financo v take svrhe. Zadeva naj se predloži prihodnji konvenciji JSKJ, ki se bo vršila letos, in glavni odbor bo pripravljen stvar priporočati. Urednik Nove Dobe želi izvedeti mnenje glavnega odbora v zadevi oglašanja tako zvanega “slovenskega dne” v Pennsylva-niji, glede katerega se vzdržujejo trditve, da skriva politično o-zadje in osebne ambicije posameznikov. Ako so dotične trditve resnične ali vsaj deloma resnične, potem bi bilo proti pravilom vsako oglaševanje omenjenega “dneva” v našem glasilu. Ako pa so omenjene trditve brez podlage, priobčevanje dopisov o “slovenskem dnevu” ne bi bilo proti pravilom. — O zadevi se razvije obširna debata, katere zaključek je bil naročilo, da naj urednik Nove Dobe ne priobčuje dopisov o “slovenskem dnevu.” Po raznih okoliščinah se more precej verjetno sklepati, da utegne biti za lepo donečim imenom dotične ustanove nekaj političnega ozadja. Glavni odbor je v dvbmu in želi biti na varni strani v svrho čuvanja nepolitične smernice naše Jednote in njenega glasila. — Razume se, da ima vsak član JSKJ kot privatnik popolno pravico pripadati kateri koli politični ali drugačni stranki ter se udeleževati shodov in prireditev katere koli so po njegovem okusu. Nikogai’ se k temu ne nagovarja in nikogar se ne odgovarja. Nikakor pa posamezni člani niso pooblaščeni, da bi nastopali v i-menu ali kot reprezentanti naših društev in naše Jedrfote, če obstaja možnost, da bi s tem podpirali kake ambicije političnega značaja. — Glavni odbor k svojemu gori omenjenemu skl.epu tudi dostavlja, da če bo bližajoča se konvencija JSKJ glede ozadja “slovenskega dneva” drugačnega mnenja, bo lahko ukrep glavnega odbora spremenila ali ukinila. S tem bo glavni odbor razrešen zadevne odgovornosti. — Naši člani so po ogromni večini svoji Jednoti lojalni, pošteni in iskreno misleči, toda nimajo vpogleda v marsikaj, kar vidi in mora videti glavni odbor, katerega dolžnost je braniti dobro ime Jednote. Tako ne vedo, na primer, da je bila naša Jednota zatožena pri Diesovem kongresnem odboru v Washingtonu, da je “komunistična,” in jo je moral glavni odbor z dokumentarnimi dokazi predstaviti za tako kot je, namreč kot strogo nepolitično bratsko podporno organizacijo. Do tega je prišlo, ker je neka navidezno nedolžna, v resnici pa radikalna skupina rabila poleg drugih tudi ime naše Jednote za svojo reklamo, in to brez naše vednosti in našega dovoljenja. Z ozirom na ta slučaj je glavni odbor upravičen imeti pomisleke na-pram skupinam, katerih ozadje mu ni povsem jasno. Ugled in (Dalje na 4. strani) DOPISI (Nadaljevanje z 2. strani) Rockdale, III. — članstvu društva Vit. sv. Mihaela, št. 92 JSKJ, kateremu še ni znano, sporočam, da je bil za leto 1940 izvoljen ves stari društveni odbor. Tako sem tudi podpisani še zanaprej tajnik tega društva. Pri tej priliki opozarjam članstvo, da bom sprejemal asesmente na društvenih sejah, ki se vršijo vsako tretjo nedeljo v mesecu, in pa vsako tretjo soboto v mesecu od pol šeste (5.30) do 7. ure zvečer na domu. Ne bom pa sprejemal asesmentov, kadar bi se kateremu članu zljubilo. Biti mora nekak red, kajti tajnik vendar ne more biti vsak trenutek na razpolago članstvu. Vsi člani in članice naj upoštevajo gornje obvestilo in naj plačajo svoje asesmente ob določenem času. Bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 92 JSKJ : Louis Urbančič, tajnik. Auburn, III. — Društvo “Naprednost,” št. 158 JSKJ, je na svoji januarski seji sklenilo, da člani plačajo z asesmentom v februarju po 50 centov društvene naklade. Društvena blagajna je prazna, nekaj izdatkov za društvo je pa vedno, za poštnino in druge stroške, torej je treba imeti nekaj gotovine na rokah. Tajnik ne more za nikogar zakladati, torej naj člani skrbijo, da bodo imeli svoje društvene prispevke plačane pravočasno. Bratski, pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 158 JSKJ : Joseph Lapanja, tajnik. Brooklyn, N. Y. — Pred redno januarsko sejo društva Sv. Petra, št. 50 JSKJ, sem se udeležil pregledovanja knjig in računov. Mraz je bilo kot na Finskem, toda, ko sem prišel v Slovenski dom, sta me tajnik in blagajnik že čakala. Par minut nato so prišli tudi društveni nadzorniki, resnih iz rdečih o-brazov. ReSnost jedila na račun važnega dela, rdečica pa na račun občutne zime. Potem so se lotili resnega dela vsi, katerih se je tikalo, in reči moram, da jih je bilo prijetno poslušati. Medtem so začeli prihajati drugi člani za sejo. Udeležba je bila lepa in članom je treba dali kredit za njihovo požrtvovalnost. V takem mrazu namreč ni zabava hoditi na seje. Mislim, da se spodobi tudi omeniti požrtvovalnost naših odbornikov, prejšnjega predsednika, tajnika, blagajnika in nadzornike, kako so prispevali lansko leto za pi-iliko proslave naše 35-letniee. Njim, kakor tudi drugim članom, je treba dati priznanje za njihovo požrtvovalnost pri tisti priliki. In naši novi nadzorniki so na letni seji prevzeli svoja mesta brezplačno. Naj bo izraženo priznanje vsem, ki se žrtvujejo za korist društva. Seja se je vršila v lepem i-e-du. Naša zapisnikarica F. O., dasi tu rojena, je čitala zapisnik v lepi slovenščini, da jo je bilo kar prijetno poslušati. Tajnik je bil bolj resen, ko je poročal o financi za preteklo leto; vsekakor smo njegovo poročilo vzeli z veseljem na znanje. Bolj žalostno je bilo poročilo o tistih članih, ki dolgujejo društvu na asesmentih. Tisti, katerih se tiče, naj bi bili v bodoče bolj točni z ozirom na svoje obveznosti na-pram društvu. Naš tajnik je včasih predober v tem oziru. Pred zaključkom seje smo sklenili, da priredimo enkrat v kratkem družinski večer, da našo blagajno nekoliko na noge spravimo. Podrobnosti bo že tajnik pravočasno naznanil. Ako ta prireditev dobro izpade, morda še enkrat poleti kaj priredimo, toda o tem bomo sklepali pozneje. Za enkrat je važno, da se člani in članice udeležijo družinskega večera in da pripeljejo s seboj tudi svoje prijatelje. Vstopnina bo prostovoljna. (Dalje na 7. strani) I "NOVA DOBA" GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE Lastnina Jugoslovanske Katoliške Jednote IZHAJA VSAKO SREDO ' ~ Cene oglasov po dogovoru Naročnina za člane letno; ta nečlana $1.50; za inozemstvo $ ' OFFICIAL ORGAN of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION, Inc., Ely, Minn. Owned and, Published by the South Slavonic Catholic Union, Inc ~~ ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY 8ubscription for members $.72 per year; nonmembers $1.50 Advertising rates on agreement Naslov za vse, kar se tiče lista: NOVA DOBA 6233 St Clair Ave. Cleveland. O. t VOL. XVI. NO. 6 Zapisnik letnega zborovanja glavnega odbora JSKJ VSAK PO SVOJE (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) mi posli zamudi uro, jo mora pač nadomestiti zvečer ali ob nedeljah. Vedo, da če bi pustil eno samo kolono prazno v listu, bi ga kritiziralo 14,000 njegovih delodajalcev. Kritika, pravijo, da je zdrava, toda revež je, kdor mora pogostoma piti take medicine. | Najbolj številni obiskovalci j med vsemi pa so prodajalci list- j kov za razna srečkanja. Pro-! j dajajo srečke za namizne prti- j 1 če, za likalnike, za blazine, za j : pralne stroje, za harmonike, za S ; purane, za šunke, za pasje šta- j | lice itd. Take srečke so običajno i : po 10 centov in prodajajo jih j : navadno male deklice, ki so pre- | pričane, da vršijo plemenito de- | lo za narod in domovino. Deset i | centov ni dosti, toda večkrat | pomnožene desetice nanesejo do- | larje in z dolarji se ne more | šariti kar tako. Poleg tega je | pa vsako srečkanje po federal- | nih postavah prepovedano, ker1 | spada v kategorijo loterij. Fe-; 1 deralne postave pa vsak pošten državljan spoštuje in izpolnuje. Saj vsi vemo, kako vestno smo ; ua primer izpojnovali federalno ; prohibicijsko postavo, dokler smo jo imeli! Postava je zahtevala in mi smo mesto vina, piva in rakije pokorno žlampali near beer, kokakolo, mleko, siratko in kamilčji čaj! Ko je bila pro-hibicijska postava ukinjena, smo j pa spet zabredli v nelepe stare ^ razvade. Mali prodajalki srečk torej t svečano izjavim, da bi bilo za dobrega državljana nečastno, če bi kršil postave Zedinjenih držav a-nakupovanjem prepovedanih srečk. Da pa njena pot ni . čisto zastonj, ji stisnem v drobno ročico nikelj, z navodilom, i da si zanj kupi zase pest slad- i : korčkov ali pa rožiček sladoleda, ker je pi idna deklica. Pri j , tem je kar nebeški užitek opa-, zovati, kako se borijo razočara- j nje, začudenje in veselje v tistih velikih otroških očeh.* i; Tako in slično je z obiskoval- j ci. Nekateri so dobrodošli kot rože v maju, z nekaterimi ima I človek nekaj nedolžne. zabave, i nekateri pa so pravi — pain in . the neck! A. J. T. 1 - ) | -------------------- SLOVENSKE VESTI Poročevalka za dnevnik, ki ga j izdaja državna univerza v Kentu, Ohio, je postala Miss Anne Prosen, članica društva št. 173 i JSKJ v Clevelandu, Ohio, ki študira na omenjeni univerzi z namenom, da postane zdravni-5 ca. Miss Prosen je bila delega-tinja druge atletične konference JSKJ, ki se je lanskega avgu-7 sta vršila v Elyu, Minn., ter je obširno opisala dotično konferenco in mladinsko konvencijo. ; Sploh prispeva ta naša mlada članica mnogo zanimivih član-3 kov za angleško sekcijo Nove Dobe. * V Rock Springsu, Wgo., je po dolgi bolezni, katero si je na-' kopal pri delu v premogovih j rovih, preminil Rudolph Štravs, | star 48 let, član društva št. 18 JSKJ in št. 10 SNPJ. Rojen je bil na Volčah v Poljanski dolini nad Škofjo Loko in je bival v Ameriki 30 let. Bil je dobrega značaja in priljubljen med vsemi, ki so ga poznali. Zapušča žalujočo soprogo in dve hčeri, katerih ena je Elsie Straus, ki je bila v preteklem avgustu de-legatinja tretje mladinske konvencije v Elyu, Minnesota. * • V Clevelandu, O., je po daljšem bolehanju umrl John Ro-šel, član in eden ustanovnikov društva št. 71 JSKJ. — V letalski nesreči je bil ubit Joseph Kapel, star 26 let, član društva št. 71 JSKJ. Bil je licenciran pilot in, dasi ni bil zaposlen pri letalstvu, je istemu posvetil ves i.-6j prosti rti ncite-vasm (Nadaljevanje s 3. str.) koristi naše Jednote mora naš glavni odbor vedno v prvi vrsti u-poštevati in braniti. Vse ostale člane pa glavni odbor prosi, da mu gredo v tem oziru na roke. Dobro ime naše Jednote je predragoceno, da bi ga posojali v neznane ali sumljive namene. Urednik poroča, da je za mesto urednika angleških strani j Nove Dobe prejel samo eno aplikacijo, in sicer od dosedanjega urednika angleške sekcije, sobrata L. M. Kolar ja; glavni odbor j omenjenega potrdi na dosedanjem mestu za leto 1940. Za delegata na konvencijo N. F. C. je določen John Kumse, j za njegovega namestnika pa Janko N. Rogelj. Za delegate za zborovanja državnih bratskih kongresov sn določeni sledeči: Za Pennsylvanijo: Paul J. Oblock, namestnik; Andrew Milavec. Za Ohio: John Kumse, namestnik Janko N. Ro I gelj. Za Illinois: Paul Bartel, namestnik Frank E. Vranichar. Za, Minnesoto: Frank Tomsich, Jr., namestnik Louis Champa. V odbor za nabavo stenskih koledarjev za leto 1941 so imenovani: Paul Bartel, Janko N. Rogelj in Frank E. Vranichar. Omenjenemu odboru se dovoli, da sme poleg običajnih naročiti tudi nekaj večje vrste koledarjev. Glavni tajnik predloži varščine ali bonde za glavne in porotne odbornike ter za odbornike krajevnih društev. Bondi so pronajdeni v redu in se oddajo v varstvo v smislu pravil. Ker je blagajna mladinskega oddelka v ugodnem stanju in ker letos ne bo izdatkov za mladinsko konvencijo, se sklene opustiti dva letošnja mladinska a3esmenta. In sicer bosta suspendirana asesmenta mladinskih članov za meseca avgust in sentum-ber. Na razpravo pridejo konvenčne zadeve. Konvencija se vrši v Slovenskem narodnem domu v Waukeganu, 111., in se prične 23. septembra 1940. Jednotini predkonvenčni računi se zaključijo 30. junija 1940. Konvenčne znake naroči glavni tajnik. Združitve društev v svrho volitev skupnih delegatov se določijo po glavnem odboru kot zahtevajo pravila. Zaključek seje ob 6. uri zvečer. Peta seja Peta seja je po glavnem predsedniku otvorjena dne 31. januarja ob 9. uri dopoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot na prejšnjih štirih sejah. Zapisnikar prečita zapisnika tretje in četrte seje, ki se sprejmeta kot čitana. Nato pride na razpravo predkonvenčna kampanja, glede katere se sprejmejo sledeče določbe: Konvenčna članska kampanja naj se prične 1. marca in konča 30. junija 191/0. Uspešni agitatorji bodo prejeli za glavno nagrado prosto vožnjo na konvencijo v Waukegan, III., in po $Jf.OO dnevnice med potovanjem in za časa njihovega bivanja v konvenčnem mestu. Z drugimi besedami rečeno: uspešni agitatorji bodo častni člani 16. redne konvencije. Za pridobitev glavne nagrade' ali častnega članstva na 16. redni konvenciji bodo morali kandidatjc dobiti sledeče število točk: \ Iz New Yorka, Murylanda in West Virginije........... h000 točk Iz Pennsy Ivani je, Ohio in Minnesote ...3,000 Iz Indiane, Illinoisa in Wisconsinu ... ...2,000 Iz Michigana ............................................ 2,500 Iz Nebraske ............................................ 3,500 Iz Californije, Oregona in Washingtona .......... .6,000 ” Iz vseh ostalih zapadnih držav ............................5,000 ” Za novopridobljene Člane bodo Icandidatje za častno konveh-čnQ članstvo dobili sledeče število točk: MLADINSKI ODDELEK Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt JA (15 centov mesečno) 100 točk Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt JB ($1.00 mesečno)... 250 Za člana, ki bo pristopil za $500.00 v načrt JC (85c mesečno) .......................................... 200 Za člana, ki bo pristopil za $1000.00 v načrt J C ($1.60 mesečno) ........................................1/00 ” ODRASLI ODDELEK Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrr “D” za $250.00 150 Za članu, ki bo pristojni v načrt “D” za $500.00........ 300 ” Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt "D” zu $1000.00. 600 Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt “D” za /1500.00....... 900 ” Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt “D” za $2000.00. 1200 ” Za člana, Id l'o pristopil v načrt “D” za $3000.00..1800 ” Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt “E” ali “F” za $250.00 200 ” Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt “E” ali “F” za $500.00 Jf00 ” Za člana, ki bo pristopiI v načrt “p]” ali “F” za $1000.00 .......................................... 800 ” Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt '‘E’’ ali "F” ,, c/.><>,>,> ' j/oo | Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt “E” ali “F” za $2000.00 ............................................... 1600 ” Za člana, ki bo pristopil v načrt '‘E” ali “F” za $3000.00 ............................................ 2Jt00 ” Za, člane, ki bodo pristopili v odrasli oddelek iz mladinskega oddelka, se za prvih 500 dolarjev zavarovalnine ne bo dovolilo nobenega kredita v obliki točk, ako se pa zavarujejo za več, tedaj I bodo kandidat je za častno konvenčno članstvo prejeli kredit za j vsoto, ki presega 500 dolarjev zavarovalnine. Kandidatom za častno konvenčno članstvo se bo dalo obenem I kredit, ako kak Han zavarovalnino za smrtnino zviša, in sicer za vsoto, za katero je isto zvišal. Poleg glavne nagrade bodo kandidat je za častno članstvo na ; 16. redni konvenciji deležni tudi vseh drugih nagrad, ki so teden-j slco priobčene v Novi Dobi. Častno delegatstvo se začne v četrtek lconvenčnega tedna in i traja, do zaključka konvencije. Kandidat za častnega delegata ali | gosta konvencije more biti vsak član, ki je star 16 let ali več. j j Vsak kandidat more pridobivati nove člane za svoj kredit le j j k društvu, h kateremu sam spada. Noben kandidat ne more [ | odstopiti svojih kreditov drugemu kandidatu. Vse druge podrobnosti, ki so v zvezi s to predkonvenčno j kampanjo, uredi glavni tajnik. S sprejemom gori navedenih določb za predkonvenčno kam-1 panjo je bil dnevni red seje izčrpan. Glavni predsednik se zahvali! navzočim glavnim odbornikom za točnost in za pozornost, katero so posvetili zborovanju predloženim zadevam, nakar zaključi peto sejo in obenem letno zborovanje glavnega odbora v sredo 31. januarja 1940 ob 11. uri dopoldne. 4 PAUL BARTEL, ANTON J. TERBOVEC, glavni predsednik; - zapisnikar. SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT of the condition of the ADULT DEPARTMENT of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLiC UNION OF AMERICA ' at the close of business DECEMBER 31, 1939 l j RECEIPTS ! Mortuary Fund: Assessments ...........................................$ 89,402.13 Interest from Bonds, less am’t trans, to Expense Fund . 44.522.29 Interest from Certificate Loans ....................... 3,196.01 Gross increase by adjustment in book value of bonds ... 115,213.97 Profit on sale of Bond ................................ 22.81 Refunds from Lodges 75 and 26 ......................... 400.00 $252,757.21 Sick and Indemnity Fund: Assessments ............,..............................$ 60,507.55 Refunds from Lodges 15, 158, 49 and 85 ................ 116.00 $ 60,623.55 Disability Fund: Regular and Special Assessments .......................$ 7,496.35 Refund from Lodge No. 162 ............................. 8.67 $ 7,505.02 Athletic Fund: Assessments $ 1,756.88 $ 1,756.88 Expense Fund: Assessments ...........................................$ 27,132.97 Interest ....................................... 1,771.20 For Lodge Supplies and New Certificates ............... 24.00 Ads and subscriptions (Nova Doba) ..................... 221.98 Death Benefit refused by beneficiary of John Loushin si 2.55 Refund from American-Jugoslav Printing & Publishing Co. 9.75 Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minnesota ................. 8.00 Wiliam W. Flanegin Company, refund .................... 2.00 Transferred from the Mortuary Fund ......................... 57.50 Transferred from the Sick and Indemnity Fund 1,020.58 $ 30,250.53 TOTAL ...................................................... $352,893.19 DISBURSEMENTS Mortuary Fund: Death Claims and interest on unpaid death claims ......$ 49,905^24 Cash Surrenders ......................................... 1,605.20 Accrued interest on bonds purchased ....................... 774.10 Loss on Sales of Bonds ................................. 10,295.40 Gross decrease by amortization of bonds 23,136.46 Assessments returned to member of lodge 223 80.84 , Transferred to the Expense Fund ............................ 57.50 $ 85,854.74 Sick and Indemnity Fund: Sick claims, operations, etc...........................$ 50,989.97 Transferred to the Expense Fund »........................ 1,020.58 $ 52,010.55 Disability Fund: Disability Benefits ./................................ $ 4,638.02 Asessments returned to member of lodge 223 ........•......... 7.55 $ 4,645.57 Athletic Fund: Authorized payments to lodges $ 165.00 Salary of Athletic Commissioner 60.00 Cost of Athletic Conference ............................. 2,015.93 L. M. Kolar, plates and baseball supplies .................. 46.44 Assessments returned to member of lodge 223 ................. 1.66 $ 2,289.03 Expense Fund: SALARIES: 1 Members of Supreme Board not including Supreme Medical Examiner $4,718.00 Supreme Medical Examiner ...................... 644.25 Members of the Finance Committee .............. 198.00 Assistant Editor of “Nova Doba” 390,00 Office Employees ............................ 3,257.90 $ 9,208.15 TRAVELING EXPEiNSES OF MEMBERS OF SUPREME BOARD: Railroad fare $ 720.11 Per diems ................................. 1,808.00 $ 2,528.11 RENTS: Home office building .........................$ 600.00 Post Office Box Rents............................ 6.00 Safety Deposit boxes 82.50 $ 688.50 ACTUARY: Tabulating service .......................!...$ 571.18 Tabulating service for State Exam.............. 195.22 Traveling expenses & other charges.............. 58.50 $ 824.90 CONVENTION EXAMINATION: Fees and expenses of examiners ..............$1,229.20 $ 1,229.20 LEGAL SERVICES: Joseph E. Kuhar, Salary.......................$ 50.00 Thomas J. Carey, Legal Advices ................. 15.00 $ 65.00 AWARDS: To lodges for new members and to secretaries for conversions of cert......................$1,579.25 $ 1,579.25 MISCELLANEOUS ILLS: V.viHiiitaium Xe«s> for new mtmt’crs .........$ 4240*1 CSsntlniiGil as 7) Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota v Ameriki ELY, MINNESOTA GLAVNI ODBOR: a). Izvrševalni odsek: Predsednik: PAUL BARTEL, 225 N. Lewis Ave., Waukegan, Prvi podpredsednik: JOSEPH MANTEL, Ely, Minn. K pa. Drugi podpredsednik: PAUL J. OBLOCK, R. D. 1, Tm' 5L ' nenvW' Tretji podpredsednik: FRANK OKOREN, 4759 Pearl fat- v Colo. nlgff- Četrti podpredsednik: JOHN P. LUNKA, 1266 E. 173rd Si.. land, Ohio. Tajnik: ANTON ZBASNIK, Ely, Minn. Pomožni tajnik: FRANK TOMSICH, JR., Ely, Minn. Blagajnik: LOUIS CHAMPA, Ely, Minn. oitt.sburgk Vrhovni zdravnik: DR. F. J. ARCH, 618 Chestnut St., Penna. qt cl*11 Urednik-upravnik glasila: ANTON J. TERBOVEC, 62JJ Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. b). Nadzorni odsek: Predsednik: JOHN KUMSE, 1735 E. 33rd St., Lorain, veiani 1. nadzornik: JANKO N. ROGELJ, 6208 Schade A ve., Ohio. jollet, 2. nadzornik: FRANK E. VRANICHAR, 1312 N. Center Illinois. 3. nadzornik: MATT ANZELC, Box 12, Aurora, Minn. p* 4. nadzornik: ANDREW MILAVEC, Box 31, Meadow GLAVNI POROTNI ODBOR: q, Predsednik: ANTON OKOLISH, 1078 Liberty Ave., Barber ■ 1. porotnik: JOHN SCHUTTE, 4751 Baldwin Ct„ Denver, v 2. porotnik: FRANK MIKEC, Box 46, Strabane, Pa. 3. porotnica: ROSE SVETICH, Ely, Minn. tlvn tf,?. 4. porotnik: VALENTIN OREHEK, 264 Union Ave., Broom' Jednotino uradno glasilo. NOVA DOBA, 6233 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohi0_____ ----------------------------------------- "jajoiU. Vse stvari, tikajoče se uradnih zadev, naj ee pošiljajo na denarne roSiljatve pa na glavnega blagajnika. Vse pritožbe in V' jh £Uiw•* naslovi na predsednika porotnega odbora. Prošnje za pušilj^0 proinje za zvišanje zavarovalnine in bolniška spričevala naj »o vrhovnega adravnika. o. Dopisi, društven* naznanila, oglasi, naročnina nečlanov in * rievelaDfl'«tt ■lovov na J ae pošiljajo na naslov: Nova Doba, 6233 St. Clair Ave.» iugoslova*5JJ Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota v Ameriki je najboljši^nndoore zavarovalnica v Zedinjenih državah in plačuje najliberalnejse P y članom. Jednota Je zastopana skoro v vsaki večji slovenski naagu» druitT*.^ in kdor hoče postati njen član, naj se zglasi pri tajniku l()»aincJ?‘ ^ni b,e*2i pa naj piše na glavni urad. Novo društvo se lahko ustanovi z . jetju plemena, neozlraje se na njih vero, politično pripadnost ali nirtinffr 1*^ sprejema tudi otroke v starosti od dneva rojatva do 16. let* in ^ mladinskem oddelku do 18. leta. Pristopnina za oba oddelka J* v gf Premotenjo znala nad $2,000,000.00. Bolventnoet JtdnoU NAGRADE V GOTOVT^ ZA NOVOPRIDOBLJENE ČLANE ODRASLEGA DINSKEGA ODDELKA DAJE JJSJtJEDNOTA NA<> GOTOVINI. w Za novopridobljene člane odraslega oddelka »o p deležni sledečih nagrad: za člana, ki se zavaruje za $ 250.00 smrtnine, fl-za člana, ki se zavaruje za $ 500.00 smrtnine, č-za člana, ki se zavaruje za $1,000.00 smrtnine, ^ za člana, ki se zavaruje za $1,500.00 smrtnine, $ • za člana, ki se zavaruje za $2,000.00 smrtnine, $ • . za člana, ki se zavaruje za $3,000.00 smrtnine, f ^ ft Za novopridobljene člane mladinskega oddelko ™ lagatelji deležni sledečih nagrad: za člana starega načrta “JA” — $0.50; za člana načrta "JD” — $2.00; ^ T^ za člana novega načrta “JC", s $500.00 z<*var 1 $2 M; za člana novega načrta “JC” s $1,000.00 . $3.00. 0i»* Vse te nagrade so izplačljive šele potem, ko 8 Slane plačani trije mesečni asesmenti. - ^(9^ 8 i ‘J J A ln % k % He S: •% t. Pustna nedelja J® jj, v-im ~ merno zaključena' (T, na St. Clair Aven«e j tl, landu, Ohio z S mične spevoigre Igra je bila časti V. brana in'izborno i .• set .je bil naravnost H* česar bi se dalo * .ei naši ljudje želij° ^ prireditev in jih 1 Dramsko društvo kar” je bilo gotovo ^ posetom, kakor ^ .A oljni posetniki 2 in prosto zabavo, ki J - Jj pozne nočne ure-^^ . k koristen V Avstralijo j^ ^ '« Slu kako 50 leti zaiieše« ^ ameriški kaktus, k' menom prickly Pci*..[l0, e bil za vrtno raf .j i# j r nekaj letih gil^ ■adi suhega l,odntygaK(’^ iril po pašnikih- -0n j ] prerasel okrog 11j) f j i površine in vini in ovcam. K'1 a0ct .ji rdoživa in je liti z ognjem. A tH"J eončno našli v lega molja, ki S°J; 1(0^ usih. Par let p nolj vpeljan v Av yy f ie pokazali u8Pc ( iovolj, podnebje jji / silno Uit,o sedaj očistil že na , ti#' akrov bodečega ji , r#'*’' 1 spomenik 1>J . j 1^ /i Na poljedelsk pOjf^ . [ Moskvi je bil ,,e ^ spomenik petelin«' tomke izležejo 3* Pr- ieto. Petelinova čevljev visoka ki X ----------------------------------- | poletu je letalo treščilo na tla, j j njegov tovariš je bil na mestu j ! ubit, Kapel pa je umrl tekom : I prevoza v bolnišnico. j i * Dramsko društvo “Anton Ve-i rovšek” v Clevelandu, O., vpri-, j zori zabavno veseloigro “Denar” | v nedeljo 18. februarja v S. D. Domu na Waterloo Rd. Pričetek i ob treh popoldne. % V nedavnem ko n testu v Ne^v j Yorku je bil 174etni slovenski J i fant Ludvik šuštarič proglašen za najbolj zdravega in najbolj i čednega mladeniča Velikega | New Yorka. Ludvik šuštarič je 1 bil rojen v Predgradu pri Starem trgu ob Kolpi v Beli Kra- j | ji ni. * V uredništvu Nove Dobe se je j j te dni oglasil Albert Vider iz | East Palestine, Ohio, ki je zad- i j nje čase zaposlen v Clevelandu ! j ter bo s prestopnim listom pri-! j šel k enemu tukajšnjih društev j : JSKJ. I * l)ve žalostni vesti je prejela iz starega kraja Mrs. Mary Klemenc, članica društva št. 122 j JSKJ v Homer Cityu, Pa. Pod Sveto goro pri Vačah je smrtno ponesrečil njen brat Ivan Brodar; podsuli so ga namreč hlodi, katere je spravljal na žago. j Omenjeni Ivan Brodar je bil pred dvajsetimi leti v Ameriki, in sicer je delal v countyih Fayette in Westmoreland v Pennsyl-- vaniji. — Na rodnem domu Mrst ■ Klemenc na Gornji Dobravi pa ' se je pri padcu tako poškodo- ■ vala njena svakinja Antonija i Brodar, da je na posledicah po-i škodb umrla. Pokojnica je bila i rojena Ptičeva od Moravč ter je-i bila poročena z Antonom Bro-i dar jem, ki je brat Mary Kle-: J mine v Howii* Cityu ■ ENGLISH SECTION QFB V Olt'lC,al °r9*n ▼ o/ the South Slavonic Catholic Union. AMPLIFYING THE VOICE OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING MEMBERS A HINT TO THE WISE ConventionMemories fctegjjth6^ ' ^ear 0U1’ Union shall hold its ItyLj] re§}ilar quadrennial convention in Waukegan, iiSac[ .e important assembly is still months away, and k . e for our members to give it some thought Th f ate action-^led anc* f°l‘emost duty of the delegates as- Ma\vs • „^e regular conventions is to change the 0!Qitanr/1^ ?rce when necessary; to add new sections, It foil6V1Se °^ers to fit the need, of 0Ul. lT| °^s> therefore, that the first and foremost duty ^8ent iL111 ers^ip is to read and study our by-laws, to fcrc0llsije>le?u^s of their studies at the lodge meetings tie thi-ggj, e*‘ati°n; from where the resulting products may ider-r ^le various federation meetings for final Now °n ai-^ acti°n of the elected delegates. ■ • reading the by-laws is not as exciting as ’r.^ctive story. Far from it. Any sets of rules u ns> when read alone by an individual, may %ider t^01 esome to the point of tears. Yet, when we N the g °Ur a^ect us directly, as individuals, :■ ® bv-l°Cle^ as a 8'^oup, the various sections should Ptajjj appeal, and what can be expected under ^enfiltu\n s and circumstances, as in the case of ^1'eaH S*Ck benefits. This certainly should make ■titexmatter for us, if for no other reason than Jeftl s. a strong influence on our pocketbooks. fWlv r’ that the by-laws cannot be read in-Vai'ionln an ^1(?ur or ^wo ’ neither can the mind absorb ^ be Provisions critically, so that definite revisions Kf^uted for the ones now in force. It takes %ife l^ttent reading and study, section by section, to ei'nina- se familiarity with the working principles Sever °iUr or§’anization. K Oi'£an months remain before the highest body in Ntiai ^2ation meets to discuss, propose and enact of rges which are found necessary with the l^Ws. Now is the time to read and study our working principles of our Her 11 is an indication of an intelligent SSCU listed in this group? ing ^ ^ou content to let the other fellow do all the A; you. Law of Compensation belji eve that you can of čo "lnS for nothing. The • ^ensation takes care fwVive?habIy- Individuals nlSt tk themselves, fancy- llave sained some- i youtihaving t0 pay for e one thing, ap- *■ j Mate’ °ther comes to take lil L/5 bU\loses what he con-wit his barest poBBes-things War, al-j ti llay not discover it J % ’°ti 6’ ^le *aw °f cora-i i li!*' ^aii °Perat^ in many ^ th SUcceed at one Ik116 tnal C°St 0f S01«ething ^khiHa!rifiCe a g°°dly , j,%l account, in or- j O'*1 the highway in V’ °mobile- To gain f. L1 He t give time or i i/*1 Wjtj*nUat Pay for his >eeo J?58iBtent econo- 1 aUd nel’Ve fame the expen- Idu . lCe ia«or, more time, Manratec* eff°Irt is ne' yWtw'"3 \v«Lmay have every-h f0t, . *f he is willing n L ** too l1.^' Sometimes the Na!*6 basIgl1, ^an may fhid ]1riexchanged youth, for a8'e. money n, or success in any tic lo.nd, who; ■>C,ba.?er lov‘- 10 sain haw ^tihjh y Necessary to be-f j t Ss Upon others. gained only by Vjjjj^hange truth for if ee truth has many tho*Pression man ha« be°8e’ ^hen man de-iti jj.a Popular idol he le e s Wish but it may b j^)etlse of something kin 6ar- This is again 1'H. xT°t the law of com-f. Btit. ^j0°thing comes from hfj,, ^an will worship ^ of another exempt for value received. The statesman, the author, the popular orator, all must pay for their privileges. The pay may be heavy tho intangible. Yet it is pay, nevertheless. The man who loves quiet study and solitude must pay for his seclusion in the loss of friendships and human associations. No one continues to seek the society of those who avoid them. Nor will they seek the company of one who gives them nothing. It must be always a reciprocal advantage. For every one is seeking his own advantage in some way. They will not continue to see one who gives them nothing. For friendship man must give friendship. The recipient of charity must give friendship, for love he must give love. The recipient of charity must give much time and perhaps self respect. The poor relation is obliged to sacrifice something for favors received, usually independence. Our SSCU has local lodges organized not only for, convenience sake to pay the regular monthly dues, but to instigate a fraternal spirit among its members. Some members are merely content with payment of dues. Others take special interest in lodge activities that keep them young at all times. It is a hobby with some. It is a pleasure to engage in lodge work, with the ones receiving the most that take the greatest active interest. A member may be disappointed because he does not mingle with the brothers and sisters of our Union. Disappointed because he or she fails to do anything for the local unit, and expecting a lot in return. Nothin?-* from no tiling. tk^K,:v Kent, 0. — Like the diamonds of a million dollar necklace slipping through the fingers of a great jeweler, the memories of the Convention last August linger in my memory. He treasures the necklace for it is priceless, I treasure the memories because they are unsurmountable and can never be sold or destroyed. The richest objects break and fade away, but memories linger on forever. Last week when I left the halls of study at Kent and abandoned the worry of tests and once more joined my parents and sisters, I set to reminiscing. Strange but for a time I lived back in the middle of 1939 again. Just like a movie turning back the pages of time, I saw what had happened. I seemed to relive the expectations of the Convention. I could Fee my parents and friends working hard to secure new members for our organization. Then the closing date of the campaign drew near. Mother and dad put forth their last efforts to get enough people interested in the SSCU. How well I was a delegate to the Second A.thfetic Conference. I can see myself mounting that train and speeding off hundreds of miles to a little city in the heart of the wooded north. Then came the band, shaking and new acquaintances. Friends who were made not to be forgotten. Not 'to be forgotten indeed not. Just a few days ago I really found out how my friends remembered me. Why- The mailman brought me a postcard from Duluth, Minn. This was exciting in itself. The Spalding Hotel pictured there brought back sweet memories. It was here that I dined with Dr. and Mrs. Arch, Mr. and Mrs. Vranichar and Mr1, and Mrs. Andrew Milavec, last August on the return trip from Ely to Cleveland. With sweet memories and tear dimmed eyes I turned the card to see who had remembered me. Well just below the greetings were six names. My heart almost beat with joy when I saw that some member’s of* the supreme board stopping on the way to Ely signed the card. I guess you have been held in suspension long enough. Thanks a million to Janko Rogelj, Frank Vranichar, John Kumse, Matt Anzelc, Andrew Milavec and Anton Zbasnik for remembering me. I’ll never forget them, and as far as the card is concerned it will be a priceless treasure. Speaking of cards I want to thank every one of the delegates who sent me Christmas cards. It mey be a little late but nevertheless I appreciate their thoughtfulness. The delegates are very nice to write to me and tell me all they are doing. I hear regularly from several Pennsylvania delegates (and do I like their letters I hope they never stop writing.) then I get several letters from Minnesota, and other points east and west. The SSCU is certainly very fraternal. I have made many priceless friends at the Convention and at other social affairs of the organization. All these things help to bring back memories. Another incident to help me recollect the convention proper deals with our guest speaker at the picnic we had on Aug. 6 to commemorate the 41st anniver-(Contiriueii on v;dgt 6) Lodge 92 SOUTH OF THE (CANADIAN) BORDER Reporter on a college daily. Anne Prosen, Cleveland girl, now enrolled at Kent State University, has been made an active reporter on the “Kent Stater” daily. Miss Prosen is well known to the Nova Doba readers with two columns to her credit: My Impressions, which related in detail the doings of the third juvenile convention and second athletic conference; and Did You Know That, a column devoted to many interesting facts. She is a member of lodge 173, SSCU. Set date of the annual SSCU tenpin tournament. Cleveland committee on preliminary preparations for the sixth annual SSCTJ tenpin tournament selected Saturday and Sunday, April 27 and 28, for the annual SSCU bowling tournament. The dance committee headed by co-chairman Tony Drenik and John Urbančič, with assistants Tony Laurich and Joe Korencic, rented Slovenian Home on 15810 Holmes Ave., for the dance, which is to be a closed affair. The banquet committee, John Kardell, chairman, with “Lud” Laurich, “Loychie” Ivancic, and Joe Struna, assistants, scheduled Bridge Tavern for the tournament banquet. Rockdale, I.. — For the bene-I fit of those members of lodge “Vit. sv. Mihaela,” 92, SSCU | who have not been informed, I ; wish to say that for the year 11940 the entire former administrative board was re-elected. I Thus, I have retained the office j of secretary. I wish to call attention to the ! membership that I shall collect | assessments at the lodge meet-! ings, which are held on the third ; Sunday of the month, and on j the third Saturday of the month : from 5:30 to 7:00 p. m. at my I home. I will not accept assess-! ments whenever an idividual member takes a fancy to pay. There must be some system, for the secretary cannot be at the disposal of the members every minute. All members are requested to honor the foregoing instructions, and to pay their assessments at the designated time. Louis Urbančič,’ Sec’y By Uncle Sian | Uncle Stan Rudolph Straus of Rock Springs, Wyo., passed into the great beyond after a protracted illness. Forty-eight years old at the time of death, he is survived by his wife and two daughters, one of whom, Elsie Straus, was a delegate to the third juvenile convention. The deceased was a member of lodge 18, SSCU. An aeroplane accident caused the death of Joseph Kapelj, member of lodge 71, SSCU, Cleveland. Both Bro. Kapelj and the pilot died as a result of the aeroplane crash. Recently Cleveland Ivan Cankar Dramatic Club named Anthony J. Klančar, Cleveland translator of Cankar’s works, honorary member. This is the first time that the club ever named any Cleveland Slovene. Slovenes contributing to the popularizing of Cankar’s work and philosophy will be named in the future. Mr. Klančar may be remembered for his translation and production of Ivan Cankar’s “Scandal in the Valley of St. Florian” which was given for the benefit of the Yugoslav Cultural Gardens several years ago. Many of his translations from Cankar have also appeared in local and European periodicals. Drive Carefully There is no difference between killing or maiming a person with a gun and taking the life of a fellowman as a result of reckless driving. Each has lost his life, the loss to his loved ones is just as keen and in each case his family is deprived of his support. Remember that the bumper of a car can cause as much suffering and sorrow as a bullet. Public Relations Bureau, Cleveland Police Dept. Scientific Facts It has been estimated that private industry in America spends about 250 million dollars a year on scientific research. Objective of this is to find new processes for the development of such products as plastics . .'. Generally speaking, the average adult is able to read only about as fast as he could in the eighth grade of grammar-school—some 300 words a minute . . . The human liver contains substances which promote growth and aid the replacement of tissue . . . Chemists have stated that the onion causes tears because it contains an irritating aldehyde agent, a hydrogen-less alcohol that kills germs . . . Twins or descendants of twins are more likely than other persons to give birth to twins . . . Through the chemistry of synthetics, Great Britain and Germany annually produce a million tons of gasoline, not from petroleum, but from coal ... The first under water diving suit, a crude leather case for the body, was invented by an Englishman in 1715. Not until 1910, however, drd deep-sea diving become a .standard part of all up-to-date naval work. Today American divers can operate safely at depths of about 500 feet . . . Lowest possible temperature, according to students of cyrongenics, is 273.13 degrees below zero on the Centigrade scale . . . The woman dies in one out of every 100 of the several hundred thousand abortions performed each1 year in the United States. In addition, out of every 100 such artificial miscarriages, ten women become sterile and 13 are invalided for life . . . The American Baking Institute has found that bread, can be stored away and kept fresh for 40 days after baking by freezing it at a temperature of eight-'degrees Fahrenheit. As now produced and mar-Sceted, bread begins to grow stale a day or so after it comes from the oven. — Pathfinder. Get This? “Do you hear shomsing right now?” “No!” “Thash funny. I’m talkin’ to you.” “Which is the most delicate of the ,-senses?” asked the teacher. • “The touch,” answered Johnnie. “How’s that?” asked the teacher. v “Well,” said Johnnie, “when you sit on a pin, you can’t see it, and you can’t hear it, you can’t taste it, but you know '.liat it’s there." Ely, Minn.—United States Customs officials who patrol this border territory, always ready, to detect any law1 violation played a prominent part in the lives of five j gentlemen of the) SSCU — but could not solve the mystery concocted by our celebrat- ; ed author and trustee, Janko j N. Ilogelj. And again, as Nova-Doba went to press, the name of the young lady from Cleveland remained an exciting mystery. For Supreme Officers kept lips sealed, exchanged only; smiles as Uncle Stan, using every trick in the newspaper game, could not penetrate the secret of the “mystery girl.” But he is too patient to give: up, and will keep after the rid- dle until it is solved — so help rue! Orre chance, one beautiful j chance was shattered a week ago. It was then that Bro. Rogelj promised Uncle Stan he i would reveal the secret — pro-1 viding he was not on United) States soil. But this blunder-: ing reporter became so interest-: ed in “tundra” land and customs officials — he slipped up on golden opportunity. Result was lips of supreme officers were sealed tighter than ever. It was a beautiful, mild Sunday afternoon. Bro. Puu! Oblock, second supreme vice! president; Bro. Anton Terbo-vec, editor-manager of Nova j Doba; and Paul Bartel, supreme j pr esident had just entered the J city on the crack passenger train. Other supreme officers: had eaten their dinner at Ver-J tin’s, and after the reception j of the new arrivals, were at a loss wondering what to do. Bro. Rogelj reminded Uncle j Stan of a promise'to take the gang to the Canadian Ranger | Station on the Canadian side of Basswood lake — eighteen miles from Ely. Momentarily, j Uncle Stan began to weigh di- j rections in his mind. He felt j maybe a guide would be neees-; sary. He looked around a bit,! couldn’t find any of the boys who would know the country. But then, so interested was he in learning the name of Cleveland’s Mystery Girl, that he became bound and determined to guide the gentlemen over the frozen route himself iir his Vr-8. Bro. Frank Vranichar, Bro. Andrew Milavec, Bro. Frank Tomsich, .Jr., Bro. Rogelj, and Uncle Stan composed the party who started out from Ely, took the Old Winton road to Winter). to the Fall Lake boat landing, thence on the frozen wastes of Fall lake. Somebody ventured to ask: “How deep is the lake?” Answer: “All the way from inches to 150 and 200 feet!” Nobody expressed themselves, but it was noticeable the effect the answer had. Would the ice break? Would the car sink, through depositing all occupants into freezing sub-zero waters? “If we go, we go,” said; Janko, and everybody settled down a fatalistic feeling of “Let it come!” But there was nothing to fear for the ice was over two-feet thick, enough to hold an array. The frozen waste of lake — •.'.lino:;'. ei"!it milo:: of it. ure-' sented an auspicious picture. It resembled more the frozen tundras of Northern Siberia. Along what would be lake-shore in the summer were mere skeletons of trees, and roads leading to beautiful resorts — over the ice. The V-8 purred contentedly over the ice — speed hitting up to 50 miles per hour. Here one need not be afraid of turning off the road, landing in a ditch. Here one need not fear of collision. Nor traffic lights. For here was wilderness splendor— An exhilarating feeling of freedom. Later however, we learned that “freedom" was shortlived. From the distance we saw the power dam — where electricity is generated for the homes in Ely, and outlying villages, hamlets and farm houses, for the big mining industry. We neared the end of Fall lake, and the car hit solid ground once more. It purred along four miles of beautiful but narrow road. It was “Four-mile” portage — historic ground once inhabited only by the Indian. Then the white man came along, brought civilization and resorts and feuds. Tall timber was cut, manufactured into lumber. Supreme Officers eyed this wilderness land with interest. Particularly Frank Vranichar, who last November was at the southem-most point in United States in Florida, and here — just two and a half months lat-er, was traversing over the northern-most point. At the other end of the portage, was Basswood lake. Here was more snow, but the powerful motor churned through it ■ sending up clouds of fine snow 1 in its wake. On and on, and :Z every mile saw something new. £ Ahead was land on which were impressive looking buildings. It was decided to stop there to inquire just how far one had to go to reach the destination — the Canadian Ra igor Station. Place was the Ski 1 way Club — which in the summer time caters to entertai ling tourists who dwell in nearby resorts. It was surprising to rce a lively group sitting a ound a cozy lire. We stepped up to the bar, had a bottle of beer a id some pretzels. There we met Bert (JustasQii, proprietor, and Charley Moran—-the Canadian ranger himself. Upon learning the destination, Moran was only too eager to escort the group the two remaining miles to the station. A glass' of whiskey evidently helped him make up his mind, but we were told the rangers were always very generous and cooperative with the wilderness traveler. He was a short lithe fellow whose face wa3 branded with the wind and wilder ness elements. He knew his way around. He tied his skiis to the rear-bumper of the car, and away the motor purred. Moran informed the party that soon we would be crossing the imaginary border which separates peaceful United States from Canada, now engulfed in their mother country’s vv,£,r with Europe. We expected to £oe Canadian mounties guarding the border — but this was so far from civilization none was necessary. So we all. figured hero was real freedom where the lawr did not reach out its Uuncles — » sort of “Shangri-La.” ((JuuUnufcii eii Ui < LITTLE STAN’S ARTICLE (Continued rrom page 5) Here too, was where Uncle Stan, so excited with everything, slipped up on his real purpose. Here he would have found out who this lady from Cleveland was. But his mind was occupied with one thousand and one new things, and when he did waken — it was too late. Canadian Ranger Station was a cozy place. The party was warmly received for here strangers were few. Upon entering Uncle Stan recognized one lady immediately. She was Mrs. Vally — formerly Miss Gašperlin of Ely. Her folks are members of lodge No. 1. Here she lived through the rigors of winter wilderness, with her husband, also a Canadian Ranger. Bro. Rogelj looked over Uncle Stan’s direction several times, wondering whether this scribe would remember to ask. But Stan didn’t, tumble. During the conversation, surroundings of the cabin home were taken in. So neat, so modern, clean and tidy, and so warm! It was learned from Ranger Vally that nearest civilization was at Winton and Ely on the American side. The part of Canada we were in was Ontario, and nearest civilization was 80 miles away to the north. A railroad traversed its way some distance north. The sun was beginning to set in the west. The gentlemen decided to start the return trip. Outside we saw they were cutting up the ice, ready to store it for the summer season.About tc go in the car, we were reminded a Canadian store was located on a beautiful point. It deserved a look-in, for here was the genuine Hudson Bay wool products. The gentlemen purchased some souvenirs, Bro. Tomsich a pair of pretty Hudson Bay gloves for his wife, Packages all wrapped, the gang stepped into the machine and away they went. Riding merrily along — the . imaginary border line was 11 crossed and Bro. Rogelj started , to laugh. Dawn broke as Uncle ** Stan came to, to find out he ; had missed his golden opportunity to clear up the mystery. He took all the razzing for some time — good-naturedly, of course. Heh Heh! But the most exciting part of the trip was yet to come. Back on Fall lake, and Uncle Stan stepped up the car to high speed over the ice-bound lake. Up on dry land into Winton. Here United States Customs Officer Anderson flagged down the car. Uncle Stan was coming pretty fast, and he thought he knew the gentleman, was prepared to give him a care free wave of the hand. But the way Anderson flagged Uncle Stan gently but firmly realized that Uncle Sam’s agents were on the job — something he had not reckoned with! Officer Anderson opened the ear door. “Your car?” he inquired. Uncle Stan answered affirmatively. “Where did you come from?” Answered Uncle Stan — “Oh, Basswood, Skidway, just sightseeing.” “Were you in Canada?” The packages were evidence enough that the party had been in Canada. “Do you own this car?” inquired Anderson. Affirmative was the nod. “Let’s see your trunk.” Uncle Stan stepped out, turn f*d the lock, for he had nothing to hide'. But the darned trunk door was frozen tight. He struggled with it. Somehow he imagined the officer was laughing at his misery. Finally, “Let it go,” said Anderson. Then followed a severe lecture. Uncle Stan learned only then that it was necessary to report to customs agents before leaving and upon returning from this coun Some Observations An Indiana restaurant was named the Wooden Pistol, but it was such a bluff that the name was changed. The Arkansas college professor who described a dance hall as being “next door to hell” evidently had to listen to some of the music over the radio. If you are rich and sick and want to keep off the front page just get well, or don’t marry a movie queen. Even now some of the necessities of life are not fit to drink. An Indiana woman gardener who found a tulip stalk with five blooms on it was embarrassed when a newspaper announced she had quintulips. Statistics show that last year forty-four million dozen of socks were made; and by this time probably two-thirds of them have holes in the toes. Random Statistics To chew some eight billion sticks of gum a year, Americans pay over $60,000,000 annually. Materials used by the 25 U. S. chewing-gum manufacturers in 1937 totaled 95,-234,-844 pounds... * As the world’s largest user of diamonds, the United States in 1938 imported $24,094,000 worth of rough and cut stones. Only 25 per cent of them, however, were used as gems, the remainder going into precision ma chinery... * In producing the motion picture “Gone With the Wind,” David Selznick and Loew’s, Inc., equal owners, have turned out the longest (19,800 feet; three hours, 40 minutes running time) and costliest ($3,957,000) film in history, They hope it will also set a record for highest gross income —$6,000,000 to $8,000,000... * As the world’s greatest tea drinkers, citizens of the British Empire consume 75 per cent of the world production. They also produce 70 per cent of the world total. Did You Know That... ’ By Anna Prosen, Lodge 173, 'o*********** Right Where did Noah strike the first nail on the ark? Ans.—On the head. try. To evade the law, meant the driver and owner of the car was subject to a fine of $500 per passenger and seizure of his car. Inwardly, Uncle Stan counted his fingers... That meant $2,500, plus the car! Aye, Yie Yie! And Matt An-zelc was thinking about coming along too! Finally Officer Anderson finished and dismissed us, with a warning to observe the laws in the future. A sigh of relief, and more razzing — for your reporter — a newspaper man who was supposed to know that part of the law, was caught with his pants down — and ignorance of the law is no excuse. It was a neat cut-back on the trick played on Paul Oblock, our second vice president. Only ours wasn’t premeditated. And so goes the adventure — but the Mystery of the Cleveland Girl remains unsolved! Keep reading, for your Uncle Stan won’t be outdone twice. He’ll find out and then! Last Wednesday when the train pulled out, carrying supreme officers back to their cities and work, Bro. Rogelj was among those on the observation platform. As the engine chugged out of the station, a post-card fluttered to the ground. Perhaps Rogelj has relented and will tell, thought Stan — but no such luck — on the post card it r,ead Pozdravljen, Little Stan — signed Bertha P... and that’s as far as the mystery has progressed! Next week, Uncle Stan will bring you some of the big things planned by the supreme board — so keep tuned! Stan Pechaver The modern streamline train, Diesel-engined and light in weight established a non-stop world’s record in running 1,015 miles in 785 minutes from Denver to Chicago for the re-opening of the Century of Progress Exposition, May 26, 1934? The first railroad in America, constructed specifically for the purpose of carrying freight and passengers, was the Baltimore and Ohio, chartered in 1827. The first rail was laid July 4, 1828? The first paper money in America was issued by Massachusetts, in 1690, to pay the soldiers who had taken part in a war against the French at Quebec ? Before 1860 there were only a few millionaires, but our industrial development has produced not only millionaires but multimillionaires. — In 1928, there were 513 persons receiving incomes of more than one million a year; eleven of these had incomes of five million or more? Pen-naniqut Nek-tah (Young Thunder Cloud) of the Cherokee and Choctau Indian Tribes, is one of the most learned Indians in the world, having received various degrees from various colleges, including Oxford. This Indian can speak 16, one of them, the Slovene language. (I have heard him. He spoke to us as if he were a real Slovene.) He and his wife June Rose were in Cleveland some time ago? The hose-pipe, an India rubber implement is used for the conveyance of water. The fire hose-pipe is covered with carefully woven linen cloth, made circular without seam, and done by the handloom? The oldest educational institution in the U. S., founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1636 is Harvard University. The first president was the Rev. Henry Dunster, and the first graduating class 1642 had nine members ? Contributions Front Junior Members DENVER, COLO. DEAR EDITOR: This is my first letter to the Nova Doba. I am a member of St. Joseph lodge, 21, SSCU. I am in the fourth grade. My hobby is playing football. Since the ground is covered with snow we cannot play football very much these days. The ice is slippery. Weather was ideal until Christmas, then snow began to fall. Now most of the hobbies are ice skating, when the ice is strong enough. I think I will close now. I want j to remind all the members to be sure j and enroll at least one new member, thus contributing success to our lodge. | Edward Omahen (Age: 10) I No. 21, SSCU j ELY, MINNESOTA DEAR EDITOR: This is my first letter to the Nova Doba. I have been having a good time during Christmas vacation. We went skating on the river nearly every day. We didn’t have any trouble getting a Christmas tree because we had very little snow. I am nine years old and in j the fourth grade. My birthday falls on j February 17. I am going to write every month. I cannot think of anything else to write so I shall close now. Mildred Paksyla (Age: 9) DENVER, COLO. DEAR EDITOR: This is my first letter to the Nova Doba. I am now in the seventh grade and am attending Horace Mann Junior High School. I belong to St. Joseph’s lodge, No. 21. I have one sister and a brother. My sister is older than I but my brother is younger. My sister went to the last two juvenile conventions but I hope to go to the next one. Our city was decorated for Christmas. The civic center and the city hall were all in lights. It took about a week and a half to put the lights up. This Christmas I received a gun, a bike and a lot of other things. On New Year’s I went to a midnight show and saw the “Hunchback of Notre Dame.” It is about a man with a ugly face who falls in love with a beautiful gypsy girl. It’s very interesting. At present it Is snowing. It is our first big snowfall of the season. I am enclosing a funny poem. THE LITTLE FLY Little fly upon tht wall, Him don’t have no home at all, Him don’t have no mom to comb his hair, Him don’t care, Him don’t have no hair. Emil Ambrosic (Age: 12) DENVER, COLO. DEAR EDITOR: Well, well, oh "well, all right. I believe It’s about time I’m coming out of seclusion and writing about my trip to Ely. I’m an awful chump for not sending a letter in sooner. First, although I’m rather late or out of season, anyway something like that. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Hutar family for their hospitality during the covention. Also my relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. Loushin and family for the swell time I had while on my stay In Ely after the convention. I also visited in Chisholm’at the home of Miss Goldie Miklaich. She, too, showed me a swell time. Lest I forget, thanks to Mr. I and Mrs. Broderick, Charles, and nis two bashful brothers. I’ll bet they’re still bashful. Since all the details of the convention have been covered, I’ll have to write about something else. While in Ely I stayed at the home of my cousin. We had a grand time together. Especially at the dances even though I had a hard' time trying to get that Northern swing that all those Ely people possess. About the end of August the policemen of Ely had a ball in the Community Center. The popular Don Victor’s orchestra played and I had a marvelous time. This proved to be a gala affair, why even little Stan was there. I stayed in the wilderness country for about a month, but all too soon I too had to leave, much to my regret My cousins took me to Duluth, and on the way I saw a great deal of the range. I visited several places of interest in Duluth. Upon arrival in St. Paul I met some people who I had pre viously met in Ely. They took me to the beautiful Colliseum Dance Hall which is claimed to be the largest In the United States. Gosh, everything that’s wonderful has to stop so I was on my way to Omaha. Upon arrival I went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Broderick and had dinner, then they took me to boys town. It really was a treat. At that time some new buildings were being constructed. Therefore, befys town is being enlarged rapidly. Again I had to leave my friends and board the train for “Dear old Denver, and Colorado sunshine.” Again I wish to thank all the swell people that met or came in contact with while in Ely or on the trip. Now I wish you all a Happy New Year and I do hope that the other delegates and juveniles have made the same resolution as I have. That is to be a regular contributor to our swell paper. Maryann Ambrožič (Age: 16) . , . TO wonderful time, right . ° '.jjjust Johnstown. Pa. our Louis n ^ writing us a letter now a ^ gy, us about his wonderful ^ r ^ Minnesota. We do hope >o . vrrite M up your resolution, Louis a ^ w the Nova Doba every montn . - ^ New York we have our own ^ Violet Widgay writing us ^ Slovene ... To Salida, * Kochman writes her fust ^ ^ paper and we do hope i . last, Lois. We’re very other brothers and sisteis our wonderful page . • • • ” Q Illinois we have our ol' pa > c0I)VHi real friend and pal fr°® writ4rt ^ tion clays. I’m sure all ,our ar- readers of the SSCU tides as well as I did, o • ^ you swell. Hope to be hestfi g ^ soon again, Joe . • • a. wtl01W* We stop and see Henry ^ yot at Beaverdale. We’re g a ^ t articles the paper, Henry »na ^S be hearing from you soo> • ^ [jp Michael, Ed Oshaben v* aj] tt letter and it was enjoye jjoUniM readers, Ed . . . Way UP *^0 Montana we have our -n atoi Cheledinas writing to 1‘ u feme®61 school work and sports. i that you kept a res° l> Dd hoping to see you in 0 the f9®01 again next month . . •. ota Ely,*® journalistic city of Minn dcDt, $ stop and see my correspond* , Florence D. Startz w 4 ^ ^ Wjj Magic Carpet. Your poe • po ter’s Night” was very . ent,I»® Thanks a lot for the comp ^ i Her sister, Margaret tens Kochevar family: ttien a clipP®^i book in which 'she KeePjt Cj poems that juveniles " ; sure that our ten J will be kept on the Hon ^ o I Rose Koprivnik I do hope j* your illness. We're sony dvrec°feL,' ^1 The best of luck and a speedy ^ From East Sheridan w ti'jL Korent telling us about; „te«^ ^ grats she received for > birthday. I wish to congra too, Justine . . . Jit And from Soudan, Min”giebrate rf Jk. Stan: I wish you all V* :i°J C world with your new this one will be a succ ^ 0e future we hope to h'eaf A from you, Stan. \ On Friday, January - ^ & jpj ^ as hostess and gave a fr# \ t party for one of my » ‘ 10dSe . Ann Winkler, member ^ a ^ Ilirska Vila. The Par yT?arb^ fj W in honor of her sister. c0se> J ^ were two great birtl\,ariet? ,, for the two girls; a * wiches, fruit, candy an > musicians and a group L and what more could y° ,je pie V* up the party? We had , fPjr , having Johnny Vadna ^ t jr . »> playing for us, JRf V and Ed his clarinet. e, > Misses Ann and Barbai* . phine Klein, Josephine & Wjs, phine Burnaka, Fay ff j/j. * 0 Perry, Virginia Ritchi"feSSrs/ft V jane and Marion Gill- M C ^ Andy Bohinc, Eric Ba* ’K son, Chuck Elinger; * ^ Goody, Kenneth Ferr1’ jtl) sieh, Joseph Rudolf. , gtf* Johnny Vadnal, Ed «' , 5. Tony Elersich, Eddlc, .ds V> and their two other fr ^ ^ i Ward. Both of the 8lrlf ^jsl> V beautiful gifts and tW^ all the young people f all had ft good time. J d fr> ^ es to thank all her K 1 -sr V did come to the J V.tli celebrate with her Mis® -j L day. tvP^Vv’f Well, seems that ,riy “Time to stop” as I’» (/lUs of words before you K until next month a^alf0r0 »»! .■V1 have another article tt» Mjt ful juvenile page. folks, from yours 1,0 is ! Convention Memories (Continued from page 5) sary of our Union. Just last week Hon. Harold E Stassen made news. He received a diamond-studded key from Perry Pepkin, president of the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce. The governor was the nation’s outstanding man under 35 years old during the year 3939. If you delegates remember, Gov. Harold E. Stassen was the gentleman who addressed the convention and whose speech was presented in a summarized form in “My Impression.” I think the SSCU is a very important organization to have had the man, who did the most outstanding work in 1939 address the convention. Little did we delegates who heard the governor and met him think that this man who so graciously took interest in our organiza tion would a few months later be honored thus His picture appeared in the Cleveland News, Jan. 24, 1940. I, too, feel proud of the Union and cherish his autograph along with those of the supreme board and the delegates and other SSCU members. By now I think the readers know a little how I feel about our Convention. It will not die but live 011 and on. Thanks to all my friends who remembered me in one way or another. Anne Prosen No. 173, SSCU STRABANE, PA. DEAR EDITOR: Resolved: That I write a letter to the juvenile section every month of the year 1940. This should be everyone's first resolution on their list. The New Year Is here and it’s up to us Juveniles to fill up the juvenile page; so come on and send a letter next month and every other month. Midyear exams are around the corner and CLEVELAND, 0.1 DEAR EDITOR: Yes, it is the New Year, 1940. Have you all started out right with it? By 1 your resolutions? I do hope most of you | juveniles have resolved to have an article in the paper for every month. I It would be nice if you did make that 1 resolution. You know it’s never too late so—give it a thought. Celebrated New Year’s at the Slo-1 vene Workman’s Home in Collinwood. I The well known and ever popular two orchestras played for all the dancers. I They are, namely Kristoff’s and Vad-nal’s. Talked to Tony Kristoff, accor- j . dion maestro. We also mentioned Phil Sirca and why we haven’t heard from him for such a long time. Also talked I to the other accordion maestro, Johnnie Vadnal who is well known with the I other members of the orchestra for ! playing in Pennsylvania and other states. Danced until I was very tired, j Was with my friends, Ann Winkler and j I Fay Poropat. Also had a grand time i with my other pal, Miss Jo Klein. Yes, j in all that was a swell celebation. Incidentally the singing club Jadran j sponsored the dance. Read Little Al’s colum. Sure was j swell, Al. Well, I certainly thank you j A1 for the nice compliment you gave me for my work with the Magic Carpet, j but I was fust trying to help Little ! Stan out. I will be anxiously waiting j I for the time until the 1940 Model i Magic Carpet will be complete. If Little Stan and Al have something to do with i it then I'm positive it will be good— 5 so I guess we have to wait until then. Our semester will soon be ending at school. At Collinwood High School there will be many graduates. One of i my friends, Josephine Klein remarks, “It will be rather sad leaving dear old Collinwood High School, but my graduation day arrived and I, as many others will have to go out into this world and begin looking forward for a future in living.” Remarks like this ! one are quite common nowadays at the 1 school. For by the end of the month I our present 12A’s wil be gone. Yes, then i the 12B’s, my but the years are going ■ fast. Those school days pass slowly while you are attending them, but when you are out of them then you miss them. Yes, those are the school memories! Must also say that I attended a dance last week sponsored by the Frances Rupert Cadets. Met Al Jelercic, a delegate back in ’39. Our first topic of discussion was about the good old days we had in Ely. Yes, I guess all you others remember Altoona, don’t you? Saw other members of the SSCU too. Next month, if Little Stan is still busy I will resume with the Magic ! Carpet. I would make my article long-1 er, but due to the Latin homework I have I really must say Goodbye to all members of the SSCU. Elsie M. Desmond No. 173, SSCU i ‘______________ CLEVELAND, O. ■ DEAR EDITOR: Greetings to all the readers of this j page and all my other friends. Yes, j this is my second article to the juvenile j page for the year 1940. You, as well as i yours truly must remember to keep your resolution and write an article for the juvenile page every month. Yes, tjhe latter part of January the pupils were passing and going to higher grades. I attended the commencement at Collinwood High on January 25, 1940. I went with my friends, Mr. • and Mrs. Klein and their son, Bill and j Mr. and Mrs. Kristoff, Mr. and Mrs. I Klein's daughter, Josephine graduated ■; that night. On the program was Al-: bert Unetic who gave a book report on j Wind, Sand and Stars. Florence Unetic soprano sang “Mary of the Wild Moor” and “Out on the Silvery Tide.” Lillian : Satkovic, soprano sang “Jewel Song” from Faust. The program was very well done and it sure was thrilling just ' sitting in the balcony and listening to the program. Now our next commencement will be in June, our forty-seventh : commencement. 1 With the great news we have been 1 waiting for we are all so excited? Why? 1 Because Little Stan is going to resume 1 with his JUVENILE PAGE HONOR ROLL and we can hardly wait to see what it is all about. Yes, Stan you can r depend on me to assist you. I’m also ; sure that Misses Florence D. Startz and Irene Pavlich will also do their part ! and help. All we can do now is to en-; courage other members to write so as ’ they can make the honor roll and might some day be able to assist Little 1 Stan. So dear juveniles, as Little Stan , does say in his article get out your 1 typewriter, ink and pen and get to work so that you can have an article in the paper every month. Don’t forget, to the juveniles who keep up with their writings there will be a gift awarded to them at the end of six months, June, being the lucky month. So Justine Korent, Margaret Startz, Dorothy Pre-dovich, Ann Winkler, Dorothy Boldin, Milly Poklar, Bob Jurgel and all you other writers see to it that you will have an article in the paper for every month from this month on till June and you will certainly be awarded. So dear juveniles don’t forget your articles for next month. Looking at January’s issue of the juvenile page we find that our young members took their opportunities to write and I certainly was glad to sfee that so many juveniles were taking an interest and writing to our fine paper, namely: Nova Doba. Well, continuing with the juveniles articles from last month's issue. To Penna., we’ll stop at Pittsburgh and stop to see our own friend Bob Jurgel who we met at the convention and will always be remembered. Oh, Bob your article was just too wonderful about the students of the high school traveling thru the Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science. I bet you just had a I’m pretty busy brushing up on some I subjects. I ] There’s lots of snow on the ground. It came a little too late for Christmas ; so it came now. We have lots of fun ; sled-riding and yankee riding. Too bad Frances had a cold and missed some 1 fun, but she’s getting better and hopes to be having fun soon. The other day at school we were eating lunch when | she turned around to me and told me j something happened to her filling in one of her teeth and she showed me j and it was quite true. I asked her where she lost it and she said she thinks she ate it down with her sandwich when it came loose. She said her mother will scold her when she gets home. She! I said she will tell her mother she was j J eating chairs. Boy that was a laugh, i I Then for a little fun we put a notice on j I the blackboard that Frances Zele lost I I her tooth filling and the finder should j j please return it to her. When she no-! ticed that, she hurried to erase it, but ■ didn’t notice that some one else was 5 I writing another notice .on the other side 1 of the room. She soon found that and j erased it also. Accidents do happen j when you are least expecting them so we wish you get that fixed soon Frances. Hope you didn’t forget to put that incident in your diary Frances. J There isn’t much more to say but I before I close I’ll say Happy Birthday I to Jimmy Progar, the Old Rambler’s j son. Veronica Barbie (Age: 14) No. 149, SSCU i HIBBING, MINN. DEAR EDITOR: I think it’s just about time I start writing. I’ve had it in mind, but I guess I just kept putting it off. Weeks would pass by and before I knew it, a month had passed. So now I've made up my mind that one of my new year’s resolutions is to write every month to the Nova Doba, so, here I am starting out | with the new year. Christmas has come and gone. How j has Santa treated everyone this year? j He’s been pretty good to me this year, j How about you Little Stan? I kept myself busy during the Christmas vacation by skating just about every day. One good thing about skating is that we don’t have to skate out-’ doors, and sometimes freeze our toes. We skate on artificial ice in the Hik»bing Memorial Building. There certainly are a lot of children skating lately. Many of the children got figure skates from good old St. Nick. ; I still remember the wonderful times I had in Ely. I liked best of all going ; to the Indian reservation. I especially want to thank the Slogar family for treating me so nicely. Hibbing is finally getting its winter. 1 We didn’t have snow until two days before Christmas. The people here in , Hibbing were all surprised. It was a ! good thing it snowed, or else, Santa wouldn't have come. The little tots would’nt have liked it very well, es-. pecially Little Stan. : Did everyone have a nice Christmas ’ vacation? We had our vacation for a period of two weeks. ) i I am a student of the Hibbing High 1 School. I am in the tenth grade. I have - taken up four subjects: World History, t English, Biology and Bookkeeping. My , teachers are all pretty good, although [ some of them get boring at times. I - hope none of my teachers read this. I In conclusion, I am wishing every Supreme Board member and all the i members of the SSCU a happy new ; year, and may it be a prosperous one. J Bye till next month. Carolyn Kern j No. 54, SSCU STRABANE, BA. j DEAR EDITOR: 0 Although we usually have snow for t Ohristmas, this last Christmas we 1 didn’t. The kiddies soon recovered from i the disappointment when they ran s downstairs to see what Santa had brought them. I received many gifts if including a candid camera from mother I and dad. I have wanted a camera for ; four months and you could imagine my 1 surprise when I got it. I am sure most B of you had a Merry Christmas. I want to express my thanks to the ;. SSCU Lodge No. 149 for the Christmas - treat they gave us children. It surely 0 was a grand treat! 1 1940 dawned bright and early with a plenty of snow on the ground. (Yes, g we really have snow.) Everyone seemed s happy and full of the new year’s spirit. I I suppose the new resolutions were !. working wonderfully, but how long y will they last? I know most of you a made resolutions to write to the Nova s Doba each month. Well, let’s keep it s up for I made that same resolution. Let’s try very hard and carry out our d resolutions this year. “Try and you will r, succeed,” is a very good motto that h we should- all adopt. I think every ju- I venile member of the SSCU should n make a resolution to contribute articles II to the Nova Doba. I suppose most of t you say, “I don’t have anything to e write about.” I was the same once and ?. used to wonder where the juveniles o got so many words to write down. All you need is a start and you will roll ) smoothly along. At first I couldn’t find anj' words to write down but now I L. have so many that I’m afraid the editor wouldn’t have room enough for o them all. I know each of you could if spare a t^enie bit of time from a whole - month to contribute to our beloved friend the'Nova Doba. I know a great 0 favor you could do for this great friend e of ours. Make it overflow with articles t all year long! So try hard, won’t you? - v Frances Zele (Age: 14) d ' No. 149, SSCU OPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT of the condition of the ADULT department ^SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA at the close of business DECEMBER 31, 1939 ^^^ (Continued from page 3) ^ Stantw ^at' Con81-ess fees ‘....... 135.00 I a* f6eS......................................... 7-25 $ 5C6'25 compensation con-i ^5® Sociaf S' S- TAX: hCi “n,!’ Tax ........................s 93.09 ' '^Plovrn °fment Compensation Div 177.14 ^omPensation Commission 53.30 j , nt Compensation Fund 22.60 $ 340.13 1 lb __________ S4P R E s s- telegram & I u,aHo’vepU w!me Secretary ............5 489.46 | t, *'or'Manager ........ 138.45 j L^pa l1*1' Med. Examiner....................... 32.65 1 nMWs nfp^eme Treasurer ....................... 33.80 hetnNati PremeBoard......................... 40.45 | j|. 011al Bank, Duluth, Minn 8.73 $ 743.54 JJse°:Ffice maintenance and SAdflwet,A8ency.......................* 5509 6(1 ren ■ °*line Company .................... 11.95 4 ’ pairs and supplies .......... 18.48 $ 85.52 Nss?’ STaTIONERY and 5 ieSp“ Agency .......................$ 23.23 1 ftJ^oslav P!* 'ng Company..................... 114.25 i it, n Pub- Company 110.00 ! 5NS*?°*£any...................................... -6" Iht^y p Printing Company............... 15.53 CtCoCnvPany' Calendars ..................... 1'434-86 Iv^UeVu....................................... 49408 sub.scripii°ns ....................... 4.00 ’ C’l.Jr ....................................... 3.00 XL 12?' 8>isc nr\miiand suPPlies ................... 56.91 1 5tation»v and subscriptions ..... 13.50 " 21 ^verti! .............. 2.00 i 9.90 I ad i d’ Ohio' ad ........... 1000 I ad pr°Sram.............. 12.50 1 in r0gram ........... 20.00 < >.a5‘ ^ram .................................... 10.00 5 'Certiticaf gram .......... 1000 2 !i)0b 0f 1.48 $ 2,389.03 *SSfirsu* ougan: I bk Pub' ComPan>' ..............$4,675.47 s 4,675.47 jfe^XTL’RES: 6 Vk pr/‘hne cabinet..................$ 81.87 X chair otector................................ 47.50 phot. .................................. 56.00 ^lott Pi i machine ......................... 306.77 L her Co., typewriter .............. 157.75 $ 649.89 ISSj«. ---------- Tux Admin.................* -75 ^Jclcs Be fees on interest coupons |^for'SBf...................................... 85.78 ll«h checfei« SUarding Supreme Offi- EjjSte inf Societ>'’s bonds ................... 10.00 ^ 0 vice a raation Service .................... 25.00 «eais 8en°y. Premium ....................... 28.00 I* Smith"',;':.................................. 5.00 fcj • ’ nstaHation of accounting WSWtta«;;................................... 1,333.32 ^fnea t premiui" ........................... 6.90 \. 0 member of Lodge No. 223 20.75 $ 1,515.50 27,094.44 I ^RSEMENTS .............................. $171.894.33 \ "........................................ $180,098.86 ....................................................... $352,893.19 R£. ____________ V"il: CONDITION OF FUNDS gP**>£.........................................................$ 252,757.21 ^ .................................................. 85,854.74 . J'Jn«'30 ,Q..r. * 166.902.47 \ . ' da 2,156,685.21 I ^t^bp.. ------------ ;V **■ 1939 ..................1.......$2,323.587.68 (£“**.»* -------------------------------------------------------------- ' $ 30.323.55 ( ............................................... 52,010.551 t ^ 30, 19 $ 8,613.00 \ k 30,686.56 I ^ber m ------------ 1939 $ 39'299-56 ^ ^ $ 7,505.32 ....................................................... '4,345.57 * 2-859-45 ^ f, J 18,007.86 jji e,ftber -ji — vjj^. d1’ 1939 $ 20,867.31 |fe-........ kL 15 ... ...............................$ 1,756.88 ........................................................ 2,289.03 *V ^ 3°. 1939 $ 53215 . 6.781.62 jj^Sl: U 31, 1939 ...........................................* 6,249.47 Bfe......... IV $ 30,250.53 V 27,094.44 \ ^ 3« 19,0 $ 3’15609 ■ 9 26,276.85 e^bei. ... ------------ ' ’ 1939 $ 29,432.34 ®w5AlH ,5tNI111 CLAIMS I’AID r1 Ju^’ 1939 to December 31, 1939 [jHl A,nount Joseph Sustar .......... 18 506.44 IV^ °- PaW ! Tony Povh ......................... 20 500.00 kV* " 1 $ 1,000.00 Frank Gerze................... 21 1,000.00 Iv*1 1 1.000.00 Ciril Anzelc ................... 21 1,000.00 K%1 1,000.00 Frances Zupančič 22 15.12 K? . 1 250.00 Martin Marolt ............... 25 950.00 KS'""-.... 3 1,000.00 John Kastelic................ 25 250.00 IV-.. 3 1,000.00 Anton Trescic ............... 26 500.00 K?. ' 4 250.00 Michael Omahne .............. 26 800.00 v’ 12 155.81 Albert Sladlch .............. 29 1,000.00 15 1,000.00 Joseph Stariha ......... 30 1,000.00 :|fe - . 15 1,000.00 Martin Steple .. 1........... 31 250.00 K. ....... 18 1,000.00 Mary Dajut .................. 31 500.00 Frančiška Ceglar ............... 35 500.00 Jederta Bercan ................. 36 500.00 John Britz ..................... 36 500.00 Milka Jakovic .................. 36 208.10 Louis J. Pirc .................. 37 1,000.00 John Stmisha ................... 37 1,000.00 John Oblak ..................... 37 500.00 Anton Struna ................... 37 1,000.00 Anton Sime ..................... 40 1,000.00 Veronika Jesih ................. 41 600.00 Mary Avsec ..................... 44 500.00 Martin Urajnar ................. 45 1,000.00 Anton Tekaucic ................. 47 1,000.00 Mike Novak ..................... 49 1,000.00 John Kolsek .................... 53 500.00 Anton Godic .................... 53 525.67 Mary Mise....................... 55 500.00 Louise Klobuchar ............... 64 143.34 John Papich .................... 66 1,000.00 Mary Roseman ................... 70 1,000.00 Marko Miskulin ................. 72 1,000.00 Joseph Markely ................. 75 1,000.00 Margareta Mauser ............... 78 1,000.00 Ivan Percich ................... 84 1,000.00 Frank Krivec ................... 84 1,000.00 Neza Setnikar .................. 94 500.00 Louisa Champa.................. 103 170.00 Peter Jerick ........»......... 108 500.00 Jernej Steblaj ................ 110 172.36 Matt Stefin ................... 114 405.63 Frank Triller .............. 117 1,000.00 Margaret Susterich ......... 120 100.00 Anna Ferenchak ............. 122 500.00 Tomas Stupar ............... 130 500.00 Johanna Vintar ............. 137 357.15 Margareta Peshel 141 500.00 Mary Pivk .................. 154 500.00 Jacob Kaska ................ 155 500.00 Martin Gerdanc ............. 158 122.29 John Bergant ............... 158 500.00 John Kozar ................. 160 500.00 Frank Lovshin .............. 162 1,000.00 Margaret Siskar ............ 162 190.00 Louis Gramc ................ 171 1,000.00 Rudolph Germadnik .. 174 500.00 Frank Mestek ................ 175 500.00 Jack Golob .................. 200 500.00 Frank Srsen ................. 200 83.33 John Kocjan (Kostick) 207 500.00 Sam Grubich ................ 218 500.00 Helen Caro ................. 221 500.00 Marie Peich ................ 225 500.00 Eli Salapich ............... 233 1,000.00 Joseph Markely (refunded and repaid) .............. 75 150.00 Anton Trescec (refunded and repaid ............... 26 250.00 500.00! 525.67 j 500.00 i 143.34 j 1,000.00 TRUST FUNDS DUE BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED MEMBERS Names of deceased Lodge Amount member No. due Frank Zupančič ............. 71 $ 53.85 Joseph Palcher ............ 200 200.13 Katherine Pogorelc ......... 30 183.01 Anna Novosel .............. 122 119.50 John Hutar .................. 2 104.57 Mary Ulchar................ 158 355.25 Joseph Volk .............. 126 350.00 Peter Novak ............... 199 99.00 Mary Miklaucic.............. 29 50.00 Jernej Jaklovich 61 111.98 Mary Gorichan ............. 122 800.00 Frank Gorichan ............ 122 966.50 Anton Svigel ............... 43 25.00 Josephine Pustoslemshek 162 100.00 John Simcic ............... 179 100.00 Mary Kapler ................ 36 250.00 Mary Lisac ................ 122 323.17 John Britz ................. 36 250.00 Frank Pengal .............. 200 371.42 Louis Rudman................ 71 282.13 John Marolt.................. 2 175.67 Ivana Zakrajšek ............ 37 100.00 Lucija Kalan .............. 134 150.00 Mary Klinar ................. 6 200.00 Barbara Plantan ............. 5 116.67 John Sposta ................. 3 50.00 Joseph Sluga ..........:... 106 47.43 John Turk ................. 128 444.47 Karl Petrovcich ........... 227 225.00 Frank Šebenik .............. 85 100.00 Blaz Gorše ................. 54 425.00 Andrew Sharko .............. 88 100.00 Angela Zupancich ............ 1 100.00 Josephine Bradach ......... 111 390.42 Jožefa Bolka .............. 120 500.00 Lucy Merhar,............... 123 112.22 Fannie Stariha ............. 90 221.03 Mary Milavec............... 199 546.71 Mirko Mih tel .............. 32 292.49 John Podpečan ............. 104 189.75 John Krize ................. 9 654.03 Frank Koss ................. 29 504.76 Frank Debar ............... 70 151.36 Anton Starc ................ 12 14.14 Anton Zupevc ............... 18 111.59 Mike Jankovitz ............. 13 508.01 Marj' Ramoush .............. 18 68.55 Ivana Guzelj .............. 116 135.20 Matt Simec .................. 5 54.02 John Jamnik ................ 31 570.19 Names of deceased Lodge Amount member No. due Frank Umek ................. 36 125.18 Joseph Silcich .............. 18 318.32 George Krcelic ............. 135 094.70 Anton Pust ................. 6 28.46 Elizabeth Oblak ............. 53 100.00 Josip Redek ................. 29 86.40 Bartol Luzar................. 76 100.00 Louis Papes ................. 15 142.35 Katrina Krall .............. 129 532.40 Mary Semerl ................. 16 823.87 John Premro ................ 75 200.00 Frank Gruden ................. 1 34.05 John Skoda .................. 45 100.30 Frank Stanich .............. 43 624.75 Tony Shine................... 78 276.42 Elizabeth Makara 11 100.00 Anton Bolka .......-........ 114 642.86 Paul Tomsich ............... 144 371.7f Ursula Prijatelj ............. 2 33.6f Mary Tekavetz ................ 1 70.0C Lina Schober ................ 13 298.71 <*ohn Polugnak ............. 125 320.57 John Pintar ................. 99 450.00 Mike Raspet ................. 36 350.00 1 Nick Evanoff ................ 1 497.79 John Gross .................. 58 50.69 Katherine Lambert 45 600.00 John Princ .................. 36 176.17 Anton Bojc .................. 15 49.81 George Nemanich .............. 5 114.2P Marjeta Sunich ............... 9 133.33 Ivan Kolar .................. 53 175.00 Frances Zupančič 22 80.5P John Erchul ................. 30 200.00 Frank Jerich ................. 1 125.00 Margaret Shustarich .... 120 200.00 John C. Mertel .............. 26 333.33 Anton Jaklič ................ 61 118.92 Martin Marold ............... 25 50.00 Martin Gerdanc ............. 158 127.71 Varonika Jesih .............. 42 400.00 Joseph Sustar ............... 18 493.56 Ivana Vintar ............... 137 142.85 Milka Jakovic ............... 36 791.90 Michael Omahne .............. 26 200.00 Margaret Siskar ............ 162 60.00 Matt Stefin................. 114 94.37 $24,702.36 DEATH BENEFIT CLAIMS IN COURSE OF ADJUSTMENT Louis Mausar .................. 45 $ 500.00 Karolina Muzenich 49 2,000.00 John Cerjak ................... 16 1,000.00 Joseph Petelin................. 35 500.00 Martin Gregorčič .............. 37 1,000.00 John Zagar .................... 85 1,000.00 John Gosfenca ............... 144 1,000.00 Terezija Gilach 85 500.00 I Tom Vucinovic ............... 110 1,000.00 j Mary Butala .................. 85 500.00 I Jakob Tomazic ................. 3 1,000.00 j Joseph Prijatelj ............. 21 500.00 ! Elizabeth Gosticnik .......... 45 500.00 I Joseph Kochevar ............. Ill 1,000.00 $12,000.00 37 250.00 CLAIMS INCURRED IN 1939, REPORTED IN 1940 Jernej Notar 18 JS 1,000.00 Frank Frances Hrovat 33 500.00 Lozar 3 7 250.00 $ 1,750.00 BONDS i Par Book (Amortized) t Value Value STATE $ 10,655.16 Arkansas State Road Dist.—Ref. Series A 3 % $ 10.000.00 Arkansas State Highway—-Ref. Series A 4-n 10,300.00 10,175.50 Arkansas State Highway—Series A 5 15,000.00 15,551.37 Arkansas State Road Dist.—Ref. Series A 3 10,000.00 8,777.44 North Dakota State—Real Estate Series D 5 30,000.00 9,987.58 West Va. State—Hopemont Admin. & Hospital 4 6,000.00 6,694.12 West Va. State—Hopemont Admin. & Hospital 4 4,000.00 1,483.26 COUNTY 11,517.78 Atlantic Co., New Jersey—Bridge—Regis 41 Is 30,000.00 Atlantic Co., New Jersey—Bridge—Regis 4Vi 10,000.00 11,446.63 Bell Co., Kentucky—Road & Bridge 5 10,000.00 10,700.36 Bell Co., Kentucky—Road & Bridge 5 5,000.00 5,433.80 Bertie Co., No. Carolina—Funding 4-m 10,000.00 392.37 Brazoria Co., Tex—Harbor Navigation Dist 5 Vi 10,000.00 10,365.11 Brevard Co., Fla.—Spec. Rd. & Bridge 4 Vi 10,000.00 9,535.72 Cabarrus Co., N. Car—Funding 4’a 10,000.00 9,943.78 Camden Co., New Jersey—Co. Bldg. & Highway 4 Vi 5.000.00 5,751.37 Camden Co., New Jersey—Co. Bldg. & Highway 4U 10,000.00 11,563.74 Cameron Co., Tex.—Road 10,300.00 10,961.36 Cameron Co., Tex.—Road 5’A 10,000.00 10,234.33 Coleman Co., Tex.—Road, Precinct *1 5 10,000.00 10,000.30 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4',‘j 500.00 513.93 Crow Wing Co.. Minn. Refunding Series B 4',i 1,000.00 1,027.30 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi 500.00 512.86 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi 500.00 512.21 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi 500.00 511.23 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi 500.00 510.33 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi • 500.00 509.40 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi 500.00 507.23 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4'i 500.00 505.87 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi 500.00 503.21 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4% 1,000.00 1,032.10 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4'i 500.00 515.96 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4'i 500.00 515.94 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi 500.00 515.11 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi 500.00 515.00 Crow Wing Co., Minn. Refunding Series B 4 Vi 1,000.00 1.028.73 Cuyahoga Co., Ohio—Sewer 4 10,000.00 9,946.46 Hudson Co.. New Jersey—Park 4’i 10,000.00 9,889.16 Hutchinson Co., Texas—Road 5 Vi 10,300.00 10,728.88 Hutchinson Co., Texas—Road 5 Vi 10,000.00 10,672.80 Jefferson Co., Tex—Court House Refunding .... 5 10,000.00 10,535.96 Johnston Co., No. Carolina—Highway 5 10,000.00 10,365.80 Lee Co., No. Carolina—Road 4% 10,000.00 10,211.72 Liberty Co., Texas—Road 5 Vi 12.000.00 12,025.00 Liberty Co., Texas—Road 5% 8,000.00 8,195.32 Los Angeles Co., Calif.—Sanitation 5>i 5,000.00 6.179.25 Los Angeles Co., Calif.—Sanitation 5'4 5,000.00 6.247.98 Los Angeles Co., Calif.—Sanitation 5V, 5.000.00 6,178.64 I,os Angeles Co., Calif.-Sanitation 5 Vi 8,000.00 9,326.80 Ltx, Angeles Co., Calif.—Sanitation 5H 2,003.00 2,249,73 Macomb Co., Michigan—Drain Bonds 6 10,000.00 10,320.08 Macomb Co., Mich. Center Line Relief 5 Vi 15,000.00 15,569.54 Mahoning Valley San. Dist., Ohio, Series C 43.4 5,000.00 4,364.24 Mahoning Valley San. Dist., Ohio Series A 4 Vi 5,000.00 1,348.38 Mahoning Valley, Ohio—San. Dist. Series B .... 4 Vi 10,000.00 9,018.39 Marion Co., West Va.—Road 5 Vi 10,000.00 10,293.19 Matagorda Co., Texas—Cons. & Reclam 6 10,000.00 10,539.09 Matagorda Co., Texas—Cons, & Reclam 6 10,000.00 10,153.24 McKinley Co., New Mex.—Rd. & Bridge 5 10,000.00 10,331.02 Milwaukee Co., Wis.—Sewer 4% 15,000.00 14,351.30 Mobile Co., Alabama—Funding 4‘i 15,000.00 15,516.29 Monroe Co., Alabama—Refunding 6 10,000.00 10,321.40 Morton Co., North Dakota—Fgd. & Refunding 3 15,000.00 16,729.31 Pasco Co., Fla —Rd. & Bridge, Ref. Ser. B 5 5,000.00 5,258.54 Pennington Co., So. Dak.—Court House 6 10,000.00 10,300.00 Perry Co., Kentucky—Road & Bridge 5 10,000.00 10,787.12 Polk Co., Tenn.—Funding 6 10,000.00 12,151.31 Polk Co., Tenn.—Funding 6 5,000.00 . 6,305.16 Polk Co., Tenn.—Funding 6 5,000.00 6,373.08 Roane Co., Tenn.—Refunding—Series A 5 20,000.00 22,917.76 St. Lucie Co., Florida—Road 2,500.00 2,500.00 Summit Co., Ohio—Refunding 5 5,000.00 5,000.00 Wayne Co., North Carolina—Funding 5 5,000.00 5,966.65 Wayne Co., North Carolina—Funding 5 5,b00.00 5,057.84 Westchester Co., N. Y.—Saw Mill River 6 10,000.00 10,389.26 Westchester Co., N. Y.—Park 4’i 20,000.00 18,193.30 Wichita Co., Tex.—Water Imp., Refunding 4 Vi 15,000.00 16,446.30 Wichita Co., Tex.—Water Imp., Refunding ... 411 5,000.00 5,469.50 Wise CO., Va.—Richmond & Gladeville 4 7,000.00 8,338.32 Wise Co., Va.—Richmond & Gladeville 43i 3,000.00 3,552.66 Wise Co., Va.—Richmond & Gladeville 4% 5,000.00 5,884.32 Wyoming Co., W. Va.—Slab Fork Mag. Dist. ... 5’-i 10,000.00 10,216.25 Yuma Co., Ariz.—Highway Improvement 5 Vi 5,000.00 5,000.00 5U- 10,000.00 9,891.46 MUNICIPAL Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue 5 2,000.00 2,169.20 Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue 5 3,000.00 3,269.88 Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue 5 5,000.00 5,546.76 Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue 5 10,000.00 11,005.83 Aberdeen, Washington—Water Revenue 5 7,000.00 8,713.46 Akron, Ohio—Sewage Disposal 4'i 10,000.00 10,377.47 Akron, Ohio—Grade Crossing 4:,i 23,000.00 18,700.69 Cleveland, Ohio.—Aircraft Landing Field 4Vi 10,000.00 10,077.48 Cleveland, Ohio.—Aircraft Landing Field 4 Vi 9,000.00 9,024.29 Cleveland, Ohio.—Park 4 Vi 1,000.00 1,002.43 Dearborn, Michigan—Sewer 4 Vi 10,000.30 10,255.27. Detroit, Michigan—Water 4 10,000.00 8,392.09 Detroit, Michigan—Water 4 Vi 10,000.00 10,274.89 ; Dunmore, Pennsylvania 4Vi 25,000.00 28.434.02 East Chicago, Indiana—Water Works 6 10,000.00 11,485.19 East Chicago, Indiana—-Water Works 6 15,000.00 17,128.01 Elizabeth, No. Carolina—Pub. Imp. Ref 4 5,000.00 ■5,216.02 Euclid, Ohio—Street Imp 5’i 10,000.00 10,044.31 i Euclid, Ohio—Street Imp 5Vt 10,000.00 10,300.00 | Florida State Everglades D: D. 8 5,000.00 4RW3.32 ; Florida State Everglades D. D. Ref. Ser. A 5 10,000.00 10,283.31 1 Florida State Everglades D. D 6 5,000.00 4,375.34 i Florida State Everglades D. D 6 5,000.00 4,977.51 Florida State Everglades D. D 6 5,000.00 4,970.48 Florida State Everglades D, D 6 5,000.00 4,380.20 Flint, Michigan—San. Trunk Sewer 4:!i 10,000,00 10,879.65 Forest Park, 111. — Water Revenue 4'i> 10,300.00 0,122.53 Freeport, 111.—Water Revenue 3 Vi 25,300.00 26,341.10 Gallitzin, Pa.—Water Works 4’i 3,000.00 3,422.01 Gallitzin, Pa.—Water Works 4 Vi 3,300.00 3,163.30 Gallitain, Pa.—Water Works 4’i 3,000.00 3,436.23 Gallitzin, Pa.—Water Works * 4 Vi 1,000.00 1,149.39 Garfield Heights. Ohio—Ref. Issue J3 2'., 10,000.00 10,134.75 Glencoe Park Dist., Cook Co., 111. ... . 4% 10,000.00 10.258f.37 Goldsboro, No. Carolina—Pub. Imp 4% 5,000:00 5,014.96 ‘ Goldsboro, No. Carolina—Pub. Imp 4:>i 5,000.00 5,016.00 i Greenburgh, New York” 5'i 15,300.00 15,362.04 j Highwood, 111.—Water Revenue 3Vi 4.000.00 4,148.37 ! Highwood, 111.—Water Revenue 3>.i 4,000.00 4,157.47 1 Highwood, 111.—Water Revenue 3‘i 4,300.00 4,166.30 ! Highwood, 111.—Water Revenue 3Vi 4,300.00 1,174.86 j Highwood, 111.—Water Revenue 3 Vi 2,000.03 2,099.50 Hoquaim, Wash—Water Works Fund 5’i 10,000.00 10,302.19 Hoquaim, Wash.—Water Works Fund 5 Vi 10,000.00 13,089.12 Jersey City, N. J.—Harbor , 4 Vi 5,000.00 1,634.58 Jersey City, N. J.—Water /4% 5,000.00 4,720.84 Knoxville, Tenn.—Sewer 4 Vi 5,000.00 5,091.01 1 Knoxville, Tenn.—Bridge 4 Vi 10,000.00 10,837.07 1 Lakewood, Ohio—Sewage Treatment Works 4 Vi 16,300.00 16,317.10 ! Long Beach, N. Y.—Water 6 10,300.00 10,300.00 j Long Beach, N, Y.—Beach & Gen. Imp. 5% 10,000.00 10,878.67 Longh Beach, N. Y.—Refunding 53i 10,000,00 C,721.39 Los Angeles, Calif.—Electric Plant Rev 3 Vi 20,000.00 20,854.00 1 Los Angeles, Calif.—Electric Plant Rev 3 Vi 5,000.00 5,213.50 Mamaroneck, N. Y.—Sewer 4’i 5,000.00 4,867.74 Mamaroneck. N. Y.—Sewer 4 Vi 5,300.00 4,849.30 Marion, 111.—Refunding 5 16.300.00 16,860.39 Menominee, Mich.—Sewage Disposal 3’i 4,000.00 4,316.38 : Metropolitan Water Dist. of So.' Cal.—Ref. 4 10,000.00 10,417.39 Metropolitan Water Dist. of So. Cal.—Ref 4 5.000.00 5,194,68 Michigan City, Ind.—Sewage Works 4 7,300.00 7,720.89 Michigan City, Ind.—Sewage Works 4 3,000.00 3,293.30 Middle Rio Grande Conserv. Dist., N, Mex. 4 5,000.00 5,000.00 j Middle Rio Grande Conserv. Dist., N. Mex. 4 5,000.00 5,000.00 Middle Rio Grande Conserv. Dist., N. Mex 4 5,000.00 5,000.00 : Moffat Tunnel Imp. Dist.—Supplemental 5 Vi 10,000.00 10,578.38 | Moffat Tunnel Imp. Dist. City & Co. of Denver 5 Va 10,000.00 10,454,80 Montgomery, Ala.—Water Works Warrants .... 5 10,000.00 11,308.84 t Montgomery, Ala—Water Works Warrants .... 5 5,000.00 5,705.18 : Muncie, Ind.—Sewage Works 3-:i 10,000.00 11.023.16 Newark, N. J.—City Railway Construction 4 Vi' 10,000.00 9,355.15 6 5,300.00 7,288.29 New Orleans (Port of), La., Gen. Imp 4’i 5,000.00 5,086,42 New York City—Refunding 4 V i 20,000.00 17,806.71 North Chicago, 111.—Water Revenue . 5 5,000.00 5,766.47 North Chicago, 111.—Water Revenue 5 5,000.00 5,785.68 ; Pawhuska, Oklahoma—San. Sewer 6 10,000.00 10,235.25 | Philadelphia, Pa.—General Obligation 4 10,000.00 8,415.68 Philadelphia, Pa.—General Obligation 4 10,000.00 8,408.47 Pueblo, Colo.—Conservancy Dist. 4^4 20,000.00 19,746.82 San Antonio, Tex.—Water Works Rev. 5’i 10,000.00 10,849.81 Seattle, Wash.—Sewer Bonds, Series 1926 4'i 5,000.00 5,717,10 Sheffield, Alabama—Water Revenue 4 Vi 5,000.00 5.140,60 Sheffield, Alabama—Water Revenue 4 Vi 10,000.00 10,254.39 ■South Jersey Port Dist., N. J 4'i 10,000.00 10,361.46 Tulsa, Oklahoma—Water Works 5 10,000.00 10,395.74 Union City, N. J.—Serial Funding 4:Ji 10,300.00 10,339.64 Vancouver, Wash.—Water Rev. 4 k 10.000.00 10,223.89 West Park, Ohio—General Sewer 6 10,000.00 10,214,22 Vincennes, Ind.—Water Works Revenue 3« 5.000.00 5,407.14 White Plains, N. Y.—Registered Water Works 4>i 10,00000 11,,114.45 Yonkers, N. Y.—Water 4’i 5,000.00 • 4,924.43-. SCHOOL Aberdeen, S. D—Ind School Dist 4 Vi 10,000.00 10,000.00 Alexander Co., 111.—School Dist. Jl 5 10,000.00 11,117.74 Altoona, Pa.—School Dist 4 V, 3.000.00 . 2,846.45 Bayonne, N. J.—School 4 Vi 25,000.00 28,251.01 Borger Ind. School Dist., Hutchinson Co., Texas 3 473.30 473.30 (Contiauui ou mss &) ; DOPISI Nadaljevanje s 3. str. Na prihodnji seji bi želel videti vse naše člane in članice, ne samo tiste, ki redno prihajajo na seje. Prav je, da se vsaj včasih vsi snidemo, da bomo videli, če se kaj staramo ali se pomlajamo. Torej, na svidenje na prihodnji seji in bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 50 JSKJ : Igr, Zajc, predsednik.. Barberton, O. — Nedavno sta prišla na dvotedenski obisk v Barberton Mr. in Mrs. John Sedej iz Evcletha, Minn. Ustavila sta se pri sestri Mrs. Jacob Novak ter sta obiskala brata Mihaela Sedeja ter druge znance in prijatelje v Barbertonu. Po-setila sta tudi prijatelje v Clevelandu, Ohio, in v Sharo^ni, Pa. Za 25-letnico njunega zakonskega življenja smo jima priredili surprise party, ki jima je bilo res v prijetno iznenadenje. Vršila se je 27. januarja, in veselje je bilo videti, kako veselo so se pozdravljali stari, znanci in prijatelji, izmed katerih se nekateri že niso videli od 25 do 30 let. Nekateri so v tem času že postali stari očetje in stare matere. Andy E. Nedoh je slavljenca pozdravil z lepipi nagovorom, poleg tega pa je bilo seveda tudi mnogo posameznih čestitk. Sploh je bila vsa prireditev prijetna skupščina veselih ljudi. Družina Sedejeva vodi že vrsto let trgovino v Evelethu. Zakonca sta videti mnogo mlajša kot bi se sodilo po letih ter sta lepo vzgojila tri sinove in eno hčerko. Njuni prijatelji jima želijo, da bi v zdravju in zadovoljstvu dočakala tudi svojo zlato poroko. Hvala vsem za obisk! *'i>y ■ - Ku;m Ahu'y Nedoh. liutte, Mont. — članstvo društva Sv. Martina, št. 105 JSKJ, pozivam, da se polnoštevilno udeleži prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo 18. februarja ob sedmih zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Na programu seje bo več važnih zadev, katerih ne more sam društveni odbor rešiti. Dolžnost vsakega člana je, da se. društvenih sej udeležuje in se tam pouči in informira o vseh društvenih problemih. Nikakor pa ni pravilno po kuhinjah povpraševati, kaj se je vršilo in sklepalo na seji. Društvene zadeve se rešujejo na seji, kuhinjske pa v kuhinji. Na svidenje na seji 18. februarja in bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 105 JSKJ: John Malerich, tajnik. White Valley, Pa. — Pred časom sem videl nekje zapisano, da nekateri dopisniki samo zato pišejo dopise, da se njihova imena blišči jo v javnosti. Pa jaz mislim, da je to čisto prav, da se člani večkrat oglašajo v glasilu. Ako bi ne bilo dopisov iz naselbin, bi se lahko kritiziralo rojake, zakaj nobeden nič ne poroča. Seveda je največ takih, ki rajše čitajo kot pišejo r tudi jaz sem med tistimi, čeprav se moje ime večkrat blišči v glasilu. Tu in tam sem bil že osebno vprašan, zakaj se tako malokrat 0-glašam. Tako se vidi, da neka-, terim je prav, drugim pa ne. V naši Beli dolini smo imeli v januarju prav tako občutno zimo, kakor smo slišali, da je bila drugod. Temperatura je padla do 10 in 15 pod ničlo. Mene rado v noge zebe, pa sem si sklenil naročiti par jugoslovanskih copatov, katere sem videl ogla Sevan e v nekem listu. Pisal sem na tvrdko, ki je oglaševala, koliko stane par teli importiranih jugoslovanskih copatov, in - dobil sem odgovor, da stane $1.20. Ker je še neki drugi rojak želel naročiti par, sem pisal po dva para jugoslovanskih copat za $2.40, Po tednu dni sem posla- 1 Dalje na 8. strani) TsOVa DOrSA 7 S'SlE-; 1940 SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT of the condition of the ADULT DEPARTMENT of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA at the close of business DECEMBER 31, 1939 (Continued from pane 7) Borger Ind. School Dist., Hutchinson Co., Texas 3 10,000.00 ll,y94.34 Camden, N. J. School 4 V, 10,000.00 9,574.43 , Camden, N. J.—School & Imp 4'3 10,000.00 9,716.85 Camden County, N. J.—Vocational School 4 l2 5,000.00 5,686.57 Coal Township, Pa„ Northumberland Co 5 15,000.00 17,292.47 Coal Township, Pa., Northumberland Co 5 5,000.00 5,677.34 Cook Co., 111., Dist. :99 (Cicero) 5 20,000.00 20,704.87 Cook Co., 111., Maine Township, Dist 207 5 20,000.00 20,142.31 Cook Co., 111., Proviso Township, Dist 209 5 10,000.00 10,316.85 Cranford Township, N. J. 4 15,000.00 16,426.34 Cranford, N. J.—Board of Education 4 5,000.00 5,460.96 Cranford, N. J.—Board of Education ’ 4 5,000.00 5,527.64 Dade Co., Fla—Board of Pub. Instruction 5 10,000.00 10,537.44 Euclid, Ohio—School District 5 15,000.00 15,305.25 Cook Co., 111., Evanston Township—Dist. :202 6 5,000.00 5,000.00 Cook Co., 111., Evanston Township—Dist. if 202 6 5,000.00 5,256.65 Cook Co., 111., Evanston Township—Dist. :202 5 10,000.00 9,001.14 Flint, Mich—Union School Dist 5 5,000.00 5,801.47 Flint, Mich.—Union School Dist 5 5,000.00 6,015.15 Hoboken, N. J.—School 4 H 5,000.00 5,242.35 Hoboken, N. J. -School 4H 5,000.00 5,279.90 Johnson City, Tenn.—School 6 5,000.00 4,090.29 Lakewood, Ohio—City School District 6 10,000.00 10,364.56 Lakewood, Ohio—School 4% 10,000.00 9,719.37 Lubbock, Tex.—School District 5 20,000.00 20,742.83 Lubbock, Tex.—School District 5 10,000.00 10,236.49 Lynwood(Lugo)Sch. Dist., Los Angeles Co. Cal. 5 5,000.00 5,487.81 Maine Township, 111.—Sch. Dist. *207 4'i 10,000.00 3,664.04 Maple Heights, Ohio—Village School Dist. 6 10,000.00 10,849.92 Maricopa Co., Ariz.—Phoenix Union H. Sch. Dt. 4’, 10,000.00 9,087.07 Marion Co., West Va 4% 10,000.00 10,244.81 McDowell Co., West Va.—Big Creek Dist 5 10,000.00 10,043.48 Minot, N. Dak.—School Building, Dist. ;1 5 10,000.00 10,000.00 Montgomery, Alabama—School 5 15,000.00 17,017.84 North Little Rock, Ark., Pulaski Co 3'i 5,000.00 5,125.95 Perth Amboy, New Jersey 4", 5,000.00 4,756.29 Perth Amboy, New Jersey 4*4 5,000.00 1,728.36 Perth Amboy, New Jersey 4'i 10,000.00 10,144.63 Perth Amboy, New Jersey 4U 10,000.00 10,147.33 Richland Parish, Louisiana—Dist. ;18 . 5 10,000.00 10,150.09 Toledo. Ohio 5 Vi 6,000.00 7,081.56 Union City, N. J.—School Bond of 1932 6 5,000.00 6,747.00 Union City, N. J. School Bond of 1932 a 5,000.00 6,792.73 Union Township, N. J 5 10,000.00 11,722.81 Union Township, N. J„ Union Cov Bd. of Ed. .. . 5 10,000.00 11,691.24 Yonkers, N. Y. 4M> 5,000.00' 4,967.90 Yonkers. N. Y PUBLIC UTILITIES 4 Vi 10,000.00 9,840.84 Indiana Electric Corp. First Mortgage 6 10,000.00 10,042.21 West Penn Power Co., Pittsburgh, Pa 5 30,000.00 29.816.26 $2.054.473.30 $2,155,853.04 I STATE OF MINNESOTA') COUNTY OP ST. LOUIS) SS: JOHN KUMSE, JANKO N. ROGELJ, PRANK E. VRANICHAR, MATT ANZELC and ANDREW MILAVEC, Jr., trustees of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they have examined the foregoing statements of income and disbursements and gener* al conditions of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, and that they have carefully compared said statements with the books and records of said; Union and are satisfied that said statements are true and correct, in every re-, spect, to the best of their knowledge and belief. JOHN KUMSE JANKO N. ROGELJ PRANK E. VRANICHAR MATT ANZELC ANDREW MILAVEC, JR.' Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of January, 1940. I (SEAL) JOSEPH L. MANTEL, Notary Public: JOSEPH L. MANTEL Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. My Commission Expires March 5, 1S43 rjvpo1 rlti. SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT of the condition of the JUVENILE DEPARTMENT of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA at the close of business DECEMBER 31, 1939 RECEIPTS Mortuary Fund: Asesssments ..........................................$6,776.56 Interest from Bonds ................................. 3,109.49 Refund from Lodge No. 200 (Reserve Credit) ............ 4.21 Gross increase by adjustment in book value of bonds 6,183.66 $ 16,373.92 ; Expense Fund: Assessments -...................................'......$1,960.89 Rent paid by the Adult Department ....................... 600.00 Refund of fare of Juvenile Delegate ...................... 50.85 Transferred from Mortuary Fund (Reserve Credits) ........... 292.85 Transferred from Mortuary Fund (Convention Expenses) .... 3,095.20 Caledonian Insurance Company ............................... 177.87 Norvich Union Insurance Company ............................. 88.94 $ 6,266.60 TOTAL INCOME ............................................ $ 22,340.52-' 1 DISBURSEMENTS Mortuary Fund: Reserve credits .................................... ..$1,086.52 Transferred to Expense Fund (Reserve Credits) .............. 232.85 Transferred to Expense Fund i Convention Expenses) .. 3.095.20 Gross loss on sale of bond............................ 158.40 Accrued interest on bonds purchased 40.83 Gross decrease by adjustment in book value of bonds 907.85 $ 5,581.65 Expense Fund: GENERAL OFFICE MAINTENANCE A N I) EXPENSE: Janitor’s salary ...............................$ 250.60 Supplies 45.92 $ 296.52 WATER, LIGHT AND HEAT: . City of Ely .............$ 45,74 Standard Oil Company 16140 $ 213.14 AWARDS: Article in the “Nova Doba” $ 42.00 ' f To various lodges for new members ............. 718.00 $ 760.00 \ ------------------------------------------ FEES: Examination fees for new members $ 38.50 $ 38.50 t ___________ STATIONERY AND SUPPLIES: W. A. Fisher Company .$ 128.64 S. Pechaver, pictures 2.04 $ 130.68 JUVENILE CONVENTION EXPENSES: Board and lodging and traveling expenses of delegates and escorts .......................... $2,705.32 Entertainment of delegates...................... 87.40 i Supplies 91.50 A. J. Terbovec, engraving 140.66 Ely Juvenile Convention Committee........... 100.50 $3,125.38 ' i -------- REPAIRS TO HOME OFFICE BUILDING: Breen Stone & Marble Company $ 85.32 Freight charges on stone ........................ 10.71 Louis Garni, rebuilding chimney................. 170.78 $ 286.81 • _________________________ OTHER EXPENSES: Laubscher and Smith, installation of accounting j system .....................................$ 666.68 | S. Pechaver, salary .. .................. .... 125.00 ; Employer's share of Social Security Tax 3.76 $ 795.44 $ 5,626.47 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ................ $ 11,208.12 GAIN ..................................'.................. 11,132.40 TOTAL . $ 22,340.52 j ---------- BONDS Book Par (Amortized) Value Value |STATE 1 ! Arkansas State Rd. Dist............... 3 '• $ 3,000.00 $ 3 281 06 |COUNTY Cuyahoga County, Ohio—Sewer 4 3,000.00 2,983.73 Galveston, Texas—Rd. Imp...................... 5 5,000.00 5,071.70 1 Liberty County, Texas—Road ...........5Vz 5,000.00 5,134.93 Mahoning Valley, Ohio—San. Dist, Water Bonds 4>i 5,000.00 4,359.90 j MceLnnan County, Texas—Road Rist. <3 ......... 5% 10,000.00 9,893.55 Norfolk County Virginia—Tanners Creek 5 5,000.00 5,041.28 ; Pender County, N. Carolina—Rd, and Bridge 4:,i 5,000.00 5,023.44 Stark County, N. Dak.—Funding Bonds 6 5,000.00 5,082.20 j Wise County, Virginia—Refunding Series A 4“1 5,000.00 6,073 22 ; MUNICIPAL j Beresford, So. Dakota—Water Works ............ 5 3,000.00 2,960.81 | Birmingham, Mich.—Refunding Series B-l 3'4 7,000.00 7,310.15 I Bloomington, Ind.—Sewage Works ............... 4 5,000.00 5,710.20 j Bluefield, West Virginia—Direct Obligation ... 5 5,000.00 5,054.38 | Chicago Heights, Illinois—Refunding ......... 5 1,030.00 1,109 35 i Chicago Heights, Illinois—Refunding ......... 5 2,000.00 2'228.81 | Chicago Heights, Illinois—Refundir.g ......... 5 2,000.00 2,234.58 j Forth Worth, Texas—Voted. Hospital Series 3:!-i 5,000.00 5,040.61 Garfield Heights, Ohio—Imp. Refunding Issue (3 2% 3,000.00 3,040.88 Glencoe Park Dist., Cook County, Illinois ..... 4^ 3,000.00 3,004.04 Hamtramck, Mich.—Public City Hospital Bopds 3% 2,000.00 2,087.24 I Hamtramck, Mich.—Public. City Hospital Bonds 3ls 3,300.00 3,134.12 i Jersey City, N. Jersey—Water 4>i- 5,000.00 4,661.02 Knoxville, Tennessee—Bridge Bonds 4’i 5,000.00 5,101.40 Middle Rio Grande Conser. Dist... N. Mex —Ref. 4 5,300 00 5,000.00 North Bergen Township, New Jersey—Refunding 4 5,300.00 5,481.35 Vincennes, Ind.—Water Works Revenue 3:S 5,300.00 5,407.17 | Vincennes, Ind.—Water Revenue 3 *, 5,300.00 5,553.32 iSCHOOL ! El Dorado Sch. Dist. {15. Union Co. Ark.—Ref, 4 3,000.00 3,300.30 . Maricopa Co. Arlz, Phoenix Union H. Sch. Dist. 4 4,000.00 3,371.43 i! Mercedes Sch. Dist., Cameron Co., Tex.—Ref. ... 2 1,000.00 1,015.45 Mercedes Sch. Dist., Cameron Co., Tex.—Ref. -2 - - 4,000.00 4,061.79 I »------------------------------------- I $134.000.00 $139,590.81 j Minnesoti in mu je pripomogel do ve^jega ^ pred ameriško nekaj tedni pa »> tf* žalostno novico o smrt! Rudolfa Perdana. Zadnj . poznal bolj od b'lZl^nj#l kot pravično je, da se . vem še zvežem g10 ^ mo na njegovo ost in navdušenost^ ! nto. Bil je m oz odkn«^ ca.,'a. Kar je naravnost iz srca, ^ diplomatike, in kot > govori, je bil tudi on dd* tove mere kritike, 8 ^ veda bolelo^."J“g0vi^ bilo v pomoč v njec za katero je bolehal p ^ Eil je uradnik ko ni slo vse tak ' bi si želeli. Kot vnete S nalista ga boden10 " jj,^ grešali na naših P>> | vencijah in na sejan ske federacije. . Anton0koSi preds. porotnega ° OBSOJENI Pred okrajnim s°d^ : grobu so se rnoial oVc$ govarjati štirje _ ^ ■rist, prodajalec s * dve lastnici mleka' ^ svojih prodajalna .pjjo? : smislu zakonskih 1 ^ no označenih cen. ^ govine s špecerij Stevan Djukic jeJ» 15 dni zapora, W in 20G0 din Pavsa c s—, rezpogojno; trg«*« mesnato robo ^at. pa na 2000 din gl°be jt obsodbe na lastne ^ grebških listih, ° e 111 karn pa'na mesec 1 , zapora ter 2000 m || be pogojno. padec uv°za In • sv, Zaradi vojni/ „ ::ad n jih treh m t *| ga leta zelo !•*** <*,! I surovin v Jug0 jo padel uvoz bom jn bažne preje, vo njii j preje, surovih ’ogs-m. ; plodov, na'fte’*’ in petroleja. . v f k , svile je bil višji , L letih. Padec uV0Z^ L I prizadel vrsto ^ podjetij m je ej,ioSl £ i, čil mnogo brezp^^ ^ i ** ■■■*/ • no* «4* * v tej zavarovane do Savings & ration, "a e iP J- Sprejemamo 0«^ Plačane St. Clair Saving® tffa [ 6235 St. Clatr k kraje"1 , | Zveze z našim no razmeroma ° o’*, ILjJm Kako dolgo bo pr« “ P° Ako imate kitk va 0rei K korist, rta ga ^ MIW rabite pomoči, v* -iujP . mi 20-ietnimi izkus pi , raww škili po Jih drage v« > denar se še vedn® n f| ZNIŽANE CENE D*'-/,, S ,,<* »f , Za $ 2.40.. 1»>.< d»«i- 0 / JF za 4.f>0.. 200 ” # t za 6.70 .. 300 ” 0 :/'« t za 10.50.. 500 ’ & za 20.50.. 1000 ri ’VjiWpi za 40.0 /. .2000 ” Pri višjih znesk«1iy t • - Dolarji se ’'i starem kraju. —" 0Alft J \ javno. — Cene so " bi gori ali doli- k[|i *3 J ,*%, V vseh starokrajs* \ lej obrnile na: It . LEO General TraVcL^V/l i 202 E. 72n«l NAJCENEJŠI SLOVENSKI DNEVN^W I AMERIKI JE h * P H Naročnina za celo leto izven Cleveland« J . ^ Društvom in posameznikom se priporoČ^/ j tiskovine. Unijsko delo—zmer«** 6231 ST. CLAIR AVE. Clevelan^^ • H H Financial Condition of the Adult Department OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA DECEMBER 31, 1939 ASSETS: Cash: Cash on Hand ......................................$ 200.00 Cash in transit to Northern National Bank, Duluth 2,154.34 ^ Checking Account, Northern Nat’l Bank, Duluth 98,213.66 $ 100,568.00 Investments: Bonds ............................................$2,155,583.04 $2,155,853.04 Loans on Certificates ................................. $ 180,575.29 $ 180,575.20 Other Assets: Due and accrued interest on bonds ............ $ 53,385.58 Accrued interest on certificate loans................ 3,356.53 Due from lodges 23,774.00 $ 80,216.11 Inventory: $ 10,500.00 $ 10,500.00 TOTAL ................................................ $2,527,712.44 % ' LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims: Trust Funds due Beneficiaries of deceased members $ 24,702.96 Trust Funds due Beneficiaries (Sick Benefits) 39.20 Death Benefit Claims in course of adjustment 12,300.00 Death claims Incurred in 1939, reported in 1940 1.750.00 Sick and Indemnity Claims 2,906.33 Disability Claims ..................................... 157.34 $ 41,555.83 Accounts Payable: Awards for new members ........................... $ 428.25 Medical examiner's fees for new members ................ 45.00 To Secretaries of lodges for conversions of Cert. 36.00 Minn. Unemployment Compensation Fund 85.81 Ohio Unemployment Compensation Bureau 30.13 Penna. Unemployment Compensation Fund .................. 11.54 A. OkolLsh, postage, stationery, per diem & fare 16.30 W. A. Fisher Company, supplies.......................... 59.78 Collector ot U. S. Internal Revenue, Excise Tax 131.56 Taylor & Taylor, Consulting Actuaries, Tabulating 83.53 $ 927.90 Assessments not due $ 32.58 $ 32.58 Outstanding Checks S 17,55927 $ 17,559 37 BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1939 $2,167,336.76 TOTAL 52,527,712.44 STATE OF MINNESOTA') COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS| SS: PAUL BARTEL, ANTON ZBASNIK and LOUIS CHAMPA, being duly sworn, each for himself depose and say that they are supreme president, supreme secretary and supreme treasurer, respectively of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America; that on the 31st day of Dec., 1939, all of the above described assets were the absolute property of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, free and clear from any and all liens or claims thereon, except as above stated, and that the foregoing statements as to the income and disbursements and the general condition of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of Amerie,a are true and correct to their best knowledge, information and belief. PAUL BARTEL, i Supreme President ANTON ZBASNIK. Supreme Secretary / LOUIS CHAMPA, Supreme Treasurer Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of January, 1940, (SEAL) JOSEPH L. MANTEL, Notary Public! J JOSEPH L. MANTEL ; J Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn.; My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 j . * • ' ■' • t i ft !K »C 8k ill feo to to; k >j r;Jfi e< ? ifi' \ Financial Condition of the Juvenile Department OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA DECEMBER 31, 1939 ASSETS 2ash in transit to the Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minn $ 416.79 ; Checking Account, Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minnesota 7,670.01 Invested in Bonds ............................................. 139,590.81 Seal Estate (less $150.00 incumbrances) .......................... 22.530.77 Due and Accrued interest on Bonds ................................. 1,745.89 J Assessments due from lodges ....................................... 1,070.10 j TOTAL ................................................. $173,024.37 ■ * _________________________________________________________________ LIABILITIES Death Benefit ................................................... $ 32.14 1 Reserve Credits .................................................. 186.57 Outstanding checks .........................................'....... 300.15 Assessments not due ................................................. 1.00 Awards for new members ............................................... 55.59 Medical examiner’s fees for new members ... .50 : raylor and Taylor, Consulting Actuaries.............................. 227.45 • BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1939 ....................................... 172,221.06 I TOTAL ....................................................$173,024.37 ! 3TATE OF MINNESOTA] BOUNTY OF ST. LOUIS) SS: PAUL BARTEL, ANTON ZBASNIK and LOUIS CHAMPA, being duly Sworn, each for himself depose and say that they are supreme president, supreme secretary and supreme treasurer, respectively of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America; that on the 31st day of Dec., 1939, all of the above described assets were the absolute property of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, free and clear from any and all liens or claims thereon, except as above stated, and that the foregoing statements as to the income and disbursements and the general condition of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America are true and correct to their best knowledge, information and belief. PAUL BARTEL, Supreme President ANTON ZBASNIK. Supreme Secretary LOUIS CHAMPA. Supreme Treasurer Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of January, 1940. (SEAL) JOSEPH L. MANTEL, Notary Public JOSEPH L. MANTEL Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. My Commission Expires March 5, 1043 STATE OF MINNESOTA] COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS] SS: JOHN KUMSE, JANKO N. ROGELJ, FRANK E. VRANICHAR, MATT ANZELC and ANDREW MILAVEC, Jr., trustees of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they have examined the foregoing statements of income and disbursements and general conditions of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, and that they have carefully compared said statements with the books and records of said Union and are satisfied that said statements are true and correct, in every respect, to the best of their knowledge and belief. JOHN KUMSE JANKO N. ROGELJ FRANK E. VRANICHAR MATT ANZELC ANDREW MILAVEC, Jr. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of January, 1940. (SEAL) JOSEPH L. MANTEL, Notary Public JOSEPH L. MANTEL Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 ------- DOPISI Nadaljevanje s 7. str. no reč res dobil po pošti, toda ko sem zavitek odprl, se je začela žena tako smejati, da se sko-ro ni mogla ustaviti. Copati so bili bolj podobni nekakim nogavicam kot copatom. Tudi drugi so se smejali in se menda še danes smejejo, če bi bile prave copate iz Jugoslavije, kakršne j so včasih imeli, bi nič ne rekel, i če bi stale tudi $1.50; take kot j so te, se pa dobijo v Pennsylva-niji po 20 ali 25 centov par. Kdor mi ne verjame, naj kar piše ponje, pa se bo prepričal,! : da pišem resnico. Jurij Previc. Cleveland, O. — Pred kakimi petimi leti. ko sem se šetal po I pokopališču Sv. Janeza Krstni-j ka v Cerknici in čital razne napise na nagrobnikih, mi je naj-; bolj v spominu ostal napis: ; “čuj, popotnik, kaj ti z groba i tvoj prijatelj govori: Glej, moj delež je trohnoba, to boš kmalu : tudi ti!” To mi je prišlo na mi-; sel, ko je pri našem društvu Sv. * Janeza Krstnika, št. 71 JSKJ, v kratkem razdobju smrt pobrala kar tri člane. Prvi je bil dobro poznani sobrat Rudolph Perdan, ki je zad-! njih 20 let vodil grocerijo in j mesnico. Pred leti je bil tudi , glavni odbornik JSKJ, in sicer glavni predsednik, nato pa predsednik nadzornega odbora. Od leta 1933 naprej ni bil več v gl. odboru ,toda bil je še vedno ves-‘ ten član JSKJ in našega dru-! štva št. 71. še dva tedna pred ! svojo smrtjo je bil na društve-j ni seji, kjer je poudarjal važ-1 I nost JSKJ. P>il ie dober družab-1 nik, izvrsten pevec in tudi igro-vodja. Umrl je nagloma, za srč-| no kapjo. Nekaj dni zatem se je za ved-I no poslovil od nas sobi at John Rošel ustanovnik in vseskozi do-| ber član našega društva. Pre-I minil je po daljšem bolehanju, j Dne 27. januarja pa je bil v j letalski nesreči smrtno nevar- $ 428.25 45.00 36.00 85.81 30.13 11.54 16.30 59.78 131.56 g 83.53 $ 32.58 $ 17,559.27 no poškodovan Joseph Kapel, star 26 let. Omenjeni je delal v | tovarni, toda prosti čas je porabil za pilotiranje letal. Imel je tudi letalsko dovoljenje. Do-, tičnega dne se je v družbi Chas. | Gaghagena odpravil na letališče, odkoder std se z letalom dvignila v zrak. Petnajst minut potem je letalo treščilo na tla. Pri tem je bil Gaghagen na mestu ubit, Joseph Kapel pa je umrl tekom prevoza v bolnišnico. — Prizadetim družinam naj bo izraženo sožalje. Glede našega društva pa upam, da ga bela žena v bodoče ne bo tako pogosto obiskovala. Dramsko društvo “Anton Ve-rovšek” bo v nedeljo 18. februarja vprizorilo veseloigro “Denar.” Igra se bo vršila v Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo Rd. in se bo pričela ob treh popoldne. Vstopnice so v predprodaji po 35 centov, pri blagajni pa bodo po 40 centov. Igra je zelo zabavna in dramsko društvo pričakuje obilega po-seta. . Tony Drenik. Barberton, O. — Takole pobira smrt iz vrst naših pionirjev in iz vrst naših bivših jednotinih uradnikov, šele nekaj let je od tega, ko sem se, že v naprej vedoč, zadnjič poslovil od na bolniški postelji ležečega in pri naši Jednoti nepozabnega Josepha Pishlerja. Pred par leti sem bil navzoč, ko se je položilo venec na greb prvemu predsedniku naše Jednote, Josephu Agnichu. Ne dolgo gd tega nam je smrt pobrala izobraženega moža sobrata Johna Moverna, i kateri se je mnogo trudil, ne ' samo za našo Jednoto, ampak | za naš narod splošno v državi