550 PSYCHIATRY, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHOSOMATICS Zdrav Vestn | september – october 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3186 Copyright (c) 2021 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Psychotropic medication challenges in patients with COVID-19 Izzivi pri predpisovanju psihofarmakoterapije bolnikom s covidom-19 Andreja Čelofiga, Žan Smogavc Abstract The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has brought a “new reality” into the management of patients with mental disorders. Due to the lack of COVID-19-specific psychopharmacology guidelines as well as the lack of clinical experience, prescribing psychotro- pic medications to COVID-19 patients may be associated with some challenges. Interactions between psychotropic drugs and drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 and the adverse effects of psychotropic drugs on the symptoms of infection occa- sionally require adjustment of psychopharmacotherapy in COVID-19 psychiatric patients. On the other hand, the potential drug-drug interactions and the effect of psychotropic drugs on the progression of the infection should be considered when treating psychopathological symptoms that may be caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection or drugs used to treat the infection. In the paper, several considerations in prescribing psychopharmacotherapy to patients with COVID-19 are discussed and, based on the literature published in recent months, recommendations for the choice of therapy for acute psychiatric con- ditions in these patients are summarized. Izvleček Pandemija koronavirusa SARS-CoV-2 je »novo realnost« prinesla tudi v vsakodnevno obravnavo bolnikov z duševno motnjo. Ob pomanjkanju specifičnih smernic in kliničnih izkušenj je predpisovanje psihofarmakoterapije bolnikom s covi- dom-19 povezano z različnimi izzivi. Zaradi možnih interakcij med psihofarmaki in zdravili, ki se uporabljajo za zdravljenje bolnikov s covidom-19, ter zaradi neugodnega vpliva psihiatričnih zdravil na simptome okužbe je občasno treba prilagoditi terapijo pri psihiatričnih bolnikih, obolelih s covidom-19. Po drugi strani pa je morebitne interakcije in vpliv psihofarmakov na potek okužbe potrebno upoštevati tudi ob zdravljenju psihopatoloških simptomov, ki jih lahko povzroči sama okužba s koronavirusom SARS-CoV-2, ali pa so posledica zdravil, ki se uporabljajo za zdravljenje okužbe. V prispevku so predsta- vljene dileme, s katerimi se srečujemo pri predpisovanju psihofarmakov bolnikom s covidom-19 in na podlagi literature, objavljene v zadnjih mesecih, povzete usmeritve glede izbire zdravil za akutna psihiatrična stanja pri teh bolnikih. Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Centre Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia Correspondence / Korespondenca: Andreja Čelofiga, e: acelofiga@yahoo.com Key words: coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; mental disorders; psychopathological symptoms; psychotropic drugs; drug-drug interactions Ključne besede: koronavirus SARS-CoV-2; duševne motnje; psihopatološki simptomi; psihiatrična zdravila; interakcije med zdravili Received / Prispelo: 29. 10. 2020 | Accepted / Sprejeto: 20. 3. 2021 Cite as / Citirajte kot: Čelofiga A, Smogavc Ž. Psychotropic medication challenges in patients with Covid-19. Zdrav Vestn. 2021;90(9– 10):550–8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3186 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3186 doi 29.10.2020 date-received 20.3.2021 date-accepted Psychiatry, clinical psychology, psychosomat- ics Psihiatrija, klinična psihologija, psihosomatika discipline Professional article Strokovni članek article-type Psychotropic medication challenges in pa- tients with COVID-19 Izzivi pri predpisovanju psihofarmakoterapije bolnikom s covidom-19 article-title Psychotropic medication challenges in pa- tients with COVID-19 Izzivi pri predpisovanju psihofarmakoterapije bolnikom s covidom-19 alt-title coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, mental disorders, psychopathological symptoms, psychotropic drugs, drug-drug interactions koronavirus SARS-CoV-2, duševne motnje, psihopatološki simptomi, psihiatrična zdravila, interakcije med zdravili kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2021 90 9 10 550 558 name surname aff email Andreja Čelofiga 1 acelofiga@yahoo.com name surname aff Žan Smogavc 1 eng slo aff-id Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Centre Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia Oddelek za psihiatrijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Maribor, Slovenija 1 Slovenian Medical Journallovenian Medical Journal 551 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Psychotropic medication challenges in patients with COVID-19 1 Introduction The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic introduced new challenges in the management of psychiatric pa- tients. Both the clinical and the hospital environment required numerous organizational adjustments in or- der to ensure relative safety for employees and patients. Psychiatrists who work in a hospital environment and are included in liaison psychiatry at least occasionally work with COVID-19 patients who also have mental disorder symptoms. There are mainly two situations in clinical practice: patients with a known mental disorder fall ill with COVID-19 or patients with COVID-19 who had no known psychiatric medical history develop psy- cho-pathological symptoms (1). In the first case such pa- tients are generally managed with psychopharmacother- apy, while for the second case there is a need to prescribe drugs. It is important to know the potential impact of psychotropic drugs on the course and symptoms of the infection, while on the other hand changes in organ systems that can be the result of infection can lead to changes in serum concentrations of psychotropic drugs and affect their effectiveness and safety (1-5). If patients are receiving so-called experimental drugs for treating COVID-19, there may be interactions between these drugs and the psychotropic drugs, which occasionally requires adjustments to dosages or drug discontinuation (1,2,4). Due to the lack of specific guidelines as well as the lack of clinical experience, prescribing psychotropic medications to COVID-19 patients may frequently pres- ent a major challenge. 2 COVID-19 and psychopathological symptoms 2.1 Patients with mental disorder and COVID-19 High prevalence of smoking and homelessness, cog- nitive disorders, neglecting risk of infection, abuse of psychoactive substances and general poor health during the epidemic contribute to an increased risk for infection of psychiatric patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus (2,6). An additional risk factor are the limitations in regular clinical treatment and pharmacological therapy, along with poorer access to health care due to the limitations related to epidemiological interventions. This results in more frequent relapses and exacerbations of existing mental disorders (2,7). When a patient with a mental disorder becomes infected with COVID-19, they occa- sionally require therapy with antiviral drugs alongside psychotropic drugs. Potential discontinuation of psy- chotropic drugs could result in an exacerbation of the mental illness, and bring on related abnormal behaviour (e.g. restlessness, uncooperative, impulsive behaviour), which can significantly hinder the management of such a patient (1). This naturally raises the question of which psychiatric drugs are safe to use after infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and when should we begin monitor- ing the patient for potential complications. 2.2 Psychopathological symptoms in COVID-19 patients who had not previously been treated by a psychiatrist The psychopathological symptoms that occur with COVID-19 patients can be reactively conditioned by external factors. In such cases there are mainly the symptoms of anxiety and stress disorders and insom- nia, which are the consequence of facing a new and unknown disease with unpredictable progression (8). These psychopathological symptoms, apart from being reactively conditioned, may also occur because of the infection with this virus (3,9). Acute psychopathologi- cal symptoms that emerge with a SARS-CoV-2 infection are similar to infections with other viruses that affect the central nervous system (CNS), especially with symp- toms that have been documented during the epidemic of the SARS-CoV-1 virus. Considering the relatively short time since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 virus, the mechanism of the onset of acute psychiatric compli- cations is not yet fully clear, nor are any potential sub- acute and especially late neuropsychiatric consequences of the infection (9). Due to major similarities between the SARS-CoV-1 and 2 viruses, and the fact that their genomes are nearly 80% identical, any forecasts of such complications and consequences are mostly based on experience with the SARS-CoV-1 virus (10-13). Studies show that four years after an infection with the SARS- CoV-1 virus nearly half of survivors reported having at least one mental disorder, most frequently depression, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive and post-traumat- ic stress disorder (14). It is not clear whether this is the result of the viral infection or the immune system re- sponse of those who became ill. Studies also show that after a severe form of sepsis more than a half of survivors 552 PSYCHIATRY, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHOSOMATICS Zdrav Vestn | september – october 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3186 list cognitive disorders. There is also higher prevalence of depressive and post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and tendency to self-harm (15-17). The infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus can cause the onset of psychopathological symptoms through di- rect action on the CNS (9,18). Neuropsychiatric symp- toms were observed in more than a third of those who fell ill and half of those with a severe illness, including acute cerebrovascular events, encephalopathy, and mus- cle injury (18). Approximately a fifth of those who suc- cumb to the illness have experienced encephalopathy with disorders of consciousness, which has been linked to the so-called cytokine storm (10). The term cytokine storm refers to an excessive activation of the immune system due to an infection or other triggers that cause a high increase of cytokines in the blood (19). Three cytokines (IP-10, MCP-3 and IL-1ra) were especially significant predictors for the progression of the SARS- CoV-2 infection, with their serially high values linked to a severe progression of the disease and higher mortali- ty (20). Proinflammatory cytokines activate endothelial cells, increasing their permeability which results in an expression of proteins that permit the transfer of acti- vated immune cells through the damaged blood-brain barrier in the CNS and in neurotransmission disorders (21,22). Coronaviruses can infect macrophages, microg- lial cells and astrocytes in the CNS, and by activation trigger or sustain the inflammatory condition. Hypoxia has an additional negative effect on the brain function (23). Acute encephalopathy, i.e. delirium, is a frequent complication, especially with older patients in intensive care units, as they may suffer from the prolonged type, and with possible late neurocognitive impairment that can occur even up to 18 months after discharge (24). Mild cognitive impairment is another consequence de- scribed in the later stages after surviving sepsis (25). Experimental drugs used to treat COVID-19 may also have an effect on the onset of psychopathological symptoms (1,2). In the first wave of the epidemic nu- merous drugs were used, such as chloroquine, hydroxy- chloroquine, azithromycin, a combination of lopinavir/ ritonavir, remdesivir, favipiravir, atazanavir, interferon beta, ribavirin, tocilizumab and dexamethasone (2,5). Different neuropsychiatric symptoms may occur when using chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, ranging from agitation to psychosis (2,3). These are present with only 1–2% of the patients who were treated with chlo- roquine, and even rarer in patients who were receiving hydroxychloroquine (26). When treating COVID-19 patients, high doses of corticosteroids are often used, es- pecially dexamethasone (27). Undesired psychiatric side effects of corticosteroid therapy are well known. They include particularly mood swings, manic behaviour, de- pression and psychotic symptoms. These mostly occur in the first weeks of corticosteroid therapy, and are dose dependent (28). High doses of corticosteroids have al- ready been used for treating acute infection with SARS- CoV-1, and were related to the onset of manic symptoms and hallucinations (29,30). Undesired psychiatric side effects are also described when using interferon, with the most common ones being mood and anxiety disorders, delirium, irritability, emotional instability, apathy, sui- cidal behaviour, sleep disorders and cognitive disorders, and rarely also manic behaviour or psychosis (5,31). Neuropsychiatric symptoms can also occur when using lopinavir/ritonavir, with researchers noting the onset of agitation, anxiety, confusion and emotional instability, and anxiety, aggressive outbursts, delirium, depression and catatonic reactions when using azithromycin (5). 3 COVID-19 and psychotropic medication 3.1 The effect of COVID-19 on the safety and effectiveness of psychotropic medication COVID-19 can affect many organ systems. Besides the lungs, it can affect the cardiovascular system, the di- gestive system, kidneys, liver, immune system and the haematopoietic system (32). This can lead to changes in pharmacokinetics, and to an increased risk of un- desired side effects of psychotropic medication. The SARS-CoV-2 virus can have an arrhythmogenic effect resulting in QT interval prolongation, which has to be taken into account when prescribing the psychotropic medication that can also affect the QT interval (2,5,33). A COVID-19 infection is often accompanied by leuko- penia and lymphopenia; therefore, it is reasonable to pay more attention to those patients receiving psychotropic medication with known hematologic side effects, such as clozapine and carbamazepine (4,5,13). Because of the potential impact on the liver and kidneys it is reasonable to avoid psychotropic medication that is hepatotoxic or those medicines that are fully metabolized by the liver (valproate, carbamazepine, some antipsychotics and antidepressants), as well as those with excretion main- ly through the urinary tract or those with nephrotoxic effects, such as lithium (5). An increased risk for throm- boembolic complications in COVID-19 and potentially prescribed anticoagulative prophylactic therapy have to be taken into account when prescribing psychotropic medications that increase the risk for haemorrhaging (for example, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor 553 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Psychotropic medication challenges in patients with COVID-19 (SSRI) type antidepressants) (5,34). It is also reason- able to exercise caution with patients receiving drugs with a narrow therapeutic window, for example lithium (2,5,35). Because of the high prevalence of delirium with COVID-19, it is recommended to pay special attention to prescribing benzodiazepines, opioids and drugs with a strong anticholinergic effect (5). 3.2 The effect of psychotropic medication on the progression of COVID-19 and the symptoms of the infection Some psychotropic medications have undesired side effects (for example, sedation) and affect certain organ systems, both of which can exacerbate the infection (1,2). Neutropenia occurs in approximately one fifth of COVID-19 patients (13). This can become an issue if the patient is regularly receiving clozapine, as it can be related to the onset of neutropenia and agranulocyto- sis, especially during the first 18 weeks of therapy (36). COVID-19 patients who are receiving clozapine most likely have an increased risk for neutropenia compared to those who do not have COVID-19 and also compared to those with COVID-19 who are not receiving clozap- ine. With a COVID-19-related inflammation the plasma concentration of clozapine can increase. Consequently, some recommend reducing clozapine dosage and mon- itoring the blood levels more frequently, even if patients are not running a fever (2). Lymphopenia is especially linked to a severe progression of the disease, and there- fore it is reasonable to avoid other psychotropic med- ications that can affect the number of leukocytes and especially lymphocytes (10,13,18). Caution is also ad- vised when using benzodiazepines and other drugs with a sedative effect that in high doses can pose a danger for patients with respiratory distress. In cases where use of these drugs is necessary, the lowest possible dosage is recommended (2). 4 Interactions between psychotropic medications and medications used for treating COVID-19 There can be serious interactions between psychiatric therapy and COVID-19 experimental drugs (1-5). Clin- ically significant consequences of interactions between COVID-19 drugs and psychotropic medication can be roughly divided into two groups: a) effects on changes in plasma concentration of drugs, b) effects on changes in ECG – QT and PR interval prolongation (2). Numerous antipsychotics and antiviral drugs are metabolized by the cytochrome P450 hepatic micro- somal enzyme system (1). Most interactions happen at the level of isoenzyme CYP3A4, and to a smaller de- gree also at the level of CYP2D6 and 1A2 (1-3,5). The most important interactions are those between psy- chotropic medication and the lopinavir/ritonavir com- bination. Serum concentrations of psychotropic medi- cations that are metabolized by CYP3A4 (Table 1) may increase with concurrent use of lopinavir/ritonavir and atazanavir because of the inhibition of CYP3A4 (2,5). Most interactions are clinically insignificant. With que- tiapine, methadone, lamotrigine or bupropion therapy the combination can result in a 50% increase in plasma concentrations. If the psychotropic medication is pre- scribed in a low or a medium dosage, the dosage of most Substrates Inhibitors Inductors Benzodiazepines – diazepam, alprazolam, midazolam, clonazepam, nitrazepam Tricyclic AD – amitriptyline, imipramine, clomipramine SSRI antidepressants – citalopram, escitalopram, paroxetine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine* SNRI antidepressants – venlafaxine, mirtazapine Other AD – trazodone, nefazodone*, reboxetine Antipsychotics – risperidone, quetiapine, aripiprazole, ziprasidone, haloperidol, cariprazine, perphenazine*, lurasidone Hypnotics – zolpidem, zopiclone*, zaleplon* Other psychotropic medications – carbamazepine, methadone, buprenorphine, bupropion* paroxetine fluoxetine reboxetine fluvoxamine* perphenazine carbamazepine modafinil asenapine topiramate hypericum perforatum Legend: AD – antidepressants, SSRI – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, SNRI – serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors; *Drug is not registered in Slovenia. Table 1: Psychotropic medications that are predominantly metabolized by CYP3A4. Summarized from Taylor, 2017 (38), English, 2012 (39) and Ayano, 2016 (40). 554 PSYCHIATRY, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHOSOMATICS Zdrav Vestn | september – october 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3186 psychotropic medications does not need to be changed during COVID-19 therapy with the lopinavir/ritonavir combination. It is recommended to take an ECG, and to monitor for potential undesired side effects and plas- ma concentrations of drugs, when possible (4). When patients are receiving high doses of psychotropic med- ications or doses higher than the recommended maxi- mum, it is reasonable to adjust the dosage and monitor the condition (2,4). It is recommended to look for in- teractions between COVID-19 drugs and psychotropic medications with one of the online tools. Some (e.g. the website of Liverpool University) have set up special in- teraction checker for COVID-19 medications and other drugs (37). Because some COVID-19 medications (chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir) prolong the QT and PR interval, special care must be taken when using psychotropic medication that also prolongs the QT interval (Table 2), and especially monitoring ECG of these patients (2). Usually, we monitor the values of QTc (corrected QT interval for heart rate), which is generally below 440 ms for men and below 470 ms for women (41). QTc values above 500 ms are related to an increased risk for abnormal heart rhythm, such as for example tor- sades de pointes (42). 5 Prescribing psychotropic medication for COVID-19 patients in practice Psychiatric and non-psychiatric factors affect the se- lection of psychotropic medication for COVID-19 pa- tients. Among the former, the most important are the type of their mental disorder or the set of psychopatho- logical symptoms, their intensity and any potentially al- ready introduced psychiatric drugs. Factors that are not directly related to psychopathological symptoms but are important for selecting the therapy are in particular the general somatic condition, the severity of infection, i.e. its effect on ventilation, any COVID-19 drugs prescribed and concomitant physical diseases (4). Most pharmacological interactions between individ- ual psychotropic medications and COVID-19 drugs are Table 2: Impact of psychotropic medications on the QTc interval. Summarized from Taylor, 2003 (43), Taylor, 2017 (41), Ozeki, 2010 (44), and Cordes, 2012 (33). Effect on QTc Antipsychotics Antidepressants Other psychotropic medications No effect aripiprazole sertraline paroxetine reboxetine lamotrigine valproate carbamazepine gabapentin benzodiazepine Mild (5–9 ms) olanzapine fluphenazine flupentixol citalopram, escitalopram* mirtazapine* trazodone venlafaxine duloxetine* bupropion moclobemide* fluoxetine* Mild (9–16 ms) risperidone* clozapine* ziprasidone sulpiride* amisulpride* clomipramine High (≥ 17 ms) chlorpromazine levomepromazine quetiapine* haloperidol* maprotiline amitriptyline nortriptyline doxepin methadone lithium* Unknown zuclopenthixol loxapine Legend: *Inconsistent data in some sources, the highest defined risk selected – impact on QTc. 555 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Psychotropic medication challenges in patients with COVID-19 not absolute and should be assessed individually for each patient. It is also reasonable to continue regular chronic therapy for known psychiatric patients if they become infected with COVID-19 (2,4). When patients who are receiving high doses of psychotropic medications also re- ceive experimental COVID-19 drugs, it is recommended to lower the dosage of most psychiatric drugs by 25–50%, especially when using chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir (4). The exception is quetiapine, for which the recommendations in the summary of main product characteristics differ for the US and Europe. According to the US instructions, it is recommended to reduce the quetiapine dosage by 85% when using it concomitantly with lopinavir/ritonavir (4,45), while ac- cording to European instructions, this combination is not recommended (46). Concomitant use of lopinavir/ ritonavir with lurasidone, pimosidone and midazolam in oral solution is also not recommended (45,46). When concomitantly using lopinavir/ritonavir and asenapine, olanzapine or sertraline, it is recommended to increase the doses of these psychotropic medications, as well as when concomitantly using lamotrigine, bupro- pion or methadone – it is suggested that the latter are increased by 50% (4). When introducing psychotropic medication with potential cardiotoxic effects, it is rec- ommended to gradually titrate dosages and monitor ECG (2,4). In the event of delirium with agitation olanzapine is a relatively safe choice because of its sedative effects, high effectiveness and low risk of interactions with COVID-19 experimental drugs (4). Special attention should be paid to patients with a severe breathing disor- der, where additional sedation is not desirable. In such cases the most suitable choice are antipsychotics with low sedative effects, such as aripiprazole, risperidone and haloperidol (47). These are recommended in dos- ages lower than usual and with gradual titration. Both olanzapine and aripiprazole are also available for in- tramuscular injection. For haloperidol therapy, regular ECG monitoring is recommended (4,35). Extra atten- tion should also be paid to patients in delirium when using benzodiazepines, as they can affect respiratory disorders (48). For treating agitation, loxapine can be used in inhalation form, but only when the respiratory function is not affected. Concomitant use of lopinavir/ ritonavir with cariprazine can result in increased serum concentration of cariprazine. From the perspective of in- teractions, another safe choice for treating psychosis is amisulpride (4). In patients receiving clozapine, it is not recommended to stop therapy upon a COVID-19 infec- tion, but to regularly monitor ECG and complete blood count, especially with concomitant immunosuppressive therapy (2,4). In combination with lopinavir/ritona- vir, the serum concentration of clozapine can increase; therefore, it is reasonable to adjust the dosage (4). Some benzodiazepines, such as oxazepam and loraz- epam, are not mainly metabolized by cytochrome P450, and are therefore relatively safe from the perspective of interaction in concomitant use with antiviral drugs (2,4). In case of insomnia, the use of low doses of trazodone or mirtazapine can be considered (4). Most antidepressants, especially SSRIs, are also in- cluded among safe medications. It is especially sensible to select those with fewer interactions and with no effect on the QT interval (2). Vortioxetine and duloxetine are safe choices because of their relatively few interactions, while the use of tricyclic antidepressants is not recom- mended (4,5). Caution is also needed with patients who are receiv- ing mood stabilizers. Lithium has arrhytmogenic poten- tial, and consequently ECG and serum concentration of the drug must be monitored. The latter may be affected by the somatic impact of the infection itself (e.g. dehy- dration) (2,4,5,35). When using valproate, the serum concentration of COVID-19 drugs, especially lopinavir/ ritonavir, can increase up to 40%, while carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine may reduce the serum concentration of these drugs through the induction of cytochrome P450 enzymes (4). Remdesivir may increase value of transaminases, which means extra attention should be paid when administering psychotropic medications that are linked to hepatotoxicity or are mostly metabolized by the liver (valproate, carbamazepine, some antipsy- chotics and antidepressants) (5,49). The concentration of lamotrigine is reduced by half with concomitant use of lopinavir/ritonavir (4). Numerous psychotropic medications can prolong the QT interval. These are in particular antipsychotics, tri- cyclic antidepressants, and the SSRI antidepressants cit- alopram and escitalopram. Among traditional antipsy- chotics, thioridazine and haloperidol present the highest risk, while among atypical ones, ziprasidone and iloper- idone. The safest choices are aripiprazole and lurasidone (5). It is recommended to avoid psychotropic medica- tions with a significant impact on the QT interval due to increased risk for arrhythmia that may be the result of COVID-19 and the additional impact of some antivi- ral drugs (chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ ritonavir) (2,3,5). The risks related to using individual psychotropic medications in COVID-19 patients are presented in Table 3. This takes into account the risk of interactions 556 PSYCHIATRY, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHOSOMATICS Zdrav Vestn | september – october 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3186 psychotropic medications can only pose a risk with co- morbidities or damage to organ systems resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 infection (cardiovascular diseases, liv- er or renal failure). These exceptions are listed in notes below Table 3. 6 Conclusion The COVID-19 epidemic has brought new chal- lenges to the use of psychotropic medication. With the growing number of infections both in Slovenia and across the globe, COVID-19 has become a factor with an important impact on the onset and expression of psychopathological symptoms and treatment with psy- chotropic medication. When facing challenges that the epidemic brings it is important to focus on personalized psychotropic medication treatment that will allow for a safe and successful management of psychopathological symptoms with COVID-19 patients. Conlfict of interest None declared. Risk Safe or low risk Moderate risk Moderate to high risk Psychotropic medications Antidepressants fluoxetine sertraline duloxetine1 vortioxetine escitalopram citalopram venlafaxine mirtazapine trazodone reboxetine bupropion2 paroxetine agomelatine3 tricyclic AD4 Antipsychotics aripiprazole paliperidone olanzapine5 cariprazine6 amisulpride7 brexpiprazole risperidone haloperidol loxapine8 sulpiride clozapine fluphenazine zuclopenthixol lurasidone9 quetiapine10 ziprasidone pimozide Benzodiazepines/hypnotics lorazepam oxazepam alprazolam bromazepam clonazepam diazepam zolpidem flunitrazepam flurazepam midazolam11 Mood stabilizers gabapentin pregabalin topiramate oxcarbamazepine lamotrigine lithium12 valproate13 carbamazepine14 Table 3: Selection of psychotropic medication for COVID-19 patients. Summarized from Luykx, 2020 (2), Anmella, 2020 (4), Bilbul, 2020 (5), Orsini, 2020 (35) and Kahl, 2020 (47). Legend: 1 Caution with liver function failure (5). 2 Caution with risk for epileptic seizures (5). 3 Caution with liver function failure (4). 4 Danger of prolonged QT interval, especially in combination with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine (4,35). 5 Caution with respiratory disorder (47). 6 Concomitant use of lopinavir/ritonavir can result in increased serum concentration (4). 7 Affects the QTc interval, caution with concomitant use with medication that prolongs the QTc interval (47). 8 Use with respiratory disorder prohibited (47). 9 Opposing opinions: Concomitant use with lopinavir/ritonavir not permitted (45,46), otherwise moderate (4) or low risk (2). 10 Affects the QTc interval, concomitant use with lopinavir/ritonavir not permitted (45,46). 11 Not recommended because of potential interactions at the CYP3A4 level, and because it affects hypoventilation (4), midazolam in oral solution is not permitted with concomitant use of lopinavir/ritonavir (45,46). 12 Caution for arrhythmogenic potential and potential fluctuations in lithium plasma concentration, regular laboratory controls needed (2,5,35). 13 Caution with liver function failure, regular laboratory controls needed (4,5). 14 Use is not recommended because of interactions at the CYP3A4 level (4,5). 557 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Psychotropic medication challenges in patients with COVID-19 References 1. 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It should be emphasized that the data has been collected based on recommendations that different authors have published over the past year. Such recommendations are based in particular on existing clinical trials, as potential stud- ies that would clearly define the safety of individual psychotropic medications in COVID-19 patients have not yet been conducted. Before selecting the drug, the physician must first inquire about any potential co- morbidities, assess the severity of the clinical presen- tation, and look out for any additional drugs that the patient is receiving (especially COVID-19 experimental medication). For example, psychotropic medications that might be contraindicated with patients receiving COVID-19 experimental drugs (especially lopinavir/ ritonavir) or those with a high potential for interac- tions can be completely safe if patients are not receiving any additional drugs. On the other hand, using some psychotropic medications can only pose a risk with co- morbidities or damage to organ systems resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 infection (cardiovascular diseases, liv- er or renal failure). These exceptions are listed in notes below Table 3. 6 Conclusion The COVID-19 epidemic has brought new chal- lenges to the use of psychotropic medication. With the growing number of infections both in Slovenia and across the globe, COVID-19 has become a factor with an important impact on the onset and expression of psychopathological symptoms and treatment with psy- chotropic medication. When facing challenges that the epidemic brings it is important to focus on personalized psychotropic medication treatment that will allow for a safe and successful management of psychopathological symptoms with COVID-19 patients. Conlfict of interest None declared. Risk Safe or low risk Moderate risk Moderate to high risk Psychotropic medications Antidepressants fluoxetine sertraline duloxetine1 vortioxetine escitalopram citalopram venlafaxine mirtazapine trazodone reboxetine bupropion2 paroxetine agomelatine3 tricyclic AD4 Antipsychotics aripiprazole paliperidone olanzapine5 cariprazine6 amisulpride7 brexpiprazole risperidone haloperidol loxapine8 sulpiride clozapine fluphenazine zuclopenthixol lurasidone9 quetiapine10 ziprasidone pimozide Benzodiazepines/hypnotics lorazepam oxazepam alprazolam bromazepam clonazepam diazepam zolpidem flunitrazepam flurazepam midazolam11 Mood stabilizers gabapentin pregabalin topiramate oxcarbamazepine lamotrigine lithium12 valproate13 carbamazepine14 Table 3: Selection of psychotropic medication for COVID-19 patients. Summarized from Luykx, 2020 (2), Anmella, 2020 (4), Bilbul, 2020 (5), Orsini, 2020 (35) and Kahl, 2020 (47). Legend: 1 Caution with liver function failure (5). 2 Caution with risk for epileptic seizures (5). 3 Caution with liver function failure (4). 4 Danger of prolonged QT interval, especially in combination with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine (4,35). 5 Caution with respiratory disorder (47). 6 Concomitant use of lopinavir/ritonavir can result in increased serum concentration (4). 7 Affects the QTc interval, caution with concomitant use with medication that prolongs the QTc interval (47). 8 Use with respiratory disorder prohibited (47). 9 Opposing opinions: Concomitant use with lopinavir/ritonavir not permitted (45,46), otherwise moderate (4) or low risk (2). 10 Affects the QTc interval, concomitant use with lopinavir/ritonavir not permitted (45,46). 11 Not recommended because of potential interactions at the CYP3A4 level, and because it affects hypoventilation (4), midazolam in oral solution is not permitted with concomitant use of lopinavir/ritonavir (45,46). 12 Caution for arrhythmogenic potential and potential fluctuations in lithium plasma concentration, regular laboratory controls needed (2,5,35). 13 Caution with liver function failure, regular laboratory controls needed (4,5). 14 Use is not recommended because of interactions at the CYP3A4 level (4,5). 558 PSYCHIATRY, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHOSOMATICS Zdrav Vestn | september – october 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3186 17. 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