FEBRUARY, 1962 NUMBER 2 VOLUME 34 United States Capitol Washington, D. C. Our Destination This May! ZARJA *• DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION . - SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Incorporated December 14. 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 VV. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Avc., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—ANTONIA TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 VV. Ccrmak Road, Chicago S, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 VV. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W„ Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. * * * DIRECTORS oj Women’s Youth and Sports Activities Women’s Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Ccrmak, Chicago S, Illinois Junior Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois ZARJA THE DAWN Zto Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription S2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members SI.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ SI.20 letno Publisher-. ZARJA, 1937 VV. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class mutter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. Stale President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President oj Ohio-Michigan— ELLA STARIN 17814 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of IUinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TANKO, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec'y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TANKO, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 * Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD„ CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokali urednice do 5 v mesecu. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Feb. 7 — Hat Sale, Br. 12. Maple Hgts.. Ohio. Feb. 25 Eastern Get-Together Rowling Tournament, Grdina Lanes, St. Clair at E. (ilst St. Mar. 18—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 43. Milwaukee, Wis. April 1—35th Anniversary and Ohio State Lay. Br. 10, Collimvood Ohio April 7-8 Midwest Howling Tournament, Chicago. III. May 26 Excursion to Europe via S. S. France May ? ? — Excursion to Seven Shrines in Canada & ". S May ? ? Excursion to Washington, I). (’. June 16 —Excursion to Europe via Air France Jet July 15 Lemont Zveza Day. Br. 2, I. nont. 111. HAPPY BIRTHDAY //V FEBRUARY Supreme Officers: Feb. 5—Rose Kraemer, State President Cudahy, Wise. Feb. 12—Victoria Faletič, Supreme Auditor, Cleveland, <). Branch Presidents: Feb. 8—Mary Kuzma, Br. 88, Johnstown, Pa. Feb. 4—Ruth Sheck, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Feb. 12—Josephine Schlossar, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Feb. 16—Margaret Latella, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. Feb. 16—lulia Panzica, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. Feb. 19—Sophie Sorcan, Br. 90, Presto, Pa. Feb. 23—Dorothy Petrich, Br. 100, Fontana, Calif. MANY IIAI’PY RETURNS OK THE DAY! IZLET S. Ž. Z. V SLOVENIJO V LETU 1962 Vabi se vse članice in prijatelje SZZ. da se pridružijo izletu v staro domovino prihodnje poletje! — Z novo najmodernejšo ladjo SS. France, 26. maja 1962 Voditeljica bo glavna predsednica, Antonija Tanko. — Z letalom “Jet,” 16. junija, 1962. Voditeljica te skupine bo glavna tajnica, Albina NovaU. Opozarjamo vas, da zdaj je tisti čas, da se priglasite za skupno potovanje, ker vzame čas, de se vse potrebno uredi. August Kollander Travel Bureau 6417 Si. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Phone HE 1-4148 MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW! DON’T DELAY! The following have made reservations for May 26, 1962 on S S. France conducted by Antonia Tanko: Joseph Qrazeni, Calvin Stewart, Antonia Gornik, Mr. & Mrs. Ignac Kirn, Mr. & Mrs. Anton Artel, & Mr. &. Mrs. Zagar By jet leaving New York on Saturday June 1C, 19(12 and arriving in Ljubljana on Sunday June 17, 1902, conducted by Albina Novak: Agnes and Patricia Selik, John Kobi, Mary Ann Mlakar, Veronica Mlakar, Rozalia Mlakar, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Marinich, John Gnmsich, Joseph Osterman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Karner. ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXIV — NO. 2 FEBRUARY, 1962 LETO XXXIV — ŠT. 2 Our President s i^lonthly ,A\essage HURRY, HURRY, HURRY Get your 35 points and $35.00, plus, the FREE TRIP to Washington, D. C. this spring, as a winner of the “Class B — Jubilee Membership Campaign” which closes March Slst. With spring and good old summertime just around the bend, we hope you will plan on joining the activities and excursions S.W.U. has in mind for your pleasure and make your earliest reservations. 1.) Eastern Get-together Bowling Tournament, Cleveland, O., Feb. 25th. 2.) 2Gth Annual Midwest Tourney, Chicago, 111., April 7-8 To all participants, I extend GOOD LUCK and SOME HIGH SCORES! (Yours truly got a 614 series on Jan. 11th in league bowling!) 3.) Excursion for members and friends to Washington, D. C. in May. On the Washington trip, we have prepared the following tenative itinerary. On the first day we would depart from Cleveland at 7:00 a. m. and proceed by the turnpikes to Midway on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, where we would have lunch. After lunch, we proceed to Gettysburg, at approximately 2:00 p. m. at which time we would take the two hour battlefield tour with a guide and then have supper at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Depart from Gettysburg, at 5:00 p. m. and proceed directly to the Hotel Burlington in Washington, D. C. After checking in at the hotel, we would take an illuminated tour of Washington, D. C., for approximately one to two hours. On the second day, we would take an eight hour tour of Washington, D. C., Arlington, Virginia, Alexandria, Virginia, and Mt. Vernon, returning to the hotel at approximately 5 p. m. In the evening we would have a night at the Casino Royal Theatre Restaurant where we would have dinner and enjoy their fine floor show. On the third day, we would proceed to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for Mass and breakfast, and then go to the Franciscan monastery, where we would take their guided tour. We would return to downtown Washington and meet a guide for an afternoon tour of Washington, D. C., covering the points of interest, which the ladies were unable to see during the first day of sightseeing in Washington. After supper, at approx-mately 9:00 p. m., we depart from Washington, D. C., and return direct to Cleveland, Ohio, via the turnpike and the express route, arriving in Cleveland at approximately 6:00 a. m. on the fourth day. Destinations further west such as Chicago and Milwaukee would he traveled throughout the fourth day. Cost per person on their tour as outlined above will be approximately $36.45 from Cleveland and $49.40 from Chicago. Other points of departure are additional. Continuing the activities: 4.) Zveza sponsored trip to Europe via new liner S. S. France with yours truly as guide, May 23. 5.) Zveza sponsored trip to Europe via jet, Albina Novak, guide, on June 16. 6.) Excursion to Shrines of U.S. and Canada in July. (Details will be in forthcoming Issue of Zarja.) For the European trips, reservations and information can be had from the two guides or directly from Kollander Travel Agency, Cleveland, O. Reservations should be made immediately before all space Is taken. Rev. Claude Okorn, O. F. M. Understanding the Bible. MANY people maintain that the Bible is so simple and clear that anyone can understand it. Yet the Christian world is divided into conflicting opinions as to what the Bible means. Learned Bible scholars take different meanings from the same words, and there are many Christian sects which disagree on the basic Bible questions. The average Christian who wants to understand the Bible finds all this confusing . . . wondering which Interpretation to accept, whom to believe. The result is that the Bible often gathers dust on the family bookshelf, when it should be bringing joy to the hearts of men. Catholics, of course, join with Christians everywhere in recognizing the complete Bible as the inspired word of God. It is unfortunate, however, that some of the most devoted readers do not understand it. As a matter of fact, Holy Scripture is seldom correctly understood unless we have certain basic knowledge concerning God’s revealed truth. In writing the New Testament, its authors took into account that a knowledge of God’s revelation already prevailed. The books they wrote were intended to instruct and confirm teachings already known. When you know this, the Bibile is neither contradictory nor confusing. Now suppose the United States Supreme Court did not exist. Suppose the government handed each citizen a copy of the Constitution and told him to interpret it for himself? Confusion would result. Prudence has dictated the formation of an interpretative body composed of experts in the law: The Supreme Court. God was not less prudent than men. He, too, left a living interpretative body, and this is the Church. The basic doctrine of many non-Catholic sects is, “The Bible is the only rule of faith.” If that is so then it would be logical that that fact be stated in the Bible. It is not. Moreover, the entire New Testament was written by the members of the Church. Consequently, their rule of the faith existed before the Bible. The Church existed for hundreds of years before declaring what books were inspired by God and therefore constitute the Bible. The Bible is often hard to understand. That is why Christ commanded the Church to teach. The Bible is the word of God and as such should be reverenced, honored and read. But the church is the first rule of our faith. The Bible is only the rule when correctly understood and interpreted, and this interpretation is made by the Catholic church, whose teaching authority is derived from its Divine Founder Who commanded her to “Teach all nations”. ORCHIDS TO OUR SECRETARIES! Who is the person who has the most work in any branch, and the one around whom all activity centers? It’s the Secretary, for she is the one who knows each and every member, collects dues and has the responsibility to see that the reports and financial statements are accurate and In order. In keeping her job up to par, she is benelitting you, because it’s for your protection. How much easier it would be for YOUR Secretary, if you would pay your dues on time! If you haven’t paid up and are intending to do so as each day passes, please do so at once! She'll love you for it! Antonia Tanko, Supreme President JUBILEE CELEBRATION IN SHEBOYGAN ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. The 35th anniversary of our branch was celebrated on Sunday^ DeeTTTHf.' First we had the annual meeting with a large attendance. After the meeting, dinner was served to our local members and visitors from Milwaukee-West Allis. A short program followed the dinner with Mrs. Mary Godez, presiding. Mrs. Godez introduced the charter members, which are: Marie Prisland, Mary Godez, Margaret Fischer, Frances Ribich, Mary Brezonik, Anna Modiz, Johanna Suscha, Anna Zavrl, Antonia Brulla, Anna Kovacic. The charter members were presented with corsages. Rev. B. J. Wilimek, spiritual director was the next introduced. He spoke of the many benefits that organizations bring to individuals as well as to the community in general and extended his felicitations to the branch on its 35th anniversary. Several Slovenian songs and a medley of Christmas carols were beautifully sung by a quartet — Mrs. Agnes Knaus, Mrs. Pauline Rupar, Miss Frances Grabner and Miss Mary Radovan.--------------------------------------------------- Their accompanist was Olga Plesetz Saye. Ten-year-old Patric Ziegenhorn recited a lovely greeting and congratulations to charter members and the branch in behalf of the junior class. Margaret Fischer, secretary, gave the history and the achievements of the branch during its three and one-half decades of accomplishments. Two others who then extended congratulations and best wishes were Mrs. Marie Floryan, West Allis, supreme vice-president of the Union, and Mrs. Rose Kraemer, Wise., state pres. Last person to speak was Mrs. Prisland, who thanked everyone for the good wishes and expressed the hope that the organization, formed 35 years ago, will continue to grow and to bring much pleasure and many benefits to the members. She congratulated the charter members, thanked the loyal workers for Zveza and presented a gift to Mrs. Godez in memory of her being the first president of our branch and serving 17 years in office. On behalf of the branch, gifts were presented to the following: Marie Prisland, founder; Anna Modiz, recording secretary for 30 years; Mary Turk and Anna Matzdorf, chairman and co-chairman of card party; Frances Melanz, dinner chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zavrl were remembered for their 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Zavrl is our former president. Telegrams and notes of congratulations received from supreme officers and out-of-town friends were read after which movies were shown by Don-old Krainz. Frances Melanz was the chairman for the dinner, and Anna Modiz had charge of the dining room. We are thanking them as well as those who helped in the kitchen, with the serving and donated food. Mrs. Shek, vice-president, made some lovely favors for everybody. Thanks to her and to Mrs. Germ for table decorations. We are deeply grateful to the Milwau-kee-West Allis members who came to our celebration. We, the charter members, are especially grateful to Marie Floryan, Su- preme Vice-President of the Union for remembering each one of us with a gift. What a wonderful officer she is! Thank you very much! I would like to give my report for the closing year. We have 158 regular members, 10 social members and 43 juniors. A total of 211. Our new members are: Josephine Kalk and Josephine Krea-mer, both in Class B. Social members are: Mimi Nickoloff, Los Angeles, Cal. and Louise Petach, Sacramento, Cal., A hearty welcome to all! The only loss in membership during the year were the G members who passed away. We are deeply sorry to have lost them and express our sincere sympathy to their families. In the 35 years of the branch’s existence, we lost 41 members through death. Plans for the year 1962: For our Honored Mother of the Year, Josephine Kotnik, a mother of 121 children was named, Eight of her family are members of our branch. We will have a Mother’s day program. All junior members will be invited to a party that day. Mrs. Prisland will be in charge of the program. First Wednesday in September will be our yearly card party. Ruth Sheck, vice-president, will be the chairman. A private picnic for the members is planned for the summer. Mary Godez, president, will be in charge. Our meetings will be held as of now in the St. Cyril and Methodius church hall every second Sunday afternoon, and our annual meeting the third Sunday at the same place. The committee for 1962 is as follows: Spiritual advisor, Rev. B. J. Wilimek; Mary Godez, president; Ruth Sheck, vice-president; Margaret Fischer, secretary; Anna Modiz, recording secretary; Mary Vertacic, treasurer. Auditors are: Frances Melanz, A-malia Zunter, Christine Sterk. Sentinel, Frances Tagel. Reporter for Slovenian. Mary Godez, for English, Mary Vertacic. May 19G2 be as progressive and may it bring good health and numerous blessings to the officers and members. Margaret Fischer, secretary No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. On Dec. 6th, our Annual Christmas meeting was held with sister, Anna Pachak, presiding. After the business at hand, election of officers for the ensuing year took place. Pres, is Mary Tezak; vice-pres., Betty Prijatel; finance sec’y Frances Simonich; treas., Frances Skul; Spiritual Director, Fr. Daniel; trustees, Josephine Reenis and Anne Wodishek; reporter, Katherine Kochevar. A rec. sec’y will be chosen at the next meeting. Fr. Daniel gave a most inspiring talk, citing Sister Pachak’s years of devoted service to the S. W. U. and our branch. He stressed the importance of participating in organizational activities and of accepting the dignity of an office, the bestowing of which is, in itself, a high honor. Sister Pachak then extended greetings to all and expressed heartfelt thanks to the members for their cooperation in the past. Prayers were recited for two recently deceased members, Mrs. Strum-ble and Mrs. Novak. The meeting was adjourned and the members enjoyed the refreshments and caroling of our junior members, who were, incidentally, presented with Christmas remembrances. Prizes went to lucky number holders. The 35th Anniv. celebration was held on Dec. 10th. Members assisted at Holy Mass and then gathered at Anzick’s Restaurant for breakfast. From all reports, this event, too, was a memorable occasion. May you all have a very Happy New Year filled with blesings and happiness. Katherine Kochevar. No. 7, Forest city, Pa. Greetings from Forest City! At our Dec. 10th meeting, we had our Christmas party with lots of eats and of course, good things to drink. We also exchanged gilts and played popular games. A good time was enjoyed by our members. Election of officers resulted in all the same officers taking their places, with the exception of one new auditor in place of sister Margaret Kameen, who died Nov. 26th. God rest her soul; she was a good, active member. Our sec’y, Christine Menart was chosen as Mother of the Year. Best wishes and speedy recovery to all the sick members. Wishing you a healthy year, 3 962. Josephine Gostisha, treas. No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Meet our officers: Branch No. 13 has b»en so satisfied with the present officers they were voted to hold each chair for another year or more. Jerry Adami, president; Mary Ansel (Mother of the year 1961), treasurer; Betty Doherty, secretary; Anna Stark (Mother of the year 1962), vice-president; BOWLING CLASSICS SCHEDULED Attention all bowlers! The Eastern, Get-together Bowling tournament will be Sunday, Feb. 2'5, 1902 at Grdina Alleys, St. Clair and E. GOth St., in Cleveland, O. Get your entries in by Feb. 15th deadline. To all bowlers interested but not yet placed on a team, contact me and we’ll see that you are entered. The 3 game series will be bowled on a 80% handicap basis; fee is $3.00 which includes bowling, prizes and luncheon. After the games, which will be played in two shifts — those living near the alleys bowl at 1 p.m.; those living farther away will roll off at 3:30 p. m. — the prizes will be awarded. This ceremony will take place about 5:30 p. m. at Kepic’s Lounge. (Jennie Kepic is a member of Br. 50 and she and her husband were kind enough to invite us to use their premises. Thanks, Jennie!) For more information please contact : Alyce Arko or Toni Tanko DI. 1-7540 EX. 1-1938 MIDWEST BOWLERS MEET APRIL 7-8 The Midwest Bowling Tourney will be held in Chicago, 111., under the sponsorship of Br. 2 and the Sports Club. We are sorry that Sheboygan, Wise., could not accept the tourney this year because their bowling alleys are being reserved for the state tourney. Doubles and Singles will be rolled at Prima Lanes, Sat., April 7, 1962 and Team Events at the Modern Bowling Lanes on Sun., April 8th. The entry blanks will be mailed soon so that there will be enough time for all teams to be lined up. All information as to location and transportation will be sent to all captains and bowlers. Here’s hoping lor a big tourney! We have had quite a bit of interest shown in the intended excursion to the Shrine of St. Ann de Beaupre in Canada and the other shrines. We hope to have details ready for the next issue of Zarja, as to date, cost and what the tour will include. Tentatively planned is a four day trip to 7 shrines in the month of July, the feast-month of St. Ann. Elizabeth Zefran, Women’s Activities Director financial sec., Anna Stich our helpmate in kitchen duty; door sentinel, Kate Cepernicli; Marshall (25 years), Mary Plut. Reporters (English), Fran Chiodo, (Slovenian), Poldica Podgor-nick, and auditors: Tillie Kambick, Katie Plut and Fran Chiodo. Let’s back these officers to the fullest as we have in the past and we shall realize a success equal to 1961. With these fine ladies to lead us oil our way, we can’t iniss. Our president, Jerry Adami, has been responsible for harmony and happiness with her excellent leadership so much so that it is a highlight of the month to go to meeting. Nice going, gals! HAWAII: We are now in finalization for our tour for 19G2. So much interest has been shown and the guests of 1961 seemed so happy and they have spread the word so well that I have already received quite a number of letters inquiring about date, etc. All this will be on your brochures and by next month I will have more news for you. A card from Anna Pachak, Supreme Officer, said Hawaii must be beautiful as everyone who goes there seems to love it. Thank you for the encouraging words, Anna, I hope God will be good and bless your health so that you will join us in 1962. Election for Mother of the Year was held in December. It is our pleasure to give this important news to you that our Mother for 1962 is Anna Stark, our vice-pres. and social chairman. Anna is a friend of mine and of this friendship I have found much pleasure; of course, this is not unusual as anyone who knows Ann has found her to be always cheerful and helpful, she is truly a MOTHER in more ways than one. Congratulations on your election as Mother of 1962, Ann, an award you have earned both at home and with your constant work at Branch No. 13. God bless you and yours! Big plans for 1963 are in progress by our Social group to add pleasure and happiness to our meetings, come and see what we have to offer. Fran Chiodo, reporter. No. 16, So. Chicago, 111. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful ladies for the lovely surprise party at the January meeting on my 20th Anniversary as secretary of Branch No. 16. Many thanks for the gifts and the beautiful words — we are very fortunate at Branch No. 16 for having such a wonderful group of women because it is only with the outstanding cooperation and generosity of all of them throughout the 20 years that we have been able to accomplish all the projects and affairs with such tremendous success. Without this kind of assistance, I would never have been able to remain in office for such a long period of time — so once again, my sin-cerest thanks for all your assistance during the past 20 years and for that lovely Anniversary Party. I sincerely appreciate it and shall do my very best as secretary for the year 1962. Gladys K. Buck, sec’y. No. 20, Joliet, 111. — The second quarter of this League’s scheduled games of bowling has not been completed because of the intervening holidays. This article will concern itself mostly with the oddities, pin pickups, and railsplitters of the few games rolled in this quarter. "Gen Klainsek proved that she is a “600 Shooter”. She recently rolled a neat 605 from 222-217-166 treats for her Merichka’s team and now averages 167. We hope she does it often. Then we have such fancy railsplitters as Evelyn Gregory 6-7-10; Jo Mlakar 5-6-10; Helen Golobic 2-7-10; Lorraine Rothlisberger £-7-10 and a bushel-full of 3-6-7-8-10; Agnes Koerber and Evelyn Gregory 3-10 and Shirley Go-ron with 5-7 and 5-10, both on the same night. Going up and down the ladder, we have Bernice Suski with 145-131-117; Lil Berge with 180-170-160 and Ann Papesh with 144-140-144. These are the things that make the night of bowling interesting. The league held its annual Christmas party at Merichkas. The entertainment committee headed by Edna Grohar, assisted by Ann Cox, Marge Rachor and Jo Mlakar proved themselves able in keeping the full membership entertained for several hours in spite of the inclement weather outside. Prizes were awarded for various feats and for games played and a gift exchange brought the party to a conclusion. Agnes Koerber, Secretary No. 20, Joliet, III. Our condolences to sister Anna Schnell upon the loss of her mother, Mrs. Anna Marentich, age 89 years — who passed away the week before New Years. She is survived beside Mrs. Schnell by four other daughters and one son. Prior to her death, her husband and son passed away some years ago . Mrs. Mary Kolar from Raub St, and her family also mourn the loss of their father and husband, Casper Kolar. On New Years Eve, two of our members were lying in state; first, Amalia Pekol, age 66 years, from Vine St., who is survived by her husband John, three sons, and one daughter and numerous other relatives. She joined Zveza May 17, 1934, recommended by dec. Agnes Skedel. Also, Mary Juresich, at the age of 79 years. She joined Zveza Mar. 20, 1932, recommended by Margaret Jurjevich. She is survived by six sons and four daughters and numerous other relatives. They all were members of various organizations. Our members gathered to pray at the bier of our members and attended the funeral. All were buried from St. Joseph Church, except Mrs. Juresich, who was buried from St. Bernard’s church to St. Joseph Cemetery. May they rest in peace! Our heartiest congratulations to the following who celebrated their wedding anniversaries in the past several months: Mr. and Mrs. Math Terdich, Golden Anniversary; Mr. and Mrs. Anton Senffner, 25th Anniversary; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plankar, Golden Anniversary; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Končar, 45th Anniv.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Korevec, 40th Anniv. May they live in health for many more years. All members are also invited to attend our future meetings, as we will have many interesting topics for discussion. I am sure you will want to share it. With best New Years wishes to all our members, Josephine Erjavec No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. Another year has rolled by and we are now in 1962. Let’s all make a firm resolution to come to the branch meetings. How about it, ladies? Congratulations to Anna Widmar who became a proud grandmother again; the stork left a girl to Mr. & Mrs. M. Skufca. Jackie Skufca is a member, too. Many thanks to the following who contributed so generously to our treasury: Frances Kozely ($4) and Josephine Weiss, Anne Pelcic, Stella Dancull (each $2), Mary Golic (?1) and Frances Perusek (40c.) Mary Nosan had an enjoyable trip to St. Jude National Shrine in Chicago. P. S. Mary, thank you very much for the delicious bakery and the blessed medals. I sincerely appreciate your thoughtfulness. In Feb., the following members will celebrate birthdays: Julia Chesnik, Frances Cimperman, Agatha Ecker-field, Mary Hosta, Josephine Intihar, Mary Jeson, Jennie Kmet, Julia Oblak, Jackie Skufca, Mary Vehar and Theresa Zupančič. Best wishes to all! Our get well wishes extended to Julia Oblak who has been confined at St. John’s Hospital; also recuperating at home and feeling much better are Theresa Zupančič and Agnes Zakerjsek. We hope they’ll be well soon. Remember, check up on your dues, members, as some of our payments are not up to date. See you Feb. 7th. Stella Dancull, Sec’y. No. 22, Bradley, 111. The home of Mary Rittmanic was the scene of much gaiety and laughter the afternoon of Dec. 10, when we gathered for the Christmas party-meeting. The first important business of the day was the election of officers. Chosen to serve for the year of ’G2 are Anna Richards, pres.; Elizabeth Kinder, vice pres.; Helen Sebastiani, sec.; Anna Lamontagne, treas.; Mollie Stara-sinich, Christine Hartman, Mary Rittmanic, trustees; Gabrielle Lustig, reporter. Our sincere appreciation goes to our retiring president, Toni Lustig and secretary Mollie Metschuleit for their work well done. Toni led in the closing prayers offered for our deceased members. May they rest in peace! Games were then played with prizes for the lucky ones. Then took place the exciting gift exchange and last but not least the delicious, genuine Sunday nite spread prepared by our busy hostess, Mary and her committee. Enjoyed by all of us was the baked ham, hot rolls, various salads and accessories and of course it wouldn’t be a holiday if we didn’t have that well-known Slovenian delicacy — potica. We thank mesdames Agnes Zajc and Anna Yakofcich for their baking and bringing us this special treat. It was mighty good eating. We also thank Anna Lamontagne, Mollie Metschuleit, Christine Hartman and Helen Sebastiani for their help in making the day a happy one. We missed having with us Mrs. Margaret Hassett who, just a few days before had a cast removed from her leg. Margaret had the misfortune of suffering the break, when she fell on the steps of her home. We hope and pray that she is now able to get about much better and will soon join us at our meetings. Hurry, we do miss you! And come back, Christine! We like your company, too. May the New Year be a brighter one for all, especially for those who are not feeling too well or are otherwise shut-in. G. Lustig, Reporter No. 23, Ely, Minn.. The Christmas dinner party on Dec. 13th was at the Jugoslav Home. Cocktail hour from 5:30 to 6:30 was followed by the dinner. Sally of Riik’s Inn catered and the tables were all decorated in the Christmas motif. Exchange of gifts took place after the colorful and tasty dinner. Carols were sung with Mrs. Charles Merhar at the piano. A short business meeting was held with Mrs. John Miklavsich presiding. The By-laws were read, election of officers held and various committees were chosen for the year. Mrs. John Sku-bitz won the door prize. Lunch committee for January was: Mmes. Leo Erchill, Frank Preshiren, Jas. Pishler, John Miklavsich and John Richards. Officers for 1962 are: pres., Mrs. Lyle Brennan; vice-pres., Mrs. Jos. Pucel; treas,. Mrs. Frank Pucel; sec’y, Miss Mary Shikonya; reporter, Mrs. Wm. Rowe; auditors, Mmes. Ed Zu-pancich and Jos. Skufsa; calling committee, Mmes. Frank Preshiren, John Richards, Wm. Rowe and Frank Vranesich. The Club meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month. We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. John Pecha, our member, ill in the hospital. A healthy, happy New Year to all. Ann Rowe. No. 25 — Cleveland, Ohio. It’s new, 19G21, a good year to start with fresh ideas for the betterment of our organization. To increase the membership and keep it interesting that should make it a first. Our officers for this year are — President: Pauline Stampfel, Vice President: Stella Koporc, Treasurer; Mary Otoničar, Secretary: Vicki Faletič, and Corresponding secretary: Dorothy Strniša. With these new officers and the help of all our members, we can make it the finest and most prosperous No. 25 branch. I just must mention something a-bout our Christmas party; it was the greatest, packed with every assortment of delicious food and also I wish to thank the many, many ladies that made it a wonderful evening. A special “Thank You” to Toni Tanko our Supreme President, who with her busy schedule found time to attend and we shall, as always, honor her as our guest. Vicki Faletič, Secretary P. S. As your new secretary of branch No. 25, I would appreciate when paying dues, they will be accepted on the 25th of each month or on the meeting night which is at St. Vitus School, downstairs in the panel room. Thank you. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Twenty-one members attended our annual meeting — we would like to see many more ladies at the coming meetings. We had election of officers and there is a change made on our committee. Mary Bahor, formerly our vice-pres. is now our treasurer and Antoinette Stayduhar, for many years treasurer, is now our vice-president. Meetings will be held as usual every third Tuesday of the month with no meetings in July and August. Congratulations to Mrs. Mary Veselic who has been selected as our Mother of the Year. She surely deserves this honor as she is always willing to help our organization and does more than her share. After the meeting, we had our Christmas party and the usual exchange of gifts. An enjoyable time was had by everyone. Get well wishes are sent to all our sick members and may God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, sec’y. and * Mrs. Mary Gornick, sister-in-law of our Supreme President and a member of branch 38 in Chisholm, sent in the following recipe: Fruit Cocktail Cake Ingredients: % cup white sugar 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup regular flour, sifted 1 egg % teaspoon salt 1 No. 303 can Fruit cocktail 1 cup chopped nuts. Beat together white sugar and egg until light. Add flour, soda and salt. Add the can of fruit cocktail, juice and all. Mix well. Pour batter in greased pan 8/12. Sprinkle top with brown sugar and nuts. Bake in 350° for 30-35 minutes. Home-made Horse Radish Mrs. Albina Malovasic, member of branch 18 in Cleveland, contributed the above recipe: Grind horseradish and put it into a quart jar. Pour over it white vinegar and a little salad oil to cover the top, so that the horseradish will not turn black. If you do not prefer horseradish real hot, grind one apple pealings and all — with the radish. Horse Radish Sauce Ingredients: 1 cup dairy sour cream 3 tablespoons prepared horse-radish 1 tablespoon orange marmalade Salt Blend first three ingredients thoroughly. Add salt to taste. Serve with pot roast. (FAN MAIL) SJCJttOOCJC* Since this column came into being, some nice comments have been received from the readers. I will publish a few: Cleveland, O. — I personally think it would be very nice if you would publish the complimentary letters you and I receive from the members a-bout the column POTS & PANS and PASTIME. Let others read how well our recipes are received, being tried and what good results they are bringing. — Antonia Tanko Duluth, Minn.—The POTS & PANS PASTIME column has been receiving great interest from the members. It was a good idea to begin such a column to encourage the interest among the younger members. — Ann Podgoršek. Cudahy, Wis.—(Letter to Mrs. Tanko.) Your strudel recipe which was published in May’s Zarja, is excellent. Some of our members used that recipe for making strudels and were very successful with their baking. I didn’t have much time to bake in summer, but last week I bought a bushel of apples and had to do something with them. So, I used your strudel dough recipe and made apple strudels. They turned out just fine. I made 10 of them in 3 days. I have made strudels before, but never did they turn out as well and as good as this time, thanks to your excellent recipe. — Rose Kraemer West Allis, Wis. — Thank you for starting that interesting column POTS & PANS and PASTIME. It’s fun reading it and trying the good recipes. Marie Floryan Sheboygan, Wis. ■— I would like to tell you how much I enjoy reading Zarja and your articles. The new column POTS & PANS and PASTIME is very interesting. I enjoy the recipes especially those for Slovenian dishes. A healthy New Year to you! — Frances Znidarsich. Weston, Colorado. — Thank you for the recipe for Hawaiian drink. I enjoy reading your column POTS & PANS and PASTIME especially the recipes. Have tried several and they always turn out good. I love to cook and make new dishes. Do you have a recipe for buckwheat štrukie? My mother used to make them. They were delicious. I was a small girl then and never learned the art of making them. —Christine Konti. Dear Mrs. Konti: I promptly oblige with buckwheat (adjove) štrukie recipe. Ingredients for dough: 2 cups white flour 1 cup buckwheat flour 2 eggs 4 tablespoons butter ’/2 cup lukewarm water 1 teaspoon salt Make dough and let it rest for % hour. Roll out the dough on cloth-covered table, sprinkled with flour. Roll it out to Vs in thickness. Spread it with the following filling. Filling: 1 cup sour cream 1 cup finely ground walnuts 2 egg yolks 1 teaspoon cinnamon 4 tablespoons sugar 1 cup bread crumbs browned in butter Spread the filling over dough, sprinkle with bread crumbs, roll it up tight, place it in boiling salt water and slowly boil for V6 hour. When cooked, cut it in small slices. Sprinkle the top with browned bread crumbs and finely chopped parsley. No. 30, Aurora, III. Altho we are such a small group here in Aurora, I think it is the nicest, most thoughtful group of ladies! They’ve shown by their kindness to me, an invalid member, by visits this Christmas as they have every year and bringing us special good things to eat. This year, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zefron as messengers of Br. 30 visited us the Sunday before Christmas and brought Slovenian made sausage from Joliet, the kind we don’t have here in Aurora. For the past seven years, they have brought us something different each time, and I believe that the ladies spend their time at the meetings talking about us and deciding what ways they can make us happy. Dear members, sisters of the branch, I extend a very warm and sincere thank you to each and everyone. A big thank you to Mrs. Anna Rasich for her good potica — you’ve never eaten a better potica! She remembers us about four times a year, for every special occasion; her son, Martin Tom-se, delivers his mom’s potica with a smile. Thanks again, Mrs. Rasich and family! Our sympathy to the family of Mary Klemenčič who lost her husband Joseph 67, and was buried Dec. 29th. A son, Joseph and daughter, Leroy De King also survive. The stork visited Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Wackerline (Pauline Jakos) and left them a sixth son. Good luck to you and the family. A very happy New Year to all! Josephine Mezan. No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Congratulations! Two of our members are great grandmothers for the first time, their daughters being grandmothers for the first time! They are Frances Gergevich (great grandmother) and her daughter Nettie Pristob and Caroline Peck (great grandmother) and her daughter Caroline Mayor. Mrs. Frances Sokach was also blessed with a great grandson, bom Dec. 30, 1961. He will be a nice playmate for sister Susan. The proud parents are Robert and Lois Porter. We send get well wishes to Mary Praznovski and to all our sick members. Richard Jackson, grandson of Caroline Peck and Dan Praznovski, grandson of Mary Praznovski, are entering the seminary. Our blessings go with them. Hope to see you at the next meeting. Lillian Vehovec. No. 33, Duluth, Minnesota. December was buzzing with activities, also many important decisions made for the benefit of the membership for the future. December 10, at 1:30 p. m., at St. Elizabeth Hall, our first Juvenile Christmas party was held. It was a huge success and enjoyed by all the CLASS “B” JUBILEE MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN CLOSES MAR. 31st! CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR “VICKIE” HITS THE MARK!!! Topping the list of active workers who are striking for 35 points in the membership drive, is Supreme Auditor, Vickie Faletič, secretary of Br. 25 in Cleveland, Ohio. She’s all set for her FREE TRIP TO WASHINGTON, D. C., this spring and the $35.00 cash prize which each worker will receive when reaching the 35 point goal! Remember, for each Class B new member, 1 point — Class A member is Vz point—and Junior member is J4 point. Also $1.00 is paid for each point. Enroll all your friends and relatives now, and join Vickie and the group who’ll be heading for a fun-filled vacation in May. VICKIE SAYS: Start NOW, and before you know it, you’ll be counting up those valuable points heading you toward: “All Aboard for Washington, D. C.!” Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary youngsters. The 50 children that attended were entertained with movies and singing of Christmas carols. The tables were beautifully decorated and a very delicious lunch served. Each child was presented ntflth a box of goodies by Good Old Santa. The committee was headed by Suntina Spehar and a committee of women who did a splendid job to make this event such a success. Despite cold weather, our December 13 meeting was very well attended and we had our Christmas party after the business meeting. Ladies, please note the change of our meeting to thft FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH. This change was necessary to make it easier for the reporter to make reports to the Zarja in time. Mrs. Mary Mrak, a long time member of our branch and the oldest member, celebrated her 85th birthday recently. She was also selected Mother of the Year from our branch. May God bless and give her health and happiness for many more years. Election of officers were held, all present officers have accepted their respective offices for the coming year. We are very grateful to these members, who have worked so conscientiously for the good of our branch in the past year. This year, we added two new offices to our branch, Suntina Spehar and Gloria Abbott as Juvenile Directors and Dolores Heski as our Rowling Director. I’m sure that we will see much progress in our branch during the coming year with such able leadership. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. We were all happy to see so many new faces at our Dec. meeting. The officers for 19G2 were elected and plans for a March Card Party and the bowling tournament were discussed. The officers are: Spiritual advisor. Fr. Claude Okorn; pres., Josephine Kolar; vice-pres., Ceil Groth; sec’y-treas., Rose Kraemer; rec. sec’y, Victoria Sporis; auditors: Josephine Verbiclc and Mary Kresse. The Mother of the Year was also chosen; she is Josephine Kolai, who has been working very diligently for our branch. On March 18th, a Miscellaneous Card Party will take place at St. John’s Lower Hall, 1029 S. 9th St. All members and friends are urged to attend. The 50c card playing donation will consist of a $1.00 miscellaneous table prize; but, the $1.00 card playing donation will consist of a pair of Pillow Cases as table prize. Members are requested to donate a prize toward this event, and bring it along to the Feb. 11th meeting or else, contact me at home. On Dec. 11th, Brs. 12-17-43 combined and chartered a bus to Sheboygan to attend their 35th Anniversary celebration. Our group was very hap- py to be able to attend this grand occasion in honor of our Founder, Marie Prisland, who with her group of charter members organized Br. No. 1 of S.W.TJ. The program was short and excellent, and the food was vary delicious. I wish to thank the officers and members of Br. No. 1 for their kind hospitality. Our branches wishes to extend heartfelt sympathy to the family of Agnes Medved who recently passed away. God bless her and grant her eternal peace. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Walter on the birth of their baby. Our hand-made stole and bag, which was displayed at the November Card Party, was awarded to Catherine Holmberg. Our membership drive is at a standstill. Members, I’m sure there is someone, somewhere, who would be interested in joining our Union. Check thru your relatives, neighbors and friends. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y. No. 45, Portland, Oregon. We had a very good turn-out for the last meeting of the year. Our president, Mary Roso, opened the meeting with a prayer. The business session started at 8 o’clock; the election of officers then took place with results as follows: Mary Roso, president; Yustina Misetich, vice-president, Florence Lo-lich, 2815 N. W. Raleigh St., secretary; Rose Mary Roso, treasurer; Violet Fazio, recording secretary; sentinel, Florence Lolich; auditors: Violet Fazio and Mildred Quinn. The latter is also chairman of the social committee. A very deserving honor was bestowed on Anna Krumpetich as our Mother of the Year 1962. Congratulations Mrs. Krumpatich, God bless you and give you good health! After the meeting, our Christmas party with refreshments and gift exchange was enjoyed by all. We changed our meeting date to first Tuesday of the month. Also the meeting place is changed as we will have meetings at Florence Lolich’s home, 2815 N.W. Raleigh St., 7:30 p.m. At this time we want to thank Mr. & Mrs. Pezel, for the use of their home for our 1961 meetings. Special thanks to Mrs. Pezel who was our hostess throughout the year. To and this year’s article I would like to wish each and everyone a Happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year. Louise Struznik. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Everyone who attended our December meeting and Christmas party had a good time, I am sure. The weather kept some of the older members from attending; but, we still had a good crowd. Thanks to Helen Skoff for letting us have the party at her house. Thanks also, go out to Eva Hozjak, for making the apple strudel, Jo Prebil for making the potica, Mary Sta-lcer for potatoe salad, Theresa Gabrian for bringing a cake, Jo Ancel for a cake, also, Mary Moenningman for coffee, cream, Margaret Dolenz for donating a pair of pillow cases which Pauline Ruzicka won. Helen also donated Christmas cookies. Each member brought a gift and exchanged. So, thanks to every one who donated food and to ones who donated and were not present, Margaret Zvanut and Mary Lousha for the gifts. The same officers were re-elected. Jo Prebil, Pres.; Helen Skoff, Sec’y. and Treas.; Margaret Dolenz, Vice-Pres.; Marie Thompson, Rec’d. Sec’y, also reporter. We also elected Mary Hribernik as our mother of the year for 1962. The meetings will again be at Helen Skoff’s house and my house. The next meeting will be Feb. 11 at 2:00 p.m. at Helen’s home, 6255 Westway PI. Ann Johnson had her daughter and family visiting her over the holidays. We missed you at the Christmas party — They live in California now; I’m sure they had a nice visit. Thanks again to everyone who contributed towards the party, if i missed any one, it was not intentional. Marie Thompson, Rec’d. Sec’y. DENVER HOSTS COLORADO DAY No. 63, Denver, Colo. The Colorado State Convention was held In Denver at the Western Slavonic Home on Aug. 12, 1961. The convention was opened with a prayer to our Blessed Lady of Peace led by Fr. Leopold Mihelich, our spiritual director and assistant pastor of Holy Rosary Church. At 5:00 p. m., our gracious state president, Anna Pachak of Pueblo, welcomed all the delegates who had come from far and near for the banquet and dance. The Minutes of the State Convention of I960 in Pueblo were read and approved. Then, each delegate was called upon for her report, namely, Agnes Lukeman, Br. 6G, Prances Pogarec, Br. 92, Mary Podar, Br. 3, and Ellen Nortnik, Br. 63. All the reports were accepted as given. Discussion was opened on the following topics which were voted upon and accepted: 1. That each new idea brought up at the Convention will be printed in Zarja for the benefit of members who cannot attend meetings; 2. That if the members of any branch wish to have a Supreme Officer attend the Convention, the traveling expenses will be paid by the individual branch. 3. That all State Conventions herewith be held on Sunday instead of Saturday, beginning with Holy Mass and any other activity they desire — then, an afternoon meeting. It was hoped that more members will attend future Conventions, therefore making it livelier and more interesting. All these motions were approved and seconded. Greetings and wishes for success were received from Mrs. Prebil, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo., who could not attend this year; also, Antonia Kastelic, Br. 64. Kansas City, Kans., and Fran Chiodo, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal., who had been on the Hawaiian tour with Mrs. Zemlak and daughter, Mary Johns. Fr. Mihelich gave a very inspiring talk to the younger members, advising them to keep up the Slovenian language and customs. He has done much toward this cause by putting in all the main libraries in Denver, a book on Jugoslavia. His tape recordings and motion pictures are always to be remembered around Christmas time. Mr. John Pavlakovich, our able Master of Ceremonies introduced all the guests at the banquet, first of all, our Pastor, Fr. John Canjar. Acknowledgements were given and corsages presented to the officers and other mem-hers who had helped in our organization. A nice evening of dancing with polkas and American music filled the bill for entertainment. Altho many delegates and members couldn’t attend, we sincerely hope that all who did, enjoyed our festivities. Hearty thanks to all! Ellen G. Nortnik No. 48, Buhl, Minn. We held the annual meeting and election of officers on Dec. 11th The same members were elected to office, they are: pres.. Rose Molick; vice-pres., Mary Erickson; sec’y, Mary Glavan and treas., Mary Arko. We voted to have our meetings the first Tuesday of the month and due to the small membership, we voted to hold our meetings every third month. The decisions of the meeting include: to spend $5.00 for flowers in case of a member’s illness or death and two masses. Our branch is not large or active enough for a regular reporter, but we will keep in touch from time to time. Our hostess, Mary Muster, had us meet at her home and she served us a very good lunch of Christmas cookies and lots of coffee. We spent the evennig talking and laughing about the good old days and time flew by so fast! We all went home with more goodies stuffed in bags to take home. Best wishes to all our members and the rest of Minnesota for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Rose Molick, Pres. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Our branch Christmas party was well attended and a huge huge success. We all had such a nice time and refreshments were wonderful. Toni Tanko can prefare the best Roast beef! And oh, we had some home-made donuts by Sophie aagorc and home-made buns by Marie Okicki. Many other members b-ought cakes, cookies and refreshments of all sorts. We even had door prizes which were won by Mary Finley (meat thermometer and Cecelia Žnidaršič (Christmas tree made of net donated and made by Sophie Kap- lan). Frances Macerol brought in a real tree to make the decorations complete. These girls are all very thoughtful as are all of our members. We have the nicest group — I guess that’s what keeps us in the branch so long, enjoying real sisterly friendship. Our election of officers was a very important topic at the last meeting. First of all, I want to mention a word about our outgoing president. She practically donated all her time and hard work, always very conscientious and energetic for our branch. But, Frances said she needed a rest, and we could see her point. Fran’s husband has been very ill and was hospitalized; besides, Fran herself wasn’t always in the best of health. We all hope Fran and Frank will have a good year 1962 and that good health will be a part of it Loads of luck to Fran and we’ll beg her for some of her good ideas and cooperation as time goes on. Our new president is Rose Želodec in whom we have the best confidence. Vice-pres. is Toni Tanko; sec’y, Marie Beck; rec. sec’y, Ann Dekleva; ra-porter, Mary Bostian, corresponding sec’y (cheer up club), Sophie Kaplan, auditors, Antoinette Celesnik and Theresa Komat. Our Mother of the Year is Sophie Zagorc. See you at the Feb. meeting when we’ll initiate our new members! Mary Bostian No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. This is the kind of report I am most happy (o write, for I am taking this means fo thank all the members for their cooperation during my long years as president. Your interest in keeping our branch active was greatly appreciated and I hope you will be just as happy and ambitious helping out new president, Rose Želodec. Altho Rose is not a charter member, she has been one of us since our branch was organized — has always been active In one way or another. For a while illness kept her from all activity, but, as she grew stronger, we were happy to find her smiling face among us again. You did a fine job electing Rose as your president, now you can do a better one by getting together and enrolling your friends to increase our branch! Don’t wait for some one to remind you of our monthly meeting date — circle your calendar right now, every 3rd Monday at St. Vitus — and remember, your officers need you, your idas, your understanding and friendship to keep strong and alive. See you at the next meeting. Frances Sietz No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. The first meeting of the New Year brought out 23 members. We discussed all the rules and regulations, heard financial reports and witnessed installation of officers. Two new members were accepted and we welcome them warmly. Sister, Jos. Oswald, our pres, led the concluding prayer. To all our sick members, Godspeed to rapid recovery. To sister, Gene-vive Zidarich, our prayers for the recovery of her husband. Bridge, smear and other popular games entertained our members and winners were: Celia Politano, Mary Russo, Carmella Bonazza, Alice Bar-atto, Gertrude Kochevar, Mary Techar, Ivanna Prelesnik and Angeline Horvat. Door prize went to Jos. Oswald. The delicious lunch was served by the officers, pres. Oswald, sec’y Chiodi Hope to see you at the Feb. 7th meeting. God bless you and keep you in the best health. Gertrude Kochevar No. 55, Girard, Ohio. Greetings for the New Year from Girard! Our Dec. meeting was a covered-dish Christmas Party — just wonderful with excellent dishes and desserts. The beef roast was out of this world, made by our pres. Theresa Lozier, as only she can make it. Margaret Umeck was chairlady, aided by Anna Umeck, Bea Matuszew-sld, Mary Skufka, Catherine Stabi, Helen Swabek, Nancy Dombrosky and Louise Hill, a new and active member who also made the beautiful favors. Patty Dombrosky played the piano for group singing. Installation of officers took place: Theresa Lozier, pres.; Louise Hill, vice-pres.; Mary Ann Mehalco, sec’y-treas.; Theresa Severinski, rec. sec’y.; auditors: Emma Zore, Sophie Kren and reporter, Mary Ann Mehalco. At this meeting, Katherine Anzicek was chosen Mother of the Year. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Racick on the birth of a daughter. Proud mother, Anna Marie Racick was our wonderful reporter, but gave it up to devote all her time to her lovely family. On our sick list are Jennie Novosel and Mary Noga. To all our sick we send best wishes for recovery. Sympathy was extended to Mary Zimmerman and Angela Scoglione on the loss of their beloved husband and father, John Zimmerman. December birthday celebrants were: Emma Zore, Mary Zadnaker, Geraldine Westhart, Theresa Pavlinac, Johanna Leskovec, Rose Juvančič, Angela Scoglione, Josephine Gorenc, Ivanka Gorjancic and Helen Dagati. Best wishes for many more! Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. The best of everything to all in the new year! We had a large attendance at our Christmas party, everyone enjoying the turkey dinner served by our kitchen and dining room committees. Thanks again to all who helped make the affair a success. Christmas carols and Slovenian songs were sung and gifts exchanged. Our children also were remembered at this time. Following the dinner, we held our annual meeting. By-laws were discussed an election of officers took place with all officers re-elected. The officers for the new year are: pres., Anne Satovich; vice-pres., Agnes Barkis; fin. sec’y, Mary Meadows; treas., Mary Drobnick; rec. sec’y, Molly Domin; sgt. at arms, Barbara Doshen; auditors, Prances Stonich and Olga Tometie and Mary Ayotte reporter. Our Mother of the Year will be Frances Puhek, a member of long standing and a constant and diligent worker for Zveza. Speedy recovery to all our ailing members; sympathy to Emma Petrich on the loss of her father. To Mrs. Genac, congratulations as new grandma when her daughter, Roberta Moore, gave birth to twin sons. The family is living in Japan as her husband is stationed there with the Air Force. See you at the Feb. meeting. Anne B. Satovich, pres. No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. At our November and December meeting just ten members were present. For our Christmas party, Dec. 9, we chartered a bus; and 29 ladies went out to eat at the 20th Century Restaurant in Youngstown, Ohio. We had our dinner served to us after which the ladies picked names and exchanged Christmas gifts. The evening was still young, so the ladies decided to go dancing to Johnny Butch-ko’s Orchestra. We sure had a good time — young and old enjoying themselves. We would like the ladies to come to the meetings, and those that still owe dues to please pay it soon. The ladies decided that they will just carry those that haven’t payed for three months and then they will give notice that they are dropped from the books. Our present officers were re-elected for another year. Our worthy mother of the year was chosen. Louise Serjak took the honor this year. Helen Yevtich received the prize of the evening. We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. Blaz Sankovich, who fell and dislocated her shoulder. Hurry and get well, we miss you! We also wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Ernest Stanish for the loss of her mother. To our members who are ailing, we wish all a speedy recovery. It would be nice if some of our members took time out to visit some of our sick members. Best wishes to all and God Bless You. Mary Percic, Reporter, No. 72, Pullman, III. — We were happy to see a nice turnout of members at our December meeting. The most important item on the agenda was election of officers. All officers were re-elected for another year. They are: Angela Bezlay, pres.; Mary Klun, vice-pres.; Jenny Orazem, treas.; Mary Dresher, secretary; Mmes. Shee-hy and Zadnik, auditors and Wilma Zagar, reporter. Because of winter weather, it was decided not to have meetings in January and February. Our first meeting of the new year will be on March 14th and meetings will be held at the same time and place as in the past — namely at 1:30 p. m., the second Wednesday of the month, at 11435 Champlain Ave. We will continue to have birthday celebrations after meetings, if the ladies so desire. But this is not com- pulsory — it means more to us if you just come to the meetings. We had a nice Christmas party after the December meeting, and wish to thank all those who took part, and especially those who brought refreshments and prizes. Mrs. Orazem made the sausage and “potica.” Mrs. Glo-boker and Mrs. Nemenich brought cookies and cakes. Several of the ladies brought gift items for prizes. Our thanks tc all of you. If I’ve left anyone out, I’m sorry, as so many brought such nice things, I just can’t remember them all. Best Wishes to all for a most happy and blessed New Year. __________________Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. Best wishes and good health is extended to all members for the new year. Our Dec. meeting was preceded by a Christmas Pot-luck Dinner. The food was delicious and many thanks to the whole club for making it a big success. The meeting itself was opened by prayer led by our pres. Kay Juratovac. Visiting with us was Ann Delphia, also Mary Spudick from New York, whose sisters are Martha Herak and Ann Precovic. It was nice having them and hope they'll come again. A new member, Rose Spremulli, was welcomed to the branch. The officers were unanimously reelected with the exception of the rec. sec’y. Yours truly, Joyce Brahani was elected. We prayed for our ill members at the close of the meeting; then, games were played with prizes contributed by the members. I’m sure a wonderful time was had by all. To all birthday and anniversary celebrants. “Our Best Wishes.” Joyce Braham No. 89, Oglesby, III. We’re expecting Branch No. 89 to arise with new vigor, following the election of a few new officers to replace the ones that deserve the rest, after contributing their share of work and time, especially, president Frances Nemeth. The new officers are: Rev. Fr. Carl Mayes, spiritual director, Frances Meg-lich, pres.; Mary Kernz, vice pres.; Nancy Kleczewski, fin. sec.; Angela Nico, rec. sec.; Sophie Frank, treas.; Lena Dawson, sentinel; Frances Gorišek, chancellor. Auditors: Helen Ko-mater, June Haupt, and Josephine Sa-molitis. We closed 1961 with a Christmas Dinner at the Garzanelli Supper Club, with 00 members in attendance. Many of the faces we don’t see all year attend the Christmas party and are most welcome. We would like to see them twelve times a year, because in numbers there is strength. The bowling teams are selling candy and would like the cooperation of all the members, so we can continue to send teams to the bowling tournaments. DE PUE MEMBERS HAVE GAY SOCIAL No. 85, DePue, III. In spite of icy streets and inclement weather, we held our Dec. meeting at the Slov. Dom with 8 members present. Sev-veral members were indisposed due to illness. A speedy recovery is wished to Josephine Slatner recovering from surgery and to Frances Kopina also ill. And election of officers resulted in all incumbent officers taking their official duties for another year. Congratulations to them for their faithful service in the past. Sister Jennie Blatnick gave up her job as reporter, so, I was chosen to replace her — of course, only in A nice number of members were present at the Jan. meeting in spite of the cold weather. It was decided to begin a review of the By-laws at the next meeting in order that we all may have a better understanding of the branch and organization. Congratulations to our four new mothers and we hope these fine new offspring will become future members and officers. A speedy recovery to all on the sick list. Our 1962 Sunshine Chairman, Julia Kulpa, would appreciate knowing of all the members who are ill. Please report them to her. Mary Kernz No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. We had a very good attendance at our Dec. 5th meeting. We elected the same officers which was very nice, followed by the Christmas party, gift exchange and lunch. We really had a good time ending 1961; so, I hope that on March 6th when we meet again, our members will all be present and that 1962 will be a year of good health, happiness and good fortune for all. God bless you; hope you had a very happy new year. Anna Kastelic No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. I must go back to 1961 to begin my report. In Nov. our meeting was at the home of pres. Frances Greenfield. At this meeting, Mary Skoball was a guest. So nice to h;we you, Mary, and do come again. Frances and sister Donna Christolf English. Congratulations, Jennie, on a job well done. After the meeting, our respective husbands joined us (they had their meeting downstairs) and we played games with small prizes awarded to the winners. Following this, we had a gift exchange and Christmas pot-luclc supper complete with potica and all the other Slovenian goodies. It is a source of amazement to me that I always go home with more food than I brought to the party! The accompanying picture shows part of our group at the Dec. party. Best wishes to all. Frances Machek. were hostesses. All the officers a-greed to take on another term which was our unanimous desire. Dec. 10th we had a lovely turkey dinner at Gal’s Cafe. The meal was very delicious, prepared by Gal Sta-rika. We exchanged gifts and later played canasta. This was our Christmas party and really very much enjoyed by all. Mary Kapushion and Carolyn Kochevar were hostesses for the Christmas party and I must say that our husbands were our very welcomed guests. The old year went out very quietly and the New Year came in just the same. It was a cold, moonlit night with everyone more content to be home by the fire. Most of us attended high mass at Queen of All Saints church on Christmas Eve. Jan. 7th was the date of our first meeting of the year. It was conducted by vice-pres. Helen Cobai in the absence of our pres, who was ill. We missed you, Frances, and hope to see you next month. Josephine Kriz-manich and daughter, Georgia McDaniel served at the meeting. We also drew names for our secret pals of 1962. Keep them guessin’, gals! It has been very cold in our small town 35 degrees below zero! We have had much more snow than last year at this time. Hope 1962 will be much better in every way for you, than the year just passed! Helen Cobai No. 95, So. Chicago, 111. We closed our year with an annual Christmas party and exchange of gifts. An elegant table of holiday goodies was set by the following ladies; Mary Barcevac, M. Brozynski, M. Duich, M. Kahn Kahn, M. Krmpotich, A. Na-goda, A. Pave and M. Simunic. The following courteous ladies handled the members in masterful fashion: E. Driscoll, L. Dichele and M. Poropat, who brought the highest compl'ments from appreciative members. My most sincere thanks to these ladies for their part in the kitchen and organizing the event. Prizes and cash were donated by: M. Simunic, B. Sambol, K. Klepich, M. Sambol, M. Ashenbrenner, A. Sorak, C. Cacich, A. Jovanovich, M. Kozul, A. Nagoda, M. Poropat, A. Cutlich, Mary Simunic, H. Spelich, P. Ashenbrenner, F. Seabloom, M. Nicksic, E. Driscoll and yours truly. Food was donated by the following: D. and A. Cuzella, A. Mesin, M. Innis, K. Rosandich, M. Brodzynski, M. Duich, M. Simunic, M. Sambol, A. Pave, M. Markezich, M. Barsevac, R. Krneta, M. Jurko, O. and M. Krmpotich, T. Martin, M. Poropat, F. Seabloom, A. Nagoda, M. Perkovich, M. Dosen, M. Nicksic, M. Andretich, B. Golden, A. Kompare, K. Alfirevich, E. Driscoll, M. Kahn, A. Bozich and yours truly. I wish to mention the main feature of the evening — a $10 permanent wave donated by Margaret Innis and a turkey, donated by yours truly. Winners were Manda Dosen and Bernice Golden, respectively. We enjoyed a huge financial success due to the generosity of our members. Four new members were welcomed at the Dec. meeting, Mary Jurko, Rose Krneta, Olga Krmpotic and Lucille Svalina. We are very pleased to welcome you to our group. We started off in January with the same officers. I hope it will be a year of the same enthusiasm; it seems so as we immediately mailed all the members booklets as our moneymaking venture. Mildred Janies, Pres. No. 101, Bedford Hgts, Ohio. Our first meeting of the newly organized branch No. 101 was held Jan. 5th, 1962 at which time Supreme President Antonia Tanko, and Ohio State President, Ella Starin, were present to install the officers. We shall continue meeting regularly on the first Monday of the month. In February, we have plans for a special meeting on the 4th at which time we will meet our Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, who is paying us a special visit. Officers of this branch are the following: Spiritual Advisor is Father John Paulis, S. M. of St. Pius X parish; pres., Mary Szabo; vice-pres., Betty Matjašič; sec’y, Esther Jaros; treas., Emogene Hren; rec. sec’y, Helen Haerl and auditors, Dorothy Kastellic and Shirley Jaroshek. You’ll be hearing from us again! Esther Jaros, sec’y. Marie Prisland Članica piše: “Bliža se predpust, ko ho treba delati krvave klobase in peči ocvirkovo potico in krofe. V ZARJI je bilo priobčeno navodilo za krofe, za ocvirkovo potico in klobase pa še ne. Ali ne bi mogli tudi s tem postreči?” Seveda bom postregla in takoj! Klobas sicer ne znam delati, ocvirkovo potico sem pa večkrat spekla v prejšnih letih, ko sem smela jesti maščobo. Za klobase sem šla iskati navodilo v knjigo SLO VENSKO-AMERIŠKA KUHARICA, ki jo je pred leti spisala in založila naša članica Ivanka Zakrajšek v New Yorku. Krvave riževe klobase Skuhaj prašičja pljuča, srce in, % glave ter drobno seseklaj ali zmelji. Izberi, operi ter na pol skuhaj 4 funte riža, ga stresi na sito, da se odteče in ohladi nakar ga deni v skledo in primešaj pripravljeno meso. Dodaj nekaj zmletih klinčkov (žbic), majaronovih plevic, popra in soli. Pri soljenju bodi previdna, da je ne rabiš preveč. Vse to dobro premešaj. Nato dodaj precejeno kri in nekaj juhe, v kteri se je kuhalo meso, ter zopet zmešaj. Ker morajo biti klobase dobro zabeljene, scvri 1 funt slanine z ocvirki ter na njej bledo opraži par žlic drobno zrezane čebule. S tem zabeli zmes in spet dobro premešaj. Ako je zmes pregosta, dodaj juhe, kjer se je kuhalo meso. Napolni dobro oprana čreva, naredi klobase, jih deni v vrelo vodo in kuhaj od 5-7 minut. Od časa do časa zabodi v klobaso dolgo iglo in dokler pride iz klobase kri, iste še niso dovolj kuhane. Ko kri po zabodljaju izgine, so klobase kuhane. Položi jih na čisto desko, poprej pa vsako klobaso pomoči v vodo, da jo očistiš godlje. Klobase drži na hladnem prostoru, dokler jih ne porabiš. Kako pečemo krvave klobase Deni v ponev nekaj masti in vanjo zloži klobase. Poltrij in počasi peci 30-45 minut, da se skozinskoz prepečejo ter da postane koža hrustljiva. Pečeš jih lahko v peči, ali pa tudi na peči na malem direktnem ognju. Navadno denemo klobase v gorko vodo, predno jih denemo v ponev. Še boljše je, če klobase za malo časa položimo v mrzlo mleko, ker se potem ne bodo tako hitro razpočile med peko. Sicer pa tudi to ni nikaka garancija, da se nobena klobasa ne bo razpočila, toda število takih slučajev se bo zelo zmajnšalo. Ocvirkova potica Postavi kvas s 4 žlicami mlačnega mleka, 1 ploščico kvasa, malo sladkorja in 3 žlicami moke. V skledo presej 5 šalčk moke in jo osoli. Vzemi 1 pajnt mleka, 1 celo jajce, 1 rumenjak, 1 jedilno žlico sladkorja in 2 žlici masla. Vse to segrej in medtem neprestano mešaj, nakar pusti da se shladi do mlačnega. Zlij v moko in prideni kvas. Zamesi, ugneti in utepi, da dobiš gladko testo. Pokrij in pusti, da vzhaja. Razgrej ocvirke. Ako imajo preveč masti, jo nekaj odcedi. Ocvirki naj se malo shlade. Dodaj jim 1 malo žličko sladkorja in žličko zmletega cimeta in premešaj. Ako bi ravno ne imela dovolj ocvirkov,zarumeni na masti nekaj kruhovih drobtin ter jih primešaj ocvirkom. S tem je maža za ocvirkovo potico napravljena. Ko je testo dovolj vzhajano, ga stresi na z moko potresen prt in precej tenko razvaljaj. Potresi ga s pripravljeno ocvirkovo mažo, zvij, deni v primerno pekačo, postavi na toplo in pusti, da zadostno vzhaja. Nato deni ocvirkovko v peč ter peci kakor navaden kruh. Te vrste potica je najboljša topla; aato serviraj gorko. Ako ti je kaj ostane, jo v peči zopet pogrej, pa boš imela zopet svežo ocvirkovo potico. * * * Pošta Združenih držav je zadnja leta mogočno na-rastla. Letne transakcije poštnih uradov znašajo vključno s prodajo znamk, poštnih nakaznic ter poštnih hranilnih in drugih pristojbin za domačo službo okoli 20 bilijonov dolarjev na leto. Te številke niti zdaleka ne doseza nobena avtomobilska, jeklarna ali kaka druga industrijska družba. Poštni department se poslužuje helikopterjev, 100 jahaških poti ter na otoku Sv. Lovrenca v Alaski celo sani s pasjo vprego. Količina pošte je v zadnjih petnajstih letih narastla za skoraj 19 bilijonov kosov, kar je več kot točasno znaša letna pošta Francije, Nemčije in Kanade skupaj. Naše pošta je največje podjetje na svetu. V deželi upravlja 35,000 poštnih uradov, zaposluje pol milijona ljudi, se poslužuje 85,000 motornih vozil, razdeli G2 bilijonov kosov pošte na leto ter potroši pri tem skoro 4 bilijone dolarjev. Odgovornost glavnega poštarja je velika. Poleg skrbi za točno dostavo pošte mora pregledati nespodobne knjige, ki so potom pošte poslane, je poleg tega tudi bankir, saj gre skozi njegove roke letno za več milijard dolarjev poštnih hranilnih in denarnih nakaznic, poleg tega poštni uradi registrirajo vsakega januarja skoraj 3 milijone tujcev. Pod oskrbo glavnega poštarja spada prodaja lovskih znamk za ptice selivke, izdaja zastav za pogrebe vojakov ter pomaga vladnim agentom pri zasledovanju zločincev, ker so na poštnih uradih obešene deske z lepaki, s katerimi iščejo malopridneže. Poštni department Združenih držav ima tudi to "čast” da je predmet neštevilnih pritožb, čeprav se trudi uravnati poslovanje tako, da bi pošta točno dohajala v vsako hišo. Vkljub velikanskim dohodkom ima ta department vsako leto izgubo. V lanskem davčnem letu je primankljaj znašal 800 milijonov dolarjev. # *____ ' Iz Beograda poročajo? da živi v raznih deželah po svetu okrog 5 milijonov oseb jugoslavanskega porekla in njihovih otrok. To se izseljenci In njih potomstvo. Rodni grudi, ki jim ni mogla nuditi zadostnega kruha, so pa izseljeni otroci rezali in še režejo in domov pošiljajo debele rezine v tujih deželah prisluženega kruha, s katerim pomagajo predvsem svojim sorodnikom, neposredno pa tudi svoji rodni domovini kot celoti. Poročilo pravi, da je samo lansko leto bilo v Jugoslavijo poslanega okrog 35 milijonov dolarjev in to brez pošiljk v paketih. Nad 80% denarja je bilo poslanega v dolarjih, ostalo pa v drugih valutah. To je dvakrat več kot je lansko leto prinesel ves turizem Jugoslavije. Od zadnje vojne pa dosedaj cenijo, da so prispevali i izseljenci in njihovi otroci skupno kakih 300 milijonov dolarjev v denarju, pokojninah, zapuščinah in darilih. Na spolšno se misli, da pošiljanje darov in razne pomoči Jugoslaviji v zadnjih letih upadajo, kar pa ni res Pregled in ocena pošiljk izseljencev kaže, da stara domovina vsako leto prejme več in več pomoči. Poleg pomoči izseljencev je Jugoslavija za obnovo od vojne porušenega gospodarstva od ameriške vlade prejela dva in pol bilijona dolarjev, poleg tega pa še za 700 milijonov vredne vojaške pomoči. — Nemčiji je naša Amerika po vojni naklonila tri in pol bilijona dolarjev, f j Rusiji pa celo enajst bilijonov dolarjev pomoči. Stric Sam J j je res radodaren, a mu zato ni hvaležna nobena vlada. Najlepša zahvala glavnemu odboru Zveze, clevelandskim podružnicam, moji domači podružnici ter vsem odbornicam in članicam, ki so mi za 35-letnico Zveze poslale prisrčne čestitke in lepe spominke. Vaša prijaznost me je globoko ganila. Stotera zahvala vsem skupaj! Marie Prisland --------------------------------------------------- . j P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. Potreba po božjem razodetju. 's* IZVIRNI greh je prizadejal človeku ogromno škodo. Naš razum je oslabljen in volja nagnjena k slabemu. Naš razum je kakor omračen. Ni jasnega gledanja in ne jasnega spoznanja. Da moremo prav spoznati svoj končni cilj nam je potrebno božje razodetje. To je za človeštvo neizrečena dobrota. Človek bi se s svojim umom ne mogel dokopati do resnic o Bogu o duši, o našem namenu. V Bogu so resnice, ki so človeškemu umu popolnoma nedostopne — popolne skrivnosti. Brez vere bi o teh skrivnostih ne vedeli ničesar. Kako trda je za človeka pot do višje resnice, do spoznanja tega, kar je nad vidnim svetom, pripoveduje lepo iz svoje skušnje mučenec sv. Justin, ki je iz poganskega filozofa postal kristjan. Že od svoje rane mladosti je hrepenel po spoznanju božjem. Kako priti do njega? Poln želje po modrosti, se je naprej ustavil pri nekem filozofu. Precej časa je ostal pri njem. Ko pa je spoznal, da ne napreduje v spoznanju božjem in da tega spoznanja ta filozof sam nima, je šel k drugemu. Ta ga je vprašal, koliko bo plačal za nauk. Tako vedenje se mu je zdelo nevredno filozofa in ga je zapustil. Toda hrepenje, da bi spoznal pravo modrost, mu ni dalo miru. Obrnil se je še do nekega drugega filozofa, ki se je zelo bahal s svojo vednostjo. Ko je želel postati njegov slušatelj in učenec, ga je ta vprašal: Ali znaš glasbo, zvezdoslovje in računstvo? Mar misliš, da boš kaj razumel o stvareh, ki vodijo do blaženosti, če se ne boš prej naučil teh znanosti, ki edino morejo odtrgati duha od čutnega in ga usposobiti za nadčutne stvari, za gledanje tega, kar je na sebi dobro in lepo? IN ko je priznal, da teh stvari ne zna, ga je odpustil. Ni vedel kaj naj sedaj stori. Poskusil je še druge modrijane. Ustavil se je pri nekem pametnem možu. Vidno je napredoval. Spoznanje nadčutnega, ga je popolnoma potegnilo za seboj. V svoji nespameti je mislil, da bo zdaj kmalu gledal Boga. V tem razpoloženju mu je prišlo na um, da bi odšel na kak samoten kraj, stran od ljudi in bi se predal premišljevanjem. Izbral si je bližino morja za svoja premišljevanja. Tu ga je srečal neki starec in začel z njim pogovor. Drugo za drugo mu je kazal zmote njegove modrosti. Kaj sedaj? Starec mu je rekel: Davno prej, predno je kdo slišal modrijanih so živeli pravični in bogaboječi možje, ki so napolnjeni s svetim Duhom naprej napovedovali dogodke današnjih časov. Imenujejo se preroki. Oni so spoznali resnico in so ji brez strahu in upanja na častni dobiček dajali pričevanje pred ljudmi. Njihove spise še imamo. Poveličevali so Stvarnika vesoljstva in njega, ki ga je poslal, Kristusa. Moli, da se ti odpre spoznanje; zakaj nihče ne pride do spoznanja resnice, če mu Bog in njegov Kristus ne odpreta oči. Justin je šel in se je zatopil v preroke, v sveto Pismo in je nasitil hrepenenje svoje duše po resnici. Ta povest nam pove, da človeški razum po grehu sam od sebe ne najde izlahka resnice, da bi ga zveličala. Božje razodetje, ki ga varuje in razlaga cerkev je varna pot skozi življenje in žvelicanje. DOPISI Št. 1. Sheboygan, Wis. Glavne seje se je udeležilo povoljno število članic. Odbornice smo prevzele še naprej svoje urade. Pravila in program za 1. 19G2 ostane po starem, samo party za rojstni dan članic bomo opustile in mesto tega bomo imele poleti piknik. — Za častno mater smo izbrale vzorno in spoštovano ses. Josephine Kotnik. Za načelnico Materinskega programa je prevzela ses. M. Prisland in Margaret Fischer, za lcard party podpreds. Ruth Shek. Odbor je naslednji: M. Godez, preds., R. Shek, podpreds., M. Fischer, taj., M. Vrtasek, blag., A. Modiz, zapis. Nadzornice: C. Sterk, F. Melanz, M. Zuntar. Redi-teljica, F. Tagel, poročevalke M. Godez, in M. Vertasek, duh. svetovalec Rev. B. Wilimek. Seje ostanejo vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu v cerkv. dvorani. Drž. konvencija bo letos na Willard. Vsem sosestram, ki so pomagale k uspehu proslave 35 letnice iskrena hvala. Program našega delovanja se je izvršil uspešno v čast in ponos vsemu članstvu. Želim, da bo to leto za vse uspešno. M. Godez. Št. 2, Chicago, III. Božičnica za mlad. člane je lepo uspela, za kar velja iskrena zahvala vsem. Naša načelnica Liz Zefran je izbrala lepe darila za vsakega mlad, člana in Miklavž je razdeljeval darilo malčkom v veliko veselje vseh. (Slika o tem je na zadnji strani.) Ronnie Zefran ima mnogo izkušnje v tem ter je opravil vse v najboljše zadovoljstvo. Posebna zahvala velja Ann Wagner, ki je iz svoje slaščičarne poslala veliko, lepo okrašeno torto. POROČILO OHIJSKIH PODRUŽNIC C/u-r Naša prva ohijska podr. št. 10, bo letos gostiteljica Zvezinega dne za < Ohio, v nedeljo 1. aprila 1962 v Slov, domu na Holmes Ave. v Collinwoodu. Ob tem času podr. št. 10 slavti 35 letnico ustanovitve, tako bomo istočasno proslavile dve važni obletnici. Vse članice Ohio in Mich., že sedaj prijazno vabim za obilen poset. Spored bo objavljen v Zarji. Naša gl. preds. Tončka Tanko, nam je na zadnji seji poročala o skupnem izletu v Washington, D. C. Vožnja na obe strani, znese malo manj kot $40. To vključuje posebne vožnje po mestu Washington, eno večerjo v klubu in prenočišče. Ako pa se potrud/ite pridobiti 35 članic v razred B, boste imele prosto vožnjo in še $35 denarne nagrade. Za nove članice v razred A, je pa za vsako pol točke. Imamo še čas do 31. marca. Prihodnja seja se vrši 14. febr. Iskreni pozdrav, Ella Starin, drž. preds. Odrasle smo imele mnogo zabave z izmenjavo daril in ob okušanju raznih slaščic na božični seji; se moramo zahvaliti Frances Gomilar in Luba Troha za okraske na drevo. Bliža se važna Srednje-Zapadna kegljaška tekma, ki bo 7. in 8. aprila v Chicagu. Vsi vabljeni k udeležbi! Vse, ke se zanimate za izlet v Washington in Canado, pokličite ses. Liz Zefran za rezervacije. Tiste, ki se zanimate za izlet v Evropo dobite vse informacije od Albina Novak. Če v tej kampanji vpišite dovolj novih članic, dobite prosto vošnjo za izlet v Washington! V si na delo! Corinne Leskovar Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. Naša dec. seja je prav lepo uspela, čeprav smo pričakovale večjo udeležbo. Naše društvene točke so ostale vse po starem. Odbor je v glavnem ostal, razen naša preds. Urbas se je odpovedala zaradi visoke starosti in rahlega zdravja. Izvolile smo ses. Anno Markovič, ki je v najlepših letih in vem, da bo vodila podr. v zadovoljstvo vseh. Odpovedala se je tudi naša podpreds. L. Čebular zaradi bolezni, ki jo nadleguje že dalje časa. Izvolile smo še mlado in brihtno ses. F. Chermely, ki bo tudi vršila svoje dolžnosti po najboljši sposobnosti. Tnj. Comlak ostane še naprej in tudi blag. S. Komidar bo še naprej štela denar, tudi zapisnikarica Repič še obdrži svoj urad, ker ni bilo nobene mlade, ali stare, ki bi prevzela. (No competition.) Rediteljica J. Koren obdrži še naprej svoje delo. Ona je zelo ročna in rada poprime za vsako delo, leta jo prav nič ne ovirajo. Želimo, da bi vedno ostala tako mladostna. Hvala Bogu smo v letu 1961 imele samo polovico smrtnih slučajev od prejšnejega leta, to je 6. V dec. je preminula Mary Virant. Bog daj vsem umrlim sestram večni mir in pokoj. Vsem bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja. Glede 25 letnice smo sklenile, da se bo vršila 1. aprila in vstopnice bodo po $1.75. Podrobnosti bodo objavljene. — Naši dobri čla. J. Batich, želimo vesele In zdrave počitnice v sončni Floridi kamor je odšla na oddih s soprogom. V blagajno so darovale: V. Fidel, 60c; Mary Tomsic $2 in F. Bradač $1. Najlepše pozdrave, Antonia Repic. /yi~ /{p^h » [ ^ ^ 7 ' ^^7 '2. uUc v -^ly 4},:- j.... i , ; ; 1 A- i . i J ! ! L > 1 -J ,! 1 i.-, — L i: ' : 1 .1 ; ; ■ ' - ,!■ i . ! ■ ■! ; <■ “j | 4 h--rT p . | , T j Ir i . ,, -j- i Hri ' ■ -i- I i , i, .Jfc ' • ! 1 1 • . j ^ 7 T , l * ‘ i f 1' : 1 hm~ ■ _L ■ 1 r. — !?■■ ^ 1 .. - : kt. 1 1 : ; i !. . \ . : 1. ! ■ r i, i i ■ * * •] j ( ? ■ ■ — —■ 1—. j ; i •? ! »-• i—r i* ; — - -v --$»■ .i. "te .! ... ; , ,, , , I j j., ■' 1 - |j ! • ' 1 ■ ■ —?—r : - J- L.: L ■ J i.,..; J -—; j 1' ' j t ~ r—T—<{ ' ? —t—t—T--r~ , i _}— !Žh* i T r ,■ j — I__i 1 4—1—; *4rH PROSLAVA 35 LETNICE IN ZAHVALA USTANOVNE ČLANICE PODRUŽNICE ŠT. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WISC. Sedeče: Mary Godez, Marie Prisland, Johanna Suscha. Stoječe: Antonia Brulla, Anna Modiz, Margaret Fischer, Anna Kovačič, Frances Ribich, Anna Zavrl, Mary Brezonik. Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Po naši glavni seji smo pri okrašenih mizah proslavile 35 letnico ustanovitve naše podr., kakor tudi božičnico. Servirana je bila izvrstna večerja, nato je sledil program v počastitev ustanoviteljicam in vsem, ki so vsa leta veliko žrtvovale, da je naša podr. redno častno izvršila svoje dolžnosti pri organizaciji. Prosebno se želimo zahvaliti sestram iz Milwaukee in West Allis, ki so prišle 60 milj daleč na našo proslavo. Bile smo v skrbeh zaradi hudega mraza (9 stopinj pod ničlo in ledene ceste, toda Slovenska kri ne sfali. Zelo smo bile vesele ko ob 4. uri pridejo v dvorano Marie Floryan, prva gl. podpreds., Rose Kramer, drž. preds., Frances Plesko, preds. št. 12, Josephine Kolar, preds. št. 43 in Josephine Schlosar, preds., št. 17 v spremstvu svojih članic. Vse so iskreno čestitale naši podr. in častni preds. ter materi Zveze, sestri Prisland. Iskrena hvala Rev. S. J. Willemek in Rev. Podolak za udeležbo, govor in voščila. Naš župnik je v resnici iskren prijatelj naše poddr. Prisrčna hvala našim pevkam, sestram: Agnes Knaus, Pauline Rupar, Frances Grabner, Mary Radovan in organistinji Olgi Pešec, ki so tako lepo prepevale slov. božične pesmi na naši lepo uspeli proslavi 35-letnice. Za mladinske člane je deklamiral Patrik Zigenhom in čestital podr. Lepa hvala Pat. M. Floryan je govorila v imenu gl. odbornic in čestitala ustanoviteljicam naše podr. Hvala Marie za lep, vzpodbuden nagovor. Naša drž. preds. R. Kramer je še posebno apelirala na vse, da se udeležimo drž. konvencije na Willard, saj je to namen naše org., da se snidemo, bolje spoznamo in izmenjamo ideje in priporočamo za nadaljne delo. V imenu ustanovnic se je ginjeno zahvalila ses. Prisland vsem bivšim in sedanjim uradnicam in vsem sestram, ki so z dobro voljo doprinesle rast in uspeh naše Zveze v 35 letih. Izrazila je željo, da bi Zveza tudi v bodoče napredovala v dobrobit in veselje njenih članic, v spomin in ponos naših agilnih pionirjev, ki so ustanovili in vodili naše narodne ustanove dolga leta. Ses. Prisland je pred kratkim prestala nevarno operacijo v Mayo Clinic, zato smo bile vesele, da se je toliko pozdravila, da se je mogla udeležiti proslave. Končno velika zahvala gre mojim souradnicam, ki so mnogo delale, darovale razne stvari, da je vse tako lepo poteklo. Hvala kuharicam Frances Melanz in Jennie Gorenz; in Antonia Brulla. Mary Gerdaukas, Johana Zore, Mary Godez in Mitzi Vertasic. Jedilne mize in postrežbo so imele v oskrbi Anna Modez, Kristina Sterk, Ema Kotnik, Martha Kotnik in Ruth Schek. Ruth je naredila in darovala nad 100 favors, da je vsaka imela mali spominček. Lepe božične okraske na mizah je darovala ses. Mary Germ, lastnica Standard dvorane. Iskrena hvala Ruth in Mary, kakor vsem, ki ste darovale razne jestvine, vino za pink tea iln drugo, toda preveč prostora bi vzelo, ako bi vse poimensko imenovala, zato naj velja zahvala vsem skupaj. Prečitana so bila pismena voščila sester in prijateljev iz raznih krajev in nekaj presenečenj v obliki daril za izredne zasluge in sicer: M. Prisland, M. Turk, Ann Matzdorf, M. Godez in Anna Modez, ki je s tem tudi dopolnila 30 let kot zapisnikarica in več let je bila tudi direktorica Mid-West Bowling Ass’n. Koliko stopinj je Ančka naredila v prid podr. in mnogokrat nas je naložila na auto, kakor tudi ses. Molley Zuntar in nas poln auto razvozile na naše domove, tako da so nam kiklje iz auta visele in se je bilo bati, da nas bo mož postave ustavil. Zelo smo jim hvaležne. Tudi dolgoletni delavki pri podr. ses. Annie Zaverl smo izročile darilo za njeno 50 letnico ali zlato poroko, katera sta s soprogom Frankom slavila pred kratkim. Čestitke in zahvala za vse. Hvala tudi našemu dobremu prijatelju Danny Kraintz, ki nam je po programu kazal lepe barvne slike iz raznih krajev Amerike. Še enkrat hvala vsem za udeležbo in pomoč, da smo lepo proslavile 35 letnico naše podr. in Zveze. Mary Godez, preds. Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Vse članice vabim na sejo 7. febr. ob 1 uri pop. v cerkveni dvorani. Ker ni bilo volitev odbora v jan., zato je dolžnost vseh članic, da se udeležijo volitev na febr. seji. Na bolniški listi so naslednje članice: Louise Tominšek, Angeline Slatinsek, Mary Erman Apolo-nia Zrimšek, Josephine Martinčič, Josephine Berginc, Kathie Stuller in Anne Brulo. Vsem želimo hitrega ozdravljenja. Prosila bi tudi, da pripeljete nove članice Sprejet je bil Gary Tinley na seji v jan. Vsem sestram, ki ste mi poslale čestitke za Božič, iskrena hvala. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam in vsem članicam ter na svidenje na seji. Mary Schimenz, taj. Št. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Dec. seja je bila v Slov. domu in ukrenile smo vse potrebno za to leto. Izvoljen je bil prejšniji odbor, ker vse pridno opravljajo svoje delo. Preds. Geraldine Adami je imela lep govor o bodočem delu. Za častno mater je bila izvoljena podpreds. Anna Stark, k čemer ji iz srca čestitamo. Vsa čast velja tudi neumornima delavkama Betty Doherty in Frances Cliiodo. Navzoča je bila tudi drž. preds. Rose Scoff. Naša častna članica Bara Kramer je odsotna zaradi bolezni, upam, da se že počuti dobro. Sestre so tudi mojo malenkost priključile kot poročevalko za Zarjo v slovenščini. Ta vloga mi je v čast, saj je naš slovenski jezik prekrasen. Slovenija je mala, toda lepa, kar radi priznajo tudi tujci in iz našega naroda je zrastlo mnogo velikanov po duhu, pisateljev in uiretnikov. Živimo v bogati in svobodni deželi, kjer nam gre dobro, toda še vedno se radi spominjamo na rodni dom. Ti lepi spomini ne bodo nikoli zamrli v naših srcih. Pozdrav vsem bolnim sestram, posebno Mary Slane in Bari Kramer in želim, da bi vsem to leto prineslo srečo in zadovoljstvo, kakor tudi za naš narod doma, kakor pravi belo-krajniski pisatelj E. Ganglj: “Domovina vedno mislim na Te in na naše nesvobodne brate.” S Kalifornijskimi pozdravi, Poldica Podgornik. Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Naše letne dec. seje se je udeležilo res veliko članic. Pri volitvah je bil izvoljen sti^ri odbor, samo za delniško sejo je bila izvoljena ses. Ipavec. Plače in vsa ostala pravila podr. so ostale neizpremenjene. Za najbolj zaslužno mater je bila izbrana naša dobra čla. Troha. Po seji se je vršila v krasno okrašeni dvorani božičnica ob polno obloženih mizah. Miklavž je pridno delil darila. Imele smo 7 door prizov, katere so darovale ses.: Homing, Šuštar, Wichick, Cesar, Marold, Smrdel. Jestvine so darovale: Vatz, Uršnik, Iskra, Stražišar, Šuštar, Povirk, Magajna, Čebulj. V good time blagajno so darovale: Simončič, Mavrich, Mu- havetz, Blatnik, Stražišar, Iskra, Globokar, Plesničar, Klun, Slabe, Truthen in Ipavec. Vsem iskrena zahvala. Posebna zahvala velja tudi naši pridni preds. Tili Špehar za delo in odlično vodstvo podr. Omeniti moram tudi našo sijajno kuharico ses. Čebulj. Spomnile smo se je z darilom. Čestitke ses. M. Ireljavich, ki je zopet postala stara mati ko so pri hčerki kupili tretjega sinčka. — Cpt. Al Gril sin ses. M. Stražišar že 10 let služi v vojski, jebil premeščen iz Chicaga v Texas na važno mesto. Čestitke. — Umrla je naša dobra čla. Traunikar. Družini iskreno sožalje.— Ses. Iskra in Stražišar sta obiskale bolne sestre in jim izročile božično darilo. Ses. Tomažin je že boljša. Vsem želim, da bi to leto bilo vsaj tako dobro kot preteklo. Vaša, Antonija Šuštar, zapis. Št. 15, Cleveland, (Newburgh) Ohio. Na dec. seji je bila lepa udeležba. Izvoljen je bil naslednji odbor: Duh. vodja Rt. Rev. John Oman, preds. Frances Lindich, podpreds. Helen Mir-tel, taj. Frances Novak, blag. Mary Škufca, zapis. Mary Filipovič, nadzornice: Helen Mirtel, Angela Stražar in Antonija Stokar, redit. Jennie Barle, poroč. Frances Lindich, zastavonoša Angela Stražar, zast. za Nar. dom Rozi Vatovec in Angela Gregorčič. — Seje vsako drugo sredo v mesecu ob 7:30 zvečer v S. N. domu na 80 cesti. — Za častno mater je bila izvoljena Frances Sraj. — Pravila in vsi drugi predpisi podr. ostanejo po starem. Vzame se tudi oglas v A. I). V maju bomo slavile materinski dan. Našo 35 letnico bomo imele v maju 1. 19G3. Izgubile smo dobre članice Jennie Godec in Jennie Tršina. Naj v miru počivate. Ses. Angeli Gregorčič in vsem drugim bolnim čla. želimo hitro zdravje. Po seji smo imele božičnico in izmenjavo daril. — Vsem sestram velja prisrčna zahvala za sodelovanje, da je podr. lepo uspevala in upam, da bomo v tem letu izpolnile vrzeli in lepo napredovale. Prisrčni pozdrav, Frances Lindich, preds. Št. 20, Joliet, III. Srečno Novo leto vsem članicam, da bi v tem letu bile vse zdrave in srečne. Teden pred novim letom je izgubila svojo mater naša članica Mrs. Anna Schnell. Njena mati, Mrs. Anna Ma-rentich je bila ob smrti stara 89 let. Umrla je na svojem domu, kjer sta s hčerko skupaj živele. Pred njo so umrli pred dolgimi leti soprog in pa sin Rudolph. Poleg Anna Schnell zapušča še štiri hčerke in enega sina ter mnogo drugih sorodnikov. Umrl je tudi soprog naše članice Mrs. Mary Kolar iz Raub Streeta in sicer Casper Kolar. Zapušča tudi več sorodnikov, poleg svoje družine. Dalje sta ležale na mrtvaškem odru na starega leta dan, Mrs. Amalia Pe-kol, stara GG let. Zapušča soproga John, tri sinove, in eno hčerko. Pristopila je k Zvezi 17 maja, 19S4, priporočena po pok. Agnes Skedel. Dalje je isti čas ležala na mrtvaškem odru Mary Juresich stara 79 let. Zapušča šest sinov in štiri hčerke, ter več sorodnikov v stari domovini, kakor tudi tukaj. Pristopila je k Zvezi 20. marca, 1932, predlagana pa Margaret Jurjevich. Naše članice so oba večera pri obeh umrlih sesrah se zbrale, da so molile sv. Rožni venec in jih spremile na zadnji poti. Zgoraj omenjeni so bili pokopani iz farne cerkve Sv. Jožefa razen pok. Juresich ki je bila pokopana iz cerkve Sv. Bernarda. Vsi so spadali k raznim organizacijam, Tem potom izražamo naše sožalje vsem preostalim v družinah; pokojnim pa naj sveti večna luč. V preteklih mescih so praznovali poročne obletnice Mr. in Mrs. Math Terdich iz Highland Ave., zlato poroko. Mr. in Mrs. Anton Senffner srebrno poroko, iz Theodora st.. Mr. in Mrs. Frank Plankar iz Eliz. street, zlato poroko, Mr. in Mrs. Fred Ko-revec 40 letnico poroke, Frank in Frances Končar 45 letnico. Vsem o-menjenim naše čestitke in še na mnoga leta. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. Zadnja seja je bila kratka, ker je bila udeležba precej pičla. — Sožalje ses. Ana Zeman ob smrti njene hčerke Julie. — Taj. Stella Dancull je bila na manjši operaciji in je sedaj že doma. Nevarno je zbolela Julia Oblak. Ses. Rosi Zupančič je bila v automobilski nezgodi. Vsem bolnim želimo kar najhitrejše okrevanje. — Ses. Nosan je šla na obisk Kanade in ji želimo srečno rajžo. — Tajnica se zahvali ses. Frances Kozel za lep dar v blagajno. — Ses. Vidmar je zopet postala stara mamica. Vsem mnogo blagoslova! ____________Frances Kave Št. 23, Ely, Minn. Na prvi seji v letu je bila slaba udeležba, kar je nekoliko razumljivo, zaradi komaj minulih praznikov, toda če se spomnimo leta nazaj je bilo več zanimanja. Sklenile smo, da bomo v febr. imele penny social in kartno zabavo, da bo privabilo več članic. Družino Larkin je pred Božičem zadela strašna nesreča; pogorela jim je hiša, in v njej mlada žena s štirimi otroci, vsi pod 8 let stari. Ko se je mož vrnil iz dela je bil obupan ob tej grozni nesreči. Pogreb je bil iz cerkve Sv. Antona in žrtve so bile v skupni krsti — Umrla je tudi vdova Helen Novosel, ki zapušča odrasle otroke. — Preminul je tudi samski Jakob Prešeren v starosti 72 let. — Vsem pokojnim daj Bog večni mir. Operacijo je prestala ses. Zgonc. Njej in vsem bolnim članicam želimo skorajšnjega okrevanje. Zima je hudo pritisnila, imamo 20 pod ničlo. — Pozdrav vsem, Katherine Slogar. Št. 24, La Salle, III. Zaradi prevelikega snega, nismo imele seje v jan., zato bo odbor umeščen na seji 3. febr. Vabim vse k udeležbi. Odbor ima več veselja za delo, če čla. pokažejo zanimanje in pridejo na seje. V dec. je bil ponovno izvoljen ves stari odbor. Operacijo je prestala ses. Ana Meglen, ki se sedaj zdravi doma. Več čla. muči prehlad. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja. — Pozdrav vsem sestram po širni Ameriki. Angela Strukel, taj. Št. 25, Cleveland, O. Pri naši podr. smo kar dobro napredovale v preteklem letu. Zahvala gre naši požrtvovalni novi taj. Vicki Faletič, ki je bila v Ely tudi izvoljena v gl. odbor. Sedaj se lahko obrnete na njo ter vam bo šla v vseh ozirih na roko, kakor sem jaz skušala po svoji najboljši volji. Mrs. Faletič živi na naslovu: 1076 E. 72nd St. (tel. :EN 1-4019), toda prosim, da ne hodite k njej na dom plačevat, ker ona dela par dni v tednu. Imate dovolj priložnosti plačati eno uro pred sejo vsakega 25. v mesecu. Jaz kot blag. ji bom rada pomagala. Imamo tudi mlado podpreds. Stello Koporc, vse druge uradnice smo, kakor prej. V preteklem letu nam je umrlo 25 članic in je prav, da se jih spomnimo: F. Cimperamn, J. Stibil, A. Gole, J. Kosmerl, M. Koci, J. Zele, K. Strniša, A. Sribar, M. Kajfež, M. Stih, M. O’Block, R. Železnikar, M. Martha Be-nich, M. Zgonc, J. Klopčič, M.Troha, M. Tisovec, M. Dezelan, M. Champa, M. Knapp in J. Rudolf. Bog jim daj večno plačilo. Na bolniški listi imamo več sester, vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Na seji 12. febr. bomo obhajale več rojstnih dnevov: Strniša, Star, Faletič, Bokar, Otoničar, Dezelan. Pridite, ne bo vam žal. Na svidenje na seji. Mary Otoničar, blag. Št. 30, Aurora, III. V razdobju 2 tednov smo izgubili kar 2 rojaka. Umrl je Joe Kocjan, ki je živel v Arizona zadnjih par let in je bil prepeljan sem. Na posledicah raka na pljučih je preminul poznani Joe Klemenčič, ki je bil vedno zelo družaben ter je rad kako okroglo povedal. Imel je lep pogreb. Žalujoči soprogi Mary in hčerki Mary, ki sta obe naši čla. ter sinu Evgenu in 9 vnukom naše iskreno sožalje. Pokojnim večni mir! Poročala sem, da imamo 2 dekleti v college, sedaj naj dodam še 2 fanta: Edvin Aister in Donald Fajfar. Vsi delajo prav dobro. Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki ste mi poslale toliko lepih božičnih kart in voščil. Naj Vam novo rojeno dete Je-zušček polača z zdravjem in srečo. Vse prisrčno pozdravlja, Frances Kranjc. (Op. ur.: Poslano ljubko božično pesem iz Slovenije bom shranila za to letno božično št. Zarje.) VESELI DOGODKI MED NAŠIMI ČLANICAMI! Naša vrla poročevalka, ses. Anna Sterle v krogu svoje družine. Št 71, Strabane, Pa. Naša preds. Mary Tomsic se je vrnila iz bolnišnice Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Na letni seji ni bilo sprememb, ker so vse “fajn”. Hvala za zaupnico. Naklada 50c ostane, kakor tudi ostala pravila podpr., $5, za venec umrle čla., ter sv. mašo, molitve ob krsti, če čla. zboli damo $2, ako se nahaja v bolnici 7 dni in to enkrat na leto. Seje bodo kot doslej vsako prvo sredo v mesecu. Taj. bo pobirala ases. vsakega 25-tega v mesecu od 10 ure dop. do 12 ure in od dveh do petih, pop. Taj. ima pravico založiti za čla. za 3 mesece. Odobreni so bili računi. Posebno smo bile srečne, da nismo imele smrti v naših vrstah. Naj Bog nakloni tako tudi v tem letu. Pri razmotrivanju o izvolitvi častne matere je bilo sprejeto, da bomo na Materinski dan v obliki banketa v Slov. domu počastile vse matere. 7. febr. bo važna seja s kartno zabavo na katero ste vse vabljene. Dobrodošle tudi nečlanice. — Za. 1. 19G2 je naslednji odbor: preds. Frances Kren, podpr. Frances Jelenick, taj Anna Trdan, zap. Frances Andolšek, blag. Sylvia Petrich. Nadzornice: Mary Brencich in Mary Lamuth. Pozdrav vsem, Anna Trdan, taj. Št. 41, Cleveland, O. Radi rahlega zdravja naše preds. Rose Pujzdar, smo na njeno mesto izvolile ses. Mary Rogel, ki je veliko pripomogla k ustanovitvi naše podr. Uverjeni smo, da bo izvrstna preds. Na mesto rač. nadz. Nellie Pintar, ki se tudi ne počuti dobro, je bila izvoljena ses. Mary Prelogar. Obema prisrčno čestitamo in želimo, da bomo v lepi vzajemnosti delovale za uspeh podr. Ses. Pujzdar in Pintar pa iskrena hvala za vse kar sta storile za dobrobit podr. in naj Vaju Bog nagradi z najboljšim zdravjem. Hvala za lepa voščila za praznike in zpodbudne vrstice naši gl. preds. Tončki Tanko, gl. taj. Albini Novak in pridni ured. Corinne Leskovar. Ses. Mary Germ je 4. jan. praznovala 80 in se zdravi doma. Tudi taj. se ni mogla udeležiti jan. seje, ker se ni počutila dobro. Tudi Frances Batista je bila v bolnici. Vsem želimo, da bi se kmalu pozdravile. Odbor za to leto je naslednji: preds. Mary Tomsic, podpreds. Mary Koklič, taj. Frances Tomsic, zapis. Mary Kocjan, blag. Mary Boštjančič, nadz. Mary Novak, Zofy Getzik in Elsie Staniezevsky. Po seji smo imele malo zabave. Čeprav je bilo 7 pod ničlo, je vseeno bila udeležba po-voljna. Vsem bolnim sestram želim ljubega zdravja. Prosim, da plačujete redno ases.. in tako taj. olajSate delo. Vsem gl. uradnicam in članicam vso srečo in zdravje v tem letu. Anna Sterle. rojstni dan in v ta namen je darovala ?4 v blag., za kar ji prisrčna hvala in še mnogo zdravih let. V blag. so tudi darovale ses. M. Preloger, J. Dermasa, A. Maček, M. Rogel, U. Ponikvar, F. Cotman, J. Bartol, M. Zakrajšek, L. Sever, M. Debevec, K. Potočnik, F. Stegu, D. Berger in A. Vauter. Vsaki posebej najlepša hvala. Težko operacijo sta prestali ses. Theresa Janchar in Lucille Romih, resno bolana je še vedno ses. Polona Batish. Vsem prav od srca želimo hitrega okrevanja. V jan. smo zopet pričele s šivalnim klubom, katero veseli, naj se nam pridruži. Ako se zanimate za izlet SŽZ v Washington, D. C., pokličite podpisano. Ako se pa potrudite za nove članice do 31. marca, imate lahko tudi prosto vožnjo. Sesterski pozdrav, Ella Starin, taj. Št. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio. Na gl. seji 6. dec. smo izvolile naslednji odbor: preds. Antonia Matis, podpreds. Antonia Kastele, taj. Louise Prhne, zapis. Millie Lipnos, blag. Mary Hočevar, nadz. Mary Fink, Mary Filips, Mary Yemec in poroč. Lillian Sadow-ski. Na febr. seji bomo imele prodajo pomladanskih klobukov. Izbira bo velika, a cene nizke. Dobiček bo za blag. Pridite 13. febr. in si kupite nov klobuk za Veliko noč. Za častno mater podr. smo izvolile ses. Josephine Stavec. Prisrčne čestitke! Iskreno sožalje ses. Mary Fink in Millie Prhne ob smrti njih drage matere, naše čla. Josephine Franetič, ki zapušča tudi soproga Rudolfa, hčer Jossie, sinove Cirila, John, Joe, Paul, Edward ter več vnukov. V Charity bolnici je prestala operacijo bivša taj. Mary Filips. Želimo ji čimprejšnjega ozdravljenja, kakor vsem drugim bolnim sestram. Pozdrave vsem Mary Yemec. Ses. Lukanich na obisku pri 84 letni ses. Struna. Št. 100, Fon*na, Cal. Najprej voščim vsemu članstvu vso srečo in zdravje v tem letu. ■— Poročam, da sem se udeležila 84-tega rojstnega dneva ses. Josephine Struna, od št. 21, Cleveland, ki sedaj živi v Pomona, Cal. Ona je doma iz Žužemberga, bližnje vasi od mene ter je lepo vzgojila številno družino, ki so ji v ponos. Sedaj je vdova že 30 let. Imele smo si veliko povedati in obujale spomine z rojstnih krajev. Bog jo živi še na mnoga leta! Vsem sosestram prisrčne pozdrave, Frances Lukanich Št. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio. Na gl. seji 10. dec. je bilo sklenjeno, da pravila podr. ostanejo, kakor doslej. Seje se vršijo drugo nedeljo vmesecili — febr., april, junij, aug. okt. in dec. ob uri pop. Slov. del. domu na 10814 Prince Ave. Darila ob smrti in rojstvih ostanejo ista. V blag. ni obli-gatno darovati. — Prav lepa hvala ses., ki so v dec. darovale v ročno blag,: Helen Tomažič, Antonia Dolinar, Louise Zidanič, Mary Barbič, Catherin Jurichak in Jennie Begovic, skupno $19.70. Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste prinesle pecivo na gl. sejo. Iskrena zahvala dolgoletnim odbornicam, ki so zaradi zdravja opustile urade, za njihovo delo: ses. Terezija Bizjak je bila preds. 22 let, Louise Zidanič 10 let, Helen Tomažič je ustanovila podpr. in bila 22 let taj., nadzor, in sedaj zapis. Upam, da se jim zdravje zboljša, da bodo zopet bolj aktivne. Ses. Tomažič je vpisala svojo vnukinjo Joyce Stražišar. Odbor je sledeči: Duh. svetov. Rt. Rev. J. J. Oman, častna preds. Terezija Bizjak, preds. Rose Shuster, podpreds. Jennie Cvelbar, taj. Jennie Pugely, blag. Antonija Dolinar, zapis. Jennie Praznik, Nadzor. Anna Krese-vic, Nettie Bolden in Stefanie Mah-nich. Zastop. za SND na 80 cesti A. Dolinar, T. Bizjak, za SND na Maple Hts , A. Kresevic, J. Pugely, namest. Za skupne ohajske podr. J. Cvelbar in J. Pugely. Našim bolnim sestram želim ljubega zravja in vsem sestram mnogo sreče in blagoslova v tem letu. Pozdrav vsem, Jennie Pugely, taj. št. 49, Noble, Ohio. Seja v dec. je bila povoljno obiskana. Odbor je ostal isti, ker se vsaka izgovarja, da naj vodijo še naprej tiste, ki so navajene. Želeti bi bilo, da bi mlade se bolj zanimale za delo. Kot tajnica se lepo zahvalim za sodelovanje in točno plačevanje ases., ki zelo olajša delo. Najlepša hvala tudi blag. in nadz., ki so darovale letno plačo v društveno blagajno. Enako tudi ses. Anne Eber-wein, ld je poslala dar $3 v blagajno. Prav lepa hvala vsem in želim vam vse dobro v tem letu. Imamo še vedno par članic bolnih, katerim iz srca želim ljubega zdravja in vse lepo pozdravlja, Vaša Mary Stusek, preds. Št. 54, Warren, Ohio. Dec. seja je bila dobro obiskana. Po seji je Santa Claus delil darila otrokom. Med tem so otroci v sosednji dvorani gledali slike, da so lažje čakali Frank Ponikvarja ml. za kar mu velja iskrena hvala in vsem ki ste pomagale. Vršile so se volitve odbornic. Ker so se pojavile komplikacije, sem morala sklicati izredno sejo, katere so se udeležile vse nove odbornice in smo si razdelile delo v zadovoljstvo vseh. Žal nisem uspela, da bi mlajše prevzele moje mesto. Odbor je naslednji: preds. K. Racher, podpreds. Jean Ponikvar, taj.blag. Maymie Sporich, ki je že bila taj. pred leti, zapis. Joanne Ponikvar, redit. Mary Waltko. — Za častno mater je bila izvoljena Mary Ponikvar, bivša podpreds. in ustanovna članica. Iskrene čestitke! Ses. Elizabeth Persin si je pri padcu poškodovala roko, Mary Riffle se je morala podvreči operaciji na očeh, bolana je tudi Frances Banaziich v daljni Arizoni in Mary Tomsich se zdravi doma. Vsem bolnim sestram želimo hitrega okrevanja. Prosim vas, da bi bile točne v plačevanju obveznosti in da bi posnemale tiste, ki plačajo za leto v naprej, ker s tem je taj. delo olajšano. Pri Ponikvarjevih so dobili četrtega sinčka. Frank in Mary Ponikvar sta tako postala 7-mič stari oče in mati. Vsem iskrene čestitke! Vsem članicam širom Amerike sesterski pozdrav! R. Racher, preds. Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. Dec. seja je bila bolj slabo obiskana. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor. Za častno mater je bila izvoljena naša dobra ustanovna čla. Josephine Toplikar. Čestitke in obilo sreče v zakonskem stanu Mary Lou Palchar hčerki naše čla. Mrs. Edward Palchar, ki je C. jan. poročila Lawrence Ilolton. Umrl je poznani rojak Milan Toplikar, ki zapušča ženo, 2 hčeri, 2 vnukinje in več drugih sorodnikov, katerim izrekamo naše sožalje. Pokojnemu naj svei večna luč! Gl. odbornicam in vsemu članstvu Zveze želim vso srečo in zdravje v tem letu. Antonia Kostelec, preds. Financial Report ior the Month of October, 1961 Finančno poročilo za mesec oktober, 1961 Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 71.80 4.10 .80 .60 77.30 159 43 2. Chicago, Illinois 173.55 17.30 1.60 192.45 361 174 3. Pueblo, Colorado 130.00 14.60 .20 1.30 147.80 300 151 4. Oregon City, Ore. 6.25 .60 6.85 23 5. Indianapolis, Ind. 116 56$ 6. Barberton, Ohio 49.30 1.80 .10 1.50 52.70 ISO 18 7. Forest City, Pa. 67.60 22.80 .50 91.10 144 239 8. Steelton, Pa. 63 1 9. Detroit, Mich. 39 5$ 10. Cleveland, Ohio 150.55 5.90 5.55 162.00 396 59 12. Milwaukee, Wis. 175.80 14.40 2.50 192.70 231 72& 13. San Francisco, Cal. 51.80 2.10 2.10 56.00 123 21 14. Euclid, Ohio 143.25 4.10 .20 3.00 150.55 325 41 15. Cleveland, Ohio 120.00 3.20 1.20 124.40 258 £2 16. So. Chicago, 111. 64.00 6.70 .20 1.90 72.80 143 68 17. West Allis, Wis. 64.45 3.60 1.95 70.00 159 40 18. Cleveland, Ohio 25.00 .60 25.60 75 6 19. Eveleth, Minn. 59.65 5.40 1.80 66.85 147 55 20. Joliet, IU. 176.65 17.00 3.90 197.55 465 170 21. Cleveland, Ohio 37.80 4.60 1.50 43.90 85 46 22. Bradley, 111. 21.10 21.10 22 & 23. Ely, Minn. 98.05 6.30 .10 2.95 107.40 240 63 24. La Salle, 111. 72.90 8.70 2.55 84.15 182 88 25. Cleveland, Ohio 378.40 26.80 10.05 415.25 823 268 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. 45.70 1.10 .60 47.40 108 11 27. No. Braddock, Pa. 34.70 .70 35.40 69 7# 28. Calumet, Mich. 0*6.35 .70 2.10 1.05 40.20 86 7 29. Broundale, Pa. 16.95 1.90 18.85 40 19 30. Aurora, 111. 19.10 .20 19.30 22 1& 31. Gilbert, Minn. 48.95 4.20 .20 .75 54.10 108 42 32. Euclid, Ohio 114 27 33. Duluth, Minn. 51.00 6.60 .15 1.95 59.70 120 66 34. Soudan, Minn. 21.80 .80 .10 22.70 47 8 35. Aurora, Minn. 37.75 4.80 .20 1.50 44.25 80 48 37. Greaney, Minn. 10.00 .50 .45 10.95 28 5 38. Chisholm, Minn. 63.15 .60 2.70 66.45 158 6 39. Biwabik, Minn. 14.05 1.90 .30 16.25 42 19 40. Lorain, Ohio 43.35 .50 1.20 45.05 101 5 41. Cleveland, Ohio 87.50 3.30 2.25 93.05 223 £3 42. Maple Hgts, Ohio 44 43. Milwaukee, Wis. 40.95 7.80 .75 49.40 103 78 45. Portland, Ore. 22.65 .80 1.20 24.65 59 8 46. St. Louis, Mo. 13.90 .50 .15 14.55 22 5 47. Cleveland, Ohio 45.25 2.10 2.50 49.85 114 21 48. Buhl, Minn. 3.95 .30 .10 .60 4.95 13 3 49. Noble, Ohio 36.90 .60 37.50 44 & 50. Cleveland, Ohio 95 45 51. Kenmore, Ohio 7.80 .SO 8.10 18 52. Kltzville, Minn. 26.10 1.90 .45 28.45 58 19 53. Cleveland, Ohio 17.15 1.30 .45 18.90 39 13 54. Warren, Ohio 33.26 7.30 .40 .15 41.10 76 74 55. Girard, Ohio 40.20 1.40 .40 42.00 91 14 56. Hibbing, Minn. 51.65 1.80 53.45 120 18 57. Niles, Ohio 32.15 3.40 .30 35.85 68 34 59. Burgettstown, Pa. 32 9 61. Braddock, Pa. 25 5 62. Conneaut, Ohio 16.60 .10 16.70 £4 1 63, Denver, Colo. 55.90 6.50 .20 .30 62.90 118 65 64. Kansas City, Kans. 26.25 .40 26.65 65 4% 65. Virginia, Minn. 29.90 2.50 .45 32.85 70 26 66. Canon City, Colo. 22.10 1.90 .90 24.90 50 19 67. Bessemer, Pa. 133.65 12.60 .60 146.85 87 42@ 68. Fairport Harbor O. 22.10 .30 22.40 39 3 70. W. Allquippa, Pa. 13.50 .60 14.10 15 3% 71. Strabane, Pa. 46.45 2.30 .60 49.35 112 23 72. Pullman, 111. 14.85 .50 .15 15.50 £5 5 73. Warrensville, Ohio 49.10 4.80 53.90 121 33 74. Ambridge, Pa. 22.70 .GO .45 23.30 42 6 77. N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 22.65 2.60 .45 25.70 59 26 78. Leadville, Colo. 27 9$ 79, Enumclaw, Wash. 15.05 1.80 .70 .15 17.70 33 18 Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A A B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Mamb. Jun. 80. Moon Run, Pa. 9.50 9.50 20 81. Keewatin, Minn. 9.60 .45 10.05 27 83. Crosby, Minn. 9.50 .50 .40 .45 10.85 20 5 84. New York City, N.Y. 75 7 85. De Pue, Bl. 11.55 .50 .10 .30 12.45 29 5 86. Nashwauk, Minn. 19 S8. Johnstown, Pa. 30.00 2.70 .75 33.45 65 27 89. Oglesby, 111. 39.85 6.40 .20 .60 47.15 103 64 90. Presto, Pa. 22.50 1.60 .10 .75 24.95 60 16 91. Oakmont, Pa. 2i8.70 1.10 29.80 63 11 92. Crested Butte, Colo. 12.45 .20 12.65 23 2 93. Brooklyn, N. Y. 73 2 94. Canton, Ohio 19 $ 4$ 95. So. Chicago, 111. 101.20 5.20 .60 107.00 185 52 96. Universal, Pa. 24.70 .20 .60 1.35 26.85 60 2 97. Cairnbrook, Pa. 12.10 .60 12.70 24 6 99. Elmhurst, 111. 9.65 9.65 21 100. Fontana, Calif. 19.30 1.10 1.30 21.70 42 11 102. Willard ,Wis. 12.30 .90 13.20 9 3** 104. Johnstown, Fa. 10.25 10.25 25 105. Detroit, Mich. 18.75 1.50 20.25 15 goo 106. Meadowlands, Pa. 33.75 .60 34.25 20 2>X Total — Skupaj $3,946.60 288.20 8.65 77.00 4,320.45 9293 2893 &—Assessment for Oct. and Nov. @ —Assessment for Aug. Sept. and Oct. $ Assessment paid in Sept. **—Assessment for Oct., Nov. and Dec. #— Assessment for August 00—Assessment for Aug. Sept. and Oct. % —Assessment for July X—Assessment for July, August, and Sept. INCOME* — DOHODKI; Assessment paid by members — članarina od članic........................... $4,320.45 Rental income in October — najemnina v oktobru .............................. 115.00 Interest on Investment — obresti od investicij......................... 140.22 Total — Skupaj .. $4,575.67 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI: Funeral Benefit claims paid for the following deceased members — Smrtnine: Mary Sutulovich, Branch 2, Chicago, Illinois ............................... $100.00 Agnes Heningsman, Branch 3, Pueblo, Colorado ................................. 100.00 Antonia Mohorčič, Branch 3, Pueblo, Colorado ................................ 100.00 Anna Spehek, Branch 10, Cleveland, Ohio ................................ 100.00 Mary Dezelan, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio ................................ 100.00 Josephine Eisenhardt, Branch 40, Lorain, Ohio.......................... 100.00 Pauline Lozar, Branch 47, Cleveland, Ohio .............................. 100.00 Julia Bekosld, Branch 67, Bessemer, Penna................................ 100.00 Mary Stare, Branch 84, New York City, N. Y............................. 100.00 Prances Narek, Branch 97, Cairnbrook, Penna............................ 100.00 Benedictine Abbey Press, October Zarja — The Dawn ............................ 745.40 Salaries and administration — plače uradnic in admin......................... 1061.25 Traveling and per diem — potovalni stroški . ................................. 255.98 Rent for Home Office (2 months) — najemnina (2 meseca) ....................... 150.00 Director of Internal Revenue — dohodninski in socijalni davek 357.30 Printing, postage, tel., .and sundries — tiskovine tel. razno ............... 2)85.86 Total — Skupaj .. $3,855.79 Balance Sept. 30, 1961 — Preostanek 30. sept. 1961 ...................... $454,759.32 Income in October, 1961 — dohodki v oktobru, 1961 .......................... 4,575.67 Total — Skupaj 7. $459,234.99 Disbursements in October, 1961 — stroški v okt. 1961 ....................... 3,855.79 Balance October 31, 1961 — Preostanek 31. okt. 1961.................. ...$455,479.20 ALBINA NOVAK, Secretary Št. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Dec. seja je povoljno izpadla. Izvoljen je bil naslednji odbor: preds. Jennie Mohorčič, podpreds. Jossie Ulle, taj. in blag. Mary Grzel, zapis, je mlada Mit-zie Mahne. Imena ostalih odbornic boste slišale, če pridete na prih sejo, ko bo čitan zapisnik. Za zaslužno mater podr. smo izvolile Mary Modec, ki zasluži to priznanje, saj je bila več let preds. in vedno rada pomaga. Seje ostanejo vsako tretjo nedeljo ob 2 pop. — Za pohabljene otroke smo darovale $5. Ses. Frances Slcrabec in soprogu želim skorajšnjega okrevanpja, da bo zopet prišla na seje. Moja sestrična Frances Pilar je dobila iz Slovenije žalostno sporočilo, da je tam preminula njena mati in moja teta v lepi starosti 86 let. Naj v miru počiva. Izhaja iz čvrste rodbine, njena sestra, moja mati je umrla v starosti 96 let, a druga sestra je dočakala 90 let. Drage sestre, bodite lepo pozdravljene. Angela Lunka. Št. 85, De Pue, III. Leto 1961 je srečno minulo brez smrtnega slučaja med članicami. Na dec. seji je bilo sklenjeno, da ostane vse po starem. Odbornice so iste kot v preteklem letu, ker jih ne moremo nadomestiti z boljšimi. Ostale so 3 Mary. Moje delo je prevzela Frances Machek, ki bo pisala v angleškem delu. Hvala Frances in mnogo uspehov. Jaz bom pomagala naprej kjerkoli bom mogla. Bog daj zdravja vsem članicam in božji blagoslov vsem. Jennie Blatnik. (Op. ured. Glejte sliko pri angleškem dopisu.) Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. Drage sestre, pokonvečna kampanja je tu, zato se potrudimo, da tudi pri naši podr. pridobimo do 31. marca kaj novih članic. V teh zasneženih dneh je res težko hoditi okoli, toda upam, da se bo kmalu izboljšalo in če Di se vsaka potrudila in dobila vsaj po eno novo članico, potem bi res podr. lepo napredovala. Prosim, da vse tiste, ki dolgujete na asesmentu čimprej poravnate. Ses. Frances Gabrenja je bolehna ter ji podr. želi skorajšnje ozdravljenje. Članice so vabljene, da jo obiščejo. Pozdrav vsem ter blagoslov naši SŽZ v tem letu. M. Lovše. Št. 96, Universal, Pa. Sejo bomo imele 11. marca ob 2 pop. na domu ses. Veličič, Reiter Rd., Universal. Seja bo kot ponavadi, a po seji priljubljene igre. Na božični seji smo se kar dobro imele ter se iskreno zahvalim vsem sestram, ki ste prinesle covered dish na to sejo. Vse, katere dolgujete na asesmentu prosim, da poravnate, da uredimo knjige za lansko leto. Lahko pošljete meni, ali pa ses. Mary Klemenčič. Na svidenje na seji 11. marca. Pozdrav vsem, posebno bolehnim članicam. Paula Kokal, preds. S.Ž.Z. ASESMENT IN IZPLAČILA Za pokritje stroškov pogreba Zveza plača sledeče vsote: Razred A: $25 za umrlo od pristopa do dveh let včlanjen ja in $100 za članico, ki je bila včlanjena nad dve leti. Razred B: $50 za umrlo članico, od časa pristopa do dveh let včlanjenja. Za umrle, ki so bile članice Zveze nad dve leti, se plačajo sledeče vsote: $300 za one, ki so v ta razred pristopile med 14. in 30. letom; $250 za one, ki so v ta razred pristopile med 31. in 40. letom; $200 za one, ki so v ta razred pristopile med. 41. in 45. letom; $150 za one, ki so v ta razred pri- stopile med 46. in 57. letom. Mesečni asesment znaša: Razred A — 40 centov Razred B — 65 centov Mladinski oddelek — 10 centov V asesmentu odraslega oddelka je vključena naročnina za naše mesečno glasilo “Zarja”. NIORS' CHRISTMAS PARTIES WERE F 1511. 2 CHICAGO ILL. YOUNGSTERS ENJOYED SANTA CLAUS' VISIT! Cl IK ISTIM AS Tl I AN K-Y( )U\S! Once again it's time to give a lull report about our Cleveland annual Junior Christmas Party. 11 seems that this year, our Chr'st-mas Party was a family affair. We lliink it's just wonderful that our Jr. activities help all the people become aware of the value their children are nceiving if they belong to the SWU units of Marching. Twirling and Drummer groups. May we thank the following and all others who have helped in some wax to make it a jolly affair. The ST. CLAIR I.RII.L TEAM 11ATON TWIRI-ERS DRUM CORP.' SLOVENIAN & BALLET LANCERS BOYS AND GIRLS WHO TOOK PART IN GAMES AND CHRISTMAS SONGS PARENTS WHO SANG ALONG WITH THEIR CHILDREN THE ACTIVE MEMBERS WHO DONATED AND SERVED THE GOODIES. and most ol all. SANTA CLAUS, who arrived just in time to march along with the parade of children and drummers till he reached his chair of honor! We appreciate all the geenrous contributions of time, effort, patience and understanding the parents extended our Christmas party. In fact, your helping hand at these affairs (’ivos encouragement and Inspiration to us who have worked hard all year to teach our goal: 'To get a good start organizing and activating our S.W.l'. Juniorsf!" We hope to continue for the year of 1 iHi2! Your Cleveland Jr. Committee Mines. Victoria Faletič. Margaret Re-bol. Frances Kikel, Theresa Peklar of Hr. 25 and Louise Vovko and Frances Z.eitz of lit1. 5n. qojcu' 34j. ’£ '(S}U33) asuas ajoui peij 3u.jP aqj_ ■z '3uo isj|j oq; pajdoo SIED Xdoo XIS J 3 L| ) 0 3l(} ‘3U0N 'I i £ Q N V Z ' I aod SU3MSNV Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Juniors! Mi, Boys and Girls, Hooray for Santa Claus. He loves us and we love him, because he brought us all kinds of prettx dolls, colored leather purses, scrap books, airplanes and automobile kits! All the Jr. members who attended the Christmas Party at St. Clair Recreation received all this and lots ol good food and fine entertainment. I helped along w'th the Senior Cadets to get our younger groups ready to perform at the proper time. You just have to be present to see all the excitemcnt that goes on! This time, Mrs. Tanko, our Supreme President, was all set to take pictures of all that was going on at our Christmas Party, but a wrong film was delivered, so now we will have to wait another year to have our pic tures taken with Santa Claus. But. Christmas roils around so fast, before you know it, we'll all be w a ting to see Santa again, marching along in his red suit! Till then, I hope all the boys and girls will remember our SWU Christmas Party and what a fine time thev had! Here are a few teasers that I found in a book hope you have a lot of fun trying to find the right answers! 1. If there are seven copy cats sitting on a bridge and one jumped .Into the water, how many were left? 2. A dime and a nickel were on the Empire State Building The nickel rolled oil'. Why didn't the dime? Hi, Fen Pals! I have been a member of Br. 33. Duluth, Minn., for several years as have been my brothers and sisters. On Dec. Kith, we had our first Branch Christmas party lot all juvenile members. Two comedies were shown. Christmas carols sung and refreshments were served. Of course, no Christmas party xvould be complete without Santa Claus, so he arrived too. Everyone of us. from the youngest to the oldest, sat on his lap and told him what xve wanted for Christmas. Then, we received our bags of goodies. Because this was our first Christmas party and it was such a success, we are looking forward to another party next Christmas. Marjorie Spehar P. S. I will write again soon. Dear Donna. I was very glad to hear from you in December In that issue, you asked me to send you a picture, lit my last letter I already sent you one. I hope you had a Merry Clu'stmas. I have had a very nice one. I got many nice presents. 1 got clothes to wear, and also a xvallet, stationery and many other things. I hope you have a Happy New Year. Your Pen Pal. Renee 3. Pretend you’re in a house xvith no electricity. In the kitchen are a coal stove a kerosene lamp and a candle. When night comes you have only one match to light all three. What will you light first? Ask your parents, brothers or sisters to help you get the correct answers. Then, check 1, 2, and 3 elsewhere on tli s page and see how good your answers were. I hope you like these games. Here is a short story that is easy to understand: The S.W.U. St. Clair Cadets had a very busy year. Marching, dancing, batons and drums, and bowling teams for lots of fun! Well, so long for now, hope you write real soon Your Pen Pal. DONNA please patronize our advertisers DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois PLAN YOUR VACATION IN EUROPE! AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND 3, OHIO We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA IIP JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $13,500,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od IG. do GO. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev K3KJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8f ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin H.GRDINR & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio