CO OPERATION AMONG TEC H N O LO G IC A L UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES: W IT H SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IN D IA T.S. Kumbar Central Library, Indian Institute o f Technology Powai Bombay, India Exponential growth of literature and soaring cost of reading materials have had wide-ranging impact on the procurement policies, organisation and dissemination of information in the modern science and technological libraries both in developed and developing countries. To overcome these problems, at least to a certain extent, with the help of emerging information technologies, librarians of Technological Universities have been forced to think of establishing co-operation on sound footing among their libraries to share the information resources, manpower, expertise, technologies, etc. The paper describes in brief the growth of technological Institutions in various countries and their varieties of information needs. Efforts made by the respective Government Departments, Inter governmental Organisa­ tions, International Organisations, and National as well as International Information Systems for Science and Technology to establish co-opera- tion among the Scientific and Technological Institutions have been high­ lighted. The need for creating co-operative networks for various Technological University Libraries in each country and linking them with respective National Science and Technology Information Systems is proposed. It is also proposed in this paper that co-ordinating Units (Nodal Points) be created within these National and International Information Systems to monitor and guide the activities of Technological University Libraries. Knjižnica. Tematska Sl. 1ATUL 1989 37