Let Not The Light Of Freedom "y/j Be Extinguished1 American Home over 100 years' of serving American Slovenians Vol. 107, No. 18 American Home Ameriška Domov(na< SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 . ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 Phone:(216)431-0628 'Tll/f" e-mail: ah@buckeyevveb.com / vIt Baraga Speaker: Archbishop Curtiss by STANE KUHAR (Writer’s note: The following article is a brief overview of Archbishop Elden F. Curtiss, the highest ranking prelate of Slovenian descent in the American Roman Catholic Church. Succeeding articles in the Ameriška Domovi-S3/American Home will be on various bishops who will participate in the Baraga Days 2005 in Cleveland over the Labor Day weekend. Elden Francis Curtiss was bom on June 16, 1932 into the loving and caring household of Elden Francis Curtiss Sr., and Mary A. Curtiss (nee Mary Aquina Cadez Neiger) in Baker City, Oregon. Elden F. Curtiss Sr. was descended from a pioneer family in the state of Oregon while Mary Aquina Cadez Neiger was a Slovenian immigrant to the United States. Elden F. Curtiss received his primary and high school education at St. Francis Grade School and St. Francis High School, both in Eaker City, OR. He continued his studies at St. Edward’s Seminary in Kenmore, WA, where he graduated with a bachelor of arts degree (philosophy) in June 1954. He continued his studies and received a Div., in Theology and Was ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic Church on May 24, 1958 in Baker City, OR. From 1958 until 1970, Fr. Curtiss served as associate pastor, pastor, hospital chaplain, Campus minister, and superintendent of Schools in the diocese of Baker City. During time he continued his graduate work at 0rdham University (New York City), and c°nipleted a postgraduate MA degree in Edu-£ational Administration at the University of p°nland (OR). In 1970 Fr. Curtiss was appointed director ^Pastoral formation, Mount Angel Seminary, ^rchdiocese of Portland (OR). Fr. Curtiss ^ntinued graduate work in 1971 at Notre aiT*e University (IN). In 1972 he was ap-P°inted President-Rector of Mount Angel binary. He remained in this position until he ^as appointed and installed as Bishop of the dioci cse of Helena (Western Montana) in 1976. In 1993 Bishop Curtiss was appointed and installed as archbishop for the archdiocese of Omaha. Archbishop Curtiss has served as a member or chairperson in the following organizations: Bishops’ Committee on Vocation (3 years), Bishops’ Committee on Priestly Formation (6 years), Administrative Board of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (9 years), Bishops’ Committee for economic concerns of the Holy See (6 years), and a consultant of the Board of Trustees for Catholic Church Extension Society (based in Chicago), and the Pontifical Council for the Family (in Rome). He is also the Episcopal Moderator for the Pro-Sanctity in the United States. In addition to his primary responsibility as the Archbishop of the Catholic Church of Northeastern Nebraska, he is also the Chairman of the Board of Catholic Mutual Insurance Companies as well as Chairman of the Nebraska Catholic Conference. Archbishop Curtiss has received honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Portland and Carroll College Montana, (Doctor of Humane Letters), Mount Angel Seminary (Doctor of Humanities), and Creighton University NE, (Doctor of Humanitarian Service). Qn September 4, 2005, Archbishop Elden Francis Curtiss will be the guest speaker at the banquet for the annual Bishop Baraga Association meeting 2005 in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) parish community center. Archbishop Curtiss is no stranger to northeast Ohio as he was a participant in the Baraga Days 1998 in Cleveland. Archbishop Curtiss appreciates his Slovenian heritage and has made numerous trips and visits to the Republic of Slovenia. He personally supported the independence movement of Slovenia in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The American Slovenian communities will have the opportunity on September 3 and 4 to attend Mass at St. Vitus and St. Mary’s to once again meet and greet Archbishop Curtiss. Stane Kuhar is co-chairperson of the 2005 Bishop Baraga ad hoc committee. George Matic Jr. on PD Merit Roll Among those chosen to be on the Cleveland Plain Dealer Honor R.oll this year is George Matic Jr., from Euclid, Ohio. George is a Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School (Cleveland) student. He ranks first in his class, is Student Council president, belongs to Peer Ministry, is a Cleveland Clinic volunteer, and plans to become an orthopedic surgeon. Brother Jack Dempsey, counselor, said of Matic, “Junior’s greatest personal strength is his ability to stay focused on his goals that he has set for himself.” His parents are George and Sue Matic. Grandmother is well-known St. Vitus parishioner Ivanka Matic. Mark Ogrinc (left) and Kevin Kumazic Grdina Cousins play on same St. Ignatius ball club Mark Ogrinc, grandson of Marie Ogrinc (nee Grdina), and Kevin Kumazic, grandson of Marie (Oliver) Wagner (nee Grdina), are teammates on the St. Ignatius Varsity Baseball Team. Mark, a senior left-handed pitcher and Is1 baseman, is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Anton Ogrinc. He will be attending Ohio University in the Fall. Kevin, a junior right-handed pitcher and outfielder, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kumazic. Both young men have contributed to the team’s success this year. They both live in Euclid. Kevin belongs to Holy Cross Parish and Mark belongs to St. Felicitas. Proud grandmothers Marie Wagner and Marie Ogrinc enjoy watching the boys play baseball. Both players are of Slovenian heritage and trace their roots to the Grdina Family. Their great-great grandfathers Anton and John, were brothers and part of the early Slovenian settlers in the St. Clair-St. Vitus neighborhood. --Tony Ogrinc Slovenian Cultural Garden News The dedication of the Bishop Baraga bust will take place this year on the Labor Day weekend at the Slovenian Cultural Garden. Therefore, it is most important to have and maintain the garden in the best possible order. The first cleanup day will take place on Saturday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Everyone interested in our Slovenian heritage, who would like to have our garden seen in its best condition, is invited to stop by and help prepare the flower beds, assist in planting, etc. Bring your favorite tool and join in this venture to promote Slovenian cultural events. We hope to see you there. Future cleanup dates will take place this summer on the 2ml Tuesday of each month from 6 p.m. to dusk and on the 3ri1 Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., weather permitting. Mark your calendar for cleanup on Tuesday, June 13, Saturday, June 18, Tuesday, July 12, Saturday, July 16, Tuesday, Aug. 9Ih, and Saturday, August 20. Your help and support are greatly appreciated. Hvala lepa. Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. -Thomas Jefferson AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 ^ AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 18 May 12, 2005 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia - On Tuesday, May 3 U.S. Senator George Voinovich (R-OH) received the Decoration of the Golden Order of Merit of the Republic of Slovenia for his “personal contributions and deeds that have contributed to the international standing of the Republic of Slovenia.” Voinovich, (left) was presented with the award by Slovenian President Janez Drnovšek (right) during an official ceremony at Brdo Castle, which was attended by 50 members of the Slovenian government and members of Voinovich’s family who live in Slovenia. Coffee & Cinnamon Toast by RUDY FLIS As the first light of day peeks over the horizon and nudges my little world to morning activity, me, a creature of habit, looks for that first cup of coffee. I don’t know if that is good, and I don’t know if that is bad, but I do know that I treasure that morning coffee. For the rest of the day, I can take or leave it when it comes to coffee. Think I’m a little goofy? Then think about this. This morning, I will sit with cinnamon toast in front of me, made from bread my wife Therese baked. Now use your imagination. Picture me sitting there, with two large slices of cinnamon toast, moistened with oleo to help the cinnamon and sugar stick to the toast, adding flavor I cannot describe. Now I’m going to let you do this. Break the cinnamon toast in half. Not too slowly, dip the toast into the cup of coffee. Wrist action is important, to transport the moistened toast quickly into your mouth. As the coffee moistened toast saturates your mouth with the flavor of coffee, and cinnamon and sugar, you’ll notice that you don’t need teeth to enjoy and consume as your nourish your body. Now could you imagine what I just described happening without coffee? Of course not. If you try the above, and enjoy it as much as I do, may I ask you to say a little prayer for my dad, Mike Flis, who took the time out of his hard work to teach me how to dunk, and for my darling wife who cleans up after me, both very special people in my life. Please pray for our troops and their safe return home. Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec Read with interest Phil Hrvatin’s notes in the American Home about what to look for in the movies and Joe Snyder’s article about the 1950s, and Ray Mlakar’s jokes. I’d like to comment on the subjects. Sure enough on a recent Saturday evening they showed an old film noir called “D.O.A.” starring Edmund O’Brien (no relation to knowledgeable attorney Greg O’Brien.) In the film one of the bad guys was driving down the middle of Broadway in Manhattan, moving the steering wheel all around the place and the scenery through the back window showed the car to be moving straight as an arrow. It was an interesting movie, with the star being poisoned yet he was able to tell his entire life story while dying and ended up D.O.A. (dead on arrival) at the police station. * The night before they had a Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movie-thon, showing some of their 1950s and funnier movies. Dean Martin mostly stood around and sang while Jerry Lewis was running all over the place, clowning around. When I was young and saw this film I laughed and thought nothing of Jerry’s antics. Now that I am mature, I marvel at all the energy he constantly displayed. While looking at A charming custom in Slovenia is to greet friends at meal time with the simple and sincere words: “Dober Tek” which translates to, “Good Appetite to You!” Forward to First Edition of American Slovene Club Cookbook January 26, 1946 Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, May 14s1 in the auditorium social room. the movie I wondered how he did it. Then this Sunday Jerry Lewis was on a program and explained how. he now has to take painkilling drugs each morning. Anyhow, the film they showed was “Sailor Beware.” In the boxing scene, his adversary was npne other than Slovenian boxer Eddie Simms who used to live on Bonna Aveque in the Slovenian section of Cleveland. Simms was famous for having fought Joe Lewis for a few seconds in Cleveland. The bell rang, Lewis threw a punch at the 6’ 1” heavyweight Simms and he hit the canvas, out for the count in the first round. The next day he was sitting on his front porch and Frank Zupančič happened to walk by. Sims said, “Hey kid, how about getting me a paper; I want to see what they said about me.” He gave Zupančič a dime (the paper only cost a nickel at the time) and told him to keep the change. What a sport. When I seek something educational I might switch to the travel channel. What do they show? Every night it’s The World Series of Poker. What that has to do with travel, I don’t have a clue. Then I realize Phil Hrvatin is right; there is nothing like watching a good movie, and you can learn a lot from it and be entertained at the same time. Slovenians "R" Us Slovenian School Mothers Day Program St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School Mother’s Day program will be held on Sunday, May 15 in the parish center immediately after the 10 a.m. Mass. Refreshments will be served. Slovenian Genealogy Society Meets Judy Cetina, Director of the Cuyahoga County Af' chives on Franklin Avenue> will be the featured speaker for the Tuesday, May ^ meeting held in the Annex ° the Slovenian Society Half-20713 Recher Avenue h1 Euclid, Ohio. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. Additional guests for evening will be two Univer sity of Ljubljana students« Mojca Ilc and Primož KJun’ who are doing research f°r 3 thesis about immigrants fro111 Slovenia who live in Cleve land. Anyone interested 1 learning more about hoW locate information a^°u their Slovenian heritage 13 welcome to attend. Call R°3 Marie Jisa at 440-230-22 if you have any questions- It's Cool To Be Slovenian!______^ Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Sen>ices 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 WIsiSSltfSA-CO* Žakelj Family Chronicle by ANTON ŽAKELJ, Translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ (Continued from last week) WWI Later, during the winter of 1917-1918, Ata was allowed to come home on leave for a second time. We were sawing firewood together and he suddenly asked me, “Do you want to go to school?” At that time, our village school only had 4 grades and I had already spent 3 years in the fourth grade. So he was really asking if I wanted to go live with my aunt and uncle in Idrija, where they had a larger school (about an 8 mile walk from our village). I wanted to go to school, but not to live with our relatives. My brother Joze and I had previously stayed in Idrija for a few days, and I never forgot that visit. My uncle’s house was located in a steep ravine. There was no place to play and nothing to do. My brother and I were so bored that we would walk up the ravine and just cry. But I wanted to make Ata happy, and it looked like this would be the only way I could go to school, so I agreed. I knew he wanted only the best for me. In the army, he had seen how much difference an education makes. He had achieved the rank of sergeant, but if he had some education, he could have achieved a higher rank, which would have allowed him to stay back at the command post and not have to wait to die in the trenches. Even though I agreed, I hoped something would change so I wouldn’t have to go to Idrija. I was scheduled to go in the fall of 1918. At that time, I was 11 years old. During the summer of 1918 we heard that our • neighbor’s son Jakob Mlinar Was tutoring Franc and Lipe Potočnik, to prepare them to go to the school in Idrija. Mama said I should ask Jakob if he would include me in the tutoring. I cried and begged Mama not to send me to Idrija. I finally gave in after our neighbor Marjana comforted me with these words: “Give it a try. If you don’t like it, you can quit any time you want.” And so we studied that summer. J hated Slovenian grammar. The time soon came to take the entrance exam for the Idrija school. Mr. Stenovec went to Idrija, where he obtained the necessary papers for us to take the exam. Franc Potočnik and I both passed, but Lipe dropped out. Mama made an agreement with my aunt in Idrija that Mama would provide potatoes for my aunt’s family if my aunt would provide me with food and a place to sleep. Since we didn’t have enough potatoes for our own family, I don’t know where Mama could have thought she would get potatoes for my aunt’s family. In the fall of 1918, I began attending school in Idrija. I don’t remember if I walked there by myself, or if I got a ride on someone’s-horse-drawn wagon. I lived with my aunt and uncle. They had a little boy who was very naughty and made it hard for me to study. I split firewood every day for my aunt’s kitchen stove. My uncle brought the wood from the mercury mine where he worked. The workers were forbidden to take anything out of the mines, and the foreman was supposed to fire anyone who was caught taking anything out. But it was customary for every worker to slip some wood under his coat and bring it home for firewood at home. These were nice pieces of pine, which were used to build supports in the mine tunnels. They were dry and perfect for firewood. (To Be Continued) Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half. —Seymour Essrog I 4'^CovvrvU* Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN-'Cleveland Public Radio 90.3 FM Saturdays 9-10 pm Tony Ovsenik mm 440-944-2538 ^Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovmian Radio Family ED ME|AC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 m/FAX WEB: www wcsb org Join Cystic Fibrosis Walk-a-Thon The Rainbow Chapter of the,Cystic Fibrosis Foundation announces it will hold its Annual Lake County “Great Strides” Walk-a-thon on Saturday, May 21 at the Cleveland Metroparks - North Chagrin Reservation, Strawberry Lane to raise money and awareness toward a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF). Great Strides is nationally sponsored by American Airlines®, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Bank of America, Hill-Rom and Airgas Puritan Medical. Walkers register at 9 a.m., and begin their 10K (6.2) mile hike through the park at 10 a.m. that day. The walk will wrap-up with a celebration of food provided by Outback Steak-house of Lyndhurst, fun and music by WNCX 98.5 FM at the Strawberry Lane Pavilion. Walkers can register for the walk online at www.cff.org/great strides or by calling 800-368-2150. Walkers are also welcome to simply show up at Great Strides and are encouraged to col- lect $150 in donations for their participation in the walk-a-thon. The CF Foundation has been recognized by Smart Money Magazine for the fact that nearly 90 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to CF research and treatment programs. CF is a complex, genetic disease that effects about 30,000 children and adults in the United States. It causes the body to produce an abnormally thick, sticky mucus, due to the faulty transport of sodium and chloride (salt) within cells lining organs such as the lungs and pancreas. This abnormal mucus clogs the lungs leading to life-threatening lung infections. The thick CF. mucus also obstructs the pancreas preventing enzymes from reaching the intestines to help break down and digest food. Since its inception in 1989, Great Strides has become the CF Foundation’s largest and fastest-growing fund-raiser to support cutting-edge science and has raised millions of dollars to fight the disease. Enter R&D Sausage at 15714 Waterloo Rd., in Cleveland and you may think you have walked into a roll call for the United Nations General Assembly. Patrons can be heard ordering Slovenian, Croatian, Italian, Hungarian, and Polish sausages. Over the course of 20 years the husband and wife team of Joe and Carol Zuzak have built a loyal customer base which includes Slovenians, Croatians, Poles, Lithuanians, and Russians. 1 asked Joe what the biggest seller in the store is. He said, “Kranjske klobase.” R. & D is open Tuesday thru Saturday from 8 to 5 p.m. -Phil Hrvatin Slovenian School Graduates This year’s St. Vitus Slovenian graduates are Rebecca Bloom, Richard Celestina, Ana Gaser, Thomas Graf, Jennifer Kmetich, Andrew Plassard. They have successfully completed the course of studies in the Slovenian language. They will receive their diplomas after the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 15. Congratulations to the graduates. Immediately following the Mass, everyone is invited to the Slovenian Village for refreshments. ititt We Make House Calls ... . A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! n GORJANC HEATING - COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411 www.gorjanc.com ANGIE'S UST SUPER SERVICE AWARD' Northurt Ohio 2003 ^ Heating $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service yv May not be combined with other dUcounn. Expires 3/31/03 Plumbing $25 OFF Drain Cleaning May not be combined with other discount*. Expire« 3/3l^05__ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 4 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR One thing I noticed in the last couple of issues that even though “Happy Harry” got hit by a skunk or he hit the skunk, his picture again appears in the paper. Got to admit he knows how to get top billing. Happy to say he has been behaving recently and has not met with any new creatures wearing black and white tuxedos. Rather than get back to WD-40 school instructions, I want to send our belated good wishes to all the mothers and hope they had a Happy Mother’s Day. When it comes down to it, they really need more than one day a year to be given special recognition, for without them we would not be here. What we are, what we become, our success in life, in more than one way, we owe to “mom.” She was always there for us, always a shoulder to cry on, someone who would listen, someone who would take “our side.” Having said that, those of us who are still fortunate to have our moms with us, whatever you do, don’t wait until Mother’s Day to show her honor, to let her know you love her. Bestow that love on her every day, for someday, as much as we hate to see that day coming, she will leave us. It is no consolation to us or to her when we stand in front of her headstone and say, “Mom, I love You; I brought you some flowers." Show her that love now, while you still can. Speaking of mothers, I often wonder why only during the month of May do we honor our Blessed Mother, for without a doubt whenever we pray and hope for a special favor, who do we turn to? Our Blessed Mother. Speaking of the Blessed Mother, on May Is1 at our church, St. Theresa’s, it was a special Mass because before Mass began, the little girls in their white dresses and veils and boys in their blue trousers, white shirts and ties came marching down the aisle, each carrying a bud vase of flowers to the Blessed Virgin Altar. What made it extra special was a young girl, Anne Gallo, was chosen to carry the special crown of flowers and place it on the Blessed Mother’s head as the choir sang, “Oh, Mary, We Crown Thee, With Blossoms Today.”! It was special for in Fr. Bamberger’s sermon he spoke of Anne Gallo how at that very Mass she would be receiving her Holy Communion for the very first time that Sunday. They had prepared a special kneeler for her covered in white satin and she was the very first to receive Holy Communion. May all of our mothers always hold a special place in our hearts. The other exciting thing that happened last week was I went to my first “Slovenian Concert” and it was terrific. I went to Recher Hall and saw, “My Big Fat Slovenian Honeymoon.” It was great and can’t say enough about it. They had a packed house and the dinner they served was out of this world. Barbara Elersich as the bride, and Ned Zaller, the groom, were made for their parts. Another guy who did a great job acting and singing was Barbara’s real husband, Doug Elersich. We can’t forget one of our own west siders in the concert, a great singer, none other than fabulous Mimi Stibil. It is for sure a lot of us left trying to sing the songs that were sung in the play. A job well done. Dogs and humans are the only animals with prostates. Before I go on, I have to say I enjoyed Jim Debevec’s column last week in which he wrote about folks and their cell phones. He took the words right out of my mouth. It seems some people feel they are not fully dressed unless they have their cell phone right in their ear at all times, talking regardless of where they are as if they are the only ones there. Here is hoping that when they go to bed, before snuggling up to their loved one, they remember to leave their phone in the kitchen. But that is probably too much to expect. Well, Ray, I think you just about said it all so let’s get on with the joke. Why is it that we have to read your whole column before we get Mlakar’s Unusual Facts The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket. The words ‘racecar,’ ‘kayak’ and ‘level’ are the same whether read left to right or right to left (palindromes). There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar. There are only four words in the English language which end in “dous.” They are tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.” Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks, otherwise it will digest itself. Now you know more than you did. —Ray Mlakar Summertime Polka Bus with the Joey Tomsick Band! Deshler Bavarian Bans SDRdii. Inns 12. 2005 V l-Icoiuc to the J2"'1 Annual “Schunwnl-'cst” Enjoy the music of two bands - “Party Tune” and the Joey Tomsick Orchestra. Dancing on the largest indoor wooden dance floor in Ohio, delicious German food will be available all day, along with Bar-B-Que Chicken. The 3-Day “Schutacnfest” lias become a tradition in Western Ohio as men & woman try their luck at bullseyc target shooting in the secure outdoor rangel The fun culminates with a “shoot-off Sunday Night! mn*Y BUS Trill IBCIPIIBS: V Roundtrip Motorcoach Transportation aboard Cleveland Southeastern Trails - With Motorcoach boarding at Bedford and Undid •d Video and Polka Entertainment aboard the bus along V Snacks and Open Bar aboard the bus •d Admission to the “SchutzenFest” at the Bavarian Haus, Deshler (12 noon - 8:30pm) d Driver Gratuity Included •d Completely Escorted by members of the Jogy Tomsick Orchestra cost fgnuftmimi Departs Bedford Cleveland Southeastern Trails at 7:30AM Departs Euclid C.E. Orr Arena (off Babbitt Road) at 9 AM (Kttum @1AM) CALI KIN TO RESERVE YOUR SEATS! 216 - 531 - 2745 /VIut calling in reservation, please semi pnvntcni 01*845 per person in; INI J.l.O, ♦ 224(10 (lli.mlon Road ♦ Uuelid, Ohio 44117 to your punch line? What can I say? That is the price you have to pay. Are you ready? You won’t need a pencil or paper for I am sure you will remember it. Sister Bernadette are you listening? The joke is from brother Frank Mlakar also, and is titled, “Catholic Heart Attack.” In the care of nuns at a Catholic hospital as he was recovering, one of the sisters asked him questions regarding how he would pay for his treatment. She asked if he had health insurance. He replied in a raspy voice, “No health insurance.” The nun asked if he had money in the bank. Being a non-Slovenian he replied, “No money in the bank.” The run further inquired, “Do you have a relative who could help you pay?” He said, “I only have a spinster sister, who is a nun.” The nun became agitated and announced loudly, “Nuns are not spinsters. Nuns are married to God.” The patient thought about it and said, “Well in that case, send the bill to my brother-in-law.” With that, time to close and May the good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you in good health, and remember to thank your mother every day if you are still fortunate to have her with you as your guiding light. Slovenian Scholar Valvasor is Subject of Heritage Talk The Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation invites all to attend the third talk in their 2005 Lecture Series. The Foundation is extremely pleased that Dr. Vladimir Rus and Anthony Hiti will present a discussion on the life and work of Slovene nobleman, scholar, and polymath Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641-1693). The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Wednesday, May 18 at 7 p.m. in the lower hall of the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. A coffee and strudel social will follow the lecture. Valvasor was a person of great and varied learning and remains one of Slovenia’s most important historical figures. His single most important work is the monumental The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola (Die Ehre des Herzogthums Crain) published in 1689. This book beautifully illustrated with copperplate engravings, is an encyclopedia of the natural history, customs and folklore, history, and the topography of a region that makes up a large part of present-day Slovenia. His extensive treatise on the hydrology of the intermittent Lake Cerknica won him the membership of the Royal Society in London in 1688. Valvasor was also a pioneer of studying the karst phenomena. Dr. Rus is a foundihg trustee of the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation. He holds a doctorate degree in Political Science from the University of Trieste, Masters Degree in Slavic Languages from the University of Michigan and Masters Degree in Political Science from Case Western Reserve University. Anthony Hiti, the current President of the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, is a partner in the architecture firm Herman Gibans Fodor, Inc. in Cleveland. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from the University of Cincinnati and completed a year of study at the School of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects and is a Trustee of the Cleveland Restoration Society. Devotional to Our Lady of Brezje On Monday, May 23, at 7:30 p.m., all are invited to meet at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Road in Euclid, Oho for the annual May devotions in honor of Our Lady of Brezje, Patroness of Slovenia. The Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges is sponsoring this devotional. Rev. Joseph Boznar, pastor of St. Vitus Church, is planning the liturgical program. It is anticipated that various Slovenian clergy will be joining him to participate in the devotional. The prayer service will include the recitation of the Rosary in conjunction with a candlelight procession, Benediction, and the singing of Slovenian Litanies to the Blessed Virgin Mary. -Joseph V. Hočevar Federation President :w<|! Roster of Organizations Imenik slovenskih društev Slovenski narodni domovi Slovenian National Homes FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President: Tony Mannion; 1st Vice President: Robert Royer; 2nd Vice President: Ed Gabrosek; Treasurer: Lou Grzely; Recording Secretary: Chris Hammond; Corresponding Secretary Nancy Vasilko; Auditors: Anna Mae Mannion, Evelyn Pipoly, Frank Gruber; Historians: Joe Petrie, Ed Gabrosek; Legal Advisor: Charles Ipavec. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL M17 St Clair AVe, (216) 361-5115 E-mail: SNH6409@worldnet.att.net President Emeritus: Edward Kenik; President: Robert A. Hopkins; Vice President: Dale Lunder; Recording Secretary: Sylvia Plymesser; Business Secretary: Geraldine Hopkins; Treasurer: Alex Spinos; Board Members: Joanne ordyce, Richard Godic, Lawrence Hoce- Antonia Zagar, David Hočevar, Deborah Davidson, Clare Miller, Marjanca Hočevar, Michael Japel, Ellen Lun-er, Shelli March, Ann Opeka, Richard rivisonno, Jeff Zabukovec, Heather avidson, John Leonard. Alternates: narles T. Ipavec, Zoeann Zak Morell, NrekVertosnik. COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President: Evelyn Pipoly; Vice President: eanna Miklich; Treasurer: Joyce Segulin; ■nancial Secretary: Alba Plutt; Recording ecretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary: Karen Richard; Auditors: Michael 'Poly, John Plutt, Mary Podlogar, Alter-ates: John Hozjan, Arlene Martin. House oinmittee: Domenic Cekada, John Plutt, r°”n Hozjan; Alternate: Steve Richard; Di-J^tors: Ann Dagg, Mary Blatnik; Alternate: TonV Miklich. SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH 44110 President: Tom Čebular; Financial Secretary: Celeste Frollo; Rec. Sec. and Audit: «anor Godec; Bar Chairman: Gordon Luce; histee: Joyce Plemel; Auditors; Robert D. atnison, Kathy Gipson; Home: Pam Dirk, 'fda Gorjup, Dorothy Gorjup; Properties: en Kleinhenz; Auditors: Phillip Čebular, °Ann Heinz. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME President: Esther Podboy; Vice President: renk Korelec; Secretary/Treasurer: Chris ^a,ttmond; Recording Secretary: Marion E. ^ocian; Audit Chairman: Henry Kapel; fKUn' “unna Heimecy; House Committee: P ^ Kastelic; Membership/Sunshine: Mary nk; Stephanie Segulin, Joe Bergoč. FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SLOVENIAN SENIOR CITIZENS resident: Olga Dorchak; Vice President: tarv^ Hočevar; Treasurer: Pat Nevar; Secre-Matt Zabukovec; Auditors: Dorothy rJuP, Grace Marinch, and Frank Sadar. ladies auxiliary P SNPJ FARM Sot)hrCsidcn': Betty Rotar; Vice President: "Deb'e ^atuck’ Recording Secretary: Gerri Sich.e‘s’ Financial Secretary: Barbara Eler-rada’ k ud'tors: Eleanor Godec, Helen Sum-Qa- Muzie Yeray. WEST PARK 4s»li0VENlAN NATIONAL HOME p83 W. no st., Cleveland, OH 44135 C(iucieSldent: Robert Rojer; Vice President: Trea Hove; Hall Treasurer: Rudy Pivik; tor: MUrcr- Michelle Bartunek; Social Direc-2d0| ,ar'e P*vik; Auditors: Ruth Lach, Albert 'liarv tl ^ar'Ja Dimitrijevich; Ladies Aux-y- 'heresa Krisby. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA National Officers 2002-2005 National President: Kathleen Dorchak-Hall; Vice President: Betty Ann Kolesari; Secretary: Bonnie Pohar Prokup; Treasurer: Jonita Ruth; Scholarship Director: Mary Tur-vey; Auditors: Beverly Menart, Denise Bartlett, M. Marge Church; Zarja Editor: Corinne Leskovar; Special Projects Director: Mary Lou Voelk. SWUA Home Office, 431 No. Chicago Sf, Joliet, 1L 60432. Tel: (815) 727 1926. LOZKA DOLINA President: Charles Zgonc; Vice President; John R. Telich Sr.; Secretary: Louis Zig-mund; Auditing Committee: Matt Zabukovec, Albert Marolt and Frank Sechnick. Representative to lodges with St. Clair Slovenian Home and Collinwood Slovenian Home. Annual meeting and annual social in April. ST. CLAIR PENSIONERS CLUB 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 President: Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453; Vice President: Helen Snyder; Recording Secretary: Marcie Mills; Financial Secretary: Lawrence Hočevar, 1364 E 43 St Cleveland, OH 44103; Sunshine: Irene Toth;’ Auditors: Anthony Brodnik, Emilee Jenko! Antoinette Krajc; Tour Coordinator: Jeanette Ruminski. Meetings held on the third Thursday of each month at I p.m., in the Kenik Room of the St. Clair S.N.H. SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS OF EUCLID President: Lori Sicrputowski; Vice President: Jackie Ulle; Financial Secretary and Membership: Jeannette Yert; Recording Secretary and Reporter: Carolyn Janezich; Treasurer: Frank Kosten; Auditors: Frank Sadar, Chmn., Stana Grill, Frank Sechnick, and Lillian Dombrowski, alternate; Sergeant-at-Arms: Jack Selan; Sunshine Lady: Doris M. Pokopac; Tour Organizer: Mimi Stibil; Historian: Marion E. Bocian. HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS CLUB President: John Kozlevchar; Vice President: Matt Zabukovec; Secretary: Jennie Tuma (440) 944-5083; Treasurer: Bill Zabukovec; Asst. Treasurer: Ann Beckert; Sgt.-at-Arms: Fran Kajfez. Meetings held the second Wednesday of each month at 12:30 in Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO BALINCA CLUB President: Violet M. Rupena (440) 943-7212); Vice President: Ray Polantz; Treasurer: Marilyn Vidmar; Secretary: Eleanor Godec; Auditors: Hank Skarbez, Maty Vesel, Harold White. We welcome new members to join us for fun and friendship. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President: Pat Nevar; Vice President: John Prhne; Recording Secretary: Grace Marinch; Treasurer: Dorothy Gorjup; Auditors: Joann Heinz, Josie Kapla, Al Marinch. Meetings held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at Waterloo Hall. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS BARAGA COURT No. 1317 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Chief Ranger; Robert W. Mills Sr.; Past Chief Ranger: Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Vice Chief Ranger: Albert Marolt; Financial Secretary: Angelo W. Vogrig, 17220 Tarymore Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119, Ph: 531-2662; Treasurer: John J. Hočevar; Trustees; Albert Marolt, Frank J. Branisel, Robert Mills Sr.; Youth Director Angelo W. Vogrig; Field Rep. Richard Kuhar (Ph.: 838-1889). Meetings held the 2nd Friday of the month. Call Fin. Sec. for location of meeting. BARBERTON SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB President: Sarah Kumse; Vice President: Betty Jevec; Secretary-Treas.: Ann Novak; Recording Secretary: Shirley Fister; Auditors: Mary Poje, Mary Steiner; Fed. Reps.: Sarah Kumse, Betty Jevec, Ann Novak, Ray Palcic; alternate: Bill Stoper. Meetings every first Thursday of the month at 12:00 noon at Slovene Center Hall 70 - 14lh St., N.W. Barberton, OH 44203 KLUB UPOKOJENCEV SLOV. PRISTAVE: Predsednik: Ivan Jakomin; Podpredsednika: Vinko Vrhovnik in Pepca Kastigar; Tajnica: Martina Štepec, 1958 Brushview Dr., Richmond Hts, OH 44143 (tel.: (440) 944-0016; Blagajnik: Pavle Intihar; Zapisnikar: Frank Urankar; Nadzorni Odbor: Minka Kmetich, Edi Veider; Odborniki: August Dragar, Julka Zalar, Marija Kocian, Mary Vrhovnik, Julka Mejač, Olga Kalar, Štefka Jarem, Tonckla Urankar, Štefka Zidar, in Tone Štepec. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HTS. PENSIONERS CLUB President: Art Zanutic; Vice President; Florence Mirtel; Financial Secretary: Olga Dorchak (330) 468-7989; Recording Secretary: Clara Hrovat; Membership/Sunshine: Olga Sray; Auditors: Tony Kaplan, Kay Yuratovac, John Kužnik. FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President: Tony Satej; Vice President: Juliann Centa; Treasurer: Carol Satej; Recording Secretary; Louise Hayden; Auditors: Jo Minello, Jo Gomick; Entertainment: Tony Satej; Sunshine Com.: Julian Centa; Sgt.-at-Arms: Alice Martinčič; Ticket Sales: Dorothy Nemura. GLASBENA MATICA SINGING SOCIETY President: Dan Hrvatin; Is1 Vice President: Sharon Loucka; 2nd Vice President: Paul Zimperman; Secretary: Lisa Hupfer; Treasurer: Steve Royer. Glasbena Matica will celebrate its IS0' Anniversary this year with a diamond jubilee concert at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair on Saturday, Nov. 19. KOROTAN Predsednica: Cvetka Rihtar; podpredsednica: Maty Ann Vogel; podpredsednik: Frank Lovšin; tajnica: Maruša Pogačnik, 7628 Chappin Falls Lane, Kirtland, OH 44094; blagnicarka: Helena Nemec; nadzorni odbor: Janez Nemec, Zdenka Zakrajšek, odborniki; Martina Jakomin, Cirila Kermavner, Mimi Režonja, Blažena Rihtar, France Rihtar, Milena Stropnik, pevovodja: Janez Sršen. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Richard Tomšič; Vice President: Vicky Kozel; Secretary: Josephine Rotter; Treasurer: Barbara Elersich; Director: Doug Elersich. For more information about Zarja please call Richard Tomsic at 481-1379. SLOVENSKA PISARNA Predsednik: Fr. Jože Boznar, podpredsed-nik-blagajnik in upravnik pisarne: Anton Oblak, nadzorni odbor: Viktor Tomince in Frank Sega. Tajnica in zapisnikarca: Zalka Likozar; književni referent: Mara Cerar Hull; odbomiki(ce): Milka Odar, Ivanka Vidmar in Vida Oblak; Seje so po potrebi, v prostorih Slovenske pisarna na 6104 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Telefonska številka: 216—36I-03-; fax številka: 216-361-0300. Pisarna je odprta ob sobotah od 10.00 do 12.00 ure in nedeljah od 9.30 do 21. ure. SNPJ YOUTH CIRCLE 2 President: Kristy Zivkovich; Vice President: Frances Kocin; Recording Secretary: Joe Radisek; Attendance Secretary Colleen Frank; Treasurer: Matt Skrajner; Historian Mary Ann Kocin; Music Director: Cecilia Dolgan. Meet on Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Programs: Sunday, Nov. 14, Fall Concert, 3 p.m., Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. MISUONSKA ZNAMKARSKA AKCIJA (CATHOUC MISSION AID) MZA - CMA Duhovni vodja: dr. Pavel Krajnik; predsednica: Marica Lavriša; podpredsednica: Helena Gorše; tajnica, zapisnikarica: Mari Celestina, 4935 Gleeten Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143; blagajničarki: Helena Nemec, 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 oz. Mary Tominec, 107 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143; nadzorni odbor: Ani Nemec, Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominec; odborniki: Ana in Rudi Knez, Viktor in Nežka Tominec, Marija Ribič, Tončka Lamovec, Vinko in Mary Vrhovnik; nadzornika: Lovro Rozman, Mari Miklavčič. Oltarno društvo fare Sv. Marfje Vnebovzete Duhovni vodja: Rev. John M. Kumse; predsednica: Ani Nemec; podpredsednica: Nežka Cerer; blagajničarka: Paula Hauptman, 25922 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, tel. 216-481-1871; tajnica: Marica Lavriša; zapisnikarica: Mari Celestina; nadzornice: Tončka Urankar, Mary Podlogar, Maria Frank; zastavonošinja; Josephine Sežun. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu pri sv. mašo ob 10. dop. Isti dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitve, po blagoslovu pa seja v sobi za sestanke v šoli. KLUB LJUBLJANA Meetings held the last Tuesday of the month, 1 p.m., at Slovenian Society Hall, 10713 Recher Ave., Euclid. President: Ann Bauha; Financial Secretary and Treasurer: Stephanie Segulin (216) 451-1876; Recording Secretary: Louise Trunkley. Auditors are Ceil Zinder and Louise Trunkley. Bartenders: Frank Sadar and Frank Skoda, SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME LADIES AUXILIARY 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH 44119-2439 “Members of Ladies Auxiliary Slovenian Society Home” featuring Monday night dinners. ST. MARY’S HOLY NAME SOCIETY Snmtuol Director; Rev John Kumse: President: Florian Osredkar, Vice President: Victor Nemec; Treasurer: William Kozak. ST. MARY’S COURT No. 1640 CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; High Court Trustee: Alan Spilar; Chief Ranger and St. Ct. Tr. Kathleen Spilar; Vice Chief Ranger: Mary L. Daley; Secretary: Jennie Jesek; Financial Secretary: John Spilar; Treasurer: Vicki Skarbez; Trustees: Gerry White, Hank Skarbez, Alan Spilar; General Agent: Dick Kuhar, Phone (440) 838-1889; Youth Director: Kathy Spilar (216) 289-3814; Past Chief Ranger: Alan Spilar. Meetings every 4lh Wednesday of second month: Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov. in St. Mary’s school (meeting room), 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. ST. CLAIR RIFLE AND HUNTING CLUB President: Eddy Ujcich; Vice President: Richard Beck. All correspondence to Mr. Richard Beck 38500 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills OH 44094. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 IŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION 6 BRANCH #14, Euclid, Ohio President - Secretary/Treasurer: Diane Vamey; Vice President - Recording Secretary: Pat Habat; Auditors: Stana Grill, Antoinette Zabukovec; Reporter: Alice Kuhar; Sunshine: Diane Vamey; Banner Lady: Josephine Kastigar. ZC UJ I SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 47 President: Olga A. Dorchak; Secretary: Elsie M. Spellacy (440) 232-8733; Vice President: Ann Harsh; Auditors: Kathleen Dorchek-Hall, Virginia Kemmoerling; Zarja Reporter: Katherine Wallace, 393 Minnie Ct., Akron, OH 44311. Meetings held the 2nd Sunday, March, September, November, Christmas Meeting December. Woman of Year in May at Maple Hts. Library. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch #50 Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Euclid Public Library, 1 p.m. Mother of the Year: Ann Tomsick. President: Rose Mary Toth; Vice President: Cookie (Catherine) Maxin; Treasurer: Frances Kajfez; Recording Secretary: Evelyn Pipoly; Dawn Reporter: Ann Tomsick; Auditors: Louise Troglia and Dorothy Ann Winters. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN PRIMORSKI CLUB President: Kristjan Sedmak; Vice President: Joseph Jenko Jr.; Treasurer: Silva Ramšak; Secretary: Angela Stropnik. Board Members: Srečko Grdina, Mery Grdina, Joseph Jenko Sr., Joseph Hrvatin, Aldo Milavec, Sabina Milavec, Joakin Mejak, Joseph Slokar, Vera Udovič. Board of Review: Srečko Grdina, Sabina Milavec, Joseph Slokar. BELOKRANJSKI CLUB The annual meeting of the Belokranjski Club was held on January 18 at the Slovenian National Home. The following officers were elected for 2004: President: Theresa Smuk; Vice President: Rudy Benedejčič; Secretary: Amelia Maslac; Recording Secretary: Treasurer, Alenka Win-slett; Refreshment Chair: Brian Winslett; Hospitality Chair: Milena Dovic; Auditing Committee President: Mark Blanchard; Auditing Committee: Ann Marie Morrison, Frank Smuk. STAJERSKO-PREKMURSKI KLUB President: Mimi (Kozina) Cupar; Vice President: Roman Vitulich; Secretary: Anita Klepec; Treasurer: John Cupar; Board Members: Jožica Vitulich, Kristina Ferlinc, Tonica Simicak, Mimi Kozina, Martina Simicak, Majda Rožic, John Kozina Jr., Jože Ramšak, Frank Fuja, Rezka Zelko. ST. VITUS ALUMNI President: Danny Rciger; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Recording Secretary: Dan-iella Avsec; Treasurer: F. Raymond Gobec; Corresponding Sec’y.: Daniella Avsec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Louis Shenk; Trustee: Joseph Zelle. Meetings, 7 p.m., on the first Thursdays of January, April, July, and October in the Social Room of St. Vitus School. Dues are $5 per year. Officers are nominated in October and sworn into office in January. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President: Anthony W. Hiti; Vice President: Dr. Alexander Ukmar; Secretary: Joan Chermely; Treasurer: Dana Leonard; At-Large: August B. Pust, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Ann M. Opeka; Past Presidents: Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Frederick E. Križman, Esq., Hon. August Pryatel, Dr. Vladimir J. Rus, Edmund J. Turk, Esq., Joyce Ann Hribar, Esq. ST. VITUS CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS POST 1655 Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; First Vice Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; Second Vice Commander: Thomas Kirk; Third Vice Commander: Daniel Reiger; Officer of the Day: Edward Arhar; Welfare Officer: William Lipoid; Treasurer: Steve Piorkowski; Historian: Anthony Grdina: 1 Yr. Trustee: John Kirk; 2 Yr. Trustee: James Logar; 3 Yr. Trustee: Joseph S. Baškovič; Adjutant: Thomas Kirk; Judge Advocate: open; Liaison Officer: Joseph Mismas; House Chairman: Richard Mott; Chaplin: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, Rev. William Jersc, and Rev. Richard Evans. ST. VITUS ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY President: Mrs. Ivanka Matic; Vice President and Recording Secretary: Mrs. Gabriela Kuhel; Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Julka Smole; Treasurer: Mrs. Marija Leben; and Auditors: Mrs. Ivanka Pretnar and Mrs. Ann Arhar. KRES FOLK DANCERS President: Rachael Gaser, 38401 Pleasant Valley Road, Willoughby, OH 44094 - e-mail: champ88@worldnet.att.net ; Vice President: Michael Kusold; Treasurer: Nicole Kusold; Secretary: Lauren Hauptman; Mem-'ir0 w! Victor ICmctich. ODBOR SKD TRIGLAV Milwaukee Spiritual Leader: Rev. Dr. Jože Gole; President: Tom Smolič; Vice President: Joe Omik; Treasurer: Anne Sagadin, Luke Kolman (taxes), and Eveline Maierle - dinner sales; Recording Secretary: Marija Kadunc; Secretary: Mary Ann Sulik; Park Manager: Janez Mejač; Assistant Park Manager: Craig Frohna; Kitchen: Helen Frohna; Assistant Kitchen: Marta Mejac; Bar Manager: John Levičar; Choir Director: Mara Kolman; Sports Director: Frank Mejac; Delegate for Uspeh: Christina Carroll; Reporter for Ameriška Domovina: Mara Kolman; Auditors: Kathy Kaye, Kathy Mejac, Vicky Schneider; Judges, Court of Arbitration: Mike Carroll, Luke Kolman;, Dan Mejac. 2005 Picnic Calendar at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis.: Memorial Day — May 30th First Picnic - June 26 Mission Picnic - July 24 Second Picnic - August 21 Wine Festival - Sept. 18 SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland, OH 44119 (216) 486-0268 President: Robert Klancher; Vice President: Phil Hrvatin; Treasurer: Celeste Frollo; Secretary: Vera Marsic. Trustees: Chris Chermely, Doug Elersich, Sutton Girod, Rudy Kozan, Dale Luzar, Joe Miskulin, Milan Ribic, Richard Tomsic, Agnes Turk, Florence Unetich, Scott Zele; Alternate: John Pestotnik; Honorary Trustees: John Cech, Frederick Križman, Ronald Zele. Administrator: Jeffrey S. Sas, LNHA. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL ART GUILD President: John Streck; Vice President: Patricia A. Habat; Secretary: Jeannie Somrak; Treasurer: Lillian Bratina; Auditor: Ann Opeka; Heritage: Doris Sadar; Membership and Circulation: Carol Maruszak; Newsletter: Patricia A. Habat. Meetings held the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB President: Gene Drobnič; Vice-President: Etni lee Jenko; Secretary: Terry Hočevar; Cor-res. Sec’y.: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Agnes Koporc. Meetings: 4 times a year. LILIJA Predsednik: Peter Dragar; Podpredsednik: Matija Grdadolnik; Podpredsednik: Srečo Gaser; Tajnik: Zdenka Zakrajšek, 10740 Angela Dr., Kirtland, OH 44094; Zapisnikar: Frank Hren; Blagajnišar-ka: Marija Marsic; Programski odbor: Matija Grdadolnik, Srešo Gaser, Peter Dragar, Zdenka Zakrajšek, Mojca Slak, Ivan Hauptman, Ivan Jakomin. Oderski mojster: Slavko Štepec, Kuhinja: Ani Nemec, Julka Zalar; Točaja: Rudi Hren, Tone Štepec; Reditelji: Jože Tomc, Ivan Tomc, Lojze Zupančič; Športni referent: Matija Grdadolnik; Nadzorni odbor: Marija Tominc, Frank Zalar Ml., Štefka Smolič SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 25 President: Frances M. Gazvoda; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Sunshine Lady: Albina Pozelnik; Recording Secretary; Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Ann R. demence; Auditor: Emilee Jenko. BALINCARSKI CLUB SLOVENSKA PRISTAVE Častni Pred.: Felix Breznikar; Predsednik: Lojze Mohar; Pod. Pred.: Janez Švigelj; Taj.-Blag.: Tone Škerl. Odborniki: Ani Breznikar, Mici Mohar, Tončka Švigelj, Tone Vogel, Janez in Rezka Breznikar, Tone in Cilka Švigelj, Vera Žnidaršič, Marija Vrhovnik, Lojze in Angelca Debeljak, Tončka Berkopec, Zdenka Kavčič. Nadzorni odbor: Lojze Hribar, Vinko Vrhovnik, Jože Sojer. DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV (D.S.P.B. Cleveland, Ohio Predsednik: Viktor Tominec (Tel.: 531-2728): Podpredsednik/Tajnik: Anton Oblak; Blagajnik: France Šega; Tiskovni referent: Lojze Drobnič; Nadzorni odbor: Stane Vidmar in Frank Kuhelj. ST. VITUS LODGE No. 25 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; President: Joseph S. Baškovič; Vice President: Joseph V. Hočevar; Secretary: John C. Turek, Tel.: 531-0230; Treasurer: Al Orehek; Auditors: Charles Winter, Ron Fabo, Marty Turek; Youth and Athletic Director: Ralph Prawdzik; Sergeant-at-Arms: Tony Baznik. ST. JOSEPH LODGE No. 169 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Phil Hrvatin; Vice President: Sandi Green; Financial Secretary: Anne Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., Cleveland, OH 44110 Ph: (216) 541-7243; Treasurer: Helena Nemec; Recording Secretary: Karen Kretic; Youth & Athletic Director: John Nemec; Auditors: Jennie Tuma, Matt Kajfez, Chris Chermely; Sgt-at-Arms: Tony Tolar; Reporter: John Nemec. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the club room of the Collinwood Slovenian Home (Holmes Ave.). New members (up to age 90) are always welcome. For information on life insurance and annuities, call licensed agents John Nemec (216) 541-7243 or Sandi Green (440) 946-2500. SACRED HEART OF JESUS LODGE No. 172 KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Častna predsed: Ludmila Glavan; Predsednica: Rela Zadnikar; Podpred.: Frank Kuhel; Tajnik-blag: Draga Gostic, 1440 Timbertland Lane, Twinsburg, OH 44087 (tel: 1-330-405-6272; Zapisnikarica: Gabriel Kuhal Revi-zonji: Gabriela Kuled, Vilibald Zadnikar, Anuska Lekan; Athletic/Youth Director: Anuska Lekan; Sergeant-at-Arms: Frank Kuhel. Meetings held every Third Friday at 1 p.m. KRISTUS KRALJ št. 226 - KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Jože Boznar; predsednik: Joseph F. Rigler, tel (440) 256-3137; podpredsednik: Raymond Zak; tajnik in blagajnik: Erika Kurbos, 1875 Braeburn Pk. Dr., Euclid, OH 44117, tel (216) 383-1212; zapisnikarica: Rosemarie Zupančič; nadzorni odbor. i itilOthy Klounick, jehn z.upuuc;c. in Chuck Potenga. Direktorica mladinskih aktivnost: Judy A. Ryan; šports referent: Ronald Zak; vratari: Bob McDonough. Seje društva vsako drugo nedeljo v meseca ob 12. uri v SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. KSKJ vam nudi' mnogovrstno zivljensko zavarovanje za vsote od $lk,000 naprej. Poleg zivljenskega zavarovanja vam KSKJ nudi tudi večvrstne naložbe >anujties<. Vse pod zelo ugodnimi pogoji. Za podrobnosti se brezobvezno obrnite na tajnika društva. OUR LADY OF FATIMA Lodge No. 255 KSKJ Spiritual Advisor: Rev. John Kumse; President: Robert A. Schulz; Vice President: Jackie Hanks; Secretary-Treasurer: Connie Schulz, 28908 Uxbridge Dr., Willowick, OH 44095, Tel: (440) 944-2015; Auditors: Larry Duggan, Donna Duggan; Athletic Director: Darlene Schulz. Meetings 2nc* Wednesday of month at 6:30 p.m. at Secretary/Treasurer home. SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA UPRAVNI ODBOR 2002/2003 Predsednik: Milan Ribic; 1. Podpresed-nica: Mary Ann Vogel; 2. Podpredsednik. Metod Ilc; Tajnica-rezervacije: Metka Zalar, Tajnica: Ani Sterle; Pomožni tajnik: Edi Sedmak; Blagajnik: Matjan Perčič; Zapisnikarica: Kati Cup. Odborniki in odbornice: Jože Cerer, Toni Cerer, Tony Champa, Frank Ferkul, Larry Frank, Matija Golobic, Jože Grčar, Pavel Intihar, Tony Jarem, David Kogovšek, Benjamin Košir, Michael Košir, Mimi Kozina, Verena Krištof, Staley Krulc Jr.; Margie Leden, Emie Luzar, Joakin Mejak, Jože Novak, Filip Oreh, Branko Pisom, Branko Pogačnik, Mimi Režonja, Valentin Ribic, Frank Rote, Mike Rus, Ron Rus, Stane Rus, Kristjan Sedmak, Janez Semen, Vid Sleme, Tom Štepec, Martin Tominc, Edward Veider, Tony Vogel, Jr., Anton Vogel Sr., Vinko Vrhovnik, Ivan Zakrajšek, Frank Zalar, Jr., Elizabeta Žalik, Tomaž Žnidaršič, Joe Žnidaršič. Nadzorni odbor: Janez Sršen, Viktor Kmetic, Frank Zalar; Rezsodisce: Ivan Berlec, Frank Urankar, Tom Štepec. Zastopnik1 slovenskih sol: Sv: Ana Perčič, Sv. Marija Vnebovzeta Kristjan Sedmak. ST. ANNE’S LODGE #4 AMLA President; Emilee Jenko; l51 Vice President: Madeline Debevec; 2nd Vice President: Stane Kuhar; Secretary: Lillian B, Novak (440) 238-9291; Treasurer: Dolores Krause; Recording Secretary: Louis Zigmund; 1 Auditor; Ann Opeka; 2nd Auditor: Dorothy Stanonik. Meetings every first Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Slovenian Room of St-Vitus Village. SLOVENSKI DOM No. 6 AMLA President: Joe Petrie; Vice President-Waiter Frank; Secretary-Treasurer: Theresa Aveni; Recording Secretary: Joe Petrie; Audit Chairman: Janice Verch; Auditors: Elsie Frank, Dorothy Lamm; Co-ordinator: Joe Pot" ric; News articles: Joe Petrie. KRAS No, 8 President: Vida Zak; Vice President: Celeste Frollo: Secretary / Treasurer: Anton Lavrisha, 1076 E. 176 St„ (216) 531-3413, meti@aol.com; Recording Sec.: Sophi6 Matuch. Meetings the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland except July an0 August. LODGE No. 9 AMLA President: James Pavlik; Vice President Robert Menart; Secretary/Treasurer: Patric'd Amigoni; Recording Secretary: Gertrud Menart; Auditors: Roseanne Jerina, Gertru Menart; F.A.C. Coordinator: Gertru e Menart; Lodge Reporter: Albert Amigoni Meetings held First Sunday of Month a 11:00 a.m. at AMLA Home, 19424 S. Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH 44119. LODGE RIBNICA No. 12 AMLA President: James E. Czeck; Vice PreS^ dent: Vincent F. Ilacqua; Secretary: Car® Czeck, 988 Talmadge Ave., Wickliff®, 44097-. Treasurer; Carole Czeck: Record'd Secretary: Gina Ilacqua; Auditing Comm^ tee: Gina Ilacqua, Jaime Lončar, Phil'P Yan, Sr.; Fraternal Affairs Officer: James ^ Czeck; Lodge Representatives: Sloveni National Home: Philip Yan; Slovenian Soc ety Home, Recher: Lilliam Bratina, ^atr\ ( Czeck and Philip Yan; Slovene Home Aged: Philip Yan. | Meetings are held March 21, July °’Ave 17 and Dec. 19 at 988 Talmadge A ' , (Secretary’s home) at 2:00 p.m. I QUEEN OF PEACE Lodge No. 24 - AMLA President: Francis Cazin; Vice ^reSpoZa-Dorothy Cabat; Secretary: R°serriary j^sik relli; Recording Secretary: Angie ^ Auditors: Dolores Hrovat, Bemice Hattie Fashinpaur. ST. MARY’S SENIORS . Spiritual Director: Rev. John President: Zora Kocin; Vice Presiden1^^ Jacobs; Secretary: Mary Zimperman, urer: John Spilar. , v ai Meetings are held every 1st Tucsd^cU. 1:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s School. For pun lars and membership call Zora Kocin a 289-0467. Death Notices JOSEPHINE M. NOVAK Josephine M. Novak, 91, of Mentor, Ohio, formerly of Euclid. Dear sister of Gertrude Novak, and the late Jean Young, Joseph and Frank Novak; sister-in-law of Mary Novak; aunt of several nieces and nephews; daughter of the late Jozep and Irma Novak. Josephine was a former president of St. Anne Lodge No. 4 AMLA. Mass of Christian burial was at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 7 at St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church, 9114 Lake Shore Blvd., Mentor. Interment in Calvary Cemetery, Cleveland. Family suggests contributions to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 5786 Heis-ley Rd., Mentor, OH 44060. In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Jean Miller of Concord Township, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in niemory of her beloved husband, Edward J. Miller. In Memory Thanks to Terezija Jursic of Richmond Hts., OH who donated $6.00 in niemory of Joze Jursic. In Memory Thanks to Daniella Žnidar of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Frank and Doris Fende of Cleveland, OH who added a $15.00 donation to their subscription renewal in memory of John and Angela Fende and Butch and Chuck Malnar. Donation Thanks to Frank Grcar of Hambden Township, OH for the $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Linda and Matt Plečnik of Willoughby Hills, OH for the subscription renewal and the $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Anonymous for the $20.00 donation. • Donation Thanks to Louis and Caterina Burjes of Wickliffe, OH for the $20.00 donation. Things are beautiful if you love them. —Jean Anouilh In Memory Thanks to Frances Rigler of Willoughby Hills, OH who donated $5.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of Ivan Rigler. In Memory Thanks to Josephine Jakopič of Wickliffe, OH who donated $10.00 in memory of Marijan Jakopič. In Memory Thanks to Robert Blatnik of Rowlett, TX who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Vida Blatnik Heisroth. He writes, “Thank you for a most wonderful and educating newspaper.” In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Anne Golop of Willowick, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of her husband, Rudolph Golop. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Globokar Sr., of Concord, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of their niece Janet Ba-tis. They write, “Thanks for all you do.” In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Maria Povsic of Boca Raton, FL who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Frank Povsic. Donation Thanks to Felix and Helena Gaser of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Frank and Eleanor Zernic of Highland Hts., OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation. They write, “Keep up the good work. God bless!” Note Thanks to Edith Gars-teck of Parma Hts., OH w‘ho renewed her subscription and added a note, “Thank you, I love the American Home newspaper.” Note Thanks to Cvetka Benedejčič of Chardon, OH who renewed her subscription and added a note, “I love the Ameriška Domovina.” Donation Thanks to Olga Horvath ^ of South Euclid, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. She writes, “I had been meaning to send a donation for some time, to express appreciation for your publicity at the time David Fukry, my son-in-law, was campaigning for judge. Thanks to support such as yours, he is now a judge in the Court of Common Pleas in Geauga County. Also want to say that the “Slovenian Morning Newspaper” is a unique treasure of grass roots journalism. It offers a link with the past to all of us who cherish our Slovenian ancestry; keeps us up-to-date with what is happening in the Slovenian community today, both locally and globally; and offers a solid base for Slovenian pride in our upcoming generations.” Auditioning a Piano Accordion and/or Button Box player with the intention of entertaining at various social gatherings including parties, picnics, festivals, and Octoberfests. For further information contact (216) 520-1531. In Our Hearts and Memory They Are Always With Us FATHER, GRANDFATHER, GREAT-GRANDFATHER Joseph Zele Sr. MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, GREATGRANDMOTHER Theresa Zele Born March 8, 1867 Died May 22, 1953 Born Oct. 15, 1884 Died Apr. 27, 1947 BROTHER BROTHER BROTHER Henry Zele Ferdinand Zele August Zele Born June 23, 1910 Born May 30, 1896 Born Aug. 11, 1906 Died Oct. 22, 1918 Died Feb. 15, 1919 Died July 12, 1934 HUSBAND, FATHER GRANDFATHER, BROTHER Louis Zele Born June 10, 1908 Died Apr. 18, 1964 HUSBAND, FATHER GRANDFATHER, BROTHER Joseph Zele Jr. Born Nov. 11, 1917 Died Jan. 19, 1974 WIFE, MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, SISTER Josephine Hirter Born March 2, 1912 Died Feb. 20, 1982 IN LOVING MEMORY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 Donations Thanks to the following subscribers for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Rosalia T. Likozar, Highland Heights, OH — $5.00 Anonymous, Ohio $5.00 Donna Ohman, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 William F. Zabukovec, Perry, OH ~ $10.00 Victor Luzar, Mentor, OH -$10.00 Anthony Baznik, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Eugene and Jennie Kogovšek, Highland Hts., OH --$15.00 Rudy Sterk, Kirtland, OH -$15.00 Kristina Music, Willoughby Hills, OH ~ $5.00 Peter Sterk, Seattle, WA - $5.00 Cvetka and Ciril Benedejčič, Chardon, OH -$5.00 Joseph and Louise Kolman, Pittsburgh, PA — $5.00 JoAnn Birsa, Lakewood, CO - $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuhel, Cleveland, OH — $5.00 Slovenians: A Class Fact The JOEY TOM SICK ORCHESTRA 2005 Performance Schedule May, 2005 Sat, May 21 Sterles Country House 1401 E. 55th St. (Cleveland) 8p-12a ~ 216/88^18^ Thu, May 26 George Knaus Day Rechar Avenue Euclid Slov. Home 7:30p - 10:30p Sun, June 12 BUS TRIP Deshler, Ohio "SchutzenFest '05" $45 per person 216/531-2745 To Deschler Ohio! Join us for a polka day! 2 Bands Sat, June 18 Sterles Country House 1401 E. 55th St. (Cleveland) 8p-12a 216/881-4181 Fri, June 24 Mt. Carmel PolkaFest 29840 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe 7:30p - 11:30p 440/585-0800 Sun, June 26 KSKJ Summer Picnic Pristava Grounds, Harpersfield 3p - 7p Sat, Jul. 2 Private Fri, Jul. 8 Cebars Tavern Euclid 595 E. 185th Street 9p - la 216/481-9509 Sat, Jui. 9 Italian Festival-Canton Canton Fair Grounds 8p - 12a Tue, Jul. 26 Euclid Public Library 631 E. 222nd St. (Outdoors) 216/261-5300 Sun, Jul. 31 St. Roberts Festival 23802 Lakeshore Blvd. Euclid 4p - 8p 216/731-2606 Sat, Aug. 6 Cebars Afternoon Party 595 E. 185th St. AFTERNOON 2p - 5p 7??6/4f^5o!n \Jom the fun at Cebars - this Saturday Afternoon before the E. 185th Fast Boainci ~\ Sun, Aug. 7 E. 185th St. Festival Schenely Ave. Perry School Lot 11:30 Mass 216/481-8669 Polka Mass at 11 AM Mass with Fr. Perkovich, Minn. 3p Dancing Sat. Aug. 13 Patrician Party Center Dinner Dance - Tix available 6p - IQp 216/481-1963 Sun. Aug. 14 Rolandos Party Center Whipple Avenue Canton Ohio 2p-6p Fri, Aug. 19 Rechar Hall Clubroom 20713 Rechar Ave, Euclid. $4 at door 8p - 12a 216/531-9309 Sun. Aua. 21 SNPJ Farm Kirtland - Heath Road 3p-7p Sun, Sept. 4 [SNPJ Farm Kirtland - Heath Road 3p - 7p Sat. Sept 10 Private Sat, Sept 17 Sterles Country House 1401 E. 55th St. (Cleveland) 8p-12a 216/881-4181 Thu, Sept. 22 Geauga Cty Polkafest Family Life CenteT, Rt. 306 Bainbridqe 11a - 1p 440/729-6817 Sat, Sept 24 Private Fri, Sept. 30 Sugarcreek Swlssfest Sugarcreek, Oh 330/852-4113 SatOct^^^^ Sugarcreek Swlssfest Performance in the Fire Hall ■■ Sat, Oct. 1 Sugarcreek Swlssfest Performance in the Fire Hall Sat, Oct. 8 Reverse Raffle KSKJ St. Clair Slov. Home 7p-12a 440/526-3344 Sun, Oct. 9 Rolandos Party Center Whipple Avenue Canton Ohio 2p-Sp Sun, Oct. 23 Deshler Bavarian Haus Deshler Ohio 5p - 9p Fri, Oct. 28 Westpark Slov. Home 4183 W. 130th St. A Great Time! 7:30p-11:30p 216/433-1941 Sun, Nov. 6 Melvindale Michigan Melvindale Slovenian Home Sat, Nov. 19 Sterles Country House 1401 E. 55th St. (Cleveland) 8p-i'2a' ' 216/881-4181 Nov. 24 - 25 Fhanksgiving Polka Weekend - Celebrate Tony Petkovsek's Radio Anniversary Fri, Nov. 25 Harriott Hotel - CLE Joey leads the Great Button Box Jam at the Festival 216/481-8669 |Sat, Dec. 3 [Sterles Country House [Fri, Dec. 9 [Westpark Slov. Home |4163 W. 130th St. A Great Time! " |7 30p-ti:30p~ [216/433-1941 22400 Chardon Road, Euclid, OH 44117 EMAIL: joeynow@yahoo.com St. Vitus Village 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV, and much, much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any questions on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. . J Coming Events... Saturday, May 14 Holy Cross Church of Fairfield, CT hosts “A Spring Polka Celebration” beginning with 4:30 Polka Mass followed by Dinner-Dance featuring “The Polka Quads.” For reservations call 203-259-5366 or 203-372-4651. Wednesday, May 18 Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation invites all to hear about Janez Vaj-kard Valvasor (1641-1693) by Dr. Vladimir Rus and Anthony Hiti, 7 p.m. in the lower hall of the Slovenian Society Hall, Euclid, Ohio. Sunday, May 22 Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH, served 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. $5. For details call Joe Blatnik at 440—943-1191. Sunday, May 22 Slovenian National Home, Newburgh salutes Honoree Father Dominic Mondzelewski, OSB, Administrator of St. Lawrence Church. Dinner served 2 p.m. Music for listening & dancing 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. by Wayne Tomsic Orchestra. Donation $18.00. Reservations (216) 662-3339 or (216)475-7946. Monday, May 23 Our Lady of Brezje service at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 29 Chicken Barbecue dinner and dance with Frank Moraveik Orchestra at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing 3:30 to 7:30. For details phone Joe Blatnik at 440—943-1191. Sunday, May 29 60th anniversary Memorial Mass sponsored by DSPB at 12 noon at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio, for all victims of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. - On same Sunday, at 3:30 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio will be Slovenian services for all our deceased relatives and friends. Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Dance with the Joe Grkman and Wayne Tomsic Orchestras at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. For details call Val Paw-lowski (440) 286-1786. Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Picnic at Triglav Picnic Grounds, Milwaukee, Wis. June 3, 4, 5 Rummage Sale Slovenian National Home, Newburgh (Fri.-9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat.: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.) (216) 341- 6136 for more information. Sunday, June 5 Cleveland Athletic League dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to Fred Ziwich Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Gerri Trebets at 440-951-9611. Saturday, June II “Dolenjski Večer” with Vinogradski Oktet from Šentjernej, Slovenia concert at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s parish community center. Music and dancing to follow by young musicians from Šentjernej. For tickets please call 440-877-9044. Sunday, June 12 Mimi Raj 142 95th anniversary picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; entertainment Bob and Shelly Orlandi 2 to 3; Dancing to music of Ray Polantz Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details Dolores Dobida (440)943-5559. Tuesday, June 14 Third meeting of Bishop Baraga ad hoc committee, St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian room 7 p.m. Everyone wishing to help is most welcome to attend. Sunday, June 19 Spartans annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Joe Novak and Friends 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Lou Novak (216) 461-6476. Sunday, June 26 SNPJ Lodge 126 annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Captain’s Crew and Sumrada Brothers Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Grace Marinch at (440) 269-1334. Sunday, June 26 First Picnic (Prvi Piknik) at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Sunday, June 26 Ohio KSKJ Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava, from 12 noon to 8 p.m. Music from 3 to 7 by Joey Tom-sick Orchestra. Games at 4. Sunday, July 3 Joe Fedorchak with the Jack Vasko Orchestra at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, OH. Hosted by Cleveland SNPJ Federation. Dinners 1 to 3; dancing from 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Sophie Matuch at (440) 951-6906. Sunday, July 17 Loyalites annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to Captain’s Crew and the Cruisers, 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Dorothy Gorjup at (216) 732-9231. Sunday, July 17 St. Vitus Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Noon Mass with dinner following. Activity until 8 p.m. Sweet & Sour Pork This recipe comes from my cousin Carol Koch, with the ! following story: She had made this for years, and our Aunt Mary Ann (Beveridge) said she had a good recipe for pork the s C°^P^nng notes’ they discovered they were making Ingredients: 1 '/2 lb. lean pork, cut into 2” x Vi” strips 2 T hot oil 1 C water 1 chicken bouillon cube ‘A t salt 20 oz, can of pineapple tidbits V* C brown sugar lA C vinegar 2 T cornstarch 1 T soy sauce ’/21 salt 1 green pepper, cut into strips ‘A C thinly sliced onions Hot cooked rice Erections: alt ^°Wn P°rk Sl°Wly 'n 0iI‘ Add water’ bou'llon cube and • Mjx, cover and cook for about an hour or until tender. Dram the pineapple, reserving the juice. Mix brown gar and cornstarch in another saucepan. Add the pineapple ce, vinegar, soy sauce and Vi t salt. Cook and stir over amm high heat until thick and bubbly. Add sauce to pork mixture and mix well. Stir in ve eap?^e’ PePPer and onions. Cook over low heat until are tender-crisp, about 3 minutes. Serve over rice. Kim Ann Kaifesh ‘ ----, _ _ _______ _ _ 9“' Family and Friends Recipes , iVf- tin t€ZT, ^tiCXfstz Lip Banish Diet Boredom Savory Summer Salad —Convenience often ^at T^S wbat; of meal you bite ■ me 1® scarce and a quick age s°metimes all you can man-tijjjgT*though you may have little y0u think about what you and *nd K are eating, quality SceH r a th don,t have t0 be sacrf- . l0r convenience. tive-8,0101]6 people seek alterna-jiUju t0 high-calorie and high-fat ers a ood> some food manufactur-aad responding with quicker Sllrnp ea^hier options for con-presj, s’ r)on George, senior vice of n. e,?t °f marketing for Chicken c°iOn ^6a fnteruational, said the higj,Pany j8 meeting demand for atifi tlUality, convenient, healthy ^eat-tastingfood. ati0rie °i the latest seafood cre-Chipif to hit store shelves is 'Vifi 60n bhe Sea’s Smoked v* ‘ ^almon. Offered in a con-Chi«t flavor-sealed pouch, ^cifin6? tbe Sea’s Smoked bp ea, Salmon is a filet that can a hcalthht °Ut °f the package (NAPS)—If you are one of the millions of Americans on a diet, you might be suffering from diet boredom—that lackluster feeling caused by eating the same foods over and over because they fit your diet plan. Whether you’re cutting back on carbohydrates, fat or calorics, diet boredom can undermine even the best weight loss intentions. Make it Taste Good! Eating food that tastes good and is good for you can help you stick with your diet plan. Boost the flavor of diet dishes with naturally brewed Kikkoman Soy Sauce. Unlike salt, which just tastes salty, naturally brewed soy sauce adds savory, rich flavor. Kikkoman Soy Sauce also has no fat, no carbohydrates and just 10 calories per tablespoon. If you are watching your sodium there is also Kikkoman Lite Soy Sauce. It is brewed like all-purpose soy sauce and then the salt is extracted, so you get the same great flavor with 40 percent less sodium. Try these tips from the home economists at the Kikkoman Kitchens. • Add flavor to low-carb diets by marinating meat in a combination of soy sauce, olive oil, garlic and onion powders before grilling or broiling. • For low-calorie dieters, make a creamy dip of naturally brewed soy sauce mixed with low-fat yogurt. • Use naturally brewed Kikkoman Soy Sauce to enrich vegetable soups, rice pilafs and pasta sauces, without adding unwanted fat and calories. The Right Balance Make sure that exercise is also part of your diet plan. Start slowly with activities you enjoy such as walking or biking. Exercise on a consistent basis, and you will gradually build stamina. Castillian Grilled Chicken is great for low-carb and low-calorie dieters. For more diet tips and recipes, visit www.dietboredom.com. For quick and easy recipe ideas that include smoked Pacific salmon and other seafood, visit www.chickenofthesea.com. While you are there, you can join the Mermaid Club to receive recipes and health information via e-mail. Here is a nutritious and time-saving recipe to get you started: Farmer’s Market Summer Salad v4ri “Sm °[ easy'to‘PrePare recipes. 86af0 ,°'ted sa^mon and other 0 a ar° rich in nutrients, such Ogai- aea'3> which help protect °tW art disease and many ^ittir- nesses’" saM registered “C* 'an Sharon McNerney. v6ry ed or pouched seafood is a prJ',nven*enf way to add low-Vonj. ..ein and vital nutrients to 'fi fftany Ytka^ are usually absent 'V‘de^vken tbe ®ea provides a 86af0od ariety of pouch-sealed tation c "fading: tuna; crab; imi-tfirg. s.cab meat; baby clams; oys-0Uly’df. I?mp; ar*d salmon. Not Provide taese pouched offerings Jptioj. f Vbck and healthy meal U1*" t'hay also provide a alternative to other ne'shelf products. ay snack or used in a Ingredients: 6 cups mixed baby salad greens cup fresh sugar snap peas 6 radishes 16 cup teardrop yellow or red tomatoes, sliced celery and wedge-sliced red onions 1 (3-oz.) pouch Chicken of the Sea Smoked Pacific Salmon Dill dressing or favorite dressing Directions: Arrange salad greens onto two dinner plates. Top greens with snap peas, radishes, tomatoes, celery and onions. Evenly divide Chicken of the Sea Smoked Pacific Salmon over salads. Drizzle salad with desired amount of dressing. Makes 2 entree servings. A PRAYER TO THE VIRGIN MARY (Never known to fall) O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate virgin, assist me in my necessity. O star of the sea, help me, show me herein, you are my mother, O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of heaven & earth, I humbly beseech thee from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity. (Make request). There are none that can withstand your power, O show me herein, you are my mother. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (Say 3 times) Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (Say 3 times). Thank you for your mercy to me and mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days, then you must publish & it will be granted to you. Grateful thanks. A.G. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 For Rent 4 rooms E. 52 St., garage. Very clean. 216-881-8709 Hospitality is Native to Slovenia Education is hanging around until you’ve caught on. I '->n C-v" - Enjoy the flavor of Castillian Grilled Chicken and stili stick to your diet. Castillian Grilled Chicken 3 tablespoons Kikkoman Lite Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 clove garlic, pressed Vk teaspoon dried oregano leaves, crumbled l/4 teaspoon ground cumin lA to '/b teaspoon ground red pepper(cayenne) 6 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves Blend lite soy sauce, 2 Tbsp. water, oil, garlic, oregano, cumin and pepperj pour over chicken in large plastic food storage bag. Press air out of bag; close top securely. Turn bag over several times to coat pieces. Refrigerate 1 hour, turning bag over once. Remove chicken from marinade and place on grill about 5 inches from hot coals. Cook chicken 5 minutes on each side, or until no longer pink in center. (Or, place chicken on rack of broiler pan. Broil 4 to 5 inches from heat 5 to 6 minutes on each side, or until no longer pink in center.) Yield: 6 servings Shrimp Rice Casserole i 2 cups cooked rice j Vi lb. frozen shrimp i 2 tbs. green pepper (chop.) i 1 tbs. lemon juice 1 can mushroom soup 2 tbs. melted butter 2 tbs. chopped onion Vi tsp. dry mustard Combine all ingredients in I'A quart casserole. Bake uncovered for 4(f minutes in a 375 degree oven. 4 servings. Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 61-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster -Robert Frost AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 'i Carthusian Monastery is 600 years old ft i < I V • 4; S iii u 1« wvnr?*vr. MMktv iP»i Hwh ' l‘v > «£ p # 11 M as f ja®. 1 :mmmsx;iK,k ! CARThUSIANl MONKS SEEK REMOTE AND TRANQUIL PLACES VVhEREThEY CAN BE ALONE WITH qOD 1' m B i O W M iH... tSSjš In an idyllic valley under the Gorjanci Hills in Slovenia, amidst lush forests and vineyards, lies the most famous monastery in the country - the Pleterje Charterhouse. It is three kilometers from the nearest major settlement, the municipal center of Sent-jemej, and 20 kilometers from Novo Mesto. It is hard to believe that not far from urban centers and the hassles of modem life, there is a group of monks living an isolated and silent life in search of God. Last year marked two jubi-letes for the Pleterje Carthusian Monastery: the 600lh anniversary of its establishment, and 100 years since it was restored. There had been several monasteries in the territory of Slovenia in past centuries, yet for one reason or another they all closed down. Today, the only evidence of their existence is history and the mins of their once magnificent buildings. Remains of the Carthusian monasteries of Zice and Jurkloster are visible to this day, while the former monastery of Bistra now houses the museum of Slovenian technical heritage. According to historical sources, the first Pleterje monastery was founded by Count Herman II of Celje in 1403, with construction under way until 1420 when the monastery church was consecrated. It was in this church that Herman il of Celje was buried, in 1435. The founders granted the monks many privileges and land in Dolenjsko, Bela Kra- jina and Štajersko, After the family of the Celje counts died in 1456, a period of uncertainty started that significantly impaired the economic and spiritual livelihood of the monastery. There was a time when the Turks were ravaging the Slovenian lands, several times threatening the monastery itself. The monastery also lost significant parts of land as people fled from the Turks and settled on its property. After that tumulus period came to an end, the Carthusian monasteries and the Jesuit forces reached an agreement whereby the Jesuits took over all the Carthusians’ estates. That was also the year when the old Pleterje monastery closed. The Jesuits initially rented the Pleterje properties and managed the estate alone for some time, yet it deteriorated rather than developed. The Ljubljana Jesuits used the income to finance their college and schools. The Pope disbanded that Order of Jesuits in 1773 and the Pleterje estate was transferred to the then Austrian State. Pleterje became State property, but it failed to make a profit. This is the period when Josef Ressel served as a forester at the property. He is best known as the inventor of the ship’s propeller, although he had many other inventions in mining, metallurgy and agriculture. In 1839 the State sold the Pleterje properties to the Hungarian Baron Bors de Borsod, whose daughters put it on sale soon after his death. A priest alerted the Carthusian Order to the Pleterje estate and the Carthusians, based in Chartres near Grenoble, France, decided to purchase it. The Carthusians finally acquired Pleterje again in 1899 and soon started a comprehensive restoration based on plans drawn by a French architect. Then in 1901 most monasteries were shut down in France and Pleterje became a refuge for persecuted French Carthusians. All movable objects from the closed French monastery Bosser-ville near Nancy were transferred to Pleterle, including precious wooden church furnishings, the monastic library and valuable paintings. Many objects from other defunct French monasteries also found a new home in Pleterje. Construction work was completed in November 1904 and regular monastic activities started when the. monastery was consecrated. The first monks began to arrive while it was still being built and within years after completion, dozens of monks were living there. Just before the First World War there were 77 of them. Most of the monastery’s inhabitants were French-bom with several monks from German speaking lands, and Italy. The first Slovenians came to the monastery in 1906, and the order’s first Slovenian priest was Ferdinand Stadler, who came during the First World War. This was a difficult period for the monastery as the French were the Austrians’ enemy. The founding of the state of Yugoslavia after the war did little to change the status of the monastery. After the war it became home to 50 to 60 monks. The first Croatian monk came at that time, Father Edgar Leopold Lavov, who became prior in 1934. The period under Prior Leopold was exceptionally interesting. It was a time when the monastery forged closer ties with its immediate surroundings. Just before the Second World War, in 1938, the monastery published the book Kartuzijam in kartuzija Pleterje (Carthusians and the Pleterje Charterhouse) which is an important contribution to a better understanding of the monastery and its activities. The Second World War had a profound impact on the charterhouse. The monastery was initially under the Germans and later under Italian occupying forces. The partisan Gorjanci Battalion was formed in 1942, joined by numerous locals who were neighbors to the Pleterje Charterhouse. Some of them were personal friends of Prior Leopld, so the monastery offered the partisans help in the form of food and medicine. This caught the attention of the occupying forces, which based a unit of the anti-communist militia there that was armed by the Italians. After a pre-emptive warning, the partisans attacked the facilities in February 1943 and chased out the unwanted soldiers, but sadly 17 cells and two parts of a cross-shaped hallway were destroyed. This part of the monastery was not rebuilt until 2004. After Italy capitulated in 1943, the Germans arrested Prior Leopold and sentenced him to death, but they revoked the sentence at the urging of the Vatican. The prior nevertheless had to go into exile and awaited the end of the war at the Vedana monastery in Italy. Naturally, however,, the charter-house continued to help the partisans in a variety of ways until the end of the war. After the war, most foreign monks left Pleterje and the monastery was suddenly faced with a crisis that was only overcome after great efforts by Prior Leopold, who had forged friendly ties with the new authorities on account of his wartime actions. This was a time when the monastery opened up its doors due to the lack of priests in nearby parishes and they conducted services in some of the villages. Monks from abroad started to come back and gradually learned the Slovenian language. The monastery’s reputation grew significantly in Yugoslavia and during the transition to an independent Slovenia, which is largely thanks to the only Slovenian-born prior. Father Janez Drolc. He was initially the custodian of the monastery’s estates and is also famous for offering a silent refuge to a number of Slovenian writers and philosophers. Today, the monastery Prior is Father Jožef Marija David, born in Germany. Now, the monastery is self-sufficient, making a living by selling surplus produce and making marketable goods. Their main products are the acclaimed cvicek wine, different brandies, liqueurs and bitters, as well as fruits and fruit tree saplings. All products are marketed under the PLETER brand name. Tourists come from all over the world to visit the monastery, especially the famous old church that was built in 1420 and is considered the best preserved Gothic church in that part of Europe. These tourists are, naturally, the most avid buyers of Pleterje products. —This is Slovenia How Well Do You Remember ‘The Wizard of Oz?’ (Continued) 21. - What instructions did the Witch of the North give to Dorothy? 22. - What was the relationship between the Witch of the East and the Witch of the West? 23. - By what conveyance did the Wizard leave Oz? 24. - What was painted on the side of this conveyance? 25. - Who wrote the Wizard of Oz? 26. - Where did the author get the name “Oz?” 27. - Which farm hand said, “Some day, they’re going to črect a statue to me?” 28. - What claim to fame did the Professor’s wagon advertise? 29. - What did Toto steal from the Professor when he first met Dorothy? 30. - How did the Professor describe his crystal to Dorothy? Notice of Annual Meeting of Members The annual meeting of members of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED Will be held on Friday, May 20, 2005 at the Slovenian Workman’s Home 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio Registration: 7:00p.m. - Meeting 7:30p.m. Members are cordially invited to attend this important meeting. Members, as defined in the Bylaws, are those individuals and organizations who have contributed a minimum of $25 during the Preceding year. For the 5/20/05 meeting, this is the period from 4/1/04 through 3/31/2005. (panujjuoo ojJ ^'019 ‘Xuoipuv puu JBS03 sni[nf jo qoBOjddu oqi mbs BJiEdooj3 qotqM u; idXSg jo sqoBJBqd oqi jo stop oqi ui suisq puE sis] jo sisoud oqi Aq posn jeisAjo oiSeui oumuoS ouibs oqi si stqx„ - '0C •oSesoes v - '63 •odojng jo spsaq umojo oqi Aq pouiiEjooB ‘lOAJBpM iOSSOJOJJ - '82 (MS ‘^1 -EH qoBf) AjoqoiH - 'Ll «-Z-0„ hSUiqBO opj stq JO JOMBjp puooos oqi UO SJ9} -10[ oqi OJOM Aoqx - '92 ■uiriEg guEjg-'52 EqEiuo-Jmj aims -'bZ uooqBq jib loq v-'£2 •sjoisis ojom Aoqx - 'n “•otuoq oqq 00E|d ou s^joqx,, ‘Aes puE soiuii oojqi sjooq jnoA qoq3 - '12 :SH3AVSN1V Thanks to Eugene Kogovšek for this interesting quiz. Euclid Travel’s Exclusive Offer Savings up to 56% ms Zuiderdam 7-nights, Eastern Caribbean Ft. Lauderdale, Half Moon Cay, St. Thomas, Road Town, Nassau Call for 2005 dates. Oceanview from $799pp* (*based on double occupancy) Book now to receive a complimentary One-category upgrade for oceanview or Two-category upgrade for verandah Holland America Line A Tradition of Excellence eucL/riS^ 22078 Lakeshore Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-261-1050 euclidtravel@aol.com www.euclidtravel.com Girls from Cleveland pose with members of the University of Ljubljana Chorus at St. Mary’s Parish Center on Thursday, April 28 after their concert. (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Easter Time is very busy around St. Vitus Parish in Cleveland. Pictured here are (left to right, bottom row), pastor Father Joseph Boznar, along with workers Richie Celestina, Patrick Srsen, David Srsen, and Johnie Srsen; top row, left to right, Andrew Coffelt, Frankie Zitko, Christopher Music, and Matt Coffelt. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 12, 2005 12 Who Was Bishop Frederic Baraga? Bishop Frederic Baraga, first bishop of the Diocese of Marquette, was the first of many Slovenian missionaries to come to the United States to help build the American Catholic Church. Baraga’s two successor bishops in Marquette, Most Reverend Ignatius Mrak and Most Reverend John Vertin, attribute their missionary vocations to him as well. The seminarian, St. John Neumann, was inspired to come to America after reading Baraga’s missionary accounts in Berichte, a publication of the Leopoldine Missionary Society in Vienna. I. Frederic Baraga was bom on June 29, 1797 in the castle of Mala vas in the Northwestern part of Slovenia. Political upheavals in the Austrian Empire unwittingly prepared the young Baraga for his future as a missionary. By the time he was nine years old, he was fluent in the Slovenian, French and German languages. Orphaned at 14, Baraga went on to study law at the University of Vienna and graduated with high honors. Catholicism in the Empire was under the thumb of the Emperor and frozen by the icy winds of Jansenism. Frederic Baraga sought the advice of St. Clement Hofbauer, then living in Vienna, and was greatly moved by this charismatic man. Baraga’s decision to study for the priesthood, work for religious reform in his own diocese, work with the Indian missions in America, and write prayer books can all be traced to Hofbauer’s influence. When the time came to further the Cause of Clement Hofbauer, Baraga wrote in an 1865 letter to Pope Pius IX: “For three years I enjoyed the singular blessing of having as my confessor the Servant of God, a blessing I number among the greatest blessing Divine Providence has granted me during my entire life.” Father Baraga arrived in the New World on December 31, 1830. For the next 37 years he traveled the length and breath of the Great Lakes area to minister to the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. His first mission (Arbre Croche, 1833-1835) was established along the shore of Lake Michigan at present day Harbor Springs to Cross Village. Fr. Baraga labored two years at Grand River (1833-1835) presently known as Grand Rapids, before moving his mission to LaPointe (1835-1843) and L’Anse (1843-1853) on Lake Superior. He wrote Tong and frequent accounts of his missionary activities including a three-volume diary. He also wrote seven Slovenian prayer books and authored 20 Native American books which includes his monumental Grammar and Dictionary of the Chippewa Language, still in use today. He was the first bishop to write a pastoral letter in both the English and Chippewa languages. From 1840 to his death, he ministered to the immigrants who came to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to work in the iron and copper mines of the region. About the same time, he began the practice of rising at 3 a.m. in the summer and 4 a.m. in the winter to spend three hours in prayer, which he continued to do until the end of his life. His responsibilities grew even greater when he was named bishop of the newly created Vicarage of the Upper Michigan. He was consecrated bishop in Cincinnati on November 1, 1853. The lack of priests and money weighed heavily on his heart. Due to his hard work and dedication. Bishop Baraga was able to report to the Holy See. a year before his death that his diocese rested on a firm foundation, with enough priests and churches for the fast-growing area. Sault Ste. Marie was his See City until 1866, at which time he moved to Marquette - a more centrally located and accessible city by both ship and train. In the Fall of 1866 while attending the Council of Baltimore, Bishop Baraga suffered a severe stroke. Afraid that his fellow bish- ops would not allow his return to the severe climate and remote regions of Lake Superior, he begged the priest who accompanied him (Rev. Honoratus Bourion) to take him back to Marquette. Understanding his bishop wanted to die among his flock, Rev. Bourion practically carried Baraga to the train for the long trip back to Marquette. Bishop Baraga’s health improved somewhat and he continued to administer his diocese while anxiously awaiting the coadjutor promised him at the Council. Death came to the Shepherd of the Wilderness on the early morning of January 19, 1868, the feast of the Holy Name to which he was especially devoted. January 30, the day of his funeral, was declared a civic day of mourning in the city of Marquette. In spite of the bitter cold and blizzard conditions, St. Peter Cathedral was filled to capacity and people stood outside the building to attend the funeral. Both written and oral accounts from the time show that Catholics and non-Catholics alike believed that a Saint lived and died in their midst. The conviction of Bishop Frederic Baraga’s outstanding sanctity continued to grow after his death. Several biographies have been published in both the Slovenian and English languages. The Bishop Baraga Association & Archives was established in 1930. In 1952, the Bishop of Marquette appointed an historical commission to collect and catalogue material pertinent for the cause of Bishop Baraga’s beatification. (To Be Continued) The immensely popular SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE MANUAL, Volume I, authored by award-winning professional language teachers Milena Gobetz and Breda Lončar and edited by Prof. Edward Gobetz, has again been reprinted. This 333-page Slovenian language textbook has been used by schools, adult education classes and thousands of self-taught students throughout the USA, as well as in Canada and Australia and even by foreign diplomats and businessmen in Slovenia. ORDER WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS AT UNBELIEVABLY LOW PRICE OF ONLY $14 PER COPY (POSTAGE INCLUDED) FROM SLOVENIAN RESEARCH CENTER OF AMERICA 29227 Eddy Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Thoughts from Phil Hrvatin She was engaged to a boyfriend with a wooden leg, but broke it off. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. If you don’t pay your exorcist, you get repossessed. The man who fell into an upholstery machine is now fully recovered^. You feel stuck with your debt if you can’t budget it. He often broke into a song because he couldn’t find the key. Every calendar’s days are numbered. A lot of money is tainted - ‘Tain’t yours and ‘tain’t mine. He had a photographic memory that wasn’t fully developed. A plateau is a high form of flattery. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end. Once you’ve seen one shopping mall, you’ve seen them mall. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis. Santa’s helpers are subordinate clauses. Acupuncture is a jab well done. The Saddest Loss... Editor, Enclosed is $35.00 for my subscription renewal and a donation of $15.00. Keep the American Home coming. I always look forward to the weekly American Home as it makes me feel I’m living the “good old days” once again. It is disheartening reading all the horrific, depressing “news” in our daily papers - the bulk of which reflect the total loss of civility and compassion for others in this “modern age.” The saddest loss is the loss to government of the people, for the people, and by the people which has transformed this country into government of the corporations, and by the corporations - as witness the fact America invaded Iraq to spread de mock racy - did I spell that wrong? Of course oil had nothing to do with it...? God bless America even though the entire world is blasting America. —Jennie Mramor Euclid, Ohio The Difference 30 Years Makes 1975: Long Hair 2005: Longing for Hair 1975: Moving to California because it’s cool. 2005: Moving to California because it’s warm. 1975: Trying to look like Liz Taylor 2005: Trying NOT to look like Liz Taylor 1975: Seeds and stems 2005: Roughage 1975: Going to a new, hip joint 2005: Receiving a new hip joint 1975: Rolling Stones 2005: Kidney Stones 1975: Passing the driver’s test 2005: Passing the vision test The people who started college this year were bom in 1987. They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up. Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic. The CD was introduced the year they were bom. They have always had an answering machine. They have always had cable television They cannot imagine a TV without a remote. They do not care who shot J.R. and have no idea who J.R. even was. They don’t have a clue how to use a typewriter. Save the earth; it’s the only planet with chocolate. Submitted by Emma Pogačar of Toronto. Art Guild Notes The Slovenian National Art Guild will meet on Monday, May 16, in the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio at 6 p.m. It will be the annual pot luck dinner. The Art Guild will provide the main dish, klobase, and members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share. This is always a wonderful evening. Museum of Art Trip The Cleveland Museum of Art has an exhibition of French Impressionists ‘ and early modem masterpieces with 59 works from the Phillips Collection in Washington, D.c. The Art Guild will attend this exhibition on Wednesday, May 18 at 5:30 p.m. Art Guild is covering the cost of tickets and members only have to pay for parking which is $3 per car. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina fcXTi i a » Jl_ AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, May 12, 2005 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Proslava v Ajdovščini jasen dokaz razdvojenosti v Sloveniji Preteklo soboto je bila v Ajdovščini os-fednja proslava ob 60. obletnici imenovanja Prve povojne slovenske narodne vlade. Navzočih je bilo baje do 10.000 ljudi, možno todi nekaj več, vendar so iz znanih političnih političnih obrazov prevladovali tisti iz levega pola, na čelu z bivšim predsednikom Slovenije Milanom Kučanom. S strani vlade Janeza Janše je pa prevladoval princip odsotnosti, kajti od članov vlade je bil navzoč 1® obrambni minister Karl Erjavec (DeSUS). Barbara Brezigar prisegla in tako postala tretja generalna državna tožilka po 1. 1990 V sredo, 4. maja, je pred predsednikom državnega zbora prisegla Barbara Brezigar ‘n tako bo naslednjih šest let vrhovna državna tožilka. Po zaprisegi je med drugim dejala: “Posebnih pretresov ne bo. Zagoto-vo pa bo prišlo do nekaterih kadrovskih sPrememb, tudi na vrhovnem državnem tožilstvu, saj si človek vedno zbira sodelavce, Za katere je prepričan, da bo lahko z nji-'Pi dobro delal. Z njimi si bom prizadevala aa tožilstvu ohraniti vse, kar se je doslej ‘zkazalo za dobro, in spremenili tisto, kar ni> saj je ugled tožilstva v zadnjem času Precej načet. Ne trdim, da je to izključno stvar tožilcev, ampak za dvig ugleda zagotovo lahko naredijo največ tožilci sami s svojim znanjem in strokovnostjo, predvsem ko gre za reševanje zahtevnih problemov.” Janez Janša edini kandidat za predsednika SDS - Kongres to soboto v Portorožu To soboto, 14. maja, bo v Portorožu potekal 8. kongres SDS. Na njem bodo odločali o spremembah statuta in programa. Ker je kongres hkrati tudi volilni, bodo delegati izvolili novega predsednika stranke, 18 članov izvršilnega in 5 članov nadzornega odbora. Glavni tajnik SDS Dušan Strnad je novinarjem povedal, da je edini kandidat za predsednika stranke dosedanji predsednik in slovenski premier Janez Janša. Na volitvah za 18-članski izvršilni odbor je pa prijavljenih 58 kandidatov, za 5-član-ski nadzorni odbor pa 23. Izvoljeno vodstvo SAZU - Novi člani Na volilni skupščini SAZU je bil za predsednika ponovno izvoljen akademik Boštjan Žekš, podpredsedniki so Alenka Šelih, Jože Trontelj (ponovno), glavni tajnik (tudi ponovno) Matija Gogala. Poleg dosedanjih članov sta bila med drugimi izvoljeni kot dopisni član zgodovinar Jože Pirjevec, kot izredni član pa Zorko Simčič, pisatelj in povratnik iz Argentine. ^NEZ DRNOVŠEK ODLIKOVAL OHIJSKEGA ZVEZNEGA SENATORJA GEORGE V. INOVICHA — Predsednik republike Janez Drnovšek je 3. maja ohjjskfmu senatorju (žensko-srbskega rodu George V. Voinovichu na slovesnosti na Brdu pri Kranju izročil ^ hkovanje zlati red za zasluge v mednarodni diplomaciji. Drnovšek je Voinovicha odli-j*Va* za zasluge in dejanja v dobro Slovenije, pri njenem mednarodnem uveljavljanju j vključevanju ter krepitvi slovensko-ameriškega prijateljstva. “Kot predsednik Slovenije s an* prijetno dolžnost, da lahko izročim odlikovanje dolgoletnemu prijatelju Slovenije, .^katerim smo si slovenski državniki, ki smo kdaj potovali v ZDA, imeli zelo prisrčne ^ Skrite pogovore,” je rekel Drnovšek. “Z odlikovanjem se mu zahvaijnjem za podpo-> ki nam jo je dajal pri vključevanju v zvezo NATO, pri izboljševanju odnosov med sle ^ 'n Sloveny° 'n P” vzpostavljanju izjemno dobrih odnosov s slovensko narodno si;P«0stj° v državi Ohio, od koder prihaja,” je nadaljeval Drnovšek. Med posebne za-8e pa spada zavzemanje za ustanovitev Mednarodnega sklada za razminiranje in po-^ žrtvam min (ITF). Med večdnevnim obiskom v Sloveniji se je Voinovich srečal še p °*)rambnim ministrom Karlom Erjavcem, zunanjim ministrom Dimitrijem Ruplom, ^ sednikom parlamenta Francem Cukjatijem in predsednikom parlamentarnega odbora *unanjo politiko Jožefom Jerovškom. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Graduirali bodo— Letošnji absolventi Slovenske šole pri sv. Vidu so Rebecca Bloom, Rihart Celestina, Ana Gaser, Tomaž • Graf, Jenika Kmetich in Andrej Plassard. Uspešno so končali tečaj slovenskega jezika. Svoje diplome bodo prejeli to nedeljo, 15. maja, po polenajsti maši. Vsem prisrčne čestitke! Takoj po sv. maši se jim pridružite za prigrizek v Slovenian Village. Krofi in rezanci— To soboto ima Oltarno društvo pri sv. Vidu prodajo krofov in rezancev ob običajnem času v društveni sobi avditorija. Urednik se o-pravičuje zaradi napačnega datuma v prejšnji številki, še posebej zato, ker je bila krivda povsem njegova. K Brezjanski Mariji— V ponedeljek, 23. maja zvečer ob 7.30 bodo na svetišču Lurške Matere božje na Chardon Rd. v Eu-clidu molitve k Brezjanski Mariji, ki jih vsako leto sponzorira Federacija ohij-skih KSKJ društev. Liturgični program pripravlja č. g. Jože Božnar, pričakujejo, da se mu bo pridružilo še več slovenskih duhovnikov. Javnost je lepo vabljena k sodelovanju. Društvo S.P.B. vabi— V nedeljo, 29. maja opoldne Društvo S.P.B. vabi na spominsko sv. mašo, ki bo na svetišču Lurške Matere božje na Chardon Rd. v Euclidu, za vse žrtve komunistične revolucije na Slovenskem. Popoldne ob treh bodo molitve za vse umrle na pokopališču Vernih duš na Chardonu. Članek o vsem tem na str. 14. Nova grobova Angela Turšič Umrla je Angela Turšič, rojena Vauter, žena Richarda, mati Audrey Zaletel in Sandre Rybka, 5-krat stara mati, 6-krat prastara mati, sestra Frances Semenik in Mary Cekada. Pogreb je bil 7. maja s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Rose Salamant Umrla je Rose Salamant, rojena Obed, vdova po Antonu, mati Edwarda in že pok. Roberta, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Mary, Cyrila, Therese Cerkvenik in Jacka (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je bil 10. maja. Občni zbor— Slovenski dom za ostarele ima svoj letni občni zbor v petek, 20. maja, v glavni dvorani Slovenskega delavskega doma na Waterloo Rd. Registracija članov doma se prične ob 7h zv., sam zbor pa ob 7.30. Član s pravico do glasovanja je vsakdo (oz. društvo), ki je v preteklem letu zavetišču daroval najmanj $25. Pri registraciji bodo imeli računalniški seznam darovalcev/ članov. Poleg poročil o delovanju zavetišča v preteklem letu, bodo odborniki odgovarjali na vprašanja navzočih, bodo tudi volitve za tretjino dosedanjih odbornikov, katerim poteka triletni mandat. Javnost vabljena. Janez Vajkard Valvasor— O tem velikanu slovenske kulturne zgodovine bosta govorila v sredo, 18. maja, ob 7h zvečer v SDD na Recherjevi v Euclidu dr. Vladimir Rus in Tony Hiti. Večer sponzorira Slovenian American Heritage Foundation. Javnost je vabljena, vstopnine ni. Po predavanjih in vprašanjih/odgovorih bo družabno srečanje. V tiskovni sklad— Ga. Sonja in g. Štefan Durjava, Euclid, sta darovala $20 v podporo našemu listu. Ga. Helena in g. Feliks Gaser, Cleveland, sta darovala $15. G. Lojze in ga. Kati Burjes, Wickliffe, O., star darovala $20. G. Frank Grčar, Hambden Twp., O., je daroval $25. Ga. Linda in g. Matt Plečnik, Willoughby Hills, O., sta darovala $20. Prav tako je $20 daroval Neimenovani. Brata John J. in Joe Hočevar, Cleveland, sta poslala dar $25. Vsem darovalcem iskrena hvala! Spominski darovi— Ga. Daniella Žnidar, Cleveland, O., je darovala $40, v spomin na Franka Žnidar. Frank in Doris Fende, Cleveland, sta darovala $15, v spomin na Johna in Angelo Fender ter Butch in Chuck Malnaija. Ga. Jose-pine Jakopič je poklonila $10, v spomin na Marjana Jakopič. G. Ed Furlich, Cleveland, O., je daroval $15, v spomin na pokojne iz družin Furlich in Trunk. G. in ga. Vincent Globokar st., Concord, O., sta darovala $15, v spomin na nečakinjo Janet Batis. Naša iskrena zahvala vsem* Spominska sv. maša CLEVELAND, O. - Zopet je pomlad tukaj, in tisti čas, ko vas vabimo na spominsko svečanost za naše drage pokojne, ki so bili žrtve revolucije v Sloveniji med drugo svetovno vojno in zlasti še masovnega pokola domobrancev in njihovih svojcev. Za vse te bo darovana sv. maša, za pokoj njih duš, pa tudi prošnja k Bogu, da bi se kaj takega nikoli več zgodilo našemu narodu. Letos je že šestdeset let od tega groznega zločina, ki pa ga še nihče od povzročiteljev ni javno priznal in obžaloval. Mi sodbo prepuščamo Bogu, ne moremo pa, in tudi ne smemo pozabiti njih neizmernega trpljenja in smrti. Zato vas vse lepo vabimo, da se udeležite te spominske sv. maše, ki Jo bo daroval č.g. Pavle Krajnik pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. v nedeljo, 29. maja, opoldne - ob dvanajsti uri. Popoldne ob pol štirih bodo, kakor vedno, molitve za vse naše drage rajne na pokopališču Vernih duš na Chardonu, O. Lepo in vljudno vabimo narodne noše za udeležbo pri sv. maši, kar še bolj povzdigne čast in svečanost spomina naših mučencev. Za odbor društva DSPB, Viktor Tominec Kardinal Alojzij Ambrožič za radio Vatikan o osebnih vrlinah Benedikta XVI. Ponižen in Ivanu Hauptmanu za 75-Ietnico Rojak prijazen, blagega srca, s prelepe Stične je doma. Možak dolenjskih korenin še sredi daljnih tujih mest z vsem srcem vedno zvest Slovenije je rodne sin. Razgledan, bistrega duha, ceniti vero dedov zna, vesel, zavzet in zvest kristjan! Hvaležen, da ga Bog otel, ko kumunizem je besnel, je veri dedov srčno vdan. Navdušen, vnet za božjo čast, za ljubega slovenstva rast, za skupnost z dneva v dan gara. Igralec, pevec, režiser, je našel plodovito smer: Pristava, Korotan in Lilija! Arhiv kaset bogat ima, je sodelavec Radia in spretno vodi še Sunset. Humor dolenjski spremlja ga, vsa skupnost rada ga ima: za dobro vse je vedno vnet. Zahvaljen Ivan, Pavla ženkica, vsa Vajina družinica, za delo vse in svetel zgled! Molitev nam iz src kipi, naj Bog z Marijo podeli Ti mnogo še prav srečnih let! Hvaležni sorodniki in prijatelji Kaj je bilo odločilno za kardinale, da so izvolili kardinala Ratzin-gerja za rimskega škofa? Odločitev za izbiro kardinala Ratzingerja za papeža ni temeljila na zadnjih pogovorih med kardinali v Vatikanu. Že dolgo let ga poznamo in vemo, kako dostopen je, dostopen kako ponižen, kako prepričan vase. Poznamo ga kot zelo “olikanega” človeka, ki zna prisluhniti, zna poslušati vsakega človeka. Mislim, da si prav zaradi svoje inteligentnosti lahko privošči, da posluša vsakega človeka, in ga to nikdar ne zanese. Recimo, vsako stvar, vsako “idejo”, ki jo je človek prinesel h kardinalu Rat-zingerju, je sprejel tako, da si jasno vedel, da je o tem že premišljeval. In to na višji ravni, kot si človek sam lahko privošči. Kardinala Ratzingerja sem spoznal sredi devetdesetih let, ko se je v San Franciscu srečal s predsedniki teoloških komisij z angleškega govornega področja. Tri dni je poslušal naše probleme, ki smo jih razlagali v angleškem jeziku, in jih v italijanščino prevajal svojima dvema ali trem sodelavcem, ki niso razumeli angleško ... Odlično govori italijansko, angleško, francosko, špansko in seveda nemško. Morda še kak drug jezik, ne vem. Name je naredila silen vtis tudi maša, ki jo je daroval za pokojnega papeža; znal je dovoliti ljudem, da so se “izkričali”, obenem pa je bil on tisti, ki Je imel pregled nad dogajanjem. To Je vrsta stvari, ki človeka nagnejo, prepričajo, da v konkla-vu voli zanj. V novinarskih krogih je veliko govora tudi v tej smeri, da je to človek, ki ve, kako je kriza vere v Evropi nastala in tudi pozna odgovore nanjo. Ali je bilo med kardiali o tem kaj govora? O tem je vedno govor. Ta sekularizacija, ki se dogaja, nas moti. Zdi se mi, da je eden glavnih problemov, ki ga srečujemo v Evropi in do neke mere tudi v Ameriki in Kanadi. Razsvetljenstvo, ki se je začelo v 18. stoletju, se še ni razkadilo - potrebovali bomo nekaj let; kot se je komunizem sesul vase, tako se mi zdi, se bo razblinila tudi ta drža postmodernega človeka, ki se obnaša, kot da Boga ni, kot da je človek edini, središče sveta. Kdaj se bo to zgodilo, ne vem. Se pa bo zgodi- lo, da bo človek odkril, da sam sebi ni dovolj. Drugi problem pa je od zunaj, je izzvan. Smo v stiku z močno vero, ki seže do vseh plasti človeka, se širi in je obenem silno močna. Teološka rešitev je po eni strani lahka, kar pa ni lahko so različni vplivi, ki niso dosegljivi. En odgovor na izziv je silna zavest božje svetosti; brez Kristusa kot središča vsega doživljanja, vsega mišljenja, brez Kristusa ne gre. Na kaj moramo biti posebej pozorni? Da živimo bolj iz vere, bolj krščansko, celoviteje. Mi se razdelimo na razne dele: nekaj je zame, nekaj je za Boga, nekaj morda za Kristusa, nekaj za bližnjega. Na splošno smo precej sebični. Če hočemo rešiti svet, se bomo morali sebičnosti odpovedati. Pogovarjal se je p. Janez Sraka DRUŽINA, 1. maja 2005 ZIMA v Minnesoti (nadaljevanje in konec; I. del objavljen zadnjič) Sprva so njene slike nastajale kar na domači mizi. Kmalu pa se je vpisala v šolo Art Instructions School, na kateri se je med drugimi šolal Charles Schultz, izvrsten risar in avtor Snoopyja. “Užimo se različnih tehnik ustvarjanja, osnove risanja in predstavili so nam manjši del modnega oblikovanja. Program je sestavljen iz resnično širokega spektra ustvarjanja,” pripomni. Za sliko potrebuje od trideset do petdeset ur dela. Lanskega decembra Jo je razveselilo obvestilo, da je bila njena stvaritev z naslovom Gotta Call -Moram poklicati - izbrano za najboljše izmed sedemsto petdesetih del umetnikov iz Združenih držav, Kanade in Mehike. V prostem času, ki ga ni veliko, sodeluje z možem kot prostovoljca pH različnih akcijah, tako da na primer pod okriljem dobrodelne organizacije Salvation Army delita brezdomcem hrano. (DALJE na str. 15) ED MEJAČ RDC Program DiT&tor WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: ^°n®lMelodies from Beautiful Slovenk 2405 Som rack Drive Slovenian Radio Family Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX web: www.wcsb.org Okvirni program “Po poteh mučencev 2005” POMEMBNO DELO ZGODOVINARJA BOGDANA C. NOVAKA APOSTOL SLOVENSKEGA IZSELJENSTVA Kar sledi, je vzeto iz članka, ki ga je v najnovejši številki avstralskih MISLI objavil Cvetko Falež. Vključena je splošna vsebina, ne pa tista, ki je izrecno namenjena rojakom v Avstraliji. Ur. AD OB 60-LETNICI POVOJNEGA IZSEUENSTVA Torek - 14. junija Ob 18. uri v frančiškanskem atriju na Prešernovem trgu 4 v Ljubljani bo odprtje razstave fotografij in tiska v slovenskih begunskih taboriščih 1945-1949. Razstava bo odprta do 8. julija. Sreda - 29. junija Ob 9. uri obisk Brezarjevega brezna ob recitaciji članov Slovenskega gledališča Buenos Aires. Ob 10. uri odhod na Koroško - Vetrinje. Ob 17. odkritje plošče Mirku Kunčiču v Lescah. Mašuje g. nadškof Alojz Uran. Četrtek - 30. junija Obisk brezna v Lajšah pri Cerknem in v Crngrobu. Petek - 1. julija Obisk Starega Hrastnika in Hude -jame pri Laškem (Barbarin rov). Proslava v spominskem parku v Teharjah. Po Slomškovih poteh. Sobota - 2. julija Dopoldne - XII. Tabor Slovencev po svetu Simpozij o povojnem begunstvu in doprinosu slovenskih beguncev pri utrjevanju narodne zavesti v zamejstvu in v tujini. Pozdrav gostov iz tujine. Kratek kulturni program v izvedbi zbora Korotan iz Clevelanda in solisti. Tabor in kosilo bo v Zavodu sv. Stanislava v Šentvidu. Popoldne - Po poteh mučencev Romanje v Kočevski rog. Ob 14.30 odhod iz Zavoda sv. Stanislava. Ob 17. uri somaševanje domačih in izseljenskih duhovnikov. Pri sv. maši poje zbor Korotan iz Clevelanda. Recitacije v izvedbi članov Slovenskega gledališča Buenos Aires. Vrnitev mimo Kočevske Reke, Gotenice, Grčaric (brezno pri Konfinu), Jelendola in Hrovače. Nedelja - 3. julija Osrednja slovesnost Ob 16. uri v stolnici sv. Nikolaja somaševanje z ljubljanskim nadškofom in slovenskim metropolitom Alojzem Uranom ob petju solistov in zbora Korotan iz Clevelanda. Ob 18. uri zaključna akademija v Cankarjevem domu (Linhartova dvorana). Slavnostna govornika g. Božidar Fink in g. Janež Janša, predsednik slovenske vlade. Program slovesnosti bodo izvajali člani Slovenskega gledališča Buenos Aires, zbor Korotan iz Clevelanda in člani orkestra Slovenske filharmonije. tu itsr Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WORN Cleveland Rublic Radio Tony Ovsenik m 440-944-2538 Zaposlitev ponujamo Iščemo zanesljive, vestne ženske za čiščenje domov strank dnevno. Konkurenčna plača! Pokličite: Bina, na (216) 321-9393. (Ne ob sobotah, prosimo) Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA 'ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS (To je drugi, zaključni del članka Iva Žajdele v Družini z dne 10. aprila 2005. Če bo kje objavljena strokovna cena s strani poklicnega zgodovinarja, bo tudi posredovano. Ur. AD) Znova v Ameriiko P. Zakrajšek ki je bil oster nasprotnik nacizma, je ostal v Sloveniji vse do napada na Jugoslavijo 6. aprila 1941, nato pa se je zatekel najprej v Zagreb, zatem pa je junija 1941 prek Trsta, Rima in Lizbone odpotoval v New York, kamor je prispel 10. avgusta. Iz Ljubljane je odnesel več dokumentov o dogajanju v Ljubljani po okupaciji, ki pa Jih je zaradi varnosti na poti uničil. Kljub tveganju mu je uspelo v Rim prinesti spomenico Tragedija slovenskega narodam ki so jo 18. maja 1941 sestavili člani sosveta Ljubljanske pokrajine in je pričala o nemških grozodejstvih nad slovenskim narodom. Poskrbel je, da je prišla v roke Mussoliniju, papežu in podpredsedniku jugoslovanske emigrantske vlade dr. Mihi Kreku v Londonu. Po prihodu v ZDA je poskrbel, da so dokument objavili v eni najvplivnejših katoliških revij America, ki so jo izdajali jezuiti v New Yorku. Po prihodu v ZDA se je p. Zakrajšek odpravil na govorniško turnejo po slovenskih naselbinah od Bridgeporta do San Francisca in imel nad 70 predavanj in 80 pridig, v katerih je govoril zlasti o verskem in duhovnem trpljenju slovenskega naroda. O trpljenju rojakov je napisal tudi veliko člankov, ki so bili objavljeni v različnih časnikih. Ljubljanski škof dr. Gregorij Rožman je p. Zakrajšku pred odhodom v ZDA zaupal nalogo organiziranja pomoči za izgnane slovenske duhovnike in vse druge trpeče Slovence. V ta namen mu je tudi izročil dve pismi, naslovleni na slovenske duhovnike v ZDA in ameriške škofe, v katerih jih je zaprosil za finančno pomoč. Poleg političnega delovanja je p. Zakrajšek našel čas tudi za pisanje. Svoj beg iz Slovenije in dogodke v prvem letu svojega delovanja v ZDA je opisal v knjigi Ko smo šli v morje bridkosti, ki je izšla v Washing-tonu leta 1942. Decembra 1942 se je udeležil mednarodnega kongresa v Clevelandu, na katerem so ameriški Slovenci različnih političnih usmeritev ustanovili Slovenski ameriški narodni svet. Predsednik je postal Etbin Kristan, p. Zakrajšek pa tajnik. Ker so bile politične razlike med socialistično usmerjenimi člani in p. Zakrajškom prevelike, je aprila 1943 odstopil z mesta tajnika. Leta 1945 se je zaradi zmage komunistov v Sloveniji odločil, da bo ostal v Ameriki in nadaljeval ZIMA v Minnesoti (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) Slovenija v očeh izseljenke V Chisholmu Je edina, ki se je tja priselila po osamosvojitvi Slovenije. “Someščani me imajo zato za predstavnico naše države. Če bi se jaz grdo vedla, bi bili v njihovih očeh vsi Slovenci takšni,” je prepričana. Dvakrat na leto se vrne domov in tako še bolj kritično opazi nekatere pomanjkljivosti. Slovenijo pač vidi skozi oči izseljenke. Sprašuje se, zakaj na slovenskih televizijskih postajah ljudje uporabljajo toliko angleških besed? “Kaj Je narobe s slovenščino? Celo v tujini se je ljudje želijo naučiti. Nekateri tujci, ki so prišli v Ljubljano in so se že prej učili slovenščine, so me začudeno spraševali: ’Ali je slovenski Jezik nekakšen kodiran jezik, ki Je namenjen samo vam, Slovencem? Vsi mi odgovarjajo v angleščini! Tujcem bi morali pokazati več ponosa, hkrati pa jih strpno sprejemati.’ S takšnim odnosom do slovenščine prišlekom odvzamemo priložnost, da bi utrjevali znanje našega jezika,” opominja Mirjam Gremes. Nedelo, 13. marca 2005 zbiranje finančne pomoči za bežigrajske župljane in druge begunce iz Slovenije, ki so začeli prihajati v ZDA. Leta 1946 je ustanovil Bežigrajsko fundacijo. P. Zakrajšek je bil delaven do smrti. V noviciatu v Lemontu je mlade semeniščnike učil slovenskega jezika, pisal je nabožne spise in jih objavljal v A ve Mariji in Ave Mariji Koledarju. Urejal je spomine. V tipkopisu so ostala njegova neizdana dela K zgodovini komisariata sv. Križa, Po štiridesetih letih in Pozame-zne pozicije, sodeloval pa je tudi pri pisanju Komi-sarjatne kronike. V teh delih je ohranjenih veliko dragocenih podatkov o življenju katoliških Slovencev v ZDA. Umrl je 27. januarja 1958, pokopali so ga na samostanskem pokopališču v Lemontu, kjer se mu je čez dve leti pridružil tudi škof dr. Gregorij Rožman. Ameriški Krek Pater Kazimir Zakrajšek je zelo veliko naredil za slovenske izseljence v ZDA. Ko je leta 1906 prišel v Cleveland, so bile tam razmere na župniji izjemno težavne. V knjigi Pater Kazimir Zakrajšek so podrobno opisane in nobenega dvoma ni, da p. Kazimir ni bil kriv zanje, čeprav so mu jih pozneje različni nasprotniki precej pripisovali. Bil je rojen organizator, kamor koli Je prišel, povsod je organiziral nove skupnosti, zidanje novih stavb in izdajanje različnih glasil. Po letu 1990 sta o njem v Sloveniji že izšli dve publikaciji. V letih 1993 in 1995 je zgodovinar Darko Friš v zbirki Viri, ki jo izdaja Arhivsko društvo Slovenije, izdal dva zvezka z naslovom Korespondenca Kazimirja Zakrajška, O.F.M., v prvem pisma za obdobje 1907-1927, v drugem za 1928-1958. Darko Friš Je pisma opremil z obširnima spremnima besedama, kjer o p. Zakrajšku izvemo precej, eno od spremnih besed pa je naslo- (DALJE na str. 18) Lojze Peterle o reviziji odnosa do preteklosti Ljubljana (Delo fax, 7. maja) - “Posebnost Slovenije je, da zaostaja v jasnem opredeljevanju odnosa do totalitarnega dela svoje preteklosti. Zaradi nerazčiščenega odnosa do tega dela slovenske preteklosti prihaja do čustvenih situacij, dejstev na terenu, ki vznemirjajo javnost in sprožajo različne komentarje. Čim bolj bo ta odnos razčiščen, tem manj bo pojavov, kot so se zgodile na Trnovem ali drugod,” je 6. maja dejal slovenski poslanec v evropskem parlamentu Alojz Peterle (NSi). Kot pravi, je bil prvi pred leti, ki je postavil fašizem, nacizem in komunizem na isto raven. Ob tem je vse bolj prepričan, da je narava vseh totalitarizmov v bistvu enaka: je protičloveška in nedemokratična. Če je zgodovinski stroki uspelo Jasno formulirati odnos do naclfašlzma, bi bilo po njegovem mnenju prav, da pošteno, verodostojno in resnicoljubno formulira odnos tudi do komunističnega totalitarizma. Peterle je ob tem vesel, da prihaja do razčiščevanja In ga tudi pozdravlja, kakor pozdravlja tudi revizijo. Po njegovem mnenju je treba marsikaj pogledati na novo. Dejal je še, da Je sicer bil povabljen na proslavo 60. obletnice ustanovitve slovenske vlade v Ajdovščini, vendar se je ne bo udeležil, “ker to ni prva slovenska vlada, bila pa je prva komunistična oziroma revolucionarna vlada." (Proslava je bila dan po Peterletovih besedah. Ur. AD.) Mateja Babič Praznovanje občinskega praznika Ajdovščine združeno z imenovanjem prve povojne “slovenske narodne vlade” Ajdovščina - Ajdovci so pretekli četrtek proslavili svoj občinski praznik s slavnostno sejo občinskega sveta v zdaj obnovljeni dvorani, kjer je bila natanko pred 60 leti imenovana prva povojna slovenska narodna vlada. Šlo Je za spomin na 5. maj 1945, ko je bila osvobojena Ajdovščina prestolnica Slovenije. Slavnostna seja je bila ena od števila praznovanj, osrednja je sledila 7. maja. prav tako v Ajdovščini na Lavričevem trgu. Dvorana je bila polno zasedena, nekateri ni- V blag in ljubeč spomin naših staršev Amalija in Konrad Peklar 33. obletnica 3. obletnica Umrla 28. januarja 1992 Umrl 14. Junga 2002 Ura slovesa je davno odbila, težke ločitve spomin se budi ljubezen do vaju še vedno je živa, v našem življenju kot lučka gori. V miru božjem zdaj počivajta, draga, nepozabna nam; v nebesih rajsko srečo uživajta do snidenja na vekomaj. Žalujoči: Konrad - sin Cvetka, Veronika in Barbi - hčerke z družinami MOLI, ČLOVEK, MOLI! DOM MATI ME UČILA, VEDNO JE MOLITI, MOJA TIHA ŽELJA JE POBOŽEN BITI. V MLADOSTI SI GA VZLJUBIL, V ZVEZDE VKOVAL, SANJE V NJEM SI SANJAL, V DUŠI MIR SPOZNAL. ČE TE V PRSIH STISKA HUDA BOLEČINA, VEN NA PLAN PRIHAJA, MOLITVENA MLINA. DOM SE NE PRODAJA, NI ZLATA, SREBRA, ROD GA RODU DAJE, DOM JE LUČ SVETA. JE MOLITEV LEPA, IZ SRCA PRIHAJA, V PRSIH SE NAPAJA, Z USTI SE PODAJA ČLOVEK NAJ OHRANJA, KAR JE V DAR DOBIL, DA BO RODOVOM SVOJIM DOM IN LUČ PUSTIL. MOLI, ČLOVEK, MOLI, TO TI JE UTEHA, Z NJO VZDRŽUJEŠ DUŠO IN SPOŠTUJEŠ VERO. OBE PESMI SPESNILA: ZINKA MORI Dravograd, Slovenija OPOMBA: Gospa Zinka Mori, avtorica teh pesmi, je vdova po možu Francetu Mori, ki je umrl na posledicah mučenja v komunističnih ječah leta 1956 potem, ko je bil ujet na meji na pobegu iz Jugoslavije v Avstrijo. Tako je tudi žena trpela in bila zapostavljena še po moževi smrti in ji ni bila dana možnost, da bi bila katera njenih pesmi objavljena v katerem koli časopisu, privatno tiskanje pa je tudi bilo strogo prepovedano. Sedaj, na svoja stara leta, le tu in tam še prime za peresnik, kot da hoče s tem izdati svoje bolečine. To se da razlagati iz nekaterih njenih pesmi. Nekaj Jih pošilja tudi sorodnikom tu v Ameriki, ne z namenom za javnost, temveč bolj za nekako tolažbo sama sebi. — STANE KODRIN ti niso mogli priti noter, s strani slovenske vlade in parlamenta sta bila navzoča podpredsednik Državnega sveta Vasja Klavora, iz vlade pa Janez Podobnik, minister za okolje in prostor. Slavnostni govornik je bil ajdovški župan Marjan Poljšak, ki je zagovarjal dosedanje gledanje na pomembnost dneva (v zvezi z razplamtelim sporom glede na odnos do polpreteklosti). Takole se je izrazil Poljšak: “Nova Jugoslovanska in slovenska revolucionarna elita je tedaj z dejanjem ustanovitve narodne vlade Slovenije, posredno razglasila slovensko državo, ki je že prej nastajala med NOB, in sicer v okviru nove oziroma druge Jugoslavije. In ker je bilo to storjeno sredi Primorske, ki je formalno še vedno pripadala italijanski državi, je s tem nova oblast povedala Italiji in vsemu svetu, da je Primorska slovensko narodno ozemlje in pripada ter pripada slovenski državi. V tem je veličina dogodka 5. maja 1945. Proslava na ajdovskem trgu (tj. pred 60 leti, op. Ur. AD) pa je bila proslava osvoboditve Primorske in njene dejanske priključitve Sloveniji, priborjene z oboroženim bojem. To je dogodek, kakršnega v svoji zgodovini do tedaj Primorci še nismo doživeli. In četudi bi bilo res vse, kar se slabega pripisuje tej vladi, njene pozitivne strani prevladajo," je menil Marjan Poljšak. Nagovor na slavnostni seji občinskega sveta Je pa imel tudi minister Janez Podobnik. Dejal Je, da ni pomembno, ali je bila takratna vlada, v obdobju, ki ima nedvomno tudi temna poglavja, prav ali ne, ker Je pač dejstvo, da je bila v tistem trenutku zs Slovenijo in posebno za Primorsko znamenje, da bodo gospodarji na svoji zemlji. Opozoril je tudi, da Je treba preteklost sprejemati kot celoto in ne le kot del, ki ustreza enemu ali drugemu in da ne gre obtoževati ne vseh partizanov za zločinska dejanja in ne vseh domobrancev in protikomunistov za sodelovanje z o-kupatorjem. (Vzeto iz poročila “V čem je veličina 5. maja 1945" iz Delo faxa, 6. maja 1945) It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Publikacija o gledališki in filmski igralki goriškega rodu Nori Gregor, pri knjigi je sodeloval clevelandski rojak Joe Valenčič Nora Gregor, parabola uveljavljanja lepote Danijel Devetak (Novi glas. Trst, 5. maja) "Zanimiva kot roman” in “vznemirljiva kot film” je življenjska zgodba gledališke in filmske igralke nemškega rodu Nore Gregor (1901 - 1949). ki se je rodila na Placuti, ko Je bila Gorica še avstrijsko mesto, kot hči urarja v Raštelu. Dobro uigrana skupina navdušenih in strokovno podkovanih ameriških, avstrijskih, francoskih, italijanskih in slovenskih raziskovalcev v okviru Kinoateljeja Je njeno delo in usodo rešila pozabe z zajetno publikacijo Nora Gregor, L’imperfezione della belezza, prvo njej posvečeno monografijo, ki je doživela svoj krst 26. aprila. Hkrati je postavila pod drobnogled kompleksno dogajanje prve polovice 20. stoletja v Gorici, saj, kot so povedali, je očitno §e lep del goriške zgodovine žal ostal prikrit in pozabljen. Vsako odkritje kakega takega rojaka pa krepi zavest in ugled Gorice kot mozaika jezikov, narodov in kultur. Zvečer, 26. aprila, je pisana množica napolnila Dvor/Corte/Hof/Cort Darko Bratina na Travniku. Medtem ko je projektor predvajal na oboke stare palače podobe šarmantne lepotice, je prijetno vzdušje v podlagi požlaht-nila glasba nemških filmov iz 30. let prejšnjega stoletja. V italijanščini, slovenščini in nemščini, glavnih jezikih Norine Gorice, sta Federica Bello in Karin Elisabeth Maler prebrali nekaj odlomkov iz igralkinega dnevnika o njenem begu iz Gorice. Čeprav jo je življenje bogato obdarilo z lepoto, talentom in celo možem-princem, je namreč pogosto morala bežati. Pri osemnajstih letih je zapustila Gorico in debiti-rala na dunajskih odrskih deskah. V naslednjem desetletju se je uveljavila kot priznana igralka nemega filma tudi v Berlinu in odigrala vrsto glavnih ženskih vlog evropske dramatike. Ob začetkih zvočnega filma se je preselila v Hollywood, kjer je sode- NORA GREGOR - FILMSKA IGRALKA, KI NAJ BI POSTALA ZA HOLLYWOOD DRUGA MARLENE DIETRICH, A NI ..* . NS MmPIHK Avtorji publikacije pred predstavitvijo. Z leve: Igor Devetak, Sandro Scandolara, Roberta Turrin, Hans Kitzmuller, Joe Valenčič lovala v nekaj uspešnih filmih; v Kaliforniji se je lahko posvečala tudi svoji največji ljubezni, gledališču. Leta 1937 je prekinila kariero in se poročila s knezom Ernstom Riidi-gerjem Starhembergom, Hitlerjevim nasprotnikom. Po priključitvi Avstrije k Nemčiji je zato morala spet v izgnanstvo. V Franciji je odigrala glavno vlogo v mojstrovini svetovne kinematografije, Renoirovem filmu La Regie du jeu. Pred nacisti je nato spet morala bežati: najprej v Argentino in nato v Čile, kjer je leta 1945 posnela svoje zadnje u-metniško dejanje, film v produkciji skupine francoskih izgnancev. V še nepojasnjenih o-kollščinah Je umrla leta 1949 v Santiagu de Čile. Kinoatelje je veliko vložil v projekt monografije, je v dvorani Kina Vitto-ria poudaril predsednik društva Aleš Doktorič; spomnil se je tudi sodelavca in prijatelja Silvana Furlana, direktorja Slovenske kinoteke, ki je nekaj dni prej prerano umrl. Častni predsednik Demetrij Volčič pa je izrazil zadovoljstvo nad tem, da je “Pepelka”, ki je zapustila Gorico in se uveljavila v svetu, spet dobrodošla doma. Spomin nanjo bo ostal živ, je rekel, ker se je v Gorici našla skupina občutljivih oseb. K mizi je stopil urednik monografije Igor Devetak, nekdanji časnikar pri Novem glasu, skupno s tremi glavnimi sodelavci Hansom Kitzmullerjem, Sandrom Scandolaro in Joejem Valenčičem. Devetak je o Nori Gregor povedal, da je bila protagonistka in obenem žrtev obdobja, v katerem Je živela; njena usoda je namreč prepletena z zgo-dovnsklm dogajanjem. Knjiga, sad večletnih raziskav, šteje kar 288 strani in vsebuje 150 fotografskih reprodukcij. “Gre za skupinsko delo," je poudaril, ki vsebuje avtorske prispevke osmih avtorjev (tudi igralkinega sina Heinricha, sodelovala pa je še dve strani dolga vrsta posameznikov in ustanov od vsepovsod. Kitzmuller je za publikacijo prispeval igralkin življenjepis - oz. prvi osnutek zanj - na osnovi evropskih in ameriških virov. Mozaik njene umetniške kariere je sestavil tudi na podlagi pričevanj, ki jih je sam našel na potovanju v Čilu. “Življenje Nore Gregor je bilo zaznamovano z velikansko ljubeznijo do gledališča in svojega talenta se je dobro zavedala," je povedal germanist. Začela je s šolskimi nastopi pri goriških notre-damkah in se povzpela do dunajskega Burgthea-tra, templja nemške besede. Njena zgodba se je končala žalostno, kar je sama po sebi "parabola o uveljavljanju lepote”. Filmski kritik Scandolara je orisal ključne etape njenega opusa in povedal, da je bila prisotna v ključnih trenutkih razvoja kinematografije: pre-izkusnila se je tako v nemem kot zvočnem filmu. Težko je se sprijazniti z dejstvom, je podčrtal Scandolara, da goriški filmski kritiki do pred BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! nekaj leti niso vedeli za Noro Gregor, “Še vedno obstajajo nepoznana obdobja goriške zgodovine.” Joe Valenčlčeve besede o Nori Gregor Zelo sUkovito je nekaj misli podal tudi Joe Valenčič iz Clevelanda, vsestranski izobraženec in prosvetni delavec ter gotovo najboljši poznavalec slovenskih igralcev v Ho-llywoodu. Spregovoril je prav o kalifornijski “tovarni sanj” in vlogi Nore Gregor v njej, ko je produkcijska hiša Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer delala filme v glavnih svetovnih jezikih, da bi monopolizirala svetovno kinematografsko tržišče. “Iskali so novo Marlene Dietrich in Greto Garbo ter upali, da bi to lahko bila Nora Gregor." In vendar se v ZDA ni nikdar čutila doma, imela je domotožje. "Njeno življenje vsebuje elemente prave drame, ki bi se je ne mogel izmisliti noben še tako dober scenarist.” Predstavitvi knjige je sledilo predvajanje radožive salonske komedije Was Frauen tramen (Kaj sanjajo ženske) iz leta 1993; scenarij ji je napisal sam Billy Wilder, preden je moral tudi on sam bežati iz Evrope. Glavna junakinja, Nora, je posebno očarljiva in talentirana kleptomanka, ki jo ljubezen končno osvobodi bizarne navade in reši strahu pred policijo, tako da ji ni treba več bežati. “Happy Ending." Vsaj v filmu... Sestra LJUDMILA ANŽIG in šola za revne otroke v Phnom Penhu, Kambodža Z lepo obleko želijo ohraniti dostojanstvo Rise: Simona Bandur “Čumbriap lia, čumbriap lia ...” Malčki so se kar vrstili - razposajeno so pritekli, sklenili pred obrazom drobcene dlani, spoštljivo sklonili glavo in se poslovili od učiteljic in sester: “Nasvidenje.” Za njima je bila zahtevna naloga. Ob dnevu hvaležnosti, kakor so poimenovali proslavo, ki so jo pripravili 6. marca, so staršem pokazali, česa so se naučili v Don Boscovi šoli in vrtcu za revne otroke v kamboškem Phnom Penhu (tj. glavnem mestu dežele), kjer živi in dela tudi slovenska misijonarka Ljudmila Anžič. O O O Uon Boscova šola, pri kateri delujejo poleg osnovne šole še vrtec ter poklicna gostinska šola in internat za dekleta, stoji na obrobju kambo-ške prestolnice Phnom Penh, med ostanki prostranih riževih polj in nedaleč stran od preprostih domovanj domačinov. Vodijo jo sestre salezi-janke, med njimi Ljudmila Anžič, ki dela tam šest let. Do danes se je tekoče naučila kmerščine ter se navadila tamkajšnjega življenja, predvsem pa premagala kulturni šok, kakor je poimenovala prvo srečanje s povsem drugačnim svetom. “Ko sem pogledala skozi okno, sem opazila, da se ljudje v mlaki na riževem polju umivajo, pe-rejo perilo in zajemajo vodo za kuho,” je povedala. Sprva ji je bila tuja tudi njihova miselnost, ki je precej drugačna od zahodnjaške in zahteva zlasti veliko potrpežljivosti, med smehom priznala. Phnom Penh je vendarle postal njen dom -vsaj takšen vtis sem dobila že na začetku srečanja, ko me je pobrala v bližini razkošnega hotela Phnom Penh, pred katerim so se pred fotoaparati nastavljali poročni pari. “Sklenitev zveze je v Kambodži velik dogodek in traja več dni, odvisno od tega, iz kako premožnih družin prihajata ženin in nevesta. A čeprav so revne kot cerkvene miši, se to pri plačilu dote ne sme opaziti. Tudi zelo siromašni nevestini starši pričakujejo od ženina vsaj 400 dolarjev, najpogosteje več. Če imata mladoporočenca na svatbi srečo in so povabljeni radodarni, lahko velik del dote dobita nazaj, sicer pa se zadolžita za lep čas,” je želela pribli- APOSTOL (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) vil Pater Kazimir Zakrajšek, O.F.M., "apostol slovenskega izseljenstva in ameriški Krek”. Družinina knjiga o p. Zakrajšku zdaj bistveno dopolni sliko o tem pomembnem možu, res pa je, da le do leta 1927, saj se je avtor knjige, ameriško-slovenski zgodovinar Bogdan C. Novak, ustavil pri tej letnici. Domnevamo, da zaradi obsega, saj knjiga obsega tristo strani. Knjigo je sestavil iz obsežnih Zakraj škovih biografskih zapisov, tako da Zakrajšek večinoma govori sam o sebi oziroma o razmerah, ki jim je bil priča ali “boter”. Novak dodaja dopolnila le tam, kjer je bilo to potrebno, pomembne pa so opombe, ki jih je veliko in dobro dokumentirajo delo. Iz dodatkov se vidi, da je bil Zakrajšek vesten pričevalec, ki si je prizadeval, da pride na dan prava resnica o njegovi vlogi, predvsem v prvem obdobju, ko je leta 1906 prišel v ZDA in tam naletel na težavne razmere. Knjiga o p. Zakrajšku je hkrati precej pretresljivo pričevanje in prava mala zgodovina organiziranja duhovne oskrbe med slovenskimi in tudi drugimi, predvsem slovanskimi izseljenci v ZDA. Želimo si lahko, da bi bil napisan tudi drugi del, kjer bi bila prikazana Zakrajškova pot od leta 1927, ki je bila prav tako organizacijsko in ustvarjalno bogata. (KONEC) ■ žati tamkajšnje navade, medtem pa spretno vozila po ulicah, kjer ne velja noben nam znan prometni predpis. “Prvo pravilo je, da se nikoli ne smeš ustaviti!” Zgradbe namesto riževih polj “Še pred nekaj meseci so bila tukaj sama riževa polja in ljudje so prejšnjo sezono poželi zadnji pridelek,” je povedala. V teh mesecih bodo na zemljiščih tik ob bornih barakarskih naseljih zrasle velike stanovanjske zgradbe. “Nekaj tukajšnjih prebivalcev dela v bližnji tekstilni tovarni, še pred kratkim pa se jih je mnogo preživljalo s pridelavo riža. Res ne vem, od česa bodo živeli zdaj. Upam, da bodo našli delo v tovarni ...” Veliko njihovih otrok obiskuje Don Boscovo šolo, ki je v tem okolju nekaj posebnega, saj jo vodijo katoliške misijonarke, kar 95 odstotkov kamboškega prebivalstva pa je budističnega. Tako kot večina šolarjev so tudi učiteljice - vse so domačinke, stare od 21 do 25 let - budistke. “Smo v budistični deželi in spoštujemo, kar ljudje verujejo.” Sestra Ljudmila pravi, da se sicer veseli, če kdo sklene postati kristjan, vendar pa misijonarke opozorijo, da je treba odločitev skrbno pretehtati, saj živi v precej drugače mislečem okolju. Proslava za starše, . učiteljice in sestre Tisto nedeljsko popoldne je bilo dvorišče pred šolo polno otrok, odetih v pisana oblačila in s papirnatimi cvetovi na glavah. Ob dnevu hvaležnosti so staršem, učiteljicam in sestram pripravili proslavo. Oder je najprej pripadel deklicam, da so v tradicionalnih opravah zaplesale ples blagoslova, za njimi pa so ga prevzeli malčki iz vrtca in šolarji ter prav tako s plesom in pesmijo pokazali, česa se učijo v šolskih klopeh. Na redkokaterem obrazu Je bilo zaslediti tremo, prežemal jih je le širok nasmeh, ki je ma- Sestra Ljudmila Anžič se je po šestih letih v Phnom Penhu tekoče naučila kmerščine, se navadila tamkajšnjega življenja, predvsem pa premagala kulturni šok, kakor je poimenovala prvo srečanje s povsem drugačnim svetom. teram vabil solze na lice. Težko so verjele, da so se otroci kljub revščini toliko naučili. V državnih šolah dobijo po besedah sestre Ljudmile redko dobro izobrazbo. Pouk namreč poteka le dopoldne, popoldne pa morajo starši plačati dodatne učne ure, saj otroci brez njih ne morejo opraviti izpitov. Učitelji so zaradi polovičnega delavnika plačani zelo slabo - po 25 dolarjev na mesec (plača delavcev v tovarni znaša od 60 do 70 dolarjev na mesec), zato niti niso motivirani, da bi jih čim več naučili. Dodatni zaslužek jim omogočajo popoldanske ure, ki pa jih najrevnejši starši ne morejo plačati. Veliko otrok ostane do konca šolanja slabo izobraženih, zato podatek o 50-odstotni nepismenosti v Kambodži sploh ni presenetljiv. Tako se ne, denimo, v prvem razredu Do Boscove šole zpašla 15-letna deklica. Nekaj časa Je sicer hodila v državno šolo, a brez dodatnih ur poučevanja, zato se je tako malo naučila, da so jo razvrstili med prvošolce. Praznovanje se je končalo s pesmijo, ki so jo otroci zapeli skupaj z učiteljicami, in še tisto malo treme, ki Je morda za nekaj trenutkov pri' gnala skrb na katerega izmed obrazov, je izgini' lo. Velika naloga Je bila za njimi in čas za pogO' stitev. “Boste pomagali deliti? je povprašala sestra LjU' dmila, ko so učitelji06 pripeljale voziček s soko-vi in prigrizki. Z ves0' IJem. In že se je pre^ nami nabrala vrsta matf' kov s sklenjenimi ročica' mi: “Aw kohn,” Hvala. ^ temu so nekateri pon°' sno pristavili še “Thank you,” ko so med znaninal obrazi sester in učitelji6 ugledali neznanki. Lepa obleka skriva revščino Na dan proslave ni t>l*° opaziti revščine, saj so s' otroci in starši nadd praznične obleke. “Morali bi jih videti sicer, ne ra vno danes, ko so si oble' kli bržkone edino leP° opravo,” je pripomnila stiteljica. “Tukajšnje 1JU' dje imajo praviloma vS^ eno boljšo obleko, ki hranijo za posebne pri*0 žnosti, kot je današnji S tem želijo po svaJ6 ohraniti dostojanstvo." Da je eno lepo obla<^° pogosto vse, kar Prel11^, rejo, sva se prepri°a kilometer stran, v nas6 lju, kamor nas Je skop3 s sestro Ljudmilo P°va /’Ali bila mati šestletne (DALJE na str. 20) Vernost se med Slovenci rahlo utrjuje Za pripadnika rimskokatoliške se je opredelilo dobrih 75 odstotkov anketiranih — šest odstotkov več kot pred osmimi leti - Anketo izvedlo Delo Jana Taškar Ljubljana - Med 717 anketiranimi Slovenci se jih je 75,6 odstotka izreklo za pripadnike rimskokatoliške vere, 1,7 odstotka pravoslavne, 1,3 odstotka muslimanske, 0,7 odstotka protestantske in 0,1 odstotka židovske veroizpovedi, 0,4 odstotka je drugih veroizpovedi, 20,2 odstotka pa se ne prišteva med pripadnike verskih skupnosti. Enako vprašanje so anketiranim postavili marca in septembra leta 1997. Septembra se je za ri-mokatolike opredelilo 67,1 odstotka, marca istega leta pa 69,6 odstotka anketiranih. Delež pripadnikov rimskokatoliške veroizpovedi se je torej povečal, medtem ko se je delež pripadnikov drugih veroizpovedi in versko neopredeljenih znižal, najopazneje med slednjimi, saj je bilo septembra 1997 versko neopredeljenih 27,1 odstotka anketiranih. Večina anketiranih (91,8 odstotka) je krščenih ali kako drugače potrjenih v veri; med rimokatoliki jih je takih 99,1 odstotka, vsi protestanti, 75 odstotkov pravoslavnih, 55.6 odstotka muslimanov, vsi pripadniki židovske veroizpovedi in 66.7 odstotka pripadnikov drugih veroizpovedi (mormoni, Jehovove priče, pogani). Med tistimi, ki se ne prištevajo med vernike, je bilo krščenih ali drugače potrjenih v veri 68,3 odstotka. Svoje otroke je krstilo oziroma jih bo, ko jih bodo imeli, 78,2 odstotka anketiranih. Marca 1997 je na enako vprašanje pritrdilno odgovorilo 76,7 odstotka vprašanih. Glede na versko pripadnost je oziroma bo svoje otroke krstilo 90,6 odstotka rimokatolikov, 80 odstotkov protestantov, 91,7 odstotka pravoslavnih, 44,4 odstotka muslimanov, noben pripadnik židovske veroizpovedi, tretjina pripadnikov drugih veroizpovedi in 34,5 odstotka anketiranih, ki se ne prištevajo med vernike. Večina anketiranih (45,6 odstotka) je odgovorila, da so verni, vendar se verskih obredov ne udeležujejo redno. Septembra 1997 je enako odgovorilo 41,4 odstotka, marca istega leta pa 42,8 odstotka. Dobrih 17 odstotkov, je bilo praktičnih vernikov, ki redno obiskujejo verske obrede, delež vernih, ki ne obiskujejo verskih obredov, je v primerjavi z letom 1997 malenkost nižji, za nekaj odstotkov večji kot letos pa je bil pred osmimi leti delež tistih, ki niso verni, so pa do vere strpni. Največ vernih, ki se ne udeležujejo obredov Tudi če odgovor na to vprašanje razčlenimo po verski pripadnosti anketi-• ranih, prevladuje odgovor, da so verni, verskih o-bredov pa se ne udeležujejo redno. Anketirani, ki se niso opredelili za pripadnika katere od veroizpovedi, so večinsko (82,8 odstotka) odgovorili, da niso verni, so pa do vere strpni. Med anketiranimi jih 30 odstotkov verjame, da je življenje božje stvaritev, med rimokatoliki je takih 35 odstotkov, med verniki, ki redno obiskujejo verske obrede, pa Jih tako misli 68 odstotkov. V primerjavi z letom 1997 se je za slabih pet odstotkov povečal delež anketiranih, ki verjamejo, da je življenje božja stvaritev, za slabih sedem odstotkov pa zmanjšal delež tistih, ki verjamejo v znanstvene razlage nastanka življenja. Večina anketiranih (51,2 odstotka) veruje v Kristusovo vstajenje od mrtvih, med rimokatoliki jih v to veruje okrog 63 odstotkov, okrog 28 od- SPOROČAJTE PRAVOČASNO O PRIHAJAJOČIH _ PRIREDITVAH VAŠIH DRUŠTEV stotkov pa ne, pri čemer je bil delež takih odgovorov v letu 1997 tako rekoč enak. V posmrtno življenje veruje 45,2 odstotka vseh vprašanih. Med rimokatoliki je delež večji, 52.8 odstotka, medtem ko jih v posmrtno življenje ne veruje 38,2 odstotka, kar je za odstotek več kot leta 1997. V brezmadežno spočetje device Marije veruje 36,1 odstotka vseh vprašanih, med rimokatoliki pa 45,8 odstotka, medtem ko jih 45,9 odstotka v to ne veruje. Leta 1997 je bil njihov delež 43.8 odstotka. V nezmotljivost papeža veruje 22 odstotkov vprašanih, med rimokatoliki 26.9 odstotka, 68,6 odstotka pa dvomi o njegovi nezmotljivosti. Leta 1997 je o nezmotljivosti papeža dvomilo 71,7 odstotkov anketiranih. V svetost svetnikov veruje 42,8 odstotka anketiranih, med rimokatoliki jih njihovo svetost priznava 52,6 odstotka, 39,3 odstotka pa ne. Delež se je v primerjavi z letom 1997 povečal za okrog štiri odstotke v korist priznavanja svetosti svetnikov. V verske čudeže veruje veruje 41 odstotkov anketiranih, med rimokatoliki pa 49,6 odstotka oziroma pet odstotkov več kot leta 1997. V obstoj nebes in pekla veruje 37,1 odstotka vseh anketiranih, med rimokatoliki pa 42,6 odstotka. Od vseh verskih resnic je tako med pripadniki rimskokatoliške veroizpovedi najbolj sprejeta vera v Kristusovo vstajenje in posmrtno življenje, najmanj pa v papeževo nezmotljivost in brezmadežno spočetje. Pripadniki rimskokatoliške veroizpovedi so najmanj naklonjeni muslimanom. Na vprašanje, pripadnika katere od drugih veroizpovedi ne bi želeli sprejeti v družino, so namreč na prvo mesto postavili muslimana (10 odstotkov). Kar 67 odstotkov anketiranih je odgovorilo, da bi sprejeli vsakogar, ne glede na versko prepričanje, 13,7 odstotka rimokatolikov pa bi bilo pripravljenih odpreti duri samo pripadnikom iste veroizpovedi. Slovenci so, če sklepamo po odgovorih, za odpravo celibata, večinsko (73,6 odstotka) so za odpravo tudi rimokatoliki. odpravi celibata jih nasprotuje le 16,6 odstotka. Prav tako večinsko so anketirani podprli možnost, da bi rimskokatoliška Cerkev uvedla duhovnice. Za duhovnice je tudi večina (71 odstotkov) rimokatolikov, medtem ko je 21,4 odstotka nasprotnikov duhovnic. Rimokatoliki torej bolj podpirajo odpravo celibata kot uvedbo duhovnic. Še manj so naklonjene uvedbi duhovnic ženske; moški uvedbo podpirajo 74,6-odstotno, žensKe 67,9-odstotno. Delež zagovornikov duhovnic je še manjši med verniki, ki redno obiskujejo verske obrede: 66,7 odstotka moških in le 46,5 odstotka žensk. Delo, 30. aprila 2005 Joseph L. FORTUNA Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in'ponoči. 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Terezija Pavlič z zelo zanimivim pismom: “Spoštovani dobrotniki! S hvaležnim srcem se vam vsem zahvaljujem za vaše lepo darilo. Tudi iz Pariza sem že dobila sporočilo. Bog nebeški naj da večno in bogato plačilo pokojni Angeli, katere ne pozabim v molitvi, vam vsem pa vse dobro in trdnega zdravja za še nadaljnje delo! Denar bom porabila za nabavo hrane, saj se ubijemo z neizmerno revščino, ki bo še trajala do junij-julija, ker takrat je riževa žetev. V ambulanti je nabito polno bolnikov, ogromno malarije - tudi smrt se pojavlja - preveč je vroče, ljudje pijejo umazano vodo, zato je driska. Ta teden smo imeli pet slučajev tuberkuloze. Te bolnike držimo pri nas dva meseca, tudi ti bodo dobili vašo pomoč. Trenutno imamo dve slovenski zdravnici, ki nam kar dobro pomagata. Sami se bosta pa marsikaj naučili, saj v Sloveniji ne vidijo vsega. Oni se čudita, mi smo pa že vsega navajeni. Od božiča naprej tudi nam je vse prav, malarija me kar ne zapusti, tudi operirana noga me je začela boleti. Le počasi se manjšajo bolečine, tako, da sedaj že upam hoditi. Upam, da ne bo kaj resnega in bom še lahko nadaljevala moje delo, saj če sama ne grem v ambulanto, so bolniki enostavno zapisani smrti. Vedno in povsod je kriza za zdravila. Še enkrat se vam lepo zahvalim za poslano pomoč. Obilo božjega blagoslova vam želim v tem letu 2005. Iskreno pozdravljeni, vaša hvaležna s. Terezija Pavlič.” Ali si lahko predstavljamo te revščine, v kateri živi s. Terezija? Koliko solz je posušenih z našo dobroto! Ne pozabimo pa tudi prositi za zdravje vseh naših misijonarjev in misijonark, da bodo kos vsemu delu in naporom, ki jih morajo reševati. Tudi laični misijonar g. Jože Letonja, ki deluje na Madagaskarju, se je oglasil s par vrsticami: “Bog plačaj za skrbi in trud, ki ga imate za misijone. Jože Letonja.” Ni veliko napisanega, a zahvala je za vse, kar skušamo narediti in pomagati. Od vsakega smo veseli vsake vrstice, saj je to znak, da so veseli našega sodelovanja na tem polju. Kar več dobrotnikov se je oglasilo od zadnjega sporočila, in to so: P.S. Osenar (v spomin tete L Pograjce) $1000; Y. Cozza in V. Devine, dvakrat vsak po $100 za s. Pavlišič; L. J. Rozman (ob 50 let poroke) $400; N. Avžlahar $60; TK, NN $4120; T. Ritcherson $260; A. Nemec (ob krstu Nathaniel Gorshe) $30. Iskrena hvala vsem za vso pomoč, za vse darove, ki jih bodo ob koncu leta prejeli misijonarji. Vsem vam želim prav lepe majske dni - ljubi maj, krasni maj, konec zime je zdaj! Daj Bog, da nas ne obišče v tem mesecu bela snežna odeja, kot na zadnjo aprilsko nedeljo. Veseli pojmo lepe Marijine pesmi, katerih je veliko v našem narodu, so polne ljubezni do nebeške Matere Marije, ki nam je še prav posebej blizu v maju. Prav lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelujočih in - Marice Lavriše 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Z lepo obleko želijo ohraniti dostojanstvo Nabej in devetletne Čan Pisej, ki obiskujeta prvi razred. V naselju se je ustavila pred borno hiško, zbito iz lesa. Brez zadržkov je odprla vrata in pokazala izbo. “Povabila bi vas noter, a se bojim, da tla e. s str. im) ne bi zdržala vseh.” Revno domovanje so ji pomagali zgraditi sovaščani - ko je mož umrl, je ostala brez vsega, .zato so sosedje prispevali material in družno zbili zasilno bivališče. Zajradi zdravstvenih te- žav ne more delati, zato živijo v veliki revščini. Otrok, je odkrito poveda-■ la, sprva niti ni nameravala poslati v šolo, čeprav je šolanje od 6. do 12. leta obvezno. Pridite še k nam! Drugje po naselju je bila slika podobna. “Pridite še k nam,” je pomahala starejša ženska, ki je prav tako prišla s šolske proslave. Pod hišo na visokih kolih (zanjo plača dvajset dolarjev najemnine na mesec), je postavalo pet otrok, njenih vnučkov. Dva obiskujeta Don Boscovo osnovno šolo, dva vrtec, deklica pa državno šolo. Prva dva sta siroti -starši so umrli za aidsom, a tudi eni izmed deklic ne kaže dobro. Njena mati je hudo zbolela, najbrž za aidsom, je predvidevala sestra. Kaj pa dekletce? “Skupaj s še petimi šolarji smo jo testirali za virus HIV, saj ima po telesu izpuščaje, vendar so bili izvidi negativni,” je odgovorila. “Zdaj jo bomo peljali k dermatologu, ki nam prostovoljno pomaga.” Zdravstvo v Kambodži namreč ni zastonj; v Phnom Penhu sicer delujeta dve bolničnici, kjer za zdravljenje ni treba plačati, vendar je v njih neznanska gneča, zato iščejo pomoč drugače. Sestra Ljudmila se je ustavila še pri sosedih, izmenjala nekaj besed z materjo in hčerjo: “Mati me je prosila, naj 16-let-nemu dekletu poiščem delo,” je poročala, medtem ko jo je za roke prijela skupina otročičev in jo vriskajoč popeljala še k sebi domov. Pred hišo, veliko le nekaj kvadratnih metrov, je postavala babica, tokrat treh vnučkov. Njihovi starši čez dan delajo, zato je skrb za majhne razposajence na njenih ramenih. Pomagajo po svojih močeh A malčkov to ni skrbelo. Obisk je bil očitno dogodek dneva in vsi so si želeli pridobiti delček naklonjenosti sestre Ljudmile ter čakali, da bosta fotografska aparata ujela tudi njih. “Se vidimo v šoli,” so se vendarle poslovili in mahali v slovo. Vračali smo se mimo velike stavbe z ogromnim dvoriščem. To je ironično: Northbridge International School, šola, ki jo obiskujejo najbogatejši otroci, večinoma iz družin tujih politikov. Šolnina stane približno tisoč dolarjev za semester. Staršem otrok, ki obiskujejo Don Boscovo šolo za revne otroke, je ni treba plačati, saj niti ne bi zmogli; v šoli jim rečejo. naj prispevajo, kolikor pač lahko. “Navadno je to le nekaj dolarjev, a kljub temu dobijo občutek, da pomagajo pri izobraževanju svojih otrok, obenem pa odgovornosti ne prelagajo povsem na druge," je prepričana sestra Ljudmila Anžič. Priloga “ONA ” časnika Dela, 19. aprila 2005 PHRASE BOOK«. ^ DICTIONARY m BerHtzov jezikovni priročnik za tujce v Sloveniji Tipi s knjižico v roki Predstavljajte si, da ste v tujini, pa ne znate dobro jezika domačinov. Pomočniki za tak primer so danes znane knjige žepne zbirke Berlitzovi popotniki Zasnovane so po vzoru izdelkov angleške založbe Berlitz Publishing, ki letos skupaj z družbo Berlitz, v Sloveniji znano po istoimenski jezikovni šoli, praznuje 120-letnico delovanja. V slovenščini oz. za Slovence imamo po zaslugi založbe Tuma, ki v Sloveniji zastopa Berlitz Publishing, že Angleškega, Nemškega, Španskega, Italijanskega in Francoskega popotnika, pred kratkim pa je izšla še knjižica Slovenian Phrase Book & Dictionary, torej priročnik za tujce, ki se znajdejo v Sloveniji, pa ne znajo (dobro) slovensko. Tudi ta knjižica gre v naprsni žep in je zasnovana karseda priročno, z barvnimi pasicami, ki o-mogočajo hitro iskanje pravih stavkov, ter z enostavnim in uporabnim zapisom izgovorjave, brez tistih čudnih znamenj V LJUBEČ SPOMIN 3. OBLETNICE SMRTI naše drage mame, stare mame, prastare mame PEPCA TOMINC umrla 17. maja 2002 Tri leta so že minila, odkar Tebe več med nami ni. Le pri Bogu mirno zdaj počivaj in sveti raj uživaj. Tvoji žalujoči otroci: Frank. Martin, Marjanca Domanko, Ani Vidmar, Cilka Urbas, in Jože z družinami ter sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji. Tit* vhra*! book* mednarodne fonetične abecede, ki jih večina tujcev ne zna. Drugače pa so poglavja podobna kot v Berlitzovih Popotnikih, in sicer vodnik za izgovorjavo, nekateri osnovni izrazi, potovanje, prihod v hotel, potovanje po Sloveniji, obisk restavracije, ogledi, zabava, navezovanje prijateljskih stikov, nakupovanje in storitve, splošni izrazi, razno, denar in banka, pri zdravniku, slovensko-angleški in angleško-slo-venski slovarček najpomembnejših besed in razdelek Splošno (v katerem so imena držav, števniki oz. števila, pozdravi in dobre želje, državni prazniki, pogostejše kratice, opozorilni napisi, nujni primeri itd., pretvarjanje merskih enot, najosnovnejša slovnica ipd.). Priročnik te vrste seveda ne more nadomestiti intenzivnega jezikovnega tečaja ali daljšega bivanja v “ustrezni” državi, lahko pa nas (oz. našega neslovenskega prijatelja ali poslovnega partnerja) v tujejezičnem okolju reši iz marsikatere zadrege. Tomaž Švagelj DELO, 16. marca 2005 BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list!