79 Original scientific paper  MIDEM Society Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 47, No. 2(2017), 79 – 89 Considerations about the use of the Moon in X-band antenna G/T measurements Darko Šekuljica1, Stefano Badessi1, Massimiliano Ferrante2, Matjaž Vidmar3 1European Space Agency 2Vitrociset S.p.A. 3University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract: The most common G/T quality factor measurement methods applicable for operational X-band (8 GHz - 12 GHz) parabolic antennas with a reflector aperture diameter between 7 and 13m are reviewed. Analyses have shown that the most adequate astronomical source for the G/T measurement of the antennas with the size of interest is the Moon. Since the Moon’s angular diameter is wider than the antenna’s Half Power Beam Width (HPBW), a thorough analysis of the extended source size correction factor is performed. As a result, an efficient correction factor approximation method which is more accurate in case of efficiency losses is identified, and a best-fit estimation method for the HPBW verification is introduced. The proposed G/T quality factor measurement procedure is verified on an operational X-band 11 meter Cassegrain antenna, used for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite data acquisition. The results obtained with the proposed method, have provided accurate G/T factor es- timations that are consistent and in line with the expectations. As further confirmation, the validity of the measurement method results is also verified against a G/T measurement done with the Cassiopeia A radio star as an RF source. Keywords: X-band, G/T measurements, Moon, Satellite communications, Extended source size correction factor Ugotovitve o uporabi Lune pri G/T meritvah antenskih sistemov frekvenčnega pasu X. Izvleček: Najbolj pogoste metode za merjenje kakovostnega faktorja G/T pri operativnih paraboličnih antenah frekvenčnega pasu X (8 GHz – 12 GHz) s premerom zaslonke zrcala med 7 in 13 metrov so bile pregledane v tej študiji. Analiza je pokazala, da je Luna najbolj ustrezen astronomski vir za G/T meritve omenjenih anten. Ker je Lunin zorni kot širši od -3dB širine snopa antene (HPBW), je narejena celovita analiza korekcijskega faktorja za uporabo porazdeljen- ega vira. Na podlagi tega je identificirana najbolj učinkovita metoda približka korekcijskega faktorja za omenjene antene. Uvedena je tudi najbolj prilegajoča metoda ocene HPBW z ciljem preverjanja izmerjenih vrednosti. Predlagani postopek merjenja G/T kakovostnega faktorja je bil preverjen na operativni 11 metrski Cassegrain anteni v frekvenčnem pasu X, ki se uporablja za pridobivanje podatkov s satelitov LEO (nizka Zemljina orbita). Rezultati dobljeni z uporabo omenjene predlagane metode so dali konsistentne in točne ocene G/T faktorja v skladu s pričakovanji. Dodatna potrditev veljavnosti postopka je dana s primerjanjem dobljenih rezultatov in izmerjenega G/T faktorja z uporabo radio zvezde Cassiopeia A kot RF izvora. Ključne besede: G/T, frekvenčni pas X, Luna, satelitske komunikacije, korekcijski faktor razširjene velikosti vira * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: darko.sekuljica@gmail.com 1 Introduction The antenna power Gain over system noise Tempera- ture ratio (G/T), sometimes also labelled as “figure of merit”, can be regarded as a quality factor used to in- dicate the ground station capability to discriminate be- tween signal and noise in a radio communication sys- 80 D. Šekuljica et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 2(2017), 79 – 89 tem [1]. The higher the ratio, more efficient the ground station is in receiving a weak signal. At the European Space Agency, as a part of the standard requirements for Earth Observation Satellites acquisi- tion service contracts, a minimum G/T ratio is always specified to ensure the service is capable of properly acquiring uncorrupted data. Periodic measurements of the G/T are therefore required to ensure that the an- tennas selected to deliver the service maintain the re- quired performance. Typical antennas, for the purposes of Earth Observa- tion (EO) satellite data acquisition, are receiving X- band with a main reflector aperture in the range of 7 to 13 meters. These ground station antennas perform routinely full elevation and azimuth rotations and ac- celerations which, beside the wind and gravity effects, add to the possibility of antenna distortions. Because of their intense use, the antennas are constant- ly operational with small allotments of time available for performing the G/T measurements. Short pauses between satellite passes and frequent performance verifications require an accurate, efficient and time sav- ing G/T measurement method. Considering the antenna size range of interest, and the corresponding far field region distance, the optimal RF source has to be found in the skies. Direct G/T measure- ment using the Moon as an RF source, for the antenna size range of interest, has been selected and elaborat- ed in this paper, providing a simple, fast and highly ac- curate G/T quality factor estimation method. This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the analysis of the available celestial sources has been described. Direct G/T calculation procedure, correc- tion factor analysis and concerns from practical point of view are given in Section III. Section IV presents detailed G/T measurement procedure and the quality factor measurement results obtained with an opera- tional 11 meter X-band antenna located at the e-GEOS station in Southern Italy. Finally, Section V draws some conclusions. 2 Analysis of the adequate available sources For the antenna size range of interest in the X-band, the far-field region determined by the Fraunhoffer’s distance, results always more than 2.5km from the an- tenna location. In that case, terrestrial measurements with a distant antenna set as a source are highly im- practical due to the terrain variety, high multi-path and various man-made or natural sources. Therefore, celes- tial sources were considered. As the measurement pro- cedure must be valid and applicable for any antenna location, the selected source has to be well-defined and frequently visible. The most obvious celestial sources are geostationary satellites, and natural sources like Sun, Moon and radio stars. Unfortunately, commercial geostationary satel- lites operating in the X-band, with well-known charac- teristics are uncommon. Hence, geostationary satellites could not have been taken as a suitable RF source. The strongest celestial natural source observed from Earth is the Sun. However, the Sun is subject of a possible and unpredictable variations with time due to Sun storms and Sun bursts [2, 3]. These variations, along with the extended source size of the Sun in respect to the an- tenna’s HPBW, can introduce a significant uncertainty in the final quality factor estimation. Radio star flux densities have been well-defined in [4, 5, 6]. For the antenna size range of interest, 7-13 meters, a radio star can be considered a point-like source. The latter means that using a radio star as an RF source in G/T measurement minimizes the error introduced by using G/T correction factors. However, the brightness of radio stars is much lower than those of the Sun or the Moon. For X-band antennas with reflector diameter smaller than 18m [7], using a direct G/T measurement method with radio stars may introduce significant un- certainties. These uncertainties, and consequently the errors in G/T estimation, are caused by the very small Y- factor, i.e. the ratio between the received noise power while pointing at the radio star, and the received noise power while pointing at the cold sky. The Moon’s radiation can be modelled with the black- body radiation that changes with the lunar phases and the Earth-Moon geometry. Y-factor readings using the Moon as a source are well above 1dB for the antennas of interest. Considered as a black-body, the Moon’s ra- diation can be efficiently approximated as the radiation from a uniform brightness disk, introducing minimal errors [8, 9] in G/T estimation. Uniform brightness disk flux density approximation depends on the Moon’s sol- id angle that changes with Earth-Moon geometry, and on the average brightness temperature of the Moon. For the X-band, it can be approximated using the Ray- leigh-Jeans law: 2 2 0 2 ΩB MoonMoon Moon f k TS c = (1) where SMoon is black-body flux density given in [W m -2 Hz-1], f is the frequency in [Hz], kB is Boltzmann constant 81 given with kB ≅ 1.38 . 10-23 [m2 kg s-2 K-1], c0 [m s -1] is the speed of light, and ΩMoon is the Moon’s solid angle in [sr]. The Moon average brightness temperature MoonT [K], is a function of the frequency, lunar phase and solar mean anomaly. In this paper, the yearly variation in the solar irradiation at the lunar surface due to the Earth’s eccentric orbit has been neglected. Approximation of the Moon’s average brightness temperature has been given by [8, 9]: ( )10 0 1 cosMoon TT T T φ ψ   = − −    (2) In the above equation, 0 T represents the constant brightness temperature term expressed in [K], 1 T is the first harmonic of the brightness temperature given in [K], φ is the lunar phase angle in degrees and ψ is the phase lag in degrees [°]. In case that the lunar phase angle is in the decreasing cycle, a value of 360φ φ′ = − should be used in the Equation (2) calculation. Accord- ing to [8] the error introduced using the approximation of the Moon’s average brightness temperature given by the Equation (1) is less than 0.18%. The values 0 T [K], 1 T [K], ψ [°] and the ratio 1 0/T T , were determined from accurate radio measurements at few selected frequencies and have been interpolated in be- tween [8, 9]. Given parameters can be estimated using the following interpolation equations depending on the frequency of interest fGHz given in [GHz]: 0 24.43 207.7 GHz T f = + 1.2241 0 0.004212· GHz T f T = 43.83 1 0.0109 GHzf ψ = + (3) The Moon ephemeris, as are lunar angular diameter, lunar phase and other parameters depending on the observer location and on the current orbital positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun are provided by NASA web interface in [10]. The Moon’s flux density dependence on the lunar angular diameter and on the lunar phase are shown on the Figure 1 and Figure 2. Both results were calculated for the fre- quency of interest f = 8.1775 [GHz], and individually pre- sented with the fixed lunar phase angle of φ = 240o and the fixed angular diameter of qMoon = 0.5 o respectively. Figure 1: Lunar flux density change with angular diam- eter Figure 2: Lunar flux density change with phase angle 2.1 Uncertainties and proposed RF source The overall G/T measurement uncertainty is given “in quadrature” and presented for the Moon, the Sun and the radio star Cassiopeia A [5, 7, 8, 11]: Table 1: G/T measurement uncertainties Moon Sun Cassiopeia A S 0.33 dB 0.3 dB * 0.1 dB Y-factor 0.1 dB 0.1 dB * 1 dB K1 0.05 dB 0.05 dB 0.05 dB K2 0.2 dB 0.2 dB 0.01 dB G/T 0.4 dB 0.38 dB * 1 dB It must be noted that values in the Table 1 represent the G/T uncertainties due to the flux density S, the Y-factor and correction factors K1 and K2, not their uncertainties themselves. Also, the (*) sign marks that the possible D. Šekuljica et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 2(2017), 79 – 89 �Moon [◦] S M oo n [ W m 2 H z ] 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 0.56 ×10−22 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 φ � [◦] S M oo n [ W m 2 H z ] 0 100 200 300 400 ×10−22 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 φ 82 sunspot contribution is not considered because of its complicated computability. Considering the Moon’s good stability, high flux densi- ty and low uncertainty, it has been selected as the most adequate source for an accurate G/T measurement, for parabolic antennas with reflector sizes in the range of 7-13 meters. 3 G/T direct measurement method G/T direct calculation method requires a measure- ment of two well-defined signal sources [12]. Hence, the measurement is obtained by received noise power readings when the antenna is pointing at i) the Moon - PMoon [W Hz -1], and ii) the cold sky - Psky [W Hz -1]. Deri- vation of the G/T direct calculation method equation can be found in [13], while the final expression for the direct G/T quality factor calculation, expressed in [K-1], is given with the Equation (4): ( ) ( )( ) 1 22 8 · · 1 · · · B i i Moon k YG K K T S π θ θ λ − = (4) where kB [m 2 kg s-2 K-1] is Boltzmann constant, SMoon [W m-2 Hz-1] is the Moon’s flux density, λ [m] is the wave- length of interest, and Y represents the well known Y- factor noise power ratio given in linear scale. K1 and K2 are correction factors due to atmospheric attenuation and extended source size respectively. Finally, qi is the elevation angle at which the measurement was per- formed. Atmospheric attenuation for the X-band is very low, and is mostly composed of the attenuations due to gases, water vapour and scintillation. Those attenu- ations can be efficiently estimated using advanced mathematical models given in [15, 16, 17, 18]. Howev- er, the estimation of attenuations caused by fog, rainy clouds, and precipitation is based on empirical and static models. Therefore, the measurements should be performed in clear sky conditions. The correction factor for the atmospheric attenuation is expressed in linear scale and given as a sum of the attenuation contribu- tors. Impact of the atmospheric attenuation correction on the final G/T quality factor calculation can be within few tenths of decibel, whereas the impact of the ex- tended source size correction can result in few-decibel change of the final G/T quality factor calculation. The extended source size correction factor K2 is therefore a factor of great importance when using the Moon as an RF source in G/T measurements, and will be further dis- cussed in a separate subsection. 3.1 Elevation angle adjustment The measurement of G/T quality factor, using the Moon as an RF source, is performed at different elevation an- gles, depending on the Moon’s ephemeris. Therefore, it was important to establish a reference elevation angle, to which all measurement results will be adjusted. This was done in order to provide more realistic results and to allow mutual comparison of the results. A reference value for the G/T measurement elevation angle adjustment was chosen to be the elevation of qREF = 5° measured from the local horizon [13]. This ref- erence value adjusts a G/T quality factor for the worst case scenario, i.e. minimum elevation angle for satellite data acquisition, providing the most relevant G/T qual- ity factor result. The antenna power gain G is a property of the antenna and is constant with elevation angle variation. Therefore, the G/T quality factor values can be adjusted by noting that the variation of G/T factor with elevation angle is equal to the variation of the cold sky noise power with elevation angle: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) i sys i sys REF n REF sys i n i REF sys REF GG T T PT G G T P T T θ θ θ θ θ θθ θ = = = (5) Where G/T(qi) is the quality factor value obtained for the elevation angle at the moment of measurement, and G/T(qREF) is the quality factor value adjusted to the reference value Tsys and Pn are the system noise tem- perature and the received noise power respectively, given for both measurement and reference elevation angles. The ratio of Pn(qi) and Pn(qREF) can be labelled as KEA and can be expressed both in linear and logarithmic scale, yielding a shortened expression of the adjusted G/T quality factor: ( ) ( ) n i EA n REF P K P θ θ = ( ) ( )·REF i EAG G KT Tθ θ= ( ) ( ) [ ] REF i EA dB dB dB G G K T T θ θ   = +       (6) 3.2 Extended source size correction factor The radio source whose angular diameter exceeds one fifth of the antenna’s half power beamwidth (HPBW) is considered an extended radio source. Each portion of D. Šekuljica et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 2(2017), 79 – 89 83 the RF source contributes to the received noise power according to the antenna radiation pattern. In the case of extended source, the peak of the antenna beam is assumed to be aligned with the center of the source, while the edges of the source are received by parts of the antenna beam with lower gain. This can result in the measured noise power smaller than what would be expected for the antenna’s effective collecting area and the aperture illumination [19]. Therefore it is necessary to correct the measurement by the extended source size correction factor K2 given by [13]: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 , sin , , sin Moon Moon B d d K B g d d θπ θπ θ φ θ θ φ θ φ θ φ θ θ φ = ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ (7) Where qMoon [°] is the Moon’s angular diameter, B(q,φ)[W m-2 sr-1 Hz-1] is the Moon’s brightness distribution, and g(q,φ) is the antenna radiation pattern normalized to the maximum directivity value, given in the linear scale. Considering the Moon’s radiation as that from a uni- form brightness disk, the expression of the K2 correc- tion factor can be simplified as: ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 sin , sin Moon Moon d d K g d d θπ θπ θ θ φ θ φ θ θ φ = ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ (8) This approximation restricts measurement window to during the near full Moon phase. However, the inte- gration over the antenna’s radiation pattern is a rather complicated task and some alternative methods will be presented. Using the Moon as an RF source, the ratio of angular source size to the antenna’s HPBW is less than 3, which makes it possible to obtain a good approxima- tion of the normalized antenna radiation pattern using the normalized Gaussian far-field radiation pattern. The normalized Gaussian approximation of a radiation pattern, and the derivation of the K2 correction factor expression using the Gaussian pattern, are presented in [20, 13]: ( ) ( ) 2 2 2 ln 2 · ln 2 · 1 Moon HPBW Moon HPBWK e θ θ θ θ   −         = − (9) The approximated K2 correction factor depends on the Moon’s angular diameter qMoon [°] and the antenna’s HPBW qHPBW [°]. While the Moon’s angular diameter can be easily obtained on [10], the antenna’s qHPBW has to be properly measured. For the purpose of the HPBW verification, the well known estimation expression was used [21]: ·HPBW k d λθ = (10) where λ is wavelength in [m], d is the antenna reflector diameter in [m] and k is the antenna beamwidth factor. In the published literature, it is possible to find different definitions of the beamwidth factor, like k = 70 in [22], and k = 65 in [21]. However, the beamwidth factor is dependent on the feed’s edge-tapering and cannot be approximated with a constant value. For that purpose, using the reflector antenna analysis software GRASP, numerous radiation patterns for the antenna range of interest were produced. Beside changing the antenna reflector size, the edge tapering was also varied. The feed used in the simulations was a Gaussian beam pat- tern feed. Results were then analysed and extrapolated in order to find a best fitting expression for bandwidth factor definition: ( )58.96 1 0.0107· ek T= + (11) Where Te represents the absolute value of the edge ta- per given in the logarithmic scale [dB]. Usually, the extended source size correction factor es- timation method is provided by the antenna vendor in polynomial expression form. It represents the best fit for the specific antenna reflector sizes, and is given with relation to the frequency, fGHz [GHz], and the Moon’s an- gular diameter, qMoon. An example of the polynomial K2 expression and corresponding coefficients can be found in [13]. The comparison of the K2 polynomial expression, with K2 correction factor expression using the Gaussian pattern and HPBW estimation equation, is presented in Figure 3 - Figure 5. The K2 factor values were cal- culated for Cassegrain antennas designed with the reflector diameters of: 5.4, 7.3, 9.1, 10.26 and 11.28 meters, and have been interpolated in between using the polynomial interpolation and then adjusted to the uniform circular aperture illumination (k = 58.96 [14]). For the reference value, simulated radiation patterns were used in the general expression for the K2 correc- tion factor, given by Equation (8). The purpose of this comparison has been to analyse the K2 approximation method’s fit to the reference values for different edge tapering and antenna reflector sizes. Results presented in Figure 3 - Figure 5 were calculated for the frequency D. Šekuljica et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 2(2017), 79 – 89 84 of fGHz = 8.1775 [GHz], including blockage effect, with edge tapering of both Te = - 10 dB and Te = - 15 dB. On the figures, red curve presents the K2 reference value, blue curve presents the polynomial K2 expression, ma- genta curve presents the K2 values obtained with the Equations (9, 10) considering the beamwidth factor k = 70. Finally, the black curve presents the K2 values ob- tained with the Equations (9, 10) considering the novel beamwidth factor given with Equation (11). Figure 3: K2 approximation method comparison for Cassegrain antenna with Te = -10 dB and qMoon = 0.56°. Figure 4: K2 approximation method comparison for Cassegrain antenna with Te = -10 dB and qMoon = 0.5° From the figures given above it can be observed that the polynomial approximation method diverges by the largest factor from the reference level. The divergence of the polynomial approximation is assumed to be due to possible double-shaping of the antenna reflectors. To estimate beamwidth factor in order to use Gaussian approximation for double-shaped antennas, the value of uniform illuminated aperture k =58.96 can be taken for a rough estimation. Also, it can be seen that the Gaussian approximation when beamwidth factor is given as k = 70 yields signifi- cantly lower values than the reference. That beamwidth factor is probably suitable just for one specific edge ta- pering, usually used for the transceiver antennas. It can be concluded that the Gaussian pattern approxi- mation method for the K2 estimation is the best fitting K2 approximation method. Also, the HPBW approxima- tion expression using the proposed bandwidth factor provides a good estimation, and therefore the verifica- tion value, for the antenna of interest HPBW. Finally, the polynomial approximation method values can be too optimistic resulting in significant error in G/T estima- tion. Another important observation is that the polynomial approximation values, are constant for the antenna of interest, calculated for the optimal geometry an- tenna configuration. In case of antenna distortion the electrical properties of the antenna change. As a con- sequence, the extended source size factor value is re- duced, and use of a constant K2 can introduce signifi- cant errors in the G/T quality factor estimation. Analysis of the possible discrepancies in G/T estimation using the constant K2 factor in case of antenna distortions has been made (Figure 6 - Figure 8). For this purpose, every antenna was firstly designed and simulated for optimal performance. The K2 was in this case calculated with the numerical integration of the simulated antenna radiation pattern. This was done to neglect the uncertainties, as the scope of this test Figure 5: K2 approximation method comparison for Cassegrain antenna with Te = -15 dB and qMoon = 0.5° D. Šekuljica et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 2(2017), 79 – 89 Antenna reflector diameter [m] K 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Polynomial Gauss(k = 70) Gauss(k = 58.96(1 + 0.0107 �Te)) Reference Antenna reflector diameter [m] K 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Polynomial Gauss(k = 70) Gauss(k = 58.96(1 + 0.0107 �Te)) Reference Antenna reflector diameter [m] K 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Polynomial Gauss(k = 70) Gauss(k = 58.96(1 + 0.0107 �Te)) Reference 85 is to provide an insight in problems occurring when using the constant correction factor values. Then, the radiation pattern simulation was performed for few axial displacements of the secondary reflector, in order to simulate antenna distortions. Therefore, the figures (Figure 6 - Figure 8) present the G/T quality factor re- sults of: i) Optimal geometry antenna and optimal geometry antenna’s K2 – green curve, ii) Distorted an- tenna keeping the optimal geometry antenna’s K2 – red curve, and iii) Distorted antenna with K2 calculated for the distorted antenna – blue curve. Figure 6: Secondary reflector displacement of 0.5 cm Figure 7: Secondary reflector displacement of 2 cm It can be concluded that G/T estimation using the con- stant K2 factor value, for the antennas with efficiency degradation due to distortions, is too optimistic. Also, the real degradation of distorted antenna G/T quality factor, expressed in logarithmic scale, can be more than twice the G/T quality factor degradation using the con- stant K2 factor value. 4 Measurements The measurement procedure is a result of detailed study and analysis, while the proposed settings for the spectrum analyser have been traded-off and selected in order to provide the best compromise between sta- bility and measurement error. The measurements were performed on the operational 11m Cassegrain anten- na, using the proposed procedure. Finally, obtained results were compared with well-defined G/T measure- ments using the radio star as a source. 4.1 Measurement procedure To ensure the maximum possible Y-factor readings, it is advised performing the measurements in the days between waxing and waning Moon phase. The Moon’s elevation should be higher than 30° to ensure that the sidelobes looking at the ground are 40 dB below the maximum directivity. Also, it should be verified that no other RF source is in the near vicinity of the Moon. Before performing the set of measurements for G/T fac- tor calculation, the antenna’s horizontal and vertical radiation pattern cut should be measured. This is done to verify the antenna’s HPBW, nulls and sidelobe behav- iour. Measurement can be roughly performed letting the Moon pass over the antenna boresight. Then, the final check of the measured HPBW can be performed following the Equation (4). Proposed spectrum analyser settings for the appropri- ate noise power readings are as follows: Figure 8: Secondary reflector displacement of 4 cm D. Šekuljica et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 2(2017), 79 – 89 Feed displacement of 0.5cm Antenna reflector diameter [m] G / T [d B / K ] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Opt. geo. antenna, opt. geo. K2 Dist. antenna keeping opt. geo. K2 Dist. antenna, dist. K2 Feed displacement of 2cm Antenna reflector diameter [m] G / T [d B / K ] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Opt. geo. antenna, opt. geo. K2 Dist. antenna keeping opt. geo. K2 Dist. antenna, dist. K2 Feed displacement of 4cm Antenna reflector diameter [m] G / T [d B / K ] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Opt. geo. antenna, opt. geo. K2 Dist. antenna keeping opt. geo. K2 Dist. antenna, dist. K2 86 Table 2: Proposed spectrum analyser settings Center frequency IF (typically 750 MHz) Frequency span 0 Hz dB/div 1 RBW 100 kHz VBW 10 Hz Marker ON Sweep time 100 ms Average 10 Each measurement consists of three different values: i) On-source – received noise power when pointing the Moon, ii) Off-source – received noise power pointing the cold sky, at the same elevation and 5° tilt in azimuth, and iii) 5°elevation – received noise power pointing the cold sky at the elevation of 5°, and same azimuth as the Off-source measurement. The measurements are repeated several times to mini- mize the Y-factor reading uncertainty. Correction fac- tors and flux density are calculated using the methods described in this paper, and finally, the average values in linear scale of Y-factor and KEA values are used to esti- mate the G/T quality factor of measured antenna. 4.2 Performed measurements - Moon Measurements were performed following the pro- posed procedure, first using the Moon and then using the Cassiopeia A radio star as a source, with the pur- pose of proposed method validation. The antenna un- der measurement is shown in Figure 9, and its charac- teristics are given in Table 3. Table 3: Antenna characteristics Type Cassegrain Frequency f = 8.1775 GHz Reflector diameter d = 11.28 m Approx. gain G ≈ 57.5 dBi The Moon ephemeris were obtained from [10] in order to estimate its flux density, which is given in Table 4: Table 4: Lunar ephemeris and flux density Parameter Value 0 T 210.687 K 1 0 /T T 0.05515 MoonT 214.0622 K ψ (lunar phase leg) 40.243 ° φ (average lunar phase angle) 147.114 ° Lunar phase cycle Increasing Moonθ (lunar angular diameter) 0.549 ° SMoon (lunar flux density) 3.1710-22 W m-2 Hz-1 Table 6: Measurement results with Moon as a source Time (UTC) [hh:mm] Elevation [°] On-source [dBm] Off-source [dBm] 5°elevation [dBm] Set 1 19 :23 40.30 -79.26 -82.87 -81.48 Set 2 19 :28 40.66 -79.38 -82.90 -81.50 Set 3 19 :31 40.75 -79.28 -82.87 -81.48 Set 4 19 :33 40.91 -79.38 -82.90 -81.50 Set 5 19 :36 40.98 -79.34 -82.87 -81.59 Set 6 19 :38 41.04 -79.30 -82.85 -81.60 Figure 9: X-band ground station with d = 11.28 m D. Šekuljica et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 2(2017), 79 – 89 87 The atmospheric attenuation correction factor was calculated using the local weather data at the time of the measurement, according to the latest ITU-R rec- ommendation. Extended source size correction factor, however, is calculated using the measured antenna’s HPBW, and the Gaussian pattern K2 approximation ex- pression. Measured HPBW has been verified with the proposed beamwidth approximation equation. Both correction factors are given in Table 5. Table 5: Local weather information and correction fac- tors Parameter Value Weather Cloudy Date 13.10.2016 Local Temperature 14.9 °C Local Humidity 91 % Local Pressure 960.9 hPa K1 1.033 HPBWθ 0.19 ° K2 5.71 The next step was to perform the measurements of the Y-factor following the proposed procedure. Measure- ment was repeated six times and the results are given in Table 6. Finally it was possible to estimate the G/T quality factor for the antenna under measurement. Table 7: Quality factor estimation using the Moon as a source Parameter Value Y-factor average 2.266 KEA average 0.733 G/T 4457 K-1 [G/T]dB 36.5 dBK-1 G/T uncertainty 0.4 dB Polynomial expression for K2 correction factor depending on frequency and Moon’s angular diameter provided the result of K2 = 6.35. Including the polynomial expression K2 value to the final G/T calculation using the Moon as a source yields the result [G/T]dB = 37 dBK -1. Using the polynomial ex- pression, the K2 measurement uncertainty is not known. 4.3 Performed measurements – Cassiopeia A Measurements using Cassiopeia A as a source were performed following the same measurement proce- dure using the same spectrum analyser. Cassiopeia A has very-well defined flux density and decay factor de- scribed in [5, 23]. The weather information at the time of measurement, Cassiopeia A flux density, and corre- sponding correction factors are presented in Table 8. Table 8: Local weather information and correction factors Parameter Value Weather Clear Date 19.10.2016 Local Temperature 14 °C Local Humidity 90 % Local Pressure 960 hPa K1 1.012 Cas Aθ 0.0767 ° HPBWθ 0.19 ° K2 1.0565 SCasiopeia A 401.56.10-26 W m-2 Hz-1 The measurements using the Cassiopeia A as a source are presented in Table 9, while the G/T quality factor estimation is presented in Table 10. Table 10: Quality factor estimation using the Cassio- peia A as a source Parameter Value Y-factor average 1.086 KEA average 0.811 G/T 4794 K-1 [G/T]dB 36.8 dBK-1 G/T uncertainty 1 dB Table 9: Measurement results with Cassiopeia A as a source Time (UTC) [hh:mm] Elevation [°] On-source [dBm] Off-source [dBm] 5°elevation [dBm] Set 1 17 : 28 57.30 -83.25 -83.63 -82.75 Set 2 17 : 31 57.60 -83.32 -83.66 -82.76 Set 3 17 : 33 57.90 -83.29 -83.65 -82.74 Set 4 17 : 36 58.30 -83.28 -83.64 -82.71 Set 5 17 : 38 58.60 -83.26 -83.61 -82.69 Set 6 17 : 42 58.90 -83.28 -83.64 -82.71 D. Šekuljica et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 47, No. 2(2017), 79 – 89 88 From the presented results it can be observed that the estimation of G/T quality factor value using Cassiopeia A as a source, provides G/T value higher than when us- ing the Moon as a source for 0.3 dB. However, also the uncertainty of G/T calculated value is much higher than when using the Moon as a source. For the small angular diameters as is the case with the Cassiopeia A radio star, the polynomial expression is not valid. 5 Conclusions In this paper, an accurate and time effective method for G/T quality factor measurement using the Moon as an RF source has been described. The Moon was selected as the most adequate RF source for the antennas of in- terest, because of its stabile radiation flux density and low introduced uncertainty. The proposed method is considered valid for parabolic antennas with the reflec- tor apertures ranging from 7 to 13 meters. In case of smaller size antennas, the Y-factor readings using the Moon fall under 1dB introducing larger uncertainties. For antennas of larger sizes, however, the K2 factor un- certainty becomes dominant resulting in significant possible G/T estimation error and in that case a star ra- dio source becomes the preferred option. As the Moon results to be an extended source for the antennas of interest, the important achievement was to propose an improved method to compute the ex- tended source size correction factor. The improvement of a well-known K2 expression is given with polynomial expression for more accurate estimation of measured HPBW. This aspect turned out to be of key importance because a small error in the correction factor can result in an error of several tenths of a decibel in the final G/T value. Results have shown that the best correction factor es- timation can be obtained using a Gaussian pattern ap- proximation. Also, it turned out that other estimation methods, such as the use of a fixed polynomial expan- sion, are often too optimistic. Besides, by providing a constant correction factor val- ue for the antenna of interest, these methods are hid- ing possible degradations of the G/T quality factor in case of antenna efficiency degradations. Results have shown that the real degradation of distorted antenna quality factor expressed in dB can be more than twice the degradation using a constant correction factor val- ue. Proposed method uses the measured HPBW value confronted with the proposed polynomial expression, both for verification and for precision value rounding to two digits. The proposed direct measurement method is of great interest for the G/T measurements of typical X-band LEO satellite reception ground stations that have small pauses between satellite acquisitions. Some measurements taken on an operational X-band Cassegrain antenna 11 m antenna have been presented to confirm the model. Measurements were performed on site on a tight schedule and following the procedure given in this paper. Measurement results are consistent and in line with expectations, and have shown a good agreement with measurements made on the ground station using the Cassiopeia A as an RF source. Based on the obtained results, the European Space Agency (ESA/ESRIN) has updated the procedure used for periodic G/T measurement, using the method de- scribed in this paper. 6 Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their gratitude to Paolo Rutigliano and Michele Paradiso of e-GEOS for the opportunity they provided to participate in their periodic G/T measurement campaign, and for the prac- tical knowledge they shared during the process. 7 References 1. D. F. Wait, M. Kanda, W. Daywitt in C. 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