A different situation can be observed for the outflow of the third reservoir. The mean starting discharge for the exclusive outflow of this reservoir, which corresponds to the base flow generating reservoir is about 1 mVs lower at the Hubelj springs than at the Vipava springs. This is about the same situation as for the second reservoir. In both cases this correspond to approximately 2/7 of their MQ's. The recession coefficients, however, for these third reservoirs are remarkably different for the two spring groups Vipava and Hubelj. The Vipava recession coefficients (mean and median values) are close to half of the Hubelj springs recession coefficients. Hence the half-life for the Vipava springs is about double the half-life of the Hubelj-springs. Assuming that these master depletion curves are exclusively a result of diffuse flow this situation allows two possible interpretations: • The hydraulic gradient at the Vipava springs is smaller than at the Hubelj springs. • The permeability of the aquifer discharged by the Vipava springs is smaller than the permeabihty of the aquifer discharging the Hubelj springs. A very high hydraulic gradient of the underground water behind the Hubelj springs is confirmed by (HABIČ 1985 as quoted in JANEŽ 1994) but no explicit statement has been made on the hydraulic gradient of the underground water behind the Vipava springs. 3.6. THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY AS INDICATOR FOR HYDRODYNAMIC PROCESSES IN THE VIPAVA SYSTEM (T HARUM, H. STADLER, N. TRIŠIČ) 3.6.1. Measuring Equipment In Vipava dataloggers were installed at the spring 4/7 (water level, electrical conductivity and temperature), 4/3 (conductivity and temperature) and at the gauging station for total runoff (4/8, conductivity and temperature). The discharge of the Vipava springs is being measured at two gauging stations: springs 6-4/7 and total runoff 4/8. Therefore it is only possible to separate two groups concerning the discharge of the 4/7 main outlets. The group of the springs 4/1 to 4/5 can be calculated as the difference between the total discharge of no. 4/8 and the measured discharge of the springs no 4/6 and 4/7 (compare Chapter 4, Fig. 4.12). The conductivities are compensated to 25° C, temperature effects can be neglected. The dataloggers measured every 5 minutes and stored an average value every 15 minutes. The gauging station no. 4/8 is being equipped with a water level recorder by HMZ Ljubljana, long-time series from 1960 - 1995 are available. 3.6.2. Suppositions and Methodological Aspects The discharge of karstic spring consists of different components with different residence times in the aquifer. Usually it can be separated into two components, which are termed base flow and direct flow corresponding to their different residence time and flow behaviour. The direct flow component represents the portion of water infiltrated from precipitation, which flows directly with short retardation through the main channels in the karst system to the spring. The base flow component consists of water stored in microfis-sured zones of the the aquifer over a longer time. The conventional hydrograph separation procedures using the exponential function after MAILLET (1905) and extrapolating this depletion function back under the peak of the total hydrograph allow an approximate separation of the two components base flow and direct flow (s. Chapter 3.5). This method gives only information about the hydraulic behaviour of the aquifer (MÜLLER & ZÖTL 1980; BEHRENS et al. 1992). The volumes of reservoir water calculated are corresponding to the volume of mobile water, not including temporarily stagnant water, i.e. water, which can only be discharged by hydrauhe stimulation under increasing hydrauhe head. Contrary the measurement of natural tracers as stable isotopes and chemical parameters of input and output gives the possibility of estimating the portions of older reservoir water and event water discharged at the spring and provides information about the mixing and solute transport processes in the aquifer. The water volumes calculated by means of natural tracers include the volume of temporarily stagnant water in the system and are not directly comparable with the volumes of direct and base flow components computed by the classical hydraulic separation method. For hydrogeological investigations it has to be emphasised to include both methods due to their complementary information about the aquifer characteristics. Therefore and contrary to the assumptions in Chapter 3.5. and according to previous investigations of the ATH-group in Karst aquifers of the Swiss Jura (MÜLLER et al. 1980) and of the Lurbach system (BEHRENS et al. 1992) it is important to emphasise the difference between "older" reservoir water ^ base flow and event water ^ direct flow. Assuming the existence of only two discharge components, they can be separated combining the simple mixing equations Qt = QE + QR (6) and Qx * Qh * c, + Qr * c, (7) to Qk= QT * (C, - q)/(C, - C,) (8) where Q-^, = Total discharge at the spring in 1/s Q,^ = "Older" reservoir water in 1/s Q^ = Event water component in 1/s Cj^, Cjj = Corresponding tracer concentrations The following suppositions have to be taken into account (HARUM & FANK 1992): 1. Sudden input of event water into the aquifer. 2. Significant differences in the contents in input and output. 3. No physical, chemical or biological reactions of the tracer during the transport in the aquifer. 4. Negligible or well known fluctuations in the background concentrations. 5. Exact measuring of discharge and tracer concentration. 6. Especially in karst systems as the Vipava aquifer sufficiently short interval of the measurements. For most of the "ideal" tracers as the stable isotopes "^O, -^H and some chemical parameters as i.e. Mg++, NO," and SO^" the exact determination of the time-concentration curves is hindered due to economic problems (especially in karstic regions with a quick response of discharge to precipitation events short sampling interval are necessary causing a high amount of expansive analyses). The electrical conductivity represents only a measure for the total mineralization, but it is has the big advantage that it can be measured on-line with relatively high accuracy. The disadvantage is that the dilution of certain chemical parameters due to the lower mineralised precipitation water is overlaid by increasing concentrations of other ions due to processes of out-washing of dunging substances and solution during the passage of the infiltrated precipitation water through the unsaturated zone (BEHRENS ET AL. 1992; HARUM et al. 1990; HARUM & FANK 1992; KENNEDY et al. 1986). Therefore the electrical conductivity cannot be considered as an ideal tracer, but the the analysis of the exactly recorded time series of discharge and conductivity can give approximate ideas of the processes of solute transport and mixing in the aquifer during the underground passage. Assuming that a part of infiltrated water is flowing directly without greater retardation and without processes of solution through karst channels to the outlets, the conductivity can be used for an estimation of the portion of this quick flow component (called event water) on the discharge of the springs and allows a relative comparison of the hydrodynamic behaviour of springs. 3.6.3. Separation of the discharge components Analysis of long-term fluctuations of the runofl" year 1995 For the year 1995 discharge and conductivity data exist for the springs Vipava 4/6 - 4/7, 4/8 (total discharge) and partly 4/3. The discharge of the spring group 4/1-4/5 can be calculated by the difference between Vipava 4/8 and 4/6-4/7. For the analysis of the data mean daily values of discharge and conductivity were used. The first step is a comparative analysis of the different springs. In Fig. 3.26 the weighted means over 30 days are plotted compared to the weighted discharges. It is clearly visible that the total discharge Vipava 4/8 and spring 4/3 have nearly the same fluctuations of conductivity, whereas the graph of Vipava 4/7 shows significant differences which are probably due to the partly different recharge area (mixing with karst water coming from the Bela creek (sinkhole downstream of the village of Sanabor) as indicated also by the results of the tracer experiment). The similarity of the EC-fluctuations of total discharge (4/8) and spring 4/3 indicate that the springs group 4/1-4/5, which represents the greatest part of the total discharge at the gauging station have nearly the same regime. This conclusion is also confirmed by the results of the tracing experiment and short-term conductivity measurements by data loggers at the other springs. Therefore the EC-values of spring 4/3 (no measurable discharge) are assumed to be representative for the group 4/1-4/5. It is visible in Fig. 3.26 that the EC-curve measured at the total discharge shows sometimes stronger dilution effects. This effect can be explained by a 96.01-01 95.01-51 SS-Oa^ 95-04.02 9S.06.02 «-07-02 9&08-01 95-08-01 95-1frfl1 95-11-01 95-li01 certain portion of surface water originating from local precipitation events in the village of Vipava (water from roofs and streets) which is situated upstream of the gauging station. For the long-term analysis of the different discharge components it has to be taken into account that the background conductivity CB of the longer stored reservoir water in a karst aquifer has seasonal variations which have to be included in the mixing equation mentioned above. Therefore it was assumed, that the highest monthly conductivity values are representative for the "older" reservoir component. The input concentration CE was assumed to be constant with a mean conductivity of CE = 30 yU-S/cm 25 °C. Variations of it of ± 10 jiS/cm give no significant differences in the results. From spring 4/3 only conductivity data from the first 6 months of the year 1995 exist. But a correlation analysis of the measured total discharges QT and computed reservoir discharges QR indicated a strong hnear relation between both parameters. Therefore and for the reason of a comparison of the results of one annual runoff period the missing values could be estimated with sufficient accuracy using the linear regression equation in Fig. 3.27. The results of calculations are plotted in Fig. 3.28 (total discharge Vipava 4/8), Fig. 3.29 (Vipava 4/6-4/7) and Fig. 3.30 (Vipava 4/1-4/5). All values are daily means except the background conductivity of the "older" reservoir water (highest monthly values). The discharge hydrographs are plotted in comparison to the event water component computed by the mixing equation. S 01 a Vipsrvatn: QB = 0.7879Qr +687.59 R= = 0.973 Vipava 4«-4/7: 08 = 0.79530,1-222.8« = 0.9818 Vipava 411-iB: Qr = 0.8S26QT + 2S6.87 R' = 0.9919 Vipava 4/1-4/5 Vipava 4/6-4/7 4/8 ♦ VIPAVA 8 AVIPAVA6-7 □ VIPAVA 1-5 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 Qt (1/s) The results indicate for all springs that during flood events the greatest portion of discharge consists of "older" reservoir water. The portions of "young" event water, which are plotted in Fig. 3.31, reach maximum 27 % at the springs and 36 % at the gauging station Vipava 4/8, where surface water from roofs and streets in the village of Vipava is drained to the Vipava river. The mean annual portion of event water of the total discharge is only in the range of 10 % for the springs and 12 % at the gauging station including 95-01-01 95-01-31 95-03-02 95-04-02 95-05-02 95-06-02 95-07-02 95-08-01 95-09-01 95-10-01 95-11-01 95-12-01 Fig. 3.28: Mean daily values of discharge Q, event water component Q^, electrical conductivity EC and estimated background conductivity EC,^^^^ at the total outflow of the Vipava springs (gauging station Vipava 4/8) for the year 1995. 95-01-01 95-01-31 95-03-02 95-04-02 95-05-02 95-06-02 95-07-02 95-08-01 95-09-01 95-10-01 95-11-01 95-12-01 surface water. At higher discharges the spring group 4/1-4/5 seems to have a higher portion of "older" reservoir water, a fact, which is probably due to the greater distance of permanently active sinkholes. These results agree well with those of the isotope investigations (Chapter 5.), where the portion of event water on the discharge of the Vipava springs was calculated as 21 % for selected single events. 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 a 20000 15000 10000 5000 EC4 1 /V EC —j— - I 1 0 1 ill 1 u^J Jw K A 1 1 n 350 300 250 200 150 100 - 50 0 1/1/95 31/1/95 2/3/95 2/4/95 2/5/95 2/6/95 2/7/95 1/8/95 1/9/95 1/10/95 1/11/95 1/12/95 Fig. 3.30: Mean daily values of discharge Q, event water component electrical conductivity EC and estimated background conductivity EC^^^^^ at the springs Vipava 411-415 (EC measured at Vipava 413) for the year 1995. The event water components Q^ from June to December 1995 where calculated using the linear regression equation in fig. 3.27. 40,00 0,00 95^1-01 9501-31 95K»