KNJIŽNICE IN P E D A G O Š K I SISTEMI Breda Filo, Maribor UDK 02:371 Povzetek Avtorica razpravlja o vlogi knjižnice in knjižničarja v vseh segmentih sodobnega slovenskega izobraževalnega sistema in ugotavlja, da knjižnica v nobenega od njih ni ustrezno umeščena. Celo didaktično najbolj dognani program i ne morejo izp o ln iti prav vseh učnih ciljev brez uporabe dejavnosti, ki jo nu d i šolska knjižni­ ca. Šola naj bi človeka naučila brati in uporabljati knjigo ter razum eti njen inform acijski okvir. Pri nas pa šola žal oblikuje le sposobnost literarnega branja, zanemarja pa informacijsko, funkcionalno in kognitivno branje. Prav tu lahko knjžnica in knjižničar pomembno pripom oreta k oblikovanju inform acijsko pis­ mene osebnosti. Šola se mora zavedati, da je dolžna izobraziti človeka za uporabo inform acijskih sistemov in reševanje problem ov, torej za pridobivanje, organizi­ ranje in ocenjevanje inform acij ter po možnosti tu d i za njihovo komunikacijo. UDC 02:371 Summary The author discusses the role o f the lib ra ry and librarian in all segments of actual Slovene education system. She came to the conclusion that lib ra ry has not ade­ quate position w ith in any segment o f this system. Even didactically most elabo­ rated programs can not fill up all learning goals w ith o u t use of activities provided by the school library. The school ought to teach man how to read and use the book and its inform ational framework. Regretfully, o u r school develops only the capacity o f literary reading but neglects inform ational, functional and cognitive reading. A t this very point, library and librarian could make a pivotal contribution to the inform ational literacy. The school has to be aware that its d u ty is to educate man for the use of inform ation sources as w ell as to solve the problems. That means, to get the inform ation, to organize it, to evaluate it, and to communicate it. FILO, Breda: Libraries and Pedagogical Systems. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 35 (1991) 2/3,17-30