POTICA-THE PRIDE OF SLOVENIAN KITCHENS and of every cook in Slovenian homes, was presented to the Governor of Illinois, Hon. Otto Kernel-when a committee representing the Slovenian Day in Illinois commitee met with the Governor in his office in Chicago, 111. On hand to serve the potica, which was made by Mrs. Frances Kozelj, member of Br. no. 2, were, left to right: Anita Wipotnik Br. 2; Miss Barbara Meister, star of the hit musical, The Sound of Music whose grandmother, Mrs. Katherine Jerman and mother, Mrs. Dorothy Meister, members of Br. no. 3 in Pueblo, Colo.; Mrs. Corinne Leskovar, co-chairman of the Slovenian Day committee and Frank Mikec, representing the S. A. Radio Club Folk Dancers. The Governor signed a Slovenian Day and the celebration took place on Oct. 14th at a gala festival of Slovenian song and dance. ZARJA “DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NOVEMBER, 1962 NUMBER II VOLUME 34 proclamation SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, 111. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Incorporated December 14. 1927 in the State oj Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN * ★ * ZARJA — THE DAWN Official Uradno Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription S2.00 — Naročnina S2.00 letno For SWU members SI.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ SI.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946. at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act oj August 24, 1912. Publication oj the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi sa naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. WILLARD HOSTS 4th ANNUAL WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION New members of Br. No. 102: Front: Mary Koschak and Josephine Artach. Back: Mildred Arch, Ann Lamovec and Rose Pakiz. (3 new members are absent). Mrs. Marie Prisland proudly admires Zveza’s Gold Pin she presented to Mrs. Johanna Artach, Pres. Br. no, 102. On the extreme right are Mr. & Mrs. Vitko Staut. Mrs. Staut is secretary of the Willard Branch. Members of the Willard Branch: Anna Volovsek, Mrs. Prisland, Josephine Artach, Johanna Artach, Agnes Lesar, Anna Perme, Rose Pakiz, Mary Koschak, Mary St'aut. In front: Michael and Patricia Artach. Center picture: seated: Hon. Pres., Marie Prisland ; Spiritual Director, Rev. Claude Okorn; Wise. State Pres., Rose Kraeca-er. Back row: Delegates, Mary Staut (102), Celia Groth (43), Frances Pi-woni (17), Agnes Gergish (1), Frances Plesko (12) and Josephine Kolar, pres. Br. 43. ZARJA »DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA XXXIV — No. 11 NOVEMBER, 1962 LETO XXXIV — ŠT. 11 I ■ i5<* per year for added cost of paper and postage. Some branches paid this from their treasury, majority accepted extra dues. Present printers are Benedictine Fathers, non-union, print at minimum cost. Br. #1 requested Zarja return to former size. All articles should be in home office by the 5th of preceding month in which article is to appear in Zarja. Fr. Claude encouraged attendance at Slovenian affairs such as plays, concerts, etc., in neighboring cities to promote friendship and good will. Also' recommended that the “new Americans” that have come to the United States since World War II be invited to become members of Slovenian Women’s Union. Branch #12 of Milwaukee was called on to accept the next Wisconsin State Convention in May 1963. State President, Mrs. Kraemer, again appealed for an all-out drive for new members. Mrs. Josephine Schloser of Br. #17, West Allis, stated that on her recent trip to Europe, she was honored to be traveling with past-president and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Elsenhower, who proved to be very pleasant, friendly traveling companions. With words of appreciation for their hospitality to Br. #102 from Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Kraemer, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M., with a prayer by Fr. Claude. Lunch and a Social hour followed. Mary Staut, Recording Secretary ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, 111. We’re all set, how about you? We’re calling all our members to attend the annual Penny Social which is set for Nov. 8th! Bring your friends! It’s a lot of fun and we know it’s been a long time since you have had a chance to exercise your “lucky streak’’ — so, liow about it? The 1'un begins at 7:30 — and we’ll get right into the swing of things (the meeting will be postponed for this month). The ladies hope you will bring some goodies and donations of prizes are very welcome. The children’s Christmas Party has not been set as yet; however, we do hope you will have your little ones ready for this annual event. The adult members’ party will be at the regular meeting, Dec. 13th. Dec. 16th will be the commemorative Mass for all living and deceased members in tribute to the 36th Anniversary of Zveza, Dec. 19. We sadly miss our wonderful and loyal member, Mrs. Caroline Pichman, whose sudden death left the entire community stunned. She and her son were buried together and it was one of the largest funerals in our church. We extend sincere condolences to the bereaved family. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs. Clara Kosmach and all members who are ill. See you Nov. 8th! Corinne Leskovar No. 16, So. Chicago, 111. — Well we got back in the groove again at our September meeting. Plans were discussed for our ‘‘annual Christmas Party.” It is to be held Sunday, December 2, 19G2, at St. George’s Hall, 96th & Ewing Avenue and will start promptly at 1:30 P.M., instead of 3:00 P.M. as was the custom in the past. Following the distribution of toys and refreshments to the children, we will hold a party for the mothers and adult members. Those wishing to participate in ‘‘Grab Bag” may do so by bringing a $1.00 gift. Also donations of cakes and other refreshments would be greatly appreciated. Mrs. Jean Bukvich is again chairlady for the affair to be assisted by the usual committee. Final plans will be made at the October and November meetings. Zinka Sesek and Katherine Vidmar were the Birthday Celebrants at this meeting. Birthdays for the month of November are: Katie Triller, Rose Salakar, Pauline Druga, Anna Klobuchar, Mrs. Elizabeth Salihar, Mrs. Prisol and Emma Krai. Again do not forget to attend our “Christmas Party” Sunday, December 2nd, at 1:20 P.M. Rose Salakar, Rec. Sec. IN MEMORIAM With heartfelt sadness, we announce the death of our husband and father, JOSEPH ANZICK The late Mr. Atizick died July 27, 1962, at St. Mary Corwin Hospital. His illness, although short in terms of time, was very serious and he succumbed following a heart attack. He was bom on Dec. 19tli, 1902 at Pueblo, Colo. The burial took place on July 31st, 1962 from the Church of St. Mary, Help of Christians. The funeral ritual was delivered by Pastor, Rev. Daniel Gnidica. On his last ride, to the Roselawn Cemetery, he was accompanied by many, many friends and relatives. Sincere thank-you to all, who offered Holy Masses for the repose of his soul — they numbered more than 500 cards. Grateful appreciation to St. Joseph’s Society of K.S.K.J., to St. Mary’s Lodge # 42 of A. B. Z., Pueblo Chamber of Commerce, Fraternal Order of Eagles in Pueblo, Retail Liquor Dealer’s Association of Colo., Sheriff’s and Peace Officer’s Assoc., Pomoč Lodge. Thanks also to Dr. Redwan, whose medical care was outstanding during the time of illness. To Mr. John Germ for his farewell address and to Mrs. Frances Si-monich, who led the rosary prayer; deepest thanks to those who remembered Mr. Anzick with floral pieces, cards of sympathy and expressions of grief. To all the friends and neighbors for their kindness and comfort given at this time, thank you. Those who attended from distant places were: Rudolph Anzick of San Francisco, Cal.; Mrs. Lisabeth Stephan, Murray, Utah; Mrs. Grace Marie Franz, Chicago, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pritekel, Mrs. Mary Thomas and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cwilc; Mr. and Mrs. W. White, and Mr. Louis Grande of Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradack and daughter, Mrs. Rose Marie Godsell of Salt Lake City, Utah. Once again, the most heartfelt expression of gratitude is extended to all — Rev. Daniel for his constant help and prayers, the singers of the church choir for their beautiful singing at the prayer hour and in church, and, to the many who attended the funeral and paid him their last respects at the chapel. To the T. G. McCarthy Funeral Home, we extend deepest thanks for all their courtesies. To these and to all who in any way aided and comforted us, Thank You' Bereaved wife, Johanna, son, John M. Anzick and father, Louis Anzick, Sr. Brothers, Frank, Louis, Jr., Anthony of Pueblo and Rudolph of San Francisco, Cal.; sisters, Mary Brumjak, Frances Hiza, Steffie Barnett, Clara Tamcich of Piieblo and Lisabeth Stephan of Murray, Utah. Pueblo, Colo., November, 1962 VICKI'S GOOD IDEA JOLIET RESUMES BOWLING SEASON No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. — From Oct. 1, 19G2 to June 30, 1963 is the new Campaign time. It will be based on cash coupons and redeemable according to classification of members signed at the end of the campaign. Juniors: 1 (25^) coupon, Adult: Class A, 2 (25^) coupons, Adult: Class B, 4 (25{*) coupons. At the conclusion of this campaign the one who has saved most coupons will receive cash as well as a surprise prize from our Supreme President Toni Tanko. The name of this campaign is “The Supreme President’s Campaign.’’ A special “thank you” to these wonderful ladies who have helped our #25 in many ways. Pauline Stampfel, Mary Otoničar, Dorothy Strniša, Mrs. Rudolph Otoničar, Stella Koporc, Millie Blankenship, Frances Simončič, Agnes Koporc, Molly Dezelan, Julie Telban, Ann Brancel, Margaret Rebol, Frances Kibel, Kathleen Kikel, Rose-anne Kirk, Toni Tanko. (I just had to use a little space here to let these fine people know how greatly appreciated their willingness to help is, when needed.) Our junior drill team performed beautifully at the bazaar and they certainly looked great with their new outfits. Betty Ursic did a nice job of teaching the girls their routines. Credit also goes to thes captains who assisted the baton group, Linda Telban, Betty Jevic, Roseanne Kirk and Bernie Vidmar. Thank you, young ladies! See you at the meeting on second Monday of the Month. By the way have you looked lately in your blue book? Page through to find if your dues are up-to-date, if not you can always see, Your secretary, Vicki Faletič No. 20, Joliet, III. — Mrs. Jennie Ka-nopek is confined at St. Joseph’s Hospital for the past few weeks; Mrs. Theresa Shepich from Rockdale, 111., is also a patient there. We extend to both of them wishes for a speedy recovery and return to their homes at the very near future. Mrs. Josephine Kolenc, who was confined at the Lincoln Nursing Home for the past few months has returned to her former home at the Gross’ on N. Broadway. Our first secretary of the branch, Mrs. Anna Pluth, is still a patient at the Johnson’s Nursing Home on Herkimer St. She is confined there lor the past ten years. Any of our members who could take time out, please visit her to shorten her days. Our condolences to the family of Mrs. Jennie Janezich from Rockdale, 111., who lost her husband, Joseph. Surviving also are three sons and two daughters. Mr. Frank Sumic, husband of our treasurer, Josephine, has passed away after some time at the hospital. His Team Standings Won Lost Total Pins Average 1 Mericlika’s Restaurant 8 4 8552 712.8 2 Ellena Builders 8 1 8354 696.2 3 Len’s Barber Shop 7 5 8548 712.4 4 American Slovenian Home 7 5 8369 697.5 5 Krause Radio & T V C 6 S256 688 6 Northwest Rec. Club 5 7 8266 688.10 7 Papesh Funeral Home 5 7 8075 673 8 Shep’s D X Serv. Station 3 9 8308 692.4 No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling League — Greetings and Best Wishes to all our SWU members and bowlers! When, on Sept. 10th, our 1962-’62' season began, we were very happy to see most of our regular bowlers eager to get started. There were bowlers there also to replace those who because of illness or other personal reasons, will not be able to be with us this season. To all our new bowlers, a most cordial welcome and may you find it a pleasure to be with us. We will endeavor to do all we can to make this so. The new bowlers are: Bernie Bluth, Betty Floryancich, Agnes Lova-ti, Mitzi Mrozek, Elaine Panian, Kathryn Pavnica and Agnes Verbiscer. Some of these have bowled as substitutes previously. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rothlisberger upon the birth of a baby daughter. Lorraine is looking forward to joining us again and we are just as eagerly anticipating her return. Maxy Rezick is at present on the sick list and we all hope for a speedy recovery to health real soon. Anne Picco assures us that as soon as she feels able, she will be glad to bowl again. Our former secretary Agnes Koerber has been plagued by a relapse, after having had surgery and she would be most overjoyed to be able to bowl with us again. Needless to say, we all hope that her desires will be fulfilled. Also missing from our roster are Gen Gasmovic, Mary Nahas, and Marie Senffner for various personal reasons. On behalf of the Bowling League, heartfelt condolences to our Josephine Sumic. The death of her beloved husband, Francis, saddened all of us. ‘Tammy’, as he was affectionately called, was a friend to all and an ardent; booster of the Slovenian Women’s Union and especially the Bowling League, of which, Josephine is originator and charter member. God grant his soul eternal rest and may perpetual light shine upon him. Mary Gaspictv Sec’y. — S.W.U. Bowling League death surprised everyone. He made his home here in Joliet for the past 16 years coming here from Pittsburgh, Pa. Married to the former Josephine Ramuta, he was well-known here for his many activities in various organizations and as a officer and reporter for various newspapers. He was also the organizer of the American Slovenian Home on Clement St., where he held office as president for many years. At time of death he was 55 years of age. He will be missed by his friends who respected him. Besides his wife, he is survived by his father and two sisters. May our deceased rest in peace. On the third Sunday in November all ladies' societies of the parish will hold an annual card party for the benefit of the church. All members of the branch are asked to cooperate in doing their share for the church. Your help on that day will be needed. Every one is invited to our November meeting which will be important. With best wishes. Josephine Erjavec No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Our meeting in Sept. was well-attended. It was a brief session and we welcomed two new juvenile members, Mary Ann Hu-dak and Katherine Ann Hudak, daughters of our member, Mary and granddaughters of our loyal charter mem- ber. The family is very nice and grandma is always willing to cooperate and help the organization in different things. To our Rec. Sec. Jennie Tomsich, condolences are sent on the loss of her husband, Leo, who died on Sept.. 29th at St. Francis Hospital. May his soul rest in peace. A reminder to members who are behind in dues — kindly pay up what you owe, so that the books can be put into order for the coming year. Best wishes for speedy recovery to all our sick members. We wish all the ladies of our branch a happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving Day. Ann Fran kovic, Sec’y Br. no. 28, Calumet, Mich. Our Fall season got into full swing with a guest party at our Sept. meeting. It was wonderful to see so many present. Congratulations to our vice-president, Rose Barrons, who became the mother of a baby girl; maybe a new member for our branch, huh? It’s not too early to remind the members that our annual Christmas party will be on Wed., Dec. 12th. Supper will be served at G o’clock and there will be a gift exchange, too. Also, our shut-in members will be remembered. Best wishes and greetings to all. Ann Heinemann SUCCESSFUL STATE CONVENTION IN MINNESOTA The annual Minnesota Zveza Day was held In Gilbert, Minn, on Sept. 9th, beginning with a High Mass at 10:30 a. in. at St. Joseph’s Church. The officiant was Rev. John Kausek, who spoke the intention of our living members and for the repose of the souls of our deceased. Fr. Kausek gave a most inspiring sermon, which we all took to our hearts. The Men’s Choir under the direction of Frank Milielich sang during the Mass, which was indeed something to hear. Immediately afterward, our informal meeting was held at the downstairs hall. Highlight of the meeting was the talk given by our Supreme President, Antonia Tanko in regard to the increase of cost of Zarja and the campaign for new members. I really and truly would like to see the members from Minnesota work hard, so that we will have a record in this campaign, which we will be proud to show. We were very happy to have the Supreme President with us and also. Supreme Auditor, Ann Podgoršek from Duluth, who spoke in regard to the Board of Directors’ meeting in Chicago last August. At the conclusion of the State Convention, the site of next year’s event was chosen, Hibbing. At 12:30, the Banquet was held at the Community Building. Mrs. Mary (William) Branlc was the toastmistress; she indeed is a very capable and hard-working member and did a very fine job. Invocation was said by Fr. Kausek. Address of welcome by Mayor of Gilbert, Jack Klobuchar and response by yours truly. Slovenian accordion polkas were given by John Tu-sliar and Slovenian melodies were sung by the 5 Mihelich sisters (all our members), accompanied by their father, Frank Mihelich. They really can sing and were enjoyed by all. Piano selections were next, presented by Mary Margaret Vukelicli, daughter of our State Senator, Tom Vukelich. Greetings by Antonia Tanlco was then followed by an accordion solo by Joe Jagunich. The principal speaker was attorney Leonard Kne of Chisholm. Slovenian folk songs sung In Slovenian by the Choraleers were directed by William Kuntara, piano ac- companiment by Judy Mohar and accordion, Joe Jagunich. Benediction was given by Rev. Kausek. Another guest for the day was Fr. Pius Petrich of Lemont, 111., a relative of Mrs. Katherine Slogar of Ely, who also was called upon for a few remarks. He told us about how disappointed he has been for these many years, because he’s trying to become a member and no one will accept him. He made a motion that at the next convention, we should accept all people In Zveza who wear a skirt — as he does! (Fr. Pius is a Franciscan monk.) A delicious turkey dinner was served by the St. Joseph’s Guild of Gilbert. On behalf of all the members from all the branches in Minnesota, I want to thank the hostess branch at Gilbert for making this day a huge success and a special bouquet of thanks to Antoinette Lucich and her hardworking committee. It takes a lot of work to make something like this run smoothly. Thank you all again and hope we have another successful day next year at Hibbing. I’m sure we will. Let’s not forget the “Coupon Campaign” — membership drive and show that we in Minnesota can make that a success, too. Fraternally yours, Barbara Rosandich, State President No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — October meeting was very well attended despite the fact it was raining. Two new members were enrolled Mary Chepelnik and Jean Galatz; congratulations girls, we are happy to have you in our midst. Our annual dinners for our members in the past have been such huge successes that it was decided to have a Smorgesboard dinner again on our next meeting night November 7, at C p.m. The committee women, Winifred Ellena, Suntina Spehar, Helen Krall, Deloris Heski, Althea Tverberg, Emily Skull, and Doris Skull will contact members as to her contribution toward the dinner. Following the dinner a short meeting will be held and initiation of the new members, who will be honored guests at the dinner. Father Perkovich of Floodwood, Minn, will show slides and movies of his recent trip to Europe. There was also a discussion on a trip to Washington, D.C. Our president offered many suggestions In ways to make money to ease the expense of the trip to those who would be interested in going. Just a reminder to those members who have not as yet paid their $1.00 to the funeral fund. Please do so immediately and at our November meeting we are again asking each member for $1.00 to build up this fund as the reserves are getting low due to the recent deaths in our branch. If you are not or will not contribute to this extra fund, you will not be entitled to its benefits in case there is a death in your home. If you are unable to attend the meeting send your $1.00 to Frances Danko, 308 West House St. Minnesota Zveza day was enjoyed by all 41 members who attended from our branch. We are already looking forward to attend Minnesota Zveza day in Hibbing next year, God willing. Liz Smolnikar, our past president, was surprised with a party recently by their many friends, honoring her and her husband Alex, the occasion being their 25th wedding anniversary. Congratulations to you both and may God grant you health and happiness to celebrate your 50th. They wish to thank all who attended and for the many gifts and best wishes received. Congratulations and many years of happiness to two of our members, Dorothy Shubitz and Kristine Zupan-cich, who were recently married. The past month, two of our faithful members, Mary Heski and Mary Trombley, passed away. May their souls rest in peace and perpetual light shine on them. Let us not forget them in our prayers. To the bereaved families our deepest sympathies. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Members met for their first session following the summer recess on Thurs. evening Sept. 20th at the Parish Hall with Mrs. John Pahula presiding. During the business meeting plans were made to again order and sell the vacuum packed candy as in previous years, which is the annual money making project for our Branch. Mrs. Anthony Yapel gave a report on the SWU “Minnesota Day” held in Gilbert on Sept. 9, which she and Mrs. Mary Pahula attended in company with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Nemanich of Cleveland, Ohio who were vacationing in Soudan at the time. Mr. Nemanich was introduced to the members during the banquet as the new Supreme President of the KSKJ, having been elected to that high post at the last KSKJ National Convention held in Harrisburg, Penn, in August. Incidentally, I might add, that he is my brother having been born and raised in Soudan, attended the grade and high school here in Tower-Soudan, and St. John’s University in College-ville, Minn, and then moved to Cleveland, Ohio where he was married to the former Frances Kasunlc of that city. They are the parents of 3 grown children, Joseph Jr. of Dayton, Ohio, CHRISTMAS FOR THE DEC. ISSUE? SEND THEM IN BY NOV, 15th. THANK YOU James of Cleveland and Barbara Ann, now Mrs. Donald Heller of Cleveland. At this time, may I congratulate the Gilbert ladies on their wonderful hospitality and graciousness, — and their good food and excellent program — the High Mass with such an inspiring message by Father Kausek and beautiful singing by the choir — then the meeting where we had the opportunity to meet and visit with members from other Branches — followed by the delicious banquet. Congratulations! — and a sincere “Thank you!” We enjoyed visiting with Mrs. Antonia Tanko and her mother, Senator Vukelich and also the lady professor from Slovenia. At the meeting Thursday night the members were urged to join the Altar Society members in the spiritual exercise — the recitation of the 15 mysteries of the Rosary — at 2 P.M. every First Saturday of the month at St. Martin’s Church. This the members are doing in reparation for the sins of mankind and the conversion of Russia as requested by our Blessed Mother in her appearance at Fatima. Following the business session, a social hour was held and prize winners at “Cootie” were Mines. Dale Peterson and Edward Dragavon, and at “500” Mmes. Joseph Jamnick and Louis Zu-panich. To conclude the evening’s activities a luncheon was served by the hostesses Mmes. Joseph Sltala and Joseph Gornick. Hostesses for the October meeting were Mrs. Mary Pahula and Mrs. John Pahula, and we are looking forward to a large attendance at the future meetings. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter No. 39, Biwabik, Minn. Our Sept. meeting was a great success. There were twenty members present. We accepted a new member, Mrs. Mae Globokar, and are hoping to get a few more. Mary Berkness and Dorothy Sherek were on the entertainment committee and prepared lunch for the evening. Games were played after the business meeting, which we all enjoyed. Mary brought a beautiful bouquet of gladioli to decorate the table and then, gave them away as the door prize, which went to Mrs. Johanna Geržina. It was decided that we keep our meeting on Thurs. nights until it gets real cold. Grateful appreciation to all members who attended the Zveza Day in Gilbert. Twenty of us were there from Br. 39 and I know everyone enjoyed it. Marriage vows were exchanged at St. John the Baptist church in Biwabik by Miss Patricia F. Anzelc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Anzelc and Wayne R. Hukala. Pat is a juvenile member and her mother, Frances, is our fine secretary. She is well represented in Zveza having numerous relatives and grandma, Mrs. Frances Sherek, all our good members. Pat made a beautiful bride and her wedding was one of the most beautiful and best attended in our town. Congratulations to the newlyweds. Pat is the second juvenile member to be married from our circle. Her cousin, Judith Talus was the first and now, Judith is the mother of a baby boy. Our deepest sympathy to the Krall family on the loss of their beloved father and husband, who passed away in August. We pray that his soul will rest in peace. Mrs. Ann Strukel became a proud mother last month, when her baby boy was born. Congratulations, Ann! Mrs. Jennie Ahlin broke her wrist and Mrs. Josephine Reusus is on the sick list. We hope and pray that all who may be ill have very speedy recoveries. God bless you all. Angeline Karish No. 40, Lorain, Ohio. It has been a long time since I have had an article in Zarja. Sometime ago, a member called me and said that as soon as Zarja is delivered, she looks to see if there is any news from Br. 40. So, here goes! And, first of all, I must tell you all that at our last meeting, we decided to have a fifty-cent Christmas gift exchange at the Dec. meeting, which will be on Dec. 12th at 7 p. m. Also, lunch will be served, so come on, ladies, bring along some goodies or some other article, as the proceeds will go towards our treasury. We have 97 members and I hope that we will have a nice showing at the yearly meeting, especially since some of the members never attend a meeting. There will be election of officers, too, so come and help make a good program for the coming year of 1963. We have a winning seamstress in Lorain and she is Miss Gail Zalar, who Is the winner of a style show at the Lorain Singer Sewing Center in the teen division. She made a beautiful dress for herself, which she modeled in the show. Gail was presented with a handy sewing sachel. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zalar and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Kragely. Congratulations, Gail, keep up the good work and maybe some day you will realize your ambition to become a dress designer! I am very grateful to the committee of the S. W. U. Scholarship Fund for awarding this year’s grant to Miss Arlene Voytko, who is my granddaughter. Thank you very much! A house-warming was given for our member, Rose Cerne, by the Auxiliary of the Slov. Nat’l Home. She received a group gift and a nice time was had with games played and a delicious luncheon served. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Udovlch became grandparents for the first time, when their daughter, Beverly, presented them with a grandson. The proud father is Steve Popovich. Congratulations to all of you. Recent hospital shut-ins were Frances Krumpak and Ann Udovich; also on the sick list is Kedi Fush. We wish you all a speedy recovery. Just a reminder to those who are behind in dues; please pay what you owe and remember, I must send in your insurance premium every month regularly to the Home Office. Dear members, remember too, that each and everyone of you will have to pay the 25zier saying Grace for our annual Covered-Dish Dinner. It was a very nice affair. Sorry that some of our members missed it. The food was delicious. The meat was prepared by chairman, Mary Svesko and her aids, Mmes. Victoria Penksa and Barbara Umeck. Josephine Perusek and Frances Serca brought their specialties. After the dinner, Happy Anniversary was sung to Mrs. Anna Umeck, who celebrated Fifty Years of wedded life. While in a joyous mood, we sang happy birthday to all the members and especially to our pres. Theresa Dozier. Games were played with prizes going to Mmes. Barbara Umeck and Sophie Kren and Mary Svesko. Our guest, who is a member since the Union was organized was Mrs. Mary Fialla. Her home is in Berwyn, 111., so while visiting in Girard, we were honored with her presence. It was reported that Mrs. Gala Sca-glione spent some time in the hospital. The members signed a Get-well card for her. Best wishes for health and happiness is sent to all. More of this and that, next month. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Hello Everyone! It was nice to see so many members at our first meeting of the fall season. Everyone looked so nice. We opened the meeting with a prayer — then draped the charter and recited the rosary for our dearly departed sister, Helen Drobac, who passed away this past summer. Helen made her home with her children in Torrence, Cal. for the past years. We sent money to the family for a floral remembrance and had a high Mass offered for her in Hibbing. Mary Bis-sonette and Agnes Barkis had the misfortune to losing their beloved sisters this summer, when Ducy Stark and Mary Wright passed away. May their souls rest in peace . . . our deepest sympathy to the bereaved. Agnes Barkis made a report on the trip to Gilbert for Minnesota Zveza Day. A bus was chartered for the trip. All the ladies had a wonderful time. Hibbing will be host to next year’s State Day, so, let’s all get behind our president and get started on plans for this big day. We will need a lot of help. The meeting was rather short and the members enjoyed playing games with prizes going to: Mmes. Amelia Domen and Louis Drobnik (Canasta); Mmes. Joe Zaic and Dan Skorich (500); Mmes. Rose Vukich and Mai-nerich (B.). A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Susich, Mary Sporer, Mrs. Ed. Tometie and Mrs. Joe Ober-star. See you again next month. Fran Puhek, Reporter No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Members, do not forget the meeting of Dec. 9 will begin at 2 o’clock at my home. Business discussion, election of officers and other matters will be on the agenda. Our branch lost a very active member, Johanna Škerjanec, who passed a-way on Sept. 21st. Her passing will be greatly felt by everyone. Our sympathy to the family, especially her daughters, Josephine Javemik, Dorothy Legan and granddaughter Arlene Busch, who are all our good members. November is the month of the Poor Souls! Don’t forget to pray for them and also for our members, who have passed away. We lost two members this year. Our many thanks to all who attended the rosary prayer hour and funeral service for the deceased members. Some make great sacrifices to attend and it is really appreciated. Don’t forget to donate some articles of crocheting for the Home and School Bazaar to be held during Thanksgiving week. Call me if you wish to donate something and haven’t been already contacted. Let’s all attend the bazaar at St. Michael’s and make it a success as it will be the only big project for the year. Take the children and enjoy the fun. Remember the sick also in your prayers. Johanna Adamic has been hospitalized recently. May you have a very happy Thanksgiving Day. Be grateful, be happy! Cecile Adamic, Sec’.y No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. Our Oct. meeting was held at the regular place — at the home of Josephine Turk. A great big “Thank You” to you, Mrs. Turk from all of us for the use of your home each month. I’m happy to report that our branch did very well at the Fair on Sept. 30th. We sold 30 booklets plus the majority of the items in our booth. As the other branches did, we had our own special prize, which was a beautiful ten dollar "money tree’ made by our sister member, Emma Sklenika. The tree went to Mrs. Rose Lausche from Newburgh, O., Br. 15. Congratulations! Also, our best wishes to member, Mrs. Virginia Cherosky, who took home the Fair’s second major prize, the Admiral AM-FM radio. Our president, Kay Yuratovac, extends a warm thank you to all for their book donations, and to all who worked at the Fair. Also, to those who attended and made it a success. WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION A MEMORABLE EVENT No. 102, Willard, Wis. — A most unusual sight for this community was seen on Sun., Sept. 16th when two chartered buses, one from Sheboygan and one from West Aliis-Milwaukee, arrived in front of Holy Family Church just in time for the special 11:30 Mass. A carload of Milwaukee-ans arrived earlier. From these buses emerged a happy group of women, members and delegates from four Wisconsin branches of S.W.U. The delegation was greeted by the chiming of t he church bells, well done by Mr. Vitko Staut and so, was launched the 4th Annual State Convention of Wisconsin. Rev. Claude Okorn, Spiritual Advisor, offered the Mass, during which the church choir sang a number of beautiful Slovenian hymns. A delicious dinner was prepared and served by the ladies of St. Catherine’s group at the parish hall. Our pastor, Rev. Mirlco Sylvester, led the prayer. This was followed by a short program. The group was welcomed by Fr. Mirko and by former pastor, Rev. Augustine Svete. Hon. Pres., Mrs. Marie Prisland was presented with a personalized planter plaque, made by Mr. Vitko Staut, with the compliments of Br. 102. State Pres., Mrs. Rose Kraemer, was also presented with a souvenir gift. These presentations were made by our 3 junior members, all grandchildren of Pres., Mrs. Johanna Artach, who next extended her greetings and received a gold Zveza pin from Mrs. Prisland for her 22 years of service in organizing and keeping Br. 102 in existence. Three charter members of the branch were recognized with corsages. Letters of best wishes were read from Supreme President, Mrs. Antonia Tanko, State Assemblyman, Frank L. Nokolay, Colorado State Pres., Mrs. Anna Pachak and Supreme Vice-President, Mrs. Marie Floryan who was unable to attend. The entertainment included 3 piano selections of Slovenian melodies: “Kje prijazne ste višave”, “Gor čez jezero" and “Vse mine”, by Miss Mary Anne Staut. A number of lovely Bongs were sung by the church choir, the first being, “Kje so tiste stezice”, very nicely done by the men; then, a humorous It was decided at our meeting that our branch will divide the usual Christmas donation between two needy Catholic organizations. This being our birthday month, we planned to celebrate with dinner at Danny Carr’s in Maple Hgts., on Oct. 18th. Members were told to be garbed in Hallowe’en costumes as prizes would be awarded to the best costume in many categories. Hope it was a lot of fun. Happy birthday to Irene Chase, Ann bit, “Lisička je prav zvita zfver”, by the ladies. There were two selections by the entire choir with the audience joining in on the last number, “Preljubo veselje”. Mrs. Ann Lamovec was the organist. A presentation of branches was made, totalling 110 members in attendance, very nice turn-out for traveling so far. Mrs. Johanna Mohar of Sheboygan, #1, and Mrs. Mary Petrich of West Allis, #17, both long-standing members of K.S.K.J. Supreme Board were present. Mrs. Anna Horvat of Willard was the lucky winner of a pair of crocheted pillow cases made by Mrs. Johanna Artach and Mrs. Mary Godez of #1 took home the driftwood lamp made by Mr. Frank Volovsek, Sr. The door prize went to Mrs. Christine Panko of Sheboygan. State President, Mrs. Kraemer, presented a cash award to Mrs. Mary Kebl, the oldest member of Br. #102. Our very capable “candid camera” photographers, Mrs. Mary Koschak and Mrs. Josephine Artach, were kept busy throughout the day and came up with some really nice shots, some of which will be seen in Zarja. (See inside cover page.) In closing, Fr. Claude gave an inspiring talk. It is always a pleasure to hear what he has to say. He encouraged the audience to keep the Slovenian language and traditions alive, not to allow them to become extinct. Mrs. Rose Kraemer then opened the convention meeting. A lunch and social hour followed, during which many old, popular Slovenian songs were sung with accordion accompaniment by Mrs. Johanna Zore of Sheboygan. Buses departed at 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. carrying many a tired but happy member home. Yours truly acted as master of ceremonies throughout the program, being very, very grateful for the reasonably good weather, especially since the day dawned under rather wet and threatening skies. Many thanks to our mem bers, the choir, the cooks and everyone else who in any way helped to make the day such a memorable and successful one. Mary Staut, Secretary, Modic, Betty Adler and Agnes Walters. Our deepest sympathy to Florence Due and family on the loss of their mother. May God bless you all and I hope to see you in November. Joyce Braham, Reporter No. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Thought I would write a few lines since our reporter, Mary Bratorlch, is devoting her full time taking care of her invalid mother, Mrs. Ivana Chacata, who is bedridden with a stroke and arthritis for the past two months. We all hope she gets better soon. I want to thank Mrs. Remitz for making it possible for us to meet in Sept. at the home of her brother, Frank Rosenstine, on Lake Sawyer. We decided to have a Christmas party with candy and nuts for the children and an exchange of gifts for adults — cost of gift not to exceed $1. Mothers are to bring gifts for their own children. It will be a pot-luck lunch on Dec. 9th at the home of our pres. Mary Mihelich. We hope for a nice turn-out. After the meeting, we had a picnic lunch — was enjoyed by all. I also want to thank Mrs. Lobe for the delicious lunch she served when we met at her home in Renton for the previous evening. A reminder to all the members that there is 2 JUNIOR’S PAGE <(«(«« Chris Menart: THANKSGIVING PRAYER Heavenly Father, hear our thanks For Thy loving care; Help us now to show our love, And each blessing share!” SNOW FLAKES Whenever u snowflake leaves the sky It turns and turns to say, “goodbye!” Goodbye, dear cloud, so cool and gray Then lightly travels on its way. HAPPY THOUGHT ‘ The world is so full of a number of things I’m sure we should be as happy as kings!” HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY NOV. 22nd! Cleveland Juniors Were Guests in Pittsburgh The Cleveland Junior Drill Team has a very talented group of baton-twirlers and here they are performing at the program held in connection with the Pennsylvania State Day in Pittsburgh, Pa. The drummer boys of the Cleveland Jr. Circle tap out the beat! In a sprightly folk dance, the little Slovenian costumed juniors from Cleveland, participated in the Penna State Day program and really were darling. DATES TO REMEMBER: Nov. 7 — Smorgasbord dinner, G p. m., Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Nov. 8 — Penny Social, 7:30 p. m. Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Nov. 11 — Fall Afternoon Social, Br. 102, Willard, Wise. Dec. 2 — Christmas Party, 1:30 St. Geo. Hall, Br. 16, S. Chicago, 111. Dec. 9 — Yearly meeting, Br. GG, Canon City, Colo. Dec. 12 — Christmas Party, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. Dec. 12 — Christmas Party, 7 p. m., Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio. Jan. 12 — Card Party, Br. 54, Warren, IOhio. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN NOVEMBER Supreme Officers: Nov. 5 — Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary, Chicago, 111. Branch Presidents: Nov. 1 — Frances Plesko, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. Nov. 15 — Antonia Kostelec, Br. 64, Kansas City, ICans. Nov. 15 — Johanna Artac, Br. 102, Willard, Wise. Nov. 16 — Marion Marolt, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Nov. 25 — Katie Triller, Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. Nov. 25 — Mary Krogulski, Br. 24, La Salle, 111. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! “AI' me boš kaj rada imela?” seems to be the subject of this pose by two young Cleveland performers, Misses Peklar and Vovko, who brought a little singing into the variety show in Pittsburgh. MARIE PRISLAND 1034 DILLINGHAM AV. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois H. GRDINH & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne ineve Nad 59 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin IZLET S.Ž.Z. V SLOVENIJO V LETU 1963 Izleti v Slovenijo prihodnje leto bodo posebno zanimivi in to v ceni kot v predpripravah. Ne odlašajte več za obisk svojcev in prijateljev, ampak se odločite, da se boste v letu gotovo podali na zaželjeno pot v Slovenijo! EXCURSIONS TO SLOVENIA IN 1963! In 1963 we will have special arrangements in every respect for an economical journey which most everyone will be able to afford. So start making plans that in 1963 you will visit Slovenia with the Slovenian Women’s Union Tours. For further information write to: August KoUander Travel Bureau 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Phone HE 1-4148