512 DIAGNOSTICS Zdrav Vestn | september – october 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3108 Copyright (c) 2021 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Measurement properties of the numerical pain rating scale in patients with musculoskeletal impairments of the limbs – a systematic literature review Merske lastnosti številske lestvice za oceno intenzivnosti bolečine pri pacientih z mišično-skeletnimi okvarami na udih – sistematični pregled literature Ivana Hrvatin, Urška Puh Abstract Background: Pain intensity is often assessed using the numerical rating scale, with scores ranging from 0 to 10. It can be administered verbally or in a written format. The purpose was to review its measurement properties in patients with mus- culoskeletal impairments of the limbs. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted in PubMed, CINAHL and the Cochrane library. Results: Thirteen studies were included. Very good to excellent test-retest reliability of the numeric pain rating scale was found in patients with musculoskeletal disorders of the limbs. Correlations with the visual analogue scale and verbal rating scale were very good to excellent, which confirms the construct validity. Minimal important difference is 2 points. Conclusion: The numerical rating scale is a reliable and valid tool for pain assessment in patients with musculoskeletal impairments of the limbs. We cannot confirm better measurement properties for written or verbal version. The evaluation should follow detailed patient instructions. Izvleček Izhodišča: Za oceno intenzivnosti bolečine je pogosto v uporabi številska lestvica z ocenami od 0 do 10. Ocenjevanje je lahko ustno ali pisno. Namen pregleda literature je bil povzeti njene merske lastnosti pri pacientih z mišično-skeletnimi okvarami na udih. Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence / Korespondenca: Urška Puh, e: urska.puh@zf.uni-lj.si Key words: NRS; pain intensity; validity; reliability; musculoskeletal disorders Ključne besede: številska lestvica; intenzivnost bolečine; veljavnost; zanesljivost; mišično-skeletni sistem Received / Prispelo: 10. 6. 2020 | Accepted / Sprejeto: 16. 11. 2020 Cite as / Citirajte kot: Hrvatin I, Puh U. Measurement properties of the numerical pain rating scale in patients with musculoskeletal impairments of the limbs – a systematic literature review. Zdrav Vestn. 2021;90(9–10):512–20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ ZdravVestn.3108 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3108 doi 10.6.2020 date-received 16.11.2020 date-accepted Diagnostics Diagnostika discipline Systematic review article Sistematični pregledni članek article-type Measurement properties of the numerical pain rating scale in patients with musculoskeletal impairments of the limbs - a systematic litera- ture review Merske lastnosti številske lestvice za oceno inten- zivnosti bolečine pri bolnikih z mišično-skeletnimi okvarami na udih - sistematični pregled literature article-title Measurement properties of the numerical pain rating scale in patients with musculoskeletal impairments of the limbs Merske lastnosti številske lestvice za oceno inten- zivnosti bolečine pri bolnikih z mišično-skeletnimi okvarami na udih alt-title NRS, pain intensity, validity, reliability, muscu- loskeletal disorders številska lestvica, intenzivnost bolečine, veljav- nost, zanesljivost, mišično-skeletni sistem kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2021 90 9 10 512 520 name surname aff email Urška Puh 1 urska.puh@zf.uni-lj.si name surname aff Ivana Hrvatin 1 eng slo aff-id Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Oddelek za fizioterapijo, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 Slovenian Medical Journallovenian Medical Journal 513 SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ARTICLE Measurement properties of the numerical pain rating scale in patients with musculoskeletal impairments of the limbs 1 Introduction Musculoskeletal impairments include a variety of conditions involving disorders or injuries of bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joint capsules and other connective tissues. The WHO classification of diseases lists more than 150 diagnoses. Symptoms can appear as early as childhood and their incidence increases with age (1-3). Most common are lower limbs joint osteoarthrosis, lower back pain, neck pain and inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. Joint and back pain are by far the most common self-re- ported problems in Slovenia and other developed na- tions (1,2). Upper and lower extremity injuries repre- sent 59% of all musculoskeletal injuries treated in the emergency department (4). Fall is the most common mechanism of musculoskeletal system injury, however the most common causes of physician visits are sprains (31%), followed by fractures (16%), open wounds (14%), contusions (14%) and luxations (5%) (5). Musculoskel- etal disorders are characterized by pain and limitations of movement, skills and functional abilities or activi- ties, which affects the ability to work and integrate into society as well as the individual’s mental health (2). The use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is recommended for a com- prehensive assessment of health status (6). It is suitable for promoting appropriate clinical reasoning, classi- fication of measuring tools by ICF sections, enables a structured assessment and treatment of all aspects of human functioning and improves communication (7) between experts in individual disciplines and between disciplines. Sensory functions and pain are included (6) in the second chapter of the Physical Functions section of the ICF. Reducing pain is often the main treatment goal and the most commonly assessed result of patient manage- ment (8). As patients cite pain as their most common problem, its assessment is crucial. Pain is a complex ex- perience, therefore a comprehensive assessment needs Metode: Sistematično so bile pregledane podatkovne zbirke PubMed, CINAHL in Cochrane library. Rezultati: V pregled je bilo vključenih 13 raziskav. Pri pacientih z mišično-skeletnimi okvarami na udih ima številska lestvi- ca zelo dobro do odlično zanesljivost ponovnega ocenjevanja. Povezanost z vidno analogno lestvico in z lestvico za bese- dno ocenjevanje bolečine je zelo dobra do odlična, kar potrjuje veljavnost konstrukta. Najmanjša pomembna sprememba je dve oceni. Zaključek: Številska lestvica je zanesljiva in veljavna za oceno bolečine, ki je posledica mišično-skeletnih okvar na udih. Ne moremo potrditi boljših merskih lastnosti ocenjevanja na ustni ali pisni način. Ocenjevanje mora slediti natančnim navodilom, posredovanim pacientu. to assess five characteristics of pain: location, intensi- ty, quality, duration, and triggers (9). If possible, the assessment should always include self-report of pain intensity, as only the subjects themselves can rate the characteristics of their pain (10). The other two com- mon ways to assess pain are by observing and measur- ing physiological responses (10,11). Assessing the intensity of pain gives us a quantita- tive score of its severity and intensity. The latter is most commonly assessed with three scales: the numerical rating scale (NRS), visual analogue scale (VAS) and verbal rating scale (VRS) (10). In VRS, the subject reads the list of pain intensity descriptors given in graded or- der and indicates the appropriate category. A number belonging to this category indicates his or her level of pain (10). For research purposes, the 4-point VRS is of- ten used, which contains the following descriptors: no pain, mild pain, moderate pain and severe pain with numbers from 0 to 3 (10). The 6-point VRS is also in use with two additional categories: very severe pain and worst pain imaginable. The easiest to use and most widespread of these scales is the NRS with an 11-point scale. Its scale ranges from 0 (representing “no pain”) to 10 (representing “the worst pain imaginable”) (12). There is also the 21-point NRS with numbers from 0 to 20 and the 101-point NRS with numbers from 0 to 100, in which both endpoints are marked with same anchor descriptors as in the 11-point NRS (10). NRS can be administered verbally or in written for- mat. It is important to explain the procedure and give detailed instructions to the subject on how to rate pain and for which period they are being asked before as- sessing the pain intensity with NRS (see Supplement 1). The verbal version of NRS is simple to use and does not require any aids. In written format, all grades should be written in ascending order and the endpoints should also be described. The subject rates the pain by indi- cating a number that represents the intensity level of 514 DIAGNOSTICS Zdrav Vestn | september – october 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3108 the pain. Written version of NRS is similar to the VAS as the numbers follow sequentially from left to right, helping the subject with visual representation (10,12). The VAS and NRS scores usually correlate. Despite this, some researchers claim that VAL is more sensitive for detecting small but not necessarily clinically significant changes (11,12). The validity and reliability of NRS are well represent- ed in the literature. High or excellent validity and reli- ability have been confirmed in many literature reviews: in the healthy population (13), children and teenagers (14,15), adults (16-18), the elderly (19), for assessing pain in the lower back (20) and neck (21), chronic mus- culoskeletal pain (22), in patients with arthritis (23), cancer (24) and endometriosis (25), in the prehospital unit (26), post-surgery (27) and in palliative care (28). The purpose of our literature review was to system- atically review studies of the NRS measurement prop- erties in subjects with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper or lower limbs and to determine whether verbal or written version has better measurement properties. 2 Methods We searched for the literature through the internet databases PubMed, CINAHL and the Cochrane library. The literature search in PubMed was conducted with the following search string: (((numeric[Title/Abstract] OR numerical [Title/Abstract]) AND rating scale*[Ti- tle/Abstract]) AND pain intensity[Title/Abstract]) AND psychometric [Title/Abstract] OR reliability [Ti- tle/Abstract] OR validity [Title/Abstract]. In other da- tabases the search string was adapted but used the same keywords. All databases were last searched at the end of March 2019. English-language studies were included if reliability, validity, or other measurement properties of NRS to assess pain intensity were analysed in patients over 18 years of age with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper or lower limb. Studies were excluded if assess- ing pain in the emergency department or ambulance, studies in patients with communication difficulties, and studies in which pain was intentionally induced. The degree of reliability estimated by calculating the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was determined according to published criteria (29): ICC values below 0.50 indicate poor reliability, between 0.50 and 0.75 the reliability is moderate, between 0.75 and 0.90 it is good and above 0.90 it is excellent. Validity was evaluated with the Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficient: values below 0.25 indicate that there is little or no re- lationship,, between 0.25 and 0.5 it is fair, between 0.5 and 0.75 moderate to good and above 0.75 very good to excellent (29). The threshold for presence of notable floor or ceiling effects was set at 15% (30). 3 Results The article selection strategy is presented in the PRISMA flowchart (31) (Figure 1). Thirteen studies that met the criteria were included in the review. In all the included studies the 11-point NRS was used and patients rated the pain intensity with a whole number from 0 to 10 (32-44). The authors of all studies described the value 0 with the phrase “no pain”. For val- ue 10 they used different descriptors. In seven studies it was described as “worst pain imaginable” (32,36,38-42), in two studies they used the phrase “strongest possible pain” (35,37), and in two “pain as bad as it could be” (33,43). In one study (34) they used the phrase “worst pain ever” and in another study (44) “unbearable pain”. Four studies involved patients with upper limb im- pairments, three of which included patients with shoul- der pain (33,38,40) and one included patients with dif- ferent upper limb musculoskeletal impairments (39). Six studies involved patients with lower limb impair- ments: knee osteoarthrosis (32,34), ankle sprains (35), patellofemoral pain (37), non-pathologic fractures in the elderly (42) and lower limb musculoskeletal pain of various causes (43). Three studies involved patients with rheumatoid arthritis (36,41,44). In two of these studies, they assessed intensity of acute pain (35,42), chronic pain in five (32,34,36,41,44), and in the remaining six studies, the authors did not identify pain in terms of du- ration, or patients with acute and chronic pain partici- pated (33,37-40,43). The test-retest reliability of NRS was tested in nine studies (32-40,42). Excellent reliability ((ICC  =  0.92– 0.95) was found in three studies with subjects with lower limb impairments (32,37,42), in four stud- ies (33,34,36,38) the test-retest reliability was good (ICC = 0.84–0.89) and in three studies (35,39,40) it was moderate (ICC = 0.72–0.74). The minimal detectable change was between the NRS score 1.33 and 2.6 (Table 1). The validity of NRS was studied in 12 studies (32- 41,43,44). Between NRS in written format and VAS (36,41,43) the correlation was very good to excellent (r = 0.89–0.92). Between verbal NRS and VAS the correla- tion was very good to excellent (r = 0-94) in two studies (32,34), while one study (44) reported a good correla- tion (r = 0.75). In all five studies excellent correlations between verbal NRS (32,34) and VRS (r = 0.92–0.93), 515 SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ARTICLE Measurement properties of the numerical pain rating scale in patients with musculoskeletal impairments of the limbs and between written NRS (36,41,43) and VRS (r = 0.80– 0.91) were reported (Table 2). Four studies (38-40) examined the validity of NRS with the functional ability scales. The correlation with the Patient Specific Functional Scale was moderate (r = 0.51) in one study (39) and little (r = 0.15) in another (38). Fair negative correlation (r = -0.26) was reported between the NRS and the Functional Index Questionnaire (37), and between the NRS and the Short Form of the Disabil- ities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Outcome Measure (Quick DASH) (r = 0.26) (40). Little or fair correlation (r = 0.12–0.37) was also reported between the NRS and the Fear-avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire-physical Ac- tivity (33), with Global Rating of Change (35), and with Anterior Knee Pain Scale and the Pain Severity Scale for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (37). Three studies examined the presence of the floor and ceiling effects (35,37,38). In none of the studies did more than 15% of subjects rate pain with grade 0 or 10, so they found that no floor and ceiling effect was present. 4 Discussion Pain assessment is an important part of assessing Figure 1: The PRISMA flow diagram. Summarized after Moher D, 2009 (31). Records aer the removal of duplicates (n = 230) Records identified through database search (n = 506) PubMed: 261; CINAHL: 127; Cochrane library: 118 Records screened (title and abstract) (n = 204) Full text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 61) Reviewed studies (n = 14) Records excluded (n = 143) Full text articles excluded with reasons (n = 47) Patients with cognitive deficits; assessment of pain intensity not located on limbs, induced pain; assessment in an ambulance or emergency department Id e n ti fi ca ti o n S cr e e n in g E li g ib il it y In cl u d e d Studies, included into a thorough review/analysis (n = 13) and monitoring the course of treatment. Pain intensi- ty is probably the most important information about a patient’s pain experience, regardless of impairment or illness, and often influences treatment decision-mak- ing. (16). In all 13 studies reviewed (32-44), the 11-point NRS was used, which is the most commonly used scale to as- sess pain intensity in both clinical practice and research (15). Two important questions remain open with NRS use: what instructions to give to the subject before the assessment and which descriptor to use for the number 10. The results of our literature review show that “worst pain imaginable” is its most commonly used descriptor (32,36,38-42). We propose the descriptor “no pain” for the number 0 and “worst pain imaginable” for the num- ber 10 (see Supplement 1), the same as we suggested for VAS (11). There were no differences in reliability or validity between the verbal (32-34,40,44) or written (36-39,41- 43) format of NRS. Therefore, we cannot confirm that either of these two versions would be more appropriate. Pasero and McCaffery (45) proposed that the written format is more appropriate as its grades would be more reliable because the subject also had visible information 516 DIAGNOSTICS Zdrav Vestn | september – october 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3108 during the assessment, therefore better showing his or her condition. We agree that this format is clearer for the subject as the endpoints and possible grades are clearly shown on the form, thus avoiding invalid scores. We have not found in the literature whether it is recommended that the subject, upon reassessment, has the previously administered scale on hand, as is recom- mended for VAS (12,46). Nevertheless, the advantage of the verbal NRS is that it is easier to use and does not require any aids or forms (45). Four reviewed studies (33,38-40) included pa- tients with upper limb impairments and six studies (32,34,35,37,42,43) with lower limb impairments. The test-retest reliability of pain intensity with NRS was moderate to excellent and did not differ substantially be- tween the body parts (upper limbs: ICC 0.74–0.88; lower limbs: ICC 0.72–0.95). Two studies (35,42) involved patients with acute musculoskeletal system impairments, and five studies (32,34,36,41,44) patients with chronic impairments. No differences in the test-retest reliability with respect to this description of pain were found (acute pain: ICC 0.75–0.95; chronic pain: ICC 0.86–0.95). According to the authors of the previous systematic review (17), all three scales, NRS, VAS and VRS, are valid and reliable and suitable for the assessment of acute pain, but NRS is Table 1: Test-retest reliability of the numerical raiting scale for pain intensity for pain intensity assessment in patients with upper or lower limb impairments. Legend: N – number of subjects, NRS – numerical rating scale for pain intensity, ICC – interclass correlation coefficient, CI – confidence interval, SEM – standard error of measurement, MDC – minimal detectable change, / – no data. Authors N NRS version ICC 95% CI SEM MDC Alghadir et al., 2018 (32) 121 Verbal 0.95 0.93–0.96 0.48 1.33 Riley et al., 2018 (33) 206 Verbal 0.88 0.77–0.94 / / Alghadir et al., 2016 (34) 121 Verbal 0.89 0.84–0.92 0.71 1.96 Da Cunha et al., 2016 (35) 18 Verbal 0.72 0.51–0.84 1.37 / Sendbeck et al., 2015 (36) 236 Written 0.86 0.89–0.98 / / Da Cunha et al., 2013 (37) 83 Written 0.92 0.87–0.95 0.75 / Puga et al., 2013 (38) 100 Written 0.84 0.77–0.89 0.9 2.6 Hefford et al., 2012 (39) 180 Written 0.74 0.55–0.86 0.7 2.5 Mintken et al., 2009 (40) 101 Verbal 0.74 0.08–0.92 / / Herr et al., 2007 (41) 97 Written / / / / Bergh et al., 2001 (42) 53 Written 0.95 / / / Herr in Mobily, 1993 (43) 49 Written / / / / Downie et al., 1978 (44) 100 Verbal / / / / the easiest to use and is therefore recommended in the guidelines for the assessment of acute pain (47). Accord- ing to the Initiative on Methods, Measurements and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMMPACT) guidelines both the verbal and written formats of NRS are appro- priate for the assessment of chronic pain intensity (48). The minimal detectable change in the assessment of pain intensity with NRS was from 1.33 (32) to 2.6 (38). Similarly, a difference of 2 points was found as the min- imal clinically important difference in patients with di- abetic neuropathy, neuralgia, chronic lower back pain, fibromyalgia and osteoarthrosis (49), chronic musculo- skeletal pain (50), lower back pain (51) and shoulder pain (52), which were not included in our literature review. Good (44) or very good to excellent (32,34,36,41,43) relationship with VAS and very good to excellent relation- ship with VRS (32,34,36,41,43) was reported in determin- ing the validity of NRS with other pain intensity scales (Table 2). The very good to excellent relationship is ex- pected as the same construct is assessed with these scales. VAS is supposedly the least popular and least used scale among patients and evaluators (53), which could be the consequence of the NRS being simpler to use, especial- ly the verbal version (48). Another literature review (18) found VRS to be the least sensitive of the scales. Its dis- advantage is that the number belonging to the adjective 517 SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ARTICLE Measurement properties of the numerical pain rating scale in patients with musculoskeletal impairments of the limbs can be misleading for the evaluator. Numerous authors (13,54,55) states that VRS is more useful in the elderly and patients with cognitive deficits, while the use of NRS is most widespread in adults without cognitive deficits. The correlation between the NRS and the functional abilities scales is little or fair. These results are expected as NRS only assesses pain intensity and not how pain affects the patient’s functioning (37). A positive correla- tion between NRS and functional ability scales suggests that the more intense the pain, the lower the individual’s functional ability. However, other factors besides pain intensity affect functioning. It should be noted that NRS only gives us information about pain intensity, which is not adequate for a complete assessment of the patient’s pain and its effect on functioning and quality of life. In future studies, it would be sensible to compare assessment with NRS in verbal and written format in patients with acute musculoskeletal disorders. It would also be sensible to establish inter-tester reliability, par- ticularly of the verbal NRS, as the explanation giv- en and the assessment process are very important. A unified descriptor of the number 10 would also allow Table 2: Correlations of the numerical raiting scale for pain intensity with other pain intensity assessment scales confirming construct validity in patients with upper or lower limb impairments. Legend: r – Pearson correlation coefficient, * – Spearman correlation coefficient, / – no data. Authors Visual analogue scale (VAS) (r) Verbal rating scale (VRS) (r) Alghadir et al., 2018 (32) 0.94 0.92 Alghadir et al., 2016* (34) 0.94 0.93 Sendbeck et al., 2015 (36) 0.89 0.80 Herr et al., 2007 (41) 0.92 0.91 Herr, Mobily, 1993* (43) 0.92 0.91 Downie et al., 1978 (44) 0.73 / comparability of findings between studies. 5 Conclusion In adults without cognitive deficits, the 11-point NRS is most commonly used for pain intensity assessment, mainly because of its ease of use. The findings of our lit- erature review show that this scale is reliable and valid for use in patients with musculoskeletal disorders of the limbs, regardless of whether it is administered verbally or in written format. Despite this, the assessment result may be affected by the implementation process. It is important to present the scale (measuring tool) to the subject and clearly ex- plain what the numbers 0 and 10 represent. We propose the descriptor “no pain” for the number 0 and “worst pain imaginable” for the number 10 for use in Slovenia (see Supplement 1). The question should also clearly de- fine in which time the subject should assess the pain. Conflict of interest None declared. Supplement 1: Numerical rating scale for pain intensity (NRS) Before assessing the intensity of pain, it is important to give the subject detailed instructions and present the measuring tool. With NRS, we can assess the intensity of current pain, usual (average) pain, the most severe pain or the least severe pain in a certain period, which must be clearly stated in the instructions and written next to the score (10,12). Verbal NRS Instruction for the subject: “I ask you to rate the intensity of your current / usual / most severe / least severe pain in ____________ (specify the period). Rate it with a number from 0 to 10 with 0 meaning “no pain” and 10 meaning “worst pain imaginable”. Did you understand?” 518 DIAGNOSTICS Zdrav Vestn | september – october 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3108 References 1. Bolezni kostno-mišičnega sistema. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje; 2018 [cited 2019 May 30]. Available from: https://www.nijz.si/sl/ bolezni-kostno-misicnega-sistema. 2. Musculoskeletal conditions. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018 [cited 2019 May 30]. 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