II 5478S SLOVENIAN MEN CHORALEERS OF CHISHOLM, MINN. Celebrating their lOlli anniversary singing Slovenian folksongs throughout the Minnesota Iron Kange are the Slovenian Men Choraleers, directed by William Knntara. During these years they have appeared numerous times before the American public, bringing the beauty and color of their native folk music to the forefront. They are heard weekly over radio W.E.V.E., originating from Kveleth and this in itself, is a very valuable contribution to the Slovenian community on the Iron Range. From the many successes of the past, they have great confidence in the future. They are now preparing to issue their second record album called “Pesem Slovenska.” Their first is titled: k‘Naša Pesem”. From left to right, they are, seated: accordionists I Job Pushkar, Tony Zaitz, Paul IJiondich, Frank Erjavec and I Job Kern; standing, front: Louis Turk, Fd krall, Peter Ivrall, Alvin Koroshec, Albert Stark, Joe Bradach, George Cicensky; standing, center row: director William Knntara, Frank Mihclich, Victor Pakiz, Ed Turk and in the hack row, standing: Frank Strlekar, Joe Stehlay, Frank Krulc, Hill Lab, Tony kocijanchich ami Fred Nemgar. May they long enjoy singing with their hearts in the language of their fathers. Jv ZARJA-DAWN Ž3S URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION WSr NUMBER I JANUARY, 1967 VOLUME 39 i! 54788 ZARJA - THE DAWN “ Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered, as second class mailer November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. fficial Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America radno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, lil. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. 1'si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo meselnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XXXIX — NO. 1 JANUARY, 1967 LETO XXXIX — ŠT. 1 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois MEMRER OF NATIONAL COU SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. NCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN MINUTES OF THE STATE CONVENTION OF COLO.—KANS.—MO. The State Convention ot Slovenian Women’s Union in colorful Denver, Colo, was held Sunday, Aug. 28, 1966. The day began with a beautiful Slovenian Mass at Holy Rosary church, said by our Spiritual Director, Rev. Leopold Mihelich. He led the women in singing the hymns. We were all very happy to have such a large group come by bus, with our State President, Mrs. Anna Pachak. Also on the bus and by car were representatives from Florence, Canon City, and Crested Butte, Colo. From church we went to the Slovenian Home, where after coffee and donuts were served, we held our meeting. Father Mihelich opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Pachak greeted everyone in her gracious manner and thanked all for making the trip. Roll call was given with Leadville not having a delegate, and Mrs. K. Starika representing her sister, who was unable to come. Br. No. 66 from Canon City was called upon next with the President, Mrs. Christine Konte telling of their 90 year old member — this is something to be proud of! Br. 92 from Crested Butte, Colo, had their very good report, read by Mrs. K. Starika. With only 22 members and in that cold country, they all keep active and work for the S. W. U. Fruit cake selling is one of their largest projects. The minutes of the last convention were then read, moved, and accepted. Mrs. Pachak spoke on the motion to he brought before the National Convention. Namely that boys 21 years of age be signed up for Class B insurance and accepted in the Union. It was also decided to keep our State Conventions every two years. The next one in 1968 we are hoping for Crested Butte, as everyone enjoyed their last one so much. Father Mihelich then spoke on the Canonization of Bishop Slomšek to be the first Yugoslavian Saint. A motion was asked for each Branch to donate $5.00 to this great cause Mrs. Mary Guzzol then asked that if men were accepted for insurance the name Slovenian Women’s Union would have to changed. That will be taken care of at the Convention. Father John Canjar, our beloved pastor, then gave a short talk and welcome to the women, concerning our part in the Vatican Council and Religion. He stressed the action of mothers in the home and women taking part in activities, which are close to our hearts and Church. He then said the closing prayer. We all drove to the Golden Steer Restaurant, where a delightful meal and program was given. John Pavlako-vich, our Master of Ceremonies, did a beautiful job. Dancing resumed at Slovenian Home until late that evening. We do hope everyone enjoyed the day, because we sure did! Ellen Nortnik, Recording Secretary happy birthday //v .January: Branch Presidents: Jan. 2—Kay Yuratovac, Br. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., O Jan. 6—Frances Meglic, Br. 89, Oglesby, 111. Jan. 6—Irene Planinšek, Br. 103, Washington, D. C. Jan. 13—Mary Stephenson, Br. 27, No. Braddock, Pa. Jan. 27—Mary Polajner, Br. 4, Oregon City, Oregon Otir Secretaries’ Iti r I Inlays in January Jan. 12—Mary Krall, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. Jan. 14-—Virginia Zevkovich, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio Jan. 21—Marian Dergantz, Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. Jan. 21—Agnes Lesar, Br. 102, Willard, Wis. Jan. 22—Anna Vogrich, Br. 89, Oglesby, 111. Jan. 23—Mary Faidiga, Br. 78, Leadville, Colo. Jan. 26—Mary Gerkman, Br. 4, Oregon City, Oregon MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! HATES TO REMEMBER . . . March 11—12, Midwest Bowling Tourny, Chicago, II May 24-28—14th National S.W.U. Convention, Washingfjbt July 16—Trip to Canadian Shrines, departure Chicago, III July 16—Lemont Illinois Zveza Day SCHOLARSHIP FUND CONTRIBUTORS 4 Balance on hand October 10, 1966 $1,544.00 New donations: Branch No. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. 10.00 Branch No. 32, Euclid, O. in memory of Antonia Karabo 5.00 Anna Karun, Br. 105, Detroit, in memory of Emily Smoltz 5.00 Mary Markovich, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. 5.00 Mary Tomsic, Br. 71, Strabane, Pa. in memory of her husband 3.00 Total 28.00 Balance on hand Dec. 10, 1966 $1,572.00 Sincere thanks to all! FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE, Marie Prisland, pres. jr. 14th National Convention Washington, D. C., May 24-28, 1967 JANUARY AND FEBRUARY are the two months designated for the election of your delegates to the '14th National S.W.U. Convention. Members are requested to attend the meetings and help elect the most qualified delegates and alternates to represent your branch. The following sections are taken from the By-laws and Regulations of our S.W.U. The 14th regular S.W.U. Convention will be held May 24 to 28, 1967 at Washington, D. C. To be a delegate or alternate, one must be at least 21 years of age, and be a member in good standing besides being a practical Catholic and a U. S. citizen at the time of election. Candidates for delegates and alternates must have attended at least 5 meetings of the year, prior to the Convention, being a member at least one year. This, however, shall not apply to newly organized branches. (The Convention year is considered from the first day of January of the previous year to the first of January in the Convention year.) Each subordinate branch which has the assessment paid for all its members and which numbers 100 to 300 members in adult Classes A and B on the first day in the month of January of the Convention year, shall be entitled to one delegate to the Convention. Branches numbering 301 to 600 members shall be entitled to two delegates. Branches with more than G01 members are entitled to three delegates to the Convention. No branch shall send more than three delegates to the Convention irrespective of the membership total. Delegates and alternates shall be elected in the month of January or February in the Convention year. Elections held earlier than the first day of January or later than the first day of March of the Convention year shall not be considered valid. The nominations of delegates shall be public, the election being made by written ballot. If more than one delegate is nominated and a majority is not reached by any one candidate, the two highest nominees shall be voted upon to decide the election. A separate election shall be held for each delegate. Alternates shall be elected in a similar manner. Unanimous elections shall be valid when the entire present membership approves, or if only one candidate is nominated. Credentials of the delegates shall be signed by the president, secretary and treasurer of the respective branch to be valid and shall be presented to the convention credential committee by the delegate. Subordinate branches having a membership of less than 100 members shall be combined with other such branches by the Supreme Secretary for the purpose of electing a delegate. The total membership for consolidation for elections shall be considered as of the first day in the month of January of the Convention year. The consolidated branches shall have a total of 120 members to be entitled to one delegate. In connection therewith the branches closest to each other shall be consolidated. The Supreme Secretary shall issue the order of consolidation after which the delegates shall be elected. Consolidated branch shall elect their delegate In the month of February. Branches which do not send a delegate may authorize another delegate or a Supreme Board member who attends the Convention to represent them. A proxy vote of such branches is valid only if the branch numbers 100 members. From its Expense Fund the Union shall pay the delegates transportation to and from the Convention City. (Hound trip fare in coach.) Albina Novak, Supr. Sec’y. 14 Redna Konvencija SŽZ v Washington, D. C., JANUAR IN FEBRUAR sta meseca, določena za izvolitev delegatk 14. redne konvencije SŽZ. Članice se pozivajo, da se udeležijo sej in pomagajo izvoliti najbolj sposobne delegatke in namestnice, ki bodo zastopale podružnice. Spodaj so navedena poglavja iz Zveznih pravil in določb, ki se nanašajo na izvolitev delegatk. Štirinajsta redna konvencija SŽZ se vrši v dneh od 24 do 28 maja, 1967 v Washington, D. C. Delegatka in njena namestnica je lahko vsaka članica, ki ima plačan asesment, je praktična katoličanka, ameriška državljanka za časa volitev delegatk in je stara vsaj 21 let. Mora biti članica Zveze nad eno leto in se tisto leto pred konvencijo udeležiti najmanj pet sej svoje podružnice. To pa ne zadeva novih podružnic (Konvenčno leto se smatra od prvega januarja prejšnjega leta do prvega januarja konvenčnega leta.) Vsaka podružnica, ki ima plačan asesment za svoje članice in ki šteje od 100 do 300 članic v odraslih oddelkih (A in B) prvega dne meseca januarja konvenčnega leta, je upravičena do ene delegatke za konvencijo. Podružnice, ki štejejo 301 do G00 članic, so upravičene do dveh delegatk. Podružnice z več kot 601 članic so upravičene do treh delegatk za konvencijo. Nobena podružnica ne more poslati več kot tri delegatke, ne oziraje se na skupno število članstva. Podružnice, ki štejejo manj kot 100 članic, glavna tajnica združi, da si skupno Izvolijo delegatko in pri tem naj združi podružnice, ki so si najbližje. Združitev se vrši na podlag števila članstva, ki ga take podružnice izkazujejo prvi dan meseca januarja konvenčnega leta. Združene po- družnice morajo skupno šteti 120 članic, da so upravičene do ene delegatke. Glavna tajnica sestavi red, po katerem se volijo delegatke združenih podružnic. Volitve se vršijo meseca februarja. Podružnice, ki ne pošlejo svoje delegatke, lahko zastopstvo poverijo delegatki kake druge podružnice, ali pa kateri izmed gl. odbornic, ki je na konvenciji navzoča. Glas takih podružnic je veljaven le, če podružnica šteje 100 članic. Delegatke in njih namestnice se volijo meseca januarja ali februarja konvenčnega leta. Volitve, ki se vrše pred prvim januarjem ali kasneje kot prvega marca konvenčnega leta, se smatrajo za neveljavne. Delegatke se volijo tajno (z listki), nominacija je pa javna. Ako je nominiranih več kandidatk in če pri prvi volitvi ne prejme nobena nadpolovične večine oddanih glasov, se vrši ožja volitev med tistima dvem kandidatoma, ki imata največ glasov. Kandidatka, ki pri teli volitvah dobi nadpolo-vično večino oddanih glasov, je pravilno izvoljena. Pri podružnici, kjer se voli več kot ena delegatka, se voli vsako posebej. Ko so delegatke izvoljene, se volijo namestnice po istem načinu. Soglasne volitve so veljavne, če se s tem strinjajo vse na seji navzoče članice ali če je bila nominirana le ena kandidatka. Da so poverilnice delegatk veljavne, morajo biti podpisane od predsednice, tajnice in blagajničarke podružnice. Zveza krije iz svoje blagajne vozne stroške delegacije do mesta konvencije in obratno (round trip fare in coach). Albina Novak, gl. tajnica WASHINGTON FARES Supreme President’s Message DEAR OFFICERS AND MEMBERS: My New Year greetings to our Spiritual Advisor, Supreme Officers, Branch Officers and Members of Slovenian Women’s Union. May the year of 1967 bring you an abundance of health and joy and may the good Lord bless you all! Year of 1967 will be a very important one. First there will be eleven branches who will be observing their 40th Anniversaries. Second is our 14th National Convention which will be held in Washington, D. C. May 24 to 28, 1967. Sincere Congratulations to the organizers, charter members, officers and members of the following branches who will be celebrating this month of January: Br. 4, Oregon City, Oregon, organized January 4, 1927 by Mary Planton. Br. 5 Indianapolis, Ind., organized Jauary 15, 1927 by Mary Vidmar. Br. 6 Barberton, Ohio, organized January 23, 1927 by Jennie Ozbolt and Jennie Okolish Br. 7 Forest City, Pennsylvania, organized January 23, 1927 by P. Osabin and Anna Kamen. Congratulations to all the newly elected and re-elected officers of each branch in the union. Hope you shall perform your duties faithfully and efficiently during the coming years. Good active officers make a good prosperous branch, especially with the help of all members who will be attending the meetings and working hand in hand. Please remember that by paying your dues on time you will make the work easier for your secretary. All branch members are asked to attend the branch meetings in January and February to elect delegates who will represent the branch and branches to the best of her ability at the Convention. Notice all rules and details which will be under the Supreme Secretary’s report in this issue. All delegates and visitors planning on taking the trip to the Convention in Washington, D. C. may start making your reservations now. From Cleveland, the bus fare on the Greyhound bus will be $15.25 round trip. This is for Cleveland and the surrounding cities. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois delegations will be in charge of Liz Zefran. For the Ohio delegation and visitors, hotel and transportation will be reserved for you by contacting either yours truly or State President, Mary Bostian. All reservations should be in by April 25, 1967—which is the deadline. Join us and make this one of the best Conventions the Slovenian Women’s Union ever had! Pre-Convention Campaign was closed Dec. 31, 1966 and I wish to thank each one of you who had taken part in it by signing up new members. To the winners, our heartiest congratulations. Date and place for the Eastern Get-together bowling tournament will be announced in next month’s issue. Entry blanks will be mailed to all captains. Happy Day to all January Birthdays and a speedy recovery to all ailing. Toni Turek ANNOUNCED Chicago, III. The trip to Washington, D. C., May 24 to the 28, 19G7 is being planned. From Chicago we are leaving on the “Capitol Limited” on the 23rd of May, 1967, at 4:00 p. m., from the Grand Central Station, at South Wells and Harrison Streets, and will arrive at Washington on the 24th, at 8:30 a. m. The price of the round trip ticket at the present time is $39.85. Information on the Airlines will be in the next Issue, as I will be quoting these prices at th'at time due to some changes that may be coming up. In order to receive a group rating for any organization you must have 15 or more passengers, for the trip. Those planning to go by air please let me know so that when I go down again I will know about how many would be going. For the Minnesota group, leaving from Duluth to St. Paul to Chicago, special arrangements are also being made, but there must be ■at least 25 in the group to receive the special price. The western group also can have a reduced price if they form a sufficient number. The Slovenian Women’s Union Midwest Bowling association will be holding the Midwest Bowling Tourney on the 11th on 12th of March 1967, at the Town Hall Bowling Lanes, Cicero, 111. This tourney will be hosted by Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Entries will be mailed right after the holidays. For any other information you may see your Director: President, Josephine Sumic, 1305 N. Center, Crest-hill, 111., Marion Marolt, 1512 So. 53rd St., Milwaukee, Wis., Ann Pelko, 1216 7tli St., LaSalle, 111. Alternate: Caroline Dawson, 505 Morman St., Oglesby, 111., Rose Kraemer, 4304 South K. K., Cudahy, Wis, Lil Putzell, 3731 So. Home ave., Berwyn, 111. The trip to the The Shrines of Canada will be from July 15th to the 23rd of July 1967. This trip will also include the World’s Fair which will be held at Montreal, Canada. Please contact me for further information. Liz Zefran 1941 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. Telephone Virginia 7-6G88. ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. — Much of the success of our Christmas party for juniors is due the goodness of our members who attended the Penny Social in Nov. and donating prizes, baked goods and cash. We sincerely thank you all! Those who came with prizes were: Mrs. J-Z., Albina Novak, Frances Zibert, Anna Zorko, Mary Klaczinski, Mary Poldan, Alvie Jerin, Catherine Persa, Mary Hozzian, Rose Zalik, Millie Paisoli, Frances Jasbec, Julia Pavlin and Angela Zugich. Bakers were A. Zorko, M. Poldan, E. Zefran, M. Paisoli, A. Stare, Jul. Pav-in, A. Zugich and F. Jasbec. The members also were pleased to learn in December that the 40th Anniversary celebration netted a nice profit. The officers thank everyone who helped in any way. It was a very remarkable event for all. We happily heard the report of a number of new members gained this month through the efforts of Mrs. Zefran and Mrs. Troha. Thanks to them. We hope to have a nice count by the time the campaign has ended. Our sincere wishes for good health to all our members especially to Louise Kržišnik of Oak Park and Helen Bartol, both of whom were reported ill at the meeting. Our hard-working officers again took the reins for the two Christmas events, first the adult’s party and then, the juniors. We are especially grateful to Liz Zefran for her work in preparing the gifts etc., for the juniors. The election of officers for our branch was held at the yearly meeting in Dec. and as you may have surmised, there are no new names — everything was graciously given to the former officers to carry on in the new year. All by-laws were reviewed and rules remain the same, with one exception. From now on, we shall meet on alternating months, each time with a party for the occasion and members’ birthdays will be celebrated. Keep those months in mind for the meetings: January, Installation of Officers; March; May; Mothers’ Day BOWLERS COUNTING STRIKES AND SPARES Prayer Hour and Party; September; November, Penny Social; December, Yearly Meeting and Christmas Party. In 1967 Chicago will host the Midwest Bowling Tournament, and in July is the annual pilgrimage to Le-mont on the third Sunday. The members are cordially invited to join the group going to the 14th National Convention in Washington, D. C. May 24-28th and on the trip to Canada’s Shrines July 16th. More details will be made known as time progresses. We were pleased as could be to select Mary Poldan as our Mother of the Year for 1967. Mary is one of our finest members and has won a place in everyone’s heart for her kindness and generosity. Congratulations, Mary! Our branch was asked to support one of the local Bishop Slomšek Clubs and we promised to help as much as we can. Also, discussion was held on the proposed Slovenian Shrine at the Immaculate Conception Shrine in Washington, D. C. The president offered heartfelt condolences to Mrs. Clara Foys, our fine member, on the recent loss of her husband, Steve. We pray that he is rewarded in heaven for his good life on earth. Mrs. Foys, her daughter, Mary Lauretig and grandchildren, are all our members. The members enjoyed themselves after the meeting with refreshments and gift exchange. See you at the next meeting January 12th. Corinne Leskovar No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Our December meeting was very well attended, this was our 3 month Birthday Party, Christmas Party and yearly meeting, combined. The exchange of the nonsensical gifts was quite a hilarious thing. Wonder where the ladies bought such novel items. The members attending this meeting donated a dollar each to the Mary Mavec Euclid School of Opportunity for Retarded Children. God will reward your generosity. Hostesses for the month were Vera Bajec and Mary Fakult. The roast beef sandwiches and baked goodies donated by our members were delicious. Our heartfelt sympathies to Rose Mickovic on the loss fo her mother. We will all remember her in our prayers. Condolences to the Stefančič family (E-200th. St.) on the loss of their husband, father and grandfather, Frank Stefančič, recently. — May he rest in peace! Our officers for 1967 are: President, Theresa Skur; Vice-President, Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead); Treasurer, Mary Iskra; Secretary, Vera Bajec, 19613 Chickasaw Ave., Cleve., Ohio 14119; and Recording Secretary, Antonia Sustar. Hope you all enjoyed a nice holiday season and I wish all the very best of everything in 1967. God bless you all. Antoinette Zabukovec No. 2, Chicago, III—Bowling News. Zefran Funeral Home, with a record of 291/2 wins and 12% losses, led the S.W.U. Chicago Bowling League as we rolled into December. But the competition is still breathing down their necks. As of Nov. 29th, Reliance Federal trailed by only one game with 281/2 wins and 13% losses. In third place, only two games back, was Marquette Service Station, 2T/2-14%. Blue Arrow-Douglas came in fourth with 231/2 w'ns and 18% losses. Marilyn Zefran led our stars in November by bowling 102 pins over her 115 average. She had a high game of 178 in her 447 series. B.Jakubow-ski, who has shown signs of becoming a terrific bowler these past few weeks, came into the spotlight again with a 483 series—96 pins over her 129 average. Barbara raised her average seven pins during November. A. Marrazzo, a 136 average bowler, also came thru last month with a 475 series. Our fledgling bowler, P. Engels, had her moment of glory when she rolled a 1421 game ’way a-bove her 84 average; her series that night was 318. Thanksgiving was a little brighter for the five bowlers who shot the most pins over average on their re-pective alleys. The turkey winners were A. Vucko, R. Schwartz, M. Stuck, B. Jakubowski and P. Engels. Railroad pick-ups this month: L. Hasek, 4-10, 3-10 and 3-7-10; E. Kros-chel, 5-7, 3-10 and 5-10; H. Fitzgerald, 3-7, 5-7 and 5-7-9; A. Fingerhut, 4-5-7 and 2-7; B. Mladic, 2-7and 5-10; C. Tomazin, 5-8-10; C. Waitkus, 8-10; J. Gervase, 3-6-7; L. Zefran, 2-7; A. Vucko, 6-10; G. Schiffler, 5-10; P. Engels and M. Omerza 3-10; B. Zurek and S. Melissa, 5-7. Barbara Zurek No. 16, So. Chicago, III. — Our Christmas Parties went off great. The Children’s Party, held separately from the adult’s was well enjoyed. Marge and Sylvia Spretnak showed slides of past Christmas Parties and other Christmas scenes, accompained by appropriate music from the recorder. Santa came and the small fry were made happy by receiving their gifts and goodies. Refreshments and entertainment followed. The Adult Party was held Thursday evening, December 8tli. We had a record attendance, as well as a number of visitors. Scenes from her recent trip to Slovenia were shown by Josephine Blasovich. This was a real treat to the elderly and also to the rest of us. Some of the pictures were of relatives of our members. Through the efforts of our good member, Angeline Novak, an appearance of the Warren Kitchen Band was arranged. They gave a lively No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News: Merichka’s Restaurant has taken the lead with 23 wins and 13 losses. Just half a game behind is Bluth’s Sausage with 22% wins and 13% losses. In a close third is Dames Funeral Home with 2'2 wins and 14 losses. In fourth place is Shep’s DX Service Station, 15% wins and 20% losses, fifth is American Slovenian Home at 14 wins and 22 losses and in last place is Northwest Recreation Club, 11 wins and 25 losses. The girls with the six highest averages are: Jo Mlakar, 156; Marje Wajchert, 155; Dot Jaksetich, 148; Ag Verbiscer, 148; Marge Gasperich, 147 and Marilyn Nemanich, 145. Great averages! Our high games for the month of November are Jo Mlakar, with 213 and 200; Barb Terlep, 196; Dot Jaksetich, 190 and Marilyn Nemanich, 186 pins. We had some tough split-pickups in the last four weeks. Jo Mlakar picked up the 2-7 and 3-10; Vicki Bernikas, 5-10; Mitzi Mrozek, 5-10, 5-7 and 5-8-10; Bernie Suski, 6-7; Virginia Guertin, 5-7; Millie Briski, 2-7-8; Betty Lakotich and Jo Mlakar each 3-10. We would like to extend our sympathy to Theresa Papesh who lost two of her dear sisters within a week. I would like to thank all of my cohowlers who extended their sympathy to me on the loss of my mother, Mrs. Mary Metesh. Therese Pavnica, Reporter performance that put all of us into a gay and cheery mood. Mary Krzna-rich and Mary Cohen couldn’t resist the peppy music and got themselves into action, dancing. We thank this wonderful group and wish them all the luck in their entertaining profession Our grab bag was next on the a-genda, followed by refreshments served buffet style The tables were beautifuly decorated by center pieces and favors made and donated by Marge and Sylvia Spretnak Our members are really generous when it comes to refreshment donations. A special “thank you” goes to all. I haven’t room to mention all the names but some are as follows: Mary Prisel made delicious rye and white bread and donated the ham. Cakes, strudels, crullers, molds, kolachkes, potlcas were donated by Mrs. Buck and Gladys, Mrs. Krai, Mrs. Wine, Pauline Druga, Katie Triller, Antonia Krese, Anna Lustig, the Novak girls, and many others. Liquid refreshments were furnished by Ann Springer, Mrs. Rose Skul, and Josephine Blasovich. Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. LIVE AS A CHRISTIAN We face a New Year. One of our first thoughts is: “What does 19G7 hold for me?” Perhaps we thought: “Will the New Year be as bad as the last? Will it be full of fatigue, disappointment, and failure?” When we wish each other a Happy New Year, do we wish for the cessation of all work, struggle, and suffering? If so, we are not being realistic. This year will be happy if we think of each day as given to us by God. Our unhappiness stems from an unchristian outlook on life. Often enough our frame of mind is something like, “How much will this day pay me? How much pleasure, power, money will this day give me?” The fact is that my days are not my own. I have received this day from God. My eternal Father has advanced twenty four hours to me. Now I must balance the eternal scale by freely giving to God the joys and sorrows, the work and play, the successes and failures of this day. Real happiness begins when we make up our minds to pay God for each, day received. Experience teaches us that we soon stop paying God for each day received unless we are deeply convinced of his loving concern for us. So many of us have to live among smoking factory chimneys and crowded city a-partments. We rub elbows every day with thousands whose one thought is: “What shall we eat? How shall we pay our rent? With what shall we buy clothes and shoes for our children?” We see suffering everywhere. Storms and floods ruin homes. Divorce and drunkeness destroy family life. War takes away husbands and sons. The rich grow richer, while the poor grow poorer. The good seem to suffer, while the wicked prosper. Such disturbing thoughts often haunt the mind of an honest man. But they need not prevent him from leading a truly Christian life. Our aches and pains can serve a twofold purpose for good. Perhaps they are the results of our sins, for sin may disturb the peace of our body as well as of our soul. Or God may send them as a warning lest greater evil befall us. We learned that happiness cannot be measured by dollars and cents. Our happiness comes from within. A peaceful conscience Is worth more than all the money in the world. It is a real joy to make payment for a day received from God by bringing a bit of happiness into the life of another. You know, some people go through life thinking only of themselves, of their own recreation and pleasure. They are never satisfied. Like children they rush from one toy to another. In the spiritual order they’re immature children who have never tasted real happiness. St. Augustine warns us that we should fear nothing so much as to be even temporarily so blessed as blessed as to see our every wish fulfilled, to have nothing disturb our comfort. For them we are in danger of losing sight of our eternal destiny. Rather we should make a resolution to accept every day of 1967 as a precious gift of God that must be made to pay dividends for his glory. Then the New Year will be a happy one. For then the desk in our office, the typewriter, the blast furnace, the wash-board, the kitchen sink will be used with a good conscience and a joyful heart. As Christians we should accept every day as a loving gift from our heavenly Father. And then each day will bring us closer to the complete enjoyment of His love. We are deeply grateful to Mrs. Anna Lustig for shopping and wrapping all the children’s gifts. A lot of work was put into this project, but what is most important is that she went all out to obtain cash and merchandise donations, thus sparing us the expense of buying them. Believe me, we are lucky to have such a diligent worker. We also want to thank her son for acting as Santa Claus for us. We are grateful to all who helped in any way. We do have a very cooperative organization. Se you at the next meeting. Rose Salakar, Rec. Sec’y No. 17, West Allis, Wis. Greetings and happy holidays to each and every one. December being one of the nicest months, the birthday of Our Lord, and also the Slovenian Women’s Union’s Anniversary, we celebrated in a big way. The officers and members of Br. 17 wish to convey sincere felicitations to Marie Prisland, the Foundress of S.W.U. and all charter officers. May God keep you in good health for many more years and may our dear Mrs. Prisland continue to guide us along the way! Congratulations to Br. 1 which had the good faith in her ideals to work untiringly through these many years. Best wishes are extended to Dr. Clemens Zebrowski, who joined the staff on Sept. 19, 196G as Director of Elementary Education at South Bend, Ind. He is working with principals of the 41 elementary and junior high schools of this area. Prior to his arrival in South Bend, he was Coordinator in the Milwaukee Public Schools. He has also been an elementary school teacher, assistant principal and elementary school supervisor. Dr. Zebrowski holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Milwaukee State Teachers College, a Master of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin and a doctorate in Education Association and the Dept, of Elementary School Principals. Mrs. Diane Zebrowski, his wife, is the daughter of our Vice-President, Mrs. Kastelic. Good luck and best wishes to you in your new home and in Dr. Zebrowski’s new position. Our Card Party held at St. Mary’s turned out to be a success, and many thanks are extended to all who helped either by their presence, donating prizes, cash, etc. Many thanks also to Mrs. Prisland and her friends who motored down from Sheboygan to attend our affair. It was a delightful surprise to see them come in and we were very happy to visit with them. We must not forget to acknowledge the work of our faithful members who help us rain or shine, every time. May God bless you and keep you always in good health. Mrs. Eleanore Coppersmith and Mary Kranjec are on the sick list. Best wishes are extended to them for a speedy recovery. Members who are in arrears with their dues, please arrange to take care of them before the year is over. The meetings are held every third Sunday at 2:00 p. m. at St. Mary’s Hall in Room 3. Use the rear door for admittance. A Happy New Year to all! Christmas is just a memory now and wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could keep that spirit around us all outlives? Keep in mind the reasons for this day and thank God for the love He sent our way. Marie A. Floryan No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our condolences to the son and daughter of Mrs. Anna Plut.h who passed away after spending many years in a Nursing Home. She was 75 years old. Mrs. Pluth was one of our charter members and our first secretary of Br. 20. She was a very efficient and hard-working officer. We have much to remember from her numerous activities in the branch of former years. After her husband passed a-way, she slowly was ailing for many years. Our president mentioned that in past months, many friends passed to their eternal reward who were our members at one time, but because they discontinued paying duos, were cancelled from our membership list. When they passed on, the local newspapers reported them as our members, no doubt, because of their family’s mistaken idea. So, members, please remember, that if you are not paid up, you cannot call yourself a member in good standing. This is the reason that I try to remind you of this month after month, so please have your dues paid as one never knows when the time will come to be called to the great beyond. Our member, Theresa Papesh lost her father, Martin Tezak recently. He was a onetime officer in many lodges; also a brother by the name of Martin Tezak passed away in Chicago. Our bowler, Theresa Papesh also lost three members in her relationship within a months time, two sisters and a niece. We were all saddened to hear of the passing of Ix)uis Lukančič, husband of our member, Pauline. He died at the age of 63 years. He was a wonderful husband and father. There were nine children in the family, six daughters and three sons. The Lukancices were honored two years ago by the Immigrants Service League of Chicago for their exceptional life story. The outstanding way they reared and educated their children earned them the love and admiration of many, many persons. While they themselves only completed a few years of formal education, they insisted on good education for their nine children, the youngest of whom is now a college student. There are 12 grandchildren and four half-sisters who also survive. Our deepest sympathy to the family and especially to Mrs. Lukančič. Mrs. Mary Golobich has been ill recently, also Rose Paroz of Rockdale has undergone a serious operation and Mrs. Frank Vraničar is at present on the road to recovery at home. Word has been received that our organizer and Honorary President in Sheboygan, Mrs. Prisland, underwent another major operation. Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, State Pres, of Minnesota is recuperating from surgery at her home in Ely. We wish them and all who are sick a speedy recovery and may their good health stay permanently. The old year of 19G6 has passed, too, and the New one was ushered in with hopes that all our members will be very healthy and happy in this New Year. May all their hopes be fulfilled this year. All members are kindly invited to come to our meetings and pay their dues in order to stay as members of this great organization. With best wishes to all. A Happy New Year! Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Our Dec. meeting was held on Sunday the 4th at the St. Anthony’s church hall with a fine attendance. It began first with a potluck supper at 6:30. Each member brought something for this supper, there was a wonderful variety of food from hot dishes, strudels, krofe, ham, chicken and desserts. Prom the taste of the food you can all know why the Slovenian ladies are known for being the best cooks. The centerpiece was a Madonna arranged with Christmas boughs and ribbons which Barbara Rosandich had received as a gift and let us use. The individual decorations were colored frosting cupcakes with marshmallows making a little snowman. These were make by Margaret Shuster and her committee. Election of officers for 1967 are: Theresa Koschak, president; Jennie Deyak, Vice president; Barbara Rosandich, Sec’y.; Mary M. Shikonya, Treasurer; Margaret Shuster, Rec. Sec’y., and Auditors Mary Zgonc, Mary Deyak and Angela Erchul. Spiritual adviser Rev. Frank Mihelčič. Mrs. Katherine Slogar and Mrs. Angela Marolt didn’t want their office, saying to get some younger ones, but all I can say they have both been very good and faithful workers, but I hope they will continue coming to meetings and be active as in the past. Following the election each member brought a 50c game in exchange, but Santa Claus came in person and distributed the gifts. The meeting concluded with games being played. Everyone enjoyed the pleasant evening. Lee Slogar won the attendance prize. We missed Barbara Rosandich at the meeting, but hope that she will be at our next meeting and that she will be fully recovered from her illness. Also we wish the other members who are ill a speedy recovery: Florence Markovich, Ann Markovich and Frances Rozman. We were happy to have a new member—Mary Berrini and hope she will enjoy being our member and hope we get a few more. Wishing you all a Joyous and Prosperous New Year. Fraternally yours, Mary M. Shikonya, Reporter No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. — Our November meeting was on the 16th at the church hall. President, Rose Novak opened the meeting with prayers. The Minutes and Treasurer’s reports were approved as read. Plans were completed for the Christmas Banquet on Dec. 7th at Riik’s Inn. Get well cards were sent to our sick members. Our dear Barbara Rosandich is at the hospital at this writing and we all wish her a very speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Rose Novak and other members of the Železnikar families on the loss of their dear father, Matt Železnikar. After this meeting, a nice assortment of delicious pies were served by the ladies in charge. Thanks to them for this treat. Hera is our Christmas dinner report. Cocktail hour began at 6:30 p. m. and was followed by a most delicious chicken and roast beef dinner. All the trimmings, too, of course. 35 ladies were present. Jennie Deyak and Frances Grahek were in charge of the cocktail hour. A short business meeting was held and we wish to list the officers who are kindly willing to serve another year of their two year terms of office. They are: Pres., Rose Novak; Vice-Pres., Mary Korent; Recording Secretary, Jeanette Vidmar; Treas., Marie Gornick; Reporter, Ann Rowe; Sunshine Chairman, Mary Starko-vich and Emma Pucek and Julia Zgonc, Auditors. A “Put and Take” game was played after the meeting. Mary Gotch-nik played her accordian in her old familiar way and we all sang right along to the tunes. Much gaity and fun was enjoyed by all. Our next meeting will be Jan. 18th at 7:30 p. m. at the St. Anthony church hall. To all who are ill — we wish a speedy recovery. Ann Rowe, Reporter No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa.— Another New Year and I want to wish all our members a Happy and Healthful 1967! Our November meeting lacked the attendance we would like to have. Members, keep in mind that the luncheon and card party date is May 16th. Congratulations to John Zugell on his marriage to Delphia Marie Wadsworth. This wedding took place on Thanksgiving Day at St. Mary’s church on 57th St. John is the son of one of our auditors, Frances Zugell, also a nephew of Magdalena Widina. Get-well wishes are sent to Jennie Tomsic, our recording secretary, who recently had an operation and is at St. Margaret’s Hospital. Belated condolences to the Trem-pus family on the loss of their hus-mand and father, Frank, who died after a long illness on Oct. 28th, just a few months after the August death of his son, Frank, Jr. May their souls rest in peace! With best wishes to all. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — What a pleasure it was to come to our December meeting and see such a large attendance. 80 members were present. So much can be accomplished with this kind of cooperation. The same officers very graciously accepted their respective offices with the exception of our Vice-President. Therefore, the officers are: Frances Blatnik, President; Dorothy Rychlak, Vice-President; Liz Mlslewicz, Sec.-Treasurer; Suntina Spehar, Recording Secretary; Sophie Tomich, Liz Smolnikar and Rose Kresky, Auditors; Stella Mattson, Sergeant at Arms and Ann Podgoršek, Reporter. New members were enrolled. Margaret Collard and her 5 children; also Agnes Jackson and her daughter. — Congratulations, we are most happy to have you in our group. Mrs. Marion Laskey was selected for the title, Mother-of-the-Year. She recently celebrated her 83rd birthday. We wish you many more years in good health and happiness, Mrs. Laskey. Election of a delegate to attend the National Convention in Washington, D. C. will be held at the January meeting. Should the weather be bad, and the members unable to attend the meeting, the election will be postponed until February. The annual business of the year took place and discussions were held for the betterment of the organization. The chairmen of various projects made very satisfactory reports. The Christmas party followed. The committee in charge, headed by Rose Kresky and Helen Mosaclc, were given many compliments on the most elaborate party. The tables, decorated for Christmas and individual favors were beautiful and the lunch most delicious. Prizes were awarded. Community singing of Christmas Carols ended our most enjoyable evening. Thanks to all who helped make it so. Lorraine Mlodozyniec and Suntina Spehar are both recuperating from illnesses and are out of the city. We hope and pray that they will have a speedy recovery and be back with us very soon. If there are any other members unknown at this time, who may be ill, we also wish to extend to them our heartiest wishes for good health. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our Supreme Officers and officers and members of this great organization, S.W.U.! Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — As usual the meeting of the members of Br. 34 was well-attended in spite of the inclement weather. Mrs. John Pahula presided. Mrs. Mary Pahula gave a report on the candy sales ( our Branch’s money making project) which is doing well. During the business meeting it was decided to dispense with the December meeting as it came just a few days before Christmas. Members will pay their dues directly to Mrs. Pahula. A pleasant social hour followed and prizes were awarded to Mmes. Ramon Berg, Joseph Gornick, John Pahula and Leo Wilson. Lunch was served by the hostesses Mmes. Frank Planton, John Zavod-nick Anthony Yapel. Thanksgiving turkey motifs were used for atmosphere. The attendance award was won by Mrs. Herman Mesojedec. It was donated by Mrs. Joseph Skala. The hostesses for the first meeting in the New Year will be Mmes. Ernest Mustonen and Leo Wilson. Mrs. Joseph Stefanicli will donate the at tendance prize. Before closing, all members of Br. 34 extend their best wishes to all SWU members for a wonderful Christmas Holiday with their loved ones; may the Christ Child bless everyone now and in the New Year of 19G7! Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Rep. No. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — After a long time, I’m happy to greet you again and send the news of our branch. We had extremely slippery weather on the night of our yearly meeting, however, 19 members bravely attended. The newly elected officers are as follows: Pres., Frances Hren; Vice-Pres., Sylvia Petrich; Sec’y and Treas., Anna Trdan; Rec. Sec., Frances Jelenich; Auditors: Agnes Kočevar and Rose Drapp. Mrs. Petrich is a new officer and we welcome her. Members, take note that from now on, we will meet every month on the first Sunday at 2 p. m. at the regular place. Everything else remains the same. Our members also wish to emphasize that only Catholic ladies in good standing with the Church are elegible for membership. We have been losing members thru death and the following have departed from this world in 19GG: Mary Vodovnik, Mary Gersich, Mary Sončar, Helena Peder, Mary Kutzler, Mary Urbiha and Mary Podhajnek. Let us remember them in our prayers. Our treasury is in good shape and we must not forget the help given us when Br. 48 was merged with our own branch. Thanks to the sisters who are now our members. We will be careful not to spend too much of it! Now I have received the Convention Give-Away tickets so that we can help with the expenses of sending a delegate to the Convention in May. The more we sell, the more money we will have. The branch will decide how the profit from this sale is to be used. Delegate election will be held in February. At this time we thank all those who helped in the past year with our social events. For May we had a very nice celebration. Many attended and bought tickets. I was not there due to illness. We have two new priests at our church who are both very friendly. They are helpful to all and wo like them very much. Our former pastor has retired and we wish him well. There are 1400 families in this parish. Everything is now English. We miss Slovenian hymn singing in church and our own Slovenian customs. Luckily we get together a-mong ourselves each month so we can sing all we wish. Best wishes to all. Anna Trdan, Sec.-Treas. No. 39, Biwablk, Minn. — We have approached another year and may it bring health and good luck to every- one of you and may you live in contentment all through 1907. Am a little late with news but I would like to give many thanks to the Crosby members for a wonderful day on Minnesota State Day in September. Nothing was left undone and it will be a memorable event for all of us. We sang all the way home on the bus as we were all so happy, little knowing that in a couple of weeks my beautiful bubble would burst. It happened when my husband died suddenly of a heart attack. I shall never be the same. To all of yon wonderful members who sent their sympathy, a sincere thank you. (Please accept our sympathy, also, Angie, and that of all our Zarja reporters and staff. Ed.) On Mother’s Day we had a breakfast and at that time honored our Mother-of-the-Year, Jennie Ahlin. She was so lovely and was presented a beautiful corsage by Fr. Hannon. Very few of us can boast that we still have a mother and mother-in-law with us and Jennie's have even been former Mothers-ol’-the-Year of our Branch. They are Johanna Zallar and Anna Ahlin. We hope that Jennie will have them both for a long time. Our sincere congratulations! Anne Paulesich was chosen to be our “Mother” for 1967. This was decided at the December meeting. Anne will be a lovely one, too. Death has removed from our midst our beloved member, Katie Krize. She died in June. Mrs. Krize was one of our pioneer members and will always be remembered in our hearts. May she rest in peace! Mary Strukel suffered a stroke which has left her unable to speak. She is now in the Rest Home. Mary was one of our valuable members who throughout the years served our branch loyally, generously and unselfishly. We wish her a speedy recovery. She loves company and we hope you will try to see her as she Is so lonely. Frances Pajares is in the same Rest Home and she loves company, too. Another member to visit is Mary Vidmar, bed-ridden for the past four years since a car accident. Gifts were sent to them for Christmas but they would like your company. We held our Christmas Party on Dec. 4th at the church hall. Much time went into the preparation of the party but I’m sure the delightful comments and raves of nil members were satisfying to all our marvelous hostesses, namely, Cathy Steb-ly, Frances Anzelc, Mary Berknes. Anne Paulisich, Margo Dewhurst and Anne Licari. Everyone was in the mood for Christmas and there was a nice luncheon and exchange of gifts. Frances, our president, treated all to a little extra refreshments which added to the gaity of the party. Thanks, Fran and everyone on HERMINE PR IS LAN D DICKE; * * . Good cooks around the world build many flavorful meals around the ever popular, readily available, economic ground beef. What other variety of meat has so many uses and so little waste? It is not necessary to use round steak as the less expensive ground chuck is just as satisfactory. High-quality, ready-ground hamburger also may be used. Select freshly ground meat, bright red in color. It should have about 80% lean and 2'0 per cent Pat to be at its flavorful best. The fat content may vary from 15 to 30 per cent. The American Meat Institute advises using the fresh ground meat within two days of purchase. THE WORLDLY MEATBALL Basic recipe: To 1 pound ground beef (part lean pork or veal may be used) add: % cup bread or saltine cracker crumbs or quick-cooking oats 1/2 cup milk 1 egg (slightly beaten) 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper Add some finely chopped onion or parsley if desired: also, one or several of the following seasonings: Worcestershire Sauce, mustard, catsup, garlic, poultry or powdered sage the committee. A motion was passed that our branch give $60.00 to the church. Our meetings will be held the 2nd Sunday of the month at the church hall at 2:00 p. m. Mary Berknes took the office of chairlady again so we will be having games and coffee again. Since January is a month for making resolutions, let’s all vow to take more interest in our branch and attend meetings in 1967. The new slate of officers is: Pres., Frances Anzelc; Vice-Pres., Anna Kostelez; Sec’y. and Treas., Shirley Sherek; Rec. Sec’y., Angeline Karish; Spiritual Advisor, Johanna Zallar; Auditors: Anne Licari, Helen Erchul, Carmella Kularzewicz; Sergeant-at-Arms, Anne Paulisich, Sunshine Girl, Mary Geržina; Chairlady, Mary Berknes and Co-chairlady, Marge Dew-hurst. Before I close, I wish to remember both our wonderful Minnesota leaders, Mary Lenich of Eveleth and Barbara Rosandich of Ely, and hope they will have good health in the new year. They are great workers for our Zveza. Angeline Karish, Rec. Sec’y. seasoning, horseradish, thyme. (Some people may object to onions; if sauteed in small amount of hot fat until light brown before adding, they will not be objectionable.) With moistened hands( for easier shaping) make small meatballs. Saute meatballs in hot fat in large skillet until browned all over. Cover and cook over low heat 20 to 30 minutes. PORCUPINE MEAT BALLS 1% pound ground beef J/2 cup uncooked rice 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon minced onion 1 can tomato soup 1 cup water Wash rice. Combine meat, rice, salt, pepper and onion. Shape into small balls. In a covered baking dish or heavy covered skillet mix the soup and water. Add meat balls. Cover. Bake for one hour in a moderate oven (350 degrees.) SWEDISH MEAT BALLS (Serves 12) For the family or for hors d’oeuvres. 2 pounds ground beef 1 pound ground lean pork 2 beaten eggs 1 cup mashed potatoes 1 cup dry bread crumbs 1 teaspoon brown sugar 2 teaspoons salt 1 cup milk Vi teaspoon pepper One-sixteenth teaspoon nutmeg One-sixteenth teaspoon allspice One-sixteenth teaspoon ginger One-sixteenth teaspoon marjoram 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 quart light cream sauce (you want a thin gravy) Beat eggs in large bowl. Add crumbs and milk. Fry onions and add to above. Add meat, potatoes and seasonings to mixture and blend well. Shape into small balls. Saute in fat to brown. Arrange in baking dish and pour the cream sauce over the meat bails. Bake at 300 degrees F. for 30 minutes or until done. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — The November meeting of our branch, was cancelled, since we planned our Christmas party for the first Sunday in December. The party was held at Marie Thompson’s home, on Dec. 4th, and we sincerely hope all who attended had a merry time. All the members are glad to know that Mrs. Antionette Faith and Mrs. Theresa Gabrian, who had been hospitalized in November, are now up and around, and feeling much better. We hope they will continue to improve and enjoy good health. We would like to take this opportunity to express our wishes for a Happy and Healthy Year, to all our members and friends. Theresa Gabrian, Sec’y APPLE TURNOVER One of our members requested a recipe for a flaky apple turnover. The following recipe was forwarded to her: 2 cups flour % teaspoon baking powder % teaspoon salt 3 3oz. packages cream cheese or an 8oz. package plus additional 2 tablespoons butter J/2 cup butter % cup shortening Apple pie filling, applesauce or freshly cooked apple slices. Sift dry ingredients, add cream cheese, shortening and butter. Blend ingredients together with hands to form a dough. Wrap in wax paper and store over night in refrigerator. Roll out to % inch thickness on lightly floured board. Cut into 5 inch squares. Place drained cooked apple slices in center of each. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice—or you can use apple pie filling or chunky applesauce. Moisten edges with cold water. Fold into triangle and seal well with a fork. Brush with milk, sprinkle with sugar. Bake In very hot oven (400 degrees) until delicately browned 15 to 20 minutes. (A puff pastry is used to get the flald-ness desired and the dough is stored over night for easier handling.) * * * NEW YEAR'S INVENTORY Count your blessings, count your joys, Count your little girls and boys. Count your friends, then add your health Sum them up and there’s your wealth. ’Bye, Hermine No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — Ladies, there is so much to report about this month, that I really don’t know where to begin. Frances Glavan, our Sunshine Girl, was hospitalized for a while, due to a heart attack, but we were all very glad to see her back at the meeting. Frances, you will have just have to take care of yourself, because after all, who’s going to send you the GET WELL card? Emily Unik, our gracious hostess for the summer picnic, was also hospitalized, and we do hope that we will see you very soon. Mary Munlza is hospitalized at the present time at St. Vincent Charity Hospital with a back injury, and hope that she will be amongst us soon also. Esther Laurie is in Euclid Glen-ville recuperating also. Agnes Leskovec was in an automobile accident, and we are very sorry that we did not know of it sooner. Max and Rose Želodec celebrated their 39th Wedding Anniversary the past month. Congratulations, Max and Rose! Belated Birthday greetings to my 2 sons in the month of November. They are both members of our branch. Louise Mlakar and her husband spent the Christmas Holidays in California with their son and his family. Our Christinas Party for the year was planned for at Pres. Frances Sietz’s house. Game chairmen for the day were Marie Azman and Josie Sieworek. There are quite a few ladies that don’t attend regular meetings throughout the year, but always come to the Christmas Party, and enjoy themselves immensely; why not make it a NEW YEAR RESOLUTION, to at least try to make a few meetings a year so that you can keep abreast of all the things that are happening all year long? What you read in ZARJA is not all that happens, so why not contact another member, and make it to a few meetings? You’d be surprised the fun that the ladies have at each and every meeting. Our Supreme Pres. Toni Turek, brought some delicious Apple Strudel to the last meeting, and I can assure you that she didn’t have any left to take home to her husband, Prank, who by the way has been ill the past month. Sorry to hear about Prank and I'm sure the ladies join me in hoping that you get well soon. Frances Nemanich, Vi Zak, Sophie Volcansek, where have you been the last month or so? I’m sure you’ll try to make an appearance soon. Ladies, the next meeting will be on Jan. 16th at St. Vitus Panel Room, so won’t you make every effort to be there? Angie Lube No. 52, Kitzvilie, Minn. I do believe it is time to wish you and yours the season’s greetings: A Happy and Joyous New Year. As you all know, elections were held Dec. 7th and the following sisters were elected to serve for 19G7: Josephine Oswald, Pres.; Mary Musech, Vice-Pres.; Rose Chiodi, Secretary and Treas.; Rose Trombly, Recorder; sisters Margar et Kochevar, Angeline Russ and Ann Roberts, Auditors. The Telephone Committee includes Betty Strazishar, Margaret Andrican and Carmella Bo-nazza. Yours truly remains as reporter. Congratulations go out to sister Josephine Oswald who was blessed with a new grandson, Robert Gregor Oswald born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oswald of St. Paul, Minn. Congratulations are also in order to sister Carmella Bonazza on the marriage of her son, Benedict R. to Dorothy Elaine Frank on Saturday, the 26th of November. We all hope that they will be very happy. We are sorry to report a few of our members have been in the hospital: Sister Caroline Fink had surgery, and is recovering very nicely at home. Sister Ann Mansfield also had surgery and is at home. Sisters Gertrude De Maddio, Celia Politano, Frances Bachnik were also in the hospital and we wish them God’s speed to a rapid recovery and we do hope you all were feeling up to the enjoyment of these past holidays. God bless you all. And to any of the sick members who I have missed in this report, I hope you are all in good health. The by-laws all remain the same for the new year and our meetings will still be held on the first Wednesday of the month, so we will bo looking for a few more new faces amidst our regulars! We have received into our group a new member, sister Josette Baratto. Welcome to her! It would be nice if there were more new members and we urge you to scout around and bring them in — the more the merrier. The business end of our meeting ended with a prayer by our president. We proceeded with our big Christmas diner which was prepared for us by our loveable and joyous sister, Rose Trombly, who prepared this menu fit for queens, all by herself, and consisted of chicken, salad, rolls, peppers, ravioli, potica and all the trimmings. It was so delicious you just had to go for seconds. She out-did herself again this year. Thank you very much, Rose! The trimming of our hall was again done by our sister Angeline Hrovat with the help of the proprietor and it was beautiful, in the theme of Christmas. We were all in the greatest of Christmas spirits with the holly and mistletoe and everyone being so jolly, such as our dearly beloved sister, Elizabeth Spinelli, who seems to be the life of our party. She can hop around and make everyone feel that they can get up and do the twist! She often has the help of our sisters: Alice Baratto and Frances Jerkovich who all have that zip and go. Keep it up, girls, because if there were more like you we’d have a ball all the time. Our little Santa arrived with gifts (Sister Josephine Oswald) and distributed them around. And, then, the remainder of the evening was spent enjoying the party. Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time. Thus, we concluded our Christmas turnout which was very successful. Do not forget to drive safely, for the life you save might be your own. And, hope to see you all at the Jan. meeting. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 55, Girard, Ohio The November meeting was opened with a prayer led by Mrs. Barbara Umeck. It waB very well attended. The president thanked all those who took part in making it a success. Plans were completed for a Christmas party to be a covered-dish dinner and gift exchange at the Dec. meeting. After a short business meeting all enjoyed the social hour.Miss Beatrice Brayer was chairman. The table was beautifully decorated in the Thanksgiving theme. Games were played and prizes went to Mrs. M. Cvetnic, Mrs. M. Gabrovšek, Helen Biscan, Mrs. B. Umeck, Mrs. A. U-meck, Mrs. S. Kren and Mrs. M. Mehalco. Get well wishes were spent to Mrs. Jennie Selak. She was hospitalized. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Dorothy Magill on the loss of her beloved Mother on November 18th. Mass was offered at St. Rose church for the living and the deceased members. Mrs. Mary Bradish, a volunteer worker at the hospital made an announcement that used sheets and white shirts are desparately needed for cancer bandages and it does not. matter if the have turned yellow. These articles may be brought to my home or taken to Mrs. Bradish. May God bless each member and your loved ones with a New Year of good health and happiness. Election of officers did not take place in November as announced. In my next report I shall have the names of the new officers. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 68, Fairport, Ohio At our last meeting ,it was decided that we would have our Christinas party at the Slovenian Club. The date was Dec. 17th and report will follow next month. Mrs. Rose Bradack was our hostess this month. Games were played after the meeting. Mrs. Julia Klammer won the sunshine prize. Belated birthday wishes to Mrs. Jennie Lagina, Mrs. Rose Zuzek, Mrs. Mary Grzely and Mrs. Angela Godec and in Dec. to Miss Rosemary Zuzek. I wish to extend my best wishes to all our members and their families for the New Year. Betty Pirman, Reporter... No. 72, Pullman, III. — We had election of officers at our November meeting. All officers were re-elected for another year. Our treasury is running low as we’ve had quite a bit of expense during the past year, so it was decided that each member pay a special assessment of $1.50 this year. Please take care of this as soon as possible. Also, all members in arrears — will please see that your dues are paid up as soon as possible? Our next meeting will be on the second Sunday of March 1967, at the home of Mrs. Angela Arko, 218 West ANNOUNCING THE LOWEST FARE IN HISTORY Round Trip New York to Ljubljana by Jet $339.00 ON SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION TOURS TO SLOVENIA IN 1967 1. ALL SWU GROUPS WILL FLY TO AND FROM LJUBLJANA — BRNIK AIRPORT 2. THE ROUND TRIP FROM NEW YORK TO LJUBLJANA BY JET IS ONLY $339.00 (children under 12 paying 50% that is $170.00 and children under 2 travel for $39.50). THE FOLLOWING JET DEPARTURES HAVE BEEN ARRANGED: Leave June 8 Return June 29 Leave June 15 Return July 17 and Aug. 16 Leave June 28 Return August 10 Leave July 12 Return August 2 and Sept. 7 Leave Aug. 3 Return August 24 For those who prefer leisurely ship travel we have these departures: QUEEN ELIZABETH” June 7 and July 6 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! Assure your seat on a giant JET to Slovenia — travel with us in 1967! Write to: Mrs. Albina Novak, Supr. Sec'y S.W.U., PHONE: BI 7-2014 1937 W. Cermak Road, BI7-7999 Chicago, 111. 60608 For further information please write to the above address or to: AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, 44103 PHONE HE 1-4148 lllth Place, at 2. p. m. Please try to attend. Mrs. Jenny Brljavec has been in and out of the hospital a number of times within the last few months. We hope when you read this, Jenny, you will be much, much better and on the road to complete recovery. Our president, Mrs. Bezlaj, is spending some time in California this winter with her son and his family. Mrs. Levstik is at the Colonial Manor Convalescent Home, 339 — 9th St., LaGrange, 111. We know she would welcome a visit if you can make it, or hearing from you. Best wishes to all for a healthy, happy blessed New Year! Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O., I want to wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. We all hope Mary Schneider is getting along fine after her eye o-peration. Also, we all want to extend our deepest sympathy to Helen Dusek on the sudden death of her husband in a car accident. May he rest in peace. Our president, Kay Yunatovac's step-dad also passed a-way, and our deepest sympathy to Kay and family. Mary Chesnlk’s son and family are visiting her from California. Hope you all like our snow and cold weather. See you in Jan. Let’s all come to the meetings in the New Year. Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 95 So. Chicago, II!., I know as well as you do how acute are the pressures that threatens our day to day living, our Integrity and our loyalty to the best, such as “The things I would do, I do not, and the things I would not do, that I do.” And yet, thru all the years as your president, I have kept faith with my vision. If I failed now and then I picked myself off the floor and pushed on in loyalty to all of my members. So now may I ask each and everyone of you to check the following: 1.—Dues payments; 2.— Is there a change in your mailing address? (our records may well be way behind your movas); 3.—Is there need for a change in your insurance beneficiary? (the death of a close relative may warrant this). Remember, an organization will be as good as its members make it and MITCHELITCH-NAGEL NUPTIALS No. 103, Washington, D. C. — Miss Rebecca Jo Michelitch became the bride of Mr. John Henry Nagel, Jr. on Saturday, October 22nd at St. Luke’s Catholic church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. John Michelitch and the late Mr. Michelitch of McLean. The grooin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nagel, Sr.,of Falls Church. The Rev. Anthony Dlnges officiated at the ceremony and was assisted by Rev. Albert F. Pereira, Pastor of St. Luke’s. John Edward Michelitch and Joseph Patrick, nephews of the bride, served as altar boys. Mrs. James Stewart was the soloist, accompanied by the organist, Mrs. Alice West. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Phillip, wore a floor-length gown of peau de soie, fashioned with a bateau neckline and full length sleeves. Appliques of reembroidered alencon lace adorned the empire bodice, A-line skirt and hemline of her watpeau train which has attached at mid-back. Her silk illusion elbow length veil was attached to a double crown of crystals and heart shaped pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of white orchids, tiny rose buds and stephanotis. The mother of the bride wore a lace trimmed dress of teal blue with matching jacket, while the mother of the groom wore a blue metallic knit ensemble with matching accessories. Both wore pink orchid corsages. we wish ours to be the best. Help us and help yourself as well. Affectionate birthday greetings to the following in January: Sophie Bar-bich, Mary Brozovich, Cvitia Cho-rich, Amelia Cuzella, Georgia Gas-par, Manda Yergovich, Anna Yur-kas, Antonia Mrkobrada Sophie McNulty, Catherine Rosandich, Victoria Rukavina, Ann Sertich, Helen Spelich, Anna Zagar, Neda Mihalje-vtch, and Helen Zeffiro. In closing, please attend the January 4, 1967 meeting when we will pick a new slate of Officers and our Mother—of—the—year, which is our most treasured feature; I can hardly realize that it has been a year ago that we all met and chose Rose Boerner for our Mother—of— the—year. May I say that the past year has been full and sometimes difficult. I enjoyed my years as your president and I am grateful for the friends that I have made. I am particularly indebted to the loyal body of members who have worked so faithfully with me. Your confidence and support made my task easier. God bless you all, and a very happy and healthful NEW YEAR! Mildred James Mrs. John Henry Nagel Maid of Honor was Miss Mary Frances Bryant of Great Falls. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Maurice Leverett of Richmond, sister of the groom, Miss Suzanne Michelitch of Rockville, Md. and Miss Anne-Marie Petrick of Baltimore, nieces of the bride. All attendants wore floor length crepe gowns, fashioned sim- ilar to the bride’s gown and carried cascade bouquets of bronze and yellow mums. They wore matching flower cluster headpieces with neck length, three-tiered tulle veils. The flower girls, Lori Leverett, niece of the groom and Christina Michelitch, niece of the bride, wore floor length white taffeta dresses and carried baskets of flower petals. — Master John Michelitch, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. Kenneth Caldwell, of Alexandria, served as best man. Ushers were Glen Helwig of Arlington, Robert and Harry Michelitch, brothers of the bride. A reception followed immediately at the Washington House in Falls Church. The bride is a graduate of Herndon High School, and is employed by the Department of Defense. The groom attended Alexandria High School, Woodward School in Washington, D. C. and is a graduate of Massanutten Military Academy, Wroodstock, Va. He is presently employed by the Department of Defense. On their return from a trip to Bermuda, the couple will reside at Hamyet East Apartments, Alexandria, Va. Becky is the “Special Projects Chairman” of our group. Her mother “Mary Mickelltch was “Mother-of-the Year of 1966.” Her sister, Freda, Is on our Program Committee. The entire family is active in Branch 103. Congratulations! IMP. No. 96, Universal, Pa. Our yearly meeting was held on Dec. 4th. The President, Mrs. Annie Podobnik led the prayer and decisions of importance were reached. Secretary Mary Klemenčič was selected as our Mother of the Year for 1967 and the following comprise the officers for the new year: Spiritual Advisor is Msgr. Joseph Findland; president Josephine Perrino; vice-president, Helen Richter, secretary, Mary Klemenčič; treasurer; Mary Oblock; recording secretary, Mary Sacsak. Our Christmas party followed and the committee arranged everything very beautifully. Our thanks to them. We enjoyed playing popular games and thank those sisters who brought the gifts so that our treasury gained nicely. We urge our members to attend more meetings in the new year especially the meeting March 12th, before the national convention. It will be held at the home of Frances Oblock, 2 p.m. All happiness to you for the New Year and we hope to see you at the meeting. Paula Kokal No. 100, Fontana, Calif. Our November meeting was attended nicely. We had election of the new officers for 1967; they are: president, Mary Jasina; vice-president, Jean Kurilich; secretary, Mary Omaits; recording secretary, Mary Vidergar; reporters for the Branch are: English, Mary Morovic; Slovenian, Kristine Filips. December 1st was the day set for our Christmas party. We were hoping to see all our members and their friends and have a nice time during the Christmas Season. Our sincere thanks to our member Josephine Suoel for leading our social event and bringing her friends to our monthly gathering. I am sure that all the ladies are enjoying themselves every month. As the year 1966 has ended, we pray that the New Year will be healthy and prosperous for everyone. Our best wishes for speedy recovery for our sick members: Mrs. J. Strnad and Mrs. Kukman. Let’s start the New Year the right way by coming to our meetings every month. I wish to all our members and friends Happy Holidays and best of health and happiness in 1967. Our next meeting is January 5th. See you there! Mary Morovic No. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio Our November meeting began with the introduction of Father Minnich as our branch’s monitor. Father Minnich is from our parish, Holy Trinity. Hostesses were Stella Hajeck and Barbara Orlosky, creating the atmosphere of the tradition of Thanksgiving. Everyone went home with a door prize. Our election of officers was held at this meeting, and the results are: Betty Matjašič — President, Barbara Orlosky — Vice President, Pauline Stepic — Recording Secretary, Dorothy Kastellic — Financial Sec, Elizabeth Mertel — Treas., and the Auditors are Stella Hajeck and Mary Bradac. I want to take this time to thank all of the officers and chairman for their kind help which made this past year a success for our branch. Our sincere condolences to Marge Hren who lost her mother this last month. Get well wishes to Mayor Lucille Reed’s son who had a accident on Thanksgiving morning, but is recuperating very well now at home. Also, to Ann Gyurick who had slipped and broken her wrist. Our December meeting was a covered dish supper. Thanks to all the ladies for all the goodies. A dollar gift exchange was also held. Games were played with special thanks going to Mary Mertle who thought up the games, provided the prizes for the winners, and conducted the entire entertainment for the evening. Also, thanks to Mayor Reed for installing the officers. 1 think everyone can say that a grand time was had by all. Betty Matjašič No. 103, Washington, D.C. We will begin this article and the New Year with a wish to all of the SWU members — “May you enjoy good health, happiness, peace of mind and heart this coming year." Welcome to our new members, Jana Bevec, her daughter, Lydia and Hilda Korun. For some time now, Mrs. Bevec and Mrs. Korun have been attending our activities. We are sure they will continue to do so and to be loyal members. Mrs. Korun is the mother of our treasurer, lea Ze-bot. Lydia Bevec Is the newest junior member. In number, the November meeting was one of the largest we have had for some time. All members are encouraged to attend these interesting and social meetings as often as they can. Elections for the coming year were held and the officers who will carry on the business for the next 12 mnoths are: President — Irene M. Planinšek, Vice-President — Nika Kovacic, Secretary — Mary Mejac, Treasurer — lea Zebot, Recording Secretary — Matilda Ausich, Host-ess-Sentinel — Helena Špacapan, Auditors — Maria Mejac, Ivanka An-tolin, and Matilda Podborsek, Program Committee — Helen Krotec (Chair man), Freda Michelitch and Diane Moffet, and Special Projects Chairman — Becky Jo Nagel. Congratulations ladies! We know each and evey one of you will do your utmost to make this a successful year in all respects. By working together you will provide the necessary leadership to make all our aims a reality and the activities succes-ful. Guest speaker for the afternoon was Mr. J. Gear of the National Council for the Handicapped. Mr. Gear a former Speech Therapist is now working as a council member on legislation for the handicapped in our school system. He elaborated on the aims and functions of the council in his talk. Refreshments Hostess for this meeting was Mrs. Ivana Trost. Her tasty desserts and sandwiches were enjoyed immensely by all present. Many requests were made for the “recipe” of the cake and cherry crisp. Coffee was served for the first time from our new 100 cup coffee urn. The members then socialized briefly before returning home. Have you taken your turn as refreshment hostess for one of the meetings? If not, please contact Freda Michelitch and volunteer your services. It would be nice if every member had the opportunity to entertain the other members by providing dessert and coffee following the meetings. St. Columba’s is so much simpler for entertaining than in one’s home. A little bird tells us that member Helen Horwatli returned from Joliet, Illinois for a brief visit to Washington, her home for many years. It has been all of a year since we visited with Helen and we were sorry that she arrived too late for our November meeting. Helen is one of the Charter members of our branch. Greetings are also extended to charter member, Elaine Fleming who is still spending some time in Florida with her family. We expect the Flemings to return to their home in Springfield, Va. for the Springtime. January Birthday Wishes are sent to members: Antonia Urbančič 12th, Antonia Cigale, 14th; Alenka Javornik 18th and Helen Mejac 21st. We were sorry to hear of our founder’s recent illness and operation. Our best wishes, Mrs. Prisland, for a speedy and complete recovery. May you enjoy good health so that your dedicated work for the Slovenian Women may continue for many years more. Happy Wintertime, Irene Planinšek No. 105, Detroit, Mich. If I don’t get on the ball, our president, Pauline Adamic will boot me out of this job! I don’t want that to happen, so I better write a few lines. I am employed now and at times don’t know If I’m coming or going. Now, I have a system and am trying to follow it — I simply must. We had our November meeting at my home with 15 members present. As usual, the meeting opened with prayer. It was nice to see Ann Lin-dich and Mary Zimmerman back. A few matters were discussed. We had a number of birthdays in December including the following: Mary Urbančič, Kathryn Petrich, Ann Lindich, Jennie Vidmar and yours truly. Many happy returns of the day. Wouldn’t you know that I forgot to buy a gift? I put in the two dollars instead and Ann McGee was the lucky one this time. Gail Simon who is always present was not there as she was not feeling up to par. We certainly hope she will be well when our next meeting rolls around. In Dec. we met at Josephine Kri-ser’s home on the 18th. More on that later. Mr. and Mrs. John Jamnik “Golden Jubilarians” Mr. and Mrs. John Jamnik celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary Aug. 18th, and we extend our best to them. Rose has been a very active member of Br. 105. She was also the president and reporter, and wrote many articles for Zarja. Rose and her husband were married in Cleveland, Ohio in 191G and moved to Detroit shortly after. They bought a nice home in 1949 in Royal Oak, Mich., at 117 Mt. Vernon Blvd. in which they still reside. She is our fine member and I am enclosing a small snapshot taken on their anniversary. They also had a party at the Slovene Club on John R. It was a lovely party and Rose looked very charming in her lovely dress. We wish them both many more happy years! Our meeting was adjourned and we had a lunch which consisted of Chicken-ala-King on waffles, and apple strudel and coffee. I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. Stephanie Hometz, Rep. (---------- —~------------------------ j Wishing happiest year of 1967 j to the Supreme Spiritual Ad- I visor, Father Claude Okorn, j Supreme Officers and all mem- j bers of S.W.U. Anna Godlar i Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio j I- ----------------------------— I Marie Prisland: Srečno in zdravo NOVO LETO želim vsemu članstvu Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Če bo zdravo, bo tudi srečno in vsega bo dovolj, kaj ne? Ta mesec naša Zveza nastopa 41-to leto poslovanja. Poglejmo, kako se je naša organizacija v 40 letih razvijala in kaj je dobrega storila za svoje članstvo in narod. Prvo desetletje Zvezinega obstoja je bilo najtežavnejše. Bila so skrbipolna in naporna leta. Treba je bilo utirati pot novi organizaciji, boriti se za njene smernice, dokazovati, da bo Zveza živela vkljub nasprotstvu in podcenjevanju, ker je našemu ženstvu in našemu narodu potrebna. Z Zvezo je v javnosti pričel rasti ženski vpliv in ugled. Velike slovenske organizacije, ki takrat za kako žensko samostojnost niso bile navdušne, so pričele posvečati pozornost ženskim aktivnostim, sprejemati članice v svoje glavne odbore ter jim dajati priznanje za njih delo. — Ameriške Slovenske so pričele novo življenje z zanosom in pogumom. Pred ustanovitvijo Zveze so bili ženski dopisi v časopisih redki. Ko je pričela leta 1929 izhajati ZARJA, glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze ter je vabila sotrudnice v svoj krog, so članice prijele za pero ter pričele redno dopisovati ne le v ZARJO, temveč tudi v druge slovenske liste. S priprosto besedo, a globokim razumevanjem so iz svojih naselbin in od svojih podružnic poročale vesele in žalostne dogodke. Iz vse Amerike so prihajala vesti o slovenskem življenju in narodnem gibanju. To je bila kronika, ki bi jo boljše ne mogel napisati najizvrstnejši pisatelj. Poleg poročil so članice napisale vrstvo krasnih, navduše-valnih člankov v korist Zveze. Oglašale so se v prid vsake koristne ideje, naj je zadevala slovenski narod v Ameriki, ali v stari domovini. Zveza je v slovenski ženi odkrila mnogo idealov in skritih talentov, ki so tekom let ustvarili številna lepa dela ter vzbujali članice k samozražanju in k zanimanju za udejstvovanje v njih lasten prid in korist njih družinam, saj je razvidno, kdor dela za javni blagor, ne koristi le sebi, temveč ustvarja pogoje za splošno blagostanje družinskega in narodnega življenja. Z Zvezo se je med ameriškimi Slovenkami pričela vez sestrstva, vez enakega mišljenja, ves razumevanja in vez prijateljstva. Kjerkoli se snideta dve rojakinji, takoj nastane v pogovoru vprašanje: “Ali si tudi ti članica Slovenske Ženske Zveze Namen Zveze je vedno bil, delati in pospeševati dobro; vzgajati svoje članice v dobre gospodinje, vrle narodnja-kinje in zavedne ameriške državljanke. Temu namenu se Zveza ni nikdar izneverila, zato pomeni 40 let njenega obstoja tudi 40 let neutrudljivega dela za ženske pravice, njih koristi in ugled. Zveza se je takoj ob ustanovitvi izrekla za kulturno delo med slovenskim ženstvom v Ameriki. Pred 40 leti je talca izjava bila nekaj povsem novega, zato ideja ni bila povsod dobrodošla, pač pa nazvana za žensko "kaprico.” Treba je bilo idejo braniti in zagovarjati, saj vrednost naroda se ne šteje po količini prebivalstva, temveč po visokosti njegove kulture. Zveza služi kot temelj za dokaze, da so potomke slo- venske krvi v Ameriki hčerki zavednega in delavnega naroda, ki si je v tujini znal ustvariti nov dom, si priboriti odlično mesto v ameriški javnosti ter ustvaril močne in ugledne organizacije, ki jih bo v bodočnosti vodil nov, cvetoč rod, vzgojen v istih lepih idealih, ki so jih naši pionirji prinesli iz rodne domovine, krasne Slovenije. Zveza obstoja 40 let. Ob ustanovitvi je bilo prerokovano, da bo nova organizacija “muha enodnevnica”. — Naj naša organizacija še mnogo let živi, raste in uspešno deluje v korist svojemu članstvu in v veselje vseh nas, ki jo ljubimo! * * * Ob priliki Zvezine 40-Ietnice se z globoko hvaležnostjo spominjamo naših odličnih duhovnih svetovalcev in njihovega skrbnega duhovnega vodstva, ki daje Zvezi prestiž, članstvu pa vzoren verski pouk. Članki naših duhovnih svetovalcev so čitani z velikim duševnim užitkom in so vseskozi bili nekaj res posebnega, kar ni imel in tudi sedaj nima noben drug slovenski list. Duhovni svetovalci so bili: Rev. Anton Schiffrer, župnik fare Sv. Janeza Evangelista, Milwaukee, Wis.; Rev. Rev. Matthew Kebe, župnik Matere Božje, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Rev. Alexander Urankar, župnik fare Sv. Štefana, Chicago. Sedajni duhovni svetovalec Rev. Claude Okorn je župnik nove slovenske fare v Greenfieldu blizu Milwaukee. Poleg našim duhovnim svetovalcem smo zahvalo dolžne še g. Johnu Jerichu, bivšemu uredniku dnevnika AMK-RIKANSKI SLOVENEC in mesečnika NOVI SVET. C. Jerich se je za Zvezo takoj od početka zanimal. Ko je bila sprožena ideja za ustanovitev naše organizacije, nam je dal na razpolago svoji list, v katerem smo dalj časa brezplačno priobčevale dopise, uradna naznanila, prva pravila pa tudi zapisnik prve konvencije. V njegovi tiskarni se je več let tiskala ZARJA, še poprej pa knjiga AMERIŠKA SLOVENKA, izdana leta 1928. Najlepša zahvala g. Jerichu za njegovo razumevanje in prijateljstvo napram Zvezi ob času, ko je mlada in šibka organizacija prijateljev res potrebovala. ŽENSKA LOGIKA “Verjami mi, ne morem več zdržati . . . res ne morem,” je žena tožila svoji prijateljici, medtem ko so se ji po žalostnem obrazu kotalile debele solze. “Ne morem . . . Vsak večer prihaja pozno domov in pomisli, če ga vprašam, kje je bil, se zadere: ‘Kaj te briga!’ Da, tako pravi in še vpije kot neumen. Zadnjič bi me skoro pretepel, če bi mu ne ušla. Svojo plačo mi včasih pa jo spravi sam in sploh ne pove, kam je šla. Da bi me kdaj peljal v gledališče ali kako zabavo, mu še na misel ne pride. Drugi mi še kdaj pa kdaj narede kompliment, da dobro izgledam, on pa na meni ne opazi prav ničesar . . . kot bi gledal skozi okno. Lahko imam na sebe še tako lepo obleko, ali še tako posrečeno frizuro, on ne vidi nič! Kadar sem bolana, se sploh ne zmeni zame; nič mi ne prinese, večkrat me niti ne vpraša, kako se počutim. Še več, tudi takrat hoče imeti na mizi kosilo ob času, sveže oprano srajco in stanovanje očiščeno. Še na misel mu ne pride, da bi mi doma kaj pomagal, čeprav sem tudi jaz v službi. Pa se to zahteva, da ga vsak večer čaka gorka večerja, pride pa takrat, kadar se mu zljubi. Ko se jaz mučim z metlo in cunjo po stanovanju, da ga o-čistim, on čita časopis in hoče imeti mir. Pravim ti, to Je pravi tiran! Ne morem več zdržati, res ne morem..." "Pomiri se, pomiri, draga moja,” jo tolaži prijateljica. “Takoj, ko se moža znebiš, ti bo lepše na svetu. Boš videla, kako boš po ločitvi na novo zaživela in postala srečna.” “Ko se ga znebim? — Po ločitvi?” — žena začudeno vzklika. “Kdo se pa hoče ločiti? Še na misel mi ne pride, da bi so moža znebila, saj ga imam rada.” p. Claude Okorn, o.f.m. DAJMO CAST BOGU Ob nastopu novega leta nam nehote misli romajo v preteklost. Pred nam stopi vse, kar se je zgodilo bilo dobro ali slabo. Spomnimo se na vse križe in težave, bolezni in preizkušnje, vse kar je dediščina padle človeške narava. Pri tem se pa spomnimo, da smo imeli srečno družinsko življenje,, nabrali smo si novih skušenj, novega znanja in napredovali smo v ljubezni. Koliko zadovoljstva nam je prinesla naša vera. Bilo nam je naklonjeno, da smo v preteklem letu živeli z Jezusom in zanj. Zato mu moramo biti hvaležni. Svojo hvaležnost do Jezusa skažemo s tem, da delamo, v njegovo čast in to čast tudi širimo. Zakaj? Jezusu pripada ta čast, ker je naš Gospod in Odrešenik. Umrl je za nas, da bi mi živeli. Daje nam vedno znova priložnost, da se spokorimo kljub temu, da smo ga ponovno žalili in ponovno padli v stare napake. Jezus je pa tudi naš Bog in kot tak še posebej zasluži našo čast in slavo. Če imamo dobro besedo za materino kuho in za očetovo skrb, če radi pohvalimo dobre igralce, če pohvalimo ljudi, ki poznajo svojo stroko koliko bolj moramo dati čast Bogu, ki je napravil vse stvari do popolnosti. Poglejte cvetje na polju, travo, ki se pokosi in v ogenj vrže, ptice pod nebom, pomislimo na okrepčilo, ki ga užijemo s kozarcem mrzle vode posebno v hudi vročini. Ni čudno, da sv. cerkev moli z angeli: “Svet, svet, svet si ti Gospod Bog, nebo in zemlja sta polna tvoje slave! Ob novem letu pa se tudi obrnimo k Bogu, da nam nakloni potrebnega za življenje. Ob koncu tridesetletne vojne pred tristo leti je neki duhovnik takole molil za svoje sestradano ljudstvo: “Mi uboga človeška bitja, pro- simo, da bi se naš Gospod omehčal in nam skazal svoje usmiljenje ter nam naklonil boljše pogoje v novem letu kakor smo jih imeli v preteklem letu. Nakloni naj nam, da bo ročne delo zopet cenjeno, da bi prejeli plačo za svoj pot in trud in da bi mogli živeti v pridnosti in poštenosti in ne v kraj, varanju in nasil-stvu. Nakloni nam, da bo vsakdo brez razlike bogat ali reven imel košček kruha in vrč vode in da nam ne bo treba stradati ali umreti od žeje, kakor se je mnogim primerilo v preteklem letu; da bi vsakdo posedoval en par hlač, srajco in dvoje čevljev, da bi vsakdo imel streho in zaklon in štiri stene okrog svojega telesa po noči. Nakloni nam, da bodo veliki možje dovolili, da pride mir, po katerem že tako dolgo hrepenimo, o katerem že toliko govorimo, ga neprestano kličemo in napovedujemo, mir, ki nam je bil že večkrat obljubljen in napovedan in oznanjen z velikimi besedami, pravi, resnični in pravični mir. In na koncu prosimo, da bi naš Gospod Jezus Kristus prišel na ta svet. Amen. Lepa in preprosta molitev. Izraža tudi potrebo naših dni. Živimo novo leto v čast božjo. To storimo z dobrim zgledom. Morda je teško, ali to je edini način, da se lahko približamo Bogu in da mu dajemo dostojno čast, ki mu gre. Gospod sam nam je pokazal to pot, ko nam je rekel: Tako naj sveti vaša luč pred ljudmi, da bodo videli vaša dobra dela in častili Očeta, ki je v nebesih. Ko je Jezus storil kak čudež je zapisalo sveto pismo, da so ljudje bili prestrašeni in so dali čast Bogu, ki je dal toliko oblast ljudem. Za novo leto sklenimo živeti za Boga. S tem mu bomo dali najboljšo čast. Obenem pa se bomo s tem skazali tudi hvaležne za vse dobrote, ki nam jih je Bog naklonil v preteklosti. Postanimo kristjani v dejanju. SLOVENSKI PEVSKI MOŠKI ZBOR — SLOVENE MEN CHORALEERS Leta 1954 so se zbrali pevci iz Chisholma in okolice, ter osnovali slovenski pevski zbor. Organizator tega gibanja je bil Mr. Joe Mlakar (sedaj bivajoč v Fontani, Californija.) Leta 1955 je povedal na I. radijskem nastopu WEVE to-le: “V imenu slovenskega moškega zbora iz Železnega okrožja prav lepo pozdravljam vse Slovenke in Slovence. Vsak teden se zbiramo v našem slovenskem Domu — Slovene Home — na Cliisholmu z namenom ohraniti našo slovensko pesem in govorico med nami. Od naših mater smo slišali prve slovenske besede in naše matere so nas učile slovenski jezik, kot so ga le one znale, po domače in preprost, Zato spo-nosioin reči smem ...” in zbor je nadaljeval pesem: Slovenec sem, tako je mati djala, ko me je dete pestovala. Za deset letnico si je zbor nabavil iz Ljubljane slovenske narodne noše, da je pri nastopih še bolj povdarjana slovenska zavest. Od leta 1955 stialno poslušamo slovensko petje od teh pevcev na radijskem sporedu WEVE, vsako prvo nedeljo ob 13 uri (1:00 p. m.). Od leta 1955 uči in vodi zbor William Kuntara iz Eveletha. Poslovni del pevskega zbora vodi odbor po društvenih pravilih “Slovene Men Choraleers”. Sedanji odbor je: predsednik: Ed Krall; podpredsednik: Frank Erjavec; tajnik: Alvin Koroshec; blagajnik: Victor Pakiž; odborniki: Joe Ste-blaj, Frank Strlelcar, Albert Stark; pregl.: Peter Krall, Tony Zaitz. Ne samo iz Chisholma, ampak tudi od Aurore do Hib-binga se pridno udejstvujejo pevci za napredek in obstoj zbora. “Slovene Men Choraleers je vabljen od organizacij in društev, da pevci tega zbora zapojo po slovensko na njihovih sporedih in prireditvah. Je edini slovenski zbor, ki sodeluje s slovenskimi pesmi na koncertih prirejenih od združenih pevskih zborov iz severnega dela države Minnesota. V bližnji bodočnosti se bo zbor udejstvoval tudi na TV sporedih. “Naša pesem” je naslov prve izdane plošče, ki je bila v kratkem času razprodana. Plošča bo ponovno izdana. V letu 1967 bo izšla druga plošča z naslovom: “Pesem slovenska" in ki jo zbor za uvodno pesem nadaljuje: Pesem ti naša, od pam-tiveka spremljaš naš rod; Srca nam dvigaš, ljubav o-znanjaš, hvalo molitev daješ Bogu. Pesem slovenska, pesem ti naša, doni odmevaj krepko nam ti! Najlepše čestitke in še mnogo uspehov! Vsako leto nastopa zbor na Zvezinem dnevu, za kar smo hvaležni ter zbor s ponosom predstavljamo v Zarji. Najnižja cena v zgodovini izletov v stari kraj! $339.00 IZ NEW Y0RKA DO LJUBLJANE Potovanje v stari kraj je z vsakim letom liolj popularno. Naša Zveza zopet nudi svojim članicam in njihovim družinam znižano ceno na voznem listku in sicer $339.00 iz New Yorka do Ljubljane, kar je nad dvesto dolarjev manj na osebe kot redna sezonska cena. Cena je $339.00 za odrasle od New Yorka do Ljubljane; za otroke do 12 let starosti $170.00; od dvema leti starosti $39.50. Kezervaeije pošljite na glavno tajnico, Albino Novak. DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — Veselo smo bile iznenadene na naši novem-berski seji, ko nas je obiskala gl. podpredsednica, Marie Florijan iz West Allis. Zaradi zdravja se ji ni bilo mogoče udeležiti proslave 40 letnice ustanovitve naše podr., zato je sedaj osebno prišla, da nam izreče čestitke. Imele smo res lep družabni sestanek. Prav iskreno zahvalo izrekamo Marie in njenim spremljevalkam za čestitke in za vso prijazno pozornost, katero so izkazale naši podružnici. Zaradi zelo mrzllega vremena v tem letnem času, tudi to leto ne bomo imele seje v januarju., toda tretjo nedeljo v februarju se gotovo udeležite, ker na tej seji bomo volile de-legatinjo za prihodnjo konvencijo, ki se bo vršila meseca maja v Washing-tonu, D. C. Kdor bi se hotel udeležiti konvencije in si ogledati našo zgodovinsko prestolico, ki je znana po vsem svetu, naj se gotovo udeleži seje, ker Ixmio imele več podrobnosti glede skupnega izleta. Čas hitro teče, zato pridite na sejo v febr. v cerkveni dvorani. Preteklo leto je bilo več članic resno prizadetih zaradi bolezni. U-pam, ko boste čitale te vrstice, da boste že vse zopet pri ljubem zdravju. Čeprav nam ni vedno mogoče obiskati vseh sester v bolnišnicah, vendar bodite prepričane, da smo z vami v mislih in željah za zdravje, saj imamo skoro vse osebne izkušnje, kako hudo je kadar nas bolezen pošlje v bolnišnico. Zadnji teden v nov. se je morala podati v bolnišnico ustanoviteljica naše Zveze, ses. Marie Prisland. Nadležna bolezen jo nadleguje že precej časa, pristala je na resno operacijo in ko čitamo to poročilo v Zarji, je gotovo zopet pri boljšem zdravju. Iskrene čestitke pošiljamo sestri in soprogu, Johani in Štefanu Radovan ob njihovi zlati poroki. Za visoko 50 letnico zakonskega življenja jima kličemo: Živela oče in mati Radovan še dolgo let v krogu njune ugledne družine. Ta pomembni jubilej so proslavili G. nov. s cerkvenimi obredi v domači cerkvi in z družinsko gostijo v krogu sorodnikov in številnih prijateljev. Želim zdravo, srečno in veselo Novo leto 1967 vsem gl, uradnicam in sosestram naše Zveze. M. Godez, poročevalka Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Poročilo glavne letne seje, ki se je vršila dne G. dec. t. 1. — Nepričakovano lepo število članic se je udeležilo naše glavne in letne seje. Istočasno smo tudi praznovali 3 mesečna godovanja in Miklavževanje. Sestre so prinesle darila za izmenjavo. Za Božično darilo revnim otrokom IZKAZ HVALEŽNOSTI Pueblo, Colo. — Podpisana se želim zahvaliti vsem članicam in prijateljem za prijazne obiske v času moje dolge bolezni v bolnišnici in na domu. Hvala vsem za krasne cvetlice, ki so krasile mojo bolniško sobo, za bodrilne kartice in darila. Je preveč, da bi vse omenila, ker težko pišem, vseeno moje zdravje se hvala Bogu obrača na boljše. Prisrčna in topla zahvala prijateljicam za velikodušni dar sv. maš, katere so naročile za moje okrevanje. Bilo jih je lep šopek 12 po številu. Zahvala g. župniku Daniel Gnidica za številne obiske in Father Claude Okorn. Kdor je že bil v bolnišnici se zaveda vrednosti takega bodrilnega sočutja. Prisrčna zahvala tudi za kartice s številnimi podpisi. Še enkrat prisrčna zahvala iz vsega srca vsem in za vse kar ste dobrega storili. Vaše prijazne naklonjenosti ne bom nikoli pozabila. Res je, da se v bolezni spozna koliko dobrih prijateljev imamo. Bog Vas blagoslovi, hvaležna, Anna Pachak smo pa tudi darovale vsaka po en dolar in teh se je nabralo 42 dol. Iz naše društvene blagajne se bo tudi darovalo revnim in potrebnim za Božič po 5. dol. našim neozdravljivim sestram, dalje enako svoto za šolo Mavec in hišniku tega doma. Ta večer so bile tudi volitve novega odbora. Tajnica A. Zabukovec je zaradi domačih važnih zadev morala odstopiti in na njeno mesto smo izvolile novo tajnico, Mrs. Bajec. Vsako leto imamo težkoče pri volitvah odbornic, ker vsaka odklanja, toda to leto, hvala Bogu, se nam pa seja ni tako daleč zavlekla, kakor druga leta, ker ves odbor je bil izvoljen po starem, razen nove tajnice. Za Novo leto je bilo tudi odobreno, da bo dobila letno plačo tista, ki bo vozila obiskovalke k bolnim sestram. V tem času se nahaja v bolnišnici naša bivša predsednica, Mary Okički. Bog daj, da bi se hitro pozdravile in prišle zopet med nas. Bolanih je še več sester: Mrs. Blatnik, Mrs. Strle-kar in Mrs. Mastek. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Odobrile smo tudi, da bodo to leto 2 sv. maše za žive in mrtve članice; ena bo pri sv. Kristini, za drugo bo pa pozneje določeno. Globoko sožalje izrekamo čla. Rozi Mikovič ob bridki izgubi ljubljene mame. Naj v miru počiva. Ta večer je bila na novo sprejeta v našo podr., Mrs. Angela Sedmak. Zia door prize so darovale ta večer: Mrs. Krai, Mrs. Klejliek in Mrs. Mikovič. — Mrs. Frances Globokar je tudi prinesla lep predpasnik. Mrs. Perko je prinesla lep kip Matere Božje, ki je bil oddan na listke. Mnogo dobrega peciva pa so pri- Št. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — Popravek. V nov. Zarji sem pomoloma napisala, da je dala za naš Zvezin dan, hčerka od Rose Scoff, šopke za častne članice in namizno okrasje. V resnici je darovala šopke in namizne cvetlice, predstavnica tega dne, Ruth Zwyssig in Mrs. Galag-her, Rozina hči je darovala pecivo. Naj mi prizadete oprostijo to napako. Pozdravlja, Poldica Podgornik nesle naslednje sestre: Iskra, Straži-žar (Arrowhead), Skur, Čebul, Tomažin, Frances Globokar, Mici Globokar, Fitzein, Zabukovec in Klopec. V denarju so darovale: Zgonc, Maurič, Stopar, Snajder, Smrdel, Legan. — Vsem skupaj v imenu podr. najlepša hvala. Bog vam povrni na Vašem zdravju. Obenem tudi želim vsem srečno Novo leto, da bi bilo polno božjega blagoslova, da bi bile srečne, zdrave in zadovoljne skozi vse leto. Prosim vas tudi, da bi se potrudile in da bi prihajale na naše seje skozi celo leto, kakor ste tako lepo prišle na letno sejo. Vse najlepše pozdravljam, Antonija Šuštar, poročevalka Št. 15, Cleveland, O. Božični prazniki so minili in nahajamo se v novem letu 19G7, katero upam, da bo vsem prineslo nove sreče in posebno pa ljubo zdravje vsem članicam pri št. 15. Veselilo nas bo, če boste prišle redno k sejam in pridobile kaj novih članic. Ker bo meseca majni-ka konvencija v Washington, D. C. zato je dolžnost članic, da pridete na seje in pomagate s svojimi dobrimi nasveti za bodoči napredek organizacije. Januarska seja bo še posebno važna, ker bodo prebrani računi preteklega leta. Pravilno je, da slišite kako podružnica obstoji. Novembra meseca sta obhajala poroko Mr. in Mrs. John Yordanek. Ona je naša dobra članica. Želimo, da bi dočakala zdrava in zadovoljna zlato poroko. Vsem bolnim članicam daj ljubi Bog zdravje in hitro okrevanje ter blagoslov v novem letu. Srčna hvala vsem članicam za obiske, kartice in darila ter za vse kar ste mi dobrega storile v ltolezni. Vsem glavnim odbornicam in članicam najlepše pozdrave! Frances Lindič, predesdnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Pretekli mesec smo izgubile ustanoviteljico naše po družnlce, Mrs. Anna Pluth, ki je mnogo let preživela v Nursing Ilome, najprej v Joliotu in zadnje čase v Chicagu. Dosegla je lepo starost 75 let. Bila je naša prva trajnica, vedno zelo aktivna In vestna. Prva leta je mnogo storila za članice in podr. in tudi naše gl. odbornice je večkrat pogostila na njenem domu na Cora st. Po smrti njenega moža, je zaradi rahlega zdravja šla v dom za ostarele. Zapušča sina, ki je redovni brat v Min. in hčerko Margaret Shelko, več sestra in bratov, članice so molile pri njeni krsti in jo spremile na zadnji poti. Vedno se jo bomo spominjale zaradi njenih dobrih del med nami. Naj ji Bog da plačilo v nebesih za vse trpljenje na tem svetu. Predsednica poroča, da je več rojakinj v preteklih mesecih preminulo. Med njimi so nekatere bile pred leti naše članice, a zaradi neplačila so bile suspendirane, ker se kljub opominu niso pobrigale, da bi obdržale članarino. Ko pride smrt pa vseeno nekateri priobčijo v imeniku lokalnega lista, “članica Slovenske Ženske Zveze.” To je napačno od družine in ponovno opominjam, da plačujte svoje prispevke redno, da ne bo potrebno nobene črtati iz seznama. Pred kratkim je umrl Martin Težak, oče naše čla. Therese Papesh. Pok. je bil zelo poznan ter je bil odbornik raznih društev. V Chicagu je umrl tudi brat, isto Martin Težak v starosti 65 let. Prej je živel mnogo let v Jolietu. Preminul je Louis Lukancich, soprog naše čla. Pavle. Umrl je v starosti komaj 63 let. Pred dvema letoma sta z ženo dobila posebno priznanje pri “Immigrant’s Service League” kot vzorna imigranta, ki stel vzgojila številno in zelo nadarjeno družino. Zapušča 6 hčera in 3 sinove. Eden izmed sinov je zdravnik, kakor tudi hčerka in zet. Ena hčerka je sestra učiteljica ses. Louise Paul, OSF na višji katoliški šoli. E-na hčerka jetajnica pri državnem pravdniku, ena je učiteljica francoščine na višji šoli v Ix>s Angeles; ena je tajnica v bolnišnici pri Zdravstvenem oddelku, druga zopet diplomirana bolniška sestra, eden sin je ravnatelj (principal) šole tukaj in najtnlajši sin je v mestni službi ter je bil 2 leti v Nemčiji, kjer je služil svoj rok v naši armadi. Za pokojnim žaluje tudi 12 vnukov in 4 polsestre ter več drugih sorodnikov. Mrs. Lukančič je sestra naše preds. Emme Planinšek. Naša kegljačica Theresa Papesh iz N. Raynor st., je v teku enega meseca izgubila dva sestre in eno nečakinjo. Kegljačica Theresa Pavnica je izgubila mater, ki je bila dolgo bolana. Poleg nje zapušča moža in več hčera in sinov. Bolna je bila tudi Mary Golobitch in iz bolnišnice v Rochester, Minn., se je vrnila Mrs. Frances Vraničar, ki se po več mesečnem bolehanju in operaciji zdravi doma. V St. Joseph bolnišnici je bila na operaciji tildi Rose .laroz iz Rockdale, 111. Iz Ely, Minn., kakor nam je bilo poro-čano, se je vrnila domov is bolnišnice Barbara Rosandlch in na težko operacijo seje ponovno podala naša ustanoviteljica in častna predsednica Zveze, Mrs. Marie Prisland iz She-boygna, Wis. Bog daj njej, kakor vsem ostalim bolanim, hitrega in stalnega zdravja. Poslovilo se je staro leto, nastopili smo novo leto 1967. Mnogi so bili bolni v družinah, ali jim je tudi smrt vzela drago osebo in družinskega kroga v preteklem letu, vemo, ti so nenadomestljivi v naših srcih. Toda upamo in želimo, da bo vsem nastopno leto polno zdravja, zadovolj-tva in blagoslova. Vse članice vabimo na naše seje in da poravnajo svoje prispevke za to leto. Vse pozdravljam, Josephine Erjavec Št. 23, Ely, Minn. — Pravkar sem prejela našo zanimivo Zarjo in ker že dolgo ni bilo od nas slovenskega dopisa, sem se namenila nekoliko poročati. Naša tajnica in državna predsednica ima lepo poročilo od Zvezi-nega dneva v Crosby, Minn. Žal se Barbara nahaja sedaj v Minneapolis University Hospital, kamor jo je poslal domači zdravnik zaradi očesne bolezni. Upam, da ni nič hudega in da se skoro vrne domov. Preteklo leto nam je smrt pobrala pet članic in v bolnišnici se jih je zdravilo precej, pa so se ozdravljene vrnile domov. Tukaj imiimo že več kot 3 tedne sneg in led. Zadnje poletje pa je bilo zelo lepo in raznovrstnih jagod je bilo veliko, da smo jih vsi pridno nabirali za vkuhavanje ali za zrnrz-njeje za pozimi. Kakor je bilo že poročano nas je bilo poln bus, ko smo se skupno u-deležile državne konvencije in Zve-zinega dne v Crosby. Če bi bilo več prostora, bi nas bilo še več. Drugo leto bo zborovanje v tukajšni bližini v Tower in upamo, da se boste udeležile iz celega Železnega okrožja v velikem številu, saj se tega dne snidejo prijateljice, ki drugače ne bi imele prilike priti skupaj. Na novemberski seji smo sklenile, da za decembersko sejo priredimo Pot Luck supper in gotovo bo še druge zabave, zato upam, da bom v drugem poročilu imela priliko poročati, da je uspeh bil dober in udeležba povoljna. Želim vsem gl. odbornicam, duhovnemu vodji in vsem članicam zdravo in srečno leto 1967. Katherine Slogar, poročevalka Št. 32, Euclid, O. — Sedaj je pa že potrkala na vrata starka zima. Včeraj, 30. nov. je bilo okrog 8 palcev snega in dosti dela z njim, tako da je v Clevelandu umrlo 10 starejših moških od pretežkega odmetavanja snega. Ko boste brale te vrstice, bo že Božič za nami, upam, da ste ga lepo preživele ter Vam želimo blagoslovljeno Novo leto, vsem gl. uradnicam, našemu duhovnemu vodji g. Celesni- ku ter vsem članicam, da bi ga zdravi preživeli. Clarence in Mary Rupar sta postala prvič stari oče in mati, ko so rojenice pustile zalo dete pri sinu. Naše čestitke na vse strani in želje, da bi bilo dete zdravo in srečno v življenju. Zope smo izgubile eno članico in to pot Antonio Karaba, ki je umrla 28. nov. Spominjajmo se pokojne v molitvah, a žalujočim ostalim izrekamo naše sožalje. Sedaj pa želim vsem bolnim ljubega zdravja in zdravim pa kličem na svidenje na naših sejah. Frances Perme, poročevalka Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — Že dolgo se nisem oglasila, zdaj je pa prišel čas, da sporočam novice od naše podr. in še malo drugih stvari. Na glavni ali decemberski seji nas je bilo 19 članic,pa ni za zameriti, ker je bilo tako spolzko tisti večer, da človek ne ve kam stopiti. Je res težava in velika razlika od prejšnjih let. Izvolile smo naslednji odbor za leto 1967: Preds., Frances Kren; pod-preds, Sylvia Petrich (ki je nova); taj.-blag., Anna Trdan; zapisnikarica, Frances Jelenich (dobra zapisnikarica) in nadzornice: Agnes Kočevar in Rosie Drapp. Spremenile smo naše mesečne seje, ki bodo odslej vsako prvo nedeljo popoldne ob Z uri v navadnih prostorih. To je edina sprememba, vse ostalo je po starem. Glede novih kandidatinj se povdari, da se sprejmejo le katoličanke dobrega vedenja in ne razločene žene. I-meti moramo pred očmi na kakšni podlagi je bila ustanovljena Zveza. Žal izgubimo vsako leto več članic, katere nam pobere kruta smrt. To leto smo izgubile 7 sester: Mary Vodovnik, Mary Gersich, Mary Sončar, Helena Peder, Mary Kutzler, Mary Urbilia in Mary Podhajnelc. Spominjajmo se jih v naših molitvah. V pogledu blagajne, naše društvo dobro stoji, seveda se moramo zavedati, da so nam pomagale sosestre od podr. št. 48, ki so pristopile k nam. Lepa livala sestre, se bomo že potrudile, da bo ostala dobrostoječa blag. Sedaj imamo v prodaji tickete v korist podružnice in ste prošene, da bi kupile te tickete iz česar se bo plačalo delegatinji, kar bo več bo šlo pa v skupno blagajno, kakor bo pač članstvo odločilo. Volitev delegatinje bomo imele v februarju. Imele smo tudi materinski dan, ki je dobro uspel. Jaz sem bila v bolnišnici takrat, pa se lepo zahvaljujem vsem, ki ste pripravljale in pridno delale za uspeh. Pri naši fari imamo nove gospode (oba angleška.) Čeprav sta oba zelo prijazna, vendar pogrešamo slovenskega petja. Kadar panas je več skupaj pa vseeno zapojemo in obujamo spomine, kako luštno je bilo včasih, sedaj pa ni več tako. Naš prejšnji slovenski župnik so šli v pokoj. Fara šteje 14 sto družin. Sedaj je vse pa angleško. Res minulo je vse, pač moramo vzeti, kakor svet pelje. Najlepša hvala naši urednici, Cor-inne Leskovar za tako lepo urejevano Zarjo. (Hvala lepa. Ured.) Pozdravljene vse gl. odbornice in članice S.Ž.Z. posebno od naše podružnice in lepa hvala za sodelovanje. Anna Trdan, taj.-blag. Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Najboljšega zdnavja in napredka v tem letu, želim vsem pri naši organizaciji. — Kljub neugodnemu vremenu, je bila udeležba na letni seji povoljna. U-radnice smo še kar iste ostale. Vesele smo bile voščil za praznike in vzpodbudnih vrstic gl. preds., Mrs. T. Turek in gl. tajnica, Mrs. A. Novak. Lepa hvala obema. Seje se še nadalje vršijo v istem prostoru in ob istem času. Prošene ste, da se jih redno udeležujete, pridobite še vaše sorodnice in prijateljice k naši organizaciji. V bolnici se nahajata, ses. Nettie Strukel in Mary Novak. Obema želimo skorajšnjega okrevanja. Prisrčna hvala za voščilo in darilo ses. Mary Germ, ses. Mary Paulin pa tudi za velikodušno darilo, enako tudi ses. Ann Kozel, Rose Strumble in Ann Košuta, ses. Alice Kokal iz Kalif, pa za lepo voščilo za praznike. Ses. Ann Videnšek ke pa darovala v prid blag. košarico jestvin. Srečna (na svoje veliko začudenje) je bila podpisana. Najprisrčnejša hvala, Ann. Naše iskreno sožalje izrekamo ses. Elli Bratina in družini ob izgubi dragega soproga in očeta Rudolpha. Blagemu pokojniku pa naj bo ohranjen lep spomin. Srečno rojstno obletnico smo želele ses. Mary Turek. Bog te živi še na mnoga leta, Mary. Po seji smo pa imele toliko dobrega peciva, da nismo vedele kaj bi preje pokušale. Vsem in vsaki posebej, najprisrčnejša hvala. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo, ki bo važna. S sesterskim pozdravom, Ella Starin, taj. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Dne 30. nov. smo tukaj dobili prvi sneg. Zapadel je 3 palce globoko, a ponekod tudi 7 palcev, kar je res znak, da je starka zima tukaj. Naša članica, Mary Božic in njen soprog sta se podala v toplo Arizono, ker soproga muči reumatizem in pravi, da se bo tam boljše počutil. Še vedno sta resno bolne naše članice, Frances Batista in. Mary Česnik. Njima in vsem bolnim, želim ljubega zdravja. Dne 13. nov. je slovenska radio oddaja za Penna slavila 20 letnico odaj z banketom. Oddanih je bilo en tisoč slovenskih radio programov, ki prihajajo v naše domove vsako nedeljo od 12 ure do 1 ure popoldne že SLOVENSKA Št. 103, Washington, D. C. —Zbrale smo se v božičnem razpoloženju drugo nedeljo v decembru na rednem sestanku in smo imele prekrasen božični spored. Preden nadaljujem z natančnejšim opisovanjem božičnega programa, moram povedati, smo dobile novo članico gospo Marijo Kranjc-Fischinger, ki je našim članicam v v Chicagu, Milwaukee, Sheboyganu, Clevelandu in drugih krajih zelo dobro poznana. Vesele smo, da se je preselila v Washington in tako prestopila v našo podružnico. Njen gospod soprog uspešno deluje pri medicinskem raziskovanju. Gospo Marijo tukaj še nismo imeli prilike slišati v samostojnem koncertu, slišale pa smo jo pri božičnem programu v zboru med drugimi članicami. Vse nas je prevzel njen bogat In čudovit glas. Gospe Mariji želimo, da bi imela vse uspehe pri svojem u-metniškem udejstvovanju. Še doma v Sloveniji sem večkrat slišala, ko so ljudje priprovedovali, da je dober glas poseben dar božji. Naš božični spored, na katerem so bili povabljeni in so tudi sodelovali otroci naših članic, se je začel v uvodnimi besedami gospe Marije Fischin-ger o slovenskih božičnih običajih v domovini. Še enkrat hvala ji, za tako lepo podano predavanje. Marsikateri je vzbudila spomine na otroška leta. 20 let. Na banket in na radio program je bilo povabljenih več organizacij da čestitajo slovenskemu programu in tak sem imela tudi jaz priliko zastopati na radiju našo Slovensko Žensko Zvezo. Lepo pri-znjane velja Mrs. Skerlong in Mr. Beltz za vzorno urejene slovenske radijske programe. Enako priznanje tudi prejšnjim voditeljem programa, kot Mrs. Prašnikar in drugim, ki so delali za ta program. Želim srečno in zdravo novo leto 1967, da bi vsem prineslo najboljšega zdravja in ljubi mir po svetu, naši S.Ž.Z. pa lepo število novih članic. Pozdrav gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam ter vabim vse na sejo dne 11. januarja. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Zopet sem se namenila, da napišem nekaj vrstic v našo priljubljeno Zarjo. — Bila sem zopet v New Yorku pri mojih sinovih. Hvala članicam, ki ste me prišle obiskati. Vesela sem bila vas videti in lepo se mi je zdelo, da ste se me spomnile, ker sem bila Vaša predsednica 24 let in vedno sem bila vesela med vami. Toda prišla je starost, z visokimi leti tudi onemoglost. Ko bo prišla ta Zarja v vaše do- BOZICNICA Vse priznanje gre otrokom, ki so nastopili: Helen in Maria Mejač z deklamiranjem v angleškem jeziku, Lydia Bevec, katera je nastopila kar s tremi točkami: svojo lastno pesmico v angleščini in slovenščini in solo nastopom s klarinetom, sledila je Bernardka Kovačič s pesmico v slovenščini in Mariana Žebot z recitiranjem znane zgodbe “The Night Before Christmas”. Po čitanju božičnega evangelija v slovenščini in angleščini pa smo še skupno zapele dve stari, lepi božični pesmi. Ta prvi slovenski božični program nam bo- vedno ostal v spominu. Še enkrat lepa hvala gospe Mariji za pripravo programa in sodelovanje pri njem. Okrepčila je pripravila zelo lepo in okusno gospodična Matilda Ausich. Iskren novoletni pozdrav Vam vsem, ki berete te vrstice in vsem članom Vaših družin. Nika Kovačič Gospodična Irene M. Planinšek, ustanovitejica in predsednica, podružnice 103, za glavno mesto VZDA, Washington, D. C. in okolico, praznuje v mesecu januarju svoj rojstni dan. Vse najboljše Irena in še na mnoga, zdiava, srečna in uspešna leta! (Pridružuje se tudi urednica.) članice podružnice 103 move bodo božični prazniki še za nami, zato Vam voščim vsem skupaj zdravo in veselo Novo leto. To je moja srčna želja vsem gl. odbornicam, vsem članicam in posebno še članicam pri podr. št. 92. Bog živi Slovensko Žensko Zvezo in njene voditeljice! Naj Bog blagoslovi Zvezo in vse članice! Bog vas živi! Helen Corel' Št. 96, Universal, Pa. Naša glavna seja se je vršila 4. dec. Predsednica, Mrs. Annie Podobnik je pričela sejo z molitvijo. Rešenih je bilo več važnih točk. Tajnica Mary Klemenčič je bila izvoljena za častno mater leta 1967 in na letni seji smo izvolile naslednji odbor: Duhovni vodja, Msgr. Joseph Findland; predsednica, Josephine Perrino; podpreds., Helen Richter; tajnica Mary Klemenčič, blag. Mary Oblock; zapisnikarica Mary Sacsek. — Po seji smo imele Božičnico (Christmas party). Na mizi je bilo vsega v izobilju, ker so odbornice (committee) prinesle vsega. Prisrčna hvala vsem! Igrale smo priljubljene igre in in hvala dobrim sestram, ki so prinesle lepe dobitke, da je tako prišlo nekaj v blagajno. Vse članice ste vljudno prošene, da bi prihajale redno na seje, kjer je vedno kaj važnega za razmotri- vati in odločiti, posebno še ta mesec ko bomo imele predkonvenčno sejo, ki se bo vršila dne 12. marca, 1967 ob 2 uri pop. pri Mrs. Frances Ob-lock. Vsem članicam želim zdravja in srečno Novo leto, ravno tak gl. odbornicam. Vso srečo v letu 1967 in na svidenje na seji. Paula Kokal Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Sedaj ko so večeri bolj dolgi, upam, da nas bo vedno več na seji, da bo bolj veselo in zabavno. Hvala vsem za u deležbo. Po seji imamo dobro okrepčilo, ki ga prinesejo tiste, ki praznujejo rojstne dneve. Želim vsem ljubega zdravja, da bi še več let tako napredovale. Kot sem že omenila bo to leto konvencija v Was-hingtonu. SŽZ je darovala $500 kot dobitek in sicer prvi dobitek v znesku $300, druga dva po $100. Sezite pridno po listkih, saj je dobiček v korist podružnic in 3 bodo gotovo srečne. Denar ostane v podr. blagajni, ki ga uporabi delno ali vse za delegatinjo, kakor se odloči. Obenem vas želim opozoriti, da je sedaj vteku kampanja za nove članice. Žal moram poročati, da je sestra Starnat še vedno v slabem položaju. Katera more naj jo obišče. So-prog ses. Lukanich je bil tudi v bolnici ,sedaj je doma, pa je vesel vsakega obiska. — Vesele smo, da je ses. Uster se pozdravila ter je zopet med nami. — Ako katera ve za kako bolno članico, naj sporoči tajnici, da se jo gre obiskati. Dne 12. nov. je naša predsednica Mary Kurelich s soprogom slavila 25 letnico zakonskega življenja v KSKJ dovrani ob veliki udeležbi, kar sta tudi zaslužila, ker sta oba aktivna ter rada pomagata pri eni ali drugi stvari. Njun sin in hčer oba obiskujeta college. Sprejmita naše iskrene čtetitke in želje, da bi dočakala še zlato poroko. Pri volitvah je bil izvoljen naslednji odbor: preds. Mary Jasima; podpreds. Jenny Kurelich, taj. Mary Armejc, zapisnikarica Mary Vide-gar; reditejica Anna Petrich, sloven ska poročevalka Kristina Filips in poročevalka v 'angleščini ses. Maro-vick. — Prosim članice, da plačate svoj asesment ob pravem času. Želim vsem uradnicam in članicam zdravo in blagoslovljeno Novo leto. Kristina Filips, poročevalka Ul, HOYS ANI) GIRLS! “Hey, my lad, ho my lad! Here’s a New Broom. Heaven’s your housetop And Earth is your room. Tuck up your shirt sleeves, There’s plenty to do— Look at the muddle That’s waiting for you! Dust in the corners And dirt on the floor, Cobwebs still clinging To window and door. Hey, my lad, ho, my lad! Nimble and keen— Here’s your New Broom, my lad! See you sweep clean.” (This “Welcome to the New Year” was written by Leanor Farjeon.) New Year is the oldest and most universal of all festivals, and so it has been observed by both ancient and modem people. The earliest known comes from ancient Mesopotamia in the remote days of the see-cond millennium B. C. To modern man, New Year’s day is primarily an occasion for fun and frivolity. Ceremonies by which New Year is observed are still in large part relics of things which were once done in far more solemn mood and for a more serious purpose. The ringing of bells, the toting of horns, the firing of rockets, the wearing of masks, the exchange of hats and the telling of fortunes really go back to the gray dawn of civilization. Such ceremonies are designed to frighten the Devil and drown out his forces of evil. These ceremonies are also meant to get rid of the past and to welcome the future. Through popular tradition there are special provisions for doing the right things and avoiding the wrong ones. Even though the day is observed by usual absence from work, a few minutes should be devoted to one’s normal occupation, otherwise that occupation will cease altogether and one will lose one’s occupation during the ensuing months. Another “right” thing is to wear new or clean clothes. This old tradition provides an easy disguise a-gainst the attack of demons and evil spirits and automatically fools them. Also new or clean clothes give rebirth to a communty, each member entering a new lease on life. Then lor New Years there are the things which one must not do. One must not carry over anything of the old into the new, for all “unfinished business” will remain so throughout the year. Accounts must be settled and debts paid. No borrowed articles articles must not remain in the house over New Years's Day for this would mean depending on others during the following twelve months. Neither pockets nor cupboards should be empty on this day else they will remain so throughout the year. These and many other traditions of New Year’s day foretold much as to what to expect in the twelve months. Wishes for a happy New Year are extended many times over. To be truly happy one must work. So often one complains of the endless hours of work and no time for relaxing or enjoying life. Aristotle said: “Human excellence involves activity, and the happy life life is an active one” Elbert Hubbard, the American author and philosopher, said, “A man must find his happiness in his work or he will find it nowhere.” St Thomas Aquinas gave four reasons for a man to work. He said that a man works to obtain food, to avoid idleness, to curb concupiscence and to have money to give relief to the poor. To these four reasons two more can be added. A man works in order to help others through his work. And lastly to develop ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually, thus developing and enhancing the talents that God has given to us. Work is a gift to be loved. Work is our way of helping others and ourselves in union with Christ during our stay on earth. As the poem above says "Sweep clean, there’s plenty to do.” Sweep away the devil and all the many earthly evils. Sweep well, work well. Be happy in your work. Then, at the end of a life of work, Christ will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” In this New Year may God grant you many, many blessings, especially the enjoyment of work and the health to carry it through “all for the greater honor and glory of God.” Your friend, REGINA One hot summer afternoon, a lawyer was shopping in the basement of a New York department store. The clerk showed the lawyer a piece of machinery and remarked: "This gadget will cut your work around your home in half.” The lawyer removed his straw hat, brushed the sweat from his brow, and said with a smile, “Fine, I’ll take two of them.” Slim: “What would happen if you ate yeast and polish?” Tim: “I don’t know.” Slim: “You’d rise and shine.” JANUARY cold FEBRUARY all dripping MARCH wind ranges; APRIL changes: Birds sing in tune To flowers of MAY, And sunny JUNE Brings the longest day; In scorched JULY The storm-clouds fly, MONTHS OF By Christina desolate; wet; THE YEAR G. Rosetti Lightning-torn: AUGUST bears corn, SEPTEMBER fruit; In rough OCTOBER Earth must disrobe her; Stars fall and shoot In keen NOVEMBER: And night is long And cold is strong III bleak DECEMBER. Frances Gorše X 665 Woodwd Rd. Ridgewood 27, N.Y. 11227 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Ccnnak R<1. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois H.CRDINR&SONS 7,A POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 62 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. 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