327 Abstract Albeit rich in a number of taxa, flora of Orchidaceae in Bosnia and Herzegovina has not been sufficiently studied. The paper presents distribution of ten rare and threatened orchid taxa in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serapias bergonii and Himantoglossum calcaratum subsp. rumelicum are new for Bosnia and Herzegovina, while for other studied taxa (Serapias parviflora, Serapias vomeracea, Himantoglossum adriaticum, H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum, Gymnadenia frivaldii, Pseudorchis albida, Orchis quadripunctata, Cypripedium calceolus) in addition to field investigation, checking and revision of herbarium material, as well as literature sources were also used for supplementing distribution data. The distribution maps of these taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina are created on a 10 km × 10 km MGRS grid system. Based on the IUCN Red List criteria, the threat status in Bosnia and Herzegovina was assessed for all studied taxa. Data concerning their habitat preferences and population size are also provided. Izvleček Čeprav je družina Orchidaceae v Bosni in Hercegovini vrstno bogata še ni dovolj preučena. V članku predstavljamo razširjenost desetih redkih in ogroženih orhidej na območju Bosne in Hercegovine. Serapias bergonii in Himantoglossum calcaratum subsp. rumelicum sta novi za Bosno in Hercegovino, za druge preučevane taksone (Serapias parviflora, Serapias vomeracea, Himantoglossum adriaticum, H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum, Gymnadenia frivaldii, Pseudorchis albida, Orchis quadripunctata, Cypripedium calceolus) pa smo s terenskimi raziskavami, preverjanjem in revizijo herbarijskega materiala in literaturnih virov dopolnili podatke o razširjenosti. Karte razširjenosti teh taksonov v Bosni in Hercegovini smo prikazali na mrežnem MGRS sistemu 10 km × 10 km. Na osnovi kriterijev Rdečega seznama IUCN smo ocenili ogroženost vseh preučevanih taksonov v Bosni in Hercegovini. Prikazali smo tudi podatke o rastiščnih potrebah in velikosti populacij. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa (Orchidaceae) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Western Balkans) Key words: Dinaric Alps, Himantoglossum, IUCN conservation status, phytogeography, Serapias, Western Balkans. Ključne besede: Dinarske Alpe, Himantoglossum, IUCN ohranitveni status, fitogeografija, Serapias, Zahodni Balkan. Corresponding author: Đorđije Milanović E-mail:  djordjije.milanovic@sf.unibl.org Received: 2. 11. 2021 Accepted: 4. 2. 2022 1 University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2 University of Tuzla, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 3 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden „Jevremovac“, Belgrade, Serbia. 4 University „Džemal Bijedić“ in Mostar, Teachers Faculty, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 5 University of Niš, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Niš, Serbia. Đorđije Milanović1 , Vladimir Stupar1 , Elvedin Šabanović2 , Vladan Djordjević3 , Jugoslav Brujić1 , Aldin Boškailo4 & Vladimir Ranđelović5 DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2022-000521/2 • 2022, 327–346 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 328 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina Introduction The family of orchids (Orchidaceae) has always attracted special attention among botanists, owing to the variety, size, and beauty of their flowers, their very specific way of life and reproduction, and their extraordinary diversity of species. As a consequence of their very small size and lack of nutrients, orchid seeds cannot germinate indepen- dently, as is the case with most other flowering plants, but must enter into a complex symbiotic relationship with certain fungal species (Arditti, 1967). Because mycorrhi- zal development is conditioned by a very narrow range of specific soil properties, many orchid species are closely tied to particular habitats and have a very limited ecologi- cal niche (IUCN/SSC Orchid Specialist Group, 1996). The development of a new individual from seed can take up to 10 years, which in turn can lead to infrequent oc- currence of specimens at the same microsite, as well as a large variation in the number of individuals in a popula- tion from year to year (Rasmussen, 1995). Furthermore, many orchid species have very specific pollinators with limited geographical ranges to which they have adapted the structure of their flowers and with which their range is causally related (Schiestl & Schlüter, 2009). As a result, a large number of orchids are considered rare and endan- gered in many countries and protected by international legal provisions (CITES, 1975; Council of the European Communities, 1992). Given all these features, a large number of botanists specializing in the taxonomy and ecology of orchids de- scribed a large number of taxa, especially in the last 30–40 years. For example, in the mid-1980s, about 19,000 spe- cies were known (Atwood, 1986; Dressler, 2005), while today the number of described orchid species has reached about 28,000 (Christenhusz & Byng, 2016). According to some updated comprehensive analyses, the family counts 27,135 species (Zotz, 2013), although these data should be taken with caution, as a considerable number of new taxa are described each year. Such big numbers, with up to 730–880 genera described (Chase et al., 2015; Givnish et al., 2016), make the family Orchidaceae one of the largest families of vascular plants on earth. Orchidologists believe that there is still a large number of undescribed species, especially in unexplored parts of tropical rainforests. The European continent is inhabited by considerably smaller number of taxa of exclusively terrestrial orchids (Dressler, 1981), as the climate is unsuitable for the de- velopment of epiphytes. Albeit, the interest of European botanists in the study of orchids does not lag behind the world trends. This is evidenced by more than 30 profes- sional associations devoted exclusively to this family and no less than 21 journals devoted exclusively to orchids (ac- cording to https://www.europeanorchidcouncil.eu/). The result of a very narrow understanding of the species by some orchidologists is the estimate that about 600 species and subspecies grow in Europe (Kreutz, 2004), although Kreutz himself states that "so many new taxa (species, sub­ species, varieties and forms) have been described that even the most orchid specialists have totally lost track of them". The same author also points out that the concept of subspe- cies is almost abandoned and that many authors describe new taxa exclusively at species level (e.g. Delforge, 2006) and raise most of the previously described infraspecific taxa to species level. Such an approach makes it impos- sible for botanists to trace relationships between taxa that are morphologically very similar and group them into aggregates or macrospecies, which would greatly facili- tate the identification process and reduce the possibility of misidentifications. As a consequence, some authors now consider that the approach to the taxonomy of the orchid family requires a thorough critical review and re- vision (Kreutz, 2004) according to modern methods, in which taxa should be grouped into (macro)species, mean- ing that many described species have to be splitted into infraspecific taxonomic units. A similar approach is taken in the current version of the Euro+Med (2006+) database, which tries to create some kind of consensus. According to this database, 221 species from 31 genera occur in Eu- rope and the Mediterranean countries, of which 177 sub- species are described within 44 species, with numerous lower infraspecific taxa. Botanists are mainly concerned with the taxonomy of the genus Ophrys, which comprises ca. 200 microspecies, with a tendency for this number to increase to 250. The most important diagnostic characters are the pigmenta- tion of the corolla, the shape of the markings and the color of the lip, and the size of the flower, which vary between flowers of the same individual and even more between individuals of the same population. The situation is simi- lar in the genus Epipactis, where the number of described taxa is somewhat smaller. For Croatia, for example, 150 orchid taxa up to subspecies are listed (Kranjčev, 2004), of which 69 are from the genus Ophrys and 21 from the genus Epipactis. Similarly, for the area of Greece, about 100 species of the genus Ophrys are listed (Antonopou- los & Tsiftsis, 2017), which is more than three times the number of species accepted in the Euro+Med database. To add to the confusion, there are no comprehensive and reliable identification keys, which further complicates the problem of identifying the mentioned orchids. As opposed to european and world trends, knowledge of this group of vascular plants in BiH is far from be- ing good. The last comprehensive list of orchids of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) dates from 1904 (Beck-Mannag- 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 329 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina etta, 1904) and lists 56 species, so it is not necessary to point out that this list is taxonomically outdated. Later reports only give the assessments of the number of taxa. Thus, Šoljan et al. (2006) and Redžić et al. (2009) specu- late about 69 orchid species (with 35 subspecies and 7 hybrids), Šilić (2008) and Šoljan et al. (2014b) mention about 80 species and subspecies. On the bright side, sev- eral papers contributing to the knowledge of orchids in BiH have been published recently (Šabanović et al., 2019, 2020; Šoljan et al., 2014b, 2014a), while several more list new orchid taxa for BiH: Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó (Šoljan et al., 2014a), Epipactis muelleri Godfery (Takács et al. in Raab-Straube & Raus 2014), Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann (Milanović et al., 2015b), Se­ rapias vomeracea (Burm F.) Briq. (Maslo & Boškailo, 2018), Serapias parviflora Parl. (Milanović, 2019) and Epipactis helleborine subsp. orbicularis (K. Richt.) E. Kle- inn. (Šabanović & Djordjević in Tomović et al. 2021), with the confirmation of Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. (Ð. Milanović, 2012), which was considered extinct on the territory of BiH and the Balkan Peninsula. This paper’s aims were: • to make a revision of the genera Serapias and Himanto­ glossum for the territory of BiH in order to clarify which taxa certainly occur in Bosnia and Herzegovina; • to complete the distribution range of some rare orchid species, which were previously known only from a few localities in BiH: Gymnadenia frivaldii, Pseudorchis al­ bida, Orchis quadripunctata and Cypripedium calceolus; • assess the threat status of each of the studied species according to the IUCN categories and criteria (IUCN Species Survival Commission, 2012b, 2012a). Material and methods The research was conducted in the field on the territo- ry of BiH in the period 2010–2020. In addition to the field survey, the distribution data were supplemented by checking and revision of herbarium material depos- ited in the Herbarium of the National Museum of Bos- nia and Herzegovina (SARA), in the Herbarium of the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Banja Luka (SF) and in the private collections of Đ. Milanović (ĐM) and E. Šabanović (ES) as well as by literature sources. Since herbarium material is often insufficient for orchid iden- tification, photographs of plant habit and macrophoto- graphs of floral parts were taken in the field, indicating the herbarium voucher to which they refer. In the case of the genus Serapias, processing of the herbarium material required reparation (resuscitation) of floral parts in boil- ing water in order to make morphometric measurements of organs important for taxon determination. It should be mentioned that, in some cases, the revision of the herbarium material could not be carried out, espe- cially in the case of the genus Himantoglossum from the National Museum Herbarium (SARA), as some vouchers under the same numbering contain several specimens col- lected from different localities. Moreover, they differ mor- phologically and are characterized by transitional values of their diagnostic parameters, so that it was not possible to determine which specimen belongs to which locality or to which taxa they refer. All these questionable data are marked with a "?" sign (Figure 4), indicating that further population-level studies on live specimens are required, and listed in Appendix 2b. All sites reported in the literature and the herbarium ma- terial were georeferenced using the QGIS software pack- age, while the coordinates of the new sites were recorded in the field using a GPS device. All records of the species studied are presented as follows: Locality with coordinates in the WGS84 coordinate system, MGRS (Military Grid Reference System) 10x10 km square, habitat type (if avail- able), material (herbarium and literature data and an ob- servation on live specimens), date of collection (herbari- um), observations or publications (literature data), name of the legator, elevation and population size if observed in the field or derived from literature or herbarium data. In most cases, the material refers to the herbarium mate- rial studied, to which the corresponding literature data (if available) were added, while in the absence of a herbarium voucher, only the literature reference, i.e. the date of ob- servation, was given. The localities for a given taxon were listed beginning with the new (with the word "locality" bolded) or most recent records from the field. This was followed by literature references and information on her- barium specimens collected at other localities (arranged spatially from west to east). In order to get an insight into the distribution area of the studied species on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, all localities were presented on 10x10 km MGRS maps (Figure 6; Figure 11). Species of the genus Serapias were determined accord- ing to Delforge (2006), while for the genus Himantoglos­ sum we used a description of diagnostic characters given by Molnár et al. (2012). Other species discussed were determined using Flora Europaea (Tutin et al., 2001), as their taxonomic status has not changed significantly and there were no taxonomic novelties after the publication of this edition. The nomenclature is consistent with the updated version of the Euro+Med database (Euro+Med 2006+), except for the taxon Himantoglossum calcaratum subsp. rumelicum, whose valid name was published only recently (Niketić et al., 2018). Threat assessment was performed according to the IUCN methodology (IUCN Species Survival Commission, 2012b, 2012a). 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 330 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina Results and discussion Genus Serapias L. The taxonomy of the genus Serapias has changed consid- erably in the last 40 years or so. For example, the num- ber of species is now almost 10 times higher than in the 1980s, when only three species of this genus were thought to occur in Europe. In the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, the genus underwent a major revision and has grown to 26–27 species in Europe, mostly distributed in the Mediterranean region (Delforge, 2006; Venhuis et al., 2007), while some other taxa, mainly from Italy and Spain, were described later (Euro+Med, 2006+). So far, only two species of the genus Serapias have been recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina: S. vomeracea (Burm. F.) Briq. near Počitelj in the valley of the Neretva River (Maslo & Boškailo, 2018) and S. parviflora Parl. on the Klek Pen- insula near Neum (Milanović, 2019). The literature for BiH also mentions Serapias lingua L. from the Sutorina area (Beck-Mannagetta, 1903), which is now part of the territory of Montenegro. There were no specimens of the genus Serapias in the herbarium of SARA, older than the recently inserted vouchers (Milanović, 2019). A specimen of S. vomeracea from the Počitelj area, which was depos- ited in the collection of Aldin Boškailo, has since been lost, so this taxon remains questionable for the territory of BiH (Appendix 2a; Figure 6). Based on new field research conducted in the Mediter- ranean and sub-Mediterranean areas of Bosnia and Her- zegovina, in addition to the already mentioned Serapias vomeracea, the occurence of two other taxa of the genus Serapias has been recorded for BiH: 1. Serapias parviflora Parl. (Figure 1, Figure 3a) – re- corded at the locality of Tanko sedlo on the Klek Penin- sula (Milanović, 2019) (Appendix 1a). This is the only locality of this species in BiH with a population size of less than 20 adult individuals. As its habitat is threat- ened by succession into the surrounding maquis, we propose the status of critically endangered species for the area of BiH. Estimated regional conservation status in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Critically Endangered – CR D. 2. Serapias bergonii E. G. Camus (Figure 2) (syn. Sera­ pias vomeracea subsp. laxiflora (Soó) Gölz & R. Rein- hard) – new species for BiH found in two different localities: near Moševići in the hinterland of Neum and Crno brdo near Hutovo blato (Appendix 1b). In both localities, the species counts less than 50 adult individ- uals and is assessed as critically endangered for BiH. However, it should be emphasised that there are many potential habitats for this orchid species in the Mediter- ranean and sub-Mediterranean areas of BiH, so it could be expected to occur in other localities as well. Based on available data, the regional conservation status in BiH is estimated to be: Critically Endangered – CR D. The species of the genus Serapias are morphologically very similar, so the identification, which requires meas- urement of the width and length of the flower segments, should be made on fully developed flowers from several individuals within the population. Serapias parviflora is characterized by a small epichile (Table 1), erect flow- ers (especially in the juvenile phase), an elongated base of the petals (elongated drop shape) and yellow pollinia (Delforge, 2006; Tsiftsis & Antonopoulos, 2017), which separates it from the S. vomeracea group. In addition, two nearly parallel to slightly divergent ridges are visible at the tip of the hypochile, which separates this species from the related S. lingua. Serapias bergonii is much more variable, often growing in the same localities and in sympatry with the closely related S. vomeracea, forming mixed popula- tions with which it additionally interbreeds (Delforge, 2006; Tsiftsis & Antonopoulos, 2017), making identifica- tion even more complicated. The main characteristic of the species lies in the slightly smaller dimensions of all its organs compared to the related S. vomeracea, with dichot- omous keys generally indicating differences in the width of the epichile (Table 1). In addition, S. bergonii has a gla- brous epichile and bracts that are at most twice as long as the calyx, whereas in S. vomeracea the epichile is hairy and the bracts are more than twice as long as the calyx (tend- ing to be almost three times as long) (Delforge, 2006). Although our collected specimens show some mor- phometric features at the limits of variation of individ- ual characters, they still correspond more to the species S. bergonii than S. vomeracea. For example, the bracts are Species / morphological characters Epichile width [mm] Epichile length [mm] Length x width of corolla [mm] Shape of the corolla base Serapias parviflora 3–5 (5–) 6–10 (–13) 13–16 × 3–4 elongated Serapias bergonii 4–7.5 (10–) 12–18 (–20) 19–27.5 × 2–4.5 rounded Serapias vomeracea 8–13 18–30 19–27.5 × 4–8.5 rounded Table 1: Morphometric diagnostic characteristics of three similar species of the genus Serapias (according to Delforge 2006). Tabela 1: Morfometrične značilnosti treh podobnih vrst rodu Serapias (po Delforge 2006). 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 331 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina Figure 1: Serapias parviflora on Klek Peninsula (Đ. Milanović 09. 05. 2010). Slika 1: Serapias parviflora na polotoku Klek (Đ. Milanović 09. 05. 2010). Figure 2: Serapias bergonii from Crno brdo (E. Šabanović 05.05.2020). Slika 2: Serapias bergonii z Crnega brda (E. Šabanović 05.05.2020). Figure 3: Comparative view of flowers of Serapias species repaired from the herbarium: a – Serapias parviflora from Klek peninsula (lip); b – Serapias bergonii near Moševići (flower details): b1 – lip and petals; b2 – ovary with a hood; b3 – belonging bract; c – Serapias bergonii from Crno brdo by Hutovo (lip with petals) (© Đ. Milanović). Slika 3: Primerjava cvetov vrst rodu Serapias iz herbarija: a – Serapias parviflora z polotoka Klek (medena ustna); b – Serapias bergonii pri Moševićih (podrobnosti cveta): b1 – medena ustna in venčni listi; b2 – plodnica s čelado; b3 – pripadajoči ovršni list; c – Serapias bergonii z lokacije Crno brdo pri Hutovu (medena ustna z venčnimi listi) (© Đ. Milanović). 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 332 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina usually at most twice as long as the sepals, there are no hairs on the epichilium or they are sparse and short, the dimensions of the epichilium are 6–7 mm × 13–21 mm and those of the corollas are 17–22 × 4–5 mm, suggesting that they are almost entirely consistent with the range of variation of S. bergonii, while they are outside the range of variation of S. vomeracea. Moreover, this new locality of the species in the Mediterranean part of Bosnia and Herzegovina fits the eastern Mediterranean distribution of the species (Tsiftsis & Antonopoulos, 2017), which, along with the known localities from the Dalmatian coast (Kranjčev, 2005), extend along the eastern Adriatic Sea to Istria (Rottensteiner et al., 2020). Genus Himantoglossum Spreng. The species of the genus Himantoglossum are among the tallest and most unusual of European orchids, owing to the very long mid lobe of the lip. Older botanical refer- ences mention two species for the western and central Balkans: Himantoglossum (Loroglossum) hircinum and H. caprinum. The description of the species Himantoglos­ sum adriaticum (Baumann, 1978) and its first records from Slovenia (Ravnik, 2002), Croatia (Molnár et al., 2012) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Milanović et al., 2015b; Bódis et al., 2018) added another taxon to this ge- nus in this part of the Balkans. The Mediterranean spe- cies H. robertianum, recently recorded from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Zelenika, 2012) (Appendix 1f; Figure 6), has traditionally been placed in the genus Barlia because of its different flowers. As we do not have accurate data on the only known population of this species in BiH, it was not the subject of this study. Only recently it was shown that all records of Him­ antoglossum caprinum from the Balkan Peninsula and the rest of Europe are related to the species H. jankae (Molnár et al., 2012), which is distributed from south- ern Slovakia through Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Ser- bia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece (including Crete) to northwestern and northern Turkey (Djordjević et al., 2018; Molnár et al., 2012), while the typical H. capri­ num is endemic to Crimea, based on the original descrip- tion of this taxon. In addition to H. jankae, the endemic H. calcaratum with a significantly longer spur also oc- curs in the Western Balkans, a taxon mentioned under the name H. hircinum β calcaratum in the Flora of BiH (Beck-Mannagetta, 1904). Based on morphometric and molecular analysis of all taxa of the genus Himantoglos­ sum (Bateman et al., 2017), the species H. jankae was subordinated to the subspecies level within the species H. calcaratum. Respecting the rule of precedence accord- ing to the Plant Nomenclature Code, it was recently re- named H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum (H. Baumann & R. Lorenz) Niketić & Djordjević (Niketić et al., 2018). According to Bateman et al. (2017), H. hircinum does not grow east of Italy, Austria and Germany (see Fig. 5 in Bateman et al., 2017). Following the discovery of H. adriaticum from Ostro- vica in Albania (Barina et al., 2005) and from the vi- cinity of Bosanski Petrovac in western BiH (Milanović et al., 2015b), the range of this species has expanded significantly to the east. This changes the picture of the range delimitation provided by Bateman et al. (2017) and makes the area where three taxa (H. adriaticum, H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum and H. calcaratum sub- sp. rumelicum) potentially overlap much larger. Under these circumstances, it remains questionable to which taxa the numerous literature and herbarium records for H. hircinum and H. caprinum from Bosnia and Herze- govina refer. Field research in northwestern Bosnia (near Banja Luka) and a review of available herbarium collec- tions (SARA, ĐM, SF) show that there are three taxa of the genus Himantoglossum in Bosnia and Herzegovina: 3. Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann (Figure 4a, 5a) – in addition to the known locality from Su- vaja near Bosanski Petrovac (Milanović et al., 2015b), an inspection of the SARA herbarium revealed that the species also occurs near Banja Luka (Appendix 1c), where it was collected by Hofmann in 1879. Although our research in this area did not confirm the species, this record suggests that the range of H. adriaticum in northwestern Bosnia overlaps with the range of H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum. As the species was first recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina several years ago (Milanović et al., 2015b), its threat status was not assessed in the Red List of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Đug et al., 2013). However, we sug- gest that it should be placed under strict protection throughout the territory of BiH, as it is listed in An- nex 2 of the EU Habitats Directive (Council of the European Communities, 1992), and all its sites should be included in the future European ecological network Natura 2000. Although the only known and confirmed population from Suvaja near Bosanski Petrovac is numerous (about 200 adults were counted in 2011), its habitat is endan- gered, as the former pastures where it grows are in suc- cession towards the thermophilous forests. Considering the distribution and ecology of the species, its range is potentially larger in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but since it has not been found elsewhere in Bosnia and Herze- govina since then, it should be considered a critically endangered species. 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 333 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina Estimated regional conservation status in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Critically Endangered – CR C2a(ii)b. 4. Himantoglossum calcaratum (G. Beck) Schltr. subsp. calcaratum (Figure 4c, 5c) – has been confirmed by recent field research and revision of herbarium mate- rial in the upper reaches of the Drina River and its tributaries (Appendix 1d; Figure 6), while in the Bosna River Basin and the middle reaches of the Drina River it occurs in transitional forms to H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum (Appendix 2b; Figure 6). Until the taxo- nomic status of the populations from the Bosna River valley and the middle course of the Drina is clarified, there is not yet enough data to adequately assess the threat status of this taxon for the BiH territory (DD). Moreover, it is classified as a vulnerable species in the Red List of the Federation of BiH (VU) (Đug et al., 2013), while in the Republic of Srpska it enjoys the status of a strictly protected species (Uredba o Strogo Zaštićenim i Zaštićenim Divljim Vrstama, 2020). 5. Himantoglossum calcaratum (G. Beck) Schltr. sub- sp. rumelicum (Somlyay, Kreutz & Óvári) Niketić & Djordjević (syn. Himantoglossum jankae Somlyay, Kreutz & Óvári, H. calcaratum subsp. jankae (Somlyay, Kreutz & Óvári) Bateman, Molnár & Sramkó, H. cap­ rinum auct. mult.) (Figure 4b, 5b) – new species for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Individuals typical for this taxon are distributed in the northwestern and north- ern parts of BiH (Appendix 1c), while specimens from southern and central Bosnia and eastern Herzegovina show a transitional character to the type subspecies (Appendix 2b; Figure 6). For the same reasons as for the previous taxon, the proposed category for threat status is DD (Data Deficient). It should be placed under strict protection throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, as it is listed in Annex 2 of the EU Habitats Directive under the name Himantoglossum caprinum (Council of the European Communities, 1992), and all its sites should be included in the future European ecological network Natura 2000. The delimitation of the distribution range of individual taxa of genus Himantoglossum in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina remains an open question that requires a systematic study of living material. Older literature data list only two species (H. caprinum, H. hircinum), none of which grows in BiH. As the existing taxa have a similar ecology and their areas in BiH at least partially overlap, it is not possible to conclude to which of them numerous literature data for H. caprinum and H. hirci­ num (in the absence of herbarium material) correspond (Appendix 2b1). However, certain patterns can be observed in the transi- tional areas. The upper part of the catchment of the Drina and its tributaries is absolutely dominated by specimens that usually have a very long spur and belong to H. calcar­ atum subsp. calcaratum. The studied specimens from the upper reaches of the Bosna River and its tributaries (es- pecially from the vicinity of Sarajevo and Travnik, where most of the specimens in the herbarium SARA come from) show a transitional character to H. calcaratum sub- sp. rumelicum. In this part of Bosnia, there is probably overlap in the range of these two otherwise very similar and related taxa with questionable taxonomic status. Fur- ther north, west, and also south and northeast, the study specimens have a relatively shorter spur which fits more to the description of H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum, which completely replaces the typical subspecies in the north and northwest of the country. The spur is very short in some specimens (about 3–4 mm), while in others it reaches up to 8 (–9) mm, but never more. A large number of specimens from the herbarium SARA show a transi- tional character between H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum and H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum, while different spec- imens from the same locality show considerable differ- ences in the length of the spur, so that they could not be determined with certainty at this point (Appendix 2b2). On the other hand, in the west and southwest of Bos- nia, the area of H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum overlaps with the area of H. adriaticum, which is also confirmed from the surroundings of Banja Luka. However, it can be concluded that H. adriaticum is to be expected in the sub-Mediterranean area, while it does not penetrate deeper into the eastern, continental part of Bosnia and Herzegovina (where it is replaced by H. calcaratum sub- sp. rumelicum). Both taxa are expected to occur in north- western Bosnia. In view of the above, all questionable literature data (Appendix 2b1) and herbarium specimens with transi- tional features (Appendix 2b2) have been marked with "?" on the map of localities in BiH (Figure 6), in order to highlight localities where field research is needed to delineate the range of taxa of the genus Himantoglossum on the territory of BiH. The analyzed material from Bosnia and Herzegovina indicates that the species Himantoglossum adriaticum has very stable morphological characteristics and that it can be easily distinguished from the other two taxa by signifi- cantly smaller dimensions of all floral parts (Figure 4a). The spur is usually pale, almost whitish, very short in relation to the length of the ovary (about 1/6–1/5) up to 4 mm long. The situation in H. calcaratum subsp. cal­ caratum and H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum is markedly different and more complicated. Analysis of the herbari- 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 334 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina Figure 4: Comparative view of flowers of genus Himantoglossum (from herbarium): a – Himantoglossum adriaticum from Suvaja near Bosanski Petrovac; b – Himantoglossum calcaratum subsp. rumelicum from Bukvalek near Banja Luka; c – Himantoglossum calcaratum subsp. calcaratum from Belen in Drine River valley between Foča and Tjentište (© Đ. Milanović). Slika 4: Primerjava cvetov vrst rodu Himantoglossum (iz herbarija): a – Himantoglossum adriaticum z Suvaje pri Bosanskem Petrovcu; b – Himantoglossum calcaratum subsp. rumelicum z Bukvaleka pri Banji Luki; c – Himantoglossum calcaratum subsp. calcaratum z Belena v dolini reke Drine med Fočo in Tjentištem (© Đ. Milanović). Figure 5: Inflorescences of genus Himantoglossum in BiH: a – H. adriaticum from Suvaja 27. 06. 2011., b – H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum from Bukvalek near Banja Luka 04. 07. 2017.; c – H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum beneath Stajkovac at Vijogor 10.07.2011. (© Đ. Milanović and J. Brujić). Slika 5: Socvetja rodu Himantoglossum v BiH: a – H. adriaticum z Suvaje 27. 06. 2011., b – H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum z Bukvaleka pri Banji Luki 04.07.2017.; c – H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum pod Stajkovcem na Vijogoru 10. 07. 2011. (© Đ. Milanović in J. Brujić). 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 335 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina um material suggests that the length of the spur is not a reliable characteristic for the identification of these two taxa (Tsiftsis, 2016). Specimens from the upper catch- ment of the Drina River regularly have long spurs (Fig- ure 4c), while specimens from the western part of BiH regularly have shorter spurs (rarely up to 8.5 mm long) (Figure 4a). However, in the Bosna River basin, in the same populations, there are specimens with short spurs (5–7 mm), but also those whose spurs are significantly longer (8–10 mm), which makes identification from her- barium material unreliable. Therefore, it is fully justified to place the taxon H. jankae at the level of the subspecies of H. calcaratum, i.e. H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum, the populations being apparently mixed in the areas where their ranges overlap. In typically developed specimens of H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum, the spur was found to have a conical shape and to taper properly into a rounded apex, which is often not the case in H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum. Here the spur is often somewhat expanded at the apex or at least cylindrical in the middle part (Figures 4b-c and 5b-c). Furthermore, in H. calcaratum subsp. Figure 6: Distribution of the species Serapias parviflora and species of the genus Himantoglossum in Bosnia and Herzegovina with revised as well as questionable data. Figure 6: Razširjenost vrste Serapias parviflora in vrst rodu Himantoglossum v Bosni in Hercegovini z revidiranimi in vprašljivimi podatki. rumelicum the spur reaches at most half of the ovary (in full flower), whereas in the typical subspecies it is usually longer than half of the ovary. Other rare species 6. Gymnadenia frivaldii Hampe ex Griseb. (syn. Leu­ corchis frivaldii  (Hampe ex Griseb.) Schltr.; Pseudor­ chis frivaldii (Hampe ex Griseb.) P. F. Hunt) (Figure 7) – was found in Konjsko polje on the Ljubišna Mt. in eastern Bosnia (Figure 11), which is only the second reported locality of this species for the BiH area (Ap- pendix 1g). Considering the fact that we did not con- firm the occurrence of the species at the other known locality (on the Maglić Mt.), while on Konjsko polje only about 20 adult individuals were found, the species can be considered critically endangered for the terri- tory of BiH. Estimated regional conservation status in Bos- nia and Herzegovina: Critically Endangered – CR B1ab(iii,iv)+2ab(iii,iv); D. 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 336 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina Gymnadenia frivaldii is a subendemic species of the Balkan Peninsula with a center of distribution in the mountains of the southeastern Dinaric Alps and the mountains of the Scardo-Pindhian province, with a dis- junction in the southeastern Carpathians (Bartók et al., 2016; Lakušić & Grgić, 1971). The optimal conditions this species founds in the Balkan peatlands of the Narthe­ cion scardici Lakušić alliance, for which it is considered a characteristic species (Lakušić, 1970), while in western Serbia it is recorded in the communities of the alliance of Caricion fuscae Koch (Djordjević et al., 2020). According to some authors, it also occurs in the snow-bed vegetation of the Dinaric Mountains (Lakušić & Grgić, 1971). The first and only record of this species from the ter- ritory of Bosnia and Herzegovina refers to the slopes of Maglić Mt. above Prijevor at 2200–2300 m a.s.l. in grass- lands of the subalpine region (Bjelčić et al., 1969). Al- though in this reference it was noted that the species was collected by Č. Šilić, there is no voucher of this taxon col- lected on the slopes of Maglić in the available herbaria. It is possible that the specimen was deposited in the collec- tion of the Biological Institute, which was burned in the fire in the last war (1992–1996). As there are no springs or fens in this area, but the habitats are rather rocky and steep-sloped subalpine and alpine grasslands, snow-beds in sinkholes, cliffs and crevices, the record of this species is quite questionable. Systematic studies of the flora and vegetation of the Maglić Mt. for more than 15 years have not confirmed the presence of this orchid. On the other hand, the species Pseudorchis albida, a species similar to G. frivaldii especially in the fruiting stage, is found in this area, which suggests potential misidentification. There- fore, the record for Maglić Mt. was marked as question- able on the map (Figure 11) with the symbol "?". On the other hand, Gymnadenia frivaldii was found in full bloom in its typical fen habitat of Konjsko polje on the Ljubišnja Mt. in full flower (Figure 7). It is very rare in this area and was found in only one place. Konjsko Figure 7: Gymnadenia frivaldi from fens of Konjsko polje (Đ. Milanović 03. 07. 2020.) Slika 7: Gymnadenia frivaldi z barij na Konjskem polju (Đ. Milanović 03. 07. 2020.) Figure 8: Pseudorchis albida in high elevations of Maglić Mt. (Đ. Milanović 28. 07. 2013.) Slika 8: Pseudorchis albida na viških legah na Magliću (Đ. Milanović 28. 07. 2013.) 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 337 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina polje is becoming an increasingly popular tourist desti- nation, which is still relatively well preserved, as it is far from the administrative centers of Foča (BiH) and Pljevlja (Montenegro) with more than 40 km of poor macadam roads. However, with the planned opening of new mod- ern roads for the construction of lead and zinc mines, this situation may soon change. All the more it is necessary to put these peatlands under protection and help them to remain in their original state. 7. Pseudorchis albida  (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve (syn. Gymnadenia albida  (L.) Rich., Leucorchis albida  (L.) E. Mey.) (Figure 8) – previously recorded only on the mountains of Jahorina and Vranica (Appendix 1h), with the new record from the top of Maglić Mt., from where it was probably erroneously reported as Gymnad­ enia frivaldii by Bjelčić et al. (1969). This mountain orchid inhabits the subalpine and alpine belts of our highest mountains and represents a glacial relict in the flora of BiH. It occurs on prominent grassy ridges and snow-beds of the highest peaks of our mountains, where it occurs solitary and quite rare. In the Repub- lic of Srpska, the species is strictly protected (Uredba o Strogo Zaštićenim i Zaštićenim Divljim Vrstama, 2020), while in the Federation of BiH it is neither protected nor has the threat status category in the Red List (Đug et al., 2013). Considering the fact that the species is known from only five sites so far (three of them on the Vranica Mt.) and that its range is relatively small (the extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1512.62 km2), as well as the fact that the species occurs irregularly and sporadi- cally in habitats threatened by natural succession due to the lack of management, it can be considered endan- gered for the territory of BiH. Rare localities where this plant occurs suggest that it should also be protected in all its habitats in the Federation of Bosnia and Herze- govina. Estimated regional conservation status in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Endangered – EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). 8. Orchis quadripunctata Cirillo ex.Ten. (syn. O. bipunc­ tata Raf.) (Figure 9) – was first mentioned in BiH by Malý (1904) from the foothills of the Bjelašnica Mt. near Trebinje at about 800 m a.s.l. Besides this local- ity, the species was also found on the slopes of Hum near Mostar (Janchen, 1906; Sagorski, 1911), near Međugorje and above Kravice waterfall (Zelenika, 2012), which represent all known localities on the terri- tory of BiH. However, the recent study of flora and veg- etation in and around Neum has shown that this species is not rare in the eumediterranean part of BiH, where it inhabits more open habitats: sparsely vegetated com- munities of Mediterranean junipers, edges of maquis, while it is particularly common in rocky former Medi- terranean pastures, which are in various stages of sec- ondary succession, as well as in sites where there have been recent fires of lower intensity. The species may also occur at other similar sites in the vicinity of Neum, but probably also at other sites in the sub-Mediterranean region with a stronger influence of the Mediterranean climate. However, sites favorable for this species are in a state of secondary succession towards pseudomaquis and maquis after the abandonment of cattle grazing and browsing. As the species has been recorded in a total of nine sites, five of which are near Neum (Appendix 1i), it has a limited distribution on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (EOO is 13876 km2) and its habitats are in succession, this orchid can be considered endangered on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Estimated regional conservation status in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Vulnerable – VU B1ab(iii) +2ab(iii). Figure 9: Orchis quadripunctata at fire site on Debeli brijeg (Đ. Milanović 21.04.2018.) Slika 9: Orchis quadripunctata na požarišču na Debelem brijegu (Đ. Milanović 21.04.2018.) 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 338 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina 9. Cypripedium calceolus L. (Figure 10) – is a rare species throughout its range and is listed in Annex II of the Eu- ropean Union Habitats Directive (Council of the Eu- ropean Communities, 1992). It is known from several sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Appendix 1j). Recent surveys of its populations in the Sarajevo area have not confirmed this rare orchid at any of the known sites. Some authors express concern that it has completely disappeared from these localities (Šoljan et al., 2014a, 2014b). However, new localities of this species have been found in well-preserved forest complexes in the mountains of western and eastern Bosnia (Plješevica and Vijogor near Čajniče), mainly on a dolomite bed- rock where this plant probably has the optimum for its development in BiH. In the Republic of Srpska it has the status of a strict- ly protected plant species (Uredba o Strogo Zaštićenim i Zaštićenim Divljim Vrstama, 2020), which is in line with the recommendations of the EU Habitats Directive (Council of the European Communities, 1992), as the species is listed in Annex 2 of the EU Habitats Directive and all its sites should be included in the future Euro- pean ecological network Natura 2000. It should have the Figure 10: Cypripedium calceolus on slopes of Žestikovac at Plješevica Mt. (K. Dejanović 01. 06. 2017) Slika 10: Cypripedium calceolus na pobočjih Žestikovac na Plješevici (K. Dejanović 01. 06. 2017) Figure 11: Distribution of studied species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. New sites are marked red. Slika 11: Razširjenost preučevanih vrst v Bosni in Hercegovini. Nove lokacije so označene rdeče. 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 339 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina same protection status in the Federation of BiH, where this species is currently considered critically endangered (CR) (Đug et al., 2013). This orchid was often collected for the beauty of its flowers by uninformed mountaineers and nature lovers, and therefore has probably disappeared from all accessible and frequently visited sites. According to the IUCN criteria (IUCN Species Survival Commis- sion, 2012b), this orchid can be considered an endangered species on the territory of BiH, given the number (only the populations in Plješevica and Klekovača mountains count more than 300 adult specimens), mutual distance and isolation of its populations (EOO is 7405 km2). Estimated regional conservation status in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Vulnerable – VU B1ab(iv)+2ab(iv); C2(i). References Antonopoulos, Z., & Tsiftsis, S. (2017). Atlas of Greek Orchids: Vol. II. Mediterraneo Editions. Arditti, J. 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Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 171, 453–481. https://doi.org/10.1111/boj.12010 Appendix 1 Distribution of studied orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina. New localities are bolded. a. Serapias parviflora Parl. (Figure 1, Figure 3a). Locality: Tanko sedlo on Klek Peninsula near Neum (17.589051°E, 42.919900°N; MGRS YH15); Habitat type: fragment of ruderalized therophytic Mediterra- nean grasslands on the edge of macchia Fraxino orni­ Quercetum ilicis Horvatić (1956) 1958. Material: ĐM 23/07–20/001; ŠF 254/2011; correspondent literature data – Milanović (2019), without precise locality. Date: 09.05.2010. Legator: Đ. Milanović, V. Stupar i J. Brujić. Elevation: 61 m. Population size: less than 20 adult in- dividuals. b. Serapias bergonii E. G. Camus (Figure 2) (syn. Serapias vomeracea subsp. laxiflora (Soó) Gölz & R. Reinhard). Locality: south of Gradina near Mošević in the hinterland of Neum (17.684728°E, 42.932991°N; MGRS YH15) (Figure 3b). Habitat type: moist trampled semi-ruderal- ized Mediterranean grasslands along the watering hole. Date: 10.05.2010. Private herbarium Đ. Milanović: 23/07–20/002. Legator: Đ. Milanović, V. Stupar and J. Brujić. Elevation: 250 m. Population size: less than 30 adult individuals. Locality: Crno brdo near Škrčko lake (Hutovo blato) (17.743758°E, 43.083323°N; MGRS YH27) (Fig- ure 3c). Habitat type: submediterranean rocky grass- lands and sparse stands of Paliurus spina­christi. Date: 05.05.2020. Herbarium: SARA 52241, as S. parviflora Parl. – det. E. Šabanović and A. Boškailo. Legatori: E. Šabanović and A. Boškailo. Elevation: 11 m. Popula­ tion size: less than 20 adult individuals. c. Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann Locality: Suvaja near Bosanski Petrovac (16.324167°E, 44.650731°N; MGRS XK04). Habitat type: road cuts and grasslands in succession. Material: ĐM 23/07– 11/001; correspondent literature data – Milanović et al. (2015), Bódis et al. (2018)dry and mesophilic grasslands or open woodlands and is restricted to a small region along the Adriatic coast and within Central and South- eastern Europe. We\ncompiled phytosociological rele- vés (n = 84. Date: 27.06.2011. Legator: Đ. Milanović and V. Stupar. Elevation: 680 m. Population size: over 200 flowering individuals. Locality: NW of Banja Luka, in the hills to the right of the road leading to the Bronzani Majdan (17.128248°E, 44.80062°N; MGRS XK66). Material: SARA 06703, as H. hircinum. Date: June 1879; Legator: F. Hofmann; corresponding literature data: Hofmann (1882) as H. hircinum; later in Beck-Mannagetta (1904), as Lo­ roglossum hircinum. Note: The specimen in the SARA herbarium is characterized by small flowers and very 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 342 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina short spurs which completely corresponds to the species H. adriaticum. d. Himantoglossum calcaratum (G. Beck) Schltr. subsp. calcaratum (Figure 5c, 6c) Locality: Sink hole in Bistrica River canyon near Milje- vina (Foča municipality) (18.657667°E, 43.519222°N; MGRS CP12). Habitat type: the edge of a forest of hophornbeam and downy oak. Material: ĐM 23/07- 11/004. Date: 12.07.2010. Legator: Đ. Milanović. El­ evation: 530 m. Population size: about 10 adult indi- viduals. Locality: Beleni in Drina River valley (Foča municipal- ity) (18.760112°E, 43.417609°N; MGRS CP10). Habitat type: road cuts and oriental hornbeam scrub. Material: ĐM 23/07-11/003. Date: 21.07.2009. Lega­ tor: Đ. Milanović. Elevation: 620 m. Population size: less than 30 adult individuals. Locality: Međuriječje near Čajniče (19.091208°E, 43.651476°N; MGRS CP43). Habitat type: edge of abandoned pastures. Material: observation on living specimens. Date: 10.07.2011. Elevation: 570 m. Popu­ lation size: less than 30 adult individuals. Locality: Tuhalji at Izbišno in the Bistrica River valley near Foča (18.5947°E, 43.53378°N; MGRS CP02). Mate­ rial: Literature data – Izbišno (Fekete et al., 2017). Elevation: 671 m. Note: in the same reference, locality Kosatica in BiH is mentioned, which actually is located on the territory of Serbia (also confirmed by the coor- dinates). Locality: near Suha in the valley of the river Sutjeska (18.65694°E, 43.30805°N; MGRS CN19). Material: Literature data – originally Sutjeska 2 (Fekete et al., 2017). Elevation: 710 m. Note: this locality is situated near the aforementioned locality. Locality: near Suha in the valley of the river Sutjeska at the slopes of Maglić Mt. (18.660599°E, 43.309437°N; MGRS CN19). Habitat type: among shrubs. Material: Literature data – Beck-Mannagetta (1887), as Aceras cap­ rina var. A. calcarata; Beck-Mannagetta (1904), as Loro­ glossum caprinum β calcaratum. Elevation: 700 m. Note: this locality lies close to previous localities. Furthermore, material from the Sutjeska valley was studied in the sys- tematic revision of the genus (Bateman et al., 2017) so it can be concluded that this is a type subspecies. Locality: Popov most near Tjentište (Foča municipality) (18.711452°E, 43.376948°N; MGRS CP10). Mate­ rial: SARA 06689, as Aceras caprina var. calcarata, det. F. Fiala; as Loroglossum calcaratum, det. Nelson E. 30.03.1968. Date: 06.07.1894. Legator: F. Fiala. Locality: Baljevo polje in Bistrica River valley near Foča (18.73627°E, 43.49652°N and 18.73721°E, 43.49625°N; MGRS CP11). Material: Literature data – Sutjeska (Fekete et al., 2017). Elevation: 426 and 434 m. Note: two very close localities were mistakenly named Sutjeska in the literature, but there are coor- dinates based on which locality was determined more precisely Locality: near Trbušče in Drina River valley (Foča munici- pality) (18.742766°E, 43.465827°N; MGRS CP 11). Habitat type: among shrubs. Material: SARA 06688, as Aceras caprina var. calcarata, det. F. Fiala; as Loro­ glossum calcaratum, det. E. Nelson 30.03.1968. Date: 06.07.1894. Legator: F. Fiala. Locality: Čelikovo polje between Foča and Bastasi in Dri- na River valley (18.782514°E, 43.402014°N; MGRS CP20). Material: Literature data – Beck-Mannagetta (1904), as Loroglossum caprinum β calcaratum. Note: this locality lies very close to the previous one, so it is likely related to the same taxon. Locality: between Foča and Ustikolina (18.792085°E, 43.545284°N; MGRS CP22). Habitat type: on the roadside. Material: SARA 06691, as H. caprinum, det. Loschnigg V.; as Loroglossum calcaratum, det. Nelson E. 30.03.1968. Date: 06.07.1929. Legator: V. Loschnigg. Locality: Bastasi in Drina River valley (18.79632°E, 43.37621°N; MGRS CP20). Material: Literature data – Sutjeska (Fekete et al., 2017). Elevation: 516 m. Note: Locality was mistakenly named Sutjeska in the litera- ture, but according to coordinates we were able to de- termine the locality more precisely. Locality: Hum near Šćepan polje in Drina River Valley (18.84427°E, 43.34911°N; MGRS CP20). Material: Literature data – Hum (Fekete et al., 2017). Elevation: 454 m. e. Himantoglossum calcaratum (G. Beck) Schltr. sub- sp. rumelicum (Somlyay, Kreutz & Óvári) Niketić & Djordjević (syn. Himantoglossum jankae Somlyay, Kreutz & Óvári, H. calcaratum subsp. jankae (Somlyay, Kreutz & Óvári) Bateman, Molnár & Sramkó, H. caprinum auct. mult.) Locality: Veliko brdo above Stričići on Manjača Mt. (16.98999°E, 44.627442°N; MGRS XK54). Habitat type: succession of grasslands and sparse shrub with common juniper and other deciduous shrubs. Material: observation on living specimens. Date: 15.07.2016. Elevation: 800 m. Population size: about 50 adult indi- viduals. Locality: Prisjek near Dobrnja on Manjača Mt. (17.006138°E, 44.643635°N; MGRS XK54). Habi­ tat type: succession of grasslands and sparse scrub with common juniper and other deciduous shrubs. Material: observation on living specimens. Date: 04.07.2017. and 13.07.2014. Elevation: 690 m. Population size: an ex- tremely large population with several hundred flowering individuals. Locality: slopes of Kik near Gornja Kola (Manjača Mt.) (17.068706°E, 44.680214°N; MGRS XK64). Habitat type: thermophilous forests of sessile oak and oriental 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 343 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina hornbeam. Material: observation on living specimens. Date: 24.06.2013. Elevation: 500 m. Note: this locality corresponds to literature data for Kola (Manjača Mt.) (Stupar et al., 2011, as H. hircinum subsp. calcaratum). Population size: less than 20 adult individuals. Locality: at Balabanov točak in Bukvalek near Banja Luka (17.144928°E, 44.733464°N; MGRS XK75). Habi­ tat type: grassy habitats along the road. Material: ĐM 23/07–11/002; ŠF 151/2011. Date: 01.06.2011. Lega­ tor: V. Stupar. Elevation: 290 m. Population size: only two adult individuals. Locality: at Ljubinska Mt. near Zableće (16.819658°E, 44.520169°N; MGRS XK43) Material: literature data – Formanek, 1890, as Aceras caprina var. calcarata; later in Beck-Mannagetta (1904) as Loroglossum caprinum β calcaratum; also Vandas (1909) as Aceras caprina var. cal­ carata. Note: this locality lies near (about 7 km by air) the aforementioned localities, which indicates that this literature records also corresponds to Himantoglossum calcaratum subsp. rumelicum. Locality: Gornja Previja near Dragoraj (16.898961°E, 44.485778°N; MGRS XK52). Habitat type: road cut. Material: observation on living specimens. Date: 13.07.2014 Elevation: 740 m. Note: Some specimens' flowers were completely white. At this Locality (Drago- raj by the road from Ključ to Varcar Vakuf (Mrkonjić grad)) the species was recorded by Schiller (1903) as Himantoglossum hircinum; later mentioned by Beck- Mannagetta (1904) as Loroglossum hircinum. Locality: Donji Žabar near Gradačac (18.645971°E, 44.944811°N; MGRS CQ17). Material: SARA 06594, as H. hircinum det. O. Reiser; as H. caprinum det. K. Maly; kao Loroglossum calcaratum det. Nelson 30.03.1968. Date: 29.06.1911. Legator: O. Reiser. Note: specimen very robust, with a spur about 6 mm long. f. Himantoglossum robertianum  (Loisel.) P. Delforge (syn. Orchis longibracteata Biv.; Barlia robertiana (Loisel.) Greuter): Locality: Čitluk (not far from the entrance to the town) (17.716696°E, 43.261066°N; MGRS YH29). Habitat type: ancient Mediterranean woodland composed main- ly of pine trees. Material: Literature data – (Zelenika, 2012). g. Gymnadenia frivaldi Hampe ex Griseb. (syn. Leucorchis frivaldii  (Hampe ex Griseb.) Schltr.; Pseudorchis frival­ dii (Hampe ex Griseb.) P. F. Hunt) Locality: Konjsko polje at Ljubišnja Mt. (19.063906°E, 43.309662°N; MGRS CN49). Habitat type: alkaline fens along intermittent streams. Material: ĐM 23/07- 09/001. Date: 03.07.2020. Legator: Đ. Milanović. Pop­ ulation size: less than 20 adult individuals. Locality: above Prijevor at Maglić Mt. (18.732684°E, 43.283147°N; MGRS CN19). Habitat type: meadows and pastures of the subalpine region. Material: Litera- ture data – Bjelčić et al. (1969). Elevation: 2200–2300 m. Note: questionable record – probably reported mis- takenly instead of Pseduorchis albida. h. Pseudorchis albida  (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve (syn. Gym­ nadenia albida (L.) Rich., Leucorchis albida (L.) E. Mey.) (Figure 9) Locality: Bosnian side of the top of Maglić Mt. (18.733742°E, 43.282666°N; MGRS CN19). Habitat type: alpine mountain ridge grasslands Elyno­Edraianthe­ tum alpini Lakušić 1970 and snow-beds of Salicetum re­ tusae kitaibelianae Lakušić 1970. Material: ĐM 23/07- 19/001. Date: 28.07.2013. Legator: Đ. Milanović. Locality: Vranica (17.750914°E, 43.948861°N; MGRS YJ26). Material: SARA 06792 as Gymnadenia albida det. G. Beck; correspondent literature data – com- mon at Vranica Mt. (Beck-Mannagetta, 1904). Date: 11.07.1892. Legator: G. Beck. Locality: on meadows of Panja beneath Okrugljača at Vranica Mt. (17.794504°E, 43.96628°N; MGRS YJ27). Habitat type: ass. Nardetum strictae. Material: SARA 06794 as Leucorchis albida, det. Č. Šilić. Date: 01.07.1965. Legator: Č. Šilić. Elevation: 1400 m. Locality: Sjekira at Vranica Mt. (17.803393°E, 43.92969°N; MGRS YJ26). Material: SARA 06791 as Gymnadenia albida det. E. Brandis. Date: 15.07.1892. Legator: E. Brandis. Locality: Gola Jahorina (18.571132°E, 43.714211°N; MGRS CP04). Habitat type: mountain grasslands. Ma­ terial: SARA 06793, as Leucorchis albida, det. K. Maly; corresponding literature data – „auf alpinen Triften der Gola Jahorina“, as Gymnadenia albida (Malý, 1935); Gola Jahorina (Šoljan et al., 2014b). Date: 22.07.1935. Legator: K. Maly. Elevation: 1800 m. i. Orchis quadripunctata Cirillo ex.Ten. (syn. O. bipunc­ tata Raf.) (Figure 10) Locality: above village Opuće on Klek Peninsula (17.56497°E, 42.9289°N; MGRS YH05). Habitat type: maquis with Mediterranean junipers on former pas- tures. Material: observation on living specimens. Date: 22.04.2018. Elevation: 60 m. Locality: Jazine on Klek Peninsula near Neum (17.625414°E, 42.911862°N; MGRS YH15). Habi­ tat type: Mediterranean rocky areas in the holm oak zone. Material: ĐM 23/07-17/001; ŠF 147/2010. det. Đ. Milanović. Date: 09.05.2010. Legator: Đ. Milanović, J. Brujić, V. Stupar. Elevation: 50 m. Locality: southern slopes of Ćurilo on Klek Peninsula (17.628127°E, 42.903744°N; MGRS YH15). Habitat type: maquis with Mediterranean junipers on former pastures. Material: observation on living specimens. Date: 21.04.2018. Elevation: 60 m. Locality: Debeli brijeg above Kamenica near Neum (17.638846°E, 42.904745°N; MGRS YH15). Habitat type: a recent fire site in the holm oak zone. Material: 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 344 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina observation on living specimens. Date: 21.04.2018. El­ evation: 110 m. Locality: Vranjevo selo above Neum (17.64305°E, 42.925132°N; MGRS YH15). Habitat type: succes- sion of former Mediterranean pastures towards holm oak maquis. Material: observation on living specimens. Date: 10.05.2010. Elevation: 135 m. Locality: a hill near the village of Miletina close to Međugorje (17.649926°E, 43.187285°N; MGRS YH18). Material: Literature data – Zelenika (Zelenika, 2012). Locality: a hill above the Kravice waterfalls (17.612721°E, 43.157289°N; MGRS YH18). Literature data – (Zele- nika, 2012). Locality: northern slopes of Hum near Mostar (17.810243°E, 43.334588°N; MGRS BN64). Mate­ rial: Literature data - Janchen (1906); Sagorski (1911), as O. quadripunctatus f. obscurus. Elevation: 150–200 m. Locality: Bjelašnica Mt. near Trebinje (18.146252°E, 42.819994°N; MGRS YJ20). Material: SARA 06455, as O. quadripunctatus det. K. Maly. Legator: J. Čavek; SARA 06456, as O. quadripunctatus var. obscurus, det. K. Maly; correspondent literature data – Bjelašnica Mt. near Trebinje (Malý, 1904). Legator: O. Reiser. Eleva­ tion: 800 m. j. Cypripedium calceolus L. Locality: Majoruša at Plješevica Mt. (15.813044°E, 44.740197°N; MGRS WK65). Habitat type: meso- neutrophilous beech forests (Aremonio­Fagion) on dolomite. Material. Observation on living specimens (Kata Dejanović). Date: 01.06.2017. Elevation: about 1100 m. Locality: Žestikova žljeba at Plješevica Mt. (15.825675°E, 44.730228°N; MGRS WK65). Habitat type: meso- neutrophilous beech forests (Aremonio­Fagion) on dolomite. Material. Observation on living specimens (Kata Dejanović). Date: 01.06.2017. Elevation: about 1000 m. Locality: Stajkovac beneath Vijogor (Čajniče munici- pality) (19.124427°E, 43.651494°N; MGRS CP43). Habitat type: mesoneutrophilous beech forests (Aremo­ nio­Fagion) on dolomite. Material: ĐM 23/07-04/002. Date: 29.08.2018. Legator: Đ. Milanović. Population size: about 20 adult individuals. Locality: On the ascent from Drinić on Klekovača along the road to Kuzmanova vodica (16.499812°E, 44.465353°N; MGRS XK12). Material: SARA 06335 det. F. Fiala; corresponding literature data – Fiala (1889); later in Beck-Mannagetta (1904); Šilić (2008); Drešković et al. (2011); Milanović et al. (2015). Date: 15.08.1891. Legator: F. Fiala. Elevation: 900 m. Locality: near Ajzerov bunar at Klekovača Mt. (16.548059°E, 44.432787°N; MGRS XK22). Habitat type: mesoneutrophilous beech forests (Aremonio­Fa­ gion) on dolomite. Material: ĐM 23/07-04/001; cor- responding literature data – Milanović et al. (2015a). Date: 11.06.2009. Legator: Đ. Milanović and J. Brujić. Population size: about 150 adult individuals. Locality: forest south of the Preodac village beneath Šator Mt. (16.589763°E, 44.192231°N; MGRS XJ29). Ma­ terial: Literature data – Handel-Mazzetti et al. (1905). Elevation: 950 m. Locality: Mlinski potok at Šator Mt. (16.593269°E, 44.17873°N; MGRS XJ29). Material: Literature data – Handel-Mazzetti et al. (1905). Elevation: 1050 m. Locality: near Potoci at Klekovača Mt. (near the railway station) (16.622676°E, 44.39491°N; MGRS XK21). Material: SARA 06331 det. E. Brandis; corresponding literature data – Šilić (2008). Date: 06.07.1893. Lega­ tor: E. Brandis. Note: our research has confirmed the presence of the species at this locality. Locality: 3 km upstream of Krupac in the Rakitnica River canyon (right tributary of Neretva River) (18.163674°E, 43.616009°N; MGRS BP73). Material: SARA 06336 det. Č. Šilić; corresponding literature data – Šilić (2008). Date: 08.05.1966. Legator: Č. Šilić. Locality: Bukovik by Sarajevo near Skakavac waterfalls (18.448035°E, 43.941448°N; MGRS BP96). Habitat type: hophornbeam forest. Material: SARA 06332 det. Č. Šilić; corresponding literature data – Šilić (2008); Šoljan et al. (2014a, 2014b). Date: 05.07.1966. Legator: Č. Šilić. Elevation: 1350 m. Locality: under Dovlići on Trebević Mt. (18.481814°E, 43.832219°N; MGRS BP95). Material: Literature data – Protić (1908). Note: only one individual was found. Locality: Stari grad near Sarajevo (probably Lipovac?) (18.49766°E, 43.835422°N; MGRS BP95). Material: SARA 06334 det. F. Fiala; corresponding literature data – Beck-Mannagetta (1904); Šilić (2008); Drešković et al. (2011); Šoljan et al. (2014a). Date: May 1892. Lega­ tor: F. Fiala. Locality: near Orlovača in the Paljanska Miljacka River gorge (18.50912°E, 43.824059°N; MGRS CP05). Material: SARA 06333 det. K. Maly; corresponding lit- erature data – Šilić (2008); Šoljan et al. (2014a). Date: 03.06.1906. Legator: K. Maly. 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 345 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina Appendix 2 Indeterminate vouchers and literature citations for genus Serapias and Himantoglossum: a. Serapias Locality: Počitelj (17.731414°E, 43.136487°N; MGRS YH27). Material: Literature data – Maslo & Boškailo (Maslo & Boškailo, 2018). b. Himantoglossum 1. Literature data: Locality: south of Zvornik (19.108398°E, 44.360156°N; MGRS CQ41). Habitat type: rocky slopes towards the river Drina on limestone. Material: Literature data – Wettstein in Fritsch (1909) as H. hircinum var. calcara­ tum with mark „leg. Wettstein: July 1890“. Note: it can be presumed that there was a herbarium specimen that was not available to us. Locality: Vranduk near Zenica (17.903747°E, 44.293402°N; MGRS YK30). Material: Literature data – Degen in Beck-Mannagetta (1904), as H. hircinum; Šabanović et al. (2020) – without locality name, only a map. Locality: Goražde (18.986976°E, 43.680134°N; MGRS CP33). Material: Literature data – Griebl (2008) as H. caprinum ssp. calcaratum. Note: in the mentioned ref- erence there is only an insufficiently clear photograph from 28.06.1984. taken by the author and wrongly as- signed to Montenegro. There is a photograph from the vicinity of Goražde (Faruk Bogunić) with spurs shorter than the ovary, and although these specimens lie in the distribution range of H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum we could not attribute them with certainty to this taxon. Locality: on the hill above Budžak near Banjaluka (17.188837°E, 44.804082°N; MGRS XK76). Material: Literature data – Conrath (1887) as H. hircinum; later in Beck-Mannagetta (1904) as Loroglossum hircinum. Locality: on the slopes of Igman near Blažuj (18.253713°E, 43.836714°N; MGRS BP75). Habitat type: in the bush- es on the slopes. Material: Literature data – Blau (1877), as Aceras hircinum; later in Beck-Mannagetta (1887), as Aceras hircina; also in Beck-Mannagetta (1904) as Loro­ glossum hircinum. Locality: near Zavalje at Plješevica Mt. (15.832093°E, 44.773303°N; MGRS WK65). Habitat type: on a grassy and bushy slope. Material: Literature data – Boller (1892), as Satyrium hircinum; later in Beck-Mannagetta (1904) as Loroglossum hircinum). Locality: along the road from Konjic to Borci on Borošnica (17.977871°E, 43.620492°N; MGRS YJ33); Material: Literature data – Degen in Beck-Mannagetta (1904) as Loroglossum hircinum. 2. Herbarium material: Group of localities from the vicinity of Sarajevo: Locality: Koševo near Sarajevo (18.419556°E, 43.879362°N; MGRS BP96). Material: SARA 06700 as H. hircinum det. Đ. Protić; as H. caprinum det. K. Maly; as Loroglos­ sum calcaratum det. E. Nelson 30.03.1968; Literature data – Koševo (Šoljan et al., 2014a). Date: 03.07.1921. Legator: Đ. Protić. Note: the specimen has spurs about 8 mm long with long lateral lobes. Locality: Koševo near Sarajevo (18.419556°E, 43.879362°N; MGRS BP96). Material: SARA 06683 as Loroglossum calcaratum det. K. Maly and E. Nelson 30.03.1968. Habitat type: among the bushes. Elevation: 600 m. Date: 30.07.1902. Legator: K. Maly. Material: Literature data – the same locality is mentioned in the literature: Malý (1904), as Loroglossum calcaratum; later in Beck-Man- nagetta (1904). Note: the specimen is characterized by rather short spurs (about 6 mm), considerably shorter than the ovary which corresponds more to the taxon H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum. Locality: Koševsko brdo near Sarajevo (18.419556°E, 43.879362°N; MGRS BP96). Material: SARA 06696 as H. caprinum det. K. Maly; det. E. Nelson as Loroglos­ sum calcaratum 30.03.1968; Literature data – Koševsko brdo near Sarajevo (Šoljan et al., 2014a). Habitat type: on pastures. Elevation: 600 m. Date: 30.07.1902. Lega­ tor: K. Maly. Note: this specimen, collected on the same day at a spatially close locality as the previous one, is characterized by a significantly longer spur (about 10 mm) which corresponds more to the taxon H. calcara­ tum subsp. calcaratum. Locality: on the saddle between Kovačić and Lukavica near Sarajevo (18.395374°E, 43.842261°N; MGRS BP95). Material: SARA 06597 as Aceras caprina var. calcarata det. F. Fiala; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1068. Date: 18.07.1886. Legator: F. Fiala. Literature data: this locality was mentioned by Fiala (1889), as Aceras caprina var. cal­ carata; later in Beck-Mannagetta (1904), as Loroglossum caprinum β calcaratum). Note: spur about 8 mm long. Locality: on the saddle between Kovačić and Lukavica near Sarajevo (18.395374°E, 43.842261°N; MGRS BP95). Material: SARA 06684 as Aceras hircina det. F. Fiala; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1068. Date: 18.07.1886. Legator: F. Fiala. Literature data: same as for the previous voucher. Note: spur about 8 mm long. Locality: on the saddle between Kovačić and Lukavica near Sarajevo (18.395374°E, 43.842261°N; MGRS BP95). Material: SARA 06687 as Aceras caprina var. calcarata det. V. Ćurčić; det. E. Nelson as L. calcara­ tum 30.03.1068. Date: 02.07.1893. Legator: V. Ćurčić. Note: spur about 8 mm long. Locality: Ostrog by Stanojevići near Sarajevo (18.42605°E, 43.824767°N; MGRS BP95). Material: SARA 06539 as 21/2 • 2022, 327–346 346 Milanović et al. On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa in Bosnia and Herzegovina Loroglossum caprinum var. calcaratum det. K. Maly; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1968. Date: 10.07.1926. Legator: K. Maly. Note: spur about 7 mm long. Locality: Stjenice by Stanojevići near Sarajevo (18.419787°E, 43.822933°N; MGRS BP95). Material: SARA 06690 as Himantoglossum caprinum det. L. Lazetić; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1968. Date: 03.07.1957. Legator: S. Tvrtković. Note: spur about 8 mm long. Locality: Mrakovo by Ilijaš near Sarajevo (18.282662°E, 43.967048°N; MGRS BP87). Material: SARA 06692 as Loroglossum caprinum var. calcaratum det. K. Maly; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1968. Date: 11.07.1926. Legator: K. Maly. Note: long spur (about 10 mm) which fits H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum. Locality: by Da Riva between Miljacka and Mošćanica near Sarajevo (18.453523°E, 43.857352°N; MGRS BP95). Material: SARA 06695 as Loroglossum capri­ num var. calcaratum det. K. Maly; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1968; Literature data – Šoljan et al. (2014a). Elevation: 580 m. Date: 11.07.1905. Legator: K. Maly. Note: spur about 9 mm long. Group of localities from the vicinity of Travnik: Locality: Travnik and the surroundings. Material: SARA 06701a i 06701b as Himantoglossum hircinum det. E. Brandis; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1968. Date: 27.07.1884 (beneath Bunarbaša – 17.655328°E, 44.230795°N; MGRS YK10); 13.07.1885; 21.07.1892 (at Gostilj – 17.50471°E, 44.285907°N; MGRS YK00). Legator: E. Brandis. Literature data: Freyn & Brandis (1888) as Satyrium hircinum; later Brandis (1890) under the same name; Beck-Mannagetta (1904) as Loroglossum hircinum). Note: sheets contain several specimens and it can not be said with certainty which one was collected at which locality! The label also states that the species was found by V. Krajinović „near the factory of matches“ (6 specimens) and „in the upper pine grove“ (17 specimens). Among the specimens with long spurs (about 9 mm), one specimen has a shorter and thicker spur (about 6.5 mm). Locality: Travnik and the surroundings. Material: SARA 06702a i 06702b as Himantoglossum hircinum det. E. Brandis; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1968. Date: 21.07.1884 (beneath Bunarbaša – 17.655328°E, 44.230795°N; MGRS YK10); 13.07.1885; 19.07.1884 (Tarabovac – 17.676212°E, 44.227433°N; MGRS YK10); 13.07.1885. (Ovčarevo – one specimen – 17.61562°E, 44.238081°N; MGRS YK00); 21.07.1892 (at Gostilj – 17.50471°E, 44.285907°N; MGRS YK00). Legator: E. Brandis. Literature data: same as previous. Note: sheets contain several specimens and it can not be said with certainty which one was collected at which locality! The label also states that the species was found by V. Krajinović „near the factory of matches“ (6 speci- mens) and „in the upper pine grove“ (17 specimens). Among the specimens with a long spurs (about 9 mm) one specimen obviously has a shorter and thicker spur (about 6.5 mm). Locality: Travnik and the surroundings. Material: SARA 06703a i 06703b as Himantoglossum hircinum det. E. Brandis; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1968. Date: 21.07.1884 (beneath Bunarbaše – 17.655328°E, 44.230795°N; MGRS YK10); 13.07.1885; 19.07.1884 (Tarabovac – 17.676212°E, 44.227433°N; MGRS YK10); 13.07.1885. (Ovčarevo – one specimen – 17.61562°E, 44.238081°N; MGRS YK00); 21.07.1892 (at Gostilju – 17.50471°E, 44.285907°N; MGRS YK00). Legator: E. Brandis. Literature data: same as previous. Note: sheets contain several specimens and it can not be said with certainty which one was col- lected at which locality! The label also states that the species was found by V. Krajinović „near the factory of matches“ (6 specimens) and „in the upper pine grove“ (17 specimens). Specimens with shorter spurs (about 6 mm) predominate here, which fits H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum. Locality: above Ovčarevo near Travnik (17.61562°E, 44.238081°N; MGRS YK00). Material: SARA 06699 as Himantoglossum hircinum det. J. Freyn; det. K. Maly as H. caprinum; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1968. Date: 13.07.1886. Legator: J. Freyn. Note: spur short (about 6 mm) which fits H. calcaratum sub- sp. rumelicum. Locality: Bunarbaša near Travnik (17.655328°E, 44.230795°N; MGRS YK10). Material: SARA 06698 as Satyrium hircinum det. E. Brandis; det. K. Maly as H. caprinum; det. E. Nelson as L. calcaratum 30.03.1968. Date: 13.07.1886. Legator: E. Brandis. Note: spur long (about 10 mm) which fits H. calcaratum subsp. calcaratum. Other indeterminate vouchers: Locality: Falanovo brdo near Ostrožac (17.817653°E, 43.705431°N; MGRS YJ24). Material: Herb. SARA 51266, SARA 51267, SARA 51268, SARA 51269, SARA 51270, SARA 51385, all determined as H. adri­ aticum det. Č. Šilić. Date: 16.06.2003. Note: so far the only site in Herzegovina based on herbarium material. Some specimens are characterized by rather short spurs (4–5 mm) but large flowers, while spurs in some speci- mens are relatively long (7–9 mm) which fits the best H. calcaratum subsp. rumelicum. Locality: entrance to the canyon of river Rakitnica from Rogatica to Mesići (19.010666°E, 43.787053°N; MGRS CP45). Material: SARA 06685 and 06686 as Loroglossum calcarata det. Đ. Đuran. Elevation: 650 m. Date: 17.07.1978. Legator: Đ. Đuran. Note: spur about 7 mm long.