Bled Workshops in Physics Vol. 11, No. 1 p. 14 Tetraquark resonances, flip-flop and cherry in a broken glass model* P. Bicudo, M. Cardoso, and N. Cardoso CFTP, Dep. Física, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Abstract. We develop a formalism to study tetraquarks using the generalized flip-flop potential, which include the tetraquark potential component. Technically this is a difficult problem, needing the solution of the Schrodinger equation in a multidimensional space. Since the tetraquark may at any time escape to a pair of mesons, here we study a simplified two-variable toy model and explore the analogy with a cherry in a glass, but a broken one where the cherry may escape from. We also compute the decay width in this two-variable picture, solving the Schrodinger equation for the outgoing spherical wave. 1 Introduction, tetraquarks with flux tubes Our main motivation is to contribute to understand whether exotic hadrons exit or not. Although there is no QCD theorem ruling out exotics, they are so hard to find, that many friends even state that either exotics dont exist, or that at least they should be very broad resonances. Nevertheless candidates for different continue to exotics exit [1]! Here we specialize in tetraquarks, the less difficult multiquarks to compute beyond the baryons and hybrids. Notice that there are many possible sorts of tetraquarks: — the borromean 3-hadron molecule — the Heavy-Heavy-antilight-antilight — the hybrid-like tetraquark — the Jaffe-Wilczek diquark-antidiquark with a generalized Fermat string 1.1 The borromean 3-hadron molecule In an exotic channel, quark exchange leads to repulsion, while quark-antiquark annihilation is necessary for attraction. A possible way out is adding another meson, allowing for annihilation, to bind the three body system. This has already led to the computation of decay widths, which turned out to be wide [2,3]. 1.2 The Heavy-Heavy-antilight-antilight The heavy quarks are easy to bind since the kinetic energy p2/(2m) is smaller, thus their Coulomb short distance potential could perhaps provide sufficient binding, while the light antiquarks would form a cloud around them [4]. * Talk delivered by P. Bicudo 1.3 The hybrid-like tetraquark Possibly a quark and antiquark may be in a colour octet, and then the tetraquark is equivalent to a quark-gluon-antiquark hybrid. Recently we computed in Lattice QCD the color fields for the static hybrid quark-gluon-antiquark system, and studied microscopically the Casimir scaling [5]. Notice that our lattice simulation shows that flux tubes prefer to divide into fundamental flux tubes, or flux tubes carrying a colour triplet flux, as we show in Fig. 1. (left) In a hybrid, flux tubes divide into two fundamental flux tunes, one connecting the octet with the quark and another connecting the octet to the antiquark. In the baryon and in the three-gluon glueball, static quenched Lattice QCD simulations also show confinement via fundamental flux tubes. (right) Triple flip-flop Potential potential. To the list of potentials to minimize including usually only two different meson pair potentials, we join another potential, the tetraquark potential. 1.4 The Jaffe-Wilczek diquark-antidiquark with a generalized Fermat string Since there is no evidence for long distance polarization forces, or Van der Waals forces, in hadron-hadron interactions, the two-body confinement potentials cannot be right for multiquarks [6]! A solution to this problem consists in considering the flip-flop potential, where confining flux tubes or strings take the geometry minimizing the energy of the system. Quark Confinement And Hadronic Interactions [7]. Again the flux tubes in the tetraquark are expected to divide and link into fundamental flux tubes, and a possible configuration is in a H-like or butterflylike flux tube. This tetraquark can be classified as a Jaffe-Wilczek one since the quarks are combined in a diquark-like antitriplet and the antiquarks are combined in a antidiquark-like triplet [8]. The technical difficulty in that framework is to compute the decay widths since this tetraquark is open for the decay into a pair of mesons. Moreover it is expected that the absence of a potential barrier above threshold may again produce a very large decay width to any open channel, although Marek and Lipkin suggested that multiquarks with angular excitations may gain a centrifugal barrier, leading to narrower decay widths [9]. Fig. 1. -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.00020 Here we continue a previous work, where we assumed confined (harmonic oscilator-like) wavefunctions for the confined objects, one tetraquark and two different pairs of final mesons, and computed their hamiltonian. We utilized the Resonating Group Method and were surprised by finding very small decay widths [10]. 1.5 Our approach to study the tetraquark with a generalized Fermat string We thus return to basics and decide to have no overlaps. We want to solve the Schrodinger equation for the four particles, and from the Schrodinger solutions also compute the decay widths. Our starting point is the extended triple flip-flop potential [11], obtained minimizing the three lengths depicted in Fig. 1. Recently, we devised a numerical algorithm to compute the Fermat points of the tetraquark and the tetraquark potential [12]. Solving the Schrodinger equation is then a well defined problem which should be solvable, placing our system in a large 12 dimensional box. However this is a very difficult problem. Even assuming s-vaves, we would get 3 variables, some confined and some in the continuum (similar to problems in extra compactified dimensions or to lattice QCD) so we decide to work in a toy model, where the number of variables is simplified. We thus simplify the triple flipflop potential, with a single inter-meson variable, using the approximation on the diquark and anti-diquark Jacobi coordinates, Pl3 = P24 (1) of having a single internal variable p in the mesons. We get a flipflop potential where p is open to continuum and r is confined, minimizing only two potentials, VMM(r,p) = a(2r) , (2) Vt(t,p) =a(r + v/3p). (3) Our problem is similar to the classical student's problem of a Cherry in a glass. However this is not a simple student's problem since the glass is broken and the cherry may escape from the glass! The flip-flop and broken glass potentials are depicted in Fig. 2. Here we report on our answer [13] to the question, in the quantum case, are there resonances, and what is their decay width? 2 Finite difference method Since there is a single scale in the potential and a single scale in the kinetic energy, we can rescale the energy and the coordinates, to get a dimensionless equation, H