folia biologica et geologica 57/2, 7–17, ljubljana 2016 A NEW SILVER FIR ASSOCIATION ON THE LJUBLJANSKO BARJE (LAMIO ORVALAE-ABIETETUM ASS. NOVA) NOVA JELOVA ZDRUŽBA NA LJUBLJANSKEM BARJU (LAMIO ORVALAE-ABIETETUM ASS. NOVA) Mitja Zupančič1 Received November 27, 2016; accepted December 31, 2016. Delo je prispelo 27. novembra 2016, sprejeto 31. decembra 2016. abStRact a new silver fir association on the ljubljansko barje A new forest association Lamio orvalae-Abietetum ass. nova is described on isolated sites on Ljubljansko barje. Their existence is enabled by the ecological conditions, above all the bedrock and soil and the air humidity. Key words: phytocenology, ecology, Ljubljansko barje, Lamio-Abietetum. iZVleČeK Nova jelova združba na ljubljanskem barju Opisana je nova gozdna združba Lamio orvalae-Abiete- tum ass. nova. na osamelcih Ljubljanskega barja. Njen obstoj omogočajo ekološke razmere, predvsem geološka podlaga in tla ter vlažna zračna klima. Ključne besede: fitocenologija, ekologija, Ljubljansko barje, Lamio-Abietetum. 1 SAZU, Novi trg 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija. Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 8 folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 Some time ago in May 1997, I phytocenologically in- ventoried an interesting silver fir phytocoenosis in two solitary sites on the Ljubljansko barje (Ig, 335 m; Kot 310 m). They were predominantly covered by silver fir (Abies alba) with individual European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and wych elm (Ulmus glabra). These companion trees are characteristic species of fresh to damp soils, which also applies to fir. In addi- tion to the aforementioned tree species, sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) are also present. Norway spruce is for the most part sec- ondarily included in fir stands. The presence of sessile oak is normal in the context of the aforementioned tree species; although it prefers dry to moist soils, it is not averse to fresh soils. In view of the quantitative pres- ence of fir, we are of the opinion that it is a fir associa- tion on fresh carbonate soils and damp atmospheric climate, especially in autumn and partially spring. For now, around twelve fir associations are recognised in Slovenia, of which seven are on acidic and five on car- bonate soils. They have been described by eight re- searchers: Belec, Horvat, Ž. Košir2, Marinček, Oberdor- fer, Vukelić & Baričević and Wraber (in Šilc & čarni 2012) and Tregubov (1962). The most widespread and covering larger areas are the acidophilus fir associa- tions Bazzanio-Abietetum M. Wraber 1958, Galio ro- tundifolii-Abietetum M. Wraber 1959 and Dryopterido affinis-Abietetum Ž. Košir nom. inval. All other fir as- sociations appear on smaller areas. In view of the afore- mentioned ecological conditions of solitary sites on the Ljubljansko barje and, consequently, also the special floristic composition, we find that it is a new silver fir association Lamio orvalae-Abietetum ass. nova. 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Ž. Košir (1994, 2010) distinguishes a number of fir associations, which are supposed to be made from subassociations of fir- beech forest but this has not been scientifically proved. 2 METHODS We inventoried both silver fir sites according to the Central European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964) and continued the research in the sense of this meth- od. Mala flora Slovenije (Martinčič et al. 2007) is the nomenclature source for the names of ferns and seed plants. The nomenclature source for the names of mosses was Kleine Kryptogamenflora (Gams 1957). 3 ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS Ljubljansko barje is located in an area with a mean an- nual air temperature of 21 °C and mean annual pre- cipitation of 1500 mm (Atlas klime SFRJ 1969). The microclimate of the solitary sites is probably a little colder, with higher air humidity, caused by occasional more or less extensive flooding in the locality. In gen- eral, the area is classified into continental climate. The bedrock of the solitary sites is of tertiary age. It could be classified into light grey massiv limestone. In some parts there can be a colourful bedrock of sandstone and tuffite limestone, interspersed in places with chert (Grad & Ferjančič 1968). In our case we consider that massiv limestone predominates. We did not perform more detailed research of the soils. In view of the temporary review of the soils we classify them into carbonate brown soils on limestone (brown calcareous soil, Chromic Cambisols) or even into dystric brown soils on sandstone (Grčman et al. ed. 2015). The soils are interwoven mosaically but brown calcareous soils predominate, which is also in- dicated by the majority basophilous flora. The sur- rounding for the most part eutric or dystric amphigley in the peat soils does not have an influence on the studied objects because both sites are raised a few me- tres above the mire (peat) ground. Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 9folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 Structure of the association Silver fir – Abies alba is dominant in both stands of the new association – Lamio orvalae-Abietetum ass. nova; other tree species, pedunculate oak – Quercus robur, sessile oak – Q. petraea, European ash – Fraxinus excelsior, sycamore – Acer pseudoplatanus, wych elm – Ulmus glabra are associated with it. In the second site (as in the second relevé), planted spruce – Picea abies is present in a larger amount. In terms of floristic com- position, the association is very uniform, diagnostic species of the order Fagetalia sylvatica, class Querco- -Fagetea absolutely predominate in it and for sinsys- tematic classification, southeast European-Illyrian species of the alliance Aremonio-Fagion are important. We additionally classify to southeast European-Illyri- an species the acidophilous species Aposeris foetida. Because of the extremely small number of species, we classified species from the alliances Carpinion (Vinca minor, Rosa arvensis, Prunus avium), Tilio-Acerion (Staphylea pinnata), Quercetalia pubescentis (Fraxinus ornus, Sorbus aria, Homalothecium lutescens) and Quercetalia roboris-petraeae (Quercus robur) into the class Querco-Fagetea, where they also belong in terms of hierarchical sinsystematic values. Species, diagnos- tic for the alliance of maple and elm are characteristic species of moist forests, which are joined by tall herb species in which could be classified also hygrophilous Illyrian species Lamium orvala, which with its cover- age characterizes the researched community. Of types of beech forest, the following are moisture loving: Ga- leobdolon flavidum, Pulmunaria officinalis, Sambucus nigra and Arum maculatum. To hygrophilous species could be added the mesophilous species Aegopodium podagraria, which is very widespread in some places. The biological spectrum of the association Lamio orvalae-Abietetum shows that the living conditions of the phytocoenosis are more or less normal for survival or they correspond to the living conditions of the tem- perate zone. The stands of this association thrive in more or less favourable site conditions but not in opti- mal ones (Table 1). This is also confirmed by horologi- cal analysis of the geoelements, which indicates pre- vailing colder floral elements (European, Euroasiatic, Eurosiberian, Circumboreal, Paleotemperate, Alpine- Carpathian, Arctic-Alpine species) (Table 2). Among them the most numerous are European and Euroasi- atic geoelements, which in terms of their distribution are also the commonest in the temperate zone. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION table 1: biological spectrum of the association Lamio orvalae-Abietetum Life form number % PHANEROPHyTES 22 28.6 Stemmed (P. scap.) 10 13.0 Tufted (P. caesp.) 6 7.8 Nanophanerophyte 4 5.2 Climbing (P. lian.) 2 2.6 CHAMAEPHyTES 9 11.7 Mosses (B. Ch.) 8 10.4 Creepers (Ch. rept.) 1 1.3 HEMICRyPTOPHyTES 26 33.8 Stemmed (H. scap.) 16 20.8 Rosette (H. ros.) 4 5.2 Tufted (H. caesp.) 3 3.9 Creepers ( H. rept.) 2 2.6 Biennials (H. bien.) 1 1.3 GEOPHyTES 19 24.6 with rhizomes (G. rhiz.) 17 22.0 with bulbs (G. bulb.) 2 2.6 TEROPHyTES 1 1.3 Stemmed (T. scap.) 1 1.3 TOTAL 77 100.0 Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 10 folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 table 2: Horological groups (Poldini 1991) in the association Lamio orvalae-Abietetum GEOELEMENTS number % European 21 27.3 Euroasiatic 11 14.2 Mediterranean-montane 7 9.1 Eurosiberian 7 9.1 Circumboreal 5 6.5 Paleotemperate 4 5.2 Pontic 4 5.2 Mediterranean-Atlantic 3 3.9 Northern Illyrian 2 2.6 Southern Illyrian 1 1.3 Mediterranean-Pontic 1 1.3 Alpine-Carpathian 1 1.3 Arctic-Alpine 1 1.3 Cosmopolitan 1 1.3 Unspecified mosses 8 10.4 TOTAL 77 100.00 characteristic and differential species In accordance with the ecological conditions of the phytocoenosis of the association Lamio orvala-Abiete- tum we decided on the following characteristic species of the association: Abies alba, Mill. a montane-Medi- terranean species that dominates other associated tree species. It is characteristic that it gives preference to habitats with greater soil and atmospheric moisture. It is similar with the Northern Illyrian species Laminum orvala L., which has abundant and optimal growth and dense settlement under the aforementioned ecological conditions, which is expressed by high median cover values. The species Lamium orvala with other South- east-European-Illyrian species (Hacquetia epipactis, Omphalodes verna, Cyclamen purpurascens, Cala- mintha grandiflora, Aremonia agrimonoides) places the association in the Illyrian phytogeographic province and Illyrian alliance Aremonio-Fagion. We also chose Vinca minor L. as a characteristic species of the asso- ciation, which is otherwise widespread from Galicia in Spain, southern England, Central Europe and through Pannonia to the east. Despite its wide distribution, Meusel et al. (1978) stress its primary distribution in the Northern Illyrian space. Sites of the association Lamio orvalae-Abietetum suit it because it is a fresh to moisture-loving species of the colline belt. As distinguishing species of the association Lamio orvalae-Abietetum we chose the European species Fraxinus excelisior and Quercus robur. Both species oc- cupy moist habitats or merely fresh soil more or less intermixed with silicate rocks, as is probable in our case. Both species are or were native to the Ljubljansko barje, where they construct or constructed independ- ent stands of peat forest phytocoenoses. They have a subordinate role in the association Lamio orvalae-Abi- etetum but indicate the wider ecological conditions of the area. The nomenclature definition of the association is: Lamio orvalae-Abietetum ass. nova. Holotype: relevé 1 in phytocenological table. Characteristic species of the association: Abies alba, Laminum orvala. Differential species of the association: Fraxinus excelsi- or, Quercus robur. We classify the association into the Illyrian alliance Aremonio-Fagion. Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 11folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 Phytocoenoses of the association Lamio orvalae-Abie- tetum are governed by the ecological conditions that prevail on the Ljubljansko barje. In this area there is more atmospheric and slightly increased ground mois- ture. Ground moisture is mainly dependent on the bedrock parent material, which is mosaically interwo- ven between the predominant limestone and a minor part of sandstone. Various soils have developed on the different bedrock: from the majority carbonate brown to the minority moister dystric brown soils. The open- ness and non-forested nature of the Ljubljansko barje enable major oscillations of daily and annual tempera- ture, especially with a lack of wind. The damp cold and the soaked peat soils contribute to the low tempera- ture, especially in early spring, autumn and winter. These ecological conditions favour more mesophilous flora of beech forests, which in this phytocenosis pre- vail over the expected flora of plains. Phytocoenoses of the association Lamio orvalae- -Abietetum approximate floristically and ecologically to lower mountain phytocoenoses of the association Abieti-Fagetum clematidetosum Tregubov 1958 nom. mscr. Košir (1994: 67) classified these phytocoenoses into an independent association Clematido vitalbae- -Abietetum (Tregubov 1958 n. inver.). Ž. Košir 1994 nom. prov. (Dakskobler & Marinček 2009: 50). Ž. Košir (1994: 67) finds that the phytocoenosis of the association Clematido vitalbae-Abietetum (= Abieti-Fa- getum clamatidetosum) grows on a mixed carbonate- noncarbonate geological basis, which is similar to the association Lamio orvalae-Abietum. The findings of Košir are to date general and it is necessary to restudy lowland stands of the sub-association Abieti-Fagetum clematidetosum: whether it is an extra zonal beech or an independent fir phytocoenosis, which would even be possible to classify into the association Lamio orva- lae-Abietetum. Kutnar et al. (2012: 205) favoured a sub-association, which is validly described as Ompha- lodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marinček et al. 1993 var. geogr. Calamintha gradiflora Surina 2002 asareto- sum europaeae Puncer 1980 (= Omphaldo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marinček et. al. 1963 clematidetosum). In view of the incompleteness of Košir’s (1994, 2010) formation of the lowland fir-beech association Ompha- lodo (Abieti)-Fagetum clematidetosum in Clematido- -Abietotum, we include our association Lamio orvalae- -Abietetum, as it is now known, among the first in the Illyrian alliance of beech forests Aremonio-Fagion. The question arises of whether perhaps the asso- ciation Lamio orvalae-Abietetum is a different associa- tion in which there should be managed (cut) beech in a lowland form of fir-beech forest, i.e., in the subassocia- tion Omphalodo Fagetum clematidetosum. This is not very likely because we did not find beech in the census plots, nor a high cover value of the leading distinguish- ing species of the subassociation Clematis vitalba. Neutral and acidic fir forests thrive at lower altitudes, where there is enough atmospheric humidity and ade- quately acidic soil for our stands. 5 CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is grateful to Dr. Igor Dakskobler for re- viewing the article and valuable advice. The author is grateful to Vinko Žagar for technical assistance in producing the phytocenological tables. Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 12 folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 PHYtocoeNological table (Fitocenološka tabela) LAMIO ORVALAE-ABIETETUM ass. nova Number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 Altitude in m (Nadmorska višina v m) 335 310 Si ns is te m at ic al c ha ra ct er is tic (S in si st em at sk a pr ip ad no st ) Aspect (Nebesna lega) SE - Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) 5-10 0 Bedrock (Geološka podlaga) limestone (apnenec) Stoniness in % (Kamnitost v %) 10 0 Cover (Pokrovnost) %: Tree layer (drevesna plast) I 80 60 Shrub layer (grmovna plast) II 70 30 Herb layer (zeliščna plast) III 60 100 Moss layer (mahovna plast) IV 10 10 Relevé (Velikost popisne ploskve) m2 400 400 Location (Kraj popisov) Ljubljansko barje Presence (Prezenca)Ig Kot LAMIO ORVALAE-ABIETETUM ass. nova CHARACTERISTIC SPECIES OF ASSOCIATION (Značilnice) 1 2 VP3 Abies alba I 4.2 3.1 2 2II 2.2 + 2 F1 Lamium orvala III 2.2 4.4 2 DISTINGUISHING SPECIES OF ASSOCIATION (Razlikovalnici) 1 2 AU Fraxinus excelsior I 1.1 1.1 2 2II 3.2 1.2 2 RP2 Quercus robur I 1.1 1.1 2 2II + . 1 • F1 AREMONIO-FAGION (Ht. 1938) Török, Podani & Borhidi in Borhidi 1989 1 2 Lamium orvala III 2.2 4.4 2 Hacquetia epipactis + 1.2 2 Omphalodes verna 1.1 + 2 Cyclamen purpurascens + + 2 Calamintha grandiflora +.2 . 1 Aremonia agrimonoides + . 1 F2 FAGETALIA SyLVATICAE Pawl. 1928 s. lat. 1 2 Acer pseudoplatanus I 1.1 2.1 2 2II . 2.2 1 Eurhynchium zetterstedtii IV 1.3 2.4 2 Galeobdolon flavidum III 2.2 1.1 2 Pulmonaria officinalis 1.2 1.2 2 Sambucus nigra II + 1.2 2 Ulmus scabra I 1.1 . 1 2II + + 2 Asarum europaeum III +.2 +.2 2 Carex sylvatica + +.2 2 Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 13folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 Actaea spicata + + 2 Lilium martagon + + 2 Primula vulgaris + + 2 Ranunculus lanuginosus + + 2 Viola reichenbachiana + + 2 Arum maculatum . 1.2 1 Galium laevigatum 1.1 . 1 Galium odoratum . 1.1 1 Mercurialis perennis +.2 . 1 Symphytum tuberosum +.2 . 1 Adoxa moschatellina . + 1 Brachypodium sylvaticum . + 1 Campanula trachelium + . 1 Daphne mezereum II + . 1 Euphorbia dulcis III + . 1 Geranium robertianum + . 1 Helleborus odorus . + 1 Lathyrus vernus + . 1 Mycelis muralis + . 1 Neottia nidus-avis + . 1 Paris quadrifolia . + 1 Polygonatum multiflorum + . 1 Salvia glutinosa + . 1 Sanicula europaea + . 1 Scrophularia nodosa + . 1 F3 QUERCO-FAGETEA Br.-Bl. & Vlieger in Vlieger 1937 1 2 Anemone nemorosa III 2.2 1.1 2 Vinca minor 1.2 1.1 2 Fraxinus excelsior I 1.1 1.1 2 2II 3.2 1.1 2 Quercus robur I 1.1 1.1 2 2II + . 1 Corylus avellana 1.1 1.1 2 Quercus petraea I 2.1 . 1 TA Staphylea pinnata II 1.1 . 1 Q2 Camptothecium lutescens IV +.3 . 1 Ctenidium molluscum +.3 . 1 Isothecium myusuroides +.3 . 1 Carex digitata III +.2 . 1 Clematis vitalba II + . 1 Q2 Euonymus verrucosa + . 1 Q2/OOFraxinus ornus + . 1 Hedera helix + . 1 Lonicera xylosteum + . 1 Moehringia trinervia III + . 1 C Prunus avium II + . 1 C Rosa arvensis + . 1 Q2 Sorbus aria + . 1 P Viburnum opulus + . 1 Number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 14 folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 A3 BETULO-ADENOSTyLETEA Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. 1943 s. lat. (=MULGEDIO-ACONITETEA Hadač & Klika in Klika & Hadač 1944 s. lat.) 1 2 Dryopteris filix-mas III 1.2 + 2 Senecio ovatus 1.1 . 1 Rubus idaeus II + . 1 VP3 VACCINIO-PICEETEA Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 em. Zupančič (1998) 2000 s. lat. 1 2 Abies alba I 4.2 3.1 2 2II 2.2 + 2 Picea excelsa I 1.1 3.1 2 2II + . 1 Oxalis acetosella III 1.1 2.2 2 Rubus hirtus II 3.3 . 1 Hypnum cupressiforme IV +.3 . 1 Thuidium tamariscinum +.2 . 1 • Aposeris foetida III + . 1 O OTHER SPECIES (Ostale vrste) 1 2 ART Aegopodium podagraria III . 2.2 1 EP2 Carex alba + . 1 EP2 Fragaria vesca + . 1 EP2 Myosotis sylvatica . + 1 TG Veronica chamaedrys + . 1 M MOSSES (Mahova) 1 2 Mnium sp. IV +.3 +.4 2 Mnium sp. +.2 . 1 LEGEND (Legenda) C CARPINION Issl. 1931 em. Oberd. 1953 s. lat. AU ALNO-ULMION Br.-Bl. & R. Tx. 1943 TA TILIO-ACERION Klika 1955 RP2 QUERCETALIA ROBORIS-PETRAEAE R. Tx. (1931) 1937 s. lat. Q2 QUERCETALIA PUBESCENTIS-PETRAEAE Br.-Bl. 1931 OO FRAXINO ORNI-OSTRyION Tomažič 1940 P PRUNETALIA SPINOSAE R. Tx. 1952 s. lat. ART ARTEMISIETEA Lohm., Prsg. & R. Tx. in R. Tx. 1950 s. lat. E EPILOBIETEA ANGUSTIFOLII R. Tx. & Prsg. in R. Tx. 1950 s. lat. TG TRIFOLIO-GERANIETEA SANGUINEI Th. Müller 1961 s. lat. Number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 15folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 REFERENCES - LITERATURA Atlas klime SFRJ 1969. Hidrometeorološka služba SFRJ. Beograd. Braun - Blanquet, J., 1964: Pflanzensoziologie. Wien-New york. Dakskobler, I. & L. Marinček, 2009: Pregled jelovih rastišč v Sloveniji. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva (Lju- bljana) 89: 43–54. Gams, H., 1957: Kleine Kryptogamenflora. Stuttgart. Grad, K. & L. Ferjančič, 1968: Tolmač in karta Kranj L 33–65. Osnovna geološka karta 1 : 100.000 SFRJ. Beograd. Grčman, H., N. J. Vidic, M. Zupan, F. 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Prisotnost gradna je normalna v sklopu prej omenje- nih drevesnih vrst, čeprav porašča prej sušna kot vla- žna tla, sicer pa se ne izogiba svežih tal. Glede na koli- činsko prisotnost jelke ugotavljamo, da gre za jelovo združbo na svežih karbonatnih tleh in vlažno zračno klimo, zlasti v jesenskem in deloma pomladanskem obdobju. Zdaj poznamo v Sloveniji okoli dvanajst jelo- vih združb, od teh sedem na kislih in pet na karbona- tnih tleh. Opisalo jih je osem raziskovalcev: Belec, Horvat, Ž. Košir3, Marinček, Oberdorfer, Vukelić & Baričević, Wraber (v Šilc & čarni 2012) in Tregu- bov (1962). Najbolj razširjene in na večjih površinah so kisloljubne jelove združbe Bazzanio-Abietetum M. Wraber 1958, Galio rotundifolii-Abietetum M. Wraber 1959 in Dryopterido affinis-Abietetum Ž. Košir nom. inval. Vse druge jelove združbe se pojavljajo na manj- ših površinah. Glede na prej omenjene ekološke raz- mere osamelcev Ljubljanskega barja in s tem posledič- no na posebno floristično sestavo ugotavljamo, da gre za novo jelovo združbo Lamio orvalae-Abietetum ass. nova. 3 Ž. Košir (1994, 2010) loči več jelovih združb, ki naj bi bile izvedene iz subasociacij dinarskega jelovo-bukovega gozda, česar pa ni znanstveno dokazal. Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 16 folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 Obe rastišči jelove združbe smo popisali po srednjee- vropski metodi (Braun-Blanquet 1964), in po tej me- todi nadaljevali raziskave. Mala flora Slovenije (Mar- METODA tinčič et al. 2007) je bila nomenklaturni vir za imena praprotnic in semenk. Nomenklaturni vir za imena mahov je bil Kleine Kryptogamenflora (Gams 1957). EKOLOŠKE RAZMERE Ljubljansko barje se nahaja v območju s srednjo letno temperaturo zraka 21 °C in s srednjo letno količino pa- davin 1500 mm (Atlas klime SFRJ 1969). Verjetno pa je mikroklima osamelcev nekoliko hladnejša z večjo zračno vlago, ki jo povzroča občasno bolj ali manj ob- sežno poplavljanje v okolici. V splošnem uvrščamo ob- močje v kontinentalno klimo. Geološka podlaga osamelcev je terciarne starosti. Uvrstili bi jo v svetlosiv neplastovit apnenec. V nekate- rih predelih je lahko pisana podlaga peščenjaka in tu- fitnega apnenca, ki mu je ponekod primešan roženec (Grad & Ferjančič 1968). V našem primeru ocenjuje- mo, da prevladuje neplastovit apnenec. Podrobnejših raziskav tal nismo opravili. Glede na začasen pregled tal jih uvrščamo v rjava karbonatna tla na apnencu ali celo v distrična tla na peščenjakih (Gr- čman et al. ur. 2015). Tla se mozaično prepletajo, ven- dar prevladujejo rjava karbonatna tla, kar nakazuje tudi večinska bazifilna flora. Okoliški večinsko ev- trični ali distrični amfiglej na barjanskih tleh nima vpliva na tla na raziskovanih objektih, ker sta oba objekta nekaj metrov dvignjena nad barjanskimi tlemi. REZULTATI IN RAZPRAVA Zgradba združbe V združbi jelke in velike mrtve koprive – Lamio orva- lae-Abietetum ass. nova je dominantna jelka – Abies alba, ostale drevesne vrste dob – Quercus robur, graden – Q. petraea, veliki jesen – Fraxinus excelsior, beli javor – Acer pseudoplatanus, goli brest – Ulmus glabra so ji pridružene. Na drugem rastišču (Kot, v drugem popi- su), je v večji količini prisotna zasajena smreka – Picea abies. Po florističnem sestavu je združba zelo enotna, v njej absolutno prevladujejo diagnostične vrste iz reda Fagetalia sylvaticne, razreda Querco-Fagetea, in za sin- sistematsko opredelitev pomembne jugovzhodnoe- vropsko-ilirske vrste ilirske zveze Aremonio-Fagion. K jugovzhodnoevropsko-ilirskim vrstam uvrščamo še kisloljubno vrsto Aposeris foetida. V razred Querco-Fa- getea smo zaradi izredno majhnega števila vrt uvrstili vrste iz zvez Carpinion (Vinca minor, Rosa arvensis, Prunus avium), Tilio-Acerion (Staphylea pinnata), Quercetalia pubescentis (Fraxinus ornus, Sorbus aria, Homalothecium lutescens) in Quercetalia roboris-petra- eae (Quercus robur), kamor po hierarhični sinsistemat- ski vrednosti tudi pripadajo. Vrste diagnostične za zvezo javorjev in brestov so znanilke vlažnih gozdov, ki se jim pridružujejo vrste visokih steblik (Dryopteris filix-mas, Senecio ovatus, Rubus idaeus) sem bi lahko uvrstili še vlagoljubno vrsto Lamium orvala, ki s svojo veliko pokrovnostjo označuje preučevano združbo. Od diagnostičnih vrst bukovih gozdov so vlagoljubne še naslednje: Galeobdolon flavidum, Pulmunaria offici- nalis, Sambucus nigra in Arum maculatum. K vlago- ljubnim vrstam bi dodali še mezofilno vrsto Aegopodi- um podagraria, ki je na nekaterih mestih zelo razširje- na. Biološki spekter asociacije Lamio orvalae-Abiete- tum kaže, da so življenjske razmere fitocenoze bolj ali manj normalne za preživetje oziroma ustrezajo ži- vljenjskim razmeram zmernega pasu. Združba uspeva v bolj ali manj ugodnih rastiščnih razmerah, vendar ne v optimalnih (Tabela 1). To potrjuje tudi horološka analiza geoelementov, ki kaže na prevlado hladnejših flornih elementov (evropske, evroazijatske, evrosibir- ske, cirkumborealne, paleotemperatne, alpsko-karpat- ske, artsko-alpske vrste) (Tabela 2.) Med temi sta naj- številčnejša evropski in evrazijski geoelement, ki sta glede na svojo razširjenost tudi najbolj pogosta v zmer- nem pasu. Značilnice in razlikovalnici Skladno z ekološkimi razmerami obeh preučenih fito- cenoz asociacije Lamio orvala-Abietetum smo se odloči- li za naslednje značilnice asociacije: Abies alba, Mill. Mitja Zupančič: a nEW SiLVER FiR aSSOCiatiOn On tHE LjuBLjanSKO BaRjE (Lamio orvaLae-abietetum aSS. nOVa) 17folia biologica et geologica 57/2 – 2016 montansko-mediteranska vrsta, ki dominira nad dru- gimi pridruženimi drevesnimi vrstami. Zanjo je značil- no, da daje prednost rastiščem z večjo talno in zračno vlago. Podobno je s severnoilirsko vrsto Laminum orva- la L., ki ima v prej omenjenih ekoloških razmerah bujno in optimalno rast ter gosto naseljenost, ki je izražena z veliko srednjo pokrovno vrednostjo. Vrsta Lamium or- vala z drugimi jugovzhodnoevropsko-ilirskimi vrstami (Hacquetia epipactis, Omphalodes verna, Cyclamen purpurascens, Calamintha grandiflora, Aremonia agri- monoides) kaže na pripadnost nove združbe k fitoge- grafski provinci in ilirski zvezi Aremonio-Fagion. Za razlikovalnice asociacije Lamio orvalae-Abiete- tum smo izbrali evropski vrsti Fraxinus excelisior L. in Quercus robur L. Obe vrsti naseljujeta vlažna rastišča ali le sveža tla, ki jim je bolj ali manj primešana silika- tna kamnina, kar je v našem primeru verjetno. Obe vrsti sta ali sta bili doma na Ljubljanskem barju, kjer gradita ali sta gradili samostojne sestoje barjanskih gozdnih fitocenoz. V asociaciji Lamio orvalae-Abiete- tum imata podrejeno vlogo, vendar nakazujeta širše ekološke razmere območja. Nomenklataturna opredelitev asociacije je: Lamio orvalae-Abietetum ass. nova. Holotip: popis 1 v fitocenološki tabeli. Značilnice asociacije: Abies alba, Laminum orvala. Razlikovalnici asociacije: Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus robur. Asociacijo uvrščamo v ilirsko zvezo Aremonio-Fagion. SKLEP Fitocenoze asociacije Lamio orvalae-Abietetum so po- gojene z ekološkimi razmerami, ki vladajo na Ljubljan- skem barju. Na tem območju je več zračne in nekoliko povečane talne vlažnosti. Vlažnost tal je predvsem od- visna od geološke podlage, ki se mozaično prepleta med pretežnim delom apnenca in manjšim delom peščenja- ka. Na različnih geoloških podlagah so razvita različna tla: od večinskih karbonatnih rjavih do manjšinskih vlažnejših dističnih rjavih tal. Odprtost in negozdna- tost Ljubljanskega barja omogočata velika nihanja dnevne in letne temperature, zlasti ob brezvetrju. Nižjo temperaturo povzročajo tudi vlažna hladna in namoče- na barjanska tla, zlasti v zgodnjepomladanskem, jesen- skem in zimskem času. Te ekološke razmere ugajajo bolj vlagoljubnemu rastlinstvu, ki v preučevani združbi prevladuje nad rastlinstvom v okoliških kolinskih belo- gabrovih in bukovih gozdovih. Od pogostih vrst v teh gozdovih so posamično zastopane Asarum europaeum, Helleborus odorus, Primula vulgaris, pogostejša je le vrsta Vinca minor. (Glej Fitocenološko tabelo). Fitocenoze asociacije Lamio orvalae-Abietetum se floristično in ekološko približujejo spodnjegorski fito- cenozi asociacije Abieti-Fagetum clematidetosum Tre- gubov 1958 nom. mscr. Košir (1994: 67) je to fitoceno- zo uvrstil v samostojno asociacijo Clematido vitalbae- -Abietetum (Tregubov 1958 n. inver.) Ž. Košir 1994 nom. prov. (Dakskobler & Marinček 2009: 50). Ž. Košir (1994: 67, 2010) ugotavlja, da fitocenoza asocia- cije Clematido vitalbae-Abietetum (= Abieti-Fagetum clematidetosum) porašča mešano karbonatno-nekar- bonatno geološko podlago, kar je podobno kot pri aso- ciaciji Lamio orvalae-Abietum. Ugotovitve Koširja so do sedaj splošne in potrebno bi bilo ponovno preučiti nižinske sestoje subasociacije Abieti-Fagetum clemati- detosum: ali gre za ekstraconalno bukovo ali samostoj- no jelovo fitocenozo, ki bi jo bilo celo moč uvrstiti v asociacijo Lamio orvalae-Abietetum. Kutnar et al. (2012: 205) so se opredelili za subasociacijo, ki je ve- ljavno opisana kot Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marinček et al. 1993 var. geogr. Calamintha gra- diflora Surina 2002 asaretosum europaeae Puncer 1980 (= Omphaldo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marinček et al. 1963 clematidetosum). Glede na nedorečenost Koširjevega (1994, 2010) preoblikovanja nižinske jelovo-bukove združbe Omphalodo (Abieti)-Fagetum clematidetosum v Clema- tido-Abietetum našo asociacijo Lamio orvalae-Abiete- tum, kot je sedaj znano, med prvimi vključujemo v ilirsko zvezo bukovih gozdov Aremonio-Fagion. Pojavlja se vprašanje ali je morda asociacija Lamio orvalae-Abietetum drugotna združba, v kateri naj bi bila izgospodarjenja (izsekana) bukev v nižinski obliki jelovo-bukovega gozda, to je v subasociaciji Omphalo- do Fagetum clematidetosum. Ta domneva je malo ver- jetna, ker v popisnih ploskvah nismo izsledili bukve, kot tudi ne visoke pokrovnosti vodilne razlikovalnice subasociacije Clematis vitalba. Nevtralni in kisli jelovi gozdovi pa uspevajo v nižjih nadmorskih višinah, kjer je dovolj zračne vlage in primerno zakisana tla, podob- no velja za naša sestoja.