Professional paper Informacije ^efMIDEM A lonrnal of Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 43, No. 4 (2013), 277 - 283 The Copper Losses of Gapped Inductors with Litz-Wire Windings Alexander Stadler STS Spezial-Transformatoren Stockach GmbH & Co. KG, Stockach, Germany Abstract: In this paper, an analytical procedure is presented, how to predict the AC resistance of litz-wire windings considering air gap fringing fields. For this purpose, an equivalent complex permeability model is derived for hexagonally packed wires. It is shown, how the real as well as the imaginary part of the complex permeability can be determined with the copper filling factor as a parameter. An analytical 2D model is deduced to describe the air gap fringing fields of gapped inductors. Accordingly, the proximity losses of the litz-wire winding are determined correctly and the AC resistance of practical inductors can be predicted over a wide frequency range with high accuracy. This offers the opportunity to optimize such components. Finally, the influence of various parameters on the copper losses is investigated and verified by means of experimental data drawn from impedance measurements. The novelty of the approach presented in this paper is given by the fact that an exact 2D analytical solution is conducted to describe the air gap fringing field. Furthermore, the distance between air gap(s) and winding can be considered as a degree of freedom as well as the number of single gaps to realize a distributed air gap. Keywords: Inductors, air gaps, eddy currents, electromagnetic analysis, analytical models. Bakrove izgube na tuljavah z režo pri uporabi navitij s pleteni^co Izvleček: Članek obravnava analitičen postopek napovedovanja AC upornosti navitja s pletenico. V ta namen je bil razvit model ekvivalentne kompleksne permeabilnosti heksagonalno zavitih žic. Prikazano je, kako se lahko, s pomočjo polnilnega faktorja bakra, določi realen in imaginaren del kompleksne permeabilnosti. Izveden je 2D model opisovanja polja v navitjih z zračno režo. Pravilno so določene izgube bližine v navitju s pletenico. Prav tako je mogoče z visoko natančnostjo določiti AC upornosti v širokem frekvenčnem območju, kar omogoča optimizacijo komponent. V zaključki je, s pomočjo meritev impedance, preučevan vpliv številnih parametrov na izgube v bakru. Novost predstavljene metodologije je natančna 2D analitična rešitev stresanega polja v zračni reži. Ključne besede: tuljava, zračna reža, vrtinčasti tok, elektromagnetna analiza, analitični model ' Corresponding Author's e-mail: 1 Introduction High frequency (HF) litz-wire is generally used to avoid strong eddy current losses due to the fringing fields of adjacent air gaps. If the radius a of the insulated strands is smaller than the skin depth s = 1 (1) the well known skin effect can be neglected and a homogeneous distribution of the conducted current is expected. Nevertheless, considerably high losses can still be generated due to the fact that all of the strands are influenced by external magnetic fields generated by adjacent strands, windings and air gaps as well (proximity effect). When designing HF inductors and integrated magnetic components, these effects have to be predicted with high accuracy. Especially air gap fringing fields can lead to much higher losses than expected. As a disadvantage, these losses develop in a small region around the air gap. Due to the poor thermal conductivity of insulated litz-wire, heat cannot be dissipated outside and insulation failures are the consequence. In recent work (e.g. [1, 2]), eddy current losses of round and rectangular wires have been investigated. These results were extended to bundles of wires [3] and litz- Figure 1: Inductor under test: ETD59/31/22-N87, air gap length 1=5 mm, number of turns W=72 (litz-wire 7x35x0.1 mm). wire windings [4, 5]. Nevertheless, numerical simulations as well as analytical solutions (e.g. by the modal decomposition of the boundary value problem) come to their limits when the great number of litz-wire strands has to be taken into account. To provide a solution, equivalent complex permeability models [6 - 9] were derived for the winding area and linked either with FEM simulation or rough (usually 1D) estimations of the penetrating magnetic field. The novelty of the approach presented in this paper is given by the fact that an exact 2D analytical solution is conducted to describe the air gap fringing field. Furthermore, the distance s between air gap(s) and winding can be considered as a degree of freedom as well as the number of single gaps H^ to realize a distributed air gap (Fig 2). 2 Calculation 2.1 Equivalent Complex Permeability Model If a round wire is situated in a homogeneous high frequency external magnetic field, eddy currents are generated which again effect the external magnetic field. The shape of this external field part is comparable to a magnetic dipole field. Analogously to the theory of magnetism, a multitude of such dipoles can be expressed by an isotropic complex permeability m = m - im" (Fig. 3). The real part m'{f) describes the shielding behavior of the litz-wire region as a function of the frequency f.The imaginary part m"(f) is related Figure 2: Basic configuration of the winding window (distributed air gap with Hg parts of length lg/Hg). to the eddy current losses. To determine ß{f) of hex-agonally packed litz-wire strands, finite element simulation is used. a) b) c) Figure 3: Equivalent current shell of a cylinder with homogeneous magnetization (a), eddy current distribution in a round wire excited by an external magnetic field (b), equivalent complex permeability model for hexagonally packed wires (c). Fig. 4a shows the FEM simulation of the elementary cell. The picture depicts the absolute value of the electrical current density in a per-cent scale for 50 % copper filling factor and a relation between strand-radius a and skin depth of a/S= 5. The real and imaginary parts of the equivalent complex permeability can be determined based on the relations a) b) Figure 4: Simulation (a) of the elementary cell of hex-agonally packed wires to obtain the equivalent complex permeability ß=ß '-jji "(b). ß = B B 4w.. (