G. FINN » THE TRUTH - IN MUSIC THE SOUND OF DIFFÉRANCE UDK 821.11K7D-1 Géraldine Finn Univerza Carleton, Kanada Carleton University, Canada The Truth - In Music The Sound Of Différance Resnica - v glasbi Zvok différance Kljucne Besede: resnica, glasba, zvok, différance, destinnerance, résonance, paracitat, igra, cepic, pesem, medprostor, poslušanje, slišanje POVZETEK Clanek (poskus, prizadevanje, preizkus, prizadevanje) skozi (na: poti, za katero pravimo, da na njej poteka dolocen vir energije) resnico v glasbi je napisan, da bi se bral in poslušal. Da bi se pri-kli-cala izkušnja ireduktibilne zvocnosti resnice (iz) glasbe (prek) besed, ki govorijo o njej, in igra différance - niti tišine, ki se pletejo med zvoki, s katerimi je jezik/glasba/resnica prepletena -, ki prinaša smisel (cutnega). Komponiran kot niz »cepicev« (paracitatov) pisanj Jacquesa Derridaja, clanek uporablja to, kar predlaga, ponazarja to, o cemer govori: dekonstrukijo, ki je vselej prisotna v delu (v njegovem delu, v tem delu, v katerem koli delu): dvoumen destinerrance resnice (iz) glasbe (prek) besed. Ce qui reste à force de musique. Niti poezija niti proza. Niti filozofija niti pesem. Nekaj iz prostora vmes. Keywords: Truth, Music, Sound, Différance, Destinnerance, Résonance, Para-cite, Play, Graft, Song, Space-Between, Listen, Hear ABSTRACT This essay (trial, effort, test, attempt) through (on: the way we say that something runs on such and such an energy source) the truth in music has been written to be read as heard. To re-call the experience of the irreducible sonority of truth (in) music (in) words of which it speaks, and the play of différance - the threads of silence that run between (the) sounds that language/music/truth is mixed together with - that makes sensCe). Composed as a series of grafts (para-cites) on to the writing of Jacques Derrida, the paper engages what it proposes, enacts what it tells: the deconstruction always already at work in a work (his work, this work, any work): the equivocal destinerrance of truth (in) music (in) words. Ce qui reste à force de musique. Neither poetry nor prose. Neither philosophy nor song. But something in between. 117 MUZIKOLOŠKI ZBORNIK • MUSICOLOGICAL ANNUAL XXXXI / 2 I I owe you the truth In painting And I will tell it to you Cézanne wrote In a letter To Emile Bernard Strange utterance Derrida writes I recite (Para-cite) The speaker is a painter He is speaking Or rather Writing For this is a letter He is writing In a language Which shows nothing Causes Nothing To be seen Describes Nothing Represents Even less 1 What must truth be To be owed (Due) Even rendered (Rendue) 118 G. FINN « THE TRUTH - IN MUSIC THE SOUND OF DIFFERANCE In Painting That is What interests me This interest When I am interested In the idiom Of truth In Painting Which promises A truth Which is (not) Always already there In Painting This revenue Of Surplus value Irreducible To the semantic Content Of its representation Indeed To the representable Untranslatable In its economic performance Undecidable In Its equivocal destinerrance (Derrida writes) I recite This idiom Of truth 119 MUZIKOLOŠKI ZBORNIK « MUSICOLOGICAL ANNUAL XXXXI / 2 In Painting 2 But That's what An idiom is It does not Merely Fix The economic Propriety of a focus But Regulates The possibility Of Play Of Divergencies Of The equivocal A whole economy Precisely Of The trait This economy Parasitizes Itself Hear Here on Off the page What must truth be To be owed Due Even Rendered 120 G. FINN « THE TRUTH - IN MUSIC THE SOUND OF DIFFERANCE Rendue In Music In Painting 3 In Words On Off the page That is What interests Me This revenue Of surplus value This Interest When I am interested In The idiom of truth In Music Which promises A truth In Writing In Words Which is (not) Always already There In Music 121 MUZIKOLOŠKI ZBORNIK * M U S I C O LO G I C AL ANNUAL XXXXI / 2 Ce qui reste À force De musique 4 What Must Truth Be In order To be owed Due Even Rendered Rendue In Music I cannot Precisely Have it At my Disposal Or In my Control I listen to it It is The experience Itself Of Impossible appropriation The most joyous And The most tragic5 (Derrida writes) I recite 122 G. FINN • THE TRUTH - IN MUSIC THE SOUND OF DIFFERANCE It may give rise To Calculation Representation Tabulation Imitation Regulation Notation Con-scription Pre-scription In-scription De-scription But In the final analysis It ceases to be Calculable 6 Ce qui reste À force De musique Beyond The order of the calculus Itself Beyond The incalculable As a still possible calculus 7 Forever Unable to saturate A context What reading writing Speaking citing Re-citing Will ever make it heard 8 This idiom Of truth 123 MUZIKOLOŠKI ZBORNIK » MUSICOLOGICAL ANNUAL XXXXI / 2 In music In a word The reader too Must Improvise 9 Take breath And read with the ears 10 hör dich ein mit dem Mund Hear deep in With the mouth n Listen With limbs and lips And throat and tongue Absorb Its movement With larynx and lungs 12 What underlying scansion Of the world Does it embody 13 This idiom Of Truth Which is (not) Always already there In music In words Irreducible To the semantic content Of its representation Indeed To the representable 124 G. FINN • THE TRUTH - IN MUSIC THE SOUND OF DIFFERANCE Untranslatable In its economic performance 14 Undecidable In its equivocal Destinerrance The stereographic activity Of an entirely other ear 15 An entirely other echo Echo echo echo Sphere Ce qui reste à force de musique Hear Here on Off the page Only the song remains It is reborn Each time Nothing Can be done against it Never Will any letter Ever Make it heard In a word l6 Here Hear on Off the page Nevertheless At this very moment In this work Here I am 17 Me Voici 125 MUZIKOLOŠKI ZBORNIK • MUSICOLOGICAL ANNUAL XXXXÎ / 2 I follow Je suis Under assignation To make It heard To tell the truth In music In words / owe you the truth in music And I will tell it to you As it is tol(le)d In music Le son Résonant Quelle Chanson Like the sound of the sea Deep within a shell 18 The essential thing Is to set the song in motion As a graft [Shoot or scion Inserted in a slit of another stock From which it receives sap [Piece of transplanted living tissue] Process of grafting Place where the graft is inserted Hard work] 19 And not As a meaning A 'work Or a spectacle 20 126 G. FINN « THE TRUTH - IN MUSIC THE SOUND OF DIFFERANCE This economy parasitizes itself Each grafted text [Piece of transplanted living tissue] Continues to radiate back Toward the site of its removal Transforming that too As it affects the new territory 21 We must begin Wherever We are Wherever We are in a text Wherever We already believe ourselves To be 22 Fidelity Requires that one quote In the desire To let the other speak And Fidelity Requires that One not just quote 23 To grasp a meaning That does not come through understanding 24 But through Rhythm resonance Repetition rhyme Timing timbre Tone Ce qui reste À force De musique Undecidable 127 MUZIKOLOŠKI ZBORNIK « MUS I C O LO G I C AL ANNUAL XXXXI / 2 In its equivocal destinerrance What reading Writing speaking Reciting citing In-citing Will ever Make it Heard In a word The silent play of Différance The s-p-1-a-c-e of Résonance Undecidable Between The sedimented sens Of Sound The sedimented sound Of Sens Singing Ringing Off on the page The most difficult thing Is the invention Of the tone And with the tone Of the scene That can be staged 25 The pose that adopts you As much as you adopt it 2