URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY, 1980 VOLUME 52 MEET OUR NEW MEMBER, MARGARET PERKO Of New Orleans, La. Wife, Mother, Homemaker, Volunteer Worker and . . . Novelist! A new member of Br. 102, Willard, Wisconsin, Mrs Perko typifies today’s modern woman who seeks and achieves a dream without sacrificing her feminine responsibilities. With her husband. Al, she has a deep interest in the Slovenian nationality, its culture and traditions. We welcome her to our Slovenian Women’s Union. See more about Mrs. Perko on the next page. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSš«^ ZARJA - THE DA WN (ISSN 0044-1848) NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY, 1980 VOLUME 52 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupen številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members. $ 10.00 — naročnina $10.00 letno za ne člane. For social Members. . 65 per month za družabne članice . 65 mesečna Publisher: SL O l F,MA N H OMEN 'S UNION OF A MERIC A ZARJA, 431 No. Chicago St. Joliet, III. 60432 Telephone (SIS) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do I. v mesecu. Editor. CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-6679 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN FEBRUARY! National Officer: Feb 7 _ ANN MODIZ, State President, Wisconsin, Sheboygan, Wis. Presidents: Feb. 4 — RUTH SHECK, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Feb. 8 — MARY KUZMA, Br 88, Johnstown, Pa. Feb. 15 — ROSE MARAS, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Feb. 20 — MATILDA GAYDOS, Br. 70. W. Aliquippa, Pa. Feb. 24 — MARY OBERCH, Br. 85, DePue, III. Secretaries: Feb 1 — MARGARET FISCHER, Br. 1, Sheboygan,Wis. Feb. 2 - MARY CHRISTIAN. Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. Feb. 5 — ROSE KRAEMER, Br 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Feb 8 — FRANCES ZALEC. Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Feb. 15 — ANNA KERKOVICH, Br 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. Feb. 17 — STEFANIA PLESE, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Feb 28 — JEAN ZUBEK, Br. 2, Chicago, III. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ON THE COVER... THE OTHER SIDE OF SILENCE, a new paperback novel, is written by Margaret Perko, a new member of the Slovenian Women’s Union — the Wilalrd, Wisconsin branch. She and her husband Albert Perko, an exploration geologist born in Willard and of Slovenian descent, have lived in Columbia and Venezuela, South America, in Sumatra, Indonesia, and are now living in New Orleans, U.S.A. Her past professional experience includes writing for the School and College of the Air of the University of Wisconsin radio station and writing feature articles for the Wisconsin Alumnus. Also, she earned merit awards from the Venezuelan American Association of University Women. Presently in New Orleans, she golfs frequently, serves on the city’s League of Women Voters board and works with their publications, looks after home and husband somewhat haphazardly, and manages to squeeze in time to write fiction that draws heavily on the experience of living abroad. THE OTHF2R SIDE OF SILENCE is a novel of romantic intrigue set in a New Orleans on the brink of change, then shifting to a politically turbulent Venezuala. After ten years of marriage and two sons, Beth, an Orleanian married to a wealthy Venezuelan, must choose one role: wife and mother, or mistress. Setting: New Orleans, Caracas, and the Venezuelan llanos near a U. S. oil company camp. Time: 1952-62, the decade when the Venezuelan people overthrew their dictator and the U. S. South took its first steps toward integrating its public schools. According to a review in the Publishers Weekly, the two best features of this novel are “the insights Perko provides into old-world Venezuelan culture and into the country’s political upheaval of the late 1950s.” DATES TO REMEMBER Feb. 6 — VALENTINE PARTY, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Slovenian National Home Mar. 1-2 — MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNEY,Joliet, III. Mar. 8 — "LUNCHEON IS SERVED” Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. 1 p.m. April 24 — SPRING CARD PARTY, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio, June 22 — SLOVENIAN HERITAGE DAY, Joliet, III. Sept. 28 — WISCONSIN STATE CON VENTION — 50th ANNIVERSARYOF Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. NEWS ITEM FOR SPECIAL EVENTS: Brunch 38 of Chisholm, Minnesota, will sponsor a Valentine card party, open to (he public, on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 1980, at the Slovenian National Home, at 7:30 PM. immediately following a short meeting. “FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA" II i Marie Prišitimi V '<> I’.ipci hound |. 50 pi■Ni.i'.’cl 5.5111 l.iulhniiiicl ( 75 p."M'.v) Si*ml In s\\ I llaiini' OITii'f 4.11 No. < hii'imo SI. Inliil. III. (1(14.12 eijTmTERijQasE urr • 1 50 Rooms & Suites • Restaurant & Lounge • Enclosed Swimming Pool • Banquet Rooms withTerrace Bar • Business Meeting Rooms • Whirlpools • Ballroom • Exercise Room • Sauna • Game Rooms Barber Shop 24800 Euclid Ave. Euclid, Ohio 261 0300 REMINDER: S.W.U. BOWLING TOURNEY Home Office asks that all roster forms for new officers of 1980 be relumed at your earliest convenience. ZARJA Editor reminds you that Mother of the Year forms are to be send in from now until April 1st. Please send them in as soon as possible with a brief history °f your Mother of the Year and appropriate photo. Thanl< you. MARCH 1 & 2, 1980 RIVALS LANES JOLIET, ILLINOIS The S.W.U. Midwest Bowling Tournament will be held on March 1 and 2, 1980 at the Rivals Lanes in Joliet, 111. If there is anyone interested in bowling, please contact me at (312) 484 5573 or write to me at 3731 Home Ave., Berwyn, II. 60402. The winners of the 1/2 and 1/2 project from the last tournament are as follows: 1. Mary Kiel, Milwaukee, $30.00, 2. Dorothy Horvat, Joliet, $25.00, 3. Robin Marolt, West Allis, $20.00, 4. Tillie Lawrence, Sheboygan, $15.00 and 5. Chris Wisler, Milwaukee, $10.00. Congratulations! Thank you for participating in this event. LIL PUTZELL Sec. Midwest Bowling Tourney President’s Message Greetings! I hope that you are all planning Valentine Parties and inviting members to bring a friend, so they may know more about our goals. It is a good way to bring in a new member for our “Marie, Mary and Mayme” campaign. On December 16th, I attended a memorial Mass for Marie Prisland with the members of Branch 20 in Joliet. Consignor Butala officiated; his homily compared her life with the unselfish way she loved Zveza. The yearly •fleeting and Christmas party followed. I was accompanied by Anna Zorko and Stella Longos. It was a very enjoyable day. It has come to my attention that some of our branches held no State Convention in 1979. According to the By-Laws, Page 41 (7.19), it is very important that the State President contact all branches within her jurisdiction to Participate. Where they are too far to get together, a President may by chosen by popular selection of participating branches. We must adhere tro these laws or we are jeopardizing our dedication to the precepts set down for us at the convention. A big “Thank You” for the lovely holiday greetings received. I, also, want to commend our new National Officers on their interesting columns; hope the response ls good. So many members write about theirjnterest in the Zarja articles, as well as branch news. It helps us to understand each other better; and togetherness is what is needed today. My condolences to the Klassovity family on the tragic death of their son Paul in the Antarctica plane crash. His grandmother, Barbara Wencel is our long time member and his mother Elsie, my friend. To all members who have birthdays and anniversaries (his month, my heartiest congratulations. For ailing members, our wish for bettr health and for °ur deceased members and friends, a prayer for peace and joy with our Heavenly Father. May God walk with You. Mary Muller Poem by Veda Ponikvar: Printed in Ann Landers’ Column — Sept. 12, 1979 Saints and Sinners When some fellow yields to temptation and breaks a conventional law, We look for no good in his makeup, Oh Lord, how we look for the flaw! No one asks, “Who did the tempting?” Nor allows for the battles he’s fought. His name becomes food for the hackals, The saints who have never been caught. I’m a sinner, O Lord, and I know it. I am weak and 1 blunder and fail, I am tossed on life’s stormy ocean, Like a ship that is caught in a gale, I am willing to trust in thy mercy, To keep the commandments thou’st taught. But deliver me, Lord, from the judgement of the saints who have never been caught. Mary Slaney and Lucille Smith extending greetings from Pittsburgh area Slovenians to Minnesota Congressman James Oberstar who was our main Convention Banquet speaker. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING SENIORS $2500 in SCHOLARSHIPS Please be aware that if you have been a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union for three years and are continuing your education in an accredited college or university you are qualified to apply for a 1980 scholarship. Five scholarships of $500 each will be awarded this year with the fifth one specifically designated for a student majoring in Journalism in honor of our 50 years of ZARJA. If you are interested and qualified please write immediately for information to Hermine Dicke, 3717 Council Crest; Madison, Wis., 53711. SCHOLARSHIP FUND REPORT The Scholarship Fund Drive during ihe national convention held in Duluth, Minn., was a huge success totaling $2,129.25. Thank you one and all for your generosity. Contributions were as follows: From handicraft booth conducted by Bi. 33 Jr. League of Cleveland, Ohio proceeds from Cotillion Ball Branch No. 21, Cleveland Branch No. 23, Ely, Minn. Branch No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Branch No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Branch No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Branch No. 50, Cleveland in memory of deceased members from the sale of dolls Branch No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio Branch No. 95, So. Chicago, 111. Olga Ancel; Joliet, 111 Vera Bajec; Cleveland Victoria Bobence; Soudan, Minn. Mary Bostian; Euclid, Ohio KathieCooke; St. Louis, Missouri 1970 scholarship recipient Stella Dancull; Cleveland in memory of husband, Mickey P. Dancull Hemiine Dicke; Madison, Wis. "in memory of my father, Mr. John Prisland” Jennie Feme; Cleveland in memory of Frances Shubic, Forest City, Pa. $ Nežka Gaber; Chicago Mary Grmsek and Vida Gawenda; Cleveland "in memory of our mother, Mrs. Mary Grmsek” 50.00 Anna Hodnik; Aurora, Minn. in memory of Louise Kermouner Margaret Hodnik; St. l.ouis, Missouri 1974 scholarship recipient Mildred Janies; So. Chicago Margaret Johnson; Duluth “in memory of my grandmother, Mrs. Mary Jakslia, charter member of Br. No. 33” Ann Kompare; So. Chicago “in memory of my sister, Margaret A. Pavletič” Anne Lustig; So. Chicago $688.25 500.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 100.00 10.00 100.00 66.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 ’ 25.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 CONVENTION TIME 1979 Sophie Magayna; Cleveland 5.00 Rose Maras; Hibbing, Minn. 5.00 Anna Markovich; Cleveland 5.00 Mary Marolt; Joliet 10.00 Freda Michelitch and Maria Paulin in memory of Matilda Podborsek Anna Modiz; Sheboygan Mary Muller; Chicago Emma Nosse; Joliet Rev. Claude Okorn; Chicago Anna Paeliak; Pueblo, Colo. Emma Planinšek; Joliet Marie Prisland; Sheboygan “in memory of my husband, John Prisland” Mildred Pucel; Joliet 3 Lil Puizell; Chicago Rose Scoff; San Francisco John Shuster; Gilbert, Minn. 1967 schoarship recipient Frances Sietz; Cleveland in memory of Jane Kaplan MarySlaney; Pittsburgh Lucille Smith; Strabane, Pa. “in memory of my mom, Mrs. Mary Bošt jančič Dolores Dineau; Duluth Rev. David Stalzer; Joliet Sophie Stampfel; Milwaukee Mary Taucher; Garfield Heights, Ohio Jean Tomsic; Euclid in memory of Mrs. Marie Jakse Albina Uehlein; Lorain, Ohio Ann Vucko; Chicago Cecilia Wolf; Cleveland “in memory of my mother, Mary Tomaric” Dorothyann Winter; Cleveland “in memory of my grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Winter” Kay Yuratovac; Cleveland Antoinette Zabukovec; Euclid in memory of Mary (Jerman) Saber and Antonia Zabukovec Liz Zefran; Chicago Thank you all again for your generosity and thank you, Mary Marolt, for collecting the contributions at the convention. Respectfully submitted, HERMINIE DICKE 15.0Q 10.00 10.00 5.00 20.00 25.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 20.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 ’ 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 40.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 Combined Branches Meet Our Combined Branch Meeting of Cleveland and Euclid, Ohio was held on Thursday, November 25th, 1979, at E. J. Kovacic Recreation Center on St. Clair Avenue, with 14 members present. Mary Cesnik, a member of Br. 50, was our guest. Before the meeting refreshments were served, because it was our Christmas meeting. Metting was called to order by Pres. Sophie Magayna, with prayer also including all the sick and deceased members. Rec. Sec. Jo. Comenshek read the minutes of previous meeting. Minutes were accepted as read. Frances Seitz suggested that Rec. Sec. send a copy of the minutes, several times a year to Zarja for publication. Motion carried. Financial report read by Stella Dancull, Treasurer, was accepted as read. Auditors Ann Tercek and Mary Lou Prhne gave a good report on audit. Our Combined Branch Bazaar, which was held on Sunday, Sept. 16th at Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. was a huge success. The Pink Tea Wine and Wine Barrel, with ladies in all booths in Slovenian costume was quite an attraction enjoyed by the public, and they are asking for another bazaar. With a great President like Sophie Magayna, and all the ladies co-operating we do accomplish much. At our Combined Branch meetings all our problems are solved, and most questions are answered, so our President does stress the importance of having these meetings. We have no plans yet for the next State Convention, but will plan to set date and place at next meeting. We may have it at our new Euclid Square Mall, in the meeting room, there. Frances Seitz reported on a meeting held by Cotillion Officers, and a few Debs, but will plan early next year for the Cotillion Ball to be held preferably in the Spring of 1981, when college vacations begin. They do donate sizable donations to charity, such as, Scholarship Fund and Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. President Sophie Magayna wished to thank all the 'adies for working hard throughout the year and wished all the branches will celebrate Healthy, Happy, and prosperous Meetings for December and also in the New Year 1980. Meeting was closed with Prayer at 3:35. Election of Officers followed, the same slate of Officers were elected. Next meeting will be held on Thurs., March 27th, 1980. Respectfully submitted by JOSEPHINE COMENSHEK Recording Secretary What we are - what we need! A Membership Campaign Message Our organization is not just a club to pay dues. Our S.W.U. has high hopes of keeping on with our cultural and heritage memories that our ancestors worked so hard to preserve, keeping close together in Slovenian activities that we all can enjoy, be it in the adult or youth groups. Thanks to our active members who have the ability to share their enthusiasm to keep S.W.U. strong. Here is where you can help. Enroll people to be members now -today - before the campaign ends. Follow up on all ideas presented. Answer all the questions and present your ideas, too. Help the organization grow in your community. If you haven’t reached the highest goal of your life, here is a chance to try to follow up. Make your extra time worthwhile. Bring our your hidden talents, let us know who you are. Submit all your answers to our Editor, Corinne Leskovar, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, II. 60608. We need volunteers, we need people to inspire our branches to keep up the good work they have displayed during the 53 years of our growth. We need to interest the younger generation to carry on. Are you a member of S.W.U.? Are you active? If not, explain. Would you share your talents in crafts, home ideas, fashions, cooking and baking, dancing, painting? Do you think you could direct a singing group in your community, adults or juniors? Childrens’ activities need guidance. Would you qualify to start a youth group in your neighborhood branch, in singing, twirling, dancing, marching, cheer leading? Do you have any ideas on how to perk up our S.W.U. organization? Do you belong to other clubs? Are there ways of doing special projects that would interest members to carry on? Are you interested enough to answer all these questions and let us know who you are? Here’s hoping you are. FRANCES SIETZ tHfc**§?&&rfc*«3?•&rfc*4*•&*4* THREE MMM’s MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN! Sign up new members in the Slovenian Women’s Union and win cash prizes! The present campaign is in honor of our three MMM’s, namely, Founder, the late Marie Prisland, Past-President, Mary Bostian and National President, Mayme Muller. Therefore, all new members with the first names of MARIK, MARY OR MAYME will have their first year’s dues free! The campaign will end March 31, 1980! Sign up all your friends and relatives now and remember, if she’s Marie, Mary or Mayme, she has no assessment to pay the first year! Cash awards to all workers as follows: $1.00 cash for a Class B member, .50 cash for a Class A member and .25 for every new Junior member! Your Branch will grow and Zveza will prosper in 1980 with your help! ACTIVITIES OF OUR BRANCHES NO. 1. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. The December meeting was well-attended at Johnny’s Supper Club. An eleven month financial report was given and correspondence was read by the secretary. The recording secretary, Anna Modiz was honored for her 50 years of service with a corsage and a piece of jewlery presented by the president, Ruth Sheck. The chair-man Mary Turk was reinstated for the Sunshine Club and also chair-man Mary Godez for the telephone committee. The dale was set for our fall annual card party, which will be in charge of Anna Modiz, Mary Turak and Amelia Sterk. Our honored Member of the Year is Johanna Zore, who will be esteemed at the May meeting. The meeting date remains — the third Tuesday of every month in the Church Hall. A motion was made and seconded to donate towards the Altar Society, Flower Fund. All present officers will hold their positions for the ensuing year 1980. It was decided to hold the next Christmas party with the meeting at St. Cyril and Methodius Church Hall. Our condolences to Sophie Casper and Mary Suykerbuyk upon loss of heir dear mother, Mrs. Mary Fludernik. In closing the meeting a prayer was recited for Mrs. Marie Prisland, Foundress, for all departed sisters, and for the sick and shut-ins. The meeting was then adjourned and the president thanked the members for being present. Then followed the Christmas dinner and we had a sing-a-long accompanied by Janet Maurin and Olga Saye on their accordians. Many door prizes were distributed and thanks to the ladies who were so congenial in bringing prizes. Our first meeting of the year will be February 19th. Try and be present. We send along our best wishes to all other branches for 1980. Reporter MARGARET FISCHER IT'S IN EVERY s(lovomian NO. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Now that the holidays are over, but the memories still a little fresh in our minds, I’d like to comment on our Christmas party. Chairlady of the affair was Corinne Leskovar with the following committee members, Mamie Muller, Jean Zubek, Maggie Hujbar, Ann Mladic, Mary Lauretig, Jennie Kitz, Mary Reich, Elsie Ciszek and Ann (yours truly) Scieszka. In charge of the kitchen were Julie Petrich and Mary Jagar with help from Stella Gorka and Lil Putzell. Corsages for each member, little crocheted Christmas Wreaths were made and donated by Mary Reich, Elzie Ciszek, Chris Pirman (all sisters) and Ann Bunnetta. “Mrs. Claus” was our own Jennie Kitz. Volunteers helping with the serving, other than the above named, were also Helen and Margie Hujbar, daughters of our new president, Maggie, Nežka Gaber and daughter, Kati. Organist during the mass that preceded the dinner was Patti Zubek, who came in from her college in Joliet. Branch 2 thanks all who worked and also members and friends who attended the party and made it the success it was. A good time was had by all. Thanks also to the members for their donations of prizes and cakes. Our guest list included the good Sisters of St. Stephen’s School, our pastor, Fr. Athanasius »nd our National Officers from Joliet, Olga Ancel, Mary Marolt and Br. 20 officers, Millie Pucel and Aggie Lovati. It was nice to have them with us. Several husbands of our members also attended, making it an outstanding group. Let us remember all sick members in our prayers and hope to see them soon among us. In 1979 we lost the following members: Frances Vegel, Caroline Rozich, Antonia Gradisher, Jean Lenart, Matilda Sever and Jennie Merlak. May they rest in peace and be forever in our memory. To Kay Turner, we extend our sympathy on the death of her brother; he will be remembered in our prayers. Congratulations to Gloria Nusko and her husband, Ray, on the birth of twins, a girl and a boy, born on New Year’s Day. They were the first set of twins born at St. Anthony’s Hospital. All ten of their children are our members, sister Corinne bringing the twins’ applications to our last meeting. To all our out of town members, drop us a line and keep in touch. Your Chicago friends like to hear from you. May the Lord bless you. In 1980, our branch is dispensing with the extra monthly assessment of 5 cents, and the departed member contributions of 15 cents each, and instead, we will have a flat amount of $1.50 per year collected when you pay your dues. A letter will be sent to you about this change. We hope you will give us your complete cooperation. This decision was made at the January meeting. It will be much easier and less costly for our secretary to receive the contribution in one sum and it is based on the average you have been paying in the past. Thank you. ANN SCIESZKA NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Our meeting in December was so nice, we had a very big attendance and after our regular order of business, we had our Christmas party. We also held our project to call out the lucky persons for the prizes collected at the Bazaar in September. The following were called: 1st Prize, a beautiful afghan donated and made by our president, Ann Markovich went to Allan Srca, grandson of our wonderful member, Joyce LeNassi; 2nd Prize was a gorgeous tablecloth from Slovenia donated by Louise Fabec and it went to our famous Joyce LeNassi. You’d never believe it, but she drew her own name! Congratulations to her. 3rd Prize was a donut maker and was donated by Ann Stefančič, given to our president, Ann Markovich. Thanks to all donors and to all who bought tickets. This will keep our branch going for 1980. I’m sorry everyone couldn’t be a winner. The fruit was given to Millie Novak and Louise Čebular. Thanks to our National Officers for all their good wishes for the holidays and the New Year, from Chicago and Joliet, Wisconsin and Penna. Please, ladies, when you mail me your dues for 1980, don’t forget the S3.00 that is the raise in dues and don’t take it out on us secretaries, we are only here to do our duty. Take time and write to the Home Office. With all he printing costs going up, so has our printing costs going up, so has our ZARJA. Some of you think that the money stays in our branch. Not so, from each member’s dues, the branch gets 60 cents per year, that’s 5 cents per month and it’s been like this since Zveza got started in 1926. Postage is very high, you can’t buy a card under a quarter, so if I send you a get well card, there goes 40 cents from the 60 cents I get for all year. Besides, we have funeral expenses and please ladies, you’ll never know unless you are a secretary as I am. So, don’t forget to add 25 cents per month or $3.00 per year. We have a new year ahead of us. Let’s all be happy that we are well. Thank God for His blessings, and you’ll feel better as time goes by. To the sick ladies, even tho we don’t see you, we pray for you all. Happy Birthday to January and February celebrants and a very happy Valentine’s Day greeting to all of you. SOPHIE MAGAYNA Secretary NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. The weatherman sure has been good to us and as a result, we had a very good turnout at the last and important meeting of the year. Frances Plesko started us off with Prayer in Slovenian and all the officers were present, reports given and accepted as read, a bit nervously as we were all in shock from the sad news of the death of our very cooperative and helpful social member, Tillie Vodnik who passed away that morning. She will be sadly missed for her personality and generous donations of self as well as her good baking. Prayer was said for her and our deepest sympathy offered to her family and friends of which she had many. The card party was discussed but nothing definite decided on as we are st'H trying to get a suitable hall. That’s a tough assignment as they are either too small or already taken. We discussed some of our future business and any coming changes before going into the elections. That was easy. Everyone was voted to remain unanimously. Ho hum. 1 just can’t get out of my position, not even as reporter. Then, to top that off, they voted me as Mother of the Year for 1980! I was hoping someone else would be nominated, but that, too, wasn’t to be. 1 hope there’s no regrets and that we all do an even better job in 1980. Good luck to all our members as well as other branches in the new year. The numerous door prizes were given and people are surely generous; too many to report as 1 was busy collecting dues as well. So, “Thank you” to all who helped with that as well as the attendance prize. Everyone was anxious to get on with the Christmas dinner as our table settings were so inviting and we learned that the stocking and pen which everyone got were made by Jo’s husband, Frank Wilhelm who also helped set up all the tables and decorations for which we thank him. Sophie Stampfel brought in the Three Kings which she made up years ago and gave them to Jo Wilhelm for th splendid table setting. Jo was surprised and we are grateful to Sophie as we couldn’t have done better! Mrs. Gorishek and Mary Evanich were the birthday girls for December to whom we sang Happy Birthday. Mrs. Plesko cooked the ham, paid for out of our “pleasure money” and cookies, wine, strudel, coleslaw, macaroni salad, were donated by Olga Fredericks, Mary Starich, Gertie Schunk, Mrs. Brekan, Mrs. Plesko, andJulia Pesec and the parsleyed potatoes were cooked by Sophie. What a feast we had! Thanks to all the generous bakers and donors. May the good Lord bless you all and here’s wishing you a good year. Sophie brought a prospective new social member and she baked an Italian goody for us as her treat! Thanks. There was no time for our games, but we enjoyed the company of each other! MARY DEZMAN NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. San Francisco once again enjoyed a successful trip to Reno under the direction of President, Josephine Aiuto. These trips draw our ladies ever closer; spending much time together surely cements good friendships and good fellow membership. Jo works very hard to see to each person’s comfort and pleasure. Hvala lepa, Jo. Death visited Br. 13 with the loss of Kate Maslac. Kate was injured in her own car and passed away a few hours later. It was always a pleasure to attend ever so many functions and always find Kate there, being interested in the district, attending all meetings for the betterment of our beloved Kranski Hrib. At the opening of the Slovenian Hall on Alemany Blvd. we arrived to find Kate already there. She was active and interested in all things around her; she was a real “lady of action”. Her son, Nick Jordon Maslac who was most generous to his mom, will miss Kate dreadfully as will daughter Stella and their beloved families. It has been a true pleasure to call Kate Maslac my friend. We wish each and every branch a successful 1980. To progress and enjoy our organization is uppermost in the minds of all the officers. We all work and serve to make our meetings interesting and social functions a real joy. Blessed and successful 1980 to all. God loves a doer, let’s all become doers! FRAN E. CHIODO NO. 14. EUCLID, OHIO Our November meeting was very well-attended and we voted on issues only at this meeting. At our December meeting we vote for officers. We received a invitation from Mary Mavec School of Opportunity to attend their open house in November. Congratulations to Frances Plut on becoming a grandmother again. Our member, Mary Koljat and her son and his family, took a trip to Kansas City, Missouri and Mrs. Koljat said they had a great time. Congratulations to our member of long standing, Caroline Gabrenja, who celebrated her 100th. birthday on November 10th. Mrs. Gabrenja is a resident of the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. in Cleveland, Ohio where her family and friends held a birthday party for her. May the Good Lord bless you and watch over you always. On the sick list were: Julia Novak, Josephine Sctina, Jennie lvancic and Margaret Baron. Our prayers and best wishes are with them all. We wish to welcome a new member to our branch — Eve Morel — we hope she will enjoy our activities. Our deepest sympathies to Mrs. Setina and her family on the loss of her daughter, Molly, and our sincere sympathies to Mary Ucman who’s husband died recently. May their souls rest in peace. Our secretary Vera Bajec requested that I write about the increase in assessments: Class A, 80« a month or $9.60 a year; Class B, $1.05 a mont'i or $12.60 a year; Class A over 75 years, 451 a month or $5.40 a year; Class B over 75, 60! a month or $7.20 a year; Junior members, 201 a month, or $2.40 a year and Social members, 651 a month or $7.80 a year. Our December meeting was attended by 60 members. This was our Christmas Party and 3 month Birthday party combined. We had a delicious dinner of Chicken, Home Fries and Salad which was cooked by our member, Mary Dolsak and "erved by our great kitchen committee. Pastries served with the dinner were made and donated by our members. Everything was great. Thanks to all who worked and donated goodies for our dinner. We had special prizes as a hai.d-made Shawl knitted and donated by Mary Iskra — yours truly was the lucky winner. Other prizes were a bath set donated by Mrs. Klemenčič and a Christmas decorated cake donated by Frieda Miller and made by her son. Thank you to all for their generosity. We did not have a gift exchange; but members donated money to Mary Mavec School of Opportunity and Holy Family Cancer Home. Thanks to all members who donated to these worthy causes. Our members voted that all officers stay the same for 1980; except there will be only one reporter. President, Pauline Krall, Vice-President, Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead Ave.), Secretary, Vera Bajec (telephone: 481-7473), Treasurer, Mary Iskra and Recording Secretary, Antoinette Zabukovec. Our Woman of the Year is Addie Humphrey and she truly deserves this honor. She always willing to lend a helping hand no matter what the job to be done. She truly works hard for our branch and Zveza in general. Congratulations, Addie. Congratulations to Josephine Klavora who became a greatgrandmother again. It is with deep sorrow that I have to report that our long time members, Josephine Setina and Rose Mickovic passed away in December. Our deepest sympathies to their families and friends. May the perpetual light shine upon them and may they rest in peace. Best wishes to all our members and o those who are ill we wish them a speedy recovery. God Bless you all in the New Year. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC NO. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. Our Christmas paty took the place of our December meeting. A few announcements were made and greeting cards were passed around to send to our shut-ins. But for the most part, it was an evening to relax and enjoy each other’s company. There were over one hundred members and guests at the party thanks to the hard work of chairlady, Ann L.ustig. She and Mary Crnokrak crocheted candy cane lapel pins for everyone and Sylvia Sprctnjak made a table favor for each plate. Entertainment was provided by our own kitchen band with everyone joining in to sing the carols. Juvenile members Heather and Steven Black gave us a concert on their violins. They are very talented youngsters. We sent cards to the following ladies on our sick list: Mary Borota, Anna Buck, Marie Cherne, Antonia Dominikovich, Frances Grotkowski, Frances Haffner, Elaine Tinsley, Katie Triller, Frances Wine and Zora Yurkas. Our prayers go out for them that they may overcome their ailments. Fifteen children attended their own Christmas party on December 15th. Four young mothers headed by Beverly Matushek planned the party and Bev made snowman Christmas favors for each child. The day before the party, Beverly gave birth to a baby boy, Peter. Kathy Monahan, Mary Christine Whalen and Ann Marie Kaminski with the help of Marge Prebil and Ann Lustig worked to make the party a success. Santa presented each child with a gift, refreshments were served to the children and their mothers and movies were shown. The girls are ready so tackle the job again next year. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mary Burke upon the death of her sister, Mildred Balch, in December. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter NO. 19, EVELETH, MINN. AUGUST REPORT We held our picnic Aug. 12th at Pauline Turnbull’s cabin and we had a very nice turnout. The weather was a little on the cool side but we ate outside and then went in to sit around the fireplace and enjoy the crackling fire and smell of the burning birch logs. Mary Joy Primozich roasted marshmellows for all the ladies and we really enjoyed that. Her father, Edward, with his beautiful boat, took us for a ride around the lake and the ladies really enjoyed that, too. We had a short meeting. A belated sympathy was sent to Catherine Pollack who lost her beloved husband, Steve and to Rose An-drechi on the loss of her daughter. God grant them eternal rest. Congratulations to Marcus and Antoinette Brince on their 50th Anniversary. On our sick list were Mary Klune, Mitza Isaacson, Leola Brince, Frances Moriarety and Jennie Zupec. Let’s pray for a speedy recovery. DECEMBER REPORT Well, here it is December, a busy and happy month. We held our Christmas party and pot luck dinner, It was a little nippie out and we had 27 members present. My kitchen committee had the tables decorated just beautifully and the food was delicious. We had an exchange of gifts and many door prizes were donated by the members. Angela Smith donated beautiful pillow cases, 2 dresser scarves, a crocheted doily and this was given to lucky persons present after the meeting. I want to thank everybody for making this a successful party. A short meeting was held and the main discussion was the increase in dues. We lost five members already and more a talking about dropping. Get well wishes were sent to Mary Lushine and Rose Brooks. Election of officers was held and the same slate was re-elected for 1980. Due to cold weather, our first meeting of the year will be March 2nd - see you all there. We from Br. 19 would like to wish all a happy New Year and may God bless you all. OLGA KLUSER President Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wisconsin 53711 .Sr. and Cupids, arrows, hearts, red and white lace, flowers, doves, valentines — all are meaningful for Valentine’s Day which is now linked with the feast of St. Valentine, a bishop of ancient Rome who was martyred on Feb. 14, 270 A.D. LOVE is the theme for Valentine’s Day and delicious treats say: “1 love you”. A number of members do share their treats. Helen Cesnik of Br. No. 26 of Pittsburgh, Pa., would like to have you try her unusual SEA SHELL SALAD while Faye Clapacs Starman of Br. No. 14, Cleveland, Ohio suggests another good recipe, LIME JELLO SALAD. Members of Br. 20, Joliet, III., highly recommend the PUMPKIN BARS they enjoyed at the November meeting prepared hy Margaret Stalzer, mother of Father David Stalzer. PUMPKIN PIE SQUARES is also one of her favorite recipes. SEA SHELLSALAD “This very good salad can replace the old standby like potato salad and macaroni salad”. * pound bag of small sea shells 3/4 cup vinegar 3/4 cup oil 3/4 cup sugar I medium onion, finely chopped 1 large green pepper, finely chopped * small jar pimento, chopped * can tomato soup, undiluted L Cook the sea shells as directed 0n package. Drain, then rinse with hot and cold water. Let cool. 2. Blend together vinegar, oil and sugar. 3. Chop onion, green pepper and Pimento. Combine the vinegar, oil and sugar mixture with the onion, green PePper and pimento. Stir in 1 can Undiluted tomato soup. Reserve 3/4 CUP of this mixture and put in small covered container. 5. Blend rest of liquid mixture with the cold sea shells and let marinate overnight in a covered salad bowl stirring a couple times. 6. Before putting out to serve add container of reserved liquid. Serves 10 to 12. ‘‘Happy Eating”. LIME JELLO SALAD “Very good and pretty. Makes a nice shower salad”. 2 3-ounce lime jello or 1 6-ounce lime jello 1 cup boiling water 1 16-ounce carton sour cream 1 20-ounce can crushed pineapple, undrained 1 /2 cup nuts, chopped Red maraschino cherries, chopped (small jar) Mix jello and boiling water until jellp is dissolved. Immediately add sour cream. Mix ohoroughly. Add the pineapple with the juice and mix again. Stir in the nuts and cherries. Pour into a large mold. Let set in refrigerator. Unmold to serve. Serves 8 to 10. “Red jello can be used as for Valentine’s Day. Fruit cocktail can replace the pineapple”. PUMPKIN BARS “This is a SIMPLY DELICIOUS recipe for pumpkin bars. It uses a cake-mix base”. 1 package yellow cake mix 112 cup melted margarine 3 eggs 3 cups (1 pound, 14-ounce can) pumpkin pie mix (already spiced and sweetened) 2/3 cup milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 /4 cup sugar 1 /4 cup butter, softened 112 cup chopped nuts, optional Reserve 1 cup cake mix and set aside. Combine remaining cake mix with melted margarine and 1 egg. Mix together and pat into greased 9 x 13 inch cake pan. Blend together pumpkin pie mix, 2 eggs and milk. Pour over crust. Blend together cinnamon, reserved cake mix, sugar, butter and nuts and sprinkle over filling mixture. Bake in 350 degree oven for 45 to 50 minutes. Let stand for a couple hours before cutting itto any size bars. PUMPKIN-PIE SQUARES “This is the best recipe for pumpkin-pie squares you would ever want to eat”. 1 cup sifted flour 112 cup quick-cooking rolled oats 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar, divided 1/4 pound butter 1 1-pound can pumpkin 1 (13 1/2-ounce) can evaporated milk 2 eggs 3/4 cup sugar 112 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 112 teaspoon ground ginger 114 teaspoon ground cloves 112 cup chopped pecans 2 tablespoons butter Whipped cream, optional Combine flour, oats, 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/4 pound butter; mix until crumbly. Press into ungreased 13x9 inch pan. Bake in 350-degree oven for 15 minutes. Combine pumpkin, evaporated milk, eggs, sugar, salt and spices; blend well. Pour onto baked crust. Bake an additional 20 minutes. Combine pecans, 1/2 cup brown sugar and 2 tablespoons butter; sprinkle over pumpkin filling. Return to 350-degree oven and bake an additional 15 to 20 minutes or until filling is set. Cool in pan on rack and then cut into 24 squares. Serve with whipped cream. Here is a BROCCOLI AND LIMA BEAN CASSEROLE that 1 served during the holidays as a vegetable. It is easy to prepare and serves 12. 2 10-ounce packages frozen broccoli 2 10-ounce packages frozen baby lima beans 1 10 1/2-ounce can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted 1 (10 3/4-ounce) can cream of asparagus soup, undiluted 112 cup fine bread crumbs, buttered Prepare the broccoli and baby lima beans as directed on package, drain. Toss together with a fork and place into a 9 x 13 pan. Mix the two soups and pour over the vegetables. Top with the buttered crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until bubbly. Some women tike to travel While others like a hook, hut the woman who will get her man Is the girl who likes to cook! WITH LOVE! HERMINE IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lane Reston, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT Ivanka from Hotedršica Part II When I was eleven years old, World War I began. Even at this youthful age I recall the conflict, especially with the Italian soldiers, because we were close to the Italian border, and a fortress had been erected in back of the gostilna. Toward the conclusion of the war, the area was occupied by the Italian Army and soldiers often came to the gostilna for food and drink. They were not the most agreeable customers, and on one occasion some sold-iers put up a fence in front of the gostlina claiming that it now belonged to Italy. During the night, my father, brothers, and some friends tore down the fence and put it up behind the gostilna facing the fortress, with a sign reading: ALOIS BRUS GOSTILNA, PROPER TY OF HOTEDRŠICA, SLOVENIA. The next day, one of the Italian officers responsible for erecting the fence noticed it was now located in the rear of the building, and that the sign was changed. He appeared at our gostilna and, after harsh words, struck my father on the head with his gun, causing a cut and much bleeding. 1 shall never forget that incident because it brought the reality of war and the victimizing of innocent people right to our doorstep. To this day, the Italian fortress still stands a few hundred yards behind the gostilna as a reminder of that terrible war. After I completed school, at the age of sixteen, my parents sent me to cooking school in Ljubljana lor two years. We were required at that time to copy recipes in a notebook as they were taught to us by our instructors. Over sixty years have elapsed since I sat in my chair at cooking school carefully writing my own cookbook. Now there are times when 1 take out the book and look through the recipes recalling with fond memories the eager anticipation and enthusiasm ol my youthlul adventures. When 1 returned to Hotedršica following my cooking course, 1 married Frank Nagode, a carpenter by A typical Sunday gathering at the Brus Gostilna. Frank and Ivanka Nagoda, the year Ivanka arrived in America, 1925. trade. Soon after our marriage, Frank decidcd to go to the United States of America; namely, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. How ionesome it was in Slovenia without him, and I looked forward to his letters each day. Two years elapsed before Frank was granted his citizenship papers and could send for me. In 1925, I arrived in America, a few years preceding the Great Depression. It took me only two weeks to get my first job in America. I began working in a shoe factory for 141 an hour; it didn’t even amount to one dollar a day. Our rent was $15.00 a month for an upstairs apartment, and between Frank’s and my salary we were able to manage our expenses. Soon after my arrival in Sheboygan, I enrolled in school and attended four nights a week to learn the English language. After one year, I became a citizen. Times were hard and Frank did not have a secure job as a carpenter. We watched our money very carefully, and most days ate soup because it was cheap. A nice soup bone could be purchased for 15 If you feel you have an allergy see a doctor and eliminate the allergens whenever possible. a A'eika Gaber, R.N. J MORK FROM BR. 35: Among our fifty members present at the Christmas party were 8 new members whom we welcome most heartily: Bernice Ceglar, Ann Gradishar, Barbara Kolar, Marcy Koski, Theresa McGauley, Julia Rosandich, Helen Simonich and Barbara Urick. On the meeting agenda was a suggestion to carry out our Slovenian Heritage by reciting a poem, singing a song or saying a prayer in Slovenian at each meeting. Everyone agreed this was a good idea and we’ll follow thru. The Center where we held our Christmas party was decorated for the occasion. The Slovenian tradition of serving wine and delicious flancate made by Miss Ann Hodnik was carried out. Slovenian carols were sung before dinner which was excellently prepared and served by Anna L. Hodnik, Julia Turk, Jennie Putzel, Veda Marinšek and Anne Orazem. A gift exchange was held and two of our junior members attending, Michelle and Nicole Klandar, helped to hand out the gifts and to clear the tables after dinner. Their mother, Kristine Klandar, grandmother, Frances Smolich and great grandmothers Frances Bradach and Mrs. Eli Smolich were all in attendance, too. Our prayers for a speedy recovery to our faithful member, Mrs. Eli Smolich. See you in February. Happy New Year to all. ANNE. M. ORAZEM NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MIN. Our Christmas party on December 5th will long be remembered as one of the most enjoyable. The food was super — from Slovenian Ocverkova Potica to the American Ambrosia Dessert. And as a special surprise, Recording Artist Violet Ruparcich, currently of Pittsburgh, and a member of SWU Branch 38, was present and took part in our “Christmas Sing”. Vi is home from Pittsburgh to tend to her ailing mother, member Jennie Ruparcich, and thus was able to attend our meeting. Our Branch members feel exceptionally proud to have an outstanding and well-known American-Slovenian contralto as one of our members! Violet is a teacher in the public school in Pittsburgh. She is also Artistic Director of the Pittsburgh Tamburitzans, and is associated with Greyco Recording Company. She is the featured vocalist in several Slovenian Albums. She has been a member of the Pittsburgh Opera Company for 21 years. Vi is in Chisholm on a sabbatical leave and we pray that her mother will soon recover so that Violet can resume her many responsibilities out East. “Happiness also was” — four new members who were initiated into our branch. They are: Marcia Jordan, Candi Roberts, Millie Rolle, and Frances Perusich. And three more are expected to join in February! Welcome into the S.W.U.! New members always bring in new, rejuvenaiing ideas, which make an organization flourish. We are happy to have you as members of Branch 38. As some members expressed a desire to have the Slovenian National Costume to wear during the National Convention in our town in 1982, Ann Bradach made inquiries, and ordered a pattern and materials from the Zarja editor. The women will sew up their own costumes and will begin immediately. Vi Ruparcich gave a thorough explanation as to the meaning of various parts of the costumes, and encouraged the members to stay true to the authentic dress, not taking any so-called “short-cuts” etc., even if it does cost somewhat more to make. Officers for the new year were installed and will take office in February. They will also host a Valentine card party on Feb. 6 which will be open to the public. We wish lo thank Ed Russ and Albine Samsa for their button box renditions at our party, and thank you, Ann Bradach, for again taking charge of the program. And, Jo, you are some Santa Claus! This is my last news letter as reporter for Branch 38. Now 1 can just sit back and enjoy the meetings! Happv Valentine’s Day! ANN NUSICH, Reporter NO. 40, LORAIN, OHIO I hope your holidays were happy -and Happy Valentine’s Day to you! Now things will be returning to normal. Our Christmas party was a huge success with 30 members attending. The hall looked so festive...and the food! Everything imaginable! Thank you, ladies, and each and every one of you looked so nice. To all who donated prizes, helped serve, brought goodies and covered dishes, anything at all to make the dinner a success, a sincere thank you. Our sincere sympathy to Genevieve Wenzel on the death of her husband; sorry I missed this news at an earlier date. To Angela Kozjan who became a great grandmother for the 9th and 10th times, our best wishes. The parents are Cliff and Nancy German, a baby boy, and it made Angeline Voytko a grandma one more time. Out in Nebraska, Robert and Cynthia Forest had a baby girl. Grandparents Edward and Helen Kozjan. Congratulations one and all! It seems I reported a birth that didn’t occur - until later - so to all concerned, my apology. This is the way it should have read: David and Janet Karpinski had a baby girl, Dr. Donald and Marlene Karpinski also a baby girl, making Donald and Dorothy Karpinski grandparents and Ann DeLillo a great aunt. But, the really happy note is these babies are the first girls born in this family in 55 years. Happiness to all. We had election of officers: President, Albina Uehlein, Secretary, Angela Kozjan, Treasurer, Mary Ploszaj, Recording Secretary, Mary Matos, Auditors, Agnes Buchar and Angeline Voytko, Reporter Mary Ploszaj and Spiritual Advisor is Father Paul Krajnik. Meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Please come! 1979 was a year of great losses from our group. The deceased are: Agnes Jancar, Jennie Cerne, Mary Kobal, Mary Vranic, Rose Cerne and Johanna Žnidaršič. May their souls rest in peace. As I start the new year, these little verses come to mind. May I always remember to, Find lime. Keep a promise. Forgo a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Listen. Think first of someone else. Laugh a little. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love. Speak it once again. Goodbye for now. MARY PLOSZAJ NO. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO On December 4th our group of ladies gathered for our yearly meeting and we had a wonderful Christmas party which was made more festive by donations of goodies and a drawing for gifts which were also donated by our generous ladies. While this may appear as the usual trend for December meetings — it was quite a celebration for No. 41 because we are again becoming active and getting reacquainted with one another and are looking forward and planning future affairs. We hope to combine our 50th Anniversary of our No. 41 and our Mother of the Year celebration in 1980. A project will be held to replenish our treasury. Among the prizes will be a beautiful afghan donated and made by our president, Amalia Oswald, a crocheted shawl made by Perina Dus, a basket of cheer, and other gifts. Books of tickets will be mailed to the members. Please sell as many as you can. The lucky names will be revealed at the Mother of the Year and Anniversary affair on a Sunday in May of 1980. Our newest member, Josephine Hirter attended our meeting, and talented crafts-person that she is — passed out handmade gifts to all the members. If only we could get more new members like her!! Thank you! Our former officers were reelecled unanimously. Busy as she is with her wonderful work al Ihe Slovenian Home for Aged — we were so very grateful that Valeria Fortuna consented to continue as our Secretary-Treasurer. She surely has helped to hold our club together with her efficient supervision of all details connected with its problems. Small as our club is — it was thru her efforts that our club always had representation at funerals of our deceased sisters. Members had asked us to publicly thank her thru our Zarja for her work. A big thank you, Val!! And Cecilia Wolf — who is so full of good ideas for projects and answers to questions that arise — aren’t we fortunate to have her as recording secretary!! Amalia Oswald is President, Justina Girod is Vice president and our spiritual advisor is Fr. Victor Tome. Auditors are Josephine Hirter and Justine Girod. Our next and very important meeting will be the third Tuesday. Please attend. If you need a ride please call Mrs. Wolf or Mrs. Oswald and arrangements will be made. Reporters: JUSTINE GIROD (Mrs. Sutton C.) 15557 Glynn Kd. E. Cleveland, Ohio 44112 and CECELIA WOI.F 1799 Skyline Drive Richmond Heights, Ohio 44143 NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS., O. Hello, ladies! It’s February already and we want to wish our birthday ladies all a very Happy Birthday: Nicoletta Lerchbacher, Lillian Sadowski, Carole Ann Kastelic, Lisa Kastelic, Joanne Kosak and our Josephine Stavec who is 93 years young. We went to visit her and she looks just great. We had a nice time at our Christmas party at Sterle’s; we also enjoyed our bus ride, especially around the heart of town, seeing all the Christmas lights. The lucky person for the afghan donated by Mrs. Simončič was Sam Odell. We had several of our men at the party, too. Our deepest * sympathy to A1 Glavic’s family on the loss of his wife, Frances, our long-time member and a wonderful person who always helped us in our affairs. We’ll miss her. May the perpetual light shine upon her and may she rest in peace. A new grandmother again, third time, is Marge Lipnos, a 9 lb. 4 oz. boy named Nicholas Lipnos. It makes Mary Prhne and Yours Truly great aunts. Meeting is Tues. Feb. 12th. Please attend ladies as we’ll start making plans for our 50th anniversary. MARY LOU PRHNE NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, W1S. Now that the holidays are bygone, we must concentrate on the future. Let’s make 1980 a super year by obtaining new members, attending meetings and cooperating with the officers. We welcome the new 1980 officers, The Spiritual Advisor is Fr. Jerome Sellak, OFM, President, Doris Frahm, Vice-President, Shirley Schulta, Secretary and Treasurer, Rose Kraemer, Recording Secretary, Rose Zuponcic, Auditors, Fran Widemsek and Mary Martino, Sgt. at Arms, Celia Groth. To the outgoing officers, Vickie Sporis, Sophie Schachtschneider and Josephihe Verbick, a special thank you for your many years of service and cooperation during your terms of office. Our branch has several events on the agenda, first of all, our “Luncheon is Served” which will be held °n Saturday afternoon, 1 pm. on March 8, 1980 at St. John the Evangelist Hall. Tickets are available Mrs. Josephine Stavec from members and a special invite to Branches 12 and 17 and others. Secondly, our Mother of the Year dinner to be held in May. Our Mother of the Year honored will be Stella Pousha. More details in the next issue of ZARJA. Thirdly, our branch will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in conjunction with the Wisconsin State Convention on Sunday, Sept. 28th, at St. John the Evangelist Church and Hall, 85th and Cold Spring Rd. Members, sister branches and friends, please circle these dates for the forthcoming events. Congratulations to Jan Luzar who was recently engaged to Thomas Gehm and to Mr. & Mrs. Joe and Jean Luzar, her parents. During the month of December, many of our members were on vacations in different places. Connie Lewandowski toured Aruba. Agnes and Frank Sagadin spent several days in Dallas, Texas. The Albert Tratniks were in Las Vegas. Mary Komes is spending two months in Florida. Connie Gilboy and her four daughters spent two weeks in Florida and Mary Martino visited her daughter and granddaughter in California. John and Ann Reber-nisek were in Penna visiting Ann’s sister and brother-in-law and friends. We are all happy to see Ann recover from her accident. John and Ann said their trip to Jerusalem was fantastic. With them on the trip was John’s sister, Mary Bistan. She was home a couple of weeks and took seriously ill and was at the West Bend Hospital. To these members and all other members, a speedy recovery. Jenny Pugel spent the holidays with her son and his family in Michigan. Sophie Schacht-schneider’s daughter is visiting for two weeks. Mary Frangesh is also here from Florida visiting friends and relatives. Betty Gallun Schmidt and husband are visiting mom and dad Gallun. The Schmidts are living in Florida. To Mitz and John Mohorko on the loss of John’s sister, Tillie and to Erv and Rose Vodnik on the loss of Erv’s aunt, our sincerest sympathy. May her soul rest in peace. To our January celebrants of birthdays, anniversaries and whatever, best wishes and congratulations. Our meeting will be held at John’s Hall, 35th and Lincoln Ave. at 7 pm on the second Thursday of each month except July and August. Feb. 8th meeting is our next session. Wishing you all a Happy Valentine’s Day. Midwest Bowling Tournament is March 1st and 2nd in Joliet, Illinois. Get the teams line up! ROSEKRAEMER NO. 50, CLEVELAND, O. We had no meeting in December but we did have a really nice festive Christmas Party and dinner on December 9th at the Slovenian Home Holmes Ave. with 150 members and 10 guests. Our member Julie Zalar with her helpers put up a super dinner. With music (Julie Grabelshek and her accordian), singing, games and prizes, it was a fun afternoon. Also five members were honored with gifts and corsages for their good works and generosity to our Branch. At the Christmas Party Mary Marinko, 81 years young, was the oldest member present. Donna Bishop, daughter of Frances Sietz, was the youngest-member. Josephine Melle, 8 children, the most children. And the most grandchildren Mary Marinko who has 21. Molly Mauer is the new Mother for 1980. I’m sure you will enjoy this, Molly, as you are a real homemaker, mother and grandmother. Our annual yearly donations were all sent out; also we sent all of our members over age 75 a Christmas Card stating that our Branch will pay one half of their dues for the year. This way they won’t object the new rate, since they are members for so many years. God bless them. The Junior League also gives a nice donation to the Slovene Home for the Aged every year. They are our future leaders. A new cheer leader group will be started in the future. Also at the Christmas Party Carole Traven had written new words for the tune of “Mother” song. Very good. Sick; Get well wishes to to Toni Turek; we hear she is quite ill, God be good to her as she has done so much for our Slovenian Women’s Union. Our sincere sympathies go to Stanley Gercar, children and sisters in the loss of their dear mother, Jean, she left us all too soon at age 62. Also to the whole Grdina family in the loss of sister Mary Grdina and to Sophie Verderber and Stephanie Ralough of Florida who are sisters of Mary Farcnik who also passed away. Mary was such a good lady - may she be rewarded for all her good deeds. We want to thank all the Cadets for coming in such good number fo the Rosary and the funeral for all three of our dear members that we lost in three weeks time. Our sympathy also to Mollie Mauer on the loss of her brother Anthony. May they all rest in peace and let the Perpetual Light shine upon them. We’re in the New Year now; please ladies get your dues up to date to make it easier for Irene. Come to February meeting and see who our Valentine Queen will be. Your Reporter, VERAMATEYKA NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Our meeting for the Christmas party was well-attended. We chartered a bus to Pine Beach where we held our last meeting of the year. Elections of officers were as follows: President, Rose Trombly, Secretary and Treasurer, Jennie Crea, Vice-President, Margaret Andrican, Recording Secretary, Dorothy Russo, Reporter Gertrude Kochevar, Auditors, Margaret Kochevar, Ann Roberts, Genevieve Zidarich. Our Woman of the Year is Margaret Kochevar. Altho never a mother, she helped raise the family and took care of the home for many years. She is still taking care of her brother who is with her now. She is the most worthy person for the nomination and honor bestowed upon her. She hasn’t been able to participate in any sports because for years she had to be the bread-winner for the family of 8 and help her mother thru many family crises. It was a great burden on her shoulders. But, through it all, she has been able to smile and be friendly to all. Whenever she was called upon to bake or help in time of need, she was always willing. We could go on and on telling of the things she has done but the paper would run out. She crochets, reads and does good for our lodge. She has been auditor for many years. We know there are a lot of mothers who are all worthy to be chosen, and only one can be. God bless all our mothers for they are all our Mothers of the Year! Congratulations, Margaret Kochevar. I know that God’s blessings are upon you and may your reign be a jolly one. We also have to take time out to express our get well wishes to all our sick members. Our prayers are for your speedy recovery. We would also like to invite everyone to get a few new members. The coming of the year is going to be sad as there will be a few leaving us because of the raise in dues. But, with the costs of things going up, we must expect it. We then dispensed with our business. Prayer was led by our president, sister Rose Tromley and continued socializing for the rest of the evening. A cocktail hour was held and then the dinner served. The food was delicious. Santa arrived for the distribution of the gifts and a wonderful time was had by all. We then boarded the bus and sang all the way home. It surely was a nice gathering. So, may God bless all those responsible for our enjoyable Christmas party. We are very sorry to report the death of our dearly beloved sister, Josephine Oswald who was president for 30 years. She was laid to rest Dec. 19th, 1979. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. She was active in the Union for years. Our deepest sympathy to the family. May this in some way sustain your hurt to know that others feel it, too. Rosaries were said by all members and the graveside prayer was read. There also were honorary pallbearers, sisters, Margaret Andrican, Jennie Crea, Rose Trombly, Dorothy Russo, Genevieve Zidarich. We said the rosary at our meeting, too, for all our deceased members. After the meeting in January, cards were played with the following receiving prizes: sisters, Margaret Kochevar, Genevieve Zidarich, Jennie Crea, Theresa Montcalm, Ann Mansfield, Ann Roberts, Julia Mancuso and Celia Politano who also won the door prize. Hostessing the affair were our newly-elected officers, president Rose Trombly, Dorothy Russo and Margaret Andrican, thus, bringing a very delightful evening to a close. God bless you all and keep you in the best of health. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR NO. 54, WARREN, OHIO 1 write this article with much sadness as our beloved former secretary and vice-president and my cousin, Mary Waltko passed away yesterday. She suffered greatly the past months and now hopefully, she is at rest. We’ll all miss Mary. She loved to come to the meetings and was very active when she was in good helth. Her husband, Joe, died two years ago. She went slowly downhill after that. Josie Kassan, our president and Mary’s sister, was wonderful to her during her long illiness. She was always avaialbe and did all she could for Mary. Mary leaves several sisters and brothers, all in the Warren area. She will be buried from St. James this week where she tried to go to daily mass when she was able. Convalescing slowly at home is my mom and our president for many years, Rose Racher. She was hospitalized and had surgery. We’re all praying for her recovery. Still at St. Joseph’s Hospital is mother-in-law, Mary Ponikvar. She had extensive and serious surbery and is slowly on the mend. We’re all praying for her to come home soon and be as active as she was. Get well wishes to John Kohl, husband of Helen, who had surgbery and went to Florida to recuperate. Sounds great! Happy New Year to all. JOANNE PONIKVAR Sec.-Treas. NO. 55, GIRARI), OHIO A Healthy and Good 1980 to all of you Zveza members and families. Election of officers was held and the same officers were elected to do another good job for 1980. They are, President, Maria Cvetnik, Vice-President, Mary Selak, Secretary-Treasurer, Mary Macek, Recording Secretary, Tillie Cigolle, Auditors, Sophie Kren and Mary Selak. Reporters, Frances Hribar and Sophie Cekuta. Elected to be Mother of the Year is Anna Marie Racick. Our Christmas party was held at the Slovenian Home with 35 in attendance, including guests. The food was so delicious as everyone brought a different casserole. Thanks to Maria Cvetnic who prepared the luscious chicken. The tables were decorated beautifully with candles and pointsettias centering the table. For entertainment we had Kay Sefcik and Delores De Petro rendering many songs on their button box accordians. Many joined in the singing of Christmas Carols. Thank you, Delores and Kay, it surely gave us that Christmas spirit. Exchanging of gifts concluded the party with everyone having an enjoyable evening. On the ailing list is our secretary, Mary Macek who had undergone surgery but is now feeling fine. Another member hospitalized is Pat Ginocchi, daughter of Nancy Dombrosky She, too, is coming along as well as can be expected. Congratulations to Louis Glavan and Debbie Lazar who were married during the Christmas holiday. Louis •s the son of our member, Marge Glavan and grandson of our secretary, Mary Macek. Mary Kristin is spending the holidays with her daughter, Joan and husband, David Twaddle and family in Kaneohe, Hawaii. ‘Tis a ways off to announce about °ur annual Spring Card Party to be held April 24th at the Slovenian Home, but it seems those months do go by fast and before we know it, it will be here. More about this in the next article. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health. FRANCES HRIBAR NO. 56, HIBBING, MINN. The Slovenian Women’s Union ^r- 56 met at the Kahler Motel for our December meeting. It was a combined dinner and business meeting which was a very festive occasion as the decorations were beautiful, the food delicious and so many of our members present for the affair. Unanimously voted as Mother of the Year was Mary Drobnick who was given a warm round of applause. Election of officers was also held and the following ladies will serve us in the coming year: Rose Maras, president, Frances Tobey, vice-president, Ann Satovich, recording secretary and reporter, Mary Meadows, financial secretary, Cathran Marolt, treasurer, Josie Erickson, sgt. at arms and Margaret Shelko and Mary Babich, auditors. Several door prizes were awarded during the evening and an exchange of gifts also took place. 1 would like to wish everyone a blessed, joyous and prosperous New Year! God bless you all! Respectfully, MARY MICHELETT1 In Me mori am \ V BLAG SPOMIN 1 1 — Mary Fludernik 2 — Jennie Merlak 8 — Stefania Novosel 13 — Katherine Maslach 14 — Josephine Setina 20 — Theresa Ancel Margaret Muha 25 — Mary Vidmar 26 — Anna Slosar 27 — Margaret Marinčič 31 — Mary Indihar 40 — Johanna Žnidaršič 42 — Frances Glavic 50 — Mary Farcnik Jean Gercar Mary C. Grdina 54 — Mary Tomsich 56 — Marie Jaksha 71 — Mary Cadez 73 — Josephine Mauer Mary Pobuda 77 — Mary Tomec 88 — Mary Selan 90 — Anna Mihalinec May they rest in peace. NO. 57, NILES, OHIO Our final meeting of the year was our Christmas Party held at Cafe 422 and was very well artended with 33 members present. We are happy to welcome Veronica Dolsak and Carol Nalley, two new members to our group. This was the first time that all of our out of town members were present at the same time. They are Fran Mollis from Cheyenne Wyoming, Nettie Hoffman from St. Albans, West Virginia and Fran Rachcr from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. It was good to see them. Our talented members, Virginia Zevkovich and her daughter Pat, Fran Stanek, Fran Racher and Fran Mollis made their various works of art as they made the door prizes, place markers, and their exchange gifts in macrame, crochet, needlepoint and sewing with felt. Everything looked so nice. Virginia Filipan was chosen as our mother of the year and the honor couldn’t have been given to a nicer person. The balance of the evening was spent in exchanging gifts, then just Visiting, and reminiscing and well wishing. Just a thought for the New Year: Drop a pebble in the water. And it’s ripples reach out far; And the sunbeams dancing on them May reflect them to a star. Give a smile to someone in passing. Thereby making his morning glad; It may greet you in the evening When your own heart may be sad. I)o a deed of simple kindness; Though its end you may not see. It may reach, like widening ripples, Down a long eternity. ANN PEASE NO. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Another year has come to an end. Another year has started. Much joy and cheer and the best of luck throughout the year. Hope everyone’s holiday was special. Our members enjoyed a delicious catered Christmas dinner on Dec. 2nd. Games of “B” were played with a lot of nice prizes some of those being made by the members. There was a grab bag gift exchange for the young juniors. Virginia Bendick made bags of treats for them and Ann Lounder gave each one a ceramic painted tree ornament that she made. Cards were signed and sent to those living away: Marge Bongiorni, Hanna Lawrence, Olga Buritz and Caroline Papesh. Mary Serrini spent the holidays with relatives in Orangeville, Fla. and Fannie Sage in Canton, Ohio with her daughter and family. A Home Mass during Advent was held at the home of Mary Dvoršak with Ann Lounder and Fran Montequin attending besides Mary’s relatives and neighbors. Our Pres., Frances and her hubby, Frank Korošec had a pink bundle of joy for their Christmas. Their new granddaughter, Lissa Marie, 8 lbs. 13 oz. was born to Becky and Joe Korošec on Dec. 11th, 1979. Congratulations! January is usually the month of snowy weather. How many enjoyed sled riding, ice skating, skiing or just keeping warm near the fireplace? Another special day will be here, Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you. May your day be filled with love, flowers and candy. For now, keep warm and bundled. ROSEMARY ORENCHUK Roving Reporter NO. 67, BESSEMER, PA. Meeting was called to order by the president, Mary Snezic saying the Lord’s Prayer and a moment of silence for all our deceased members. We are still the same officers except we have a new treasurer. The staff is as follows Mary Snezic, President; Mildred Hulina, Vice-President; Ann Markovich, Treasurer; Mary Percic, Secretary and Reporter. Ann is the daughter of Mary Snezic and we are glad she accepted the job and wishes for lots of luck. Our new rules are that you will have to pay your dues at the meeting or send it in to us with a self-addressed envelope. The addresses are, Ann Markovich, Box. 365, 19 Woodline Dr., Bessemer, Pa. 16112 or Mary Percic, Box. 546, Bessemer, Pa. 16112. We will not take money at our homes or any other places except at the meetings or by mail. Keep that in mind. Please pay your dues on time as we cannot advance the dues money for you. If you are in arrears, you will be suspended and when you pay up to date, we will reinstate you. We are sorry that we have to do this but a few of our members do forget and get behind in payments. Meeting will be the first Sunday of the Month - next date is March 2, 1980. Angela Pusnik and Ann Luksetich are recovering from being in a car accident before Christmas. Best wishes to them for a speedy recovery and may God bless them with good health. Bless everyone in the New Year - may it be better for all of us. MARY PERCIC Sec’y and Reporter FOOD FOR THOUGHT and LOOKING TO THE FUTURE OF S.W.U. The biggest threat to the fraternal benefit system, according to the FRATERNAL MONITOR, is not taxation . . . regulation . . . fraternal politics . . . militant minorities . . . disruption of family life, nor other agencies filling members’ needs. While all the above pose very real threats to the effective operation of the system and to the operation of societies within the system, the Fraternal Monitor, publication of the National Fraternal Congress, said: “THE BIGGEST THREAT, IN OUR OPINION, is AGE.” Not the age of the fraternal benefit system or the age of individual societies, but the advancing age of frateinalists, the magazine editorial stated, adding “There is nothing wrong with getting older or even with becoming old. What is wrong is letting the average age of lodge members and home office staffs get steadily higher. '’ The most societies and the most progressive are those whose lodge officers and national officers have a younger median age. The editorial says the Nat’l. Fraternal Congress is not advocating mandatory retirement and is in favor of the recent action by Congress and the President who recently decreed that the mandatory retirement age of 65, established by the German Social Security System some 100 years ago, should no longer be observed in the U.S. The ravages of age strike some people at 45 while others at 80 remain productive and young in mind, heart and outlook. While not advocating mandatory retirement, the Nat’l Fraternal Congress slates that societies have an obligation to make a vigorous and continuing effort to keep the average age of members and leaders froirr*advancing by enrolling new young members and adding younger people to subordinate office staffs. This responsibility for enrolling younger people rests with the lodges and offices of the various societies. Some recent problems have been the lack of programs to attract young people; no modern day objectives ant' purpose; absence of activities and meaningful benefits, membership dividends and campaigns to enroll new members and no other significant increase in benefits in force. The editor recommends, "... bring in young people and let them participate in programs that are meaningful to them. Without a steady stream of young people coming into your membership, there can be no tomorrow for your society.” Our S.W.U. has avoided some of the illnesses outlined by the Nat’l Fraternal Congress, with some of the forward-looking programs and ideas for young people today, especially advocated by our Youth activities advocate, Mrs. Frances Seitz and being published in our ZARJA— DAWN magazine. A constant list of activities in the S.W.U. ranging from the scholarship fund to athletic and cultural functions and events should be taken more seriously and efforts made to bring in young people with motivations in these different fields. We need plans for a more intensive membership drive lo halt the decl'ne in membership and turn it around into an upswing! It can be done. It will be done. It must be done if we want our beloved S.W.U. to continue. We look forward to our branches and members for their continued effort and support in this undertaking. With the unanimous and combined determination of all of us, this upswing can be a reality. Submitted by: ANNE M. KOMPARE Nat'I Vice President NOTE CARDS FEATURING SLOVENIAN MOTIFS ON SALE NOW! Original designs by Emilija Razman-Bucik have been printed on note cards showing various Slovenian national costumes and scenes. Get yours now. Four cards with matching envelopes are only $1.00. Please add .25 for postage per order. Send for them to the SWU Home Office: 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, II. 60432 EXPANSION FOR CLEVELAND’S A party Slovenian home to remember! for the aged recommended Branch No. 50 Christmas Party started out with a lot of excitement and ended with a bang! Parents and grandparents came to see exactly what their youngsters were going to enjoy. Fun was the important word for the juniors. This they had - with “action” for two solid hours. Juniors participated in playacting, tree trimming, marching, games, singing, dancing, running, stamping and breaking balloons. Soon, an Elf appeared, all dressed up in a red suit trimmed with iingle bells. He announced that Santa Claus was on his way and there he was, Jolly old Santa himself, all dressed up in his red and white outfit carrying a large bag of toys for all the girls and boys. Santa’s partner, the Elf, passed out sugar candy canes, popcorn balls and gifts. Then, a large birthday cake with candle was carried into the room! Now was the time to sing “Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus”. Hearing the children sing this song to Jesus brought the only serious moments of the party. Refreshments followed and then it was time to get ready to go home. It was a jolly Christmas Party. A big “Thank you” to all the officers of Br. 50 who hosted this affair and to all the members who donated the goodies to make it a marvelous party. A special “Thanks” to Dorothyann Winter, Sylvia Vegney and Betty Novak Young. FRANCES SIETZ Recently the Public Health Council of the Ohio Department of Health had approved a Certificate of Need (CON) to The Slovenian Home for the Aged for a 63 bed addition. The need for the additional beds is becoming more and more apparent. Enquirers for admission to the home are usually responded by the fact that there are no beds available. The high percentage of occupancy supports this contention. The only answer at present is to add on an additional 63 beds which will give the home the capacity of 150 beds. Acting not only as a consultant but as a Slovenian, I have a complete faith and trust that our people will respond in the same manner they did for the original addition which increased the facility from 24 to 87 beds. As a nursing home administrator, I recognize that this cost will have to be shared by those to whom the services are rendered. If we do not have the beds at the Slovenian Home because we fear that the cost will be excessive it must be remembered that the costs at other nursing homes will be possibly equal or in excess to what it would cost for the care at the Slovenian Home. There is one important factor which we must consider — our Slovenian parents, friends and relatives are best served in the Slovenian environment that has made the Slovenian Home one of the outstanding nursing homes in the state. State surveyors constantly comment on its cleanliness, the dedication of the employees, the food service and the dedicated services of the many volunteers that have made the home a success. This is no time to back down. We should all support the Board of Trustees and encourage them to undertake this expansion so that possibly those of us who are now reading this article may become the beneficiaries of the services. More of us will live longer, more of us will need these services! Traditionally our Slovenian heritage, our culture and our love for those who have attained their senior years must now be manifested by proceeding with this expansion program. This is the time that our fraternal organizations should come forth and assist us in providing funds both in the way of gifts and as loans so that the interest cost could be minimized. It is estimated that the project will take approximately 12 months to complete. 1 earnestly ask each and everyone of you to indicate your support to this project to the Board of Trustees. As past president and as a honorary member of the Board, I place my expertise on the line and say “Yes”, we need the 63 beds and urge the Board of Trustees to proceed with all dispaych to complete this project. Frederick E. Križman Since many of our members and their families have been and are residents of the Slovenian Home for the Aged in Cleveland, Mr. Križman ’s appeal seems appropriate and timely — especially directed to those of us who have the means to support this worthy work. Our compliments to all the hard-working volunteers and staff of the Slovene Home and wishes that your work may continue successfully. About the Writer: Frederick A. Križman is the Administrator of St. Augustine Manor in Cleveland, Ohio and was president of the Board of Trustees for the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE ACED for 6 years. Under his direction, the Home was first expanded and licenced for skilled and nursing care and ultimately as a nursing home. Now, ten years later he completed the process for obtaining the Certificate of Need for another expansion. He is a lecturer at 5 Universities, a consultant at present to 8 nursing homes and has trained the lergest number of Ad-ministrators-in-training for nursing homes in the country. He was recently honored by his colleagues at a testimonial held in observance of the 10th anniversary of St. Augustine Manor. Missing Something In Your Life? Subscribe to the American Home newspaper and become better informed on the latest news about the people and events in the Slovenian American communities in the greater Cleveland, northeastern Ohio, throughout the U.S. and Canada. You’ll be proud to be a Slovenian. English Friday section, $10.00 per year. Send check or Money Order to: Weekly American Home, 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103. CONVENTION FRIENDSHIPS Mayor of Duluth, Minnesota, Hon. Robert Beaudin was an honored guest at the 18th National Triennial Convention Banquet held at the Radisson Hotel in May. With the Mayor on this photo are Mary Slaney, Secretary of Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. and National Vice-President, Anne M. Kompare of So. Chicago, III. NO. 73, WARRENSVILLE IITS., OHIO We celebrated our annual Christmas Party and Pot Luck Dinner the evening of our regular monthly meeting night, December 3rd. We were so happy to see so many of our members as well as a few guests who attended. As they say, “the more the merrier”. Emil Mandich, husband of member Leona Mandich, played “Santa Claus” again this year, and besides his jolly words and actions he also presented everyone at the party with a lovely hand-made gift. All these hand-made articles were made and donated by our Vice President Ann Fike, and we would all sincerely like to thank her for same. Ann does beautiful work and always comes up with something different than the ordinary type artists. We would also like to thank Josephine Turk for allowing us to have the Christmas Party in her home, and for the lovely decorations she and Louise Epley took time to put up. As usual, there was not only a variety of delicious food, but plenty of it. All the members and their families send our very best in health and happiness to all the branches and their members and families for the coming New Year and always. We are so sorry to have to report at this time that our lovely Mary M. Pobuda passed away November 24th. Mary had been ailing for some time and was very depressed, but her death was a shock to all the members. Mary was a widow for many years raising her two daughters by herself. She was a member of our branch for thirty-seven years, and very much admired by everyone who knew her. Honor Guards at her funeral consisted of the following: Louise Majercik, Mary Schneider, Louise Epley, Josephine Turk, Agnes Walters, Ann Yane, and Julia Nehill. Father Bob officiated at the services, and gave recognition to the members of the branch. Our sincere sympathy goes to her daughters, son-in-law, grandchildren as well as her sister and brothers. May she rest in peace! The same officers for the year 1980 were reelected at the meeting following the Christmas Party, who are: Kay Yuratovac, President; Ann Fike, Vice President; Louise Epley, Secretary; Agnes Walters, Treasurer; Gloria Dusek, Recording .Secretary; and Mildred Roberts, Reporting Secretary. Kay and husband Peter Yuratovac vacationed in California recently, and Ann and Frank Yoger also vacationed in California. Rose Zbasnik is now recuperating at the Beach Manor Nursing Home. I knew she would appreciate some get well cards from the sister members. Our prayers are with you, Rose. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary NO. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. December meeting and Christmas Party was held at Sy’s Place in Oglesby. We had 42 present including guests from Tonica, LaSalle, Peru and Oglesby. Fr. Denis Mackessy said the opening prayer. We were then served dinner family style. The ladies on the committee baked Christmas Cookies for all of us. They also crocheted Christmas Wreaths for us to pin on. Thank you, ladies. Fr.Tom Badovsky said the closing prayer. Later, President, Lena Dawson introduced each guest. We were happy to read in the ZARJA that all the branches attending the 111. State Convention in Oglesby enjoyed themselves. We also want to thank Fathers David Stalzer and Bernard Horzen for coming. Our pastor and assistant also were with us and we thank them for permitting us the use of the school hall for the convention and dinner. Church services were held in Holy Family Church upstairs. Lena, a big belated Happy Birthday in December from all of us. Santa was to be here. He was called back to work. We had a $1.50 gift exchange. Door prizes given to just about everyone. When we have a party we always have a good party! Lena Dawson announced the names of our newly elected officers to be installed at the next meeting March 10th, 1980. They are: President, Mary Ann Samuelson; Vice-President, Georgia Dooley; Financial Sec. Mary Kernz; Treasurer, Emma Folty; Recording Sec. Frances Meglich;, Sunshine Chrmn, Darlene Wasielewski;, Chaplain, Frances Gorišek; Scrapbook Chrmn, Josephine Argubright and ZARJA Reporter and Publicity for local paper, Mary Ann Samuelson. Auditors will be Ann Batty, Sophie Frank and Helen Komater. Stephan Cenkar, Mary Ann Samuelson’s brother, showed movies of his trip to Yugoslavia in the summer of 1979. Taking special interest in the movies was Father Tom Badovsky. It was 4 years this January 9th that he came here from Lendak, Czechoslovakia to Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Spring Valley, 10 miles west of Oglesby. He left his home in 1967, traveling to Vienna, Austria and studied in Rome for 7 years for the priesthood. Fr. Tom has visited Yugoslavia and has many friends there. Many of our members have relatives in Slovenia so they enjoyed the film very much, too. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Sophie Frank and family as her son-in-law, Kenneth Peacock died the day of our Christmas party. Ann Ankowiak just returned from the hospital and was able to be with us then. Our member, Mrs. Cecelia Hobneck had her birthday on Dec. 13th - 92 years young! Wishes she could be with us but she is confined to her wheel chair now. Cecelia would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year and good health for you, your families and friends. You will hear from me in April issue. Bless you all. Let’s hope we have a mind winter. MARY ANN SAMUELSON Hanson, pianist. When it was all over, the members were overwhelmed, that they were able to have an active contact with everyone, and congratulated the committee on the choice of programs we were able to pull off. With a great deal of humor. Might 1 add a, heapin thanks to the committee and to all of you for a delight ful evening. Happy to hear that Helen Price is on the mend. Condolences to Ann Polancic on the loss of her beloved husband and to Eva Starcevich our deepest sympathy on the loss of her beloved husband. Birthday Greetings to the following February celebrants: Mary Brozunski, Ann Halcar, Benedicto Marino, Sylvia Mitchell, Anna Velcich, Julie Hansen, Rosemary Cacich, Carrie Plebanski, Helen Zee, Louis Dolan, and Sylvia Vukodinovich. See you at our February Meeting! MILDRED JAMES NO. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. NO. 95, S. CHICAGO, ILL. Our Christmas Party which was held at Vogel’s Restaurant was the happy climax to months of planning and preparation by Sylvia Vukodinovich Chairlady, and her committee, Helen Alb, Evelyn Driscoll, Mary Brozynski, Helen Golich, Dolores Hennely, Mary (Bob) Perkovich, Mildred Poropat, Ann Kompare, and Yours Truly. Sylvia shed the light of love and friendship around our members with fun and games, a working reality as we joined together in celebrating, so no one was left out. It was a beginning of thoughtfulness, kindness, and personal attention, some maneuvering was required, too, but the results were well worth it, especially when she recited the Christmas Story as we exchanged the grab bag gifts, which was the bright spot of the evening. Also, with us who enjoyed the festivities were, Rev. Mark Kozina and brother Mati from Sacred Heart Croatian Parish, happily, we will see much of Father Mark and brother Matt at our affairs. We all sat back and relaxed as yours truly, Mrs. Holly, with Christmas basket in hand passed out the candy to all of our members, and Christmas songs were sung in many languages, accompanied by, Kathy Dear members: I’m writing in ZARJA for our meetings. Every time we have them, lots of our ladies attend. It is really nice because they come and bring many things to eat and enjoy. Everyone is happy. Our next meetings are in March - on the 9th at the usual time of 2 o’clock; also June 8th, Sept. 14th and Nov. 30th. We always have lots of people attending our meetings and it’s nice to see you all. So, members, write on the calendar when our meetings are taking place or keep the ZARJA so you will know when they are. See you March 9th. So long everyone! PAULA KOKAL 2811 Reiter Rd. Pittsburgh, Pa. NO. 100, FONTANA, CAL. As is our custom, in place of our Dec. meeting, we have a pot luck Christmas gathering which includes our members, families and friends. Father Strancar, our spiritual advisor, offered the blessing at the dinner in conjunction with Father Snoj who was our guest and we hope that he will be our guest for many years to come. It is such fun to watch the folks go by the tables laden with eye-appealing, mouth-watering foods, undecided as to what to choose because everything looks too scrumptious to pass up and the plate can only carry a certain amount. Diets are forgotten at a time like this. The plates are filled to capacity and the heck with the calories! Just eat and enjoy yourself to the fullest measure! Mary Videgar and Jean Kurilich prepared the roast chicken and risotta of which there was plenty and plenty delicious. Josie Susel was sorely missed at this event. The absence of her happy-go-lucky laugh and songs were noted and commented upon by several members. She was a grand lady. Steve and Betty Mohorko had a vacation that was just terrific. They flew to England and there rented a car which they used to tour a great part of Europe. They visited ten countries and were gone two months. Some people have all the luck - I don’t get a chance to visit Cucamonga which is the next town over from me! Oh, well! Such is life! We gotta take the good with the bad! Do you know that we have a feather in our caps? It’s all due to Mary Jasina, the past president of our branch who was chosen as the President of the S.W.U. branches of the entire west coast! Mary will do a fine job, that’s for sure, as she has done in all the offices held by her. Sincere condolences are offered to Mary Burnach on the loss of her husband, Marko. God grant him eternal rest and may the perpetual light shine upon him. Get well wishes are extended to all our sick members and especially to John Krainik whose condition is unsatisfactory as was told to me by his wife, Rosie. In my Christmas card from Josie Squok of Br. 2, there were a few lines telling me that she plans to visit us in the spring. I’m inserting this notation in the ZARJA in case Josie doesn’t carry through with her promise. If she doesn’t, then we’ll all know that she’s nothing but a windbag! Josie, you don’t want to be known as a windbag, do you? God bless all those whose eyes fall on these printed words. See you next month, be He willing. EDITH DRAWENK BE A PROUD MEMBER! SIX MONTHS REPORT OF BRANCH ASSESSMENTS July 1 to December 31, 1979 Branch Amount Adull Junior 1. Sheboygan, W1 $ 731.30 174 57 2.Chicago, 1L 1,170.35 288 133 3. Pueblo,CO 1,050.80 261 100 5. Indianapolis, IN 231.80 71 9 6. Barberton, OH 263.00 83 14 7. Forest City, PA 176.55 62 6 8. Steelton, PA 60.10 26 0 10. Cleveland,OH 714.20 233 22 12. Milwaukee, W1 391.60 122 59 13. San Francisco, CA 412.70 104 26 14. Euclid, OH 892.30 258 17 15. Cleveland, OH 448.20 133 2 16. South Chicago, IL 693.00 163 57 17. West Allis, WI 633.15 152 101 19. Eveleth, MN 267.60 76 5 20. Joliet, IL 2,100.35 475 148 21. Cleveland, OH 327.90 93 16 22. Bradley, IL 60.80 14 0 23. Ely, MN 775.50 214 34 24. LaSalle, IL 346.85 101 21 25. Cleveland, OH 1,027.30 416 102 26. Pittsburgh, PA 610.95 146 47 27. North Braddock, PA 153.60 32 2 28. Calumet, MI 185.00 58 11 29. Browndale, PA 23.90 15 0 30. Home 111.94 17 5 31. Gilbert, MN 206.40 61 5 32. Euclid, OH 846.30 210 49 33. Duluth, MN 709.50 165 82 34. Soudan, MN 136.10 36 2 35. Aurora, MN 208.80 47 16 37. Greaney, MN 12 0 38. Chisholm, MN 281.10 85 0 39. Biwabik, MN 179.10 46 5 40. Lorain, OH 388.55 97 0 41. Cleveland, OH 300.05 111 13 42. Maple Heights, OH 222.60 61 15 43. Milwaukee, WI 924.55 200 105 45. Portland, OR 103.50 37 9 46. St. Louis, MO 73.50 27 4 47. Garfield Heights, OH 375.55 99 32 50. Cleveland, OH 1,690.75 335 88 52. Kitzville, MN 126.60 46 8 54. Warren, OH 148.10 42 22 55. Girard, OH 240.00 57 25 56. Hibbing, MN 285.90 86 4 57. Niles, OH 195.95 52 11 59. Burgettstown, PA 51.75 27 12 62. Conneaut, OH 66.30 19 0 63. Denver, CO 87.80 46 1 64. Kansas City, KN 55.00 29 0 65. Virginia, MN 94.60 25 10 66. Canon City, CO 222.95 45 10 67. Bessemer, PA 255.95 56 0 68. Fairport Harbor, OH 227.60 50 15 70. West Aliquippa, PA 40.80 12 0 71. Strabane, PA 379.20 111 40 73. Warrensville Heights, OH 345.35 90 54 74. Ambridge, PA 22 1 77. NS Pittsburgh, PA 80.55 28 6 79. Enumclaw, WA 3.00 37 14 80. Moon Run, PA 32.50 9 0 81. Keewath, MN 113.10 28 3 83. Crosby, MN 31.95 12 0 84. New York, NY 34 3 85. DePue, IL 96.40 27 0 86. Nashwauk, MN 28.95 17 0 88. Johnstown, PA 89.40 32 0 89. Oglesby, IL 123.70 51 15 90. Bridgeville, PA 57.85 23 0 91. Oakmont, PA 67.80 34 1 92. Gunnison, CO 122.90 26 5 93. Brooklyn, NY 67.65 39 2 95. South Chicago, IL 672.10 147 6 96. Universal, PA 45.60 39 1 97. Cairnbrook, PA 29.50 9 0 99. Elmhurst, IL 27.00 9 0 100. Fontana, CA 254.90 51 17 101. Bedford Heights, OH 123.50 24 15 102. W.illard. WI 152.90 37 0 103. Washington, DC 126.90 25 16 105. Detroit, MI 31 1 106. Meadowlands, PA 91.90 22 0 TOTALS $25,760.99 7022 1737 Socials — 339 OLGA ANCEL, Nat’I Secretary <8?d*•§?&4*4*&rfc*•§?'*§?rfr•§?rfr4**3?*S?&&4*4*&4*&4?*9?*§? 4? NO. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Dearest members: Br. 105 sends wishes for a peaceful, healthy, happy, blessed New Year to each and every member of Zveza and the world. May God grant a safe and happy journey home to American hostages held in Iran. May He also grant us love instead of hate in all foreign countries. God bless us all. Our Christmas party was a great success. We had about 30 people in attendance. Two husbands were brave enough to join us, a rather large group of women. Bob Adamic, son of our President, couldn’t be with us because of a virus flu. We hope and pray you have fully recovered by now, Bob. Our gifts were happily exchanged. Food and drinks were very good. The music from our younger days in the 40’s brought back memories, but played and sung too loud as it is today. Remember when it was safe and romantic to dance? Now they lose their partners somewhere on the dance floor. But, the young people enjoy it and we did the same in our days past, right? We called it boogie-woogie; they call it disco dancing. Our thanks again to Pat Emerson, for all her labors of love for all of us. Our thanks to Mary Muller for her gracious greetings, from the Zveza Headquarters, too. The holiday season is over but it was most pleasant. Our blessings to each and everyone of you who have worked so hard to make our ZARJA magazine such a success. Each of our members awaits its arrival every month. Greetings to Hr. Tad in Joliet. Stay well. We did not have meetings in Jan. or Feb. but will inform you in March where it will be held. Have happy days with your family and friends. Love to all. KATHERINE MIHELIČ ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. NAGRAJENA LJUBEZEN! Katoliška redovnica mati Terezija je prejela Nobelovo nagrado Dobiti Nobelovo nagrado je za vsakega prejemnika velika čast. V največjem številu jo dobijo znanstveniki, nekateri tudi za literaturo in mir na svetu. Letošnja nagrajenka (1979) za mir (ljubezen) je znana mati Terezija iz Kalkute v Indiji. Zelo preprosta po zunanjsti in zelo velika v ljubezni do inajbolj revnih je bila poklicana na Norveško v mesto Oslo, kjer je prejela veliko vsoto denarja, ki bo vsega porabila za reveže. Pri sprejemu je rekla, da je prišla v imenu najbolj revnih od vseh revežev, za katere skrbijo njene sestre po svetu. Da so njej Podelili nagrado, pomeni, da ves svet prizna, da je delati iz ljubezni delati za mir. Ko je mati Terezija stopila na oder, je najprej vse navzoče prosila, naj skupaj z njo zmolijo molitev za mir. Vsi so imeli natisnjeno molitev v rokah, nagrajenka je molila naprej, vsi so ji zbrano odgovarjali: norveški kralj z družino, predsednik vlade, vrsta najvišjih predstavnikov gospodarskega in kulturnega življenja. Nato je mati Terezija spregovorila v zahvalo. “Najlepša pot do miru je tista, s katero bomo omogočili vsem otrokom sveta, da se bodo rodili. Otroci, ki so božji dar, so temelj miru v srcu žene, družine, naroda in Človeštva”. Glede revežev: “Naši reveži predstavljajo velikansko ljudstvo. Oni ne iščejo našega usmiljenja, pač pa potrebujejo našo ljubezen, naše spoštovanje.” Časnikarji so bili radovedni. Kaj sodi o svojem delu? Odgovorila je, da so vsa njena Prizadevanja le kaplja vode v ocean trpljenja. Brez njenih misijonark ljubezni bi v milijonski Kalkuti vsak večer 600 gobavcev več umiralo na mestnem Pločniku. Odločitev, da bo prav ona prejela nagrado, je naletela na splošno odobravanje. Vsi so ii privoščili diplomo, zlato medaljo in zares lep ček, ki pa ne bo zanjo. Mati Terezija je v 70. letu starosti in je albanskega rodu, rojena v Skopju, Makedonija, Jugoslavija; dobro govori hrvatsko. Mlada se je odločila za misijone in za časa, ko je živel v Skopju slovenski škof dr. Janez Gnidovec, je odšla na Irsko, da se tam pripravi za Indijo. V tej deželi misijonarjem ni bilo nikoli “postljeno z rožicami” zlasti ne v zadnjih časih. Nekaj prenapetih ministrov indijske vlade je predložilo skupščini Predlog zakona o spreobračanju. Vsak prestop iz ene vere v drugo naj bi se kaznoval. Spreobračanje (v krščanstvo), da se izvaja pod pritiskom, s Podkupovanjem (s skodelico riža) in podobno. Mati Terezija je na ta predlog odgovorila s precej ostrim Pismom, ki ga je sama nato izročila ministarskemu Predsedniku Desaiu, ki je pozneje odstopil. Proti temu predlogu so protestirali tudi katoličani v vseh MATI TEREZIJA GOVORI indijskih katoliških škofijah. Mati Terezija je med drugim napisala: “Nihče, nobena vlada, nobena postava nima pravice preprečiti ali siliti koga, če izbere vero, ki mu daje mir, veselje, ljubezen. Ni več svobode, če ni mogoče svobodno izbrati vere po vesti.” Uprla se je tudi proti zakonu o splavu. Napisala je: “Sprostitev splava je povzročila mnogo sovraštva; če more mati ubiti svojega lastnega otroka, kaj preostane drugim, kot da se tudi med seboj pobijajo. Ne veste, kaj povzroča splav našemu ljudstvu. Toliko je nemoralnosti, toliko porušenih družin, duševnih pretresov v vesti mater. Ne morate si predstavljati, koliko zla se širi povsod.” Kot zdravo misleča žena vidi, da je Indija preobljudena in koliko otrok umrje za lakoto, se je sama in njene redovne sestre resno zavzela za potreben zdravstveni pouk pri omejevanju družin z otroki in sicer na zdrav naraven način. Napisala je: “Tukaj širimo moralno, zakonito in znanstveno metodo naravnega načrtovanja družine.” Za konec! Ko je na cesti mati Terezija pobrala siromaka, ki je bil že na pol obžrt od črevov, ji je ta rekel: "Živel sem na cesti kot žival, toda zdaj bom umrl kot angel, ljubljen in oskrbljen". In umrl je lepo, v ljubezni in skrbi, v miru z Bogom. ANA GABER Marie Prisland je v Spominski knjigi izdani leta 1931 ob štirideset-letnici Amerikanskega Slovenca, napisala naslednje lepe misli, ki so tehtne danes, kakor so bile pred 49-timi leti: Življenje Rojeni smo, da živimo gotov čas. Vsak človek si ustroja življenje po svoje. Eden išče sreče tukaj, drugi tam. Eden na ta način, drugi zopet drugače. Vsi pa iščemo družbe, prijateljstva, udobnosti in veselja ter vsak na svoj način postavljamo cilj življenju. Mladost naša je kot spomlad, ko delamo načrte in gradimo za bodočnost. Nato pride poletje življenja . . . Opazujemo setev in se sprašujemo, bo li obrodila tako kot želimo in smo pričakovali. Prilivamo in okopujemo, pa včaših le ne rodi tako, kot smo mislili in se nadejali. Mogoče je krivo nezdravo zrno, ali nam pa manjka moči in spretnosti obdelovalca. Jesen življenja prinese izpolnitev naših nad, ali pa razočaranje. Ni nam dano iti nazaj in sejati znova ter popraviti morabitne pogreške v življenju. Žanjemo, kar smo sejali; po tem sadu bomo sojeni tako od ljudi kakor od Stvarnika. Naglo poteče leto, naglo poide tudi naše življenje. Kratka so leta in kratka je doba, ki nam je odmerjena. Zato bi morali to svoje kratko življenje porabiti v svoj in svojega naroda dobrobit. Da bi se ob našem slovesu lahko reklo: svet je bil boljši, dokler je živel ta človek. poslanica ZA VAŠE ZDRAVJE GL A V NE PREDSEDNICE Pozdrav vsem! Upam, da vse podružnice pripravljajo Valentinove večere, na katere povabite prijatelje, da bodo tudi oni spoznali naše cilje. To je dober način kako pridobiti novo članico v naši kampanji "Marije, Micke in Maričke”. Dne 16. dec. sem se udeležila Spominske maše za našo ustanoviteljico, Marie Prisland s članicami podr. št. 20 v Jolietu. Sv. mašo je daroval Msgr. Butala, ki je v svoji pridigi primerjal njeno življenje, ki se je nesebično posvetila delu za Zvezo. Nato smo se z mojima spremljevalkama Anna Zorko in Stella Longos, tudi udeležili letne seje in božičnice. Med sestrami je bil res prijeten dan. Bila sem opozorjena na dejstvo, da nekatere podružnice nimajo letne konvencije. V skladu s pravili, je zelo važno, da državne predsednice stopijo v stik s podružnicami in kjerkoli so razdalje prevelike, se predsednica lahko izvoli po soglasni ljudski volji. Vsekakor se moramo držati pravil, katere sprejme vse-narodna konvencija. Naj tem mestu izrečem svojo zhhhhvalo vsega srca vsem, za prisrčna praznična voščila. Tudi želim pohvaliti vse gl. odbornice za njihove zanimive članke. Upam, da bo lep odziv. Mnoge članice pišejo članke splošnega zanimanja ter novice podružnic. Vse to nam pomaga, da se bolje razumemo med seboj; skupnost potrebujemo v današnjih dneh. Vsem članicam, ki slavite svoje rojstne dneve in obletnice v tem mesecu, prejmite moje srčne čestitke. Našim bolnim članicam, želje za hitro zdravje in pokojnim sestram in prijateljem molitev za mir in večno srečo. Bog bodi z Vami! ALERGIJE V prejšnih člankih smo spoznali da je zelena mrzlica napogostejša alergija in daje naduha najbolj nevarna. Potrebno je tudi da navedemo druge alergije katere povzročijo več vrst znakov. 1. P tesnoba — drobčena rast kater pogosto raste ali uspeva na hrani in je podobna zeleni mrzlici po učinku. 2. Alergije po uporabi zdravil so lahko zelo resne. Aspirin in penicilin lahko povzroči hude reakcije. Te reakcije so lahko takojšne ali pa se pojavijo po dveh ali treh tednih. 3. Alergije v hrani lahko povzroče izpuščaje pri otrocih, te ponavadi izginejo ko otroci doraščajo. Hrane katere največkrat prinesejo alergijo so: ribe, paradižnik, več vrst orehov, jagode, čokolada, žitne jedi, mleko in jajca. 4. Mrčešni piki — Čebel, osi, in sršenov lahko povzroča izpuščaje, omedlevico, težave z dihanjem ali celo smrt. 5. Rastline, vlakna, kovine in kemikalije lahko vnamejo kožo in povzroče srbečico. 6. Prašne alergije kot od hišnih smeti, perja, živalskih las lahko sproži reakcijo kot, tekoči nos in srebeče oči. A ko mislite ali sumite da imate alergijo, obiščite zdravnika in seveda odstranite vsa sredstva sumljiva alergij. Metka Gaber, R.N. DOPISI ŠT. 3, PUEBLO, COLORADO Blagoslovljeno, srečno in zdravo novo leto — želimo vsem članicam št. 3 in njihovim družinam! Naša seja v decembru je bila dobro obiskana. Imele smo tudi lepo družabnost. Pogrešale smo naše mlade članice. Želeti bi bilo, da bi se bolj _ zanimale za poslovanje naše SŽZ. Na decemberski seji smo tudi sprejele novo članico Retha Minton v razred B. Vse ji kličemo veselo dobrodošlico. Pri volitvah so bile izvoljene vse dosedanje odbornice podružnice. Članice so bile mnenja, da dobro vodijo podružnico. Izvoljene so bile: preds. Frances Skul, pod-preds. Anna Pachak, taj. in blag. Frances Simonich, 1113 Mahren, zapisnikarica Josie Rimes. Nadzornice: F. Skul in J. Rimes. Duhovni vodja Rev. F. Blane Bebble. Seje se vršijo vsaki prvi četrtek v mesecu v cerkveni dvorani ob eni uri popoldne. Preteklo leto smo smrtno izgubile 2 članice. Pristopilo jih ie 12 v različne razrede. Na Priporočilo naše podr. je v letu 1979 prejela šolnino naše Zveze, mlad. čla. Bernadette Starcevich. Vse priznanje za doprinos organizaciji zasluži naša agilna tajnica Frances S. Članice izrekamo iskreno sožalje Frances Plut ob smrti hčerke Frances Keeney. Sožalje tudi ostali družini. Božični čas je za nami. V naši cerkvi je bilo krasno, posebno pri eni maši je bilo slovensko petje, kar je povišalo slavnost Božiča. Oltar je bil lepo okrašen s cvetlicami. Posebno smo Ponosni na naše lepe jaslice. Smo v zimskem času. Upamo, da bomo v tem letu skupno delovale za napredek naše SŽZ. Christine Bradish, iz Egan St. ie srečno prestala operacijo žolčnih kamnov. Želimo ji Ponovno dobro zdravje. Na prvi strani Zarje v novembru smo opazili sliko še vedno ljubke in delavne 101 letne Dorothy Chepuran, ki je še mlada v njeni čestitljivi starosti. Čestitamo ji za nien pogum, da se ne poda starosti. Skupno je na sliki z našo lrene in njenim soprogom Kenneth Odorizzi, ki je dober Zvezin prijatelj. Irene je napisala 'epo knjigo v angleškem jeziku: pootsteps through time (Stopinje skozi čas), prav primerna knjiga za mladino, da spoznajo navade in težke čase, katere so doživljali Slovenci ob prihodu v Ameriko. Moja hvala za Božične kartice in voščila vsem, posebno Mary Tomsic iz Strabane, Pa., ker je nesrečna, da so ji oči opešale. Naj dodam se to za šalo: času primerno žena bere časopis in pravi možu, da je neki mož podaril svoji ženi krasno ovratnico. To se meni ne zgodi! Pa se mož oglasi: jaz pa berem, da je neki zakonski mož pretepel svojo ženo. Kaj takšnega se tebi tudi ne zgodi. V Božičnih praznikih so imeli pri Klunovih pomembi obisk 98 letne mame Johane Klun, ki je prišla iz Chicaga, kjer sedaj živi pri hčerki Mary. Tukaj ima 2 sinova in 2 hčerke in drugo sorodstvo. Ko sem jo obiskala smo bile ena druge vesele, ker starost je zadržek za bolj pogosto snidenje. Še vedno ima bistri razum za pogovor, samo noge so onemogle. Za njeno častitljivo starost je prava stara korenina. Bog jo blagoslovi, da dočaka 100 let. V mladih letih je veliko ročnega dela darovala za našo podr., ker ne bo nikoli pozabljeno. Želimo ji dobre volje, predvsem zdravja v novem letu. Želim blagoslovljeno leto 1980 vsem prijeteljem naše Zveze. Naša tajnica vas opominja, da če ste v zaostanku s prispevki za Zvezo, da pridete na prihodnjo sejo in poravnajte. Priporoča se, da plačate za celo leto v naprej in s tem prihranite delo tajnico. Vaša, ANNA PACHAK ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Naša zadnja seja v letu se je vršila dne 16. dec. kot po navadi v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Ga. Ani Markovič je ob 2:30 popoldne odprla sejo z molitvijo. Prečitan je bil zapisnik zadnje seje, katerega so članice zadovoljne sprejele, da je dobro spisan v lepem slovenskem jeziku. Tajnica nam je podala račune od zadnje seje. Prečitala nam je tudi dopise in čestitke iz raznih krajev velike Amerike. Iz Illinois od urednice ge. Corinne Leskovar, gl. tajnice ge. Olge Ancel, dalje od Josephine Debevec iz Philadelphije, ge. Kopač iz Pensilvanije, od biv. gl. preds. Mary Boštjan in sedanje gl. preds. Mary Muller. Vse Mary in Marije opozarjamo, da naj po uredbi naše preds. plačajo celoletno članarino. Prejele smo tudi zahvalno kartico od družine pok. ge. Marije Prisland. Hvala vsem skupaj! Po seji smo imele Božičnico. Članice so prinesle veliko peciva. Vse smo se res dobro imele ob okusnih dobrotah. Želim Vam vsem skupaj srečno Novo leto. Enako tudi vsem ostalim podružnicam po širni Ameriki. TEREZIJA FERRACCIOLI, zapisnikarica ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Na glavni seji v decembru, smo kakor prejšnja leta izvolile soglasno naš dosedanji odbor. Hvaležno smo jim, da so zopet velikodušno sprejele svoje urade. Saj smo res ponosne, da imamo odbornice, ki rade in pridno delajo za Zvezo. Seje bomo imele kot po navadi na tretjo nedeljo v mesecu in to v navadnih prostorih. Prosim, da se udeležite sej. Pokažimo odboru, da nam je Zveza pri srcu in da smo jim hvaležne zatrud in delo. Užalostila me je novica, da je kmalu po seji zbolela naša tajnica, Marie Florjan. Srce ji že dolgo nagaja in jo je zopet spravilo v West Allis Memorial Hospital za 2 tedna. Marie, želimo Ti dobrega zdravja. Naj Te Bog ohrani med nami še mnoga leta! V preteklem letu smo izgubile 2 članici: sosestro Anno Richter ter sosestro Stefanie Hvala. Naj počivajo v miru. Spominjamo se jih v molitvah. Prejele smo žalosno vest, da je kruta smrt utrgala nit življenja Franku Križan, soprogu članice Anne K. Izrekamo Anni ter celi družini iskreno sožalje. Za častno mater podružnice za leto 1980 je bila izvoljena ga. Elsie Valenčič. Čestitamo, Elsie! Vsem bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja. Sosestram širne Amerike, pa pošiljimo prisrčne pozdrave. MARY MURN ST. 20, JOLIET, ILL. V nedeljo dne 16. dec. so zvonovi tare sv. Jožefa slovesno vabili k sv. maši ob pol-enih, ki je bila darovana v spomin pok. ustanoviteljice SŽZ, Marie Prisland. Sv. mašo ie daroval naš Msgr. Butala. Članica Ann Fandek je krasno pela pri maši naše lepe slovenske pesmi ob spremljavi organista Toneta Rozman. Bilo je res lepo prisostvovati maši ob tako lepem petju in orglanju. Dve mladinske članice sta v slovenskih narodnih nošah čitale berila: Lorraine Ruth, hčerka pomočnice v gl. uradu in Kristine Čepon. Msgr. Butala je v svoji pridigi podal opis življenja Mrs. Prisland in poklical v spomin vsa njena dobra dela. Povdaril je njeno veliko dela za nas Slovenke, da smo bolje spoznavale novo domovino Ameriko in da so Amerikanci bolj cenili naš narod. Solze so nam prišle v oči, ko smo poslušale ta lepi opis njenega življenja. Res, bila je zelo priljubljena in vsa dobra dela Mrs. Prisland ne bodo nikoli pozabljena! Po maši smo se zbrale na glavni seji v Zvezinem domu. S svojim obiskom nas je počastila gl. predsednica, Mary Muller iz Chicaga s članicami od podr. št. 2: Naša preds. Emma Planinšek ji je pripela corsage. Nova gl. predsednica Mrs. Muller je s svojo navzočnostjo in nastopom osvojila srca navzočnih. Povabljena je bila, naj še pride med nas, kadar ji je mogoče. Na seji je bilo poročano, da se naslednje nahajajo v bolnišnici: Mary Ivanich, Helen Pluth in Margaret Staltzer. Navzoče smo se podpisale na kartice z željami hitrega okrevanja. Pri volitvah odbora za leto 1980, je bil izvoljen ves dosedanji odbor. Izgubile smo 50 let članico, Theresa Ancel, ki je dosegla lepo starost 86 let. Rojena je bila v Sloveniji. Za njo žalujete 2 sinova in 2 hčerke. Opravile smo molitev za pokoj njene duše. Preds. Ema Planinšek je tudi vodila molitev rožnega venca v pogrebni kapeli in članice so blago Thereso spremile na zadnji poti na pokopalište sv. Jožefa. Prečitano je bilo pismo prejšnje gl. preds. Mary Boštjan. Nato je prišel Miklavž in obdaril mladinske članice ter starejše član. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bomo imele na prihodnji seji Valentinovo party. Po več mesečnem delu, smo imeli blagoslovitev prenovljene naše farne cerkve. Krasni marmornati oltarji so v okras vse cerkve. Nastavljene so tudi bile nove preproge. Novi škof Joseph Imesch je vstopil v cerkev v družbi šolskih otrok in deklet v slov. narodnih nošah in odborniki raznih cerkvenih društev. Pevci so krasno prepevali. Mike Mavec, Kristi Čepon in Lorraine Ruth so podali škofu rdeče nageljne, katere je škof prijazno sprejel. Berilo je brala Diane Hrubos in preds. cerkvenega sveta je škofa pozdravil. Žal se je tiste dni naš župnik Fr. Tadej, ki je veliko delal za prenovljeno cerkev, bil v bolnišnici. Njegov pomočnik Fr. Joseph ga je dobro nadomeščal. Slovesnosti so se udeležili tudi Fr. Kaffer, Fr. Atanazij, župnik iz Chicaga in Fr. Stefanich. Po maši je bil sprejem v Ferdinandovi dvorani, katerega so se poleg duhovščine udeležile tudi sestre, ki so pred leti tukaj poučavale. Sprejem in pojedino je imela v oskrbi Marge Grayheck, preds. društva Rožnega venca. Škofov obisk je lepo povzdignil farno slavnost. Iskrene čestitke Maria Mae Alien, ko so dobili ponovno sinčka 8 otroka. Imajo 7 sinov in eno hčerko. Joe Erjavec je stric materi Maria Mae. V družini članice Judy Mravlje in soproga Toneta so dobili deklico, ki bo delala družbo dvema bratcema. Prisrčne čestitke! Naša seja bo tretjo nedeljo v februarju. Pridite vse! Srečno novo leto 1980 Vam vsem skupaj želi, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 64, KANSAS CITY, KAN. Že so za nami veseli božični prazniki, katere smo v naši cerkvi sv. Družine lepo obhajali s polnočno sv. mašo, ki jo je daroval domači župnik g. Heliodore Mejak. Jaslice in oltarji so bili tudi lepo okrašeni, da se je človek kar težko ločil od njih. Naši cerkveni pevci pod vodstvom Donald Lipovac, so se tudi močno potrudili za kar najlepše božično petje. Velja jim čast in hvala. Cerkev je bila polna vernikov, ki so se tudi prav dobro izkazali pri darovanju za katoliške sirotišnice, saj je kolekta v ta namen zbrala$1,149.00. Za božične praznike so čestite sestre s šolskimi otroci pripravile prav lepo božično igro in otroci so izvrstno izpeljali svoje vloge in nam tudi po slovensko zapeli “Sveta noč". Vsa čast! Sestra Barbara, nam je povedala, da bo naša šola ostala še za naprej. Letos je poteklo 70 let odkar so naše slovenske sestre reda sv. Frančiška prišle v našo šolo sv. Družine iz Maribora. Zadnje leto smo bili v strahu, da bomo sestre izgubili, zato je bilo oznanilo sprejeto z velikih ploskanjem. Naša šola ima lepo moderno posloplje s stanovanjem za čestite sestre zgoraj. Naša podr. je darovala $10 v Zvezin šolninski sklad v spomin pok. častne predsednice, Mrs. Marie Prisland. Za Rev. Okorna smo darovale $5, da se je brala sv. maša v naši cerkvi. $5 smo dale za mašo za umrle članice naše podružnice in $10 za oglas v konvenčni knjigi v Duluth, Minn. Seveda še imamo nekaj denarja v banki, da boste članice vedela, da dobro gospodarimo. Naša tajnica opravlja njeno delo brezplačno, za kar ji gre čast in hvala. Tudi smo sklenile, da letos ne bomo rabile tistega posebnega dolarja za blagajno. Najlepša hvala vsem, ki ste mi poslale božična voščila in Vam jih nisem vrnila. Čas je bil prekratek. Posebna hvala glavni predsednici Mary Muller, dalje Mary Pelan iz Pensilvanije, Mary Deyak, Ely, Minn, in Pauline Rus iz Jolieta, ill. Končno voščim in želim vsem gl. uradnicam in članicam Zveze veselo in zdravo novo leto 1980, posebno želimo ljubi mir, ki je ogrožen po celem svetu. Najlepši pozdrav vsem! ANTONIA KOSTELEC Nova knjiga Mirka Javornika V kratkem bo izšlo novo delo pisatelja M. Javornika z naslovom “Pero in čas II,” malo po njegovi sedemdesetletnici. Knjiga je nekaka literarna avtobiografija v obliki izbora iz vseh zvrsti njegovega dela s peresom, irazen zgolj političnega, od leta 1927 do 1977 — novele, drama, potopisi, eseji, literarni portreti, ocene, polemika ter odlomki iz kritik njegovega ustvarjanja in osebnosti. Ro po zasnovi izvirna in po obsegu ena največjih, kar jih je slovenskih zadnja leta izšlo v svobodnem svetu, saj bo štela nad 450 strani. I)elo bo v prodaji samo pri piscu, ki sprejema naročila na naslov: Mirko Javornik, 102 Taussig Place, NE, Washington, DC 20011, U.S.A. Ker bo naklada omejena, bodo prednost imeli tisti, ki bodo z naročilom poslali tudi plačilo. Cena je 15 USA dolarjev. Ker bo delo objavil Tabor, samozaložba neodvisnih svobodnih slovenskih slovstvenih ustvarjavcev in ker je moralo biti tiskana v neslovenskem podjetju, bo avtor hvaležen vsem, ki bi bili voljni poleg plačila za “Pero in čas II” prispevati kaj tudi k stroškom za njegov izid. [ “FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART” DAVY’S COLUMN Why Ground Hog Day? Hi, Boys and Girls, Out of all the days throughout the year set aside for a special person or occasion, 1 never could understand Ground Hog Day. (Feb. 2) Why should we honor a rodent by naming a day after it? Was a Ground Hog ever president of his country? (George Washington’s Birthday and Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday) Did a Ground Hog play any part in gaining America’s independence? (The Fourth of July) How about protecting America and her values? (Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Labor Day, Election Day) A Ground Hog didn’t have anything to do with the saints. (Halloween, All Saints Day, All Souls Day, St. * Patrick’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day etc. . .) A Ground Hog didn’t have anything to do with God’s plan to redeem the world. (Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, The Ascension) Ground Hog Day doesn’t have anything to do with the Blessed Virgin Mary, or does it? After doing som detective work, (Ellery Queen would have been proud) 1 found that Ground Hog Day, as we know it today in America, is actually Candlemas. * Candlemas is the church festival which honors the day the Blessed Virgin went to the temple 40 days after she gave birth. She did this to be purified and to present her first born son to God. Mary did lliis out of obedience to the Jewish Law. Originally this day was celebrated on Feb. 14. (10 days after The Three Kings saw Christ) However, in 542 A.D. it was moved to February 2, which is 40 days after Christmas. This day was given the name of Candlemas because in the 5th century the cusom of celebrating this day with lighted candels began. As for the tradition of a Ground Hog seeing his shadow as a way of predicting the coming of Spring, this stems from a belief associated with Candlemas. The belief is summarized very nicely in an old English song: “If Candlemas be fair and bright, Come, Winter, have another flight. If Candlemas brings clouds of rain. Go, Winter, and not come again.” We call Candlemas Ground Hog Day because the new settlers of North America noticed that Candlemas was the first day the little animal poked his head out of his hole after a long winter’s nap. See, the Ground Hog is a native animal of the North American Continent, so no one knew about the little fellow and his habits at the time Candlemas was getting it’s start. America wasn’t discovered until 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue, but then that’s another article. V ‘Til next month, DAVY Dressmaking Tips OUR MOM'S THE BEST! OLGA ANCKL lakes center stage in this photo with members of her family, taken at last year’s “Jubilation" charity nights held for the benefit -of the I'aiholic high schools in Joliet. Olga and her husband, I'd. were co-directors of the Slovenian “Gostilna” "here guesles enjoyed Slovenian music and food. Main '»embers of Hr. 2(1 were also on the committee. On the photo, from left front, clockwise, are, Carila Girman, Joe and l.upe Aneel, Richard and Vera Muir Und Scott Girman. 1 his year “Jubilation" will be held ■ he weekends of March 15-16 and 23-23, 1980. Last month we had tips on Patterns and Sizes. Now, we come to Fabrics. What kind of material should you buy? If you haven’t much experience in sewing, choose a fabric that is smooth, fairly firm and not too heavy. Leave the crepes, sheers and plaids for later, until you are more skillful in sewing. How much cloth should you buy? Look at the suggestions on the pattern. If you are very tall, you may need to buy a little more than the pattern calls for. You’ll need to purchase extra material if you select a plaid or ‘stripe, corduroy or velveteen because you have to match the figures in the cloth or watch the movement of the “pile” and cut each piece facing the same direction. Check the list of needed supplies on the pattern envelope, buttons, slide fasteners, thread, etc. and buy only what you need. You will save shopping time by buying fabric and supplies at the same time. A good seamstress always is prepared when she has the proper tools to work with. A good pair of scissors. A package of dressmaking pins. A package of machine sewing needes and handsewing needles. Spools of thread, white tailors chalk, pencil, tape measure, thimble, an iron and a press cloth. Of course, a good sewing machine. (To be continued.) FRANCES SIETZ ar::ez johii a. x-ei P.O.BOX 232 N E'.V 'z. H K, N.Y. 10032 Union National Bank & Trust Co. Member F.D.I.C. FREE PERSONAL CHECKS FPEE CHECKING JEFFERSON & OTTAWA STREETS PHONE: 727-5222 DRIVE-IN BANK _ 50 N. Bluff St. JOLIET, ILL. FRED C. DAMES FUNERAL HOME 251 N. Center St. at Campbell JOLIET, ILL. 60435 Telephone 726-5211 Joel L. Dames - Mark L. Dames METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST Companyi— 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDK ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941.43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director« and Embalmeri CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 GEREND-HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 Happy Valentine's Gift! ‘FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME’ I hook about the time Slovenian immigrants came to America. Send $6.00 (75t postane) to: S M . U Home O/fue. 4M X. ( hicafio. St.. Joliet, II. (>05.12 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POIIISTVO IN ZA POGREBU Za vesele In žalostne dneve Nad 70 lot že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovolj- nost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje lz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili sl boste denar In dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd. Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland, Ohio 44119 ZELE FUNERAL ll()\1ES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 4813118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W . (Greenfield Ave. Phone: 327-4500' Milwaukee, Wisconsin NEW ENLARGED & REVISED EDITION! Slovenian !nternational Cookbook Womans Glory— The Kitchen To order, send $6.00 (includes postage) per copy to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION 431 N. CHICAGO ST. JOLIET, ILL. 60432 TEZAK FUNERAL HOME JOLIET, ILL ‘I irsi in service since 1908’ 45') North Ottawa Street Phone 772-0534