FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2, 159–184, LJUBLJANA 2020 SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) ON THE NORTHEASTERNMOST KNOWN LOCALITY IN THE ALPS RASTIŠČA VRSTE LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) NA NAJBOLJ SEVEROVZHODNEM ZNANEM NAHAJALIŠČU V ALPAH Igor DAKSKOBLER 1 & Amadej TRNKOCZY 2 ABSTRACT Sites of Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia) on the northeasternmost known locality in the Alps We studied the sites of Lomelosia graminifolia on its newly discovered, northeasternmost locality in the Alps, at the Sravnik ravine in the Trenta Valley. Individual speci- mens or smaller groups grow in the ravine itself or on the sunny slopes nearby at 520 to 810 m a.s.l. on gravelly and rocky sites with shallow initial soils. The communities in which it occurs can be classified into two associations. The stands on scree slopes were classified into the association Stipetum calamagrostis. The stands on gravelly grasslands were compared with similar, previously described commu- nities in the Southern and Southeastern Alps. In view of ob- vious floristic and ecological differences between them we described a new association – Aquilegio einseleanae-Cari- cetum mucronatae. Key words: phytosociology, synsystematics, Lomelosia graminifolia, Stipetum calamagrostis, Julian Alps, Triglav National Park, Slovenia IZVLEČEK Rastišča vrste Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia) na najbolj severovzhodnem znanem nahajališču v Alpah Preučili smo rastišča vrste Lomelosia graminifolia na njenem novo odkritem najbolj severovzhodnem nahajališču v Alpah, v grapi Sravnik v dolini Trente. Tam posamezni primerki ali manjše skupine rastejo v sami grapi ali na priso- jnih pobočjih ob njej na nadmorski višini od 520 m do 810 m na gruščnatih in skalnatih rastiščih s plitvimi inicialnimi tlemi. Združbe, v katerih uspeva, lahko uvrstimo v dve aso- ciaciji. Sestoje na meliščih smo uvrstili v asociacijo Stipe- tum calamagrostis. Sestoje na gruščnatih traviščih smo primerjali s podobnimi že opisanimi združbami v Južnih in Jugovzhodnih Alpah in na podlagi očitnih florističnih in ekoloških razlik med njimi opisali novo asociacijo Aquile- gio einseleanae-Caricetum mucronatae. Ključne besede: fitocenologija, sinsistematika, Lome- losia graminifolia, Stipetum calamagrostis, Julijske Alpe, Triglavski narodni park, Slovenija 1 Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Biology, Regional unit Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, SI-5220 Tolmin, 2 Trenta 2b, SI-5232 Bovec, DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 160 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Lomelosia graminifolia (L.) Greuter & Burdet (syn. Sca- biosa graminifolia L.) is a south-European montane species, a character species of the class Festuco-Brome- tea (Aeschimann et al. 2004b: 424). It is distributed in the southern and southwestern part of the Alps, with Slovenia in the easternmost part of its distribution area. It is frequent in northeastern Italy, in the region Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Poldini 2002: 300), but has not been reported for Austria (Fischer et al. 2008: 814). The map of its distribution area in Slovenia was pub- lished by Jogan et al. (2001: 341), but with a number of localities that do not have a known source. Surina (2005: 342–343) assumed they were probably misre- ported and listed most of the localities known and confirmed by then, which were later reported (without the Snežnik Mountains) also by T. Wraber (2007: 501). The distribution map in Figure 1 shows the lo- 1 INTRODUCTION calities in the Julian Alps: the new locality in the Tren- ta Valley, which is the northeasternmost locality so far in the Alps in general and will be discussed below; the locality at the gravel site at Čezsoča (quadrant 9647/3: relevé B. Vreš, A. Seliškar, I. Dakskobler, 10/8/1995, re- ported by Dakskobler et al. 1996); localities in Bohinj (older sources for these localities were reported by Su- rina , ibid., more recent confirmations were made by B. Anderle, B. Zupan, I. Dakskobler, FloVegSi data- base); in Breginjski Kot (first published by Čušin 2001: 13) and above the Tolminka valley (first published by Dakskobler 1996: 392); and localities outside the Alps: along the Soča River at Solkan (more recently confirmed by A. Seliškar, I. Dakskobler, D. Rojšek, FloVegSi database); on the southern slopes of the Trnovski Gozd Plateau (recently confirmed by E. Mayer, E. Velikonja, B. Vreš, I. Dakskobler, FloVegSi Figure 1: Distribution of Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia) in Slovenia (FloVegSi database, only the data con- firmed in last three decades were taken into account) Slika 1: Razširjenost vrste Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia) v Sloveniji (podatkovna baza FloVegSi, upoštevani so zgolj preverjeni podatki s potrditvami v zadnjih tridesetih letih) DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 161 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Figure 2: Localities of Lomelosia graminifolia in Spodnja Trenta, on scree and rocky sites at the ravine of Sravnik Slika 2: Nahajališča vrste Lomelosia graminifolia v Spodnji Trenti, na grušču in skalovju ob grapi Sravnik DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 162 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 database); Nanos Plateau (more recently confirmed by I. Dakskobler, B. Surina, M. Blokar, FloVegSi database) and the Snežnik Mountains (Surina 2005). There is not much data available on the communi- ties in which Lomelosia graminifolia occurs in Slovenia and immediate vicinity. Poldini (1978) found it under Mt. Čaven in the stands of associations Phyteumato co- lumnae-Potentilletum caulescentis and Genisto sericeae- Caricetum mucronatae. Along the Soča River at Solkan it was recorded in a stand of the association Phyteuma- to-Paederotetum luteae nom. prov. (Dakskobler, Martinčič & Rojšek 2014). Surina (2005) recorded it under Mt. Snežnik on the fringes of secondary Pinus nigra stands, on scree slopes from the alliance Peltarion alliaceae and in the stands of the association Genisto sericeae-Seslerietum juncifoliae; it was recorded in the same community also on Mt. Nanos (Surina and Blokar , relevé 13/9/2003, unpublished). Under Mt. Čaven it was recorded also in the secondary black pine forest (Pinetum nigrae s. lat.) that developed as this tree species spread sub-spontaneously from nearby planta- tions. Above the Tolminka valley it was described also in the stand of the association Cytisantho-Ostryetum (Dakskobler, 22/10/1998, unpublished), whereas Pol - dini & Vidali (1999) reported it from the neighbour- ing Friuli in the stands of the association Ostryo carpin- ifoliae-Fraxinetum orni (Fraxino orni-Ostryetum). Feoli Chiapella & Poldini (1993) identified it as the character or differential species of the suballiance Cen- taurenion dichroanthae and list it in the phytosociolog- ical table of the association Centaureo dichroanthae- Globularietum cordifoliae. Poldini & Martini (1993, appendix) list this species as rare (sporadic) in the stands of the association Stipetum calamagrostis. In his research of the vegetation along the Soča River in the gorge Matevževa Tesen (Matevž’s gorge) in Spodnja Trenta one of the authors (Amadej Trnkoczy) found it in the bed of the ravine of Sravnik, just before it ends in the Soča, as well as higher uphill. On a sub- sequent visit the authors found several more localities and made altogether seven phytosociological relevés that will help us to describe the northeasternmost lo- calities of Lomelosia graminifolia in Slovenia and the Alps in general. 2 METHODS Floristic and phytosociological relevés of Lomelosia graminifolia (for now, its Slovenian name remains travnolistni grintavec) in the Trenta Valley and above the Tolminka valley were made using the standard Central-European methods (Ehrendorfer & Ha- mann 1965, Jalas & Suominen 1967, Braun-Blan - quet 1964) and were entered into the FloVegSi data- base (T. Seliškar, B. Vreš & A. Seliškar 2003). This application (and the data stored therein) was used also for its distribution map in Slovenia (Figure 1). Phyto- sociological relevés were arranged in Table 1 based on the results of hierarchical classification. We used the programme package SYN-TAX (Podani 2001), un- weighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) and similarity coefficient 1–similarity ratio (complement of Wishart’s similarity ratio). Combined cover-abundance values were converted into the ordi- nal scale 1 to 9 (van der Maarel 1979). The same method was used also in the comparison of three sim- ilar stony grassland communities in the Southern and Southeastern Alps. The nomenclatural source for the names of vascular plants is Mala flora Slovenije (Martinčič et al. 2007), except for Epilobium dodo- naei Vill. (instead of Chamerion dodonaei (Vill.) Holub), Lomelosia graminifolia (L.) Greuter & Burdet (instead of Scabiosa graminifolia L.), Molinia arundina- cea Schrank (instead of M. caerulea (L.) Moench subsp. arundinacea (Schrank) K. Richt.) and Sesleria caerulea (L.) Ard. (instead of the taxon Sesleria caerulea (L.) Ard. subsp. calcaria (Opisz) Čelak. ex Hegi). The no- menclatural source for the names of mosses is Martinčič (2003, 2011), and Theurillat (2004) and Šilc & Čarni (2012) for the names of syntaxa. Phyto- sociological groups (= groups of diagnostic species) were determined based on the Flora alpina (Aeschi - mann et al. 2004 a,b), while taking into account our own findings. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 163 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 3.1 Description of the new locality in Trenta 9648/1 (UTM 33TVM03) Slovenia: Primorska, Trenta, Spodnja Trenta, the bottom of the ravine Sravnik on the right bank of the Soča immediately under the road, on the spot with running torrential wa- ters. The locality is situated high above the maxi- mum possible water level of the Soča, 520 m a.s.l. Leg. & det. A. Trnkoczy, 13/7/2019; all other locali- ties are in the bed of the ravine (known also as the Skokar ravine), on gravel, at 555 m a.s.l. (det. A. Trnkoczy, 12/8/2019) and 660 m a.s.l. (det. A. Trnkoczy & I. Dakskobler, 20/9/2019), on rocks in this ravine at 740 a.s.l., and in a rock gully of the side leg of the ravine at 810 m a.s.l. (det. A. Trnkoc- zy & I. Dakskobler, 20/9/2019). The number of identified specimens was low, altogether about 20. All of the localities are on sunny (southern, south- eastern) aspects, on initial soils, lithosols. Relevés were made for all the localities. In addition to the relevés with the studied species our phytosociological table in- cludes also two relevés that were made on very similar sites along the same ravine, but have no identified specimens of Lomelosia graminifolia. One relevé was made on gravel and the other on rocks. Table 1 also comprises two relevés from the Tolminka valley, one from the end of the valley on a scree slope under mountain pasture Dobrenjščica (Za Steno), 780 m a.s.l., and one from Žlebič above mountain pasture Prodi, at 790 m a.s.l. These two localities were briefly described more than two decades ago (Dakskobler 1996: 392), when we classified these stands into the as- sociation Centaureo dichroanthae-Globularietum cor- difoliae. 3 RESULTS Lomelos ia graminifolia Dissimilarity 0,8 0,75 0,7 0,65 0,6 0,55 0,5 0,45 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 1 2 3 9 8 4 5 6 7 Dissimilarity 0,8 0,75 0,7 0,65 0,6 0,55 0,5 0,45 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 Figure 3: Dendrogram of stony and scree sites with Lomelosia graminifolia in Spodnja Trenta and in the gable end of the Tol- minka valley (UPGMA, 1– similarity ratio) Slika 3: Dendrogram kamnitih in gruščnatih rastišč z vrsto Lomelosia graminifolia v Spodnji Trenti in v zatrepu doline Tol- minke (UPGMA, komplement Wishartovega koeficienta podobnosti) DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 164 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 3.2 Classification of recorded stands into the syntaxonomic system Relevés in Table 1 formed two groups (Figure 3). Five relevés on the left side of the dendrogram indicate a stony grassland on initial soil, and the four relevés on the right indicate a scree community. The second group, relevés 6–9 in Table 1 (relevés 4, 5, 6, and 7 in Figure 3), with dominating Achnatherum calamagros- tis (syn. Stipa calamagrostis) can be classified into the association Stipetum calamagrostis Br.-Bl. 1918. This association has not yet been sufficiently studied in Slo- venia. The phytosociological table titled “Stipa calama- grostis–association” was published by Aichinger (1933: 40–43) and comprises relevés that were made mainly in the Austrian part of the Karavanke Moun- tains. Aichinger ( ibid.) identified the following char- acter species of the association: Achnatherum calama- grostis, Calamintha einseleana (C. nepetoides sensu Fritch, Clinopodium foliosum – Fischer et al. 2008: 795), Epilobium dodonaei, Reseda lutea and Peuceda- num verticillare (see also Englisch et al. 1993: 331– 332). Our relevés include Epilobium dodonaei and Cal- amintha einseleana. Galium lucidum and Aethionema saxatile can also be considered diagnostic for the as- sociation in the broader sense. The species common to both our and Aichinger’ s relevés (ibid.) are Achnather- um calamagrostis, Epilobium dodonaei, Calamintha einseleana, Buphthalmum salicifolium, Geranium rob- ertianum, Teucrium chamaedrys, Salix purpurea, S. el- eagnos, S. appendiculata, Picea abies, Ostrya carpinifo- lia, Calamagrostis varia, Fraxinus ornus, Centaurea scabiosa, Leontodon hispidus, Clematis vitalba, Hiera- cium glaucum, Campanula cespitosa, Gymnocarpium robertianum. In the neighbouring Friuli (one relevé is from the westernmost part of the Julian Alps, under Figure 4: Dendrogram of three stony (sub)montane grassland communities in the foothills of the Southern and Southeastern Alps (UPGMA, 1– similarity ratio) Slika 4: Dendrogram treh kamnitih (sub)montanskih traviščnih združb v prigorju Južnih in Jugovzhodnih Alp (UPGMA, komplement Wishartovega koeficienta podobnosti) Legend (Legenda): 1 Aquilegio einseleanae-Caricetum mucronatae (this article / ta članek) 2 Centaureo dichroanthae-Globularietum cordifoliae seslerietosum albicantis (Feoli Chiapella & Poldini 1993) 3 Euphrasio cuspidatae-Globularietum cordifoliae (E. & S. Pignatti 2016) Aquilegio-Caricetum m ucronatae Dissimilarity 0,75 0,7 0,65 0,6 0,55 0,5 0,45 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 1 2 3 Dissimilarity 0,75 0,7 0,65 0,6 0,55 0,5 0,45 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 165 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Lopič/M. Plauris, others are from the Carnic Alps) Poldini & Martini (1993: 175–177) described a new geographical variant Stipetum calamagrostis var. geogr. Campanula carnica. Their table, which com- prises six relevés, shares the following species with our four relevés: Achnatherum calamagrostis, Epilobium dodonaei, Galium lucidum, Aethionema saxatile, Gyp- sophila repens, Petasites paradoxus, Campanula cespi- tosa, Sesleria caerulea, Satureja montana subsp. varie- gata, Scrophularia juratensis, Asperula aristata, Calamagrostis varia, Euphrasia cuspidata, Gentianella pilosa, Hieracium porrifolium, Ostrya carpinifolia, Salix appendiculata, S. eleagnos and Lomelosia gramini- folia. The similarity between our and Aichinger’ s (ibid.), and our and Poldini & Martini ’s relevés (ibid.) is therefore obvious. Although the stands from the Southeastern Alps could probably have the syn- taxonomic rank of a special geographical variant, Campanula carnica occurs only in the relevés from Friuli, but not in the relevés from Slovenia and Aus- tria. The final diagnosis will have to take into account also the relevés, mainly from the Julian Alps, which were made by late Tone Wraber, who, regrettably, was unable to process and publish them. They are kept in his field notes at Wraber’s library of the Ljubljana Bo- tanical Garden. Relevés 1–5 in Table 1 were treated separately. We calculated species constancy and arranged them in the synoptic table (Table 2), to which we added two col- umns for species constancy of two syntaxa that share similar site conditions and belong to the subassocia- tion Centaureo dichroanthae-Globularietum cordifoliae Pignatti 1953 seslerietosum albicantis Feoli Chiapella et Poldini 1993 (Feoli Chiapella & Poldini 1993: 17– 21, Table 1, relevés 1–11) – column 2, and Euphrasio cuspidatae-Globularietum cordifoliae E. et S. Pignatti 2014 (E. & S. Pignatti 2014: 136–138; 2016: Associa- tion table 4.2a, pp. 80–81 and 379–380) – column 3. Through hierarchical classification of the three col- umns we obtained the dendrogram in Figure 4. Our relevés are slightly more similar to the relevés of the subassociation Centaureo dichroanthae-Globula- rietum cordifoliae, but this similarity is low. By taking into account only the presence/absence of species the Sørensen similarity index (Sørensen 1948) is still only 43%, which does not justify its classification into the same association. The differences are significant because for the most part our relevés do not comprise thermophilic sub-Mediterranean species from the alli- ance Satureion subspicatae and order Scorzonetalia vil- losae. These relevés were made at lower altitudes (from 70 to 330 m a.s.l.) than ours. The differential species in the relevés of the association Euphrasio cuspidatae- Globularietum cordifoliae, which were made at higher altitudes than ours (at 1150 to 1980 m a.s.l.), are pre- dominantly species from classes Elyno-Seslerietea, Thlaspietea rotundifolii and Erico-Pinetea. Based on this comparison we classify relevés 1–5 in Table 1 into the new association Aquilegio einselean- ae-Caricetum mucronatae ass. nov. hoc loco. Its diag- nostic species are Carex mucronata (as the species with the highest mean cover in these relevés), Aquilegia ein- seleana, Lomelosia graminifolia, Globularia cordifolia, Carduuds crassifolius and Achnatherum calamagrostis. These species characterise stony, partly gravelly grass- lands on initial soils (lithosols) in the plant communi- ty which is transitional between scree communities, chasmophytic communities and communities of stony grasslands, and is characterised by joint occurrence of diagnostic species of classes Festuco-Brometea, Elyno- Seslerietea, Erico-Pinetea, Thlaspietea rotundifolii and Asplenietea trichomanis. Aquilegia einseleana is an eastern-Alpine species, a character species of scree communities from the alliance Petasition paradoxi, which occurs from the colline to the subalpine belt (Aeschimann et al. 2004a: 186) and characterises the new association both in terms of ecology and chorolo- gy. The new community differs from similar commu- nities named after Carex mucronata (Genisto sericeae- Caricetum mucronatae – the coastal side of the Dinaric Alps, Scabioso silenifoliae-Caricetum mucronatae – the Snežnik Mts., and Saxifrago squarrosae-Caricetum mu- cronatae, the Julian Alps, the northern edge of the Trnovski Gozd Plateau) in terms of chorology, ecology and floristics, and the species that best differentiate it against said communities are in the first place Aquile- gia einseleana and Achnatherum calamagrostis (com- pare Dakskobler & Surina 2017: 52–54 and 152–159). The nomenclatural type of the new association, holoty- pus, is relevé 2 in Table 1. The new association is clas- sified into the alliance Caricion austroalpinae, order Seslerietalia coeruleae and class Elyno-Seslerietea. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 166 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 The Slovenian Alps are the northeasternmost part of the distribution area of Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabio- sa graminifolia), and the new locality in Spodnja Trenta is the furthest to the northeast. Although we found a very small population with only about twenty speci- mens on five localities at altitudes ranging from 520 to 810 m a.s.l., it is nevertheless possible that there are more specimens to be found on the difficult-to-access rocks along the Sravnik ravine under the ridge from Mt. Bavški Grintavec to Mt. Zapotoški Vrh. By analys- ing nine relevés, two of which were made on gravelly sites in the gable end of the Tolminka valley, in the Tolmin-Bohinj mountain chain of the Julian Alps, we ascertained that the studied species occurs in two dif- ferent communities. The scree community with domi- nating Achnatherum calamagrostis can be classified into the association Stipetum calamagrostis. Its species composition is very similar to the composition of the communities of this association in the Karavanke Mountains (Aichinger 1933) and northeastern Italy (Poldini & Martini 1993). However, five of the rel- evés indicate a community that is transitional between screes, rock crevices and stony grasslands, and is dom- inated by Carex mucronata, Globularia cordifolia, Ses- leria caerulea and Aquilegia einseleana. The composi- tion of edifying species indicates a certain similarity with the stands of the association Centaureo dichroan- thae-Globularietum cordifoliae from the foothills of the Carnic Alps in Friuli (Feoli Chiapella & Poldini 1993) and with the stands of the association Euphrasio cuspidatae-Globularietum cordifoliae from the Dolo- mites (E. & S. Pignatti 2014, 2016). However, if we take into account their entire floristic composition the similarity between them is too low, and we are there- fore dealing with three different associations. The per- centage of thermophilic species of the alliance Sat- ureion subspicatae and order Scorzonetalia villosae in the stands of the first association is comparatively too high, whereas the stands of the second association comprise differential species of the classes Elyno- Seslerietea and Erico-Pinetea. Based on these findings we described a new association Aquilegio einseleanae- Caricetum mucronatae, which we classify into the alli- ance Caricion austroalpinae, order Seslerietalia coeru- laeae and class Elyno-Seslerietea. Its diagnostic species are Carex mucronata, Globularia cordifolia, Aquilegia einseleana, Lomelosia graminifolia, Carduus crassifo- lius and Achnatherum calamagrostis. In terms of its floristic composition, chorology and ecology it is well differentiated from other communities in Slovenian mountains that are named after Carex mucronata (Genisto sericeae-Caricetum mucronatae, Scabioso si- lenifoliae-Caricetum mucronatae and Saxifrago squar- rosae-Caricetum mucronatae). 4 CONCLUSIONS 5 POVZETEK 5.1 Uvod Lomelosia graminifolia (L.) Greuter & Burdet (sin. Sca- biosa graminifolia L.), je južnoevropska montanska vrsta, značilnica razreda Festuco-Brometea (Aeschi - mann et al. 2004b: 424). V Alpah je razširjena v njiho- vem južnem in jugozahodnem delu, najbolj vzhodno v Sloveniji. Pogosta je v severovzhodni Italiji, v deželi Furlanija Julijska krajina (Poldini 2002: 300), ni pa znana v Avstriji (Fischer et al. 2008: 814). Arealno karto razširjenosti v Sloveniji so objavili Jogan et al. (2001: 341), vendar je v njej precej nahajališč, za katere ne vemo vira, od kje so ga povzeli. Surina (2005: 342– 343) je domneval, da so najbrž zmotna, je pa naštel večino do takrat znanih in potrjenih nahajališč, ki jih (brez omembe Snežniškega pogorja) povzema tudi T. Wraber (2007: 501). V arealni karti na sliki 1 so torej upoštevana nahajališča iz Julijskih Alp: novo nahaja- lišče v Trenti, do zdaj najbolj severovzhodno v vseh Alpah, ki ga bomo obravnavali v nadaljevanju, naha- jališče na prodišču pri Čezsoči (kvadrant 9647/3: popis B. Vreš, A. Seliškar, I. Dakskobler, 10. 8. 1995, zapisano v elaboratu Dakskobler et al. 1996), nahaja- lišča v Bohinju (starejše vire zanje povzema Surina , ibid., novejše potrditve B. Anderle, B. Zupan, I. Dakskobler, podatkovna baza FloVegSi), v Breginj- skem kotu (prva objava Čušin 2001: 13) in nad dolino Tolminke (prva objava Dakskobler 1996: 392) ter na- hajališča zunaj Alp: ob Soči pri Solkanu (novejše potr- ditve A. Seliškar, I. Dakskobler, D. Rojšek, podatkov- na baza FloVegSi), na južnih pobočjih Trnovskega gozda (novejše potrditve E. Mayer, E. Velikonja, B. Vreš, I. Dakskobler, podatkovna baza FloVegSi) in Na- nosa (novejše potrditve, I. Dakskobler, B. Surina, M. Blokar, podatkovna baza FloVegSi) ter v Snežniškem pogorju (Surina 2005). O združbah, v katerih v Sloveniji in njeni bližnji okolici uspeva vrsta Lomelosia graminifolia imamo le DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 167 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 nekaj podatkov. Poldini (1978) jo je pod Čavnom našel v sestojih asociacij Phyteumato columnae-Poten- tilletum caulescentis in Genisto sericeae-Caricetum mucronatae. Ob Soči pri Solkanu smo jo popisali v se- stoju asociacije Phyteumato-Paederotetum luteae nom. prov. (Dakskobler, Martinčič & Rojšek 2014). Su- rina (2005) jo je pod Snežnikom popisal na robovih drugotnih sestojev črnega bora (Pinus nigra), na meli- ščih iz zveze Peltarion alliaceae in v sestojih asociacije Genisto sericeae-Seslerietum juncifoliae, v isti združbi jo je popisal tudi na Nanosu (Surina in Blokar, popis 13. 9. 2003, neobjavljeno). Pod Čavnom smo jo popisa- li tudi v drugotnem gozdu črnega bora (Pinetum nigrae s. lat.), ki je nastal s subspontanim širjenjem te dreve- sne vrste iz bližnjih nasadov. Nad dolino Tolminke smo jo popisali tudi v sestoju asociacije Cytisantho- -Ostryetum (Dakskobler, 22.10. 1998, neobjavljeno), Poldini & Vidali (1999) pa sta jo v sosednji Furlaniji popisala v sestoju asociacije Ostryo carpinifoliae-Fraxi- netum orni (Fraxino orni-Ostryetum). Feoli Chiapel - la & Poldini (1993) sta jo izbrala za značilnico oz. razlikovalnico podzveze Centaurenion dichroanthae in jo navajata v fitocenološki tabeli asociacije Centaureo dichroanthae-Globularietum cordifoliae. Poldini & Martini (1993) to vrsto v dodatku članka naštejeta med redkimi (sporadičnimi) vrstami v sestojih asocia- cije Stipetum calamagrostis. Pri raziskavah rastlinstva ob reki Soči v Matevže- vi tesni v Spodnji Trenti jo je starejši avtor (Amadej Trnkoczy) našel v strugi grape Sravnik, tik pred nje- nim iztekom v reko Sočo, a tudi višje na pobočju. Na skupnem ogledu obeh avtorjev smo našli še nekaj na- hajališč in skupno naredili sedem fitocenoloških po- pisov, s pomočjo katerih bomo opisali njena do zdaj najbolj severovzhodna nahajališča v Sloveniji in Alpah sploh. 5.2 Metode Floristične in fitocenološke popise vrste Lomelosia gra- minifolia (slovensko ime za zdaj ostaja travnolistni grintavec) na nahajališčih v Trenti in nad dolino Tol- minke smo naredili po ustaljenih srednjeevropskih metodah (Ehrendorfer & Hamann 1965, Jalas & Suominen 1967, Braun-Blanquet 1964) in jih vnesli v bazo podatkov FloVegSi (T. Seliškar, B. Vreš & A. Seliškar 2003). To aplikacijo (in podatke, ki so hra- njeni v njej) smo uporabili tudi pri pripravi arealne karte njene razširjenosti v Sloveniji (Slika 1). Fitoceno- loške popise smo v Preglednico 1 uredili na podlagi rezultatov hierarhične klasifikacije. Uporabili smo programski paket SYN-TAX (Podani 2001) in metodo kopičenja na podlagi povezovanja (netehtanih) sre- dnjih razdalj (UPGMA) ter količnik različnosti 1– si- milarity ratio (komplement Wishartovega koeficienta podobnosti). Pri tem smo kombinirane ocene zastira- nja in pogostnosti pretvorili v ordinalne vrednosti od 1 do 9 (van der Maarel 1979). Isto metodo smo upo- rabili tudi pri primerjavi treh podobnih združb ka- mnitih travišč v Južnih in Jugovzhodnih Alpah. No- menklaturni vir za imena praprotnic in semenk je Mala flora Slovenije (Martinčič et al. 2007), z izjemo vrst Epilobium dodonaei Vill. (namesto Chamerion do- donaei (Vill.) Holub), Lomelosia graminifolia (L.) Gre- uter & Burdet (namesto Scabiosa graminifolia L.), Mo- linia arundinacea Schrank (namesto M. caerulea L. Moench subsp. arundinacea (Schrank) K. Richt.) in Sesleria caerulea (L.) Ard. (namesto taksona Sesleria caerulea (L.) Ard. subsp. calcaria (Opisz) Čelak. ex Hegi). Nomenklaturni vir za imena mahov je Martin - čič (2003, 2011), za imena sintaksonov pa Theurillat (2004) in Šilc & Čarni (2012). Fitocenološke skupine (= skupine diagnostičnih vrst) smo oblikovali v glav- nem po delu Flora alpina (Aeschimann et al. 2004 a,b), ob upoštevanju lastnih spoznanj. 5.3 Rezultati 5. 3. 1 Opis novega nahajališča v Trenti 9648/1 (UTM 33TVM03) Slovenija: Primorska, Tren- ta, Spodnja Trenta, v dnu grape Sravnik na desnem bregu Soče tik pod cesto, na mestu, kjer teče hudo- urniška voda. Nahajališče je precej nad najvišjim možnim vodostajem Soče, 520 m nm. v. Leg. & det. A. Trnkoczy, 13. 7. 2019; vsa ostala nahajališča so v strugi te grape (imenovana tudi Skokarjeva grapa) na grušču na nadmorski višini 555 m (det. A. Trn- koczy, 12. 8. 2019) in 660 m (det. A. Trnkoczy & I. Dakskobler, 20. 9. 2019), na skalovju v tej grapi na nadmorski višini 740 m in v skalnatem žlebu stranskega kraka te grape na nadmorski višini 810 m (det. A. Trnkoczy & I. Dakskobler, 20. 9. 2019). Število opaženih primerkov je majhno, skupno okoli dvajset. Vsa nahajališča imajo prisojno (južno, jugovzho- dno) lego, tla so inicialna, kamnišče (litosol). Na vseh nahajališčih smo naredili fitocenološki popis. V fitoce- nološko tabelo smo poleg popisov, na katerih smo našli preučevano, upoštevali še dva popisa na zelo podobnih rastiščih ob isti grapi, enega na grušču in enega v ska- lovju, kjer pa te vrste nismo opazili. V Preglednico 1 pa smo dodali še dva popisa iz doline Tolminke, njenega zatrepa in sicer na pobočnem grušču pod pl. Dobrenj- DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 168 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 ščica (Za Steno), 780 m nm. v. in v Žlebiču nad pl. Prodi, na nadmorski višini 790 m. Ti dve nahajališči smo kratko opisali pred leti (Dakskobler 1 996: 392) in njuna sestoja takrat uvrstili v asociacijo Centaureo dichroanthae-Globularietum cordifoliae. 5.3.2 Uvrstitev popisanih sestojev v sintaksonomski sis- tem Popisi v preglednici 1 so se združevali v dve skupini (slika 3). Pet popisov v levem delu dendrograma kaže na kamnito travišče na inicialnih tleh, štirje popisi v desnem delu dendrograma na meliščno združbo. To drugo skupino, v preglednici 1 so to popisi št. 6–9, na sliki 3 pa popisi 4, 5, 6 in 7, po prevladujoči vrsti Ach- natherum calamagrostis (sin. Stipa calamagrostis) lahko uvrstimo v asociacijo Stipetum calamagrostis Br.-Bl. 1918. Ta asociacija v Sloveniji še ni zadostno preučena. Fitocenološko tabelo z imenom Stipa cala- magrostis–asociacija je objavil Aichinger (1933: 40– 43) s popisi večinoma iz avstrijskega dela Karavank. Kot značilnice asociacije je izbral vrste Achnatherum calamagrostis, Calamintha einseleana (C. nepetoides sensu Fritch, C. foliosum – Fischer et al. 2008: 795), Epilobium dodonaei, Reseda lutea in Peucedanum verti- cillare (glej tudi Englisch et al. 1993: 331–332). V naših popisih sta prisotni vrsti Epilobium dodonaei in Cala- mintha einseleana. Kot diganostični za asociacijo v šir- šem smislu lahko štejemo tudi vrsti Galium lucidum in Aethionema saxatile. Skupne vrste med našimi popisi in popisi Aichinger -ja (ibid.) so Achnatherum cala- magrostis, Epilobium dodonaei, Calamintha einseleana, Buphthalmum salicifolium, Geranium robertianum, Te- ucrium chamaedrys, Salix purpurea, S. eleagnos, S. appendiculata, Picea abies, Ostrya carpinifolia, Cala- magrostis varia, Fraxinus ornus, Centaurea scabiosa, Leontodon hispidus, Clematis vitalba, Hieracium glau- cum, Campanula cespitosa, Gymnocarpium robertia- num. V sosednji Furlaniji (en popis je tudi iz skrajno zahodnega dela Julijskih Alp, pod Lopičem / M. Plau- ris, ostali so iz Karnijskih Alp) sta Poldini & Martini (1993: 175–177) opisala novo geografsko varianto Sti- petum calamagrostis var. geogr. Campanula carnica. V njuni tabeli s šestimi popisi so skupne z našimi štirimi popisi naslednje vrste: Achnatherum calamagrostis, Epilobium dodonaei, Galium lucidum, Aethionema saxatile, Gypsophila repens, Petasites paradoxus, Cam- panula cespitosa, Sesleria caerulea, Satureja montana subsp. variegata, Scrophularia juratensis, Asperula ari- stata, Calamagrostis varia, Euphrasia cuspidata, Genti- anella pilosa, Hieracium porrifolium, Ostrya carpinifo- lia, Salix appendiculata, S. eleagnos in Lomelosia gra- minifolia. Podobnost naših popisov s popisi Aichin - ger- ja (ibid.) in Poldini & Martini -ja (ibid.) je torej očitna. Najbrž je za sestoje iz Jugovzhodnih Alp upra- vičen sintaksonomski rang posebne geografske varian- te, a se vrsta Campanula carnica za zdaj pojavlja le v popisih iz Furlanije, ne pa tudi v popisih iz Slovenije in Avstrije. Za dokončno opredelitev bomo morali upo- števati tudi neobjavljene popise pokojnega Toneta Wraberja, predvsem iz Julijskih Alp, v njegovih teren- skih beležnicah, ki so shranjene v Wraberjevi knjižnici v Botaničnem vrtu v Ljubljani in jih za življenja ni uspel obdelati in objaviti. Popise 1–5 v preglednici 1 smo obravnavali ločeno, v njih izračunali stalnost vrst in jih uvrstili v sintezno tabelo (Preglednica 2), v kateri smo dodali še dva stolp- ca s stalnostjo vrst dveh po rastiščnih razmerah podob- nih sintaksonov, subasociacije: Centaureo dichro- anthae-Globularietum cordifoliae Pignatti 1953 seslerie- tosum albicantis Feoli Chiapella et Poldini 1993 (Feoli Chiapella & Poldini 1993: 17–21, Tabela 1, popisi 1–11) – stolpec 2 in Euphrasio cuspidatae-Globularie- tum cordifoliae E. et S. Pignatti 2014 (E. & S. Pignatti 2014: 136–138; 2016: Association table 4.2a, str. 80–81 in 379–380 – stolpec 3). Tri stolpce smo primerjali s hi- erarhično klasifikacijo in dobili dendrogram v sliki 4. Naši popisi so sicer bolj podobni popisom subaso- ciacije Centaureo dichroanthae-Globularietum cordifoli- ae, vendar je podobnost majhna. Če upoštevamo zgolj prisotnost / odsotnost vrst je ta podobnost po Sørensen-u (1948) le 43 %, kar je premalo za uvrstitev v isto asociacijo. Razlike so prevelike, ker v naših popi- sih večinoma ni toploljubnih submediteranskih vrst iz zveze Satureion subspicatae in reda Scorzonetalia villo- sae. Ti popisi so narejeni na nižji nadmorski višini (od 70 m do 330 m) kot naši. V popisih asociacije Euphrasio cuspidatae-Globularietum cordifoliae, ki so narejeni na višji nadmorski višini kot naši (1150 m do 1980 m) pa so razlikovalne predvsem nekatere vrste iz razredov Elyno- -Seslerietea, Thlaspietea rotundifolii in Erico-Pinetea. Na podlagi te primerjave popise 1–5 v preglednici 1 uvrščamo v novo asociacijo Aquilegio einseleanae- -Caricetum mucronatae ass. nov. hoc loco. Njene dia- gnostične vrste so Carex mucronata (ker ima v teh po- pisih največje srednje zastiranje), Aquilegia einseleana, Lomelosia graminifolia, Globularia cordifolia, Cardu- uds crassifolius in Achnatherum calamagrostis. Naštete vrste označujejo kamnita, deloma gruščnata travišča na inicialnih tleh (kamnišču) v rastlinski združbi, ki je prehodna med združbami melišč, skalnih razpok in kamnitih travišč, in jo označuje skupno uspevanje di- agnostičnih vrst razredov Festuco-Brometea, Elyno-Se- slerietea, Erico-Pinetea, Thlaspietea rotundifolii in Asplenietea trichomanis. Aquilegia einseleana je vzho- dnoalpska vrsta, značilnica meliščnih združb iz zveze DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 169 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Petasition paradoxi, ki uspeva od kolinskega do subal- pinskega pasu (Aeschimann et al. 2004a: 186) in novo asociacijo označuje tako ekološko kot horološko. Od podobnih združb, ki se imenujejo po vrsti Carex mucronata (Genisto sericeae-Caricetum mucronatae – primorski del Dinarskega gorstva, Scabioso silenifoli- ae-Caricetum mucronatae – Snežniško pogorje in Saxi- frago squarrosae-Caricetum mucronatae, Julijske Alpe, severni rob Trnovskega gozda), se razlikuje horološko, ekološko in floristično, pri čemer sta proti naštetim združbam najbolj razlikovalni predvsem vrsti Aquile- gia einseleana in Achnatherum calamagrostis (primer- jaj Dakskobler & Surina 2017: 52–54 in 152–159). Nomenklaturni tip nove asocaciacije, holotypus, je popis št. 2 v preglednici 1. Novo asociacijo uvrščamo v zvezo Caricion austroalpinae, red Seslerietalia coerule- ae in razred Elyno-Seslerietea. 5.4 Zaključki Vrsta Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia) ima v slovenskih Alpah svoja najbolj severovzhodna nahajališča. Novo nahajališče v Spodnji Trenti je med vsemi najbolj severovzhodno v Alpah. Čeprav smo našli zelo majhno populacijo, z okoli dvajsetimi pri- merki na petih nahajališčih na nadmorski višini od 520 m do 810 m, je mogoče, da je primerkov še več v težko prehodnem skalovju ob grapi Sravnik in desno od nje pod grebenom med Bavškim Grintavcem in Za- potoškim vrhom. Z analizo devetih fitocenoloških po- pisov, dva smo pred leti naredili na gruščantih rasti- ščih v zatrepu doline Tolminke, v Tolminsko-Bohinj- skem grebenu Julijskih Alp, smo ugotovili, da obrav- navana vrsta uspeva v dveh različnih združbah. Me- liščno združbo s prevladujočo vrsto Achnatherum ca- lamagrostis lahko uvrstimo v asociacijo Stipetum cala- magrostis. Po vrstni sestavi je precej podobna združ- bam te asociacije v Karavankah (Aichinger 1933) in severovzhodni Italiji (Poldini & Martini 1993). Pet popisov pa označuje prehodno združbo med melišči, skalnimi razpokami in kamnitimi travišči, v kateri so prevladujoče vrste Carex mucronata, Globularia cordi- folia, Sesleria caerulea in Aquilegia einseleana. Sestava edifikatorskih vrst kaže določeno podobnost s sestoji asociacij Centaureo dichroanthae-Globularietum cordi- foliae iz prigorja Karnijskih Alp v Furlaniji (Feoli Chiapella & Poldini 1993) in s sestoji asociacije Euphrasio cuspidatae-Globularietum cordifoliae iz Do- lomitov (E. & S. Pignatti 2014, 2016). Ob upoštevanju celotne floristične sestave je podobnost med njimi pre- majhna in očitno so to tri različne asociacije. V sestojih prve asociacije je primerjalno prevelik delež toploljub- nih vrst zveze Satureion subspicatae in reda Scorzone- talia villosae, v sestojih druge pa so razlikovalne neka- tere vrste razredov Elyno-Seslerietea in Erico-Pinetea. Na podlagi teh ugotovitev smo opisali novo asociacijo Aquilegio einseleanae-Caricetum mucronatae, ki jo uvrščamo v zvezo Caricion austroalpinae, red Seslerie- talia coerulaeae in razred Elyno-Seslerietea. Njene dia- gnostične vrste so Carex mucronata, Globularia cordi- folia, Aquilegia einseleana, Lomelosia graminifolia, Carduus crassifolius in Achnatherum calamagrostis. Od drugih združb, ki se v gorah Slovenije imenujejo po vrsti Carex mucronata (Genisto sericeae-Caricetum mucronatae, Scabioso silenifoliae-Caricetum mucrona- tae in Saxifrago squarrosae-Caricetum mucronatae) se dobro razlikuje floristično, horološko in ekološko. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The co-author of the distribution map (Figure 1) is Branko Vreš, the administrator of the FloVegSi databa- se. Iztok Sajko prepared Figure 2 for print. Prof. Dr. Boštjan Surina allowed us to cite his unpublished ma- terial on the community with Lomelosia graminifolia on Nanos. Two anonymous reviewers helped us with valuable improvements and corrections. The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Slovenian Research Agency (research program P1-0236). English translation by Andreja Šalamon Verbič. REFERENCES – LITERATURA Aeschimann, D., K. Lauber, D. M. Moser & J.-P. Theurillat, 2004a: Flora alpina. Band 1: Lycopodiaceae– Apiaceae. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien. Aeschimann, D., K. Lauber, D. M. Moser & J.-P. Theurillat, 2004b: Flora alpina. Band 2: Gentianaceae– Orchidaceae. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien. 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DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 171 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Sørensen , Th., 1948: A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species content. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskaberns Selskab, Biologiske Skrifter (København) 5 (4): 1–34. Surina , B., 2005: Some novelites in the flora and vegetation of. Mt. Snežnik (SW Slovenia, Liburnian karst). Acta Bot. Croat. (Zagreb) 64 (2): 341–356. Šilc, U. & A. Čarni, 2012: Conspectus of vegetation syntaxa in Slovenia. Hacquetia (Ljubljana) 11 (1): 113–164. Theurillat J.-P., 2004: Pflanzensoziologisches System. In: Aeschimann, D., K. Lauber, D. M. Moser & J. P. Theuri- llat: Flora Alpina 3: Register. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien pp. 301–313. Wraber, T. , 2007: Dipsacaceae – ščetinovke. In: A. Martinčič (ed.): Mala flora Slovenije. Ključ za določanje prapro- tnic in semenk. Tehniška založba Slovenije, četrta, dopolnjena in spremenjena izdaja, Ljubljana. pp. 497-501. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 172 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Figure 5: Flower of Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia). Photo: A. Trnkoczy. Slika 5: Cvet travnolistnega grintavca (Lomelosia graminifolia, sin. Scabiosa graminifolia). Foto: A. Trnkoczy. Figure 6: Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia) – plant details. Photo: A. Trnkoczy. Slika 6: Travnolistni grintavec (Lomelosia graminifolia, sin. Scabiosa graminifolia) – posamezni deli rastline. Foto: A. Trnkoczy. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 173 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Figure 7: Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifo- lia)– habit. Photo: A. Trnkoczy. Slika 7: Habitus travnolistnega grintavca (Lomelosia graminifolia, sin. Scabiosa graminifolia). Foto: A. Trnkoczy. Figure 8: Site and community on the first found locality of Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia) in the Trenta Valley. Photo: A. Trnkoczy. Slika 8: Rastišče in združba na prvem odkritem nahajališču travnolistnega grintavca (Lomelosia graminifolia, sin. Scabiosa graminifolia) v Trenti. Foto: A. Trnkoczy. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 174 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Figure 9: The ravine Sravnik (Skokar ravine) under the Mt. Bavški Grintavec. Photo. I. Dakskobler. Slika 9: Grapa Sravnik (Skokarjeva grapa) pod Bavškim Grintavcem. Foto: I. Dakskobler. Figure 10: Rock face above the highest in this article described locality of Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia) in the ravine Sravnik. Photo: I. Dakskobler. Slika 10: Ostenje nad najvišjim v tem članku opisanim nahajališčem travnolistnega grintavca (Lomelosia graminifolia, sin. Scabiosa graminifolia) v grapi Sravnik. Foto. I. Dakskobler. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 175 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Figure 12: Stand of the association Aquilegio einseleanae- Caricetum mucronatae in the ravine Sravnik. Photo: I. Dakskobler. Slika 12: Sestoj asociacije Aquilegio einseleanae-Carice- tum mucronatae v grapi Sravnik. Foto: I. Dakskobler. Figure 11: Stand of the association Stipetum calamagrostis in the ravine Sravnik. Photo: I. Dakskobler. Slika 11: Sestoj asociacije Stipetum calamagrostis v grapi Sravnik. Foto: I. Dakskobler. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 176 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Table 1: Communities with Lomelosia graminifolia in the Tolminka and Trenta valleys Preglednica 1: Združbe z vrsto Lomelosia graminifolia v dolini Tolminke in v Trenti Successive number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Database number of relevé (Delovna številka popisa) 203384 203411 276940 278222 278221 278212 278214 278219 278220 Elevation in m (Nadmorska višina v m) 780 790 810 820 740 520 555 650 660 Aspect (Lega) SW S SSE SSE SE S S S SSE Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) 30 40 30 70 40 1 5 10 10 Parent material (Matična podlaga) DA DA DA DA DA Gr Gr Gr Gr Soil (Tla) Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Stoniness in % (Kamnitost v %) 50 40 100 100 100 100 90 100 70 Cover of shrub layer in % (Zastiranje grmovne plasti v %) 20 10 10 10 Cover of herb layer in % (Zastiranje zeliščne plasti v %): 40 70 30 40 50 25 35 40 60 Cover of moss layer in % (Zastiranje mahovne plasti v %): 1 5 Number of species (Število vrst) 66 42 16 21 22 28 39 32 37 Relevé area (Velikost popisne ploskve) m 2 50 50 15 30 15 15 20 30 20 Date of taking relevé (Datum popisa) 10/22/1998 8/4/1994 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 Locality (Nahajališče) Tolminka- Žlebič Tolminka- Za steno Trenta- Sravnik Trenta- Sravnik Trenta- Sravnik Trenta- Sravnik Trenta- Sravnik Trenta- Sravnik Trenta- Sravnik Quadrant (Kvadrant) 9748/1 9748/1 9648/1 9648/1 9648/1 9648/1 9648/1 9648/1 9648/1 Coordinate GK Y (D-48) m 403057 402221 399930 399922 400045 400598 400572 400303 400287 Coordinate GK X (D-48) m 5124169 5125272 5136222 5136228 5136141 5135660 5135722 5135998 5136016 Diagnostic species of the associations (Diagnostične vrste asociacij) Pr. Fr. ES Carex mucronata E1 1 2 1 3 1 . . . . 5 56 FB Lomelosia graminifolia (Scabiosa graminifolia) E1 + 1 + . + r r . + 7 78 ES Globularia cordifolia E1 1 1 . 1 + . . . . 4 44 TR Aquilegia einseleana E1 r + 1 + + + + 1 + 9 100 ES Carduus crassifolius E1 1 + . . + . + + . 5 56 TR Achnatherum calamagrostis E1 + . 1 + . 1 2 3 3 7 78 FB Galium lucidum E1 . . . . . . + + + 3 33 TR Epilobium dodonaei E1 . . . . . + + . . 2 22 TG Calamintha einseleana E1 . . . . . . 1 + . 2 22 TR Aethionema saxatile E1 . . . . . . . + . 1 11 CA Caricion austroalpinae Carduus crassifolius E1 1 + . . + . + + . 5 56 Laserpitium peucedanoides E1 r + . . . . . . . 2 22 ES Elyno-Seslerietea Sesleria caerulea E1 + 1 1 3 2 . . . 1 6 67 Betonica alopecuros E1 + + . . . . . . . 2 22 Gentiana clusii E1 + + . . . . . . . 2 22 DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 177 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. alpestris E1 + + . . . . . . . 2 22 Thymus praecox subsp. polytrichus E1 + . . . . . . + . 2 22 Leucanthemum heterophyllum E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Phyteuma orbiculare E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Aster bellidiastrum E1 r . . . . . . . . 1 11 Dryas octopetala E1 r . . . . . . . . 1 11 Helianthemum alpestre E1 . + . . . . . . . 1 11 Helianthemum nummularium subsp. grandiflorum E1 . + . . . . . . . 1 11 Pinguicula alpina E1 . + . . . . . . . 1 11 Acinos alpinus E1 . . . . . . + . . 1 11 TR Thlaspietea rotundifolii Hieracium porrifolium E1 + 1 + + . + + + + 8 89 Gypsophila repens E1 . + 1 1 . . + + 1 6 67 Centaurea dichroantha E1 1 1 . + . . + . + 5 56 Biscutella laevigata E1 + . . . . + . . . 2 22 Petasites paradoxus E1 + . . . . + . . . 2 22 Gymnocarpium robertianum E1 . . . . + . + . . 2 22 Aconitum angustifolium E1 r . . . . . . . . 1 11 Hieracium bifidum E1 . . . . . . . + . 1 11 Hieracium piloselloides E1 . . . . . . . + . 1 11 Scrophularia juratensis E1 . . . . . . . + . 1 11 Leontodon hispidus subsp. hyoseroides E1 . . . . . . . . + 1 11 FB Festuco-Brometea Buphthalmum salicifolium E1 + 1 . + . + + + + 7 78 Peucedanum oreoselinum E1 + + + . + + + . + 7 78 Satureja montana subsp. variegata E1 . . + + + + + + + 7 78 Teucrium montanum E1 + + . . + . . 1 . 4 44 Carlina acaulis E1 r + . + . . . . + 4 44 Euphorbia cyparissias E1 . . . . + r + + . 4 44 Pimpinella saxifraga E1 . . . . + + + . + 4 44 Teucrium chamaedrys E1 r . . + . . . + . 3 33 Stachys recta E1 r . . . . + + . . 3 33 Carlina vulgaris E1 . . . . . . r + + 3 33 Coronilla vaginalis E1 + + . . . . . . . 2 22 Inula ensifolia E1 r + . . . . . . . 2 22 Centaurea scabiosa subsp. fritschii E1 . . . . . . . + + 2 22 Linum catharticum E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Orobanche teucrii E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Ajuga genevensis E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Lotus corniculatus E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Hippocrepis comosa E1 r . . . . . . . . 1 11 Inula hirta E1 . + . . . . . . . 1 11 Prunella grandiflora E1 . + . . . . . . . 1 11 Centaurea bracteata E1 . . . . . . . . + 1 11 Gentianella ciliata E1 . . . . . . . . + 1 11 Gentianella pilosa E1 . . . . . . . . + 1 11 TG Trifolio-Geranietea Vincetoxicum hirundinaria E1 r + . . . . . . + 3 33 Anthericum ramosum E1 + + . . . . . . . 2 22 Laserpitium latifolium E1 r . . . . . . . . 1 11 Trisetum argenteum E1 . . + . . . . . . 1 11 Thesium bavarum E1 . . . . . . . . + 1 11 PS Physoplexido comosae-Saxifragion petraeae Campanula cespitosa E1 + . . + . 1 1 1 + 6 67 Seseli gouanii E1 . . . + + . . . + 3 33 Paederota bonarota E1 . + . . . . . . . 1 11 Successive number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pr. Fr. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 178 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Silene hayekiana E1 . . . . . + . . . 1 11 PC Potentilletalia caulescentis, Asplenietea trichomanis Hieracium glaucum E1 + . . . . r + . + 4 44 Hieracium glaucum x porrifolium E1 . . . . . + + + + 4 44 Rhamnus pumilus E1 . . + + + . . . . 3 33 Kernera saxatilis E1 . . . + . . + + . 3 33 Potentilla caulescens E1 + r . . . . . . . 2 22 Valeriana saxatilis E1 r + . . . . . . . 2 22 Primula auricula E1 r . . + . . . . . 2 22 Asplenium ruta-muraria E1 . . . . . . + . . 1 11 Carex brachystachys E1 . . . . . . + . . 1 11 EP Erico-Pinetea Asperula aristata E1 + + . . + r + + . 6 67 Calamagrostis varia E1 1 . + . 1 + . . + 5 56 Genista radiata E2a + + . + + . . + . 5 56 Erica carnea E1 + 1 . . 2 . . . + 4 44 Carex ornithopoda E1 . . . . . + + + + 4 44 Molinia arundinacea E1 2 1 . . . . 2 . . 3 33 Leontodon incanus E1 + 1 . + . . . . . 3 33 Amelanchier ovalis E2a r + . + . . . . . 3 33 Euphrasia cuspidata E1 + + . . . . . . + 3 33 Polygala chamaebuxus E1 + + . . . . . + . 3 33 Galium purpureum E1 + . . . . . + . + 3 33 Chamaecytisus purpureus E1 . . . 1 + . . . . 2 22 Picea abies E2 . . . . . r . . + 2 22 Allium ericetorum E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Aster amellus E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Crepis slovenica E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Gymnadenia odoratissima E1 r . . . . . . . . 1 11 Pinus mugo E2a . + . . . . . . . 1 11 Epipactis atrorubens E1 . . . . . + . . . 1 11 BA Betulo-Alnetea Salix glabra E2a 1 1 . . . . . . . 2 22 Salix appendiculata E1 . . + . . r . . . 2 22 Salicetea purpureae Salix eleagnos E2 . . + . . + + 1 + 5 56 Salix purpurea E2a . . r . . . + + . 3 33 FS Aremonio-Fagion,Tilio-Acerion, Fagetalia sylvaticae Euphorbia amygdaloides E1 . . . . . . + + . 2 22 Geranium robertianum E1 . . . . . + + . . 2 22 Cyclamen purpurascens E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Rhamnus fallax E2a r . . . . . . . . 1 11 Mycelis muralis E1 . . . . . . + . . 1 11 Salvia glutinosa E1 . . . . . . + . . 1 11 Juglans regia E2a . . . . . . + . . 1 11 QP Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Ostrya carpinifolia E2 1 1 . . . . . . + 3 33 Ostrya carpinifolia E1 . . r . + r + + + 6 67 Fraxinus ornus E2a + . . . . . + . + 3 33 Fraxinus ornus E1 + + . . + . . + . 4 44 Sorbus aria E2a r + . . . . . . . 2 22 Clematis recta E1 r . . . . . + . . 2 22 Mercurialis ovata E1 + . . . . . . . . 1 11 Rosa canina E2a . . . . r . . . . 1 11 Successive number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pr. Fr. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 179 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 QF Querco-Fagetea Clematis vitalba E2a . . . . . + . + + 3 33 Corylus avellana E2a r . . . . . . . . 1 11 Rubus caesius E1 . . . . . + . . . 1 11 M Mosses (Mahovi) Tortella tortuosa E0 + . . . . . . . + 2 22 Schistidium apocarpum E0 . . . . . . . . + 1 11 Legend - Legenda A Limestone - apnenec D Dolomite - dolomit Gr Gravel - grušč Li Lithosol - kamnišče Re Rendzina - Rendzina Pr. Presence (number of relevés in which the species is presented) - število popisov, v katerih se pojavlja vrsta Fr. Frequency in % - frekvenca v % Successive number of relevé (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pr. Fr. DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 180 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Table 2: Synoptic table of three stony / gravely grassland communities in the foothills of the Southern and South- eastern Alps Preglednica 2: Sintezna tabela treh združb kamnitih / gruščnatih travišč v prigorju Južnih in Jugovzhodnih Alp Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 Author (Avtor) LPFM IDAT ESP Number of relevés (Število popisov) 11 5 8 Scorzoneretalia villosae, Satureion subspicatae Stipa eriocaulis subsp. austriaca E1 91 . . Plantago holosteum E1 82 . . Thesium divaricatum E1 64 . . Bromopsis condensata E1 64 . . Trinia glauca E1 64 . . Genista sericea E1 64 . . Thymus longicaulis E1 64 . 25 Scorzonera austriaca E1 54 . . Chyrsopogon gryllus E1 54 . . Cytisus pseudoprocumbens E1 45 . . Potentilla australis E1 36 . . Leontodon crispus E1 27 . . Satureja montana subsp. variegata E1 18 60 . Plantago argentea subsp. liburnica E1 18 . . Blackstonia perfoliata E1 9 . . Pulsatilla montana E1 . . 13 Festuco-Brometea Fumana procumbens E1 100 . . Peucedanum oreoselinum E1 91 80 13 Teucrium montanum E1 91 60 63 Galium lucidum E1 91 . . Inula ensifolia E1 91 40 . Carex humilis E1 81 . 88 Helianthemum ovatum E1 54 . 13 Lomelosia graminifolia E1 45 80 . Linum tenuifolium E1 45 . . Asperula cynanchica E1 36 . 13 Gymnadenia conopsea E1 36 . . Hippocrepis comosa E1 27 20 38 Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. polyphylla E1 27 . 13 Orchis moria E1 27 . . Euphorbia cyparissias E1 18 20 38 Teucrium chamaedrys E1 18 40 . Lotus corniculatus E1 18 20 50 Buphthalmum salicifolium E1 9 60 38 Carlina acaulis E1 9 60 . Centaurea bracteata E1 9 . . Gentianella pilosa E1 9 . . Carex liparocarpos E1 9 . . Galium verum E1 9 . 13 Allium senescens E1 9 . . Hieracium pilosella E1 9 . . Centaurium erythrea E1 9 . . Silene italica E1 9 . . Coronilla vaginalis E1 . 40 25 Pimpinella saxifraga E1 . 20 . Stachys recta E1 . 20 . Linum catharticum E1 . 20 13 Orobanche teucrii E1 . 20 . Ajuga genevensis E1 . 20 . DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 181 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Inula hirta E1 . 20 . Prunella grandiflora E1 . 20 38 Leucanthemum praecox E1 . . 25 Centaurea scabiosa E1 . . 13 Potentilla pusilla E1 . . 13 Linum tenuifolium E1 . . 13 Trifolium montanum E1 . . 13 Pimpinella nigra E1 . . 13 Carex caryophyllea E1 . . 13 Cirsium erisithalse E1 . . 13 Thero-Brachypodietea Koeleria lobata E1 100 . . Artemiesia alba E1 11 . . Eryngium amathystinum E1 18 . . Campanula sibirica E1 18 . . Medicago prostrata E1 9 . . Melica ciliata E1 9 . . Bothriochloa ishaemum E1 9 . . Arenaria serpyllifolia E1 . . 13 Elyno-Seslerietea Sesleria caerulea E1 100 100 100 Globularia cordifolia E1 100 80 88 Carex mucronata E1 91 100 13 Helianthemum alpestre E1 45 20 . Dryas octopetala E1 27 20 100 Gentiana clusii E1 9 40 38 Thymus praecox subsp. polytrichus E1 9 20 . Aster bellidiastrum E1 9 20 13 Rhinnathus glacialis (R. aristatus) E1 9 . . Carduus crassifolius E1 . 60 . Betonica alopecuros E1 . 40 25 Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. alpestris E1 . 40 . Laserpitium peucedanoides E1 . 40 13 Leucanthemum heterophyllum E1 . 20 . Phyteuma orbiculare E1 . 20 . Helianthemum nummularium subsp. grandiflorum E1 . 20 . Pinguicula alpina E1 . 20 . Carduus carlinaeifolius E1 . . 25 Galium anisophyllum E1 . . 25 Acinos alpinus E1 . . 13 Gentiana nivalis E1 . . 13 Thesium alpinum E1 . . 13 Gentianella anisodonta E1 . . 13 Euphrasia salisburgiensis E1 . . 13 Polygonum viviparum E1 . . 13 Carex sempervirens E1 . . 13 Botrychium lunaria E1 . . 13 Scabiosa lucida E1 . . 13 Koeleria eryostachia E1 . . 13 Leucanthemum heterophyllum E1 . . 13 Pedicularis elongata E1 . . 13 Gentiana utriculosa E1 . . 13 Festuca pulchella E1 . . 13 Caricetalia davallianae Schoenus nigricans E1 72 . . Tofieldia calyculata E1 9 . 13 Parnassia plustris E1 . . 38 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 182 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Dactylis glomerata E1 9 . . Prunella vulgaris E1 9 . . Leontodon hispidus E1 . . 13 Sisymbrietalia Diplotaxis tenuifolia E1 27 . . Reseda lutea E1 27 . . Thlaspietea rotundifolii Centaurea dichroantha E1 100 60 . Euphorbia kerneri E1 100 . 63 Gypsophila repens E1 82 60 . Matthiola carnica E1 73 . . Hieracium porrifolium E1 45 80 25 Biscutella laevigata E1 45 20 25 Hieracium piloselloides E1 45 . 25 Barssica glabrescens E1 45 . . Dianthus sternbergii (D. monspessulanus subsp. waldsteinii) E1 45 . . Crambe tataria E1 27 . . Achnatherum calamagrostis E1 18 60 13 Petasites paradoxus E1 9 20 . Rumex scutatus E1 9 . 13 Silene vulgaris subsp. glareosa E1 9 . 38 Sedum ochroleucum E1 9 . . Alyssum montanum E1 9 . . Equisetum ramosissimum E1 9 . . Aquilegia einseleana E1 . 100 13 Gymnocarpium robertianum E1 . 20 . Aconitum angustifolium E1 . 20 . Athamnatha cretensis E1 . . 38 Hieracium bifidum E1 . . 25 Dianthus sternbergii E1 . . 25 Trisetum argenteum E1 . . 25 Bupleurum ranunculoides var. canalense E1 . . 13 Chondrilla chondrilloides E1 . . 13 Crepis jacquinii E1 . . 13 Physoplexido comosae-Saxifragion petraeae Seseli gouanii E1 54 40 13 Campanula cespitosa E1 18 40 38 Spirea decumbens E1 9 . . Paederota bonarota E1 . 20 . Potentilletalia caulescentis, Asplenietea trichomanis Dianthus sylvestris E1 9 . 25 Rhamnus pumilus E1 . 60 . Potentilla caulescens E1 . 40 . Valeriana saxatilis E1 . 40 12 Primula auricula E1 . 40 . Hieracium glaucum E1 . 20 . Kernera saxatilis E1 . 20 . Carex brachystachys E1 . . 50 Saxifraga squarrosa E1 . . 27 Valeriana tripteris E1 . . 13 Silene quadridentata E1 . . 13 Erico-Pinetea Erica carnea E1 100 60 100 Polygala carniolica (P. nicaeensis subsp. forojulensis) E1 45 . 63 Euphrasia cuspidata E1 18 40 63 Galium purpureum E1 18 20 50 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 183 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Molinia arundinacea E1 9 40 50 Leontodon incanus E1 9 60 . Amelanchier ovalis E2a 9 60 . Allium ericetorum E1 9 20 . Daphne cneorum E1 9 . 13 Larix decidua E1 9 . . Genista radiata E2a . 80 . Asperula aristata E1 . 60 . Calamagrostis varia E1 . 60 63 Polygala chamaebuxus E1 . 40 13 Chamaecytisus purpureus E1 . 40 . Aster amellus E1 . 20 . Crepis froelichiana s. lat. E1 . 20 63 Gymnadenia odoratissima E1 . 20 . Pinus mugo E2a . 20 50 Carex ornithopoda E1 . . 100 Pinus sylvestris E1 . . 75 Arctostaphyllos uva-ursi E2 . . 63 Epipactis atrorubens E1 . . 50 Galium margaritaceum E1 . . 38 Thesium rostratum E1 . . 25 Picea abies E2 . . 13 Carex alba E1 . . 13 Knautia ressmanii E1 . . 13 Rubus saxatilis E1 . . 13 Betulo-Alnetea Salix glabra E2a 9 40 63 Salix appendiculata E1 . 20 13 Trifolio-Geranietea Anthericum ramosum E1 36 40 . Vincetoxicum hirundinaria E1 9 40 . Laserpitium latifolium E1 . 20 . Trisetum argenteum E1 . 20 . Viol hirta E1 . . 13 Polygonatum odoratum E1 . . 13 Aremonio-Fagion, Tilio-Acerion, Fagetalia sylvaticae Cyclamen purpurascens E1 . 20 . Rhamnus fallax E2a . 20 . Lilium martagon E1 . . 13 Luzula nivea E1 . . 13 Galium aristatum E1 . . 13 Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Juniperus communis E2 18 . 50 Ostrya carpinifolia E2 . 40 . Ostrya carpinifolia E1 9 40 . Fraxinus ornus E2a . 20 . Fraxinus ornus E1 9 60 . Clematis recta E1 9 20 . Sorbus aria E2a . 40 . Mercurialis ovata E1 . 20 . Rosa canina E2a . 20 . Carex flacca E1 . . 13 Hierochloe australis E1 . . 13 Cotoneaster integerrima agg. E2 . . 13 Querco-Fagetea s. lat. Serratula tinctoria E1 9 . . Corylus avellana E2a . 20 . Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 DAKSKOBLER & TRNKOCZY: SITES OF LOMELOSIA GRAMINIFOLIA (SCABIOSA GRAMINIFOLIA) 184 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 61/2 – 2020 Solidago virgaurea E1 . . 13 Potentilla erecta E1 . . 13 Salicetea purpureae Salix eleagnos E2 9 20 . Salix purpurea E2a . 20 13 Mosses (Mahovi) Tortella tortuosa E0 . 20 25 Cladonia symphycarpa E0 . . 38 Thamnolia vermicularis E0 . . 13 Legend (Legenda) 1 Centaureo dichroanthae-Globularietum cordifoliae seslerietosum albicantis, Feoli Chiapella & Poldini (1993) 2 Aquilegio einseleanae-Caricetum mucronatae, this article (ta članek) 3 Euphrasio cuspidatae-Globularietum cordifoliae (E. & S. Pignatti 2014, 2016) LP Livio Poldini FM Fabrizio Martini ID Igor Dakskobler AT Amadej Trnkoczy ESP Erica & Sandro Pignatti Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3