ALIGNMENT OF SALINE SPRINGS WITH EV APORITE KARST STRUCTURES IN NORTHEAST ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA: ANALOGUE FOR CRETACEOUS HYPOGENE BRINE SEEPS TO THE SURFACE RAZPOREDITEV SLANIH IZVIROV Z EV APORITNIMI KRAŠKIMI STRUKTURAMI NA SEVEROVZHODU ALBERTE V ZAHODNI KANADI: ANALOGIJA ZA PRONICANJE KREDNE HIPOGENE SLANICE NA POVRŠJE Paul L. BROUGHTON 1,* Abstract UDC 553.77(71) Paul L. Broughton: Alignment of saline springs with evaporite karst structures in northeast Alberta, western Canada: ana- logue for cretaceous hypogene brine seeps to the surface Meteoric and glacial meltwater charged groundwater, mixed with dissolved salts from Devonian sources at depth, dis- charged as saline springs along topographic lows of the Atha- basca River Valley, which downcuts into the Cretaceous Atha- basca oil sands deposit in northeast Alberta, western Canada. These Quaternary saline seeps have TDS measurements, iso- tope signatures and other chemical characteristics indicative of the groundwater flows coming in contact with Prairie Evapo- rite (M. Devonian) salt beds, 200 m below the surface. Migra- tions up-section of groundwater with dissolved chloride and sulphate salts occurred along salt dissolution collapse breccia zones that cross-cut Upper Devonian limestone strata. Seeps discharged along the karstic Devonian limestone paleotopog- raphy, the unconformity surface flooring the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation. Saline to brine springs along the Atha- basca River Valley have TDS measurements that can exceed 100,000 mg/L. Quaternary salt removal was insignificant com- pared to the voluminous removal of the 80-130 m thick salt sec- tion for 1000s km 2 during the Early Cretaceous configuration of the Devonian paleotopography, which partially controlled depositional patterns of the overlying McMurray Formation, principal host rock of the Athabasca oil sands. Little is known of the storage or disposition of voluminous brines that would Izvleček UDK 553.77(71) Paul L. Broughton: Razporeditev slanih izvirov z evaporitni- mi kraškimi strukturami na severovzhodu Alberte v zahodni Kanadi: Analogija za pronicanje kredne hipogene slanice na površje Na območju severne Alberte v zahodni Kanadi se podzemna voda, ki jo napajata meteorna in ledeniška voda, globoko pod površjem meša s slanimi raztopinami, katerih vir slanosti pred- stavljajo soli devonske starosti. Podzemna voda izvira v topo- grafsko najnižjih delih doline reke Athabasca, ki je vrezana v kredne sedimente oljnega peska. Izmerjene vrednosti skupnih raztopljenih snovi, izotopov in drugih kemijskih lastnosti kvar- tarnih slanih mezišč so značilne za podzemne tokove, ki pri- hajajo v stik s plastmi soli srednje devonske starosti (t.i. Prairie evaporiti) 200 m pod površjem. Podzemna voda z raztopljen- imi kloridnimi in sulfatnimi solmi proti površju teče vzdolž con in-situ tvorjenih podornih breč, ki prečijo plasti zgorn- jedevonskih apnencev in so nastale zaradi raztapljanja soli. Na površje mezi vzdolž nezveznosti, ki označuje paleorelief v podlagi spodnjekredne formacije McMurray. Meritve skupnih raztopljenih snovi slanih do hiperslanih vod v izvirih vzdolž doline reke Athabasca lahko presežejo 100.000 mg/l. Količina v kvartarju raztopljenih soli je zanemarljiva v primerjavi z več 1000 km2 obsežnim in 80-130 metrov debelim zaporedjem soli, ki so bile raztopljene med spodnjekrednim oblikovanjem reliefa na devonijskih plasteh. To je deloma vplivalo tudi na vzorce odlaganja formacije McMurray, ki predstavlja osnovno prikamnino oljnim skrilavcem Athabasca. Malo je znanega o 1 Broughton and Associates, P .O. Box 6976, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2G2, Canada, e-mail: * Corresponding author Received/Prejeto: 09.10.2020 DOI: 10.3986/ac.v50i1.8763 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1, 119-141, POSTOJNA 2021 COBISS: 1.01 PAUL L. BROUGHTON INTRODUCTION Halite-dominated salt beds as much as 200 m thick ac- cumulated as the Middle Devonian Prairie Evaporite in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), which extends across western Canada and into adjacent areas of eastern Montana and western North Dakota (Holter 1969; Meijer Drees 1986, 1994). Regionally significant salt dissolution trends developed during the Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Cordilleran tectonism that partitioned the WCSB into the Alberta Foreland Basin to the northwest and the Williston Basin to the southeast (Fig. 1). Earlier dissolution events during Late Paleozoic Antler tectonism were limited to areas of southern Sas- katchewan, associated with ancestral structures of the Williston Basin. The oil sands of the McMurray Formation (Aptian) overlie a 300 km long segment of a 1000 km long salt dissolution trend extending along the eastern up-dip margin of the Middle Devonian evaporite basin (Figs. 1, 2), and coincides with the eastern margin of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). The Athabasca Riv- er Valley incised into the Lower Cretaceous Athabasca oil sands deposit in northeast Alberta. The Quaternary trend of the river valley followed the underlying Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Assiniboia PaleoValley, which also paralleled to the underlying regional salt dissolution front in the Prairie Evaporite (Holter 1969; Meijer Drees 1994; Hein 2015; Broughton 2017a, b, 2018a, b). Discharges of numerous saline springs along the Athabasca River Valley followed the withdrawal of the Laurentide ice sheet. Research studies on the solute salt chemistries of the spring waters indicate that the ground- water came in contact with Prairie Evaporite salt beds in the shallow subsurface, only 200 m below (Hitchon 1969; Gue 2012; Gue et al. 2015, 2017; Birks et al. 2018). Al- though it is widely recognized that Quaternary dissolu- tion of the buried Prairie Evaporite strata contributed to the chemistry of these saline springs, this was only the latest in a series of salt removal events since the Late Jurassic in the Cordilleran foreland. Earlier salt dissolu- tion stages occurred during the Late Jurassic-Early Cre- taceous Cordilleran tectonism that configured this area of the foreland Alberta Basin (Broughton 2013, 2016a, b, 2017a, b, 2018a, b, c). Subsidence-collapse structures resulted from the removal of up to 130 m of salt section prior to and during the deposition of the Lower Creta- ceous McMurray Formation (Fig. 2), the principal reser- voir rock of the Athabasca oil sands in northeast Alberta (Broughton 2013, 2015, 2018a, b). The resulting dissolu- tion-collapse structures vary from sinkholes and breccia pipes to 10s km long troughs that consist of differentially subsided fault blocks of Upper Devonian strata infilled with deposits of the McMurray Formation. Along with downcutting effects of surface erosion, this salt dissolu- tion tectonism configured the overlying Upper Devoni- an strata and paleotopography, and resulted in 10s km long syndepositional trends in the McMurray Formation (Broughton 2013, 2015, 2016a, b). Little is known about the disposition of what would have been voluminous brine production resulting from 10s of metres of salt removal across 1000s of km 2 dur- ing Aptian deposition of the overlying McMurray For- mation. The lengthy time scale (millions of years) for production of these brines during McMurray deposition contrast with only the few thousand years associated with this Holocene dissolution event, resulting in saline springs that discharged at surface along the Athabasca have resulted from this regional-scale removal of the salt beds below the Athabasca deposit during the Cordilleran configura- tion of the foreland Alberta Basin. Holocene dissolution trends and discharges at the surface as saline springs are proposed as a modern analogue for voluminous Early Cretaceous brine seeps to the surface along salt dissolution collapse breccia zones, concurrent with deposition of the McMurray Formation. This model links several characteristics of the McMurray Formation as responses to Aptian brine seeps to the surface. These include: (1) the emplacement of a drainage-line silcrete along the mar- gins of the Assiniboia PaleoValley, now partially exhumed by the Athabasca River Valley, (2) distribution of brackish-water burrowing organisms, and (3) diagenesis of calcite-cemented sand intervals. Key words: Saline seeps, Athabasca River Valley, McMurray Formation, Prairie Evaporite. skladiščenju ali iztekanju obsežnih slanic, nastalih v predgor- skem bazenu Alberte med dvigovanjem Kordiljer zaradi re- gionalno obsežnega raztapljanja solnih ležišč pod nahajališčem Athabasca. Trende holocenskega raztapljanja in površinskega iztekanja slanic lahko primerjamo z obsežnimi zgodnjekredn- imi slanicami, ki so na površino iztekala vzdolž območij breč, nastalih zaradi raztapljanja soli sočasno z odlaganjem formacije McMurray. Ta model povezuje več značilnosti formacije Mc- Murray kot odziv na aptijsko iztekanje slanic na površje. Med te odzive spadajo: (1) nastanek silkret povezanih z linijsko drenažo vzdolž robov paleodoline Assiniboia, ki zdaj delno izdanja v dolini reke Athabasca, (2) razširjenost talnih organiz- mov, prilagojenih na brakično vodo, in (3) diageneza intervalov peska cementiranega s kalcitom. Ključne besede: slana mezišča, dolina reke Athabasca, for- macija McMurray, prerijski evaporit. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 120 ALIGNMENT OF SALINE SPRINGS WITH EV APORITE KARST STRUCTURES IN NORTHEAST ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA: ANALOGUE FOR CRETACEOUS HYPOGENE BRINE SEEPS TO THE SURFACEDOLINE MAP OF SLOVENIA Peace River Deposit Athabasca Deposit Cold Lake Deposit 126° 60° 58° 56° 54° 52° 50° 60° 58° 56° 54° 52° 50° 48° 122° 118° 114° 110° 106° 102° 98° 94° 122° 118° 114° 110° 106° 102° 98° Northwest Territories Great Slave Lake Lake Athabasca Lake Winnipeg Winnipeg Saskatoon Regina Calgary Edmonton Alberta Yukon Saskatchewan Manitoba British Columbia Cordilleran Front Nunavut Prairie Evaporite absent Prairie Evaporite depositional edge Elk Point Group Elk Point Group 100 km evaporite basin Evaporite Dissolution and Collapse all evaporite removed partial evaporite removed salt scarp Bow Island Arch Williston Basin Alberta Basin Presqu'ile reef Muskeg River anhydrite beds Prairie Evaporite halite beds Bitumount Trough Fig. 1: Regional salt removal trends developed in the Middle Devonian Prairie Evaporite, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: (1) 1000 km long and 150 km wide dissolution trend along the eastern up-dip margin of the WCSB, and (2) across the southern Saskatchewan area of the northern Williston Basin. The 10-20 km wide salt scarp is a trend of partial dissolution that separates areas of complete salt removal to the east from undisturbed beds to the west. Modified from Broughton (2015). River Valley (Fig. 3) following the withdrawal of the Lau- rentide ice sheet. This paper reviews distribution and chemistry of the Holocene saline seeps currently discharging along the Athabasca River Valley north of the town of Fort McMurray, Alberta. A reappraisal of the relationship between groundwater chemistry and the distribution of salt dissolution trends in the Devonian substrate suggests that the pattern of Quaternary saline seeps can be inter- preted as a modern analogue for more voluminous salt dissolution trends that would have occurred during the Early Cretaceous deposition of the McMurray Formation and resulted in brine seeps to the surface (Broughton 2018c). This model is linked to the known development of regional salt collapse structures during configuration of the karstic limestone paleotopography and subsequent burial by McMurray Formation deposits. This article ex- amines the scant available, albeit indirect, evidence on the very existence and probable distribution of volumi- nous brine seeps that would have resulted. Seemingly unrelated lines of evidence are linked to provide a model on the relationship between Cretaceous and Quaternary salt removal events. These characteristics of the McMur- ray Formation include: (1) the distribution trends of brackish-water organisms; (2) origin and distribution of calcite-cemented sand intervals; (3) the emplacement of a drainage-line silcrete along the margins of the ances- tral Athabasca River Valley. Brine migrations up-section from the Devonian evaporitic strata to the overlying Mc- Murray deposits can account for partial to mostly com- plete disposition of the voluminous brines that would have potentially resulted from Early Cretaceous salt re- moval trends across 1000s km 2 . As such, this paper pres- ents a more robust conceptual model that Holocene dis- tribution of saline seeps along the Athabasca River V alley can be used as a modern analogue for the distribution of Cretaceous (Aptian) brine seeps to the surface (Brough- ton 2018a, b, c). Both dissolution stages were linked to the relatively stationary position of the underlying salt dissolution front. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 121 PAUL L. BROUGHTON Crystalline basement Sandstone Shale Carbonate Evaporites Mixed siliciclastics Sub-Cretaceous unconformity Sub-Devonian unconformity Basal red beds PALEOZOIC ERA/PERIOD NORTHEAST AND EAST-CENTRAL PLAINS MESOZOIC CAMBRIAN PRECAMBRIAN DEVONIAN CRETACEOUS ELK POINT LOWER BEAVERHILL LAKE UPPER MANNVILLE GROUP Lotsberg (Lower) Lotsberg (Upper) Ernestina Lake Cold Lake Contact Rapids Keg River (Lower) Prairie Evaporite Watt Mountain Dawson Bay Keg River (Upper) Fort Vermilion Slave Point Firebag Calumet Christina Moberly Mildred Waterways WOODBEND WINTERBURN WABAMUN Basal Sandstone Earlie Cooking Lake Grosmont Lower Upper 1 Upper 2 Upper 3 Leduc Ireton (Lower) Ireton (Upper) Nisku Blue Ridge Calmar Graminia McMurray / Lower Mannville Formation/Member/unit Middle red beds Second Red Bed First Red Bed La Loche Top Devonian strata at Bitumount Trough Fig. 2: Stratigraphy of northeast Al- berta. The McMurray Formation is unconformable on the Waterways Formation, Beaverhill Lake Group, at the Bitumount Trough area of the Athabasca River Valley. Modi- fied from Hauck et al. (2017) and Broughton (2018c). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 122 STUDY AREA AND TERMINOLOGY The study area in the northern Athabasca oil sands de- posit is where strata of the McMurray Formation has been exposed along the Athabasca River Valley, north- ward of the town of Fort McMurray (Fig. 3). The river valley thalweg often downcuts to the erosion-resistant Devonian limestone formations. Saline seeps discharge as springs along the river banks, mostly emanating along the Devonian-Cretaceous unconformity near the floor of the river valley. Saline seeps also permeate bottom muds of the river, and ingress into nearby fenlands or remain in shallow Devonian aquifers. Saline groundwater is defined as having TDS of 10,000-100,000 mg/L, in contrast to brackish (1000- 10,000 mg/L), fresh (<1000 mg/L) or brine (>100,000 mg/L) (Davis 1964). Dissolution trends that configured the Prairie Evap- orite and overlying strata in western Canada are recog- nized as features of the largest known evaporite paleo- ALIGNMENT OF SALINE SPRINGS WITH EV APORITE KARST STRUCTURES IN NORTHEAST ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA: ANALOGUE FOR CRETACEOUS HYPOGENE BRINE SEEPS TO THE SURFACEDOLINE MAP OF SLOVENIA zero bitumen edge LONG LAKE Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) < 10,000 TDS 10,000 - 25,000 TDS > 25,000 TDS 19 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Range W4 Meridian Township 5 4 3 2 Paleovalleys Main Fairway Paleovalley Paleo-high Ells River Paleovalley 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 North Mine Aurora North Mine Muskeg River Mine Jackpine Mine Base Mine Steepbank Mine Millennium Mine 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 Saline Lake Fort McKay Fort McMurray Clearwater River Athabasca River Brine Seep Chemistry H2S mg/L SO4 mg/L (1) 0.065 84.5 (2) 0.019 n/a (3) 0.010 21.9 (4) n/a 5730 (5) n/a 4780 (6) 0.029 15.8 (7) 0.005 14.1 (8) 0.007 91.3 12 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 13 12 11 10 9 8 11 10 9 8 B A Fig. 3: Dissolved solids measured in groundwater and saline seeps discharged at surface along the Athabasca River Valley, northern Athabasca oil sands deposit. (A) 200 km long trend of elevated TDS up to 100,000 mg/L overlying the salt scarp and salt removal areas to the east, 200 m below. (B) Location of oil sands mines and selected groundwater samples from saline springs and hyporheic zone of channel fill mud along the Athabasca River, north of Fort McMurray. Modified from Gibson et al. (2013), Cowie (2013), Cowie et al. (2015), Birks et al. (2018) and Broughton (2018c). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 123 karst, worldwide (Broughton 2013, 2015). In the study area, this paleo-karst is characterized by salt removal induced subsidence-collapse structures such as the 100 km long Bitumount Trough, sinkhole valleys and sink- holes that overlie a 300 km long segment of the 1000 km long halite-anhydrite dissolution trend developed along the eastern up-dip margin of the Western Canada Sedi- mentary Basin (Fig. 1). However, application of this pa- leo-karst terminology may not be entirely correct, stricto sensu. A paleo-karst is a buried dissolution feature that is inert or otherwise inactive at present. In contrast, the salt dissolution processes of the study area continue to the present day, and thereby are not entirely inert. GEOLOGIC SETTING The rise of the Rockies resulted in the accumulation of multi-km thick Jurassic and Cretaceous strata in the foreland Alberta Basin, which was configured by the eastward advancing Cordilleran deformation front. The overarching WCSB partitioned into the foreland Alberta Basin and the intracratonic Williston Basin by the Bow Island Arch, a northern extension of the Sweetgrass Arch in Montana (Meijer Drees 1986; Wright et al. 1994; Hein et al. 2013) (Fig. 1). The 400 m thick Paleozoic strata below the Lower Cretaceous Athabasca oil sands deposit are mostly rep- resented by Devonian formations, including the Elk Point and overlying Beaverhill Lake Groups (Fig. 2). The lower Elk Point Group formations include the Lotsberg salt and overlying Contact Rapids carbonate strata. The middle Elk Point Group is represented by the Keg River and overlying Prairie Evaporite, and covered by carbon- ate strata of the Dawson Bay Formation (Grobe 2000). The Middle Devonian Prairie Evaporite accumulated as a 100-200 m thick interval of halite beds with second- ary anhydrite and calcareous shale beds. This evaporite basin extended from northern and central Alberta (Mei- jer Drees 1994; Grobe 2000; Hauck et al. 2017), across southern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba (Holter 1969; McTavish & Vigrass 1987), and into north- east Montana and western North Dakota (LeFever & LeFever 2005). The Laurentia and Gondwana paleocontinents were separated by the Rheic Ocean during the Paleozoic. Plate movements resulted in compressional and extensional tectonism of the Antler orogeny, resulting in this area of proto-North American to collide to form Pangaea (Van der Voo 1988; Mossop & Shetsen 1994). During the Mid- dle Devonian, a southward extending arm of the Pan- thalassic Ocean embayed the north equatorial margin of Laurentia, resulting in a shallow inland sea that extended across present-day western Canada and into northeast- ern Montana and western North Dakota (Fig. 1). The 400 km long Presqu'ile barrier reef developed at the northern seaward end of the shallow inland sea dur- ing the Givetian Stage of the Lower-Middle Devonian. This resulted in a barred evaporite basin (Holter 1969; Meijer Drees 1986; Broughton 2017a, 2018a, 2020). Re- construction of the Middle Devonian paleogeography suggests the barred inland sea of the Elk Point Basin was positioned at an equatorial latitude of 10° to 20° south. Research on fluid inclusions suggest that brine evapora- tion cycles were controlled by temperatures up to 39 °C (Chipley 1985; Chipley & Keyser 1989, 1991). The Upper Devonian carbonate formations of the Beaverhill Lake Group subcrop at the pre-Cretaceous unconformity onto which McMurray Formation (Ap- tian) strata were deposited (Hein et al. 2013; Schneider et al. 2014). The Cretaceous section, including the bitumen- saturated sands of the McMurray Formation, are exposed along the Athabasca River Valley. The principal reservoir rock of the Athabasca oil sands in northeast Alberta consists of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, which accumulated on a karstic Devonian limestone paleotopography (Fig. 2). Late Cretaceous hydrocarbon flows into multi-km scale point bar sand deposits were subsequently biodegraded in situ. The resulting ultra- heavy oil, 6-8º API, cemented the unconsolidated sand beds into a regional bitumen platform known as the Athabasca oil sands deposit. The Athabasca River Valley in northeast Alber- ta overlies a segment of the Assiniboia PaleoValley, which developed parallel to the underlying salt removal trend (i.e. the salt scarp) in Middle Devonian substrate (Broughton 2016a, b, 2017a, 2018a, Grobe 2000; Hauck et al. 2017). Catastrophic floods of 13,000 and 10,000 years ago emanated from the glacial Lake Agassiz, which ex- tended across most of southern Saskatchewan (Smith & Fisher 1993). Flood waters reconfigured the course of the Clearwater River in northeast Alberta by joining with the Athabasca River at Fort McMurray. Quaternary deepen- ing of the Athabasca River Valley followed the underly- ing trend of the ancestral Assiniboia River Valley in this area of northeast Alberta. Drainage was northward to- wards to the Arctic Ocean (Murton et al. 2010). PAUL L. BROUGHTON ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 124 OBSERV ATIONS SALT REMOV AL STAGES IN THE MESOZOIC AND CENOZOIC ERAS Trends resulting from regional salt dissolution and col- lapse of overlying strata developed along the eastern up- dip margin of the WCSB and across the southern Saskatch- ewan area of the northern Williston Basin (Fig. 1). These salt removal trends constitute the largest known evaporite karst on Earth (Broughton 2017a, b, 2018a). Depositional patterns of the McMurray Formation point bars, the prin- cipal Athabasca oil sands reservoir rock, were significantly impacted by the dissolution trends that developed in Prai- rie Evaporite strata, 200 m below. Removal of up to 130 m of salt section was initiated during the Middle Jurassic- Early Cretaceous Cordilleran orogeny and continued dur- ing Aptian deposition of the McMurray Formation strata onto the karstic Devonian limestone paleotopography (Broughton 2013, 2015). Saline seep discharges at the sur- face along the Athabasca River V alley indicate that salt dis- solution in the Prairie Evaporite occurs at present (Gibson et al. 2013; Birks et al. 2018, 2019). CORDILLERAN SALT DISSOLUTION TRENDS AND COLLAPSE STRUCTURES Craton deformations controlled the development of two distinctive salt dissolution trends in the Alberta Basin foreland and the northern Williston Basin (Fig. 1) (Broughton 2017b, 2018a). The earliest salt removal patterns developed across the northern Williston Basin, impacting southern Saskatchewan and adjacent areas of eastern Montana and western North Dakota (DeMille et al. 1964; Christensen 1967; Holter 1969; Christensen et al. 1982; Christensen & Sauer 2002; LeFever & LeFever 2005). As much as a 200 m thick interval of Prairie Evap- orite salt beds was removed across the northern Williston Basin, commencing in the Late Devonian and becoming more widespread towards the end of the Paleozoic with Antler tectonism (Broughton 2017a; Smith & Pullen 1967). These events were followed by regionally extensive dissolution patterns during Laramide structuring (Holter 1969; Broughton 2018a; McTavish & Vigrass 1987). The northern area of the Athabasca deposit over- lies a 300 km long segment of the 1000 km long and 150 km wide dissolution trend developed along the up-dip eastern margin of the WCSB. This trend extends from northeastern Alberta, across southeastern Saskatchewan and into southwest Manitoba (Meijer Drees 1994; Bachu & Underschultz 1993; Hein et al. 2013; Broughton 2013, 2015, 2016a, b, 2017a, 2018a, b). The partial to complete removal of as much as a 130 m thick interval of halite- anhydrite beds across the study area in northeast Alberta commenced with the Cordilleran development of the Al- berta Basin foreland and corresponding uplift of north- east Alberta. Dissolution trends in the Middle Devoni- an strata below the area of the Athabasca deposit were multi-staged, responsive to uplift of the eastern foreland area and concurrent with surface erosion of post-Upper Devonian strata (Fig. 2). Salt dissolution tectonism has been widely docu- mented as having a major influence on configuration of the pre-Cretaceous paleotopography, which was subse- quently buried and configured further as the sub-Cre- taceous floor below the Lower Cretaceous Athabasca oil sands deposit (Hein et al. 2013; Broughton 2013, 2015; Hein 2017; Barton 2016; Barton et al. 2017; Baniak & Kingsmith 2018). The salt dissolution events continued into the Aptian concurrent with overlying deposition of the McMurray Formation strata on the karstic Late De- vonian limestone topography (Broughton 2013, 2015, 2016a, b, 2017a, b, c). Sinkholes, breccia pipes and syndepositional trends indicate a widespread dissolution stage towards the end of the lower McMurray Formation deposition, and continuing during the middle and upper interval de- positions (Broughton 2013, 2015; Baniak & Kingsmith 2018). There is no stratigraphic evidence preserved for salt removal during the Albian deposition of the overly- ing Clearwater Formation. Most of the post-McMurray strata of the study area have been eroded by Pleistocene glaciation. Salt removal patterns are interpreted to have been responsive to movements of Precambrian blocks during craton deformations that configured the Alberta and Wil- liston Basins of the WCSB (Smith & Pullen 1967; Kent 1974; Brown & Brown 1987; McTavish & Vigrass 1987; Broughton 2013, 2018a). Differentially displaced craton blocks, individual or linked as chains, resulted in NW-SE and NE-SW lineaments that are discernable on multiple Phanerozoic depositional surfaces (Smith & Pullen 1967; Kent 1974; McTavish & Vigrass 1987; Brown & Brown 1987; Broughton 2015, 2016a, b). These help to define 10s km long syndepositional trends. Seismic traces of faults rooted in the Precambrian are difficult to trace into the post-Devonian stratigraphic column because of the masking effects by salt beds and signals dissipated within the evaporitic strata (Broughton 2015, 2016a, 2017c). The orientations of syndepositional trends provide indirect evidence of underlying salt removal patterns having been generated as linear dissolution fronts that advanced to the NW and to the NE (Smith & Pullen 1967; Broughton ALIGNMENT OF SALINE SPRINGS WITH EV APORITE KARST STRUCTURES IN NORTHEAST ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA: ANALOGUE FOR CRETACEOUS HYPOGENE BRINE SEEPS TO THE SURFACEDOLINE MAP OF SLOVENIA ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 125 2013, 2018a). Subsequent coalescing resulted in broader areas of complete salt removal (Broughton 2013, 2015). These salt dissolution trends follow multi-km to 10s km long reef patterns of the underlying or partially jux- taposed Keg River (Alberta Basin) and equivalent Win- nipegosis Formation (Williston Basin). These reefs de- veloped along the margins of reticulate basement blocks only a few hundred meters below. During the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, flows of meteoric-charged groundwater were along porous margins of these Keg River-Winni- pegosis reef trends, and overlying dolostone beds of the lower Prairie Evaporite. During regional basin deforma- tion events, these relatively fresh groundwater flows were into laterally offset and overlying salt beds. Basin loading effectively directed groundwater flows up-section to the northeast toward basin margins (Bachu & Underschultz 1993; Bachu 1995; Bachu et al. 1993). Evaporite karst structures of the study area: (1) Salt solution scarp. This 300 km long and 10-20 km wide trend of partial removal of the salt interval in the Prairie Evaporite occurs 200 m below the Athabasca de- posit (Figs. 1, 3). This structural flexure below the length of the Athabasca deposit separates areas of complete salt removal to the east from undisturbed areas to the west (Meijer Drees 1986; Bachu et al. 1993; Hein et al. 2000, 2001, 2013; Broughton 2013, 2015; Hein 2015; Birks et al. 2018; Hauck et al. 2017; Barton et al. 2017). The west- ward migration of the salt dissolution scarp to the north of Fort McMurray resulted in parallel dissolution trends PAUL L. BROUGHTON top top top B C A Fig. 4: Salt dissolution collapse breccia of the Waterways Forma- tion (Upper Devonian) limestone and lower McMurray Formation (Aptian) at sites along the Bitu- mount Trough. Core box slats are 75 cm. Modified from Broughton (2013, 2015). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 126 that were responsive to differing mineral solubility rates. These trends are: (1) eastern areas with complete removal of all halite and anhydrite beds; (2) partial removal of all halite beds with preservation of anhydrite; (3) complete removal of halite and partial removal of anhydride; (4) westward areas not affected by dissolution, resulting in a mostly complete salt section. This accumulation of the lower interval of the McMurray Formation along this segment of the Assiniboia PaleoValley in northeast Al- berta northward of Fort McMurray was above the un- derlying trend of complete halite and partial anhydrite removal described by Schneider & Grobe (2013), Schnei- der et al. (2013, 2014) and Broughton (2020), and below the subsequent Quaternary position of the Athabasca River Valley. The pre-Aptian position of the salt solution scarp was N-S. During the deposition of the McMurray Forma- tion, the N-S orientation of the dissolution front north- ward of the town of Fort McMurray migrated to the NW to its present position below the Athabasca River Valley (Broughton 2015, 2016b, 2017a, b, 2018a, c). In contrast, the position of the dissolution scarp was relatively stable southward of the McMurray Formation type section at the town of Fort McMurray (Broughton 2018c, 2019). It is noteworthy that the eastern trailing margin of the salt scarp northward of Fort McMurray (Twp. 88-100) overlies the trace of the Precambrian Sewetakun Fault (Hackbarth & Nastasa 1979). It is possible that move- ments along this played a role in activating the dissolu- tion front and directing groundwater flows along overly- ing Phanerozoic fracture trends until the W-NW scarp migration stabilized at the current position. (2) Bitumount Trough. The 100 km long V-shaped Bitumount Trough is the largest known salt collapse structure. It underlies the area of the northern area of the Athabasca oil sands deposit. The collapse-subsidence development of the Bitumount Trough mostly occurred during deposition of the lower interval of the McMur- ray Formation. Development of the adjoined Central Collapse structure followed migration of the underlying scarp further to the northwest during depositions of the middle and upper intervals (Broughton 2015; Barton et al. 2017; Baniak & Kingsmith 2018). The Trough and the adjoined Central Collapse developed during deposition of the McMurray Formation, resulting from the W-NW migration of the salt scarp below the northern Athabasca deposit. Differential subsidence of km-scale Middle-Up- per Devonian fault blocks, responsive to underlying salt removal, configured the sub-Cretaceous unconformity surface that floors the deposits of the McMurray Forma- tion. The western area of the trough overlies the salt scarp and the eastern area extends over areas with mostly com- plete salt removal. (3) Sinkholes and breccia pipes. Westward migra- tion of the partial dissolution front, i.e. the salt scarp, was responsible for differential subsidences of km-scale fault blocks of overlying strata, and complete salt remov- al areas east of the trailing edge (Broughton 2013). This structuring resulted in distribution of multi-km long and 10s m thick limestone breccia zones and pipes (Fig. 4). Sinkholes resulting from salt removal in the substrate are recognized at several stratigraphic horizons (Broughton 2013). Limestone-walled sinkholes, commonly 10-20 m to as much as 70-90 m deep, developed on the pre-Creta- ceous karstic carbonate paleotopography of Waterways Formation, Beaverhill Lake Group (Middle-Upper De- vonian). These sinkholes were subsequently filled and covered over by unconsolidated fluvial sands of the lower McMurray Formation. Many of the sinkhole and breccia pipe structures were reactivated toward the end of lower McMurray Formation deposition. As a result, breccia pipe-sinkhole complexes cross-cut lower McMurray For- mation strata, but were usually terminated upon depo- sition of middle interval strata (Broughton 2013, 2015, 2017a, b, c). Multi-km long linear chains of 10-130 m diameter lower McMurray sinkholes, partially eroded on the Ho- locene topography, are aligned NW-SE and NNE-SSW along salt-removal induced fracture lineaments emanat- ing upward to the surface (Haug et al. 2009, 2014). HOLOCENE SALINE SEEPS: DISTRIBUTION AND CHEMISTRY Saline seeps discharge at many sites along the Athabasca River Valley, northward of Fort McMurray, and along the confluence with the Christina River (Fig. 3). These river valleys incised McMurray Formation strata of the Bitumount Trough, often exhuming strata down to the underlying erosion-resistant Devonian limestone (Hein et al. 2013; Broughton 2013, 2015; Hein 2017). Dissolved solids (TDS) and isotope chemistry indicate that spring waters are largely meteoric-sourced with variable con- tributions by glacial meltwater having been in contact with the underlying Devonian salt beds. Flows migrated up-section along Middle-Upper Devonian breccia zones (Fig. 4). The elevated salinity measurements recorded for spring waters resulted from subglacial and proglacial meltwater flows into the shallow subsurface with the hy- draulic drive responsive to basin deformation and load- ing associated with the 1.5 km thick Laurentide ice sheet (Grasby & Betcher 2000; Grasby et al. 2000; Grasby & Chen 2005; Grasby 2006; Haug et al. 2009, 2014; Brough- ton 2017b). Meltwater flows in contact with the buried Prairie Evaporite salt scarp rejuvenated dissolution only ALIGNMENT OF SALINE SPRINGS WITH EV APORITE KARST STRUCTURES IN NORTHEAST ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA: ANALOGUE FOR CRETACEOUS HYPOGENE BRINE SEEPS TO THE SURFACEDOLINE MAP OF SLOVENIA ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 127 200 m below the McMurray Formation oil sands. The meltwaters, mixed with dissolved salts, ascended to the surface upon withdrawal of the ice sheet as isostatic re- bound occurred and the pre-Pleistocene basin hydrody- namics reasserted. The groundwater discharged as saline seeps and springs along topographic lows of river valleys, particularly along exposures of the sub-Cretaceous un- conformity (Birks et al. 2018), but also remained in the shallow subsurface as formation water (Mahood et al. 2012). Calculated annual discharge of saline groundwater to the Athabasca River amounts to 3.1 x 10 6 m 3 , which equates to TDS of 64 million kg/year (Gue 2012). A similar annual discharge of saline groundwater for the Clearwater River was calculated at 3.2 x 10 6 m 3 or 66 million kg/year. Saline spring discharges into the Atha- basca River have Na:Cl ratios closer to 1 (Grasby & Chen 2005; Gue et al. 2015; Gue et al. 2017), which are indica- tive of salinity having originated from halite dissolution. Salt dissolution trends elsewhere across western Canada were similarly reactivated by glacial meltwater flows into the subsurface, altering the groundwater chemistry and resulting in reactivation of older dissolution trends and collapse structures in both northeast Alberta (Ford 1998; Broughton 2016b, 2017a, 2018a, b) and southern Sas- katchewan (Christiansen 1967, 1971; Christiansen et al. 1982). There is a significant range in TDS chemistry across the Athabasca deposit (Fig. 3). Brackish to saline springs of the study area have TDS measurements between 7,000 and 52,000 mg/L (Hitchon et al. 1969; Ozoray et al. 1980; Grasby & Chen 2005; Gue et al. 2015). Measurement in- dicate a median Cl concentration of 9,800 mg/L and δ³⁷Cl values ranging from 0.2 to 1.0‰. Low δ 18 O and δ 2 H val- ues and high salinities of the spring waters are indicative of salt dissolution sourced from the Prairie Evaporite salt scarp by glacial meltwater (Grasby & Chen 2005). Spring waters that discharge into the Athabasca and Clearwater rivers have δ 18 O values as low as -23.5‰, suggestive of a water mixture containing as much as 50-75% Lauren- tide glacial meltwater (Gue 2012; Gue et al. 2015, 2017). For example, 10 saline springs sampled along the banks of the Athabasca and Clearwater rivers have δ 18 O water chemistry indicating that most of the springs are com- posed of at least 26% glacial meltwater, often 40-60%, but a couple measured as much as 75% meltwater (Gue 2012). Of these, 8 recorded TDS measurements between 13,000 and 24,000 mg/L. The highest TDS measurements were from water samples collected at stratigraphic intervals overlying the PAUL L. BROUGHTON Fig. 5: Brine spring along the eastern bank of the Athabasca River, near the Mildred Lake Mine. It discharges into La Saline Lake, resulting in a calcareous tufa deposit (Photo: A. Gue). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 128 salt scarp and the eastern trailing margin (Cowie 2013; Cowie et al. 2014, 2015; Broughton 2017a, b, 2018c). Measurements of 100,000 mg/L to as much as 270,000 mg/L have been recorded in formation water samples re- covered from McMurray Formation strata overlying the salt scarp (Jasechko et al. 2012; Cowie 2013; Birks et al. 2018, 2019), particularly where collapse breccia provided direct vertical communication pathways. Groundwater salinities from Devonian strata decrease rapidly from approximately 100,000 mg/L above eastern trailing edge of the salt scarp to values of less than 1000 mg/L at dis- tances of 10 km eastward from the trend (CEMA 2010a; Jasechko et al. 2012; Birks et al. 2018). It is noteworthy that Quaternary salt dissolution trends in the study area result in saline/brine seeps to the surface, but do not generally result in post-glacial collapse structures of any significant size (>km 2 ). These are inconsequential compared to the numerous 10s-100s km 2 Pleistocene collapses recognized across the south- ern Saskatchewan area of the northern Williston Basin (Holter 1969; Christiansen 1967, 1971; Christiansen et al. 1982). Nonetheless, deformations of McMurray strata have been caused by extremely over-pressured glacial meltwater in the vicinity of the Muskeg River Mine in the northern Bitumount Trough (Broughton 2018b). These unusual pressures resulted in subglacial hydro- fracturing and resulted in several hydrodynamic blowout structures, such as 4-5 m dimeter open chimneys that cross-cut the rigid bitumen platform and extended up- ward to the plugs of the surficial cover. These are smaller examples of the Howe Lake blowout structure described by Christiansen et al. (1982). Migrations of Devonian-sourced saline flows up- section to the surface occur as: (1) springs discharged along the banks of the Athabasca River into the water- way, often forming saline lakes off-bank; (2) infiltration of bottom muds along the river channels emanating from sources below; (3) seeps into fens and wetlands peripher- al to the river valley; (4) formation waters observed with mine observation wells into Devonian strata below the McMurray Formation oil sand reservoirs. (1) Springs. Saline seeps that discharge into the Athabasca River emanate from numerous sites along the sub-Cretaceous unconformity exposed along the Athabasca River Valley. Seeps are also observed along the Clearwater River valley eastward of confluence with Athabasca River at Fort McMurray. The following are examples of springs with markedly high TDS measure- ments. Example A: La Saline spring. Multiple discharges flow into La Saline Lake, an oxbow along the east bank of the Athabasca River, opposite of the Mildred Lake Mine on the west bank (Figs. 3B, 5). The water collects in a shallow pool, and subsequently flows down an embank- ment to La Saline Lake. TDS measurements from the spring are typically 73,200 mg/L (Ca 1830 mg/L; Mg 456 mg/L; Na 25,600 mg/L; SO 4 4780 mg/L; Cl 40,200 mg/L (Hitchon et al. 1969; Birks et al. 2018). Other researchers report seasonally dependant measurements with a wide range of TDS measurements, such as 44,700-51,800 mg/L (Grasby 2006; Gue 2012). A calcareous tufa deposit, 100s m across (Fig. 5), developed along the southeast bank of the lake (Borneuf 1983). Microbial sulfate reduction occurred near surface, resulting in spring water affect- ed by methanogenesis and methane oxidation (Fig. 6). Crusts and muds with elemental sulfur are recognized at ALIGNMENT OF SALINE SPRINGS WITH EV APORITE KARST STRUCTURES IN NORTHEAST ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA: ANALOGUE FOR CRETACEOUS HYPOGENE BRINE SEEPS TO THE SURFACEDOLINE MAP OF SLOVENIA Stony Mountains BACTERIAL SO 4 REDUCTION METHANOGENESIS Christina River SLOW MODERN RECHARGE MODERN RECHARGE LOCAL FOCUSED RECHARGE RELATIVE STAGNATION ZONE Quaternary Drift Prairie Evaporite Beaverhill Lake Winnipegosis/Keg River PRAIRIE EVAPORITE DISSOLUTION 0 m m.a.s.l. Distance (km) Colorado Group Fig. 6: Schematic cross-section of glaciogenic saline groundwater flow up-section along collapse breccia of the Prairie Evaporite salt scarp, 200 m below, resulting in surface discharges along river valleys. Modified from Birks et al. (2019). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 129 the spring. The dissolved solids of the spring are diluted upon mixing into the lake water, for example 260 mg/L SO 4 in lake water. The sulphate content of the La Saline spring water is 2-8x the level of other springs along the Athabasca and Clearwater River valleys (Gue 2012; Gue et al. 2015, 2017). Example B: Fort McKay spring. This intermittent brine flow emanates from a well casing on the west bank of the Athabasca River at the town of Fort McKay (Fig. 3B). A very high TDS analysis of 214,000 mg/L has been reported: Ca 1730 mg/L; Mg 447 mg/L; Na 79,200 mg/L; SO 4 5730 mg/L; Cl 126,300 mg/L. Recently, the flow di- minished to a trickle and measured only 5320 mg/L (Gue 2012). (2) River bottom muds. Seeps with elevated TDS have been observed to infiltrate channel bottom mud of the Athabasca River (Broughton 2016b; Birks et al. 2018). Samples of pore water were collected from channel mud at 1 and 3 m depths below the mud/water interface at sites along the Athabasca River, north of the town of Fort McMurray (Fig. 3B: sites 1-3, 6-8). Increased salinities for the channel fill mud are characteristic, but diluted by fresh river water. The up-hole mud samples indicate mix- ing with the Athabasca River water, in contrast with bot- tom hole samples having geochemical and isotope signals more consistent with infiltration of saline groundwater into the channel mud from underlying sources. These salinity measurements of river bottom mud are diluted and have lower values measured than saline springs dis- charged along the river valley (Fig. 3B: sites 4-5). (3) Fens and wetlands. Most saline seeps of the study area are discharged at the level of the sub-Creta- ceous unconformity where exposed along the Athabasca and Christina river valleys. Stratigraphically and topo- graphically higher discharges also occur, and permeate fenlands and wetlands of the study area. For example, saline seeps into fenlands have been observed along the erosional edge of the Cretaceous Grand Rapids Forma- tion (Stewart & Lemay 2011; Wells & Price 2015a, b). Cl/ Br ratios and δ 18 O and δ 2 H isotope measurements indi- cate halite dissolution as the source for these 10,000 mg/L TDS seeps (Stewart & Lemay 2011). (4) Formation waters. A regionally widespread net- work for 10s km of saline groundwater aquifers extends below the sub-Cretaceous unconformity, and is char- acterized by seepages up-section along collapse breccia conduits (Mahood et al. 2012; Broughton 2018c, 2019). Observation wells are used to evaluate potential geo-haz- ard risk of the regional saline groundwater flow below the oil sand mines. These 100-200 m deep observation wells into intervals of Upper Devonian carbonate strata record groundwater movements and salinities approximately 100 m below pit operations. For example, at the south- west corner of the Muskeg River Mine on the east bank of the Athabasca River (Twp 95, Rge 9-10), an uncontrol- lable flood of saline water was released from a Devonian aquifer into a mine pit known as Cell 2A (Cooper 2011). Removal of the bitumen sand interval was sufficient to release overburden pressure on the pit floor, which con- sists of Devonian limestone of the Waterway Formation (Stoakes et al. 2014). The saline formation water flow emanated from a multi-m long fissure in the limestone pit floor, flooding and eventually filling the mine exca- vation. Analysis of the Cell 2A water indicated TDS of 38,000 mg/L. This chemistry is consistent with formation water samples that measured 40,000-70,000 mg/L recov- ered from observation wells drilled into the underlying collapse breccia portion of the Prairie Evaporite, which is at a level 100 m below the pits of the Muskeg River Mine. INTERPRETATION: UNUSUAL DEPOSITS OF THE MCMURRAY FORMATION EVIDENCE FOR MIGRATIONS UP-SECTION OF DEVONIAN FORMATION W ATER TO CRETACEOUS DEPOSITS Episodic removal of up to 130 m of Middle Devonian salt beds occurred during overlying deposition of the McMurray Formation, but evidence is scant for tracing the ultimate disposition of voluminous brines that must have been produced. There are 3 deposits of the McMur- ray Formation that are indicative of voluminous brines produced in the Devonian subsurface and ascended to the surface concurrent with the deposition of the Mc- Murray Formation. These Devonian formation water flows up-section infiltrated sand beds along the margins of the Assiniboia River V alley and some discharged at the surface. These facies are now observed in the subsurface or were partially exposed by the expansion and deepen- ing of the Athabasca River Valley following Pleistocene flooding. The 3 deposits are: (1) a drainage-line silcrete em- placed at the top of the lower interval; (2) calcite-ce- mented sand intervals; (3) biofacies of widely distributed brackish-water trace-fossils, mostly burrows, considered PAUL L. BROUGHTON ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 130 diagnostic of middle interval beds. These lithofacies and biofacies are interpreted to have originations during the Early Cretaceous, and are attributable to saline seeps to the surface or near surface. The collective association of these 3 depositional events has not been spatiotemporal- ly linked previously to the multi-staged dissolution pro- cess that resulted in Quaternary saline seeps discharged along the Athabasca River Valley. SILCRETE OF THE LOWER MCMURRAY FORMATION The Beaver River Sandstone is a discontinuous quartzite bed up to 1.7 m thick that occurs as narrowly distributed facies at the uppermost level of the lower McMurray For- mation (Fig. 7). This 10s km long drainage-line silcrete was discontinuously emplaced at a horizontal level along the disconformable contact with the overlying middle in- terval beds. These erosion resistant beds are distributed as caprocks along the Athabasca River Valley (Figs. 7, 8). This quartzite interval was partially exposed and eroded as Late Pleistocene glacial meltwater floods enlarged and deepened the river valley. Partial erosion sourced innu- merable quartzite boulders distributed along the floor of the Athabasca River Valley, and concentrated on the val- ley floor of the Bitumount Trough. The silicified interval consists of light grey ortho- quartzite with a bulk composition of 98-99% quartz. The matrix ranges from 75% to 95% quartz and 5-25% quartz- ite pebbles. The original porosity is estimated at approxi- mately 25-30%, and is consistent with other sand reser- voirs of the formation. Silicified microfossils are observed with SEM, consisting of branching hollow tubular bacte- rial sheaths with diameters of 3-4µm (Broughton 2020). Silicification of the unconsolidated sands occurred during deposition of the uppermost beds of the lower McMurray Formation accumulated along this segment of the Assiniboia PaleoValley. This diagenesis has been interpreted as responsive to dissolution of halite and an- hydrite beds in the underlying Prairie Evaporite. The dia- genetic model proposes by Tsang (1998) and Broughton (2020) asserts that sulfate-rich brines resulted from the dissolution of gypsum/anhydrite beds of the underlying Prairie Evaporite and migrated up-section to the lower McMurray Formation sand beds accumulated along the margin of the Assiniboia River Valley. Microbial sulfate redox occurred near the surface and altered the chemistry of the ascending brines. This resulted in dispersed pools of strongly acidic groundwater with sufficient acidity to induce widespread corrosion of the quartz sand grains and markedly increase silica saturation. A pH shift would have occurred as the acidic groundwater seeps mixed with meteoric-charged oxygenated groundwater at the onset of middle interval deposition, triggering erratic silica cementation that formed the drainage-line silcrete along the margins of the Assiniboia PaleoValley, now ex- posed by the overlying trend of the Quaternary Athabasca River Valley (Broughton 2020). Similar seeps to the sur- face with strongly elevated sulfur or sulfate content can be observed at springs along the Athabasca River Valley, such as La Saline Lake (Gue 2012; Gue et al. 2015, 2017). The quartzite was used as toolstone material by indigenous groups that date back at least 10,000 years. Hundreds of archeological sites consisting of toolstone excavation pits and arrow head manufacturing sites are known along the floor of the Bitumount Trough and else- where along the river valley (Fenton & Ives 1982, 1984, ALIGNMENT OF SALINE SPRINGS WITH EV APORITE KARST STRUCTURES IN NORTHEAST ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA: ANALOGUE FOR CRETACEOUS HYPOGENE BRINE SEEPS TO THE SURFACEDOLINE MAP OF SLOVENIA Fig. 7: Late Pleistocene expansion of the Athabasca River Valley par- tially exposed Beaver River silcrete that developed near the top of the lower interval of the McMurray Formation. Late Pleistocene deep- ening of the Athabasca River Val- ley resulted in partial erosion of the exposed silcrete. Caprocks and quartzite boulders are dispersed along the floor of the river valley. This example of a 1.7 m-thick sil- crete caprock is located adjacent to the Quarry of the Ancestors (Photo: P. Broughton). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 131 1990; Ives & Fenton 1983, 1985; Kristensen et al. 2016). Clusters of exaction pits are known as the Quarry of the Ancestors and the Beaver River Quarry (Fig. 8). CALCITE-CEMENTED SAND INTERV ALS OF THE LOWER MCMURRAY FORMATION The lower interval of the McMurray Formation includes poikilotopic calcite-cemented sand intervals, commonly 0.2-1.5 m thick, but also can occur as clusters as much as 8-10 m thick (Fig. 9). Most of these cemented sand intervals are distributed within the sand deposits that infill the Bitumount Trough. Broughton (2021) has in- terpreted these calcite-cemented sand intervals as being spatiotemporally linked to salt removal patterns along the Prairie Evaporite salt scarp. Sinkhole fills consisting of collapse breccia often include blocks of previously ce- mented sand. This is consistent with cementation having occurred during lower McMurray deposition, concur- rent with subsidence of the Bitumount Trough. Networks of cement-healed fractures and breccia are also observed extending from the level of the sub-Cretaceous uncon- formity upward for 10s m towards the top of the lower McMurray interval (Broughton 2021). The dissolution induced collapse-subsidence of overlying Upper Devonian carbonate strata resulted in concurrent migrations up-section of Ca-bicarbonate saturated Devonian formation water to the lower Mc- Murray Formation fills of the Bitumount Trough. Pre- cipitations of calcite cement in Cretaceous sediments are interpreted as having been the result of migrations up-section of bicarbonate-saturated Devonian forma- tion water. This cementation process is consistent with the range of positive values for the δ 18 O isotopes of +22.2‰ to +24.3‰ for cemented sands of the Athabas- PAUL L. BROUGHTON S FB FB CA CH CH CA CA CH CA CA Fort McMurray MO Devonian Waterways Formation Members MO Moberly CH Christina CA Calumet FB Firebag Bitumount Trough Precambrian (Cretaceous eroded) Precambrian (Cretaceous eroded) Devonian strata subcrop map paleotopography: elevation above/below sea-level (m) 92 -145 salt scarp Athabasca River Christina River Quarry of the Ancestors Beaver River Quarry 95 90 100 10 Range W4M Township 5 Keg River Prairie Evaporite Watt Mtn. Slave Point Waterways 10 km Fig. 8: Outcrops of the Beaver River Sandstone and erratically dispersed quartzite boulders are observed along the floor of the Athabasca River Valley. Clusters of outcrops occur across the floor of the Bitumount Trough. The trend of the drainage-line silcrete follows the eastern margin of the Prairie Evaporite salt scarp, 200 m below. Quarry of the Ancestors and the Beaver River Quarry were sources of the quartzite for use as toolstone. Modified from Broughton (2015), Kristensen et al. (2016) and Hauck et al. (2017). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 132 ca deposit described by Dimitrakopoulos & Muehlen- bachs (1987), albeit based on limited data from only 5 samples. In contrast, there has been extensive research on the linkage between Paleozoic carbonate strata and cemented intervals of overlying Cretaceous strata for deposits of the Alberta Basin to the west of the study area. Measurements of elevated oxygen isotope values, δ 18 O ~ +23% in calcite cements result from infiltrations of Cretaceous strata by ascending bicarbonate-saturated Palaeozoic formation waters, particularly near the base of the Mesozoic section. This is indicative that carbon- ate-saturated fluids reached equilibrium with average Palaeozoic carbonate strata (Longstaffe 1984; Connoly et al. 1990a, b). These studies record calcite cements of the Cretaceous strata having elevated oxygen isotope values consistent with migrations up-section of forma- tion fluids from karstic limestone trends. Sandstone pore water emplaced above Palaeozoic carbonate strata typically measure substantially higher δ 18 O values of +7‰ to +9‰ or higher. Longstaffe et al. (1992) report oxygen isotope values for calcite cement in overlying Cretaceous strata have elevated δ 18 O range of +12‰ to +21‰. The strongly positive isotope values of the underlying Palaeozoic carbonates were in equilibrium with cements of overlying Cretaceous sands (Connolly et al. 1990a, b; Longstaffe et al. 1992; Longstaffe 1994; Kriste 2000). The responsiveness of calcite having oxy- gen-isotope exchange with formation waters during dis- solution and re-precipitation have been documented by many researchers (Longstaffe et al. 1992). ALIGNMENT OF SALINE SPRINGS WITH EV APORITE KARST STRUCTURES IN NORTHEAST ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA: ANALOGUE FOR CRETACEOUS HYPOGENE BRINE SEEPS TO THE SURFACEDOLINE MAP OF SLOVENIA top top top top Devonian Devonian A B C D Fig. 9: Multi-meter thick interval of calcite-cemented beds (dash-lines) within the lower McMurray Formation. Well cores of the Bitumount Trough: (A) 1AB/01-05-97-08W4M; (B) 1AC/09-08-97-08W4M; (C) 1AA/16-33-96-08W4M; (D) 1AA/16-36-97-08W4M. Core box slats are 75 cm. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 133 BRACKISH-W ATER TRACE-FOSSILS OF THE MIDDLE MCMURRAY FORMATION The depositional environment of the middle McMurray Formation is controversial with rival paleogeographic models extensively debated. Differing interpretations have been proposed for the 300 km long Early Creta- ceous inland depositional system at the northern end of a continental-scale river system that approached the now-eroded shoreline of the Boreal Sea. Interpretations of the middle McMurray Formation sedimentology broadly follow two different models or a third variant. These irreconcilable models that attempt to explain the depositional environments of the middle interval of the McMurray Formation are known as the “McMurray Co- nundrum” (Blum & Jennings 2016; Broughton 2018c, 2019). (1) Fluvial Model. Deposits accumulated along a northward flowing axial channel belt of the Alberta foreland, paralleling eastern margin of the Cordillera de- formation front. This fluvial model explains the highly sinuous axial fluvial channel architecture, which consists of looping meanders with multi-km long point bars, counter point bars, and downstream meander scrolling (Hubbard et al. 2011; Fustic et al. 2012; Durkin et al. 2017a, b). This highly sinuous fluvial channel architec- ture with bank-full depths of 30-40 m is at the scale of a giant river system such as the Mississippi River, which is used as a modern analogue. However, this river system model cannot account for the pervasive distribution of brackish-water trace-fossils, and cannot be compatible with a 10s m thick salt wedge necessarily extending 100s km upstream to sustain the brackish-water zoology that colonized the 2-7 km long and 10-40 m thick point bars. The channel architecture may be interpreted as defini- tively fluvial in character, but the widespread brackish- water fossils are admittedly enigmatic. The model is not compatible with the development of a 20-40 m thick salt wedge extending for as much as 200-300 km upstream as to submerge km-scale point bars with brackish-water to permit habitation by crustaceans. (2) Estuary Model. The depositional model asserts that an estuary characterized by a fluvial-tidal transition zones extending 100s km inland can explain the distribu- tion of the brackish-water zoology far inland (Gingras et al. 2016, 2019). However, this estuarine paleogeography cannot readily account for the highly sinuous and loop- ing meander channel architecture extending for 100s of km inland. (3) Salt Tectonism Model. A third model that as- serts that brine seeps to the surface occurred during de- position of the middle McMurray Formation and were discharged into the channel deposits along the Assiniboia River Valley (Broughton 2018c, 2019). This alternative, albeit controversial, to the two widely accepted but irrec- oncilable depositional systems proposes that removal of the 80-130 m thick salt section across 1000s km 2 resulted in voluminous brine seeps that migrated up-section to channel sand bars during deposition of the middle in- terval (Broughton 2018c; Hein & Dolby 2018). Channel muds constrained leakage of the ascending brines into the current along the river bottom. This salt dissolution seep model can provide an explanation for the enigmatic distribution of brackish-water trace-fossils in the chan- nel muds, otherwise difficult to account for by the fluvial channel belt model. Accordingly, a brief transgression southward by a tongue of the Boreal Sea transported ma- rine/brackish-water larvae inland along the tide-impact- ed backwater length of the river at the onset of middle interval deposition. This brackish-water zoology was sustained along the fluvial channel belt by saline seeps that elevated salinity levels in channel muds, but without altering the chemistry of the river water column as the fluvial system dominance reasserted. The brackish-water invertebrates rapidly evolved diminutive body forms as they adapted to new terrestrial food sources along these fluvial channels. This salt tectonism model precludes the necessity for a 10s m thick salt wedge to have extended 100s km inland and cover over 10-40 m thick fluvial point bars colonized by burrowing crustaceans adapted to brackish-water environments. Nonetheless, this salt dissolution-brine seep model would also be consistent with the estuary model. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS HOLOCENE SALINE SEEPS AS ANALOGUE FOR APTIAN BRINE SEEPS Mannville Group strata in deeper areas of the Alberta Basin record elevated oxygen isotope values for early diagenetic calcite cements, resulting in further increas- es in δ 18 O values during burial diagenesis as pore water were being equilibrated with the underlying carbonate beds. These positive values were maintained upon mi- gration to overlying Mannville Group strata, and fix- ated by Cretaceous calcite cementation before impact PAUL L. BROUGHTON ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 134 by ingress of meteoric-charged groundwater and glacial meltwater, which substantially alter isotope values to a negative range. This model contrasts with interpretations that the dissolution of aragonite shell debris resulted in calcite precipitations that cemented marginal marine to deltaic clastic sediments. The use of stable isotope meas- urements has been instrumental in confirming the role of up-section migrations of carbonate-saturated formation fluids. Quaternary geochemical trends (Fig. 3A) are inter- preted to mirror earlier Cretaceous dissolution patterns, but do not necessarily provide evidence regarding the disposition of the voluminous brine that must have re- sulted. The large volume of produced brine would have to be accounted for either by surface discharge or distribu- tion elsewhere in the basin subsurface, or both. There is only indirect stratigraphic evidence that the regional salt dissolution events, known to have occurred during de- position of the McMurray Formation, resulted in saline or brine seeps to the surface. That migrations up-section of chloride and sulphate-saturated Devonian formation water did in fact occur are indicated the occurrences of: (1) silcrete at the top of the lower interval; (2) calcite- cemented sand intervals; (3) brackish-water trace-fossils distributed along the channel belt of the middle interval. Holocene saline seeps and springs discharged along the Athabasca River Valley are interpreted as a modern analogue for dissolution trends that would have resulted in voluminous brine seeps similarly discharged at the surface during deposition of the McMurray Formation. The geo-hydraulic drives of these Early Cretaceous and Quaternary saline to brine flows up-section somewhat differ, but both were responsive to basin loading either by the Cordilleran deepening Alberta Basin depocen- ter to the southwest, or by weight of the Pleistocene ice sheet with isostatic rebound upon withdrawal. Both pro- cesses resulted in meteoric-charged groundwater com- ing in contact with the Prairie Evaporite salt scarp only 200 m below. Both the Early Cretaceous and Quaternary groundwater flows mixed with dissolved salt and subse- quently migrated up-section to the surface along karstic breccia collapse structures that cross-cut Upper Devoni- an strata aquitards and if present, the bitumen-saturated sand aquiclude of the overlying McMurray Formation (Broughton 2013, 2015; Cowie 2013). These flows up- section may have occurred intermittently during the in- terval between McMurray Formation deposition and the Laurentide ice cover, but this remains uncertain because the stratigraphic evidence has been eroded. Spatial linkages between Pleistocene-Holocene and Aptian salt removal stages that resulted in saline and brine seeps up-section are indicated by the eventual sta- tionary alignment of the dissolution front (salt scarp) below the Assiniboia PaleoValley and the superimposed Athabasca River Valley. The W-NW migration of the salt scarp during deposition of the McMurray Forma- tion eventually stabilized and remained at a stationary position into the Quaternary below the Athabasca River Valley. This is suggested by the lack of any further post- McMurray migration westward because no larger-scale collapse structure developed during the Quaternary. Salt volume removal during the Pleistocene and Ho- locene across the study area was relatively insignificant in contrast to large scale (100s km 2 ) Pleistocene collapse events across southern Saskatchewan, such as formations of the Saskatoon and Regina Lows (Christiansen 1967; Christiansen & Sauer 2001, 2002). Salt scarp alignment below the Assiniboia River Valley is consistent with the trend of elevated TDS measurements of groundwater and spring waters (Fig. 3A). The distribution of dissolved salts in the groundwater follows the Holocene position of the salt scarp and trailing edge of complete salt removal to the east (Grasby & Londry 2007) and is consistent with salt removal patterns during McMurray Formation de- position (Cowie 2013; Cowie et al. 2014, 2015; Brough- ton 2017a, b, 2018a, b). Strongly elevated dissolved solid (TDS) trends of surface discharged springs along the Athabasca River Valley are consistent with salt removal patterns along the salt scarp at the time of McMurray Formation deposition. Regional collapses occurred dur- ing deposition of the McMurray Formation, such as the development of the Bitumount Trough (Broughton 2013, 2015). These geographic and geochemical relationships suggest an alignment that would be favorable for includ- ing brine seeps to the surface. That Aptian migrations up-section of Devonian formation waters did happen are suggested by the emplacement of the drainage-line silcrete along the margins of the Assiniboia PaleoVal- ley, which is consistent with boundaries of the overly- ing Athabasca River Valley. These seeps also controlled emplacement of calcite-cemented sand intervals and the distribution of brackish-water trace-fossils. The em- placements of these lithofacies and biofacies followed the major elevated salinity trend above the salt scarp. The multi-staged regional dissolutions of 10s m thick Middle Devonian salt beds were thereby concurrent with deposi- tion of the uppermost lower and middle-upper intervals of the McMurray Formation (Grasby & Londry 2007; Broughton 2013, 2015), and resulted in saline seeps to the overlying depositional surfaces (Hein & Dolby 2018; Broughton 2019, 2020). These seeps may have been only stages of intermit- tently continuous dissolution of the Prairie Evaporite from the Cordilleran tectonism to the present day. ALIGNMENT OF SALINE SPRINGS WITH EV APORITE KARST STRUCTURES IN NORTHEAST ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA: ANALOGUE FOR CRETACEOUS HYPOGENE BRINE SEEPS TO THE SURFACEDOLINE MAP OF SLOVENIA ACTA CARSOLOGICA 50/1 – 2021 135 PAUL L. BROUGHTON ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks the anonymous reviewers for their commentaries that greatly improved the paper. Illustra- tions of La Saline Lake tufa deposits are courtesy of A. Gue. REFERENCES Bachu, S., 1995: Synthesis and model of formation-water flow, Alberta Basin, Canada.- AAPG Bulletin, 79, 8, 1159-1178. 171E-11D7-8645000102C1865D Bachu, S. & J.R. Underschultz, 1993: Hydrogeology of for- mation waters, northeastern Alberta Basin.- AAPG Bulletin, 77, 10, 1745-1768. BDFF8F24-1718-11D7-8645000102C1865D Bachu, S., Underschultz, J.R., Hitchon, B.D. & D. 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