N. ASHOK, P. SHANMUGHASUNDARAM: EFFECT OF PARTICLES SIZE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ... 667–672 EFFECT OF PARTICLES SIZE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SiC-REINFORCED ALUMINIUM 8011 COMPOSITES VPLIV VELIKOSTI DELCEV NA MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI S SiC OJA^ANIH ALUMINIJEVIH 8011 KOMPOZITOV Nagaraj Ashok, Palanisamy Shanmughasundaram Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Karpagam University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore 641021, India sunramlec@rediffmail.com, ashok2488@rediffmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-08-11; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-11-14 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.252 The effects of the SiC particle size on the mechanical properties of aluminium 8011-SiC composites are reported. Three different particle sizes of SiC (63, 76, 89) μm with two different mass fractions of 2 % and 4 % reinforced with aluminium 8011 were processed using the stir-casting method. The mechanical properties, like hardness, tensile strength, yield strength, ductility, and toughness, of the composites and the unreinforced alloy were tested. It was observed that the hardness, tensile strength, yield strength, ductility, and toughness increase with a decrease in the particle size of the SiC. The increase in weight fraction of the SiC improves all the mechanical properties, except for the ductility and toughness of the composites. The results reveal that the fine 63 μm (220 mesh) SiC particles introduced superior mechanical properties compared to the intermediate 76 μm (180 mesh) SiC particles and the coarse 89 μm (150 mesh) SiC. Keywords: composites, particle size, stir casting method, weight fractions, mechanical properties Delo poro~a o u~inkih velikosti delcev SiC na mehanske lastnosti aluminijevih 8011 kompozitov. Tri razli~ne velikosti delcev SiC (63, 76, 89) μm z dvema razli~nima dele`ema te`e (2 in 4) %, oja~ane z aluminijem 8011, so bile obdelane z metodo me{anja in litja. Testirane so bile mehanske lastnosti, kot so: trdota, natezna trdnost, meja te~enja, duktilnost in `ilavost kompozitov in neoja~ane zlitine. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se trdota, natezna trdnost, meja te~enja, duktilnost in `ilavost pove~ajo z zmanj{anjem velikosti delcev SiC. Pove~anje dele`a masnega odstotka SiC izbolj{uje vse mehanske lastnosti razen razteznosti in `ilavosti kompozitov. Rezultati ka`ejo, da drobni 63 μm (220 mesh) SiC delci poka`ejo nadpovpre~ne mehanske lastnosti v primerjavi z vmesnim 76 μm (180 mesh) SiC delci in grobimi 89 μm (150 mesh) SiC. Klju~ne besede: kompoziti, velikost delcev, metoda me{anja in litja, masni dele`i, mehanske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminium metal-matrix composites are being used as materials for automobile and aerospace applications. Aluminium- and magnesium-based Metal-Matrix Com- posites (MMCs) are an important class of high-potential engineering materials.1 Aluminium alloy reinforced with silicon carbide displays better mechanical and tribolo- gical properties than the unreinforced alloy because of their high strength-to-weight ratio. Silicon carbide is often the preferred reinforcement in the production of aluminium powder composites.2 Stir casting can be used to fabricate the composites for a better homogenous dis- tribution of reinforcement particles in the matrix. P. Shanmughasundaram et al.3 investigated the effect of the addition of fly ash on the mechanical and wear behaviour of Aluminium–fly ash composites. The com- posites were prepared with the varying weight percen- tage of fly ash (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25) by a two-step stir- casting method. They concluded that hardness, tensile strength and compressive strength of the composites increases up to the addition of 15 % of mass fractions of fly ash, so it is the maximum reinforcement level to obtain the desired property. S. G. Kulkarni et al.4 inves- tigated the effect of fly ash and alumina on the mecha- nical property of aluminium 356 alloy. They have concluded that the addition of fly ash and alumina increases the mechanical properties like hardness, tensile strength and compressive strength of the composites. Sudarshan et al.5 analysed the mechanical properties of Al356-fly ash composites prepared by stir casting and hot extrusion. They used narrow-size-range (53–106 μm) and wide-size-range (0.5–400 μm) fly ash particles as reinforcement. Their results revealed that small size particles (53–106 μm) display higher mechanical pro- perties than the larger size particles. P. Shanmughasun- daram et al.6 applied ANOVA and Taguchi methods for the selection of optimum level of parameters to obtain the maximum mechanical properties of Al-fly ash composites. They concluded that a modified two-step stir-casting method enhances the uniform distribution of fly ash particles in the aluminium matrix and improves the mechanical properties. Baradeswaran et al.7 investi- gated the mechanical and wear properties of Al 7075/Al2O3/graphite hybrid composites. The hybrid composites were prepared with the reinforcement of different weight percentages of alumina (2, 4, 6, and 8) Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 667–672 667 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 620.1/.2:67.017:546.281'261 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(4)667(2017) and 5 % mass fractions of graphite. They concluded that the mechanical properties increased due to the increase in solid-solution strengthening. V. Ramnath et al.8 analysed the mechanical behaviour of aluminium-boron carbide-alumina composites produced by the stir-casting method. They concluded that the hardness and toughness of the aluminium-boron carbide (3 % of mass fractions) alumina (2 % of mass fractions) composites exhibit superior properties than the other composites and unreinforced alloy. Veereshkumar et al.9 have studied Al6061-SiC and Al7075-Al2O3 composites produced by liquid metallurgy technique. R. Harichandran et al.10 investigated the effect of micro and nanoparticle rein- forcement of boron carbide on the aluminium alloy by ultrasonic cavitation-assisted stir casting. T. Thirumalai et al.11 analysed the aluminium matrix composites rein- forced with boron carbide and graphite fabricated by the stir-casting method. Different weight fractions of boron carbide (3, 6, 9, and 12 % of mass fractions) and graphite (3 % of mass fractions) were reinforced with LM25Al alloy. Their results revealed that the hardness of the composites was higher than that of the unreinforced alloy. J. Hashim et al.12 analysed the low-cost stir-casting method for the preparation of high-quality alumi- nium-SiC composites. They found that by controlling the various process parameters like position of the impeller, size of the impeller, holding temperature, stirring speed and addition of weight percentage of reinforcement a wide range of mechanical properties were obtained. P. Pugalenthi et al.13 conducted tests on the mechanical properties of 7075 aluminium alloy reinforced with 2 % of mass fractions of SiC and (3, 5, 7, 9) % of mass fractions of alumina hybrid composites. Their result revealed that the hardness and tensile strength of the composites increase with an increase in the rein- forcement of SiC and alumina. S. M. L. Nai et al.14 analysed the effect of stirring speed on the synthesis of Al/SiC based functionally gradient materials. They concluded that an increase of the stirring speed will lead to a more homogeneous distribution of SiC particulates alongside the deposition direction. N. Radhika et al.15 analysed the mechanical properties and tribological behaviour of LM25/SiC/ Al2O3 composites with rein- forcement of (5, 10, 15) % mass fractions of SiC and (5, 10, 15) % of mass fractions of alumina. It was found that the composites with reinforcement of 30 % (15 % SiC and 15% alumina) have higher hardness and tensile strength than the unreinforced base alloy. K. Komai et al.16 investigated the tensile and fatigue fracture beha- viour of Al7075/SiC composites. They reported that the mechanical properties of Al7075/SiC composites were superior to the unreinforced alloy. T. J. A. Doel et al.17 analysed the tensile properties of Al-SiC composites. The three different particle size of SiC (5, 13, 60) μm, were used as reinforcement. They concluded that coarse SiC particles fracture easily at low load than the fine and intermediate SiC particles. C. Sun et al.18 investigated the effect of SiC particle size on the mechanical properties of aluminium-SiC composites. They concluded that the tensile strength and yield strength of the composites increases due to the addition of fine SiC particles. H. C. Anilkumar et al.19 investigated the effect of fly ash part- icle size (4–25, 45–50 and 75–100) μm and reinforce- ment weight fractions (10, 15 and 20) % on the mecha- nical properties of Al6061 composites reinforced with fly ash. Their result reveals that the tensile strength, compressive strength and hardness of the aluminium alloy (Al 6061) composites increased with an increase in the weight fraction of reinforced fly ash and decreased with an increase in the particle size of the fly ash. M. Kok20 analysed the effect of particle size and the weight fraction of alumina on the mechanical properties of Al2024-alumina composites. Three different particle sizes (16, 32 and 66) μm and three different mass fractions (10, 20 and 30) % of alumina were used as the reinforcement to produce composites by the vortex method, followed by applied pressure. The results reveal that the reinforcement of fine alumina particles exhibits a higher mechanical property than the intermediate and coarse particles. M. Rahimian et al.21 investigated the effect of particle size and weight fraction of alumina on the mechanical properties of aluminium matrix compo- site produced by powder metallurgy. Three different weight fractions (5, 10, 15) and three different particle sizes of alumina (3, 12, 48) μm were used as the reinforcement. Their results show that the finer particle (3 μm) has the highest yield strength, hardness, com- pressive strength, elongation than the intermediate (12 μm) and coarse particle (48 μm) reinforcement. M. Kok et al.22 examined the effect of two different particle sizes of alumina on the mechanical and wear behaviour of the Al 2024 alloy. They revealed that the hardness and tensile strength of the smaller particle reinforcement were much higher than the larger particle size. S. Mah- davi et al.23 analysed the hardness and wear behaviour of Al6061 composites with the reinforcement of three different SiC particles (19, 93, 146) μm. Their result shows that the hardness increases with a decrease in the particle size of the SiC reinforcement. From the liter- ature it was observed that the mechanical properties of the composites depend on the size and quantity of the reinforcement particles. Earlier studies indicated that the mechanical properties of the composites can be im- proved with a decrease in the particle size and an in- crease in the reinforcement content. Hence, a systematic study has to be carried out to study the effect of particle size and weight fraction of reinforcement on the mechanical behaviour of the composites. In this present work Al8011-SiC composites with the reinforcement of three different particle sizes of SiC (63, 76 and 89) μm and two different weight fractions (2 and 6) % of SiC were fabricated using the stir-casting method and its various mechanical properties like hardness, tensile N. ASHOK, P. SHANMUGHASUNDARAM: EFFECT OF PARTICLES SIZE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ... 668 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 667–672 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS strength, yield strength, ductility and toughness were tested. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Stir-casting method In this research work, Al 8011-SiC composites were fabricated with three different particle sizes 89 μm (coarse), 76 μm (intermediate) and 63 μm (fine) and two different weight fractions (2 and 6) % of SiC were used as reinforcement by stir the casting method. The compo- sition of Al 8011 alloy is presented in Table 1. Table 1: Composition of Al alloy 8011 alloy Element In mass frac-tions, (w/%) Al 97.14 Si 0.53 Fe 0.99 Cu 0.27 Mn 0.21 Mg 0.25 Cr 0.049 Zn 0.19 Ti 0.028 Pb 0.10 Ca 0.008 Ni 0.045 Stir-casting setup that was used to fabricate the com- posites is shown in Figure 1. To remove the moisture content from the SiC parti- cles, they were preheated for 60 min in a separate muffle furnace. Aluminium 8011 was added to the graphite cru- cible and the furnace temperature was maintained at 780 °C, then the Al scraps were melted completely. The melt temperature was reduced to 720 °C to obtain the semi-solid state, then the preheated SiC particles and 1.5 % of mass fractions of Mg was added to the molten slurry. Stirring was done for 5 min. Mg were added to the mixture to increase the wettability between the Al matrix and SiC particles. The stirring speed was main- tained at 300 min–1 throughout the process. Then, finally again the temperature was raised to the liquid state and poured into the mould for solidification. 3 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 3.1 Hardness test The hardness tests of Al8011-SiC composites and unreinforced alloy were carried out using Rockwell hard- ness machine MSM model with ASTM E18:2014 stan- dard with 1/16” inch ball indenter with a load of 980 N. The loading time for the test period was 15 s. The average of three readings was taken to eliminate the error at room temperature. The examined hardness test sam- ples of Al8011 and Al 8011-SiC composites are shown in Figure 2. 3.2 Tensile test Tensile tests were carried out using UTM testing ma- chine M30 model as per ASTM E8:2015 standard for the Al8011 and Al8011-SiC composites. Three samples were taken and tested and the average of three test read- ings was taken and noted. The examined tensile test sam- ples of Al8011 and Al 8011-SiC composites are shown in Figure 3. 3.3 Impact test The toughness test was carried out by using charpy impact test machine (AIT-300-EN). The energy required to break the specimen was measured in terms of Joules. The final energy measured was the difference between the total energy supplied to break the specimen to the en- N. ASHOK, P. SHANMUGHASUNDARAM: EFFECT OF PARTICLES SIZE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 667–672 669 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Stir casting setup3 Figure 2: Examined hardness test samples of Al8011 and Al 8011-SiC composites ergy available after the specimen fracture. The test method used was ISO-148-1:2009. The standard speci- men size for this impact test method was 10 mm × 10 mm × 55 mm. Three specimens were tested and the aver- age of three readings was noted. Examined Charpy im- pact test samples of Al8011 and Al 8011-SiC composites are shown in Figure 4. Mechanical properties of pure Al and Al8011-SiC Composites are presented in Table 2. Table 2: Mechanical Properties of Al8011-SiC Composites Sic (w/%) Hardness (RHB) Yield strength (MPa Tensile strength (MPa) Elonga- tion % Tough- ness (J) 0 90 46 67 7 10 2 % (89 ìm) 92 54 73 7.5 15 2 % (76 ìm) 94 58 78 7.8 16 2 % (63 ìm) 96 63 84 8.4 17 6 % (89 ìm) 98 76 98 7.2 12 6 % (76 ìm) 102 81 105 7.4 13 6 % (63 ìm) 105 87 111 7.7 14 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION From Figure 5 it can be observed that as the particle size decreases the hardness of the composite increases for 2 % and 6 % of mass fractions reinforcement of SiC. The hardness of Al8011-SiC-63 μm (220 mesh) for 6 % of mass fraction was observed to be 105 HRB, which was 16 % more than the unreinforced alloy (90 HRB). Hard SiC particles act as a barrier to the applied load. Hardness of the Al8011-SiC composites was greater than the unreinforced alloy because of the hard nature of the SiC particles. The addition of hard ceramic particles in- creased the bulk hardness of the aluminium alloy. Fine particle size 63 μm (220 mesh) reinforcement of SiC ex- hibit superior hardness than the intermediate SiC-76 μm (180 mesh) and coarse SiC-89 μm (150 mesh). This re- sult was similar to the statement concluded by M. Kok.20 M. Kok reported that the hardness of the composites in- creased with decreasing size and increasing weight frac- tion of the reinforcement particles. The increase in hard- ness was due to the presence of a larger interfacial area N. ASHOK, P. SHANMUGHASUNDARAM: EFFECT OF PARTICLES SIZE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ... 670 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 667–672 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: Examined Charpy impact test samples of Al8011 and Al 8011-SiC composites Figure 3: Examined tensile test samples of Al8011 and Al 8011-SiC composites Figure 5: Effect of mesh size of SiC on the hardness of Al8011-SiC composites Figure 6: Effect of mesh size of SiC on the yield strength of Al8011-SiC composites between the soft and hard phases. Decreasing the alu- mina particle size increases the hardness. A similar ob- servation was made by M. Rahimian.21 From Figure 6 it is observed that yield strength in- creases as the weight fraction of SiC increases. The yield strength of Al8011-6 % of mass fractions of SiC-63 μm (220 mesh) was observed to be 87 MPa which was 89 % higher than the unreinforced alloy. The yield strength also increases with the decrease in particle size of SiC. It was noted that the value of yield strength was 54 MPa for Al8011-2 % of mass fractions of SiC-89 μm (150 mesh), 58 MPa for Al8011-2 % of mass fractions of SiC-76 μm (180 mesh) and 63 MPa for Al8011-2 % of mass fractions of SiC-63 μm (220 mesh), that was 16 % increase when compared to the 150 mesh size. From Figure 7 it is clear that the tensile strength of the composites was higher than the pure Aluminium 8011. The tensile strength of unreinforced Al8011 was 67 MPa and the value increased to 84 MPa for Al8011-2 % of mass fractions of SiC-63 μm (220 mesh). An increase of 25 % in tensile strength was observed. Similarly 111 MPa for Al 8011-6 % of mass fractions of SiC-63 μm (220 mesh), increase of 65 % was observed when com- pared to the unreinforced alloy. From Figure 8 it is clear that the elongation of the composites increases with the decrease in the particle size. The elongation tends to decrease when the amount of reinforcement increases. The Al 8011-2 % of mass fractions of SiC has a higher elongation than the Al8011-6 % of mass fractions of SiC composites. The elongation decreases to 7.7 % from 8.4 % drop of 9 % was observed. The increase in tensile strength and yield strength was due to the increase in dislocation density caused by the reinforcement of the hard SiC particles. As smaller reinforcement particle size reduces the distance between the reinforcement particles, the movement of dislocations tends to decrease, leading to a higher strength of the composites. The grain boundary acts as a barrier to the movement of dislocations caused by the plastic deformation. Therefore, at a higher mess size, high grain boundaries are formed, which act as a barrier against the movement of the dislocation. From Figure 9 it is observed that the highest tough- ness of 17 J was observed for Al8011-2 % SiC-63 μm (220 mesh). The value was 16 J for Al8011-2 % of mass fractions of SiC-76 μm (180 mesh) and 15 J for Al8011-2 % of mass fractions of SiC-89 μm (150 mesh). But the toughness decreases for the reinforcement of 6 % of mass fractions of SiC particles. 5 CONCLUSIONS Al 8011-SiC composites were produced successfully by the stir-casting method and a homogenous distribu- tion of SiC particles in the Al8011 matrix was obtained. From the tests conducted the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Hardness increased with the decrease in SiC particle size. The highest hardness (105 HRB) was obtained for 6 % of mass fractions of SiC particle reinforced composites with 63 μm particle size. 2. The coarse particle size of SiC has a lesser yield strength and tensile strength. The highest amount of N. ASHOK, P. SHANMUGHASUNDARAM: EFFECT OF PARTICLES SIZE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 667–672 671 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 9: Effect of mesh size of SiC on the toughness of Al8011-SiC composites Figure 8: Effect of mesh size of SiC on the elongation of Al8011-SiC composites Figure 7: Effect of mesh size of SiC on the tensile strength of Al8011-SiC composites yield strength and tensile strength were 87 MPa, 111 MPa for the sample containing 6 % of mass fractions of SiC with 63 μm particle size. 3. Elongation decreased as the weight fraction of SiC increases. The 6 % of mass fractions of SiC particle reinforced composite with 63 μm SiC particles has the elongation of 7.7 % which was 8 % less than the 2 % of mass fractions of SiC particle-63 μm (220 mesh). 4. Toughness increased with the decrease in particle size for both the 2 % and 6 % mass fractions of SiC particle reinforced composites. 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SHANMUGHASUNDARAM: EFFECT OF PARTICLES SIZE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ... 672 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 667–672 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS