Laparoscopic management of double gallbladder diagnosed intraoperatively 249 Pregledni znanstveni članek 1 Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2 kirurški sanatorij rožna dolina, Oddelek za abdominalno kirurgijo, Ljubljana Korespondenca/ Correspondence: Jošt kokalj, e: jost.kokalj@ Ključne besede: žolčnik; dvojni; laparoskopska holecistektomija; anomalija; klasifikacija Key words: gallbladder; double; laparoscopic cholecystectomy; anomaly; classification Prispelo: 9. 8. 2017 Sprejeto: 12. 4. 2018 Laparoscopic management of double gallbladder diagnosed intraoperatively: A case report and review of literature Laparoskopska obravnava podvojenega žolčnika, odkritega med operacijo: prikaz primera in pregled literature Jošt Kokalj,1 Yasmin Marianna Hunt2 Abstract Double gallbladder is a rare congenital anomaly, which can present a challenge for the surgeon who performs laparoscopic cholecystectomies. The common first-line modality for screening in symptomatic gallbladder pathology is still ultrasonography, even though the accuracy is low. Preoperative diagnosis of this anomaly is not common as it is available in only 50 % of cases. Pre- operative diagnosis and being acquainted with this anomaly decrease the possibility of injury to the biliary tract, the number of postoperative complications and the possible need for further surgical procedures. We present a case of double gallbladder which was diagnosed during the operative procedure. Based on ultrasonography screening, which showed a gall-stone in an unchanged gallbladder, a laparoscopic gallbladder removal was indicated. Despite the finding of a double gallbladder, the performance of laparoscopic gallblade removal was uneventful. Izvleček Dvojni žolčnik je redka kongenitalna anomalija, ki je lahko izziv za kirurga ob laparoskopski hole- cistektomiji. Pri patologiji žolčnika, ki se pokaže s simptomi, je ultrazvočni pregled diagnostična metoda prve izbire, čeprav je natančnost rezultatov nizka. Pred operacijo se ta anomalija odkrije le v 50 %. Kadar se odkrije pred posegom, je možnost poškodovanja žolčevodov med operacijo manj- ša, zapletov po operaciji pa je manj. To velja tudi za morebitne nadaljnje potrebne kirurške posege. Članek predstavi primer dvojnega žolčnika, ki ga je kirurg diagnosticiral šele med operacijo. Ker je ultrazvočni pregled pokazal žolčni kamen v nespremenjenem žolčniku, je bila laparoskopska holecistektomija na mestu. Poseg se je zaključili laparoskopsko brez zapletov. Citirajte kot/Cite as: kokalj J, Marianna Hunt Y. laparoscopic management of double gallbladder diagnosed intraoperatively: a case report and review of literature. zdrav vestn. 2018;87(5–6):249–56. DOI: 10.6016/zdravvestn.2641 1. Introduction Congenital anomalies of the extra he- patic biliary system are important in the clinical setting as they can cause clinical, diagnostic and surgical problems (1). They are also associated with an incre- ased incidence of intraoperative bile- 250 zdrav vestn | maj – junij 2018 | letnik 87 Metabolne in HorMonske MotnJe Figure 1: The gallbladder looks septated. Figure 2: After the aspiration of one part the other stays strained. -duct injuries (2). Double gallbladder is an unusual and potentially hazardous malformation, which is rarely diagno- sed pre-operatively (3). It is a very rare entity with an incidence of 1/4000 (4). The ratio of incidence between men and women is almost equal, though favou- ring the female gender at 1:1,7 (5). Double gallbladder was first mentio- ned in 1674 when discovered upon au- topsy by Blasius (6), the first mention of this pathology in a living patient was in 1911 (7). The anatomical variations were first described by Boyden in 1926 (4), in 1936 the congenital anomalies were classified by Gross (8). The Harlaftis classification published in 1977 is the most comprehensive and widely accep- ted (9). The aim of this paper is to increase awareness of this anatomical variation and present ways of diagnosis and tre- atment during surgery as an aid to those encountering it for the first time during an operation. 2. Case report A 28-year old woman came to us complaining of right upper quadrant pain, which had occurred several times in the form suggestive of biliary colic. Upon clinical examination the abdomen was painless, soft and had no palpable mass. Ultrasonography showed normal intrahepatic biliary ducts and a nor- mal common bile duct. The gallbladder appeared normal in size, the wall was of normal thickness and there was a single 1 cm gallstone in the infundibular pou- ch. There was no indication of the dou- ble gallbladder on ultrasonography. The clinical symptoms and the results of the ultrasonography warranted an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The pro- cedure was performed three months la- ter. A laparoscopic exploration with 4 en- try ports was performed. Upon entering the abdominal cavity and inspecting the gallbladder it looked septated (Figure 1). The gallbladder was enlarged and taut, making the dissection in the trian- gle of Calot difficult so we reduced the gallbladder by aspirating the bile con- tent. Despite this action a part of the organ remained taut so we aspirated that side too and emptied clear fluid – hydrops (Figure 2). In view of this anomaly we chose first to dissect the gallbladder from its liver bed completely using the dome down Laparoscopic management of double gallbladder diagnosed intraoperatively 251 Pregledni znanstveni članek Figure 3: Arrows show both cystic ducts. Figure 4: Second intraoperative cholangiography. Figure 5: Double gallbladder which was removed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. technique. We then continued the dis- section of the triangle of Calot and the cystic artery, which we found to be on the posterior wall. After transection of the artery we proceeded with the dissection and isolated the biliary duct connecting the gallbladder to the common bile duct (CBD) which had been clearly identified. After incising the duct, we performed an intraoperative cholangiography which showed good contrast flow and absence of calculi in the CBD. The image did not present any anomalous anatomy. After catheter removal and further dissection, a second duct was seen. In order to clari- fy the anatomical variation the decision to perform a second intraoperative cho- langiography was made. Further incisi- on of the duct revealed a second lumen (Figure 3). We performed a second intraopera- tive cholangiography through this duct which afforded a good view of the biliary tree and good contrast flow (Figure 4). Both ducts were clipped and transected and the gallbladder removed. After re- moval of the gallbladder, inspection of its hepatic bed and haemostasis comple- tion a drain was placed and the surgery concluded. Inspection of the gallbladder revealed a double gallbladder, one of which had a pathology – a 1 cm gall-sto- ne impacted in the infundibulum cau- sing hydrops and chronic cholecystitis. The specimen was sent for pathohistolo- gical examination. The results of the pathohistological examination showed a gallbladder with two entirely separate lumens divided by a 5 mm thick septum. Clearly visible are two cystic ducts. One of the gallbladders had a 1 cm gall-stone impacted in the in- fundibulum (Figure 5). There were no operative and posto- perative complications. The patient was discharged on the second day. 252 zdrav vestn | maj – junij 2018 | letnik 87 Metabolne in HorMonske MotnJe Figure 6: TYPE 1 classification of double gallbladder. The dashed line represents the liver edge (modified from 5, 9, 11–13). 3. Classification In the past, several attempts have been made to classify double gallbladders. The anatomical variations were described by Boyden in 1926 who described vesica fe- llea divisa (bilobed, double gallbladder with a common neck) and vesica fellea duplex (double gallbladder with two cystic ducts). Vesica fellea duplex was further devided into H shaped type (two separate cystic ducts enter separately into the common bile duct) and Y sha- ped type (cystic ducts unite before ente- ring the common bile duct) (4). In 1936, the congenital anomalies were classified by Gross who classified double gallblad- der into types from A to E, showing the positions of the accessory organ and the distribution of the cytic ducts (8). The most comprehensive, thorou- gh and widely accepted is the Harlaftis classification published in 1977 (9). This classification separates two main groups (Type 1 and Type 2) based on morpho- logy and embryogenesis. In Type 1 cy- stic primordium splits during embryo- genesis, gallbladders share a common cystic duct, and in Type 2 gallbladders arise from separate primordium, which means that they have individual cystic ducts (5,9-13) Kim modified this classification and proposed that the Type 2 (accessory gallbladder) group should distinguish the right trabecular from the left trabecular variant (14) and Causey upgraded it with Type 3, which is a combination of Type 1 and Type 2 and arises from a primordium division or the joining of gallbladders from two separa- te primordia (10). TYPE 1 or »split primordium gro- up«: the double gallbladder drains into the common bile duct via a single cystic duct. This group has three subtypes: • Septate gallbladder subtype, in whi- ch the gallbladder has two separa- te lumina divided by a septum. The septum may or may not be visible from the exterior (Figure 6A and 6B). • “V-shaped” gallbladder, in which the gallbladders are divided at the fundus and join at the infundibulum to form a normal cystic duct (Figure 6C). • “Y-shaped” gallbladder, where we have two gallbladders with their cy- stic ducts joining to form a single duct before entering the common bile duct (Figure 6D and 6E). TYPE 2 or “accessory gallbladder group”, which is further divided into: • “H” or ductular duplication where the primary and secondary cystic du- cts enter the common bile duct sepa- rately. This subtype is the most com- mon (Figure 7A-7C). • Trabecular duplication – Right whe- re the extra cystic duct enters the right hepatic duct within the liver pa- renchyma (Figure 7D). A rarity is the duplication of the cystic duct alone (Figure 7E). Left trabecular, where the extra cystic duct enters the left hepa- Laparoscopic management of double gallbladder diagnosed intraoperatively 253 Pregledni znanstveni članek Figure 7: TYPE 2 classification of double gallbladder. The dashed line represents the liver edge (modified from 5,9,11-14). tic duct within the liver parenchyma (Figure 7F), added by Kim et. al. • Triple gallbladder with many diffe- rent possible variations. TYPE 3 or “miscellaneous group” is a combination of Type 1 and Type 2. The gallbladder is septated with duplica- ted cystic ducts. It is labelled “B” septa- te gallbladder (Figure 8) in accordance with the original classification and also suggests that this group should include triple gallbladders (10). 4. Diagnosis and treatment The anomaly of a double gallbladder does not present with specific clinical symptoms and the incidence of patho- logical entities such as acute and chro- nic cholecystitis, cholecystolithiasis, empyema, torsion, cholecystocolic fistu- la, abdominal mass and carcinoma is no greater than observed with normal ana- tomy (15). The most common diagnostic method (and the most readily available) for right upper quadrant pain in most clinical settings is abdominal ultraso- nography, however this procedure does not always afford a precise diagnosis of the anomalies of the gallbladder, as it does not provide accurate visualization of biliary anatomy (16,17). The preope- rative diagnostic accuracy of abdomi- nal ultrasonography can be as low as 50 % (18). At this point, the awareness of the radiologist of the possibility of a double gallbladder is very important as an accurate examination could show the need for further preoperative diagnostic modalities – in this case a preoperative diagnosis – and give the surgeon valua- ble information and forewarning.( 2,19) One of the possible diagnostic moda- lities is computer tomography (CT) with the potential to provide a good view of different intraluminal masses, although the literature shows it is not reliable in detecting gall bladder anomalies (17,20). Magnetic resonance cholangiopancre- aticography (MRCP) or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP) have a higher sensitivity and specificity for showing the anatomy and variations of the biliary system (16). MRCP is a relatively new modality, it is non-invasive, cheap, radiation-free, does not require anaesthesia, has a low depen- dency on the performer and affords an excellent assessment of the biliary system preoperatively, thus reducing the risk of damage especially during laparoscopic surgery (16,21). MRCP is the modality of choice to visualise the biliary system whereas ERCP is used as a therapeutic procedure (16). However, in the absence of suspicion of anomalous anatomy ad- ditional preoperative diagnostic proced- ures are not warranted. The use of laparoscopy for removing double gallbaldder is still controversi- al (14). Upon review of the available li- terature, the laparoscopic approach is generally recommended for Type 1 do- uble gallbladders and the open surgical approach is suggested for Type 2 double 254 zdrav vestn | maj – junij 2018 | letnik 87 Metabolne in HorMonske MotnJe Figure 8: Double gallbladder according to Type 3 – septate B gallbladder. Dashed line presents apparent liver edge (modified by 10). gallbladder even though there are some reports of successful laparoscopic re- moval of Type 2 (10,18). The reason for this recommendation is the theoretical- ly increased risk of injury to the com- mon bile duct, which is generally seen in 0.1–0.9 % of laparascopic gallbladder removals, and to the right hepatic arte- ry (14,22-25). This usually happens due to the high position of the entry of the additional cystic duct and thus the ne- cessity for more extensive tissue prepa- ration and dissection (14). Nursal sugge- sts laparoscopic surgery for all the types, supported however by excellent pre-ope- rative diagnostic tests and intra-operati- ve cholangiography (26). The surgeon has the option to perform an intraope- rative cholangiography in the instance of an unclear biliary anatomy. The use of this procedure has been shown to reduce the risk of bile duct injuries by 30 % (27-30), but it does not ensure a safe removal with no injury to the bili- ary tract (17,24,26) If there are doubts as to the anatomy or possible injuries, the surgeon should have a low threshold to convert to open surgery (14,22). 5. Discussion A double gallbladder does not pre- sent with specific symptoms and does not show an increase in the incidence of pathology in either one of the gall- bladders. If without pathology, it is of no clinical importance (16). Besides the occurrence of an asymptomatic double gallbladder, it is possible to see double pathology or pathology restricted only to one of the two gallbladders (31-32). The most common pathology occurring in a double gallbladder is the formation of gall-stones (33). However, the inciden- ce is no greater than that seen in normal gallbladders (34). A randomly discove- red double gallbladder devoid of patho- logy is not an indication for operative therapy as there is no evidence of any associated greater risks (35). In the case of a symptomatic double gallbladder, the therapy of choice is either open or lapa- roscopic cholecystectomy (36). In this case, it is important to remove both gall- bladders in order to avoid complications and relapses of symptoms or pathology in the remaining gallbladder (37-39). Several authors report successful lapa- roscopic cholecystectomies of double gallbladders (17,40), as is the case pre- sented in our report. 6. Conclusions and recommendations Preoperative awareness of anatomical anomalies is of great importance from the point of view of undesired injuries to the biliary system and of postoperative complications. The most routine diagno- stic procedure for right upper quadrant pain, and also readily available, is the ab- dominal ultrasonography. However, the diagnostic accuracy for biliary anomali- es is around 50 % (18). In the absence of any suspicion of anomalies, no further Laparoscopic management of double gallbladder diagnosed intraoperatively 255 Pregledni znanstveni članek diagnostic procedures are warranted, thus presenting the surgeon with the task of recognising the anomaly and tre- ating it intraoperatively. In this case the use of intraoperative cholangiography clarifies the anatomy, allowing us to av- oid unwitting damage to the CBD and plan the next appropriate surgical steps to be taken, thus bringing the surgery to a successful conclusion. The surgeon should also always consider conversion to open surgery if in doubt. In case of any suspicion or sign of anomalies of the biliary system, further diagnostic procedures are necessary in order to clarify the biliary anatomy. In this instance MRCP is the modality of choice as it has the highest percenta- ge of accuracy in visualizing the biliary system. If the anomaly is diagnosed preopera- tively, the surgery should be performed by an experienced surgeon or transfer- red to an appropriate HPB centre for a successful completion of therapy; in the instance of intraoperative bile duct injuries, these too should be treated by an experienced HPB surgeon in a HPB centre. The patient gives her consent to the publication of the article. References 1. ozgen a, akata d, arat a, demirkazik Fb, ozmen Mn, akhan o. gallbladder duplication: imaging findings and differential considerations. abdom imaging. 1999 May-Jun;24(3):285–8. 2. botsford a, Mckay k, Hartery a, Hapgood C. MrCP imaging of duplicate gallbladder: a case report and revi- ew of the literature. surg radiol anat. 2015 Jul;37(5):425–9. 3. 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