NAJSTAREJŠI IN NAJBOLJ PRILJUBLJEN SLOVENSKI LIST V ZDRUŽENIH DRŽAVAH AMERIŠKIH,. KRVI SLOVENSKI PST ffi AMERIKI getlo; Z* vero in mrod — *m pravico in retniet. — od boju U mtQel glasilo slov. katol. delavstva v ameriki in uradno glasilo družbe sv. družine v jolietu; s. p. družbe sv. mohorja s chicagi; zapadne slov. zveze v denver, colo„ in slovenske ženske zveze v zedinjenih državah, • __(Official Organ of four Slovenian Organization»J ___ _CHICAGO, ILL., SREDA, 25, JANUARJA — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1939 " LETNIK (VOL). XLVIII, ITALIJA 0 JUGOSLAVIJI OBUPEN ODPOR VLADE Iz Jugoslavije Nova vladaje že začela z deli. Gradbeni minister Dr. Krek je podpisal odlok, za razna dela v Sloveniji, ki bodo stala nad 15 milijonov dinarjev. — Stiska med vini-čarji v Slov. goricah. — Razno. Italija se čuti varna od strani Jugoslavije. Rim, Italija. — Po uspešnih pogajanjih,ki jih je vodil zun. min. Ciano z jugoslovansko vlado, smatra uradna Italija Jugoslavijo za tako prijateljsko sosedo, da proglaša, da ji nobena nevarnost ne pi*eti več od te strani. V ponedeljek je urednik V. Gayda, ki po navadi izraža mnenje Mussolinija samega, napisal za svoj list Giornale dMtalia članek, v katerem trdi, da bo Jugoslavija ohranila vsaj "dobrohotno nevtralnost" v slučaju, da bi prišlo do vojne med Italijo in Francijo, ako se ne bo že naravnost postavila na italijansko stran, s čimer bi prišlo do združitve 65 milijonov ljudi, kar jih štejete obe državi skupaj. Nova dela v Sloveniji Ljubljana, v j an. — Kakor se poroča iz Beograda, je minister za gradbe g. dr. Miha Krek podpisal odlok, s katerim se je odobrila licitacija za zgraditev vodovoda v Suhi Krajini. Gradbena dela je dobila Tehna, družba z o. z. iz Ljubljane, ki je razpisana dela: izlicitirala za 1,781.731 din 29 par. Nadalje je gradbeni minister odobril licitacijo in tozadevni spis odposlal banski u-pravi v Ljubljani v nadaljno postopanje za zgraditev sodobne ceste z drobnimi kockami, to je državne ceste Mairi-bor—Pesnica. To delo je izli-oitiral najnižji ponudnik Adolf Berlis iz Maribora za znesek 4,515.552 din. Nadalje se je odobrila licitacija za rekonstrukcijo državne ceste štev. 2 Kranj— Naklo. Ta clela je prevzel kot najnižjf pdnudnik Ivan Bri-celj, stavbenik iz Ljubljane za vsoto 8,740.774 din. Končno je gradbeno ministrstvo odposlalo banski upravi- v Ljubljani odlok, s katerim se odobri izvršitev betonskih vodnih naprav na reki Muri v obmejnem pasu pri Cmureku. Ta dela se bodo izvršila v lastni režiji ter so proračunana na vsoto 745,-529 din, kar se bo plačalo iz rednega državnega proračuna. Vdova je bila božjastna in šlrf je od doma v vinograd. Med potjo jo je gotovo napadla božjast, žena je obležala in zmrznila. Nesreča V ljubljansko 'bolnico je bil pripeljan 18 letni dijak Vlado Kavčič iz Ljubljane, ki se je na Novega leta dan smučal na Gorjušah, pa je padel in se nevarno pobil. Obsojena f Pred celjskem sodiščem je bila obsojena na 4 mesece strogega zapora, na 400 dinarjev povprečnine in na plačilo 5300% dmarjev gostilničar-ka A. Zupan iz Trbovelj, ker je lansko leto izmaknila iz suknjiča nekemu gostu 5300 dinarjev. Naprtili so ji še več podobnih primerov, katerih pa jo je sodišče oprostilo. POMOTA POVZROČILA SMRT DEKLICE Philadelphia, Pa. — Proti dr. J. Rafterju, ki opravlja že 30 let zdravniški poklic, in proti neki lekarnarici je bila vložena obtožba umora nad neko 15 letnp deklico. Zdravnik je brez obotavljanja priznal krivdo in je obenem povedal, da je bila njena smrt povzročena vsled pomote, ki jo je on napravil. V naglici, ker ga je čakal neki drugi slučaj, je v receptu za deklico predpisal 20 granov strihnina namesto pol grana. Dekle je umrlo pet minut po za-vžitju zdravil. DVE NESREČI PRI ŽENITO-VANJIH Chicago. 111. — Na dveh ki-ajih je bilo ženitovanjsko veselje zadnjo nedeljo prekinjeno od nezgod, ki jih je povzročil ogenj. Prvi slučaj se je pripetil v Eivanstonu, kjer so svatje po poroki v neki me-todistovski cerkvi odšli v stanovanje pastorja na okrepči-lo. Veselo razpoloženje, ki je vladalo, se je mahoma končalo s krikom neke ženske, katere obleka se je vnela in hipoma zaplamtela. Ženin je bil tako prisotnega duha, da je slekel suknjič in ga ovil okrog ženske ter s tem deloma zadušil ogenj, dočim ga je nekdo drugi popolnoma pogasil, ko je s pijačo oblil gorečo obleko. Vsled enakega vzroka, namreč vsled brezbrižno odvržene cigarete, se je vnela obleka neki 17 letni deklici pri nekem drugem ženitova-nju, na 772 Taylor st. Gostje so sicer pogasili ogenj, a dekle je kljub temu dobila ope, kline, da je morala biti odpeljana v bolnico. BERAŠKA PLAČA PREPOVEDANA Washington, D. C. — Administracija zakona za ure in mezde je odbila prošnjo neke družbe v Texasu, ki se bavi s trgovino s pekani (neke vrste orehi), da bi smela plačevati delavcem, ki luščijo orehe, le po 15 centov na uro. Ugotovilo se je, da je ta družba na-nravila v dveh letih pol milijona dobička, dočim je morala za njih delavce skrbeti javna dobrodelnost, da jih je rešila stradanja. Nepošten pismonoša V Šmarju pri Jelšah je ponaredil pismonoša Vinko Mu-kenauer na položnici v vred-[nosti 3585 dinarjev podpis, denar pa si je obdržal. Obsojen je bil na pet mesecev strogega zapora in na povračilo škode poštni upravi. Padec rojstev Iz Osijelta poročajo, da se v zadnjih desetih letih opaža v mestu znaten padec rojstev. Leta 1928 je bilo v Osijeku rojenih 327 otrok, leta 1938 pa samo 206. Pred 100 leti je bilo v tej župniji rojenih več otrok kakor pa preteklo leto. Leta 1838 je bilo namreč v Osijeku rojenih 217 otrok. --o---' ■■ i Poškodba ' Težko se je pri padcu na poledici poškodoval 48 letni vojaški vrtnar Jože Kmet v Zeleni jami v Ljubljani. Peljal se je od doma s kolesom, pa mu je na zmrzlih tleh kolo spodrsnilo, da .1e padel in 30 ga morali radi nevarnih' poškodb po vsem telesu odpe-jati v bolnico. ITALIJANSKE UTRBE V LIBIJI -C- Viničarske družine Slovenske gorico 1. jan. — V zadnjem času je ponovno nastopilo mrzlo vreme tudi v Slovenskih goricah.^Hud mraz je močno zaskrbel mnoge viničarske družine, ki jim že sedaj primanjkuje živeža, obleke in kuriva. Žalosten je zlasti pogled na mnogočlanske družine kmečkih viničarjev, ki žive zaradi pomanjkanja v naj bedne jšem položaju. Mnoga viničarska naselja kažejo žalostno sliko, ker gospodar-ji-vinogradniki ne popravljajo hiš. Mnogim družinam grozi neizogibna lakota. -o-- Težka nesreča Pod sanmi, naloženimi s težkimi hlodi, je obležal 20 letni delavec Mihael Težak iz Smolnika pri Rukah.' Hudo poškodovanega so odpeljali v mariborsko bolnico.' Smrtna kosa V Novi vasi pri Slovenski Bistrici je umrla Ivana Lesko-var, posestnica stara 73 let. — Ljubljani je umrla Ana Arselin, rojena Gartner, vdova po nadučitelju stara 75 let. _ V Goricah pri Medvo-'ah je umrla Pavla LuŠtrik, stara 18 let. 1 r lVl,v isti voditelji, kakor so bili v septembru ob času monakov-.'•kega sporazuma, in da se ti boje zdaj vsake večje vojne enako, kakor so se je tedaj, ker vidijo v njej nevarnost, da bi utegnila prevreči obstoječi socijalni sistem. Lahko se torej pričakuje novo popuščanje* l&^it^.Ši Zmrznila je ^ Na železniški progi blizu Subotice so našli mrtvo neko vdovo iz Celebije pri Subotici. iMajfc-ji Slika kaže strelske jarke in utrdbe, ki jih je ItalijiZgradila biji blizu egiptovske meje| na puščavskem ozemlju v južni Li- L JANUAR 15 P Mftrcelin Ar,ton * ? J>tr„. stoI ; £ Kanut njj^irinBoit g I tear** 80 P T P0 ra*El- G 01 1 Peter, nol. :i V 11 —1 1 IF ■' ........-—...........;=:--j=- Evropa pričakuje nove dogodke - Barcelona v skrajni krizi . Španska vlada do skrajnosti utrjuje Barcelono. — Proglasila vojno stanje nad vsem svojim ozemljem. Barcelona, Španija. — Tukajšnje mesto, v katerem je začasni sedež španske vlade, je glavni cilj, proti kateremu je naperjena ofenziva nacijo-nnlistov zadnje tedne, in na-oadalci tudi s tako silovitostjo pritiskajo nanj, da je kaj malo upanja, da bi moglo zadržati njih prodiranje. Zdi se pa, da je vlada pripravljena na naravnost obupen odpor in je v ponedeljek tudi izdala tozadevne ukaze. Predvsem je vlada odredila da se do skrajnosti ojači zadnji obrambni pas okrog mesta. Ta teče na jugu samo pet milj daleč od sredine mesta in bo torej nacijonalistom omogočeno s te točke z artilerijo mesto obstreljevati. Dalje je vlada ukazala izselitev civilnega prebivalstva, da ne bo v oviro vojaškemu gibanju, in a svojo tretjo odredbo proglaša vojno stanje v vsem ozerm-'ju, ki ga ima še pod svojo kontrolo. Kljub dveinpolletni vojni se to stanje še dozdaj ni proglasilo. Ako pade Barcelona, bo s tem izgubljena za vlado vsa Katalonija in ji bo ostal le še osrednji del Španije. '——r»_ PRIPOROČILO ZA SVOBODNO KROŽENJE ZLATA Washington, D. C. — Ameriški rudarski kongres je zadnjo nedeljo poslal na kongres apel, naj se prekliče sedanji zakon, po katerem je privatnikom prepovedano lastovat« zlato. V priporočilu se pov-darja, da bi se s tem pomagalo federalnemu zakladniS;tvu, ker bi v naprej izvrševali nakup zlata privatniki, dočim je to opravilo zdaj izključno le delo zakladništva. KRIŽEMJVETA — Berlin, Nemčija. — Na-zijska armada je prenehala biti nepolitična organizacija, ko se je zadnjo nedeljo s posebnim odlokom postavila liga častnikov, tlosle; izključno armadna organizacija,pod območje nazijskega__ političnega režima. — Ženeva, Švici. — Švicarska vlada je po Svojem po- , slaniku v Berlinu vložila pro- J test pri nemški \ladi proti • člankom, ki jih je zadnje dni j priobčevalo nem£f> časopisje , proti Švici, zlasti »ato, ker je . ta sprejemala begunce iz ; Nemčije, češ, da bi tega ne ' smela kot nevtraha država. i — Manila, Filijini. -r— Ob- \ lasti so podvzee preiskavo j glede spopada, do katerega je prišlo koncem tedia na enem t filipinskih otokov med japon- ] skirni ribiči in filipinskimi vo- '< jaki. . jazm viri trdijo, da boste nastopili Nemčija in Italija te-Jf kom prihodnjih dveh mesecev z novimi zahtevami. — ,n Zahteve utegnejo vsebovati kolonije in pa špansko le vprašanje. — Pričakuje se napram njima novo popu-rl sčanje. ---------- ZDRAVSTVENI PROGRAM Predsednil^ priporočal kongresu načrt za izboljšanje javnega zdravstva. —o— Washington, D. C. — Predsednik Roosevelt je ta ponedeljek s posebno poslanico predložil kongresu poročilo vladnega odbora, ki je raziskoval možnosti za boljšo zdravstveno oskrbo prebivalstva v Zed. držav, zlasti revnejšega, da se s tem "skrči liziko nepotrebnega trpljenja in smrtnih slučajev," kakor se je izrazil. Za ta program, ki bi se izvajal s sodelovanjem federalne vlade in državnih oblasti, je omenjeni raziskovalni odbor priporočal porabo 850 milijonov dolarjev letno. -o- DOVZETNOST ANGLEŽEV ZA RAZBURLJIVE ČENČE London, Anglija. — Kako malo zaupajo Angleži v stalni obstoj miru, se. razvidi iz učinka, ki ga ima na borzo vsaka najmanjša vznemirljiva vest. Tako so nekega dne zadnjega tedna padale cene na borzi celo uro kot posledica, ko je neki "broker" po telefonu vprašal, kaj vsebujejo pravzaprav neke novice, ki se jih časopisje boji objaviti,. Še večji učinek pa je imelo, ko je neki drugi "broker" po telefonu povedal, da je nemška armada preklicala vse počitnice za marc. 13 oseb, kar jih je bilo na letalu, trije moški podlegli in utonili. DESET PONESIEČENCEV REŠENH New York, N. T. — Z nekim parnikem seje ta torek pripeljalo semkaj deset oseb, ki so prestale smrni strah po nesreči, katera jn je zadela na odprtem morji zadnjo soboto. Potniški alenplan, s katerim so se vozile z Bermude v New York, je Moral vsled nekega defekta pristati na vodi, kakih 300 nilj daleč od obrežja. Voda p je bila viharna in premetaanje je razrahljalo aeroplan da je pričela vreti voda vnj. S pomočjo rešilnih pasv, ki so jih zvezali skupaj, sose nato ponesrečenci držali ta vodi celih 10 ur v razbuKanem morju, dokler jih ni cončno neki/ tovorni parnik opzil in rešil. 1 Med borbo z mrjem so od ^BOJ PROTI SLOT MAŠI-NAM Chicago, 111. — Bivši illinoi-ški generalni pravnik Kerner se je izrazil zadnje leto, da je vsakdo, ki razpečava slot ma-šine, smatran zločincem. Kerner je bil novembra meseca imenovan federalnim sodnikom, toda njegov naslednik, J. E. Cassidy, je objavil, da bo glede te zadeve hodil po Kernerjevih stopinjah in da bo odiočno zatiral biznes s temi mašinami, in ravno zdaj se z vso strogostjo pripravlja na kampanjo proti njim. 'ŠIRITE AMER. SLOVENCA' denarne pote nakazujemo po dnevnem kurzu in prejemniki dobijo iste dliektno na dom po pošti brez vsakega odbitka Včeraj so bili naše cene: Za 100 Dinarjev........$ 2.45 Za 200 Dinarjev____....$ 4.75 Za 300 Dinarjev....,...? 7.00 Za 500 Dinarjev........$ 11,oo Za 1000 Dinarjev........$ 21.50 Za 2000 Dinarjev________$ 42 50 *" V ITALIJO: Za 50 Lir—---------------$ 3.25 Za 100 Lir.....................$ 6.30 Za 200 Lir.......................$12.00 Za pošiljke v ameriških dolarjih je poslati: Za $ 5.00 ---------------$ 5.75 Za $10.00 _______________$10.85 Za $15.00 -----------$16.00 Za $25.00 _________________$26.25 Vse pošiljatve naslovite na: JOHN JERICH 18*9 W. Cermak Road, CHICAGO, ILL. , točka pa nt :3ev*ti zonPt Ž Utegne i > borto obVnamre*'1 Podvojeno ,i, 1St eni državi tisk da !1 , !° 1Zvedli pri- S; £k0 se:eda Da jima , 3 ze Poražene * C/ ! b0'3> Kataloni-!e> ki Je 0 f1' del t vzr°k ?tl ldnih r°kah' t Province b?'* 2 izsubo ilL^sno L,,v m Panska vlada ne bo vi franciJ0 m to- lrn05*, d7,več obstojala nevar- Da kaka pomoč, ^ki načr ° «emČija in kalija jev , ko se smatra ^ clr s k°rak- ko je odsta- 'f >rni S; ka3ti mož Z blU z 1 ko^rvativcii „ ki so bjl ba l vVred od^anjeni, v.veliko oviro raz h'« TVlm nazij'8kiM na. net^kenn ™ f02lli Polom ibv odh, gospodarstvu. Nie- b'ZV^TiT1 z^ fkih vrstni . +V0dllnih nazij- :i0Ve mecS'\ javlja na ltak Prekin J ,Zadnje ^dne P0« S ur ° nasProtstva p00stril0 ; S' 'I S& je to še hrom °k.Z Mufsolinijevim "odeij'o t 8a Je iwel zadnjo je obno- I1 tei-je oht Pr°ti Pranci-ko> k.3e obenem ponovil žaliv- 'fptembra mes^f izraziI - neurnni r1^ma s« pre-varni". da bi bili kaj ne- boste Anglija >lni zahtevam 'f1 "apram rj6v' S d Strani dilfta- r>0stj0 žf kon« Precejšnjo , 0 se vzamV apre "gane, °beh SaVh Pn-tev, da so na čelu vlad iti • t London, Anglija— Iz urarl-f. kr°gov seveda ne pride r {aka tozadevna izjava, to-jf 12 bolj ali manj zanesljivih patnih virov pa se z goto-ostjo trdi, da čakajo Evropo fnodnji mesec ali pa v mar-£ novi dogodki, ki zopet gro-| Povesti mir do roba slcraj-If, Podobno, kakor v zadnji C f Cehoslovaško; in ena-t kak0r , v. zadnjem slučaju rrn„ bodisi fes«^lt^t1 ohe Fanciio ? 1' 111 N bo t'n endar Še Znan°' Sna pr°gram vseboval. »gane 1 Novostjo ' lahko )0 koionSrt n°Va ZaMeva :em' da bostV Čakuje se pri e ločeno £ "ajbrž nagtopi-a Pritisnil Slcer bo Nemci- »L StZ-A"e,ii°-ltali- '«6 spraviti ' t,J:" i" n->C* r. zmedo Stran 2 AMERIKANSKI SLOVENEC o. januarja Atnerikanski Slovenec prineslo, namreč to, da je stric med vrsticami gotovo nehote povedal, da tista akcija nI koristila nič. To namreč narodu, za katerega se je šlo. Ce je stric urednik kaj boljše volje, kakor zadnjič, naj nam ne pozabi pojasniti še to, da če ni narodu nič koristilo, komu je potem tisti fond koristil? Stvar je vsekakor prevažna, da bi jo kar tako le pozabili! Prvi in najstarejši slovenski list v Ameriki. Ustanovljen leta 1891. The first and the Oldest Slovene Newspaper in Amerioa. Established 1891. Zadnjo nedeljo se je poslovil od svojih dragi župljanov pri sv. Štefanu v Chicagi, dosedanji župnik preč. g. Aleksander Urankar, ki je imenovan za samostanskega gvardi-jana v Lemontu. V Chicagi jc župnikoval okrog osem let Nasledil je preč. g, Anzelma Murna, ki se je bil tedaj vsled bolezni podal v stari kraj na oddih. Kot osemletni župnik in preje več letni pomožni župnik pri sv. Štefanu je storil mnogo dobrega za duhovno in kulturno plat življenja chica- ških Slovencev. S svojo miroljubno naravo si je osvojil srca tudi takih ki so preje odtujeno gledali na slovensko župnijo. Izhaja vsak dan razun nedelj, ponedeljkov in dnevov po praznikih. Izdaja in tiska: EDINOST PUBLISHING CO. Naslov uredništva in uprave: 1849 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago Telefon: CANAL 5544 Issued daily, except Sunday, Monday and the day after holidays. Published by: EDINOST PUBLISHING CO. Address of publication office: 1849 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago Phone: CANAL 5544 Dober stražnik te= > BF Cleveland, O. -- —J Prank Hočevar, ki pošto po Euclidu, iff"1"""-"' dan s seboj zvestega * ka, ki je pasjega rodu je ime Kipp. Pes ni P! šev, ampak nekega SOS? and pa dobro pozna Hočev; The se vsako jutro oglasi P1 mut' i i • „ ■ our nem uradu, kjer ga i opei da pride iz urada in Ss spremlja vse dokler ® nosi pošte. do"i Zdaj na svojem novem mestu v Lemontu bo vodil akcijo za zidanje novega samostanskega doma, kar potrebuje mlade moči in velike energije. Dal Bog da na svojem mestu doseže uspeh in namen, katerega si je zastavil in želi. Rev. Father Urankar torej odhaja, na njegovo mesto pa prihaja: Subscription: For one year ____________________—.......$5.00 For half a year .............................. 2.50 For three months ............................ 1.50 Chicago, Canada and Europe: For one. year ____________________________$6.00 For half year .................................3.00 For three months ............................ 1-75 Singlo copy -...................................... 3c Naročnina: Za Celo leto__________________..._______$5.00 Za pel leta __________________________2.50 Za 0etrt Ha ____________________________ 1.50 Za Chicago, Kanado in Bvropo: .... Za eel o leto _______________________$6.00 2a pol leta _________________________ 3.00 Za četrt leta .............................1.75 R#sam«na številka ___________________..... 3c in vence cvetic ter za obila darovanja za svete maše in prijateljicam, katere so v zim-skimo mrazu hodile moliti osem dni v cerkev. Veliko pomoč in tolažba v teh žalostnih časih so nam bi-!e naše sosede in prijateljice Mrs. A. Z. Gradishar in Mrs. F. Stofac, Jr., za kar sem jim zelo hvaležna. Naj prisrčneje pa se moram zahvaliti mojim sestričnam: Mr. in Mrs. John Germ, Mrs. Toe Zupancich, in Mrs. Rudolph Trontel, ker se niso vstrašile ne stroškov ne truda, tako med boleznijo, kakor ob času pogrfiba in s tem pripomogle, da je imela moja ranj-ka mama kljub slabemu vremenu tisti dan, tako lep pogreb. Enako hvala S.Ž.Z. za spremstvo pri pogrebu. Grob i i bo prerasli a trava draga mama, v srcu mojim pa boš živela vedno. Mrs. Mary Besal Okicich Dopisi važnega pomena za hitro objavo morajo biti doposlani na uredništvo vsaj dan in pol pred dnevom, ko izide list — Za zadnjo številko v tednu je čas do Četrtka dopoldne. — Na dopise brez podpisa se ne ozira. — Rokopisov uredništvo ne vrata. Entered as second class matter November 10, 1925, at the post office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Puefaelski boln^ na Pueblo, Colo. — # reje Mr. George Thomsh pog( Broun Ave.,bivši večlet zornik KSKJ. in veletit fon zlatnino, ki je daleč 1 We in je tudi dolgoletni ^ Amer. Slovenca. _ N'v r ški postelji se nahaja t* drew Petrosh, trgovec-mobili. — Tudi Mrs. f Glač se nahaja v Kort 37< nišnici. — Vsem želio1"*"-—• ga zdravja. Županske volitve v Chicagi Mesto Chicago je drugo največje mesto v Združenih državah. Po številu prebivalstva presega marsikatero malo evropsko in drago državo. Upravljati tako veliko in obsežno občino je vsekakor zelo važna zadeva. Odkar je porazil pokojni župan Cermak rodom Ceh republikance leta 1931, je mestna administracija v rokah demokratov. Cermak sam je ob svojem nastopu temeljito očistil mestno hišo raznih političnih pijavk. Marsikaj se je v mestni hiši izboljšalo, ko je bil poražen republikanec Big Bill Thompson Idealno pa še vse ni in najbrže še dolgo ne bo. Zupan Kelly, rodom Irec, ki je prišel na županski sto-lec za Cermakom, na katerega je bil izvršen atentat v Floridi in je usodnemu strelu nato podlegel, županuje Chicagi že nad sedem let. Marsikaj koristnega je uvedel v upravljanju mesta, nakar se lahko pokaže kot na uspehe. Na drugi strani ima pa seveda tudi svoje hibe in njegovi politični nasprotniki jih pridno razkrivajo in na iste javnost opozarjajo. Med raznimi frakcijami v demokratski strani traja že zadnjih pet let ljut boj. Mnogo teh bojev, ki se vrše za Jculisami, javnost sploh rie opazi. Pridejo pa na površje in v javnost ob volitvah. Tako smo imeli leta 1936. srdit boj med pristaši guvernerja Hornerja in pristaši župana Kellya. Stranka je bila tedaj seveda dosti močna, da si je ta špas privoščila. Enak boj smo videli tudi lansko leto v okraju Cook, kjer so se srdito grizli demokratje med seboj. Hornerjevi pristaši so obakrat zmagali. Kako bo zdaj pri županskih volitvah je seveda drugo vprašanje. Najbolj nevaren Kellyev nasprotnik je vsekakor o-krajni državni pravdnik Courtney. Mlad odločen trdovraten Irec je to, ki je osebno najboljši vzor poštenega in pravičnega javnega uradnika. Vsakdo ve, kako razvpito je bilo mesto Chicago pred njegovim nastopom. Krimi-nalstvo je cvetelo v vseh brlogih. Courtney pa je udaril in začel čistiti na levi in desni in danes po šestih letih njegovega uradovanja kot državni pravdnik je Chicago očistil, da se komaj še kaj sliši o kradnji automobilov, ali dragih sličnih zločinih. Zato mu gre vsekakor visoko priznanje. Nastopa tudi nevstrašeno proti raznovrstnim ra-ketirstvom, proti igralnicam okrog katerih se suče vse vrste podkupovanje. Da bi bil Courtney tudi dober pravičen župan, o tem ni govora. Vprašanje je le, če bo prodrl. Pozabiti se ne sme, da župan Kelly ima na razpolago vso redno demokratsko stranko ter silni zaposljevalni aparat vseh mestnih služb. Ta mogočni aparat bo storil vse, da Kellya ohrani na županskem stolu. Borba bo vsekakor huda in zanimiva. Zavisi le, kdo bo znal bolje uplivati na volilce, v katerih rokah je odločitev, kdo bo prihodnji župan Chicage, Moralna odpornost Kitajcev je vsekakor velika in vsega občudovanja vredna. Kitajska je tekom zadnjih dveh let silno veliko zgubila. Ali kljub temu se ne ukloni in nadaljuje z borbo. General Cangkajšek ima še vedno neomajljiv upliv na ves narod, ki mu sledi ter vzdržuje o-gromne žrtve in vse trpljenje s tem v zvezi. Ako samo narodno navdušenje zadostuje za zmago, tedaj Japonci ne bodo nikoli premagali Kitajske. Seveda pa so zgube na strani Kitajske tako velike, da jih bo težko na hitro popraviti. Vse zgleda, da bo morala Kitajska še marsikaj hudega prestati, morda bo morala celo v japonsko šolo, da'bo postala sposobna se braniti in vladati. "Prosveto" smo se drznili zadnjič ponižno vprašati za malo pojasnila. Objavila je veselo vest iz dobe pred dvajsetimi leti, kako so takrat zbirali pri JRZ. miljonski fond. Ker nam še do danes ni nihče pojasnil, kdo je imel od tistega fonda kak hasek in kako korist, je nam prišla pregrešna misel v glavo, da smo sunili gospoda urednika v komolec, da naj nam prijazni stric to reč obrazloži.. To vprašanje je pa prišlo pred naprednega strica ob takem času, ko je bil ta zelo nataknjen. Nabrali! je nas z vsemi mogočimi priimki, kakor kaka sitna mlekarica, če ji kdo cizo prevrne Vendar nekaj dobrega je to vprašanje le TARZAN m PREPOVEDANO SESTO UN1TO) FEATVfUS SYNDICATE! tot Neustrašeno sc je Tarzan bližal na-padajočemu divjaku, brez orožja. Ko je ta dvignil dolgo sulico da ga z njo prehode, se je Tarzan sklonil, pograbil nupadajočega in ga dvignil visoko nad g-lavo. "Tudi ta bo umrl," reče Tarzan; "če ne odprete vrat in mene ter deklico pustite oditi ven." Vjaki, videč da gre za življenje ene* najhrabrejšega med njimi, so trdeprijeli za sulicc in jih naperili v Taona. Toda, je stopil pred nje."Storite kar vam je ukazal," je zap'cdal, kajti baj se je, da mu 'duh' ne ||pri še njegovega sina. Ubogali bo i Tarzan je s Heleno odšel. Radostno sta bila oba Tarzan in Helena pozdravljena, ko sta srečno prišla k ostalim. Helena je potem pripovedovala ostalim, kako se ji je godilo in kje približno ima biti sedaj Atan Thome ter kako ji je grozil. "Atan Thome bo za ^sc to bh'dko plačal," je rekel ogorčeno Helenin oče. "Umreti mora!" je Lavac potrdil Gregoryjevo grožnjo; "in jaz si bom štel v cast in dolžnost, da ga ubijem." — "Kot je Helena opisala položaj," je rekel Tarzan, "skoro vem kje ga bomo dobili in to niti ne bo vzelo predolgo, da ga dohitima" — Magra je s strahom poslušala, kaj so govorili. REV. ALEKSANDER URANKAR ODHAJA NA NOVO MESTO lin.......i... i II-- Dogodi med Slovenci P« Ameriki —^ REV. BERNARD AMBR07JČ je tak in župnija sv. Štefana mora biti le hvaležna višjim predstojnikom, da so ji dali dobrega voditelja, pod katerim bo duhovno in kulturno delovanje živelo napredovalo. Kakor se z iskrenostjo po slavij amo od dosedanjega župnika preč. g. Aleksandra Urankarja, tako1 pa iskreno pozdravljamo novega župnika preč. g. Bernarda Ambrožiča in mu želimo mnogo uspeha in božjega blagoslova med svetoštefanci v Chicagi! Dobrodošel in pozdravljen! dosedanji slovenski župnik j pri sv. Juriju v So. Chicago.' Father Bernard ni novinec pri sv. Štefanu. Deloval je tu že več let, preje kot pomožni župnik in ob drugih raznih prilikah. Kar se tiče izbire novega župnika za župnijo sv. Štefana bi ne mogli izbrati boljega nego je Pather Bernard. Kajti župnija sv. Štefana je še vedno ena odličnejših slovenskih župnij v Ameriki, ki potrebuje takega dušnega pastirja, da razume starejše in mlajše. In Father Bernard. MATERI V SLOVO Pueblo, Colo. Minili so štirje tedni, odkar je umrla moja predobra mama, Mrs. Frances Besal, stara komaj 56 let. Dolgo nisem mogla pojmovati, da) se je zgodilo nekaj tako krutega in vendar je britka resnica, moja drage mame ni in ne bo je več. Ko moj mož in moj oče odideta na delo, sama hodim po prostornih, sobah našega doma — sad dolgo letnega truda naše pridne ranjke matere in skrbnega očeta. Moja ranjka mama je bolehala dalj časa in smo jo prepeljali v bolnjšnico, da ji bodo zdravniki z operacijo vrnili zdravje. Pet tednov sem bila poleg nje v bolnišnici noč in dan. Srce se mi je trgalo v bolečinah, ko sem videla, kako je bolna moja mama, pa ji nisem mogla pomagati. Ona je prestala, zaspala je za vedno. Ponesli so jo v "Jamico tiho, kotiček miru..." Moja ranjka mama je prišla sem v Pueblo k svojemu stricu, ranjkemu Antonu Me-sojedecu, kot mlado dekle. Imela je boljšo izobrazbo kot povprečna slovenska prise-ljenka, in marsikateri nevesti je ona sešila poročno obleko. Vendar ji življenje v tej deželi ni prjneslo si-eče in zado-voljnosti. Dostikrat mi je povedala, da najdražje na svetu sva ji bila jaz in ranjki moj' brat, Frank. Ljubila je otroke v obče, otroci pa njo. Tedaj je za naju skrbela čez mero. Nikakega truda in težav se ni ustrašila, da bi nama pripravila boljšo eksistenco kot jo je safna imela. Ko se je pa pred petimi leti moj brat smrtno ponesrečil, velike žalosti za njegovo izgubo ni mogla preboleti. Nič se ni bala umreti. Z mirnim glasom mi je naročila : "Merica, ako umrjem, pusti me pokopati zraven Frenkota". Čas, pravijo, olajša vsako žalost, vendar pa jaz čutim, da spomin na mojo mamo mi bo vedno najbritkejši, a tudi , najdražji. Napisala sem te vrstice v spomin moji ranjki »mami v časopis, katerega je v prostih ; urah tako rada prebirala. ■ Ljubila je svoj narod in ne-l izmerno si je želela videti še staro domovino. Ponosna je , [jila> da njena otroka dobro in rada govorita materni jezik. H koncu se pa zahvalim vsem prijateljicam in prijate-l 'jem, ki so jo tako mnogošte-, vilno spremili k večnemu po-. čitku. Lepa hvala za šopke ) VABILO NA NOVO MAŠO Pittsburgh, Pa. V neceljo 29. januarja se bo naši slovenska župnija Marije Vnebovzete zopet odela v praznična oblačila, ko bo spremljala že četrtega svojega sina pred oltar Gospodov. Ta dan bo namreč zapel svojo prvo glorio Rev. Daniel W. Čadonič, sin že pokojnegi Franka Cadoniča in Marij«, rojene Starešinič. Oče novonašnika je bil rojen v vasi Zilje iz znane Markove hiše, mat pa v vasi Preloka. Tam sta bila tudi poročena. Novomašiik je bil rojen in vzgojen tukaj v Pittsburghu ; za vstop / vinograd Gospodov so ga pripravili 0o. frančiškani v Lemuitu, Illinois. Kot je že omenjeno, je oče novomašrika umrl pred 22 leti. Mati - vdova je ostala s svojimi Svetimi otroki sama in brez take pomoči in z velikimi skrbni. Bolj ko je sinček rastel in prihajal v leta,. tem bolj je žtlel postati služabnik Gospodo* V ta namen ga je dobra mžti poslala v kolegij v Mt. Cartel v Kanado, kjer je v splošne zadovoljstvo napredoval v tudijah. Toda prišla je depresia in majhna trgovinica, s kttero je Mrs. Cadonič preživljal sebe in svojo družino, je ačela pešati. Tako je manjkali sredstev in sin je moral zamstiti kolegij, prekiniti studie m se vrniti domov na neprstovoljne počitnice, katere sc trajale eno leto in pol. V tei času so se razmere za Mrs. (adonič in sedanjega novomašrika v toliko spremenile, da j zamogla fanta jpo- Mr. Martin Shukle v C Chicago, 111. — Mr.j S h u k 1 e, finančni 4 KSKJ, nas je preteklo! obiskal, ko se je med'; Joliet na glavno letu«] vanje ustavil pri sV<| Mrs. Gerbais in ob etf setil tudi nas. Povedali tikaj zanimivega iz $ te. Pravi, da-imajo v f ti zimo pri 30 stopil« ničlo, pa ni tako strll tukaj, kadar je komaj f pinj pod ničlo. -Razlik od suhe klime na sf radi vlažnosti ob M' Chicagi. — Mr. Shukt hvaležni za prijatelja^ Veselica in proslava < napolisu Indianapolis, Ind. x štvo sv. Jožefa, štej •'SKJ. priredi prihod«! to dne 28. januarja šolski dvorani sv. T)< liko veselico in prosil je 35 letnice obstanki slučaj je dr. sv. Jožef' dilo sijajen bogat 4 Pričakuje se obilne ^ Ponesrečila s® ' Aurora, 111. __ K< Mrs. Gertruda Mlal pravljala k maši, je v| zadela z nogo v Imole^ nesrečno, da si je ^ stopalno kost. Po prvi f ki J« ji je nudil zdrs' bolnišnici, se zdravi) Blagi ženi želimo čim'; šega okrevanja. --- ^ se ta cilj uresniči. Naj bi ta klic tako c vala vsa katoliška i kakor katoliške orgf] in ako to bo zaželjeni£! sežen. Leon m 'ŠIRITE AMER. SLoj nove maše, odzovemo. Vstopnice k banketu, ki bo takoj po končanem novomašniškem opravilu v cerkveni dvorani v počast novomašniku,so naprodaj v župnišču ter stanejo $1.00 za osebo. Naročite si iih čimpreje. NovdmlžvSniku Rev. Čadoni-ču želimo stanovitnosti v tem prevzvišenem poklicu, pa tudi zdravja in dolgega življenja. Srečni .materi pa častita-mo na tako velikem odlikovanju, s katerim jo je Bog odlikoval, ko je njenega sina izvolil za enega svojih služabnikov, ki mu bodo služili ob njegovem oltarju. Poročevalec *-o- SODELUJMO _ POMAGAJMO! Chicago, 111. Bral sem dopis izpod peresa Mrs. Bogolin, v katerem apeliral za pomoč glede lemon tskega zidanja. Dobro misel je objavila in se z njo glede tega strinja'm. Tako tudi jaz apeliram na naše rojake po Ameriki, da naj pomagaijo tej akciji po svojih močeh, da si postavijo oo. frančiškani v Lemontu primeren dom. Na nas Slovence, seveda kot katoličane se obračajo še drugi razni katoliški zavodi za pomoč in če premnog pomaga tuj im zavodom, bomo gotovo vsi radi pomagali lastnemu slovenskemu zavodu v'.Lemontu. Naše ameriške Brezje, ki sta jih nam. ustanovila č. g. pater Kazimir Zakrajšek in č. g. pater Hugo Bren so še vedno prijetna točka za nas ameriške Slovence, k j e r se1 radi shajamo ob romarskih dneh. Že radi tega pomagajmo vsi po svojih močeh, da slati k čč. oo. frančiškanom, sama je pa začela pridno agi-tirati za naše slovenske katoliške liste kot "Ave Maria", "Amer. Slovenec" in pozneje tudi za "Novi Svet". Veliko je prehodila,na marsikatera vrata je potrkala in tudi mnogo grenkih izrazov preslišala Toda danes pravi, da je ravno agitacija za katoliške liste veliko pripomogla njenemu sinu do tako vzvišenega poklica. Poleg svoje dobre matere ima g. novomašnik tukaj tudi več sorodnikov, ki so vsi zelo spoštovani; v domovini svojih staršev ima tudi več ožjih sorodnikov. Njegova teta, oziroma sestra njegove matere, je omožena z Mr. Jurijem Vidina v Preloki. Tukaj živeči Mr. George Vidina, ki je tej ženi pastork, pravi sledeče: "Oče se je poročil in pobrali so ga v svetovno vojno. Tako smo mi otroci ostali doma sami z mačeho, ki nam je pa postala jako dobra, še bolja kot na»a lastna mati, kajti naša mati nas je kaznovala, če smo* bili poredni, naša krušna mati pa niso tega nikoli storili. V znak spoštovanja do svoje krušne matere bo*m napravil vse kar bo v moji moči, da se slavnost nove maše mojega bratranca Rev. Daniela W. Cadoniča izvrši kar mogoče slovesno in v veliki udeležbi." Mr. George Vidina je fant od fare in spoštovan. Je cerkveni odbornik, izvrsten pritr-kavec na zvonove, član in uradnik vseh katoliških društev in nam povsod postreže kadar se vrše razne cerkvene iili društvene prireditve. Zato menim, da je nas vseh dolžnost, da se njegovemu povabilu, ko nas vabi k slovesnost; (34,) (Metropolitan Newspaper Service) Napisal: Edgar Rice BlllTOUghs > r| > JI > U ' Z. i I i t \ f § p t > ^ l t o v \ * t * * 1* ► & i i « 8; ! 11 i ^ ► > » »:< > i > ifl : j: •ja * THE western slavonic association Pounded on Democratic £nnciples, disregarding Class, Political and Partisan Beliefs ®nd Opinions. Formed • solely for Mutual Benefit of the members and tneir beneficiaries and not f°r profit. II ipo nik: - R Fraternal voice A DEPARTMENT OF AMERIKANSKI SLOVENEC Monthly English Section - Dedicated To the English Speaking Members Of Our Association Our Motto: BROTHERHOOD, LIBERTY AND PROGRESS r be a loyal booster CHICAGO, ILL., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1939 support your association FRATERNAL VOICE (ENGLISH SECTION) Published monthly in the interest of the English Speaking Lodges and the Juvenile Department, and for the progress, good and welfare of The Western Slavonic Association, also to promote and maintain a mutual and fraternal understanding between ALL members; to unite our whole membership and develop fraternity, brotherhood and cooperation to the highest degree. The following rules must be observed: 1. Write legibly in ink on one side of paper, or type your article, double spacing it. Articles should be as brief as possible. 2. A pen name may be used but must be accompanied by name and address of writer. 3. The editor reserves the right to alter, condense, or accept or reject any copy submitted. 4. No manuscripts will be returned unless requested and return Postage is included. 5. Hand changes of addresses to your local secretary who will forward same to the publisher — AMERIKANSKI SLOVENEC, 1849 West Cermak Road, Chicago, 111. 6. Send all letters, copy and material for this page to reach the editor not later than the 16th day of the month. Send all communications to: Hail! Champions Of 1938 WESTERN STAR LODGE NO. 16, OF PUEBLO, COLORADO, IS FIRST PLACE WINNER IN CAMPAIGN "24 Williams Street FRATERNAL VOICE GEO. J. MIROSLAVICH, Editor Denver, Colorado. The Editor Speaks... Making a tremendous and determined drive in the last month of the 30th Anniversary membership campaign, the Western Star lodge No. 16, of Pueblo, Colo., emerged far ahead of all competitors to capture the first award of $50.00 and with it the indisputed championship of the Association. Added laurels go with it because this lodge forged ahead of the Trail Blazers by seven members to become the largest lodge in the Association. Western Star now has 193 adults and 239 juveniles, a total of 432. Felicitations, salutations and our hats off to you! We gladly hand you the coveted honers on a gold platter—you deserve it because of your energetic efforts and hard work. We shower our praise and compliments on Anton Rupar, Joe Blatnik, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lesar and several others who, no doubt, assisted in this great accomplishment. To each and every member of No. 16 we extend congratulations, our gratitude and best wishes for continued success. The part played by Western Star in the campaign is very interesting. They were far behind in the race when suddenly, in June, Mr. Rupar brought in nearly 40 applications with an announcement that they challenge all to beat them. He made his boast good by sending in many applications each month, although Three Star of Chicago and Trail Blazers of Denver crowded them and pushed them back and forth at times. The other two lodges worked hard being confident that each other would come out ahead, but the end of December told another story and good old Western Star was victorious by a big margin. We have to admire that Pueblo gang. Three Star No. 33 at Chicago won second prize, Trail Blazers No. 41 at Denver, Colo., took third prize, St. Martins No. 1 at Denver took fourth prize and Columbine No. 54 at Crested Butte, Colo., took fifth prize nosing out Svoboda No. 36 at So. Chicago by only one member. It was an interesting campaign and a clean f:ght for honors and we are glad that Western Star beat the lot with a convincing victory. Pueblo is a rich fraternal field and our sincere wish is that No. 16 along with Slovan Lodge No. 3 will mate that a strong WSA city, which also make their grand Pueblo Boosters juvenile branch a credit to them and the Association. We are certain that the entire organization Is elated over the outcome of the 30th Anniversary Campaign and wishes the newly crowned champions the best of luck and progress. A DIFFERENT VALENTINE By Betty Charles decided to look for his valentine two wccka lefore that eventful day. I7or years lie had given his best girl a valentine. Now, even though his best girl was his wife, and had been for two years, he still intended to get her a "message of love". How thrilled she was over that lacy one. The one with Cupid peeking out of the bushes, his dart at the lovely girl and the rather bashful boy. And how she laughed over that funny one that he gave her. The one that said she was such a cook that even a billy goat complained about her food. She was a little peeved tor a moment, but she served him a huge piece of pie, so everything was all right. It was fun looking for valentines. Helen enjoyed them so, and she kept them for months afterwards. This year Charles wanted to get her something different. Something that would mean more to her than just words of love on a dainty piece of paper. None of the valentines he saw appealed to him. Finally an idea came to him — yes, he would follow his hunch. * * * "Darling," said Helen, "It is the best valentine you ever ^ave me. It will be something to count on and save for, and I do love to go to meet-tings, and I have been told that the Trail Blazers always have a good time. Darling, it is what I have wanted for a long time — a certificate with The Western Slavonic Association. From the Office of the Supreme President WSA. THE WHO'S WHO OF THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN! NOTICE Definite word and assurance have been recieved from our beloved Supreme President, Mr. Leo Jurjovec, that he will show the motion pictures he took in Denver last summer. This showing will be a part of the program at the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Trail Blazers Lodge, Saturday, January 28, at the Slovenian Hall. We shall try to also have the pictures oi •he 1937 Convention. So please be there at 7:30 p. in. sharp. Mr. Jurjovec will pay a visit to Pueblo on Sunday, Jan. 29, where he will also show the pictures in appreciation • of the fine work done there during the campaign. What Has Been Done In 1938 Speaking units. Columbine Lodge No, 54, was organized at Created Butte, Colorado, The Pioneers Lodge No. 55, at Aspen, • Colorado, All Saints Lodge No. 56, at Lockport, 111., Sky Blazers Lodge No. 57, in the South West side of Chicago and in the fi nal days of the year Lodge No. 58 was organized in Cleveland, Ohio. The name or any other information of this latest lodge was not on hand at this writing: The juvenile branch organized was the "Happy Go Luckies" No. 10 at Vancouver, B. C. - Canada.) A fine feature of the campaign was the valuable publicity given the Association which is bound to bear fruit in the future months. This, together with the coming of the Fraternal Voice in 1938, brought our Association and its goodness into hundreds of homes never before reached. The fine qualities of our organization was presented to many who were not ready at the time due to abnormal times, but who are certain to remember and will be sure to join as soon as nossible. Reports show that a new enthusiasm was born, activity was increased and interest doubled. This was especially so in the Juvenile Department which made a wonderful progress. So the observance of our 30th Anniversary in the year o£ 1938 will go down in history as most eventful with remarkable achievements. _ . ______ Congratulations! Trail Blazers Nc. 41. ENGLISH SEAKING LODGE OF DENVER, COLORADO, IS TO OBSERVE ITS TENTH ANNIVERSARY On January 4, 1929, the first English Speaking lodge of the Western Slavonic Association was established at Denver, the headquarters of the Association. Previous to this there were two WSA lodges in the city, St. Martins No. 1, a unit for the Slovenian Speaking men and woman, and Queen of the Holy Rosary No. 7, a unit for only Slovenian Speaking woman. The two latter lodges at the time were growing rapidly and to this day have shown consistant yrowth and fine progress. But in Denver, as well as in other cities of the Association, the members of vision conceived the idea that English Speaking units must be organized for the benefit of those who wished to attend meetings of lodges where they could express themselves and conduct its affairs in a language easier for them. Thi"s idea also tended to open the doors of our organizations to all of the White Race thereby enlarging our chance for further expansion. Late in 1928, Anthony Jersin enlisted the aid of Ceorge Pavlakovich in setting up the machinery for an English Speaking lodge in Denver. Many members of the two other lodges cooperated in this venture, notably Mr. Anthony Lunka, who was then president of St. Martins lodge. It was Mr. Lunlo who suggested the name of "Trail Bazers". John Tron-tel, Ike Miklich ind Joseph Shaball were the first to rail in line and solicit members w(b the above mentioned. So in Jaiuary the following Charter Member! made up the beginning of this lolge: Steve J. Bohte, Remer J. Burligane, Joseph M. Do-metrovich, Lillian Horvat, William O. Dunham, Pail Kozik, William Lessar, Ike Micklfch, Joseph Shaball, Geo. J. Miroslavih, Rudy Smole, Joseph F. Tekavec, fohn Tekavec, John Trontel and Fran: Turk. In that year t h t lodge won a gold, watch as the first prize in a membership campaign and sent George Miro-slavich as the first delegate of an English Speaking lolge to the convention held in Leadiille, Colo. In every campaign since they have distinguished themselves and practically every time capturcl one of the prizes. Today they are turd in adult and second in juvenile sandings with a to-lul of 425 membets. They are an en-thuastic group an! contribute much to the progress of the Association an.' foi the good »f the community. The Trail Blazcis will observe their 10th birthday witl an entertainment and dance at th< Slovenian Hall, 4468 Washington, on Saturday January 28, at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served and everybody is in vited to attend. Orchestra music and every thing else will be on tap. This fast-growing lodge is determined to keep up their splendid work and will attempt to break all records in the coming year. They have elected as their officers the following. President, Geo. J. Miroslavich; Vicc President, Helen Marr; Recording Secretary, John Kalcevich; Financial Secretary, John Peketz, Jr., 4463 Pearl; Treasurer, Joseph Shaball: Pres. Board of Trustees, Agnes Kuc-ler; assistants, Joseph Yurko and Mary .Vessel; Sgt-at-arms, Joseph Kalcevich; Conductor Mary Fisher; Juvenile Supervisor and Lodge Phy sician, Dr. Harry A. Shier, 4524 Washington. From this list you will note that both men and women arc on an equal basis in the management of their affairs. We must add that the Trail Blazers are deeply interested in juvenile activities and contribute and accomplish a great deal for their benefit. There should not be a single reader of our paper, being in the proximity of Denver, miss helping No. 41, properly celebrate their Anniversary on Jan. 28. "A Bigger and Better Ju venile Department. — The Future of Our Association." Herein, my dear Brothers and Sisters of the WSA, I am presenting to you a complete list of the Lodges who had so splendidly cooperated with the Supreme Officers. As you will see, some of the lodges gave us their fullest support, almost more than we expected, while other lodges apparently made no attempt whatsoever to aid the Supreme Officers during the campaign. In scanning these totals,"regard must be had to the circumstances surrounding the particular lodges, such as size of town, general working condition, etc., and I would like to caution you not to condemn a lodge for not obtaining many members where the lodge is working under adverse conditions, but has exerted every honest effort towards making our campaign a success. The five lodges who were the winners of the five prizes which were awarded to the five lodges obtaining the most members, are rightly placed on the top of the entire Association in my Who's Who rating. These lodges are as follows: 1st PRIZE WINNER OP $50.00. The Western Star Lodge No. 16, of Pueblo, Colo., with a total of 237 ntw members. The individuals responsible for the wonderful success of this lodge are Bros. Anton Rupar, Joe Blalnik, Louis Lesar and Sister Rose Lesar. To you and to the rank and file o^ your lodge I extend my most sincere congratulations. 2nd PRIZE WINNER OF $40.00. The Three Star Lodge No. 33, of Chicago, 111., with a total of 177 new members. I wish to thank Bro. Primozich, 2nd Supreme Vice-Pres., and the other officers of the lodge, whose great cooperation made possible this result. 3rd PRIZE WINNER OF $30.00. The Trail Blazers Lodge No. 41, of Denver, Colo., with a total of 155 new members. Credit for the wonderful showing of this lodge must go to our 1st Supreme Vice President, George J. Miroslavich, and his loyal staff of co-workers. 4th PRIZE WINNER OF $20.00. Društvo sv. Martina, št. 1, of Denver, Colo., with a total of 55 new members. Due to the keen competition given this lodge by the Trail Blazers, it is my opinion that this lodge gave a splendid account of itself, 5th PRIZE WINNER OF $10.0,0* The Columbine Lodge No. 54, of Crested Butte, Colo., with a total of 42 new members. This lodge was only recently organized, but it has already stepped into the limelight as an active a*d progressive lodge. We certainly are proud to have a lodge that iet:|0f,:| i has so many active and fraternal-minded men in its midst, and I wish to extend my most sincere thanks and appreciation to them for the fine showing they have made during the*first year of their existence. To these five lodges I would like to extend my deepest appreciation for the fine service they have rendered to the WSA during this campaign. The following lodges, although not entitled to any of the prizes, have, for the most part, cooperated with us to the best of their ability, and they have the following rating in the Who's Who of the WSA Lodges. Dr. Svoboda št. 36, of So Chicago, 111., who enrolled 41 new members. This lodge, led by the Czar of So. Chicago, Bro. Mike Popovich, who is also our 2nd Supreme Trustee, just missed being among the first five by one member. They have put up a great fight and we extend our congratulations to Bro. Popovich an his stalwarts of So. Chicago. Better luck next time, Mike. The Pioneers Lodge No. 55, of Aspen, Colo, who enrolled 35 new members. This is another of our newly organized lodges which has really given a splendid account of itself, and to its most active officers and members we extend our best wishes and good luck in the future. Dr. Slovan št. 3, of Pueblo, Colo., who enrolled 25 new members. This is another lodge who had to contend with a great deal of competition from the Rupar and Company, and in the face of such oposition I believe this lodge has done a swell job. Dr. sv. Katerine št. 29, of Cleveland, Ohio, who enrolled 24 new members. Led by Sister Johana Mervar, 2nd member of the Supreme Judicial Board, and Sister Frances Ponikvar, this lodge has certainly done its best to make our campaign a success. Youths of America Lodge No. 52, of Spring Glen, Helper, Utah, who enrolled 22 new members. The officers and members •f this lodge have done their utmost to enable us to realize our ^oal of 1,000 new members. Dr. Slovenski Sinovi št. 48, of Vancouver, B C., who enrolled 21 new members. The officers and members of this lodge are doing their best to spread the good name of the WSA in Vancouver, and are to be congratulated for their fine work during this campaign. Washington Lodge No. 32, of Cleveland. Ohio, who enrolled a total of 20 new members. This is another lodge faced with nter-city competition, its oponent being the St. Katerine Lodge, Sister Anna Zaic, with the aids of the officers and members of this lodge have done some fine work. The All Saints Lodge No. 56, of Lockport, 111., who had en-rolled a total of 17 new members. This lodge has only recently been organized, but it already has the earmarks of a wide awake and progressive lodge. Watch the members of the All Saints Lodge go places. Dr. Zvon št. 6, of Colorado Springs, Colo., which has enrolled 16 new members. Bro. Michael Kapsch and his family, as well as the rank and file of this lodge may well be proud of their ac. complishments. Dr. Slovenska Edinost št. 38, of Diamondville, Wyo., who (Continued on page 5) _ I «!|!:lS5.:i;B',iiii.MH'^tBi:":«^:;^.:..:™;:;^:::;;:^1!.:^: ::|BS;i::!3]:/isrta.-iai^^ia^iiEa::^.«:! )«:;:a«! ^Ki viH1:1 :a:"!!B wbmmuiimihiI—W—whmwii— 1 THE SPOTLIGHT 1 WESTERN STAR LODGE No. 16, of Pueblo, Colorado, is in the "spotlight" by reason of making the g m largest gain in newmembers of any lodge in the Association for the month of December. 26 new adult and 67 ffi S new juvenile members were enrolled. (Total of 93) H i u Three Star Lodge No. 33, of Chicago, 111., is se:ond with 11 new adult and 19 new juveniles enrolled. (To- si ™ tal of 30), followed by Trail Blazers Lodge No. 41, o: Denver, Colo., with 6 adult and 19 juveniles. (Total of 25) B Five Leaders in 30th Anniversary Campaign | (Final Standing) j§ S3 Adult Juvenile Total El a 1. Western Star No. 16, Pueblo, Colo............................ 42 186 228 | 2. Three Star No. 33, Chicago, 111.................................... 25 148 173 3. Trail Blazers No. 41, Denver, Colo............................ 43 109 152 f 4. St. Martins No. 1, Denver, Colo................................ 13 41 54 5. Columbine No. 54, Crested Butte, Cole.................... 15 27 42 i I HON OR ROLL g Ten Largest Adult Memberships Ten Largest Juvenile Memberships gj I Slovan Lodge No. 3, Pueblo, Colo..............................21» Three Star No. 33, Chicago, 111....................................260 gj £ V/estern Star No. 16, Pueblc, Colo........................—191 Trail Blazers No. 41, Denver, Colo...............................249 g i Trail Blazers No. 41, Denver, Colo.............................171 Western Star No. 16, Pueblo, Colo.............................239 a i St. Martins No. 1, Denver, Colo.....................................171 St. Martins No. 1, Denver, Colo.....................................160 i § Queen of Holy Rosary No. 7, Denver, Colo............15< Slovan No. 3, Pueblo, Colo............................................146 Sj i Planinski Bratje No. 5, Leadville, Colo........,............lli Svoboda No. 36, So. Chicago, II..................................Ill jg g Napredni Slovenci No. 9, Canon City, Colo.............114 Planinski Bratje No. 5, Leadville, Colo.......................101 f Three Star No. 33, Chicago, 111.................................... 82 Napredni Slovenci No. 9, Canon City, Colo............. 72 I i Sloga Slovencev No. 14, Helper, Utah........................ 73 Hrabri Slovani No. 17, Frederick, Colo..................... 70 1 Svohoda Lodge No. 36, So. Chicago, 111..................... 71 Washington No. 32, Cleveland, Ohio............................ 63 SB W .aiiiyniiiiiHI'lllBIIIIIBillllHIIIIIBIIIIiBllllllBIIIIII ■BlllllBil:!iiBil!I[lflBitttSIB]Hil8lllliiBl!"ltHltlll!iBltU:Bl!>lHii>tIll^Bl!!i!BBIIltlHB^IIBIilllB81t!llBHf'lljBBIIllHBB!liilBlilii:tBkilUSIBIlMtBBIlljlBMlII.llHNl!IHHMlIlSHlH natesthinAcTer?.ary Campaign Termi T= m Splendid Success. for h\rm> drivC for new members from cov«"ng eleven months Ki-atifvin!' Dec- 31> produced announcd that nn Kes tried their best pcrf°rmori "y '"dividual members another g00d in one capacity fe^Tl^ lodges and one new , All f; nch were instituted in ,ve new lodges' are English THE WESTERN SLAVONIC ASSOCIATION A Family Organization The Best Home Safeguard Fraternal Protection For The Whole Family. Provides For Death, Sick, Operations, Accident and Disability Benefits. Id the 8hort month of February, the Fraternal Voice will be a IwVfc °f March 1 instead of the last Wednesday of the month, v I nich would be Feb. 22. Send all copy and material the same as a | any other month, that is, on or before February 16. * 1 na W°Uld be greatly appreciated if the contributors to our n f P Se would send in their material as soon as they have it ready, i 5t° "J* Wai* until the last minute. In doing this there is a posibil- ? I tion y°Ur copy may not reach our office in time for publica- 1 I or>n' compliance with this request and your faithful co- t I ation will enable us to put out the Fraternal Voice with c , despatch. what are our ideals and aims for the future ? £ I The you~-the individual member—can answer this question. ^ 1 years G(]0rd °f the acheivements of the WSA in the past thirty 1 I each nC.?arly shows that we have progressed succesfully through ^ I accom r t0ne' It; is wel1 to pause and consifler what has been ' ti™ J ed in the past, but our whole attention and considera-must now be giVen to the future. f Frate 11 lmPortant ideals should be to develop the spirit of 1 | ^laTSm and the principles of our Association in the lives of , I and it6m.ers< We do need a better understanding of our Society j tals f •aimS' a better knowledge of the principles and fundamen- j 1 Won H insurance- Then we must acquaint ourselves with the j I jnto benefits offered by the WSA. Having all this moulded j I yj °uv minds and hears, we are fit and ready to be of great ser- | i; «> our Society and to mankind. I Won] 1S a Safe bet if you possesed these qualifications you Pro „not. hesitate, but would find it a pleasure to work for the I of a VQSS' ideaIs and aims of the WSA. The most important aim J pvvi y ,orSanization is to grow in membership at all times thereby | Pa"dm2 m every respect. I t0 ow can we fit ourselves for this work and be of assistance y0"r or8anization? The whole secret is regular attendance of I frat 0Ca; meetings. First there must be developed genuine 1 meetrnaliSm-thr0Ugh "ne'£hborly" and "folksy" association at the I win thgS Which wil1 brin£ about the practice of harmony and good j mugt bere and on the outside. Then full, earnest cooperation 1 Work giVGn t0 the officers whom you elected to carry on the I kind and responsibilities of your lodge. Needless to say, this E who i loyalty wil1 Sive life and hope to the officers and members I str/ f- tlleir part in the affairs of your lodge. Nothing con-and • iVe Can be done without all of you joining hands for the aims j; fri ^eals of your respective lodge. Remember, too, that lasting I ^^hipsare made in the lodge hall. sta i . AMERIKANSKI SLOVENEC Sreda, 25. janup Sreda, FINANČNO POROČILO ZSZ. ZA DECEMBER 1938. FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE WSA FOR DECEMBER, 1938. Obresti na obveznice — Interest on Bonds: $2000 U. S. Treasury, 3H%......... .......$ 31.24 $2000 Alamosa, Colo. Sewer, 6%............. ....... 47.33 $6500 Ouray Co., Colo. High School, 3H%......... ....... 121.89 $2000 Rosswell, N. M. Imp., 6%............. ....... 60.00 $3000 Dumas, Tex. Redep., 6%............. ....... 90.00 $1000 Huerfano Co., Colo. Sch. Dist., 5K-%......... ....... 27.50 $2000 Costilla Co,, Colo. Sch. Dist. No. 12, 6%............. ....... 60.00 $1000 Costilla Co., Colo. Sell. Dist. No. 10, 5%............. ....... 25.00 $2000 Baker, Mont., 6%............. ....... 60.00 $3000 Conejos Co., Colo. Sch. Dist. No. 10, 3%............. ....... 45.00 • $1000 Florence, Colo. Sewer, 6%............. ....... 30.00 $3000 Nogales, Ariz., 4%............. ....... 60.00 $5000 Pueblo, Colo. Water, 4%............. ...... 100.00 $4000 Pueblo, Colo. Ref., 454%......... ....... 85.00 $5000 Sheridan, Mont. Funding, 4%............. ....... 100.00 $7500 Wellington, Colo., 2%............. ....... 75.00 $4000 Williams, Ariz., 4%............. ....... 80.00 $5000 Florence, Colo. Ref., 4-7/5%...... ...... 118.75 . $2000 Williams Co., N. D., 6%............. ........ 60.00 $1000 Florence, Colo. Water, 4-7/5%...... ....... 23.75 $2000 D. U. Stadium, 5%........... ,$.... 100.00 $2000 Masonic Temple, N. Platte, Neb., 4%............. ........ 40.00 $2000 Clayton, N. M. Pav. Dist. No. 2, 6%............. ........ 430.00 $5000 Clayton, N. M. Sewer, 1.5%.......... ....... 301.25 JUVENILE SECTION 5000 OUR GOAL JUVENILES A Bigger and Better Juvenile Department BY The 1941 Future of Our Association. Reliance Federal Savings & Loan Ass'h. of Chicago............................ Na posojila certifikatov — Int. on certificate loans............................— Posojilo certifikatov zvišano — Certificate loans increased. $2,171.71 58.91 508.41 52.52 A Message From Supreme Juvenile Supervisor. The year 1988 was a most profitable one in many ways for our fine Juvenile Department. And it brought me much happiness in spite of the great amount of additional work it caused for me. Just think! We took in 761 juvenile members last year. I am sure that you are just as glad about it as I am. This means that your branches have more members and that there is a better chance to organize new branches in your city because you have more juveniles to get together. The Juvenile Department is bigger and better than it ever was before. We must not be satisfied completely with this condition, but take steps to improve it much more. This department belongs to you children and we depend on you in a large measure to malce it as interesting as possible. That in why we ask you to do certain things. Of course, we don't expect you to know everything there is to do, but you can talk it over with your parents, other adult members, lodge officers and your juvenile supervisor and ask them to help you. I am sure they will help you with your problems and will do all they can to see that you are satisfied. If you listen to them and obey their wishes, you will find that you will be a contented WSA juvenile member. In the future you can remind your folks to be sure to pay your dues each month, or ask them to pay ahead so that you will be sure not to lose membership. This is the most important thing to do. Then attend every meeting of your branch and work hard for all your affairs as directed by your supervisos. If there is not a branch in your city, ask the adults to try and organize one. If your folks do not belong, tell them it would be a good idea to join our great Association and they would be in a better position to agitate something beneficial for you juveniles. If there is not a chance to organize a branch in your city, suggest to them that now and then they have you kids come a, half hour before the adult lodge meeting when you can have a little meeting of your own and perhaps some kind of program and entertainment. Maybe they can arrange a meeting just once in a while or get all of you together somehow to get acquainted and enjoy a pleasant social hour. I know that if you thus take an interest in the juvenile department you will appreciate your membership more and it will please your folks. Write to me and let me know what is being done, and I shall be glad to make suggestions and answer your questions. It will please me very much just to get a little postal card from any of you kiddies. It was mighty swell to hear from so many of you last year and it was wonderful to know that increased interest and activities took place in many WSA cities. It surely was a grand year and all of us together can make 1939 even better. I would appreciate it very much if you keep me informed about your activities. A juvenile membership button will be mailed to every juvenile member who writes tp me. GEO. J. MIROSLAVICH. Dr. št. Ime Vsoto Dr. št. Ime Ysoto Ldg. No. Name Amount Ldg.N'o. Name Amount 1 Tanko Frank $40.00 21 Presh'eren Mary 31.00 1 Zupančič Joseph 34.00 22 Corak Jacob 23.00 3 Brezovar Joe 30.50 22 Milinkovich Yaga 30.50 3 Pavlovec Gregor 25.00 24 Kenick Martin 36.00 3 Petrovich John 20,50 26 Ryasko Andy 14.00 3 Pugel Joe 7.00 28 Stojs Anton 14.00 5 Bostjaiicic Anton 39.00 28 S to j s Mary 28.00 5 Johanna Hren 15.00 29 Marolt Theresa 28.00 5 Zaletel Anton 20.00 29 Vintar Mary 35.00 5 Zcleznikar John 15,00 30 Lopan Pauline 15.00 7 Golesh Pauline 23.00 32 Hribar Mike 23.00 7 Grande Josephine 13.00 36 Fugina Peter ' 54.00 7 Mehlin Mary 51.00 36 Laicli Mary 17.00 7 Koprivec Mary • 32.00 37 Williamson Bertha 28.00 7 Mearsha Kathcriftc 57.00 41 Vessel Mary K. 25.00 8 Orozen Angela 13.50 44 Ztidar Frances II. 17.00 9 Kimmiek Mike 13.00 45 Cu.lley John 15.00 9 Orazem Frank 13.00 48 Racecich Frank 36.00 13 Jesih John 13.50 48 Pirman Louis 13.00 14 Gorishek Frank 33.00 48 Malensek Gust 29.00 14 14 14 Kopps Steve Pcrla John • Rebol Joe, Sr. 28.00 12.00 30.50 54 Starika Joseph M. 14.00 Skupaj — Total $1321.00 16 Kambich Mary 20.00 16 Meglen Josephine 45,00 Operacije — Operations 16 Stonich Katherine 12.00 $75.00 16 Zele William 46.00 7 Mehlin Mary 17 Zadel Mary 15.00 16 Kambich Mary 75.00 21 Hren Alary 42.00 $150.00 21 Koschak John 37.00 Skupaj — Total OFFICIAL NOTICE All rc-elected and newly elected juvenile supervisors are hereby requested to furnish my officc with the following information: 1 Give me a complete list of branch officers and their addresses. 2. When, where and at what time are the meetings being held. 3. In case there is more than one supervisor, which one is to correspond with my office. 4 Give me the latest addresses of of all juveniles who will be 18 years of age this year. 5 Any address of your juveniles. new, old or recent change will be appreciated. 6 Give me any important information or data of your juveniles, activities, etc., that you think will be appropriate for the juvenile office. Your prompt response to the above request is urgent and necessary and all co-operation in juvenile matters in the future will be of great help in conducting the affairs of our Juvenile Department. Thank you kindly, Fraternaly yours, Geo. J. Miroslavich Supreme Juvenile Supervisor. FINANČNO POROČILO ML. ODD. ZA MESEC DECEMBER, 1938. FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE JUV. DEPT. FOR DECEMBER, 1938. Dr. St. Lodge No. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U 14 15 16 '17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28' Prejemki Receipts $22.95 22.80 3.90 15.30 4.50 9.75 .15 11.10 1.50 5.85 1.20 22.20 10.50 1.20 2.55 1.05 .75 8.10 .30 4.35 1.95 , .30 Dr. št. Prejemki Lodge No. Receipts 29 8.25 30 1.95 31 1.20 32 9.45 33 34.50 34 .45 36 15.45 37 .90 38 6.30 40 1.20 41 34.35 44 3.90 45 5.40 46 .45 48 5.10 51 3.60 52 4.95 53 1.95 54 3.60 55 4.65 56 .45 Skupaj — Total .......................................................... Obresti na obveznice — Interest on bor.ds: $1000 U. S. Treasury, $1000 Clovis, N. M. $1000 Nogales, Ariz. $1000 Phoenix, Ariz. Pav., $500 Wellington, Colo. Ref., 3/s%- 6%...... 4%...... 6%...... 2%...... 300.30 $300.30 ..$15.62 .. 30.00 .. 20.00 .. 30.00 .. 5.00 $100.62 Skupni prejemki — Total receipt? ........................................................ 400.92 Preostanek — November 30, 1938 Balance........................................ 17,092.35 Preostanek — December 31, 1938 Balance ...................................... $17,493.27 Denver, Colo., January 18, 1939. Anthony Jeršin, gl. tajnik-Sec'y. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP CHANGES FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1938 , Ohio) — Entered: (1) Oakley NOVI ČLANI PRISTOPILI V AKTIVNI ODD. ZSZ ZA MESEC DECEMBER 1938. NEW MEMBERS ENTERED THE ADULT DEPT< OF THE WSA IN DECEMBER, 1938- K št 1: Nick Ficco, cert. B-428, R. 28, zav. $500 in $1; William J- Handrail, cert. C-44, R. 20, zav. $1000 in $1. K st. 3 iz ml. odd.: John P- Kolbezcn, cert. B-404, R. 16, zav. _$50p in $1; Anna Novak, cert. B-405, R. 17, zav. $500. K St. 6: Margaret T. Howard, c. D-412, R. 36, zav. $500 in $1; iz ml. odd.: Martin Nolan, cert. D-413, R, 18, zav. $500; Veronica TrinajsticV. c. B-414, R. 16, zav. $500 in $1. K št. 9: Frank Javernick, Jr., c. D-415, R. 30» zav. $500 in $1; iz ml. odd.: Milkn Lauriski, c. B-406,' R. 18, zav. $250 in $1. K št. 14 iz mi. odd.: Albin Topolovec, c. P-416, R. 17. zav. $500 in $1. Lodge No. 16: Minnie Cid, c. 13-411, C. 28, ins. $250 and $1; Manuel Cid, c. B;4i0, C. 38. inn. $250 and $1: Anthony Horvat, c. 11-412, C. 32, ins. $1000 and $1; Joseph F. Horyat, c. C-45, C- 17, ins. $1000 and $1; Edith Moody, c. ®417,;C. 22. ins'. $250 and $1; Mc&nuupni'Alicc, c. B-415, C. 22. ins. $250 and $1; Paul MiiCanmvoivc. :B-416i: C,"24,7 ins; $250 aiul"$l: Cccelia^Kaclfva:;,' c. D-417, (','. 38, in.-. $250 uriti $1; Violet Okbrn, c. $-418, C 33, ins. $500 and $1; Louise Piserchio, ccrt. 1S-4J9, C. 30, ins. $100,0 and $1: Thomas Piserchio, c. I.M19. C. 37, ins. $250; Mary Pugel, c. D-420, C,' 29, ins. $500 and $1: Steve Sabo, cert. C-46, C. 42, ins. $500 and $1; Robert Joseph Starr, cert. C-47, C. 23, ins. $1000 and $1; John Frank Starginar, c. D-421, C. 25, ins- $1000 and $1; Doruthv F. Zupančič, c. D--123, C- 17, ,ins. $500 and $1; James, F. Zupančič, c. D-424. C. 19; ms. $500 and $1: William T. BowsKer.-c. 15-408. C: 27, in*. $500 and $1: Vernice Lfsar, c. B-414, C. 19, ins. $500 and $1; ivom juvenile dppt;.: Josephine V. Cernac c. B-409, Q. 18, ins. $500 and $1; Edward Lesar, c. B-413, C 17, Ins. $500 and $1; Edith M. Levstik, c. P-418, C. 1«, in?. $500; Ralph Alton Pugh, c. B-420, C. 18, ins. $500 and $1; Joseph nc M. Stonich, c. B-421, C. 18/ ins. $500 and $1; Lillian Zabukovec, c. B-422, E. 18, ins. $500 and $1; Stephie Zele, cert. D-422, C. 18, ins. $500 and $1. K St. 22: Josephine Alberta Smith, c. D-425, R. 31, zav. $1000 in $1. K št. 23 zi ml. odd.: Theresa Veber, c. B-423, JL 17, zav. $500 in $1. Lodge No. 33: Jerome Arp, cert. D-426, C. 24, ins. $250; Lawrence Arp, c. D-427, C. 23, ins. $250; John Bicek, c. D-428, C, 48, ins. $250; Raymond Salmich, c. D-432, C. 19, ins. $250; Albert Zak, c. D-;34, C. 23, ins. $500; from juvenile dept.: Rernice Fajfar, c. D-429, C. 18, ins. $.50 and $1; Mary Persa, c. D-430, C. 18, ins. $500; Ann M. Primozich, c. D-431, C. 17, ins. $500 and $1; Joseph Vrechek, c- D-433, C. 18, ins. $500: and $1; Dorothy Zibert, c. B-424, C. 16, ins. $500; Frank Zibert, c. B-425, C. 17, ins. $50). K št. 36: Angela Udovich, c. D-435, R. 33, ins. $500. Lodge No. 41: Venard Gilclea, c. B-426, C. 36, i»s. $500; Michael J. Ko-hut, c. D-437, C. 34, ins. $1000 and $1; Ruth W. Qunn, c. B-427, C. 42, ins. $500 and $1; from juvenile dept.: Daniel James Htfvat, c. D-436, C. 18, ins. $500; Gerakline Marolt, c. D-438, C. 18, ins. $500 and $1; William E. Thomas, c. D-439, C. 16, ins. $1000. K št. 48: Edward Zitko, c. D-444, R. 24, zas. $250 in $1. Lodge No. 51: Nick Ferroglio, c. D-440, C. 22, ins. $1000 and $1. Lodge No. 52: Letecia Battagliotti, c. D-442, C 24, ins. $500 and $1; Jo-senhine Pozun, c. D-443, C. 22, ins, $500 and $1; Rwh Topolovec, c. D-453, C. 19, ins. $1000 and $1. Lodge No. 54: Alex Cetin, c. C-4S, C. 19, ins. $.000 and $1; Adolph Ila-lazon, c. C-49, C. 21, ins. $1000 and $1. Lodge No. 55: John Albert Sandstrom, c. D-441, C. 39, ins. $1000 and $1 Lodge No. 57: Frank Demšar, c. D-405, C. 46, Ms. $250; Jennie Demsai c. D-406, C. 46, ins. $250; 'Jennie M. Demšar, c. B-3>9, C. 20, ins. $250; Mary' Demšar, c. B-400, C. 21, ins. $500 and $1; Josephins Fcrlan, c. B-401, C. 23, ins. $250; Rose Fcrlan, c. B-402, C. 18, ins. $250; Has Petan, c. D-407, C. 45, ins. $250; Mary Petan, c. D-408, C. 37, ins. $250. This lodge, Sky Blazers, was organized on November 13, 1938, by our wortlv Supreme President, Leo Jurjove'c, with cooperation of his good friends and brothers of Three Star lodge. Many thanks to each and every one of you who have contributed to the success of said organization. Lodge No. 58: Le Roy Ewing, c. DD-452, C. 23, ins. $500; Karl L. Lie ber, c. DD-448, C. 22, ins. $500: Stanley Race, c. DD-451, C. 22, ins. $500 Marie E. Sclimalz, c. DD-450, C. 18, inš. $a00; Rolert Starcevich. c. DD-449, C. 20/ins. $500; Anthony Ton;sic, c. DD-447, C. 22,ins. $500; Florence Wci-chick, c. CC-50, C. 20, ins. $250. This lodge was organized on December.31, 1938, by our worthy member of the Supreme Judiciary Committee, sister Johanna V. Mervar. Many thinks, Mrs. Mervar, with best wishes for a huge success of your newly organized lodge in your big cty. Prestopili iz razreda A v B in D — Transferred foom class A to B and D: Pri St. 1: Matt Mikan, c. (41) D-410; Walter J. Starr, c. (5128) D-4U. Ta član tudi zviša smrtnino iz $500 na $1000. Pri št. 5: Frank Mohar, c. (1136) D-445. Pri št. 7: Mary Kv»s, c. (1314) B-403. Lodge No. 16: Josephine Krasovcc, cert. (3150) B-407; Frank J. Okorn, cert. (3514) B-407. Pri št. 23.: Sophie Kenny, cert. (4122) D-409; John Pele, ccrt. (1750) D-446. , Prestopil — Transferred; From No. 9 to No. 54: Frank Starika, cert. 4915. Fronr No. 4.6 to No. 54: Annie Dussart. c.etr. From No. 20 to No, 55: Frances Miklich, cert. 1423; Juliana Muhich, cert. 1465. Umrl — Died: Pri St. 5 umrl 16. decembra 19.3$: .Joseph Gru^u, c, 4984. star 47 let. Vzrok smrti: pljučnica. Pristopil v Zvezo 11. Mfa 1934. Zavarovan je bil m. $350, R. 43. • . ................ Lodge No. 58 (New Lodge, Cleveland, Cowtlrick. Lodge No. 1—Juv. Br. No. 1—Entered: Anthony J. Stark, Shirley M. and Ronald E. Johnson, Pauline Godfert and Benjamin J. I'opp, Jr. Reinstated: One. Lodge No. 3—Juv. Br. No. 3—Entered: (7) Robert and Edward Tekavcic, Thomas E., Theresa M„ Robt. W. and Dorothy A. Prince and Richard L. Mic-klich. Received by transfer from No. 16: One. Reinstated: four. Tr. to Ad. Dept.: (2) Anna Novak and John Kolbezcn. Lost by trans, to No. 16: Fourteen. Suspended: One. Lodge No. 6—Entered: )1) John D. Salyards. Tr. to Ad. Dept.: (2) Veronika Trinajstich and Martin Nolan. Lodge No. 7—Juv. Br. No. 1—Entered: (2) Catherine R. and Florence C. Canjar. Lost by Trans, to No. 41: One. Lodge No. 8—Entered: (3) Jess W. Wohlford.. Jr., John E. and Florence A. Baloh. Lodge No. 9—Juv. Br. No. 4—Entered: (1) Johu R. Kochan. Tr. to Ad Dept.: (1) Millcn Laurika. Lodge No. 14—Entered: (1) Sue A. Skriner. Tr. to Ad. Dept.: (1) Albin Topolovec. Suspended: One. Lodge No. 16—Juv. Br. No. 3—Entered: (67) Jack Zadd/ Emil F. Thomas, Leonar F. Tekavec, Audrey A. Smelek, William, Betty and Helen O. Skull, Ot-lene R. Skube, Ray and- Gloria Sishal, Shirley and Genevivie E. Sinister, Shirley A., and Corrinne L. Scoleri, Robert and Elsie Ri:ss, Virginia M Rupar, Fred and Dolores M. Pritekel, Margaret M. and Ludwig Prince, Raymond J. Roder, James, Donald. Richard, John and Bobbie Piserchio, Stanle' L. and Margaret A., Patrick, Shirley A. Okorn, Rudilop W. and Nancy L Narod, John R. Micklich, Patricia and Dolores Mehele, William and Dorothy Marcelia, Margaret M. and Christina A. Lustik, Barbara M. Lest, Nick, Kary' C-, Martin and Catherine Kochevar, Joan A. Jersin, Barbara L. Janezich Nancy A. Jamnik, Steve Hrusovsky, Irene M. and Elizabeth Horvat, John H Hochevar, Norma J. Hasscy, Robert L. Grebene, Kathcrine M. and Joe Gra hek, Jr., John Grahel, Jr., Patricia A. Gorske, Beverly A. Golob. Thelmo an< Gladys Germ, J. Dremel, Frank R. and Eugene R. Dremcl, Franklin Cvar Shirley J., Robert L. and Richard A. Cash and Frank R. Major. Received b) Trans, from No. 3: Fourteen. Trans, to Ad. Dept.: (7) Stephania Zele Jo flplnne M. Stonich, Ralph 'Pugh, Jr., Edith Levstick, Lillian Zabukovic, Jo 5ephine Crnach and Edward Lesar. Lost by Trans, to No. 3: One. Lodge No. 17—Juv. Br. No. 8—Entered: (2) Frank R. Major and Johr. Major, Jr. Reins.: Oi\e. Lodge No. 23—Trans, to Ad. Dept.: (1) Theresa Veber. Lodge No. 26—Suspended: One. Lodge No. 28—Suspended: One. Lodge No. 29—Juv. Br. No. 7—Entered: (4) Frances Cirnski, Mathilda Wagner, Antoinette T. and Ross J. Zappia. Suspended: Two. Lodge No. 32—Suspended: Three. Lodge No. 33—Juv. Br. No. 2—Entered: (19) Juraj E. P. B'ankim, Lucill ■ JM. Hartig, Ernest F. and Martin Rangus, Jr., Julian A. Koren, Rita R. O'Sul ' livan, Mary A., Peter J., Joseph A., Edward F., John B. and Richard 1'. Yasak, Margaret and George V. McLlearep, Thomas Grabit;, Anthony Zoka!, Vera Gorenc, John J. Žitnik and Martin Horvat. Trans, to Ad. Dept.: (6) Frank and Dorothy Zibert, Joseph Vrccek, Ann Primozich, Mary Perse, Bernice Fajfar. Suspended. Eleven. Lodge No. 36—Juv.' Br. No. 5—Entered (2) Frank Udovc and Carl Marco. Suspended: One. ( Lodge No. 41—.Juv. Br. No. 1—Entered: (19) Robt. L. Windecker, Robt A Tumstead, Mary D. Silk, Lillian G, and Joyqc R, Ogden, Thomas J. Quinn. Mary L. Miltenberger. John P., Joseph J,, Alec and Albert Miltenberger, James R. Malenaski, Billy L. Lister, Robt. E. Kreutzer, Loraine J. and James M. Kohut, Harold H. Kilthau, Loraine A. Jamison and Dale J. Grip. Received by Trans, from No. 7: One. Reinstated: One. Trans to Ad. Dept.: (3) William E. Thomas, Daniel J. Horvat and Geraldine Marolt. Lodge No. 52—Entered: (2) Louise Temple and Callie D. Harris. Lodge No. 53—Entered: (2) Jo Ann Valko and Elaine Pantages. Lodge No. 54—Entered: (3) Marvin F. and Ronald R. Saya and Esther D. Shaw. Received by trans.'from No. 9: Two Lodge No. 55—Entered: (6)' Gladvs L. Leaver, Alva E. Hiatt, Michael H., Larry L., Glenn C. and George W. Brand. Lodge No. 56—Entered: (2) Josephine M. Udovich and Mildred, J- Gregorčiči*. During the month of Decemher we enrolled 150 new juvenile members, I were reinstated, 23 transferred to the Adult Department and 21 were suspended. There was a gain, o.f 113 members leaving a balance of 2164 members in good standing. 761 new juveniles were enrolled during the veat1 of 1938." GEO. J. MIROSLAVICH, Supreme Juv. Supervisor- A Dr. št. Prejemki Izdatki I Dr. št. Prejemki Izdatki Lodge Dis- Lodge Dis- No. Receipts bursements No. Receipts bursements 1........................$335.41 $74.00 29........................113.00 63.00 3........................432.19 83.00 30........................36.48 15.00 4____________________91.93 —.— 31............17.02 —.— 5........................239.79 89.00 32........................133.70 23.00 6........................75.70 —.— 33........................103.04 —.— 7........................323.-J9 251.00 34........................15.44 —.— 8........................45.56 13.50 36........................119.69 71.00 9........................221.35 26.00 37........................50.37 28.00 11........................36.70 —.— 38........................54.91 —.— 1 3........................23.64 13.50 40........................34.62 —.— 1 4....................150.54 103.50 41........................329.36 ' 25.00 15 . 62.27 —.— 44........................34.02 17.00 1 6........................329.32 198.00 45........................46.49 15.00 1 7........................126.06 15.00 46........................26.28 —.— 20 ... 81.77 —.— 48........................61.48 78.00 2 1..................146.70 110.00 51........................47.78 —.— 2 2........................78.38 53.50 52............45.19 —.— 2 3........................84.08 —.— 53.............7.68 —.— 2 4...........84,98 36.00 54........................54.13 14.00 2 5........................17.52 —.— 55........................35.44 —.— 2 6........................64.38 14.00 56........................27.99 — 2 7........................21.43 -.— 57........................9.05 —.— 2 8........................35.91 42.00 --- Skupaj — Total .............................................. 4512.56 1471.00 Reliance Federal Savings & Loan Ass n. ot Na posojila certifikatov — Int. on certificate loans............................— 508.41 Posojilo certifikatov zvišano — Certificate loans increased................................52.52 Skupni prejem od društev — Total receipts from lodges.................... 4,512.56 Skupni prejemki — Total receipts ...................................................... 7,304.11 Preostanek — November 3.0, 1938 Balance ...................................... 272,904.99 Skupaj - Total ........................................................................................$280,209.10 Izdatki — Disbursements: Bolniške podpore — Sick Benefits ....................................... $1321.00 Operacijske podpore — Operation Benefits .......................... 150.00 Skupni izdatki društvom — Total disbursements to lodges 1471.00 Razni izdatki — Miscellaneous Disbursements: Organiziranje dr. št. 57—Organizing ldg. No. 57 $ 5.00 Tiskovine — Printing .................................................... 90.35 Najemnino pisarne — Rent of the office.................... 15.00 Uradniške plače — Officials' salary.......................... 700.42 Poštnina in telefon—Postage and telephone............ 12,86 Pečati za društva št. 55 in 56—Seals for Nos. 55 & 56 ........................................................... 11-00 Steno & Supplies for Vice President............................ 5.12 Vnovčenje kuponov — Exch. charges on coupons 5.71 Zgubljeno na prodanih obvez.—Loss 011 bonds....1750.00 $2,595.46 Skupni izdatki — Total disbursement ................................................$ 4,066.46 Preostanek — December 31, 1938 Balance........................................$276,142.64 Bolniške podpore plačane — Sick Benefits Paid: Denver Glefl; by ■ THE TATTI7 (Noz£ all-Seize all-1 — > We were saddened !»_ Johnny Predovich beii'^ in a Greely Hospital fj an appendix operation, writing we are happy 11 he has somewhat W, Trail Blazers extend K a speedy recovery. Vernon Quintel love and loyalty to his P dovich by hitch hiking Greely to spend a him. You're wonderful. Carl Putnik was % Anthony's Hospital to operation. Our hopes w for you, Carl. It is nice to see Mrs. vec around again after j ness. And here we cc™ daughter Rose for ha\'i» examination of the StH Nursing. By golly, that Drobci Eaton, Colo., can't W whole gang attended Christmas party and 1 see them travel those ^ all sorts of weather to' in the community. We got a complaint.1 „c xt_ 11 ______, "t viv. n. wain Joe Kalcevich, to let (f c< either stay on or off f"ri , they will know they af§ -1 meeting. And another Med have to smile as sweetllj j-members as he does to when he allows them tlW( Frances Shaball is tff fi and president of the S| ■, Body at the Sacred I School. Congratulations same to Arthur Jersifpr, elected president of 0.„ Mann, Jr. High School.J» John Plutt, the capab®"k secretary of St. Martin': so elated that his lodg'i the money at 4th place 'le< campaign, that he treated the last meeting with a kind of fluid that had tlf ing with glee. Among the elite that111< Jackson Day dinner J ing Trail Buzzers: To^ Joseph Lilly, Frank Mai|ls-seph Shaball. "y Leroy Peketz wanted Holy Rosary School John bought him a trU'1® him it was time he bio* horn. Which reminds has been tooting his HW praise of the splendid | and spirit shown by his bers. Mr. W. G. Bock, ofj Mfg. Co., Chicago, * factured our "graduate' 1] pins, was a visitor to ness the swearing in O'J Judge Otto Bock as iudge of the State of C'j| cess. You girls of 8o0i In rrtitliilinlC"^ ■awvi vv lu ui, Lum^u"- j. tine meetings and social ''i body we hear of is c°"jtv-Trail Blazers 10th AnW#, at the Slovenian Hall O*| A hilarious evening tied with iiothing beinž h (t is also expected that W j o vec will show the 1»°^ in Denver last June. A^J that reel of the con>'' _ That's a nice boy. Th^W The Supreme Office^! -■ion this week end at til ers office where they /ision of the books and j discuss matters of i111®; :erning the w lfare of ^ tion. They will be R^ j WSA members and the h Slovenian Hall 011 SatUri- Felicitations and best order for Mr. and Mrs. 5011 who were joined ''l. recently. Mrs. Nelson "T our lovely Lucille Ta#i The spot around Pre ^ station on meeting mg«"! proved 100 per cent W.I ible smile of Mamie be the conductor. Yout( whisper nothing else when she makes her f, . meeting. All the religious. frat«f| 1 ious other organizations ^ I Elyria and Swansee ha^ , - tives in a group formed J quota of government homes for their comm^j are interested in buildi''® • one, you can get full attending your lodge '"{ , Mr. and Mrs. John ^ have recently moved fro^1 • where, they resided time, to 4678 Sherman- 1 7 glad to receive their • any time. "Strive to Equal Tl>[ and. Adult Member^ Sreda, 25. inftS========= januarja 1939 AMERIKANSKI SLOVENEC Stran 5 Hllluai!iiiiiiiiii[3iiiii!iii{iujiiiiiimiiit3iii,'iuiMiiKi:i!iiii!:iit]:!;!iii!ii!!nnii!::niiit3iii:iiitii:i:3iiiHi:i!H!HiiHi!!iiiiiDiimiiiiii;i; <• Zapaciiia Slovanska Zveza ,could not he ^overcome and the end came with the family at the bed side. The deceased was in perfect health when he attended his lodge meeting in December. He took an active part in the deliberations and especially was empathic in his desire for the re-elec-ton of Mr. Miroslavich to the presidency. Mr. Predovich only recently transfered to the adult department, and ever since attended almost every meeting, taking an active part, in the affairs of his newly adopted lodge. Fate intervened in the life of a very fine young gentleman and cut short a promising career of a boy who wished to accomplish much for his fellow-men. With deep regret we mourn his passing and extend our profound sympathy to his bereaved family. A grand letter came in from Elsie Zitko of Vancouver, B. C, informing us of increased activity in their juvenile affairs. She stated that they had a Christmas party on December 26, The ambitious and progressive officers elected for 1939 are: Stanley Zo-kol, president; Mario Caravetta, Vice president; Eva Zitko, secretary and Harry Zitko, Treasurer. Meetings arc held every second Sunday of the month at the home of Mrs. Zitko. Elsie was elected as the juvenile supervisor of Slovenski Sinovi No. 48 and pledged to faithfully work for their juveniles. She appreciates the lovely graduate pin sent her and is very happy to become an adult member. Thanks for your information. Miss Zitko. -0- UNITED COMRADES JUVENILE BRACH NO. 1 I ^ sa-— \a Dopisi lokalnih j društev <>SmiSmHmniii:iiitj:i!iiiiiiii!ciiiiuiiiiiiai!MnMiuiuiHiiHni!m IZ URADA DRUŠTVA SLOVAN ŠT. 3, ZSZ. Pueblo, Colo. Cenjeno članstvo! Vsi se še Denver Colo. We juvenile members here in Denver should feel very happy that we have such splendid supervisors and many other adult members and friends who are trying to do so manv things for us. All we have to do in return is to attend the meetings and do some of the little things they ask us to do, which is for our own good. The Supreme Officers are here in Denver this week and we want to thank them for all they did for us and all the WSA juvenilues in the United States. We are going to pay them back by being good members and learn a lot about the WSA so that When we grow up we can work just as hard for the juveniles that will follow us. We also hope to bccome o-fficers and be active members for the lodge to which we transfer. Maybe some of us will be Supreme Officers some clay. We are not forgetting that the three lodges of Denver arc our sponsors and have done many wonderful deeds for our benefit. Please accept our thanks. Special thanks at this time to the Trail Blazers and we hope you Our Supervisors for 1939 arc: Mr. Anthony Jersin, 482S Wash., Phone Keystone 0923; Mrs. Frances jersin. 3951 Vailejo, Phone Gallup 7848J and Dr. Harry A. Shier, 4524 Wash.,Phone Main 9211. Keep these numbers and call or see them about any juvenile business for the Uuited Comrades. Remember, our meetings are held every 4th Sunday afternoon at 4468 Wash. The next one will be on Feb. 26. Please attend and ask other members to come. A Happy Member -0- A NEW STAR IS BORN Cleveland, Ohio.. —.. Santa Claus brings new lodge to Cleveland and to WSA. Presenting .. "Modernaires" No. 58, recently organized by Supreme Board member, Mrs. Johanna Mervar. Meetings are to be held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7801 Wade Park Ave. The name of the lodge was submitted by Anthony Tomsic. "Modernaires" was the most favorable name entered and adopted by majority vote. Congratulations, Anthony. The officers arc as follows: Pres-. ident,. Vera Jane Mervar; Vicc Pres., Le Roy Evving; Secretary, Anthony Tomsic; Treasurer, Frank Mervar, Jr.; Recording Secretary, Florence Wie-chich; Sgt.-at-Arms, Larry Mervar; Chairman Membership Committee, Marie Schmalz; Publicity, Stanley Race; Entertainment, Karl Tieber; Athletics, Bob Starccvich; Welfare, Oakley Cowdrick; Board of Trustees. Stanley Race,. Karl Teiber and Marie Sclpnalz. After the meeting on Jan. 24th, a bowling meet was held followed by refreshments. Florence Weichich, Rec. Sec'y. -0-• spominjamo zgodovinskega dneva, ki je bil lansko leto dne 3. julija, ko je Pueblo Boosters slavil 30 letnico obstanka naše ZSZ. Spominjamo se, da smo omenjeni dan vsi sodelovali za premikajoče slike, katere je povzel sobrat glavni predsednik Leo Jurjovec, ki je bil sam vesel,ko nas je videl da smo se zbrali v tolikem številu v mestnem vrtu. kjer je bila ta slika vzeta. Sedaj si pa ta ali oni misli: Kaj, če sem bil vzet na filmsko sliko, ko pa nimam prilike, d? bi to sliko videl? — Res, samo biti slikan, potem pa slike ne videti, ni prav nobene koristi in niti veselja ne, še manj pa kakega užitkiaj. Pa sem pisal sobrat glavnemu predsedniku Leo Jurjovcu in mu izrazil želje našega članstva ter ga prosil, če bi mu bilo mogoče priti semkaj v Pueblo in pokazati dotično filmsko sliko, da bomo videli, kako smo se takrat zadržali. Dobi! sem odgovor, da bo rade volje ustregel naši želji in prišel v kratkem med nas s filmskimi slikami. — Kaj mislite dragi so'bratje in sosestre na to tako dobrosrčno obljube našega glavnega predsednika? Ali ni to veselo za nas?! Pomislite, da bo to že tretjič, ko bo sobrat glavni predsednik Leo Jurjovec med nami v Puebli. To je zanj veliko žrtvovanje časa, katji živi daleč, daleč tam v Chicagi, v državi Illinois. Ni mu žal žrtvovanega časa, ker ve, da * tem koristi celi organizaciji, kakor tudi posameznemu društvu in veliko pomaga k napredku, medtem ko mnogi čepe le doma pri topli peči in niti z mezincem ne ganejo ali pomore,jo k napredku. Še bolj grelo bi pa bilo, če bi ta dar ko bo glavni predsednik pri-el k nam s slikami, če i: i t s dan kateri izmed našega član-tva brez vzroka ostal doma in ne bi prišel v dvorano sv. Jožefa, kjer se bodo kazale omenjene slike in prav gotovo tudi druge zanimive slike iz življenja bi'atov in sester nape organizacije ZSZ. Udeležimo se torej v polnem številu in s tem bomo pokazali sebra* tu glavnemu predsedniku svoje zanimanje za organizacijo, kar ga bo prav gotovo veselilo. Zapomnite si, da so vsi "GRADUATE" JUVENILE IS VERY PLEASED Pledges loyalty to the WSA Denver, Colorddo. The letter below was recievcd from a former juvenile who recently transfered to the Adult. Department and is an expression of appreciation for the gold pin sent her. The letter nicely speaks for itself. We happily thank thank you Josephine, and deeply appreciate your lovely expressions oi loyalty. Miss. Grum is the daughter of Mrs Mary Grum, who for many years was a member of the Supreme Board ol Trustees. Every one of the Grum household are faithful members of our Ass'n. Dear Mr. Miroslavich: Receiving this elegant pin from the Juvenile Department of the Western Slavonic Association has recalled to my mind memories as a juvenile which I shall cherish for years to come, and has left me with such a favorable impression that I. assure you of loyalty beyond the degree of obliteration. T ft express mv appreciation for the pin, 1 pledge myself to build upon the foundation afforded me by the Western Slavonic Association; and make of myself a citizen of which the organization will be proud: I shall put my efforts ii\ making the Western Slavonic Association a distinguished Fraternal Society Yours truly, Josephine Grum -0- CLEVELAND MISS IS PROUD OF HER BRANCH Quite often we recieve letters requesting a juvenile button and others that inform us how happy the writer is to be a member. Time and space does not permit us to print all the letters, but ocassionaly we publish one to show how interested and spirited our juveniles really are. The following letter gives you an idea: Dear Sir: I am letting you know that I have become a member of St. Catherine Juniors No. 7, adult lodge No. 29, VV.S.A. I haven't missed a sing!-' meeting. I've enjoyed every meeting as well as every party. Our last party we had was a Christmas party. We exchanged gifts. We are working hard to get more money for our Drill Team uniforms. We will soon have enough, and then what a proud and happy team we shall be. We shall continue all the harder to make our team a successful one. Sincerely yours, Josephine Misic Cleveland. Ohio We thank you kindly for this lovely letter, Josephine, and we hope you like the juvenile button mailed to you. -O-— PIONEER LODGE WSA NO. 55 Aspen, Colo. This is the first news from Lodge No. 55, way up in Aspen, Colorado, where we have very much snow and just about everybody is winter sports minded. On Friday, December 30, the adult members of our lodge gave the juvenile members a party in the Si. Mary's Hall. Every,'member was present and a good time was enjoyed by all. The juveniles certainly enjoyed the ice cream, cake and candy. Our last general meeting of 1938 was held on December 15, and the fol-1Owing officers weer re-elec.ted for the coining year: Johnnie Zupaneis, President; Joe Skiff, Vicc President.; Albina Gcrbaz, Secretary and Trcas.; Olga Pečjak, Recording Secretary; Frank Baltizar, Frank Sparovic, and John Skiff, Trustees; Louis Baltizar, Conductor and Sargeant-At-Aritis: Mrs. Miklich, Juvenile Supervisor. Our fi rst meeting of the new yeat was held January 18, in the Silver Grill" Meeting Room. Many things were discussed at this meeting for the betterment of the Lodge, One of the important items brought up at this (Cont. on p. 6.) ZSZ ENGLISH SECTION i THESE NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS by Betty. Aw, what is the use of making a New Year Resolution when you always break it? To some people's way, of thinking it is of no use. But let us look at it from a different angle. Take vour last year's resolution for instance. You resolved not to quarrel with your wife. A fine resolution. But you remark, "Why the day aftei I made the resolution I quarrelled with her, and then the week following, we had another battle. So what is the use?" Let us just stop and analyze this case. In the first place, this m'an looked into himself and found that one of his great faults >vas his quarrelsome nature. That was one step gained. Then at the time he made the resolution, he truly resolved to do his best to carry it out. That was another step in the right direction. Then he tried to put his resolution into working order. That was another good step. And then in just a . moment his good resolution tumbled over his head, and his reaction was "what is the use". He made three great steps in the right direction. That he did not accomplish what he had intended was not surprising. We are all human, and many of our good resolutions never materialize. But each step upward makes us a bit stronger, and as wc grow stronger we finally overcome that i-cry thing we felt wc could never surmount. We get into bad habits by littles steps, and we get out ol them the same way. If you have not made your New Year's Resolution yet, do it now. Regardless of how many times you fail, you will be victorius in the end. If you do not have a resolution, let me suggest one: "I resolve that the year 1939 will find me a better Trail Blazer than the year 1938". LAST MINUTE NEWS Good and bed news was received shortly after all material was forwarded for the Fraternal Voice. With deep sorow we announce the passing pt' John George ' Predovich, Jr. of 1849 Grove street, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Predovich, a member of the Trail Blaaers lodge. John was con-lined at a Grecly hospital for a time as a result of an appendicitis operation, but complication setting in NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Z žalostnim sreem naznanjamo prežalostno vest sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem v Ameriki in v starem kraju, da nam je umrl naš predobri soprog in oče, Umrl je 16. decembra 1938 v St. Vincent's bolnišnici; vzrok smrti je bila pljučnica, katera je rajnemu vzela življenj v 47. letu. Rajni Joe Gruden je bil rojen leta 1891 v Mali Vasi št. 4, fara Šent Jurje pri Ljubljani, Dolenjska._ Dolžnost nas veže, da se zahvalimo vsem tistim, kateri ste rajnega na domu in v bolnišnici obiskali m kateri ste nam pomagali še zadnjo noč v Dvorani, ko je rajni počival zadnjo noč med nami iri vami, kateri ste prišli kropit in v tako velikem številu, da je bila dvorana polna ljudi, sorodnikov, prijateljev in znancev. ilepa hvala tudi vsem tistim, kateri ste darovali prekrasne vence in za svete maše in avtomobile za pogreb, in posebno pa se zahvalimo Mr. in Mrs. Frank Gruden, bratu cd rajnega, katera sta prišla iz Montane rajnega obiskat, da sta ga še živega srečala in so par besed govorili, preden je rajni umrl, in potem sta se tudi pogreba udeležila, in Mr. in Mrs. John Prapernik iz Buena Vista, in Mr. in Mrs. Rudolt Gale iz Denvera, in Mr. M. Koprivnikar iz Edwards, Colo., in Mr. in Mrs. J. Taylor iz Minturna. Tudi lepa hvala Rev. G. M. Trunk, ko so sv. mašo brali in spremili rajnega na pokopališče in prej na domu rajnemu sv. zakrament? dali in tudi lepa hvala pevskemu zboru za lepo pttjcpri sv. maši. Lepa hvala tudi vsem društvom, h katerim je rajni spadal, ko se je članstvo v tako velikem številu pogreba udeležilo od društva Zarja Svobode, SNPJ, in dr. Planinski Bratje, ZSZ, in dr. Vrh Hribskih Bratov, SSPZ., in društvo Igl (Eagle) Vence in za sv. maše so darovali: Dr. Zarja Svobode št. 278, SNPJ.; dr. Planinski Bratje, št. 5, ZSZ.; dr. Vrh Hribski Bratje, št. 9, SSPZ. in društvo Eagle, in Mr. in Mrs, Frank Gruden, Mr. in Mrs. John Prapernik in fam.. Frank Zaitz Merc. Employees, Mr. in Mrs. Joe Balant in fans., Mr, in Mrs. Frank Pur-kat, Mr. in Mrs. John Savoren, Mr. in Mrs. Rudolph Gale in fam„ Mr. in Mrs. Matt Koprivnikar in fam., Mr. in Mrs. Geo Smith, Mr. in Mrs. Anton Mchelicb in fam., Mrs. John Mehelich in son, Mrs. Mary Ma-lesich, Mrs. John Strel, Mr. in Mrs. John Yurich in Lily, Mr. in Mrs. Rudy Pešel, Mr. in Mrs. Joe Frankovich in fam., Mr. in Mrs. Charlie Yakopich Sr. in fam., Mrs. Joe Xlun in fam., The Poschel Fam-ilj', Mr. in Mrs. J. A. Helus in fam., Mr. in Mrs. Mike Damijanovič in fam., Mrs. Anton KraSovec in fam., Mrs. Mary Skala in'fam., Mrs. J. Kolenc in fam., Mrs. J. Kuss in fam., Mr. Frank Kozlevčar, Mr. in Mrs. Pete Mamich in fam., Mr. Steve Frankovich Sr. in fam., Mr. in Mrs. T. H. Slasher in Ruth, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Vidmar in fam., Mr. in Mrs. Joe Gornick, Mrs. Frank Shober in fam., Mr. in Mrs. Rade Kalani in. fam., Mr. in Mrs. Anton Petelin, Mr. in Mrs. John Gradisher in fam., Mr. in Mrs. Frank Bra-dach in fam., Mr. in Mrs. \Vm. Matekel, Mrs. J. Debelak (Denver), Mr. in Mrs. Wm. Barnicoot, Mr. in Mrs. Anton Kaplan, Mrs. Mary Matekel, Mrs. John Hočevar, Mrs. Ignatz Smolich in fam., Mr. in Mr3, George Bartulovich in fam., Mr. in Mrs. J. Vesel in fam., Mr. Wm. Purkat, Mr. in Mrs. John Addlqck in fam. (Salida), Mr. in Mrs. John Faidiga in fam., Mr. in Mrs. Leslie Marlart, Mr. in Mrs. J. Taylor, A. V. Plant A. S. & R. Co. Še enkrat srčna hvala vsem, kateri ste kaj darovali ali pomagali nam v tem žalostnem času; ako Smo pa katerega pozabili zapisati, upamo, da nam bote odpustili in mi se vas bomo vseh spomnili za vaša dobra dela, dokler bomo živi in kaj vam ne bomo mi mogli..povrniti, naj vam povrne ljubi Bog v zdravju, na duši in na telesu. V miru počivaj naš predragi soprog in oče v ameriški zemlji in Tvojo dušo naj sprejme Bog k sebi v nebeško kraljestvo. Oh, kako so dolgi dnevi in noči, ko Tebe, predragi soprog in oče, med nami ni. Žalujoči ostali: JOSEPHINE GRUDEN, soproga; JOSEPHINE, (omož. Purkat). ANNIE in MARY, hcero; FJRANK in JOSEPH, sinova; brat FRANK GRUDEN v Randop, Mont.; MARY, HELENA in ANGELA, sestre v starem kraju (dve poročene). Leadville, Colorado, 8. jauuarja 1039. », T). ,,4 r* sv. Janez Nepomuk št. 11, of Rockvale, Colo., with 4 new ■c'Pbers. 15 ft1'" 8V- Mihaela št. 22, of Tooele, Utah, with 4 new members , D r Biser št. 8, of Mulberry, Kansas, with 3 new members. K • Sloga Slovencev št. 14, of Spring Glen, Helper, Utah, with ^members. Vestern Star Lodge No! 53, of Aguilar, Colo., with 3 new iHnbers. h< LiliJa št. 31, of Scranton, Pa., with 2 new members. "looming Carnations Lodge No 37, of Cle Elum, Wash., with 'Jew members. t Whispering Pine Lodge No 51. of Trinidad, Colo., with 2 new j (Pibers. irJ ft?VSancl Lo of Frontenac, Kansas. J Ur'. Na ! 20' o1' Leadville, Colorado. . f| Dr yT n Sl°venci št. 25, of West Frankfurt, Illinois. ; Or'. ^ oKei\Sl0Venci St. 27, of Thomas, W. Va. ' : WkM 28' of ^ttsburg, Kansas. - Mi S ki Bt 30> of Hiawatha, Utah, h« R°yal GowrVeS? 40> of Trinidad, Colorado. 4 ge Cll'cle Lodge No. 46, of Canon City, Colorado. fcQM THE OFFICE OF SUP. PRESIDENT, W.S.A. (Continued from page 3) r| enrolled a total of 16 new members. Sister Jennie Supon and co-workers have contributed well towards our goal, j- Dr. sv. Rožnega Venca št. 7, of Denver, Colo., who has en-eel a total of 14 new members. This is another lodge which * to contend with some keen competition from the Denver ( Wd, and m the face of such opposition I should say our ladies rfi iairly well. 'jDr.Cok>radska Roža št 44, of Walsenburg, Colo., who enrolled frl°pf J3 new members. Bro. Frank Tomsic, a member of the I has " :1 f °ard' ?th the helP of the rank and file of the i Si f" ne a fine job' considering the unfavorable ,'rkmg conditions existing in this city. ?l0Venci št 9' of Canon City, Colo., who en- rin rm,. i- t e"lt>er- rhe working conditions in this town arc irf It i i ai7 Under the circumstances I think the rank and A* tins lodge have done some good work. | 1 ianinski Bratje št. 5, of Leadville, Colo., who enrolled cw members. Bros. Anton Mihelich and Matt Jamnik, with iid £>0me 0f the 0ther members- have also done their best 1 ^ erm2 the fact that the working conditions in this town are Af unfavorable. Better luck next time, Matt and Tony. f"' he fblowing lodges have each enrolled a total of 8 new mem-turS: r ^0clge Zapadni Junaki No. 4, of Midvale, Utah. l0r ^odge Hrabri Slovani No. 17, of Frederick, Colorado. . | ;°c,ge Marija Pomagaj No. 24, of Salida, Colorado. J , Blazers Lodge No. 57, of Chicago, Illinois. ,(| modernaires Lodge No. 58, of Cleveland, Ohio. '1 I t l0dges' the Sky Blazers and the Modernaires lodges, A Q 0f which was organized by Sister Johana Mervar, have ,fi: recently been organized. Keep up the good work, Sister mrvar. 1 ^he following lodges have obtained 7 or less new members: ; jj Ur. Triglas št. 15, of Bingham, Utah, with 7 new members, f North Eagle Lodge No. 21, of Ely, Minn, with 6 new mem- J ' 2b Venčok Vijohc št. 26 of Cairnbrook, Pa., with 5 new mem- Mk DENVER. COLORADO. Naslov in imenik glavnih uradnikov j UPRAVNI ODBOR: 'redsednik: Leo Jurjovec, 1840 W. 22nd Place, Chicago, 111. podpredsednik in mladinski nadzornik: Geo J. Miroslavich, 3724 Wil-|f liams St., Denver, Colo. v podpredsednik: Frank Primozich, 1927 W. 22nd PI., Chicago, 111. »ajnik: Anthony Jeršin, 4825 Washington St., Denver, Colo, {lagajnik: Michael P. I-Iorvat, 4417 Penn. St., Denver, Colo, 'rhovni zdravnik: Dr. J. F. Snedec, Thatcher Bldg., Pueblo, Colo. 1 NADZORNI ODBOR: 'redsednik: Matt J. Kochevar, 328 Central Block. Pueblo, Colo. . nadzornik: Mike Popovich, 9510 Ewing Ave., So. Chicago, 111. f nadzornik: Joe Blatnik, 2609 E. Evans. Pueblo, Colo. POROTNI ODBOR: predsednik: Frank Glach, 1096 E. 77th St., Cleveland, Ohio. porotnica: Johanna V. Mervar, 7801 Wade Park Ave., Cleveland, O. s- porotnik: Peter B. Golesh, R. D. No. 2, Box 143, Sandy, Utah. I porotnik: Joseph Skrabec, 412 W. New York Ave., Canon City, Colo. ';'• Porotnik: Frank M. Tomsic, 903 W. 6th St., Walsenburg, Colo. URADNO GLASILO,: fAmerikanski Slovenec", 1849 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. > Vse denarne nakaznice in vse uradne reči naj se pošiljajo na glav-|ega tajnika, vse pritožbe pa na predsednika porotnega odbora. Prošnje za sprejem v odrasli oddelek, spremembe zavarovalnine, kakor tudi »olniške nakaznice, naj se pošiljajo na vrhovnega zdravnika. 't, Z' Z- SC pr'P°roča vsem Jugoslovanom, kakor tudi članom dru-narodnosti, ki so zmožni angleškega jezika, da se ji priklopijo. »■dor zeli postati član Zveze, naj se oglasi pri tajniku najbližnjega dru-a Z. S. Z. Za ustanovitev novih društev zadostuje osem oseb. Glede ustanovitve novih društev pošlje glavni tajnik na zahtevo vsa pojasnila » Potrebne listine. SLOVENCI, PRISTOPAJTE V ZAPAD. SLOVANSKO ZVEZO 1 .11111111111M lliiiii<»..__....... Gruden j otroci prosti vstopnine, če so j člani Pueblo Boosters ali ne. | Za odrastle se bo pa pobirala vstopnina po 15c in to za po- J kritje stroškov. _ Poleg ka- 1 zanj a slik bo še tudi prav za-■ nimiv program, vsakovrstni plesi kor španski, ruski, mek-sikanski ,in vsi v lastnih na-, rodnih oblekah. Ob enem bo t tudi nastopilo več harmoni-> karjev. Vse to bote videli in j slišali za borih l5c. Isti dan . zvečer ob 9 uri se prične let-) na veselica Pueblo Bolsters, j Torej bratje in sestre, če se j j sami ne morete udeležiti ve-iselice, pa priporočajte svojim .'sinovom in hčeram, cla se oni 3 udeleže. — Pridite v nedeljo . 29. januarja ob 6:30 zve'čer v velikem številu v dvorano sv. . Jožefa, kamor vas iskreno vabi vaš tajnik Joe Spiller. Just what the reason for the poor ghowing of these lodges is , I don't know. Of one thing I am sure, and that is, in spite of bad conditions if these lodges would set themselves toward obtaining r/ew members, they most certainly would be able to obtain some— not many ,but a few. All we of the Supreme Board ask is that the members exert some honest effort »towards obtaining new members. If the effort is made, the results will follow, but without effort there can be no result! Therefore, in the future I would like to have these lodges and their members exert some effort towards obtaining new members, and I can assure them that in spite of all adverse conditions they can obtain some new members. The above statement of the work and sacrifices made by a large percentage of our lodges and its members will serve to give you a clear picture of just to what extent the lodges cooperated with the Supreme Board during the year of 1938. To each and every one of you who have shown such cooperation, as well as to those who have honestly tried and failed, I wish to extend the deepest thanks and appreciation of our good mother, the WSA. Fraternally Yours, LEO JURJOVEC, SR., Supreme President. -0- OFFICE OF 2nd MEMBER OF JUDICIARY COMMITTEE WSA. To the the active Supreme Board members of WSA: Heartiest congratulations to all active board members. The 1938 membership campaign has come to a magnificent close, under your persistent and untiring efforts. Your leadership, leadership of undaunted integrity has made history for the WSA. Mr. President, your goal has become a reallity. Three cheers to you, to No. 16, Western Star, and to all remaining prize winners. May your enthusiasm and accomplishments shine as a symbol of true confidence and faithfulness to the WSA., in all future times. To the Supreme Board, we wish much success at the annual conference. May you again inaugurate plans for the WSA that shall repeat, and add to the harvest of 1938 and the 30th Anniversary Campaign. — Fraternally,- JOHANNA V. MERVAR. Stran 6 AMERIKANSK1 SLOVENEC a Tovarna novega človeka POSLOVENIL LEOPOLD STANEK KAAIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*** M A, A m A A. m Preiskava proti vedeževalki Nastji se je nenavadno dolgo zavlekla. Vodili so jo od zasliševanja do zasliševanja, toda njeno obnašanje je vzbujalo v vseh največje začudenje. Vedno je nosila into pred obrazom; če so ji zapovedali, naj se odkrije, je to storila, a brž ko je mogla, jo je zopet spustila na obraz. Ko so ji prebrali obtožbo, je priznala takoj in brez ovinkov, da je petnajst ljudi spravila ob življenje; a ko so jo spraševali po podrobnostih, ni dala glasu od sebe: na vsa vprašanja je trdovratno molčala. Sodniki so hoteli seči po običajnih izsiljevalnih sredstvih, a tedaj je ugovarjal zdravnik; rekel je, da mora potem odkloniti vsako odgovornost, ker je itak vprašanje, če bo doživela konec "javnega procesa". Na tem pa je bila oblast zelo zainteresirana, kajti hoteli so dvigniti velik javen proces proti Nastji kot bojno sredstvo proti vsem vrstam praznoverja. Sodnike je vrhu tega spravljalo v zadrego še to, da so vsi soobtoženi pri prvem soočenju izjavili, da obtoženka ni Nastja; da je bila Nastja večja, ne tako suha in da je tudi njen glas drugače zvenel. Potem zopet so dejali, da bi to vendarle mogla biti ona; morda je shujšala zaradi bolezni in ječe, svoj glas pa je tudi že prej pretvarjala. Nekdanji obiskovalci vedeževal-ke, ki naj bi nastopili kot priče, sploh niso mogli ničesar točnega povedati, kajti bili so prvič preveč razburjeni, da bi mogli mirno opazovati, drugič pa je bilo v sobi vedno tako temno, da si komaj mogel kaj videti. Tako sta minila pomlad in poletje in ko je napočil dan javne sodbe, ki naj bi se vršila v mestnem gledališču, je pričelo padati z drevja že velo listje. Ob desetih dopoldne so peljali obtožence močno zastražene po ulicah, ki šo bile polne radovednežev. Nastja je šla spredaj; obdajalo jo je šest vojakov z napetimi revolverji; za njo so šli ostali obtoženci. Tudi te so spremljali oboroženi vojaki, da so jih ščitili pred poizkusi linčanja in pa, ker se je v v ljudstvu širila govorica, da bo eno-oki Filka, ki ga policija ni mogla prijeti, poizkušal jetnike osvoboditi. Dan je bil jasen in sonce je sijalo; ko je Nastja stopila na cesto, je skoraj oslepela od svetlobe in oglušela od votlega, grozečega hrupa množice. Ljudje so kričali, žvižgali, jih obmetavali z gnilim sadjem in kamenjem, tako da so vojaki z največjim naporom krčili sprevodu pot skozi množico. Pred gledališčem je bilo razburjenje množice tako veliko, da so jo morali na konjih razganjati, da so napravili prosto pot. yse je rjulo: "Obesite jih! Raztrgajte jih na kose!" Ljudi je pač najbolj razburjalo to, da je morilka hodila mirno in bila zatopljena vase, kar je pričalo o popolni nebrižnosti. Tik pred vhodom v gledališče je za trenutek omahovala, nato pa se zrušila. "Komedija, saj se le pretvarja!" so kričali okoli stoječi. Nesli so Nastjo noter in le z največjim naporom se je zdravniku posrečilo, da jo je zbudil iz globoke nezavesti. "Nisem niti sodnik niti zagovornik", je rekel zdravnik in zmajeval z glavo, "toda svoje življenje bi stavil, da obto- ženka ni zmožna ubiti niti mačke, kaj šele človeka! Sploh pa tega ne razumem: tej Nastji je vendar kvečjemu devetnajst let, po izjavah prič pa bi jih morala imeti najmanj pet in dvajset!" Nato je pogledal branilca in pristavil: "Mislim, da tiči v tem zmota! Ce niso vendarle prijeli koga drugega namesto Nastje!" "Tudi jaz sem že mislil na to," je rekel branilec tiho, da bi ga ne slišal stražar. "Toda pomislite, vse je priznala, podpisala je protokol brez najmanjšega pritiska. Vem to čisto gotovo, sicer pa sem jo. tudi sam večkrat spraševal; če je sploh kaj odgovorila, je le potrdila svoje priznanje. In povejte sami, kdo pa se bo dal prostovoljno ustreliti, če je nedolžen?" "Zagonetno!" je odgovoril zdravnik, medtem ko je zrl obtoženki v obraz. "Le oglejte si ta izraz! To je izraz nenavadnega trpljenja, izraz mučenice, ne pa zločinke!" Branilec je globoko zavzdihnil. V tem trenutku je Nastja odprla oči in debela solza ji je spolzela po licu. A že v naslednjem trenutku je zgrabila ruto in si jo potegnila čez obraz... Nastjo so odvedli v dvorano, ki je bila tal^o polna, da bi niti en človek ne dobil več prostora. Ko jo je množica zagledala, se je začelo zopet isto kričanje in hrup kakor prej na cesti. Mir je nastopil šele tedaj, ko je predsednik vstal in pričel govoriti: "Tovariši!" je dejal. "V tej morilki obsoja socialistična država ne le posameznega človeka, temveč vse do dna gnile življenske razmere, ki nam jih je zapustil kot dediščino buržujsld družabni red s svojimi bedastimi, praznoverskimi predstavami. Tu na zatožni klopi prav za prav ne sedi le vedeževalka Nastja, temveč sedijo tu tudi vse tiste ženske, ki so hodile k njej po nasvete. Tu sedijo vse tiste, ki še danes hodijo v cerkev, da tam poslušajo podoben nesmisel, kot ga je razširjala ta vedeževalka. Tovariši! Ta proces ima globlji pomen! Ce obsodimo to zločinko, se moramo zavedati, da moramo hkrati z njo obsoditi tudi zločinca, ki je s svojim naukom o odpuščanju zlega skozi stoletja pomagal kapitalizmu, da je držal proletariat v svojih kremp-ljih..." Potem ko je predsednik končal svoj govor, ki je trajal nad eno uro, se je pričel pravi proces. Na vprašanje, če se čuti krivo, je obtoženka odgovorila z glasnim "da", nato pa ni bilo mogoče, kakor vedno doslej, iz nje spraviti nobene besede več. Obravnava je trajala s kratkim presledkom osem ur, potem je sodni zbor šel na posvejt. Nastja in še trije obtoženci so bili obsojeni na smrt z ustrelitvijo, ostali na dosmrtno pregnanstvo. Medtem ko so ostali sprejeli obsodbo z obupnim kričanjem in so se pačili kakor brez uma, ni Nastja napravila niti najmanjše kretnje, ki bi izdajala razburjenje. Ko so jo pozvali, naj telegrafsko pošlje prošnjo za pomilostitev, je odklonila. Dva dni pozneje ja stalo v lokalnem časniku sledeče kratko poročilo: (Dalje prihodnjič) VABILO k naročbi "MOHORJEVIH KNJIG" Naročniki jih bodo dobili prihodnjo jesen: 1. KOLEDAR za letp 1940. 2. VEČERNICE, povest "Pravica do življenja". 3. ZGODOVINA SLOV. NARODA. 16, in poslednji snopič. 4. ŽIVLJENJE SVETNIKOV, 14. snopič. 5. JEZUS DOBRI PASTIR, molitvenik. Naročnino za Mohorjeve knjige sprejemamo SAMO DO 11. MARCA 1939. Na poznejša naročila, se ne bo mogoče ozirati. Kdor si torej želi Mohorjevih knjig za prihodnje leto, naj pošlje naročnino čimprej e, da ne bo zamudil. knjige stanejo________$1.25 z vezanim molitvenikom pa__$1.50 Naročila za Ameriko sprejema: ($ont from p. s>.) meeting Was tht thought *of giving a dance sometime in the near future. A Special Meeting will be held at Olga Pecjak's house on January 27, to discuss the dance problem thoroughly, be seeing all of you members then. ' Johnnie Zupa»cis, Pres. -O- WESTERN STAR LODGE NO 16 W. S. A.. Pueblo, Colo. Dear Members:— We are pleased to announce that the Supreme President, Mr. Leo Jurjovec, will be present next Sunday, January 29, 1939 to show us the moving pictures which he- 755k of the picnic in Denver last summer and also those which were taken of the children's picnic which was held at the City Park last summer. To add to this treat Mr. Jurjovec will show the pictures which he took pf his tour of the west this last summer. There will also be a musical program. The pictures will be shown at 6:00 P. M. The price of admission to the adults will be 15c. Children will be allowed to see the picture free. Members and parents of the Western Star and Slovan Lodges including the juvenile department are all cordially invited to attend. At 9:00 P. M. the Pueblo Roosters will sponser a dance at St. Joseph's Hall. Music will be furnished by Chas. Quaranta and his orchestra. The price of admission to the Men will be 35c and the Ladies 15c. Everybody is invited to attend and enjoy the evening with friends. Yours very truly, Anton Rupar, Sec'y. JUVENILE BRIEFS Juvenile news is certianly lacking all because nobody sends it in. Say you juvenile delegates to the last convention, — remember how ypu wanted a Juvenile Section? Here we had it 'for several months and what have you done about it? Oil, you forgot — I sec. Well we will forgive you ii you stir up a little interest and see that we get at least some little item about the juveniles in your town. Everybody would like to know what you kids arc doing in Utah, Wyoming. Wash., up in Canada in fact all over the country. Sharpen your pencils and give us a line. Here is your chance to practice letter writing. A friendly request to the supervisors to have the kids get busy might be in order. Let's be friends; if we can't meet in person, we can at least visit eacli other through the Fraternal Voice. Here in Denver we know what the punks are doing, and believe me they Knjigarna Amerikanski Slovenec 1849 West Cermak Road Chicago, III. Fratike Našim čitateljem sporočamo, da smo prejeli zalogo Pratilc za leto 1939, in sicer obe vrsti Bla znikovo kakor tudi Družinsko Obe vrsti ste zelo zanimivi in ju krasi število lepih slik. Naročite si jih takoj, dokler ne poide zaloga Vsak komad stane * poštnino vred 25 centov Naročajo se od: KNJIGARNA amer. slovene« 1849 West Cerraak Rood, CHICAGO, ILL. are doing plenty. The Supervisors met and outlined a program for the next six months thai will keep their juveniles in the United Comrades busy in business and pleasure. Amateur programs, games, entertainment, spelling and question-answer bees with prizes awarded, Mother's Day program and the summer picnic and shucks — dozens of other things. Remember when we had essay and letter writing contests? A member inquired why we do not have one again. Well, because not enough interest was taken before. Now if you children will make known that you want one by stating so in articles, by mail or through your supervisors, we are sure •.hat the Supreme Juvenile Supervisor will be glad to arrange for some kind if contest. He's a good guy if you ire good, but if you arc not and don't care, why he.....well, he can act like an onery kid, too. In December, the last month of the Campaign, 150 new juveniles were taken into the Association. This is two 'nore than we took in last August for the Special Drive for that month. The three Denver lodges took in 26 in December to add to the United Com-rads rolls. Pueblo was tops with 74 new juveniles taken in by their two lodges. Boy, won't the Pueblo Boosters-strut their stuff! The best bit of news we got was that in Mulberry, Kansas, lodge_ no. 8 secured 3 new juveniles and de'clared their intentions to start getting more. 23 juveniles transferred to the adult Department in December and all of them were sent a beautiful gold "graduate" membership pin, a present we give to all who transfer. THIS AND THAT Historians tell us that in the Middle Ages women used to paint their faces. Today, women in their middle ages still paint their faces 1 Sorry to say that Mrs. Sophie Petrovič had to undergo an operation for appendicitis recently, but I'm glad to report that Sister Petrovič is now well on the road to recovery. Noticed that the better half of Bro. Frank Polden relieved Bro. Leo Jur-iovec, Jr. as cashier at the bar at our last dance. Mrs. Polden impressed me very much as I watched her, and when I left, I was convinced that I had watched an A-l cashier on the job. Saw Bro. Frank Grill, President of the Park View Laundry, at our dance and he told me that he was going to fake a little vacation and go to a warmer climate for his health. As I looked at him, lie appeared to be in pretty -*oc>d health, but I guess he knows best. Bro Sammy Shemezis was laboring under a very, mistaken delusion in be- leivmg Leo Jurjovec, Jr. was the writer of this column, and he had come to our last meeting with a cigar fully a foot long which he intended to smoke until Leo came to the meeting. Uufortunately for Sammy, Leo was unable to attend the meeting and Sammy smoked about half of the cigar before lie finally decided that Leo was not coming. But here's the payoff — 15 minute« after quit smoking, he went out and bought o box of as-perins. I guess Sammy wasn't'feeling so Well, eh what? Condolences: Mr. A1 Peppier, uncle of our active member, Bro Ray Peppier, has passed to his eternal reward. On behalf of the members of the 3 Star Lodge, I wish to offer my deepest sympathies to the members of the bereaved family. I noticed that the St. Paul Cadets had quite a representation at our last dance, which we of the Three Star Lodge appreciate very much. I hope this friendly patronage will be continued in the future by the Cadets and the Three Stars to the mutual benefit of both. Srp da, 25. torn i jani 16 P Mar« POSESTVO NA PRODAJ Lepa prilika za tistega, ki si želi kupiti posestvo v starem kraju. Posestvo se nahaja v vasi Topal, št. 11, na Blokah, Jugoslavija. Za nadaljnja pojasnila se obrnite na: Anton Milavec, 20954 Nau-man Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Nadležne bolečine v hrbtu sledijo pomanjkljivemu delovanju ledvic. Narava nudi primerno olajšavo z naravnimi vrelčnimi vodami, uži-vanimi v obilju. Težave pri uriniranju so preveč resne, da bi se zanemarjale. Vsak zdravnik bo priporočal uporabo mineralne vode pri njih zdravljenju in kot preprečevalno sredstvo v akutnem stanju ledvic. Naročite zaboj najboljše, kar jih je, PARK SPRING MINE- MIAMI RALNO VODO. Tel DEArborn 9615. NAZNANILO slovenskim gospodinjam Kar se tiče domačega jedila, se dobi pri nas: dobre domaČe krvave ali obarjene klobase od vsake srede popoldan do sobote. Kar se tiče doma PREKAJENEGA MESA, imamo: KLOBASE, ŽELODCE, ŠUNKE in tudi druge vrste suhega mesa. Poskusite našo AJDOVO ali KORUZNO MOKO ako želite dobre žgance. — REPO, KISLO ZELJE in PISANI FIŽOL po nizkih cenah. RUDY JERIN DOM DOBREGA MESA 1952 W. 22nd Place, Chicago, Illinois Telefon Canal 4974 Talking about .the girl he had a blind date witli last Saturday night, Ray Salmich said to me, "Sli? would have been alright if she didn't have Pullman teeth," "Pullman teeth?" I asked, "I never heard of them. What are they?" Replied Ray rather dejectedly, "One upper and one lower." Scribe of 33 -O- "LIFE" Life to you is what ypu make it, But the question is, can you take it? To-day may be filled with hardships and sorrows, But don't forget there are many tomorrows. Your heart may be broken, because of love But always you shall have the sweet memories of, The beautiful love that you once had, So because it's gone, don't feel sad. For tomorrow may bring a love that is new One that is good, honest, and true. Your loved ones may have departed into the heavens above, But dont feel sad because you still have their love. And as you trod down lifes lonely aisle Upon your face always wear a smile. And you will find there is something in life that's sweet And you will soon find your happiness quite complete. Composed and contributed by Miss "Dot" Callaghan, 3010 Vine, Denver, Colo. THE ARMY Each person takes the name of some division of the army, such as infant.-', cavalry, engineers, artillery, ordnance, etc., and chairs aie placed for all except one of he group who is IT. This person stands in the center of the group and calls, ' I he general wants his infanty " The one who lias that name rises and says, "Infantry," and immediately sits down. 1 f any one does not arise as soon as his name is called the slow-moving player must forfeit. At certain intervals the one who is II shoults. "The general wants his whole army," and ever;- one jnust arise and change seats.'As there is one chair too few, this . causes i a mad scramble during which the one who is IT attempts to gain,a seat. The, on* left without a chair must be IT for «he neit game. SKUPNA POTOVANJI IN IZLET! Kakor vsako leto priredimo tudi lotos več skupnih potovanj in izletov in sicer: VELIKONOČNO SKUPNO PO-OVANJE bo na orjaškem brzoparni-bu QUEEN MARY 24. marca. Potniki pridejo domov 1 teden pred Veliko nočjo. . MAJSKO SKUPNO POTOVANJE se vrši 3. maja na gigantskem brzoparniku NORMANDIE in potniki bodo doma preživeli skoro cel cvetoči maj. PRVI SKUPNI IZLET bo na 31. maja istotako na priljubljenem- brzoparniku NORMANDIE. Potniki bodo imeli slov. spremljevalca do Ljubljane. GLAVNI LETNI IZLET se vrši na 28. junija na NORMANDIE. S potniki tega izleta potuje podpisani Leo Zakrajšek, ki bo skrbel za udobno potovanje svojih potnikov ter tudi v starem kraju priredil več skupnih izletov. Za nadalnja pojasnila o teh potovanjih in izletih, kakor tudi za potovanje ob drugem času in na drugih parnikih, se obrnite na spodaj navedeni naslov. DENARNE POŠILJATVE Kadar pošiljate denar v stari kraj, se obrnite na našo tvrdko, ki sedaj že 20. leto neprestano izvršuje take poši-Ijatve. Naše cene so: Din .. 100 .. 200 .. 300 .. 500 ..1000 ..2000 105.00..........5000 Za $ 2.45... 4.75... 7.00.,. 11.00... 21.50... 42.50... Za Lit $ 3.23......... 50 6.30.......... 100 12.00.......... 200 17.70.......... 300 * 29.00.......... 500 57.00..........1000 112.00..........2000 Cene podvržene spremembi doli ali gori. — Pri večjih zneskih dajemo sorazmeren popust. DRUGI POSLI S STARIM KRAJEM Kadar rabite za stari kraj pooblastilo ali kaj »ličnega, če tam prodajate posestvo, če imate dobiti dedščino od tam, ali če imate tam kak drug važen posel, tedaj je v vašem interesu, da so obrnete na sledeči naslov: leo zakrajšek General Travel Service, Inc. 302 East 72nd Str., New York, N. Y. -°-- I "GA NI DOMA|Si Goethe je nekoč If svojemu prijatelju dni, Klingerju. Služjf za hip odšla in se v^ tia gospoda ni doma. I1 the je bil slišal nje.?'1 in je videl, da se je 4 nalašč potajil. Čez »C nato je pa Klinger J? Goetheju, češ da j1! njim govoril. "Ga flif je zavpil Goethe skoj, "Kaj?" se je začudil] "ali misliš, da ne poz"; jega glasu?" Tedaj s«| the zasmejal, rekoč: j kaj, prijatelj, ti si if vljuden človek. Ko f iaz zadnjič pri tebi, • ji služkinji verjel,da J® ma, a ti nočeš verjeti;« -o—- J "Amerikanski Slo**'1 "Novi Svet" sla lista, $ terih bi ne smela bit« f "lovercska družina! .? zobozdraw* FRANK PAIHj| D.D.S., M.D.S. f' (iS. Dentixt-Orthodm^] (izravnava zobe) e, 2125 So. 52nd A*ff1 CICERO, ILL- 12 Tel. Cicero 610 Marshall Field A^jf 25 E. Washington St™ CHICAGO, ILl" Tel. Central 09°4 ^ URE: V Cicero vsak daVI" ši sred, od 9. zjut. do 8 nedeljah po dogovoru, -r p škem uradu vsako sredo-_ - t Iz Jugoslavs: smo zopet dobili zalogo b1*^ sebno priporočam0' A SUHE GOBE, FINO £(>•; IN KORUZNO MOKO, fM IN AJDOVO KAŠO, Pa. FIŽOL, BUČNO OLJE- ^ VO IN RŽENO KAVO, ŠPANSKI ŽEFRAN v »Ji in 50c. MUŠKOPLET, vA JAGODE, MAJERON OGERSKA PAPRIKA v s in 40c. vi KNAJPOVA ZDRAVI^ KAMEL ICE, TAV»v-ENCJAN. LAPUH, LlP^flv TJE, PLJUČNIK, BEZGO TJE itd. v šk. po 25c in 40* J MARIA CELJSKE KA** r želodec, velika stekl. $1.25- J ŠVEDSKE KAPLJICE Pr°J ter za splošno utrjevanje t®1 J steklenica. $1.25c. . j Glavno zastopstvo in e v Ameriki svetovno-slavne88,v VEC PLANINKA" ZD^{ GA ČAJA. Cena 1 šk. $1.0°- y Dokler bo zaloga trajal®; slali z vsakim naročilom ^ J', kakor $1.00 naš lep veliki ^ KOLEDAR, z naročili $2-50 ji KOLEDAR in zraven še W KRAJSKI PIPEC. Pošljite naročilo takoj f | cenik. Dopisnica zadostuje STEVE MOHORfc0/ 704 SOUTH 2nd ST*fs, MILWAUKEE, ŽENSKA PRIŠLA M g KO MESTO M | 2' Moskva, Rusija. —'2« vse ribiške industrije' 25 ii je bila zadnji teden js vana žena predsednik* si Molotova, s čimer Je»= tudi članica vlade. s= delokrog spada nadTE nad pridobivanjem r^"" vil, njih konservirak transportacija. Ženska " svoječasno na obisku1 riki. 4 POOSTRITEV PRED' ZA RELIF Davenport, Ia. — šnji nadzorniki relifn^ da so skleniii zadnj'jn da hodo bolj strogi, P* bo komu naklonil reltf; je vsak novoporočeni Pf ni imel sredstev za P1* nje, bil upravičen do r' koj po poroki. Po odrf je zdaj izdana, pa bo fl^l bivati relif šele leto -i' poroki. Enako se relif tudi vsem, ki ima!" mobile; prej, ko ^ puščeni na relif, bode." prinesti na urad licei5^ blice. 0 -o-- 0