ACTA CARSOLOGICA XXVI/2 9 87-93 LJUBLJANA 1997 SPELEOLOGISTS ON POSTAGE STAMPS SPELEOLOGI NA POŠTNIH ZNAMKAH HEINZ ILMINGi Izvleček UDK 551.44:656.835.91 Heinz liming: Speleologi na poštnih znamkah Med znamenitimi osebami, ki jih prikazujejo poštne znamke, jih je tudi več zanimivih za speleologijo. Avtor jih našteje štirinajst in na kratko označi njihov pomen za speleologijo. Vsi so pomembni tudi za dežele v okviru "ALCADI". Ključne besede: zgodovina speleologije, znameniti speleologi, poštna znamka. Abstract UDC 551.44:656.835.91 Heinz liming: Speleologists on Postage Stamps Among the postage stamps with portraits of important persons are several that are interesting for speleology. The author enumerate 14 of them and shows their importance for the speleology. They are also important for the "ALCADI" countries. Key words: history of speleology, important speleologists, postage stamp. ' Bahngasse 6, E/1 /4, AT - 2345 BRUNN AM GEBIRGE, AUSTRIA The author presented pictures of postage stamps bearing portraits of people important in the history of speleology (reproduced from the collection belonging to Mrs. Helga Hartmann, Landesverein für Höhlenkunde in Wien und NÖ). The earliest person we can connect with speleology is AVICENNA (Abu Sina) born 980 in Buchara, died 1037 during a battle against Hamadan. He was a philosopher, theologian and physician. Being also a scientist he became interested in the origin of dripstones. Stamp: Poland 1952, Hungary 1987. GEORG AGRICOLA - Agricola is Latin for "farmer" - the founder of modern metallurgy and mineralogy, was born 1494 in Glachau and died 1555 in Chemnitz where he had been mayor and town-physician. In the consequence of the mining methods of his time he became interested in natural subterraneous cavities and he also published a cave-map in 1646. Stamp: DDR 1957. We owe a summary of Karst and Caving, which is of special interest to speleologists, to JOHANN WEICHARD Freiherr von VALVASOR. It is included in his work "Die Ehre des Herzogthums Grain" in 4 volumes, published 1689 in Nürnberg and Laibach. In his work not only caves are included, but also the descriptions of the special hydrological situation of Zirknitzer lake. Stamp: Yugoslavia 1989. The Danish scientist NIELS STENSEN searched 1671 in Northern Italy, where he was well known under the name NICOLO STENONE. As a guest of the Count of Castelbarco he visited several already known ice-caves. In the same year he wrote his "Cave-letters", containing descriptions of the ice-caves, sketches of them and reflections about their origin. Stamp: Denmark 1969. The Italian naturalist L. SR4LLANZANI, 1729 - 1799, realised - early already - that bats do not need their eyes for orientation. Stamp: Italy 1979. GEORGES Baron CUVIER, born 1769 (the same year as Napoleon) in Mömpelgard, died in Paris 1832. He was the founder of systematic anatomy -initiated the biggest anatomic collection in Europe - and introduced comparative osteology into palaeontology. His reconstruction of fossil vertebrates are of special importance for speleo-paleontology. Stamp: Italy 1979. ALEXANDER Freiherr von HUMBOLDT, born 1769 and died 1859 in Berlin. He is considered the greatest scientist of his time. He contrasts the poetic/speculative tendency of his period with exact experiment. Many research -voyages brought results of an extraordinary synopsis over various fields of knowledge. Speleology owes him the exact descriptions of several caves among them the report about the Guacharo cave and about the birds in it which can locate themselves with sound reflection. Stamp: Venezuela 1969, DDR 1969. Of great importance for Belgium and especially for the Grotte de Han is ADOLPHE QUETELET 1796 - 1854. His excellently drawn cave-maps show the progress in research in his time. Stamp: Belgium 1974. The scientist HERMAN OTTO lived 1835 to 1914 and is considered the father of Hungarian speleology. Herman's findings of stone-tools caused a discussion about prehistoric man in Hungary and inspired for the foundation of the Hungarian Society of Speleology. Stamp: Hungary 1954, 1960. JOVAN CVmČ born 1865 in Loznica, died 1927 in Beograd. Finished his studies with a dissertation on "The Karst". He was the most important geographer who in the course of modern research was able to combine all aspects of geography, as for instance geomorphology, hydrology of karst, ethnography, anthropogeography and also speleology. Stamp: Yugoslavia 1970. The important bio-speleologist EMILE RACOVITZA 1868 - 1947 was one of the first to construct a subterranean laboratory for the study of cave animals and who was working on their systematics. Stamp: Rumania 1958. CESARE BATISTI born 1875 in Trento is without doubt better known as a pohtician and a fighter for the independence of his native country - he was sentenced to death by a court martial in 1916 - than as a speleologist. Still, as a geographer he was passionate in describing the mountains of his country and in exploring new caves. As an organiser he was the father of speleology in the country of Trento and a leading person for the speleology in Italy. Stamp: Italy 1966. ABBE BREUIL (1877 - 1961) and PIERRE TEILHARD DE CHARDIN (1881 - 1961) are of great importance, having set up the basic perception in the investigation of the history of early man. BREUIL recognised, against many antagonists, the authenticity and importance of cave wall-painting and became its first expert. His disciple TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, a highly cultivated Jesuit priest, devoted himself to excavations in caves. His finds in the Zhoukoudian cave in China are world famous. In all his works he endeavours to reconcile "Darwin and the Bible". Stamp: France 1977 and 1981. GIULIO NATTA 1903-1979, received in 1963 the Nobel prize for Chemistry. This great scientist was also a passionate caver and president of the Gruppo Grotte Milano. Stamp: Italy 1992. SPELEOLOGI NA POŠTNIH ZNAMKAH Povzetek AVICENNA (Abu Sina) (980-1037), se je zanimal za nastanek kapnikov. (Poljska 1952, Madžarska 1987). GEORG AGRICOLA (1494-1555), osnovatelj moderne metalurgije in mineralogije, je 1646 objavil jamski načrt. (DDR 1957). Baron JOHANN WEICHARD VALVASOR je najbolj pomemben zaradi objave "Die Ehre des Herzogthums Crain" v 4 oblikah (1689), kjer je veliko tudi o krasu in jamah. (Jugoslavija 1989). NIELS STENSEN (NICOLO STENONE) je obiskal ledene jame v Severni Italiji in 1671 objavil "pisma o jamah" z opisi ledenih jam in razglabljanjem o njihovem nastanku. (Danska 1969). L. SPALLANZANI (1729-1799) je ugotovil, da netopirji za orientacijo ne potrebujejo oči. (Italija 1979). GEORGES CUVIER (1769-1832), utemeljitelj sistematske anatomije, znan predvsem po rekonstrukcijah fosilnih sesalcev, pomemben za "speleo-paleonto-logijo". (Italija 1979). ALEXANDER von HUMBOLDT (1769-1859) je s svojih potovanj opisal več jam, posebej je pomembna jama Guacharo, kjer živijo ptice, ki se orientirajo s pomočjo zvoka. (Venezuela 1969, DDR 1969). ADOLPHE QUETELET (1796-1854), risar načrtov jame Grotte de Han (Belgija 1974). OTTO HERMAN, (1835-1914), odkritelj paleolitskih kultur in ustanovitelj Madžarskega speleološkega društva. (Madžarska 1954, 1960). JOVAN CVIJIČ, (1865-1927), je objavil disertacijo "Kras" in utemeljil speleologijo kot vedo, ki povezuje razne naravoslovne veje. (Jugoslavija 1970). EMILE RACOVITZA, (1868-1947), znan po podzemeljskem laboratoriju za preučevanje jamske favne in kot sistematik. (Romunija 1958). CESARE BATISTI, (1875-1916), geograf in raziskovalec alpskih jam, vodilni med italijanskimi speleologi. (Italija 1966). ABBE BREUIL (1877-1961), raziskovalec prazgodovine človeka in strokovnjak za jamsko umetnost. PIERRE TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, (1881-1961), učenec A. Breuila in jezuit, odkritelj znane jame Zhoukoudian na Kitajskem, ki je skušal uskladiti Darwina z Biblijo. (Francija 1977 in 1981). GIULIO NATTA, (1903-1979), Nobelova nagrada za kemijo 1963, navdušen jamar in predsednik Gruppo Grotte Milano. (Italija 1992). yi »-.inii • liiRi.lXi • Ml i Kmt mtjiL mi I ! 40 FR\NCI