Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Vol. 108, No. 29 USPS 024100 [SSN Number 0164-68X Ameril •"JSSEShSSS NOHVIAl°IAl NVItiVIAl Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 5, 2006 Phone:(216)431-0628 Crmail: ah@buckeyevveb.com 70 £ Wayne Habat is Collinwood Home Musician of Year Wayne Habat will be honored on Sunday, Oct. 15 at the Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave., Cleveland at the 2006 Annual Music Festival, which takes place from 1 to 11 p.m. Participating bands that Sunday will be Jeff Pecon, Joe Fedorchak, Ken Zalar & The Captains Crew, Don Wojtila & Chris Hibbs, Gene Fedorchak, Eric Noltkamper, Phil Smic, Jerry Suhar, Johnny Vadnal, Jake Zagar, Corkey Godek, Joe Novak, The River, and many more. Free admission. Habat was bom into musical tradition. Son of Eddie “Hambone” and Diane Habat (both deceased)., He saw light of day on June 21, 1959. Four brothers and one sister round out the family. With a lively interest in music at an early age, Wayne started drum lessons in 1967 with Jimmy Medveš. He attended Euclid City schools. While at Central Middle School, he played in the Stage Band under the direction of Harry Hershey. His first Slovenian band job was at age 15 with Rich Spilar, Gary Fisher, and Marion Bell, at the Croatian Picnic Pig roast. Wayne enlisted in the US Army in 1977. After his service stint was over, he mar- ried Mary Jo Balash in 1982. They are proud parents of five children: Dan, Wayne, Monica, Joanna, and Karen; and dote on their first grandchild Kyleigh. Wayne has been playing professionally for 32 years, with 40 different bands, among them Frankie Yank-ovic, Jeff Pecon, Johnny Vadnal, Walter Ostanek, Markic-Zagger, to name just a few. He is well versed in many styles of music: ballroom, jazz, polka, rock, and swing. He recorded with Eddie Habat, Hank Haller, Bob Kravos, Fred Kuhar, Walter Ostanek, Pub Haus Four, Joey Tomsick, Dan and Mike Wojtila, and Fred Zi-wich. Wayne won two Grammy Awards with Walter Ostanek, and was twice named “Sideman of the Year” by Polka Hall of Fame. As his day job, Wayne owns and operates an automechanic shop. He opened his first place in 1989. His honest and reliable service is extolled by many musician friends, who rely on his expertise. Congratulations, Wayne Habat. May we enjoy your musical talents for years to come. Wayne Habat Great and glorious events which dazzle the beholder are represented by politicians as the outcome of grand designs, whereas they are usually products of temperaments and .Passions. -Bob Mills _________ The Cleveland bus group who traveled to Michigan for the 2006 Baraga Days on Sept. 23-24. The picture was taken in front of one of the last standing churches of Bishop Frederic Baraga, in Eagle Harbor, Michigan. 1“ row: Lojska Rutar, Maria Stanisa, Joži Rus, Ivanka Matic, Marica Lavrisha, Nežka and Viktor Tominec; 2nd row: Tončka Urankar, Milena Dovic, Helena Perčič, Majda Grčar, Tončka Lamovec, Blažena Rihtar, Mari Celestina. 3rd row: Frank Urankar, Mario Perčič, Marija Kocjan, Pepca Jurkovič, Stefan Marolt, Maria Petelin, Paula Dolinar. 4th row: Lojska Sever, Cvetka Benedejčič, Ivanka and Ivan Turk, Janez Sever, Edy Dolinar. 5th row: Maria Ribic, Ivan Rus, Milan Rihtar, Ivanka Pretnar. 6th row: Milena Stropnik, Rezka Smuk, Ivanka Stupica, Ivanka Rozman, Ani Nemec, Maria Kljun. Back row: Vida Dovjak, Lovro Rozman, Maria Lunder, Nena Cerer, France Sever, Ana Jurkovič (not in picture.) Alpine Night St. Mary (Coll.) parish Alpine Nile will be held on Friday, Oct. 6 in the parish community center. Doors open at 6, short program and dance begins at 7 p.m. Kitchen will be open for schnitzel dinners, sandwiches and other assorted foods. Ansambel Spev from Štajerska region of Slovenia will play music. Tables or individual tickets may be reserved by calling Elizabeth Zalik at (440) 537-1941. Tickets are $10. Technically, the coin that we call a penny does not exist. At the U.S. Mint, It's officially called a "cent.” The 6Golden’ Complaint Two patients limp into two different medical clinics with the same complaint. Both have trouble walking and need a hip replacement. The FIRST patient is examined within the hour, is X-rayed the same day and has a time booked for surgery the following week. The SECOND sees his family doctor after waiting a week for an appointment, waits 12 weeks to see a spe- cialist, who orders an X-ray, which isn’t read for a week. Two weeks later the specialist gets the report; and finally the surgery is scheduled for six months later. Why the different treatment for the two patients? The first is a Golden Retriever. The second is a Golden-ager. (Senior Citizen)._______ —Philip Hrvatin Newspaper Schedule During October, November, and December, the Ameriška Domovina (American Home) will continue to publish three times a month. In October, the remaining two issues of American Home will be printed on Oct. 12, and 19. In November the American Home will be printed on Nov. 2, 9, and 16. In December the American Home will be printed on Dec. 7, 14, and 21. ______________ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 5, 2006 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave„ Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) | Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published three issues per month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 29 October 5, 2006 Heaven on Earth by RUDY FLIS a country so blessed as we It’s been a beautiful Fall day this past Sunday and a good day to putter around the house and catch up on projects put off all summer when it seemed there was so much time with the long, hot days that ran into late evening. I remember this happening before, and often, at least once a year for the past umpteen years, and probably will happen again until I am called from this life to heaven, I hope. I’ve heard heaven is a perfect place of eternal happiness, which means - what? I am happy when my wife, Therese, makes strawberry short cake for me. Will there be strawberry short cake in heaven where I can consume this dessert of heavenly flavor for an eternity along with potica, klobase, . strudel, želodec, and the many Slovenian foods my mom cooked and baked that sustained life in me as I grew and developed into a young man? Therese took over from my mom and without missing a heart-beat I continued to eat tasty, delicious foods and desserts, as I con-' tinued to grow (too much at i times) and I witnessed our children enjoying good food during their growth period, i just as I did long ago. These things happen when living in are. Life seems to repeat as we plod along, sometime in joy and sometime in sorrow. Repeat will happen on Oct. 14, a joyous time for our entire family, as our youngest daughter, Monica, marries the young man of her dreams, Ray. Monica will have her three sisters in her bridal party, one of our granddaughters, and her two close girl friends. And, guess who will walk Monica down the isle? One who gave up all natural color hair during the raising of Monica for old age gray. One who was told the fib, “Monica will keep you young as you raise her,” by a well meaning friend trying to console a forty-plus-year-old parent with a brand spanking new daughter. If there be any grief in the raising of a child, Mom bears the brunt of it, and Therese did. Monica worked five years in a nursing home and amazed me with her love of the aged patients. Monica says, “I like older people, I was raised by older people.” Sweet kid. I love that Therese and I will walk her down the isle, as her three brothers block the doors so Ray can’t leave the premises without Monica. Thank you, Lord, for all our blessings. Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, “You’re next.” They stopped when I did the same thing to them at funerals. ____________________________________—Ray Mlakar Beauty is only a light switch away. Most Rev. Robert J. Baker, S.T.D., Bishop of Charleston, SC, center, with Father Dan M. Havron O.F.M., left, of Easton, PA, and proud and happy mother, Mrs. Frances M. Havron of North Augusta, SC._________ The Cleveland Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies celebrated their 75th anniversary with a convention and bishop’s award at the Croatian Lodge in Eastlake, Ohio on Friday, Sept. 22, with a Polka Mass. Main celebrant was Bishop A. Edward Pevec, shown right, with musical accompaniment by Joey Tomsick (left) and fellow musicians Phil Hrvatin, Jim Penko, and Denny Bucar. Over 360 persons attended the Mass, awards presentation and dinner-dance.__________________________________________(Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) St. Clair Pensioners Club news Yes, it’s that time of year when the days are getting shorter, the air feels a little more brisk and the leaves start turning gold and brown. The St. Clair Pensioners Club is looking forward to going to Casino Windsor, Canada. The date is set for Wed., Oct. 18 at 7 a.m. and will depart the Slovenian National Home at 7:15 a.m. The cost is $18.00 and the bonus is $15.00. We will have a rest stop en route and before leaving Canada we will stop at the Duty Free Shop. To enter Canada, please have your original birth certificate with raised seal, or a passport, plus driver’s license or a state issued I.D. If you are going on the trip, please make your check payable to the St. Clair Pensioners Club and mail promptly to Jeanette Ru-minski, 25801 Zeman Avenue, Euclid, OH 44132 -phone (216) 261-1667. At this time we still have some seats available. So if you are interested, do not hesitate to send in your reservation. Also, indicate whether you will board the bus at the On-Arena in Euclid, or Slove- nian National Home. For a day of fun and camaraderie come along and join your friends. PLEASE NOTE: If you know of someone who is interested in joining our club, they will be most welcome. Our next meeting is Thursday, Oct. 19. —Sylvia Plymesser Willoughby Hills 3 bed/2 bath Colonial very clean/move in condition. 1 acre near Gates Mills/Metroparks $234,900. $15,000 below appraised value. 440-376-7690 H &Rk!& John Hanson, First President of U.S. John Hanson was a true patriot and deserves more recognition. Thank God that Washington resisted being named king. But Washington had an ego and enjoyed being referred to as His Excellency. But the Hanson family contributed very much to the start of our nation. Can anyone name another member of the Washington family that did anything for the Republic? In fact, George’s descendants were supporters of the Confederacy and were slave holders until it was made illegal. I don’t mean to dump on George, but there were very many other very capable people who made the early Republic work and deserve attention. Hanson was critical to the period of transition from a lose affiliation of colonies who struggled to run a war to the first truly national government. We owe him and his family a great deal. He was the heir of one of |he greatest family traditions in the colonies and became the patriarch of a long line of American patriots - his great-grandfather died at Lutzen beside the great King Gustavus Aldophus of Sweden; his grandfather was one °f the founders of New Sweden along the Delaware River .n Maryland; one of his nephews was the military secretary to George Washington; another was a signer A portrait of John Hanson by J°hn Hesselius. around 1765 to 1770. °f the Declaration; still another was a signer of the Constitution; yet another was . 0vernor of Maryland dur-lng the Revolution; and still pother was a member of the *rst Congress; two sons efe killed in action with the °ntinental Army; a grand-!?n served as a member of °ngress under the new °nstitution; and another randson was a Maryland senator. Thus, even if Han-,°n had not served as Prcsi-Cnt himself, he would have o-tly contributed to the life c ^e nation through his an-estry and progeny. sel/ a.y°ungster he began a Sj 'guided reading of clas-c Cs a°d rather quickly be-Pcm 6 •3n achnowledged ex-* '0' the juridicalism of Phir,m an(* * the practical °sophy of Seneca - both of which were influential in the development of political philosophy of the great leaders of the Reformation. It was based upon these legal and theological studies that the young planter - his farm, Mulberry Grove was just across the Potomac from Mount Vernon - began to espouse the cause of the patriots. In 1775 he was elected to the Provincial Legislature of Maryland. Then in 1777, he became a member of Congress where he distinguished himself as a brilliant administrator. Thus, he was elected president in 1781. Was John Hanson the first president of the United States? The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation. This document was actually proposed on June 11, 1776, but not agreed upon by Congress until Nov. 15, 1777. Maryland refused to sign this document until Virginia and New York ceded their western lands (Maryland was afraid that these states would gain too much power in the new government from such large amounts of land). Once the signing took place in 1781, a President was needed to run the country. John Hanson was chosen unanimously by Congress (which included George Washington). In fact, all the other potential candidates refused to run against him, as he was a major player in the Revolution and an extremely influential member of Congress. As the first President, Hanson had quite the shoes to fill. No one had ever been President and the role was poorly defined. His actions in office would set precedent for all future Presidents. He took office just as the Revolutionary War ended. Almost immediately, the troops demanded to be paid- As would be expected after any long war, there were no funds to meet the salaries. As a result, the soldiers threatened to overthrow the new government and put Washington on the throne as a monarch. All the members of Congress ran for their lives, leaving Hanson running the government. He somehow managed to calm the troops and hold the country together. If he had failed, the government would have fallen almost immediately and everyone would have been bowing to King Washington. Hanson, as President, ordered all foreign troops off American soil, as well as the removal of all foreign flags. This was quite a feat, considering the fact that so many European countries In response to last issue’s article on the First President of the US, I believe it was John ;„:t ,r,er„„arst7r m Richard Henry lee (Lighthorse Henry, the father of Robert Edward Lee)- 5. - John Hancock; 6. - Nathanial Gorham; 7. - Arthur St. Clair; and 8. - Cyrus Griffin. ’ —-------------------------- (Photo and text by Genial Gene Kogovšek. had a stake in the United States since the days following Columbus. Hanson established the Great Seal of the United States, which all Presidents have since been required to use on all official documents. President Hanson also established the first Treasury Department, the first Secretary of War, and the first Foreign Affairs Department. Lastly, he declared that the fourth Thursday of every November was to be Thanksgiving Day, which is still true today. The Articles of Confederation only allowed a President to serve a one-year term during any three-year period, so Hanson actually accomplished quite a lot in such little time. He served in that office from November 5, 1781 until November 3, 1782. He was the first president to serve a full term after the full ratification of the Articles of Confederation -and like so many of the Southern and New England Founders, he was strongly opposed to the Constitution when it was first discussed. He remained a confirmed anti-federalist until his untimely death. Six other presidents were elected after him - Elias Boudinot (1783), Thomas Mifflin (1784, Richard Henry Lee (1785), Nathan Gorman (1786), Arthur St. Clair (1787), and Cyrus Griffin (1788) - all prior to Washington taking office. Why don’t we ever hear about the first seven Presidents of the United States? it is quite simple - the Articles of Confederation didn’t work well. The individual states had too much power and nothing could be agreed upon. A new doctrine needed to be written - something we know as the Constitution. George Washington was definitely not the first President of the United States. He was the first President of the United States under the Constitution we follow today. And the first seven Presidents are forgotten in history. Thanks to John P. Vidmar, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Public Sector & Healthcare Services Research, Chicago, IL for this information. All the president is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing, and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway. ____________________________________—Harry Truman OHIO KENNY YUKO STATE REPRESENTATIVE - DISTRICT 7 From Slovenian Home in Cleveland to the Statehouse in Columbus... Representative Yuko is working for you! Proud to be your State Representative. ....Proud to be Slovenian! Paid for by the Friends of Kenny Yuko Pamela |. Yuko. Treasurer. 479 Pierson Dr.. Richmond His.. OH 44143 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 5, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 5, 2006 4 St. Vitus Alumni Spotlights Honorees t>y AGNES KOPORC ‘Tis that time of year again. Seems that I just wrote about the highlights of last year’s event and here we are again. New year, new honorees. And another meeting. A bit of a nudge to your memory bank. The alumni will meet in the Slovehiaii Room of St. Vitus Village the first Thursday in October, the 5th at 7 p.m. to discuss details of the upcoming social event of the year, 2006 Honoree Day, on Sunday, Oct. 29. Even if you have never come to a meeting, mosey on down, meet some of the folks of the alumni. Perhaps even help with preparations the day before, Saturday, Oct. 29, about 9:30 a.m. until approx, noon, when a delicious luncheon is served as part of the rew&rd. You may even enjoy it. Before I give you a short bio of our three special honorees, the reservations are already coming in, so do not tarry, get on the phone, call Ray Gobec 440-285-2359. Also, if you have any questions, President Dan Reiger will be happy to answer them (216) 391-5428, or even yours truly at (216) 268-5/*12. Cost of tickets are $20.00 each which includes a lovely formal dinner setting in a “Class” (pun) environment, a delectable cuisine prepared by the Mistress of Culinary Arts herself, Julie Zalar and her crew. Need I say more? Now to introduce our 2006 “Chosen Ones.” They are (in alphabetical order)... Ms. Joanne Arhar. Lovely, charming daughter of well-known St. Vitus parishioners Edward and Anne Arhar, sister of Christine, Margaret, Edward and John. Her grandparents, John and Anne Hočevar and “uncles” John and Joseph Hočevar all played in integral part in the development of our St. Vitus Parish in one way or another. Joanne graduated from St. Vitus Elementary School in 1964, St. Augustine High School in 1968, and then went on to Case Western Reserve University where she earned her bachelor’s degree in American Studies. She received her Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Cincinnati. Then she attended Cleveland State University to become certified as a school administrator. After 12 years of teaching high school English at Normandy High School in Parma, she moved on to Akron as the Assistant Principal of St. Vincent-St. Mary High School. Joanne left Akron to work in Washington, D.C. at the American Association of School Superintendents. As part of her work she traveled extensively throughout the U.S. She liked Colorado so much she decided to move there to be a middle school administrator. She came back to Ohio to get her doctorate. Then she went to the University of South Florida in Tampa where she began her career as a college professor teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in teacher and administrator education. In 1994 a position opened at Kent State University, Joanne moved back to the Cleveland area to teach in the College of Education and to coordinate the middle childhood education program. For the past two years she has been the Associate Dean and Director of Teacher Education in the College of Education, Health and Human Services at Kent State. As an educator and educational researcher, Joanne has written several books, numerous articles and chapters. She has won several national research awards for her work on interdisciplinary teaming in the middle grades. Her work is focused on preparing teachers to be researchers of their own classrooms so they can improve student learning and share their results with other educators and the public. It is “indeed” an honor to be honoring this talented “young” lady. So, come down and meet her in person, and by all means, ask for her autograph. St. Mary’s Homecoming and Banquet St. Mary’s (Collinwood) School Alumni will have their 16th Annual Homecoming Mass and Banquet on Sunday, Oct. 15th. The Mass is at noon in St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland. The banquet will follow in the Church Social Center. Banquet tickets may be purchased for $15 by calling Mary Zimperman at (216) 382-7829. Stimburys Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \2l 6) 404-0992 , taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccounting.com Erofetf to Practice Bstts lie Internal Revenue Sente Servicing Irtdmduals Corporations t Srna«businesses f tl I ;.r>I !»)?♦/» ' Marcelline Mills - the epitome of a dedicated volunteer. Fondly known as “Marcie” to her friends, she was bom in Cleveland, Ohio on April 24 1929. The eldest daughter of five, she was bom to Joseph and Jean Jemejcic during the “Big Depression.” Marcie was a St. Vitus graduate of 1943 and Jane Adams High School in 1947. Her first job was at the then, very popular, well known, Richman Bros. Company located “close to home” on East 55th St. The Richman Bros. C)o., manufacturer of men’s suits and accessories Was established in 1879 and was known to be the “World’s Greatest Clothing Factory,” giving jobs to many, near and far. In those days, almost everyone was employed by Richman Bros. In fact, the building still stands today, a monument. The year 1947 was a magical year for Marcie. A handsome young man from Oberlin, Ohio was introduced to her and sparks flew. His name was Robert Mills, and what a lovely couple they made (used to see them in St. Vitus Church). Two years later on June 18, 1949 they were pronounced “Man and Wife" by the late Father Francis M. Baraga. They are proud parents of five: Bonnie, Robert Jr., Diane, Geraldine, and Stephen, all very active members of the St. Vitus parish. They can boast of eight grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. Marcie returned to the work world in 1964. She was employed at KipCraft, Inc., until retirement in 1989. Schoolbelles by KipCraft, was a full service school uniform supplier used mostly by Catholic schools at that time. A charter member of the Catholic War Veterans Auxiliary since 1950, she has held most of the offices throughout the years. She is an active member of the C.O.F. Maximilian Court #2268 as Court Reporter and Trustee. She holds the office of secretary of the St. Clair Pensioners, and is a member of the St. Vitus Alumni, Friends of the Slovenian National Home, and Slovenian Woman’s Union Lodge #25. As a weekly volunteer at the Veterans Administration Hospital, along with her husband, Bob (5 hours per Sunday), they help set up the chapel for Mass and assist patients who need help navigating the various areas at the VA. She has been honored for the giving of herself for over 27 years with service totaling over 6,143 hours. That is quite a feat. Really worthy of recognition. Congratulations, Marie, our volunteer personality. You will be able to meet this dedicated person... if you attend. Josephine M. Perpar, posthumously. Bom to Joseph and Josephine (Bambič) Perpar at 5805 Prosser Ave., on Aug. 4, 1921, Josephine M. Perpar was the eldest of five children. Her grandparents in Slovenia were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perpar, anti Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bambič of Cleveland, Ohio. Her brothers, Joseph, Jr. (wife, Margaret), Edward (Flora) are bdth deceased. Mathias (Kay) lives in Medina and sister Jean on E. 177 St., in Cleveland. Her nine nieces and nephews, 21 great nieces and nephews and six great grand nieces and nephews have a right to be proud of their aunt Josie. Josephine graduated from St. Vitus in 1935 and Jane Adams High School in 1939. Her years of work were at Gabriel Co., Weatherhead, and finally at Gould, until she retired in 1986. She was Vice President of the St. Vitus Alumni, member of the St. Vitus Altar Society, volunteer at St. Joseph Christian Life Center, member of AML A #12, St. Clair Pensioners, St. Christine Pensioners, Holy Name Society, Slovenian Women’s Union #25, and St. Francis Xavier Mission Circle #150. Josephine has been widely well known for her crafts, her donations to various organizations of her time, crafts, never accepting payment for her work and material. She was very generous of her time and talents, and will always be appreciated by all. Thank you Josie, “wherever you are.” She passed away quietly this past January 24, 2006. /n memory, remember her in prayer. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will sponsor a Krofe Sale on Saturday, Oct. 14 in the auditorium social room.____ The words ’’alumnus" and “alumna” are the Latin words for “foster son” and “foster daughter.” Though used in Great Britain to mean “pupil,” in America they describe only graduates of a school or college. Going-Out-Of-Business Sale - All Books 25% Off The Making of the Slovenian State/1988-1992; and the Collapse of Yugoslavia Authored by Prime Minister Janez JanSa, this book gives an insider's view of the period leading to Slovenia’s independence and a portrait of the people who emerged along with it. Hardback English edition has 52 photos in 256 pages. Sale price - $33.75 Slovenian Polk Titles An English version of one of the best-selling Slovenian children’s books, with si* Slovenian folk talcs and 52 great full-color illustrations in 82 pages. Sale price -$21.75 Sl ovene-English Dictionary At 935 pages, this hardcover edition is intended for most translation tasks. At the condensed size of 5-1/2" x 3-1/4" x 1-3/4", the dictionary is great for travelers. Sale price - $44.25 ; *' -v- Slovenia ■ h ■x Slovenia: My Country This is one of the best photographic portraits of Slovenia ever published. It was produced by Joco Žnidaršič, the long-serving photo editor of DELO, the major daily newspaper in Slovenia. “My Country” captures the stunning beauty of Slovenia in 277 photographs over its 200 pages. English narration. Sale price • $67.25 Wines of Slovenia TVanslatcd into English, this new book covers 386 vineyards, a remarkable number for such a small country. Presented by region, the wines are rated in a four star system and paired to food recommendations. Authored by ethnologist Dr. Janez Bogataj and viniculturalist Dr. Julij Nemanič. Sale price - $48.75 AMU SMIUHt.f, X Guide to Slovenian Museums - $43.50 / Plecnilc's Market in Ljubljana - $60.00 / Plccnik’s Treasures - $60.00 Triglav National Park Guide and Map - $19.50 / Architectural Guide to Ljubljana - Hardback - $63.75 Slovenia Pocket Guide - $9.00 / Slovenian Cooking - $9.00 / Slovenia Roadmap - $7.50 Slovenia: The First 10 Years - $60.00 / National Atlas of Slovenia - $56.25 (Slovenian version - $25.00) Slovenian Calligr pity: Uveljlh-Century Cistercian Manuscripts - $436 $60 Orders can be placed by credit card on-line at: www.BooksolSlovenia.com or by sending a check (or purchase order) payable to Books of Slovenia to 453 Rialto Avenue, Venice, CA 90291. Fur information call (310) 392-4843-or email Book.vofSlovenia(ocoiHcasiisutt vit.i . 1 tK.t.i, v!f* jotii wi.'l "isvixi ui »a! Mia Jerlt t,.ibbow Uiiu ,j1' li ,X(itjtlovf vii !’*. iji :iCfiiiil!/f 'Ml"' c"M ’-'c *■’' ,0 :ivti ,UJ«» The Story of Pioneer John Lokar 5 This is an autobiography of John Lokar from a collection of various notebooks printed in his own hand in English. Jt has been compiled and pieced together by his great-grandson Matthew Schulz, grandson of Daniella Lokar / Schultz. (Continued from last week) I stayed at Eveleth, Minnesota only two days. Frank Dolenc convinced my uncle that I would have .a better chance of getting a job at Hibbing in the open pit •nines, than at Eveleth in the underground mines due to •ny age. Minnesota law was that the underground miners must Tie 21 years old. However, this law was not strictly enforced; they only took your word concerning your age when you were hired. I traveled with Frank Dolenc and his family. They had been visiting relatives for nearly a year and were at this time returning home to Hibbing. I boarded with them whenever I stayed at Hibbing. Frank knew some °f the pit bosses and was able to get me a job the next day. I worked there until the Pit stopped operation for the 'Vinter on October 28th. On October 29 I decided to go to my uncle in Eveleth. I hoarded with Joe Korde in Chicken Town when I went looking for a job on the No. 4 Service Mine. The captain °f the mine said that I looked too young for mine work. I did not show any beard growth at that time. My friend who worked there told dm boss that I was a close shaver. The boss laughed and gave me a job. 1 started working Nov. 1, “12, as a brakeman for the Urotorman who hauled the ""on ore from chutes to the shaft where the ore was °isted to the surface. The Pay was $2.10 for an eight-u°Ur day. Late 1912 my uncle deeded that he had enough of , e mine work and returned ack home to Austria. I was ^cft there all by myself with 0 relatives and not knowing : e language of the land. I ^"Ued two fraternal unions, ^•SKJ. and S.N.P.J. This p giving me some security got sick or hurt ™ *u“ >e, as aietlSes i! scl° started going to °°1 so that I could learn gUa*6 dm English lan- At the Cvery boarding house darf USUaHy kud music and y0uCln8 on the weekend. The frie*1^ b°ys visited their l. nds at these houses. The well in the as burial excase of death. I night ^attraction at the houses Tjjp^dre girls working there. 'Were very few girls there in the early days. The boys ordered beer and danced with the girls and amongst themselves. I first saw Mary at the front of our church. I found out where she was living and the next weekend I went to her boarding house. She was very beautiful and the most popular Slovenian girl in the city. I was boarding with the Buchar family. When they decided to leave the business in early 1913, my first thoughts, naturally were to go to the house where Mary was working and living. It was not very long afterwards that we fell in love. Our love, however, encountered some difficulty. Her father wanted her to marry a rich man. She had several offers. My fellow boarders, who were supposed to be my friends, were all jealous of me. We hardly had any chance to even talk privately. Her father never actually prohibited me from courting her or was actually unfriendly with me, but he was constantly telling Mary not to be too friendly, or go out with me. If we wanted to go out, we had to make arrangements in advance where we could meet. The so-called friends of mine were always telling Mary how bad I was and that I had another girl. Of course, that was not true. I worked at the same job until August 5, 1914. During that time I was burnt by a short-circuit in the motor. I was on sick leave for 21 days, from Oct. 22, 1913 until Nov. 11. When war began in Europe in 1914, the iron ore mines lost orders for ore and the company started to lay off all single men so that workers with families would get some employment. My foreman kept me for several months, despite the order. Finally, on Aug. 5th, he received strict orders to fire all single men. As there was no way to tell how long the order would last, I decided to spend my savings and go into debt waiting for a job to open, rather than move to another place. At International Falls was Frank Setnikar, whom I knew. I figured I would try my luck on Aug. 11 and was on my way there. There were two factories, a saw mill and the International Paper Company. I tried to get any job, but they were not hiring new men. After a few days I decided to go to the lumber camps up north. The lane} was very swampy and there were so many mosquitoes that one had to cover his face with a cloth while working at John Lokar night. One evening at camp we burned green leaves to keep the mosquitoes away. That remedy was no good. The smoke was so thick that we could hardly see anything and nearly suffocated in it. After one month I thought that I had enough of the suffering and quit the job. I then returned to International Falls. At International Falls I got a job at the paper company on the outside of the factory. It was only a temporary project. When that was completed on Sept. 10, I was out of work again. As there was no prospect for any job, I was on my way back to the Iron Range on Oct. 9th. On Oct. 10 I went to Hibbing in an attempt to find employment. I went from mine to mine, but since I was single, they couldn’t employ me even if they needed help. I tried all the mines in Hibbing, Chisholm, and all neighboring towns and villages without luck. On Dec. 3rd, I went back to Eveleth. I did not have much hope, but I wanted to see my girl, Mary. I stayed there until Dec. 14th. On that date Frank Sustarsic, his brother Joe, and myself decided to take a trip toward International Falls. We went to an agency where they hired help for lumber camps. The agency shipped us to Ericks-burg, Minnesota on Dec. 26th. We worked for the Bill Mayer Co. He ran a small camp where they cut cedar in the swamp for railroad ties. The winter was very cold. Sometimes the temperature dropped to 60 degrees below zero. Board there was very good, however. The lunches we took along with us into the woods was frozen solid even when we kept it close to the big fire. Before we were able to eat it, we had to toast the bread and roast the meat. In the evening on the way home with a sled and a team of horses, we were usually followed by a pack of coyotes. (To Be Continued) ‘Koline’ Dinner at Pristava The Slovenska Pristava Pensioners Club (SPPC) will hold its annual fall event “Koline” on Sunday, Oct. 8th. It is a traditional Slovenian custom of making homemade rice and blood sausage (krvave klobase and pecenice) at that time of year. Serving will begin at noon and continue until 3 p.m. The dinner will include sauerkraut, fried potatoes, strudel and coffee. The proceeds will go to many good causes, such as the beatification of Bishop Baraga, financial support for both Slovenian Saturday Schools of St. Mary and St. Vitus parishes, plus other numerous causes and community projects. So, come and enjoy a delicious homemade meal in a ^ beautiful autumn atmosphere o? at Slovenska Pristava. —Frank Urankar Journey Jhru Slovenia A Journey Through Slovenia will be held at St. Mary’s in Collinwood. In conjunction with its 100th Anniversary Year, St. Mary’s Parish will be celebrating its Slovenian roots with a Slovenian Regional Heritage Day. Reserve Sunday, Oct. 22 for a journey through the seven regions of Slovenia with exhibits, food sampling, music, and a full kitchen menu of typical regional dishes and pastries. The celebration begins in the Parish Center after the 10 a.m. Slovenian Mass. All are invited. M/M Peter Rome celebrate 50th Peter J. and Mary Jo Rom, formerly of East 67th Street, Cleveland, Ohio, now residing in Twinsburg, Ohio, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on October 6, 2006. They were married at St. George Catholic Church in Cleveland, Ohio in 1956. Peter is a semi-retired air compressor distributor and President of AAA Compressor Rental and Supply. Mary Jo is a member of the Twinsburg “Knitwitters” and also enjoys making ceramics. Together they enjoy traveling to Florida, emptying slot machines in Michigan, and spending time with family and friends. The couple have two children: Mark, of Aurora (wife Karen) and Sandra Steiner of South Euclid (husband, David), and four grandchildren - Julie Rom, Sarah Steiner, Katie Steiner and Candice Rom. No political party has exclusive patent rights on prosperity. ____________________________ —Franklin Roosevelt AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 5, o o (N o5 ti CQ O < Z > O s o Q 05 ti Front row, left to right, are Bill Raddell and Tom Raddell. Back row, left to right, Cecilia Dolgan, Tony Petkovšek, Wayne Tomsic, Chairman of the Festival, and Ray Somich. Favorite Sausage Winners Coming Events The results are in for the 3rd Annual Slovenian Sausage Festival, where people who attended voted for their favorite sausage-maker. The winner of the People’s Choice contest is Raddell’s Sausage Co., at East 152nd Street and Rt. 90, in North Collinwood neighborhood, with runner-up winner Maple Heights Catering of Maple Heights. Five judges also selected the Best in Festival sausage, in a taste-test. The judges were in sync with the public, as the highest total points were awarded to Raddell’s Sausag", and the runner-up award to Maple Heights Catering. The judges were Breda Ribic and Bob Dolgan of Willoughby Hills, Joan Caimi of Kirtland, Ken Anderson of Detroit, Mich., and Joe Fedorchak of Youngstown. Four sausage companies competed including last year’s winner Miro’s Meats of Eastlake, and Azman and Son Meat Market of Cleveland, the oldest establish- ment of Slovenian sausage makers in the Cleveland area. A wonderful crowd of 1,100 people enjoyed the warm weather and the spacious facilities at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield. Aside from the Slovenian sausages, Festival-goers had a choice of sampling many sausage specialties and side dishes as prepared by the four sausage companies. The entertainment was supplied by several energizing musical groups, including the Happy Timers, Pristava Musicians, Rob De-Blander and the Jammers, Joe Grkman and Grkmania, Eddie Rodick, and Frank Moravcik. Members of the Polka Hall of Fame and friends supplied the volunteer crew throughout the 8-hour music and food fest. The Sausage Festival benefited the National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame and Museum, based in Euclid, Ohio. —Cecilia Dolgan Friday, Oct. 6 3rd Annual Alpine Evening at St. Mary’s (Coll.) Guest Ansambel Spev from Slovenia. Doors open 6 p.m. Admission $10. Friday, Oct. 6 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 to 11:15 p.m. Music by Bob Kravos. Sunday, Oct. 8 St. Joseph Lodge #146 KSKJlife matching funds roast beef dinner 12-6 p.m. to benefit Assumption of Mary Parish, Brook Park, OH. $7 adults, $4 children. Tickets at rectory (216) 267-0630. Sunday, Oct. 8 Slovenska Pristava Pensioners Club annual fall “Koline” (krvave klobase and pecenice). Dinner includes one big rice or blood sausage and one link of fresh garlic sausage with sauerkraut, fried potatoes, strudel, coffee, dinner. Noon to 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 13 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 to 11:15 p.m. Music by Eric Nolt-kamper. Saturday, Oct. 14 St. Lawrence School & Friends Reunion Dinner-Dance. Mass 5:30 in St. Lawrence Church by Bishop A. Edward Pevec. Nash opens at 6:30. Donation $15. Music by Joe Novak. Reservations call (440) 243-0312. Sunday, Oct. 15 St. Mary’s (Coll) School Alumni dinner in new parish center. Sunday, Oct. 15 Collinwood Slovenian Home Music-fest honoring Wayne and Mark Habat from 1 to ? Free admission. Friday, Oct. 20 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 to 11:15 p.m. Music by Wayne Tomsic. Saturday, Oct. 21 Štajerski-Prekmurski Klub Martinovanje, 6:30 p.m. Dinner Dance, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Veseli Godci. (216) 531-4817 or (440) 256-6716. Sunday, Oct. 22 Annual meeting of Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 22 St. Mary’s Slovenian Regional Heritage Day in Parish Center, Holmes Ave. A journey through 7 regions of Slovenia. Exhibits, food sampling, full dinner menu with regional dishes and pastries. Begins 11 a.m. Free admission. Friday, Oct. 27 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 to 11:15 p.m. Music by J T O Joey Tomsick. Sunday, Oct. 29 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80th St., Newburgh, Annual Clambake catered by Maple Hts., Gathering from 2 to 4 p.m. Music 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Donation $25. Sunday, Oct. 29 St. Vitus Alumni Honoree Day, 12 noon Mass, Dinner, Celebration. Reservations call Ray Gobec 440 285-2359. Sunday, Oct. 29 St. Mary (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School hosts pal-činka breakfast from 8:30 to 12 noon in Parish Center. Egg, sausage and crepe breakfast is $7 for adults and $4 for children. Everyone is cordially invited. Friday, Nov. 3 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 to 11:15 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik. Saturday, Nov. 4 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School fundraiser for 2007 trip to Slovenia. “Reverse Social” with dinner and Chinese raffle. For tickets call (440) 256-1546. Sunday, Nov. 5 Zarja Singing Society celebrates 90“ Anniversary at Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. Sunday, Nov. 5 St. Mary’s (Coll.) Parish celebrates 100“ Anniversary with 11 a.m. Mass, followed by 1 p.m. banquet. Music by Veseli Godci. Adults: $40; children: $20. NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR. Friday, Nov. 10 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 to 11:15 p.m. Music by Eric Nolt-kamper. Saturday, Nov. 11 Belokranjski Klub Dinner Dance at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave. Sunday, Nov. 12 Concert, Slovenian Junior Chorus at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH. Sunday, Nov. 12 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80“ St., Cleveland Veterans Day Dance 2-6 p.m. Music by Wayne Tomsic. Saturday, Nov. 18 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland, Night at Races. $8 in- cludes food, beer, door prizes. Doors open 7 p.m. Race time 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 19 St. Mary (Coll.) Turkey Festival and Raffle. Wednesday, Nov. 22 Jam Session at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Thursday, Nov. 23 Tony Petkovšek Thanksgiving Polka Festival at Cleveland Marriott hotel in downtown Cleveland featuring Stan Blout Band, Fred Ziwich, Mike Schneider Band, Don Wojtila with Chris Hibbs, Eddie Rodick Orchestra and Wojtila-Rodick ‘Reunion’ at midnight. $12 advance; $15 at door. Friday, Nov. 24 Petkovšek Polka Party at Cleveland Marriott hotel in downtown Cleveland featuring The Wolf Band, Hank Haller Ensemble, Joey Tom-sick Orchestra, The Big Friday Night Jam-Jam, Kres Slovenian folk Dancers at 8:30; Veseli Godci (9 p.m.), Ed Klančnik and Friends, and Mike Schjneider Band. Saturday, Nov. 25 Polka Hall of Fame Awards Show XVIII at Euclid High Auditorium, 711 E. 222 St., Euclid. Admission $15. _ After the show: Marriott Hotel, 6 p.m. Polka Mass with Bishop A. Edward Pevec and Jeff Pecon Orchestra; 8:30 All Star/-Winners; 9 p.m. Ken Zalar Captains Crew; 10 p.m. Bob Kravos Boys in Band. Admission $12. Sunday, Nov. 26 Friends of Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, Holiday Brunch. (216)361-5115. Wednesday, Dec. 6 Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland, 50-50 Raffle, 7 p.m. Donation $10. Music by Joe Novak from 7-10 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 27 Pristavska noč (Veseli Godci), Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Feb. 2,3, 4 SlovenSKI weekend in Windham, NY with giant slalom friendly race on Sat., with dinner/dance in the evening. Call John Kamin (718) 424-2711. Feb.17 - 24 Slovenian Ski Trip to Val Gardena, Italy. Call John Kamin 718 424-2711. California Wine Grapes and Juice Largest Supplier in Ohio We will beat any price. Collinwood Grape Co. 15741 Mandalay Ave. Cleveland, OH 44110 216 - 451-8697 business 216-598-0504 cell Muscat, Zinfandel, Alicante, Grenache ____Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot <7S . Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Director Proudly Serving the Slovenian Community L Son^Meiodies frorin Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Kills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX web: www.wcsb o'rg Saint Vitus Village Talk 7 The Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation invites FRANCES RAVNIKAR Frances Ravnikar (nee Slabič), passed away at the age of 88, in Commack, N.Y., on Sept. 8, 2006. She was bom in Sp. Jarse, Slovenia on April 8, 1918. Beloved wife of the late John. Cherished mother of Maria Zupančič of Commack, N.Y., Veronica Sicilian of Boston, Mass., Lydia Rodriguez of Northport, N.Y., John, Jr., of Commack, N.Y., and the late Frances Pappas. Adored grandmother of Stanley, Andre, Stephen, Ingrid, Frances, Marjeta, Gregory, David, Christopher, Alica, and Vikki. Loving great-grandmother of Cayla, Olivia, Natalia, Katie, Simona and Alexander. Mrs. Ravnikar was a singer with the church choir and at concerts. She loved cooking, baking, and sewing. Friends were received on Sunday and Monday, 2-5 and 7- 9 p.m. at Commack Abbey, Inc., Commack, N.Y. Mass of Christian Burial was on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 10 a.m. at Christ The King R.C. Church, Commack, N.Y. Interment in St. Charles Cemetery, Farmingdale, NY. Family suggests donations in her memory to Parkinson’s Foundation. GERALDINE GLOBOKAR Geraldine “Gerri” F. Globokar (nee Zuzek) age 75; loving wife of 49 years to Albert J.; dear mother of Michael and David (Lisa) daughter of Albin and Frances Zuzek (both deceased); cousin of Donald (Sue) ■Johnson. Friends were received at 2ele Funeral Home, 452 E. l52nd St., Friday, Sept. 22 from 4-8 p.m. Services at 10 am. Saturday in St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.). STANLEY SIMRAYH Stanley Simrayh, age 74, died Wednesday, Sept. 27. He was the dearly beloved husband of Michaela (nee Arko); beloved father of Magdalena Ana (Joseph) Razpotnik, Herman Michael (Suzy) Simrayh, Stanley Anthony (Bonni) Simrayh and Bernadette Elizabeth (Max) Petrovič; devoted grandfather of Monika, Joseph, Christian, Stanley, Nikolaj, Lydia, Damian, Tatianna and Adam; loving brother of Marija Strnad, Ana Dvoršak, Elza Zupevc, Enika Klinc and the late Leopold and Joseph Simrayh. Mr. Simrayh was nine year president of the Slovenian American Radio Club & Radio Horn-, member of the Slovenian Cultural Center and Balinarski Klub (Bocci Ball Club), representative of St. Mary Slovenian Catholic Mission to the Archdiocese of Chicago. Funeral Mass was held at St. Mary Slovenian Catholic Mission Church, Lemont, IL. Interment in Resurrection Cemetery, Justice, IL. Arrangements entrusted to Zefran Funeral Directors, Chicago, IL. MARY TOMC Mary Tome (nee Modic) age 88. Beloved wife of William (deceased); loving mother of Jerome (Agnes), Richard (Joan), Barbara Kilker, Mary Ann Ciprano and Michael (Linda); grandmother of nine; great grandmother of four; sister of Josephine Petrovič. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Thursday, Sept. 21 from 2-5 and 7-9 p.m., where services were held Friday at 9:15 a.m. and at St. Paul Church (Chardon Rd.) at 10 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Donations in her memory to The Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. ANDREW CASHEN Andrew Cashen, age 82, a long-time resident of Madison, Ohio. Beloved son of the late Andy and Mary Cajhen; dear brother of Frank (Margaret) Cajhen; uncle of Frank A. Cajhen, Mary Jo (Kenneth) Schimann; great uncle of Alyssa and Erica; friend and long-time companion to Sue Ann. Private family services will be held at a later date. Contributions in his memory may be made to any Slovenian organization, the Slovenian Home for the Aged in Cleveland, or to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 5786 Heisley Rd., Mentor 44060. MARY FRANCES KUMP Mary Frances (Kocin) Kump was bom in the Col-linwood section of Cleveland on February 15,1924. She died in Garden Grove, California on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006. Mary is survived by her husband, Joseph A. Kump; her four children: Joseph G. Kump, Diana Serafin, Laura Holt, and Linda Gamer. She has seven grandchildren: John and Jason Serafin, Robert Gamer, and Brittney, Candice and Nicole Holt. Mary has two great grandchildren: Skyler and John A. Serafin. There will be a Memorial Mass at St. Mary’s Church (Coll.) at a later date to be announced soon. BRANIMIRA BERLEC Branimira “Mira" Berlec (nee Omahen), age 80 of South Euclid, Ohio, beloved wife of Ivan; loving mother of Sr. Maria O.S.U., Vida Berlec, Ivan Jr., Martha (Gary) Garewal and Dorothy (Raymond) Lucko; cherished grandmother of Amanda and Michael Lukco and David Garewal; dear sister of Milan Omahen. Family suggests memorial contributions in her name to St. Gregory the Great Church, or the American Red Cross. Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 5 at St. Gregory the Great Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Wednesday, Oct. 4 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Mary Ann Selan of Perry, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of the 13th anniversary of both her husband, Michael Sejan, and mother, Jennie Feme. In Memory Thanks to Paul Florjančič of Euclid, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Lois Florjančič. In Memory Thanks to Dr. Daniel P. Siewiorek of Pittsburgh, PA who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of his parents, Frank and Lena Siewiorek. all to attend the fourth talk in our 2006 Lecture Series. The foundation is extremely pleased that Stane Kuhar and Paul Kosir will present a discussion on the concept, development and construction of St. Vitus Village. The program, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., in Euclid, Ohio. A coffee and strudel social will follow the lecture. St. Vitus Village is one of the newest institutions in the Cleveland Slovenian Community. Opened in 2001, the independent senior living facility provides a safe new residence for St. Vitus parishioners and the wider Generous Donation Many thanks to Nada Roberts of Bradenton, FL who renewed her subscription and added a $100 donation! Donation Thanks to Bernie Krašovec of Pueblo, Colorado who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Vi Rupena of Willoughby Hills who renewed her subscription and added a $15 donation. She writes, “Keep up the good work!" community. This beautiful new building also serves as a catalyst for the revitalization of the St. Clair neighborhood of Cleveland. In their presentation, Stane Kuhar will review the initial concepts, planning and development of this challenging project. Paul Kosir, the general contractor for the building, will discuss the implementation and construction process. Stane Kuhar is the Finance Director of St. Vitus Church where he is responsible for the temporal affairs of the parish. In this role, he coordinates volunteer activities, fund-raising and long term planning for the parish. Paul Kosir is president of Pako, Inc., a precision manufacturing company of aircraft equipment located in Mentor, Ohio. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Mirko Vombergar of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $10.00 donation. Large Donation Thanks to I. Hilary Rolih of Syossett, NY who renewed his subscription and added a $100.00 donation! In Memory Thanks to John P^rovsek of Euclid, OH who donated $100.00 to the American Home in memory of Ivan and Agnes ((Nežka) Perovsek. Zele Funeral Home • MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 In Loving Memory of EDWARD KAIFESH 14,h Anniversary of the passing of our beloved husband, father, grandfather who died October 9,1992 Nothing can ever take away, The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps him near. Sadly missed by: Jo Ann, wife, Ken, Kevin, Larry, Jimmy, and Kim Ann sons and daughter: and families AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 5, 2006 Classy Class of 1939 Meets St. Vitus Class of 1939 - Left to right: Tony Baznik, Ed Turk, Ray Kuhel, Lillian Krzywicki, Bishop Pevec, Matt Perpar, Agnes Koporc, Ed Kotar, Tony Grdina, Jim Logar, Ray Novak, Mary Gerbetz, Josephine Lesko, and Ann Stražar (seated). _____________________________________________________________(Photo by TONY GRDINA) by AGGIE KOPORC Can it be 67 years out of St. Vitus? Wow, and we “look” so good (ahem). Well, half of us cannot “see” too well, and if anything moves, we are happy about that. Really now, who cares “how we look?” The big thing is being able or at least “try” to get together, and no matter what, the Class of ’39 does a good job of it. To think we have been friends since the first grade. That’s at least 75 years of friendship. How many can boast that? This year we decided to go back to our roots. We met in the St. Vitus Village Slovenian Room, just across from “what was once” St. Vitus School. And it really made a hit with all in attendance. We were able to socialize, talk to one another on another level. What a great and memorable afternoon. Of course, I being on the committee and Tony Grdina along with his lovely wife, Betty, were first to arrive. Opening the door to the Village, we just followed our noses. Ummm, smelled so-o-o-good, to our meeting room. Chef Linda Plečnik and ier assistant Stephanie Zam-:en were cooking up a storm. They did a great job. The tables were perfectly idomed with “real” china (so /ery nice), hors-d’oeuvres laces for the taking, even grape juice” was there for lose wishing to partake in omething a bit more daring ahem). Good for the soul, ley say. Slowly they arrived, The ■ogars... Jim., and Millie, long with Lif Krzywicki /ith Flo Jaksic, Ray and letty Kuhel. Ray is our comedian,” and we can al- ways be sure he comes prepared with a joke or two, and he did. Very funny, really very funny. Thanks Ray for the laughs. You always make our day. Went to see if anyone else was coming. Sure enough, there was Mary (Repar) Gerbetz from Cuyahoga Falls with her two daughters Bemie and Ann (lovely young ladies), followed by Josie (Makse) Lesko with her also lovely daughter Linette Davis. In fact, Rudy Sterk was so impressed with how “young” our classmates looked (he was eyeing the daughters...) and I gave him the impression they were part of our class. Ha, ha, who was I kidding? Matt Perpar and his lovely wife, Kay, moved from Florida back to the best location in the nation. They were enjoying the surroundings saying they were glad to be back home. It was great seeing Ann (Cimperman) and hubby, Tony Stražar, both always smiling. They don’t go dancing any longer, but still love the music. Lovely couple. Great to see Klarie Turk, husband of Mimi. Mimi Turk was one of the “original” committee members when we had our first reunion, the 25th in 1964. She is gone, but not forgotten. Missed at this gathering were Fran Spech and her husband, Dr. Tony. Bill and Josephine Gabriel, Rich Sterle who now resides at the Slovene Home for the Aged, The Bill Sterlings, Mary Sta-zar, the Vahcic’s, and a few others who reside out of state, namely Joe and Helen Vidmar. Marian (Močnik) and Phil Croak, Ed Tomazin, ana a few others I cannot recall. Last to arrive was none other than our own Bishop Ed Pevec. Such a kind and gentle man. Makes his rounds to every table. Blessed the food - and the feast was on. Everything from “soup to strudel,” etc., ummm good... was served.. .well digested. After a short “welcome” by yours truly, Tony Baznik read a letter that was sent to him in 1946 by then “Lefty” Pevec. Great letter to a serviceman. It contained several typed pages, single spaced at that. Wonderful. Former Judge still attorney Edmund Turk, wife Susie, Ed Kotar and Marie were talking up a storm. When E. Turk remembered he had a surprise video to show the class, it was of a trip we took about 15 years ago. We had gone to Atwood Lodge for dinner and then took a ride on the ferry around Atwood Lake. So very nostalgic, seeing so ttfs COOL To Be SLOVENIAN BAR MANAGER Bar Manager needed at Collinwood Slovenian Home. Call for appt. after 12 noon. many of our mates that have passed on to their reward. How “young” we were. We had music by Tony Baznik, which included a wonderful sing-along, really brought a few tears to our eyes. Special get well wishes to Ray Gobec, Treasurer of St. Vitus Alumni, after having knee replacement surgery about a month ago and is now in his latter days of recuperation. He has been ‘practicing’ his polka dance steps for the past few weeks. Maybe the waltz would be a bit easier on the footwork, don’t you think? Anyway, our Alumni Buddies wish you a speedy and complete recovery. Great News: Ed Arhar, husband of alumni member Annie and “dear ole Dad” of our 2006 honoree Jo Anne Arhar, is now recuperating AT HOME, after being in the Cleveland Clinic for most of the year, a period of eight months. Keep the health improvement going. Our prayers and best wishes. Also on the Not Well List are staunch members of the St. Vitus Alumni Tony Pozelnik and sister Albina. Keep them in your prayers. Thinking of you with wishes for better health to come. Another “gentle reminder” to come to the alumni meeting on Thursday, Oct. 5th at 7 p.m. The day ended all too soon. Many were not there. Each year we lose one or more. And each year it is more difficult for some to come. But by hook or crook, we all TRY for the next one. Until—we meet again, z Bogum. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 Right Answer to Old QUIZ by James V. Debevec II What TV series won more Emmys than any other series in TV history? Here are some of the answers we have received: “Gunsmoke,” “Frazier,” “Happy Days,” “West Wing,” “Bonanza,” “I Love Lucy,” and “Mash,” but they are not correct. We thought we’d fool everyone because the answer was a daytime show called, “Sesame Street.” Submitting the right answer were Joe Burya of Euclid, Marie Dular of Cleveland, Anne Lawson of Kentucky, Sandy Green of KSKJ fame, and Stan Žakelj of Broadview Heights, Ohio. Mary Tyler Moore Show got 29 Emmys, and Frasier received 37, but Sesame Street was awarded 109 Emmys, more than any other television series. Most people liked the hint of children and monster cookie given in the last issue of American Home. Next quiz: By what other name was Fenwick Babbit known? John C. Turek is not eligible to enter as he played the part in a movie. Send answers to James’ Quiz ah@buckeveweb.com or mail to Jim, American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Pet Blessing Did you hear about the Pet Blessing celebrating the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi? It will be held at Saint Christine Church, 840 East 222 Street in Euclid, OH -telephone (216) 261-1410. Date is Saturday, Oct. 7 at 10 and 11 a.m. 216-486-1105 Everyone is welcome. 216-681-6649 Brickman-I>i Donato FUNERAL HOME Jeff DiDonato, owner Tom Corrigan Harlan Saxton Lloyd Rankin 21900 Euclid Ave. Euclid, OH 216-481-5277 Caring ~ Compassionate ~ Dedicated to Euclid AMMICAN SlOVfNIAN CATHOUC / /UNION BECOME A MEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT PLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium - $1.00 per thousand in PA $1.20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MT, OH, DC, Wl Call your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1 -800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com \§hj This and that from Emilee by EMILEE Don’t forget to vote on Nov. 7. I Tony Petkovšek played a little ditty a couple of weeks ago on his radio show 0n WELW. It was sung by a f°uP of gals called “Travel gents.” Play it again. Rest in peace Anthony Martinčič, brother to Joseja lne Gradac. Arrangements y C°sic Funeral Home, Rte. U Dwhich is) Chardon Rd. 3 a lengthy conversation 1 h Josie. Long time friend r°m St. Clair Avenue now ending at Gateway. Deepest Apathies to family and felatives. . L'l Dombroski had a fall j r°ke her hand. The cast something that I am famil-l . Wlth- Been there, done v, twice. Mama Mia, ,1 at a bummer. Keep your ^ UP> Lil. It’ll soon be ,^8gie Bell passed away J Past month. What a onderfui lady. Long-time eaynd- Wife to Eddie (EB), l .®s children and relatives. CS on Glass/Lausche w?nue for many years. We . ^ss her. Condolences, j y son Rikk and fiancee 'Cst Coast, I/. ;* sPent a week on the visited San Fisherman’s I **• Alcatraz, Monterey, Jose, the wine area. Had hPat time. Welcome back. pe a°d Marie Azman a few days over the rig •r Day weekend just taking easy on Mackinaw Is-Cfy'i Michigan. Both are %1'US^ w'^ their business .foments and needed a l'%e needed some sfw hme. Now they are ^edtodo “their thing.” iety of 3r ^ Rosary So- II ^t. Vitus dinner was Mair y> Sept 10 at the tn ln de Porres audito- lsist h V’tus area)- Dinner ed of roast beef or t. ■Emilee Jenko chicken with all the trimmings catered by Sophie Mazi and Linda Plečnik. Raffles were also held. No, I wasn’t a winner, but many lovely selections were given away in the Chinese auction. The Lojske Dolina, an independent group had a meeting and dinner at SWH with John and Jan Telich, Joe and Anne Zgonc and a few members in attendance. Chuck Zgonc at the helm with the able assistance of Matt Zabukovec. An ex-Clevelander who now resides in Green Valley, Arizona sent me pecans. She tells me that they grow quite extensively in Arizona. John and Josie Krane were owners of a tavern on St. Clair Avenue, you probably know them. John has passed away, but Josie remained in Arizona. Josie, thank you for the treat. Very much appreciated. A little late, but nevertheless very meaningful... the 51st wedding anniversary of John and Helen Kozlevchar on August 20th. Two lovely people and so active in all Slovenian cultural affairs. Many, many more years ahead. LUV YA. Our St. Clair Pensioners Picnic in the Park was well attended, 70 to be exact. Many thanks to Steffi Dalic, all the way from Madison, Ohio for baking the delicious flancete. They were absolutely out of this world, just like mother used to make. Some prizes were raffled PERKIN’S Restaurant 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 . 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Specialists In Corrective Hair Coloring tind & brenda’s SALON l?989 /461-0623 5216 Wilson Mills Rd. Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 off... as usual — no cigar. A variety of pastry was supplied by the Pensioners. Thanks to everyone for all the help. Just heard that Pauline Benzie from Orange, California passed away. My deepest sympathies to all the family of the Nagode clan. Rest in peace. The pancake breakfast at St. Christine’s was very filling. It was very ample for such a small price. Lodge #6 and #40 of AMLA were the hosts. The kitchen crew did themselves proud. It was great. The Slovenian Women’s Union Festival was on Oct. 1st at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio. Mass was with Bishop A. Edward Pevec. Music by Joey Tomsick. Chinese auction and plenty of good Slovenian food. Haven’t seen Ed and Fran Kamak for some time. Hope all is okay. Keep in touch. Sept. 28 - Happy Birthday to Fran Chumey, the polka honey of Dale Bucar’s Sunday show on WELW radio. Many happy returns from all your fans. Zivio. Don’t forget to vote on Nov. 7. October birthdays: Agnes Kronitz, Mary Jo Rom, Fr. John Kumse (St. Mary’s Church), Judie Vegh, David Vegh, Gus and Chris Fran-gos. Wedding Anniversary wishes to Tony and Chris Mihelich. Best wishes to all these wonderful individuals. The reverse raffle held at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair was very exciting. Two of my friends were the holders of winning tickets. They are two great guys: Joseph Hočevar and Danny Reiger. Dinner was catered by Julie Zalar. Hosts were the board of the SNH. Very well put together. My dinner guests were Terri Hočevar, Susan Schumacher, Jim and Bert Pavlik. New parents... Ken and Jackie Ranallo, grandparents are Pat and Rich Zele. Twin boys, Vincent and Cameron. Best wishes to these adorable twin angels. Friday, Sept. 15 I stopped at St. Mary’s Church in Col-linwood for krofe, but I was Fortuna FUNERAL HOME 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleve OH Joseph & Virginia Fortuna Founders in 1958 (216) 641-0046 NEW & 2nd LOCATION OPENING FALL 2006 7076 Brecksville Rd. Independence, OH LICENSED STAFF: John Fortuna - James Trzaska , Mary Ann (Fortuna) Trzaska too late. They said, “Come back Saturday morning.” But I did meet a very personable lady Mrs. Ann Kosir. She was so nice and apologetic. I’ll be back another day for some goodies. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Paul and Andy Rasper on the passing of wife and mom, Eleanor. She was in and out of the hospital the past few months. The arrangements were by Zak Funeral Home on St. Clair Avenue. Mass was with Fr. Ron at St. Andrews Church on East 52 nd and Superior Ave. Rest in peace, Eleanor. The luncheon was held at Sterle’s and many people attended. Much togetherness was shown. Condolences to Julie Zalar and family on the passing of mother and grandmother, Agnes Jerin. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. She is among the angels. God bless. What a pleasant afternoon I had as the guest of Dan Reiger at the steak and chicken roast given by the St. Vitus Catholic War Vets held at the Eagles Lodge on Euclid Avenue. Many prizes were raffled off, but the height of the day was the balinca tournament. Much fun. We were all pretty bad, I mean bad, but fiin was had by all. The dinner was catered and very tasty, the camaraderie was fantastic. Thanks, guys, for a wonderful day with friends and good fellowship. Congratulations to Joey Samsa, recipient of the WELW birthday club winner g on Sept. 19. He receives V luncheon for four at the Hilltop on E. 260th St., and Dairy Queen Whip, and his name in lights at the Security Storage facility billboard seen off Route 2. Happy Birthday. Childhood friends of mine meet once a month at the SWH to enjoy their fab fish fry. We reminisce about the old times at the La Salle Theater on East 185 St. Those were the days... What do you say ladies? The gals are Bea Tanko, Faye (Fayzee) Zahurancik, and Lil Desanter. How about the sweet shop next door to the theater where we met all the good looking boys? Ooh, la-la. AMLA will hold a clambake at SNPJ on Oct. 7 catered by Maple Heights. On Oct. 21 the lodges together (8, 9, and 38) will sponsor a goulash polenta dinner at Holmes Avenue Slovenian Home. Mmmm, sounds so good. On Nov. 5 th Lodge #6 will celebrate their 95* anniversary at the Croatian Lodge Party Center. It is a Sunday afternoon starting at 1 p.m. Congratulations. So much for now... Till we meet again, I will leave you with this thought: By your hands we are fed; by your words we are led. We thank you for your many gifts and pray that we will always be blessed. God bless all. Love ya, Emilee Apartment for rent Two bedroom apartment, spacious living room with two baths is now available for rent at St. Vitus Village. The apartment comes complete with a refrigerator, stove, microwave, garbage disposal, and a washer and dryer. All utilities: gas, electric, water, heat, and air conditioning (you control the temperature you enjoy), 24 hour emergency monitoring and 55 channels of cable TV are included in the monthly charge. Enjoy care free living in a facility which has: a Social Room on each floor, a Chapel, Conference Room, and a Party Room on the first floor. Secured, gated parking lot and eleven indoor heated garages. Full security, fire protection, and1 surveillance cameras. Locked gates and entrance doors accessible with resident’s keys or private security codes. Each apartment has several emergency pull stations for 24 hour monitoring. Cutting edge heating and cooling technology. Beautifully landscaped courtyard with waterfalls provides you with a relaxing environment. No more repair bills, no more grass cutting and leaf raking, no more snow shoveling, no more dragging the trash to the curb, etc. We will repair or replace, in a timely manner, any appliance that does not operate properly. Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? Then this is the place for you. Call Rudy at (216) 361-0300. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 5, 2006 , AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 5, 2006 j 10 APPLES FRITTERS 1 cup flour V* tsp. salt 1 Vi tsp. baking powder 1/3 cup milk 3 tabls. sugar 1 egg 4 apples peeled and thinly sliced. (Macs, Romes, Jonathans) Mix dry ingredients. Beat egg and add milk. Make a well in the dry ingredients. Add liquid and mix until just moistened. Fold in apples. Drop batter by spoonfuls into hot deep fat. Fry, turning once until golden brown. Drain on towels and when cool sprinkle with powdered sugar. Enjoy!! —Emilee Jenko Euclid, Ohio Zucchini Bread Pudding \ My friend Sally Koepke found this recipe and it’s a, different presentation for zucchini. It’s a bit of work and \ about a million calories, but once you taste it, you’ll agree! that it’s worth making. Ingredients: 2 medium zucchini, sliced VS” thin Vi C corn (fresh or frozen) 2 T olive oil Vi Č chopped roasted red pepper* 1 T minced garlic 1 T minced fresh basil 1 T snipped fresh parsley 1 T chopped fresh sage 5 C bread cubes (Italian or sourdough) 4 oz. shredded Swiss cheese 3 T chopped toasted pecans 2 C Half-n-Half 5 eggs, slightly beaten a i Salt and Va t pepper Directions: Preheat oven to 350°. Grease a 2-quart casserole (I use i the Coming Ware souffle bowl). Cook zucchini and com in i oil in a large pan. Stir in peppers, garlic and herbs. Cook 2 , minutes more. Stir in bread. Place half of this mixture in the ! pan, sprinkle with half the cheese, and repeat layers., Sprinkle top with pecans. In a medium bowl, mix cream, i eggs, salt and pepper. Carefully pour over the mixture, and , bake, uncovered for 35 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before i serving. * You can either buy them in ajar, or roast them yourself. If, you want to roast them yourself, put the peppers on a cookie i sheet that you’ve sprayed with Pam, and put it into a 400-1 degree oven, turning occasionally, for about an hour. Let, them cool slightly and peel and seed (the peels should be i blackened and should slip off easily under water). You can , store any extra in ajar, covered with olive oil. —Kim Ann Kaifesh I Our Family and Friends Recipes , > *1 Escorted Cruises and Tours for 2007" at Sea celebrate 20 years of Cruising with your hosts: Tony Klepec and Lou Straser Sail aboard the Holland America Zuiderdam March 17 - 24, 2007 Lots of good Alpine music aboard an excellent ship! Portugal, France & Spain Join Fr. Boznar, Pastor of St. Vitus in Cleveland on a journey to the revered Pilgrimage sites of Fatima. Lourdes. & Santiago de Compostela 1st Class hotels, deluxe motorcoach, expert guides, most meals and airfare from $2649 March 3 - 12, 2007 Limited to one motorcoach ^Please call today! ‘Celebrating 83 Years in Travel, since 1923” Kolhinder World Travel ) 971 F. 185th St * Cleveland OH 44119 (800) 800-5981 + (216) 692-1000 www. kol la n der.com I!! Please call, write or email for a complete brochure !! fl Ansambel Spev Plays for 3rd Alpine Evening We invite all lovers of the Slovenian polka, waltz, and folk song to the 3rd Alpine Evening being sponsored by St. Mary’s Parish on Friday, Oct. 6 in the Parish Hall. Guest musicians for the evening will be Ansambel Spev from Slovenia. Never heard of this band? You surely will, as Ansambel Spev was voted the most promising Slovenian band of 2005. They began as three, then four, and are now a group of five young men, ages 25 to 31, from the Štajerska region. Some of the men knew each other from earlier years singing in the mixed chorus Svoboda (Freedom) in Šoštanj. The band first performed in Switzerland in September, 2002. Their name literally translates to melodic, lyrical “Song.” Their first album titled, "Klic ruševca” (Call of the Blackcock) had been released in 2004. Their song “V klasju skrit je čas žanjic, ” evokes the times of harvest maidens in the wheat fields, was chosen as the #1 song of the year 2005 by listeners of Radio Slovenia. With their many awards at music festivals throughout Slovenia, they are already among the top-ranked bands. Besides festival awards such as Best Debut group, Favorite Band, 1st place juried awards, Best Lyrics, People’s Choice award, and First Place Overall, they have won the Šifrer award for Best Vocal Harmony. A crowd favorite is their medley of Lojze Slak songs. They recently released their new album “/Zed, da boš moja” (Say That You’ll Be Mine) which includes a rendition of the famous Slak romantic waltz ‘We prižigaj luči” (Don’t Tum the Light On) with the legendary zither-artist Miha Dovžan. You can leam more about the group and even listen to MP3 snippets of music (click “naša glasba”) at their Slovenian website www.ansambel-spev.com. The band is coming to America at the invitation of Pittsburgh’s Slovenian radio program. We are looking forward to their only Cleveland performance at St. Mary’s on Holmes Avenue in the Collinwood neighborhood of Cleveland. The Alpine Evenings have become quite popular among previous attendees, for this is where happy, spirited p® pie, good music, authenl Slovenian cooking, and got “spirits” combine. Get group of friends together ai join in the fun. In keep® with the Alpine theme, dot forget to don your best ed weiss-decorated garb, k* hosen, and Alpine mount« hats. The only reserved seal1 will be for complete tables1 10 persons. Call Eliza*16 Žalik at 440-537-1941. > other seating will be 56 only at the door, first-com first served. Admission $10. Doors open at 6 p 01 short performance at 7 P-will be followed by ^ for dancing. The kitchen * feature Weiner schnitzel <*• ners and sandwiches an111 other Alpine dishes 1 desserts for sale. A selec*1 of beers and wines *r‘ Slovenia and other MP1 countries will be offer6*1 the bar. The hall is ha11 capped accessible. Seen1 will be provided in the P31 ing lots. All are heartily vited to join the fun oft*16 Alpine Evening ^ Ansambel Spev. Yodel" hee-huu. -sy*' ti o P Ž tl 0 b n n vi ir B Zi ki la h, si ui A Journey of Hope Luncheon The annual “Journey of Hope” luncheon will be held on Saturday, Nov. 4 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Windows on the River in the Flats. The group provides financial support to adult cancer patients and their families. For more information, please call (216) 262-0612. —Kim Ann Kaifesh Chairman Palčinka Breakfast St. Mary (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School will host a palčinka breakfast on Sunday, Oct. 29 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon at the Parish Center. The egg, sausage and crepe breakfast is $7 for adults and $4 for children. Everyone is cordially invited. i I- T---V--------------- Tony's... Old World Plaze j Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 ^ , 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them. as out customers. Actual Newspaper Ad$ FREE Yorkshire Terrier: 8 years old. Hateful little monster. Bites FREE PUPPIES: '/, Cocker Spaniel - Vi sneaky neighbor’s dog. FREE PUPPIES: Part German Shepherd - Part Stupid Dog. FREE GERMAN SHEPHERD: 85 lbs. Speaks German and was once petted by Arnold Swartzenhagger. COWS, CAVES: bred. Also 1 Gay Bull f° sale. vi NORDIC TRACK: $3°C Hardly used, call Chubby' GEORGIA PEACHE^ California grown - 89 cetl' pound. t WEDDING DRESS F^ SALE: Worn ONCE by ^' take. $300. Thanks to Emma PogaCfl( for these funny ads. To be happy with a man, a woman must understand hi*113 and love him a little. j To be happy with a woman, a man must love her a lot & not try to understand her at all. LAVRISHA 216-391-0036 Construction & Repair Service$ Rokodelec Contractor (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 Zele & Zele Co., L.P.A Ronald Zele, Scott J. Zele, Zachary F. Attorneys-at-Law 38106 Third Street Willoughby, Ohio 44094 m ni ik $1( je sel ik ta] h tii ski Vo 8a spi SB ih Ti ii t>e| Ni Ameriška Domovina r iiTi n »i vii i> g; r^T ri l — AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, October 5, 2006 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER - Vesti iz Slovenije - Sestanek obrambnih ministrov držav-članic NATO pretekli teden v Portorožu - Tudi obrambni sekretar ZDA Donald Rumsfeld Obrambni ministri 26 držav-članic zveze NATO so se zbrali v Portorožu, poglavitna točka na sporedu pa je bil Afganistan in odločitev NATA, da bo zveza prevzela neposredno poveljstvo NATO-vih sil v tej dr-'kvi, tudi nad ameriškimi vojaki, ki jih je trenutno kakih 10.000. Vojaška zveza išče °d svojih članic dodatnih 2.500 vojakov, a i'h še ni mogla dobiti, le Poljska je oblu-btla 1.000 vojakov več. Ameriško delegacijo na sestanku je vodil obrambni sekretar Do-nald Rumsfeld, ki sicer doma doživlja števne kritike in zahteve, naj odstopi oziro-ma naj ga predsednik Bush odstavi, kar pa ®tish odklanja. Sestanek v Portorožu je bil kot priprava ^ sestanek na vrhu voditeljev Nato držav, *d bo potekal v zadnjem delu novembra v *atvijski prestolnici Riga. Slovenija ima maj-^tt kontingent vojakov v Afganistanu, to v sklopu svojega članstva v NATU, ni pa še strpela nobenih izgub zaradi te navzočnosti. ^ejni 'pori med Slovenijo in Hrvaško ne Pojepjujejo - Prvič uporabljene posebne slovenske policijske enote ob meji Ko so konec avgusta z območja po ^loobmejnem prehodu Hotiza med Slovenjo in Hrvaško prišle informacije, da hrva-k* delavci gradijo cesto, ki naj bi ogrozila ^ovensko ozemlje posebej pri vasi Mirišče, slovenska vlada na območje poslala po-enote slovenske policije, da so hrva-** Poseg ustavile. V Hotizo sta nato prišla ko premier Janez Janša in hrvaški kolega v° Sanader. Dosegla sta dogovor, s kate-7® sta se obe strani zavezali, da bosta *upaj nasipe ob Muri obnovili. Ta dogo-°r Pa ni držal več kot nekaj dni, ko so 8a hrvaški policisti kršili. Slovenska reakcija je bila odločna. Na P°rno območje so spet prišli slovenski po- I licisti, ki so z bagrom prekopale sporno cesto in Hrvatom preprečili, da bi se še približevali vasi Mirišče. Hrvaška vlada je odgovorila s protestnim pismom slovenski, vendar do kakšnega trajnega kompromisa obe strani nista prišli. Po drugi strani je Hrvaška itak pod določenim zunanjim pritiskom. Ko je Evropska unija pretekli teden odobrila priključitev EU Romuniji in Bolgariji - sicer pod poostrenimi pogoji - je tudi izjavila, da s tem bo po vsej verjetnosti za daljšo dobo sprejemanje novih članic zamrznjeno. To pomeni, da bo morala Hrvaška čakati dlje za članstvo v EU, kar je sicer ena prednostnih zelja te države in njene vlade. Dejstvo je tudi, da ima Hrvaška mejne spore tudi s svojimi drugimi sosedi. Slovenska borza v zadnjem četrtletju ena najbolj močnih - Tudi slovenska valuta Poročilo v ponedeljkovem Wall Street Joumalu kaže, da je bila slovenska borza zelo napredovala v tretjem letošnjem četrtletju, ki obsega mesece julij, avgust in september. V tem času je borza po indeksu Dow Jones napredovala za dobro šestino, torej kar 16,33 točke, s tem je bila tretja na celotnem seznamu držav, hitreje sta bili le Filipine in Mehika, borza v ZDA je šla višje “le” za 4,28 točke. Tudi slovenska valuta je postala močnejša na komparativnem indeksu, kar za 13,42 točke. NSi gleda na prihajajoče lokalne volitve -te bodo 22. oktobra - z optimizmom Sredi septembra so se člani in privrženci vladne stranke Nove Slovenije (NSi) zbrali ob Velenjskem jezeru na četrtem taboru stranke. Srečanje, ki se ga je po ocenah organizatorjev udeležilo okoli 5 tisoč ljudi Je minilo v znamenju pogovorov s predstavniki NSi na lokalni ravni in optimizma do lokalnih volitev. Optimističen v je bil še posebej strankin predsednik Andrej Bajuk. 4 * in °MlNSKO ZNAMENJE PRI MOZUU - v času italijanske okupacije 1941-1943 vJ^janje komunistične revolucije, ki je vodila partizansko odporniško gibapje v Slo-'Ol’.S° na območju Ljubljanske pokrajine delovali tudi odredi Jugoslovanske vojske v ji ”°vilni (JVvD). V nedeljo, 24. septembra, je Društvo za zamolčane grobove v Slovem-'h>ik- P.°dodbor Grčarice imela spominsko slovesnost za septembra 1943 pobitimi pripadli*1 'n somišljeniki Jugoslovanske vojske v domovini in to pri kapelici v Mozlju. Ka-Hllje obnovljena kot spominsko znamenje, registrirano kot spominsko znameiye Re-.S,ovenije. Na spomeniku v kapelici, kjer je bilo likvidiranih še neznano število dn«kov JVvD in somišljenikov, je zapisanih do 200 imen tam pobitih Slovencev. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Alpski večer— Ta bo v petek zvečer v dvorani pri Mariji Vnebov-zeti. Gostoval bo ansambel “Spev” iz Slovenije. Vrata bodo odprta ob 6h zv., nastop se bo pričel ob 7h. Vstopnice dobite pri vhodu. Martinovanje— Letošnje že tradicionalno martinovanje, ki ga prireja Štajersko-Prekmurski klub, bo v soboto, 21. oktobra, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju. s pričetkom ob 6.30 zv. Za ples in zabavo bo igral ansambel Veseli godci. Za vstopnice ($25) in več informacij: Tonica na 440-256-6716 ali Mimi na 216-531-4817. Novi grobovi Stanley Krevh st. Umrl je 71 let stari Stanley Krevh ml. iz Wick-liffa, mož Anne, roj. Voje, oče Stanleya ml., Anne Parker in Erika, 11-krat stari oče, brat Franka, Adolpha, Sanike Kordez ter že pok. Augusta in Milana. Pogreb je bil 2. oktobra v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Viljema. Andrew Cashen Umrl je 82 let stari Andrew Cashen, dolga leta živeč v Madisonu, sin že pok. Andyja in Mary, brat Franka, stric. Pogreb je bil privaten, družinski. Družina pa priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin kateri koli slovensko ameriški organizacije, ki je darovalcu blizu, ali pa Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 oz. Hospice of the Western Reserve, 5786 Heisley Rd., Mentor, OH 44060. Pokojni je tekom mnogo let zvesto podpiral številne slovenske organizacije. Julia Zivkovich Dne 29. septembra je u-mrla 86 let stara Julia “Judy” Zivkovich iz Euclida, rojena Femec, žena Edwar--da, mati Judith Bisbee in Edwarda ml., 5-krat stara mati, sestra Albine Mitska-vich in že pok. Mary Noda, članica AMLA št. 45, podr. št. 32 SŽZ in več farnih or-ganizacij pri sv. Kristini. Pogreb je bil 2. oktobra v oskrbi Brickmanovega zavoda na Euclid Ave. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Kristine in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. (DALJE na str. 15) “Koline” to nedeljo— Pristavski upokojenci še enkrat vabijo na svoje “Koline”, ki bodo to nedeljo, 8. novembra, na Slovenski pristavi. Serviralo se bo samo od 12. ure do tretje ure popoldan. Vsi ste lepo vabljeni! Še ena “stoletnica” blizu— V nedeljo, 5. novembra, bo fara Marija Vnebovzeta praznovala stoletnico ustanovitve. Slovesna sv. maša bo ob 11. uri, sledil ji bo banket in ples v farni dvorani. Vstopnice za banket so po $40 za odrasle in po $20 za otroke pod dvanajstim letom. Potrebne so rezervacije (216-761-7740). Zahvala— Ga. Tinka C. Vombergar: “Najlepša hvala vsem, ki ste me obiskali za časa mojega bivanja v Euclid bolnici, kjer sem imela dve operaciji. Posebna zahvala č.g. Jožetu Božnarju, ki mi je prinesel duhovno tolažbo, in mojim otrokom (dr. Mirko, Lojzka in Irenčka), ki so mi bili v stalno pomoč v moji bolezni, ter vsem sorodnikom in znancem, ki ste me obiskali. Bog plačaj vsem!” Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društva fare sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov in rezancev v soboto, 14. oktobra, ob običajnem času v društveni sobi. Pridite! St. Vitus Village— V torek, 17. oktobra, bosta g. Stane Kuhar in g. Pavel Košir govorila o ustanovitvi in poteku projekta St. Vitus Village. To bo v sklopu predavanj Slovenian American Heritage Foundation in sicer v torek, 17. oktobra, v spodnji dvorani Slovenskega društvenega doma na Rechev Ave. v Eu-clidu. Javnost vabljena in vstopnine ni. Zajtrk Slov. šole— Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti vabi vse na zajtrk s palačinkami, ki bo v nedeljo, 29. oktobra, v župnijski dvorani ob 8.30 do 12. opoldan. Vse lepo vabljeni. V podporo listu— Bernie Krašovec, Pueblo, Colo., je daroval $25 v pomoč listu. Ga. Mary Ann Selan je prav tako darovala $25, v spomin na moža Michaela ob 13. obletnici njegove smrti, in spomin na mamo Jennie Feme. Hvala obema za podporo! A Praznovanje devetdesetletnice (1916-2006) župnije sv. Cirila v New Yorku poroča SERGEJ DELAK NEW YORK. N.Y. - V mestu, ki nikdar ne počiva, se na St. Mark’s Place nahaja naša slovenska cerkev sv. Cirila. Letos je minilo devetdeset let njenega obstoja. Zato se je slovenska skupnost v New Yorku in okolici ž župnikom p. Krizologom Cimermanom na čelu odločila za praznovanje te pomembne obletnice. Praznovali pa nismo le obletnice cerkve, ampak istočasno tudi petnajstletnice obstoja državnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije. Praznovanje sšmo se je sprevrglo v pravi festival, ki je trajal tri dni (22.. 23. in 24. septembra). Za naše skromno število faranov je bilo to praznovanje pravo razkošje. Že v petek, 22. septembra, je naša faranka, operna pevka Rosalie Olinski, pripravila koncert znanih opernih arij, duetov in kvartetov. Komentator g. Joseh Sherman je pred vsako zapeto arijo opisal njeno umestnost v operi, iz katere je bila vzeta. Ansambel “Opera on the Hudson”, ki je skupina devetih poklicnih opernih pevcev, nam je pripravila veličasten in nepozaben večer s programom Verdijevih, Wagnerjevih, Dvor-žakovih del, zapeli so še iz del Čajkovskega, Offenbacha, Giordana in Bize-ta. Bili smo srečni, saj je večina teh pevcev še v najlepših življenjskih letih in tako pri najboljših močeh. Zato so bili glasovi doneči, ubrani, čisti in trdni. Izvajanje je navdušilo tudi nepoznavalce opere tako, da so se po vsaki izvedbi aplavzi dobesedno usipali kot plazovi. Med drugimi smo poleg nežnih duetov iz Dvoržakove “Rusalke” in Čajkovskega “Pikove dame” doživljali tudi silo toreadorja v Bizetovi operi “Carmen”. Naj omenim še, da smo bili zaradi majhnosti cerkve pevcem tako blizu, da smo bili deležni vse glasovne energije, ki je ne bi bili v nobeni dvorani. Tem pevcem je Bog res dal izredne glasove. Na koncu so nam zapeli še zborovski napev “Va pensiero” iz Verdijeve opere Nabucco. Pri tej točki je po svoje “pomagala” tudi vsa publika. Pri koncertu so bili prisotni duhovniki: Milan Dimič iz Connecticuta, Alojzij Hribšek s Floride, frančiškanski p. Marjan Čudan iz LJubljane-Vič. in še koprski škof dr. Jurij Bizjak, ki je sicer bil naš slavnostni, posebni gost. Navzoči so bili tudi predstavniki slovenske države: Samo Žbogar, veleposlanik Slovenije v ZDA, Alenka Suhadolnik, gen. konzul RSlovenije v New Yorku, Matjaž Kovačič, ki je bil prvi konzul Slovenije v New Yorku po neodvisnosti, in ataše Republike Slovenije pri Organizaciji združenih narodov v New Yorku Roman Kirn. Po končanem koncertu pa še ni bilo konec praznovanja. Preselili smo se v cerkveno dvorano, ki jo je krasila lična razstava naših likovnih umetnikov, ki živijo in delajo v New Yorku in okolici. Poleg že uveljavljanih: Groma, Zupančiča in Vo-dlana so tu razstavljali še mlajši: Bibi Lenček, Matej Brane in Metka Zupančič. V nekem značilno new-yorškem vzdušju si poleg slovenščine slišal v dvorani še angleščino, španščino in ruščino. Tako so tudi prijatelji in svojci pevcev počastili našo cerkev. V soboto ob enih po- KOPRSKI ŠKOF DR. JURIJ BIZJAK OB PRAZNOVANJU 90-LETNICE SLOVENSKE ŽUPNIJE SV. CIRILA V NEW YORKU — Na fotografiji so od leve proti desni v prvi vrsti: Anki (Babnik) Moeller. Olga (Burger) Clifton, Sandi (Zupan) Grafmuller, Marjana Burger; v naslednji vrsti: David Zupan, Mija Branč, škof dr. Jurij Bizjak, Marija Zupan; v zadnji vrsti: Mojca Branč, Andrej Branč, Ivan Kamin, Michael Zupan in Jonathan Zupan. Dr. Vendelinu Špendovu za 85-letnico Dočakal ste let petinosemdeset, priznan naš muzikolog. Vsem znan organist, spoštovan komponist, glasbenik in vnet pedagog. Frančiškov zvest sin iz srca globin odsevate vdanost, krepost. Od krsta kristjan, do smrti vsak dan redovnik gojite svetost. Vedno Vam svet je Baragov zgled, srce Vam Slomška pozdravlja. Dobri Pastir prinaša Vam mir, vsak dan Vas z nebes blagoslavlja. “Zahvaljen za vse!” Vam kliče srce, z molitvic venček Vam spleta. Naj ljubi Vas Bog varuje nadlog in spremlja naj Mati Vas sveta! Vaše hvaležne ovčice in koštruni poldne 23. septembra se je darovala jubilejna maša. Slavnosten mašo je vodil koprski škof dr. Jurij Bizjak. Visok in slog se je v procesiji duhovnikov in narodnih noš približal oltarju. Pred oltarjem ga je v imenu faranov v angleščini pozdravila ga. Rose Rupnik. Stara gospa, ki je prišla v cerkev s sinom in vnuki, je hči enega izmed ustanoviteljev župnije. Vokalna skupina “Gloria” iz Ljubljane-Viča je pela s kora. S p. Čudnom je za našo slovesnost ta skupina posebej prišla v New York. S svojim petjem Je prinesla nekaj novega, liturgično glasbo, ki je nismo vajeni. Ta je bila bolj razgibana, živa, s poudarki na ritmo in sinkopiranja. Napevi so se mi zdeli ameriški, a besedilo je bilo slovensko. Nadvse zanimiva in pomembna je bila pridiga škofa Bizjaka. Začel Je z mislijo, koliko obredov se Je v devetdesetih letih zvrstilo v tej naši cerkvi. Koliko je bilo tu božičev, adventov in drugih praznikov. Kaj vse je fara. kako pomembno sporazumevanje. Nihče od nas ni sam. Še puščavniki živijo z angeli in svetniki. Zato se ljudje zbiramo, da občujemo. Cerkev je prostor za filozofska razglabljanja pa tudi za laične stvari, je prostor za utrjevanje tradicije, obnavljanja prijateljstev, za zbiranje kristjanov, za podeljevanje zakramentov, za duhovnost. Po maši je k prižnici pristopil dr. Dimitrij Ru' pel, zunanji minister Re' publike Slovenije, ki Je po izraženih mislih o pomenu naše cerkve in njenega delovanja v “Pre' stolnici sveta” skupaj 6 konzulko Alenko Suha-dolnikovo podelil našemu p. Krizologu Cimermanu priznanje Republike Slovenije za delo, ki £a opravlja med nami. To v obliki diplome. Po teh slavnostih sm° se preselili v blok oddaljeno ukrajinsko dvorano-kjer smo imeli kosilo se družili, klepetali in plesali. Za dobro volj0 so nas z glasbo, zborov skim petjem in s kak0 (DALJE na str. 13) Dr. JOŽE GOLE - DEVETDESETLETNA “Baragovi dnevi 2006” v Calumetu lepo uspeli MILWAUKEE, Wis. - Pred tremi leti je v Ameriški domovini (14. avg. 2003), sedaj že pokojni Rev. Janez Lavrih, popisal življenjsko pot biseromašni-ka dr. Goleta. Ta slavljenec je 21. septembra dopolnil 90 let. Naj povemo nekaj utrinkov iz njegovega življenja. Rojen kot osmi od devetih otrok v vasi Podgorica blizu Dobrniča na Dolenjskem, je bil krščen pri istem. kamnu kot nekoč škof-misijonar Friderik Baraga. Pet let se je šolal v domačem kraju in zaradi izredne nadarjenosti so ga kljub očetovi nejevolji poslali v škofove zavode. Tam se je preživljal z instrukcija-mi pa bil vsa leta odličnjak in naredil maturo z odliko. Začutil je, da ga Bog kliče v svojo službo, vstopil je v semenišče in obiskoval teološko fakulteto. Zanimali so ga klasični jeziki in tudi francoščina. Z znanjem tega jezika je bil v šolskem letu 1939/40 sprejet kot štud nt na Sorbonni v Parizu. A ko so Nemci zasedli Francijo, je moral zapustiti Pariz. Po petletnem študiju je bil posvečen in imel novo mašo pri Sv. Petru v Ljubljani, julija 1943. Njegova rojstna župnija Praznovanje 90. obletnice fare sv. Cirila (NADALJEVANJE s str. 12) smešnico zabavali člani “Glorie”. Pri nedeljski maši 25. septembra je zopet pela glasbena skupina “Gloria", škof dr. Bizjak pa nas Je v svoji pridigi opozoril zvestobo samim sebi ln na pomembnost človeške zvestobe v hamoniji do narave in zakona. Vse ttdsli je okrasil in dopolnil s primer iz svetega Pisma. Praznovanje se je kon-čalo s kosilom v cerkveni dvorani. Vse je bilo žlyo, zdravo in zadovoljno. Vsem se je smehljalo. Če bi me kdo vprašal, kako je bilo na Osmi za devetdesetletnico, naj - re-koprskemu škofu dr. Bizjaku v čast - “Saldo 'tapu'* ■ M F ‘ja.' m*". i- .'.a< bisernomašnik •f.l >*,T, ’V vn dr. Jože Gole Bogu hvala za vse je bila namreč tedaj na partizanskem “osvobojenem ozemlju" in novo-mašnik je bil opozorjen, naj ne pride domov, ker bi bil v smrtni nevarnosti. Njegova starša sta se nekaj dni pred novo mašo odpravila v svoj vinograd s košem, motiko in grabljami, zvečer pa skrivoma in peš po gozdovih hodila do Ljubljane. Do stražnice na mejnem bloku sta prišla opolnoči na dan nove maše, vsa blatna, utrujena. Dr. Gole ju je pričakal tam. (Medtem so mu prijatelji peli podoknico in se čudili, da se ne prikaže pri oknu stanovanja.) - Po novi maši je g. Gole vodil karitativno pisarno, pomagal beguncem z Gorenjske in Štajerske, brezdomcem in vsem, ki so zaradi vojne in revolucije bili pomoči potrebni. V soboto 5. maja 1945 se je na nasvet g. Lavriha g. Gole pridružil skupini gen. Rupnika (21 ljudi) in so se odpeljali čez Korensko sedlo -Beljak - v Grossegg nad Millstattskim jezerom. (Podrobno opisuje to pot dr. Kociper v knjigi "Kar sem živel”.) Tam je dr. Gole večkrat ministriral angleškemu vojaškemu kuratu, sporazumevala sta se v francoščini. Življenje v Grosseggu ni bilo mirno, ker so prihajale žalostne vesti, končno tudi vest o predaji domobrancev. Nekega dne so Angleži naročili beguncem v Grosseggu, naj pridejo po živilske karte. A ko so prišli tja, so jih pod stražo naložili na kamione in jih odpeljali v taborišče Spittal (po dr. Lavrihu 9. jul.). Tam so jih zaprli v barako št. 13. Bilo je ■','(( ffigmb vohvjvbr. ji,...» .... , r ■, 300 zbranih, med njimi tudi dr. Hacin, ki je svetoval g. Goletu: "Reši se!” Ko so jih posamič puščali iz barake na stranišče, se je g. Goletu posrečilo, da se je zvalil na tla in zlelel pod barako. Ob pol 3h ponoči so prišli kamioni in odpeljali vse, ki so bili v baraki. G. Goleta je naslednji dan skoro čudežno rešil tisti vojaški kurat, ki mu je g. Gole prej ministriral, in ga odpeljal iz taborišča. Preskrbel mu je dovoljenje, da sme ostati v župnišču v Ober-millstattu. Sredi poletja ga je dekan, ki je bil župnik v Obermillstattu, naprosil, češ naj mu vrne uslugo in odnese v Graz važno sporočilo nekim sestram. Zaradi varnosti pred angleško komisijo, je hodil g. Gole le po stranskih poteh in je šele po enajstih dneh prišel v Graz, seveda lačen in izčrpan, da se je na vratih samostana zgrudil. Sestre so mu skušale pomagati, čeprav niso vedele, kdo je. V nahrbtniku so nato našle dekanovo pismo. In ker so odkrile, da je g. Gole duhovnik, so ga poslale na okrevanje v svoj dom za stare ljudi v Maria Trost. Tam je za silo okreval, a takoj razmišljal, kako bi nadaljeval študij. Na univerzi v Grazu se je mogel vpisati le kot izreden kandidat za doktorat (šele po dveh letih Je dobil iz Ljubljane potrdilo, da je končal študij za diplomo in je nato postal reden kandidat za doktorat). Nekaj časa je moral delati pri odstranjevanju ruševin. V večernih urah je hodil v knjižnico, a ni smel vzeti knjig s seboj. Šele čez čas je uspel, da je s podkupnino šestih cigaret smel vzeti s seboj eno knjigo, ki jo je moral vrniti do 7h zjutraj. Tako je vsako drugo noč študiral, podnevi pa hodil na univerzo in delal. Ob težkem študiju in pičli prehrani je vmes zbolel za jetiko. Po posredovanju dekana medicinske fakultete (ki je hodil h dr. Goletovi maši pri nekih sestrah) Je bil poslan v zdravilišče, kjer se Je zdravil šest mesecev. Ko je okreval in zapustil zdravilišče, se je (DALJE na str. 14) vf-i }v/jnr.s* •> umiti sa(oW -M«tv (InbKS v rrhdterv'! rMftslSl CLEVELAND, O. - V petek, 22. septembra, smo se ob osmi uri zvečer odpeljali na dolgo pot z avtobusom v Baragovo deželo, kakor sicer kličejo severni del Michigana. Ga. Ivanka Matič je organizirala to potovanje skrbno in v vseh ozirih profesionalno. Naš ciQ je bil Calumet, Michigan, kamor smo prispeli v soboto popoldan. Po kratkem počitku v hotelu, smo se ob štirih podali v cerkev sv. Pavla. Tam je daroval sv. mašo naš rojak, prev-zvišeni kardinal Alojzij Ambrožič iz Toronta. Vsi smo ga bili zelo veseli; škoda samo, da je moral še isti večer nazaj v Kanado. Razočarani smo pa bili, da ni bilo nobenega zastopnika iz Slovenije. Po sv. maši so nam lepo postregli v cerkveni dvorani, nato smo uživali v gledališču nastop mlade Indijanke, flavtistke Jessi-ce Dakota, in pa slovenske pevske skupine iz mesta Duluth. Štirje avtobusi so pripeljali romarje iz Clevelanda, Chicage, Kanade in Dulutha, več pa jih je prišlo s svojimi avtomobili. V nedeljo zjutraj smo se odpeljali v Eagle Harbor in si ogledali edino še stoječo cerkev, ki jo je postavil škof Baraga: “Holy Redeemer”. Ob eni uri pop. smo se podali v cerkev Presvetega Srca Jezusovega, kjer je sv. mašo daroval upokojeni škof Garland, naš stari znanec. Novi marquettski škof Alex Sample ni bil navzoč, ker je na študiju v Rimu. Sv. mašo so poživili Kolumbovi vitezi in narodne noše. Večina teh noš je bilo iz Clevelanda, posebno jih je bilo belokranjskih. Po maši je bil sestanek Baragove zveze in banket v dvorani tamkajšnje uvi-verze. Zvedeli smo, da postopek za proglasitev škofa Barage blaženim lepo napreduje. Če bodo v Rimu odobrili čudež, ki ga pripisujejo Baragi, bo škof Baraga že drugo leto posvečen blaženim. Vsi govorniki so nam priporočali, da molimo, da bi se to res zgodilo. V ponedeljek zjutraj smo na poti v Marquette videli še Baragov spomenik v L’Anse, se ustavili v marquettski stolnici, kjer Je škof Baraga pokopan. Tam so nam v spodnji dvorani pripravili dobro malico za na pot, za kar je predvsem poskrbela skrbna tajnica Baragove zveze Elizabeth Delene. Na poti domov smo se ustavili še pri Indian River, kjer stojita ogromen križ in lepa kapela, kar so postavili ameriški vojni veterani, ki so se srečno vrnili domov v 2. svetovni vojni. “The Cross in the Woods” je res nekaj posebnega. Na avtobusu smo bili ves čas veselo razpoloženi. Prepevali smo in molili, še posebno za vse, ki so se nam priporočili, in pa tudi za vse naše bolnike. V Cleveland smo se vrnili v ponedeljek pozno ponoči vsi zdravi in veseli. Hvala Bogu škofu Baragi za tako lepo doživetje, ge. Matičevi pa z veseljem obljubljamo, da se bomo drugo leto zopet pridružili njej, ko bo vodila potovanje na Baragove dni in takrat v mesto Saulte Ste. Marie. Frank Urankar ^Sdies from Beautiful Slovenia. Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Din&tm WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEl/bw web: www.wcsb.org tririfib' ,;lrq?:.vT (tel.' * m?*!! Dr. JOŽE GOLE - 90-LETNIK (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 13) z vso močjo vrgel v študij in dosegel doktorat na ugledni graški univerzi. Še več! Povabljen je bil, da predava tam en del sv. pisma. - In če posežemo tu malo naprej: tudi po odhodu v Ameriko je dolga leta vzdrževal stike z blblicisti na tej teološki šoli. Petkrat so ga povabili, da je šel z njimi študijsko v Sveto deželo. Tam se je naučil tudi precej arabščine. In ob 50-letnici pridobljenega doktorata se ga je graška univerza spomnila z lepim uradnim pismom, podpisanim od rektorja in dekana. Ko je predaval v Grazu, sta prišla tja provincial patrov samostana Srca Jezusovega iz Hales Corners, Wis., in predstavnik Marquette univerze v Mil-waukeeju in ga povabila, da bi prevzel predavanja na njunih šolah. Dr. Gole je to sprejel in podpisal pogodbo za eno leto. Na jezuitski univerzi je predaval vsega pet let, fun-damentalko. 16. januarja 1950 je dr. Gole odplul iz Bremena, Nemčija, namenjen v Kalifornijo via Panamskega prekopa, a dejansko je priplul le do New Orleansa, od tam pa z vlakom v San Francisco. V jeseni je začel s predavanji v Sacred Heart Monastery v Hales Cornersm a ker je predaval v latinščini, ga ni nihče razumel. Zato je prenehal, prevzel kaplansko službo na neki fari in se učil angleščine. Za Božič je imel prvo pridigo v angleškem jezi- ku. In tako je potem v letnem semestru 1951 začel predavati po angleško. Kot -so zapisal o dr. Goletu patri tega samostana ob njegovi 40-letni-ci mašništva, je predaval filozofijo, metafiziko, govorništvo, sveto pismo, skoro vse teološke predmete. Na tej teološki šoli, na jugovzhodnem delu Milwaukeeja, je učil do svojega pokoja, potem pa bil inštruktor za pozne poklice, čeprav je “profesor emeritus”. Ni čuda, da so patri ob 40-letnici dr. Goletu dali častno članstvo svojega reda. - Njihova šola ga je v času njegovega poučevanja poslala v Francijo kot svojega zastopnika, da je predaval na zboru evropskih teologov, seveda v francoščini! Pri vsem svojem strokovnem in karitativnem delu pa dr. Gole ni nikdar pozabil slovenske skupnosti v Milwaukeeju. Pri slovenski fari sv. Janeza je vsako nedeljo maševal in pridigal vsa leta do odhoda patrov frančiškanov, 44 let! In preko 30 let je vedno maševal in pridigal ob vsaki slovesnosti v Triglavskem parku, slovenski pristavi. Tudi letos! - Njegove radodarnosti so deležni misijonarji po vsem svetu, saj ima z mnogimi osebni stik. Kdo bi mogel prešteti, koliko zakramentov je podelil ljudem v času svojega duhovništva, koliko parov je poročil, koliko otrok krstil, predvsem pa koliko bolnikom je lajšal trpljenje s svojimi obiski po domovih, bolnišnicah in domovih za ostarele ter jim prinašal duhovno tolažbo? Mnogo rojakov je spremljal na njihovi zadnji poti in za pokojne še vedno daruje svete maše. Zelo ga je prizadelo, ko se Je moral pred nekaj leti odpovedati avtu in je sedaj navezan na vožnje drugih. Ne smemo pozabiti, da je dr. Gole “kaplan" za Kolumbove viteze in da že dolga leta pomaga tudi pri skavtih. V dolgem življenju dr. —Goletu bolezni niso prizanašale. Prestal je več operacij, razne bolezni ga nadlegujejo zadnja leta Vendar ne toži, le v molitvi najde tolažbo in pomoč. V NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALO VINKO VRHOVNIK Z globoko žalostjo v srcih sporočamo vsem našim prijateljem in znancem, da nas je po težki bolezni za vedno zapustil 18. julya 2006 naš ljubljeni sin, brat, oče in stric. Pokojni je bil rojen 28. junya 1953 v Clevelandu. Pogreb je bil iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda v cerkev Marye Vnebovzete, Kjer je za pokoj duše daroval sv. mašo g. Janez Kumše. Somaševala sta tudi č. g. William Jerse in č. g. Sean Donnelly. Vsem prisrčna hvala. Hvaležni smo č. g. Kumšetu za obisk v bolnici in za zadiyo popotnico, Cleveland Clinic Pastoral Care za sv. obhajilo in č. g. Jerse za obisk v bolnici. Hvaležni smo Tonetu Lavriša in vsem prijateljem za obiske v bolnici. Prisrčna hvala pevcem za petje pri sv. maši. Iskrena zahvala Radijski družini za objavo ryegove smrti in prisrčno slovo na iyihovi oddaji. Toplo zahvalo my sprejme Ameriška Domovine za objavo iyegove smrti. Našo ntytoplejšo zahvalo naj sprejmejo vsi, ki so prišli pokojnega pokropil in molili ob njegovi krsti, sc udeležili pogrebne svete maše, darovali za sv. maše in druge dobre namene, in za šopke cvetja. Iz srca se zahvalimo vsej Urankarjevi družini in vsem, ki so nam bili ob strani ob težki izgubi našega Vinkota. Prav lepa zahvala Julki Zalar za tako dobro kosilo po pogrebu. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice, če pa smo koga prezrli, n^j nam odpusti in se mu tu zahvaljujemo. Dragi Vinko, uživaj mir nebeški skupaj s starim atom! Tvoji žalujoči: Oče Vinko - mati Mary Brata: Lojze in John z družinama Sin: Vinko - hčerka: Mary Erin In ostali sorodniki 2006 PAVLE BORŠTNIK KOMENTAR KAKO DOLGO ŠE?! PERRY, O. - V nasprotju s pričakovanji nekaterih, zlasti v politični emigraciji, ni zamenjava političnega vodstva v domovini prinesla nobene “pretresljive” spremembe v dnevnem življenju in politiki. Tudi ne v vprašanjih, ki so za Slovence po svetu, tiste, ki so domovino zapustili leta 1945, najbolj kritična. Grobovi v Kočevskem Rogu ostajajo slej ko prej nepoznani in ob tragičnem teharskem taborišču še vedno “utriplje" celjsko smetišče ... Do neke mere je bila morda oživljena debata o dogodkih, s katerih posledicami je soočena današnja slovenska družba, toda tudi ta debata ni pripeljala do kakšnega vidnega preobrata v mišljenju povprečnega slovenskega človeka. To mišljenje je še vedno pod vplivom in učinkom nekdanjega komunističnega režima in preveva slovenski vsakdan z nesporno doslednostjo, tako, da so povsem upravičena vprašanja: kako dolgo še? in kdaj se bo slovenski človek otresel te miselnosti ali, morda bolje, strahu pred drugačno miselnostjo, ki je zdaj politično sicer dovoljeno in bi bila še kako dobrodošla, če naj res kdaj pride do nekega “bratskega pomir-jenja” našega rodu. Slišijo se tudi glasovi, da še vedno trajajoča debata “za in proti" v vprašanjih medvojnega in povojnega dogajanja, v resnici podaljšuje to miselnost in onemogoča tisto toliko zaželjeno “narodno spravo”. To je morda res, vsaj na videz, in v tem je tudi morda en odgovor, zakaj sedanja vlada te stvari odriva in jih postavlja na tkim. “back burners”, kot pravijo Američani. Toda podrobnejše preučevanje tega zadržanja pripelje do brezdvomnih ugotovitev, da je namreč glavni namen tega prigovarjanja “opustimo to debato" doseči, da bi nekdanja opozicija, kritično prizadeta in usodno zaznamovana z dogodki in kasnejšo uradno "sodbo” o teh dogodkih, opustila svoje zdaj omogočene •pozabe in svoja kritična opazovanja. Spoštovani gospod dr. Gole! Naj Vas Bog blagoslavlja ter poplača vse Vaše delo in prizadevanja z boljšim zdravjem! Iskreno želimo in molimo, da bi bili še dolgo med nami! Prijatelji Kot nekdaj, ko se je drznila upreti nastopajoči komunistični zaroti in je -bila zato ožigosana s pečatom “narodne izdaje”, tako tudi zdaj, ko skuša pred narodom razkriti svoja stališča in zločine, ki so bili zagrešeni nad njo, sliši pozive, naj s to debato preneha, češ da si s tem nakopava odgovornost za še vedno trajajočo razpoko v slovenskem narodu, razpoko, ki jo je treba zaceliti. Drugače povedano: "takrat" bi se opozicija ne smela upirati komunističnemu nasilju in “danes naj o tem molči. Obakrat naj bi to bilo v najboljših interesih slovenskega naroda. Če že govorim0 o teh stvareh, pravijo-“nekateri", jih prepustim0 sodbi zgodovinarjev, str°' kovnjakov, in ne dopuščajmo neobrzdane javne razprave, Tti ne vodi nikamor ... Dober primer, kam to vodi, je nedavno objavljeni intervju, ki ga je za časopis Dnevnik opravil Ervin Hladnik Milharčič, nekdanji dopisnik lju' bljanskega Dela v Ne'*’ Yorku in kasneje, do ne' davnega, urednik Sobotn6 priloge istega časopisa-Milharčič je govoril 1 dr. Petrom Vodopivce111, zgodovinarjem in sodelav cem Instituta za novej^0 zgodovino v Ljubljani. Obema se pozna, um'- ic d» S la a k k iv h sta doraščala v kome da stični “preteklosti" W sta torej - za nam61*6 »el° tega razmišljanja - L ^ primerna za presojo, koliko nekdanja "mise nost" še danes oblvadd)6 slovensko Javno mnenj”’ pa celo mnenje zgod0 riarjev, strokovnjakov. Objava tega intervjuj sred’ človeku, ki ne živi vsakdanjega slovenske# dogajanja, nudi zanesti1^ podobo bistvenih P°te tega dogajanja ter mu ko omogoča presojo trenutnega sl skega "vsakdana’ V uvodnih priporrlC izvemo, da je dr. 7dALJE na str.' 15) slove”' Vod°' SLOTtEfAfclVL PISfURMPL 6114 LAUSGHE AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 Tel. 216-361-0300 Fax: 216-361-0321 D°m tel. 216-381-2602 E-mail: felixjgaser@adelphia.net Dobili smo novo pošiljko knjige SLOVENIA 1945 angleščini. Tako imamo sedaj na razpolago isto knjigo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Cena pri obeh je ista: $42.00. Poleg tega smo dobili tudi knjigo Franka Gormeka z naslovom FREEDOM FIGHTERS. Opisuje dogodke Illed drugo svetovno vojno kot član protikomunistične '*e§ale ali četnikov v Sloveniji. imamo na razpolago knjigo dr. Metoda Milača ^0 SOLZE NAŠE POSUŠI v obeh jezikih in je lepo 'krilo komu za god ali rojstni dan. I Tudi DVD Pevskega zbora KOROTAN je še na za-to tudi DVD posvetitve spomeniku dr. Valentinu Meršolu Še in spominske plošče v Vetrinju. mnogo drugih stvari je na razpolago in lahko ®cete Slovensko pisarno vsako soboto od 10. do • dopoldne, ob nedeljah pa po sv. maši ob pol najstih do pol ene. Najbolj sigurno pa je, če me ali pa na tel. Pisarne: Na svidenje F. Gaser J°*dičete na 216-381-2602 l6-361-0300. at ti' n o jo, n o TO- llš- me ni- KAKO DOLGO SE? (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 14) livec nedavno objavil no-knjigo o slovenski Rovinj “Od Pohlinove Vtli e do samostojne r^ve" in je ta knji- Opisana “brez očitnih foških ali političnih Junakov". Konec na-%e. ah1 ija-Je >ra-iar- 1JU' sieW nc' h )tne ( °dopivčev pregled na-zgodovine naj bi torej ideološko prebar-nekritičen ali celo tdičen. O upravičeno-navedb se bo mo-t^Vsakdo pač sam pre-Sam knjige še ni-dobil v roke, ustavil 1 Se rad le pri dveh i ktiib nauprihah ki navedbah, . vključeni v Milharči- »n ^ Pogovoru z avtorji 111 ki po svoje do-rejjjO iv. , Jeta moje uvodne 6^ o sedanji polirati v Sloveniji. il 1 re**1, •lav- “Po letu 1945,” zastavlja Milharčič eno svojih vprašanj, “so nas učili, da se se je prebivalstvo (Slovenije) uprlo (okupatorjem); upor so vodili komunisti, partizanska vojska pa je zmagala v drugi svetovni vojni. Kaj je v tej sliki narobe?” “Nič,” odgovarja zgodovinar Vodopivec. “Treba jo je samo dopolniti in problematizirati. Meščanske stranke pač niso razumele, ali pa so preprosto spregledale, da je med ljudmi vladala močna odporniška volja. Ta pripravljenost na odpor je komunistom, ki jih je bilo leta 1941 manj kot tisoč, omogočila, da so se povzpeli na čelo gibanja, ki so ga organizacijsko podredili in povezali z uporniškim gibanjem v drugih delih Jugoslavije. S tem so ustvarili položaj, ki jim je omogočil, da so iz vojne izšli kot zmagovalci. Tega ni mogoče zanikati.” Vodopivčeva razlaga razvoja v Jugoslaviji in Sloveniji je tako simplistič-na in okleščena vseh dvomljivih ali kritičnih atributov, da me nekako spominja na krožnik slastnega “golaža”, ki ga je nekdo zlil v cedilo in potem vse skupaj opral; izginile so vse začimbe, vsa tista “omaka”, ki je v resnici predstavljala “golaž”; ostalo pa je v cedilu meso, torej golaž sam...Zgodovinar je navedel osnovna “dejstva”, storil pa je to “brez očitnih ideoloških ali političnih predznakov". V istem smislu vidi Vodopivec tudi politične cilje komunistov med vojno. “Zgodovinske interpretacije,” pravi, “ se prično razhajati pri vprašanju: kako so komunisti vodili partizansko gibanje." Sam odgovarja: “Na zelo pragmatičen in nasilen način.” Tu gre spet za “opran golaž”, leporečje, ki naj zabriše tragično resnico, saj zamolči tisoč umorov, predno je kdorkoli posegel za orožje, da se z njim obrani “upornikov”. Zanimiva je tudi njegova navedba, kako se je “to” zgodilo. Namreč upor proti upornikom. “Tradicionalni strankarski voditelji,” pravi Vodopivec, “so se odločili počakati z aktivnim odporom in zato paralelnega odporniškega gibanja niso organizirali.” Dejstvo je, seveda, da je komunistična Osvobodilna fronta v enem svojih prvih “dekretov” pod smrtno kaznijo prepovedala ustanavljanje kakršnegakoli osvobodilnega ‘D’Stane Si m ray h CHICAGO, 111. - V sredo, 27. septembra, je umrl 74 let stari Stane Sim-rayh. Zanj žalujejo žena Mihaela, roj. Arko, otroci Magdalena Ana (Joseph) Razpotnik, Herman M. (Suzy), Stanley A. (Bonni) in Bernadette, E. (Max) Petrovič, 9-krat stari oče, brat Marije Strnad, Ane Dvorak, Elze Zupevc, Erike Kline ter že pok. Leopolda in Josepha, devet let predsednik Slovenian American Radio Club in Radio Hour, član Slovenskega kulturnega centra v Lemontu in Balincar-skega kluba, predstavnik slovenske katoliške misije Marije Pomagaj nadškofiji Chicago. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila v cerkvi Marije Pomagaj v Lemontu s pokopom na pokopališču Resurrection v Justice, 111. Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Žefranovega zavoda v Chicagu, 111. gibanja izven njene neposredne kontrole. In z vrsto neizzvanih zločinskih umorov, je dokazala, da ima trden namen vsak prestopek v tem smislu, v resnici kaznovati s smrtjo. Vprašajte Fanouša Emerja. (SE NADALJUJE) Novi grobovi (nadaljevalce s str. 11) Branimira Berlec Umrla je 80 let stara Branimira Berlec iz S. Eu-clida, rojena Omahen, žena Ivana, mati sr. Marije O.S.U., Vide Berlec, Ivana ml., Marthe Garewal in Dorothy Lučko, 3-krat stara mati, sestra Milana. Pogreb je danes, 5. oktobra, v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Gregorija Velikega in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. BECOME A MEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ICaN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC OnjNION Accidental death & dismemberment plan Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium - $1.00 per thousand in PA 1'20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MT, OH, DC, Wl \mt n l Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policy -M, ,rrMh Vod0- your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com ‘. vVyrV.' U U < a > • Oltarno društvo sv. Vida se zahvaljuje CLEVELAND. O. - Naše vsakoletno kosil, ki smo ga pripravile s pomočjo mnogih pridnih rok, je zopet lepo uspelo. Hvala vsem gostom za lep obisk, posebej še tistim, ki so prišli iz drugih fara. Upamo, da vam je kosilo dobro teknilo in da ste bili veseli v družbi svojih prijateljev in znancev. Najlepša hvala tudi glavni kuharici Zofi Mazi in vsem njenim pomočnicam, ki vedno skrbijo, da v kuhinji delo lepo in prav poteka. Tudi njen sin Mike je že pokazal svojo spretnost in prime za vsako delo, ko Je treba. Hvala vsem ženam in dekletom, ki so pomagale v kuhinji, Stanetu Kuharju, da je s svojimi pomočniki postavil mize in stole, in vsem tistim dekletom, ki so pripravile mize in jih okrasile s cvetlicami, katere nam je zopet podaril naš zvesti dobrotnik James Slapnik. Naj se na tem mestu prisrčno zahvalim za njegovo uslužnost, ki nam jo izkazuje že mnogo let. Da so bile stojnice kar bogato založene, gre vsa pohvala dobrotnicam za pecivo in darila. Vse je res lepo potekalo. Najlepša hvala Ameriški domovini za oglase ter Radijski družini in Toniju" Petkovšku za vabila na naše kosilo. Srečni dobitniki pri žrebanju: 1. dobitek: $100 - Je dobila Marie Agh iz East-lake, O. 2. dobitek: afghan - je zadela Ann Kern iz St. Vitus Village 3. dobitek: $50 - Marija Žakelj iz St. Vitus Village 4. dobitek: $25 - Vika Kolarič (kar je podarila Oltarnemu društvu) 5. dobitek: $25 - Bob Hočevar iz Seven Hills, O. 6. dobitek: steklenica “cheer” - je dobila Ann Golop iz Willowick. O. Ivanka Matič Melito- til LEMONTSKI ODMEVI P. Bernardin Sušnik Oktober je po gregorijanskem koledarju deseti mesec v letu in eden od sedmih, ki imajo 31 dni. V tem mesecu praznujejo v Kanadi Zahvalni dan in sicer na drugi ponedeljek v oktobru. Oktober je znan tudi po oktobrski revoluciji leta 1917 v Rusiji, po kateri so prišli na oblast komunisti in velja za začetek komunističnega terorja, ki je po mnogih državah sveta trajal tja do 90. let prejšnjega stoletja, ko se je končno zrušil. Danes so uradne komunistične države samo še Kitajska, Severna Koreja in Kuba (pa Vietnam, op. ur. AD). Druga imena za mesec oktober so še: vinotok, kozoprsk, desetnik, sre-dojesen, vinščak, Vinec, repar, repnik, moštnik, bendimjek, trgovec. Oktober je posvečen molitvi rožnega venca, zato je prva nedelja v oktobru (1.) imenovana ro-žnovenska, spomin rožno-venske Matere božje, pa praznujemo 7. oktobra. Papež Janez Pavel II. je trem tradicionalnim delom rožnega venca dodal še sveti del, v katerem premišljujemo dogodke iz Jezusovega življenja. Frančiškani praznujemo smrtni dan našega ustanovitelja sv. Frančiška Asiškega (4.). To je praznik* za vse redove in kongregacije, ki žive po vodilo prvega, drugega in tretjega redu. V LJUBEČ IN BLAG SPOMIN JANEZ KOŠIR Umrl 2. oktobra 1995 Spavaj mirno v tihem grobu, Bog Ti večni daj pokoj. Upamo, da v Svetem raju Združimo se spet s Teboj. Žalujoči: vsi njegovi tukaj, v Sloveniji, in ostalo sorodstvo V oktobru sta tudi misijonska nedelja (22.) in žegnanjska nedelja (29.), ki je spomin na posvetitve cerkva. Rojstni dan praznujeta ta mesec: p. Vendelin Špendov (1. okt. 1921, goduje 20. okt.) in p. Atanazij Lovrenčič (3. okt.). Umrli so v oktobru: p. Janez Vianney Trinko (10. okt. 1969); p. Avguštin Svete (16. okt. 1979); p. Ciril Shircel (17. okt. 1959); p. Bernard Ambrožič (23. okt. 1973 v Sydneyu, Avstralija) in p. Odilo Hajnšek (30. okt. 1971 pri Sv. Trojici v Slov. gor. v Sloveniji). Naj v miru počivajo! Oltarna društva in Slomškov krožek iz Clevelanda so tudi letos ostali zvesti svoji več kot polstoletni tradiciji in poromali v Lemont 12. in 13. avgusta. Tudi letos so se držali svojega ustaljenega romarskega reda, ki obsega v soboto spoved, molitev križevega pota in večerno romarsko mašo s petimi litanijami Matere božje, v nedeljo pa jutranjo romarsko mašo, molitev serfinskega rožnega venca in kronanje kipa fatimske Marije v dolini rožnega venca, obisk groba škofa Rožmana in molitve na pokopališču ter dopoldansko romarsko mašo s petimi litanijami Matere božje, popoldne pa še v cerkvi slovo od lemontske Marije in odhod. Letos je Marijo kronala Tončka Urankar. Vso pripravo in izvedbo romanja je imela na skrbi Ivanka Matič, ki je vse zgledno izpeljala. Ro-marice in romarji so za cerkev še posebej darovali $500. Hvaležni smo jim, pa ne samo za velikodušni dar, ampak tudi za zgled, ki ga s svojo pobožnostjo dajejo vsem navzočim. Isto nedeljo je bilo tudi romanje članov in članic Slovenskega kulturnega centra v Lemon tu. Dopoldanski nedeljski maši s petimi litanijami Matere božje je sledil prijeten vsakoletni piknik. Zadnjo nedeljo v avgustu (27.) je bil vsakoletni medeni piknik, ki je združen z žrebanjem srečk, ki smo jih razposlali že skoraj dva meseca prej. ob enajsti obletnici, ko je bil poklican od nas naš skrbni mož in oče, stari ata, brat in stric NOVI VELEPOSLANIK REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE dr. IVAN REBERNI* PRI PAPEŽU BENEDIKTU XVI. — Novi slovenski veleposlanik pri Svetem se' dežu in pri Suverenem malteškem redu 66-letni dr. Ivan Rebernik je 16. septefl1 bra v Castel Gandolfu izročil poverilna pisma papežu Benediktu XVI. V nagovor11 je odnose med Slovenijo in Svetim sedežem opisal kot zgledne. K temu je po nje' govern pripomogel tudi Sporazum med Slovenijo in Svetim sedežem o pravni!1 vprašanjih, podpisan leta 2001. Na podlagi tega sporazuma je zagotovljena duhoV' na oskrba v vojski, policiji, zaporih in bolnišnicah, rešujejo pa se tudi denacion3' lizacijske zahteve katoliške Cerkve. Spomnil je na apostolska obiska papeža Jafle' za Pavla II. v Sloveniji leta 1996 in 1999, ustanovitev treh novih škofij aprila le' tos in imenovanje nadškofa Rodeta za kardinala. Papež Benedikt XVI. je izrazi1 upanje, da se bo uresničevanje sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Svetim se dežem še okrepilo. Med odprtimi vprašanji je posredno omenil verouk v šolah ter dejal, da ima slovenski narod pravico izražati svoj krščanski značaj. (Fotofraflja 12 tednika Družina, 28.IX.2006) Letošnje poletje nam je “podkurilo” s kar precejšnjo vročino, zato je bila večina romarskih maš v cerkvi namesto pri lurški votlini. V cerkvi je bila tudi maša 27. avgusta, saj smo poleg medenega piknika praznovali tudi 80-letnico kronanja Marijine podobe v Lemontu. Za to slovesnost je bil povabljen p. Silvin Kranjc, ki je rektor brezjanske bazilike, matere ameriških Brezij v Lemontu. Pridružil se mu je tudi brezjanski zakristan br. Bonaventura Obran. Že pred prihodom v Lemont sta nekaj dni preživela pri p. Krizologu v New Yorku, ostala pa sta tudi še nekaj dni po medenem pikniku. Na Alvernia Manor 26. avgusta je v starosti 96 let umrla s. Avita Trstenjak. Rojena je bila 1. novembra 1909 v Malem Slatnjaku v Sloveniji in se je kot otrok s starši preselila v Ameriko. S. Avita je vstopila v kongregacijo Šolskih sester leta 1925. Večino življenja je delovala kot učiteljica v osnovnih šolah, poleg tega pa je Bogu in ljudem služila tudi s cerkveno glasbo. Zadnjih 16 let je preživela v Alvernia Manor, A VE MARIA Verski mesečnik izdajajo v Lemontu. Naslov je: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main St., P.O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Letna naročnina je za ZDA $20, izven ZDA pa.$25. kjer je dosegla 81 let redovnega življenja. O sebi je rekla: “Srečna sem. Moje življenje je bilo dobro in Bog mi je naklonil dosti blagoslovov." Naj v Bogu uživa zasluženi mir! AVE MARIA Oktober 2006 V SLOVENIJI ... Ženske živijo devet let dlje kot moški Trst - Statistični urad Slovenije je objavil podatke o številu smrti in življenjski dobi prebivalstva v državi. Lani je umrlo 18.825 ljudi, kar je za 1,6 odstotka več kot leta 2004. Moški, ki so umrli v letu 2005, so bili v povprečju devet let mlajši od žensk. 1 V povprečju so bili stari 68,9 *eta ženske pa 77,8 leta. Podatki tudi potrjuj6]0, da je umrljivost novof0 jenčkov v Sloveniji ^ najnižjimi v Evropi. Sodeč po naštetih drugih demografskih * banjih, je očitno, da 5 trajanje življenja povečuj6 Tako naj bi dečki, ki 5°} bili rojeni med \eto{(i 2004 in 2005, lahko ^ veli 74,1 leta, deklice P 81,3 leta. nR H.IX.2«66 NOVI GLAS, BRALCI! Priporočajte nas - PrijatePs Pharm8^ St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361 .VIL* IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRA\ ZA RAČUN POMOČI p DRŽAVE OHIO - AID 6 - THE AGED PRESCIPT] ■\oA Cleveland Public Rad'0 m WCPN 90.3 Tony Ovseniki 31731 Miller Ave. -Willoughby Hills, Ohio 440V‘ Phone: 1-440-944-2538 , e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcgl‘>i>*' CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA i t 4l"