25/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 19. 6. 2011 SVETA TROJICA THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca http://www.carantha.net/ st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm rrsiMi; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church V imenu Očeta in Sina in Sv. Duha Evangelist Janez pravi, da je zapisal evangelij zato, da bi verovali v Jezusa, božjega Sina in da bi imeli življenje v njegovem imenu. Da bi nam pomagal verovati, Janez skozi evangelij govori o ljudeh kot smo mi -nekateri verujejo, drugi na pol, nekateri pa zavračajo vero. Današnji odlomek govori o Nikodemu, ki pride k Jezusu ponoči: ta odlomek predstavlja tiste, ki nikoli popolnoma ne zapustijo teme, da bi vstopili v luč in ljubezen večnega življenja. Prvi stavek ne povzame samo današnji praznik sv. Trojice, pač pa celoten Janezov evangelij, ki govori o pomenu Jezusa in človeškega obstoja: »Bog je tako ljubil svet, da je dal svojega edinega sina, da bi vsakdo, ki vanj veruje ne minil, ampak imel večno življenje.« Praznik sv. Trojice nas spominja, da nam evangelij vsako nedeljo odkriva del skrivnosti božjega življenja: v vsakem evangeljskem odlomku Jezus udejanja v moči sv. Duha, očetovo ljubezen in resnico na svetu. Nedeljska evharistija je molitev cerkve v živem združenju z vstalim Gospodom, ki prosi Očeta v moči sv. Duha. Vsako dobro delo, ki ga naredimo, pomeni deliti v Kristusovim poslanstvom in naprviti Očetovo resnico in ljubezen prisotno v svetu, ker si delimo Kristusovega Duha. In mi celo zdaj, v veri, iskušamo neke vrste izpolnitev našega človeškega obstoja, ko v miru in veselju živimo v skupnosti ljubezni z Očetom, Sinom in Svetim Duhom. Že nekaj let imamo procesijo tudi pri društvu Triglav. Najprej smo imeli v lepo okrašeni dvorani sveto mašo in nato procesijo s tremi oltarji, ki so jih lepo pripravili. Vsi so sodelovali s petjem, branjem in vsem kar spada k procesiji. Hvala vsem za zbrano obhajanje praznika. PROCESIJA SVETEGA REŠNJEGA TELESA IN KRVI PRI DRUŠTVU TRIGLAV - LONDON 12. junij 2011 Slike: Angela Kobe !®«?SS '»f' ■ H ' I > i-*' IM Škofje vsaj enkrat letno darujejo sveto mašo na vsakem od katoliških pokopališč. Tako je bila v soboto 4. junija na pokopališču Holy ^ Sepulchre, 11. junija pa v mavzoleju pokopališča Gate of Heaven. Ker imamo Slovenci svoj del pokopališča se je svete maše udeležilo precej naših faranov. Žal nekateri I niso mogli priti, ker smo imeli istočasno pogrebno sveto mašo v župnijski cerkvi. Sunday's Readings The Most Holy Trinity First Reading Exodus 34:4-6. 8-9 The Lord reveals himself to Moses as a God of tenderness and compassion. Second Reading 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Paul urges the Corinthians to reflect in their lives the love and unity of the three divine persons. Gospel John 3:16-18 To his late-night visitor, Nicodemus, Jesus speaks of a God who loves this world so deeply as to send his only Son as its saviour. "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit." Illustration Chat shows are among the most popular radio and TV programmes. One reason for their popularity is that they are often revelatory: in answering the questions of the chat-show host, the people who occupy the hot seat may reveal something about themselves, about aspects of their lives and character, that we didn't know before. But, of course, what is revealed is only a fraction of the whole. Each human being, not only those who are great and famous, is a unique little world, is in a way a mystery that can never be fully fathomed. That's why someone as close as a spouse or a child or a best friend can sometimes surprise us, and we find ourselves commenting: "I didn't know he had it in him" or "She never ceases to amaze me." Indeed, aren't there times when we feel a bit of a mystery even to ourselves? Gospel Teaching If a human being can be described as a mystery, then surely God must be mystery with a capital "M". Which doesn't mean that God is some kind of no-go area that we can't touch, that we can't even begin to understand; but rather that our understanding of God will never come to an end, will grow for ever. And that's good news, for who'd be interested in a god small enough to fit snugly into our limited human minds? Today we celebrate the most astonishing, mind-bending truth of all: that though there is, and can be, only one God, yet in this one God there are three persons. We could never have known that had it not been revealed through Jesus. In the Gospels he speaks of himself frequently as the Son, sent into the world by the Father; at the Last Supper he revealed that the Holy Spirit would be poured out, as joint gift of Father and Son. God is mystery; the words we use about God are always inadequate. So we speak of three persons in one God; they are not persons in just the same way that you and I are persons, otherwise there would be three gods. But it's right to speak of them as persons because - like us - Father, Son and Holy Spirit are distinct from each other, and relate to each other. That means that God doesn't live in solitary splendour: God is an intimate circle of total love and understanding. And that limitless, white-hot love has brimmed over into this world, first, in the sense that it has brought the world into existence; but, second, in the sense that it has brought Jesus into the world as one of us and made it possible for us to be brought into intimate friendship with God. As today's Gospel puts it, "God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son" - gave his Son even to death on a cross. Jesus, hanging on the cross, is a revelation - a revelation of how real and boundless God's love is. On Calvary the divine three persons take us into their embrace. Application Today's second reading ends with a well-known Trinitarian prayer: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." It was originally addressed to a group of very ordinary people, many of them slaves or ex-slaves in the big, bustling, cosmopolitan city of Corinth. In begging them to love one other and remain united, Paul appeals to the mystery of the Trinity, for that mighty mystery is not some vague, bewildering truth without relevance to daily living. On the contrary, Paul insists that the loving union between the three divine persons should inspire us to live together in unity and love. Our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, dwells within us - in the words of the first reading, dwells within us as "a God of tenderness and compassion". And we in our turn are called to reflect some of that God-like love in our dealings with others. Here at Mass, the Blessed Trinity is at the heart of all we do; here - in, with and through Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit - we tiny creatures are enabled to give all honour and glory to the Father. That's why the Mass, the most Trinitarian of prayers, is the summit and source of all the week's activities. It's the sacrament, the visible and effective sign, of that three-personed love, revealed to us as the mystery of the Blessed Trinity. KOLEDAR ZA JUNIJ - JULIJ 2011 ❖ 19. junij 2011 - nedelja - Sveta Trojica: ob 9:00 AM bo običajna nedeljska maša in po maši procesija Sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi. Ker je to nedeljo tudi »Father's Day« bo sveta maša ob 12:30 PM pri društvu Bled. ❖ 26. junij 2011 - nedelja: SLOVENSKI DAN pri društvu Bled-Beamsville. Ob 11:00 AM bo sv. maša s procesijo sv. Rešnjega Telesa in krvi po maši. Vabljene narodne noše in deklice v belem, da bodo potresale cvetje. Ob 12:30 kosilo in ob 2:00 PM začetek kulturnega programa. V župnijski cerkvi 26. junija NE bo slovenske sv. maše ob 9:30. Sv. maša bo samo ob 11:00 AM v angleškem jeziku. ❖ 3. julij 2011 - nedelja: ob 1:00 PM sv. maša v Slovenskem parku. ❖ 24. julij 2011 - nedelja: ob 12:30 PM sv. maša pri društvu Bled Planica -Beamsville: proščenje - žegnanje! Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Vaja za zbor bo v četrtek, 23. junija po večerni maši. Pripravljamo se za slovenski dan, ki bo 26. junija pri društvu Bled-Beamsville. DRUŠTVO sv. JOŽEFA Lancaster Region of Pennsylvania /Hershey & Bethlehem - Join in the fun with the Slovenian Society of St. Joseph : September 6-9, 2011.Trip highlights include all ofthesight seeing attraction, performance of "Joseph"- Millennium Theatre, tours, step on guide & meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners, accommodation, motor coach and gratuities. Also one night stay at the new Sands Casino Hotel with $30 free play. Subsidized package per person: $685 (dbl), $655 (tpl). Please reserve now as deposit of $150 is due! Cheques payable to Maxima Tours. For further information and reservations contact Jerry Ponikvar @ 333-5813 or Frank Erzar @ 643-0285. BARAGOVI DNEVI: 24-26 SEPTEMBER Počitnice se bližajo, vsak si že dela načrte za naprej. Da ne bi pozabili tudi letos imamo namen udeležiti se Baragovih dni. Tisti, ki ste bili lani tam, že veste, da gremo malo bližje kot lansko leto in sicer v Harbor Springs Petoskey Area. Kot običajno v soboto bo slovenska maša, v nedeljo pa angleška. Hotel smo že rezervirali, da ne bi zadnjo minute ostali brez, prav tako avtobus, sedaj potrebujemo vaše prijave. In sedaj še informacije za prijavo in cena. Prijavite se lahko Veri Gonza 905-560-0089 ali Tereziji Sarjaš 905-560-1218 in to najkasneje do konca julija. Ne čakajte na zadnji dan, sedeži na avtobusu so po načelu »kdor prvi pride prvi melje«. Cena za polni avtobus je cca. $100 CAD in $200 US in vključuje avtobus, banket in hotel. KONZULARNE URE_ G. Luka bo v nedeljo, 26. junija na praznovanju Slovenskega dne na Bledu-Beamsville, na razpolago za konzularne ure. Vsi, ki imate za urejanje zadev, pridite na Bled. DAROVI_ Za blazine na klopeh v cerkvi so darovali: Jožef in Emilija Lovrenčec $ 100, Minka in Ivan Šemen $100, Ignac in Marija Horvat $100, Frank in Pavla Pelcar $100, Janko in Tončka Demšar $100. Hvala za vse vaše darove. /Do sedaj skupno $8320.00/ Slovenian Canadian Scholarship/Bursary Awards The SCSF Board encourages all of our Slovenian youth from the Hamilton Wentworth, Halton & Niagara Regions who are in attendance or entering College or University level programs to apply for the 2011 Awards. Application forms and information are available in the rack at the back of the Church or contact: Karl Ferko (578-5890), Teresa Zupancic (664-6013),or Jerry Ponikvar (333-5813) . This year's Annual Awards Banquet will be held at St. Gregory Parish Hall on Saturday, October 22nd at 6:00 PM. SLOVENSKI DAN 2011_ Ob 20 letnici Slovenske samostojnosti ,v nedeljo 26 Junija 2011, ste vabljeni na BLED - Beamsvill na SLOVENSKI DAN. Ob 11:00 sv. maša in procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi. Vabljeni vsi, ki imate narodne noše, da se jih obleče. Vabimo tudi deklice, da bodo potresale cvetje pri oltarjih. Ob 12:30 bo na razpolago okusno kosilo in tudi pečenka na ražnju. Točno ob 14:00 se v dvorani začne kulturni program in predstavitev gostov . Sledijo olimpijske igre za otroke in domača Veselica na kateri igra slovenski ansambel ansambel Gregorja Mlinarja (TICO-TICO) ZAHVALA_ Ob bridki izgubi dragega očeta in starega ata Karla Volčanška, se iskreno zahvalimo vsem, ki ste nam pomagali v teh težkih časih. Hvala Vam za obiske v bolnici in vsem, ki ste se poslovili od njega ter zanj molili v vežici, darovali cvetje ter se udeležili pogrebne maše. Hvala g. Župniku za obiske v bolnici, molitve v vežici ter lep obred svete maše in pogreba. Hvala ženskemu zboru za lepo zapete pesmi, hvala možem, ki so nosili krsto. Hvala gospe Betty Gimpelj in njenim pomočnicah za lepo pripravljeno kosilo, možem pri baru in vsem, ki ste prinesle pecivo. Naj Vam vsem dobri Bog poplača. Hvaležni otroci z družinami ter mama Milena. Ps. Dragi oče in stari ata pogrešamo te! SLOVENIJA 2012_ Jože Razpotnik (Starejši) poskuša zopet zbrati skupino za 2012 potovanje v Slovenijo. Če ste zainteresirani ga pokličite na zgoraj navedeno telefonsko stevilko: 1-519-461-0653. Hvala Lepa. Slovenska skupina PERPETUUM JAZZILE je 17. junija nastopila v Queen Elizabeth gledališču v Torontu in s petjem privabila veliko Slovencev. Od 19. 6. 2011 Do 26. 6. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 19. Junij SVETA TROJICA Father's Day za žive in rajne župljane 9:00 a.m. f Marija Kolenko Manja Erzetič za zdravje 11:00 a.m.n.n. BLED - BEAMSVILLE 12:30p.m. Maša za očetovski dan Ponedeljek - Monday 20. Junij Silverij, papež f Blaž Čulig 7:00 p.m. Terezija Prša z družino f Štefan Ritlop Terezija Prša z družino f Jožef Kuzmič Frank in Elizabeta Gimpelj z dr. f Darinka Ferletič Lojzka Saje Torek -Tuesday 21. Junij Alojzij, redovnik f Franc Lehner 7:00 p.m. Cilka Lehner f Lojze Šuštar Janka Mihelčič z družino f Alojzija Hull Karol in Mila Ferko f Jože Kuzmič Mirko Zorko z družino Sreda - Wednesday 22. Junij Tomaž More, muč. f Matija Vlašič 7:00 p.m. Slavko in Barbara Rožič f Anica Kološa Družina Sladič f Blaž Čulig Družina Kapušin Bogu v zahvalo za 80 let MacKenzie Eileen Četrtek - Thursday 23. Junij Jožef Cafasso, duh. ff iz družine Pust 7:00 p.m. Jože Pust z družino f Stanko Bratuž Žena f Jožef Kuzmič Veronika Čurič f Marjan Vehovec Sestra Slava Gomboša Petek - Friday 24. Junij Roj. Janeza Krstnika f Darinka Ferletič 7:00 p.m. Francka Cestnik z družino f John Radovic Angela Kobe z družino f Blaž Čulig Žena Olga s hčerkama in druž. f Jožef Kuzmič Društvo sv. Jožefa Sobota - Saturday 25. Junij Viljem, opat za vse bolnike 8:15 a.m. Gizella in Stefan Ray f Marija Horvat 5:30 p.m. Jože in Marija Magdič f Marija Kolenc Družina Hull f Franc Kociper Aloljz Ferenčak z družino ff Jožica in Jože Gerič Sin Joe Gerič z družino NEDELJA - SUNDAY 26. Junij SV. REŠNJE TELO IN KRI Jožef M. Escriva za žive in rajne župljane f Janez Kosednar 11:00 a.m.Žena Hema z družino ff Vsi pokojni Slovenci v Kanadi 11:00 a.m. SLOVENSKI DAN pri DRUŠTVU BLED PLANICA - BEAMSVILLE svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. 4Î*