Iafued dally Sunday« Holidays. PROSVETA YEAH xixiil Cena liaU je $6.00 GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE ^ESsESTHTTlm CHICAGO. ILJL. SREDA. 3. DECEMBRA (DECEMBER 3). 1941 Urednllkl In upravnlikl pro«tori: 1M7 South Lawndalc Ava. Office of Publication: 2057 South Lawndale Ava. Telephone. Rockwell 4904 Subscription $0.00 Yearly STEV.—NUMBER 2M = Acceptance for mailing at apodal rate of poatafe provided for ln aectlon 1103, Act of Oct 1, 191T, authorized on June 4, 101A AVSTRALSKA KRi-2ARKA SYDNEY POTOPLJENA Prodiranje nemških čet proti Kavkazu ustavljeno • USIV OFENZIVI NA VE C FRONTAH London, 2. dec.—Avstralska ižarka Sydney je potopila nem-fto potepuško ladjo Steirmark joda v bitki je bila tako poškodovana, da se je tudi sama po-—ila. Bojazen je, da je 645 čla-¿v posadke, ki so se nahajali na ^iarki, izgubilo življenje. Nemška potepuika ladja je po-ila devet britskih in zaveznikih parnikov, preden se je zapletla v smrtno bitko z avstral-¿o križarko. Kje in kdaj se je bitka vršila, poročil ne pove. Domneva je, da sta se ladji spo-pdli v bližini avstralskega ob-aftja. Berlin, 2. dec. — Krdela ru-dtih vojakov so ustavila prodi-ranje nemških čet proti Kavka-u pri Rostovu, pristan iščnem mestu ob Črnem morju, iz katerega so se morali nemSke čete «nakniti, pravi uradni komunike. Rusi si hočejo utreti pot proti Taganrogu za vsako ceno a ne glede na žrtve. Sveže sovjetske čete so dospele na južno fronto iz Sibirije in Perzije in bili vržene v boj proti Nemcem. Nacijski krogi so zanikali poročilo, da so bile nemške čete ^nane iz Taganroga» 4q_ /pili apadno od Rostova, ali da ao se Rusi približali temu mestu. Ti idaj molče o reprisalijah proti prebivalcem Rostova. Naciji so apretili, da bodo pobili vse civiliste, ker so iz ozadja napadli Nemce in jih prisilili v umik. Poročila o operacijah Hitier-jeve vojne mašine na centralni m leningradski fronti so pičla. Iz tega se sklepa, da niso Nemci dosegli nobenega uspeha tam-kaj in da so Rusi obdržali svoje [ pozicije kljub srditim napadom . »ovražnika. Helsinki. Finska, 2. dec. — frogle iz finskih obrežnih baterij so potopile dva ruska par-nilca v Finskem zalivu, pravi u-ndno poročilo.- To omenja velike aktivnosti v tem zalivu brez dodatnih detajlev. Moskva, 2, dec. — Radijsko na-ttanilo pravi, da so bile Hitlerjeve kolone pognane nazaj 40 »>lj »d Rostova proti Taganro-W v teku velike sovjetske ofen-Te kolone še vedno beže P^i Kusi v smeri Hariupala, 60 dalj proti zapadu. Pravda, glasilo komunistične *»nke, piše, da je bil sovražnik pognan iz vseh središč Donske kotline, katere je prej okupiral, kodiranje sovjetskih armad o-zadnje oddelke nacijske •oroiene sile, kateri poveljuje ^Idmaršal Ewald von Kielst. Ruske Čete so prešle v ofenzl-tudi na moskovski in lenin-P^dski fronti. Izvršile so več u-JNnih naskokov v nekaterih ■»jih in vrgle nacije nazaj. Kairo. Egipt 2. dec. — Nem-** motorne kolone se zaganjajo J * britsko bojno črto, ki se raz-¡^ "d Kezegha de Jbbruka, v J^pnem poskusu, da jo prodro ■ Unsolid i rajo «vojo razkrop-jj*" » 10. dopoldne v navadnih prostorih. Ta seja je važna, ker moramo izvoliti odbornike za prihodnje leto. Mary Darnach, zarasna tajnica. Thomas. W. Va.—Naznanjam vsem članom in članicam društva Domovina 29 SNPJ, da se bo «lavna seja vršila 14. dec. ob 2 popoldne namesto dopoldne. Prestavljena Je bila iz railoga, ker smo se združili z društvom m bivše SSPZ in Jim s tem damo boljšo priliko, da se udeleže seje. Obenem imajo tudi članice boljšo priložnost, da pridejo na sejo popoldne. T»»rej naj Se vse članstvo obeh društev gotovo udeleži Klavne seje v navadnem prostoru Prva U»č-ka bo utrditev *drušenja, potem pa Im«1o skupne volitve odlmra za prihodnje leto L. Werdtnek, tajnik. Louis Stefankk. tajnik. Barton. O. — Naznanjam članstvu društva Mir 582 SNPJ, da Je bilo na novembrski seji sklenjeno, da se mora vsak član In Članica udeležiti letne seje v nedeljo, 7. dec. Ako se ne udeleži iz nezadostnega vzroka, se bo z njim postopalo po društvenem sklepu. Po seji bomo Imeli malo zabave v korist blagajne. Po seji je dobrodošel vsakdo, ki se želi z nami zabavati. Jeseph Škofi, tsjnik. Esst Helena. Mont.—Članstvu druitva Slovenski lovec, 143 SNPJ naznanjam, da se vrši letna seja 13. dec. ifr 7. zvečer. Da je ta sejs zelo važna, mi ni treba poudarjati in torej pridite gotovo vsi bližnji in od-dsljeni o pravem času v dvorsno Johna Smitha. Jos. Mlhelic, tajnik. Eveleth. Mini».—Vabim vse članstvo društva Napredek 69 SNPJ, da se gotovo udeležite letne seje 7. dec: eb"l:30 po poldne. Ker Je to zadnja *eja v tem letu, bodo podana letna poročila in tudi bodo volitve odbora za prihodnje leto. Udeležite se torej v polnem številu. Louis J. Leaaar. tajnik. prične 7 de« ob t. dopoldni, ne ob 10. uii člani naj ta popravsii upoštevajo ln pridejo na sejo ene uro prej kot običajne. John Omaje, tajnik. Elm Greva. W. Va^—Vse članstvo i t i 425 SNPJ in 127 bivše SSPZ, s katerim smo se združili, je vabljeno na letno sejo, ki se vrši 14. dec. ob 10:30 dopoldne v nvaadnih prostorih. Ker bodo volitve uradnikov za 1942, pridite torej vsi. Mary Kosem, tajnics 425, Frank Kasarn, tajnik 127. Milarmahee.—Članice društva Ve nere 192 SNPJ vabim, da se gotovo udeleže letne seje v torek. 9. dec., ob 7:30 zvečer v navadnih proatorih. Poleg drugih važnih stvari bodo na dnevnem redu tudi volitve odbora za 1942. Želeti bi bilo, da se na te j seji vidimo vse članice. Prosim vaa tudi, da pravočasno plačate svoj asesment, in to posebno sedaj, da bo stari odbor lahko izročil knjige novemu odboru. Asesment mors biti plačan najkasneje do prvega v mesecu. Torej, člsnice, ne porabite priti na sejo 9. dec. Po seji bo ser-virana pijača in prigrizek. Josephln« Slapnik. tajnica McKseeporl, Pa.—Društvo 347 SNPJ poziva vse svoje članstvo ns let no sejo 14. dec. Na tej seji bodo volitve odbora za 1942. Ker se s prvim januarjem prične poslovanje po novih pravilih, je zelo važno, da pri dete vsi na to sejo. Marko Sebicku tajnik. Mont—Društvo 149 SNPJ opozarja vae svoje članstvo, da se udeležite letne seje 14. dec. ob 7. zvečer, da boste lahko izvolili dober odbor ra prihodnje leto. Udeležite se vsi, da ne bo potem kritiziranja, Ms je samo nekaj članov izvolilo odbor. Po seji bodo servirane domače mesene klobase, kater« bomo lahko zalili z vinom ali pivom. Torej naj nikogar ne manjka ns tej seji. r. Putsel. tajnik. Renton. p«.—Naznanjam članstvu društev 400 SNPJ, 155 bivše SSPZ in 225 SSPZ, da se vrši glavna seja 7. dec. ob 11. dopoldne. Na tej seji bodo volitve odbora za prihodnje leto. Udeležite se vsi. ¿George Pivik, tajnik Wasl Park. O. — Društvi 257 in 572 SNPJ lM»ta imeli skupno isred no m*Jo Z dec. ob 7. zvečer v JND Na dnevnem ledu tat vpiašanje, kako bi se dalo ojačati angleško poslujoče druitvo 572. ker tako kot se daj ne bo m«»gl<» t»«l»vati naprej. P<*vbnu apeliram na mlajše člane našrga društva Delavec da se ude-liže te seje; s sabo lahko pripeljete tudi prijatelje, ki še niso člani KN- Bon Air, Pa.—Pozivam članstvo društva 254 SNPJ, da se vsi udeležite letne seje. Mislim, da bo to združitvena seja z društvom 182 SSPZ, ksr pomeni, da bo zelo važna in da bo potem nastala močna veja SNPJ. Čim več nas bo skupaj toliko bolj pravilno bomo lahko vse uredili in obenem izvolili odbor za 1942. Kdor se ne udeleži, se bo z njim postopalo po društvenih pravilih. Joseph Wldmar. tajnik. Virginia. Minn —Druitvo 215 SNPJ poziva vse svoje člane, da sc udeleže glavne seje 14. dec. ob 1:30 popoldne'v Roma hslli. Znano vam je, de je to letna seja, na kateri bomo izbrali odbor zs prihodnje leto. Znano va mje tudi, da sta se na no vembrski seji vam zahvalila predsednik in zapisnikar, kakor tudi taj nik, ki je delal za dobrobit društva 18 let. Sedaj je čas, da se drugi potrudijo. Po seji bomo imeli domačo zabavo za vse člsnstvo obeh oddelkov. Torej stsrii, ki imate svoje otroke vimlsdinskem oddelku, pripeljite jih gotovo s sabo, prav tako člani svoje žene, in žene svoje može, čeprav niso pri društvu, ker to bo članska družinska zabava, na kateri se bomo zopet zabavali kot smo se leta 1939 in 1940. Torej pri dite gotovo vsi na sejo. John B. Yelenich. tajnik. Brownsville. P s.—V imenu dru štva 398 SNPJ pozivam vse naše člane na letno sejo, kt se vršfr:14. dec. ob 10:30 dopoldne. Imamo več Članov, ki letos še niso bili na seji in je torej njih dolžnost, da pridejo vssj na glavno sejo. Društvo jc skle nilo, kdor sc ne udeleži letne seje se bo z njim postopalo po pravilih in društvenem sklepu. Jakob Jakšekovič. tajnik Presto, Pa.—Vabim vse člane ln t lanice društva 168 SNPJ, da se udeležite glavne seje 7. doc. ob 2. popoldne. Na tej seji moramo začrtati smernice in izvoliti odbor za prihodnje leto. Pripeljite tudi mladino na to sejo, ker bo dobila nekaj za Itožično darilo, starejši člani pa bodo deležni klobas. Torej udeležimo se vsi te seje, da bomo lahko storili boljše zaključke. Anton Petrovcic. predsednik. Ročk Sprlngs. Wyo. —V mojem po- točllu v Prosvetl z dne 28. nov. v Diustvenih eesteh je bila tiskovna IMimota. Glasiti bi sc moralo, da ij letna seja društva Trdnjava 10 SNPJ PREKLIC Pomotoma sem obdolžil Josepha Dleta nepoštenosti, kar ni resnica. John KoUak, Imperlal, Pa, SLOVENSKI ZADRUŽNI POGREBNI ZAVOD (Tke People's linder taklag Ce.) v Frontenac, Kansas TELEFON 1042 all 1064 PORLUfclTF. SE TECI A PODJETJA Ely. Mlnn. -Opozarjam vse člane in članice društVj Prvi majnik 288 SNPJ, da sc vrši naša letna seja dec. popoldne ob eni uri v navadnih prostorih. Udeležite se gotovo te seje vsi in izvolite tak odbor za prihodnje leto, ki vam bo ustregel. Jacob KunstelJ. tajnik. Calumet. Mich.—Pozivam članstvo društva Jugoslovan 390 SNPJ, da sc gotovo ude ležite letne seje 7. dcc. ob devetih zjutraj v navadnih prostorih Bratje in sestre, pri jednoti kot pri ŽELIM 8E SEZNANITI s pošteno in naprednega mliljenja Slovenko v starosti 50 do 55 let \ SVtko žeiut\e. Tsjnost strogo Jsm čens.—Pišite na Dober Ženin, c/o Prosveta, 2657 S. Lawndalc Avc. Chlcago, III. — (Adv.) društvu imamo vel enake pravice in enake dolinoetL Torej ni več kot prav, da se infeležuno letne seje in izvolimo odbor, ki bo nepristransko delal ra druitvo, članstvo ln jednoto skozi vse leto. Torej vsi na prihodnjo sejo. Jeaapfa Waias. tajnik. pripeljete tudi svoje otroke s sabo, ker mislim, da se bo «flasil Miklavž z velikim košem in jih **aroval. Tudi za edrasle člaae be aekaj preskrbljenega, da se brano lahko zabavali Naš odbor je pridno na delu. Torej pridite vsi Aguilarčani in Walsenburžani, ker bomo ra vse pripravili. Frank Klavec, tajnik. La Salle. I1L—Vsi člani in članice društva Zavednost 53 bivše SSPZ naj se gotovo udeleže prihodnje seje, ki se vrii 14. dec. ob 2. pop. v na vadnih prostorih. To bo zadnja seja našega društva. Kot Je vani znano, smo se združili s SNPJ. Na tej seji bo treba rešiti več važnih zadev in udeležite v polnem številvi. Po seji bo nekaj okrepčila in domače zabave. Frank Udvane. tajnik. Los Angeles. CaL—Društvo Priro-da 482 SNPJ poziva vse svoje članstvo na letno sejo v nedeljo, 14. dec. točno ob 9. dopoldne, Na dnevnem redu bo več važnih stvari in volitev odbora za prihodnje leto. Kdor se ne udeleži, se bo z njim postopalo v smislu društvenega zaključka. Rosica K Ruafcc. tajnica. Na z njà n j a m Slovenski bratje Kemmerer. Wyo. članstvu druitva Mfl 287 SNPJ, d« ae vrši naša glavna sejs v nedeljo, .14. dec., ob 10. dop. v navadnih proatorih. Udeležite se vsi te seje, da napravimo dobre za ključke za leto 1942. Pridite tudi tisti, ki niste bili na seji vse leto. Ako vidite, da druitveni uradniki ne vršijo svojih dolžnosti, jih nadomestite z novimi. Dolžnost vseh članov je, da »e udeleže te seje. Anion Tratnik, tajnik Meadow Lands, Pa.—Poživim članstvo druitva 259 SNPJ, da se udeležite letne seje 14. dec. ob 10. dopoldne v dvorani. To bo skupna seja ,z društvom 113 bivše SSPZ in bomo skupno izvolili odbor za pri hodnje leto. Pridite vsi na sejo, da ne bo potem kakega prerekanja. Aa4?ew Posega, tajnik Delagua. Cole.—Opozarjam članstvo društva 201 SNPJ, da se vsi udeležite letne seje 14. dec. ob 9. dopoldne. Ker bomo volili odbor za prihodnje leto, je dolžnoat vseh, da se udeležite. Popoldne ob por treh istega dne bomo imeli naZtop vseh treh mladinskih krožko\fto je iz Walsenbur ga, Aguilarja in Delague. Priredba se bo vršila v Dclagui v šoli. Tora; ste prošeni vsi, da se udeležite in RAD BI DOBIL FANTA v starosti 8 do 12 let ra svojega ali pa samo za vzgojiti. Hočem ga ra kratek čas, ker nimam svojih. Vsega dosti, dobra vzgoja. Pišite na Lepa Farma, cfo Prosveta, 2857 S Lavvndalc A ve., Chlcago, 111.—(Adv.) "PROLETAREC" ................................taielk Glasilo Jugoalovanake soc. sveže in Prosvetne matica. Pisan v slovenskem in angleškem Jeziku. Siene S3 sa ralo. 11.75 ra poL Il sa četrt leta. NAROČITI SI GAI Naalov: PROLETAREC BMI South La wedele Avenue CHICAGO. CLL. Mom/vč Mxratr Ustavite 'mmrm^r/rr as • SmmH «¿3S tisto srbečico BRAXON PASTE je koristne zdravilo za atletične noge, brivno srbečico, 11-ftaje in druge manjše koine srbečice. Da takojšnjo pomoč ta srbečo koio. Bres duha. brezmadežno ln ne zahteva nobenih obves. Pošlji» tr en dolar na SRARON CO.. Dept N.. 332 So. Clark st- Chlcago. tU., in ml vam pošljrmo to, poštnine pruato. Denar povrnjen, ako niate zadovoljni ....................r rrrrrrnr jjjja POSKUSITE ČISTA PR1RODNA ' ZDRAVILA— ZELIŠČNE ČAJE Štev. t. PltSNI ČAJ—ra one, ki trpe vsled kašlja ali težkega dihanja od prehlada. Cena ti 00 m paket Štev. 2 ŽELODČNI ČAJ— aa one, ki trpe radi želodčnega ali črevesno r a nereda: plina 6gavi ce pov/naVne vsled čezmerne želodčne kisline in začasne zs-prtnlce Cena 81 00 za paket Štev. 3-DIJURETIČEN ČAJ— sa one, k1 trpe na držanju vode: pekočine v mehurju tn odvajanju vode. ter bolečin v hrbtu povsročenih od prehlada. Cena $1.75 ra pekel Naročila pošljite na: MRS. GRETA LESK O V AR 107 E. T3rd SL • Ne« Teek. N. T. NA NOVO SO 8E NAROČILI NA DNEVNIK PROSVETO SLEDEČIi Joe Zldarich Trinidad. Colorado Anion Bartol Chicago. I1L Jaeob Puts Chicago. Illinois John Dura Harrietta. Mich. Frank Koacak Ely. Minnesota John Rofc ' Ring ling. Montana Bias Novak Cleveland. Ohio Frank Rosic h Cleveland. Ohio Helen Strauss Cleveland. Ohio Mary Btcek Ambridge. Pinna. Frank Uljan Lowber. Penna. Anton Valencic Waal Newton. Penna. Joseph Guyon Pittsburgh Penna. Ivana Kodre Waat Allk. Wisconsin ««PA, 3. PRCfrMHH \ vo suspendiran ali črtan. Udeležite se tudi letne seje 14. dec. Joseph Margetich, tajnik. Indianapolis. Ind.—Uljudno vabim vse člsne in članice druitva 34 SNPJ, da se gotovo udeležite letne seje v Slovenskem domu 14. dec. ob 8. uri zjutraj. Na tej seji bomo ukrepali glede poslovanja v prihodnjem letu in izvolili odbor. Kdor se ne udeleži te seje, se bo z njim postopalo kakor je bilo sklenjeno na novembrski seji. Izvzeti so samo bol niki. John Sparenblek. tajnik. Bo. Chicago, 11L—Članstvu dru itva 490 SNPJ in druitva 19 bivše SSPZ se naznanja, da sc bo vršila skupna seja v soboto, 13. dec., ob 7:30 zvečer, namesto tretjo sredo, v navadnih prostorih, to je pri Johnu Tomikalu v Ship Yard Innu na 101. oesti in Ave. N. Vam je znano, da sta se obe društvi združili in bo to skupna ni obenem letna seja, na kateri bomo reiili naše društvene stvari in se med sabo bolje seznanili. Po seji bomo imeli malo zabave z okusnim prigrizkom in fino pijačo, kakor tudi harmoniko. Torej sc gotovo vsi udeležite te seje, na kateri bomo izbrali odbor za prihodnje leto. Obenem se tudi pričakuje, da boste šli novemu odboru na roko in se udeleževali društvenih soj. Se-daj, ko smo združeni, je naša bratska dolžnost, da si podamo roke in delamo skupno za večjo in boljšo SNPJ. Jacob Brljavac. predsednik. Farrell. Pa.—Članstvo društva Slovenec 282 SNPJ je vabljeno, ¿a se gotovo udeleži letne seje 14. dec. ob eni popoldne. Dolžnost vseh članov in članic je, da se vsaj enkrat na leto fkupaj snidemo in se nekoliko bolj spoznamo med seboj. Po seji bomo imeli nekoliko prigrizka in tudi za suHa grla, vse brezplačno. Torej pridite na glavno sejo v Slovenski dom in izvolite odbor za pri hodnje leto. Frank BtambaL tajnik. SfeadasdTille. Utah.—P o z i v a m članstvo društva Studenčna dolina 422 SNPJ, da se polnoštevilno udeležite letne seje 14. dec. ob 2. popoldne v navadnih proatorih. Bratje in sestre, vsi na to sejo, da bo mogoče izvoliti odbor za prihodnje leto. Sophie Kotaz. tajnica. Greensboro. Pa»—Pozivam članstvo društva 101 SNPJ, da se v pol nem Številu udeležite prihodnje seje 7. dec., začetek točno ob 2. popoldne v navadnih prostorih. Ker bo to letna seja in bo treba izvoliti odbor *a prihodnje leto, ae mora vsakdo ude ležiti; kdor bo odsoten, se bo z njim postopalo po pravilih, izvzeti so samo bolniki. John Skoda, tajnik. Oery. Ind.—Prosim vse članstvo društva 271 SNPJ, da točno plačate svoj asesment najkasneje do 30. v mesecu. Kdor ne bo plačal, bo goto V SLUŽBO se takoj vzame poštena ženska, Slovenka ali.Hrvatica. Mora biti razumna v hiinem gospodinjstvu. Na starost se ne gleda in tudi z enim ali dvema otrokoma ni izključena. Pi šite na: GOSPODAR, c/o Prosveta, 2857 S. Lawndale A ve., Chlcago, 111. s -(Adv) Presto, Pa.—Opominjam vse člane in članice društva 166 SNPJ, da se udeležite letne seje 7. dec. ob 2. popoldne. Pridite tudi tisti, ki še niste bili nobenkrat na seji. Dasi sem že Štiri leta tajnica, vendar še ne poznam vseh članov. Na tej seji bodo volitve odbora za 1942 in je torej dolžnost vseh, da se udeležite; imeli bomo tudi več drugih važnih zadev. Asesment bom pričela pobirati pol m v« člane. Pripeh^TuT " ¡..rok,. ÍUnc ŒÏ^ ki bodo del*in. ooae«a. Zadnji mesec je moral iti v s1u*k. Strica Sama Frank Petrlch, ^ šega društva. On je ie drupi član, ki je odšel k vijakom'of^ le srečno vrnila domov k staršem Helen Robich. tajnica. Muse, Pa*—Društvo 517 SNPJ ,„ društvo 190 bivše SSPZ pom-au svoje članstvo ns skupno sejo, ki £ vrli 7. dec. ob 10. dopoldne v na vadnem prostoru. Treba bo izvoliti odbor^a 1942. Te seje naj * udi že tudi oni člani, ki letos k niso bili na seji. Frank Stainer. blagajnik. Renton. Pa. — Letna sejo društva 400 SNPJ se vrši 7. dec. ob U dopoldne. Ker sta društvi bivše SSPZ, angleško in slovensko, zaključili, da se pridružita našemu društ-vu, bo to skupna seja, na kateri bodo volitve odbora za 1942 Sedaj ima članstvo vseh treh društeV pri' liko, da izvoli dober odbor. Stari smo delali po svoji moči, ampak * lahko spremeni, ker je dosti zmožnih članov. Cyril Rebar. predsednik. V blagi spomin druge obletnice smrti našega dragega soproga in očeta JOHNA KOCJANČIČA kateri je preminul 5. decembra 1939. Spomin na Tebe. neposabljeni soprog in oče, nam bo ofctal v srcih dokler bomo iivelL Žalujoči ostali: Antonijs Kocjančič, soproga; Sofija, hči. obe v Bridgeport, O.; Frank Kocjančič, sin v armadi; Mild^ed Slogar. omoiena hči in Doroihy. njena hčerka v Clevelandu. O. „ V blagi spomin prve obletnice smrti naše neposabne soproga in matere ■ MARY KOŠENINA katera je preminula 2. decembra 1940 Eno leto je za nami, odkar Tebe, draga, ni več med nami; vzela Te je neizprosna smrt in zapustila nam grob zaprt. Vtihnil na veke je Tvoj glas, a v mislih naših si ves čas in ostaneš tam dokler se tudi mi ne snidemo s Teboj. Tam v tihem grobu zdaj počivaš, mir in plačilo večno vživaš. Na grobu rožice Ti cveto, nad grobom ptičice pojo. Zapustila si nas Ti za večno, spavsj Mary draga, mirno, srečno. Žalujoči os t sli: JOE KOŠENINA, soprog; MARY WINSKI. hči: TONY, set; DOROTHY in THOMAS, rnuks. t Ramsay, Ohio. Dillonvale. Ohio. Rizdralljltl? Brez spanja? • Letita zbujani cele ur« v noči nervozni do kraja? Storite nekaj proU temu t Poskusite Xoentf'a Nervine. Čislane po tisočih za hitro pomoč razdraženim iivcem, glavobolu in zgubi spanca, povzročeno od navadne nervocnosU. VptfUajte vaiega lekarnarja po Xeeaie's Nervine v zelenem zavojčeku. Jemljite kot naročeno. Mora pomagaU, drugače vrnemo denar nazaj. Vzorec zastonj—^vprašajte: Keente'a Medicin« Co.. Dept. JS 18 ft)4S N. Wells St.. Chlcago. lih_ Dr. John J. Zarertnik PHYSICIAN k SURGEON ornes hou na at 2724 W. 2!šh Six eat 1 JS 130 «JS «Jt Daily reí. nn «am a» aš lUt W. Car mak R4. I JS « 00 p* m Dally tm eeoal um WeOneeSay * Hunday ky only «r so AMwra-ou Aoerm KLOBASE 2ELODCE in brezkostno meso s česnovim okusom in "Hickory" prekajene so pel raspoiUJam na . vse kraje v Ameriki Cona lb-------------------------- 38c 2V4 Ib. aa........................„..J1.00 Pošla plačana ra naročila S lb. ali več. .. Denar se pošlje s naročnino. Pišite na Joseph Leskovar 810*14 Racine. Wis. Naznanilo in zahvala S tušnim srcem nasnanfamo sorodnikom ln prljsteljem žalostno vest. da je preminula naša draga mamica K ANNA ARTAC dne 13. novembra 1S41 v Soringdal« Pa. Rojena je bila leta 1867 v vasi Potpeč, fara Prasarje ori LJubljani. . V Ameriko )« prišla pred 40 leti. Imela je veliko prijateljev, kar sa le tudi pokazalo ob njenem sprevodu, kateri se ja vršil po katoliškem obredu na pokopališče na Unity, Pa. Bila je članica šL 588 SNPJ. ChMwick. Pa. Naša srčna hvala članom društva, ki so se udalešili pogreba, kakor tudi u krasne darovane vence, ki so Jih pološill na njeno krsto, lepa hvala predsedniku sa ginljlv govor ob odprtem grobu. Iskrena hvala pogrebcem In vsem prijateljem ln snancem bližnjim ln oddaljenim, ki se darovali venca ln vsem. ki so se udeležili po groba ln spremili pokojntco Is hiše šslosti k mirnemu počitku. Najlepša hvala vsem sa vse. karkoli sta nam dobrega storili, nas tolažili v uri ialostt. Tebi. draga mamica, pa šalimo, počivaj v miru in lahka naj TI bode ameriška sernlja.—Žalujoči ostali: Cecilije Artsc. mrs. Frank Frank. mrs. Frank Kosson. mrs. Frsnk Mirflk, m n. Nlcl» Kroslolich, mrs. Vencel Funfer hčere; Frsnk in John. «inon»i. OSEBNO NAZNANILO GABELSA Zdaj je čas nskupiti obleko za vso vašo druiino in s tem prlhrsnltc 60%. Lahko izberete iz dsbelsovc zaloge moških, lensklh ln otročjih oblek vrednosti $160,000 00. Moški površniki $16.01 in več. Otročje «tiri komade oprave fö VLOGE ^Br t tej posojilnici PLAČANI OBRESTI PO 8« Si. Clokr Savinja à Loon Co. 8216 St. Chair A _ CLEVELAND, OHIO 2enskl površniki Is koluhovine, kroja 1041-1042 modela $26.00 ln več. VI PRIHRANITE 60% ženski površniki končani ln ne akončani 810.00 m več. Popolna zaloga površnikov n drklr ta In snoinlce 86.00 in več. MJ8R vauUene ele. ofWdatl st Oabel a®vo velik* selofo zimskih kotuhov maika. paralan lambe, caracú la. «te. tn-vellko zalogo tenahth ofclak najnovejloga kroja la fia» kvalitete Cene ee ámeme brea kjma kje etantt Jete, se vam be lipUíiio ogledati Oefeel-aeve ulnao OASKLa ana aeOaJ velike kateri be sledile teko) druga auni Naznanilo in zahvala Z žalostnim srcem naznanjamo sorodnikom orijateljem ln znan cem. da je kruta smrt sahtevala šivljenje našega ljubljenega mou in skrbnega očeta VALENTINA KORITNIKA 11. oktobra ob 8. uri svečer i« b» na poti domov ubit od avtomobila. Ro)*n je b U 13. leb. 1877 v Polhovem gradcu. po domače Jelovčnlkov Tine. Pokojni e spadal k dr. 88 SNPJ. dr. IS «U ta Slov. Samostojnem dr. v Moon Bun. Pa. Pokopan je bil 14. oktobra PokatolUkih obredih na St. Marys pokopabič.jJ^ Ree« Rocks Pa. Najlepša hvala sosedom ¡n^iJaTeUsm. kl sta nas tolašlH ob un laške ialosti ln ra vse. kar stena« <» brega storili. Hvala aa darovane vence društvom 88 nnKJ KSKJ 1er Slov. Samost dr.. kakor tudi sledečlms mr. tajM»ju But ja. mr. Victor Butja. mrs. Clli Dermota. mrs. France, o messrs. John in Frank Nagode. nur. in mrs. ^rta®»* runskim mladeničem ln Slov. gosp. klub« Nadalje lap* ^ «» jim hčeram ln prijateljem la McKem^Rocks ra krara. vara* £li političnem okviru, torej za jpedno zadevo, za katero se or-pnizacije lahko zavzamejo ne jlede na to, če je kaj glede tega r pravilih ali ne. Prav tako ni pomožna akcija za stari kraj nikjer dovoljena v pravilih. Drugič je urednik Amerikan-Aega Slovenca proti temu, da bi bile v vodstvu ali v ospredju sedanje politične akcije ameriških Sovencev v prid naši stari domovini osebe, ki so imele med Bdnjt) svetivno vojno opraviti iznanim "milijondolarskim fondom". V zvezi s tem fondom omenja pisec "čudne vloge", ki a jih v zadnji vojni igrale njemu neljube osebe, dalje pravi, da "ameriški Slovenci tistih žalostnih slučajev še niso pozabili" in "zato in radi boljše strpnosti na vseh straneh bi osebe, ki so tako in tako kompromitirane v preteklosti, ne smele imeti svojih prstov pri taki skupni vza-janni akciji." Sedanja politična akcija ame-riikih Slovencev, kolikor je že v teku, bazira na predstavništvu vseh slovenskih centraliziranih podpornih, kulturnih in političnih organizacij v Amerik^kate-nepobitno—drugega pred-lavništva sploh ni!—in nihče, ki hoče biti pravičen in demokratičen, ne more diktirati organi-Rcijam, koga naj pošljejo kot ivojega zastopnika na konference in zbore. To je eno. Drugo pa je~in to je glavno—da do danes k ni bilo nikjer in od nikogar lobenega avtentičnega dokaza, da so osebe, ki. so med zadnjo svetovno vojno vodile Slovensko republičansko združenje oziroma Jugoslovansko republičansko združenje ali takozvani "mi-lijondolarski fond", zakrivile kakšno nečastno dejanje, da bi bile kaj poneverile ali ukradle, ali da bi bile izkoristile tisti fond v svoje osebne koristi ali na kakršen koli način upravičile urednika Amerikanskega Slovenca, da sme njihovo delovanje v zvezi z omenjenim fondom imenovati "čudno vlogo" ali "ža-losten slučaj" ali kakšno "kom-promitiranost.u O "milijondolarskem fondu" je bilo že prelitih na galone. črnila v kritikah, a vse to so bila gola zabavljanja brez trohice kakšnega dokaza, da je kdo kaj zakrivil pri teip. Na drugi strani so bili od vsega začetka objavljeni natančni računi, koliko je kdo prispeval, kam so šli izdatki in koliko je preostanka; ti računi se objavljajo še danes, redno vsako leto od poverjeništvaf ki ima preostanek fonda v oskrbi. Pripravljalni odbor Slovenskega narodnega kongresa ni pooblaščen govoriti v imenu po-verjeništva tega fonda, vendar z lahkim srcem reče, da se zdaj približuje čas, ko nam bo preostali fond 'fSrav prišel, če bodo ameriški Slovenci nastopili enotno in možato za svobqdo in demokracijo svojih rojakov v stari domovini—za tisto svobodo in demokracijo, za katero je na tisoče ameriških rojakov prispevalo v "milijondolarski fond." Apeliramo na rojake, ki imajo kakršne koli predsodke v tem ali onem oziru, naj bodo danes sami najboljši zgled strpnosti ali tolerance in naj nfe mečejo polen pod noge onim, ki so pripravljeni delati in se žrtvovati,, kolikor jim je mogoče, za boljšo bodočnost naše stare domovine. Prvič v zgodovini slovenskega naseljenstva v Ameriki so danes možnosti za enotno nastopanje, za-enotno akcijo v prid Slovencem v star4 domovini in naše iskreno mnenje je, da pred to možnostjo se morajo umakniti v ozadje vsi predsodki, ki so vpričo naloge, katere se lotevamo— zelo, zelo malenkostni, Za pripravljalni odbor Slovenskega narodnega kongresa: Ivan Molek. tajnik. Federacije SNPJ Zaključni zapisnik federacije SSPZ Braddock. Pa.—Zadnji zapisnik redne federacijske seje dru-tov bivše SSPZ v zapadni Pcn-»i Vrsrte se v nedeljo, 23. nov., ? Slovenskem domu v Pittbur-fhu. & predsednik Mike Stern od-Pc sejo ob 2:30 pop. Odbor je nav/o£.rjazen 3 nadzornikov, ••stopana so sledeča društva: S< 10. 23, 41, 80, 86, 89, 107, 126, 'V* 239, skupaj 10 društev s 25 župniki in 6 odborniki. Sledi čitanje zapisnika prej-»Jt seje, kateri je bil sprejet s opravkom, da je društvo 189 ^overdale) pridobilo 3 nove čla-*v niladinski in 1 v odrasli od-ta. Br. predsednik pozove da vstanejo v znak so- ^'pisi: Pismo od federacije «m*,.v SNPJ v zapadni Penni * v**me na znanje. Govori še John KvarUch, bivši fJ. predsednik, ki tudi poziva in apelira na vsa društva, da se združijo kolikor je le mogoče in da gredo sedaj nu delo z vsemi močmi za večjo združeno organizacijo SNPJ. Govor br. Kvar-ticha se vzame na znanje. Razno: Sledi precej obširna debata, kaj se bo storilo s preostalo blagajno. Br. Anton Red-nak govori, da so v federaciji društva iz okrajev Fayette in Westmoreland, kakor tudi iz za-padne Penne in bi bilo težko deliti blagajno, nakar predlaga; da se federacija razpusti in preostalo blagajno pošlje na Jugoslovanski pomožni odbor (slovenski sekciji) za pomoč ljudem v stari domovini. S tem se bo pomagalo resnično dobri akciji Ker se večina teh članov nahaja v bližini Edisona ali kam-pe 50, se letošnja priredba vrši v tej naselbini. Najeli smo znano dvorano v kampi 50, kjer se je vršila tudi letošnja majniška proslava kansaških društev SNPJ. Božičnica se vrši v soboto, 20. decembra, zvečer. Ampak ta priredba ne bo samo za člane mladinskega oddelka. Najeli smo namreč za ta večer znano in priljubljeno frontenaško godbo, ki zna igrat "za stare in mlade", da bo toliko več veselja in zabave za vse. Vabimo torej tudi vse člane o-koliških društev, da pridete na to priredbo. Ker vlada nekako mrtvilo med našimi tukajšnjimi društvi, da imamo poredko kje kakšno "pošteno" društveno veselico, se upravičeno nadejamo, da se pridete zabavat z nami ta večer. Vse podrobnosti programa bodo objavljene pozneje. FederacUakl odbor. Zabava in bošlčnlca chlcašake federacijo Chlcago. 111. — Ponovno želim opozoriti delavce dneva SNPJ, da se bo zanje vršila zabava v soboto zvečer, 6. decembra, v dvorani SNPJ. Odbor, v katerem imajo k federaciji pridružena društva vsak po enega zastopnika, se je sestal ter uredil vse predpriprave za najboljšo zabava Zato želimo, da pridejo na to zabavo vsi, kateri so v dnevih dneva SNPJ izvršili razna dela, ker z njih sodelovanjem je bilo omogočeno federaciji izvršiti v splošno zadovoljstvo to veliko nalogo. Da se jim za ta trud vsaj malo povrne, bo ta priredba zanje brezplačna ter jih ponovno vabim, da jo posetijo. Kakor prejšnja leta, federacija tudi letos priredi božično priredbo v nedeljo, 21. dec. v dvorani SNPJ, društva, spadajoča k federaciji v South Chicagu, bodo pa imela svojo božično priredbo v Hrvatskem Domu. Zato se o-pozarja članstvo, da poseti te priredbe. To posebno še, ker so te vrste priredbe zelo dobra reklama za SNPJ med mladino ter so postale tako popularne, da bi bilo v veliko škodo jedno-ti, ako bi jih opustili. Da nam jih bo mogoče vzdržati, Je potrebno, da se jih članstvo SNPJ v teh okrožjih bolje udeleži kot se jih jc pa zadnjih par let. Izgovor, katerega nekateri tako radi rabijo, ne drži; ta je, da so njihovi otroci odrasli ter da naj sedaj tisti posetijo priredbo, katerih otroci bodo prejeli darila. Upoštevati je treba, da je priredba v zvezi z velikim stroški, kateri se vsako leto potrošijo za darila. Zato pričakujemo, da bo letos članstvo napolnilo dvorano SNPJ, kakor jo je že v prejšnjih letih na enakih priredbah. Frank Aleak, tajnik. Glasovi iz naselbin Smrt pokosila dobrega agitatorja Brooklyn, N. Y.—Spet nam je smrt pobrala dobrega člana društva All Americans 560 SNPJ v osebi Johna Sneiderja. V petek zjutraj, 21. nov,, se Je podal zdrav in vesel na delo, ob 10. uri dopoldne pa njegova žena Agnes « .ji" ^„i™ hr Paul Klun I dobi brzojav, naj se takoj zglasi Predbg l^P ra br l aul Khin y £lniinlce, kjer je John Predlog je ^^^¿ delal kot klepar (tin nmith). . soglasno sprejet Br. blagajnik y končno poroča, da no £ajjl ^ ^ „ Jc I H*. M1IS S«-1 w S I ■■ «m i . '< ritill' m r/>n> nunuk« čaju, toda to je bilo v prijateljskem tonu. Jaz ga bom teiko pogrešal, ker sva se večkrat kaj pogovorila; a ne samo jaz, marveč tudi mnogi drugi ga bodo pogrešali. On je bil tudi delegat na U, konvenciji SNPJ. John je prišel v Ameriko leta 1906. Rodil se je aprila leta 1888 v Koprivniku pri Kočevju in Je bil ob smrti torej star 53 let in sedem mesecev. Tukaj zapušča žalujočo ženo Agnes in tri hčere, vae članice SNPJ, kakor tudi dve sestri, v atarem kraju pa dve sestri. Pokopan je bil 24. nov. Ker je bil tudi član prostozidarjev, ae je pogreb vršil po prostozidarakem obredu. Johnu ohranimo časten apomin! F. Kramarsich st. Proti koncu leta « Walsenburg. Colo,—Leto se bliža h koncu. Vsi podjetniki že sedaj pregledujejo račune in svoje delo, kaj je bilo dobrega in kaj slabega in kako izboljšati poslovanje v prihodnjem letu. Tudi mi člani SNPJ bi ae morali vprašati, ali smo izpolnili svojo dolžnost napram SNPJ v tem letu ali ne in ako smo pripravljeni v prihodnjem letu popraviti to, kar smo letos zanemarili. Tfo naj bo vprašanje posameznega člana in obenem tudi vsakega društva naše jednote. Ta mesec so volitve društvenih odbornikov, od katerih je precej odviano društveno poslovanje. In letos je mesec december še bolj važen za nas, ker se združujejo društva SNPJ in bivše SSPZ. Tako ae je tudi društvo 8 bivše SSPZ pridružilo društvu 299 SNPJ. Prva skupna seja se bo vršila v nedeljo, 21. dec., prl-četek točno ob 9. dopoldne v navadnih prostorih. Radi tega prosim vse člantsvo obeh društev, da upoštevajo to naznanilo in se Udeleže te seje, ker bo pomembna r.a naše bodoče poslovanje. Obenem pa tudi'vabim vse članstvo in drugo občinstvo iz okolice, da nas posetite na naši veselici, ki se vrši v Walaenburg Pavilionu na božični večer, 24. dec. To bo naša božičnica, katero priredita društvi 299 SNPJ in 8 bivše SSPZ. Igrala bo izvrstna godba iz Puebla, pričetek ob 9. zvečer. Tone) na avidenje* na božični večer v Walsenburgu. ~Zd Tomsic. predsednik 299. računi izplačani ka v blagajnik $67.50. Ta vsota bo poslana br. V. Cainkarju, gl. predsedniku SNPJ, da Jo izroči pomožnemu odboru. Kar se pa tiče federacijskih knjig, se sklene, da jih tajnik So imeli sdrušliranl banket Eveleik. Mina.—V nedeljn, 23. nov., amo tukaj imeli banket v proslavo združitve društev SNPJ in bivše SSPZ. Banket Je bil spremljan z govorniškim programom, v katerem so nastopili kot govorniki uradniki vseh tukajšnjih društev fJNPJ in bivše SSPZ. Sploh so bili na tej priredbi upeljani v SNPJ in pozdravljeni člani bivše SSPZ. Priredba ae je vršila v dvorani SNPJ. Poročevalka. O Bratoljubu in adrušenju milwsuikih društev Mllwaukee.—Kakor veste, so v mesecu decembru letne ali glavni- >«'j» Tako ima tudi naše društvo Bratoljub 234 ŠNPJ svojo letno sejo 14. dec. ob 2. popoldne v navadnih prostorih. Dnevnega roda ne bom razlagal, ker vsi veste, kaj je glavna seja. Kar je za to aejo najbolj zanimivo, je to, da bomo upe-ijali tri nove člane. Po sklepu lanske letne seje se mora te seje udeležiti vsak član in članica, drugače se bo z njim, ali iz njo postopalo kot je zaključeno. Izvzeti so samo bolniki in oni izven društvenega sedeža Kadi tega sklepa ni treba "kl-kati" tajnika, ker to ni njegovo delo, marveč pridite na letno aejo in tam protestirajte, ako vam ni prav. Bratje in sastre, vse leto smo vas pustili pri miru, daai niste hodili redno na mesečne seje kot je vaša dolžnost. Te brez njen mož radi srčne napake zgrudil pri delu in umrl. Zdravniki so ai prizadevali na vse načine, da ga ohranijo pri življenju, a nič ni pomagalo. John Sneider Je bi zelo akti- ----- . JL 4 .ven» SNPJ in bil njen član drži na rokah za dobo fi m*w- ^^ ^ |ft Pri na4em «j^vu cev in potem jih pošlje Sloven-. ^ ^^ ^ y iidboru ni. brijto(Jgtl ^ M gm^ biti Kakor skemu muzeju v Cleveland. ^ n| b|J pr(JB| v«krat Je bil" - J-----.....1—*----- Ob razpustu- federacije Je bilo1 prfKj»edntk( letos pa taihlk. No- včlanjenih 28 društev. Sklene b9no dej0 y društva ni bi- se, da se pošlje ta zadnji zapisnik, ,Q ^ preVeč, vsako nalogo Je z v priobčitev v Prosveto. v«eljrm prevzel. Na sejah Je S.tem Je bil dnevni red Izlr-1 poudarjal in priporočal pan, nakar br. predsednik za- ¿Unom nij «gitirajo za nove ključi sejo ob 4. uri pop. člane, pa tudi sam ni spal: ka- Anton Rednak. zapisnikar. • ^ bil v družbi, Je zme- —r--raj agitiral za SNPJ. Ce se Je Bošlčnlca kansaške federacije kdo pred nJim spotaknil nad SNPJ « ' SNPJ, Je bil UM v vojni z Arma Kana. — Kot običajno nJim in mu povedal, kar mu Je vsakoleto tako tudi letna pri- šlo; Jezika ni v takem primeru red i kan saška federacija SNPJ nikdar hranil SIcer ne smem redi kansasa« . _ ^ da Je bil John vedno v pravem, ker tudi midva sva ae božičnico za člane mladinskega Oddelka s primernim programom in lepimi darili se doma skrbno zanimate za go> spodarstvo In za goa|Kxlinjstvo, tako bi ar morali zanimati tudi za svoje društvo. Sa) vam društvo In Jednota vendar nudita bolniško in drugo podporo, kadar ste v potrebi; In kakor se jednota in društvo zanimata za vas. tako bi ae morali vi zanimati za društvo in Jedrnimi. Am-Seje se udeleži le 10- ■S6 in prišli na seja Vsa čast onim, ki se drže obljube, katero ao dali ob pristopu v jednoto ln prihajajo na aeje. Bratje in sestre! Prihodnje leto bo naše društvo praznovalo 30-letnico avojega obstanka in vi šalite, da ae priredi proslava te obletnice. Ali boste pustili samo par Članom, da narode načrt in izvrše vae, delo za to proslavo? Obžalujem, ker kaj takega ni mogoče izvršiti brez vaše kooperacije. Lahko se pa vse to izvrši s večjo udeležbo in večjim sodelovanjem. Rad bi tudi vedel, kaj je z onimi člani in članicami, ki ste bili prejšnja leta aktivni v vseh ozi-rih: prišli ste na aeje, na priredbe in pridobivali nove člane. Kaj Je zdaj vzrok vaši pasivnosti? Saj niate še preatai i in tudi ne preveč zaposleni. Ali se je vam kakšna krivica zgodila ali se mogoče še godi? Na društveni seji je prostor, da se vse poravna, kar ae aploh da poravhati. Mogoče niste zadovoljni s sedanjim odborom? Ce ja to, tedaj ai lahko pomagate, aamo pridite na letno sejo in ai izvolite drugo odbornike po vaši šel j i. Ako vas ne bo na glavno aejo, tedaj bo moral zopet prevaeti stari odbor za prihodnje leto. Seveda, tajnik mora priti, da opravi sVo-Je delo, ravno tako predsednik, da vodi aejo, blagajnik, da poda društvene računa, nadzorni odbor, da poroča o stanju knjig, bolniški nadzorniki, da povedo, v kakem stanju so našli bolnike. Kaj pa vi doma delata? Mar naj društveni odborniki poročajo le sami sebi? V Članski Prosveti od 19. nov. sem čital sugestijo br. Johna Perkoti glede združenja mil-wauških društev. Jaz ae v celoti strinjam z njim. Čeprav sem tajnik Bratoljub^ se nič n* bojim kot se nekateri tajniki, da bi potem izgubili urade. Meni ni za to, mani je na tem, da se združijo vsa naša mala društva v eno veliko celoto, ki bo lažje eksistirala. Kaj pa s ženskim društvom Venero? Hudi to ni izvzeto, tudi one naj ae pridružijo enemu ali drugemu, ker mi Itak ne moremo biti brez šensk, kakor tudi ženske na brez nas rpo-šklh. Želim, da bi o tem vsa mil-wauška društva razpravljala na svojih glavnih sejah in se izrekla za združenje. Na ta način bi bila večja udeležba na sejah, na priredbah in pri splošnem glasovanju. Ako bi ne bilo toliko različnih društev, bi po moji razsodnosti že Imeli svoj narodni dom in shajališče za stare In mlade, tako pa še zdaj nimamo nič. Kaj ste prej delali, Je uganka, toda kar zdaj delamo, se malo vidi. Alt" *no društvo kaj zgradi, pa drugo podere. Ako bi bili združeni, bi se na aejah ze-dinill in zaključili In potem bi ne imel kdo podirati. Ce bi tako delali, hI slovenski dom že stal ln bi bil nam vsem v ponoa, tako pa ni nič. Ko govorim o potrebi združenja, imam v mislih tudi društvo Lilijo in JPZS Ni več dal« čas, ko bodo prisiljena združiti se, kar tako zapovedujejo h* današnje okolščine Apeliram torej na vse rojake v Milwaukeeju, da na decembrskih sejah vzamete v pretres to vprašanje. Ml |x»šamo in se staramo, z agitacijo gre slabo, v resnici vsak dan slabše pri nas starih, z mlajšimi pa veste, ks-ko je. Dokler starši plačajo ali gledajo, da je asesment plalan, je dober član, ako pa starši ne morejo iz kakega vzroka plačati, ni več dolgo član ali članica Mislim, da Jih Je le kakih 25'4, kl.se zanimajo za društvawostalim 75% pa vrejo druge muhe po glavi (menda jih drogi pregovorijo), To vem Iz moje družinske izkušnje. Nas Je sedem članov v odraslem oddelku, to da ako bi jaz ne skrbel, bi ne bil plačan asesment, Tako Je tudi z drugimi Jih Je dosti, ki prestopijo i/ mladinskega v od* rasli oddelek In dobijo nekoliko kredita za aeesment; k/t ta poteče, pa pustijo društvo in jednoto. Nekaterim staršem ne zamerim, ker ne morejo več kontrolirati svojih otrok po 10 letu, ker so pač take današnje raz- Zapisnik seje gospodarskega odseka Redna mesečna seja gospodarskega odseka SNPJ se je vršila 12. sept. v hotelu Fort Plttu v Pittsburghu, Pa„ ob ». dopoldne. Predsednik Petrovič pojasni, da se je seja sklicala dan pred zasedanjem 12. konvencije zato, da se prihrani na stroških. Zapisnik seje z dne 6. avg. se sprejme. Predsednik poroča, da v zadevi Pettijevega in Warncrjevega posojila v Clevelandu so se pod-vzeli koraki ln odplačila bodo bolj točna, Obsežna popravila na Hansenovem posestvu v Youngstownu so ustavila odplačila, posestvo se ceni na okrog $4200, neplačana bilanca znaša $2600, zaostali davki pa približno $56. Priporočilo, da dolžnik plača davke in redne obroke, se sprejme. V preteklem poslovnem letu so bili dohodki prve vknjižbe telefonske družbe Eastern Illinois dokaj nizki, izgledi za višje dohodke pa so sedaj gotovi. Tajnik Vider pojasne, da so se zadevne zadolžnlcc prodale po vrednosti ln obrestih, Predsednik čita pismo Philips B. Heller ja tikajoče se poslopja Cleveland Terminal Tower in ber, samo rad bi videl, da bi ga kdo pojasnil javnosti. Joaeph Frits. tajnik 234. Nekolike komentarja Fontaaa, Cal.—Ni moj namen, da bi se • kum prepiral v Časopisih, vendar se oglasim na kritiko iz Fontane, ki Je bila prlob-čena v Prosveti 5. nov. Br. Bla-zlče je najprvo kritiziral delegate 12. konvencije in dejal, da jo v organizaciji veliko članov, ki se nič ne ozirajo na pravila, pač pa imajo svoja pravila, ki so popolnoma v nasprotju s pravili sprejetimi na konvenciji, | Tukaj je br. Blazič resnico povedal. Toda ča bi bil on pre-čital pravila in se ravnal po njih, bi pri našem društvu no bilo prišlo do takega prepira, da Je nad 30 članov radi tistih malenkoati prestopilo. Lahko se še spominja, kako je nastopal na aprilski seji. In ko so člani videli, da se jim krivica godi in da prepira ne bo konec, ao vzeli prestopne llfto k društvu 723,1wr sodnega postopka v zvezi z izdajo obveznic in obresti jednote, ki ima sa $50,000 tet» obveznic. Sodnija Jc zavrgla načrt za pre-osnovo od 1. okt. 1940, ker se bi nove zadolžnice ttdale na podlagi vrednosti starih. Vider do-, stavlja, da jc zadeva bila vzeta na znanje in postopanje ae Je odobrilo. Tajnik poroča, da odplačila na posojilo Št. 35 so zaoatala. Soglasno sklenjeno, da ae izvede sodnijska prodaja. SentklerŠko hranilno in pmuJUno diulivp po» roča, da novi lastnik posojila Št. 3 Louia Rolek lahko prevzame vso preostalo bilanco. Soglasno odobreno. Na razpolago za nove vloge jeu vsota $25,000; preostanek se pridrži za konvenčne stroške. Soglasno sklenjeno, da vsota $25,000 se vloži v zadolžnice miamakega vodovoda po 2%%, z dozoreloatjo v letih 1966-69, po vrednostni meri ln redu A, potom Channerjove firme. Zaključek seje ob 1. popoldne. Mati Petrovič, predsednik, F. A. Vider, tajnik, Ponald J. Lotrlč, zapisnikar, ) članstvo je želelo mir in zdaj ga imamo. Ne bi mu odgovarjal, ¿u bi se ne bil fibregnil ob one, ki so vzeli prestopne liste. Upam, to zadostuje. Anton Blatnlck, 723. pak se na. IS članov, in sicer vedno eni ln mere isti Ako bi vaa bilo več, bi lah- j Torej vaa mllwauška društva ko marsikaj ukrenili v korist (naj na letnih aejah vzamejo v društva Seja se vrši samo en-; pretres vprašanje združenja in krat na meaor, In sicer traja la' tudi glede slovenskega doma. ki dobro uro. To uro bi si vendar nam i» «daj tako potrebni l>t- večkrat spoprijela v kakem slu- lahko utrgali enkrat na mesec rektoüj dela na načrtu, ki Je do- Druitven* priredba . 2» letnica društva 141 bivša SSPZ White Valley, Pa^-Kot aem že enkrat poročal, bo tukajšnje društvo 142 bivše SSPZ obhajalo svojo 25-letnico v nedeljo, 21, dec. To društvo Je bilo ustanovljeno tretjo nedeljo v decembru 1916 in bo tudi na isto nedeljo letos praznovalo svoj srebrni jubilej, Clsnom je že znano, da se je naše društvo združilo z društvom 232 HNPJ In bomo imaii' skupno sejo 14. doc, ob I. po|ioU dne. Nsše proslsve se bo udeležil tudi naš bivši gl. predsednik KK-I»Z John Kvartich, kakor tudi novi gl. podpredsednik HNPJ Mike Kumer in novi vrhovni zdravnik dr. Arch. Predstavijo-lil bodo tudi ustanovitelji In ustanovni člani, ki so še pri društvu, in trije društveni ursdnlki, ki Imsjo rszne ursde že skozi vseh 25 let. Kot sem že zadnilč omenil, bo na tej zabavi vse prosto; pijača, domače klobas« In ples. VstPpnlne ne bo nobene, ker ta zabava bo samo za člane KSI'Z, HNPJ in AliZ Ako pa kateri član teh treh društev hoée kaj prispevat! za to zabavo, lahko odda spodaj podpisanemu,'ln to do 14. dec., ker potem ne bom več pobiral. Kolikor bom nabral, za toliko bom kupil. Kot seda) izgleda, bo zelo lepa udeležba na tej zabavi, ker bo r nami vred imel avojo "party" tudi tukajšnji vrtec št, 103 KK PZ. Prlčatek ob 7. zvečer. Torej 21. dec. ae bomo poslovili od naše bivše KSPZ Upam In t* Ilm. da bomo v bodoče prav ta> ko delali sa SNPJ kakor smo de sedsj za KHPZ «Drugo bo v dnevniku —Ure«! ) Jerry Pravic. Od (888 do (888 poroča ln komentira MUaa Medvelek Danes bom napisal samo .nekaj besed o slavnostni priredbi, ki se bo vršila v počast spominu največjoga slovenskega piaate-Ija Ivana Cankarja. Priredba ae bo vršila 14. decembra v avditoriju Narodnega doma na St. Ctalr ave. Program bo lep in pestor. Plesno točke, pevske, g od bom* ln kratka igra. Nastopil^ bodo sledeči: Frank Cvsen. predsednik Cankarjeve ustanove, z otvoritvenim govorom; Dorothy P a 1 i • k a deklamira "Hlapca Jerneja"; Ann Beniger, dramatična so-praniatva iz Chicaga, poprej živeča v Montan!; Vladimir Malečkar, violinist; Edward Kužnik, harmonika; I,than in Albert Ule, narodni pleatt""" " ---- " duet Glasbene matiea; . - "Horn Quartet" pod vodstvom Franka Koslča; kvintet Collinwood High lole, sponsorlran jmj Vinkotu Coffu; Kleonor Ueno, umetni plesi; zbor Zarja; Leonard Zallar, "tap" plea; Edwin Poljšak, piano; Ann Beniger, klasično petje; igra. Spremljali bodo: Vera Mtla-vec Slejko, Amalia Plut, Vladimir Malečkar in Kesnik, Johnny Pecon, Kratek govor bo imel župan Lauacht. Torej udeležite se te krasno prlredlw. Po programu bo ples, za katerega bo igral orkester Johnnyjs Pecons, SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV priglašenih k federacij aas S. N. P. J. PRIREDITVE DRUŠTEV CHICAlKE FEDERACIJI S. N. P. J. FEDERACIJA SNPJ sa Ckikefške ebvošje priredi Sošlčoe rhrsdfce v aedelje II. deeemkrs v SlfPJ dvorani. Drulivs as) pvsveéasae aaaaaal|e •veje priredke lejaikii na naslovi FRANK ALE1M. til4 S. Pulaski Rd. Tel. i Le wedele Mil CMICAOO. ILL. FEDERACIJA DRUlTEV SNPJ ZA JUŽNI WISCONSIN Milwaukee. Wis. KROŽEK iT 4 U KROŽEK iT. I« priredila RoAUnice v Hsrieels Heil dne M. decembre. DRUlTVO AT. II S KP J priredi piMMM vsseliee dne T. f «fentes Je 1941 r K. P. Neil DrtUtve*I lejnlkl naj se r lederesije efcraeje na lajaleo« /K» •IE CHUCK. MIO So. I4tk Street. Wesl Allis. Wis. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJI ' DRUlTEV SNPJ. Drutiv« asj prtjsvtje aveje pin ditve ne nasWvi JACOS AMSRO SICK. R D Re. I. McKess Rests. Pa. NeJsaneelJtveJše dnevne lavske vesti ao r dnevniku sveti." All lik ¿líete vsak dan? .r PROSVETA THE EMLKUfTEMKEHT ouaiLO m ufmiA ■ Nsroéntas u Zdruta* ditav* (U-nt Chitas» la Kanado |tao aa tato, MX» sa pol Ista. 91-90 ta CmtrX tota: aa Chloafo te Oemro 91M m calo 1 93 70 m pol lata: aa Inocamatvo 9940. Subscription ra loa: Cor tba Unltod Statss (oacopt Chicago) and Canada 90-00 por y oar. Chicago and Claoro 97 JO por y oar. Oorolgn oountrtaa 99-00 par roar. Com »glaorr po aojoocru^-Koliopio* dopisov In nsnarnftsnlh Uaakov oa M vračajo. Bofcopl* atoraras vssblno (črtico, povaatt. drama. poMl ttd> ao vmolo poéUJstslJu la tr slutaju. «a |o prtlotU poOtnlna. Advertising rataa o« agrosaamtr-Manusertpts oí oommunlfotlona and unooHaHod artleloo wUl n?t bs ro-turnod. Othor manuscripts. auch aa •tortea, plays. posma, etc.. will be returned to sender only when aooom-penled by sell-addraaaad aad stamped PROSVETA Ar*. or TMS Datum v oklspaju na primer (December 90. IMI). poleg vsOsgs Imena na naslovu P^nrrr' da vam jo s tem datumom potok la narotolna. Ponovita Jo da aa vam Dot aa ustavi. '1U Urednikove pripombe ji v prid naši »Uri domovini Ta akcija še ni organizirana, kajti zadnjo besedo bo imel kongres, ki je sklican za 12. februarja pr. 1., vendar je tukaj možnost, da bomo zdaj nastopili enotno vsi ali vsaj večina. Če hočemo uspeti, moramo biti združeni za neki cilj. To nas lahko uči izkušnja iz preteklosti. Med zadnjo svetovno vojno so bili ameriški Slovenci razcepljeni na dve ali tri struje in nobena ni imela pravega uspeha. Poskrbeti moramo, da bo zdaj drugače. Glavni pogoj vsski naši poli« tični akciji pa mora biti, da mora biti zasnovana demokratično, vršiti se mora demokratično ln K»" toUkP uradnikov pri toli-njen cilj mora biti demokracija *ih društvih, plačevati najem POKOPAJMO STARE PREPIRE I Se vedno prihajajo člani v Prosveto s spornimi zadevami, ki izvirajo iz volitev delegatov pred šestimi ali sedmimi meseci za zadnjo konvencijo. Zadeve, ki ee direktno tičejo spornih delegatov, smo ustavili za objavo takoj po konvenciji o-ziroma sredi oktobra, ko smo videli, da zadeva enega prizadetega društva ali člana privlačuje druga prizadeta društva in člane, da prihajajo z enakimi zadevami na dan. S ponovnim rešetanjem onih zadev v glasilu, ki jih je končnoveljavno rešila konvencija, ne pridemo nikamor. Ostali pa so pri nekaterih družtvlh spori, ki izvirajo izpred konvencije in povzročajo nove razprtije. Pjrosimo prizadete brate, naj vendar enkrat pokopljejo tiste spore doms in naj prenehajo v dopisih s prepiri, ki mejijo na gole osebnosti. Danes so pred nami večje in važnejše zadeve in Žkods je časa in energije za malenkostno pričkanje pri društvih in po naselbinah sploh. NESPAMETNI. MALENKOSTNI UGOVORI V elevelandski Ameriški Domovini čitamo ugovore proti skliesnju slovenskega narodnega kongresa po predstavnikih podpornih organizacij, češ, da naše podporne organizacije niso poklicane za nameravano politi čno akcijo. Odborniki teh orga nizacij niso bili izvoljeni za to, da vodijo politiko glede stare domovine. Relifno akcijo za stari kraj lahko vodijo, to se jim prizanese, ne pa politična akcija! Čudovito Je to. Relifno akcijo lahko vodijo, ne pa politične! Oboje pa je izredna nujnost, ki nima nič , opraviti z vsakdanjo politiko Ali bi ntx bilo otročje, če bi rekli, da podporna organi- na vsej črti. Ameriški Slovenci ne smejo nositi sramote, da so pomagali ustvariti kakšno novo diktaturo v starem kraju. MI NOČEMO NIČESAR DIKTIRATI STAREMU KRAJUI Clevelandska Ameriška Domovina vprašuje, ali naj ameriški Slovenci diktiramo obliko državnega sistema bodoči Jugoslaviji? Nato pa modruje, da bi bilo bedasto nsjprej debatirati, kakšno obliko vlade naj ima nova Jugoslavija, potem pa osvajati ozemlje za novo državo. Prvo mora biti parcela ali stavbi-šče, potem šele je hiša. Ameriški Slovenci ne diktiramo ničesar. Kako pa bi sploh mogli? Ampak večina ameriških Slovencev je toliko pametna, da lahko reče: če smo ml pozvani od predstavnikov Slovenije, ki so danes v Londonu kot člani jugoslovanske vlade ali zunaj nje, naj pomagamo naši stari domovini do združenja in svobode, tedaj imamo po vseh demokratičnih načelih pravico, da tem predstavnikom povemo, kako si mi zamišljamo svobodo naše stare domovine. Če smo mi pozvani, naj brusimo jezik ln pete v interesu stare domovine, da nas bodo slišali oni, ki bodo gradili novo Evropo, tedaj imamo vso pravico, da razodenemo graditeljem, kaj so naše želje glede SVOBODE naše rojstne domovine in kaj bi bilo po našem uver-jenju in izkušnjah najbolje za naše rojake v starem kraju. Dalje imamo pravico, da povemo u-radnlm predstavnikom Slovenije, ki se nahajajo v Londonu in Ameriki, kaj pričakujemo od nove Jugoslavije za naše skromno delo in če imajo kakšne garancije za nas, da bodo naše želje upoštevane. Ali je to kakšno diktiranje? Bratje pri Ameriški Domovini lahko javno izpovedo, da so oni vso skrb glede bodočnosti Slovenije in nove Jugoslavije prepustili jugoslovanski vladi v Londonu. To je njihova zadeva, ampak vsi ameriški Slovenci ni so tega mnenja. Veliko nas je, najbrže večina, ki nam ni vseeno, kakšna naj bo politična oblika nove Jugoslavije in še posebej združene Slovenije. Če Je res, da jugoslovanska vlada, v Londonu lahko vse sama uredi brez nas, čemu nas potem potrebuje? Samo za štafažo? Ameriški Domovi bi tudi lahko povedali, da noben praktičen goapodar ne gleda za parcelo ali stavbišče brez načrta, kaj bo zidal na parceli; vsak pameten človek misli na obliko stavbe, kakršno bi rad imel, ko še nima parcele. Mi smo prepričani, da je velika večina ameriških Slovencev proti temu, da bi se Slovenija vrnila v staro Jugoslavijo, smo pa za to, da Slovenija z najširšo samovlado posta- Glasovi iz naselbin ' Glede sdruženja društev Mllwaukee. — Na zadnji konvenciji v Pittsburghu je prišlo do združenja SNPJ in SSPZ. Tisti, ki so oziroma so bili člani o-beh organizacij, se morajo pridružiti k temu ali onemu društvu. Tudi v Milvvaukeeju imamo dosti društev, predvsem na južni strani. Bolje bi bilo, da bi ta društva združili iz dveh razlogov. Prvič zakaj je treba plače- zacija lahko izrazi aimpatije do Slovencev v starem kraju, ne | ne del demokratične Jugoslovan sme Jim pa svej/tvati, kako naj uredijo svoje bodoče življenje, da ne bodo več potrebovali naš« nine za društvene seje, ker je pri vsakem društvu mala udeležba. Drugič ima vsako društvo piknik in po dve veselici na leto, povsod pa vidiš ene in iste glave skupaj, ene ln iste delava ne člafte in mala udeležba. Ljudem ne moreš zameriti, ker je preveč zabave povsod. In tako poberejo ves dobiček oziroma dohodke pivovarna, godba in najemnina od dvorane ali prostora. To omenjam radi tega» ker ima odbor za Slovenski dom seji 14. dec., na kateri se bo ukrenilo, ali se kupi dvorana SST ali ne. Torej ako bi šla naša društva bolj skupaj, da bi imeli skupne zabave, manj toda boljše, bi lahko pričakovali usj?eh. Potem bi tudi lahko pomagali z denarnimi prispevki, da bi prej plačali dvorano. Naše društvo. 16 SNPJ 1-ma sedaj pet delnic v ta namen, ampak ako bi delali skupno, bi jih lahko kupili 90 ali več. Z združenimi močmi bi naredili več kot posamezno, tako za društvo kot za slovenski dom. Frank Perko, tajnik 16. Nekaj kadila Cleveland. — Naše društvo V boj 53 SNPJ je proslavljajo svojo 35-letnico. Že meseca februarja je bilo sklenjeno, da vsak član plača 25c doklade v društveno blagajno, v zameno pa dobi prosto Vstopnico na proslavo. Ta sklep je bil zato sprejet, ker je protipostavno vsiljevati vstopnic^. Ta dopisnik se dobro razume na take postave, da moraš plačati v korist društvene blagajne brez fžjeme, si. Ko so bile oddajane te vstopnice, so pa barroomarski disku-zarji pričeli hujskati članstvo radi teh 25c, ker so menda mislil, ako imaš kvoder, pol dolarja ali dolar, da je barroom edini prostor, kjer ga smeš zapraviti. Mi se čudimo našemu Ženskemu spolu, da tak slučaj vzame za tako nektfj groznega. In pozneje so te- ženske raznašale take mame naprej, dasi so brez vsake podlage. Naše društvo ne sili nikomur vstopnice, ker pa je bila društvena 35-letnica, smo sprejeli tak sklep, to je, da vsak član plača 25c doklade v društ veno blagajno in dobi zastonjsko vstopnico, bo sedaj še nismo bili obveščeni, da je kdo umrl radi tistega kvodra. Mi bi želeli, da bi se v "kulturnih" kovačnicah ne kuhalo toliko zgagarij, potem pa se obešali na naš račun. To absolutno odklsnjamoi ker ravno isti bar roomarji brez vsakega ugovora radi plačujejo pri drugih društvih prisiljene vstopnice zs bankete ali navadne veselice, toda ni nobenega protesta. Saj ponekod vsiljujejo še celo pivske listke in to oglašajo celo v listih, ampak je vse okey. Če bi kaj takega storilo društvo V boj, bi bil ogenj v strehi. Podpisani ima dvs sinova tem društvu, toda ni bilo nosnega na proslsvi, ker eden dela za državo na propelerjih v San Antoniu, Tex., drugi pa je ostal doma pri otrokih, da Je njegova žena in njena sestra lahko stregla gostom na proslsvi. Pa tudi ske fcderacije ali še večje federacije. Slovenija mora enkrat dobiti gmotne pom«>či, in ne «me svojih I pravo demokracijo! Le priznaj-želja glede naše star»' domovine j te, '1» v prejšnji Jugoslaviji ni »poročiti graditeljem nove E- bilo demokracije. In obnova vrope? 1 M are Jugoslavije, v kateri bo Organizacije, ki so po svojih vsak čas mogoča kraljevska in odbornikih sklicale slovenski i vojaška diktatura, je najmanj I moja žena je pomagala v kuhi narodni kongres, so naše največ- naloga ameriških Slovencev, ki | nji, dasi ni članica društva 53, Je organizacije, ki predstavljajo žive v demokratični republiki, ne dosti manj ko 150,000 anieri- Nihče med nami, ki misli demo-ških Slovencev. Kje imate bolj kratično, ne bo pristal na kaj ta- kega. Niti minister Franc Snoj, kolikor urno ga doslej mi spoznali — in »poznali smo ga kot gentle- marveč ženskega društva 748— mi Ji damo enakopravnost, ds je lshko tam. kjer hoče biti. Ali kljub temu se nismo zgražali radi tistih 25e. I Menda mislijo nekateri, ako bi mene ne bilo, bi bilo vse lepo. Če tako mislijo, naj kar okoli bi rojaki, ki se prvi hip namrdu-1 kega za Slovence. In ne pozabi-1 sebe pogledajo in bodo videli demokratično predstavništvo* Končno pa b«»do povabljene na kongres še druge organizacije, k) niso podporne, in povabljenih bo mnogo posameznikov. Ali ne mana — ne bo oriatal na kaj ta Jejo. malo počakali, da vidijo te vi v Clevelandu. da Snoj in organizacijo prihajajočega kon- Miha Krek še nista jugoslovanska vlada Ona sta samo dva, g resa? LE ZDRUŽENI BOMO NEKAJ DOSEGLI Ameriški Slovenči /daj pida gamo temelj avoji politični akci kako drugje napredujejo, kjer nI mene zraven. Saj ao tudi pri nekem klubu za vpili, kaj vse bo, ko proti njima je pa velika večina! mene ne bo. In kaj Je sedaj? Srbov, med katerimi so tudi o- Mrtvilo. Nič več ne povedo, akq ni. ki ao nedolgo tega aodelova- klub še obstoji ali Je mrtev. Ko li pri kraljevski in vojaški dik- «*em bil jsr zraven, smo-Msaj bo-taturi!------bnali tako,.da so imeli tudi naj- PBOIVETA bolj junaški komunisti strah pred nami, kako bomo mi oblegali njih trdnjavo, dasi nas je bilo komaj dva ftucata. Opozarjam člane društva 53, da bo prihodnja seja drugo nedeljo, to je 14. dec., v spodnji dvorani SDD na Waterloo. Seja se prične ob devetih zjutraj, ker bo radi volitev uradnikov trajala dalj časa. Naš podpredsednik John Šorc je sedaj na bolniški listi. Želimo, da bi bil do letne seje že zdrav, vi člani ga pa obiščite, ker prijazni bratski obiski so doittkrat najboljše zdravilo. Moram tudi opozoriti celokupno članstvo, kako včasih .naši člani radi poslušajo one, ki jim servirajo — medico. Zadnja konvencija SNPJ je sklenila, da gl. odbor lahko letno porabi neko vsoto za podpiranje tamburaš-kega zbora neke univerze, češ da bo ta zbor podal ameriški javnosti naše jpesmi in skladbe. Slišal sem že precej kritike radi tega nepremišljenega sklepa, ker so tudi vzroki. Prvi je, da tamburica ni naš "narodni inštrument", nlarveč hrvatski. Drugič bi mi morali imeti klasične sklarbe, toda še tiste, kolikor jih imamo, ni dirigentov, ki bi jih prirejali za razna godala. Tretjič bi morali upoštevati tudi druge, ki so bolj poznali kot predstavniki naše pesmi in glasbe. Jaz ne morem razumeti, zakaj so naši stari delegatje takoj pripravljeni dvigniti roko pri glasovanju, ne da bi pomislili, kam gre njih asesment. Naša metropola razširja slovensko pesem in glasbo po radiu, toda ni nihče iz Clevelanda prišel s predlogom, da se nam da $1000 podpore. Le Josephine Močnik je predlagala $10 za Glasbeno matico, toda je ni uslišal ne Bog ne delegacija, dasi je bila vsota malenkostna. Frank Barbie, 53. Venera as zahvaljuje Milwaukee. Wla. — V izrecno veselje in prijetno zadoščenje mi je poročati javnosti, da se je program za 2JMetnico društva Vehere dne 2l nov. sijajno ob-nesel. Navzlfcj temu, da se je vreme, »kot za^nagajivost, ravno ______________o v občutno mrzlo, se je zbralo prilično število udeležencev, HJ so z zanimanjem sledili izvajanju pevskih točk. Prvo je nastopil mešani zbor tukajšnjih ml. krožkov, in teh članov je lepo število, da jih je veselje videti.^ Njih voditelj br. Frank Puncar je v uvodu predstave na navzoče toplo apeliral, da vsak, ki ima veselje in glas za petje, naj se pridruži pevskemu zboru, naj se priglasi njemu ali pa pride kar na vajo, ki se vrše vsak teden ob sejah v Šoš-tarichevi dvorani. Njegov apel je zelo na mestu in je iskreno želeti, da doseže povoljen odziv v prospeh glasbe jn kulture sploh. Nato nam je mladina pod vodstvom njih učitelja mr. S. Jur-šika z lepo ubranimi in ljubko donečimi glasovi zapela več domačih, nam vsem poznanih in priljubljenih peamic, s katerimi so nas tako prijetno presenetili da je nam na mah zarajalo srce da nam Je iz obrazov zasijalo veselje, ki smo ga izrazili z burno odobravalnimi aplavzi! Enako odlično se je za tem postavil tudi naš mladi gost E-die Udovich iz Chicaga. Z mič-nimi naatopi nam je ob igranju na kitaro s svojim čistim in srebrno zvoneči m glasom zapel nekaj šaljivih slovenakih pesmic in še eno angleško za nameček za kar je žel gromovit aplavz od navzočih. Iz njegovih mičnih nastopov je zaznati, da mladi Edie poseduje prirojeno nadarjenost, kakor tu di, da je skrbno izvežban pod nadzorstvom svojega očeta Antona Udovicha, ki je kot pevec Prešerna vsadil in neguje tudi v svojem sinu občutek ljubezni do petja in kulture sploh, za kar mu je izrečno čestitsti! Da je v tem oziru že uspešen, dokazujejo sinovi odlični nastopi in se odsevsjo še tem bolj jasno v njegovi neutešljivi želji do nadaljnjega pouka v izpopolnitev svojega talenta. Ko je naš mladi gost za kulisami opazoval In poelušal lepo ubrsno petje naših krožkov, je vzhičeno svojemu očetu vzkliknil: "Kako lepo /pojejo, kako tabornega učitelja imajo, tega bi Jaz rad imel!" To znači. da mu v prirojeni nadarjenosti mo- čno kiije želja, posvetiti se učenju, da ga kal ljubezni do petja nagonsko sili na pot, ki ga mogoče privede do sijajne kariere na polju kulture. Naša iskrena želja je, mladi Edie, da je na tem potu vsa sreča s teboj in da dosežeš svoje željene uspehe v vsestranskem oziru! Če pomislimo, kako težko se je nam priučiti pravilne izgovorjave angleške govorice, da je še tem težje tukaj rojeni mladini privaditi se in izgovarjati pravilno slovenske besede v pesnitvi, bomo znali ceniti veliko požrtvovalnost njih samih, njih učiteljev in voditeljev. V po-štev tega je nas starejše generacije moralna dolžnost, da jim nudimo naše sodelovanje, da z našimi močmi podpremo njih požrtvovalnost in jih tako nagradimo za njih vrlo vztrajnost, ki je j>oleg prirojene nadarjenosti temeljna podlaga za dosego uspehov, ki jih beležijo sebi in nam v ponos. Zato ni več kot prav, da dajemo vso priliko naši mladini, da na naših priredbah nastopa in ae tako vežba, da naposled, kot dobro vzgojeni naši nasledniki, častno nadaljujejo socijalno in strokov no udejstvovanje slovenskega življa. Od vzgoje naše mladine je odvisno, koliko Časa bo živela in se glasila naša slovenska govorica, kdaj nam bo zgodovinska kronika zaprla knjigo našega socialnega sožitja. V tem smislu se torej v imenu društva Venere 192 SNPJ iskreno zahvaljujem za nastop tukajšnjim krožkom, in sicer vsem mladim pevcem, njih učitelju in voditelju, istotako federaciji za poklonitev tozadevnih stroškov! Šlično iskrena hvala našemu mlademu gostu Edieju Udovichu in njegovemu očetu Antonu Udovichu za duševni u žitek, ki ste ga nam naklonili in nam s tem priredbo še bolj olepšali! Nadalje izrekamo iskreno zahvalo vsem cenjenim udeležencem od tu in iz Chicaga. Starša Udovich in dvojica Rokave so se nam zelo priljubili in nas zelo veseli, da smo imeli čast se. z njimi seznaniti; izrečno želimo da se ob kaki «priliki prav kmalu Srečna dobiteljica oddanega radia je mrs. Martin, članica Venere. Čestitamo! — Za veselični odbor: ChriaHna Moaoloy. O konvenciji in društvu 137 Cleveland. O,—V Proeveti še vedno čitamo, kaj vse dobro ali sjabo se je zgodilo na 12. redni konvenciji SNPJ. Želela bi, da bi se to obsojanje delegacije že nehalo. Kot delegatinja rečem tole: vsi delegatje in delegatinje ter glavni odborniki so na zadnji konvenciji dobili besedo, če so zanjo vprašali, toda zakaj je imela večina tam jezike zavezane? Tam je bil čas, da bi povedali svoje mnenje v korist SNPJ. Sedaj pa, ko čitam razno kritiko, kaj vse bi se mOralo napraviti in kaj se ni storilo, postaja vsa ta stvar že smešna. Dnevnice so bile prevelike. Saj vam je že Barbič pojasnil, da imajo pri njih uniji delegatje $18 na dan. Na 12. konvenciji, se meni zdi, smo bili tudi sami delavci, in to tudi kulturni delavci, ki vsak po svoje dela v svoji naselbini le za korist društva in jednote. Vsaj jaz nisem videla nobenega kapitalista na konvenciji. Čitala sem tudi, kam so se skrili varuhi jednotinega premoženja, ko smo glasovali za dnevnice. Meni se vidi, da se naši varuhi vedno ln povsod potegu-jejd za pravice delavcev, in so bili tudi tukaj na mestu. Ravno nasprotni smo bili pa vsi drugi, ko so bile na dnevnem redu plače glavnih izvršnih odbornikov. Kar priznajmo, da< so najnižje plačani v primeri z drugimi bratskimi organizacijami, dafei je naša SNPJ med največjimi. Torej je lahko nas sram, ker zahtevamo vse od njih; v njih rokah je naše veliko premoženje, da ga varujejo, kadar pridejo plače na vrsto, se pa neha vse bratstvo. Samo tega se nekateri veselijo, kako jih bodo spet namahali na prihodnji konvenciji. Kar se tiče drugih sklepov konvencije, gotovo niso bili vsi IX) volji ne enemu ne drugemu. Saj še predsednik Združenih držav dela napake. Glavno sedaj in zopet snidemo, dotlej £a, da ste je to, da za enkrat skušamo ,po- nam lepo pozdravljeni! V imenu veseličnega odbora se izreka najlepša hvala našim pridnim delavkam in onim sestram, ki so nas v prid veselice obdarile. Zahvalimo se prav vsem, ki so nam s čimurkoli pomagali do boljšega uspeha! zavesti, da imamo še toliko naklonjenega občinstva, bomo na vdušeno v tem pravcu nadaljevale in vas prihodnjič presenetile zopet s kakim lepim progra mom. Na zadnji seji Venere nam je zastopnica konference Prosvetne matice, sestra A. Puncar podala obširno in zanimivo poročilo, med drugim tudi glede pomožne akcije po vojni prizadetim v stari domovini. Poudarjala je, da je naša moralna dolžnost sedaj še toliko bolj, da tukaj naseljeni Slovenci porabimo vso našo moč, da dalje ohranimo našo slovensko govorico s tem, da jo učimo in jo razširjamo med našo mladino v socijalnem in kulturnem oziru. K temu je sprožila še svojo idejo, da bi bilo umestno, da si tudi društvo Venera omisli postaviti kako 1-gro na oder in tako pomaga razširjati našo govorico. Ideja in poročilo je bilo z odobravanjem vzeto na znanje in-po daljši razpravi, katere se je udeležilo več sester, je društvo sklenilo, da se izreče naša moralna (»odpora tudi akciji, ki so jo započeli v New Yorku v prid rešitve primorskih Slovencev izpod fašlsti-čnegs jsrma, v katerega so vklenjeni po zadnji svetovni vojni in trpe nepopisljive grozote, ki na človeško čuteča srca glasno vpijejo po obračunu! Dne 9. dec. se bo vršila naša letna seja in sicer začetek bo ob 7:30 uri zvečer. Uljudno ste vabljene. da se iste udeležite vse članice! Zakaj je seja važna in vaša prisotnost potrebna, to vam je že v zadnjem tedniku raztol-mačil gl. predsednik v svoji koloni. Nekatere članice so že o-bljubile. da pridejo In prinesejo darilo. Je res razveseljivo, da I-mamo med nami članice, ki nam preskrbe in poklonijo okrepčilo. ki se nam po seji zelo prileže in se nas s tem še bolj navduši za nadaljno delovanje v prid društvu. zabiti in popraviti ali izboljšati na prihodnji konvenciji čez štiri let v Evelethu, Minn. Apeliram na dopisnike Prosvete, da prenehajo s predbacivanjem in naj raje pišejo v dobrobit naše združene organizacije in za večjo SNPJ. Poročilo, ki sva ga podali s so-delegatinjo Josie Zakrajšek na seji Naprednih Slovenk o konvenciji, so naše članice z veseljem sprejele. To pa zato, ker so vse zavedne in napredne žene in dobro razumejo, da se hiša ne more zgraditi v enem tednu in tudi ne v enem mesecu, ampak vzame časa. Isto velja tudi za konvencije. Zdaj pa nekaj našim agilnim članicam društva Naprednih Slovenk 137 SNPJ: Naša letna seja se vrši v četrtek, 4. dec., v dvorani št. 1 v novem poslopju SND. Letna seja je važna in velikega pomena. Volile bomo odbor za prihodnje leto in tudi zastopnice v razne druge odbore Pridite vse, izjema naj bo le bolezen. Na naših sejah je vedno lušno in živahno in imamo tudi "bank night"—katero članico doleti sreča, dobi dolar iz društvene blagajne. Tudi na letni seji bo nekaj dobrega, zato bodite navzoče vse in se veselite z nami. V naše društvo se je naselila tudi žalost. Zadnja dva meseca je nam smrt pobrala pet dobrih članic: sestre Somrak ($eler), Chervan, Lah, Merzlikf.r in Zaletel, našo ustanoviteljico. Tri od teh je zadela srčna kap, eno je ubil avto, sestra Lah pa je umrla po dolgi bolezni. Naj bo vsem lahka ameriška gruda, družinam umrlih članic pa izreka naše društvo globoko sožalje! Sestre, katere ste čile in zdrave, udeležujte se društvenih sej, ker tam dobite duševno in telesno razvedrilo in se vsaj enkrat na mesec otreeete skrbi in težav, katerih je polna mera v vsa ki družini. Če je malo spremembe, se vse lažje prenaša Napredne Slovenke tudi priredimo letno plesno veselico 3. januarja. Seja je sklenila, da vsaka članica kupi eno vstopnico zato, ker plačujemo premalo v našo društveno blagajno za upravne in druge stroške. S tem. SREDA, 3. DECEMnoi je tudi boljši uspeh veselice pomoč blagajni. Apeliram tudi na naše članice ako ,e kateri mogoče, naj pri£ lje kako novo članico ¿ dni tvo. Zdaj se moramo požuriti da nadomestimo umrle članice * novimi. Če katera ve za kako ženo ali dekle, ki še ni pri dri tvu, naj jo vpiše, ali pa naj spo. roci kakšni izme dodbornic in se bomo potrudile, da jo prir*. ljemo v naše društvo. Tosej na svidenje na letni seji 4. d je xadn)a aeja v tem letu Ne vem, kaj je viruk, da ale aečell društvo tako «anemeijall, (idkar aeni tajnica, »Ur hlll pel let dfAni členi, aadnje leto vaa pa ne morem pohvaliti uvienli nekaj članov, ki prihajajo na aeje in jMn tijifj fim*' <>d društva 4l>m dol>lla vabilo, da bi ae h njim pridrutill. Moje mnenje je, da M bilo to še najbolje, ker aej ae Itak ne udcletu)eUr rewn lelui ceive special recognition and are thereby more responsive. This then, is the time fpr planned action on their behalf for the benefit of our lodges and the organization. Of course, the sponsoring lodges and federations must see to it that the programs are always in accord with the Society's principles of progressive idesls snd free-thought. Our Juvenile Circles serve as excellent centers of action, and the advisers and managers in cooperation with lodge officers and members can obtain excellent results. There is a spirit and tradition in connection with this season which draws people together in harmony and willingness and provides that essential to success. It is interesting to remember thst the yuletide season dates far back to prehistoric times. In fact, this season was celebrated by ihe pagans 2000 years before our era, and many of the present-day customs are traceable to that early period. The pagans were sun-worshipers and believed the sun was born each morning and sank into its grave at night. Upon the approach of the winter solstice they becsme increasingly alarmed at the diminishing power of the sun and feared it would ultimately be entirely eclipsed by darkness. At the passing of the solstice, around December 20, when the sun became more powerful each day there was much rejoicing at its supposed rebirth. Centuries later—in the 5th century of our era, to be exact—the celebration of the rebirth of the sun was converted and adopted to the meaning which it has todsy. However, the yuletide season nowadays is lsrgely used for commercial purposes. It Is plsin thst the season pf gift-giving and ready good-will is important and should be utilized to our full advantage, although our Society practices this in terms of various benefits every dsy of the year. This Utter is our fraternaiism in truth^ and practice. In prder to augment our juvenile programs during the season our Society has on hand a numberiof jaookteta containing sulta- Broadcast CHICAGO, ILL—The regular November meeting of the Integrity Lodge 631 was fairly attended. Wo accepted three transfer members, two from the former SSPZ lodge. Welcome I Our annual December meeting will be held on Sunday, Dec. 28, at p. m. at 1604 N. California Ave. All members please take notice of this date. Election of officers will take plaee. The members also decided to have an anniversary affair in January. This affair will be in'iKe form of a dinner and only members and their friends will be invited to attend. Wo are also going to have our Spring Dance on the 4th Saturday in April, and our 1042 Fall Dance will take place on the 1st Saturday in November. All lodges please take notice of these dates so we will not conflict with datos. We are indeed very sorry to hear that our president, Bro. Albert Roycht, had met with an accident while out hunting on Nov. 16. He was injured by a crane (large billed bird) on his left eye; it in-jured the lens and iris of the eye. This coat him his eye-sight, which is very regrettable to the Integrity members and friends. MICHAEL R. FLEISHHACKER, Secretary Lodge 631. ble original plsys, recitations, and songs, both in English and Slovene. There are such plsys as "Christmas—Then and Now", "Bratje Miklavii", "No Game of Chance"; algo^ "Ne*t*Door Neighbor", "Zbrali so se Lincolni", "In the Nick of Time", *tc. Recitations snd songs "Discovered Santa ClausT, "Lep Božični Večer" and others. These can be obtained by writing to SNPJ headquarters. It is desirsble that our lodges snd federations cultivate a goodwill spirit among their juvenile members during their formative age. -This, we are sure, will produce good results snd will pay in substantial returns when the youngsters grow up. Badgerland News I MILWAUKEE, WIS —Two more of our members have joined up with Uncle Sam, namely, Ralph Simons and John Bitenz who have joined the Army Air Corps for 3 years. They will be stationed in Mississippi. With AI Jeraj and Matty Graf already gone and now these two fellows, it sure won't leave much for our ball team next summer. Mafl Bowling Tourney For the information of those who will attend our Nat'l Bowling Tourney next spring, I wish to advise that the tournament will be helcFon April 34, 30 and 26, 1043, that is ort Off the President's Bat By J. F. Fi/olt, Lodge 566 CLEVELAND—Instead of Friday, Dec. 13, as mentioned laat week, the Cleveland Athletic league ia going to hold their meeting this Friday, Dec. 5, change in date being the result of a social affair sponsored by the Utopian lodge on tha 13th. Representativea from ali English Speaking lodges are requested to put in their appoarance to.decide definitely the quesUon of sponsorship of the Eastern Invitational Bowling Tournament. Glasix'tia Matica ia busily preparing for its annual Spring Concert holding weekly rehearsals every Thuisday. Room 2 8ND, under the direction of Mr. Ivan Zorman. The military situation together with shift work in defrnae industries, has rauavd a scarcity of nude alng-ers, not only with this group but others as well. If you are interested in joining this outstanding singing society why not make it a point to show up this Thursday The women will welcome yoy with open arms. Mrs Cam Zarniek. Vice President, in chatge of aoctal affairs. Is lining up workers lot their annual winter danos to br held in January, with muaic by Lou Trebar Keep this in mind. Tillie Potokar MrCoy is prepar ing to Irsve Cleveland soon to )otn her better half stationed In the Air Corps somewhere In California. We w tab her a pirasant trip. — — -u. ** Another succeaaful Comrade affair has rolled on Ha way. the November bowlers' dance. The crowd thoroughly enjoyed itself dancing to the far well music of Frankie Yankovlc, who is preparing to open up his own busineaa in the near future Frank ier has played for our lodge ever slncr being in the We thoroughly enjoyed our rclatlnnahip and wish him the best of luck in his new venture. The old reliables were on hand, Stefantc sisters behind the cage; Millie Koren and Mary Zak at the door; Jean Beljan with hubby Matt selling refreshment tickcts; aided by Sia. Prljatel, whose husband Joe won the drawing for the bowling ball and bag; Sis. Zadcll, alao Fran Spik who had a far away look In her eye until her friend Ed put ln his appearance. Paulino Spik, in charge, helped here and there when called. Albina Vehar and her mother were in charge of the kitchen, her dad helped behind the bar until Rates-Popotnlk-Ste-fanlc trio arrived. Eddie Stefanic also helped behind the bar when the going got rough. A couple of newcomera, Angela and Julia Mahne, aaaisted at the door. The Popotnik sisters, Pauline Rms and ihe rest of the girl bowlers also did their part. The glrla wore their clasay bowling outfita for the occasion. The Smoles. Agnes Crtalic, Vida Belinger, Johnny Prudtah and Sir! friend. Juitus Pimat, Walter Cigerlo and numerous others were on hand, Frank Oglar and Ivan Jontex repreaented the old-timers. We were glad to see them.. Kristoff who may play for ua later in the month, engaged to our Recording Secretary, were in Jovial spirits. Saturday. Dec 30. Room No. 1 will be one night every member should set aside for attendancr at our election meeting No ifs or ands. we ll expect you to be on hand Dancing and refreahmenta will follow. Contact has already been mads "Sarding eapenae of trip to Mil waukee Prlee quoted $12 00 round tup. Start saving your pennies to day. Incidentally it would be well Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The reaaon the date has been advanced one week was due to a request from some out-of-toWn lodges. This 'n' That Dr. Schuler, our lodge physician, is the proud father of a baby boy. This past week Joe Barbarich and Ann Klemenich said "I do." Anton Paulin and Ann Rajster are now Mr. and Mrs. So congratulations to all of you. Coming Events Saturday, Dec. 20, at Harmony Hall will be the annual Xmas Program and dance given by the Milwaukee SNPJ Juvenile Circles. A good, short and snappy program ia in store for thoae who will attend, and gifts will be given to all children. Saturday, Jan. 17, 1043—The Badgers athletic group will sponsor a dance at the Harmony Hull. Yearly Meeting Our annual meeting will be held Friday, Dec. 18, at the usual meeting hall, 531) So. 6th St. All members are requested to attend and elect officers whom the membership feels best qualified to perform their duties. Also Santa Claua will be there and all members are requested to bring a gift not to exceed 10c In value. LEO SCHWEIGER, 584. Export Lodge No. 758 Will Meet on Dec. 14 EXPORT. PA —All Marine members are urged to attend our final meeting at Mancc's Hall. Sunday, Dec. 14, at 6 p. m. Pleaae attend for the election of new officers will take place for the ensuing year. We cordially invite all Evening Star members from White Valley who wlah to join handa with the Marine Lodge to attend our next meeting. They are welcome. Our dance Nov. 1 waan't aa succeaaful financially as expected. Better luck next time, 1 hope. JOSEPHINE NAPONIC, Secy. SNPJ Lodge 143 Final Meeting on Dec. 13 E. HELENA, MONT—All mem-hers of SNPJ 143 are requested to attend the next and final meeting of 1041 on Dec. 13 at 7 p m Election of officers and other official busineas will take plaee. JOSEPH MIHELIC. Secy. for Leo Schweiger or some one from Milwaukee to give out some advance details regarding the tournament, especially the date ae lected. (The dates are April 34, 3» and II.—Ed J Special Meeting CLEVELAND. O.—On Monday, December •. there will be a special meeting el the SNPJ New Era lodge »73. The members of the senior Lodge Delavec 3(7 have been invited to attend this meeting for the purpose of starting a campaign tor new members in the Mew Era lodge. Sinee this meeting is of great importance, members of both lodges should turn out in full number. Ledge Delavec have elected a women's committee to take care el the aalreshsaenis. Entertainment will alao be provided for after the meeting. An invitation is extended to all the Engliah-speaking sister lodges to attend this meeting which will be held in the Slovene Working-men's Home on W. 132nd and Mc-Gowan Ave. la Wast Park. CAMILU8 E. ZARNICK. -District Vice Pres. J. Z. Jr. Bright Spots LIBRARY, PA.—The J. Z. Jrs.' annual meeting will be held Sunday, December 7, at 6:30 p. m. and all the J. Z. Jrs. are urged to attend. The election of officers, meeting date, and other important matters are brought up at this meeting so that we may start the ne w year right. There has been so many suggestions brought up at the monthly meetings and the members that attended decided tp wait for the annual meeting to live the other members a chance to have their point of view on the subject. So please attend an^ try to make this the best meeting oi the year, for I know that you all have suggestions to make and this is the time to make them for yo^all have g right to have your say, that is why< we have meetings. The Officers of Headquarters always ask me to send the money a little earlier for December on account of it being New Year's, so I ask all the J. Z. Jrs. to try to come as early as possible to help me and headquarters. The January meeting will be earl/and I want to have my books rcadyito turn over to the ing. f< s The Committed and the J. Z. Jrs. wish to extend their thanks to the Lodges that attended the Thanksgiving Dance and also the people of Library, for their cooperation which made our dance a success. I did not mention the names of the lodges because I was afraid to miss some of them and I Wouldn't want them to feel that I was leaving them out. Now we are looking forward to the concert of the Library Singing Society Bled that will be held Sunday, December 14, and the E. S. Federation Bowling Tournament and Dance held January 1, 1042. We are looking forward to both affairs. MATILDA BOLTE, 682. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 SNPJ Keystonians HERMINIE. PA.—How many SNPJers have read laat week's editorial, "OUR ANNUAL MEETINGS ARE IMPORTANT"? If you haven't get out laat week's issue of the Pro-sveta and don't fail to read it. Quote one paragraph: "A passive, dormant personnel, lacking any initiative, will lei the lodge lapse Into inactivity and lethargy from which it will find It hard to recover." Ia your lodge guilty? To the Key-sionian members; Ia our lodge guilty? Think It over. Our annual meeting will be held Sunday, Dec. 7. at 2 o'clock. That will be the proper time to discuss this question and when it comes to choosing your lodge officers may they be aa the article states, quote: "An alert executive personnel of the ledge will always radiate activity, growth and prog veas." All neighboring lodges are asked to keep our Xmas Day danee in mind. Plan to attend. The music will be furnished by that ever-pop-ular Frank'a Trio. JOSEPH BATIS, Secy. Little Fort Lodge News WAUKEGAN, ILL—Hardly any time to write any sort of an article, so this must suffice as a short greeting. The Dance Committee met the past week to make final reports of the dance. As had been planned, a party will be given for all committee members and for all those persons who worked at the dance. These will be admitted to the party free of charge. Any other person desiring to attend will be admitted for the fee of one dollar. We invite any who desire to attend—Little Forts, Pioneers, Badgers, Mohawks, etc. At this party you will get free drinks, free refreshments, and, oh yes, free polkas. The date? Saturday, December 13, at Slovene Hall. This 'n' That:—A few Waukegan-ites traveled to Chicago the past Sunday to attehd Singing Society Sava'a concert. We extend our deepest sympathies to the Zuponcic family in their recent bereavement. Here are the standings and the averages of the SNPJ bowling mixed league: Team No. 3 won 26 and lost 7; No. 2, 20-.13; No. 1, 19-14; No. 5, 18-15; No. 6, 0-24; No. 4, 7-36. Individual averages tor men: 1st M. Kirn 166; 2nd S. Gregorin 166; 3rd F. Belec 164, 4th T. Hodnik 150, 5th G. Shea 156. Individual averages for women: 1st E. Dobni-kar 153, 2nd F. Kirn 142, 3rd M. Gerzel 141, 4th C. Stritar 141, 5th M. Laben 132. High team average: No. 3, 735, 1st; No. 1, 600, 2nd. Individual series: M. Kirn 587, E. Dobnikar 565, F. Belec 570, C. Stritar 524. High ind. single: S. Gregorin 234, E. Dobnikar 565, F. Belec 570, C. Stritar 524. High ind. single; S. Gregorin 234, E. Dobnikar 201, J. Je-reb 223, F. Gregorin 101. Lefty and Joe Hudale are having another match game with Slim Sedmak and Frankie Vodnik at the Recreation Alleys at 3:30 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 7. They each won in their own home town and Sunday will Cheerio—till we meet again. MILLIE SIMCIC, 568. Universal Comets Toledo SNPJ Lodge 666 Will Meet on Dec. 14 TOLEDO, O—To all members of SNPJ lodge 66« We would like to draw your attention to attend the annual meeting at the Neighborhood Hall. 1021 Vlnal St. Sunday. Dec. 14. New officers for the year 1043 will be elected, alao the reports for 1041 will be read. A beent members will be dealt with according to the decision made at the laat meeting. This alao ifttUaa to the Jan. 11, 104X meeting, unless otherwise excused by the membership. It la every hi ember's duty to be present The hall ia at our disposal aa long aa the ma »arily of our members are present, I .el's all be there. AL VALENCIC. Secy. Spirit-o-Grams By Whoosit, 650 ST. LOUIS, MO.—Forgetting our past and looking into our future, we see Dec. 20 marked on the calendar. That is the date of our Christmas Party, which will be held at the Concordia Turner hall, in our meeting room. The previous dance committee has charge of the ararngemcnts and will have Santa Claus there in person. He will sec that all of our Juvcnllca have a real time. The date for our annual meeting has been set for Dec. 12 immediately after our regular meeting. Every member is urged to remember this date. Who will be our next chairman? Or who will Be our next officers? That will be left completely to the members at the annual meeting. Our Spirita bowling team has been showing some fine bowling the last few weeks. As they go into the second round of the season they are holding seventh place in the 12 team league standing. They also hold fifth place for team high single and aeventh for high three. These boys arc doing great work for the tough competition they arc getting. Stanley Harvatinc has high average of the team. Our Spirits' banjoist, little Jackic Kacin, who has been going placea with hia banjo lately, was recently selected to take the leading role ip a program given by the freshman claaaes of his school. Don't forget our membership campaign, which ia now in full swing. Another juvenile is cheduled to be entered at our next meeting. Let's keep up the good work. SNPJ Lodge 7 to Meet with SSPZ Lodge 2 CLARIDGE, PA —The annual meeting and elections of officers of SNPJ lodge No. 7 and SSPZ lodge No. 2 will be held Sunday. Dec. 7, at 10 a. m. at the SND. AH male and female members are urged to attend. MIKE BALOH. Secy. Scranton Lodge 513 to Meet on December 21 8CRANTON. PA—SNPJ lodge 613 will hold their next regular and annual meeting on Sunday. Dec. 31, at 1 p. m. There will be the election of officers for the year 1043. All members pleaae attend. RALPH KONCHN1K, Secy. Dates to Remember UNIVERSAL, PA.—Dec. 7—Meeting of Tenth Anniversary Committee of the E. S. Federation pf SNPJ Lodges of Western Pennsylvania, Slovene Hall, 57th & Butler Sts., Pittsburgh, beginning at 2 p. m. Dec. 7—Meeting of Comets Lodge 715, at the Slovene Hall, Universal, beginning at 7 p. m. Dec. 31—New Year's Eve Dance by Comets Lodge 715, Slovene Hall, Universal, featuring Martin Kuko-vioh and hia Slovene Commanders. Jan. 1—Ninth Annual National SNPJ Duckpin Tournament and Dance, on New Year's Day. Tournament will be held at the Stanley Parlors, Carrick (Pittsburgh), and darfce will be held at the Slovene Hall, Library. Comets' Mews ALL Comet members are urged to attend the next regular meeting of the lodge at the Slovene Hall, Universal, beginning at 7 p. ra. on Sunday, Dec. 7. The December mpe^ ing of each year stands out as the most important, and it is the' fraternal duty of each nad every member to be present. Numerous reports and other busineas will be discussed that will be ot interest to the lodge and Society, so don't fail to attend. A social will follow the meeting in the downstairs hall. Let's be at the meeting in full numbers and participate in the discussion, nad then have a good time together at the social. The dance committee searched high and wide for a good orchestra to play at the New Year's Eve Dance, December 31, and it is safe to say that in selecting Martin Kukovich and his Slovene Commanders a good choice was made. Within recent months, Martin has produced on numerous occasions one of our best orchestras, and we are satisfied that his orchestra will provide good entertainment at our dance. The American custom is to raise whoopee on New Year's Eve, and the Comets Lodge is providing the means to satisfy your social desires on that night Allow this announcement to fill your date for that night, and we pledge you an excellent night of fun and entertainment News and Views On Sunday, Nov. 23, George (Gisb) Remeso and his Mrs. (Mickey). Frank (Pee Wee) Previc. and the writer traveled to Johnstown for a visit. Among others we visited with SNPJ First District Vice-Presidentelect, Joseph Culkar and his family, and with SNPJ Athletic Board member James Trofino and his wife. To them and others, and particularly the Bricelys and DePolaa. we are thankful for a good time due to their splendid hospitality. If we were to make a count, we would discover that our SNPJ members enjoy numerous rights in our Society; and if we were to make a further count, we would discover that there are an equal number of duties. Outstanding among the duties is the obligation to attend the Annual December meeting of the lodge to which you belong. It sticks out like a sore thumb. Perform this duty this month when you, lodge meets. 31 Seven Comet member an 1,4 the Annual Thanksgiving Dance oi the J-Z Jrs. Lodge 682 at Library Among them were Andy and Vic iona Pryatel. of Universal, who wen celebrating their sixth wedding , niversary. And they were really celebrating, for they did everythul from the modern jazz, the jitterbS to the polka. Martin Kukovich and his orchestra furnished the music and the huge crowd was well pleased' with it. The dance was a big sut cess for the lodge, and everyone ,■„. joyed it immensely. The Sharon crowd was headed by that ami,a -sador of good will Stsnley p»ule. nich. and they announced a dance at the Sharon Slovene Hall on Jan-pary 10. We "'read the highlights of a "Mini in if te**''8pecch made recently Pittsburgh by a European govern" ment official before Hitler, who is in America in the interest of relief for those in his homeland. And while his speech appeared interesting enough, it seems entirely proper to question the motives of him, or similar persons, in regard to their platform. What-does he, or others, stand for as regards their futur«? homeland after the defeat of Hit-lerism? A return to what was before is certainly inadequate, and if these European officials jye genuine they should let known their intentions without reservations. We ought to expect them to stand firm in the establishment of a democratic Europe. If that is what they want, they should not hesitate to say so. Last Saturday we had the pleasure of speaking at the 25th anniversary celebration of Lodge 300 of Braddock. A huge crowd attended and èxpressed wishes for further success to this lodge of approximately 200 adults and more than that many juveniles. Those active ôn the arrangements were Anion Rednak. Anton Rosants, and Franc»» Maria-hus. The chairman of the program was Matt Junko. brother of Detroit's Leo, Those presented with SNPJ *ins in recognition of 25 years in the lodge were Anton Casnik. Mike Knafelc, Frank Sale, and Gregor Tratnik. Anton Cipcic represented the Slovene Federation and made a. brief address. Wc had a swell time with fine people. Don't fail to make arrangements for that Duckpin Tournament scheduled for New Year's Day in Carrick, and the dance scheduled on the same date at Library. There will be a big representation, so plan to count yourself among the bowlers and dancers. It is reported *thut the Golden Eagles Lodge of Girard, Ohio, will be represented with teams, and that's good news. And it's equally gratifying to read that the Chicago Pioneers gave favorable consideration to the Tournament invitation. We hope that the Pioneers will U»k'' advantage of their lodge's generosity and be with us that day. *■ MICHAEL R. KUMER, 715 ' SNPJ Wolverine News DETROIT, MICH.—Attention, Wolverines! Don't forget to attend the most important lodge meeting of the year on Sunday, Dec. 21, at 10 a. m. at the 'Slovene Home on Livernoia Ave. "What ia so Important about thia meeting?'" you may aak. Well, it's the annual election of officers for the coming year of 1942. At lot of credit is due the present officers of the lodge for the fine work they have done in leading the unit to Its present ranking as one of the most progressive organizations In the SNPJ. To Anthony Steffler, Dan Obed. Ton! Bogatav, Rudy Bemick, and Anne Stromar, you have all done your job well. Bowling. All of the Wolverine teams are entered in the Croatian-Slovene Bowling League and the teems can be seen in action every Sunday afternoon at 1 p. m. at the Palmer Park Recreation Center on Six Mile Rd. At the preacnt In the claas A league the Wolverine Wolves are in the 4th place, the Wolverine Growlers in 8th and the Wolverine Bernicks in 10th plaee. High individual one game total shows T. Oolcar in 2nd place with a 255 score. In the high individual 3 game honor role the Wolverines have Larry Bernick with a score of 049 for 3rd place. In the B league the Wolverine Challengers are in ftth place. Wolverine Cabooae 11th poaition and the Wolverine Bachelors in 10th place. High teem one game the Bachelors are in 0th place with an Ml and high teem 3 games are Challengers with 3403 and the Bach«*lore with 3400. In the Women's League the Wol- verine Golds are in 3fd posit»««, sparked by the fine bowling uf C liar-lotte Benedict with a 3 game *<«<• of 479. In the B league J«*- term still leads with his high game of 240. Recent 200 games bowled uy Wolverine members were fr««w Cerne with 20«. Laddie Z'"dar » * 203 and Tony Steffler with a J total of 574. Helen Martinac *«rt» a 220 one game total in the Women. League. Friendly Views. Rose troduccd a new member at our £ meeting who hailes from Ponnr J« Slugs, after being a member oft* Wolverine lodge but •1 tow ^ has gone campaigning for bcrs and his recent applicant FrankCendrosk 1. Welcome to «u group, Frank. The lad.es wre Si men look bad at our meeting in att^dancr Th'J tended in full torce with but^J J males in the crowd How .«*> better showing Dec. 31. n^n t-.1 but by no means leant. y «Mas-Sis: .11 the modem and n^ ' H RUPERT, f**- first anniversary CLEVELAND. £ Mike Biaay want to Hit wishes to their daughter. Cat* beat wishes u. ^ K»* 011 ertoe. and sen ^TVank*"- their fl»»t SNN<~ My Week By Much n being mW these day« Jut soaring livinf coata and anti-„ „^nation. 0001 of th®,e top" ¡"a* of vital importance to every IUrr as they both affect him di- irctiy. ^jfll Last week a froup of economist« ^ a report showing that price Ehave been concentrated in com "¡¡¡Itles which are only slightly, if ¿all affected by wagea. The big-[ L rise, they point out, is in farm Wducts. and the next biggest rise t been in raw materials—largely Jciusc of profiteering and specu- ktK»n _ Significantly enough, the report «rrts. the smallest rise has been In ^^ where wages bulk the largest [Eviously. then, the campaign to that soaring living costs are result of a rise in wage rates, 1 deliberately misleading, designed a divert attention from profiteering Of course, there have been in grates in wage earnings, but the Mart emphasises that this is large-i fy the result of more and steadier gaployment and more overtime, the rise in hourly earnings or vge rates the least Important factor Their contention to substantial by the fact that prices and profit have outstripped wages Among the economists who Invested economic trends are sUch «tU-known educators as William Alar of Columbia University; C. J. frtfdrich, Harvard University; J. D Kingslcy, Antioch College; Si-aoo Kuzents, University of Penn qlvama; Oscar Lange, University 4 Chicago; Selig Perlman, Univer-nty of Wisconsin, and others. They live formed a research group to gudy and report on relation of price on and wage increases. Certainly, (heir findings cannot be dubbed as >rtiaL" | These experts also pointed out the bet that ".people who yell about tgh wages' as inflationary are quiet a s mouse about the tremendous giwnig in profits. Yet high profits trt dangerously inflationary." Corporate profits are reaching for the sky, and dividends so far this year ksvr increased 10 per cent. But that jimn't tell even half the story: corporations are hiding profits to escape tuition. . . Yet, the same reactionary press vluch clamors for anti-labor leglala- hon, carries on its daily propaganda flat soaring living costs are mainly 4* to wage increases. The work-si are entitled to know the guilty -*rty-the profiteers which la real-|J responsible for America's eco-•omic troubles. fy ' L1NCOLNITES SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—Lodge Lln-ehites will sponsor a Christmas P*y at the Dom on December 19 5 which wc will entertain our juve-W* members. Each family Is asked k bring sandwichcs. There will * a grab-bag gift exchange for 1 so each adult and each juve-ali' should bring an inexpensive «tide for this purpose. In nddl-»"> to this there will be something tttra for the children. W< would like to see a good at-todanee at this meeting so plan "|ht now to be with us. The busi-meeting will start at 7 p. m. ■krp. are happy to report that »"th» r Eddie Jansen has been dis-^«•d from army service, due to ■«age law, and is now back at-^'ng to his grocery business. Another of our members has been Wed to serve though. Brother ~<*nie" Banlch left recently and ■ now in Texas. His address is: Wv»te Martin Banlch, Company D «4th Inf. Tng. Bn., Camp JHers. Texas. Wc feel sure that "ienie" would be glad to hear the *»» from the old home town. D"n t forget the Christmas party. ■*re is also some Important busi-scheduled for the December siting—elation Q{ officers. So "1 (nit. everybody. MARY BRINOCAR, W7 Juvenile Circles Trinidad Ledge 714 lo *«et Sunday, Dec. 21 TRINIDAD, COLO.—All members "j^I" 417 must attend our last on Sunday, Dec. SI. All members will be dealt with »»«ng to lodge decision Let's Z iood 'ttendance for the ^meeting of the year. ** tre happy to announce that 1 Mrs Jacob Vlclc of Wal-fj^g ( ok»., members of Lodge j ' the proud parents of a «»! horn Nov. 17. 1041. named Ann. Congratulations! CAROLYM SWIOLE Sec y. SNpJ Lodge 265 Meets ^thSSPZ LodgeDec.14 JOITMVUW, PA —A Joint meet SNpj and SSPZ lodges will lie« 14 et the Slovene Hall jJ ► m. All members of uoth "" yoed Un attend as the «d officers wdl take place , -«anee has been very poor 4 im% attendawee MARY WOLFE. Secy. Three Colorado Circles Plan Joint Program December 14 DELAGUA. COLO—We are happy to announce that three Juvenile Circles In Southern Colorado—namely. Circle No 25 of Delagua, Circle No. 20 of Aguilar and Circle No. 1 of Walsenburg—will present a combined program on Sunday, Dec. 14, at one of the named towns. These three Circles have had a very busy year, and SNPJ lodges of Walsenburg, Aguilar and Delagua will help to celebrate and close their activities for the year which has been quite successful. At the same time they will make plans for another successful year. Our united motto is, "Forward." I was informed that a very good program will be presented on Dec. 14 and everybody is assured to have a very good time. Those that have seen these Juveniles perform on different occasions before, will, no doubt, be here cheering for them. These lodges will invite their friends and they will receive a hearty welcome. v Managers Ed Tomsic of Circle No. 1 of Walsenburg and Frances Ko-sernik of Circle No. 20 of Aguilar will assist Circle No. 25 Of Delagun and make all necessary arrangements with their lodges So' that they can all attend and make our closing program one oLthe greatest. JOSEPH PRUNK, Mgr. Circle 25. Glrard Circle 7 to Hold Yule Party* Mooting on Dec. 13 GIRARD, O.—You folks who did not come to the program and dance sponsored by our Circle on Nov. 22 really missed a swell time. The program (singers and actors) was superb! Everyone enjoyed dancing to Jack Persin's orchestra. The dance brought one of the nicesl crowds, ever! , T L-U - Here is the report oyouv meeting for Nov. 23: Every/member received five cents for every ticket they sold over ten. Johnny Bogatay was our star seller. Jcanette Tan-cek was appointed to attend the SNPJ lodge 40 meeting, to thank them for their cooperation at our dance. George Ritter was given the privilege of attending the G. E.'s and thanking them. We appreciate their cooperation very much. Plans were discussed for a Christmas party and gift exchange. A date has been set for a special meeting to have a name exchange for the party. All those that do not attend this meeting will be omitted in the gift exchange, so be sure to com*. The date for the special meeting Is Dec. 13 at 2 p. m. at Nagoda's Hall. And members, please send your pictures for the scrapbooks to me sp that they will be in the scrapbook for the December meeting. E. TANCEK, Secretary. Blaine Sunshlners Stage Two Radio Shows on Dec. 10 BLAINE, O.—The Blaine Sunshine Juvenile Circle, No. 30 SNPJ, will sponsor a WWVA radio act, "Doc Williams and the Border Riders," on Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 7:30 p. m. at the Blaine Miners' H4I1. They will have two performances. The first show will be presented as stated above, that is, at 7:30 p. m. and the second show at 9:30 p. m. Everyone is cordially invited from far and «ear to attend. It is being held for a good cause. We hope the show will be success- Four Annual Meetings In La Salle in December LA SALLE, ILL—This Is the month of annual meetings at th«> SND The Women's Club will meet on Doc. 4 at 8 p. m. Don't forget to attend so that you can participate in selection of officers. Refreshments will be served after the meet ing also the cake for members having'a December birthday. We hope that our president. Mrs. Josephine Derxich, will by this time be fully recovered so as to be able to attend. The next election to be held is that of SNPJ Lodge No. 2 Sunday. Dec. 7, at 2 p m. Everyone should make It a point to attend forDe cember meetings are very Impoc ful so that we may help the suffering people on the other side of the ocean Our Circle isnt large, but we are trying very hard to make it bigger and stronger. Help us attain our objective by attending the show. FRANCES GLOGOVSEK. Sec'y. Glrard Dawn of Youth to Praeent Yule Party December 13 GIRARD. O.—This is Circle Dawn of Youth reporting on our previous meeting. ' First, we would like to thank the Jolly Kansans Circle secretary for writing to us, and hope that they keep writing. Two representatives were appointed by the president to thank two Senior Lodges for helping us wih our dance that was held Nov. 22. Jeanctte Tancek will thank the Ljubljana lodge fit their next meet ing and George Ritter the Golden Eagles. A Christmas party was the topic under new business. Wc will have a gift exchange at the party. On Dec. IS we will have a special meeting at Nagoda's. Every member interested in the gift-exchange be present. Each member will pick a name and then buy a gift for the person whose name you picked, that is, a gift costing not leas than dime and not more tnan twenty cents. Remember, If you arc not present at the meeting your nsme will not be picked by any member and you will not receive a gift at our party. Don't forget the meeting the second Saturday of this month, Dec. IS. HERMINA PEREOHLHN, Rec. 8*cy Two Milwaukee Circles Will Present Yule Party Dec. 20 MILWAUKEE. WIS —The Christmas season has finally returned, and with it comes the All Stars' annual Christmas party which will be held on Saturday, Dec. 20, at the Harmo ny Hall at 0 p. m. The Violet Rays will participate alao. It promises to be a gala affair with dancing, singing, skits, jokes, and last but not least, good old San ta himself with an overflowing bag of gifts for all the children that at tend. This year the hall will be more beautifully decorated than be fore and a big tree will be placed at one end of the hall. The enthusiasm the members are showing just goes to prove the party will be a success. Every Wednesday night after singing rehearsals, a meeting is held to plan for the parly. The prngram if just about complete and several re hearsals have already started. It will be in the form of an amateur hour and will include many new acts. Also on the program will be the SSPPZ group that has joined our Circle. Not only will drum majorette. Margaret Ohojack be there to strut her stuff, but there will also be four couples doing national dance in "narodne nole.". As already stated, the northside Circle "Violet Rays" will partlclpaU-also, and have us all wondering v/hat they will do. It's supposed to be a secret, so whatever It Is, wc know it will be good. We hope that as many aa possible will sttend and bring the kiddles along. Tickets are 25c and can lie purchased from any of our members, Try to'come, we promise you a party worth remembering. At our November meeting a committee was appointed to plan a "get together and welctimc party" for the new members. No admission is charged and free refreshments will be served. Members that have not been coming to the meetings are Invited to the party to get together with the group again. You will meet many new feces. The place and date will be in another issue of the Prosveta. Bay Billy Udovlch, the Kodrich brothers and the rest of you boys, how sbout coming to rthearaalsf We miss your alto voices. Our December meeting will be mainly election of officers for the coming year, so everybody try to attend and vote for your favorite candidate. , CIRCLE No. 4, Reporter. The next club is the SSPZ lodge which will meet on Dec 14 at the Dom The Dom Booster Club will meet on Dec 18 This meeting is one of greatest importance for »"«J* the first annual banquet of the Club with the directors of the Dom as guests of honor Everyone Is ask«J E bring . toy that will brjjef, to the Big Hearts" club, which Is s worthy arfsetestion toys, baskets of food rlothmg. etc . to unfortunate families We w^ alae have a grab bag. ~ to bring a dime gift, too <™ t^Tof offers for th- club will take Dlace wi January I _ P The Wunwn. Club a*«mmhj e-rrjr here—Mrs Mary Pimat H - with area! sorrow that we raport I** ? » na u* was e Wuly £M* r^r Ol/IA MARM^AK ttgmrA i . * Smugglers' News Election Nile CLEVELAND —By the time you see this paper you should have re* ceived a card notifying you of our annual meeting, which is to be held Sot. nlte, Dec. 0, at Slovene Workmen's Home. 15333 Waterloo Rd. Date for Sat nlte was changed so as to give more members a chance to come to the meeting; also after all the business Is taken care of, refreshments will be served, plus music for those who wish to dance. Our attendance at the meeting has been lagging all season. Why not let's all come to the meeting tor a change and make it a whoopee party. ----Our ftafIssi Our draftees list so far has lieen rather small; here they are: Fred Cesnlk, John Hrovat Jr., John Kas telle, Fred Ryavec, Ed Sella. John Lekson Jr., John Zla'.ipcr and Al Zalar. ' . Sick Mem hers r lore nee Brleel, who you all know was a very active member and Anton Saurlch Jr., alao a swell chap, are both at Sunny Arcers Warrrnsvllle, O. What do you say if some of us drop them a line once in a while or go and aee them Christmas is near and here is your chance to cheer them up. Mary Dolsak is at Glenvllle hospital; she can be vialted also. IT.. 17- Transfer Member» Seem's as though members trans ferrlng from out of town or vice versa have a hard tline finding out where the secretary of that lodge lives. I think it would be a good idea for the members to get the ad dress from their sec'y when they ask for the tranafer, or else have new transfer cards made so that they would have the name of the secretary and also his address. This ftould avoid a lot of eonfuaion. FRANK J. KOSS, Sec'y. Annual Meet of SNPJ Lodge 254 on Dec. 14 BON AIR. PA —The annusl meeting of MNP J lodge 154 will be held on Sunday, Dae 14, at S p m. All members are urgad to attend as there will be Important matters, alao eleiMoe of officers for 104S — We sure will mMS our two members, Edward Kortoer and Lnuls Kkadet, who have krft town Nov 14 to help Uncle Bern, Good luck boys JOSEPH WIDMAR Sec'y. Lodge 539 Annual Meeting Dec. 21 PAW PAW, MICK — All members of SNPJ lodge 530 are raquoetod to attend the final nwettng of the year on Sunday Dee SI. at the ueual time and place The election of new off I rtrs will take plaee All memhrrs ere urged to he präsent Mrs JOHN SITAR SnCy. Candid Shots and News from Here and There DETROIT, MICH — R-r-r-r, It-r-r. Snoopers calling up the weatherman to see what he has predicted for the Y. A.-Wolverine dance on Batur day, Dec. 48. at the Oakdale hall, featuring Trankle Yankovlc and his band from Cleveland. The weatherman v. says, "Nice, clear, snappy weather." Come on, you and you. this la just the kind of weather you're looking for, especial ly when Yankovlc and his lads get started on those long polkas. You can buy your tlckcts In advance for 40c from any of the Y. A. or Wot-verlne members. tA the door they will be 80c. (We oegret tolling you thst Frsnkle will not play at the Omtra the following day.) __ We hairs nice Ume at the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Orum Nov. 8. 'Twas here that the Travnlk-Grum engagement was announced, so a double celebration was held. Congrats. Arriving st the Y. A. danoe a little late, noticed the spaalous hall, the sweet, mellow notes of George Ksvanaugh's band—but where was the crowd? Could it be that "no polkas" was the drawback7 Although a grahd time was had by all. What was it that brought all the Y. A.'s to their last meeting? Could It be Sgt. Leon Hostnlk, Corp. Beechey Bruce, or the jackpot? Nice seeing you. boys. 'Sa shame Frank Hrlbar was relnducted. The dance held at the SND by the Women's Club 781 was a huge success. Again it was proved that we need a new SND, The hall wa* packed beyond comfort. Keep up the good work, ladies, may tie In due time we shall aee a New SND. The shsres are still on sale. Buy one Down Our Alley: The Y. A MND boys' team are holding first plaee in the "A" division with a 1043 average Close behind Is the Wolverine No. i teem. Credit goes to E Slake who rolled a 258 game and has a 100 average. Alao to Joe Golla who leads with a S game series of 002 In "B" division the Wolverine Challengers are in 8th place and Y. A. Pickups In 0th. Here Joe Chem* 'rolled a 340 game The Wolverine 'Golds are still holding 1st plaep in the Girls' League, with the Y. A Cadets close behind. The Cadets also lead In 1 and S game sertos. F. Russell leads with a 148 average and 3rd place high single game 300, E. Meyers S game »pries of 503 Congratulations to frank Leusche, the new mayor of Cleveland, to Edith Nagel whose marriage to Joe Sarkovlch took plaee Nov, SO; to Kate Zaveral. Rosr Hriber and Roe« Intohar on the arrival of baby girls Our deepeet sympathies are ex* [tended to Tony Meyers who loot his brother, Ludwlg, In a mlrw accident I in Montana, afao to th* Rackovtch family who tost their father and husband Isabella Tschiltech Is m>°rted rapidly improving after an operation a lew weeks ago Isabella would ap preciate visitors John Ysnne just returned from a visit to California. He liked it so well he sent his partner end wife there. We expect to see son»« of our friends from Chicago, Cleveland, Barberton. Glrard. Universal. Pltle-burgh and other rittos at our sum btned da««» on Dac IS. (Ptoeee use •tnndard etae paper, leaving margins on earh side Paper Is etienp Sd I »NOUrtRtt. Lodge 804 FLASHES By DONALD J. LOTRICH Official Prociriints SNPJ FINANCE COMMITTEE' CHICAGO. ILL.—Goah we're In the month of December already. Before we'll know It, 1041 will be completed and well be In a new year, These months are flying by mighty fast, much taster than we would like to have them go. Pretty soon we're going to be electing officers for the new year. We will also have the Xmaa holidays and all thinc«s ami health. In our city we had two other festivities last Sunday. Each of them had to do with the cclebrutinn of Jugoslav Independence. Somehow, we have never been wmmed up to celebrate the Independence nf Jugoslavia becauae of the king and the royalty which governed that country. The same thing Is true' now when our country la being flooded with the Jugoslav propagandists for the restoration of the Jugoslav monarchy We have no particular love and certainly leas use for royalty. We would much prefer to see Jugoslavia have Its republican form of government. Why feed and spend a lot of money on a family that does mankind very little or no good. Why not establish a democracy, such as we have In the United Ststoa and iiapose of all unnecessary royal for* malltles. Let the American Jugoslavs > speak up now and demand a mora progressive and liberal Jugoslav government when It la again Instituted In Jugoslavia. This week's news tells us of the arrival of a baby boy ln the family of Anton and Louise AUe. Congratulations!—We alao learned that Sophie Vhan has been married recent* nr. Her new name la Mis, Eakur. We extend our best wlahea.--Then we are told that Mr. Frank Llpov-tek Sr. father of three Pioneer mem-bca. pawed away In Kansas and the boys all went home for the funeralT Frank Podbregar haa reported well, while Jeanne Or bison has been placed on the Pioneer sick list. Other sick members include Helen Ko- ■ John Sodnlk. Erne«! Re eon.—Two mora juvenile members have already been examined for Initiation at the December meeting uf the Pioneers We hope to get at least four more to bring the total Initiations to a half doxen Confidential Information from Washington advises us of some new financing achemes by the U. 8. Gov* eminent. Heretofore, government agencies such as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Federal .Home Loan Bank. Federal Housing Administration, and many <>Uu i Federal agencies, have had to go to the open market for their financing. It is expected that henceforth, those and other governmental agencies will bori-ow all the money they require right frum the U. S. Treasury and the U. S. Treasury will then get the neccssary money In the open mar ket. We believe this la going lo be a mighty fine and progressive step In government financing and'* we look forwaid to the development of a system of government financing which will bcrtefit the people as a whole. In tme of U\e Issues of PROHVE TA, Brother Milan McdvesOk seems to imply that Mayor Frank Lausche of Cleveland, our Slovene mayor, In whom we are all Interested, Is not only going to be an honest and faith ful servant of the people, but we can • M> ordered placed in Miami Water SH% I>onds, 1800 00 maturity, at par, and rate A, through Channel' Securities. Meeting adjourned at 1 p. m. MATT PETROV1CH, Chairman F. A. VIDER. Secretory D. J, LOTRICH, Rec. Sec'y, With the SNPJ Ladies at the SWH Recreation CLEVELAND.—Comrades No. S is on the warpath, shellacking the pins for whatever they're worth. Jean Beljan set the pace by bowl-{Ing a 300 game, leading the team The Chicago Dlatrlct Federation of. • n*w <* ««■ HNPJ will meet this Saturday night «Wx followed by the at the SNPJ Hall. And, after thu meeting, • social and party Will bo held tor the KatTonal SNPJ Day workers at the SNPJ Hall. So that, most of this week will be given over to the activities of the Federation in Chicago. — Forward, Loyalites! CLEVELAND—Flash! Flush! Headline news. LOYALITES' ANNUAL XMAS DANCE to he held Decernlier 35 In the large, newly remodelled Slovene Hall on Holmes avenue. Again we wish to extend our sincere Invitation to all SNPJ lodges here and In the vicinity to attend our annual Xmas Dance. Souvenirs to all attending liealdes that UiyaI* lie hospitality. Feature attraction Is to be a famous radio star . . . uh, uh, I'm telling too much already. Really we want you to get that sur* prise so how about attending and taking part In a nlte of fun with all the HAPPY GO LUCKY LOYAL* ITES Our famous Cleveland Maestro that can never be beat, the one ami only Frank ie Yankovlch and his Radio Fame Orchestra, Yes, there will be swing music, slow snd tantalising music and what not; they're bound to please so let's get there early snd stay late. We wonder if by any chance any of those faithful Golden Eagl< boys from Glrard will return us ONE VISIT, we're just wondering Frank Resek We all know that Detroit will be here with Flying Colors, Laddie Zindar of the Wolverine« along with l^efty Kovach have already prom load to attend and bring in the reel of the gang So Jo Kla* rich, how about it, will you be here too? Yes, and how about the Y A.'s, will they he represehtod? Let's see Nell, and Oh wit), their llockO^g gang, Johnny Ujcich and his Morn pig Stars, Slapsle from Library way and all the reel; do we have to name them all? While the Comrades were celebrating in Cleveland and everyone waa having a grand time (sorry we eouldn't make Ml, the ambaaaedot ettos traveled out to Herbert«*) to take part In the merrymakings of the Buckeyes We had a grand lime plus; we alao know that the dance was a grapd success, represented were elrnoet all the lodges, yes. they came from ell over to enjoy the dan* eipatlon With Taffy and the boys We were glad to renew our acquaintance with Taffy-end his boys. Johnny end Frankie and the real, we met up with them in Pa and elnee then we really did travel up to Detroit. down to Cleveland and no* again in their hometown. Barberton But wherever It la they're still tops, especially that act of Taffy'a. Just to mention a few of the members we saw from different lodge«! the Veronlans, Al Jakovec, Mgr., and Hank Gostkowskl, By the way, it was the first time 1 met the boys and hope to see ytru attend one affair In Cleveland If p*wslblr Frank Itesek traveled gvei with his Pennsylvania friend Frank, Detroit's Wolverines were represenU*d, Well, I really can't name all, but we did see laddie Zindar, Lefty Kovach and all the gab having the time of times We also spied thu Ktrulhers' gang, Ed Glavlc, Steve Mllllaofi and Frank along with the Cleveland gang of Hank Nagode and Loyalltea Red Zgmen, AlrP Joe, Al Rain«s snd Art Fisher. W« managed to line up a bowling match to take plaee Sunday evening (Dec. 7th) with the Heiberton Ruck eye gals vs. the Cleveland Loyaltte girls. Yea, we invited them out to Cleveland hoping to si«e them come here Saturday If poaaihle ao we can all go and help Frank Yankovlch I lot of good < ( li l.i Ml« tin «i|h ning < ('KM RFIt 10 at Slovene If «¿me on Holmes Avenue. Our aincerest rongratulaliona and beet wiahes to Y A.'s happily en gaged couple, IJIIlan Orum and Rob eft Trevnik, [ From letters received we find that Patay Krall Is still out in North Carolina. Stan Suatarvu is in Va . Mike Perme is m Florida. Frank Kuret Is still on maneuvers out in North Carolina along with Moirie Debe nek and Frank Streincer Just last week Frank Koeln left to join the U. H Coael Guards (¿oral lurk We spied Johnny from Taffy's or-theatre at the Mrin^iW Cafe leal Skok sisters, Rose and Antoinette, with 408 and 440, respectively. The quiet, reaervod Jo MwffeU showed her mettle by bowling a bang-up game of 108, a new mark for her, Eele with 1T8 and Eupan-• i. with 171 helped ^o take one game from Comrades No, 3. Let me congratulate Hermine for her fine bowling the past few weeks. Kopl-na alao outdid herself. Say, that wasn't a bad addition 4o KtHigglers No. tl Slopko sure is whacking them down with a vengeance. Her 188 game and 478 series and Theresa Jejlr's 470 make neat marks on the scoring sheet. Though the team la full of oomph, they won but one game from Comrades No. 3, toeing one by only three pins. What's wrong with Comrades No. S? Nothing. It's a team that keep« winning by three and seven pint, Helen Hrovat made a high game of 173 and 435 aeries supported by Ross and Prijalel with 481 and 400 series. A week 's uhepnoe didn't dp Dolsak shy harm for she came back and bowled her 400 series. Lucille Je-ram alao hit 417 aeries. The diminutive Jeen Hllltar alao howled them over for a 300 series which Is very good for her, for she Is a rank beginner. ■ On the other aide we have Comrade« No. I snitching two away from thia team, the Hpik sisters doing moat of the dettuige. * Fran howled a 440 serieaaH^/aulme a 473 llss there l**e|(^jiM'evolution in your bowling, Paurh)«*^ It's doing you a La«l" week was truly a Thanksgiving Week for our howlers What with the management offering a turkey to the beat bowler, it really waa an Inspiration to bowl, Mime a special handicap wsa ar ranged for the league, everyone, from the. pooreet to the best, had an opportunity to get that gobbler The leading team, Comrades Na S, went to town and bowled a new single high of 003 and a new three » MSI si Sunday nlte talking tl over with Mickey Ryan«e Too tied Stove and Frankle had to play and couldn't oiakr tin II ip out tier lot k m at time HOWLING still to every Thursday nlte for the girls and Sunday after-nouns for the boys Let's get out there and rout. l*«t you forget, bowling match between the Ruckfye girls and Loy elite girls tills Sunday at the Waterloo Alleys. Plan to spend New Years' Eve st the Slovene Hall on Holmes with all the other Loyalites. a private affair le being scheduled far all who wieh Uf partake in the fun ROSE MARY ROSSA 800 J , .1 I PROSVETA reports of the supreme officers To Detogatee of 12th Regular Convention of SUP J, Pittsburgh. Pa SUPREME TREASURER'S REPORT—(Continued) . From the submitted statist lea the progress we achieved can be seen. The Society's aaaeta increased almost one and a half million dollars. The amount of defauted bonds decreaaed-lrom $1,05»,947.93 to $311,262.00 or by $748,675.93 and the outlook at present is that it will not be long when all our investments will again be in a good condition. A detailed report of investment tranaactions and investing the Society's assets in general is submitted by the Finance Committee, of which I am a member alao. Because of this it seems unnecessary for me to repeat it in my report. My report includes only the Insurance Department, that is, the Adult Department, Juvenile Department, and Minors' Beneficiary Fund. A more detailed financial report of Proaveta and Printery la given by the Manager of Society's Publications, und in the Secretary's report of the Society's total aaaets. As it is probably already known to you, I am seriously ill (arthritia in the left knee) and was thus forced to remain from the office for little more than a year. Last spring my condition improved so much that I was again able to resume working on April 14. My health then again became worse so that in the middle of June I waa again forced to remain at home. I otherwise feel good except that I can not walk without the aid of crutches and even then with difficulty. At the time of writing this report, I do not know whether or not it will be possible for me to attend the convention. My illness is persistent and is very hard to cure. There are some duties and functions which the convention confers upon Supreme Board Members only which can not be transferred to othtrs or pérformed by assistants like other various work in the Supreme Office can be. And ao I performed some of the duties in connection with the Treasurer's Office during my illness such as signing Annual Reports to the States and other similar duties. For a better understanding of the Supreme Board Officers' duties and responsibilities, I felt it necessary to mention this. Let this brief report suffice. In case there is in my report anything that ia not clear enough and if it should be impotsible for me to attend the convention to explain, the remaining Supreme Board Members will be glad to furnish all the necessary information pertaining to my,office also. Hoping that the merger and all other af foil's presented to the 12th Regular Convention will be concluded in the spirit of brotherly cooperation and for the benefit of both-Organizations, I close with Fraternal Greetings. JOHN VOGRICH Supreme Treasurer. It gives rfie pleasure to report that during thia period the editorial office of the SNPJ has had no particular "affairs", no real controversy not lawsuits with anyone. Of the latter there was only one threat, but since the party had no real foundations upon which to base the legal action, we ignored the situation and it automatically fell by the wayside. Of oi^e more point I may make mention. On July l, 1937, there came into force the forty-hour week for all the executive officers of the Supreme Office of the SNPJ. The personnel of the editorial offices, aa well as of the secretary's office in general, had these privileges as accorded them by the union which is recognized by the SNPJ. The forty-hour week is in forte for the editor also, but the difficulty comes in the fact that the editor constantly has so much work on hand that he cannot determine his working hours according to schedule if his work is to proceed as the obvious unwritten rules of any newspaper office require. And so it happens that the editor must work overtime; every Saturday morning, on which by right he is free, he works on an average of two hours and during this time he handles the Proaveta correspondence which has accumulated throughout the week. When it comes time every month to conclude the work on the Mladinski List he works on an average of one hour at home. Thus it is that this accumulation of overtime from July I, 1937, to July 1, 1941, haa amounted to 662 hours. RECOMMENDATIONS I recommend to the convention that it accept a resolution which will i. it. i ate our former stand, that is, the principles of democracy, free-thought, and social justice; specifically, however, let it be emphasized that in the future the Supreme Board at ita regular meeting shall have the power to decide which labor candidates or candidates of a labor party the Proaveta shall support editorially and from the side of the contributors, during an election campaign. (During the laat four-year period there was confuaion in this regard. The convention approved the support of those labor movements which would favor the establishments of an independent labor party; however, there was no action toward this goal. On the contrary, the existing labor parties became even more divided and the majority was agitating for the candidatea of the New Deal. This should teach us that it is not practical for us to determine political policies for specific caaea for a period of four years; on the other hand that it is better that the convention delegate this duty to the Supreme Board, which will govern Itself in accordance with the existing conditions and needs.) Further let it be specified that the Proaveta should not publish political controversies or disagreements which will be to the detriment of the official organ or of the organization, and that the decision as to what political question is harmful In thla respect should rest in the hands of the Supreme Board. This should be clearly defined ao that injustice will be done to neither the majority or the minority. (Our official organ is the property of our organization and it must,, first of all, serve the interests of the organization. Factional politics must be a side issue with us. The members may freely discuss political, economic, social, and other questions in a constructive and objective manner. It is not to the best interests of the Society, however, that the members become embittered among themselves and then extend their disagreements Into the columns of the Society organ; neither la It advisable for the editors to fight over the issues of this or that political party, which has no meaning t6r the majority of our members. Such conflicts have the tendency to create demoralization in the organ and in the organization.) IVAN MOLEK, editor of SNPJ publications. Report and Recommendation» of the Editor of the Society Publications Brothers Snd Sisters:. At the eleventh regular convention of the SNPJ four years ago my report to the delegates made mention of the effecta of the severe and long American economic depression, which directly and indirectly affected our publications alao, and how we were combating the hardships during those years and also succeeded in overcoming those effects. Our trials at that time were economic, and these we overcame successfully. In that which concerna Proaveta, we proceeded during the past four years in conditions similar to those which we were operating during the time of the last convention. There were no permanent formal changes. The editorial staff continues on the same plan as formerly, and the method of editorial work is unchanged. Technical improvements in Prosveta have occurred as the circumstances demanded. In this period between conventions we have had two commemorative or jubilee issues of Prosveta. The first was issued on April, 1939, on the occasion of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the SNPJ, with a twelve-page supplement. The second was lasued last June with an eight-page supplement, to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the daily Proaveta. Both supplements were an innovation for the Society publications, and with the first we actually pioneered among all Slovene publlcationa in America—that is, the rotogravure type, such as only the large American dailies boast of in their Sunday supplements. The editing of both the supplementary Issues was made possible only through the favorable cooperation of the Supreme officers and of the regular and special contributors, to whom the editorial staff extends thanka. The cooperation between the editorial office und the Supreme officers, as well as the lodge officials, has been favorable throughout this time.. _ Jferjgiggfe the Supreme President Is a regular contributor und wrijes ento1' th* adlllt department, the weekly paper to which they are entitled Manager's Report PRINTING AND PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT Dear Brothers and Sisters: After four years, we have again assembled here, St the 12th regular convention of the SNPJ, to present to our delegates reports and statistics about the operation and progress of the Society. My report shall be for the Publications (Prosveta and Mladinski List) and Printing Department. Varioua tables will show you our financial status anà progress, covering the period from January 1, 1937, to December 31, 104d. PROSVETA: At the time of the last convention, the weekly Prosveta waa being printed in 27,000 copies. Now it is printed In 29,000. In four years, therefore, the Society has gained about 2,000 members, bringing the total of membership in the adult department a* of December 31, 1940, to 38,496. These arc entitled to the weekly Prosveta. However, the weekly ia pub-liahd for 10,102 copies less, because the weeklies of 10,102 members are included in the subscriptions to the daily. With very /few exceptions, the I families take advantage of this opportunity; that is, when their children ' •*- * -* .1__.J..U » __A ¿1_____I_1__»____L : .L. Al______._ti,l_J a weekly column in the official Prosveta, as does Bro. Lotrich in the English section. The Supreme Secretary has submitted many informative articles both in (English and Slovene. Jacob Zupan, member of the finance committee, has contributed many worthwhile articlea, and a frequent contributor is alao the chairman of this committee—Matt Petrovič. Mihm llaivetihek, member of the auditing committee, haa for some time written a regular column, and Frank tturbich, member of the judicial committee, ia constantly represented by his contributions. Thus, the cooperation of the udministrative committee and the Supreme Board with the Editor has, in gtneral, been good. Credit should also be given the lodge secretaries and other members who contribute for their lodges, as well as the secretaries und other members of federations, for their prompt contributions of lodge und othei* matters—in general, for good cooperation with the editorial staff of the Society's publications. The majority of our old contributors and reporters of "local news" is still with Proaveta, but there have also appeared new onea. Much to our sorrow the number of our regular contributors is diminishing year by year; many have passed away and others are no longer able to read because of failing eyesight. On the other hand, the number of Engliah contributors has increased and the new generation is taking up where the old leavas off. With the flare-up of war in Europe we loat all our reporters und contributors in the old country. In their stead we now have an excellent Slovene woman reporter from London, who voluntarily submitted her reports and has continued to do so regularly. X» customarily, since Prosveta has been first issued, there were alao diking this between-convention period a number of disagreements between the editorial office and the contributors—even public disagrcementa between the editors themselves. In the critical, extraordinary circumstances under which not only we, but also all uf America and the whole world i« living—under circumstances when old institutions and political parties full usunder, century-old values and principles are throttled, and democracy is waging u death ati uggle to survive—it is small wonder thut such disagreement* occur und we ran l>e thankful that they are not worse. It cun be reported that during tlx* last four years there were among us more conflicts of an ideological nature thun there were conflicts with our opponents outside of the Society. In my judgment, these inner conflicts, which now and then boiled over into public notice over matters of war and politic*, have had more good results than bud. for from these dis-agi e<«ment* wr learned much and taught each other inuny things of value. The «-ditorial office welcomes all earnest and slncete criticism, but it rejects und invalidates ail personal Injections which aim at the exploitation of our by-laws und resolutions on the freedom of expression in our organ. In this respect the editorial »taff has proceeded logically and displayed no favoritism towards anyone. la*t me at this point extend my gratitude to those contributors of Pro-sveta, sympathetic and critical, who with their cooperation made it poasl-lil«- that Proaveta has icmained the |x>pulur tribune for clarification of controversial subjects among our immigrant* in America. With thia the contributor* also sucoeasfully assured I'roavela'l role in being the most • Mo tive agltatoi (or the Slovene National Ik nefit Society, and as such it will it mam also tor thr future merged m saturation, which we are all hoping will become a reality. In the same measure, I extend thunks to all the tepoilei* of local n«-ws and hope that they will contribute in this capa« ity likcwiM- in the future The monthly Mladinski Lint ha* in thu four-year interval undergone n ln .ii change. The Slovene und F.ngluih contributions are being alter-nati d the covets have Im «-n changed thi* year we brought about the innovation of their appeurance in color, the contcnt* and technical makeup »if the m u g a line have been changed With the inauguration of the "Our School contest, which was authorired by the eleventh regular convention m Cleveland and in which our Itoy* and girls of the juvenile depaitm«-ut tur cneisetically comix ting with their contributions of artl-cU and drawing th< Mladinski l.ut tixik a lug step forward In the train-Ing of <»ut younger generatkm It u true that all these change* have infii« trd additional financial burden* ttpon thr H«»cicty. hut in cttmparison to tin- Im refits derived, it is a «mail amount. There are innumerable witner.se* to thu fact -mcmhem of our litttg«-* in communitiea when- there arc also Juvenile Circle*, likewise a nrw institution »ince the last conven t ion thr fart that thr Mladiruki l.ut m the pre«ent form and contents Is well-liked by thr childien and a» »u« h u a good agitator for the Juve nil» department of the SNPJ And as the Protfveta. despite all thr distress of the past few years, has remain»*! loyal to the freethoiight ptinelple« »»f our Society, so has the Miadinrkt l.ut maintained the same principles. U-iause of which tt ta1 toUa} the only Mux tin- (levthought juvemle magajute in the entire world as adulTmembera, Ti TnHudedTnto "â iubscrlption to tturdafly. ~Tha tattfe Included in this report shows how many weeklies are included into da i Ilea. The daily Prosveta, at the time of last convention, was printed in 5,000 copies. The amount now is approximately the same. From time to time wc get quite a number of new subscribers. In view of this, one wouldi think that we are steadily increasing the daily paper circulation, but that is not so. Most of the subscribers to the daily are outsold members, many of whom have lost sight or died in recent years. Thé circulation ia nevertheless more or less balanced. As manager of Prosveta for many years, I can honestly say that not three out of a thousand subscribers, discontinue subscriptions on account of Proaveta's policies and principles. Many of them, however, arc still either unemployed or earn ao little -that they cannot promptly renew the subscriptions. Usually they ask us to continue sending the paper, promising that they will pay at the first opportunity. Such requests sre always considered, though we are well aware of the fact that there Is very little hope or opportunity for old people as far as work Is concerned. Advertising Is definitely on the decline. It is increasingly difficult to obtain advertisements. This, of course, is due to the fact that advertising in a foreign language newspaper has very little value and is no longer profitable for the American busineaaman. On the other hand, the membership and subscribers are more or less benefited by this, as other reading matter is more Interesting. Income from the daily, weekly and advertiaementa Is still sufficient enough to cover the expense, as you can convince yourself from the semiannual reports printed in the Prosveta. Becauae a good reserve has been set up in the beginning years, out investment Is stable, and there is no doubt in my mind that the daily Proaveta could not cxiat for some time to come. We cannot, however, expect profita in the printing department, because the newspaper is printed at the lowest possible cost. I should u i.ho like to mention, that at the time of the last convention, 12,681 members included their weeklies into daily subscriptions, compared to the 14,873 ut the present. Almost 2,000 more, which means at least 12.000 00 less income on daily subscriptions. From thia, it Is evidont that the parents, us soon as their children are admitted into the adult department, include their weeklies Into the daily subscription. This absolutely Accounts for the upkeep of the daily Prosveta. The number of help in both, the publlcationa and printing department, is still the sume as at the time of the last convention. Only one person, since then, hus voluntarily left our employ and he has been replaced. Their working day ia eight hours or forty hours per week, and all belong to the United Office and Professional Workers Union—CIO. MLADINSKI LIST: Our juvenile members' magazine ia now printed in 7,800 copies, s few hundred more than four years ago. It's monthly distribution is anxioualy welcomed hy the juveniles. The older people alao find It interesting. Though the magazine itself ia constantly Improving, the one marked change and improvement has been mode only recently. It is the tri-oolored illustration on the front cover page. The comments of the Mladinski List readers prove that they are indeed very pleaaed with the magasine. PH INTERY: There were no noteworthy changes in the printing department for the last four year*. No great profit haa lieen made, inaamuch as we have adhered to the decision of the convention prior to the lost. This decision provided for printing of Prosveta at a coat so low that It juat covers the expense for printing and material. Whenever our operation shows profit at the regular accounting periods, it Is usually used for covering the expenses of Pioaveta and publications department in general. For further details on our financial standing and operation, you can aee the report. Our espemun. have bee« me greater due to the Increase in price ot printing material« and paper. The two expenaes which we did not hove to consider ot the time of the lost convention, ore the &jcial Security and the I'nemployment Compensation Tax. From January 1, 1937, to December 31,1940. $2. ISO 00 for Unemployment Compenootlon and $786.29 for Social Security, toud of 12.916 29 was paid for Proaveta's employees, while Printery paid 13.03446 for Unemployment Compenootlon. 61.188 91 tor Social Security, the total of $4.802 40 The amount paid by both department* loi these taxes totals $7.710 «9 This, of course, means additional expense and leao profit m 1938. according to the supreme board's decision, the total amount of $10.000. $6.000 from Prosveta and $6.000 from Printery was transfer rr<| to the General Fund of the Society. This. I think concludes my report to the convention. 1 shall be avalla» ble for further explanation^ if necessary. TODAY, as always, the American Rod Cross is on the front lines of the Nation's defense. Its biggest job for the emergency is linking Uncle Sam's soldiers andsailors to the home front. Red Cross workers travel with America's far-flung forces, untangling die problems of the sble bodied, bringing comfort and cheer to the disabled. > T ~ v. With the SNRJ Ladies (Continued on PMC« 7) game high of 2194. The gals that batted them down with such suocess were Ross with a 491 series and Ve-har with 488. Vehar also walked off with the turkey while Pauline Rosa walked off with the "treat." Their opponents pulled but one game out of the fire, with Hermine Zu-pancic bowling a 489 series, v Comrades No. 1 also took two from Struggle» No. 1, with Fran Spik hitting 479 series while their opponents had Sophie Jeric's 432 as high. At this time I would like to take the opportunity to welcome a new bowler into our midst, Frieda Slopko, who is replacing Mary Graj-zar. Mary had an unfortunate accident and is unable to participate any longer. Sorry, Mary! Welcome, Frieda! * v ----- SNPJ Lodge 275 Meets Sunday, December 21 MAYNARD, O.—Reminding the members of SNPJ lodge 276 that the annual meeting will be held on Sunday, Dec. 21, at the Polish Hall at Maynard. The election of new officers will take place. It is your duty to attend and elect officers who are capable of holding offices. There will be fl special assessment levied on each member in December which will cover the lodge expenaes for the last half of the year ending Dec. 31. Members failing to pay the extra fee will not be able to pay the regular assessment. ^ JOHN ZDOLSEK, Secy. Defense Stamps and Bonds Reach New High .TONESDAYnm^ Peng Her First Letter GIRARD, O.-I have bt™ ingtijeProaveu, hath ¿Tftfi are inspiring BJ* ^ ta makes a person feel nr(lllH glad to belong to such a ration as the SNPJ. i tor Z certainly glad to hav^T^ greasive paper in the hot£? SNPJ affairs in distant dtierJS SNPJers are always ready to Ko 2 a good time where they 5 friends and make neW^^J* makes one wish to be there. Wha fun, what pleasure is to be ot such gatherings! * * However this past summer w* not much fun fpr me with a broke! arm, three broken ribs, and bruu*< lung, barely breathing for weeks, caused by an accident in m brother's car. Being in hospital fo one month,. I missed 8uch events as the 2nd Ohio SNPJ Day ,, Girard, the convention banquet anc program, and the Golden Eagles dance. While reading the Prosveta which my husband brought to m< ZfmSP^ and wiahing I was a the SNPJ Doy event gave me , downhearted feeling. But you can-imagine the spirit that arose in m< as I noticed my dear friends tha come from afar and near to the cele brotion, walk in one by one unti they circled my bed even though ii was for but five minutes, all tha the nurses allowed. To Qf my friends from Mil waukee, Cleveland, Library, Univer sal, Ronton, Aliquippa and man] from neighboring cities as well ai from Girard, I wish to express mj sincere thanks and appreciation foi your kind thoughts and visits; and especially to those that gave us « helping hand at home which will b« always remembered. At this point I wish to recommend to one and all to join the SNPJ. When you,art sick you realize what our Sdciety is On Nov. 9 I suggested "'^ojemu staremu, da gremo" v Cleveland and attend the 35th anniversary celebration of Lodge V boj 53. Along we took the Selak family. We wer« the first ones there at the SWH on Waterloo Rd. We went downstairs to see if the klobase Barbie advertised were cooked. Mrs. Barbie and hor helpers informed us they just put them to cook. t Promptly at 3:30 President Frank Barbii of Lodge 53 opened the program by greeting the audience and introducing the various individuals and groups who were on the program. The admission was 25c but worth 50c. I enjoyed Supreme Secretary F. A. Vider's speech very much. After the program the huge crowd danced. In the main hall It waa a Comrade day, for Com- WASHINGTON, D. C.—Sales of, Vcdnal's orchestra played and in the rades No. 3 also bowled a second Defense Savings Stamps for October lowed holl Barbie's orchestra, which three g&mo high of 1119. The big reached * total of- »5,935,934.50, we enjoyad dancing to very much ith establishing the highest monthly to- with our Cleveland friends Every once in a while Frank Barbie Sr. was stretching his "cheese box" With the orchestra. We all; know Barbie is a fine delko and a streetcar conductor on St. Clair Ave. But when he stretches his accordion you know just, how many stops he guns were Kor*n and Beljan with establishing the highest monthly to- 497 and 458, respectively. The op- tal since the Stomps were placed on ponents, Strugglers No. 3, had Josie sale last May 1, the Treasury De- Tomsic batting them for a 453 series, partment announced Nov. 14. A- turkey in the last frame, won the Th1» figure, compared with the game for them as well as giving $4,978,000 worth of Defense Stamps Tomsic a new high of 183. j »old in September, shows an in- I take this opportunity to thank #creaff 1® 2k?6r "l*______________________ the management in the name of the f®u^th 8tral«ht month that the Mle I makes with street car by the chang-league for the turkey and the treat o' Stamps has risen. ' ing of his tunes in long pieces. But they offered us. ' Figurei ,or úfense Bond sales for I didn't count them. MOLLIE KOREN Wv °otober ala0 ■harpljr over, Qn Nov 22 the Juvenile Circle _____ y' ! September figures with an increaae'No 7> «Dawn of youth," gave a ' of 18.5 per cent. I p¡ay( ¡Trije snubaéi," with singing. Defense Savings Stamp sales by which wag conducted by Mary Selak months: May, $3,475,000; June, $2,- and her daughter Dorothy. The pro-802,000; July, $3,288,000; Auguat, gram waa a big guCcess After the FT.. CUSTER, MICH.—Here's the ^J5^000:. o^!^"^! J&SÍÍXa Pro«ram dancing followed to Per-menu for Thanksgiving dinner, Co. °ctober- $5.936,000, total $24,933,000. gir|.§ orcheitra Beachey Bruce Sends Thanksgiving Menu E 11th Inf.: Celery, green olives, - shrimp cocktail; creamed celery Member of Lodge llO loup, roast turkey, sage dressing, gib- p..,.. Awsv Nrt^ 28 let gravy, cranberry sauce, mashed i^ww. potatoes, buttered string beans. \ PPITTSBURGH, PA.—It la with creamed com, lettuce hearts and sincere sorrow that we announce the Russion dressing; pumpkin pie, death of Bro. Joseph Maticich, mem- mlncc pie, parsley, hot butter rolls, ber of SNPJ lodge 118, who died on coffee, fruit cake," cocoonut layer Nov. 28 at the age of 55 and was MARY BOGATAY, 49. cake; orunges, apples, bananas, grapes, mixed nuts, mints, assorted hard candy. BEACHEY BRUCE, Lodge 504. Lodge 299 and SSPZ 8 Will Meet on Dec. 21 buried on Dec. 2. Bro. Maticich was born in 1886 at Brezje near Cerknica in Slovenia. P. K LUN, 118. WALSENBURG, COLO.—S N P J lodge 299 and SSPZ lodge 8 will merge at the regular meeting of the former on Dec. 21 at 9 a. m. All __. „ . x^w-h members are asked to attend. We j^J11^?? will elect new officers and dlscuas plans for our joint big dance on Dec. 24 at Walsenburg Pavilion. GEO. STIGLICH, Sec'y. Majority Rules . A surgeon was giving clinical instruction to a claas of students. The young men accompanied him around | the warda. The surgeorv halted by the bedside of a doubtful caae. | "Now," he said, "la thla, or Is this .not, a caae for operation." I The dozen students made their it not a caae for operation. "You are all wrong," said the surgeon. "I shall operate tomorrow." "No, you won't," said the patient. "Twelve to one Is a good majority. waa SNPJ Lodge 440 and 2 olv< ™ c,oUT SSPZ LodgesMeetDec.7 RENTON. PA—All members of SNPJ lodge 400 and SSPZ lodges 155 and 225 are asked to attend our regular meeting Sunday. Dec. 7. at 11 a. m. At thia meeting there ahall be the election of officers for the year 1942. Hope to aee yon all present. GEORGE PIVIK, Sec'y. Wishful Spinster: "So the waiter says to me, 'How would you like your rice?'" Friend: "Yes, dearie, go on." Spinetc* "So I says, wistfully. Thrown at me. big boy.'" BUY DKTCNSK BONDS AMD STAMPS My first recommendation, however, ia that we continue with the publication of Proaveta aa heretofore, 5 days per week, together with the weekly and that the profit in the printing department be used for expense coverage of Prosveta Furthermore, that aU the decisions and conclusions of Proaveta. Mladinskl List and Printery be entrusted to the Supreme Executive Board, to conformity with the management and all matters of serioua or extraordinary nature that might occur, to the executive and the supreme Imarde Secondly. I would like to aee the convention retain the ideals and principles by and for which the dally Proaveta haa been published for the past 25 years, ao that It may serve our members and bring light and truth to oil who orek it. PHI UP GODINA. < (Coattoaai next week) SNPJ Lodge 580 Mourn Dead» of Bro. Schneider BROOKLYN, N. Y —It « with the deepst regret that I have to an nounce the passing of one of our moat beloved brothers—John Schneider. He will be missed by all of us as he was very active in the activities of this lodge. We hop«- that all future secretaries will be able to do as well. I wish to take this opp«i-tunity in expressing the sympathy of all the members to the widow and children of our beloved brothel CATHERINE KIRK. Sec* Lodge 580 SNPJ. Defense Bond Quiz I. am S machinist in an s.r- When the wsr is How can 1 plane factory, over I may be laid off prepare for that time? it Make systemsUc and reguisr purchases of Defense Savings Bond* They will give you a substsntisl re-■enre which you can f.U the period of readjustment sfter emergency. yf Q. TO Americans does the Oov*" look particularly ior**ten*veW ing of Defense Bonds and SUmP* A- People «nthemiddle snd^ower income bracket, where msn^ moat rapid increoi« rhu earnings have Uk^ ^ ^ immense port of our P^ ^ be •specially sfl«tivein reo n.tton.1 poking ^ ing Bonds and Stamp. tn whlk the country's ,rf helping to keep do» n Uvinf - ^ „ rvfrn« B<>nd» Note -To buy Drfen* ^ to the neorw Stamps, go w » toan as»"" flee. bonk, or savings and dation or write t«. the TV—fT «fS'^su^w^; D C Alao Stomps »re at retail »___j \