Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Serving American Slovenians for 110 years American Home Ameriška Domovina- SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 110, No. 11 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 5, 2008 Phone:(216)431-0628 €1 nn E-mail: ahn@,buckeveweb.net ^ v Bush Visits Slovenia in June U.S. President George W. Bush will participate in the EU-US Summit in Slovenia on June 9-10. President Bush will travel to Slovenia as part of a tour that will take him to Germany, Italy, the Holy See, France, and the United Kingdom. The President will travel to Europe to “strengthen the trans-Atlantic partnership and to celebrate the enduring friendship between our nations based on shared democratic values,” the White House said. The EU-US summit, one of the highlights of the Slovenian EU presidency, will be Bush’s second visit to Slovenia after 2001, when he held his first official meeting with the then Russian president Vladimir Putin. Zarja Concert Well Received Slovenian Singing Society Zarja, in its 92nd year of existence, presented its Annual Spring Fling, entitled, “The Grass Widower” on Saturday, April 26 at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. The program was a mixture of duets, quartets, and chorus presentations, all enhanced the “Grass Widower” theme. The performance was well received by a full house audience, with the majority of them saying Michael Tomsic as “Lizika” stole the show. The Zarja members range in age from early 20s to the 90s. Among the 60% retired members are an Architect, Construction tradesmen, Pharmacist, Teachers, Real Estate Agents, Practical Nurses, various Business Owners, and just Retirees. Among those not retired are a Computer Consultant, an Escrow Specialist, and college students. All the members have a love for music. And in reference to that, when Zarja was formed 92 years ago, all the music performed was in the Slovenian language. As the years passed, in order to attract second generation Slovenians to performances, song lyrics were translated to English. At this performance, lyrics in English were also sung in Slovenian. “What goes around comes around.” Zarja’s main goal is to preserve and perpetuate traditions, songs, and music of Slovenia. A country, first part of Austria Hungary, then part of Yugoslavia, and at long last, in 1991, a country approximately the size of New Jersey, Slovenia achieved its independence. The Planning Committee selected Sunday, Nov. 2 as our Fall Concert date, so from now until August 8Ih when rehearsals will start, Zarja is on vacation. At this time, on behalf of all our members and supporters, we wish to say thank you to our cook and his staff, to the hostesses, the ticket sellers, the ticket takers, to the after concert kitchen workers, to the polka bands, to Zele Funeral Home for the tickets, to all the D.J.s, and last but not least to the editors and publishers serving us by publishing our articles. It is with sadness that we have to accept the demise of one of our publishers. The American Home newspaper was one of the strongest links in the chain that helped hold our Slovenian community together and will be truly missed. --Jim Kozel 019*009****,*******>*'**'>***5-D1G1T 44081 MARIAN MCMAHON 3933 OHIO ST PERRY OH 44081-9652 St. Vitus Slovenian School for Adults highlighted the end of a successful school year on Saturday, May 17, with a visit from Mojca Kucler-Dolinar, Slovenia’s Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology. Minister Kucler-Dolinar was in Cleveland for the opening of the Slovenian Studies Center at Cleveland State University. She also visited the children’s Slovenian classes at St. Vitus and St. Mary’s._________ Cleveland Slovenian Studies Center Opens On Friday, May 16, Slovenia’s Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Mojca Kucler Dolinar, officially opened a new Center for Slovenian Studies at Cleveland State University at a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The Center for Slovenian Studies, part of CSU’s College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, is the result of a year and a half long endeavor of the Slovenian Consulate General in Cleveland and leaders of various regional universities who recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding which represents an agreement between the Government of Slovenia and the involved academic institutions. The event was conducted by Dr. Gregory Sadlek, Dean of CSU College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, who is himself half Slovenian. Slovenian men’s singing group, Fantje na vasi, performed as part of the cultural program. The newly established office will begin functioning in August and will coordinate researchers, lecturers and students from Slovenia and the United States. A university level lectu-rate of Slovenian language conducted by a professor from Slovenia will begin in the fall semester. The lecturate will also be conducted at Bowling Green State University and Lakeland Community College, both of which are represented in the recently signed memorandum of Understanding. Eventually, the scope of the Center for Slovenian Studies will broaden its reach to include other higher academic institutions such as nearby Kent State University and institutions in the Columbus area. The Center for Slovenian Studies will host and coordinate various rotating Slovenian lecturers and researchers of Slovenian Studies topics such as Slovenian history, economics, ethnology and more. The Center may also offer continuing education evening courses of Slovenian language, including refinement of language and grammar knowledge for Saturday Slovenian school teachers in this region, which is home to the largest concentration of Slovenians outside of Slovenia. The Center will closely work with the Slovenian Museum and Archives in Cleveland, which will officially begin accepting archival material on June 22, this year. During her visit to Cleveland, Minister Kucler Dolinar lectured on the Slovenian system of higher education (an event organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia arid the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation), visited Saturday Slovenian schools, the Great Lakes Science Center, and the location of the new Slovenian Museum and Archives. --Johanna Bajc Being 6100% Slovenian’ Film Shown in Euclid What does being “100% Slovenian” mean to you? Four generations of women share colorful insights into what keeps them Slovenian in a multi-cultural society in “100% Slovenian: The Stories of Slovenian Women in America,” is a new film showing at Euclid Library, Thursday, June 19, at 7 p.m. Historian and writer Joe Valencie introduces the latest film he worked on for TV Slovenia. Special guest is Dr. Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, the Ljubljana-based producer and screenwriter, to tell about the making of her film and the lessons she learned about being Slovenian. Witty observations and moving stories create a memorable movie about real-life women and how they keep “100% Slovenian” when Slovenia is only a distant memory. Is it grandma’s potica recipe, dancing the polka, singing Slovenian songs, or something deeper? Among the ladies profiled are Anna Kosir, Sophie Matuch, Christine Wojtila, Corinne Leskovar, Bonnie Pohar Prokup, Florence Unetich, and Cilka Dolgan. Admission is free. Euclid Public Library is located at 631 East 222 Street, in Euclid, Ohio. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNfc, 3, zuuo AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir, Paul Hribar NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 11 June 5, 2008 Will Miss Slovenian Paper by RUDY FLIS I sometimes watch the TV for news; I sometimes read the newspaper for news. So why is it I think I will miss a small biweekly newspaper that is not just printed in English, but in a foreign language, SLOVENIAN. That word is capitalized because that is my mom and dad’s heritage and all the SLOVENIANS who struggled to become American citizens. My mom was never a citizen, but she was one beautiful American. My mom and dad, widow and widower, married to have a home for each of their three children. Then they produced me and couldn’t stop until Albert, Theresa and Tony were born. That happened in the 1930s while they were in their 40s. Every January my mom went to the Post Office and registered as an alien. She had three sons in WWII, two in Korea, and the sixth enlisted and waited until we buried our mom. How many of you readers saw your grandparents and parents in the above paragraphs as they struggled and endured in the early years after their arrival in the U.S. before WWI and 1941. And then after WWII, all who enriched our SLOVENIAN community as they fled the tyranny of Tito and Stalin. What a talented community of the old and new, and what strides have been made, all documented in the American Home newspaper. Sadly missed will be your article about your family, maybe your joke, or your granddaughter’s graduation or wedding. All occasions, joyous, jubilant or sad, were important to someone, somewhere. Schedules for Mass at St. Vitus for Christmas and the schedule for Easter Mass at St. Mary’s will be missed, as will as all the events at the SLOVENIAN Homes. Jim and Madeline Debevec were in a publishing pressure cooker, unable to be seen as we scooted by E. 61st and St. Clair - the SLOVENIAN publishing dynasty home turf. Hard work is good for a healthy body, but throw in deadlines and some stress, cut out the klobase, potica, strudel and krofe, what’s left in life? Each of us might mention to our Lord how we appreciated the many extra years given us. Be not sad, keep the joy of reading in high gear as you pursue the AH these last six issues. Thanks to Jim and Madeline and their dedicated staff for kcep-ing us so well informed.___________________________ Fairport Slovenian Club Showcases Acquisition While many social ethnic clubs in the area are shrinking, the American-Slovenian Club continues to expand. It will be showcasing its latest acquisition at an open house on Saturday and Sunday, June 7-8. Located at 617 'A Third Street, Fairport, all members and their guests are invited to join the celebration. Several local and county dignitaries are expected to be there. The Fairport Slovenian Club, as it is commonly called, has completed purchase of the neighboring Buckeye Credit Union offices and property. The 1.57 acres are adjacent to the Club’s property. The office building at the north end of the property faces Second St. The vacant land immediately adjacent to the Club room faces Third Street and will be used for parking. The Club’s Board is studying options for use of the office building. The two-day event will feature entertainment, food, music, informational sessions, and tours of the new building. On Saturday, June 7, the festivities will start with an onsite broadcast of Tony Petkovšek’s Polka Radio show (WELW-1330 AM) from noon to 2 p.m. A Jam Session led by the Fairport Club’s Polka Jammers will be performing throughout the afternoon in the new building. Festivities will continue throughout the day and into the evening. At 7 p.m., the popular “Whooz Playing” duo will start entertaining for listening and dancing pleasure. Refreshments, including Slovenian sausages, hamburgers, and hot dogs will be available for purchase throughout the day. Sunday the good times will continue to roll A benefit spaghetti dinner, prepared by Tony Bertone and other Club members, will be served from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. that will be followed by more entertainment with dinner and dance music starting at 4 p.m., provided by the popular Ron Sluga. Tickets for the spaghetti/meatball dinner will be available at the Club Room for advance sales at j $9 or at the door for $10. Informational tables will be set up to take new membership applications. Also the club, to help pay for its new acquisition, will be issuing Certificates of Indebtedness, valued at $100 each, to members interested in having a financial stake in the j club. The celebration with volunteer fund-raising events will continue throughout the summer. A grand opening weekend with a complete range of entertainment is planned for August or September. On June 21 a com hole tournament, a first for the club, will be held. Check the club’s web site www.fairportslovenianclub.co | m for a calendar of events. “These volunteer fundraising events are another example of how this club continues to grow and move forward. We are blessed with a membership base that takes pride in this club. We are also proud to be a part of the Fairport Harbor community,” says Steve Zalar, president of the club. Knowledgeable Arms and Armour Tour at Cleveland Museum of Art On Tuesday, May 20 my father Frank Cesen Jr., and I, as well as other Slovenians including Rose Marie Jisa, past president of Slovenian Genealogy Society International, and Milena of the Slovenian Art Group, met at the Cleveland Museum of Art for an excellent tour of the current exhibition, “Arms and Armour from Imperial Austria.” The tour was led by Aleksandra Carapella who was born in Ljubljana and is a Mellon Fellow working in the museum’s conservation department. Ms. Carapella conducted the tour in Slovenian and English a wonderful in depth presentation. The Landeszeughaus Armory Museum in Graz, Austria was founded in the late Middle Ages to protect the area (including Slovenia then known as Camiola) from Turkish expansion. More than 200 pieces from the armory are represented in the exhibition from Croatian foot soldier armor to ornate elegant patron armor, jousting armor and children’s examples. The 16th century rulers, the Habsburgs, elevated the craft of armor and are represented in the exhibit which also includes weaponry, paintings, decorative art, and a wide selection of books for purchase. Our group of about 12 participants were highly informed in an entertaining manner by Ms. Carpella that afternoon. --Patricia Cesen Wilks Concord, OH Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: What Las Vegas magicians made an elephant disappear? ANSWER: Siegfried and Roy. Correct answers were sent in by Anthony Goršek of Cleveland, Rudy Sterk, Manager of St. Vitus Village, Rich Cesen of Euclid, and Peter and Jeannette Ruminski. Nice going. NEW QUIZ: Superman’s civilian name was: A. - Marty Turek B. - Clark Kent C. - Clark Griswold D. - Al Zupan E. - Mike Polenšek F. - Anthony Goršek G. - Martin Riggs H. - Dirty Harry Calahan Send your answers to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Joyce Hribar Fie big Attorney at Law 440-516-0200 x 204 Continuing the tradition established in 1952 vvww.lmbai law.com 3 This and that from Emilee by EMILEE JENKO Hope everyone had a pleasant Memorial weekend. It was a lovely, sunny day. God Bless America. My friend Albina Cendol, a resident at gateway, called me and said Gateway held a “Prom Night” and selected her as “Queen of the Prom.” She was so thrilled as she is one of the youngest residents. Congratulations. Also, congrats to Eddie Ostrey, Holmes Slovenian Home Man of the Year. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Thanks to Mr. Lipovic for the treat at the Spaghetti Lunch held at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair on Sunday, May 18. It was delicious. Hvala. At this affair, a speaker for the Slovenian Genealogy Society was Kathy Dillon. In the audience we saw Mr. and Mrs. Vili Zadnikar, also John and Jan Telich seated with Mary Sterle, Dorothy Lamm and friend. Marilyn Vidmar and friend seated at my table with Danielle Avsec and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hotujac. The spaghetti dinner was delicious. It was catered by Ron Godic who did his culinary magic as per usual. What can I say. Dober tek. The Gaspari painting was raffled off. Jim Vargo of Parma, Ohio was the recipient of the gorgeous art work. Congratulations, Jim. May belated birthday to Bill Lipoid, a wonderful MC at all CWV Post 1655 parties. Best wishes from wife, Jean, and all members. Also, belated birthday greetings to Olga Campbell who resides at Gateway Manor. Many happy returns to Dorothy Urbancich who reaches 90 years in June. July birthday celebrants: Frank Sadar, Enika Zulic, the artist, Jeff Vidmar, Jennie Woods, Fran Kamak, Lil Bratina, Mary Sterle. July wedding anniversary to Fred and Fran Spelic. Have a blessed day. August birthday celebrants: Faith Ann Tomsick, Tony (T.P.) Petkovšek, Dolly Wade, George Dietz, Teresa Marie Vegh, Florence Jaksic (get well soon), Faye (Fayzee) Biagio Banco, Ed Bucar and Marie Azman, owner of Bella Donne Hair Creations on Lake Shore Blvd. I said Hi to Lou Trebar new resident of the SHA. He looks fine and enjoyed the Mass. Condolences to the Streck Family on the passing of Rose Sodnikar, sister of Frank Smole and many relatives. Arrangements by Zak Funeral Home. Services held at St. Vitus church on Lausche Avenue. Rest in peace. Belated birthday wishes to Ivanka Pretnar, resident of St. Vitus Village who is 90 years young. Čestitke. May 28th Helen David M. Spotts of Chesterland, OH, grandson of Stefie Zanilen and Mercedes Karpinski Spotts, was honored by the Harvest For Hunger organization with the Student Leadership Award in his senior year at University School, Hunting Valley. Presently, David is starting his sophomore year at DePauw University and is majoring in Finance and Lconomics and minoring in Spanish and German. He is the son of Judy K. Zamlen-Spotts and John Spotts. Congratulations! The wonderful choir that sings every Saturday at Mass at the Slovene Home for the Aged. Come join us and enjoy the Mass and the singers. You’ll love it. Very uplifting._______________________ Kozlevchar celebrated a birthday. I enjoyed her company on May 18th at Kristy’s Restaurant on E. 200lh Street, Euclid, Ohio as we celebrated with Josie Arko, Woman of the Year for SWU #50. All your friends and especially me, wish you much happiness. On May 22nd, I attended the Museum of Bands at the Polka Hall of Fame. We viewed the videos of many bands, narrated by Joe Valencie, who is really up on all the history of bands all over America. He certainly did his homework. I enjoyed watching a local band called “Godba Bled.” When I was a kid living on Kildeer Avenue, my neighbors were Ernest Luzar and John Tanko. Believe me, takes me back a few years. It was most enjoyable listening to them practice. Heard on the radio (WELW) of Ray Somich’s birthday. Congrats from all your listeners and especially from Tony Petkovšek and all your radio buddies. More quips from Ch. 22: What do you take before a meal? A seat. Why do fish live in salt water. If they lived in pepper water, they’d be sneezing all the time instead of swimming. Why isn’t your nose 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot. Why do bees buzz? Because they can’t whistle. I will leave you with this thought as per Frank Sinatra since he appeared in a special all month long on cable TV. “Sleep warm, and ring-a-ding-ding. Luv ya. Enjoy the summer. —Emilee Of all days, the one on which one has not laughed is surely the most wasted. Slovenian Women’s Union of America SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Financially assisting students since 1949 Applications are available - Donations welcomed http://www.swua.org or 1.815.727.1926 ttiiC We Make House Calls .. • A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! ^ GORJANC Si v 4 COMFORT SERVICES^ HEATING - COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411 www.gorjanc.com Heating $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service ANGIE'S UST SUPER SfHVia AWARD-Northeast Ohio 2003 Plumbing ^ $25 OFF Drain Cleaning May not be combined with other * .discountr yy May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 3/31/05 y St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club 6599 Ravenna Road, Concord, Ohio 8(fh Anniversary Celebration — Saturday, June 21 - Steak or Chicken Dinner Serving 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Music by Stan Mejac Orchestra Kres Dancers will perform The Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Zvone Žigon will be attending this event. Come and greet him. Also, we will be hosting our Slovenian friends from Canada Call Richard Beck for tickets (440) 942-4025 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 5, 2008 St. Mary’s Slovenian School Says Thanks St. Mary’s Slovenian School wishes to extend a sincere thank you to the following businesses for their generous contribution to the St. Mary’s Slovenian School Fundraiser and Reverse Raffle held on Saturday, April 26 at the parish hall. ADRIA AIRLINES, Ljubljana, Slovenia. BREMEC’S GREENHOUSE & NURSERY, Chesterland, OH KUHAR’S CATERING & TAKEOUT, Mentor LAKE COUNTY CAPTAINS, Eastlake. MULDOONS SALOON & EATERY, Cleveland PATRI A IMPORTS, Cleveland. STERLE’S SLOVENIAN COUNTRY HOUSE, Cleveland THE CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART, Cleveland. Iskrena hvala to Father John Kumse, parents, teach- ers, family members, friends and guests for attending, as well. We look forward to seeing everyone again at Slovenska Pristava on Sunday, June 8. Mass begins at 12:30 p.m. --Jo Champa Randlett Special Note: For those planning to travel to Slovenia this Summer, it may interest you to know that through September 30,h, Continental Airlines flies direct from Cleveland to London Gatwick, England, daily, departing at 6:25 p.m., now arriving London Gatwick at 6:55 a.m., the following morning. Advantageously, Adria Airways now departs from that same terminal, North, at 9:45 a.m., four days a week, arriving in Ljubljana at 12:45 p.m. Campers Steak/Chicken Dinner at Pristava Summer has arrived and so has the much-anticipated Slovenska Pristava “Campers” annual Steak/Chicken dinner on Saturday, July 12. The annual “sell-out” dinner will be very special this year as the new Lausche Lodge is complete. Come and enjoy an evening at Pristava with a delicious home-cooked dinner... steak (cooked outdoors) or chicken dinner with all the special side dishes. Mike Dolinar promises us some special surprises in the music department. Most of the proceeds from the campers dinner will be donated to Pristava, so come and enjoy a delicious dinner and support a great cause. Much work continues at Pristava. So this will also be a great opportunity to view the Lausche Lodge with the new landscaping and lighting in place. “Mish” Radisek will also be brightening up the dance floor with his special dancing. A show not to be missed. Tickets are $15.00 / steak ($20.00 at door), and $12.00 / chicken ($15.00 at door). Tickets must be reserved in advance. Bar opens at 2 p.m. and dinner served at 5 p.m. thru 7 p.m. only. Please call Marge Žnidaršič (440) 975-0525 for tickets. —Janez Lenarčič Social Director Golub Funeral Home 4703 Superior Ave. Suburban facilities available (216) 391-0357 Karla Golub Sodnikar "Service to Render a More Perfect Tribute" Newspaper Schedule The oldest Slovenian newspaper in the world, the American Home (Ameriška Domovina) newspaper will be printed twice a month in June, July, and August, after which the paper will cease publication. Final deadline for copy is a week before publishing date. Long articles, however, should be submitted earlier. The next American Home will be dated June 19. July publishing dates are July 10, 24. The last two Ameriška Domovina’s (American Home) newspapers will be dated Aug. 7 and 21. Holmes Avenue Pensioners News © Holmes Ave. Hall was filled on Wednesday, May 14 with HAPpy members anticipating the Forever Young Tappers’ performance. We were not disappointed: the agile ladies presented several snappy numbers, with costume changes for each one. Great-sounding tenor “Rocky” entertained us with nostalgic melodies between acts. The gals’ ages range from 60s to 80s. The senior member of the troupe is 86 years “young.” What a dynamo, on the go from morning until night, practicing dance steps, linedancing, exercising... you name it. No wonder her legs look so good. Wish I had half her energy, the ladies (and gentlemen) received rounds of well-deserved enthusiastic applause. Hope we get to see them again. As usual at the start of our meetings, we remembered our sick and deceased members with silent prayer. ■frJean Zupančič died in April, but the Club was not notified, so we could not hold a memorial service. May she rest in God’s peace. Our sympathy to the bereaved. Our Sunshine Lady Ann Eichler was not too busy this time; she sent cheery cards to Ruth Morel, and Lori Sierpitowski. Both are better. Ruthie was already back on duty in the kitchen. What a trouper. Do say some prayers for Louise Fujda, sister of Bill and Matt Zabukovec; Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. -Izaak Walton she is not doing too well, and was still hospitalized at meeting time. President John Kovelan warmly thanked all our hardworking volunteer crews, who so faithfully cater to our needs: Ruth and Ed Morel, and kitchen helpers; Ruth and Frank Korelec at the bar; John Spilar and Hank Skar-bez, ticket sellers; Fran and Matt Kajfez, and Helen Kozlevchar at the door; Myra Jerkič and monthly helpers, 50/50 raffle; and Bill Zabukovec, our sound engineer. Let’s appreciate how all these wonderful members make our meetings so enjoyable. Myra and helper Pauline Barbish conducted another successful raffle, with many HAPpy winners. Me? Still waiting... Greetings and salutations to two new members: John Skerl and Alberta Zele. Welcome to THE Club. We had two visitors, too: Stefi Hribar and guest Fran Kajfez, and Dottie Battista was invited by Bea Jerkich. Hope you had fun, and will join us. Fran Kajfez reported 168 members present, and Matt K. collected $6.50 in badge fines. Good for our “kitty.” Fran K. and Helen Kozlevchar are planning an Amish day trip in August. Details next meting. The French Lick Resort tour had to be cancelled; not enough people signed on. It’s not easy planning trips to suit all All You Really Need Is SLOVEtm interests; thank you ladies for your efforts. We sang Happy Birthday to 12 members; and Happy Anniversary to Val and Dominic Cekada, 53 years; Lillian and Frank Homar, 57 years; Terry and Pete Kne-zevic, 54 years; Marie and Charles Penko, 50 years; Helen and Lou Somrak, 64 years; and Helen and Bill Wujnovich, 61 years. Also, two of our little groups, Merry Misses and Griner-ettes, celebrated 60 years of togetherness. Many more happy years to all. Živijo prav zares. Our HAP Picnic will be on July 8 at the FOE picnic grounds in Willoughby. Great venue, rain or shine. Sign-up sheets for various jobs will be available at the June meeting. Remember: many hands make light work. Then we can ALL have fun. The Federation Picnic is scheduled for Aug. 27 at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, noon to 5:30 p.m: Julie Zalar will prepare the food and Wayne Tomsic will play from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. $13 pp. includes admission. Tickets are available; talk to Matt Z. Many members enjoyed another “Wing-Ding” dinner in the Clubroom after the meeting. A great deal at $4.50, delicious, and a great way to support the Hall. Bingo in June; bring money. —T. Neroda Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others. —Cicero AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JONE 5, 2008 Mlakar's Walk Down Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR Hi, folks. Yep, I am like a bad penny, always show up at the last minute. It is with much sadness that in reading the last few issues of the American Home that the last edition will be forthcoming in August. It goes without saying that in losing the paper, it is like losing a member of our own family. A newspaper for I am sure that all of you, like myself, looked forward to getting for it was the one real news source that we go to know what was happening in the Greater Slovenian community. We knew where to look in the paper to find where our favorite Slovenian bands were playing. What events were happening at the various Slovenian National Homes. We are certainly indebted to our many writers who contributed articles to the paper, and most of all, we are grateful to Jim and Madeline Debevec for carrying out the Slovenian tradition of publishing the paper from week to week. Thanks so much Jim and Madeline for letting us be a part of your lives. It is no easy job putting out a newspaper like the American Home for I am sure that Jim would have to admit that when the day is done and you leave St. Clair, the ideas of the paper go home with you. Here is wishing them many good years in retirement. They went out of their way to make us happy and content with the paper and now it is their turn to finish their years in peace. As I look back, it was on 12 Dec., 1998 when I sent in my first article thru the urging of Rudy Flis and had my last article published in 2006. I missed writing in the paper, but then I guess all good things have to come to an end. Now that I think of it, for those of you who watch channel eight news, you will see that “I gave gramma and grandpa a lot of my ideas on WD-40 so that in the weeks ahead you will get some good advice. What can I say, I never forget my readers.” As for myself, in the last two years, I can’t say that my health is any better, but then when you reach 81, one is in the final stretch. Dear Lord, I hope the gas is cheaper up there than down here. I can only hope and pray I have earned a ticket to heaven in spite of my jokes. I still go to the Parma Clinic every first Friday of the month for extensive blood work. I still have them baffled so it seems I have more white corpuscles than red. Sister Bernadette always did think I was a quart low. Usually in going there it gets so low that they have to inject procreate injections, sort of to top off the tank. The nurses keep saying, “Hold tight, Ray; soon you will feel full of vim, vigor and vitality.” Soon you will be chasing women down the parkway.” I guess they are only trying to cheer me up. Hells bells, I can’t even walk Harry down to the jogging trail to let him see for himself that there are other dogs in this world besides himself. This being my last article and saying good bye to the readers, is no time to write about politics, but we will be looking forward when the new administration gets in, for then and only then will we see our young men come back home. Not long ago I read in the paper that it has already cost us well over eight hundred billion dollars, and to lose. Well, there are over three thousand young lives lost, only to prove that there were no secret weapons buried there. Well, Ray, you have been ranting and raving for the entire column, when are the jokes coming? Okay, hold on tight. A man has a dog named “Mace” which he keeps in the house all the time because it eats all the grass when he lets him out. Also the man has a favorite tool, his wrench, which he uses all the time. One day the' man misplaces the wrench. He is beside himself with anger. Unable to find the wrench he looks everywhere, but can’t find it. In the hoopla of looking for it, the dog, Mace, gets out of the house, eats all the grass and there in the middle of the lawn is the man’s wrench. The joyous fellow starts singing to himself, “A grazing mace, how sweet the hound that saved a wrench for me.” Okay, a couple of more. Laura Bush bought George a parrot for his birthday. She told Dick Cheney, “The bird is so smart George has already taught him to pronounce over 200 words.” “Wow,” that’s pretty impressive,” Cheney says. “But you realize of course that he just says the words. He doesn’t really understand what they mean.” “That’s okay,” Laura says, “neither does the parrot.” Okay, one more for the s mH Happy Harry road. A ten-year-old girl goes into a library and asks the Librarian for some help. “How do you spell ‘Tequila’ she asks. The Librarian spells it and the girl thanks her and goes to the index file to look where to find the book. A short time later she came back to the desk looking distraught. “I can’t find it,” she says. The librarian says, “What book are you looking for?” “Tequila mockingbird.” All right, one more. A friend and I stayed in a Chicago hotel while attending a convention. Since we weren’t used to the big city we were overly concerned about security. The first night we placed a chair against the door and stacked our luggage on it. To complete the barricade we put the trash can on top. If an intruder tried to break in, we’d be sure to hear him. Around 1 a.m. there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” I asked, nervously. “Honey, a woman on the other side yelled, “You forgot your key in the lock.” Well, with that, it is time to say good bye and thanks for the memories. In closing thanks to my many readers who called wondering how I was. It is readers like yourself who have kept me going. Thanks for all the yesterdays.” Dolgan available for book talks Author Bob Dolgan has been giving a lot of talks on both the Frankie Yankovic book and his sports book, “Heroes, Scamps, and Good Guys.” He has addressed senior groups, Rotarians, etc., all over Northern Ohio. He has been as far west as Bay Village, Strongsville and Westlake, and as far east as Munson Township and Chagrin Falls. He even talked to FBI retirees last week. If anybody wants Bob to give his spiel, they can phone him at (440) 944-7303. He’ll also sell and autograph his books. Keeping His Word 5 A dying man gathered his lawyer, doctor and clergyman at his bedside and handed each of them an envelope containing $25,000 in cash. He made them each promise that after his death and during his repose, they would place the three envelopes in his coffin. He told them that he wanted to have enough money to enjoy the next life. A week later the man died. At the wake, the lawyer and doctor and clergyman, each concealed an envelope in the coffin and bid their old client friend farewell. By chance the three met several months later. Soon the clergyman, feeling guilty, blurted out a confession saying that there was only $10,000 in the envelope he had placed in the coffin. He felt, rather than waste all that money, he would send it to a mission in South Africa. He asked for their forgiveness. The doctor, moved by the gentle clergyman’s sincerity, confessed that he, too, had kept some of the money for a new x-ray machine at his hospital. The envelope, he admitted, had only $8,000 in it. He said he too could not bring himself to waste the money so frivolously when it could be used to help others. By this time the lawyer was seething with self-righteous outrage. He expressed his deep disappointment in the felonious behavior of his two friends. He said, “I am the only one who kept his promise to our dying friend. I want you both to know that the envelope I placed in the coffin contained the full amount. It contained my personal check for $25,000. --Bill Edwards Phoenix Test Skills Against Brain Teasers 1. - A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions who haven’t eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him? 2. - A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner at Perkins in Euclid. How can this be? 3. - There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How can you put all of this water into a barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and tell which water came from i which jug? 4. - What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away? 5. - Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? Answers: 1. - The third. Lions that haven’t eaten in three years are dead. 2. - The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry. 3. - Freeze them first. Take them out of the jugs and put the ice in the barrel. You will be able to tell which water came from which jug. 4. - Charcoal. 5. - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Your quizmaster: -Philip Hrvatin Slovenia’s Slavček Pevski Zbor and Polka Band 10th Anniversary Schedule July 12 & 13 - Saturday and Sunday Slovenefest XVIII at SNPJ Recreation Center, PA - 6 p.m. Saturday, July 19 Slovenska Pristava - 6 p.m. Sunday, July 20 Sing for St. Vitus Picnic Mass - Pristava Sunday, July 20 SNPJ Picnic - Kirtland, Ohio 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 25 Lake County Captain’s Slovenian Heritage Baseball Game - 7 p.m. Sunday, July 27 Chicago Slovenian Cultural Center Mass and Picnic AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 5, 20Q8 ŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 5, 2008 6 Special Events at Pristava Summer season is coming around real fast and we will meet more often at Pristava events - picnics. Get ready for Saturday, July 19 when Slovenska Pristava will have “Kulturni dan,” Cultural Day. - Visiting us are the men’s choir (10 singers) Slavček from g- Cerknica and folklore group ^ Mladi Klasi from Browns Line, Canada. The folklore group has over 50 dancers age 7-19 years and will perform beautiful folk dances in different costumes. The program starts at 6 p.m., and following dancing, entertainment will be by Slavček singing choir. Dinner will be served by Sophie Mazi from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Dinners must be reserved by calling Elizabeth Zalik at (440)537-1941. Happy Father’s Day June 15 All Invited to Holmes Pensioners Picnic Local Authors Pen Children’s Book Local authors Josie Horvath and Mary Hovancsek along with nationally syndicated cartoonist (Flo & Friends) and illustrator Jenny Campbell are proud to introduce their first book in a series of children’s books entitled, “Burgess and Marie Bear, Book 1: Beginnings.” The Burgess and Marie Bear series is centered around a character that inspires young children to action, attempting feats they never thought possible. Picture a role model for adolescents that challenges them to find the novelty in daily life. Now, picture this muse, this source of encouragement to youth - what makes him so exceptional? He is a bear, Burgess Bear, and he navigates life with a prosthetic leg on roller skates, facing obstacles and teaching us how to surpass these obstacles. The purpose of the Burgess and Marie Bear series is to encourage young children who might have a similar condition to Burgess, to take on life and all of life’s challenges with the utmost en- thusiasm. Burgess shows that despite what may happen to us, we can turn any situation into a great one. The goal is to educate, explain, and encourage children to help them understand that though they may be “different,” they are more than capable of doing everything and anything they put their heart into. Josie Horvath and Mary Hovancsek created and wrote the Burgess and Marie Bear series in response to Josie’s husband’s work with amputees. Encountering both the emotional and physical trauma that occur following amputation, Josie and Mary felt the need to reach out to the many young children who face this obstacle. Both Josie and Mary feel that these children need a role model, a Burgess Bear, to help them learn to live and love life despite their physical appearances and challenges. For more information on Burgess and Marie Bear, please visit their website at www.Burgessbear.com Directions to Slovenska Pristava Take 1-90 east to the Geneva Exit (Route 534). Turn right at the exit^You will be going South on Rte. 534. Go for approximately 2 miles until you reach South River Road. Make a right at South River Road and go approximately 1 mile until you reach Brandt Road. Turn right at Brandt Road. Slovenska Pristava is about 14 mile down the road on the right. Holmes Avenue Pensioners invites everyone to their annual picnic on Wednesday, July 9 at Eagles, 37299 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, 1.2 miles east of Rt. 91 from noon to 6 p.m. Free admission; music by Fred Ziwich for dancing or listening. Sandwiches, homemade pastries and refreshments will be available. Come out and have a good time dancing or listening to a jam session with recycled teenagers. For more information call 440 943-3784. Federation of Seniors Picnic Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens Clubs Annual Picnic will be on Wednesday, Aug. 27 at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road, Kirtland, OH. Dinner will be served at 1 p.m. by Julie Zalar. Music by Wayne Tomsic Orchestra from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Admission for dinner and dancing is $13.00. For tickets see members (Barberton, Euclid, Holmes, Newburgh/Maple Hts., St. Clair and Waterloo) or call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784 BEFORE Aug. 20. --Matt Zabukovec, Secretary Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. —Abraham Lincoln če**''* DIRECTIONS TO SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA ? TAKE ROUTE #90 EAST TO GENEVA EXIT,-ROUTE 534 TAKE ROUTE534 SOUTH TO SOUTH RIVER ROAD ™ M,LES RIGHT ON SOUTH RIVER ROAD. TAKE SOUTH RIVER ROAD APPROX. 1 MILE TO ®R^PT R0AD- TURN RIGHT, SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA IS ABOUT1/2 MILE DOWN. Coming Events Friday, June 6 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Jeff Pecon. June 5, 6, 7 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St. rummage sale 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, June 8 St. Mary’s Slovenian School annual picnic at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield. Lunch served after Mass. Veseli Godci will provide music. All are cordially invited. Friday, June 13 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St. Friday, June 13 Dr. Zvone Žigon, Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia will hold consulate hours at the Slovenian Catholic Center in Lemont, IL from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, June 15 DSPB Tabor, Memorial and dinner, Slovenska Pristava, 12 noon Mass. Dinner by Sophie Mazi. Thursday, June 19 St. Mary’s Alumni Meeting. Thursday, June 19 Movie ‘100% Slovenian’ at Euclid Library, at 7 p.m. Host: Joe Valencie. Free admission. Friday, June 20 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Ray Polantz. Saturday, June 21 St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club, 6599 Ravenna Rd., Concord, OH celebrates 80th anniversary with Steak or Chicken Roast. Music by Stan Mejac Orchestra. Kres Folkdancers will perform. For tickets call Richard Beck at (440) 942-4025. Wednesday, June 25 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Friday, June 27 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Ed Mejac. Sunday, June 29 Ohio Federation KSKJ picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Thursday, July 3 St. Vitus Alumni meet in the Village at 7 p.m. Friday, July 4 Primorski Klub, Tramontana at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, July 9 Holmes Ave. Pensioners picnic at Eagles, 37299 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. Music by Fred Ziwich. Saturday, July 12 Pristava Campers picnic/steak roast at Slovenska Pristava. Steak $15, Chicken $12 in advance; $20 and $15 at door, meal served 5 to 7 p.m. Reservations Marg Žnidaršič at (440) 975-0525. Sunday, July 13 Mission picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, July 19 Pristava picnic - Zbor Slavček from Slovenia at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 20 St. Vitus parish Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 27 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual summer pipnic at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, July 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Sunday, Aug. 3 Pristava Pensioners Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 17 St. Mary’s (Coll.) Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Aug. 27 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Wed., Aug. 27 Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner at 1 p.m. by Julie Zalar. Music by Wayne Tomsic Oreh 2:30 -5:30 p.m. Admission, dinner, and dancing $13.00. For tickets call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784 BEFORE Aug. 20. Friday, Aug. 29 Ansambel Veseli Begunj-cani at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Sept. 13 Folklorna Skupina Kres Dance at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Full-length performance followed by social with music by Veseli Godci. Thursday, Sept. 18 St. Mary’s Alumni meeting. Sunday, Sept. 21 Vinska Trgatev at Slovenska Pristava. Friday, Sept. 26 Slovenian National Flome, St. Clair, Annual Social. Saturday, Sept. 27 Sausage Festival at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio sponsored by National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame. Sunday, Oct. 21 Koline - Pristava Pensioners at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 19 Salute to Paul Yanchar at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair - Cleveland. Sunday, Oct. 19 Annual Meeting of Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Oct. 25 Štajerski-Prekmurski Klub Martinovanje, 50lh Anniversary celebration. Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Death Notices VINKO RAK Vincent “Vinko” Rak, age 87 of Wickliffe, passed away on Wednesday, May 21, 2008. Beloved husband of Ani (nee Janezic); loving father of David (Kathy), Alan (Yoni), Kevin (Mary) and Becki Luffman; cherished ■, grandfather of nine and great-grandfather of one; dear brother of Dr. Max Rak and the following deceased: Ani Zumer, Ivan and Miro Rak. Uncle of many nieces and nephews. Family suggests memorial contributions in his name to the Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Funeral Mass was at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church (Wickliffe). Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Monday, May 26 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. ROSE SODNIKAR Rose Sodnikar (nee Smole), age 97. Beloved wife of the late Anton; dear sister of Frank Smole of CT, Valentine Smole and the following deceased: Joseph Smole, Mary Streck and Angela Kofol; dear aunt, great-aunt and great-great aunt of many. The family suggests donations to St. Vitus Church or charity of choice in Rose’s name. Family received friends from 4-8 p.m. Tuesday, May 20 at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Wednesday, May 23 at 9:30 a.m. Chapel Service, followed by 10 a.m. Mass at St. Vitus Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. A thing of beauty is a joy forever; Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness. —John Keats MICHAEL A. MANNION Michael A. Mannion, age 27, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, May 6, 2008. Loving son of Anthony “Tony” and Janice “Jan” (Kaminski); dear brother of Leah; grandson of Wilfred (deceased) and Anna Mae Mannion and Don and Angie Kaminski; dear nephew and cousin to many. Funeral services were held on Saturday, May 10 at 10 a.m. in St. Mary’s Church, 250 Kraft St., Berea, Ohio. Interment in Woodvale Cemetery. Arrangements by Fortuna Funeral Home, Independence, Ohio. ANNE KOZINSKI Anne Kozinski (nee Pintarič), age 90. Loving wife of 66 years to Casimer; loving mother of Chester (Helaine) and Marianne (Jeffery) Monger; grandmother of Kenneth, David, Steven, Kathleen, Charles, Stacy, Jonathan and Melinda; great grandmother of six; sister of Mary Harrington and the following deceased: August, Steve, Daniel, Albert and Catherine Štrukelj; aunt of many nieces and nephews. Anne was a member of St. Mary Altar and Rosary Society. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Wednesday, May 21 from 6 - 9 p.m., where services were held on Thursday at 9:15 a.m., and St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations in her memory to St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110 would be deeply appreciated by the family. DORIS ELAINE DOBISH Doris Elaine Dobish (nee Nicholson), age 76. Beloved wife of George (deceased). Loving mother of Jerry, George, Rodney (Hannah) and Barry. Grandma of David and Timothy. Sister of Ray, Fred, James and Edgar (all deceased). Aunt and great-aunt of many. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Wednesday, May 21 from 2-4 and 6 p.m. until time of services at 8 p.m. Services conducted by Rev. Richard Bunkley of Freedom Christian Assembly. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (2161 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908_ ALDO JACOPICH Aldo Jacopich, 79, beloved husband of Stanislava (nee Vicic); loving father of Anita Lamport (Tom) and Marina; devoted grandfather of Collin; dear brother of the late Stelio. Friends called at Golubski Delibcrato Funeral Home, Garfield Blvd., where services were held on Saturday, May 24, 2008 at 9 a.m., and at SS. Peter and Paul Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment All Saints Cemetery. Visitation was Saturday, May 23 from 4-8 p.m. Frank Cesen Sr. who passed away on June 11,1983 25lh Year Anniversary His helping hand was always first to render any aid he could. His voice was always raised in praise. His words were wise and good. Dear father, since you've gone away. The ones you loved so true, try hard to carry on the way we know you’d want us to. Dear Dad, we miss you very much! son, Frank Jr., Patricia Wilks, Francine Žabkar, granddaughters, and great-grandchildren In Memory Thanks to Mary Okicki of Cleveland, OH who paid for two memoriams and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Tony Okicki and John Orazem. In Memory Thanks to Metka Dejak of / Euclid, OH who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of her husband, France Dejak. In Memory Thanks to Michael J. Rutar of Lorain, OH who renewed his subscription and added an $18.00 donation in memory of his dad and mother, Mike and Mary Rutar. Michael writes, “I want to thank the editors, workers, advertisers, and everyone and anyone who contributed in any way to the paper. My mom always said, “Vse pride na konec." Everything comes to an end. With much thanks.” Never The Same Editor, Life will never be the same. We will miss the American Home. —The Rudy Ivancic Family Wickliffe, OH For Sale Two cemetery lots at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio in the vicinity of the Tall Cross as part of 21 Slovenian lots. Please call 440-546-1039 t- C c c In Loving Memory Mary Zupančič (formerly of Glass Ave. Mother Grandmother Great-Grandmother Born June 13,1908 Died March 6,1976 Frank Zupančič now Lausche Ave.) Father Grandfather Great-Grandfather Born June 6,1896 Died Sept. 21,1987 Your LOVE is our keepsake, With that we’ll never part; God has you in His keeping, We have you in our hearts. Sadly missed by CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN and GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN Support America - Support American Made Products Catholic Cemeteries Association announces a new program The Catholic Cemeteries Association and Rock of Ages Corporation have combined forces to introduce the American Value© program. This program offers high quality American made grave markers, an outer burial container and the grave of your choice to Catholic families at an exceptional value. If you have considered acquiring a burial package for yourself or a family member don’t miss this special opportunity. Name________________ Address_____________ City________________ Phone___________________________________________ Stop into your Catholic Cemeteries Office or mail coupon to: Catholic Cemeteries 10000 Miles Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44105 _________________________ State 2008 G Catholic Cemeteries .mr ‘vMTAniAinrr AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 5, 2008 Sorry To See Paper Discontinued Will Miss Paper Thanks to Tony and Dorothy Spendal of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and wrote, “We will truly miss the Ameriška Domovina. Best of luck to Jim and Madeline and staff. “We Hate To See You Go!” Donation Thanks to Joseph and Nella Jerse of North Royal-ton, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation. They write, “Good Luck.” Donation Thanks to a wonderful couple and long-time supporters of Ameriška Domovina Sylvia and Louis Lončar of Concord, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Leo Drobnič of Austin, TX who renewed his subscription and added a $38.00 donation, “As a token of appreciation.” Incomprehensible Editor, It is incomprehensible that the Ameriška Domovina publication shall cease publication in August. It’s like losing a loyal, faithful friend. Initially a subscription to this fine publication was a birthday gift to me from a dear longtime faithful Slovenian friend... and for this I have been ever grateful. Each time upon receiving this newspaper I think of her, who many years ago, passed on to her eternal reward. Enclosed is a $25.00 donation to this fine newspaper. --Violet Ruparcich Pittsburgh, PA In 400 B.C. Hippocrates made a tea from the yellow leaves of the willow tree for the relief of pain. It wasn’t until the 1800’s that scientists discovered what was In the willow tree that relieved pain and reduced fever. A German chemist produced a stable form of acetylsalicylic acid, more commonly known as aspirin, in 1897. Donation Thanks to Mary Okicki of Cleveland, OH who sent in a $20.00 donation. Mary writes, “The donation is to thank you for the wonderful news you always printed for our Slovenians. The paper will be very much missed. Thank you and good luck and good health.” Donation Thanks to Joseph V. Hočevar of Cleveland who renewed his subscription and added a $ 18.00 donation. Sadness Thank you for a beautiful job on the Marolt memorial. God bless you for your big, long service to the Slovenian community. I was saddened to read that the A.D. is closing. I sure will miss it. Enjoy your future years. Enclosed is payment for the Marolt memorial and a $10.00 donation to the Ameriška Domovina. --Lojzka Sever Seven Hills, OH Miss You We will miss you. —Carol Jenovic Wickliffe, OH Miss Paper I will really miss you and the paper. —Stephanie Segulin Cleveland, OH In Memory Thanks to Olga Kalar of Mentor, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of Ludvik Kalar. Olga also wrote a nice note about the Ameriška Domovina in the Slovenian language. Donation Thanks to Robert J. Blatnik of Rowlett, TX who renewed his subscription and added a $35.00 donation. He writes, “The extra $35.00 donation is in hope that we can keep the Ameriška Domovina being published. This newspaper is the best in the USA. To me it is a connection to the past of growing up in the good old Cleveland area. It keeps alive the memories of how wonderful the life we enjoyed in Col-linwood and all the great times at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home. God Bless the American Home.” Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina (American Home newspaper): Mary T. Zab, Bratenahl, OH -$8.00 Mary Wolf, Euclid, OH — $8.00 Frances Cazin, Mayfield Hts., OH -$13.00 Marija Holjevac, Parma, OH - $8.00 Marija Rigler, Chicago, IL - $23.00 Richard Cesen, Euclid, OH - $3.00 John and Jennie Turk, Richmond Hts., OH — $8.00 Tine and Helena Ribic, Richmond Hts., OH — $8.00 Anton Mestek, St. Catharines, Ont., Canada -$6.00 Anonymous, Ohio $38.00 Ciril Vehovec, Euclid, OH - $8.00 Stanley Mramor, Sheffield, OH -$10.00 Maria Dimitrijevic, Cleveland, OH — $5.00 Thanks Thanks to Frank and Eleanor Zernic of Highland Heights, Ohio who renewed their subscription and added a $13.00 donation. They write, “Thank you for serving the Slovenian community for so many years. Your services will be truly missed. God bless you.” Donation Thanks to Doris Sadar of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation. Doris writes, “Madeline, good luck to you and Jim wherever the road takes you.” Miss You Thanks to Ana Mihelich of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a note, “We will miss you.” Donation Thanks to granddaughters Sophia and Gracie who sent in an $80.00 donation on behalf of their “Papa” Nace Omahen’s 80lh birthday. Donation Thanks to Angela Hutar and family of Euclid, OH who sent in payment for their memorial for Matt Hutar and added a $11.00 donation. They write, “We were very disappointed to hear that your last issue will be published in August. Our family has always enjoyed the Ameriška Domovina and will miss this important connection to our Slovenian culture. - We wish you the best as you begin your new journey.” I am so sorry to have the American Home discontinued after so MANY years. (We’ve received A.H. in our family home since 1940). It’s been a mainstay in the Slovenian community of NE Ohio as well as across the country. So many are sad to sec the A.H. disappear, without letting you know feelings of its demise. At our last meeting on Saturday at SWU Branch 42 Maple Heights meeting, everyone expressed their regret. It was discussed and we know it was discussed with great concern with other organizations and many, many individuals over the recent months. The communication and information we received throughout the years will be lost now. Donation Thanks to Felix and Helena Gaser of Richmond Heights, Ohio who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation. They write, “We will miss the paper very much.” Thanks Stanley and Maria Vlasic of Chicago, IL who have been subscribers to the American Home since Jan. 5, 1950. They renewed their subscription and wrote, “Thank you for all the years of printing a good newspaper.” Promotes Culture Thanks to Mirko and Ann Zudic of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $13.00 donation. They write, “Thank you for doing a terrific job of promoting our language and culture.” Donation Thanks to Warren and Jean Fabian of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation. They write, “Sorry to hear you are closing. We will miss all the news, especially when we are in Florida. Good luck to you both and enjoy your retirement.” Just to let you know, you’ve been appreciated by all, whether expressed or not, and thank you and Madeline most sincerely for all you have done for the Slovenian community throughout all that time. You will be missed, and I’m sure everyone extends their best wishes for enjoyment, good health, and happiness in your retirement years. God bless you both, as well as the staff, reporters, and photographers, and volunteers who, with genuine belief in our-culture and heritage, have kept the paper apprised of all Slovenian activities and related articles to keep the rest of us informed throughout the years. Hvala lepa. --Marge Church Macedonia, OH Link of Friendship Thanks to Marge Poropat of Chardon, Ohio who renewed her subscription and wrote this note, “Thanks for the memories of old friends and happenings in our community. You were the link of the chain of friendship. A job well done.” In Memory Thanks to Louis Novak of Highland Hts., OH who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation. He writes, “I will miss all of the great articles on our great Slovenian heritage. Enclosed is a $25.00 donation in memory of my parents, Joe and Jane Novak. A Loss Thanks to Angie (Vesel) Cross of Lakewood, OH who renewed her subscription and wrote the following note, “I understand the Domovina will stop printing in August. What a loss. Thank you all for the good that you have done for our Community.” Donation Thanks to Albert T. Blat-nick of Wickliffe, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $16.00 donation. r-yt—SCACl V_CJcSlC Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Funeral Director Dignified, Professional arid Personal Service SlovenefcNst @ Join the fun during our celebration of good friends, and great music - all while enjoying a weeb in the warm Caribbean aboard a luxury cruise ship! TAMPA G GRAND CAVMAN © COZUMEL Q BEUZE Enjoy the musical talents of: Thv Ikon Wojiila Orcliosli-a uilh C lirisl inc Hihbs and featuring Tony Klopco MARCH 1-8,2009 ^ ' .€2lSi ; Join the fun in Florida a few day« early at SINPJ Days in Spring Hill! teh« 27tli and 2}lth. Hotel package available Slovcnc(Vst®Siui $898 Inside $1028 Outside $ 1198 Balcony - includes all taxes, hats, dance parties, private Specializing in Custom International Journeys for Business and Pleasure 1 1^| Celebrating 1 ■PPWMMHwa&S|HpMMHlU£linLM 8 5 years! 1 Savor Stork Soup in Prekmurje by Bogi Pretnar Info torks love the Prek-^^murje region, they k-/ flock to Northeast Slovenia to find a mate, hatch their chicks, raise them and prepare them for an independent life. When autumn comes, they all fly off together to Africa. The people of Prekmurje believe storks bring good luck, so their nests on chimney tops, village lamp-posts or on roofs arc nothing short of a sacred object. A stork on its nest is also the symbol of Lovenjak, a typical Prekmurje inn, located four kilometers west of Murska Sobota, at Polana. The belief that storks bring happiness is shared by the inn’s patrons, who find pleasure in both the impressively stocked wine cellar, and in the varied and imaginative culinary offer of chef Branko Časar. He is the creator of the inn’s exclusive specialties, a dessert known as štrkovo gnezdo (stork’s next) and štrkova juha (stork soup). Lovers of storks fear not; no long-legged feathered creature is harmed when making the soup. Its name simply reflects the stork’s favorite when it comes to food: frogs’ legs - which the chef gently poaches to make a thick creamy soup. One cannot imagine Prek-murje-style cuisine without some key ingredients, such as paprika, sour cream, garlic and onions. And, of course, buckwheat. Or mushrooms and pork. Lovenjak’s milky buckwheat soup, with porcini is an exquisite mix of the above ingredients. The milk smoothens the soup; the buckwheat thickens it, while the mushrooms and cream add a gourmet touch. It is seasoned with the finest herbs, such as marjoram, thyme, rosemary and bay leaf. Since we arc talking about dishes that make Prekmurje cuisine so tasty, popular and Worthy of ‘guilty pleasures,’ let us also mention dodoli (potato žganci), hujta repa (stewed sour turnips with P°rk), bograč (a type of goulash) and retasi (strudel). Rataši is what the rest of Slovenia calls zavitek (rolled pastry), and our Austrian neighbors know as strudel. The people of Prekmurje display a lot of imagination when it comes to the various fillings for the filo pastry. At Lovenjak, they bake no fewer than 19 varieties of retaši, and the most common fillings (sweet and savory) include apples, curd cheese, cabbage, pumpkin and poppy seeds. In late October, they organize an event known as retašiljada, a culinary exhibition and gourmet fair of these pastry delights. The retaši differ from classic Slovenian zavitek in that the stretched dough is rolled from both sides towards the middle (whereas in other recipes, the dough is rolled from one edge to the other), thus creating a follow between the two rolls. When sour cream is generously poured over the retaši, the cream has nowhere to flow but into this hole, which makes the dish exquisitely juicy. “For pumpkin retaši, it is best to use red pumpkin; you should not even attempt to make it with their green cousins, courgettes,” advises Časar, a man who feels at home at cooking contests: for 10 years, he has been the --organizer of the famous bogračijada, a competition of amateur cooks making bograč. The recipes for this goulash-type potato stew, with various other ingredients, were almost as many as the cooks taking part in the competition, during which the stews were actually simmering in cauldrons over open fires. Some swear by adding mushrooms, while others find the idea preposterous; some like to throw in a few chunks of green or red pepper, while others think it is heretical. What is certain, though, is that over the border in Hungary, the dish is much spicier than its Slovenian counterpart, although some will add red peppers or even a chili or two. Branko also won an annual competition of Slovenian chefs organized by the nation’s largest newspaper. The victorious dish was a fillet of pork with brandy, and naturally it is featured on the Lovenjak menu: two prime cuts of pork tenderloin per person, prunes, and home-made plum brandy, which is used to flambe the dish. The alcohol should be allowed to evaporate, leaving the plum brandy aroma to complement the tasty meat juice. The dish must then be served immediately. When asked if one could accompany the dish with dodoli, Branko grins. “Yes of course,” he says. “Dodoli would be fine.” This is a Prekmurje variant of potato žganci: boiled and mashed potatoes, white flour, shaped into small dumplings with a spoon. They can also be served as a main dish, generously sprinkled with sauteed onions and smothered in sour cream. Vegetarians will enjoy dodoli with bujta repa - sour turnips stewed with millet. For the rest of us, bujta repa is only right if sometime during the cooking process, some pork is included in the formula. It is hardly a secret that pork tastes best in winter months in the form of sausages, as pork roast or roast ribs. Bujta repa is no exception when it comes to spicing it up with the “national condiment” of Prekmurke, paprika, a fact attested to by the dish’s red-to-orange color. A thick stew with millet, bujta repa tastes refreshing, but beware, it is very filling, indeed. Chef Branko Časar of the Lovenjak Inn also cooks all kinds of international classics, especially various excellent fish dishes. Many other seafood dishes can also be ordered here in Prekmurje. It is as if the memory of the Pilocene Pannonian Sea were still alive. But real gourmets will be equally delighted by Branko’s pike-perch specialty, which is found along the Mura River; a pan-fried fish fillet, crispy on the outside, yet moist on the inside, is placed on a nest of pasta with slices of black olives. Also pleasing is a small cup containing a sauce made of tiny porcini in a sauce so tiny, there is no need to cut them. You can find LOVE in SLOVEma. Your Bank's Rate Our Rate* 2.50% 5.10% Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for representative agent near you! ♦Rate guaranteed for 12 months on a 7-Year plan. Rates may change without notice. 'peC6ou4e& '& 'Pol&a IQzrfia America’s longest running daily show since 1961 2 Hours Daily 3-5 pm /.Saturdays 12-2 pm Kollander World Travel, 971 East 185th St, Cleveland OH 44119 and Harbortowne Point, Fairport Harbor Simulcast in Lake County on Ch. 99 Comcast Cable and World on-line www.247pdkaheaven.com (216) 481-8669 or (216) 952-8669 TONY PETKOVSEK’S over 40 Years on Radio “Greatest Polka Music Variety” "At the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community’ Offering complete Community News Daily and phone in Polka Opinion every Monday Featuring: ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women's Interviews) ED OSTRY (Guest co-host) MARK SEDMAK (Alternative Music) r # Celebrating 85 years ^ # of giving you the world # Thank You to all our friends at the American Home that have printed our message of travel over the Generations! Exploring our Roots and Vines in Slovenia with the Slovenian Genealogy Society Conference in Slovenia - September 10 - 19, 2008 Staying in Portorož and Ljubljana Featuring: Expert guided tours including Piran & Maribor, SGSI events and presentations, and the opportunity to leam about Archive research, lour and SCiSI Conference: $1993 per person (limited availability!) KSKJ - Slovenia & Croatia Enjoy this 13 night fully escorted tour featuring: ^ Ljubljana, Lake Bled, Tl Goriška Brda, Škocjan Caves | p Istrian Peninsula, Opatija, | Plitvice Lakes, Portorož 4 star hotels - Buffet Breakfast, Dinner and expert guided sightseeing daily, Music, wine tasting, great local foods - K.SK.J Celebrations - all included! September 10-23, 2008 Tour Cost: $2695 per person A Crnnd Canvon bv Rail & Serinnn Kollander Travel's own Judy Koblentz escorts this first class, inclusive tour featuring the breathtaking South Rim; Sedona, The GC Railway Hotel in Williams, Az. Maswick Grand Canyon Lodge, 3 nts Flamingo in Las Vegas First class hotels, Old West BBQ Dinner, guided tours, private coach, local expert sightseeing. $1549from Cleveland Oct. 8 -15,2008 Kollander World Travel 971 E. 185th St - Cleveland OH 44119 (800)800-5981 - (216)692-1000 www.kollander.com m OMng You The World Since 1923 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 5, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 5, 2008 i« St. Vitus hosts Final CityMusic Concert From Out of the Past The fourth and final concert of CityMusic Cleveland for the 2007-2008 was held on Wednesday, May 7 in St. Vitus Church. Approximately 490 people came to hear Ligeti, Ives, Vivaldi and Beethoven. There was a formal and dignified laying of wreaths in front of the church sanctuary by the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue prior to the start of the concert in honor of the deceased U.S. Veterans and the fallen Slovenians during and after World War II. Catholic War Veterans Post #1655 members Joseph Baškovič and Fred Spelic carried and laid the wreaths for U.S. Veterans while Frank Šega and John Kustec laid wreaths for the Slovenians. Bemie Ljubi played taps for the fallen. There was total silence in the church for a few minutes. The concert, entitled, “Revolutionary Music,” lived up to its billing in particular the complex and musically demanding Violin Concerto composed by Gy-orgy Ligeti in 1992 with a radical mix of instruments, harmonics, and use of notes or tones that at times seemed out of tune, but were not. The violin soloist for this concerto, Jennifer Koh, lived up to her reputation as a demanding and accomplished musician of the first class. The first piece played was that by Antonio Vivaldi, an Italian composer from the 17th century entitled Sinfonia ‘Al sancto sepulcro ” (Sinfonia in B Minor, At The Grave). The purpose of this composition was the massive use of string instruments without the major use of keyboards. The second composition was Ligeti’s Violin Concerto consisting of four movements and a finale. One other unique feature of this composition was again the use of string instruments and also the number of wind instruments, including flutes, oboe, clarinets, bassoon, horns, trumpet, and trom- bone, and use of percussion. In addition, a recorder, slide whistles, and even ocarinas, an egg-shaped whistle with holes for the fingers, were used. There was a brief intermission followed by the last two compositions. The first was “The Unanswered Question, ” composed by Charles Ives, an American composer (1874-to-1954), known for being a bit eccentric. Again, the use of string instruments along with flutes and other wind instruments make this a different type of chamber orchestra composition. The final piece was “Symphony No. 1, ’’ composed by Ludwig Beethoven, one of his most impressive compositions and a fine display of dexterity and professionalism of CityMusic Cleveland, especially the string section. After the concert light food and refreshments were served in the parish auditorium to the pleasure and delight of all. Linda Plečnik was the head cook, assisted by Stefie Zamlen, Josie Manfreda, Louise Strauss, and Marge Kuhar. There was also an art display of water color portraits. By 10:15 p.m., the auditorium was nearly vacant so that by 10:45 p.m., the auditorium was cleaned up. A note of thanks to American Home/Ameriška Domovina, KSKJ Voice, Tony Petkovšek Jr. (WELW-1330 AM), Tony Ovsenik (WCPN-90.3 FM), Slovenian Family and Friends Hour (Edi Mejac, WCSU- 89.3 FM), and other local print and electronic media who promoted this event. Thank you to St. Vitus Parish for providing technical, operational and moral support to enable these four concerts to become a reality, especially Father Joseph Boznar, pastor. Thank you also to the following who generously provided funding for this endeavor: St. Anne Lodge #4 AMLA, KSKJ Cultural Grant, St. Joseph #169 KSKJ Foundation, KSKJ Home Office, KSKJ Matching Grant Program, Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation, Brown Foundation, Neighborhood Connections (The Cleveland Foundation), and city of Cleveland, Councilman Joseph M. Cimperman (Ward 13). A final thanks to volunteers such as Mike Rus, Joe Žnidaršič, Joe Vogel, Thad-deus Gregory, Tom Slak, David Sršen, JJ Žakelj, Johnnie Srsen, Joe Cancic, Mary Košir, Apol Žakelj, Sherri Stidham, and many others who either helped construct the stage used in the church, helped to set up or clean-up inside the auditorium, serve, or any other task that made the four concerts a pleasure for so many parishioners and guests. --Stane Kuhar IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 DSPB Tabor Gathering Spring is finally here, and the nature is again coming alive. Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield is bursting with blossoms and greenery, beckoning to the great outdoors. DSPB Tabor invites all members, and all other Slovenians to gather at Orlov vrh on Father’s Day, June 15 for the 12 noon Memorial Mass, to be offered by Fr. Franci Kosem, pastor of St. Jude Parish in Elyria. We are remembering the sacrifices of our martyred Domobranci, and all other victims of godless communism during and after WWII. Owners of Slovenian “narodna nosa” are most cordially invited to attend this Memorial celebration in costume, to make it all the more festive. A delicious dinner, prepared by Sophie Mazi and helpers, will be available after Mass. Liquid refreshments will be on hand. Please join us in this remembrance of our fallen heroes, and spend a pleasant afternoon with friends, and enjoy the beauties of nature. Stimbuirys Accounting JiAccoiznZtrKT & Income Tax services 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44319 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 ... ,, tajctime@en.com nttp;//stimbury srccounting.com EmS’.'J to Practice Sette (f.'e Mirna; Rectnut Senice ServKT.g Indmduels Coporetms S Snail Buctoesser.. The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. -Rudy Flis “Friendship,” said Christopher Robin, “is a very comforting thing to have.” -A.A. Milne From time to time the American Home will publish old photos found in our archives. i»IHr»]|lllllllli———.. Remember St. Vitus Holy Name Society Pancakes and Sausages Breakfast were served by, left to right, Ed Avsec, Joe Cimperman, and Ed Arhar in this old photo. I No Cholesterol - No Flour Light Chocolate Cake 8 egg whites : 1 cup granulated sugar Vt cup unsweetened cocoa powder 3 tablespoons vegetable oil '/z cup toasted almonds Vi cup toasted walnuts 8 sliced strawberries, and 1 teaspoon confectioners sugar, for garnish (op-: tional) 1. - Preheat oven to 350° F. i 2. - In a dry bowl, using an electric mixer, beat 6 egg : whites until stiff and dry, set aside. ; 3. - In another bowl, combine the sugar, cocoa, oil, : and remaining 2 egg whites. 4. - Combine the toasted almonds and walnuts in the ■ container of a food processor or blender and process until : finely chopped. Add to the sugar-cocoa mixture. : 5. - Add a quarter of the beaten egg whites to the : sugar-cocoa-nut mixture. Gently mix together. Fold in the ! remaining whites until no white appears. Pour into a : greased and floured 9-inch springform pan. Bake for 30 to : 35 minutes or until firm in the center. 6. - Cool in the pan. Remove from the pan and divide i into 8 servings. Garnish each slice with a sliced strawberry : and sprinkle with confectioners sugar. -The Rainbow Room, New York, NY :...............Thanks to Maria Dimitrijevic LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Specialists Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, June 5, 2008 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Predsednik George Bush bo na obisku v Sloveniji prihodki ponedeljek in torek Predsednik George Bush bo drugič obiskal Slovenijo in to 9. in 10. junija. Kot predsednica Evropske unije za prvih šest mesecev letošnjega leta bo Slovenija gostila sestanek na vrhu držav-članic EU z ZDA in tudi z drugimi državami. Tako bo v Sloveniji ta čas tudi novi ruski predsednik Dmitrij Medvedev. Države-članice EU so uskladile svoja stališča do pogovorov z Rusijo, kakor je po dnevniku Financial Times sporočil slovenski zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel. Gotovo bo navzočnost predsednika Busha v Sloveniji v začetku prihodnjega tedna zanimala tudi glavne poročevalske agencije. Namen predsednikovega obiska je krepitev odnosov med ZDA in EU, prav tako pa tudi praznovanje prijateljstva med temi državami, ki baje delijo splošne demokratične vrednote. Bushev obisk bo evropskega značaja, kajti bo obiskal tudi Nemčijo, Italijo, Francijo, Veliko Britanijo in Sv. sedež. Bush je prvič obiskal Slovenijo leta 2001, ko je imel svoje prvo srečanje s takratnim ruskim predsednikom Vladimirjem Putinom, ki je sicer sedaj predsednik ruske vlade, a še vedno daleč najmočnejša osebnost v ruskem političnem vodstvu. Slovensko predsedovanje EU bo prenehalo ob koncu tega meseca, za naslednjih 6 mesecev bo predsedovala Francija oziroma njen predsednik Sarkozy. Stranke sestavljajo kandidatne liste za jesenske parlamentarne volitve Na strankinih listih se pojavljajo že stara imena, so pa tudi mnogi, ki doslej niso bili aktivneje vključeni v politiko. Zanimivo pri tem je dejstvo, da je v zadnjem času postala privlačnejša ravno stranka DeSUS, to zato, ker je povečala skrb za upokojence, teh pa je v Sloveniji kar več kot 550 tisoč. Politični analitiki govorijo, da utegne imeti DeSUS zato dober uspeh na volitvah, zaradi tega pa se za kandidaturo pod njenim praporom zanima precej znanih in manj znanih politikov. Med kandidati bo tudi močno levičarsko usmerjeni zgodovinar iz Trsta, dr. Jože Pirjevec, ki je član LDS. Čeprav iz Trsta, naj bi kandidiral v Sežani. Tam je bil Pirjevec 1. junija 1940 tudi rojen, drugi podatki, tudi v Primorskem slovenskem biografskem leksikonu piše, da je bil rojen v Trstu. Posebnost je primer v Grosupljem, kjer bo premier Janez Janša po vsej verjetnosti kandidiral na listi Slovenske demokratske stranke (SDS), ki ji predseduje. Menda iščejo Janševi nasprotniki nekoga, ki bi mogel kandidirati tudi z imenom Janša, to v upanju, da bi bili vsaj nekateri volilci zmedeni. V Novi Gorici bo kandidiral Borut Pahor, prvak Socialnih demokratov, ki baje še računa, da bo med tistimi, ki bodo ob velikem volivnem uspehu mogli sestaviti novo oz. naslednjo slovensko vlado. Vendar ima Pahor močne nasprotnike tudi na levi strani politične lestvice. V Slovenci začel izhajati nov informativni tednik, Reporter V Sloveniji je 19. maja izšla prva številka novega tednika z imenom Reporter. Nov časnik izdaja družba Prava smer v Ljubljani, vsebino pa zagotavlja skupina uveljavljenih časnikarjev, zunanjih sodelavcev in drugih uglednih piscev. Med njimi so po večini nekdanji sodelavci revije Mag, ki so jih novi lastniki iz tega medija izgnali. Odgovorni urednik Reporterja je Silvester Šurla, ki je imel enako funkcijo tudi v Magu. Mednarodni dan družine so praznovali 15. maja v Postojni - Festival družin je potekal pod geslom Očetje in družine: odgovornosti in izziv. Dež ni ustavil obiskovalcev tega že 2. festivala. Ob tem so bile objavljene razne zanimive podatke o sta->Viu družin v Sloveniji, to po zadnjem popisu prebivalstva iz leta 2002. Tako med družinami z otroki prevladujejo tiste z enim otrokom (48,6%), sledijo tiste z dvema (42,5), tiste s tremi ali več pa 8,6%. Dalje, 78% prebivalcev Slovenije živi v družini, 150.000 Pa živi v enočlanskih gospodinjstvih. Najštevilčnejša družina v Sloveniji ima 11 otrok, takih pa je v državi 22. V Sloveniji je konec leta 2007 živelo 1,025242 žensk, moških Pa je bilo 1,000.624 (torej prvič več kot milijon). Iz Clevelanda in okolice Spominska sv. maša— DSPB Tabor vabi v nedeljo, 15. junija, na spominsko sv. mašo za mučen-ce-domobrance in vse žrtve 2. svetovne vojne in revolucije v Sloveniji. Mašo bo daroval ob 12. uri opoldne č.g. Franci Kosem na Orlovem vrhu. Po maši bo na razpolago izvrstno kosilo, ki ga pripravlja ga. Sofi Mazi. Tudi za žejne bo poskrbljeno. Vsi lepo vabljeni. Najdeno— Oseba, ki je pozabila pri Lurški Materi božji svetišču na Chardon Rd. 23. maja športno kapo, jo dobi, če pokliče 440-944-0020. Pristavski kamperji vabijo— Vabijo sicer na svojo vsakoletno večerjo, ki bo v soboto, 12. julija, na Slovenski pristavi. Rezervacije za večerjo so potrebne, torej za več inforpiacij in rezervacije, pokličite Marg Žnidaršič na 440-975-0525. Večerje bodo deljene med 5. in 7. uro zvečer, bara bo pa odprta od 2. ure dalje. Naslednje številke— Naš list bo zopet izšel 19. junija, 10. in 24. julija. Novi grobovi Vincent (Vinko) Rak Dne 21. maja je umrl 87 let stari Vincent (Vinko) Rak, rojen v Sloveniji, vdovec po Ani, roj. Janežič, oče Davida (Kathy), Alana (Yoni), Kevina (Mary) in Becki Luffman, 9-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče, brat dr. Maksa ter že pok. Ani Žumer, Ivana in Miro-ta, stric. Pogreb je bil 27. maja v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Our Lady of Mt. Carmel v Wickliffu s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Rose Sodnikar Umrla je 97 let stara Rose Sodnikar, rojena Smole, vdova po Antonu, sestra Franka (Conn.), Valentine-a ter že pok. Josepha, Mary Streck in Angele Kofol, teta in prateta. Pogreb je bil 21. maja v oskrbi Zak zavoda na St. Clairju s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida s pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. (dalje na str. 16) Umetnine iz Vatikana— Z 31. majem je v prostorih Western Reserve Historical Society, 10825 East Blvd. v Clevelandu odprta razstava izjemnih vatikanskih umetnin, več kot 200 jih je. Ure so od ponedeljka do srede od 10. dop. do 9. zv., od četrtka do nedelje pa od 10. dop. do 6. zv. Vstopnice so po $20 za odrasle, za starejše (62+) so po $18, za otroke od 6 do 12 let starosti pa so po $14. Za vstopnice lahko telefonirate 1-8885-VATICAN. Za več informacij pa lahko pogledate tudi na: www.vaticansplendors.com. V reklamah za razstavo omenjajo med drugim, da je med objekti najzgodnejša upodoba Jezusa, to z 4. stoletja. Nekateri objekti niso nikoli prej zapustili Sv. sedež. Piknik Slovenske šole— Slovenska šola pri fari Marije Vnebovzete ima svoj letni piknik to nedeljo, 8. junija, na Slovenski pristavi. Pričel se bo s sv. mašo ob običajnem času, sledilo bo kosilo. Za ples in zabavo bodo igrali Veseli godci. Vsi lepo vabljeni. Upokojenci vabijo— Upokojenski klub na Holmes Ave. vabi na svoj letni piknik, ki bo v sredo, 9. julija, na posestvu Eagles na 37299 Euclid Ave. v Willoughbyju. Za več informacij, pokličite 440-943-1784. Naši dobrotniki— Violet Ruparcich, mnoga leta aktivna društvena delavka v Pittsburghu in okolici nam je poslala lepo pismo s pohvalnimi besedami, priložila pa dar $25. Zahvaljujemo se vsi pri AD. Ga. Lojzka Sever iz Seven Hillsa, O., je tudi poslala lepo pisemce in dodala podporo $10. Ga. Sylvia in g. Louis Lončar, Concord, O., sta darovala $25. Ga. Mary Okicki, Cleveland, je darovala $20. Brigita Mejak, tudi iz Clevelanda, je prav tako poklonila $20. Michael J. Rutar iz Loraina, O., je daroval $18. G. Joe in ga. Jane Novak s Highland Hts., sta poslala $25. G. War-en in ga. Jean Fabian, Wil-oughby Hills, sta darovala $20. G. Leo Drobnič, Aus-in, Texas, je daroval $38. Vsem tem številnim darovalcem se za naklonjenost in lepe misli zahvalimo. Center za slovenske študije ustanovljen v Clevelandu CLEVELAND, O. - Ministrica za visoko šolstvo znanost in tehnologijo Mojca Kucler Dolinar je v petek, 16. maja, na Državni univerzi v Clevelandu slovesno odprla Center za slovenske študije. Ustanova, ki je uradno del univerze oziroma njene fakultete za družboslovje in humanistiko, je sad poldrugo leto trajajočih prizadevanj slovenskega generalnega konzulata v tem mestu in vodstva univerze, med katerima je bilo pred kratkim podpisano pismo o nameri o sodelovanju. Na podlagi sklepa Vlade RS je bilo med Slovenijo in omenjeno univerzo ter še tremi ustanovami pred kratkim podpisano pismo o nameri o sodelovanju. Prireditev je oblikoval dekan Fakultete za družboslovje in humanistiko dr. Gregory Sadlek, po materi Slovenec, v kulturnem delu dogodka pa so nastopili Fantje na vasi. Novoustanovljena pisarna bo začela z delovanjem predvidoma avgusta in bo povezovala raziskovalce, predavatelje in študente iz Slovenije in ZDA, v sklopu centra pa bo v jesenskem semestru začel delovati lektorat slovenskega jezika. Ta bo svoje delovanje izvajal ne le na omenjeni univerzi, pač pa vsaj še na univerzi Bowling Green ter na Lakeland Community College, ki sta sopodpisnici pisma o nameri. V načrtu je še sodelovanje z nekaterimi drugimi univerzami kot na primer z državno univerzo v bližnjem Kentu, v Co-lumbusu in drugod. Lektor bo skrbel tudi za zunaj-fakultetno poučevanje slovenščine (večerni tečaji) ter za osveževanje jezikovnega in didaktičnega znanja med učitelji na slovenskih sobotnih šolah v tem delu ZDA, kjer je skoncentrirano največje število slovenskih rojakov v izseljenstvu. V načrtu je tudi redno gostovanje slovenskih raziskovalcev in predavateljev, ki se bodo na tej in drugih omenjenih univerzah izmenjavali vsak semester ter v okviru predmeta Slovenske študije predavali na različne teme, od zgodovine Slovenije do etnoloških, ekonomskih in drugih tematik. Center bo tesno sodeloval s Slovenskim muzejem in arhivom, ki bo uradno pričel zbirati gradivo 22. junija letos. Ministrica Kucler Dularjeva je v sklopu gostovanja v Clevelandu tudi predavala o slovenskem sistemu visokega šolstva (v soorganizaciji Generalnega konzulata ter Slovensko-ameriškega kulturnega sveta), obiskala slovenske sobotne šole, znanstveno središče ter prostore Slovenskega muzeja in arhiva v ustanavljanju. Spomini Antona Žaklja V rubriki tednika "Dru-žina" Novosti na knjižnem trgu z dne 25. maja je izšlo sledeče sporočilo: Anton Žakelj (1907 -2006), doma iz Žirov, si je svoje dnevne prigode v povojnih taboriščih v Avstriji zapisoval, pozneje pa jih je nekoliko dopolnjeval. Dnevnik je pisal od leta 1939 do 1969 v esperantu. Ko je šel v začetku osemdesetih v pokoj, je začel esperant-sko besedilo prevajati v slovenščino. Glavni del spominov predstavlja pričevanje o dogodkih v taboriščih s posebnim poudarkom na usodo sorojakov iz Žirov in okolice. Posebno pozornost je namenil delovanju obrtnikov v tabori- ščih, ki so sl prizadevali s svojim poklicnim delom zaslužiti vsako toliko, da so mogli kupiti nujno za preživetje in obleko. V taborišču so imeli le streho in nezadostno hrano. Žakelj je organiziral različne taboriščne dejavnosti, ki naj bi preprečile brezdelje taboriščnikov, posebno mladih, in preskrbele toliko dohodkov, da bi se rešili najhujše revščine. Organiziral je razstavo izdelkov taboriščnikov, s čimer je presenetil vodstvo taborišča, ki se ni moglo načuditi, da je v tako težkih razmerah ob pomanjkanju surovin in potrebnega orodja bila možna tako raznovrstna (DALJE na str. 15) Obisk pri ameriških Slovencih Delegacija komisije DZ za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu se je med 12. in 21. aprilom v ZDA srečala s predstavniki dveh največjih slovenskih organizacij: KSKJ in SNPJ. Delegacija, ki so jo sestavljali predsednik komisije Janez Kramberger in člani Miro Petek, Aleš Gulič, Drago Koren, Boštjan Zagorac, Suzana Martinez in Katja Jerman, se je srečala z nekaterimi podjetniki slovenskega rodu, politiki, kulturnimi delavci, predstavniki Cerkva in drugimi ameriškimi Slovenci. Slovenska vlada želi gojiti dobre prijateljske stike s Slovenci, ki so pognali nove korenine v deželah, kamor so se iz različnih razlogov izselili. Obisk je eno najboljših sredstev za ohranjanje takšnih stikov, zato je delegacija v nedeljo, prvi dan obiska v ZDA, odpotovala k Slovencem v Chicagu, kjer so si poleg najstarejšega in edinega slovenskega frančiškanskega samostana v ZDA, ogledali še Slovenski kulturni center v Lemon tu. V Chicagu so se srečali s predstavnicami Slovenske ženske zveze Amerike (SWUA), med katerimi je bila tudi predsednica Bonnie Pohar Prokup. "Menim, da je vaše delovanje velikega pomena za prepoznavnost slovenskega naoda v svetu,” je dejal Janez Karmber-ger. Delegacija si je potem ogledala sedež zveze, njihov muzej in arhiv. “Slovenska ženska zveza je poživila svoja prizadevanja za ohranjanje in razumevanje slovenske kulture in dediščine,” je dejala predsednica Bonnie Pohar Prokup. Veliko Američanov slovenskega rodu je namreč izgubilo stik z jezikom in kultur dežele svojih staršev in starih staršev: "Samo malo znam slovenskih in takšnih, kot sem jaz, je med nami veliko.” Delegacija iz Slovenije se je pogovarjala tudi z urednico Zarje, glasila Slovenske ženske zveze Amerike, Debbie Prokup, Jonita Ruth pa je delegacijo odpeljala na ogled cerkve sv. Jožefa, ki so jo zgradili slovenski priseljenci. V njej enkrat na mesec poteka maša v slovenščini, pa tudi cerkveni zvonovi še vedno zvonijo na slovenski način. Chicago in Pittsburgh V Chicagu je potekalo tudi srečanje s predstavniki najstarejše slovenske zavarovalniške organizacije v ZDA, Kranjsko-slo-venske katoliške jednote (KSKJ). Iz Chicaga so poslanci odpotovali v Washington, kjer so si ogledali prenovljene prostore slovenskega veleposlaniš-tvain se srečali s kongresnikom slovenskega rodu, demokratom Jamesom Oberstarjem iz Minnesote. V Washingtonu se je delegacija iz Slovenije srečala tudi z organizacijami, ki skrbijo za Američane po svetu: Americans A-broad, American Citizens Abroad in American Women’s Club. Dan pozneje se je srečala tudi s predsednikom Slovenske narodne podporne jednote (SNPJ) Joe-om Evanishem v Pittsburghu in si ogledala prostore te največje slo-vensko-ameriške zavarovalniške organizacije, v Enon Valleyju pa še najmanjšo ameriško samostojno občino, kjer ima SNPJ svoje letovišče in muzej. Cleveland - slovensko središče Zvone Žigon, slovenski generalni konzul v Clevelandu, je delegacijo pospremil v Cleveland, kjer so obiskali Državno uni- Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 Sl. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS verzo Clevelanda in se seznanili s odpiranjem Centra za slovenske študije ter si ogledali Slovenski muzej in arhiv, ki naj bi ju odprli maja. Srečali so se z republikanskim senatorjem Georgeem Voinovichem iz Ohia, v mestni hiši jih je sprejel mestni svetnik slovenskega rodu Joe Cimperman, ki je zadnje čase bolj znan kot demokrat, ki je poskrbel za hitro slovo zveznega kongresnika Dennisa Kucini-cha od brezupne predsedniške kampanje. Cimperman kandidira za Ku-cinichev sedež v zveznem kongresu. (Ur. AD: Na primarnih volitvah je Ku-cinich zavrnil Cimperma-novo kandidaturo in bo verjetno novembra letos ponovno izvoljen.) Delegacija se je srečala tudi z drugim mestnim svetnikom slovenskega ro- du Mikom Polenškom in z županom Clevelanda Frankom Jacksonom. Tako Polenšek kot Cimperman sta med pogovorom poudarila hvaležnost Sloveniji, da se je odločila ohraniti generalni konzulat v Clevelandu, ki ga vodi Zvone Žigon. Navsezadnje je imel prav ta konzulat ključno vlogo pri ustanovitvi Slovensko-ame-riškega poslovnega združenja. Slovenska delegacija se je v Narodnem domu v Clevelandu srečala tudi s predstavniki slovenske skupnosti in si ogledala slovenski Muzej polke (Polka Hall of Fame). New York - Manhattan Zadnji dan obiska pri Slovencih v ZDA si je delegacija komisije DZ za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu v (DALJE na str. 13) Slovensko veleposlaništvo na Internetu Za bralec v slovenskem jeziku je internetni naslov za veleposlaništvo: washington.embassy.si Za bralce v angleškem jeziku je naslov: Washington.embassy.si/en Saturdays 9-I0pm Cleveland Rubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA Ijjyli Prisilni mobiliziranec v nemško vojsko - vzhodna fronta PIŠE MILOŠ BRIŠKI -1. del - Ljubljana - Leto 1941 je bilo tisto leto, ko so se začele težke preizkušnje za našo domovino. Na pomlad v aprilu je tudi našo domovino zajela nemška okupacija. Bil sem še mlad. Še nekaj mesecev mi je manjkalo, da bi dopolnil 16. leto. Spoznavati sem začel, da časi postajajo zelo resni. Tako sem že v mladih letih moral začeti gledati na življenje z vso resnostjo. Zelo težke čase je povzročila nemška okupacija. Velikokrat je bilo zelo hudo. Najtežje je postalo pa takrat, ko so nas začeli seznanjati s tem, da bo treba stopiti na težko pot prisilne mobilizacije v nemško vojsko. Začele so mi porajati tesnobne misli. Mnoga težka vprašanja so mi rojila po glavi: Ali bom še kdaj prišel nazaj domov? Ali bom še kdaj videl svoje domače? Ali bom sploh preživel ali padel kje daleč od doma na tujem in se me nihče več ne bo spominjal? V LJUBEČ SPOMIN Ob 30. žalostni obletnici JOŠKOTA KRISTANC Joško, minilo je že 30 let, od kar si Ti zapustil nas. Nite več nazaj, pregloboko so Te dali, pa v naših srcih še živiš, še vedno. Misel na Tebe oko nam zasolzi. Nisi več sam, saj ata je s Teboj že peto leto. Pa vendar oba sta še med nami. Nasvidenje, ko pridemo za Vami. Žalujoči: mama brat, sestre z družinami Hčerka z možem in ostali sorodniki. Ta dopis je drugi od treh, ki jih je posredoval dr. Metod Milač. Pripravil ga je Miloš Briški in vsebuje spomine prisilnega mobiliziranca v nemško vojsko, ki je bil poslan na vzhodno fronto. Objavljen bo v nadaljevanjih, nato bo sledil dopis o mobiliziranju kmetov ob koncu vojne leta 1945. Zopet se zahvalim dr. Metodu Milaču za sodelovanje. Ur. AD Vera In pa vzgoja doma sta ml pomagali, da sem vse težave lahko premagoval. Biti vojak -tega sem se vedno bal. To mi je vedno bilo tuje in težko. Pa tudi to je bilo treba sprejeti in tako nastopiti križev pot. Treba je bilo nastopiti to pot in obleči vojaško suknjo in nazadnje priti še v rusko ujetništvo. Ta pot se je zame kot vojaka začela 11. februarja 1943, prav na praznik Lurške Matere božje. Na ta dan sem prišel iz Kranja preko Podrožice v Innsbruck in naprej v kraj Alberschwende v Vorarlbergu. Tedaj sem začel službo v Arbeits-dienstvu (RAD), kjer sem delal do 15. maja 1943, ko sem bil poslan v Lenggriesu na Bavarskem kot vojak Wehrmachta. Po nekaj mesecih sem bil poslan za tri mesece v Francijo v mesto Beaune južno od Dijona. Od tam pa za nekaj več kot tri mesece v Horb ob reki Neckar. MALI OGLASI PRODAMO Dva prostora na pokopališču Vernih duš na Chardo-nu sta na prodaj v bližini Velikega križa v slovenskem delu pokopališča. Prosim, pokličite 440-546-1039. Tam sem prebolel težko bolezen tifus. Ko sem težko bolan ležal v bolnišnici, sem doživel tudi težak napad ameriškega letalstva na mesto Stuttgart. Mesto je bilo takrat skoraj popolnoma porušeno. Ko sem z veliko grozo opazoval skozi okno bolnišnice ta strašen napad - bilo je na stotine letal - sem si vedno želel, da kaj takega ne bi več doživel. Ko sem okreval, sem bil zaradi bolezni, ki mi je pustila posledice na srcu, kmalu prestavljen v lažjo službo v BadenOos pri Baden Badnu. To je bilo 1. decembra 1943. Kmalu zatem sem bil premeščen na Poljsko v bližino Krakova, kjer sem bil približno en mesec. Od tam sem prišel v Lvov v Ukrajini in kmalu zatem sem bil prestavljen v mestece Stanislavov, tudi v Ukrajini. Od tam so nas pošiljali v razne kraje (Niebelov pri Drohobyču, Rypneidr.), nato čez prelaz Dukla na Slovaško, s Slovaške na Madžarsko (Košiče, Mun-kačevo, Užhorod). Z Madžarske zopet nazaj na Slovaško (Prešov, Barde-jov, Poprad pod Tatrami, Spiška Nova ves). Tam smo prišli v avgustu 1944 na prvo frontno črto. Peš smo prehodili Slovaško po dolgem, kakor je šla fronta. Takrat smo že bili ves čas na begu. Medtem sem bil že v začetku leta 1945 dvakrat v bolnišnici zaradi hudih ozeblin v Pragi v bolnišnici na Hradčanih. Ko sem bil v bolnišnici, je bila moja enota popolnoma uničena. Vsi vojaki tiste enote so ali popadali ali pa prišli v ujetništvo. Tako sem prišel iz bolnišnice v popolnoma drugo enoto. Nem- (DALJE na str. 14) wcsBM.jrM Ntddfr 9'10 am EDI MEJAČ —-v IhJJi Aiftrihf Pndim •ipi ^eSI1 mMelodije iz Naše Lepe Slovenije Riii/ibi Družina CinvDmi •HiMJJ.HOJ mvWx MIK MVW.WClb.nig Obisk pri ameriških Slovencih (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 12) New Yorku ogledala središče zbiranja newyorških Slovencev, cerkev sv. Cirila na Manhattnu. Srečali so se s frančiškanskim patrom Martinom Krizologom, ki jim je predstavil delovanje cerkve, ki je tudi prostor za različne kulturne prireditve, v njej pa poteka tudi kulturna ura z različnimi predavanji. V cerkvi sv. Cirila je enkrat na mesec slovenska maša, h kateri se mnogi ameriški Slovenci pripeljejo tudi iz 200 do 300 kilometrov oddaljenih krajev. Predstavniki komisije so se kasneje v rezidenci generalne konzulke Alenke Suhadolnik na sprejemu srečali s predstavniki newyorške Slovensko-ame-riške poslovne skupnosti. Na srečanju je je bil tudi slovenski zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel. Ker se je tiste dni v New Yorku mudil ljubljanski pomožni škof Anton Jamnik, ki je podpisal sporazum o sodelovanju slovenske katoliške univerze v nastajanju z jezuitsko Univerzo Ford-ham in lazaristično univerzo St. John’s, se je delegacija srečala tudi z njim. Po vrnitvi v Slovenijo je pomožni škof Anton Jamnik dejal: “V Ameriki deluje veliko predavateljev slovenskega rodu, ki bi po ustanovitvi katoliške univerze v Sloveniji z njo lahko tudi sodelovali.” Obisk slovenske delegacije je pomožni škof Jamnik označil kot zelo pomembnega in spodbudnega za delo Slovencev, ki živijo zunaj meja Slovenije. Ohraniti vezi Predsednik komisije DZ Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Janez Kramberger je ob koncu obiska pri ameriških izseljencih in njihovih potomcih dejal, da se sodelovanje z njimi in matično domovino postavlja na drugačno raven, in zagotovil, da bo komisija poskušala pomagati po svojih močeh. Kramberger je pohvalil slovenske diplomatske predstavnike v ZDA in dejal, da dobro poznajo vprašanja in povsem neobremenjeno opravljajo svoje delo ter da vzdržujejo dobre odnose z ameriškimi Slovenci. Delegacija si je v ZDA ogledala tudi šole slovenskega jezika, ameriške Slovence pa je zanimalo, ali bodo razpisi urada za Slovence po svetu kdaj narejeni tudi v angleščini. Med ameriškimi Slovenci je čutiti, da so ponosni na vse, kar je Slovenija dosegla od osamosvojitve do predsedovanja EU. Pri nekaterih pa se še vedno čuti grenkoba zaradi pobojev po drugi svetovni vojni in razočaranje, ker Sloveniji še ni uspelo poskrbeti za vsa grobišča in kaznovati odgovornih. Srečanja z ameriškimi politiki in poslovneži slovenskega rodu je predsednik komisije Kramberger ocenil kot pozitivna, vendar bi morali stike z njimi bolj izkoristiti, saj lahko ti ljudje veliko storijo za boljše odnose med državama in prepoznavnost Slovenije v ZDA ■ Lucija Horvat Demokracija, 1. maj 2008 Demokracija Tedenska revija Demokracija! Približajte si domovino svojih prednikov! Želite na 74 straneh izvedeti, kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji, zamejstvu in med Slovenci po svetu? Naročite revijo Demokracija! Z njo bo Slovenija prišla v vaš dom. Demokracija razkriva preteklost, opisue in analizira sedanjost. Mesečna naročnina na revijo, ki vključuje tudi letalsko poštnino, je 23.66 USD. Revijo lahko naročite po elektronski pošti: narocnine@demokraciia.si ali na telefon: + 386 1 230 06 66. Prisilni mobiliziranec v nemško vojsko - vzhodna fronta Slovenska vlada o odkupu dunajskega Korotana (Pred tedni je tednik Demokracija objavil daljše poročilo o stanju v zvezi z dunajsko slovensko ustanovo Korotan s poudarkom na to, da že dalj časa odlaša slovenska vlada pri zagotavljanju denarja za odkup te ustanove od celovške Mohorjeve. Mohorjeva je pač dala vedeti, da če slovenska vlada ne bo odkupila Korotana, bo Mohorjeva zaradi velikih stroškov vzdrževanja prisiljena ustanovo prodati na prostem trgu. V številki za 22. maja je objavljen odgovor vlade na te očitke. Demokracija stališče vlade poroča, ne pa citira sporočila vlade neposredno. V odgovoru je tudi opaziti mnenje s strani vlade, da določeni interesi med koroškimi Slovenci pri tej zadevi iščejo lastne interese. Tekst iz Demokracije sledi v celoti.) Slovenska vlada bo dala soglasje k rešitvi za ŠD (tj. Študentski dom) Korotan, ko bodo za to izpolnjeni pogoji. V sporočilu za javnost oziroma v odgovoru na naš članek “Igrice s Korotanom na Dunaju” pojasnjuje, da dobro pozna problematiko zadolženosti slovenskega Študentskega doma in kulturnega centra Korotan na Dunaju, ki izvira iz časa obnove te nepremičnine v 90. letih 20. stoletja, in Jo tudi obravnava z ustrezno pozornostjo. Vlada je tako na podlagi mnenja strokovnih služb že pripravila ustrezne pravne podlage za rešitev problema, ki bi omogočile, da bi Republika Slovenija odkupila nepremičnino. Te pravne podlage so bile predstavljene tudi Mohorjevi družbi, ki je doslej razpolagala s Študentskim domom Korotan in z njim tudi upravljala, a ji v preteklem desetletju ni uspelo sanirati dolgov. Kot je še zapisano v sporočilu za javnost, je Vlada RS pravočasno zagotovila sredstva za nakup oziroma rešitev problematike Korotana, a se je žal reševanje tega vprašanja zapletlo, ker je Mohorjeva družba vztrajala, da bi pri nadaljnjem upravljanju z nepremičnino zadržala večji vpliv, kot pa bi ji ga zatotavljal lastniški delež. Strokovne službe Vlade RS takšni neustrezni pravni rešitvi niso dale soglasja, zato vlada ne more potrditi takšne rešitve, saj bi v tem primeru ravnala nezakonito. Takoj ko bodo zakonski pogoji izpolnjeni, bo vlada pogodbo potrdila. Poleg tega vlada ocenjuje, da kampanja, ki jo zaradi materialnih interesov nekateri posamezniki vodijo proti njej, ne pomaga k razrešitvi problema. V poročilu v koroškem tedniku Novice z dne 16. maja so bile vladne trditve bolj ali manj sistematično zavrnjene. Zadeva pa se očitno še vleče dalje. (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 13) ška vojska je bila iz dneva v dan že na begu. Nekaj časa smo imeli tam zelo dobrega in razumevajočega poveljnika, višjega oficirja Obersta. Bil je globoko veren človek. Za vojake je vedno poskrbel, da smo bili pred napadom zmeraj pri sv. maši in smo prejeli zakramente. Vsak dan smo doživljali hude zračne napade. Tudi granate so letele vsevprek. Dobro se spominjam, da smo šli skozi gozd. Doživeli smo silovit zračni napad. Bombe so letele od vsepovsod. Še danes ne vem, kaj se je dogajalo. Samo to vem, da je ena bomba padla dober meter stran od mene in se zarila v zemljo, vendar ni eksplodirala. Lahko rečem, da me je dobri Bog po Materi božji na čudežen način obvaroval in me ohranil pri življenju. Naj omenim, da sem vedno imel pri sebi rožni venec in a čudodelno svetinjico. Oboje še danes hranim. Tako se nam je godilo zadnje tedne druge sve- tovne vojne. Bogu in Materi božji gre velika zahvala za vse. Tako sem kot vojak prehodil po dolgem vso Slovaško vse do Banske Bystrice. V tem kraju so nas zajeli Rusi, ki so nas od tu odpeljali v ujetništvo. Kot ujetnike so nas zastražene odpeljali v smeri proti Brnu. V Brnu je bilo velikansko taborišče za vojne ujetnike, kjer nas je bilo 33.000. Na poti v Brno se mi je posrečilo, da sem pobegnil skupaj z nekaj vojaki. Hotel sem se rešiti ujetništva, vendar pri Čehih nisem naletel na prijaznost. Mogoče so se nas bali in nas zato niso sprejeli. Hočeš nočeš sem se moral pridružiti ostalim ujetnikom in iti, kamor so nas odgnali. Tako se je v taborišču v Brnu začelo trpljenje, kateremu ni bilo konca. Lakota ali bolje rečeno stradanje se je začelo. Vode ni bilo niti toliko, da bi si vsaj za silo pogasili hudo žejo En teden smo bili brez vsake hrane in vode. Po tednu dni smo bili tako izčrpani, da nas tudi noge niso več držale. Ležali smo po travi in vdano čakali, kaj bo. Če sem se na hitro postavil na noge, sem padel nazaj na tla. Ko smo že tako obnemogli, smo pa vsak dan dobili po hlebček kruha za 12 ljudi. Hlebček pa je tehtal mogoče slabo kilo. Tudi vodo smo dobili, da smo si za silo pogasili žejo. Ko sta minila približno dva tedna, pa so nas naložili na živinske vagone. Ko smo ležali na tleh, smo morali biti obrnjeni vsi na eno stran. Ko se je obrnil eden, so se morali obrniti vsi, tako smo bili natlačeni. Vožnja je bila pot v neznano. Ko smo nekoliko videli ven, smo le spoznali, da se vozimo po Madžarski, skozi Budimpešto v smeri proti Romuniji. Preko Romunije smo se pripeljali do Konstance ob Črnem morju. Vožnja je trajala prav gotovo več kot teden dni. Po ure in ure smo stali na mnogih postajah. Ustavljali smo se in nekajkrat so nas na kakšnem samotnem kraju spustili iz vagonov. Spomnim se le, da smo bili tako lačni, da smo na enem kraju popolnoma popasli velikansko njivo zelene koruze. Koruza je bila čisto mlada. Mogoče je bila visoka le 20 cm. Vse zelenje od koruze smo pojedli, a nam ni prav nič koristilo, ampak zdravju celo škodovalo. Skoraj bi rekel, da to ni bilo mogoče. A bilo je tako. Lakota je huda stvar. V Konstanci so nas po nekaj dneh vkrcali na popolnoma razdejano ladjo. Ladja je nosila komaj še vidno ime “Feo-dosija”. Prepričani smo bili. da nas bodo sredi Črnega morja potopili in nas tako izbrisali z zemlje. Po enem dnevu vožnje - zdelo se nam je, da je cela večnost, smo prispeli v Sevastopol. To je znano mesto na polotoku Krimu. To mesto Je bilo v hudih bojih popolnoma uničeno, porušeno, v samih ruševinah. Ko smo se vsi zaskrbljeni, pa tudi lačni in žejni, izkrcali na suho, je prišel neki višji ruski oficir. Sprejel nas je s posmehljivim nastopom in pokazal z roko na Sevastopol in rekel: “Tukaj pred seboj vidite to nekdaj lepo mesto Sevastopol, ki pa je danes ena sama velikanska ruševina. Dobro si to oglejte. Ko bo to mesto popolnoma obnovljeno in pozidano, boste dobili odpustnico iz vojnega ujetništva in boste lahko šli domov!” V Nepozaben Spomin ob drugi obletnici, od kar nas je zapustila Minka Kmetič in odšla k Vsemogočnemu 5. junija 2006 Ce vsi bi grmi zacveteli in vsi cvetovi zadehteli, vse vodice zašumljale, zvezdice vse zasijale, da jo z njmi obdarujem, njo, ki vse ji, vse dolgujem, - bi premalo mogel dati tebi, moja zlata mati! Ura slovesa pred leti je bila, Težke ločitve spomin se budi, Ljubezen do Tebe pa vedno je živa v našem življenju kot lučka gori! Žalujoči: Sinova: Vic in Tomaž Hčerka: Metka Snahi: Ani in Michelle Zet: Frank Vnuki: Franci (Abby), Viki in Tomaž Vnukinje: Viktorija, Monika, Jennifer, Kati in Nadi V Sloveniji: Sestra: Zinka Zadnikar z družino in ostalo sorodstvo Your Bank's Rate Our Rate* 2.50% 5.10% Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for representative agent near you! *Rate guaranteed for 12 months on a 7-Year plan. Rates may change without notice. (DALJE na str. 15) Prisilni mobiliziranec v nemško vojsko - vzhodna fronta (nadaljevanje s str. 14) Še danes vidim, kako smo v tistem trenutku sprejeli to novico. Že tako smo bili popolnoma potlačeni in od vsega uničeni. Potem pa še tako lep “pozdrav”, poln napuha in prav taka tolažba. Vsak od nas si je prav gotovo mislil: Če je to zares tako, potem vsaj še deset let ne bomo videli svoje ljube domovine Slovenije. Z ozirom na stanje, v kakršnem smo bili, je ta pozdrav izzvenel, kot da bi rekel: nikdar več ne boste videli svoje dežele! Nastanili so nas na nekem travniku, ki naj bi veljal kot nekakšen hotel na prostem. Približno 10 dni smo imeli na tem kraju zastonj stanovanje brez vsake hrane in pijače. Nekajkrat pa smo res dobili po majhen kozarček kristalno čiste vode. Ob vsej lakoti in žeji Je bilo najbolj zanimivo to, da smo se med seboj pogovarjali vedno samo o hrani, ki pa je sploh ni bilo. Hrana nam je takrat bila neke vrste fata morgana. Doživljali smo postni čas v pravem pomenu besede. Postili smo se ne samo nekaj dni, ampak več kot pol leta. Ob vsem tem pa si sploh nismo predstavljali, da je pred nami še več kot sto kilometrov pešpoti! Preden smo šli na pot, so ruski vojaki prinesli v umazanih rjuhah, zavezanih v cule, polno starih skorij kruha, trdih kot kamen. Vsak je dobil prgišče teh skorij. Oficir ruske vojske je ob tem povedal: To imate za na pot, hrano za ves čas pešpoti. Pa kako lepo so nam te skorjice kruha dišale. Vsak od ujetnikov je pazil, da ne bi izgubil niti drobtinice teh skorjic kruha. Kruh - takrat se je vsak dobro zavedal, kako velika dobrina je vsakdanji kruhek. Za sebe lahko rečem, da mi je takrat prišel na misel vsak košček kruha, ki sem ga kot otrok nehvaležno odklonil. Kruh je zares velik božji blagoslov in vsega spoštovanja vreden. Vsak človek bi se moral za vsak košček navadnega kruha Bogu vsak dan zahvaljevati. Tako smo začeli svojo pot v neznano. Lačni in žejni na tako težki in utrudljivi poti! Nihče ni vedel, kdaj bomo dospeli na cilj. Pred nami je bila več kot sto kilometrov dolga pot, ki smo jo morali prehoditi peš. Prišli smo na cilj. Do obmorskega mesta Evpa-torija. Kaj nam bo to prineslo, smo lahko samo ugibali. Ruski oficir nam je povedal: Tu v taborišču boste stanovali. Čez dan pa boste delali v kamnolomu in peskokopu v morju. Povelje za delo je bilo kratko in jedrnato. Takoj smo se zavedli, da bo tu veliko dela. Kamnolom, peskokop, večkrat pa še delo v solinah. Kako pa bo s hrano smo si kar predstavljali. Za delo v kamnolomu je bilo točno povedano: Če boš natolkel en kubik gramoza do večera, boš dobil eno žlico bujnega olja v juho (bolje rečeno v zavreto vodo z nekaj zrni ječmena). To je bila večerja, zaslužek za izvršeno delo dneva. Med delom smo včasih nekaj vode, da smo si gasili žejo. Za likof pa je večkrat zvečer ob desetih prišlo naročilo, da smo šli na železniško postajo, da smo naložili tudi po 20 vagonov pšenice. Tako je minil velik del noči. Zjutraj ob štirih pa zopet vstajanje in ob peti uri začetek dela. Tako je bilo vsak dan. Vsi od prvega do zadnjega smo bili pravi okostnjaki. Tako eden drugega skoraj nismo poznali. Po končanem ujetništvu smo se taki vrnili v domači kraj, kjer nas nihče od domačih ni takoj prepoznal. (KONEC PRVEGA DELA) Več o mesečniku AVE MARIA... Urednik Vam LEMONT, 111. - Po enem letu novih poštnih predpisov lahko zdaj preračunamo, koliko bi bila naročnina za Ave Maria, če upoštevamo samo materialne stroške: tiskarno, poštnino in ovojnice (za Kanado in inozemstvo). Vse drugo: uredniško delo, pomoč pri pakiranju, vzdrževanje opreme (računalnika...) je zastonj. Seveda je ocena narejena glede na trenutno V blag in ljubeč spomin našeega moža, očeta in starega ata Stane ŽNIDARŠIČ Umrl 13. junija 2003 Že pet let je minilo, od kar te več med nami ni. Boleč spomin na tebe je, dragi. Počivaj, dragi, v Božjem mini. Žalujoči: žena Marija sinova Stanley z ženo Lori in vnuki, in Henry z ženo Patricijo in vnukom ter ostali v Sloveniji število naročnikov. Ker se pa to število skoraj iz meseca v mesec spreminja (manjša), pomeni, da so stroški sorazmerno večji. Če torej upoštevamo število naročnikov in cene, ki so bile ob koncu aprila 2008, potem bi za pokrivanje zgoraj naštetih stroškov morala naročnina za Združene države znašati $50, za Kanado $65, za vse druge države pa $105. Zadeva je bila vsaj približno jasna že pred začetkom tega letnika, vendar cene nismo dvignili, ker je jasno, da bi v tem primeru deževalo odpovedi. Tako bomo še to leto spravili skupaj z darovi, ki so se nabrali v preteklosti. Morebiti bo uspelo izdati še januarsko, februarsko in marčevo številko leta 2009, ko se bo izteklo točno 100 let, odkar je izšla prva številka. Dobil sem sicer razne nasvete, kako bi se dalo vleči naprej, vendar nič uporabnega. Recimo, da bi šli nazaj na črno-beli tisk, da bi izhajali samo vsaka dva meseca in podobno. Vse to ni nič drugega kot “umiranje na obroke”. S tem bi podaljšali življenje mesečnika za nekaj mesecev, more-(Dalje na str. 16) V BLAG SPOMIN ob sedmi obletnici smrti našega ljubega moža, očeta, starega očeta, brata in strica Marijan Gašperšič ki nas je prezgodaj zapustil Rojen 10. avgusta 1944 Umrl 4. junija 2001 v Begunjah, Slovenija Sedem let je že minilo, Kar Te več med nami ni. Naše misli so pri Tebi, kjer uživaš srečo Ti. Srečno uživaj zdaj pri Bogu, rešen vseh si zemeljskih skrbi. Žalujoči: Žena - Francka Sin - Mario z ženo Deanna Hčerka - Erika in mož Paul Vnuki - Anthony. lan in Nathan Vnukinja - Christina Brat in sestra z družinama v Sloveniji SPOMINI... (nadaljevanje s str. 12) in obsežna proizvodnja potrošniških izdelkov, ki so primanjkovali v povojni dobi. Zapisal je svojo večletno pot od doma v Sloveniji do novega začasnega doma, ki ga je našel pri ameriškem Slovencu v slovensko-ameriški vasi Willard v državi Wisconsin. To je bil dotlej neznan način potovanja slovenskega izseljenca. V prejšnjih časih so si Slovenci, ki so se namenili preko oceana, s prihranki ali z izposojenim denarjem preskrbeli potrebni denar za ladjo in se odpeljali v novi svet. V Žakljevem primeru je bilo drugače. Ko so odhajali od doma, niso mislili na pot v daljni svet. Računali so s kratkim postankom v tujini in potem z mirno vrnitvijo domov, ko se bodo politične razmere v domovini umirile. Toda dogodki so se odvijali drugače. Preživeti so morali leta stradanja in negotovosti. Šele nekaj let o koncu vojne so bile imigracijske države voljne sprejeti imigrante, ker prej ni bilo na voljo dovolj prevoznih sredstev. To niso bili gospodarski izseljenci, ki bi želeli zaslužiti nekaj prihrankov za lažje življenje na domači zemlji, ampak politični emigranti. Zapustili so svojo rodno zemljo, premnogi s celimi družinami in z majhnimi otroki, da bi se izognili komunističnemu nasilju. Žakelj je želel, da bi ga poročil brat v krogu svojih domačih v domačem kraju. Toda novice, ki so prihajale v taborišče, so bile vedno slabše, vedno bolj grozotne. V taboriščih so lahko po zvočniku poslušali jugoslovanske uradne novice o montiranih procesih in smrtnih obsodbah. Novi begunci pa so povedali še o znatno hujši podobi življenja v domovini. Avtorjev sin Janko (John) je očetovo pisno zapuščino ohranil in večji del dnevnika prevedal v angleščino ter ga objavil v Ameriški domovini v Clevelandu. ■ Janez Arnež je pri Studia Slovenica pod naslovom Beg v neznano izdal knjigo dnevniških zapisov Antona Žaklja za obodbje 1945-1949) V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠIH DRAGIH STARŠEV JANEZ ŠEMEN MARIJA ŠEMEN POROČENA 21. maja 1955 ŽALUJOČI: Hčerke: Barbara, Marija, Dori z družino Janez, mož, in James, sin Sin: Janez, žena Mary Ann Brat: Vinko z družino in ostalo družino v Ameriki in Sloveniji Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1624. Iz Zambije se je oglasil misijonar jezuit Janez Mujdrica: “Hvala za velikonočno voščilo z lepo vsoto, kar sem našel, ko sem se vrnil pred kratkim iz Zimbabveja, kjer sem štiri mesece učil religiozno vzgojo. Denar bom porabil za dobre revne študente, ki bodo Vaše pomoči zelo veseli in molili za vas. Hvala za novice. Povem vam, kako je v Zimbabveju, da boste še večji optimisti. Ko sem prišel v glavno mesto Harare na začetku januarja, je ena pomaranča stala 200.000 zimbabvejskih dolarjev, ko sem odhajal proti koncu aprila, je ena pomaranča stala 10,000.000 dolarjev. Cena se je dvignila za 5000%. Kmalu bom začel poučevati na novi katoliški univerzi, kar me zelo veseli. Mika me tudi, da bi naredil doktorat iz religiozne vzgoje, da bi tako lahko še bolj uspeval pri vzgoji mladih Zambibvejcev. Drugo leto bom 60. Upam, da bom še misijonaril vsaj 10 let, preden se vrnem nazaj v Slovenijo v kakšen dom onemoglih. Sporočam vam tudi, da je 31. marca umrl moj 90-letni oče. Molite, da bosta z mamo skupaj v nebesih spet navdušeno plesala valčke in polke kot nekoč doma v Prekmurju. Drugič več! Vam in vsem vašim vse dobro, kot tudi vsem dobrotnikom in prisrčen pozdrav iz afriških daljav! Še to: Lansko leto sem na Slomškovem grobu molil za vse Vas! Janez Mujdrica” Kakšna cena za eno pomarančo, ki vsebuje zelo potreben vitamin C, ki je zelo potreben za zdravje. Iz tega sledi, da nismo opravičeni godrnjati nad našimi cenami! Oglasila se je sestra misijonarka Terezija Pavlič, ki deluje v misijonu na Madagaskarju: “Spoštovana! Preteklo je že kar precej časa, odkar sem prejela Vaše darilo poslano preko g. Roka. Oprostite, ker sem pozna z zahvalo. Bog Oče Nebeški naj Vam vsem povrne za vsak najmanjši dar, ki ga darujete. Moram reči, da je Božja previdnost na delu. 15. aprila, ob 4. uri popoldne, se je vreme kar naenkrat spremenilo. Zatemnilo se je, sledil je močan veter, v trenutku nam je streho odneslo na naši hiši, kjer stanujemo, takoj za njim pa ploha dežja s točo. Vse kar smo imele v hiši je bilo takoj mokro, hiša polna vode. Reševali smo v dežju, kar je največ škode pri papirjih, knjigah. Ostalo še vedno sušimo. ^ V blag in ljubeč spomin ^ naših staršev 12. OBLETNICA Štefan Režonja st. Umrl 16. junija 1996 Ura slovesa je davno odbila, težke ločitve spomin se budi; ljubezen do vaju še vedno je živa, v našem življenju kot lučka gori. 32. OBLETNICA Mimi Režonja Umrla 8. marca 1976 V miru božjem zdaj počivajta, draga, nepozabna nam, v nebesih rajsko srečo uživajta do snidenja na vekomaj. Zelo žalujoči: Štefan ml. - sin; Mimi - hčerka ter ostalo sorodstvo v Clevelandu, Kaliforniji, Kanadi in Sloveniji. Ker je odneslo streho in tramovje, je bilo potrebno vse zamenjati. G. Grošelj se je hitro znašel, dobil je les, g. Krmelj pa po pločevino in včeraj je bila streha končana (pismo je bilo pisano 10. aprila, op. ml). Poškodovan je ves strop, kar je bilo narejeno pred tremi leti. Zdaj bomo delali bolj počasi, ko je streha nad nami. Pri župnišču je tudi odneslo polovico strehe na garaži, poškodovan je cement. Tudi nekaterim družinam po vasi je naredilo precej škode. Bog se nam usmili in nas naj varuje v prihodnosti. Moram še pripomniti, da ni bil nihče ranjen. Vsi otroci v šoli so bili preplašeni, a vendar celi. Pri pokrivanju hiše je en delavec nerodno stopil na prepereli strop,ki se je vdrl. Fant je padel na cementna tla, a se ni nič poškodoval. Ne najdem zadostne hvale: naj dobri Bog stotero poplača kar storite za vse nas. Iskren pozdrav vsem vam, Vaša hvaležna s. Terezija Pavlič.” Vsepovsod naš Nebeški Oče opozarja, da nismo mi gospodarji na tem svetu, smo le njegovi sodelavci, da zboljšujemo, dodajamo ali pa tudi kvarimo kar raste in živi na naši zemlji. Naj nas razsvetli Sv. Duh, da bomo prav delali z našo naravo. Prav lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelujočih Marice Lavriše 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 in MESEČNIK AVE MARIA (nadaljevanje s str. 15) biti za celo leto, potem pa bi morali dati spet skozi vso to “agonijo”. Treba se je sprijazniti z zakonitostmi ekonomije: ko število naročnikov neke publikacije pade pod določerio število, je čas, da ta publikacija neha izhajati. In mi smo že daleč pod tem minimalnim številom. To je popolnoma razumljivo: stari umirajo ali pa ne morejo več brati, mladi pa, če sploh še znajo kaj slovensko, tako ali tako nič ne berejo (razen redkih izjem). Novega dotoka slovenskih izseljencev ni in ga tudi ne bo: gospodarska kriza, v katero leze Amerika, ni čisto nič privlačna, Evropa pa je danes odprta vsem tistim, ki iščejo zaposlitve izven svoje domovine. Bodimo realisti. Sto let je dolga doba in Ave Maria je menda edina revija v izseljenstvu, ki je vseh sto let vztrajala v slovenščini. Tako bo tudi do zadnje številke. P. Bernardin AVE MARIA, junij 2000 Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 11) Eileen T. Brodnick Umrla je 65 let stara Eileen T. Brodnick, hčerka Josepha in Josephine .Brodnick (oba že pok.), sestra Joan Godinich, teta in pra-teta. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila 3. junija v katedrala sv. Janeza s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Edward L. Lube Dne 21. maja je v mestu Columbia. S.C., umrl 91 let stari Edward L. Lube, vdovec po 1. 1973 umrli ženi Florence (r. Skully) in 1. 2003 umrli Mary (r. Dani-ecka), oče Edwarda, Joan Grenzeback in Carol Karlin, 7-krat stari oče, brat že pok. Johna, član AMLA št. 1. Pogreb je bil 31. maja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Kathryn A. Ivančič Umrla je 95 let stara Kathryn A. Ivančič, rojena Kost, vdova po Johnu, mati sr. Mary Karita Ivančič, S.N.D., sestra že pok. Ros-coe-a, Anne Meglen, Mary Fajfar, Charlesa, Johna in Susan Kost. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila 2. junija v kapelici Sts. Mary and Joseph Home of Little Sisters of the Poor na Warrensville Hts. s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. V blag spomin 7. obletnice smrti mojega nepozabnega moža in prijatelja Martin Simčič ki me je za vedno zapustil 14. junjja 2001 Minilo žalostnih že 7 je let, odkar zapustil si ta svet. Zaman povsod te iščem, ker ti si tam, kjer ni solza ne bolečin in ne gorja. Počivaj v miru! 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