ANNALES • Ser. hist, na t. • 9 • 1999 • 2 (17) DELO NAŠIH ZAVODO V (N DRUSTEV/ATTIVrrA DE! N05TR! ISTITUTI E DELIE N05TRE SOCIETA/ACTIVITIES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS AN D ASSOCIATIONS, 331-33? Sonja Škornik POROČILO O SIMPOZIJU "MORA IN VEGETACIJA SLOVENIJE 1999". Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Ljubljana, 26. in 27. 11. 1999 V dneh 26. in 27. novembra 1999 je na Gozdarskem inštitutu v Ljubljani potekal 3. simpozij Elora in vege­tacija Slovenije. Poleg slovenskih botanikov so se ga udeležili tudi gostje iz Hrvaške in Avstrije. Simpozij je pripravilo Botanično društvo Slovenije pod pokrovitelj­stvom Ministrstva za znanost in tehnologijo, posvečeno pa je bilo spominu na 100. obletnico rojstva prvega slovenskega fitocenologa Gabrijela Tomažiča. Vsebinsko je srečanje zajelo naslednje tematske sklope: fitocenologijo, sistematiko, floristiko in drugo, predvsem v povezavi z delovanjem G. Tomažiča. Pri­spevki so bili predstavljeni v obliki predavanj in po­sterjev, izvlečki pa so zbrani v Zborniku izvlečkov re­feratov simpozija, ki ga je uredil N. Jogan. Po uvodnih pozdravnih besedah predsednice Bota­ničnega društva Slovenije M. Škornik sta zbrane nago­vorila tudi minister za znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije dr. L. Marinček in direktor Gozdarskega in­štituta Slovenije N. Torelli. Sledila so uvodna plenarna predavanja, posvečena predstavitvi življenja in dela G. Tomažiča. Njegovo živ­ljenjsko pot je v svojem prispevku nadrobno orisal dr. T. VVraber. Njegova dela in s tem tudi zgodovino razisko­vanja tako gozdne kot traviščne vegetacije v Sloveniji pa so predstavili D, Robič, M. Zupančič in I. Trinajstič. Pred zaključkom dopoldanskega dela sta sledili še pre­davanji, ki sta posegli na malce drugačni področji. Gost iz Avstrije, H. Mayrhofer (s soavtorji) je predstavil rezultate večletne raziskave biodiverzitete lišajev v Slo­veniji, ki jo opravljajo strokovnjaki Univerze v Ljubljani in Gradcu. N. Torelli pa je govoril o pojavih abscizije v lesu. Popoldanski del prvega dne je bil namenjen refe­ratom s področja fitocenologije. Fitocenološko proble­matiko gozdne vegetacije so obravnavali M. Acceto, Ž. Košir in P. Košir (s soavtorji). B. Čušin je predstavil novo subasociacijo s prodišč reke Nadiže, T. VVraber pa petrofilno vegetacijo Snežnika. 1. Daskobler je podal fitocenološko oznako rastišč naše endemične vrste Moehringia villosa. Vegetacijo travišč v Sloveniji sta v svojih prispevkih obravnavala S. Škornik in A. Seliškar, A. Martinčič pa je prikazal vegetacijsko podobo vrste Shoenus ferrugineus. Prvi dan simpozija je z referatom o novostih v poznavanju halofitne vegetacije na slovenski obali zaključil M. Kaligarič. Drugi dan so bili najprej predstavljeni referati s področja sistematike. Gostja s Hrvaške B. Mitič (s so­avtorji) je poročala o izsledkih morfoloških in kario­ioških analizah vrste Iris cengiaki v Sloveniji. N. Jogan in B. Frajman pa sta posegla v problematiko skupin Hordeum murinum agg. in Dryopteris carthusianorum agg. F. Batič (s sodelavci) je predstavi! način ugotav­ljanja križancev hrastov doba in gradna z morfološko analizo listov. Sledila je sekcija, kjer so avtorji predstavljali svoje posterje. Ti so s svojo tematiko posegali na različna področja delovanja, med avtorji pa je bilo vzpodbudno veliko mladih raziskovalcev. L. Atanasova (s soavtorji), T. Bačič, B. Trčak, j. Plazar in S. Strgulc so obravnavali problematiko različnih taksonov v Sloveniji. B.Rozman je predstavil bogastvo flore Rovt v osrednji Sloveniji, C. Battellija pa je prikazal nove vrste alg slovenskega morja. Vegetacijo različnih predelov Slovenije so preučevali T. Horvat (s soavtorji) L. Kutnar, V. Petrinec in U. Šile. Bioklimo v Sloveniji je predstavil M. jarnjak (s soavtorji). i. Zelnik (s soavtorji) pa je predstavil ekološko in vegetacijsko problematiko ozelenitve in stabilizacije obcestnih brežin. S posterjem so sodelovali tudi kolegi z Univerze na Dunaju, ki so nas seznanili z novim računalniškim programom za pomoč pri obdelavi vegetacijskih podatkov. V popoldanskem in hkrati zaključnem delu je sledilo še nekaj referatov. N. jogan (soavtor M, Kotarac) je predstavil novo bazo podatkov, za izdelavo katere je rabila Hayekova flora. B. Vreš je posegel v taksonomsko problematiko rodu kislic v Sloveniji, j. Bavcon pa je go­voril o pomenu botaničnih vrtov kot nadomestnih rastiš­čih za ogrožene rastlinske vrste. H. Kraigher je pred­stavila metode kartiranja tipov mikorize. O parožnicah ­skupinah zelenih alg -v Sloveniji je poročala O. Urbanc-Berčič. Simpozij je zaključila M. Škornik s predstavitvijo G. Tomažiča kot pisca srednješolskih uč­benikov. Vesna Flander Putrle ADVANCED STUDY COURSE ON THE MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SYSTEM (4-17 July 1999 in Barcelona, Spain) The advanced study courses in the field of marine science and technology are part of the training pro­gramme developed within MAST (Marine Science and Technology Programme of the European Union) and they relate to the core topics of the MAST Programme. The main objectives of the study courses are to further advance education of topics at the forefront of scientific and technological development at the European level. I was selected among more than 130 applicants to par­ticipate in one of them: MAST Advanced Study Course on the Mediterranean Marine System which took place in Barcelona, Spain from 4th to 17rh July 1999. The ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 9 • 1999 • 2 (17) OSL O NASl H ZAVODO V I N DRUSTCV / ATTIVIT A D O NOSTR I !5TITUTI E OELLE NOSTRESOCIETA/ACTIVITIE S BY OU R INSTITUTION S AN D ASSOCIATIONS , 331-337 course was intended for a maximum of 30 PhD students and young scientists interested in a multidisciplinary view of the Mediterranean Sea. The course was also open to students from non-EU, non-EEA/EFTA countries. The Mediterranean Sea is a unique feature of the world ocean, located in the latitudinal fringe separating the arid North African region from the more humid, mid latitude lands of Europe. The Mediterranean Basin is made of various sub-basins showing contrasting charac­teristics and connected through straits. Exchanges with the open ocean are limited to the Strait of Gibraltar. Horizontal and vertical gradients are of fundamental interest in the dominantiy oligotrophy Mediterranean 5ea. Marked gradients exist from west to east across the entire basin and at mesoscale dimension. The seasonal imprint on natural processes is of paramount importance in the Mediterranean Sea, with short-lived events play­ing a fundamental role. Also, strong hiperannual changes could lead to the formation of deep water dur­ing winter times, or prevent such a formation of deep waters, a phenomenon that has a profound influence on the ventilation of the deep benthic domain. Heavy industrial, agricultural and urban discharges from its watershed have an important impact on the health and chemistry of the Mediterranean Sea. In­creased use of water from irrigation, industrial and ur­ban purposes, and for hydroelectricity generation, is en­hancing the hydric deficit of the Mediterranean Sea and is probably modifying the properties of the water masses. The aim of this course was to provide the partici­pants with a coherent overview of the present knowl­edge of the Mediterranean Sea System, where substan­tial progresses have been achieved during the last six years mainly through the EU funded, integrated, multis­cale Mediterranean Targeted Project (1993-99). The course had a comprehensive scope and covered a large range of disciplines. Lectures and practical exercises were organised in four thematic blocks: 1) Deep water formation, circulation (ocean and atmosphere) and its modelling; 2) Primary production, biogeochemical fluxes and benthic response; 3) The sediment record of past environments and events; 4) Lessons from outside the Mediterranean Sea. Lecturers were prominent scien­tists from both European and non-European countries strongly involved in Mediterranean Sea research and with an excellent reputation in their field. The course itself represented a unique and timely opportunity to learn about the ultimate findings on the Mediterranean Sea System. The option to participate in specific legs of the Trans mediterranean Research Cruise onboard R/V Aegeo, during tl^e month of June 1999, was offered to the students. The cruise started in Piraeus (Greece) and ended in Barcelona (Spain), giving the students a unique opportunity to acquire research experience and to work-together at sea with the lecturers of the course. I was appointed for the last leg of this cruise; my embarkment place was Maho in Menorca (Spain) and 1 disembarked in Barcelona (Spain). During the research cruise we sampled at one of the sampling stations in the Mediter­ranean Sea, at a depth of 2500 m. We have done the CTD-Rosette, measurements of primary production, zooplankton net deployment (transect), multicorer and gravity corer. Those are the different sampling tech­niques in the sea. The organisers of the course took very good care of us in Barcelona. They organised a visit of "Aquarium de Barcelona" which contains 20 large individual tanks and a spectacular Oceanarium with a transparent underwa­ter tunnel more than 80 metres long. You may also en­joy with Miniaquaria, a new concept of L'Aquarium to see all the finest details of Mediterranean flora and fauna totally overlooked in large aquariums. And at the end we also had a "Tasting of Spanish wines excursion". The course and the cruise was very well organized and it was a very nice experience for me to spend the time with people interested in the same thing as 1 am ­the Mediterranean Sea. 337