SISTEM PREVENTIVNEGA V A R O V A N J A G R AD IV Nada Čučnik-Majcen, Ljubljana UDK 025.85 Povzetek Vsaka ustanova, knjižnica, arhiv, muzej ali upravno-pravna enota, ki zbira, obdeluje, hrani pisno gradivo, mora ne glede na velikost in pomembnost fonda oblikovati svoj sistem preventivnega varovanja gradiva. Sistem se oblikuje po načelih sistemske analize in ustreznih kriterijih, njegova realizacija se sproti nadzoruje in popravlja. H krati z razvojem sistema poteka selektivno izo­ braževanje vseh, ki se srečujejo s knjigo na vseh ravneh in sodelujejo pri obliko­ vanju sistema. V Sloveniji še nimamo opredeljenega splošnega sistema varovanja pisnih gradiv. UDC 025.85 Summary Each institution, library, archive, museum, or any administrative public entity that collects, processes and holds written records, without regard to the quantity and importance of the funds, must form its own system for the preventive preservation of records. The system is formed by the principles of the system analysis and by the corre­ sponding criteria. The working of the system is all the time verified and corrected. Simultaneously to the development of the system the selective education is running for all those, who meet with the book on different levels and cooperate in the formation of the system. In Slovenia we still do not have a defined general system of the preservation of written documents. ČUČNIK-MAJCEN, Nada: The System of Preventive Preservation of Materials. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 38(1994)3/4,141-145