IN MEMORIAM MAG. MARTIN MODRUŠAN ly. Martin Modrusan was born 1935. in Modrusani — Rovinj in a numerous peasant — working fami- He finished primary school in his birth place Modrusani, and then a classical grammar school in Zagreb. He enroled to the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb in 1956. where he finished courses of French language and literature. After finishing the studies he works in primary school «Vladimir Gortan» Zminj, and primary school Kanfanar, where he teaches French. In 1965. he works in the Croatian Archive, the Department for old material. Since 1971. he has worked in Information — filing centre of the Croatian Archive (IFC), archive processing of film and microfilm. In 1980. he becomes an archiving supervisor. He focuses on microfilm particularly and reprography in archives. He specializes in microfilming, restoration and cover in State archives of Italy, Roma in 1973., and in 1980. in a photolaboratory of the Genealogical society in Salt Lake City, Utah. As a member of the society of informaties of Socialist Republic of Croatia he actively participates in the micrography section. During the seminar for reprography, microfilm and archives (RMA — seminar) which have been taking plase since 1971. at the «Interbureau», he gave several lectures. He spoke French and Italian well, and he also used Russian, German, Spanish and Latin. He received a Master's degree in the Faculty of BDIZ 1983. at the University in Zagreb. In 2000. he was retired. On the 4th of July 2007. he died suddenly from heartattack.