ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME II No. 23 - 21 August 1949 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Ediioriale Libraria S. A., Triesie - 1949 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMEN British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste T Order No. 169 RAISING OF LIMITS CONCERNING THE VALUE OF CASES WITHIN THE COMPETENCE OF „CONCILIATORI“ AND OF „PRETORI“ WHEREAS it is considered advisable to raise the limits c nceming the value of cases within the competence of „Conciliatori“ and „Pretori“ as well as the limit within which sentences of „Conciliatori“ are non-appealable, within that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The limit concerning the value of cases within the competence of „Conciliatori“ is hereby raised to 10,000.— Lire. The limit concerning the value of civil cases within the competence of „Pretori“ is hereby raised to 100,000.— Lire. There shall be no change to the limit of 50,000.— Lire fixed by the existing laws as regards cases concerning immovables where the value is determined, pursuant to Article 15 of the Code of Civil Procedure, on the grounds of direct taxes due to the State. The „Tribunale“ and „Pretori“ shall continue judging in first instance the cases with regard to which the summons has been served prior to the coming into force of this Order, or which are, however, respectively pending before them on the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE II The limit concerning the value, within which the „Conciliatori“ decide eases according to equity without there being any possibility of appeal, pursuant to Articles 113, 2nd para, and 339, last para, of the Code of Civil Procedure, is hereby raised to 2000.— Lire. Decisions made by „Conciliatori“ in cases of eviction and in those relating to lease-con-tracts of immovables shall be appealable in any case regardless of limits concerning value. The possibility of appealing against sentences of „Conciliatori“ published prior to the coming into force of this Order shall be governed by the pre-existing law. ARTICLE 111 This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th day of August 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S Army Director General, Civil Affairs Ref. LD/A/49/173 Order No. 170 RESTRICTIONS OF CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICITY WHEREAS owing to the, acute shortage of electric energy it is necessary to restrict its consumption within that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-XJnited States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I SUSPENSION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY Section I. — The Zone will be divided into two districts and the supply of electric energy will be cut off from each district for one day per week during the hours 0730 to 1830 inclusive. Publication of the boundaries of each district and the days of the week on which the supply of electric energy will be cut off, will be made through the newspaper and over the Radio, on the orders of the Department of Public Services, Allied Military Government. Section 2. ■— Consumers whose supply of electric energy is not or cannot be cut off during the specified periods are forbidden to use electric energy during the period of suspension within their district. Section g, — The Public Services, including Hospitals, Radio Stations, Flour Mills and Bakers are exempt from these restrictions. ARTICLE II WEEKLY CONSUMPTION The weekly consumption is to be in proportion to the monthly consumption, except for special technical reasons. ARTICLE III APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTIONS Applications for exemption or transfer of energy between consumers will be presented to the Department of Public Services, Allied Military Government. ARTICLE 1Y PENALTIES Section I. — Any person violating the provisions of this Order shall be liable on the order of the Chief, Department of Public Services, Allied Military Government, to immediate disconnection of the electric energy supply to his premises or establishment for a period of one week for the first offence, and to two weeks for the second and each subsequent offence. Section 2. — ACEGAT, SELVEG and SVEM have the right to check consumptions and to report any transgression for action in terms of Section 1 hereof. EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 11th day of August 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. LD/A^g/iyg Director General, Civil A fairs Order No. 171 COUNCIL OF THE PROFESSION OF ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS WHEREAS by General Order No. 20 dated 20 October 1945, amended by General Order No. 75 dated 2 November 1946, -provisions have been made for the re-organization of free professions including that of Engineers and Architects, and WHEREAS the Council of the Profession of Engineers and Architects have requested that their number of members of Council be increased to eleven whenever the members inscribed exceed 500 and there is no objection to this, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The number of members of the Council of the Profession of Engineers and. Architects shall be increased up to eleven whenever the members inscribed in said profession exceed 500. ARTICLE II This'Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette’ Dated at TRIESTE, this 12th day of August 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, TT. S. Army Ref. LD¡Al49¡iyy Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 172 PROVISIONS CONCERNING MAYORS WHEREAS it is considered necessary to issue certain provisions concerning the Mayors elected or to be elected within that part of the Free Territoi y of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, ORDER: ARTICLE I OATH BY MAYORS The Mayors shall take their, oath in the form provided for by Order No. 152, dated 18 July 1949, before the Zone President. ARTICLE II INSIGNIA OF MAYORS The insignia of the Mayors shall consist of a blue silk sash to be worn around the waist. The sash shall have embroided on the front of the two ends, an emblem consisting of a red escutcheon with white halberd surmounted by a golden turreted crown and surrounded by green laurel and oak leaves. The size of the emblem must be in proportion to the width of the sash and shall occupy in the centre three quarters of its width. The ends of the sash must be fringed with a silver fringe 2 mm thick and 8 cm wide. The distance between the fringe and the lower part of the emblem must be the same as between the top of the emblem and the edge of the sash. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of August 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U.S. Army Ref. : LDfA¡49liy6 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 173 GRANT OF A SUPPLEMENTARY CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE TO PENSIONERS OF PREVIDENZA SOCIALE WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to authorize the grant of a supplementary contir gency allowance to recipients of old age, invalidism and survivors pensions, to he home hy Istituto Nazi male della Previdenza Sociale, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered hy the British-United. States Forces, ORDER: ARTICLE I In addition to the temporary contingency allowance as per Order No. 462 dated September 11th 1947, grant of a supplementary allowance is hereby authorized to the recipients of old age, invalidism and survivors pensions paid out by Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale, subject always to the exclusions and deductions provided for by said Order. ARTICLE II Section 1 — The amount of the supplementary allowance is fixed up to December 31st 1949 at the following monthly rates : a) pensioners, age over 65 years, Lire 900 monthly; b) pensioners, age not exceeding 65 years, and each family group receiving a pension pursuant to death of insured or pensioner, Lire 600 monthly. Section 2 — The right to allowance in the amount set forth under (a) of the preceding Section shall begin as from January 1st of the year during which the pensioner has reached the age of 65. For the pensioners set forth under (a) who have reached or are going to reach the age 65 during 1949, the right to the allowance in the amount set under (a) shall begin as from July 1st 1949. ARTICLE III The financial requirements deriving from the granting of the supplementary allowance as provided for by Article I of this Order shall be partially met by Allied Military Government with an extraordinary contribution amounting to Lire 76,500,000. ARTICLE IV The minimum old age pension to which are entitled - as per Article IV of General Order No. 17 dated 13 October 1945 - the pensioners who have reached the age of 65, if a man, and of 60, if a woman, is paid with effect as from January 1st of the year during which they attain said age. ARTICLE V Section 1 -— With effect from 1 July 1949 the pensions charged to the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale shall be paid, normally, in bi-monthly advanced instalments expiring the first day of the months of January, March, May, July, September and November of each year. Section 2 — Provisions relative to rounded off payments in public administration are to be followed for the payment of pensions. Section 3 — Article 91 of the Regulations approved by R.D. dated August 28th, 1924 No. 1422 is hereby cancelled. This Order shall come iato force upon the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and shall become effective as from July 1st 1949. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of August 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U S. Army Ref. : LDIAI49I178 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 174 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSOLIDATED TEXT OF THE LAW ON COMMUNES AND PROVINCES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to provide for certain amendments of the Consolidated Text of the Law on Communes and. Provinces approved by R.D. dated 3 March 1934, No. 383, with subsequent amendments, within the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Order No. 103, dated 27 January 1948, is hereby repealed. ARTICLE II Article 87 of the Consolidated, Text of the Law on Communes and Provinces, approved by R.D. dated 4 March 1934, No. 383, (hereinafter referred to as the „Consolidated Text“) is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „Contracts concerning alienations, leases, purchases, supplies and contracts for works stipulated by Communes shall, as a rule, be preceded by public auctions with the forms as e-stablished for State contracts. „The following matters may be provided for by private bids : a) in the Commune of Trieste : 1) contracts of a total and justified value not exceeding 1,500,000 Lire ; 2) whenever expenses are involved not exceeding 250,000 Lire annually when the obligation assumed by the Commune does not extend beyond five years, unless there exists another contract concerning the same matter by computation of which the aforesaid limit would be exceeded ; 3) leases of land-property, premises or other immovables, provided the total rent does not exceed the amount of 1,500,000 Lire and the duration of the contract does not exceed the period of nine years ; b) in other Communes : 1) contracts of total and justified value not exceeding 400,000 L;re ; 2) whenever expenses are involved not exceeding 75.000 Lire annually when tli9 obligation assumed by the Commune does not extend beyond five years, unless there exists another contract concerning the same matter and by computation of which the afoiesaid limit would be exceeded j 3) leases of land-property, premises, or other immovables, provided the total rer t does-not exceed the amount of 400,000 Liro and the duration of the contract does not exceed the period of nine years ; „liven in cases other than those provided for by the second paragraph, the Zone President may authorize that the contracts be carried out by private bids, whenever such form of contract appears to be more convenient for the Administration. „lie may also authorize private negotiation, in exceptional circumstances whenever the necessity and convenieney thereof are evident.“ ARTICLE 111 Article 68 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed. ARTICLE IV Article 97 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The decisions of the Communal Councils and Communal Boards which are not subject to special approval, shall attain executory force fifteen days after they have been posted for publication on the communal notice-board and after their submission to the Zone President to be made within eight days from the date of the decisions. „In urgent cases the decisions may be declared to have immediate exsecutory force by the votes of one half plus one of the members of the respective Council or Board. „Decisions considered illegal shall be declared annulled by the Zone President within twenty days from the date of their receipt. The said timedimit shall run as from the date written on the receipt to be issued by the Zone President to the Communes concerned. „Decisions which have not been submitted to the Zone President within the time-limit established by the first paragraph of this Article, shall be considered forfeited.“ ARTICLE V Article 98 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed. ARTICLE VI Numbers : (1), (5), (6), (7), (8), (10) and (11) of Article 99 of the Consolidated Text are hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „ (1) the preliminary budget and transfers from one account of the budget to another whenever the appropriation to be credited concerns optional expenses ;“ „ (5) lawsuits, involving the Commune either as plaintiff or as defendant, and arrange ments of disputes concerning a value exceeding 1,000,000 Lire or of an undeter minated value „ (6) investments of money exceeding 2,000,000 Lire annually whenever they are not made for the purchase of immovable property and for loans guaranteed by mortgage or for deposit made at Institutes of credit authorized by the Law or for the purchase of bonds issued or guaranteed by the State „ (7) transfer of immovables, of bonds on, public debts, of common obligations or of industrial shares, whenever the value of the contract exceeds the amount of 2,000,000 Lire, as well as the granting of servitudes by the Commune or of a „emphyteusis“, whenever the value of the land exceeds the aforesaid amount „ (8) leases and tenancies of immovables for a period exceeding 12 years or whenever the total sum involved by the contract exceeds the amount of 1,000,000 Lire „(10) direct management of public services and opening of Communal pharmacies as an exception to existing provisions concerning the exercise of pharmacies „(11) plans for regulation concerning building, enlargement and reconstruction in the respective area.“ ARTICLE VII Article 100 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed. ARTICLE VIII Article 101 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „In Communes with a population not exceeding 20,000 inhabitants, there shall be subject to the approval of the Zone Administrative Board, besides the cases specified under numbers 1 through 4 and 9 throug 14 of Article 99, decisions referring to the following matters : 1) investments of money exceeding 100,000 Lire whenever they are not made for the purchase of immovable property or for loans guaranteed by mortgage or for deposits made at Institutes of credit authorized by the Law or for the purchase of bonds issued or guaranteed by the State ; 2) transfer of immovables, of bonds n public debts, of common obligations or of industrial shares of whatsoever value as well as the granting of servitudes by the Commune or of „emphyteusis“ regardless of the value of the land involved 3) lawsuits involving the Commune either as plaintiff or as defendant and arrangements of disputes concerning a value exceeding 100,000 Lire or of indeterminate value ; 4) leases and tenancies of immovables for a period exceeding 12 years or whenever the sum involved by the contract exceeds 250,000 Lire.“ ARTICLE IX The first and second para of Article 106 of the Consolidated Text are hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „Infringements of the provisions of Communal regulations shall be liable to a fine („ammenda“) up to 5,000 Lire, unless other penalties are provided for by the Law. „Infringements of Orders issued by the Mayor in conformity with the existing laws and regulations, shall be punishable by the same penalty,“ ARTICLE X Article 140 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „Contracts concerning alienations, leases, puchases, supplies and contracts for works shall as rule, be preceded by public auctions with the forms as established for State contracts. „The following matters may be provided for by the Province by private bid“ ; 1) contracts of a total and justified value not exceeding 2,500,000 Lire ; 2) whenever expenses are involved in an amount not exceeding 25.000 Lire annually and the obligation assumed by the Province does not extend beyond five years, unless there exists another contract concerning the same matter by computation of which the aforesaid limit would be exceeded ; 3) leases of land-property, premises, or other immovables, provided the total rent does not exceed the amount of 2,500,000 Lire and the duration of the contract does not exceed the period of nine years. „Even in cases other than those provided for by the second paragraph the Zone President may authorize contracts to be made by private bids, whenever such form of contract appears to be more convenient for the administration. „He may also authorize private negotiations in exceptional circumstances whenever the necessity or conveniency thereof is evident.“ ARTICLE XI Article 141 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed. ARTICLE XII Article 148 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The decisions of the Provii cial Administration, which are not subject to special approval shall attain executory force fifteen days after they have been posted for publication on the public notice-board and after their submission to the Zone President to be made within eight days from the date of the decision. ,,ln urgent cases the decisions may be declared to have immediate executory force by votes of one half plus one of the members of the said administration. „Decisions considered illegal shall be declared annulled by the Zone President within twenty days from the date of their receipt. The said time-limit shall run as from the date written on the receipt to be issued by the Zone President to the Provincial Administration. „Decisions which have not been submitted to the Zone President within the time-limit established by the first paragraph of this Article, shall be considered forfeited.“ ARTICLE XIII Article 149 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The decisions of the Provincial Administration concerning the following matters shall be subject to the Zone Administrative Board for approval : 1) transfers from one account of the budget to another, whenever the appropriation to be credited concerns optional expenses ; 2) application of taxes and relative regulations ; 3) purchase of industrial shares ; 4) investments of money exceeding 2,000,000 Lire in one year, whenever they are not made for the purchase of immovable property or for loans guaranteed by mortgage or for deposits made at Institutes of credit authorized by the law, or for the purchase of bonds issued or guaranteed by the State ; 5) transfer of immovables, of bonds on public debts, of common obligations or of industrial shares, whenever the value of the contract exceeds the amount of 2,000,000 Lire, as well as the granting of servitudes or of „emphyteusis“, whenever the value of the land exceeds the aforesaid amount ; 6) leases and tenancies of immovables for a period exceeding twelve years or whenever the total sum involved by the contract exceed the amount of 1,000,000 Lire ; 7) direct management of public services ; 8) regulations decided upon according to law and particularly regulations for the organization of personnel and those relating to the use of provincial property ; 9) the setting up of public institutions at the expenses of the Province ; 10) lawsuits involving the Province either as plaintiff or as defendant and arrangements of disputes whenever the respective value exceeds the amount of 1.000.000 Lire or is undeterminated. “ ARTICLE XIV Articles 230 and 231 of the Consolidated Text as amended by Article 1 of the law 27 June 1942, No. 851, are hereby repealed and substituted by the following : (a) „ Article 230 - Whenever employees of the Commune or of the Province are involved, the disciplinary Commission shall be presided over by the President of the Civil and Penal Tribunal or by a Judge delegated by him and shall consist of two employees of the Communes or of the Province enjoying the permanent status, and of two representatives of the Administration concerned, who shall be designated for each case by the respective Council. Not later than 15 December the President of the „Deputazione Provinciale“ and the Mayors of the Communes shall forward to the Zone President the voting paperi, each in separate closed envelope, containing the designations made by each employee of the representatives chosen by him, together with a list of employees who did not take part in the voting. Each employee shall write on his voting-paper two names ; the two candidates who obtain the highest number of votes shall be declared elected as regular members and the two candidates next following them as deputy-members. If, for whatever reason, during the two years, any of the elected persons is missing, the deputy-members shall replace the effective-members and those persons who had obtained the highest number of votes shall be appointed deputy-members. The examination of ballots shall be made by the Zone President in the presence of the „consigliere di Prefettura“ in charge of the Communal Administration and of the Secretary of the Commune of Trieste, or if the latter should be absent or prevented of another employee of the Commune designated by the Mayor. The representatives of the employees shall not take part in the sessions of the Disciplinary Commission whenever in the proceedings employees of those Administrations are involved where they are serving.“ (b) „Article 231 - Whenever wage-earning personnel („salariati“) агб involved the Disciplinary Commission shall be composed of, besides the President and two representatives of the Administration concerned as set forth in the preceding Article, two representatives of the wage-earning personnel of the Communes and of the Province, elected by the former by applying the modalities established by the said Article. The provisions of the last para of the preceding Article shall apply also to wage-earning personnel.“ * (c) „Article 231 bis - Whenever for whatsoever reason the Communal and Provincial Administrations have not provided for the appointment of their delegates as set forth in the preceding Articles, the respective appointments shall be made by the Zone President. Up to the time when the election of representatives of the employees or of the wage-earning personnel can take place, in their place there shall be appointed by the Zone President as members of the Provincial Commission set forth in Article 230 and 231, two employees or two „salariati“ (wage-eárning persons) of the Communes and of the Province, being of a grade not lower than that of the persons involved in the proceeding and not belonging to the Administration concerned. “ ARTICLE XV The second para of Article 284 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed and substituted by the following „Those concerning works or purchases shall specify the manner of their execution and shall be supported by appropriate projects, opinions of experts or estimates ; the latter may be set up summarily wherever supplies or works are involved of an anticipated expense not exceeding 100,000 lire.“ ARTICLE XVI The fourth para of Article 28 ï of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „An affirmative opinion of the Allied Military Government, Department of Public Services, shall be required : for outlines and executive projects of public works, of Communes, of the Province and of „Consorzi“ involving an amount exceeding 20,000,000 Lire ; if the works are carried out by public or private auction, respectively involving an amount exceeding 10,000 000 Lire, if they are carried out upon private negotiations or by the said bodies themselves (in economia).“ The last paragraph of Article 285 is hereby repoaled and substituted by the following : „Outlines and executive projects of public works of Commîmes, of the Province, and of „Consorzi“ shall be subject to an affirmative opinion of the Chief Engineer of the „Genio Civile“ : a) whenever the amount involved exceeds 400,000 Lire in Communes with a population not exceeding 100,000 inhabitants or „Consorzi“ of Communes with a total population not exceeding 100,000 inhabitants ; b) whenever the amount involved exceeds 1,000,000 Lire in Communes with a population exceeding 100,000 inhabitants or „Consorzi“ of Communes with a total population exceeding 100,000 iuhabittnts ; c) as to the Province, whenever, the amount involved exceeds 2,0C0,000 lire.“ ARTICLE XVII The first paragraph of Article 296 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The contracts exceeding the limits within which, pursuant to Articles 87 and 140, private bids may be held without a previous authorization of the Zone President, shall not be binding for the respective body without the approval of the Zone President who shall ascertain that the prescribed modalities have been observed.“ Article 343 of the Consolidated Text is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The decisions of the Communes, of the Province and of the^„Gonsorzi“ completed, whenever necessary ,'by the prescribed approval or which in general have become executive, shall be considered final. As to acts by which the approval of decisions has been denied by the competent Authorities and as to decrees issued by the Zone President and declaring the annulment of decisions the provisions of Article 5 shall be applicable. In any case the power vested in the Government by Article 6 shall remain unchanged.“ ARTICLE XIX The Law dated 10 June 1937, No. 1402, is hereby repealed. ARTICLE XX Article 62 of the Consolidated Text is hereby substituted by the following : „Every Commune shall keep a public notice-board for the publication of decisions, orders, manifests and deeds for which public announcement is required. The decisions of the Communal Council shall be published ,at least, by way of an extract containing a summary of the motivation and the entire text of the decision itself, by posting on the public notice-board on the first holiday or market-day following the date of their issue. The Regulations of the Commune, after having been duly approved, shall be posted on the public notice-board for 15 consecutive days. The Communal secretary shall be responsible for all publications. Any person paying taxes to the Commune may obtain a true copy of all decisions of the Communal Council and of the Communal Board, upon payment of the prescribed fees („diritti di segreteria“). The regulations in effect in the C°mmune and the respective tariffs shall be kept at the disposal of the public for their free insPection. Any person paying taxes to the Commune may request and obtain copy of the regulations in effect in the Commune and of the respective tariffs, upon payment of the prescribed fees („diritti di segreteria“). ARTICLE XXI The Province shall keep a public notice-board for the publication of decisions and deeds for which public announcement is required. The decisions of the „Deputazione Provinciale“ except those relating to the mere execution of measures already decided upon a id approved, according to law, shall be published at least by way of an extract containing the text of tho decisions themselves, by posting on the public notice-board on the first holiday or market-day following the date of tneir issue. The regulations of the Province, after having been duly approved shall be posted for publication on the public notice-board for fifteen consecutive days. The Provincial secretary shall be responsible for all publications. All tax-payers and in general all interested persons may obtain a true copy of all decisions and regulations, upon payment of the prescribed fees. The regulations in effect in the Province and the respective tariffs shall be kept by the Provincial Office at the disposal of the public for their free inspection. Article 225 of the Consolidated Text dated 4 February 1915, No. 148, shall again come into force : „Any taxpayer may, on his own risk and responsibility, take legal proceedings to which the Commune or a fraction thereof is entitled, upon authorization of the Zone Administrative Board. Before giving the authorization the Zone Administrative Board shall hear the Communal Council, when the authorization has been granted, the competent judge shall order the Commune to intervene in the lawsuit as an interested party. If the person authorized to take legal proceedings should be unsuceessfull, the costs shall be borne by him. Whenever a fraction of the Commune has to take legal proceedings against the Commune or a fraction thereof, the Zone Administrative Board, upon application of at least one tenth of the electorate appertaining to that fraction, appoint a Commission oi three or five electors to represent the fraction itselL“ ARTICLE XXIII Article 195 of the Law 27 June 1942, No. 851, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The Allied Military Government shall decide as to the assignment or the transfer of the official seat of Communal secretaries and of the Provincial secretary upon request of the Administrations concerned.“ ARTICLE XXIV The powers, duties and functions as well as the operation of the Communal Council and Boards shall be regulated by the Consolidated Text of the Communal and Provincial Law. as approved by R.D. 4 February 1915, No. 148, and by the amendments contained in R.D. 30 December 1923, No. 2839. ARTICLE XXV In Article 25, No. 1, of R.D. 30 December 1923, No. 2839, the words, „not exceeding 5,000 Lire „shall be substituted by the following : „which do not exceed the competence of the Pretore“. ARTICLE XXVI The Communes may establish or assume the operation of pharmacies in accordance with the Consolidated Text of laws on direct management of public services, dated 15 October 1925, No. 2578. Whereas the sanitary provisions on the exercise of pharmacies shall remain unchanged, the Zone President’s authorization shall be given, if necessary, regardless of the limits provided for by Articles 104 through 118 of the Consolidated Text of sanitary laws dated 27 July, 1934, No. 1265. The number of such pharmacies and the modalities of their establishing shall be subject to the approval ot the Zone President to be given after consultation with the Provincial sanitary Council. This Order shall come into force at the date of its publication in the Official Gazette Dated at TRIESTE, this 11th day of August 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U.S. Army Ref. : LDIA¡4g¡i36 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 175 AMENDMENTS TO THE STATUTE OF „ISTITUTO AUTONOMO PER LE CASE POPOLARI“ WHEREAS it is considered advisable to make certain amendments to Article 4 oj the Statute of „Istituto Autonomo per le Case Popolarias amended by Order No. 286, dated 28 June 1948, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United. States Forces (he-reinafter referred, to as the „Zone), NOW, THEREFORE, 1, CLYDE 1). EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Ai fairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article 4, letter e), of the Statute of „Istituto Autonomo per le Case Popolari“, as amended by Article 1Ï, parafraph 1, of Order No. 286, dated ¿8 June 1948, is hereby further amended as follows : ,,e) tre consiglieri da nominarsi dal Comune di Trioste ed uno da nominarsi dagli altri Comuni della Zona, che abbiano partecipato alla formazione del patrimonio dello Istituto. “ ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of August 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A¡4gliy5 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 176 RESTRICTIONS ON CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY WHEREAS from time to time, it is found necessary owing to shortage of electric energy to restrict its consumption within that part of the Free Territory of Trieste, administered by the British-United Slates Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I AUTHORITY TO RESTRICT USE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY Section I — The Chief, Department of Public Services, Allied Military Government, is authorized to issue instructions limiting the consumption of electric energy, whenever shortage of electric energy makes this necessary. Due notice of such instructions shall be given to the public through the newspapers, over the Radio, and by publication of a Notice in the Official Gazette. Section 2 — The Chief, Department of Public Services, shall lift the limitations applied on thè consumption of electric energy at the earliest moment and shall give due notice of the lifting of the restriction in the newspapers, by Radio, and by publication of a Notice in the Official Gazette. ARTICLE II EXCEPTIONS Application for exemptions or transfer of energy between consumers will be presented to the Department of Public Services, Allied Military Government. * - ARTICLE III ! PENALTIES Section I — Persons violating the provisions of this Order shall be liable on the order of the Chief, Department of Public Services, Allied Military Government, to immediate disconnection of all electric energy supply to their premises or establishments for a period up to two weeks, for the first offence, and for a period of three weeks for the second and each subsequent offence. Section 2 — A.O.E.G.A.T, S.E.L.V.E.G, and S.V.E.M. have the right to check consumption and to report any transgression for action in terms of Section 1 of this Article. EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of August 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U.S. Army Ref. :LDIA¡49li8i Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 50 APPOINTMENT OF RAG. FERDINANDO SOMMA AS REGGENTE OF THE „UFFICIO CONTRIBUTI UNIFICATI IN AGRICOLTURA“ OF TRIESTE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to repeal the temporary appointment of Mr. Pasquale Simone as Inspector of the Ufficio Contributi Unificati in Agricoltura of Trieste, made by Administrative Order No. 6, dated 20 September 1945, and to appoint rag. Ferdinando Somma as Reggente of the said Office 1 NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The last but one paragraph of Administrative Order No. 6, dated 20 September 1945, appointing Mr. Pasquale Simone as Inspector of the „Ufficio Contributi Unificati in A-gricoltura“ of Trieste, is hereby repealed. 2. ■— Rag. Ferdinandò Somma shall be and hereby is temporarily appointed as Reggente • of the „Ufficio Contributi Unificati in Agricoltura“ of Trieste. 3. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of August 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel A. Executive Director to Ref. : LDfB¡49¡¡0 Director General, Civil Affairs ERRATA CORRIGENDA Order No. 54, dated 23rd March 1949 - Increase of rents - published in Gazette No. 9 dated April 1st 1949, page 149. In article III, letter (b) the words - Perfume shops - should read „de luxe perfume shops“. CONTENTS Order No. 169 Raising of limits concerning the value of cases within the competence of „Conciliatori“ and of „Pretori“....................................................... 419 No. 170 Restrictions of consumption of electricity.............................. 420 -No. 171 Council of the Profession of Engineers and Architects .................... 421 No. 172 Provisions concerning Mayors.......................................... 421 No. 173 Grant of a supplementary contingency allowance to pensioners of Previdenza Sociale ................................................................ 422 No. 174 Amendments to the Consolidated Text of the Law on Commîmes and Provinces ............................................................................ 424 No. 175 Amendments to the Statute of „Istituto Autonomo per le Case Popolari“ 432 No. 176 Restrictions on consumption of electric energy ......................... 433 Administrative Order No. 50 Appointment of Rag. Ferdinando Somma as Reggente of the „Ufficio Contributi Unificati in Agricoltura“ of Trieste................................ 434 Errata Corrigenda.................................................................. 434