mxY/j; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 01/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 01.01.2012 Marija, Božja Mati Novo leto MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Za mir v letu 2012 Ob nastopu novega leta drug drugemu izrekamo voščila, želimo zdravje, srečo in uspeh pri delu, dobro medsebojno razumevanje, vse najboljše. Božja beseda nas danes spodbuja, da bi drug na drugega klicali blagoslov v zavesti, da, kot pravi apostol Jakob, vsak dober dar in vsako popolno darilo prihaja od zgoraj, od Očeta luči. Za te božje darove smo toliko sprejemljivejši, ker smo po učlovečenju prejeli božje posinovljenje, smo sinovi, dediči, Boga smemo klicati Oče. Marsikaj, kar si želimo, spada med neprecenljive vrednote, ki človekovo življenje narede res človeško. Zaželimo danes drug drugemu tudi miru: miru neskaljenega prijateljstva z Bogom; miru čiste vesti, ki človeka ne preganja, da bi s hrupom prevpil notranji nemir, zapolnil praznino, bežal pred samim seboj in glasovi iz svoje notranjosti; miru prijateljstva in ubranosti s sočlovekom, ki je pripravljen razumeti in sprejeti drugačnost; miru, ki vključuje prizadevanje za pravičnejše medsebojne odnose, ki se ne začenja na ravni visoke politike, ampak znotraj domače hiše, med možem in ženo, med brati in sestrami, v podjetju med sodelavci, v šoli med sošolci. Mir je stalno »nemirno« iskanje miru, je sad neprestanega prizadevanja za več človečnosti med nami; mir je bistvena sestavina božjega kraljestva. Ne pozabimo: začeti je treba pri sebi! Če se človek zaveda bogastva božjih darov, o njih, kot Marija, premišljuje v svojem srcu, potem se iz njegovega srca razliva mir kakor reka (Izaija) v družino, med sosede, narode, države, v ves svet. Naj Gospod obrne svoje obliče k vam in vam podeli mir. Božični večer je v naši župniji nekaj posebnega. Sodelovanje mladih pri prvi maši, je pomagalo vsem, da smo praznovanje božične skrivnosti globlje doživeli. Sonja P., Mary M. In Jenny A. so z našimi otroci šole pripravile kratek program. Otroci so pozneje sodelovali še pri prošnjah, družina Johna Horvata pa je prinesla darove. Tudi ministrantov smo imeli tokrat precev več. Hvala tudi Olgi Glavač za okrasitev cerkve, Jeričevi za kruh in vsem, ki so še sodelovali pri maši. Pevci angleškega zbor so prepevali med mašo. Slovensko sveto mašo smo začeli ob desetih z božično devetdnevico in božičnimi pesmimi, ki jih je zapel župnijski zbor, za orglami je bil Carel Vegelj, John Horvat pa je dirigiral. Janka Mihelčič je povezovala program, bralca sta bila Mateja M. In Pavel Novak. Lep obisk polnočnice je znamenje, da nas vse božična skrivnost v globini srca vedno znova nagovarja . Sunday's Readings Mary, the Holy Mother of God First Reading Numbers 6:22-27 God gives Moses the words he must use in blessing the people of Israel. Second Reading Galatians 4:4-7 Through the Son, we become Spirit-filled children of God. Gospel Luke 2:16-21 Mary treasured all that the shepherds told her of the angels' message. Illustration Jesus' birth in a stable was nothing unusual. In many parts of the world it is the sort of thing that happens when people are traveling. Sometimes babies are born in unexpected places because they seem to decide the time and place of their own arrival, sometimes at maximum inconvenience to the mother. How many babies have made their entrance as their mother traveled in a car or on a bus or train? Bus stations, car parks and hospital reception areas regularly witness the births of infants who refuse to be delayed even for a few minutes longer. At least, when Jesus was born, the stable was warm, dry and private. An unborn baby announces that its time is approaching, sometimes gradually and sometimes suddenly, when its mother goes into labor. Her time has come to bring a new life into the world. A baby changes a woman's status and makes her a mother, something that she can never change. For the rest of her life, she is a mother. So it was with Mary. Gospel Teaching The shepherds came to see Mary, Joseph and the baby, saying that angels had sent them to the stable, where they would find a baby, lying in a manger, who would be their savior and long-awaited Messiah. The Gospel tells us of the visit of the shepherds. It does not mention the presence of any women, apart from Mary, even though it might seem natural to us that there would be women there supporting the new mother and infant. We might expect to see women gathered around the newborn Jesus. We do not expect to see the men! Jesus turns the world upside down: men become the first recorded witnesses of his birth - their evidence and personal testimony to the incarnation are essential in spreading the Gospel message. The Christmas liturgy links the birth of Jesus with his death and resurrection. Interestingly, men are remembered as the first to approach the infant Jesus, whereas women are the first recorded witnesses of the resurrection. At first glance, neither men nor women are "efficient" or "practical" in their response to pivotal events in salvation history. When Jesus is born, the shepherds apparently bring no gifts to honor him, whereas the Magi offer gold, frankincense and myrrh, symbolic presents unrelated to the lifestyle of a village carpenter. Years later, the women are unable to anoint Jesus in the tomb because he has already risen from the dead. At Jesus' birth, Joseph "Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart." is present, but silent. Mary apparently has nothing to say even when her son rises from the dead. Mary remembered and thought about all that happened. We are not told that she reached any conclusions. Life was a learning process. In today's Gospel, she is a young mother, amazed by the events surrounding her and her newborn son. She needs time to think before it all makes sense to her. The birth of Jesus makes Mary the Mother of God. The resurrection makes her the Mother of the Church. Application Christmas celebrates weakness that becomes strength. A helpless new baby is God and savior. A young woman becomes the Mother of God. A carpenter finds the strength and courage to make a safe home for God, not in a palace, but in an ordinary village house and through his own hard work. Shepherds become the first recorded witnesses to the incarnation. In the Gospel accounts of the birth, Mary and Joseph do not speak: Mary, because she needed time to think and make sense of events; Joseph, showing us that long eloquent speeches and external show do not necessarily make us effective as we take Jesus into our hearts and our world. Perhaps Joseph would have agreed with St Francis of Assisi, who said that we must preach the Gospel at all times and, when necessary, use words. Joseph's silence does not mean he is ineffective. God chose him to care for Mary and Jesus, the greatest responsibility ever laid on a human being. Joseph was a village carpenter, but he was also one of the greatest saints the world has ever known. Christmas tells us that littleness is greatness in the eyes of God. Christmas tells us that everyone is called to proclaim the good news that Jesus is born. Today, as we celebrate the feast of Mary, Mother of God, we celebrate someone whose littleness enabled Jesus to be born, who found the courage and strength to say yes because she put God first. Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. R. Amen. St. Francis of Assisi Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor Začenjamo novo leto tudi z našim pevskim zborom. Hvala vsem pevcem za redno udeležvanje pevskih vaj, sodelovanje in potrpljenje. Iskrena hvala Carlu Veglju za orglanje od nedelje do nedelje, prav tako Johnu Horvatu za dirigiranje. Naslednjič pojemo v nedeljo 8. januarja, na praznik Gospodovega razglašenja, zato so v četrtek zvečer, 5. januarja, vaje. Prav tako hvala Ivanu Mertuku za vodnje angleškega zbora in vsem pevcem, ki redno pojejo pri angleški maši. Vabljeni tudi novi pevci, da se pridružite in svoje talente koristno delite z drugimi. CWL - KŽZ_ Our monthly General meeting will be held this Wednesday, Jan 4, immediately following 7pm mass. We are starting plans for our upcoming Annual Bazaar. A strong members attendance would be greatly appreciated. Ladies interested in CWL membership are always welcome! As we enter the season of giving and sharing we will again be collecting your kind and generous canned and dried food donations for Food Share Hamilton. Our Food Banks are in need of canned fruit and vegetables, pastas, pasta sauce, canned or dry soups, baby formula, and cereals. Please consider donating generously to over 18,500 people in our community of whom 8,100 are children who go to bed hungry. Our CWL membership fees are due. Envelopes have been put into our 2012 Sunday collection boxes. Members who have not been able to attend our monthly general meetings will notice that the fee has been increased from $14 to $19. This is a $5 increase that was voted on by all our Diocesan parishes at the Diocesan Convention,May 2011 and was almost unanimously accepted. Our membership is split into 3 parts, National, Provincial and Diocesan. This is a $5 increase to be sent to the National level. Any questions please contact Sidonia at (905) 578-8896.We hole heartedly hope that this increase does not discourage you to continue your membership because your membership is extremely important to our National representation that goes to parliament defending our Catholic/ Christian family lives and values. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA St. Joseph Society is planning a day trip Friday, January 20th to Seneca Casino, Niagara Falls, N.Y. and wine tasting on the way home. Bus will depart at 8 AM from St. Gregory parking lot. Package includes bus, gratuities, $35 tokens to play and $10. for lunch. Price per person is only $36. If you plan to go, please confirm and make payment now. Contact: Frank Erzar @ 643-0285 or Jerry Ponikvar @ 333-5813. Don't forget your passport. LETNA STATISTIKA za leto 2011_ V letu 2011 smo v naši župnili krstili 13 otrok, od tega 11 deklic in dva dečka. Prvo obhajilo je prejelo 12 otrok, 5 deklic in 7 dečkov. V letu 2011 sta se v naši cerkvi poročila dva para: Ivan Vujevič in Saphia Khambalia; Crowley William Allen in Štefanec Elizabeth Kathryn. V letu 2011 je umrlo 13 naših faranov, 11 moških in dve ženski. Povprečna starost je 77 let, najmlajši 53 in najstarejši 95 let. VEČNA LUČ_ V mesecu januarju bo večna luč gorela po namenu Francke Cestnik za vse njihove pokojne sorodnike. PRVI PETEK IN SOBOTA_ Smo v novem letu, prvi petek in sobota sta tu. V petek bomo obiskali bolnike, zvečer ob šestih pa bo prilika za prejem zakramenta odpuščanja - sv. spoved in molitev pred Najsvetejšim. NEDELJSKE NABIRKE in DAROVI_ V mesecu decembru 2011 ste pri nedeljskih nabirkah darovali: 4. december, $2190; 11. december, $3018; 18. december, $4175; 25. december, $17435. - Veronika Čurič je darovala $200 za misijone. Iskrena hvala za vašo velikodušnost in podporo. Tu bi se rad v svojem imenu in v imenu gospoda Antona zahvalil za vse vaše čestitke, voščila, darove in dobre želje, ki ste jih v teh dneh nama izrazili. Tudi vam vsem želiva veliko božjega blagoslova in vse dobro v novemt letu, ki smo ga začeli. PRVOOBHAJANCI - FIRST COMMUNION 1 Erzar Frank Damian 2 Erzar Frank Sebastian 3 Kezman Anton Mark 4 Kobetič Ariana 5 Lukežič Hannah Nikola 6 Miklavčič Joseph Marcus 7 Milosavljevič Marcela 8 Mramor John Tomas 9 Nardin Anton David 10 Pavlič Dawn Kassandra 11 Scarcelli Julia Olivia 12 Skerl Ivan Mark KRSTI - BAPTISMS 1 Eaten James PARRY 2 Adriana LAVRIC 3 Lauren Anne HILL 4 Madison Marcellina KENT 5 Triston Aaron TAYLOR 6 Asia Nevaeh PRSA 7 Hollace Vesper DAVIS 8 Leila STRAYER 9 Isabella Marija CIMINO 10 Emerson Kater PICKARD 11 Kennedy Avery PICKARD 12 Teya Adria SKRBAN 13 Nevaeh Renate ZORKO POGREBI - FUNERALS 1. Kolenc Marija ž 89 2. Anton Vengar m 83 3. Štefan Plevel m 74 4. Steve Booth m 60 5. Jožef Kuzmič m 77 6. Blaž Čulig m 71 7. Marija Ipavec ž 86 8. Karl Volčanšek m 74 9. Ludvik Zidar m 90 10. Branko K. Ježovnik m 78 11. Christopher Michael Martin m 53 12. Jožef Pust m 95 13. Antonio DiPietro m 72 OD 01. 01. 2012 DO 08. 01. 2012 svete maše - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY za zive in rajne Zupljane 01. Januar 2012 .. č„ , . .. .. u- i ^ - NOVO imi tt Štefan in Marija Ritlop 9:30 a.m. Hčerka z druzino Ü. T- t Edy Pučko 11:00 a.m. DruZina Pučko Marija, Božja Mati Ponedeljek - Monday t JoZe Pust 7:00 p.m. DruZina Vlašič 02. Januar t Vili Novak Toni in Elizabeth Ferko Sv. Bazilij in Gregor t Terezija Krampač Francka in Štefan Antolin Torek - Tuesday t Roza Ifko 7:00 p.m. Terezija Dunko . t Marija Rejc Marija in Anton Šverko 03. JANUAR t Malka Klepec DruZina Slobodnik Presv. Jezusovo ime t Joe Bajuk DruZina Slobodnik SREDA - WEDNESDAY t Ivan Peternel 7.00 p.m. Judy Peternel . t Anthony Kwasniewski Angela Kobe JANUAR Po namenu CWL - KŽZ CWL - KŽZ Angela, red<°vmca t Zlatica Audič Manja Erzetič z druZino Četrtek - Thursday tt Štefan, Ana in Štefan 7:00 p.m. Marija Glavač z druZino 05. Januar t Mike Martin Francka in Štefan Antolin Simeon, Milena t BlaZ Čulig Joe in Kathy Prša Prvi Petek - First Friday 06. Januar Gašper,Miha,Boltežar tt za duše v vicah t Franc Zelko t JoZe Ray, obl. tt za verne duše v vicah 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Sestrična Matila BratuZ Gizella Ray z druZino Štefan Ray z druZino Sobota - Saturday t Marija JoZelj 8:15 A.M. Hči Sonja t Stane Napast 5:30 p.m. Frančiška Napast 07. Januar tt pokojni iz druZine Pinter Frančiška Napast Rajmund, duhovnik t BlaZ Čulig Viktor in Olga Glavač z druZino t Frank Drvarič Marija in Ignac Korošec NEDELJA - SUNDAY za Zive in rajne Zupljane 08. Januar 2012 tt John Kosednar 9:30 a.m. Cilka Lehner Gospodovo razglašenje t Matija Vlašič Žena in otroci Epiphany of the Lord t Mike Martin 11:00 a.m. Sons Ricky in Roby SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.