M NfMd tlw matter J*nu*ry 1«. IMS. at the PMt attic* •t CSI0MO. IUUmO*. under lha Act of C«mi«ivm o( March 3. 1ST» for msil|pg si specisl pate of postage provided for in section ii03, Act of Oct. 3, 1817. authorised on June 4. 1B1I. Editor's Column Welcome, Our New President! SlgSs multiply dally. In tact they hare tor the pas! tew years, that asots and mora "Important" people In and eul ot the government think ms have participated an the wrong side la World War U. Evan If they do not say so openly, they indicate quite plainly hy their octio«a wa should have boon on the side ot Hitler. Pranco and Mussolini and help thorn to smash the Soviet Union. Since the contrary was true thai Russia was on our side, we mutt now prepare to smash U In the neat "Inevitable ' war. The entire bi partisan policy, foreign and domestic, has been geared to this now all consuming end. The reason Is. of course, to "stop" and "destroy" Communism and loll* wing Socialism. That Is why we are going to arm with similar para* phernalta Western Europe where wa are trying, with all our recourses, to preserve Capitalism a la "tree enterpise" with all Its evils. However. If history loaches us anything, we are going to. In the ptosMS of annihilating the Soviet Union and Us satellite«, destroy oursolvesi certainly the "free enterprise" system of monopoly capitalism. Cor* tain U to that not a vestige of freedom end democracy will bo loll, neither here nor In Europe, perheps In the entire world. Certain U to that In the proposed process of mutual •elfentermtnatlon we are going to CKhoust ourselves, completely Impoverish and benhrupt the country, our beloved America* Certain U to all your Insurance policies, all your savings and to a large eatend your comings will he worthless, your sweethearts and husband*, your sons and daughters destroyed «cross the seas, far away In foreign lands, full of hatred against them and us. cursing us and the vary name of our country. , Last week we reported that Bro. Ray Travnlk resigned from hie temporary assumption of Ike supreme presidency. This week we report that Bro. Joseph Culkar. our erstwhile second and first rice-president of Johnstown. Pa., succeeded Bro. Trarnlk as Ike head of BNPJ. Hs came to Chicago laat Sunday afternoon and waa Introduced to the msmbsrs who attended the 45th anniversary of Lodge Slavlja No, 1. which waa >eld In Ike SWPJ Hall. Kla short speech was well received. He assumed kls duflss a! Ike Malm Office laat Monday. Welcome and good luck. Joel "He's quoting today's stock exchange prices. Membership Drive Brings 377 New Members In September PROSVETA OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY I ISSUED DAILY J EXCEPT SATURDAYS. SUNDAYS ^ and HOLIDAYS ' Office of Puhlleatloni v HIT SOUTH * LA Wit DALE AYS. TELEpHO! >NEi SOCKWELL 4S04 start the "f Matters II Season on the right iommng us all will STRABANF.. Pa —Our Lodges 589 and 138 snd two Juvenile Circles e*U-nd their sincerest heartfelt sympathies to the family of our deceased Supreme President, Bro. Vincent Catnkar. We couldn't add much more to his eulogy than was already written—as our members here feel like everyone else who had the pleasure to know him. He gave to his fellowmen all he had in hi* heart. Fsith to those that had to struggle to achieve their goals. Hope that there were and are better things in life for all of us. no matter how humble our origin,— and charity, the very greatest blessing any human being can possess. He was well thought of and thought well of everyone and thus extended universal love and good will among our own mebership, to their friends and foes alike. * His characteristics were his own and his place wjll remain his alone in the history of our organization as well as in our hearts. We all bow our head* in sad tribute to the passing of a truly great man and are proud to say we had the honor to share in his fine leadership and his wisdom. May he rest in peace. Bowling Busses Our Stratane girls' bowling league is rolling along like a hilt/ We are "hiving »o'much fun with our teams all vying -for' the first place on bulletin board. The Boys' Indianapolis Lesgue started to bowl Sept. 26 They sure are "Stinkarr.aroonies," these boys. But on the other hand, they take their bowling seriously and arc all Indianapolis bound next spring The boys have 40 men in their league and, like the girls, will have • 5-men teams. There sre 8 more men to be placed as yet and we will give you their names as soon as we can find on whose teams they will be. The teams are as follows: (The 1st one named on each team is the captain; also note the names of their teams, nothing but the "best" lor these lads): Kinsey, Carl Delost, Joe Terpin, A1 Borza, Rudy (Crulce. Golden Corn, John Tershel, Joe "Skinny" Koklich. Tony Lavrlch, Eddie Florganclc, Sweepstake», Carl Pbdbov. Tony Mavrlch, Lou Progar. Joe Curnarski Plantation, Harry KlmlnSkf, Henry LaVfieh, Charles Koval. Joe Holsey. Three Festhers, Stanley Krulce, John Pod boy, Tony Tershel. Frank Miller. Green River, Praftlr TonWlc, John Twardy, Frsnk Pod boy, Frank Kaminskf. Prince George, "Basha" Progar, Mirkp Torr.sic, Jim Podboy. John Nagode. Crab Orchard,1' Bob 'TCesiWteski, Frank Kolovlfeh, Tony Progar, AI Tomsic. The 40 men and 40 women bowlers would be a good Ides for a mixed doubles contort, now wouldn't It? Or better yet, our 40 girls could try W could) "lick" ouf 40 boVs. Now that's an ideal We gfrls can dreSm. can't we? The winter Is long snd It would be s lot more fun Tor all of us. to have a few such contest« now and then. Pioneer Personals We have a few sick people on our list Try to rememl»er Our sick member« with s raid or an occasions! visit. It helps In making the days • bit more cheerful for them. "Llbby" Rozanc ha« been sick for quite some time, but she is on the mend, we sre happy to report. Ann Kamlnskl was hospitalized, but Is at home snd feeling much better. To ny Progsr hsd sn emergency ap pendectomy and is recuperating nicely The Strabane Baseball Team have formed a club. Their officer« «re Pres. Henry Mavrlch. Vice Pres. Joe "Skinny" Koklich. Sec'y Al Tomsic. Tre**. Charles Kllnk Finance com . Angelo Or ««so, Tony Progsr. Harry Kaminskl. Rudy Tomsic. Tony Msv-rltlt They started out with a banquet Or* 9 MARY KOVAU IN / of (Continued from page 1) 2 to frank Zrimm. strengthen» the I creasing their total for six months grip which L»dge 292. A villa. Pa to sixu-en, but still 13 short 6f trie has on second place in the national j assigned quota. And Ysasf contest and, also, gives it a sup ■■ porting hold close to the top in the second half contest now moving rapidly to a climax. Here the Trojan«, Lodge 749, Johnstown, Ps. are also making a strong bid to land among the prize winners and this they did by securing 5 additional new members in September, giving them a total of 22 for six months, 12 of them coming in the last two months; Ann Bricely und Dorothy Olavaeb ure the lodge's leading nRi testants * A close contest is being waged fgr1 the leadership in the second campaign district with at least four lodges competing for top honors on almost even terms. A gain of 8 new members made it possible for Lodee 321. Warren, Ohio to reach Itf 49— Johnstown. Pa......II 729—Latrotoe. Pa. .........11 319—Meadow lands. Pa. 10 209—Avella. Pa............... 10 190—St. Michael. Pa........ 9 904—Cleveland! Ohio' 13 914—Cleveland, Ohio ......It 129—Cleveland. Ohio .......10 321—Warren. Ohio ....... 9 994—Detroit. Mich........ 0 179—Plney Fork. Ohio . • 23 14 9 14 19 14 if ti 14 29 14 DISTRICT NO. 3 Wew LeOae—Tew»—Stale / 130—Eveleth, Mine. 9—Se. Chicago, 111. 934—Sheboygan, Wis. 110—Chlsbolm, Mhte 322— Chlsholm, Minn. 931—Chicago, in. . .. 301—Agidlar. Colo..........: 9 13 339—Edison, Kansas .....„. 9 13 200—Gross, Kama« .......... » I 019—Los Angeles, Calif. 9 20 723—Fontana. Calif.......:.. 9 14 NATIONAL LEADERS 'ALL DISTRICTS COMBINED The results of the national contest 1er the first six months el the cam-psign. shewing the feeding ledges 1 in the lour districts combined. ate revealed In the standings below. Nantes el contestants ate alse ltsted. but only 1er those credited' with •nrollm.nl of five or mon» new members. If your name has been omitted. It Is because the lodge secretary has failed to send In campaign cr«d|t cards with the membership %] lions. Spirit-o-Grams ST. LOUIS, Mo - We are glad to report that Anton Hervatin Is back al Work again after a yeai of lllne«s Pete .Harvatin is reported well and la on the «<>b after sis weeks of Illness Lillian Brumfteld wan serious ly III but is recovering very nicely, alao Fiances Zimmerman who Is recovering from her cold Mary Pct-ruvlrh |s still in the hospital John Zimmerman, father of Frances Msh-nlrtt and Rose L o n c a 11 c h. is very much improved John and Ru«e Loncarlc and family have moved to 40.1* Miami si Caroline Mavrlch of Hlllrspte. til spent a week here with h«r two daughters. Alma Chaperfo and Idu Kaein Alma and Joe 1'hnpelo also have moved to 4o4«A Shi« Mvd Donl forgrt our Anniyeraary Dane«- on KaUirduy, Nov 20 at Concordia Turner Hall. 13th and Arae-nal, featuring Pat Mure i s polkas We also will have a di awing on an 1047 Roger's silverware set eonslSt Ing of SI piece« for eight people also an St lends net- ptire Don't forget so sell s lot of tickets and hsve one of the largest crowds at our dance You may get the tickets ftom Betty Oulot>, DHla Markoff Eddie Narvatln and yours trully Bring all your friends All neigh boring lodges and friend» ate invited to attend Bowling: We fnially cam« «*ul of our slump and won two games last Taw* District 7IS—Imperial. Pa. (1) . 202—Aeella. Pa. (I) 314—Milwaukee. Wis. (3) 531—Chlsbolm. Minn. (9) SOt—Arms. Kansas (4) 731 Allqulpps, Pa. (I) §04 Cteveetnd. Ohio (I) 479—Bslem. Ohio (91 919—Los Angeles. Calif, m—Edison. Kansas (9) .. 71»—Latrebe. Pe. (I) ...... 792 Hostetter. Pa. (1) .. 130—Eveleth. Minn. (31 131 -Strabane. Pa. (I) . 749—Johnstown, Pa. (I) .. 1 Johnstown. Pa. (I) 97—Heratinie. Pa. (1) 110—Chlsholm. Minn. (31 994—Detroit. Mich. (2) 13 - Cleveland. Ohio (21 309—Nnaconda. Mont. (4) 119 MeMadowlands. Pa. 299 South view. Pa. (I! 111—Will. |||. (91 l?S—CleveldWd. Ohio (2) 914—Cleveland. Ohio (2) 129—Cleveland. Ohio (2) 196—Spring Olen, Ulah 977 -Detroit. Mich. 19) 131—Chicago. 111. (3) 119—Chicago. Ill (3) 940—Bridgeport. Ohio (2) 4 Sygen, Pa. (II-249—Lawrence. Pa. (I) 294—Cleveland. Ohio (2) 321—Warren. Ohio (8) 403 Samsula. Fla. (1) 9 Bo. Chicago. III. (31 434 Sheboygan. Wis. (3) 11« Euclid. Ohio (21 190—Cleveland. Ohio (2) 204-Philadelphia. Pa. (I) 207 — Burgattslown. Pa. (I) 201 Tire Min. Pa ill 391—Aguilar. Cole. (4< 190 St Michael, pa. Ill 201 Bridgevllte. Pa (l) 111 -Cuddy Pa. (I) 713 L'Anse Mich. (II Talal Maw (1) 90 04 49 93 32 30 II II 11 14 14 14 12 12 02 II II 10 10 II II II It 17 17 17 II II 19 II 19 19 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 II II II II II II 10 10 19 9 Ouals Lasting Canlastsnts 13 Polly Sladlck F. Zrimm Or P. Debelak 10 S 12 10 10 11 20 13 0 7 10 31 14 11 13 24 H 31 II 14 14 II 11 11 21 14 21 14 31 II 31 11 11 14 11 10 10 10 17 11 14 II 13 14 17 II 7 France« Dabalak M. Pahule * J. Zoblts Mary Oorence J. Struble * F. Zakralsek Genevieve Jelinek Mary Dermotta M. Kotchnik It H Ribarlch Jarnay Okorn O. Naee k M. Fradel T. M««on 9t A. Palmar Josephin« Ftentar J. Pavele k F. Petro Anna Brlclly M. Vidmar k M. Oreskovlch Marlin Urana. Jr. F. Klune k F. Kn« Joseph F. Dura Violette Stevania Stella Murn Patricia Patnesky Luka Pedbveger Stanley Stokel Joseph Pslrlc Joseph Zupancic D. J. Lotrlch Mary Opalrny John Wlranl R Jindra k I. Iducovlch Charles Zakely Dorothy Tomasln Mlka Machek John Zetkevlch. Jr. F. Resnlk k J. Jeruc * W. Frank k J. tvancic John Cabular Frank Laurich Mary Cerv Jo« Kelene Frank Kaucic Franc«« Oblack Mohok Alben Tea ten MICHAEL VRHOVNI* Csirpaien Dlreeter Tu« «day nrte Yeah, we have won and last nine so far this season Al Kacin found th«« gtom*e and shot a nke 137 gamr urtd hi 'single game 212 Ktaidey llervalln ahnt a nice M*» game atal hi single 226 faster-ni an dyours truly had to be contended «Ith a 443 and 471 game JOHN F YVRGEC. Pres. Som» Theory "Your wife Is a very systematic woman, isn't sh«?M asked Rnbinaon "Yes, very," replied Smith "She works on the theory that you can find whatever you want when you don't want It by looking where It wouMn t be If you did want It" By J. r. CLEVELAND, Ohio.—The next monthly meeting of iodg*Cdmrades will be Tuesday. Oct. 19. room I, new building. Our forthcoming Halloween party Oct 30 will be discussed. Bowlers should come prepared to talk abfort ' the •Bowlers' Dance in November. «<».)• ' S.N.P.J, Singers In tcipim'io many request« an SNPJ Singer group ha« been or* ganized- The first meeting was called' last Thursday, Oct. 7/ and H brought forth'a nice gathering. Any SNPJ member, old or young, wheth er you 'can sing or not, is eligible to join. The chorus will be under the direction of Mr. Hartzell, usstst-ant direeior of the Cleveland Orpheus CHOlr. Tentstievly the choriis will meet In th^lowct Hall on Thursdays at 7;'JO p'ni ; harp until 8;30 pm. If you have any question^ about the «inging group;1 contact either ClStn aatnlck or Ann OpelU. Tell your frieSBs about eomingiind let'« Mve a large turnout at 'the next rehearsal, *wh ¡eh win be Thursday, Oct 14. v ; Drawing Any super salesman who hM moro books than Mb or She b4lieve4' " sell, should flit* them* R» ' to writer W wc' arc rtthriing out it look^i ds though ^«aédlt quant® will hatfe to bt ^pH We would Appreciate evelyone^ ing an effoH" to^ieil tttfsfr turning in the.stubs^'and-quickly/as boSsibI# The past Week, Gabe Girod returnecf het bOok* afid requested three morerlKeR10,'SWile came across wfth the sale Of fi**' and asked for ten mor«;'Vert jBebenflt hit the jackpot with five soj&* fftne is drawing nigh, fet's go with a final burst of speed. Halloween Party Thing« «re progressing very nice ly. There haa been a change in the music for that night. Instead of Mauer, we kritt-e fortunatè « «ecuT-ing the service« of Lee Novak and hi« sensational orchestra. The boys rsde member SVrtH Wt can eXpefct some fine mucic from the gang night , H A meeting wis held last week to iron out the final details! • ' i i .A ■ i Little Fort Lodgt ■ WEPNF.SDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1948 - UNIVERSAL. Pa.—Dates to re- 'Trt^-r-Regu lar quarterly meeting of the "ers; Federation of snpj Lodgesof Western Pennsylvania. Slovene Hall. Library, beginning at 110 p. pi. ■ Oct 24—Regular quarterly meet-, ing of the Slovene Federation of BpPJ Lodges of Western Pennsyl-vapia, SWvene' Hall, Universal, beginning aTloa'. m. NoV: 0—Dance by Comeu Lodge 719, Slovene Halt nUiversai. fea-tdrln#Tommy Bertovic Ihd his or] chestra. '' ' Y'' ' Nov. 27—Dance by Comets Lodge 719, Slovene Hall, Universal, featuring Frank Porovne and his orchestra. Vincent Calnkar The news of the death of Brother Vincent Cainkar came as k shock to all SNPJ members, to the fra* ternal life of America, ahd to the ^progressive life of our ndtion. Wd 'Join together with his hundreds of friends in extending condolences to his family.' ~ We cfioosc to discount the importance Of the theory"VJ| tW indispensable man. /We choose' tb do this fe*au* We dislikk \o lylieve that toy ohe pertOft cah be Ho strong (hat fits pksslbk wfH'db great harm to an organisation or '3m ' Institu-ttort. Bat tto passing # Bro the _ had more to her ertrh least Ri" kndearfhg^asset säs'%«. ïssa» Thirty yea«» tioft to oö^ organ immh be missed öuf; SNPJ. khts rn numbe n oüt to LlbrtrjÇln for «.'stimulating the pi*4e«t because we hear similar pmleeta frequently, especially by otfr B. 8; members. < » y * x Ethan though we endorse the comment« df the editor; we strongly recommend an encouragement of this kind of conversation between the members and lodges on the one hand, and the editor and other member« oh the other. We think that It 1« stimulating; Further, We think that the conversation will create a better understanding and relation' «hip between our members «nd the Society to which they belong. We take this position even though we are at present in disagreement with the present political position« of our Proeveta. and not in sympathy wfth organisations and group« which oipr paper 1« currently supporting But the discussion doe« provoke some thought; It provokes »a question, we think a very serious question. Why do we shun a poetical discussion? why do we rectratt! our-SMvea. or reWat'Wlen V0*lai wTio is returning to ¿y ,i„e. iTiart. 5£ Came^Tech to resume hiSSfudies ■veta. So long as the discussion , _t._ m. frnrri in a „,Liu 1« not given prefcrerite dverrddge Uom y°u once m » wiule- report« and arUcles by our men-bers. official notices fnd communi-cationr,- then' we suggest they- be continued tor the interest arid benefit of Wose' who 4raAt them. fW There is. I believe, real value in the E. S. pages. We belieVe thkt our membere will appreciate more fully the causes of War and depression; that Jbey will choo«e more wisely on election day, not on the ba»i* of what our paper might suggest necessarily, but on Uie basis o( free discussion of current national •nd international problem« we will be better fitted to vote. tangible. Wo fee! -ft' "every 'day." OurWitire Mfe is Influenced by -it. The only, thing that is not influenced by politic« i« W>e air' We'' breathe. Wfiy, theh, should we hide ourselves from it? Let us iake a greater interest in it HM tor personal g01h but 70f a better world; let* us take aff'interest In If ad'that' poHticl'ttnd'polltlffans Win be respected, thi* tiiode Mter^st win itiSke it so: ' ^ ♦ n _ Ijw«.^»«. A few month« ago we indicated that Korman Thomas was our choice for President of'the IJnitcd States. fiaven't changed. ^He was our c^foe before voting age, and ws haven't changed, ft m't iPfctgw we fjjt afraid of change; on jihe contrary, we strongly recommend it. Wb believe that ii change from cap-Rallst society to s socialist society is Vital and important 4 Last Week Norman Thomas spoke in fKtsburgh' as a fandidate for President of the Unite^ States. He won't be Persldent fry ,a long shot eh, Rudy? Dues! Duos I Duesl Some pay their dues when they are due, some when they Ire over-due.,'Amw/,VAvdr 'do.1lroW do you dp? Dates to Rejne^ber Oct. 22—Ves. it won^t belong now and' another meeting night*of the Bàcfgé^ |odae will be here. ^ Wfth sùMner dVèl- eJtect to re&tte pmfaltMes with'vl tloiirish'. $0 jet's '»— —f— 'Snd foot hè pn the docket and it behooves ¡¡"date1* ànd^bMnÎ^our^nel^hbors SI oh g Thé afteVrthe mèetÎhtf'eHIft-tabîment wlH 'ttart agafh 'With the Redskins being pie hosts which In itself should be a humdinger. Place, ftebenrisck's Hall. S. Cth and W. ÈYÙcé! See you all th&e. ..... 1 ' Vembers, çiho'ne, write or cable g|l neWs pertaining to our membenihtp lo'the sec. so We can keep this column goinf. Your cooperation will '^Bowling yaps—The Badger BowJ-ir$ League went thru ' its weekly hcéi ' and fin5 Uu- Ri dskins WWlng the top rung after sweeping 'pfffee games fromJhe Uliria XÏark'«L; With whdm theV ^rere'Jied for tHe m tR^'iJrevlbtis wéfek. Thé ToWn XatwWtw* fro to' Rebernisèk's Bar and the Dëpelak pluHipers grabbed the odd game from the Rehilfc' AlH^s. "TbpS 'âmond the'ïh-dividuals was Ed. Evanic who ràppéd a 979 set with"* top 900 fcame. John • ny Mohorko was right on his heels as He posted' a 573 sat" with a 214 me. Matt Levar and Stan Sed both had 599 seti. Tony*0b-frtcW'itto, Glavan )H2. ftlWh 538. Helping the ty lildng^Xvas Jqe Hdrv'itiiTwjth t^o finés. Atb boy, Joe, as It is uil for a good cause. Louis Lonknet had one' of tfi'Ole nlghbi, tob, al-trtougfr managing to "squeeze o^er ¿bôré' tWicC. OtKe»' to jôln the Sbcièty of Dubs w4'rè fred Pu gel, - 'JoWihy mtar, artd Frankie Wmehii. '^WeMe home, boy*.^tt {■eàliy Is sVplhi up'Into' a good league ancf rfhdbld be ^htér«it!rg thWiout Hhe sWidn! " ' ■nFr6hi a sCotMrtg standpoint the gals had vèVy ttttle on the ball the pits with * 189 top gamfe. rPiit Btrabi' hdd her Best'seri^'of the fcason 4s She posted s 449 set witii s top game of 197. With a' lOl ame, Arth Gorishek totaled 432 for ... , ^ir-. - - H"j|r , M, JT U SALTY. 5^4 s Ymmm Hm VERONA, Pa.—Arrangements for the Verohlan Bowling League have Hhally been completed ahd any Ver-oiSISh member Interested |n bowling Wtf'seasoh.^e af'thC Verona' Bowling Alleys, Sunday, Oct. 24, East -Railroad' ave:, Verona, bowling beginning at 7 pm. JFor more information get in touch with the committee, John Peretic, Itlmer ^ifHer W Mi)ce Lipesky. |iow piat the Alleys 'Sire rlearer home, quite a few mt>mbers are expected to join this league, so be prompt and be present at that time, so that team* can chosen and team competition got Jen under wky. •' ' Remember the monthly Veronian mfctlng Sunday, Oct. 24, beginning af 2'30 pih Sharp. Eddie Klaus and Friri' Pkvelko 'have a program in store for those attending the meeting, so make plans now to attend. '"Belated birthday I greetings go forth to Elmer ElfTler who Celebrated a birthday Oct. 0. Also to Den-nis Lipesky, Oct. II, who celebrated with a masquerade party for a number of his friends. Congratulations arb in Store fdr Mr. and Mrs Willie Kim who are the prood parents or a baby girl CORNELIA GORUN. 090 Harvest Dance 111 ^ps Angeles LOS ANGELES. CaUf.-SNPJ Lodge «19 Is Sponsoring « Harvest Dance on Saturday, Oct. 30. at American Croatian Hall. 330 8. FoH Blvd . Cast Los Angelet Diuiclng to Louis ShnonalCs or-eMOOff« 'from 0 to T AIT members of Lodge 0T9 are invited add members attd friends of our neighboring Ibdges are cordially invited to st tend this d«nee as in the pari A good time Is lb rtr-* for all. ' Plenty of refreshments, good music. fun tor an. so keep Oct 30 ff rrind for the Harvest Dance MARY KOTCHNICK. Secy Lodge Velebit 544 Holds Dance Oct. 16 CLEVELAND. O-Velebit Lodge 044 SNPJ Is holding « Fall Dense jeturdiy. Oct. 10. at the West Side * Slovene Honre. '>SIS Den »son ave A good time is awaiting you Bring *otir friends Good music and rt fresh menu TWT7 p m BESSIE MOORE. Sec'y 1 Izhaja vsak dan, rosen j 1 DDACVTTA . 1 i Urmdniiki in upravniiki jjj { sobot, nidqlj in 1 Ar It a V IL 1 a prostori! } j praznikov s GLASILO SLOVANSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE ! J 2657 S. LawndaU Ave. | LETO XL WTJA STRAH, CHICAGO 23. ILL.. S^DA. 11 OKTOBRA 1948 Cena Uatu It $8.00 STEV. 201 Henri Wallace DO r™ sqdfUoye.ti zg eM»l?lira-nje miru in reda na svetu ... in da je njih prfiyj cijj syejpyna dominacija." Vsled teg« je de jal. da je vojna z Rusijo "nei?o & naj še arjjerliko ljudstvo sprijazni s \erp. T T" "Sellzmkndv'duh vodi v vojno." 'jf dej¿1 Wallace. *6uh mo jega pisma Stalinu in njegov od gbyor' pa vodita v mir. Jaz re cfem, da lahko o^yjemo z Rusi. J*z pravici, da Je nalvečje vai-nostl, d« sj^rif*un{^mo 1 Ru,- z zapada se je Wgjlace podgl proti vzhodu. Prtf^iT JetS *v$čer, 15. okt., b9sta ^senator jem Taylorjem govolila v Chi cggu na t^reh shodih—na sever WtipmI ^ južni struni. Na zapadni strani se bo shod v^itt v ČM SoHolskl dvorani h'a $etf*ie ayjJ it) W. 25th' st. * * ttaliju se izmite mmi pogodbi * Z* nevarni nogo T^ft-HarV feyey zakon. UdrikV ^ hjdi pp Seattle. Wash—Henry A- Wallace^ predsedniški kandidat progresivne stranke, je nq svojem tukajšnjem shodu 8 okt udaril po delavskih la# voditeljih, o kateri!) je rel^el nda so ¿olj nevarni organiziranemu delavstvy nego je' Taft-ttartlčyev' zakon." Wallace se je v Puget Soun-dy rpudil dvg dni in Ipiel več shodov in novinarskih konferenc, ööyöril je tudi 2,000 dijakom' na obronku kampusa državne univerze in udrihal po držaynem "malem neameriškem odtjorü* sestojecem iz državnih poslancev, ki je preči pur meseci s sVp-jo inkvizicijo teroriziral okrog 50 liberalni^ profesorjev državne univerze. Ne kampanjskem sb<$,u y t,em mestu si je Wallace privoščil tudi delavske laživoditelje, "Izdajajo'delovno ljudstvo, prodajajo I\jib interese in spr^min^jo unije v hlapčevske siibverzivne organizacije". V službi so istin interesov, ki vodijo doma ¿'vro-¿"•o vojno proti ameriškemu ljudstvu, v inozemstvu pa rorzlp volno s svojo dvpstrgnkersko politiko." ' ' • "Mi lahko vidimo, kako so bile ponosne demokratične ynii* vržene v kon^uzijo in bolj, učinkovito strte in zlomUene radi izdajstva od znotraj, nego radi pri- Paris.—Itslijanska vlada išče tiska od zunaj. Njih voditelji so ngčina, kako bi ae izognila dobili črnolistani in na njih mesta ločbi mirovne pogodbe, po kate-so prišli l#ži vaditelji. Na k^le-1 ri bi morgig £Cueiji i*CPčiti 33 nä.so IŽTe potisnjene unije, ki ¿6 bconih<>o M» qdljlanjfjo pogajanje z unijami, in sicer ne aamp z upornimi, marveč tudi • ponižnim* Glede sle. S^ vi • , Pittsburgh. Pa.—Tom Dewey, newyoriki governor - in republikanski predsedniški kandidat, se je v svojem "delavskem" govoru v tem mestu zadpji pondeljek izrekel za Taift-Hartleyev zakon, ki je največji trn v peti vseh linijskih voditeljev, vsega organiziranega delavstva. ; "Dewey* je rekel, da je ta za kon v hiatvu "fcirav", dasi "ne perfekten." T>ejal je, "v kolikor se bo pokazafo, da ta zakon potrebuje štaNfiherribe,* bodo re-pu bi i kanci' to tftorlll. Ampak to je defal 'tako dVoumnO, da njegove besede lahko portieritfo iu-di spremembo šakorta na šlabše, to Je U večjo p56atHt»v jirbil delavstvu. ' Dewey' je rekel, d« ta zakon podpira velika večini ameriškega ljudstva in dal razumeti, da tudi on smatra, da J* "dober", ker je "znižal itavke za polovl-''redličirsl odslavljanje delavcev' za 257«," "Jurladlkcljske stavke pa iUoro odpravil.* Na drugI stčatti pa'ta ¿ikon "pospešuje^ kolektivni" pogajanji in '^rotektira" dšlkvske pravice. Zato je kampanja proti temu zakort povsem "brez podlage" s strani T*utoana, unijških voditeljev ali firdgWsiveev. I>eWey je' dejal, da tega zakona n\$o sprejeli' le ' rejkibUkancl, "marveč je zanj gWaovkU tudi "večina demokratov." Zat«? ta zakon ne takd slab' kf-kor pravtfo njegttvf rfespidthiM. Sicer pa ni poved|U d^ so^U za kon sesUvlU odve^n^i Iz članske Vse zato, ker se I Slišno Hupčijo je skušala skle in reakcionarni ^ TKl! je, da bi se > bolj trda-ker nli^a poUtlč nega r*zU>gp za kako naklonje nost' IUUjT Ona zahteva, da ji more Italija Izročiti njej dolo-eeniia 33 bojnih Ledij. Iz diplomatičniji krogov se do-znava, da mis^'iUdi(j^n«ka vlada apelirati na svet zunanjih mini sU?y-Atrije ^rancUe Ameri >e in Rusife-d«, Jo razreši U do ločbe mirovne poflodb^. Namen te' pdteze Je ¿veda noUanjtfpo-Utičen: municlja siroti Rušlji In italijanskim komuhistom- f New York —Ameriška unija za civilne Mvobodščine je Ihterv <• »»» • k i Tone flabt v bolnišnici Chicago.—Tone Slabe, pomožni urednik Proavete, se Je včeraj na Aisvet' dr. Johna Zavertnlka pddal v bolnišnici st. Anthony •nš preiskavo In možno lažjo ope-recijo. Tone, na Skorajšnje okre vkhje! " ' ' Oblajk Chicago.—Glavni urad si^PJ >0 11. okt. obiskali, sledeči pevci Ui pevke zbora'S&arje iz Clevc-landa, ki so sodelovali na proslavi 4^ letnice društva Sla vije. Ralph Polshak, Joseph Tekavec, H!dwin Poljšak, John Kokal, Jennie Ifatur, Alice Tekavec, Diana Slaty?, Josephine Turk, Frank ilersicb, Andrew Turkman, Victoria Poljšak, Host ym, Sally Slrumbell, Fygnk Fatur,' Albert fatut, Frank iflemencic, Rose Jurman, Nek^j ZarJanov se je Vrhflö domov 'i vlakom v nede-ljo z^e&r/wtedefrf pa so odjlll v pondelj^lf flutrtij z avM- Vwn odlok caiiforrujtktga •odMa >• . ' •» » » • '«» » h $an Franciaco —Državno vrhovno »odišre je s štu imi proti trem glasovom razveljavilo državni zakon v zadnjem stoletju, ki prepoveduje tako svane mešane poroke med belopolte! in drugimi rasami. Večina sodišče Je izjavila, "da }e poroka nekaj več nego civilna pogodba, podvržena regulecip države Poroka je lundementalna pravica svo bodmh ljudi M bomo vert^o In odločno za rezkrinkanje komunlišiV Vf njih aktivnosti" (• kon^eimiM nesmferlšklm odboroiti), Končno bodo republikanci poskrbeli, 4,da bo svet, v kster#fo iivl mo, postil evet miri/ iii de bodo evetel* AoveDte pravite in ae širil človeški nipredet." Vse kar je potrebno za dosego lega "programa": fe IfeVolItlv lWevja »n republikancev se ae ha polegla Vojne puetila posledice» pravi Forr%ft4al Cklra#o 12. okt * Obrambni UJnlk Jgmes Forrestal je V svojem govoru v Chicagu dejal, de se svetovna napetost ne bo polegla Horda bo trajeU nafte življenje in življenje naših otrok Politični rezultat druge sve-te vne vopie ae oéituje t dveh' prazninah Ena je v Evropi. kon Ojrisaf d?h Mitične lip ZVw»oif »IcUcU z« financiranj« ..... , Washington. D. C, 12. okt.— ^ithúV Bf'Lyon jé orisal delo politične lige, katero so ustanovile bratovščine železničarjev, pp je načelnik lige. Lyon je dejal, da bo liga so-delovala z drugimi organizacijami V kampanji za preklic Taft-HartleVevega protidelav-skegs zakona. Liga je bila u-stanovljena v decembru preteklega ' leta. V eksekUtivnem odboru sd t^prezentsnti 20 le-leznišklh bratovščin, ki imajo čez 1,500,000 člkno*. '' ' Lyon je tudi tajnik ekseku-tivnegn odobra železniških bra tovfiilif Néinanil' je, da ligi« Zbira skled' za financiranje pol)'-t,ičnih akt i vri ost i volilni k«m-psrtjl. Olivni stsn lige je v f^asljlln^tbnu, x^iemSSim« vodSmlji Frankfurt Nemčija, 12. okt.-Fršncoskl kunsnji minister Robert Schuman Je d<»spel v Nemčijo.' fljegev obisk Je povzročil presenečenje. SonUI se Je s Petrom Altmelerjem, predaedni-kom nemške province Rhein land-Pfalz V francoski coni, voditelji nemške cerkve in strokovnih unij v Coblenzu. drugs v Aziji. Moč, sko se nsm dopsde ali ne, gre neizbežno v praznine, da se vzpostavi revno- tetj4* Forrestsl je dejal, da Amerl* ka stoji pred težkimi' nalogami. Najtežje je poakus se reattvri-ran je političnega ekonomskega in s pridobila pet, br. Zrlmm pa dva Včla^kem kontestu Je to društvo na drugem mestu s 64 novimi člani, tfa prvem mestu Je še vedno društVo 716 v Imperial^, Pa. i 66 novimi člani. Kakor kaže, se tudi društvo Trolans 7*9 v Johnst,ownu, Pa., ikuša prifinitl v ospiedje v prvem dlstHktu'. V septembru Je prijavilo pet nadaljnjih novih članov—skupsj 22, od teh 1) v zadnjih dveh mesecih. V ospredju pri tem dr'ultVu nta sšitri Ann Brlcely in Dorothy Qlavacb. V drugem cHstiiktu pa so v boibl za orvenstvo štiri društva Na vodilnem mestu je zdaj društvo 321 V Warrenu, 0.« ki Je prijavilo nadaljnjih osem novih članov ln doseglo svojo kvoto. Tik na drugem mestu sta društvi Utopians $04 v CJevelandu ln 176 v Pipey Forku, O^ na tretjem pa društvo Utruggler* 614 V Cleve-landu, Razlika med temi društvi Je majhni—le trije člani. V Plney Forku Je zopet na delu John Mandieh, tajnik drušlvs 176, ki jt zopet prijavi) pet novih članov. Med posameznimi kon-testanti v drugem dlstrlktu Je bil meseca švgusta in septembra na prvem mestu. On se Je razvil v enega najbolj uspešrtih aglta torjev ln tudi tajnikov. V kampanji leta 1W2-43 Je na primer pridobil točno sto novih članov, od katerih Jih )e v društvu šf vedno 78'/*, kar Je selo dober rekord. Večkrat je laže pridobiti nove člane kakor Jih pa obdržati V društvu.' Tudi društvo Cleveland 128 Jt v tej kampanji pridno no delu ZdšJ Je ponovno prijavilo pet novih članov, skupaj 16 v tej kam-panji—do kvote še 13. Društvo Young Americans lz De-trite Je zopet prijavilo štiri, skupaj 20 novih članov—Še pet dc kvote. ' Tudi v tretjem kampanjskem dlstrlktu se giblje Sestra Je sepfclne Frantar, tajnica Uruštv* 130 v Kvelethu, Minn,, Je zopet prijavile šeit Vfovlh člšnov 8 (em le prekosila društveno kvoti in se v tem dlstrlktu v drugI polovici kampanje pomaknila ns prvo mesto med kontestantl. Pji agitaciji Ji pomaga tudi Uršks Ambroskh. predsednica društva in članica gl. odbor». Nš drugem nSestu v tem dlstrlktu Je društvo Moderns 634 v Hhe-boygartu, Wis., kl Je prijavilo zobet šest novih članov, Tri Je pridobil tajnik frank Reenlck tri p'« J«eMi V tej kampanji jih Je pridobilo »e trili Manjkilo le trije do kvote. To društve je tudi v lanski ksmpanjl nspršvilo dober rekord. ' Najbolje *o se zednjl meae«' v tem dlstrlktu odrezsli pri društvu DelaCeč n v South ČHlfcggli, In ilcer s sedmimi novimi člsnl. dent jih je prfdobll podpredsednik Jdhe Zatkevicb. enega ps predaed nlk Joe Keelch.' To drUŠtvo le breeej pozno stopilo v ksmpsnjo tods se j š' VdrUgl polovici f* dvignilo ne tretje mesUi v dlstrlktu Toda naši Južni Clkežanl pravijo, de se morajo dvigniti na prvo mesto, kar se lahko fcgbdl. **J<1 >«adar se pri Delavcu zsvzsmejo za ksko stvsr, fo tUdI Izvedejo IX, kones septembra Je bilo aktivnih v kampanji 314 društev od katerih Jih je 26 doseglo svdje kvote Druga društva, skoro polovica, še spe in brezbrižno gWaJo na kampanjo A i društva tako delala, bi Ha JednMe nazaj, ne naprej Kampanja bo trajala še dobrih šest tednov ln je še čas, da tudi ostala društva nekaj pokažejo. Ce bi vaako «>d'teh društev pridobilo vsa) enega ali dva nova člana, bi se to zelo poznalo pri skupnem številu novih članov. Upamo, da bodo v prihodnjih tednih to tudi storila Kako sloje vodilna društva v t*j kampanji po diatriktih ln ksko vodilni kon test srn i, je rszvidno »r deta|l»rane«s poročila psitjskegs direktorja v angleški sekciji današnje Prtisvete Mfdevrojsb1 trgovina se obnavlja Trgovci "M*rthallo-vik držav" to pripravljeni prodajati komunistom Parts.-Medtem ko Amerika vztraja pri svojih ekonomskih ssnkeijah proti levičarskim reži» mom v vzhodni Evropi, v katerih komunisti igrajo glavno vlogo, se zapadne države, vključene v Marshallovem načrtu, pripravljajo nu obnovo trgovine z vzhodno Evropo, v kolikor še ni bila obnovljena. V trgovinskih stikih z vzhod-no Evropo so ž«» aH po bodo V kratkem vsaj tri "Marshollove države'- dvlca, Belgija in Švedska. Trgovci In tovarnarji teh driav so našli bogat trg za sv<>i< izdelke za "zastorjem", in to predvsem za nove stroje, kemikalije in precizno orodje. Med Švico in Jugoslavijo Je bile nedavno sklenjena petletna trgovinska pogodba, po kateri bo Švica poslala Jugoslaviji za 250,-000,000 švicarskih frankov (|86,-000,000 strojev ln "instalacij1'. Za enako vsoto bo Jugoslavija poslala Švici svoje izdelke in pridelke—v glavnem lito in druge poljedelske pridelke. Vsa trgovina med vzhodno ln zapadno Evropo namreč baiiro na podlagi 'Izmenjave- vrednost za en.< ta protivrednost. To trgovino bodo financirale odnosno posredovale s strani Švice privatne Švicarske banke. Švicarska vlada tej obnovi trgovine n "komunističnim1' vzhodom ne stsvi nobenih zspNrif. Ker Amerike ne gleda prijazno na obnovo te trgovine, je Švica zadnjič protestirale v Evropski ekonomski komisiji Z. N., češ, de hočejo Združene države diktirati ekonomsko politiko državam, ki so čistilce Marshallovega načrta. Zs obnovo trgovine z vzhodnimi držsvsml in Rusijo sn na delo tudi belgltskl kapitalistični Interesi. Iz teh virov se dozna-va, da tudi belgijska vlada ne bo metala polen pod noge. Belgijski «ksportorti so v razgovorih s Poljsko, Cehoslovaško In Rusijo, kjer je velika zahteva po belgijskem jeklu in železnini/ Tretja država, ki že trguje z vzhodno Evropo In Rusijo, je ^vt»d*ku, ki ima dobro razvito strojno in Jeklarsko industrijo. Z Rusijo |e že lani napravila važno trgovinsko pogmibo, po kateri Je začela sovjetom dostavljati električne sinile in drugo mš-širierijo. Proti sklenitvi te pogodb« le protestirala ameriška vlsdu, (oda le švedska vlada piro-tisi Odklonila, Pričakuje se, dk bo v kratkem sklenjena tudi važna trgovlnsk* pog.idha med Jugoslavijo In Anglijo Poznava se, ^la )e edl-na točka vprašanje odškodnine, ki naj Jo plsčs Jugoslavija angleškim kupitallstom zs podržavljeni kapital Pričakuje se, da bo to vprašanje v kratkem rešeno, nskar bo med obema državama obnovljena trgovina nt podlagi izmenjave. ' Vzhodne države bi marsikaj raje kupile v Ameriki, tod a vladajoče sile v državnem in vojnem drpar tmentu le ne marajo nič slišati o obnovi trgovine s vzfxK.no Evropo. Hi§a to ti obrehovolca kam Sj^paJ mod ¿0iiBti m poiscißo v Rim, 12. okt —Fašisti so se spopad n s pol***)0 v glavnem delu Rima Oeaet oeeb )e bilo ranjenih Do spbpadi je prišlo na pr*dv*t«r obravnave proti bivšemu maršalu Roščint Z N preklic resolucije, ki je bila pred dvema leto-ma sprejeta proti Francovemu režimu S to rcaolucljo je skupščina na svojem prvem /usedanju zapila vrata klcrofašistični Špa nijl in uiglrulu vlade, naj iz Madridu odpokličejo svoje poalanikc Vrtina članic Z N, je to storila—Izjema je bilo le par lutlnsko-ameriških držav z Argentino na ¿elu. Toda s to svojo propoalcljo Marshall nt imel preveč sreče. Na« letel je na "pomisleke" pri obeh Bevln nt hotel pristati na Mar-shallov predlog, ker se je zbal revolle v delavski stranki, Schuman pa tudi Iz stičnega razloga? kei In *e temu uprli francoski socialisti, kar bi lahko pomenilo padet vlade In zbltžanjc med komunisti In socialisti Ameriška dolarska diplomacija Ima torej tudi svoje težkoče. Amp*.k kak<>! vse ku/e, je Bevtn na delu, da na svoj način "strmoglavi" Fi unco v težim in s tem reši tudi "naš" državni department In Pentagon Bullding Angleška skema Je. da se genera1 Flanco "prostovoljno** umskne v o/udje, vlsdo pa vsaj nominalno izroči koaliciji monarhistov, desntčursklh republikancev In "upor m" sekciji (alangistov (klerofašistovl. Kakor smo čitali Vadnj* dni, je lievinu že uspelo, da le "združil" španske monarhlste In "republikance " V Washingtomi so /e Izjavili, da odobravajo ta načrt. In pod pritiskom Amerike m» bo morala z njim sprijazniti tudi francoska viuda * Za ta načrt m» bodo najhržc navdutoji tudi naši "antifašisti" okrog A.I) I)u ho tudi "antifašisti", ne Mimo untikomunihti. smo prvič po dolgih letih i/vedeli iz uvodnik« A D od 17 sept Pred leti. zlasti v dobi civilne vojne, je bila A D vneta zagovornica s krvjo oblitega Francovega klcrofašietičnega režima, kakor je bila tudi zagovornica nndobnega režima v Avstriji po klcmfašističnem puču v inuiru IW.'ll^ V rečefvem uvodiífku p« med drugim citamo Katoličani obsojamo totalitärstvo nuj bo v Hitlerjev» Nemčiji, v Muaaoltnijevl lUlijl v Pa vel ict vi Hrvatski v Stalinovi Sovjetljl, v Titovi Jujo- IZ ZAPADNE METROPOLE PuaMo, Colo.—Na nsši drui-tveni aejl, katera je, da ponovno opomnim, vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu, je bilo nekako živahno. Obe seji, Oriova in Sansova, sta bili, če vzamemo v poštev vse razmere v primeri čez poletje, v precejšnjem številu zastopani. Razpravljalo se je o prihodnjih volitvah, kar da veliko gradiva. Katie Vivods je sprožile idejo, da bi bilo dobro, če se podprs po možnosti lokalno progrsslvno stranko v finančnem oziru. Odzvali smo ae in prispevali iz Or-love blagajne $25, iz Sansove pa $50. Ona se, kakor tudi še precej drugih zraven, izredno trudi, da bi se skozi volitev v novembru izboljšal položaj nsm vsem, ne samo tistim, ki delajo za stranko. Veliko priznanja gre tudi Johnu Stonlchu. Na seji smo tudi dvignili številko, katera je zadela akupino porcelanaste posode, za katero smo že precej časa prodajali tikete. Slučaj je hotel, da je dobil krožnike in skledčke naš naročnik Proavete Jože Zabukovec, ženske smo pa kar nevoščljive. Bolna je bila Rose Hibler, Martin Miklich ae še vedno bojuje za mroje okrevanje od padca, Jake Pavlich se je bil pobil pri delu v palec na roki. Radi mučnega prissds se je moral podati v bolnišnico, ker je fp Jake močne nsravs, je v#e premagal. Stanje Johna Faturja v Paoniji je slabo, kot piše njegova žena. Na novo na bolniški listi sta Natali* Dovgan, katera je bila operirana, In Joe Zakraysek starejši, ki se je moral podati v bolnišnico. Prosveta, kot se meni zdi, je naredila napreden korak s tiskanjem tednika na prvi strani v angleškem jeziku. Se naš razna-šalec pošte vso prvo stran preštudira, preden jo potakne v škatljo. Naročnica P ros ve te Frances Verblch je prispevala $2 v sklad za svobodni tisk, kar ¡* MijVrtm,,/* ¿Mm Poi. ločita. V nedsljo, dne 17. okt., bomo obdrisvsli federscijsko sejo društev SNPJ zs južno Colorudo v Narodnem domu, zsčetek ob drugI url popoldne. Poziv na društva je najbrže oddal tajnik federacije John Klancher. Imeli smo toliko raznovrstnih zsprek čez vse poletje, da je bilo nemogoče kaj spraviti skupaj. Pa boljše pozno kot nobsnkrst. Po nsvadi imamo najlepšo jesen v Coloru-du in v oktobru so še solnčni dnevi, zsto ps pridite vsi zastopniki društev in pripeljite s sabo Še drugo članstvo. Ker se nismo Že dolgo videli, se bomo ps sedaj bolje poglsdsli. Če bi bil ps alučajno dež, imamo ps atre- 2o v dvorani. Povabljeno je tudi aše pueblsko članstvo, ne samo zastopniki; če bo nas več, bolje bo! Jfcto vss s veseljem prlča-kujemo tretjo nedeljo v mesecu, to je 17. oktobrs. Strinjam ae a Frankom Zsi-tzem, urednikom Proletarcs, ds je bil pokojni Vlncent Csinkar eden najpopularnejših gl. uradnikov SNPJ. Najbrže radi tega, ker je prišel msd članatvo, da »mo ga osebno poznali. Pretresla nas je njegova amrt, kot da smo izgubili krvnega aorodnika, ne samo društvenega brata, posebno nas, društvene tajnike, ker v Csinkai ju smo imeli dobrega prijatelja In zagovornika in mi tmo to upoštevali. Zelo lepo je vae opisal ured- nik Garden, Mirko Kuhel, Anton I DOMAČA ZABAVA Trojar, o njegovem jednotinem PROGRESIVNIM SLOVENK in političnem delovanju, o njegovi amrt i In pogrebu. Samo to nI prav urejeno na tem svetu, da je vse to opisano, vse to prizns-nje dano, ko dotičnika ni več med nami. Upoštevsti bi morali zasluge neutrudljivega delavca, kot je bil Cainkar, za blagor organizacije SNPJ, kakor tudi za dobrobit slovenskega naroda v Ameriki, ie pred njegovo smrtjo! Ampak je ie tako, da ae šele potem domislimo, ko nastane vrzel v vrsti zssluienlh mol Na zadnji seji smo na poziv predsednika društva vstali in a tem oddali zadnji pozdrav vsli-kemu in nepozsbnemu brstu Csinkarju! Rese Radovich. HENRY WALLACE V ZAPAD-NI PENNI II. OKTOBRA! Pittsburgh. Pa.—Zapadna Pen na, kjer je ie od nekdaj trdnjava zavednega delavstva, bo ijxve-la zopet priliko slišati velikega pobornik* za malega človska Henry j a Wallacea. Pripravite se za ta pomemben dan! Wallacev ahod ae bo vršil pondeljek, 18. oktobra, v Du-quesne Gardensu, ki ima prostora za 6,000 oseb. Na tem shodu bo nastopil tudi naft pisatelj Louis Adamič. Začetek shoda ob 8:15 zveter. Za ta ahod je tudi določeno da vsaka narodnost doprinese določeno padni Pennaylvaniji zali, da zberejo skupaj $1,500. Apeliramo na nale klube, pod porna društva in domove, daj dosežemo to kvoto ie pred 18* oktobrom, nakar bo oddana na* večer shoda. Denar poftljite v urad progresivna stranke, 111 Ninth at., Pittsburgh, ali pa ga a seboj prinaaite na ahod. Danes se nahajamo v kritičnih časih in če se ne bomo zdaj zganili, potim ae prav lahko zgodi, da bodo nad deželo dobili rndd^tisU^lcQw raft-kanetill' no-; vo svetotno ^ojne, Upanje Amerike je v progresivni stranki in Wallaceu, kateri deluje za MIR, ENAKOPRAVNOST IN PRO SPERITETO! Henry Wallace se bo najprvo sestal na seji z odborniki tukajšnje progresivne stranke in drugimi podporniki te stranke, zvečer pa bo naatopll na ahodu. Nabiralne pole za priapevke lahko dobite v lokalnem uradu progresivne stranke na 111 Ninth st., Pittaburgh. Posežlte po njih in pojdite med prijatelje ter skušajte pridobiti čim več prispevkov. Boj z bogatimi ka pital Isti se lie da voditi, če ni denarja! Bratje, delavci in delavke, stopimo na plan in deluj mo za progresivno stranko sedaj, dokler je čas! In ne pozabite se udeležiti shoda v pondeljek, 18. oktobra! Matt Cvetic. V LLOYDELLU BODO ZOPET PLESALI! Lloydell. Pa«—V naši naselbini bomo Imeli zopet ples, in sicer 17. oktobra. Za ples bo i-grala Koračinovs godba lz Yu kons. Ples se bo pričel ob oamih zvečer In bo trajal do jpolnočl Na dan 5. septembra ps je pri nss igral John Brultz in njegov orkeater lz Masontowns. Vsi ao bili zsdovoljnl, tako ds ga bomo zopet nsjsli. Na avldenje 17. oktobra! Matilda Evsncic. West Al lis. Wis.—Prva priredba v te j sezoni bo domača zabava v proslavo prve obletnice ustanovitve krožke Progresivnih Slovenk dne 23. oktobrs v Len-kotovi dvorani. Članice, ki so v resnici aktivne in požrtvovalne, se pridno pripravljajo za tisto priredbo, tako da se je bo zares vredno udsletiti. Kar kosajo se, katera bo več in boljših dobrin skuhale in spekla, ter tako pomagala krožku do lepšega uspeha, udeležence pa napravila, kar se da zadovoljne. lfilwaučanke in sosede, pozabite dne 23. oktobra svojim moiiČkom skuhati večerjo ter jih pripeljite k. Len kotu tisti večer. Garantiramo vam, da bodo možje z našo postrežbo in nizko ceno zadovoljni, ve boste pa imele vsaj nekoliko počitke—seveda, če vas plea ne bo preveč utrudil! To se pa zna zgoditi, ker imele bomo izvrstno godbo. Gotovo ste sliieie na dan SNPJ v Pleasant Valleyju tiste kajone, ki so tako imenitno zabavali občinstvo pred oficialnim programom. Well, tisti bodo i-grall, kar znači, da bo dovolj zabfve, rajanja In ameha. Zaznamujte 8i ta dan v koledarju; pridite in nam pomagajte pospraviti večerjo, potice, štrudel-ne, kolače in krofe. Imeniten večer vaa čaka, ne zamudite ga! članice krožka prosim, da se di aktiven in dobro organiziran. Vodita gs Gertrude Tavčar in Louise Pink. Opozarjam starše mladinskih članov, da jih pošljete na sejo, kar bo otrokom v veliko korist, saj tudi pregovor pravi, kar se naučijo v mladosti, to znajo tudi v starosti. S tem, dfe jih pošljete na sejo, boste dali veselje tudi vodstvu. Spomnite se zadnje igre, v 'kateri so prvič nastopili naši mladi člani. Kadar prejmete poziv na sejo, prosim, da se je udeležite. Razpravljali bomo 9 pripravah za maškeradno veselico. Frank Tabornik. tajnik št. 518. SEJA IN VESELICA DRUŠTVA M SNPJ Ckicsgo, 111. — Članstvo društva Narodni vitezi 39 SNPJ opozarjam na redno sejo, ki se bo vršila v sredo, 20. oktobra To bo zelo važna seja iz več vzrokov. Nadzorni odsek bo poročal o poslovanju in imetju društvene blagajne. Ker bo naše društvo priredilo veselico 30. oktobra v dvorani SNPJ, je izredne važnosti, da se priglasi dovolj članov is članic za razna dela. Nadalje opozarjam, da mora v tem mesecu v smislu sklepa zad nje redne seje vsak član in članica odraslega oddelka plačati 50c izrednega asesmenta, za kar prejme vsak eno vstopnico za naio veselico. Prosim članstvo da ta sklep upošteva! Aktivej — r- — ------—— —- — i— — ■ r -r—--------- vsoto. Slovenci v za-:zagotovo udeležijo seje dne 19. šlm članom pa ao.bile poslane tnaylvaniji ao ae obve-* oktobra pri Lenkotu. Seja se bo j vstopnice za prodajanje. Upam, slavlji uli k|er koli na tem božjem svetu. Tudi v Španiji!" Torej stopiocrntni "demokrati" . . . Kes ho katoličani, ki oboojsjo tudi Frsncovo diktaturo. In bili so katoličani, ki so obsojali tudi Psvellčevo diktaturo. Tods med temi ni bilo "antlfašlatov" in "demokratov" okrog A.D. V resnici prt A.D še danea perejo škofa Stepincs ln njegove klerofsšlste, ki so ns vwej črti sodelovsll s krvjo oblltlm Pavcllčem. največjo pro-paMco vse Evrope, in v imenu Boga ln papeža ln katoliške cerkve uganjal« največja barbarstva, s katerimi so poeeksli celo nsetje. Tudi ni: mo še čitslt, da bi se pri A.D. ksj zgražali nad Vatikanom, ki še danes skriva tn varuje barbarskega Pavellča. Sicer pa jr dr. Krek, novi urednik A.D.. v tem uvodniku vklju čil Francov režim le "rsdt lepšogs"—zato, ds je lshko s debelo gorječn neresnice udsrll po špsnsklh republikancu* in svobodo-mislecih, ki so "po odprsvl monsrhlje . . . kpreHll strahotno pre ganjanjt katoličanov . . In jih "poklali desetUtPČe " Dvomimo, da je "novi urednik" A D. tako slabo lnformlnm o pol pretekli zgodovini Španije, marveč je veliko neresnico o "strahotnem preganjanju" ln "mesnem pokolju katoličanov" aepiaal—lz navade Resnici jr. da je Franco poklal vsaj stokrat vel katoličanov, med njimi tudi par ato duhovnov v Asturijt. nego ao jih španski "svo-hndomi*1ec»"\ IinI.i je kljub temu imel vsi» oporo Vatikana in tudi —A D pričela ob osmih, toda jaz bom tam ie ob sedmi uri zvečer, da bodo članice imele priliko pred da bo storil sleherni svojo dolž nost in prodal čim več vstopnic svojim prijateljem in članom aejo poravnati aaesment. Pridi- drugih društev. Vstopnic pa ni te vae in pripeljite Še kaj novih treba prodajati' našim članom članic. Ančka Puocer. tajnica. TT POBOČILO TAJNO* DRUŠTVA lil SNPJ DešrolL Mick.—Narava ne či-ta in ne piše nobenih knjig, vendar «se letne dobe izpreminjajo TM vpaFlfCA ob določei^m Času. vg^koileto. ^ VESgUCA Delevec se bi lahko ie mri^o'DIUW¥Af 11 Lr FILMI IZ STARE DOMOVINE V IMPERIALU ImperiaL Pa-—Več rojakov se e> izrazilo, da bi radi videli ki-no-slike iz stare domovine, zato ih bomo predvajali v nedeljo poDoldne, 17. oktobra, v dvorani društva 106 SNPJ (Slovenski dom). Torej boste imeli priliko videti in slišati, kaj vse se je doga-alo v naši stari domovini, ko je >ila okupirans od sovražnikov prav tako, kaj se dogaja danes. Videli boste prizore z Bleda, iz Ljubljane, zelene Štajerske in epe Dolenjske, dalje prizore iz Slovenskega Primorjs, ribiče na sinjem Jadranu, krasne gorenjske planine in gore, Vrbo, rojstno vas pesnika Prešerna itd. Zelo važni so dokumentarni filmi, ki so bili posneti ob času nemške okupacije in ki so živa priča o narodnem izdaistvu generala Rupnika, škofa Rožnika in drugih. Te filme so Nemci ob času bega iz Ljubljane pozabili, ali pa niso imeli časa, da bi jih uničili. Videli boste tudi veličastno manifestacijo mlade generacije ob proslavi fizkulturnega praznika in druge zanimive prizore. Da, vse to boste lahko videli v nedeljo, 17. oktobra, v Slovenskem domu. Vstopnina je samo 35 centov za osebo. Vabimo vas, da izkoristite to priliko in se udeležite te filmske predstave. To je zadnja priložnost, da si ogledate te filme, za-eno pa bo SANS preskrbel še več Aikih filmov iz stare domovine. Ves prebitek bo poslan SANSu v ta namen. Prosimo vas, da pridete ob času, ker se bo pričelo kazanje slik točno ob štirih f>opoldne. Videli boste tudi kino-slike zadnje kon- naučil od narave in se pripravil za deževni dan, al preskrbel za preživljanje na stara leta. To bi lahko ie davno dosegel, ako bi večina delavstva čltala delavske časopise, namesto ds verjame pri voskih volitvah .raznim kandidatom, kateri sejejo prazne obljube, po volitvah ps ni ne sluha ne duha o tistih oblju« bah. Vzrok, da se dsnes milijonom delavcem godi krivice, tiči v tem, ker se malo ali pa nič ne zanimajo za svoje interese. Ako bi se dslsvci zsvsdsll svoje moči, katero bi lahko izvsjsli, če bi bili združeni, bi na mah odpadlo Izkoriščanje, brezposelnost in beda. Prsd nsm! ao volitve. Ako se bo delavstvo združilo in spoznalo prave vzroke, ki nes tepejo, v prvi vrati profltni Štetem, bi lshko napravilo velik korak v smeri odprsvs tega izkoriščevul-negs sistema. Čsa je ie, da bi ts sistem nadomestili s drugim, v katerem bi delavec delal za delavca in ne za velike dobičkarje. Priporočam, ds vsi delujete za zmago, Wallacea in Tgylorja. če hočemo, da bo zmagalo delavstvo pri prihodnjih volitvah. Večkrat aem ie mialll, ds se bo oglasil kakšen član našega društva 516 8NPJ in poročal o aktivnostih ln napredku nsiegs društva. Društvo sicer napreduje v Številu članstva, finančno pe nazaduje, to pa lz razloge, ker podpremo vsako dobro akcijo. Sedaj imamo tudi precejšnje število bolnikov. Ciril Rent ae je moral podvreči operaciji v Fordovi bolnišnici. Bolniške nakaznice je trebs predložiti ns društveni seji, če pa pridejo v roke tajniku po seji. morsjo čs-ksti do prthodnjs seje. • Članstvo opozarjsm ns bolj točno plačevanje ase amen ts, kateri mora biti plačan do zadnjega v mesecu. 'Ako se vam pripeti nesreče, n! krivda tgjnlka. Kampanja za nove člene je fte zmeraj odprta, člani, ki Imajo otroke, a jih ne vpišejo v drui-tvo. niso zevedni členi SNPJ Priporočam, da pripelješ* kaj novih članov na prihodnjo sejo in s tem boste pokazali, da sle tudi vi vneti členi našegs društva Mledtntki krožek št. 56 je tu- ker jih bo vsak član prejel, bodisi na prihodnji seji alr pa po pošti V upanju, da boete vsi'vencije SNPJ. Po programu bo storili svojo dolžnost, vas po- sledila prosta zabava/ zdravi j a— | Torej na veselo svidenje v ne- John Potokur. tajnik. deljo, 17. oktobra! Chlceg», 111. — Članstvo društva 86 SNPJ opozarjam na redno mesečno sejo, katera se bo vršila v nedeljo, 17. okt., v navadnih proatorih. Ta seja bo zelo važna, ker je zadnja pred našo veselico,-katera se bo vršila dne 30. okt. Potrebno je, da bi vsi člani in članice sodelovali. Uspeh te veselice bo v dobrobit društva. To pa bomo dosegli z dobro kooperacijo članstva. Naj omenim, da sklep društva je, da so vsi člani in članice prosti vstopnine za omenjeno veselico. Veselica se bo vršila v Aldine-dvorani, 911 Armitage ave. Vstopnina bo jako mala za današnje čaae, samo 60c oziroma krajcarjev z davkom vred. Več o tej priredbi bo poročeno prihodnjič. John Morst tsjnik. Za podružnico 110 SANSa: -rr^von Laaivtsjc. NA ZNANJE ČLANICAM DRUlTVO 544 ŠNPJ VABI NA VESELICO Cleveland. O.—Društvo Vele-bit It. 544 SNPJ bo priredilo jesensko veselico v soboto, 16. oktobra, v Domu zapadnih Slovencev, 6818 Denison s ve., začetek ob sedmih zvečer. Vabimo vse občinstvo iz šir-negs Clcvelanda,*ds nss poseti v velikem številu. Za ples bodo igrali izvrstni godci. Jedsče in pijsče bo dovolj zs vse. Tudi kranjskih klobss ne bo man J ka-lo. Le pridite in se bomo imenitno zabavali. Pesnik Prešeren je zapisal, da je dolgost življenja kratka—torej veselimo se življenja, dokler smo iivl! Odbor. maAkebadna veselica krožka iT. IS progresivnih slovenk Csnomaagk. Pa.—Krožek ŠL 10 Progresivnih Slovenk bo priredil maškeradno veselico dne 30. oktobrs v Slovenskem domu v Conemsughu. - Za ples bo igrsls izvrstna god bs Jake a Msrtlnčiča Iz Strabsna. Vabljeni ste vsi od blizu in daleč. ds nas posetite In se po veselite med nemi. Odbor bo skr* bel za dobro postrežbo. Ns razpolago bodo pristne kranjske klobase In druge dobrote. Jake pe bo tako veselo Igral, ds se bo vse vrtelo. Torej pomnile, dan 30 oktobrs! Ples se bo pričel ob nsmih /večer in bo trajal do polnoči. AI Ko Mole. KROŽKA 15 PS Ogloaby, I1L—Naznanjam članicam krožka 15 Progresivnih Slovenk in tudi drugim rojakom, ki bi želeli iti z avtobusom v, Chicago dne 24. oktobra, naj se prijavijo Anni Dular, telefon 314, ali pa pokličite mene 332 R Oglesby. Seja našega krožka se bo vršila 14. oktobra, začetek ob osmih zvečer, ne kateri se boste lshko prijsvill za vožnjo z avtobusom. Torej, ako se bo prijavilo dovolj oseb, bomo naročili avtobus. Progresivne Slovenke v Chi-cagu bodo imele ob priliki prve obletnice lep program, namreč igralci iz Detroits bodo gostovali z igro "Svet brez sovraštva". Na svidenje! Chrlatlna Nadvesnlk. . ... ! * 1 VINSKA TRGATEV DRUŠTVA 615 SNPJ Los Angelss. Cel. — Društvo 615 SNPJ bo priredilo vinsko trgatev in plesno veselico v soboto, 30. oktobra v Amerlško-hrvatski dvorani, 330 So. Ford Blvd., Esst Los Angeles. Zs ples bo igrsl Louls Simončič ln njegov orkester. • Vsblmo vse članstvo našega društva, ds se gotovo udeleži te društvene veselice, kskor tudi člsnstvo in prijstelje sosednjih društev. Odbor bo skrbel za dobro postrežbo, tako da ne bo nihče ne žejen ne lačen. Pridite ln se boste dobro zsbavsll, ob priliki vsm ps bomo poset vrnili. Ns vsselo svidenje! Mary Kotchnlk. tajnica. VABILO NA MAŠKERADNO VESELICO Joknstown. Pa^-Društvo Triglav ftt. 82 SNPJ bo priredilo maškeradno veselico 30. oktobra v Slovenskem delsvskem domu v Loralnu Boru, začetek ob 8:30 zvečer. Vabimo vae članstvo našega društva, kakor tudi cenjeno ob činatvo it Johnstow na in okolice. Imeli bomo dobro godbo, tako tudi splošno postrežbo. Sicer ps je znano, da pri Triglavu vedno dobro postrežemo To rej na svidenje 30 oktobrs zvečer* Za veaelicni odsek* frank Ckutkok. SREDA, 13. OKTOBRA 1948 ■..... ■ i» i i i v slovo prijatelju in bratu vmcektb cankarju • Kako globoko nas ja zadela vest o smrti našega predsednika Vincenta Cainkarja, ni mogoče opisati. V uradu je vse utihnilo in med nami je nastala globoka tišina, ko smo izvedeli, da je preminul'. Spraševali smo se, kako je mogoče in da se več ne vrne med nas, kakršnega smo bili vajeni toliko let. Brat Cainkar je bil sposoben voditelj SNPJ in uljuden -z vsemi člani in strujami, in radi tega je bil povsod upoštevan in visoko spoštovan. Ne gre mi iz spomina ganljiv prizor, ko je skupina priletnih članov stala ob njegovi krsti in ga spraševala, zakaj nas zapušča in kaj bomo počeli brez njega. Smrt nič ne izbira in ne pozna spoštovanja ne cenitve. Spoznala sva se leta 1923, ko sem se naselil v Chicagu. Videl sem v njem, da je bil iskren in vnet z dušo in srcem za slovenski narod, posebno pa za SNPJ. Bila sva dobra prijatelja in mi je silno žal, da ga nisem obiskal predno je zatisnil *očl. Obisk sem odložil, ker sem smatral, da ni prijetno nadlegovati bolnika prve dni po operaciji in obenem sem upal, da kmalu okreva in se vrne, a usoda je odločila nasprotno. Brat Cainkar je bil človek poln dobrih in lepih lastnosti. Razume se, da je imel tudi napake, kot jih imamo vsi. Ampak njegova dela, njegove ideje uljudnosti in sposobnosti z daleka prekašajo vse, kar je bilo slabega v njem. Slovenci v tej deželi smo izgubili s Csinkarjem dobrega In velikega voditelja. Vedno je bil aktiven pri naših podpornih, delavskih in kulturnih ustanovah.- Silno težko ga bomo pogrešali pri Slovenski narodni podporni jednoti, katero je s svojim nadar-jenim razumom in preudarnim razsojanjem tako vzorno vodil zadnjih 30 let. V kočljivih zadevah mojega poslovanja, posebno prejšnja leta, mi je bil vedno na uslugo, kajti poznal je naše člane skoro vsepovsod. Lahko in prijetno je bilo delati z uradnikom kot je bil brst Cainkar. Zapustil nas je prezgodaj. Bil je še trden in zgledal je zdrav kljub visoki starosti. Življenje je pač tako urejeno, da nihče ne ve, kdaj ga zadene bolezen ali smrt. Poslovili smo se od njegg ob veliki udeležbi članstva in lepih vencev. Brat Cainkar je dokončal svoje koristno delo, izguba v njem pa nas naj strni In nadaljujemo, kjer je on pustil. Njegovi družini in sorodnikom globoko sožalje. Tebi, brat Cainkar, pa časten spornih! > L. GRADIŠEK. grob tudi naša beseda, naša šiva sgodovina pridnega delovanja in prizadevanja, da bi nas prehitro ne za kril neizogibni val ¡»elaljenja v ameriško skupnost, ki je zlita iz stoterih na rodnosti, plemen in kultur. Pokofni Cainkar je bil eden izmed tistih, ki je med svojim priseljenim narodom deleval na xxlju samopomoči, obenem pa je >ilo s tem delovanjem združeno tudi kulturno delo naših ljudi, d so se tako povezovali med seboj in ostali strnjeni v narodnostno celoto — v narodnostno manjšino, ki bo pustila Ameriki bogato dedščino človeških ter kulturnih vrednot, ki z mlajšimi generacijami prehajajo v iiv-ljenje te dežele. Glasovi iz naselbin | Druge poti ni!JH Še par tednov in driavljani vsake države, naj sami odločajo naše republike bomo imeli prili-1 kakšen politični sistem ali go-ko, da s svojimi glasovnicami' spodarski ustroj želijo imeti, odločimo bodočnost Amerike. | Edini način, da izrazimo to na Ne vem, ako smo že kdaj prej Še mnenje in to našo ieljo, je, imeli tukaj v Ameriki tako vaš- da stopimo pod zsstsvo progre-ne volitve, kakor so volitve v sivne strsnke, ds podpiramo gi-letu 1949. Ne gre namreč samo banje, ksteremu stojita na čelu v spomin vincentu cankarju Sledeče vrstice v spomin Vincentu Cainkarju je napisala Anna P. Krvna v Glasu Naroda: New York.—V petek, 24. sept. je v Chicagu nenadno premihu Vincent Cainkar, predsednik Slovenske narodne podporne Jedno-te To mesto je zavzemal 30 let. Kot večina naših vidnih ljudi med slovenskimi naseljenci v Ameriki, tako je bil tudi pokojni Vincent Cainkar samouk—to se pravi, nabral si je znanja pb delovanju za jsvnost, zs jednoto in društvene zadeve. Kakor piše Prosveta v članku posvečenemu njegovemu spominu, je bil Cainkar sin revnih staršev. Luč sveta Je ugledal v vasi Jastrebci v ptujskem okraju v zeleni Štsjerski 22. novembra 1879. Pod staro Avstrjjo je služil pri dragoncih in nekaj posebnega je članek, ki ga je spisal ob smrti Cainkarja Mirko Kuhel, ki pove, kako je kot mal Jcratkosrajčnik občudoval drsgo-narja Ceinkarja, ki je nosil lepe rdeče hlače, svetle škornje in par zvezd na ovratniku svoje vojaške bluze, ko je prišel s svojim oddelkom v Kostanjevico v Sloveniji, odkoder je doma Kuhel. Značilna je ta omemba, ker kaže, kako se je moral naš slovenski priseljenec prilagoditi po prihodu v to deželo docela dru gačnemu življenskemu environ-mentu nego ga je poznal V svoji domovini. Trdo delo je bilo del Csinksr-jevega življenja v tej deželi. Delal je kot delavec, poskusil je s farmanjem, prvo ženo mu ja pobrala jetika itd. Pač zgodbs tr dega obstanka priseljenca. Ali Cainkar je imel v sebi mnogo volje in odločnosti, ds se udejstvi v javnem življenju med slovenskimi naseljenci, da jim pomaga na polju društvenega življenja To je dosegel in bil je tudi pri članstvu jednote priljubljen, kar je razvidno iz dejstva, da je bil od leta 1918 na vsaki konvenciji SNPJ ponovno izvoljen za pred sednika. Cainkar je umrl ravno v času, ko se je v Chicagu pričel 4. kongres Ameriškega ' slovanskega kongresa. On je veliko deloval za to organizacijo in je bil kot ' predsednik SNPJ član njenega gl. odbora. Delegstje In odborniki kongresa so se poklonili njegovemu spominu in se poslovili od njegs; mnogi so gs spremili na njegovi zadnji poti na Češko narodno pokopališče. Tsko prsvi poročilo o njego vem velikem pogrebu, na katerega so prihiteli mnogi odborniki jednote in društvenlkl Iz zunanjih krsjev. Jaz se pri tem spominjam srečanjs t V. Csinkarjem ob priliki par sestankov v ASK med vojno in par njegovih obiskov v New Yorku ob drugih prilikah.—Osebno sem ga poznala le površno. Prvič sem ga srečala pred skoro 18 leti. ko sem bila na govorniški turi na Srednjem za podu Obiskala sem gl stan jednote in so me povedi i tudi v predsednikov urad. Dobila sem vtis, da Je vljuden človek, zelo diplomatskega nastopa. Od nekaterih sem slišala, da je premalo napreden, toda v času vojne, ko je bil nekajkrat v New Yorku in smo se slučajno srečali na epi ali dru*F«tii«MtfftftlWki " jih je prirejalo tedaj za vojni napor, relif Itd., sem Imela priliko spoznati, da je nosil v sebi precej določno oblikovano načelo socialne zavesti, ki človeku narekuje delovanje v prid ljudskih množic. Da ja temu bilo tako, priča tudi njegovo delovanje v vojnem času, ko Je bil aktiven na polju zbiranja pomoči za staro domovino. Spominjam se dneva, ko sem v uradu za vojne informacije v New Yorku prirejala njegov govor, ki je bil oddajsn v Slovenijo po želji omenjenega oddelka državnega urada. "Skoro ne vem, kaj bi jim rekel," je dejal; "trpijo, pomageti pa jim še ne moremo. To Je najhujše. Spodbujati Jih k bosbi, Je dobro, a človek se kar boji misliti na vtis, ki ga morda s tem nanje napravi—lahko vam Je govoriti, ker ste na varnem, po-magsjte nam rajši hitro stisniti Nemca. No, sreče, ds se zdaj na to dobro pripravljsmo." Izrazil Je nekaj, kar Ja težilo v tistih dneh srca nas vseh. Po vojni sem govoril z nJim samo enkrat.—Ob priliki SAN-Sovega zborovanja. "Vidite," Je dejal, "kako se Je vse spremenilo od tistih dni, ko so nas vabili, nsj govorimo nsšim ljudem, da smo i njimi v njihovi borbi proti nefcifašlzmu. Pa se bo gotovo vse še preobrnilo ob svojem času.—Baš zdaj ima svoj dan reakcija. Glavno je, da oatanemo trdni in se ne pustimo begati in plašiti." Njegove besede niso bile ostre, niti obsojsjoče, videti pa Je bilo, da Je nosil v sebi globoko ljubezen do nsroda, lz kateregs je izšel in bilo mu ja hudo, da Je prišlo do hladnih odnosov med Ameriko in Jugoslsvijo Naši ljudje so dobri Američani, Je menil, in ne zaslutijo tegs da jih muči to razpoloienje do ljudi njihove krvi Um preko Zdaj. ko ee Je Cainkar za vedno ločil lz naše srode in štejemo spat enega našega naseljenca manj. som hotels napisati teh par skromnih misli o njemu, zakaj naše vrste se redčijo in c II sti. ki od poda Jo od našega press jenega slovenskega drevesa v tej deželi, lepa r voditelji In r na vadnirru našimi naseljenci \ VABILO NA PRIREDBO PODRUŽNICE 39 SANSa Cleveland. O.—V nedeljo, 24. oktobra, ob 4. url jx>poldne priredi podružnica 39 SANSa zanimiv varijeten program v avditoriju Slov. nar. doma na St. Clair a ve. Kakor vsakikrat, bo tudi sedaj zelo obširen in zanimiv program. Sodelovali bodo naši pev-ski zbori kot so Zarja, Slovan, Jadran ln drugi različni nastopi. Podana bo tudi igra enodejanka "Navihani študentje" pod vodstvom Franka Cesns. Kakor pravi Česen, je zelo humoristične in bo nudlls veliko smehs in zabave. Zato apeliramo na splošno publiko, da se udeleži te priredbe v velikem številu, da s svojo navzočnostjo pripomorete do moralnega kot tudi gmotnega uspeha. Preostanek te priredbe bo šel v obrambni sklad in za druge koristne svrhe. Po programu bo prosta zabava v prizidku, kot je to naš običaj. Kot Vsaka napredna organizacija, irao tudi Sena svoje sovrsž-nikg, kateri nam grozijo z vsakovrstnimi strahovi, da bi ne* od-vrnilf od našega delovanja'. Toda mi se ne smemo osAratl, kajti naša ustava se zmeraj drži ln imamo ravno toliko pravic kot oni. Zato jim lahko damo nazaj, da *ih ni/ nihče postavil aH Jim pa dal pravico, da bodo tisftinarekovali, kaj se sme in ksj ne! Kot driavljani imamo vsi ena ke pravice in oni, ki Vladajo, so samo naši služabniki. Zato pa bodite brez strahu! Adamič je rekel: "Ne bojte se nikogar! Sa mo straha se bojte! Zato se udeležite te priredbe brez strahu in Imeli boste nekaj ur veaelegs užitka. Vstopnina v predprods ji je 85c, pri blagsjni pa $1. Ns Zahvaln dan, to bo 25. nov. bomo imeli spet priliko uživati nekaj veselih ur. Nsmreč na ta dan priredi pevski zbor Zsrja svoj običsjni koncert. Pevci ln pevke Zarje se že sedsj pridno pripravljajo za ta dan. Kakor kaže, bo imels Zarja zelo lep progrsm. Na sporedu bo tudi neksj popolnoma novih pesmi in uprizorjens bo tudi opereta. Podrobnosti o tem koncertu boste zvedeli pozneje. Torej kličemo ža sedaj na svidenje! Joka K r oboi. zs izvolitev predsednika! Ako bi šlo samo sa vprašanje, da-li naj bo Truman all Dewey predsednik Zdruienilt držav, potem bi bila pot na volišče samo potrata časa. Letos gre za bolj važne zadeve. Letos bomo volilci s svojimi glasovi odobrili ali pa obsodili politično in gospodarsko smer' sedanje vlsde. Ksj Je ta smer? Ta smer je v gospodarskem oziru podpiranje inflacije in draginje, ki stopnjema znišu je življenski standard revnih ljudskih mas, jih tira v dolgove in v novo depresijo. V političnem oziru pa je, očividno, naš cilj, ustvariti si potom prisilne vojaške službe in oboroževanja tsko militsristlčno moč, kskršne še ni imel noben nsrod v zgodovini, moč, pred kstero bi bile prisiljene kloniti, ne ssmo posamezne driave, .ampak tudi sku pina držav. MoJe skromno mnenje je, da politika, ki odklanja vssk kompromis in sa naslsnja zgolj ns oboroženo. moč in ns stomsko bombo, ne more voditi drugam kakor v novo svetovno vojno. V tej vojni, tudi sko zmagamo, ne »omo ničesar pridobili. Že dvakrat Je naše orošje odločalo usodo Evrope. Toda po vsaki vojn za demokracijo Je v Evropi man; demokracije, več pa je medna rodnega sovrsštvs, več mizerlje več nerešenih problemov, yes n več komunisms, ksr je bržkone veliko rssočarsnje zs naše "free enterprajzarje". V Ameriki; nas je mnogo dr žavljanov, ki šalimo potom gle sovnice izraziti nsšo željo, da Amerika opusti politiko "močne roke," intkflKirns pot prijatelj skega sodelovanja vseh narodov pa naj imajo ti nsrodi kapital! stični, socialistični ali komuni stični gospods^ki, red. Volilci ZA BdZlCNE PRAZNIKE i ns isti dsn, to je po shodu vršil v dvorani Delsvskegs doms ples, ki ga prireja podružnica št. 48 Slovenskega ameriškega narodnega sveta. Naša podružnica aktivno podpira progresivno strsnko v sedanji kampanji. Za plos bo igrala Vadnalova godba. Torej Slovenci is Collinwooda, s Holmes a ve,, s St. Clair ave., iz Euclida in drugod: V nedeljo popoldne, dne 17. oktobra, vseh dobrih ameriških dršavlja- napolnimo dvorano Slov. del. do-nov, tudi socialistov. Druge po- ma. Kot dobri državljani ln kot ti ni! Letos ne bomo odločali, »avedni Slovenci, je nsša doli-sko bomo imeli kapitalistični sll host, da to storimo! bivši podpredsednik Henry .A. Wallace in pa senstor Glen H. aylor. To*mora biti stališče I .. .. Popravek oglasa sa pokojnim John Oklsienom. ki Jo bil prlobčen dno 88. »epi. I. L. smo so posabllt sah valili sa cvet lite pole« drugih tudi sledečimi Mr. in na Martin Oklošon in drui.. mr ln m rs, Mirko Krulit ln druiw mr. ln mrs. Mike Curtts in drušinl Is Strabans. Pa. Prosimo, ds vsa-moto na snanjo in nam oprostilo. _ Mrs. Anns Oklošon.» IŠČE socialistični družabni red. Letos bomo odločali, ako hočemo | imeti vojno ali mir. Slovencem v Collinwoodu sel e posrečilo, da smo organisirsli | hod, na katerem bo govoril den voditeljev progresivne stran-1 ke, njen kandidat /a podpred sodnika Združenih držav, senstor Glen H. Taylor. Ta shod sel bo vršil v obeh dvoranah Slovenskega delavskegs doma ns| Waterloo road, v nedeljo popoldne, dno IT. oktobra, torej par| tednov pred volitvami. Prav vljudno vabim vso Slovence, vsej tiste, ki ljubijo mir ln vse tiste, ki sovražijo vojno, ds pridejo qs ta ahod. Pridite na ta shod, ds s svojo prisotnostjo pokaŠeta, kje I stojite v današnjih resnih časih. | Moram še poročati, da se bol Malt Peirovtch. SLOVENSKO SLUŽKINJO srednje starosti do SO let staro, da hI ml pomagala pri delu največ v kuhinji, ker Jas sem polovico časa tapoalens v moievl trgovini. Delo jo lahko ln plača po dogovoru. Ako katero veaeli delo v majhnem mestu, naj pile na naslov: Mrs. ANNA ŽAOAR. P.O. Box 41, La Barge, Wyoming.__—(Adv.) Klobase Zopet delam ln razpošiljam klobaae po vaej Ameriki in sicer 5 funtov ali več CENA 75 CENTOV TUNT poštnina všteta. Pošljite denar ali Money Order z naroČilom in zapišite točno vaš naslov. JOSEPH LESKOVAR »04— Mih Street, Raciae. Wls. Paketi is Amerike prihajajo v redu . v Jugoslavijo 8poitovana firmat Obveščamo Vas, da smo prejeli poiiljatev poslano od Dr. T. M. Lu-kovlcha, Elslnore. Celit., v najbolj iem stanju. Vam se prav lepo sa* hvalim«, /n puinjo In točnost. Perrfk Tunela, Lepetane, Boka Kotorsks. ZADRUŽNI SHOD V WAUKEGANU Waukegan. 111. — Mesec oktober je zadružni meaec. Po na ših trgovinah je praznovan že več let s tem, ds je odjemalcem na razpolago veliko blags po znižanih cenah. Odbor člsnskih sktivnosti je letos poleg tegs srsnžlrsl še poseben progrsm za javen zadružni shod ki se bo vršil v soboto, dne 16 oktobrs, začetek ob 7:30 uri zvečer v veliki dvorani Slovenskega nsrodnegs doms. Govoril bo Louis Warbington iz Ohia. ki z lahkoto spravi po slušelce v veselo razpoloženje. Ker se je mož pred kratkim vrnil lz Evrope, kjer je proučeval tamkajšnje zadružno življenje, nam bo lahko marsikaj zanimivega povedal. . Nastopila bo tudi švicarska družina "rreunfelder", katera vam je gotovo ostala v spominu iz zadružne 25 letnice. Njihovo petje in godba, ki Je sicer odmev švicarskih Alp, nas nehote spomni odmeva naše pesmi iz vinskih goric, kraških sten, zelenih gors in slovenskih Alp, odmevs naših mladih let Torej zadrugarji in prijatelji, na svidenje v soboto zvečer i Slovenskem narodnem domu* 7-1 odbor članskih aktivno*» Albina L. Parlea. Denarne pošlljlcei Gotovo se bo- J. Pabrls St Co: ste tudi za letošnje božične1 0 tem Vam javljam, da asm pre- praznike ' Joh^^rna^Ridge^^^l^V^a- rem kraju s. primernim darom V|m|U MboJ w 741 v popolnom. do. obliki denarne pošiljke, zlasti se- brem -Umju. Zahvaljujem se sa daj, ko prejemniki takih pošiljk,' vaio skrb in delo, ter Vas posdrtv kakor se poroča, dobe posebne IJem. Veronika Breznik, Moilrje, ugodnosti. Vse naše pošlljstve so garantirane proti izgubi ln pošiljatelj dobi od nas tudi potrdilo podpisano od prejemnika.— Pristojbina za vse pošiljke do $50 znsšs: zs navadno pošto $1.25, za zračno pošto $1.50 in zs brzojsv $f25. Pri pošiljkah nad $50, se pristojbina zviša za 25c pri vsakih nadaljnjih $50. Blagovno pošiljke» Zs one, ki žele našega posredovsnjs pri ppšiljanju raznega blagi v Jugoslavijo, Avstrije, Italijo |n Nemčijo (moka, itd.) smo pripravljeni urediti njihovo pošiljatev. Pišite, kaj in ksm želite poslati, pa boste prejeli potrebna nsvodila. Poiovsolet Za potovanj« v Jugoslavijo in druge dežele ter od tam v Ameriko, izdajamo karte za parnike ln eroplane po originalnih uradnih cenah. Druge sadove: Ako imate kako drugo zadevo, v kateri rabite našega sodelovanja, nam pišite. LEO ZAKRAJSEK General Trave! Service. Inc. m Z. Tlnd SI.. New Yerk ti. N. Y. Slovenija. Spoštovani naslovljonec: Sporočam Vam, da sem poilljko— leteni sa boj it. M10 (6 komadov autofume), ki ste jo poslsll po na ročilu Mary Zdollok, Cleveland, Ohio, v rodu prejel. Najlepie se Vam »hvalim sa vaio brexhlbno poulovanje in bud. Arko Tine, Ljub IJana, Jugoslavija Gonpod Pabrls: Vete 11 me ker Vas Ishko obvt Ačam, ds Je xaboj. katorsia Jt moj oče potlal preko vaša agencije, do spel v popolnem redu. Od srca se Vam zahvalim in vsem nalim priporočam to naio tpoMovanja vred no agencijo. fttev. zaboja Je bila 2307, a potlal ml Je to moj oča Nt kolt Perica, So. Chicago, III.—Miljo-na Perica, Zakučac kod Omlia, Ju-gotlsvija. Cenjena firma: javljam Vam, da eem v redu prt* jtla vrečo moke v zaboju, katero mi Je preko vaie firme potiti moj mol. Moka Je icvanredno fina in riMilam se. da mi bode sopet potlal preko vaie firme še eno vrečo S »poitovanjem in lepa Vam hvala, Ljubita Bleu«, Hmokvica, Koičula - (Adv )| John F. LOCNISKAR SLOVENSKI POGREBNIK KUT FUMUIAL. HOME Clm Young i/ «m a N P. J. V blagi spomin pele obletnice smrti naio nad vse ljubljeno hčerke ln satiro BERTE LESK0VEC katera Jt preminula 8. oktobra 1843. Pot let Jt is minulo od kar si TI sapustlla nas sa vodno. Neštetokrat stojimo ml ob Tvojem grobu, kjer počival ln nai spomin na Tebe nt bo prenehal dokio» tudi ml no pridemo sa Ttbo) . . . Počival v miru. talujeil otlalli John ln Pavlina Leakovec. oče ln mali. Viktor ln Albert, brsts ln Jennie. tetlra v Mldway. Pa. V blagi t po min iosto obletnico smrti našoea ljubega alna ln brsls Andrew Martinchak Dne I. oktobra Je minulo šoti lei od kar |e dal svojo mlado Itvljeajo sa domovino naš ljubljeni sin In bral. daleč tam v tujini nekje na Pacifiku. Ali našo misli so smera) pri Tebi ln otlanejs dokler ne pridemo tudi ml sa Teboj. Počival v miru. fslujočl oslalii Anion in Jennie Martinchak. oče in mali. ler dva brata ln Irt sestro t v Sirabtnt. Pa. V blagi spomin druge obletnice smrti mojega ljubljenega ln nlkdsr pozabljenega sina : JOHNNY BURNIKA kateri se Je smrtne ponesrečil In sa vodno ločil od nas 10. oktobrs 1848i bil Je star II let. Dve lall sla minuli v Joku ln šalosll sa nas šsloslnl večeri ke gremo spat in šaloetna so Jutra, ko vsIsJsom. Zastonj poslušamo sa Tvoj pri-Jasno smehljajoč! glas, nikdar veš ga ne bomo slišali. Prasne Je kiša naša. prašno In šslostno naše Je srce. Co ravno bllsu nas po-Mvsš, vendar tako daleč, da nobena naša solss Tebe no dossšs. T! več so šuješ nas, kako Jokaoso ln šalulemo sa TaboJ. Vendar misel ena aaa tolsšl. da lud! as! pridemo ss Tobo), kjer komo skupne večno spanje počivali. Tvoja šalujofe mstl. dvs brsta in ans sestra. Cortland. Ohio. Naznanilo in zahvala tsioslnoee in potrtega srsa nasnsnjsmo torodaikom. mencam in prijateljem luino vosi. da Je neisprotnt »mrl pretresla nit iivljtnja me)! preljubi tepregl in materi FRANCES BAB1CH Rajens Zrimiek. doma Is Dolon|e vasi pri Bakeku ns Hotrani •kom. Jufoslavlja. Umrla Je dne 17. septembra IS4g v starosti M le!. V to obljubljeno deielo Je prtila lete 1110. Sile Je neprednofs mišljenja. In vodno pri,,».»l|ens pomsfst napredni tlvsri. Sila it ¿lantcs druilvs lil SNPJ. dslnlčsrks S N. Doms. ler ilanita in tspisniksrits isnsbe«s odseka S. N. Doma. Itkrsna hvala pori omenjenim orfoniistijam. ki so preskrbele vte potrebno tt ^ Hvsis I udi Lawrence Slufs od dr. Iti In Mr». Trsvntk. predtodolsl ienskofs odtoke, ta e'el)ive povors ob poslevilvi is Mio islotti In ob odprtem s»obu Hvala tudi članicam ftensbees odtoke mrs. Sordoner. mr». Molile Kersic. mr». Jurcs. mrs. Junke. mr» Sonc ln mr». Cedilnik, ki m Jo nosilo k »odnjomu počitku. Mvsle «en omenjenim orfsnisaci|sm In vsem posemosolbom ta darovane vonoe in cvetlico. Mvala tudi Piabor Ucalu IM U.A.W. C.IO. molim todeltvtem in ritbor Body Co. ta darovane vence. Zshvsllujomo tt tudi brslrsnru Mulotu In prljsielju Souler bi »le posle le po pol dolarjev tt cvetlice, kov mm Jih dobili prepotno. »mo tt denar darovsll ta svobodni tisk In podporo Prololsrcs. M vele John Me», «ecu in »oproet m Psultnl Ariel It Clevelands, ki »le Je prlill »pro mit k »ednjemu počitku. Hveta v»em. kt »te pobotnico oblsbsll ob mrtvslkom odru ln »s vse Isksssno pc~ei v issu Isiosrt. Hvsla v»em. ki »le Jo »premlll k sodnjemu počitku ln JI oddali »ednli posdrsv ob odprtem *'*bu. Se enbrst hvala v»em in se «e- kar »le nam pomef.l. In lajšali noče bolečino. Potreb te Je vri» po dvUntb obredih i» Mio iaiettt. IMIT Princeton. Dol roll Mick., ped vodstvom poerebnlks John Ločnliksrjs. Tmjovs Je bile pel njenofs ilvljenjs ve» ios bivsnjs v loj novi domovini, salo ns) TI bo ps »ede| Isbbs smorlibo Semljlcs ns »movsj solonom Sebopa lliču (Everfreen Cemolery). Počivaj v miru. Nsi »pomin na Tobo bo vodne »vsi.—Zelo Joči ostali. Jesob Sobleb. »oproe. Joe In Henry Mo»«oc. »Inovsi Msry, fronte». Albine in Clsle Hčeeei Som Torbo» Jotephino lernepw »eslre« 4 enukl. I vnukinte. vsi v Delretlu. Mich. V tiari domovini pa meler In I »eelri. vmruka N orodna Podporna UdnoUt 59 So. L«wsdtb| A^ OMf» U. OLAVMI ODSOS m») to. umaii a v»., Chicago ta. m I MM So Mrd II .. Milwaukee. Wis ANTON R VEROUK prvi podpr 1337 K. «pth »i, Cleveland I. Onk> Jm Ran to IJt P. M. Except Wednesdays. Saturday« and Sundays nm Crawford SMS. POMOČ ~ Ml S. I#0th St.. Cleveland I«. Ohio M7 So Uwndjile Ave.. Chicago 23. Ill ... SM7 So Lawndale Ave.. Chlcaso 21. Ill 25* JflSSSri*;;.?^: SI ______„7: too t. «out at.. Euclid. Ohio 1SS7 So TrumLull Ave.. Chlcaso M, Ui proxi Zaprtju Tal. Kildsrs §07« Slovenska pekarija Mi Specializiramo v raznem pecivu: TORTE ZA SVATBE in drugo pecivo in slaščice. Se priporočamo JOSEPH KAD1VNIK 5408 W. Monirosa ChicsflO, 111. ________Bus »7. Arms. Kana« ________»IS Truer St. \,ót$fi*. P» 70S rorest Ave, Johnstown. Ps i. ttnd Ave W.. Duluth 7. Minn H V. 97Ui St.. Cleveland t. Ohio GUavofcolu ^^^^ Želodčnim ÉTM norodnosiim I^^hH Noprebavnoaii WH^ v™H plinov : ■ j?"*:» Isgubl spanca J povzročenim j» V* * vslod saprija -Mflffl^jÚI IMtfjH 10 Caano prelskule- no odrejale la ie- I lodMa-loaUca IM ^---- vUo. Vrabuja It natavnll» sdrarllalh korenine. aoIIMa tas CAM1LUS 3S4S S Lewndale Ave.. Chicago SS. Ill ISS01 rest Park Drive, Cleveland. Ohio __-___171*2 Bnowden. Datrolt SI. Midi Lažje jeste, boljše fNi Vam treba bili »UboUu in "doM ved i«tne?kr vslad na. vsdrie zaprtniee in njenih simptonov! Vi ste lahko ravno tako pSmetni kot tisoče drugih, ki ie od letu 1887 posnajo in uiivajo 4o klavno žetudeno . tohiko, odvajalno pripravljeno, Trlherjevo Grenko Vino. Ta snanstvena formula je pripravljena is ittttbnb zbranih ' naravnih ko^hin, zelilf fn rartttg« r vetja. Deluje prijasno. gladko hr golovo pri odstranitvi rasnih saostan* koV v frtvesja. Nabavit« M steklenico Trinerjevega Grenke*« Vina ie dgaefc iu preskusile njegove endovite dobrote sami.' (Opomba: ako vshi td tnoiofe dohiti THHerjeveg« vina V vali bllnirtjf prodajalni, tedaj po&ljlte $1.50 c nad«»* voin vašega prodajalca, na naslov: Jos. TrMer Corp,, 40SS W. Pilimo**. CM-ciigo. In vata 18 o«, velike arklenira wpyKm & ^ft1«?* «M« „ Federacije »HH I IU' TVineijevo Grenko Vino DK. PETÉ» FAHftNfT * «HtS CQ. Ocpt' 841-37 tMl Waahlnstoa Blvd.. Chicago IS, 111. alo. potem lahko po svoji volji* nafočit* večje pošiljke iz našega cenika, ali pa pošljete svoju hrano; oblaka, dbiuvsta. atroH, orodja, barvo Itd. C.) Prt nas lahko naročita tudi rasna manjfta paketa (do 44 funtov). Caheje kot potom pošte ta paketi so zavarovani Vprašajte za Ustino tah paketov. D.) »TREPTOMYCIN pošiljamo v vse kraje sveta Vprašajte «a pojasnUk nta'g<> h upu tet» «d nos v Nrw Vorku ta Uko postane vsi* lastnatvo. maho SKK kateessa »t «ml saSI)«» ia mi os ca vse blefe rent mim M skrSaao ke« esonti puSlIjaietjs No podlast lega Ml puatrrtoiovo rs INMt eO Vlade v Wsoha»s»a»iu D C ParniM adptu|a)o as Peko na vsakih ŠAsinaJat dal a Mapa sas M«ry Cvetan »>0 Riehsrd Pekla« SSS Mildred K»0»«ai lil •M *«ohte cniarie »a> »rt Kluea*«* Met^ia« ken »» Mil «Urila Wenitol »SO vas Jmtn Oorw SIS. Anion »ess SIS. Ho-phie tosSo\»< lit. John Orum IS Jnttn O runi tS John Koveeevte ITS. iiMMph Kipetd i O." Slike Premi«* Ji »UM Jnhn Oor-lane M «TI rt anee» Ríes let »So Oeorge Subte gil SSS Jeteph Hutrvai SIS asa Mary Petre* h »M «T* t.uka Psthai M Maty Zaiti »I» SS. MaliMa K«ms. left y unntailed letter in her room. The letter was a pathetic story of hunger and want in th» city. She. and her male companions eked a precaiious exist-once selling trinkets At timas, it didn't gijtss enough for s decent meal Her room rent was difficult to pioel. The girl's latter ended complaining' that she lost nil interest lii work ins and eating. The old adage that we ^o not know how the otlW half of {he people live Is true. Here in Pittsburgh. the richest and the most prosperoUs city In America, stsrk poverty prevails. Mult of us ire not interested how th»« physically or mentally handicapped exist. ' It |s sonieihing thai we dislike to talk about, or \o tfilnk about. ■ It has only been recently, snd in sortie" 6f the St Ates shockingly so, that Measures hive UCeh tiken 'to Sid thMe Unfortunate* Rtlll we •re Wbefuliy Ikx in helping them th s nation'where Ift tattlIÓVui út its dtlseni are cVironlcilly ill, and o he out of jW t»cot*M Mentally'III, to-ejgty snd the government should aifyume nmi¥ responsibility in hsb* ink thaiti tb recover, and If thlt is nbt possible In mlklnl their flvWs more cMnfortgble ' It ll'itlll true today, ss In tiie past, thlt we are our brothers' keepers. 4 CHICAGO—The next meeting of the Pioneers fuis been switched to, October II by the executive committee. We give advance notice that, the mooting will take care of the usual problems snd then have {refreshments and music for dancing.* We cell on 6\xI4 rrtembei* to note the' change in date Snd attend m full number.—Joaephlne Angsten, Betty Zupan. Mary Pietttynski and Stella Wspon hsve reported well during the past' week: This reduces Mu slek 'list to seven members, the »ma I lest number 'in the last six months. —The ' Bowling l.esfue Is getting along pfbtty good end the teime have been gat ting »on* rep-sonably good Scores Lust Wedhes-dry, John Cherway rolled a'KWint»-Ml 201 game for the'highest'Single game of 'tfte season It looks like the bowlers will be geltfWg rilfw shirts this sessoti. The first standing report will be published in the Bulletin which will be mailed this WtWk. "v«7* J ».i"« v Perfect Circle 26 News and Views CHICAGO.—Perfect Circlers held their semi-monthly meeting this pasf Saturday. The attendance was very good, and this is a vital thing necessary to make a Circle click. President Myra Beniger was absent, because she was trying out for the Youth Symphony Orchestra, which she made. Congratulations, Myra. We were all glad to hear that Secretary Sylvia Trojsr has recovered from her illness. Her absence was due to the fact that she was representing her high school on the radio in a panel discussion about the draft, in which she won. •',' Our Halloween Party is drawing very near, so all the committees were urged to hold greetings before our'next meeting on October 23. A motion was carried that we sell tickets for this affair. The price will be twenty-five cents, but remember that there will be a good time in store for everyone present During the evening there will be a play -which was written by our membets; Ronnie ' Ericksen and Johhnie Lehassi. There will also be recitations and musical numbers presented. Prizes will be given to the child having the prettiest, funniest, and the most original costume. Winners of all games will also be giten prizes.1 Bro. Vrhovnik will thaw ion* of the Circle's movies After the show there will be refreshments sold'Snd dancing for young snd old. '1'm lure' that none of you will want to miss this gala SffSlr, so be sure to conrie. The date Is Friday, Oct. 29. ' Ne*t, Bro. Vrhovnik, Juvenile Director of SNPJ presented the Circle w^th a beautiful trophy. This trophy was'gwsrded to us because of our handcrafts that were displayed at the Milwaukee SNPJ Day affair. After the meeting was adjourned, a fehekrsal was held for those who appeared on Slavija's anniversary program last Sunday. The younger members did a folk dance, and the older members displayed' their musical talent < \ < — GRACE GERDANC, Treas. If you haven't already made up your mind to attend the large rslly st Sokol Chicago Hall, Friday, Oct. IS. you should do *n now. Indeed, you should 'plan on getting there early, because advhnce information indicates a peeked house to* greet Henry A. Wallace and Senator (lien H. Taylor.' Nsturslly, we will have s couple of other Speakers snd the entertainment ' will be first' rite. Chib Metro, who'performed illustriously for the Slav' congress st the Chicago Civic Opera" only 3 weeks sgo, will firing with l^m all of the best talent for the meeting. Well hear Instrumental sexfet. csl renditions snd group dynce numbers Which will thrill you. A few tickets are still available for this meeting. Jie sure you get your in advance so that you will gain admittance. The speech of Henry Wa|lece will be broadcast over radio station WQfJ, the 20,000 watt station, which can b* Heard within 900 miles of Chicago. He wi|l j» on the sir Jroin M pm to 0;|0. The undersigned wHI'«hair the meeting. s • s 1 From K1 Cajon, California, we received a* reminder from Peter Benedict td spend i'vacation there! be-cause the Weather, the environment sfM even the atmosphere is Ideal for just a fcOod tffns.^Johrt Htijuh was recently married and spent a few days In Hi. Louis, Mo —On Sunday, Oct. 2, Milwaukee and Wauke* gen participated in s Ballna tournament at ths Slovene Labar Center and the Badgers soiled against the Pioneers at the Lawndale Lanes. It wes grsnd to see so msny people congregate at the Center. Chicago won the man's division while the Waukegsn women carried off the honors in their division. We re-marked before thit we should have these sections! in tor-city contests regularly and we hope that those In charge will arrange many more of £trab#ne Juvenile Circle No. 19 News STRABANE. Pa.—When news of Ïie-passing of oar Supreme Presl- ent Vincent Cainkar came over the Slovenian radio hour on Sunday. Sept; 27, I was shocked and stunned with a feeling of greet sadness. I got to know and like his kind friendliness during the Juvenile Directors' conference that was held in Cleveland last year. Then again in Strabsme in the early part of this year when pictures ,of Jugoslavia were shown. Some of his words »to me were words of wisdom, with a lesson that made me remember'him. He was a fine gentleman. I wish he had lived to stay with the Society longer. In the past few weeks you have been kept informed through the Strabane Pioneer colunfo by Sister Koval of our coming' Juvenile anniversary celebration on Oct 22 end 24. which Is now coming closer and closer. I only want to add that the committee snd Juvenile Directors of both lodges are doing everything that Is possible to make this ememorable occasion. The program will consist of music, song end dance and worth coming a long distance to see. « ( ' Several of our invitations have be*n acknowledged by Directors of other Circles Who plsn to come by bus or* eifi'for the program ort Sunday A true fraternel spirit sbMild reign On these two days whefc many of our members and friends get together: fhtft* will be «»"d taasic rot dlncing Saturday ahdwsifn«sy nite, a godfl ps&grsm Sunday afternoon with Bro. Michael'VrhovnHt as principal speaker, and a grand time lh store for everyone. So won't you come and help us eMebeate? ' FRAnCtii PEtRO. Director Utopian Lodge 604 Present Drama (Set. 24* + > «•• » ^ ^e I CHICAGO.—Just a reminder about the Drama and Dance to be held 6n Sunday. Qct 24. at the SNPJ H«ll. 2657 S. LawndaJe eve. The drama "£vet brez sovraltvs ' will be presented by the Detroit players who will come to Chicsgo to present this special feeture. » This is one event that no one can afford to miss eS the play 4s limel> and well presented.. It starts at J p m. and dancing will follow to the tunes of Johnhy Kovic's orchestra Tickets ar*' only' 7$ cents The committee promises very good refreshments. We will also lerve de-11clous suppers prepared by Mary Andres ' ' Our staff is working hard to make this eveht to be reir.embered We sre inviting aft oUr Minds lo V tend this Sffalf A good time Is ln store for both young and oM EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE Moxham Slovene Band Dance JOHNSTOWN, Pa.—Members of the *ff/*fcam HMene "Bind/ wish to tske this opportunity to Invito you to s dance st Slovene Worters Home, I-orein Boro, ssturdsy, Oct. IS, beginning st V p m Music by evet popuisr Kddle lai|»en)s' and his Polks Mastefl. This dsne» will he open to the puMIe, and ticket« may be secured from any bend member. You may be interested to know, that our bond will pl*y for dsitstng during intermission So, sit yati folks who never heard us plsf, come up and peas your judgment Hoping to see you on Saturier far s swell tuns I.AHKY I.AN0EHII01«C, 74» Yukon News YUKON. Pa,. Again Ute HNPJ Lodge 117 wishes to remind everyone for the Isst time of their mea querade danee which will be held on Saturday. OH 10. at the Slovene Hall. Donring will be from t to* to the muele of Eddie Ruble's or diestrs who can swing out some fine polkas wsltre* snd slow pleoes There wffl also be mulle fol veo jitterbug dancers f'm sere So thai means there will be music for all. young end old Whel do voo ssv sil you neigh ioring lodges snd friends* lad's see you at this denrr,' Prizes Of US' 17 M end M will be given aw«v to those masqueraded whom the judies wrfl select MAKY A KlftK. Tres I. Midway Women's Club Plan Dance 3*ti*rday MIDWAY. Ps-Here's some aood news for all you lucky people from Midway snd neighbor Ins lottos: The Women's Club of Lodge 0 SNI'J Is holding s dance St the SNPJ Hall in Midway dn Seturdsy evening. Oct If. One sf flArW verlte <».. heat res. JsrSte M«rtlncic's. tstll play from I 20 to 12 20 It's beeb an awfully long time siace titer« has been s dance In Midway, and we hope this will start the ball rolling for msny more Hope we'll aee you «11 there 'eeuas we're going to have lots of full 1 COMMITTEE Lodge 292 Plan JMrtMây Papce A V EI. LA, Pa — Anntvereary dance Oct 22. featuring Se mm y Wrse and orchestrai' The d«nee date had been «et for Oct 20 but HmjrttstartfW« «et ofcir date bac* Our l>ndge 2t2 Will be 3* year* old so let's celebrate rfa birthday hy attending this rhindlg Halloween pofty Wfll be held Oct. 29. so «Î1 juveniles are invite* to attend Members send yoiif kid» to the perty Af the year FRANK ZRIMM 202 S N P T SPORTS i»M«*^ Vj« ill -L • J e vj -L V/ IV X Wj By CUtmc. Zalit Bowling Bettys I land No. 1—2. V Boj No. 2—I. W., you only get report« on the Pioneer Turmen 624. T. Starman 907. Strug-1 men's league is that Frank Zordani I . w . • _ . . , „ u. I i- Ik. ,..lu -_t. .i... _______ I missed one pin in the last frame." Too late to think now, brother!... Johnny Simcic copped the second shift nest egg with 232. . . Latest father and son act combination is Andrew Pokier and Jimmy of the Ptopian No. 2 and No. 5 teams respectively. , . Frank "Big Boy" Mik-lich sidelined .with an infected finger. . . The most consistent kegler this week was Rudy Kastelic who had 166. 167 and 168 . . Stan Zupon came out of his slump with a 916 set after hitting much too-too low scores the first three times out. . The Utopians will hold their regular monthly meeting and social this coming Bat., Oct. 16th, at the Slovene Home on Waterloo Road. All SNPJ members and friends invited. . . The Athletic League meeting will be held the following day, Sunday, Oct. 17, at 2 p. m. in the Slovene Home on St. Clair ave. possible. The Badgers will have as many teams as we have so there will be room for all. The date is Sunday, Nov. 7, at 11 pm at the Silver City alleys on National ave., course, all are invited. Sign up with either the writer, Frank Zordani, Jo Mersol, Mitxi Chernich and Louis Pirman. FRANK GROSER, 669 CLEVELAND —The Bar Five «ler No. 1—2, Zdrulenl Bratje No. is the only eec'y to give me any re-were stampeding last night as they f S—I. T. Trennel 42«, R Kastelic ports. If the other sec y will either blasted the msples for s 2498 high 471. V-Boj No. 1—2. Loyshte No. I .call n»e or send me any information three game series. Including en 890' —I. J. Thomas 428. M. Debenak | concerning their leegue we will be high game. M Zorman shone as 612. Utopian No. »—2. Comrades \. glad to see that it gets to Prosveta. »he hit a 60« series. Shake them T. Groden 939. T. Skok 991. Utopian! Matth Came "Win M T I tPJ'SSZ, i^ftLJLri ' Any Pioneer wanting to particl-"oW faithful." «nchormsn F Modi- MO. 67T Straggler No 2 ' £ nikar had a 499 series^ Very con-1-2. Concert!« W«-^ W/fcday, * ^ me \now as soon as sis tent, our Fay. R. Miklavic (be- 576, J. Japel 523. Spartan No. Z—Z, 0tA<<________ tween trips) had a fine 473 series. Cleveland No 1—1. J. Simcic 576, Wonder how she keeps her mind on F. Ostanek 548. Concordian No 2- hre bowling? The recipienU of the 2. Loyshte No. J—1. T. Dusa 525, barrage were the Loyalites. H ' A. Tibyash 576. nmiutnmt Zimmerman is a worthy addition to Sideline Stents, Welu r Turman ZZZZ^goJng the team, as he bowled a 454 series.1 (Cleveland No. 2) and Frank Tolsr T The blue outfits the Loyalites are! (Struggler No. 2) split the first shift Hhm a^ MicLv s wedd.n/ Of sporting are very keen. Did you1 melon on games of 216. After be- 8l,m Mkkey 1 weddln«' « notice them? You know, you meet ing informed of the tie for the prize some of the nicest people in this Frank remarked, "And to think that beloved game. The league leading Timber-toppers and the Woodchoppers were having quite a battle on alleys three and four. The Timber-toppers took two games but lost the point C. Kebe (the mainstay) lead the attack with a 460 aeries, followed by D. Grill's 490 , S. Zorman's 430, and J. Nsch-tigal's 40«. The "Shrimp" and Jean are doing all right for themselves. Hey Chris, we saw that one! For the Woodchoppers. M. Zakely was the bright light with a 466. trailed by J. Tomsk's 416 snd Capt Ms dey's 402 Tough luck, girls, but it happens to all of us. The Live Wires must have regained the old spirit as they trounced the V Boj newcomers for three games. J. Bonney lead her teem with a 499 series, C. Opslk a 463. B. Poling a 416. M Rupnik a 411 and C. Blatnik a 40« That's cooperation! The juggling of the line-up paid off to the tune of a 2424 team series. Say, Jesn, how many more ribbons have you got at home? D. Pike of the V boj lodge was high for her girls. I guess that Saturday practice does help, girls, be seeing you. The Good-timers captured two games from the Rollettes. For the former, M. Merolt was high with M. Clifford and F. Vollman keening up the support. F. Vollman hit her highest series yesterday. Let's top Southside SNPJ Interlodge News CHICAGO—In last week's South-side Interlodge Bowling league E. Kuhel came thru with s scintillating 677 series to help the Sentinels win all three games from the Panthers. R. Zbuf had a 624 series to lead the Royals in taking all three Detroit Wolverines DETROIT.—Every year during the summer season our lodge has a hard time to get a suitable picnic ground for affairs, and most of the good picnic dates are reserved by other organizations, snd then when we do have a picnic, it's just a plain ordinary picnic with no entertainment for the children, or other sports for the grownups because of the lack of space. The same can be said of the winter season and winter sports as aiost available spots are usually overcrowded. With this situation to put up with every year some of our membership decided that we should do something about it. It was suggested that we try and purchase something of our own, where we could enjoy ourselves the year around. So we have located one spot that we would like to have all of our Wolverine members come out and see and give us your opinion. Also the committee hes gone ahead and arrsnged a Wolverine party, to be held at the Ben Hur Farms Clubhouse. in Brighton, Mich, on Oct. 16/ This is the site we now have in mind to purchase if we get games from the Cubs. M. Zatkovich continued his good form by rolling ^ that one neat week,'Fran. The a 54« total m the Mustangs took all ^ugh wppor7^m ourWdverKs* "gutter ball" fund has exceeded the three games from the Ramblers. The m#mb-rg G( courge if Bome on attend this gala Wolverine party. There will be By Clareoce Zaits of Indecision You have, I am sure, » y p c r¡award , h ose moments of indecision—mo-rrents when the desire to uo one thing tries to overpower your desire to do something else, and both are equally pressing. As I was returning home late at night. I suddenly realized that I didn't have the house key with me. I had not planned on staying out late, so I didn't bother taking the key as I had not yet formed the habit of having the key with me at all times. * It was near midnight, and as I approached the house my hopes of someone being up yet faded—the house was in total darkness. Chuck) my roommate, was fowling that evening, so I figured that I could poasibly wait for him to come home. Then I realized that maybe he had already come home! I was torn between the two desires. To wait, with the hopes that he had not yet come home—or to take a chance and ring the doorbell. I pressed the doorbell with great reluctance, and as the seemingly loud nolae echoed through the house, I suddenly wished that I had not rung the bell. There waa no response, So after pondering the problem for a while, I decided the only thing I could do was to ring again. I gave a few short rings which pierced the stillness of the night like a siren. A light appeared on the stairway, and the door was soon opened by Mrp. Sifrer. This was during the heat wave, and she had been unable to sleep so luckily. I had not caused her toe great an inconven ience. SrSK" Co-op October MILWAUKEE. Wis.—This is to inform all members of Lodge 747 that the meetir.gs will aga.n be held ; on the régulai time, that brings our next o eetini to Scndav, Oct. 17, at ! 2 p. m. I urge c.ery u.cmber to attend, as we are letting c.oser to ou. Anniversary Dance, wli^çh will be Calendar Co-op Entertainment WAUKEGAN. Ill-Cooperative Trading, Inc., of Waukejan am'. North Chicago., and composed of more than 7.200 members, will tele held Nov. «. An affau of this kind brate Co-op Month throughout Oc-needs the cooperation of all mem- tober, as will all consumer coopera-bers, so attend the meeting and take live organizations in this country, an active part, as good members. In addition to an employees sales should. We have several very important dates to rettember. The first and most urgent frr all public will be. no doubt, the coming of Henry Wallace to Milwaukee Auditorium, Thursday evening, Oct. 14. Let's show mm now, as on Nov. 2, that I we are with him in his struggle for peace. A card party will again be given by the 26th Ward unit of Progressive party, combined with the Mil-' waukee Slav Congress, on Oct. 21. The place is Spaxrpw Park Gardens, 3092 W. Fond dû Lac ave. Embroidered pillôw cases will be our specialty. On Oct. 23, the Slovenian Progressive Women's Circle No. 8 will • hold a Domaéa ZabaVa dance at I Lenko's Hall, 7th and National. And last of all. let's remember I our dance on Nov. 6, at Sokol Hall, 1309 W. Walnut st. Rocky Moun-) tain Mary and her orchestra will be I our main attraction, do attend and tell your frienda about it. Every one will be welcome. As for tick ets for those affairs, I have them all ydu want, just come and get them, or write for them, and I'll be flad to serve you. I HELEN AMBROZICH, PSW Circle 9 Will Hold Event Oct. 24 CHICAOO.—The first major event of the Progressive Slovene Women of Chicsgo Is Sunday, Oct. 24. The time is 3 pm at the SNPJ Auditorium, 2657 S. Lawndale ave. "Svet Brez Sovraitva," a three-act Slovene drama will be presented by the Detroit Dramatic Club. An able cast under the direction of Anton Fatur promises an excellent performance. An added treat will be several selections by Preleren Male "Chorus. The committe. has been working hard to make ¿his an outstanding success. We cordially invite our members and their friends to attend this play and program. Admission is only 76c—well worth its price. One half of the net proceeds will be forwarded to the sustaining fund of Proletarec. Don't forget the date, Sunday, Oct. 24, at 3 pm» SNPJ Auditorium. FRANCES L. RAK, Sec y s 114 average, came thiough with 188. 164 and 182 gsmes in a 624 series which gsve him e lesgue high handicap figure of 728 and a single effort of 256 Frank Skabat threw in a 617 total for the opposition whose losses stiickly tesulted from brother Johnson's 182 pins over the sversge spree The Spartan No 2 sluggers kept hold of their two point lesgue leed by downing the Lodge Cleveland Whit Kids twlct It wss "Jsrrtn" John Simcic all th»- way for the victors with a 232 gsme in a 57« series. Frank "Ozzie1' Ostanek anchored for the losets with 946 A close count wss registered in the Concordlen No 2 Loysllte No 3 rlssh in which the former loet th« initial contest, won the next two. but dropped totsl pins by two meik ers for sn even spilt. The Concords' top men wss Tony Duss with 925 and the Istter hed Art Tlbyesh st the helm with 97«. The Utopisn No 2 quintet white »ashed their Ufr>pisn No I chum» 1 »«nut to discuss s few importsnt items. All tesin captains are urged to attend ... As in all leagues, so in ours. We have s few who come lste. It would be more convenient to your own teem to come eui ly snd be leady to bowl st 6 30. Also, the league could use s couple of men snd women who want to »«nit the h ague ss i< gulsr bowlers Come on out snd get on s teem, if mtei ested. . . . So long, until ugain . . . L. K «10 T New York All Americans BROOKLYN. N. Y.—Lodge 980 had its last regular meeting Sept. 17. We are swry to report that Sisters Anna Kramersich and Kath- erine Stuart are stlir on our sick list. It was decided to follew our usual custom, now that the summer is over, to change our meeting day bark to Sunday afternoons. At our next meeting we hope to appoint a dance committee for our annual Valentine's Day Dance. Any and you a gooiTtime.' Bring the familysuggestions and ideas the mcm- Pioneey Meeting CHICAGO — Because your vice pitsidmt snd secretary will officiste the We! lei a t«ii\ Pi May Oct IS st the Sokol Chicago Hall. 23439 S Ki-dtie the Pioaeer irgular monthly meeting ha« been positioned until Knday, <>ct 22. at the SNPJ Iters may have to offer, will be ap predated. Rememlier now the next meeting will be Sunday. Oct. 17, at 4 p. m. in the Slovene Auditorium. WILLIAM F. FUG1NA. Secy along out in the fresh country sir swsy from the dirt snd smoke of the city. It's the Ben Hur Farms Clubhouse Oct. 10 Come early ss you like and stsy late. Don't for get the Wolverine Halloween Masquerade dance st the Slovenian Workers Home. 437 South Llvernois. Saturday. Oct, 30 If you have ever attended s Wol- , vertne masqueisde dsnce in the CONEMAUGH, Pa.—The Progres psst then w« know you will be sure alve Slovene Women's Circle will to sttend this snnusl Wolverine sponsor a big Halloween dsnce on event. Yes. it's Rudy Mssser snd Oct 30 Music by that ever-popu-his orcheitis on hsnd to furnish the lar Juke Martinctc and his Satis PSW Circle Plans Dance October 30 best of music. Rudy tells that the bigger the crowd, the better the boys in the hand csn plsy. so let's gtve Rudy and his hoys a record, breaking crowd There will also be ...... w-'k>—• — ■ —— i Hall, nut ling to Mail piomtplv st , . . „.„„u. ..... «.. and ,n doing se. emeiged with s |, S , n*!pc,.»c - .th your lodg. ¡ L IiIÏïw.v Zil Čll^TtL league high actual and handicap | of(l, „. by .„\, „W"V' ,hU dr"Wm,C b" three gerne sertas. Chuck Kilvers' ,(l„lgR this ye.o snd let's put 554 Your Writer's 541. John Pi of thr old Ploneei i»ep beck nssky's 525 Bill Kronik « V» snd ,„,„ ,h, Theie will be ie- firthnu nts m rved after the meeting Andy Pokiar s 50« rscked up s 2«.17 , set us I msrk snd 30«V with the spot J or Mstthews' 535 led the oustrri thiowers whose hesves. never yet »«•en by this scribr kept flvtng out I'lourer Holding Th«4 1'iiwiwi Imi* In« »hot some tin«* Mine, W«dnt'Ml«iy night with of the window repvstedly Get thoer John Ch«i«ay hiding Ihem ail with berr It antes s going gsng' |a 251 gsme and 582 sriies his game 190 Circlet J Simcic 232 H Kne it foi high Individual gsmr for aevic 224. W Tuimsn 21« F Tola* ti ik( M M 21«. T Pume 216 J Matthews 211, T Skok 210. S Zupon 2o« W Heds> 20» A Tibvssh 20S F Ostanrk 20« C Krivec 206 J Spi Is. 204. V Gru den 203 B Zslsr 200 Teeas Resulis Zdruteni| No 1—S. Loyellte No «--0 J Go r*r 611. J Skrienc 4«n Uu.p.-n No 2 3. Utopian No 10 C Ki o« « »'.« J. Matthew* 5.15 Fo. Itd N»-. | VI. -I Spat t «n H« M W J«>Hii son Ml F Bkahsr 617 Ulnpum No | Lo)*hU Ho 4 4» <>» h given sway; this drawing Ing conducted by Vic Stromas and Al Padsr with the money being us«rd to build up an athletic fund for our athletic tesn s. I^t's co- operete with the boys, buy your tickets now We are slso giving prires foi the tie«! nwtumes st our Halloween dance Vic Stromar will hesd the committee in select ing the winneis. so get out those o!d coelv drri*'« nnd hsta. snd come do»n the WnUidr llsll. you g.-Hl uTihst John i. in the" ¡40 class I maybe s wmnn We csn slwsys and he >*v> he's )ust «aiming up depend on thr Ik-nicks tn come «Kit tm th. Mil*auk* Match game l>sv«- I w,lh «hat imislly keep. Pais«.!! .hot gtimes ut 210-200 and , lhr m *n u^*,l•d also hoping lhat some «»f the old* timers msv lie on hsnd to mske this mesquersde a big lurmt How sbout It. Frsnk snd Joe Kern, you too. Sir ft ler Retro-mb*! »hi» FrldaV at 8 Is i ISS siv«-» him 595 seile» Other Rial)* 200 games were »hot by l-ouis Pir-m«n 215 Ches Rautnan 211. Stanley Ofdens 2lu Wm Ditevkfcl 20« and Laity (iiadiMk 201 Any l'ion«« i Imwlri u«ntma to ImisI ritt»« i in 11» W- tn» dav nt Son«1«y I« sgu*' gel m t«,u«h «ith the wilier. Frank ¿ •ofum'ui o J I."»«nil iti« i».«.-.«» ' fiers from Strebene. He is master in polkas, waltzes as well es popular music. A cordial invitation is extended to all to sttend. There will be plenty of refreshments, including <»ur delicious krsnjske klo-base Dunnng from 8 to 12 ALICE MELE Midwest Atk. League Meeting Oct. 17th MILWAUKEE, Wis—The SNPJ Mldw«r«l Athletic League will hold its next m«ftmg on Sundey. Oct. 17. in WMuk«>i(Mn Tfie place is the Slo» vi ne llonic ,M»d the time Is 10:90 s tn Tlx- !,nt vieeting Whkh wes to be held in Sheboygan, was can-c« hit iM-cause of insufficient sttend-snee Make it your business to attend sine* «• verel important matters have to br dlecusscd The ne»t n(a for the Midwest Bowling tournament Is to be picked Th«- typ« of tournament to tm held I Mill also i- die^ussed Differ^it i handuap «ystt me art up for diarUs-, _ . , .. . . aiim All dehgetes are asked to i or,VP'.o' "V . ^ K !n Sundev. Oct 17. at R Hall rteese attend ^ hi» 30 ^ aT ^^^ * J« »IIN J. |1 ihLAK. b** y Family Helpmate By Dorothy Sodnlk The dish 1 am about to write ud for this week, was taught me by a German Doctor's wife in whose hoipe I was employed in St. Louis. Mo., many, many years ago. I think you will agree with me that it is indeed a very palatable dish and well worth remembering all these years. The German name is Rueladea —Beef Birds to you. For this you will need: 14 lbs round steak cut thin A few slices of bacon Salt and pepper . Flour One can mushrooms Cut the foundsteak into strips 2 inches wide and about 4 or 5 inches long. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cut bacon strips in half and use one-half slice to a strip of beef. Lay «bacon on itop of vene National Home, Tenth and McAlister, and will be free of charge. The Swiss . Family Fraunfelder. musical family from Whitewater. Wisconsin, will be featured. This group specializes in Swiss music and, of course, yodeling.- This is the third appearance of this wonderful combine in Waukegan under the sponsorship of the7Co-op, which well indicates the popularity and the following the Fraun-felders have amohg the members here, The speaker for the evening will be Louis Warbington, famous Ohio co-op educator and traveler. Warbington has just returned from his second postwar study tour of European cooperatives, and is expected to give a first-hand account of current conditions abroad. This is Mr. Warbington's second appearance on the platform in the Slovene Home. Sales Contest In order to acquaint more people with the cooperative organization, a sales campaign contest has been devised for the grocery and meat markets, and for the Co-op Dairy department. The Tenth Street store, under the expert supervision of Matt Ogrin, manager, has more than an excellent chance to receive the award for good service, good housekeeping, and all around 'coop atmosphere. TONY KERZIC Jr.. 968 The American Way of Life IMe««e stteixt IIANh Kltl'tltl Dance at Lloydell Sunday, Oct. 17 LLOYDELL. Pa.—This is to announce another dance at the local Slovene Hall. Oct 17. featuring Joe Koracin and his Slovenian Aces from Yukon. He is playing for us the third time this year by popular demand. Dancing from 8 to 12. Everyone welcome.—On Sept. 9, we hed a newcomer playing for our dance, namely. Johany bruit.: from Masontown. We are going to have him beck agsin in th# near future (Mrs) MATILDA EVANC1C Lodge 741 Holds Dance October 23 BUROETTSTOWN. Pa.—The Cav alier Lodge 741 will hold a dance on Seturdsy. Oct 23. Music by Frank Klemencic of Brtdgeville. I am sure an enjoyeble evening will be hed by ell who ettend. Br«» Jereb is on the sick list. All members who pnesihly can pleaae make your viait Here's hoping Bro Jereb e speedy recovery. (Mis) FRANCES KOROSEC. 11 Give Oct. 16 N Y—Branch II. ene Women of Am-down to work after a t monthly meetings meeting the members ffdljlr the ftnel plan» for the forth-comma Beer Partv snd Dance to be held Seturdev. Ort It. et the Sin vene Hall. 253 Irving avenue. Br«*>k Ivn The price nf admiaeien la 61 60 Im which beer will he served Irmn PSW Circ Dance-P BROOKL P i t»g i ess I vc erica got summer At the Sept On the Capital's Cuff Continued from Page 1) called gold. Gold workers receive four or five times as much pay as silver. They are given far superior housing. They have better commissary and recreational facilities. The silver-gold system protects every brutal practise of Jimcrow. Signs bearing the actual wcrds "silver" and "gold" have been taken down, but the system remains. eUver workers in the (Cenal tone were organized by the United Public Workers. When the UPW took up the fight against Jimcrow in Pana-nama, it in turn was marked for attack. The first step on the direct trail leading to the charges against Ickee cufoe in the form of a court a9tion «gainst financial secretary Tebdoro Nolan of Local 713, UPW. Nolan tfas convicted of mishandling union funds and was sentenced to jail. The charge against Nolan was made by Dist. Attorney Daniel E. McGrath. No complaint was made by the union. McGrath apparently acted on the basis of a letter written to a Panama newspaper by a disgruntled former union official. When UPW Intl. Rep Joseph Sachs protested McGrath's Interference In union affairs, he'too fell into line for a jail sentence. Sachs made a speech over radio station HOX in Panama City. This was in the surrounding Republic of Panama, not in the U. S. Canal Zone. Nevertheless when Sachs' speech was picked up by tye Canal Zone press, Dist. Atty McGrath slapped him with a charge of crirriinal libel. Sachs' libelous remarks appsrently consisted of telling the D. A. to put up or shut up in his embezzlement charges and to put his own house in order before pushing union men around. Like Nolan before him. Sachs went before an all-white jury. He was found guilty and sentenced to nine months at herd lebor. Enter now the Honorable Harold L. Ickes. Following in Sachs' footsteps. he dared to lift the lid off the Canal Zone cesspool. In doing so he drew himeelf the fire of Dist. Atty. McGrsth who charged him with oonspirecy to obstruct Justice. It seems to be getting downright dengerous to tell the truth— (FP) Women's Lodge 600 Plans Dance Nov. v6 JOHNSTOWN. Pa—Women's Lodge No. «00 SNPJ ia annocnucing the 22nd anniversary dance, to be held Nov. «. et the Moxham Slovenian Hall. Music will be furnished by the populsr Eddie Lepa-nja orchestra We are aaktng the neighboring lodges to keep this dele open, not to plan any entertainment for that night, and to spenfcl the night of fun with us MARY KONCHAN. Secy Continued from Page 1) monopoly from arrogating the resources that should serve all. and , if we will inaist upon the application of the ever more marvellous discoveries and techniques of science for the common good. The Progressive Party proposes to safeguard LIBERTY—not with mere lip service, but by adhering fully to the Constitution, including the Bill . of ' Rights and all subsequent amendments, in all their vitality and integrity, and by reviving and enhancing the principles and formula-tions of Roosevelt's New Deal. The Progressive Party proposes to guard liberty against that danger which most disturbed the Founding Fathers—the power of the military. And note how all these things are inter-related. Liberty is imperilled by poverty, by monopoly, by war. Every measure which the new party proposés is a measure to safeguard libqjrty. Fruits of Labor By ABUNDANCE, the new party means that our rich land—and our matchless skills, brought here by immigrants from the Old World' In the last 300 years—ehall produce . all that is needed to make the good life available to every laW-abiding 'and industrious man and woman in the land, and their children, regardless of color, race or religion; . and that these fruits of enterprise and labor shall not be so ill-divided that a few are glutted with a surfeit of luxuries, while many who toil and sweat must for reasons beyohd their controll still go "ill-fed, ill-clothed and ill-housed " The pioneers who first possessed the Atlantic seaboard and later pressed westward through the forests and the prairies, could win abundance by strength and industry, by the wide swing of the axe, the true aim of the flintlock, and the firm hand on the plow. There was OPPORTUNITY galore. Almost any man could get land for the asking or for a few dollars an acre, and become an independent farmer. Any man could set up a little store in a nev; community and become a prosperous merchant as the town grew. Almost any man could start a paper, establish a factory or mill, or open a mine, and become an industrialist. This is no longer true. Millions of square miles have been ^-rendered useless for human use and habitation by irresponsible deforestation and by erosion. The number of family farms dwindles yearly; every day hundreds of independent merchants and small mining, milling and manufacturing companies are forced out of business by the power of monopoly, contend in Wall Street. Threat to Freedom The relentless limitation of opportunity, the shrinking of abundance . for millions, the violence done to liberty in defiance of the Constitution and in contempt, of the tradition that began in 1776. the further threat against freedom in his ominous form of military rule, the denial of life itself to unnumbered victims of poverty, and the grave threat to all our lives in the probability of a war waged with atom bombs and bacteria—these developments, conditions, and prospects now imperil the American Way of Life. The Progressive Party proposes to restore and safeguard and extend that Way—the emphasis is on the word "extend." Nothing in nature stands still, and no more can human economic and social and political institutions. Change is a key principle of the American Way—growth, adaptstion, progress. Had it not been for that principle, the USA would not exist—we would not now be debating the decisions to be made in an election; we would still be colonial subjects, or wc wouldn't be here at all. The courageous recognition of the imperative of change nerved the arms of three million freemen, as old Champ Clark of Missouri once put it. to defy what was then the one mightiest empire on earth. If we remembered more vividly what daring it took in 1776 to reject monarchy and form a republic, we would have less hesitation in rejecting the National Association of Manufacturers notions of "free enterprise," and adopting messures more in keeping with todsy's facts of life. We would not hesitate to defy the greatest power on eerth—that of monopoly corporstions snd cartels, whosej/ agents have lately seized control *f the U. S. Government. (Concluded next week) the hours of 9 p.m. to I a.m. free. After the last effair in April, generous contributions of 630 each were made to the Weilecc rampetgn fund and to the NeUonei Committee for Free Press. A good time is aa-aured all who ettend this first af-feir of the fall end winter season end your inHulgenre ra requested JENNIE P MURIN MX) Fight For Health , Continued from Page I) routine Premature Infants often need strict schedules, but with the help of a baby doctor moat norms I infants can be pieced on a demand schedule For perents who cannot figure out beby's crying, and who are still worried even with medical edvice. a definite schedule to hang onto is probably best. Unfortunetely baby doctors are beyond the reach o fmoat parents Nor csn meay sfford to pay 629 to (35 a day hospital rates to have baby m his mother's room sfter delivery, In the south, for essmpte not more then 60% of all bebies are born in hospital or with a doctor la attendance Therefore only with Increased hospital facilities end national heelth insurance csn ede quale medics I care for mnal moth ers and babies become a reality. «