ISSN 0352-9045 Informacije li MIDEM Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), June 2014 Revija za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale letnik 44, številka 2 (2014), Junij 2014 Primary ■ J ■ ■ aA A M m -v .-., 55r m Srn ■s H V'1 ■f^&JS^J* *■-J > ' IMM ".z ... i v « • « > -v i •< ■ h iff Suspended spring • «Olllllltl WD30.3mjn 5.00kV x80 500um UDK 621.3:(53+54+621+66)(05)(497.1)=00 ISSN 0352-9045 Informacije midem 2-2014 Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials VOLUME 44, NO. 2(150), LJUBLJANA, JUNE 2014 | LETNIK 44, NO. 2(150), LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2014 Published quarterly (March, June, September, December) by Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials - MIDEM. Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. | Revija izhaja trimesečno (marec, junij, september, december). Izdaja Strokovno društvo za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale - Društvo MIDEM. Copyright © 2014. Vse pravice pridržane. Editor in Chief | Glavni in odgovorni urednik Marko Topič, University of Ljubljana (UL), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Editor of Electronic Edition | Urednik elektronske izdaje Kristijan Brecl, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Associate Editors | Odgovorni področni uredniki Vanja Ambrožič, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Slavko Amon, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Danjela Kuščer Hrovatin, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Matjaž Vidmar, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Andrej Žemva, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Editorial Board | Uredniški odbor Mohamed Akil, ESIEE PARIS, France Giuseppe Buja, University of Padova, Italy Gian-Franco Dalla Betta, University of Trento, Italy Martyn Fice, University College London, United Kingdom Ciprian Iliescu, Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, A*STAR, Singapore Malgorzata Jakubowska, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Marc Lethiecq, University of Tours, France Teresa Orlowska-Kowalska, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Luca Palmieri, University of Padova, Italy International Advisory Board | Časopisni svet Janez Trontelj, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia - Chairman Cor Claeys, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium Denis Donlagic, University of Maribor, Faculty of Elec. Eng. and Computer Science, Slovenia Zvonko Fazarinc, CIS, Stanford University, Stanford, USA Leszek J. Golonka, Technical University Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland Jean-Marie Haussonne, EIC-LUSAC, Octeville, France Barbara Malič, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Miran Mozetič, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Stane Pejovnik, UL, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Slovenia Giorgio Pignatel, University of Perugia, Italy Giovanni Soncini, University of Trento, Trento, Italy Iztok Šorli, MIKROIKS d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia Hong Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China Headquarters | Naslov uredništva Uredništvo Informacije MIDEM MIDEM pri MIKROIKS Stegne 11, 1521 Ljubljana, Slovenia T. +386 (0)1 513 37 68 F. + 386 (0)1 513 37 71 E. Annual subscription rate is 100 EUR, separate issue is 25 EUR. MIDEM members and Society sponsors receive current issues for free. Scientific Council for Technical Sciences of Slovenian Research Agency has recognized Informacije MIDEM as scientific Journal for micro-electronics, electronic components and materials. Publishing of the Journal is cofinanced by Slovenian Book Agency and by Society sponsors. Scientific and professional papers published in the journal are indexed and abstracted in COBISS and INSPEC databases. The Journal is indexed by ISI® for Sci Search®, Research Alert® and Material Science Citation Index™. | Letna naročnina je 100 EUR, cena posamezne številke pa 25 EUR. Člani in sponzorji MIDEM prejemajo posamezne številke brezplačno. Znanstveni svet za tehnične vede je podal pozitivno mnenje o reviji kot znanstveno-strokovni reviji za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale. Izdajo revije sofinancirajo JAKRS in sponzorji društva. Znanstveno-strokovne prispevke objavljene v Informacijah MIDEM zajemamo v podatkovne baze COBISS in INSPEC. Prispevke iz revije zajema ISI® v naslednje svoje produkte: Sci Search®, Research Alert® in Materials Science Citation Index™. Po mnenju Ministrstva za informiranje št.23/300-92 se šteje glasilo Informacije MIDEM med proizvode informativnega značaja. Design | Oblikovanje: Snežana Madic Lešnik; Printed by | tisk: Biro M, Ljubljana; Circulation | Naklada: 1000 issues | izvodov; Slovenia Taxe Percue | Poštnina plačana pri pošti 1102 Ljubljana Informacije imidem Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials 44, No. 2 (2014) Content | Vsebina Review scientific paper Pregledni znanstveni članek F. Banitorfian, F. Eshghabadi, A. A. Manaf, P. Pons, N. M. Noh, M. T. Mustafa, O. Sidek: Evaluation and Analysis of Methods for Fixed and Variable MEMS Inductors Design 87 F. Banitorfian, F. Eshghabadi, A. A. Manaf, P. Pons, N. M. Noh, M. T. Mustaffa, O. Sidek: Evaluacija in analiza metod za oblikovanje fiksnih in variabilnih MEMS tuljav Original scientific papers Izvirni znanstveni članki J. Trontelj: Fast One-Time Programming (OTP) and a Programming Verification Solution Using Zener Diodes in a Standard CMOS Process 104 J. Trontelj: Hitra metoda za enkratno programiranje in preverjanje pravilnosti programiranja s pomočjo zener diod v standardnem CMOS procesu §. C Yener, R. Mutlu, H. H. Kuntman: Performance Analysis of a Memristor - Based Biquad Filter Using a Dynamic Model 109 §. C. Yener, R. Mutlu, H. H. Kuntman: Analiza učinkovitosti bikvadrantnega filtra na osnovi memristorja z uporabo dinamičnega modela P. K. Sahu, S. K. Mohapatra, K. P. Pradhan: Impact of Downscaling on Analog/RF Performance of sub-100nm GS-DG MOSFET 119 P. K. Sahu, S. K. Mohapatra, K. P. Pradhan: Vpliva pomanjševanja na analogne/RF lastnosti pod-100 nm GS-DG MOSFETa A. Rydosz: Micropreconcentrators In Silicon-Glass Technology for the Detection of Diabetes Biomarkers 126 A. Rydosz: Mikro predkoncentratorji tehnologije silicij-steklo za določevanje biomarkerjev diabetesa F. Kagar, A.A.M. Shakir, Y. Oz^elep: A 4th Order Differential G^-C Band-Pass Filter Using Improved Floating Current Source 137 F. Ka?ar, A.A.M. Shakir, Y. Ozgelep: Diferencialen Gm-C pasovno prehoden filter četrtega reda z uporabo izboljšanega plavajočega tokovnega vira M. E. Bajak, A. Kuntman, H. H. Kuntman: MOSFET Spice Parameter Extraction by Modified Genetic Algorithm 142 M. E. Bajak, A. Kuntman, H. H. Kuntman: Določitev Spice parameterov MOSFET s pomočjo spremenjenega generičnega algoritma C. L. Chama, W. H. Tanb: Design of an Intelligent Electronic System for Dump Truck Tip-over Prevention 152 C. L. Chama, W. H. Tanb: Načrtovanje inteligentnega elektronskega sistema za preprečevanje prevrnite smetarskega tovornjaka S. A. Tekin: Voltage Summing Current Conveyor (VSCC) for Oscillator and Summing Amplifier Applications 159 S. A. Tekin: Krmiljen tokovni ojačevalnik za realizacijo oscilatorjev in napetostnih seštevalnikov Professional paper Strokovni članek M. Hou, L. Jiang, F. Ni, M. Jin, H. Liu, Z. Chen: FPGA-based EtherCAT Microcontroller Circuit Design of SPI Communication for Real-time Systems 168 M. Hou, L. Jiang, F. Ni, M. Jin, H. Liu, Z. Chen: FPGA EtherCAT mikrokontroler SPI komunikacij za isteme v realnem času Front page: Tunable inductor (F. Banitorfian et al.) Naslovnica: Nastavljiva tuljava (F. Banitorfian et al.) 86 86 Review scientific paper /midem Iournal of M Informacije | Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 Evaluation and analysis of methods for fixed and variable MEMS inductors design Fatemeh Banitorfian1, Farshad Eshghabadi1, Asrulnizam Abd Manaf1, Patrick Pons2, Norlaili Mohd Noh1, Mohd Tafir Mustaffa1, Othman Sidek1 1Advanced Integrated System Device Group (AISDe), School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, Nibong Tebal, Malaysia 2CNRS, LAAS, Toulouse, France Abstract: This paper investigates fixed and tunable MEMS inductors. A detailed technical discussion is given on those parameters that influence the inductance, quality factor, resonance frequency, and tuning range. Based on these parameters, the available methods are reviewed and categorized for both fixed and tunable inductors to improve the quality factor and tuning range. The major research issues in fixed MEMS inductors are the quality factor and the resonant frequency. The tuning range, in addition to the quality factor, is the main research issue of tunable MEMS inductors. Several comparison graphs are given to show the performance of each method. The parameters and their effect on the performance of the inductor were analyzed and simulated by MATLAB to present their pros and cons, their effectiveness, and their failures. This exploration can assist the designers to choose the appropriate methods for developing fixed and tunable inductors in terms with their desired application and specification. In this technical review paper, a detailed comparison between the inductors parameters for different techniques of development and adjustment gives the researchers a deep understanding of available solutions. Keywords: Passive circuits, Inductors, Q factor, Simulation, Microelectromechanical devices Evaluacija in analiza metod za oblikovanje fiksnih in variabilnih MEMS tuljav Izvleček: Članek raziskuje fiksne in nastavljive MEMS tuljave. Podana je natančna tehnična razlaga parametrov, ki vplivajo na induktivnost, faktor kvalitete, resonančno frekvenco in območje nastavljanja. Na osnovi teh parametrov so predstavljene in kategorizirane obstoječe metode povečanja faktorja kvalitete in območja nastavljanja za fiksne in nastavljive tuljave. Glavni raziskovalna izziva pri fiksnih MEMS tuljavah sta faktor kvalitete in resonančna frekvenca. Območje nastavljanja je poleg faktorja kvalitete najpomembnejši raziskovalni faktor pri nastavljivih tuljavah. Podani so številni grafi, ki prikazujejo prednosti vsake metode. Z namenom prikazovanja prednosti in slabosti ter učinkovitosti metod so bili parametri in njihovi vplivi na delovanje tuljave analizirani in simulirani s simulatorjem Matlab. Ta raziskava lahko pomaga načrtovalcem pri razvoju fiksnih in nastavljivih tuljav. V tem preglednem članku obsežna primerjava parametrov tuljav razvitih z različnimi tehnikami podaja raziskovalcem razumljiv in celosten vpogled v delovanje in razumevanje obstoječih rešitev. Ključne besede: pasivna vezja, tuljave, Q faktor, Simulacije, MEMS strukture * Corresponding Author's e-mail: 1 Introduction Recently, rapidly increasing interest for small-sized highperformance wireless systems has led to a high demand for integrated passive devices in radio-frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) applications. Inductors play a key role in radio frequency (RF) circuits. Conventional on-chip inductors are spiral inductors that are utilized in portable wireless communication circuits to meet the desired system specifications, such as: low cost, low voltage supply, small size, low power dissipation, low noise, high frequency of operation, and low distortion [1, 2]. The most important applications for inductors are in: impedance matching networks, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), LC tanks in a VCO, multi-band RF filters, multi-band monolithic microwave integrated circuitry (MMIC), power amplifiers in radio transmitters, 87 © MIDEM Society F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 low-noise amplifiers (LNAs), and double-balanced Gilbert-cell mixers [3-6]. Currently, there are several drawbacks that limit the performance when employing conventional planar MMIC inductors, such as substrate parasitics and the conductivity of silicon substrate [2], which cause low resonance frequency and low Q factor [6-8]. The best approach to reduce the effect of substrate conductivity is to use MEMS technology with which high Q and high performance can be achieved [2, 9]. The MEMS inductor gives a very high Q factor compared with the MMIC inductor. This can improve sufficiently the noise figure in LNAs and the phase noise in VCOs. Also, the MEMS inductor can be implemented to be tunable, whereas the MMIC inductor cannot. The most important parameter in fixed MEMS inductors is the quality factor, which can be improved by several techniques. These methods can be listed briefly as: substrate effects reduction by removing the substrate under the coil or increasing the distance between the substrate and the metal coil, in order to reduce the capacitive and inductive coupling [8, 10, 11] or decoupling (such as vertical planar inductor) [12, 13]; the use of 3D inductors to reduce losses inserted by the eddy current that is generated in the substrate [14]; the use of a patterned-ground layer between the spiral and substrate [15]; the use of high resistivity substrate [16]; the use of high conductivity metal for inductors [17, 18]; and changes to the thickness and width of the metal [19]. In tunable MEMS inductors, in addition to the Q factor, the tuning ratio is a research issue. Briefly, the methods to improve the tuning range are: change the number of turns [9, 20], change of coupling capacitance [21-24], switched inductor [5, 25], change of mutual inductance (in transformer type) [3, 4, 26, 27], change of the permeability [28-31], and counteractive magnetic field induction [32, 33]. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of each method are considered and a detailed comparison and analysis among these methods is presented. Section II discusses around the MEMS inductors' geometry, equivalent model and corresponding equations for inductance and quality factor. A detailed discussion for fixed-tuned MEMS inductor with available methods of quality factor enhancement and their relative analysis is given in section III. In section IV, available methods to implement a tunable MEMS inductor and tuning range increase are described with the corresponding detailed analysis. Finally, the conclusion is given in section V. 2 MEMS Inductors The growing market of the wireless and communication industry has caused a remarkable demand for integrated passive elements. Conventional MMIC inductors do not provide sufficient quality factor or the capability of tuning. However, MEMS inductors are suitable for replacing conventional MMIC inductors. The conventional form of on-chip inductor is spiral. There are different possible shapes for the fabrication of inductors such as square, hexagonal, octagonal and circular. The effect of these shapes on inductance was investigated in [34]. The circular type shows the best Q factor; because in the square type, the current distribution is crowded into the edge of the corners, such that the effective series resistance is increased. MEMS inductors are designed depending on application; integrated MEMS inductors on Si wafer appear to be very interesting for future RF and microwave functions and communication systems. Currently, the most demanded application for MEMS inductors is in reconfigurable wireless systems such as satellite communication and mobile handsets [35]. The general model showing planar inductor performance is illustrated in Figure 1. Ls indicates the low-frequency inductance and Rs gives the series resistance of the coil. The capacitance between the different windings of the inductor is shown by C, including the air core as the covering dielectric layers. Cox is the oxide (or polyamide) capacitance layer between the windings and the silicon (or GaAs) substrate, CS. is the capacitance between the coil and the ground through the silicon substrate, and RS. is the eddy current losses in the substrate [36]. Considering the inductor model in Figure 2, the quality factor Q of the inductor is given by [10]: RS (C + C, ) Q =- ah R R- I ah R. + R. [| R- I +1] 0)L --a2h (C, + Cp ) Q =—- (substrate loss).(self resonance 1 R (C + C. )2 R =-+ * "-— p «2C R C2 C = C x 1 + 0)(Cox + CJCsiRs 1 + rn\C + C. )2 R R = S = Sw — (1) loss) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 88 M. Zakerhaghighi et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 1 (2014), 75 - 83 where Rs is the resistance per unit length (R) and p is the metal resistivity in Q-cm, W is the width of the inductor line, 5 is the skin depth, j = 4n x 10-7 and is the free space permeability, and f is the operating frequency. Equation (1) is used to calculate the Q factor for the pie model shown in Figure 1. This equation can be divided into three terms: the first term is the simplified equation for Q while all parasitics are neglected. In this term, the Q factor is found from the frequency inductance and series resistance. Hence, the only effective parameter in this term is series resistance, which depends on the metallization. The second and third terms are the substrate loss factor and self-resonance loss factor. For an ideal inductor, these two terms show a value of unity because no parasitic are considered. Figure 1: General model for planar spiral inductor (a) schematic view, and (b) perspective view. According to (1) and (4), the metallization thickness W and the parasitic capacitance Cp are two effective parameters in the Q factor equation. This means that an increase in Q is directly achieved by reducing the series resistance. Using (5), it can be seen that Rs is directly proportional to f and that reactance is proportional to f (equation 9). Thus, Q is also approximately proportional to f [36]. Therefore, this parameter is usually more effective when the frequency is low enough. There are several methods to enhance the Q factor using metallization, which will be described in the next section. In addition to the Q, the parasitic capacitance affects the resonance frequency; the resonance frequency can be achieved by: fr =■ 1 2n (7) From (7), it can be observed that series resistance has no influence on resonance frequency. The inductor impedance ZL and corresponding quality factor Q, is achieved by: ZL = Rs + j&L La Q = — R (8) (9) A reduction in the parasitic capacitance not only pushes the resonant frequency higher (equation 7), but also results in a large reactance (equation 8), and therefore, a high Q inductor (equation 9) at high frequencies. In a tunable MEMS inductor, in addition to the quality factor, the tuning inductance range is another important parameter. The inductance value depending on the shape of the inductor is calculated using different equations. Most previous works discuss the square shape due to its easy fabrication, but the best results are achieved for a circular spiral inductor. For a single-layer spiral inductor, regardless of its layout shape (square, hexagonal, octagonal, and circular form), a generalized equation for inductance is [37]: L = M0N2 DArGC l ln C, P + Cp + C 4P1) (10) where N represents the number of turns; p0 is the vacuum permeability and is equal to 4px10-7; p is the fill ratio; D..,r shows the average diameter; D and D . are ' AVG ' in out the inner and outer diameter, respectively, and can be found from Figure 1. C1-C4 are the coefficients depending on the layout and their values can be found from [37], depending on whether the inductor is a square, hexagonal, octagonal, or circular type. Generally, the main parameters in an inductor are: the Q factor, the inductance value (L), the resonance frequency, and the size. Each of these parameters is dependent on some other factors such as metallization 89 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 and parasitic capacitances. According to these relations, several methods to enhance the Q factor and the tuning range were presented. In the following sections, most of these methods will be discussed. 3 Fixed MEMS inductors and methods to enhance the quality factor The main research issue for fixed-value MEMS inductor is the quality factor. According to (1) and the discussion in section II, previous works have employed several methods improve the Q factor. Here, based on equation (2), the quality factor enhancement methods were divided into three categories: series resistance reduction, substrate loss reduction, and self-resonance loss. 31 Series Resistance Reduction The first term of equation (1) shows that the only effective parameter in this term for improving the Q factor is series resistance (Rs). Equation 5 shows that (R) is dependent on other parameters, such as: metal resistivity, length, skin depth, and effective area. The effects of these parameters and the relevant previous works were studied. 3.1.1 The Skin Effect Reduction Applying a time-varying voltage to the spiral inductor, a magnetic field arises from the time-variant current. This causes a current induction in the substrate and tracks. The induced eddy current in the substrate causes the substrate loss. By increasing the frequency from lower frequency to higher frequencies, the domination of a dc current density and its corresponding magnitude of fields exponentially decrease, while the opposing penetrated electric field increases due to the growing eddy current. This is called the skin effect, which cancels the current flows at the center of the conductor and forces it to flow in the outer area (skin). This reduces the effective sectional area of the conductive metal, which results in frequency-dependent growth in the series resistance R. The increase rate can be found by the skin depth, which is the effective depth of penetration (5) of the current [38] and its equation is given in (6). In addition, the flux coupling reduction causes the decrease in the self-inductance value at higher frequencies. The series resistance Rs in (5) can be found with (5), which neglects the skin effect induced by the substrate, but not the skin effect induced by the coil segments. For frequencies of 2 GHz and below, the skin effect is negligible; whereas for frequencies above 2 GHz, the inverse-frequency-dependent skin depth is much less than the conductor's width. Figure 2: Eddy and displacement current in the substrate induced by the current flow in spiral inductor [39] (top), and self-induced current by skin effect [40] (bottom). Two spiral inductor circuit models considering the skin effect induced by the substrate were developed by [40] and [41], which are more intuitive and accurate. The estimation of the effective series resistance Rseff was given by [40] as: R = R 1 + — 10 œ œ v / J (11) where R^r is the dc series resistance of the coil and w .. DC crit is the frequency at which the current crowding begins to become significant. Based on [40], this model was modified by [41] and the following equation for substrate-induced series resistance was developed as: R „ = R, œ1 (0.035W T VX ) ( n - M Y i+—--— y n2 ^ VN -MJ (12) Figure 2 shows the currents induced by the skin effect and the substrate into the planar inductor. Using the available models based on equations (5), (11), and (12), the quality factor of a spiral inductor was plotted in Figure 3 to compare the calculated Qs versus frequency. The top plot in Figure 3 is based on calculated RS with (5), in which induced skin effect by the substrate is ne- 90 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 glected. N increase in Q can be observed in the given frequency range; however, the Q slope shows a decrease because of the induced skin effect by its own segments. The middle and bottom plots show the calculated Q from (11) and (12), which show a decrease in Q as the frequency increases. This means that the induced skin effect by the substrate cannot be neglected after a determined frequency. When Q is 90 degrees, the maximum value for the Q factor is achieved because the substrate effect on the skin depth is a minimum; therefore, the inductor displacement can be categorized as two categories of coupling reduction (Q < 90°) and de-coupling (Q =90°). The increase of the distance is an approach for coupling reduction. To achieve the de-coupling, the inductor is displaced in the vertical position, such as in [12]. This approach was based on a fully parallel batch process. Another vertical inductor fabricated by [13] shows the improvement in Q factor; in this work, plastic deformation magnetic assembly (PDMA) technology was employed to implement the inductor vertically (see Figure 5). Figure 4: Q-controlled spiral inductor by variable angular distance [8]. Figure 3: Calculated Q based on self-induced skin effect and substrate-induced skin effect. Recently, stressed-metal high-Q 3-D inductors have been introduced. Dissimilar to the spiral inductors, the magnetic field in these inductors is not perpendicular to the substrate, which causes a reduction of losses associated with eddy currents generated in the Si substrate; thus, very high quality factors up to 1 GHz frequency were achieved. At higher frequencies, the magnetic field penetration into the lossy Si substrate causes a significant decrease of the quality factor. Employing a stressed-metal technology, silicon-based high-Q 3-D inductors were fabricated by [14]. The existence of low-k dielectric (SU-STM) materials under the inductors showed the increase in the self-resonance frequency. The simplicity and full compatibility with silicon and compound-semiconductor technologies are the two main advantages of this technique. This also allows the post-processing implementation. In [8], the Q factor was controlled with eddy current reduction. Here, the angular distance of the coil d Swas displaced from 0 degrees to 90 degrees, as shown in Figure 4. This led to fewer magnetic flux lines, associated with the excitation current, penetrating through the silicon substrate. This results in a decrease of the skin effect and hence, the inductive loss and then quality factor can be tuned. In this work, using the decoupling effect, the Q factor was controlled between 2.9-5.2 at 2 GHz with an inductance variation between 8-16 nH. Test pads Bottom conductor Didectnc bridge Top conducta Figure 5: PDMA vertical spiral inductor [13]. 91 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 When the inductor lies on the substrate without any distance, a Q factor of 3.5 is achieved at 1 GHz; this is the minimum value for the Q of this inductor. However, in the vertical position, the Q factor is 12 at the same frequency. The approaches in [12] and [13] can be analyzed for their extensive separation between coil and substrate (a few hundreds of pm); in this case, it is possible to analyze these approaches in the suspended inductor technique in the substrate loss reduction section. 3.1.2 High Conductivity Metal According to equations (1) and (5), the metal resistivity influences the Q factor. Figure 6 presents the calculated Q while various metals are employed for implementation of the coil segments. Here, copper shows the highest conductivity compared with gold, and aluminum shows the highest Q factor because uL/Rs increases with a decrease in series resistance R. Figure 6: Calculated Q based on different conductive coil metals Using high conductivity metal such as copper in the inductor is the most common technique to reduce metal loss in the inductor [42]. In addition to the material, the limited metallization thickness is one of the parameters that strongly influences the RF performance [17]. 3.1.3 Width and Length Optimization In addition to the conductivity of metal, the thickness and the width of the metal are also effective parameters to improve the Q factor because they influence the series resistance of the coil. Figure 7 shows the quality factor while the ratio of L/W sweeps from 50 to 450. The term uL/Rs increases with a decrease of the L/W ratio; however, any increase in the L/W ratio causes an increase in the substrate loss factor and the self- resonance factor. It can be observed that the quality factor follows the behavior of the term uL/Rs because it is more dominant than the other two factors in this specific case. An optimum width and Q ratio was studied by [19]. In this work, a 3D inductor with different widths of metal was fabricated and measured. It was shown that the increasing width leads to an increasing quality factor while the resonance frequency remains constant. A comparison of the Q factor between several fabricated inductors was presented in terms of the change of their turn and width (see Table 1). Figure 7: Calculated Q versus swept L/W ratio Table 1: A comparison of q factor between fabricated inductors with different l/w ratio by [19] L (nH) Quality factor SRF (GHz) 1 25 1.23 38.2@7GHz >40 1 35 1.22 51.6@7.5GHz >40 1 45 1.16 137.5@12GHz >40 2 25 2.60 30.5@3GHz 33 2 35 2.45 32.8@3.5GHz 35 2 45 2.20 66.1@7.5GHz 38 It should be noted that this method has some disadvantages, which should be considered in the calculation and design. Increasing the width causes an increase in the capacitive coupling; this might result in an undesirable performance of Q. [43] has mentioned this problem based on results of two identically fabricated inductors with different widths. The inductors were fabricated on silicon with a silicon oxide substrate. The metal used was copper, the number of turns was two, and the space between the two metals was 10 pm. The achieved Q factor for the inductor with a width of 80 92 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 ^m was 10; however, the Q factor for the other inductor with a width of 50 ^m was 17 at the same frequency of 1 GHz. 3.2 The Substrate Loss Reduction According to equation (1), when the term for substrate loss factor is unity, the maximum quality factor can be achieved. To approach the unity value for the substrate loss factor, it is required that Rp be a very large value (R Equation (2) shows that when RSi is equal to zero or infinity, Rp will limited to infinity. In addition, C = 0 can cause an infinite-value of R . Based on this ox p knowledge, to increase the value for Rp, four methods are conventional: (a) using high resistivity silicon [16], (b) etching away the silicon substrate [10, 19], (c) patterned grounded shields [15], and (d) increase the distance between the substrate and metal by suspending the coil [11]. The first two methods are usually used to realize R = «, the third method is used to realize R = 0, Si ' Si ' and the final method is used to realize C = 0. ox Figure 8 presents the effects of methods (a) to (c) on the quality factor. As can be observed, the high-resistivity substrate and patterned-grounded shields improve the quality factor compared with the conventional low-resistivity silicon substrate without any shields. Q vs Frequency (GHz) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 - wL/Rs vs Frequency (GHz) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Substrate Loss Factor vs Frequency (GHz) - - conventional Si : - - High Resistivity Si and etching Si away - - Patterned Ground 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Self-Resonance Factor vs Frequency (GHz) - 0------------------------------------------------------ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 8: The calculated Q for different methods of substrate loss reduction 3.2.1 High-Resistivity Substrate Increasing the substrate resistivity has the greatest effect on the second term in (1). As much of the substrate resistivity approaches infinity, it causes this term to approach unity. A low-resistivity substrate results in an inductor with high loss and therefore, low quality factor. In addition, the self-resonant frequency is very low because the Si substrate with its high dielectric constant introduces increased parasitic capacitances [16]. The resistivity of substrate RSi is dependent on the employed substrate material. The substrate can be chosen from materials such as SiO2/Si, high-resistivity silicon (HRS), glass, and quartz, the resistivity of each is increasing, respectively [38]. To obtain high-performance inductors, many approaches using: highly-resistive silicon with micro-machining technique [4], a glass layer [5], a thick polyimide layer [6], and a multilevel interconnection in the silicon substrate [7]-[9] have been reported, but their results are much lower than in [44]. In [44], a thick lower-cost and lower-process-time oxidized porous silicon (OPS) layer on s silicon substrate to fabricate a high-performance planar inductor was proposed. As a replacement for direct oxidation of bulk silicon, the short-time oxidation process of porous silicon was employed to make the oxide layer thicker than 30 ^m by the reaction of the side wall of pores. This thick oxide layer prevents any harmful effects on the performance of the fabricated inductor because of the silicon. In [45], to reduce the undesired effects of silicon, SOS (silicon on sapphire) technology was employed, which is from the SOI (silicon on insulator) family of CMOS technologies. In this approach, a hetero-epitaxial process for integrated circuit manufacturing that consists of a thin layer (typically thinner than 0.6 micrometers) of silicon was grown on a sapphire (Al2O3) wafer. As conventional models are less accurate for inductors created in newer RF-compatible processes with very high resistivity bulk material such as SOS, appropriate modeling for this approach was carried out by [45]. In this work, the simple four- and five-element frequency independent models with small-to-moderate sized (< 300 um) inductors to be fabricated in SOS and a six-element model for larger, high-Q spirals (e.g., 600 ^m) were introduced. They accurately model the increase in resistance versus frequency from current crowding. The models show that substrate loss is reduced to negligible values relative to trace resistance loss. A new inductive coupled plasma (ICP) etcher was employed by [17], dedicated to dielectrics anisotropic deep dry etching in order to discover a new method based on patterning the inductor directly in a quartz substrate. The major benefit of this method is the high resistivity of the quartz (2 x 1014 Ocm at 20 °C), which greatly decreases the substrate-induced RF losses. 3.2.2 Etching Substrate Away Etching a cavity underneath the inductor is another approach to meet RSi ^ ^ and hence, Rp This technique greatly improves the quality factor. [43] used a 93 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 dry etching technique to remove the seed layer while it is perfectly contacted to the pillars. This approach produced a great improvement with a peak Q-factor of 17 at a frequency of 1 GHz. The inductance is about 3.2 nH in the frequency range between 50 MHz and 3 GHz while the resonance frequency is about 6 GHz. Sheng-Hsiang Tseng proposed a fully CMOS-compatible MEMS inductor in TSMC 0.18-^m 1P6M CMOS process and also Chip Implementation Center (CIC) micromachining post process to remove the oxide between the coil metals and the silicon substrate under the inductor by utilizing dry reactive ion etching (RIE). In this work, a 1.88-nH micro machined inductor with a Q factor of over 15 was achieved at 8.5 GHz, and the improvement is up to 88% in maximum quality factor [46]. In [10], the Silicon substrate of an MMIC inductor in 0.35 ^m CMOS process was removed using a post-process silicon dioxide RIE. TMAH (tetra methyl ammonium hydroxide) is then used to remove the silicon substrate underneath the inductor to achieve a suspended spiral inductor. The advantage of the post processing is its compatibility with the CMOS process. There are several works that have used identical techniques to improve the Q factor; however, they have applied different processes [26, 47, 48]. The main issue in these approaches is the restricted separation that can be obtained (only tens of ^m or less). In addition, substrate etching must be carried out in a compatible process, but the concerns about the reduced mechanical stability of the substrate remain [7]. 3.2.3 Patterned Grounded Shield Another method to reduce the substrate effect is to use a patterned grounded layer between the spiral coil and the substrate in order to cause RSi ^ 0 and thus, Rp ^ Hence, the substrate loss factor moves to the unity value. Using this method, an enhancement in the Q factor was achieved by employing patterned ground by [15]. The effect of using a patterned ground can also be clarified from the effects of increasing the effective area of the segments. However, this increases the parasitic capacitive coupling to ground [49]. 3.2.4 Increase of Distance between the Substrate and the Coil (Suspended Inductor) windings, and distance between windings and the substrate, respectively, it can be observed that any increase in distance causes a decrease in capacitance. Figure 9 illustrates the quality factor of a spiral inductor with different windings-substrate distances. It simply shows that the substrate loss factor improves when the distance increases. A suspended spiral inductor, shown in Figure 10, was fabricated with MEMS technology on a glass substrate by [11], in which the coil was sustained with T-shaped pillars. 0 vs Frequency (GHz) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Substrate Loss Factor vs Frequency (GHz) 0 8 ~ 06 04 0.2 0-1-1-1-1-1-1-1- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Self-Resonance Factor vs Frequency (GHz) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 9: The calculated Q for different displacement distances In the fabrication process, fine polishing of the photoresist was used to simplify the processes and ensure that the seed layer and the pillars made perfect contact. Dry etching techniques were employed to remove the seed layer. The inductor operates in a frequency range of 0.05-10 GHz, when the suspended height is 60 nm, the maximum Q factor is 37 for 4.2nH at 2 GHz. The result of this study is that the maximum quality factor grows gradually with an increase of the suspended height. A substrate removal process using CMOS_MEMS can be found in [10]. In this work, a post-process was adopted to remove the silicon substrate under the manufactured spiral inductor in order to enhance the Q-factor of the inductor. This post-process utilizes CHF3/O2 RIE to etch the sacrificial layer of silicon dioxide, and then TMAH is used to remove the underlying silicon substrate. The suspended spiral inductor achieved a measured Q-factor of 15 at 11 GHz and a measured inductance of 4 nH at 25.5 GHz. One of the effective parameters in the substrate loss factor is Co>; this parameter can make the substrate loss factor close enough to unity while it itself limits to zero. By knowing the basic equation of capacitance, C = sA/d, where s, A, and d are the dielectric, area of 3.3 Self-Resonance Loss Factor In the third term of equation (1), there are two main parameters C and C . which cause the self-resonance loss s p (SRL) factor to approach unity. In this case, the unity 94 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 SRL factor occurs when these two parameters are zero or near to zero. 4n + ul (N -1) If L Y L If 4NS Y 4NS M+ = ^-x ln„ 1 + 1 - +--.1 + 1 - +- 4NS I 4NS Figure 10: Suspended spiral inductor by [11] The parasitic capacitance C is limited to zero when the spaces between the segments of the winding are not that close. In addition, C depends on C , such that a ' p ^ ox' zero-value C leads to a zero-value C; the methods ox —p are very similar to the ones described for substrate loss factor when Cp approaches to zero, such as substrate removal and suspended spiral inductor. 4 Tunable MEMS inductor and methods to increase the tuning range Tunable MEMS inductors will find their way to market by 2015 in reconfigurable mobile handsets, reconfigurable satellite communications and base stations, and 60 GHz WLAN applications [35]. A tunable MEMS inductor of a small size with high Q factor and ability of tuning is the required component in most wireless applications, such as reconfigurable LNAs, VCOs, and Filters. In previous discussions, the quality factor of the inductor was discussed in detail. Here, a discussion around the tuning range will be presented. The tuning range parameter is the other important value for inductor design. There are some factors that affect the tuning range and are used as methods to enhance it. These methods are discussed in the following. 4.1 Change of the Number of Turns Here, equation (10) is used as the reference equation for the inductance of the spiral inductor. From (10), the factors that can affect the inductance in order to control the inductance and hence, the tuning range, can be extracted. Inductance is directly proportional to the square of the number of the turns N2. Therefore, controlling the number of turns can provide control of the inductance value. Some previous works used this property to tune the inductance by their own techniques. Figure 11 illustrates the inductance variation while the turns are switched. M- = M0 LN L (13) (14) 4nx 214 4.1.1 Switched Turns of Inductor In this method, inserting switches (or relays) between the turns of the inductor causes it to bypass a specific number of turns and hence, change the inductance. The structure of such an inductor is shown in Figure 12(a) [25]. This method was improved by using MEMS switches instead of the micro-relays in [9]. The model of the fabricated tunable MEMS inductor can be found in Figure 12(b). Here, an RF MEMS switch was employed to bypass a determined number of turns. The proposed tunable inductor was used to reconfigure the bandwidth of Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) ladder filters. From the simulation, it was realized that use of this method increases the filter bandwidth by 25%. 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Figure 11: Inductance variation versus number of turns The measurement results showed an inductance of 4 nH when the first switch was activated and an inductance of 1 nH when the second switch was activated at a frequency of 3 GHz. The switches gave a sufficient operation for a frequency range of 1-5 GHz. 4.1.2 Use of Conductive Liquid One of the novel methods for tunable inductor implementation is to use conductive material in order to by- 95 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 Figure 12: (a) A switched-turn variable inductor by [25], (b) A MEMS switched-turn variable inductor by [9] pass the specific number of the turns. This method can be found in [20], in which the variable inductor contains a planar spiral inductor, a micro pump, and conductive liquid metal (Mercury), and all of these were implemented in one single chip. According to the direct proportionality between the inductance and the square of the number of turns, using voltage electrodes makes the mercury move between the spaces of the intercoil, such that part of intercoil becomes short-circuited. This phenomenon results in a reduction of stored magnetic energy and indeed, the inductance. The tuning range in this work is above 100% at 8 GHz (see Figure 13). 4.2 Change of Coupling Capacitance 4.2.1 Change of Dielectric Value (Cross-Talk Strength) Another novel method was introduced by [20] in which the capacitive coupling between the inter-spires is varied by a reduction of the stored magnetic energy; this occurs when liquid moves between the metal spires. The liquids that can be employed in this method are divided in two categories: liquid metals and ionic liquids. Liquid metals have conductivity a thousand times higher than ionic liquids, but ionic liquids are much easier to handle. Mercury is the most famous and most often used liquid metal in previous works, but it is toxic and harmful to the environment. In [22, 23], this method was implemented with various liquids. A very high tuning range of up to 107% was achieved by employing salted water at 1.6 GHz frequency with a Q factor of 12. The structure of this variable inductor is shown in Figure 14. The effect of salts on water permeability varies depending on the salts and the species (Figure 15). While most salts, such as: KCl, KNO3, (NH4)2SO4, NaNO3, NaCl, NH4Cl, AlCl3, and NH4NO3) had no pronounced effect, CaCl2, K2CO3, and Cs2CO3 were very efficient in increasing cuticular water permeability's of H. helix, P. laurocer-asus, and L. esculentum (Figure 16). The effects of CaCl2 were 2.41 ± 0.26, 1.29 ± 0.11, and 1.55 ± 0.31 for the; three measures. The effects of K2CO3 were 1.43 ± 33, 1.68 ± 0.13, and 2.63 ± 0.28, and the effects of Cs2CO3 were 1.52 ± 0.18, 2.60 ± 0.29, and 2.50 ± 0.48 [50]. Figure 16 presents the simulation for a liquid tunable inductor using salted water. The salted water is injected in a tunable liquid inductor, such as in Figure 14. As the liquid moves in the turns of the inductor, the total inductance, including the self-inductance and mutual inductance, changes. In Figure 16, the top plot shows the variation of the total inductance when the water is injected in turns 1 to 6. The middle plot shows the self-inductance for the turns that salted water is injected and the turns in which air still remains. The bottom plot shows the mutual inductance variation when more salted water is injected. 4.2.2 Changing Coupling between the Substrate and the Coil When the coil is implemented on a low-resistivity substrate, the planar inductor geometries present both a desired inductance and a parasitic capacitance. A reduction in the size of the winding metals leads to a reduction in parasitic capacitance, but in addition, to an increase in the resistive loss. This method is useful for improving the tuning range and also the Q factor, and is based on the coil structure displacement away from the substrate. This causes a reduction in capacitance between the coil and the substrate while the resistance remains constant. 96 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 Mh ro punifi I x Figure 13: Conductive liquid inductor by [20] Figure 14: Liquid variable inductor with salted water [22, 23] In [24], a MEMS tunable inductor was assembled using an interlayer stress, such that it causes portions of the inductor to bend away from the substrate in a controlled manner. This is allowed by fabricating the inductor in the substrate plane over a sacrificial layer with anchor points at both ends connecting through to the substrate. Total Inductance (nH) vs number of salted-water injected turn 25r °1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Self-Inductance (nH) vs number of salted-water injected turn - -Air -Salted Water °1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Mutual-Inductance (nH) vs number of salted-water injected turn 10r 8 ^^^^^^_____^^^^^^____^________________________ °1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Figure 16: Inductance variation versus number of turns with injected salted water Employing two or more deposited material layers with dissimilar stresses, the inductor can be forced to curl away from the substrate while the sacrificial layer is removed. Following the same method, an spiral inductor was fabricated by [21]. A tunable inductor was achieved based on the structure shown in Figure 17. In this work, the tunable MEMS inductor, based on the bimorph effect, was fabricated with amorphous silicon (a-Si) and aluminum structure layer on a-Si and c-Si substrates at low temperature (150 °C). Because of interlayer stress between the two layers (films), the coil warps. This stress is controllable by film thickness and hydrogen content. When a voltage is applied between the terminals, due to the difference in thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of the two materials, the structure deforms in a controllable manner. A tuning range of 32% (5.6-8.2 nH) was achieved at a frequency of 4 GHz with a Q factor of 15 and resonance frequency of 7 GHz. 4.3 Change of the Mutual Inductance (Coupling Coefficient) between Two Coils By controlling the magnetic coupling coefficient between two different inductors, a tunable inductor is Figure 15: Effects of different salts on water permeability [50] 97 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 achieved. Usually, for two identical inductance L0, the mutual inductance M, can be achieved by [51, 52]: M = L x K (15) where the coupling factor is given by K. No matter if the inductors are connected in parallel or series, when the current flows in two adjacent lines, the same or opposite direction will happen. Figure 17: Tunable MEMS inductor based on bimorph effect by [21] For the same direction, M is positive and for opposite, M is negative. In theory, the value of K is between 0 and 1. In this method, two or several parallel inductors are fabricated, one of which is in flow and the other are switched off or moved away with different actuators. The motion/switching of one inductor changes the mutual inductance between that inductor and the fixed inductor by changing the coupling factor between two coils. This results in a change in the overall inductance by L = M / K. Figure 18 shows work by [5] that uses switched inductors to control the mutual inductance and hence, the overall inductance. When all the micromechanical vertical switches are open, the inductance seen from port one is L1. Inductors at port two are different in size and thus, have a different mutual inductance effect on port one when activated. The number of different possible states P of the inductance can be achieved by: L = R = „ , b K La l,-y ' ' ' 1 n 2 T-2 2 v 7=2 R, + La j nx b R K1 LÛ O) r,-y ' ' 1 n 2 t2 2 7=2 Ri + Lta j (17) (18) where b. = 0 or 1, L. gives the inductance value of the secondary inductors, R. denotes the series resistance of each secondary inductor in addition to the contact resistance of its corresponding switch, k represents the coupling coefficient, b. is the state of the switch with a value of 1 or 0 depending on whether the switch is on or off, respectively, and w gives the angular frequency. The maximum effective inductance happens when all the switches at port two are on. Here, the tuning range can be achieved from [5]: b K2L2rn %tuning = > 1 . x 100 'R2 + L2û) (19) using this method with two inductors at port two, the maximum tuning range of 47% was achieved at 6 GHz for a 1.1 nH silver inductor [5]. Using equation Leq, the variation of inductance when four inductors on port two are switched into the circuit, is plotted in Figure 19. The x-axis shows the state of the switches for inductors L2 to L5, which are sorted by descending inductance values. The maximum inductance happens when no inductor is switched ('0000'), which is equal to L1. When all inductors are switched into the circuit ('1111'), the minimum inductance occurs. Theoretically, it can be seen that by switching inductors, a linear variation of inductance can be achieved to some extent. In this simulation, a tuning range of 98% was achieved with four switched inductors, while a value of 68% for the tuning range can be achieved for two switched inductors. This is a value close to the tuning range achieved by measurement in [5] Using the mutual inductance adjusting method, a tunable inductor was proposed by [53, 54]. In this work, a MUMPS process was employed, which is used for thin metal layers deposited on polysilicon. The main idea in this work is the displacement of the moving inductor away from the substrate. P = 1 + n (n +1) / 2 (16) where n represents the number of the inductors at port two. Equivalent inductance and series resistance, seen from port one, can be achieved as follows [5]: Two inductors in parallel were fabricated, in which the inner inductor is fixed on chip and the outer inductor is moving off the substrate by outstanding stress between the metal and the polysilicon layer. The outer inductor is attached to a beam that is connected to an array of thermal actuators. By actuating the array, the beam bends and the outer inductor is lifted up. The mutual inductance and hence, the total inductance are •=2 98 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 Figure 18: Tunable inductor using mutual inductances activated by micromechanical switches to achieve four discrete values [5]. Figure 19: Inductance variation versus different states of mutual-controlled inductor with four peripheral coils tuned by the control of the angle that separates the two inductors. Using the same method, a tuning range of 30% was achieved by [55] at a frequency of 7 GHz with a resonance frequency of 35 GHz. The maximum Q factor was 25. A CMOS-compatible process was used for the fabrication of this inductor. This inductor also works with thermal bimorph structures; however, it can be replaced with electrostatic or piezoelectric actuators. Using an identical technique, a tunable inductor was implemented by [27]. In this work, the inductance is controlled by the primary coil. The secondary short-circuited coil is magnetically coupled to the primary one. The magnetic flux relation between the coils induces eddy currents in the secondary coil. By changing the magnetic coupling between the inductors, the equivalent inductance seen at the primary port is changed (see Figure 20). Figure 20: Mutual-controlled variable inductor with magnetic flux control of the secondary coil by [27] 4.4 Change of the Magnetic Flux 4.4.1 Change of the Permeability Changing the permeability of the core is another approach to implement a tunable inductor. This method has been used mostly for 3D solenoid inductors in previous works. In this type of inductor, the core material can be air, but also any ferromagnetic metal. With different core materials, different inductance values can be achieved. In addition, moving the core changes the magnetic field and hence, changes the inductance. Using this property, several different types of tunable MEMS inductor were implemented. One of the earlier works was [31], in which an electrically tunable RF inductor, based on a planar solenoid with a thin-film ferromagnetic (FM) core (NiFe), was realized. Variation of inductance was achieved by employing an additional dc current through the same device and thus, altering the effective permeability of the FM core caused a shift in inductance. For inductance ranges of 1 to 150 nH, tuning ranges of 85%, 35%, and 20% were attained at 0.1, 1, and 2 GHz, respectively. Figure 21 shows another work by [29, 30] in which a solenoid inductor with a Piezomagnetic core was fabricated. The central part of the PZT bridge extends or shortens depending on the sign of the DC voltage V 99 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 (typically from 1 to 10 volts) applied on each pair of sided-electrodes. This causes a transfer of uniaxial tensile or compressive planar stress a to the ferromag- r r uniax netic core, whose permeability ydc alters as a result of the magnetoelastic effect. The permeability and consequently, the inductance was controlled through the magnetoelastic field, denoted here as the HP pressure field. Mdc (V ) = M H eff + (V ) H (V ) =-2 xa . (V ) H „ = H„ + H, (20) (21) (22) where Hk and Hd are the induced uniaxial anisotropy, and the demagnetizing field determined by the composition of the material and by the geometry of the core, respectively. Based on the sign of ouniax, HP can be positive or negative, having a high saturation magnetization Ms = 1.8 T and an intermediate positive saturation magnetostriction X =20x10-6. Figure 21: Solenoid inductor with permeability-controlled Piezomagnetic core [29, 30] The following equation shows the relationship between the frequency and the permeability by using the general Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation achieved for thin film ferromagnetic film: ju(a) = 1 +yMs yHe[f + yMs + jœa _ [ yH . + j œa] [ yM s + j œa] - œ (23) where Ms gives the saturation magnetization and Heff is the total effect field, a is phenomenological damping constant, y is the gyromagnetic ratio, and u is the frequency of operation. In the latest work, using the permeability property, a spiral planar inductor with a movable magnetic core of Ferrofluid, shown in Figure 22, was implemented by [28]. A variable planar inductor based on Ferrofluid actuation was reported. Here, the distribution of the permeability over the spiral inductor was adjusted by the movable Ferrofluid magnetic core. Ferrofluid in a reservoir created on the inductor is displaced using magnetic field gradients produced by another planar coil (actuation coil) aligned to the inductor. A bias field is used to enable repelling of the fluid from the inductor. The tuning range is 16% at 320 MHz and a maximum quality factor is 23 at 60 MHz. 4.4.2 Counteractive Magnetic Field Induction In this technique, variable inductance is achieved by moving a metal plate on top of the coil. A MEMS actuator is usually used to move this plate. The controlled shielding of the magnetic flux varies the inductance. The parallel-plate actuator forms a capacitor and thus, current does not flow between the electrodes. A counteractive magnetic field according to Lenz's law is induced by entering the magnetic flux of the spiral inductor into the metal plate and introducing eddy currents. Figure 22: Variable planar inductor with movable Ferrofluid magnetic core [28]. The magnetic flux is shielded by the metal plate. This causes the metal plate's height h to decrease and inductance varies according to h [33]. An on-chip high-Q variable spiral inductor embedded in a wafer-level chip-scale package (WL-CSP) was proposed by [32] with a MEMS-actuated moving metal plate. At 2 GHz, the measured inductance varies from 4.80 to 2.27 nH, i.e., the variable ratio is 52.6%. The maximum value of the quality factor is 50.1. Figure 23 shows this inductor modeled in Sonnet EM simulator. The simulated inductance and quality factor for two different position of the shield are given in Figure 24. 100 F. Banitorfian et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 87 - 103 (a) (b) Figure 23: Variable inductance with controlled shielding of the magnetic flux: (a) not shielded, (b) half shielded in Sonnet. Figure 24: simulated inductance and quality factor for non-shielded (indexed with out), and half shielded (indexed with half) 5 Conclusion This paper focused on exploration of the existing methods for the improvement of Q factor and tuning range of novel MEMS inductors. Based on the equations for Q and inductance values, these methods were categorized and various analyses were given in MATLAB and Sonnet to show their partial and overall performance. The achieved simulation results were close enough to the measurement results of inductors previously fabricated in earlier works, which were reviewed. Thus, the reader can choose the appropriate method based on the performance and complexity and then, study the equations and simulation results for any future enhancement. 6 Acknowledgment Authors would like to thank Universiti Sains Malaysia research university (RU) grant No. 1001/PELECT/814168. 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Arrived: 03. 10. 2013 Accepted: 27. 01. 2014 103 Original scientific paper /midem lournal of M Informacije | Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 104 - 108 Fast One-Time Programming (OTP) and a Programming Verification Solution using Zener Diodes in a Standard CMOS Process Janez Trontelj Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract: This article describes an effective, low-cost solution for sequential, one-time programming (OTP) and verification of zener diodes in an electronic micro-system. Using the proper structures of zener diodes (also known as 'zener zap') in a standard CMOS process, it is possible to achieve better accuracy in high-precision integrated circuits. For this purpose a solution has been developed for fast programming and programming verification of several zener zap structures on the ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The entire zapping process for 250 zener zap structures is completed in the range of a few tens of milliseconds. This solution has been implemented for wafer sorting, and as well for packaged integrated circuits. It was successfully verified in the industrial production of more than ten million- high precision, electronic micro-systems with a remarkable overall yield of 97%. Keywords: OTP, Zener zap, ASIC, DAQ, burn pulse, antifuse Hitra metoda za enkratno programiranje in preverjanje pravilnosti programiranja s pomočjo zener diod v standardnem CMOS procesu Izvleček: Članek opisuje učinkovit, nizko cenovni pristop za zaporedno, enkratno programiranje kakor tudi preverjanje pravilnega programiranja zener diod v elektronskem mikrosistemu. Z uporabo posebnih struktur integriranih zener diod (zener zap - zener antivarovalke) je v standardnem CMOS procesu mogoče doseči večjo natančnost integriranih vezij. V ta namen je bila razvita metoda za hitro, zaporedno programiranje več zener antivarovalk. Celoten postopek programiranja in verifikacije za 250 zener struktur je končan v času nekaj deset milisekund. Rešitev je bila uporabljena za meritve elektronskih mikrosistemov na silicijevih rezinah in tudi na posameznih čipih v ohišjih. Uspešno smo jo preverili v industrijski proizvodnji več kot deset milijonov visoko občutljivih integriranih vezij s celokupnim izplenom 97%. Ključne besede: Enkratno programiranje, Zener varovalka, Vezja po naročilu, Zajem podatkov, pulz za prežig, antivarovalka * Corresponding Author's 1 Introduction In modern industry there is a huge demand for high-precision, low-cost, fully integrated analog sensors. Over the years, several methods have been implemented to overcome the tolerances of the integrated circuit fabrication process. Although ratiometric design principles may be successfully adopted, there is still a need for finer methods to adjust critical parameters of the integrated sensors. Here various, one-time programming methods (OTP) take place - such as laser trimming, poly fuse burning and zener-zapping. By using these methods, we can significantly improve the production yield and fulfill the requirements for accuracy of high-precision integrated circuits. This is usually done on the wafer level at wafer sort, but sometimes it must be also implemented for packaged parts - to eliminate the so-called 'package effect'. It is evident that during dicing and packaging there may be a certain amount of stress applied to the sensitive sensor structures. So the overall accuracy of the sensor can be easily affected. This problem can be resolved even after packaging - by using automated measurements, handling, and fine-trimming of the packaged microelectronics systems. 104 © MIDEM Society J Trontelj; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 104 - 108 This article describes a one-time programming technique that uses zener-zapping. This well- established method creates antifuse devices. The term 'antifuse' describes an element which initially represents an open circuit, but can be later irreversibly changed to approach a short circuit. Such an element can be implemented with a reverse biased zener diode. This is a small, subsurface lateral N+, P+ structure. When the zener diode programming current is increased, a temporary avalanche breakdown in a P-N junction is forced. This causes localized heating and subsequent migration of metallization across the junction (spiking). In other words, zener zapping is a short current pulse to the reverse biased zener diode. The resistance of the zapped diode is drastically changed after the OTP. This very interesting process is described in more detail in [1] and [2]. This article is not intended to describe zener zapping structures in detail. Such cells are now available as standard parts in design libraries for several technologies. Additional improvements of various OTP methods are constantly evolving. Examples for this are described in [3], [4] and [5]. The trend is in further increasing the reliability, while reducing the zapping current. Unfortunately, very little information is available on implementing the zapping procedure. When we began to deal with this topic, we experienced quite a few difficulties in achieving a fast and consistent zener zapping. We noticed that other teams also had a lot of trouble with this, and that our assistance was welcome. So, the main focus of this article is to describe how to create low-cost, fast as possible and reliable communication hardware to implement a test, a statistical analysis, and an OTP solution. Moreover, all this was developed to test our, in the LMFE (Laboratory for Microelectronics from Faculty of Electrical Engineering) designed ASIC with a high-precision magnetic sensor. In this case, a widely available and proven OTP zener zap cells from the silicon foundry technology library were used. Figure 1 presents an actual photograph of a small part of the zener zap array on our ASIC. A photograph of four zener zap structures was taken at 3000x magnification. To take this photo, some layers above the zener zap structures had to be removed. Unfortunately, the entire zener zap structure is not at the same level, so some parts of the photograph are a little bit out of focus. The zener zapping method has numerous benefits. A zener diode is commonly available in all standard CMOS processes, and therefore represents no significant extra cost in fabrication. Each diode can be controlled by a single selection transistor. So, it is relatively easy to im- plement a mixed mode sequential system for selecting and programming each zener diode separately. This approach usually requires one additional pin on the circuit. Also quite important is the fact that no life-time reliability problems of properly trimmed zener zaps are expected. The reason for this is that during OTP, no damage is caused to the other layers or the passivation on the silicon wafer surface. So, all affected structures remain safely isolated from the harsh environmental influences, before device packaging takes place. Figure 1: Zener zap structure photograph taken at 3000x magnification. However, besides occupying some extra silicon, there are two major problem areas identified. One is in supplying the correct amount of current for effective burning, and the second one is about defining the optimal burn pulse duration and shape. The final resistance of the zapped diode is additionally depending on the amount of the supplied current after the initial modification of the P-N junction is done [2]. Last but not at least, for industrial production it is also quite essential to obtain as brief as possible programming and programming verification time. In our case only one pin of the ASIC is reserved for OTP communication implementation. As the basis for the project, we decided to use a low-cost USB (or alternatively 'PC Card') data acquisition card (DAQ) [6] and some extra, in-house designed hardware. For improved reliability, a sort of adaptive OTP pulse was developed. It can be automatically readjusted for each wafer lot, or even during testing each wafer separately. The described solution was practically verified in burning several millions of zener zap devices. It is capable to do the OTP of 250 zener zaps on one ASIC in approximately a 4 millisecond time frame. Besides for communication purposes, the DAQ card may also be used for taking various measurements, and according to measurement results, actual trimming of the measured sensor on the ASIC can be performed. 105 J Trontelj; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 104 - 108 2 OTP procedure description In this section the OTP method is described that was proposed for our high-precision magnetic sensor ASIC. In this case, besides the required selective trimming of critical parameters, unique identification of each microelectronic system was also required. So each micro system is given a unique serial number. This enables us to easily compare the measured parameters on wafer sort with later measured parameters on packaged parts. In our particular example, 250 zener zap structures for various OTP features are necessary. As we determined before, one pin of the ASIC is enough to implement the suggested OTP procedure. Basically, what we need is some sort of a pulse train, to access each zener element in a zener zap array. The train of pulses contains by default the information about the communication clock. When adopting different pulse levels, it can carry additional information. Figure 2 presents the proposed pulse train with different levels and their meaning. Figure 2: Pulse train with described meaning of different levels. To prevent undesired false zapping during electrostatic discharge on the programming pin, there is a unique sequence of pulses in the beginning of the pulse train. This unlocks further recognition of the pulse train and enables eventual zener zapping. Figure 2 shows four different levels of pulses. The lowest level is the micro system reset. A normal level represents a clock with no programming action. This level only addresses the next zener diode. A higher level represents temporarily programming in shadow RAM (for a preview of the eventual OTP) on the currently selected zener zap. This state is active, until reset or the micro system power down takes place. This enables us to do evaluation and verification of the ASIC behavior before the final OTP is done. Furthermore, the highest level of the pulse represents an action of irreversible OTP, or with other words - zener zapping. After the zener zapping is completed, it is possible to send another pulse train to the programming pin, now without using the zener zapping highest pulse level. By temporarily setting up and using one, additional output pin on the ASIC, resistance of each zapped and un-zapped antifuse can be measured and verified. This further enhances the reliability and control of the zener zapping process. 3 Implemented methodology The standard method for zener zapping is to discharge a small capacitor over a reverse biased zener diode. This forces a quite well-defined and repeatable avalanche breakdown in a P-N junction. When properly selected, the desired pulse width from 1 ps to 3 ps [2] can be easily achieved. The problem is that this method needs additional time to sufficiently recharge the capacitor. A drawback is also evident, that during programming the charging current must be disconnected from the capacitor. This additionally slows down the effectiveness of this method. Another approach is to use expensive dedicated equipment that is capable to drive and precisely control the current and shape for a relatively short burn pulse. We had a chance to compare the results from our low-cost solution with a similar solution on such relatively expensive equipment (approx. cost ratio 1:50), and our solution was superior. Figure 3: Simplified schematic for generation of variable OTP pulse. Figure 3 describes the method proposed in this article. An adjustable voltage regulator is controlled by the analog output DAQ1 pin of the DAQ card to achieve different levels of the pulse train. The burn pulse is triggered by the DAQ2 digital signal and a simple delay circuit with a Schmitt trigger, and then added to the pulse train via small capacitor. Trimmers are used for fine adjusting the amplitude and pulse width. To achieve approx. 1 ps switch delay, a resistor R2 must be significantly larger than resistor R1. Voltage V1 must be a little bit higher than the maximum allowed program- 106 J Trontelj; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 104 - 108 ming voltage. Voltage V2 should be set to 5 volts for proper Schmitt trigger operation. Figure 4: Detailed burn pulse with time base 2 ^s/divi-sion. A detailed example of such a pulse is represented in Figure 4. As we can see, the desired positive part of the triggered glitch is preserved, and undesired negative part is almost eliminated. This is a very important feature for stable communication. The best results were usually achieved at a pulse time a little bit below 1 ^s, with a pulse peak level of 8.25 V, and at 6.75 V remaining after the glitch. The criterion for these three parameters is the statistical analysis of zapped fuse resistance uniformity. When the uniformity is high, we are close to the ideal zapping parameters. An example for the entire pulse train to access all 250 zener zap elements is presented in Figure 5. This pulse train will zap at indexes 12, 15, 55, 100, 150, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, and 205. This method successfully eliminates the drawback of slow capacitor recharging, and burning can be repeated in the range of micro seconds. Another benefit is that the entire pulse train shape can be easily readjusted and adapted to a specific wafer or wafer lot automatically by the software itself. Another problem to be solved here was the principle of controlling the pulse train with USB port. Sending each pulse separately through USB communication protocol would be to slow. Fortunately, there is quite a large selection of low-cost DAQ cards that have some storage capability. So it is possible to use only one USB write cycle to store an entire pulse train pattern in the DAQ card memory. Afterwards, a trigger must be generated to execute the stored pulse train sequence. This pulse train is then executed promptly, without any interrupts. After all the selected zener zaps are burned, zener zap verification takes place. For this purpose, another pulse train with an added measuring sequence is stored into the DAQ card memory. In this case (besides a pulse train), a synchronous measurement procedure will also be triggered. This will store the measured voltages for each zener zap in-to the DAQ card's memory. When the measuring task is finished, one USB read cycle takes the measured data from the DAQ card into the computer memory, where data evaluation takes place. If any anomaly, such as too high antifuse resistance or an incorrect burned zener zap index is detected, the tested device is discarded and marked as a bad part on the wafer map. Figure 5: Complete pulse train for programming 250 zener zaps. Time base is 500 ^s/div. Similar functionality can also be achieved by using a suitable PC Card or ISA slot type DAQ card in a realtime operating system environment. This solution can be even faster, because it eliminates delay in USB communication. Such a system usually requires a little bit more time to implement, but for mass production, this extra time can be easily justified. In this particular case, besides the basic functionality of the tested devices, the temperature coefficient also needs to be trimmed during the wafer sort. Therefore, all devices must be measured and evaluated at two different temperatures. First, we measure all the parameters for each sensor on the wafer at room temperature. This measurement data is stored and later compared to the measured parameters at high temperature. Besides determining the physical position of each part on the wafer, it is also quite essential, to identify each part correctly with a unique serial number. This additionally ensures error-free correlation between high and low temperature data and correct trimming of each sensor at high temperature. For fast testing and temperature trimming of packaged sensors, we successfully developed and patented some special temperature coefficient measurement procedures that are described in detail in [7]. This was, 107 J Trontelj; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 104 - 108 however, mainly used for the wafer sort procedure verification and some small experimental series. 4 Conclusion Most mixed-mode integrated circuits are dominated by a digital part area. Failure of a small analog section to meet strict, predefined accuracy requirements can have poor yield economics issues. Efficient trimming of critical parameters is more than welcome - especially, when relatively large quantities of silicon are in question. Next to yield, test time optimization is also very essential. With the described method, the trimming time of 250 zener zaps (without considering hardware dependent time for communication between DAQ and computer via USB port) takes app. 4 milliseconds. This time is actually determined by the reliability of the 'on chip' integrated communication protocol. The test system itself would be capable to accomplish the zapping task even faster. Slightly more time is needed while doing the zener zapping verification. The reason for this is the required settling time for better zap resistance measuring accuracy. If we use 50 ^s of time to settle the measurement for each zener zap, it takes app. 18 milliseconds to measure and verify the resistance of all 250 antifuses. Further test time optimization can be done by improving the speed of the utilized communication protocol on the integrated circuit. Besides an as short as possible test time, it is also very important feature to provide a low-cost multiplication of the test system. Several test sites usually drastically reduce the turn out time. For this particular project, six functional test sites were configured. To maintain the equivalence between the test sites, automatic test parameter calibration procedures were implemented. They also comply with strict automotive VDA 6.3 standards. The entire wafer sort and the OTP process was actually checked by external process audit, according to automotive VDA 6.3 (chapters 3-7) with a 92% overall degree of conformity. At the time, when this article was written, approximately ten million high sensitive integrated sensor circuits were trimmed and tested in our facilities. The test yield was more than 97%, while the yield difference between different test sites was negligible. The average number of OTP zener zaps per ASIC was approximately 36. This means that over the past few years (from 2009 to 2013) we have successfully burned and verified more than 360 million zener antifuses. Also, production was ongoing when this article was written. To briefly summarize, the most important contribution described in this article is a unique method for variable burn pulse generation that enables a very fast, reliable, and highly adaptive zener zap burning and burn verification procedure for industrial application. This variability was also a key feature to do a rapid statistical analysis for fine tuning zener zapping parameters. 5 Acknowledgments The author wishes to thank the staff of the Laboratory for Microelectronics at the University of Ljubljana for their help and support in this interesting project, which inspired him to write this article. 6 References 1. 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Hakan Kuntman3 1Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Sakarya, Turkey 2Namik Kemal University, Qorlu Engineering Faculty, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Qorlu, Tekirdag, Turkey 3Istanbul Technical University, Electrical - Electronics Faculty, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey Abstract: New kinds of programmable amplifiers, adaptive filters, and programmable oscillators can be designed using a new fundamental circuit element memristor. Application of the memristor to analog filters can result in many new properties especially thanks to its variable memristance. In this paper, by using linear drift memristance model, a memristor-based biquad analog filter is examined. The filter is simulated using its dynamic model. The linear dopant drift model of TiO2 memristor is used in the simulations. Simulations have shown that the filter components such as gain and quality factor can be adjusted using the memristor in biquad filter. It has also been observed that memristor may go into saturation at very low frequencies and very low charge values. Considering the results of this study, the tunable memristance gives filters an adjustable characteristic which cannot be obtained by traditional resistors. Results presented in this study can also be considered when designing biquad filters with memristors to ensure their stability and high performance. Keywords: Memristor, analog filters, memristor-based filter design, biquad filters Analiza učinkovitosti bikvadrantnega filtra na osnovi memristorja z uporabo dinamičnega modela Izvleček: Novi programabilni ojačevalniki, adaptivni filtri in programabilni oscilatorji so lahko načrtovani z uporabo novega elementa memristorja. Uporaba memristorja v analognih filtrih lahko vodi v nove lastnosti filtra predvsem zaradi spominske upornosti elementa. V članku je predstavljen bikvadrantni analogni filter na osnovi memristorja z uporabo linearnega modela spominske upornosti. Filter je simuliran z dinamičnim modelom. Simulacije so pokazale, da uporaba memristorja v bikvadrantnem filtru omogoča spreminjanje ojačenja in faktorja kvalitete. Opaženo je bilo tudi, da lahko memristor pride v stanje nasičenosti pri zelo nizkih frekvencah in vrednosti naboja. Na osnovi te rezultatov te raziskave je bilo ugotovljeno, da spremenljiva spominska upornost zagotavlja karakteristike filtra, ki jih s klasičnimi upori ni bilo mogoče doseči. Rezultati raziskave so uporabni tudi pri načrtovanju bikvadrantnih filtrov z visoko stabilnostjo in učinkovitostjo. Ključne besede: Memristor, analogni filtri, memristor filtri, bikvadrantni filter * Corresponding Author's e-mail: tr 1 Introduction Memristor was declared as the missing circuit element in 1971 [1]. It can be thought as a nonlinear resistor whose resistance or memristance depends on electrical charge which have passed through it. Almost 40 years later than its prediction, a memristive system which behaves as a memristor has been announced as fabricated [2]. This solid state realization has resulted in a large-scale interest in memristor. However, no commercially and practically available memristor exists yet. Memristors can be used in analog circuits and may provide many new additional features. Various 109 © MIDEM Society §. C- Yener et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 109 - 118 SPICE macro-models, memristor emulators exhibiting memristor-like behavior and some analog and chaotic applications have already been presented in literature [3-10]. It is thought that application of the memristor to analog filters can result in many new properties especially because of its variable memristance. Some studies are already presented in the literature related to application of the memristor to analog filters such as band-pass adaptive filter based on vanadium dioxide (VO2) memristor [11], a first-order filter for sensing resistive memory based on a memristor and a capacitor [12], low-pass and high-pass filter design using TaOx based memristor [13], first-order and a second-order low-pass filters employing Cu/ZnO/Cu based memris-tive structures [14], analyzes of first-order low-pass and second-order band-pass memristor-based filters using PSpice based Boundary Condition Model (BCM) [15], a first-order memristor based low-pass filter using its dependent voltage source based PSPICE model [16]. Tow-Thomas biquad filter [17-19] is used in many analog signal processing applications. Current or voltage mode Tow-Thomas filters have been introduced and their quality factor and cut-off frequency are electronically tunable by adjusting some circuit components or the biasing current of CMOS active blocks etc [20-24]. In this study, a memristor-based Tow-Thomas Biquad filter is designed, it uses a resistance tuning circuit and does not need any active blocks to adjust the filter parameters. It has also an advantage: the memristor is a nonvolatile memory and, if the power source is turned off and back again, the memristor remembers the charge which passed through it and the filter starts operating with the last operating points set. In this study, the feedback resistor of the first stage in the Tow-Thomas filter is replaced with a memristor and the memristor-based filter properties are inspected using simulations. Linear dopant drift model of TiO2 (titanium-dioxide) memristor model is commonly used in literature [2,3] and it is also used in the simulations performed. For the first time in the literature to the best of our knowledge, we will demonstrate the effect of polarity of memristor on waveforms of memristor-based filters. Results of this study can be used for designing memristor-based filters when a memristor as a separate or integrated circuit component element becomes commercially available in the market. Structure of the paper is as follows. The second section, which follows this introduction, summarizes linear drift modeling of a memristor. In the third section, the memristor based Tow-Thomas biquad filter is introduced. In the fourth section, dynamic model of the memristor- based biquad filter is given. In the fifth section, simulation results performed on Simulink™ toolbox of MAT-LAB™ are provided. Time domain waveforms of current, voltage, charge and memristance are analyzed. The effect of polarity is analyzed. Gain responses of the bandpass (BP) and low-pass (LP) biquad filters with respect to frequency and as a function of variable memristance are also inspected. Finally, in the last chapter, the performance and constraints of memristor based filters and also its new possibilities on analog filter design are discussed. 2 Linear drift TIO2 memristor model A memristor is a nonlinear circuit element whose voltage to current ratio or its instantaneous resistance depends on electrical charge which have passed through it [1]. A memristor can also be modeled as flux dependent [1]. In this study, charge-controlled memristor model is used. The instantaneous resistance of a memristor is called memristance and memristance function of a charge-controlled memristor is given as M (q ) = df(q ) dq (1) where q is the memristor charge and ^ is the memristor flux, which are equal to integration of current with respect to time and integration of voltage with respect to time, respectively. They are calculated as q(t) = J i(r)dr q(t) = J v(r)dr (2) (3) In this work, the charge dependent model of TiO2 memristor with linear dopant drift speed as given in [2] is used. Memristance function of TiO2 memristor with linear dopant drift system is given as M (q) = f = R dq f u R ^ 1 -ËlR^q (t D2 v Memristance function can also be simplified as M (q ) = M0 - Kqq (t ) (4) (5) where M0 is the maximum memristance of the memristor, and M0=R0FF. Kq is the charge coefficient of the memristor and q(t) is the instantaneous memristor charge. The minimum memristor memristance is given as MSAT = M0 - Kq1sAT (6) 110 §. Ç. Yener et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 109 - 118 where qSAT is the maximum memristor charge. The terminal equation of a charge-controlled memristor is expressed as v = M (q )i 3 Biquad filter (7) H - R n 0(BP) r The cut-off frequency: RJ R I ClC2R3R6 The filter quality factor: (10) (11) In this section, a Tow-Thomas biquad filter is first briefly explained and then the memristor-based biquad filter is introduced. Q = c1 R R4 C2 R3 R6 (12) 31 Tow-thomas biquad filter A two-integrator loop biquad filter topology where all three op-amps are used in a single-ended configuration is shown in Figure 1 [17-19]. It is called as a Tow-Thomas biquad after its inventors. It has two integrator circuits and an inverting amplifier at the last stage. This configuration has a BP output, a LP output and one more LP output in reversed phase which are taken from nodes VBP, VLP and VLP|, respectively. In this topology high-pass output is no longer available as it is the result of all op-amps being in the single-ended mode. [20,21]. Figure 1: Traditional Tow-Thomas biquad filter. Standard output form for a second-order BP filter: HBP (s) = +- sH0 ^ 0 Q rnr (8) 2 0 2 s + s—- + a>0 Q0 The transfer function for the BP filter given in Figure 1: 1 _ (9) Vb, H bp (s )= '-f- 'IN CR 2 1 S + S-+ - R Ci R2 C1C2R3R4R6 Therefore, some important parameters of the filter in Figure 1 can be expressed as follows. The BP gain at the cut-off or resonant frequency: For the simplicity, by taking R4=R5, the filter parameters become H BP (s ) = Vf ' TM 1 CR 2 1 1 s + s-+ - C1R2 C1C2R3R6 sjC1C2 R3 R6 And Q = , I C R C2 R3 R6 General output form for a second-order LP filter: H LP (s ) = ± H0«0 2 2 s + s — + m0 (13) (14) (15) (16) Q The transfer function for the LP filter given is Figure 1 is: R Hlp (s ) = Vp Vn ClC2 RR R 2 1 R5 s + s-+-5- C1 R2 CC2R3R4R6 (17) By taking R4=R5: VTl hlp (s) = ^ =-- vlN s2 + s _J_ C1C2 R1 R3 1 1 + (18) C1R2 C1C2R3 R6 Its gain at LP frequencies is given as H - R. n 0(LP) r (19) Both types of filter transfer functions have the same denominator. Thus they have the same cut-off frequencies and quality factors, which are given in and . 1 §. C- Yener et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 109 - 118 3.2 Memristor-based biquad filter The memristor based Tow-Thomas biquad filter is obtained by replacing resistor R2 with a memristor designated as M(q). Considering its polarity, a memristor can be placed into the filter in two ways as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. In order to adjust the quality factor of the filters without affecting the cut-off frequency, a memristor will be used instead of resistor R2. By replacing R2 with the memristor, M(q), the gain of the band-pass filter at the resonant frequency also becomes adjustable with memristance. For the simplicity, by taking that R4=R5 and assuming that the memristor has almost constant memristance, i.e. a small memristance change, the resonant frequency gain of the BP and the quality factor of the both BP and LP memristor-based biquad filters can be expressed as follows: H, 0(BP) M (q ) R Q = C (M(q)) C2 R R6 (20) (21) Figure 2: Tow-Thomas biquad filter with positive polarized memristor Figure 3: Tow-Thomas biquad filter with negative polarized memristor Since some of the filter parameters can be adjusted with the memristor memristance, a tuning circuit is needed for this purpose. In Figure 4 (a) memristor value set circuit is shown and its combination with Tow-Thomas biquad filter with positive polarized memristor is given in Figure 4 (b). (a) Figure 4: (a) Memristance value set circuit. (b) Memris-tor based Tow-Thomas biquad filter with memristor set circuit S1 and S4 are turned on to decrease memristance. S2 and S3 are turned on to increase memristance. For a simplified filter operation, it is preferred to make initial capacitor charge equal to zero. S1 and S3 can both be turned on to short-circuit the capacitor C1 for this purpose during memristance tuning. 4 Dynamic system model of memristor based biquad filter Assuming there is no saturation in the circuit, Statespace representation of the memristor based Tow-Thomas biquad filter is given as dvr 1 dt C1 dvr "ci R 1 C1 - + —— vr +—v. M (q) R R R dt R3C2 The filter outputs are vLP, = -vC VLP VC 2 R4 (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) v 112 §. C- Yener et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 109 - 118 When the memristor is added, due to its memristance, which is a nonlinear function, an analytical solution for the memristor-based biquad filter circuit output voltage in time or frequency domain cannot be obtained. That's why its dynamic model was designed and simulated with Simulink™ toolbox of MATLAB™. Simulink is commonly used to model, analyze and simulate dynamic systems and it has comprehensive block library which can be used to simulate linear, non-linear or discrete systems. The block diagram of dynamic system and sub-block of linear drift memristor are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6, respectively. Block diagram of the filter is constructed based on the dynamic model of the filter using a clock signal, a sinusoidal source, a constant, gains, integrators, mathematical operation blocks, and sinks from Simulink library. One of the integrators used is a saturable integrator used in the memristor sub-block diagram to limit memristor memristance between MSAT and M0. 5 Simulation results Figure 5: Simulink block diagram of Tow-Thomas biquad filter. A sinusoidal input voltage of vi(t)=Vmx sin(wt) is applied to the input of the memristor-based biquad filter in all cases. Unless otherwise noted, the following circuit parameters are used in simulations: Vm=0.5V, R,=5kO, R =5kQ, R =5kQ, R =5kQ, R=5kQ, C=300nF 1 3 4 5 6 1 and C2=300nF. And memristor parameters are taken as M0=40kQ, Msat=100Q. Current-voltage waveforms, memristor hysteresis loop, memristance and memristor charge characteristics are illustrated in time domain. Also the effect of memristor polarity is analyzed. Filter output voltages are simulated in time domain. Filter gain responses are obtained with respect to frequency taking Mavg or M(q0) as parameter where q0 is the initial or the average charge of the memristor. 51 Memristor characteristics and the effect of polarity on filter waveforms Memristor current-voltage, hysteresis loop, mem-ristance-memristor charge waveforms are presented in Figure 7, Figure 10, Figure 13 for 2 Hz; Figure 8, Figure 11, Figure 14 for 100 Hz and Figure 9, Figure 12, Figure 15 for 1 kHz, respectively. As it can be seen from Figure 7, Figure 10 and Figure 13 there is distortion in memristor waveforms at very low frequencies and low qSAT values. Saturation of memristor, occurring at very low frequencies, is examined by taking qSAT=0.075 ^C. If the frequency is made somewhat higher or a memristor with a sufficiently higher qSAT value is chosen, this distortion either is reduced or disappears. The saturation occurs at low frequencies since the period is high enough to push current to saturate the memristor i.e. to make its charge equal to qSAT for some interval(s) as seen in Figure 7, Figure 10 and Figure 13. During saturation, all the waveforms, the memristor current, voltage, charge and memristance, become distorted as seen in Figure 7, Figure 10 and Figure 13. The saturation disappears since at high frequencies a memristor behaves as a resistor or the period is not high enough to push current to saturate the memristor, i.e. is unable to make its charge equal to qsat for some interval(s) as seen in Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 11, Figure 12, Figure 14 and Figure 15. Figure 6: Simulink sub-block diagram of memristor 113 5. £ Yener et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 109 - 118 (a) Figure 7: Memristor voltage and current with respect to time for qSAT=0.075MC, q0=0.1xqSAT at f=2Hz, with (a) positive polarity (b) negative polarity (a) Figure 8: Memristor voltage and current with respect to time for qSAT=2.5MC, q0=0.1xqSAT at f=100Hz, with (a) positive polarity (b) negative polarity (a) Figure 9: Memristor voltage and current with respect to time for qSAT=2.5^C, q0=0.1xqSAT at f=1kHz, with (a) positive polarity (b) negative polarity (a) Figure 10: Memristor I-V characteristics for qSAT=0.075^C, q0=0.1xqSAT at f=2Hz, with (a) positive polarity (b) negative polarity 114 §. C- Yener et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 109 - 118 (a) Figure 11: Memristor I-V characteristics for qSAT=2.5^C, q0=0.1xqSAT at f=100Hz, with (a) positive polarity (b) negative polarity (a) Figure 12: Memristor I-V characteristics for qSAT=2.5^C, q0=0.1xqSAT at f=1kHz, with (a) positive polarity (b) negative polarity (a) Figure 13: Memristance and memristor charge with respect to time for qSAT=0.075^C, q0=0.1xqSAT at f=2Hz, with (a) positive polarity (b) negative polarity (a) Figure 14: Memristance and memristor charge with respect to time for qSAT=2.5^C, q0=0.1xqSAT at f=100Hz, with (a) positive polarity (b) negative polarity 115 §. C- Yener et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 109 - 118 0.098 (a) 0.0985 0.099 t(s) 0.0995 0.098 0.0985 0.099 0.0995 t(s) (b) Figure 15: Memristance and memristor charge with respect to time for qSAT=2.5^C, q0=0.1xqSAT at f=1kHz, with (a) positive polarity (b) negative polarity The effects of the memristor polarity on the memristor waveforms are also analyzed and the corresponding curves are presented in Figure 7 - Figure 15 (b). If polarity of the memristor is switched as shown in Figure 3, the memristor currents for the reversed polarity are obtained by first 180° phase-shifting of the memristor current for the positive polarity and then flipping it with respect to horizontal-axis as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. At 1 kHz, since the frequency is sufficiently high, the memristor behaves as if it was a resistor, the polarity has no effect and the memristor voltages and currents for both polarities can be regarded as identical and sinusoidal as seen in Figure 9. For the reversed polarity, the memristor memristance and charge can be obtained by either phase-shifting of the memristor memristance and charge for the positive polarity by 180° or flipping them with respect to vertical axis as shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14. However, at 1 kHz, since the frequency is sufficiently high, the memristor behaves as a resistor, the polarity has no effect and the memristor memristance and charge can be regarded as constants as seen in Figure 15. 5.2 Filter output voltages with respect to time Output voltages of memristor-based LP and BP filters are simulated. Corresponding time domain waveforms are provided in Figure 16 and Figure 17. As shown in Figure 16 and Figure 17, if the memristor has a low qSAT value (qSAT=0.075 ^C here), it becomes saturated at very low frequencies as demonstrated in previous section and the output voltage has some distortion. The filter with either higher qSAT value (qSAT=2.5 ^C here) or with the increasing of the frequency hasn't any distortion since it does not get saturated. That's why the memristor qSAT value should be chosen high enough not to saturate the memristor over all the operating frequency range for a well-designed filter. -0.5 49 / y / _ _v LPI / \ i ■ " VLP ' V Y \ >' U ' S 1 a f ' v 7 l. \ \ * f V a \\ * P y \ -s 49.2 49.4 49.6 49.8 50 (a) t(s) Figure 16: LP biquad filter input and output voltages as a function of time for q0=0.1xqSAT with positive polarity at a) f=2Hz, qSAT=0.075^C (b) f=100Hz, qSAT=2.5^C 5.3 Gain characteristics of filters Gain characteristics of the biquad LP and BP filters with respect to frequency by taking Mavg, which is the average memristor memristance in steady-state, as parameter are shown in Figure 18. As it can be seen from the Figure 18 (a), (b) and (c), adjustable memristance in both BP and LP filters provides variable quality factor. Also an adjustable gain in BP biquad is obtained by inconstancy of the memristance as shown in Figure 18 (c). 116 §. C- Yener et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 109 - 118 o (a) 0.6 0.4 0.2 S 0 -0.2 -0.4 (b) 0.985 0.99 t(s) 0.995 Figure 17: BP biquad filter input and output voltages as a function of time for q0=0.1xqSAT with positive polarity at a) f=2Hz, qSAT=0.075|C (b) f=100Hz, qSAT=2.5|C 6 Conclusions In this paper, a memristor-based biquad analog filter is examined by using a linear drift model of a memristor. Since an analytical solution was not available, the characteristics of the filter are observed by means of simulations. Simulations have shown that the quality factor and BP filter gain at the resonant frequency can be adjusted by varying the average memristance of a memristor in a biquad filter. The effect of the memristor polarity on the biquad filter is also inspected. It has been found that, at low frequencies, the polarity also defines the shape of the memristor current, voltage and mem-ristance waveforms but, at high frequencies, it has no effect, i.e. all waveforms have the same shape for both polarities since the memristor behaves as a resistor. It has also been observed that the memristor, depending on its qSAT value, may go into saturation at very low frequencies. Above the very low operation frequencies the biquad filter operates without saturation but with some distortion due to varying memristance. At high frequencies, the memristor behaves similar to a resistor and the filter operates well without distortion. 20 0 -20 1 -40 Q. -60 -80 -100 10l _M =6 KW avg --M =10 KW avg . - M =20 KW avg M =40 Kw avg (a) 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 10l (b) 20 10 0 co -10 T3, O"-20 -30 -40 -50 10' (c) 10' 10' 10' 10 f(Hz) 10 f(Hz) 10 f(Hz) 10° 10 _M =6 KW avg --M =10 KW avg . - M =20 KW avg M =40 Kw avg X 10° 10 -M =6 KW avg --M =10 KW avg ¿^Ns. . - M =20 KW avg M =40 Kw avg / 10° 10' Figure 18: Filter gain characteristics with respect to frequency by taking Mav is parameter, qSAT=2.5|C (a) LP (in-phase), (b) LP (c) BP filter The undesired saturation or a big memristance perturbation in biquad filters results in distortion at output voltage waveforms. These issues for memristor-based biquad filters are considered for the first time in literature. That's why special precautions should be taken when designing memristor-based biquad analog filters regarding the input signal magnitudes and operation frequencies. The analysis of the filter can also be done using more complex models when they become available. 117 §. C- Yener et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 109 - 118 It is expected that the new circuit element, memristor, can contribute new properties to analog circuits. According to the results presented in this study, the variable memristance gives the memristor-based biquad filter adjustable characteristics, which cannot be mimicked with traditional resistors. The memristor-based biquad filter is able to tune the filter parameters, the gain at the resonant frequency, and the BP filter quality factor, i.e. the band-width. Results of this study can be used to design memristor-based biquad filters, fulfilling their performance and stability requirements. 7 References 1. 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Pradhan Nano Electronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela, Odisha, India Abstract: This paper presents a systematic study to show the impact of channel length on the Analog/RF performances of gate stack (GS) silicon on insulator (SOI) architecture. The downscaling of channel length becomes the biggest challenge to maintain higher speed, low power and better electrostatic integrity for each generation. This investigation is done to find out the potential of the channel length in view of analog and RF performance measures of sub-100nm GS-double gate (DG) MOSFETs. The threshold voltage (Vth) is made constant by tuning the gate metal work function while downscale the channel length (L). The impact of channel length variation on subthreshold slope (SS), drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL), transconductance (gm), output conductance (gd), early voltage (V), transconductance generation factor (TGF), intrinsic gain (AV), cut-off frequency (fT), transconductance frequency product (TFP), gain frequency product (GFP) and gain transconductance frequency product (GTFP) are rigorously examined. It is shown that gate stack design results in higher cut-off frequency along with a broader analog 'sweet spot' in nanoscale MOSFETs thus offering better possibilities for analog/RF scaling below 50nm. For shorter gate length devices (L=30nm), the design results in an impressive 69.10% improvement in fT along with 36.31% enhancement in 'sweet spot' as compared to L=60 nm. The study generates an optimized channel length of L=40 nm for the designed device dimension in connection with the analog and RF performance for circuit design. Keywords: Gate Stack (GS), DG-MOSFETs, Metal Gate Technology, Analog/RF FOMs, Sweet Spot Vpliva pomanjševanja na analogne/RF lastnosti pod-100 nm GS-DG MOSFETa Izvleček: V članku je predstavljana sistematična študija vpliva dolžine kanala na analogne RF lastnosti arhitekture večplastnih vrat (GS) silicija na izolatorju (SOI). Največji izziv pri krajšanju kanala je ohranjanje visoke hitrosti, nizke moči in boljše elektrostatične celote. Raziskava odkriva potenciale dolžine kanala pri analognih in RF lastnostih. MOSFET-ov z dvojnimi vrati. Konstantnost pragovne napetosti pri krajšanju kanala se je ohranjala s spreminjanjem delovne funkcije kovinskih vrat. Raziskan je vpliv krajšanja kanala na podpragovni naklon (SS), ponorno vzbujano nižanje bariere, transkonduktanco (gm), izhodno prevodnost (gd), zgodnjo napetost (VEA), generacijski faktor transkonduktance (TGF), intrinsično ojačenje (AV), frekvenco reza (fT), produkt transconduktančne frekvence (TFP), produkt frekvence ojačenja (GFP) in produkt frekvenc ojačenja in transkonduktance (GTFP). Izkazalo se je, da večplastna vrata omogočajo višje frekvence reza skupaj s širšim območjem najboljšega delovanja v nanodimenzijskih MOSFET-ih, kar omogoča krčenje na 50 nm. Pri krajših dolžinah vrat (L=30nm) oblika izkazuje impresivno 69.10 % izboljšanje fT in 36.31 % izboljšanje območja najboljšega izplena v primerjavi z L = 60 nm. Izkazalo se je, da je optimalna dolžina kanala 40 nm. Ključne besede: večplastna vrata, DG-MOSFET, tehnologija kovinskih vrat, Analogni/RF FOM, območje najboljšega izplena * Corresponding Author's e-mail: 1 Introduction The use of low power and high frequency operated devices are having a high priority for future electronic applications. Silicon on Insulator (SOI) devices are excellent candidates as an alternative for the conventional bulk CMOS [1-2]. Advanced MOSFET structures such as ultra-thin body (UTB) SOI double gate (DG) MOSFET can be scaled more aggressively than bulk Si structure [3]. A double gate structure fabricated on SOI wafer has been utilized in CMOS technology due to their excellent scaling capability, outstanding Short Channel Effects (SCEs) immunity, high current drivability (Ion) and transconductance (gm) and lower leakage current (Ioff) as compared to the bulk MOSFETs [4-10]. Channel length scaling is limited by the ability to control off- 119 © MIDEM Society P. K. Sahu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 119 - 125 state leakage current due to quantum tunneling and thermionic emission between the source and drain. The analog and RF circuits with a digital CMOS technology suffers from many challenges. More over the technology is optimized for digital design and the devices are characterized for current drive and gate delay. For System on Chip (SoC) and System in Package (SiP) applications, optimization of the devices becomes more challenging. SiP refers to a semiconductor device that incorporates multiple readily available chips into a single package; while SoC refers to a device that incorporates a system of differently functioning circuit blocks on a single silicon chip. So it is required to enhance the performance for digital and analog/RF circuit applications [11-18]. Major semiconductor companies such as IBM, RFMD, Honeywell, OKI, etc., have already produced several products for the telecommunication market based on SOI RF technologies. In this work, a study has been made with designing different device cases by varying channel length (L) keeping all other process parameters constant for high-k/ metal gate (HKMG) DG-MOSFETs. In our analysis, Analog/RF devices designed around the 'sweet spot' (compromise between power and speed performance, and linearity) signified by the peak of transconductance to current ratio (gm/ID) and cut-off frequency (fT) product, typically characterized by a gate voltage of 0.35 V. The device performance is investigated keeping in view for analog and RF circuit application. For the analysis, the threshold voltage (Vth) is maintained at a constant value for all cases by tuning the gate metal work function between 4.6 eV to 4.7 eV. The Vth is achieved a constant value of 0.2V for all channel length device cases. Section 2 describes the device description that includes all the dimensions, materials and doping concentrations of HKMG DG-MOSFET. Section 3 analyses the physics of the device using device numerical simulations and models activated for simulation. In section 4, various performance metrics of the device including the short channel effects (SCEs) like SS, DIBL, and the important analog and RF FOMs such as gm, gd, TGF, VEA, Cgs, Cgd, fT, TFP, GFP, GTFP have been closely observed. Finally, the concluding remarks have been included in section 5. 2 Basic Structure For the purpose of study a planar DG SOI n-channel transistor is considered. For the simulation a symmetric device structure model has been designed. Four differ- ent channel lengths (L= 60nm, 50nm, 40nm, and 30nm) are chosen for the device to analyze the device perfor- mance. The schematic simulated structure is shown in Fig. 1, where the silicon channel is surrounded above and below by two layer of oxide, SiO2 and HfO2. Metal gate technology is attractive because, it eliminates the poly-Si gate depletion effect and the associated degradation in transistor performance. To achieve a constant Vth, the work function of the metal gate is tuned in between 4.6 eV to 4.7 eV while varying the channel length of the device.The doping profile for channel (p-type 1016 cm-3) and source, drain (n-type 1020 cm-3) are set. For a better comparison of analog/RF FOMs, the Vth is maintained at a constant value 0.2 V while varying the metal gate work function at VDS=0.1 V. 60 60-to-30 60 A lu m VU HvMdvii^;......, Hf02: Hafnium Oxide Si02: Silicon Oxide (Si) n+ (Si) P (Si) n+ Si02: Silicon Oxide HfO,: Hafnium Oxide '3.08 0.6 10 0.6 3.08 m G-2 Figure 1: Schematic structure of Double Gate N-MOS-FET 3 Device Simulation The 2-D numerical device simulator ATLAS is employed to simulate the planner DG-MOSFET with high-k/metal gate. According to International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), the drain bias has been fixed at VDD = 1.0 V [19]. In order to study the analog performance, the simulation is performed with VDS = 0.5 V (which is half of the supply voltage i.e., VDD/2) [20-21] with variable VGS = 0 V to 1.0 V. Threshold voltage (Vth) is extracted using constant current (ID=10-6 A/ ^m) definition from the ID-VGS transfer characteristic at VDS=0.1 V. The threshold voltage is used to find out the gate overdrive voltage (VGT=VGS-Vth). The gate over drive voltage is an important property of amplifier circuit as it decides the region of operation. The increment of VGT increases drain current until saturation. Hence in our investigation all the analog and RF analysis has been done against VGT [22- 23]. For more accuracy, it is essential to account for the mobility degradation inside the inversion layers. The degradation normally occurs as a result of higher surface scattering near the semiconductor to insulator interface. Hence, during simulation, the inversion-layer Lombardi constant voltage and temperature (CVT) mobility model has been considered. The Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) generation and recombination parameters simulate the leakage currents existing due to thermal generation are incorporated in 120 P. K. Sahu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 119 - 125 the simulation. At thermal equilibrium, a semiconductor lattice obeys Fermi-Dirac statistics. The use of Boltz-mann statistics is normally justified in semiconductor device theory. However, Fermi-Dirac statistics are necessary to include for certain properties of very highly doped (degenerate) materials. The model Fermi-Dirac uses a Rational Chebyshev approximation that gives results close to the exact value. In the simulation all the junctions of the structure are considered to be of abrupt. Suitable empirical parameter P is selected to calibrate the drift diffusion transport model [20]. The biasing conditions are granted as per the room temperature T=25 oC. Furthermore, we have chosen two numerical techniques Gummel and Newton to obtain the solutions [24]. 4 Results and Discussion In order to analyze the impact of channel length of the device on the performance, simulation is done for four different channel lengths as 60 nm, 50 nm, 40 nm, and 30 nm. 2.0x10"3 1.8x10"' „_v b 1.5x10"' 1.3x10"' o C 1.0x10"' CD =5 7.5X10"4 O £Z 5-OxlO"4 CO o 2.5x10"* 0.0 €.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Gate Voltage, V (V) (a) 4x10 O - 1x10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Drain Voltage, V (V) (b) Figure 2: Drain current (ID) in both linear and log scale as a function of gate to source voltage (VGS) (b) Output conductance (gd) and drain current (ID) with respect to drain to source voltage (VDS) for different channel lengths. However, for analog and RF performance comparison among all the channel length cases, Vth kept constant (0.2 V) by adjusting the metal gate work function between 4.6 eV and 4.7 eV. The I -V transfer character- D GS istics both in linear and log scales have been shown in Fig. 2 (a) for different configurations at VDS=0.5 V. The leakage current (Ioff) is quit constant for three different channel length except L=30 nm. In the short channel device the I „ increases due to random mo- off tion of charge carriers. As channel length decreases, it gives rise to high drain current because of the relation Id^1/L. However, from the log scale, the leakage current is also prominent for lower channel lengths.Drain current (ID) and output conductance (gd) against drain to source voltage (VDS) for different cases at VGS=0.5 V are presented in Fig.2 (b). As per the Fig.2 (b), the drain current is increasing with decrease in channel length which in turn makes; the gd high for lower L devices as gd=3ID/3VDS. As we know from the literatures that gain and early voltage are inversely proportional to output conductance, so the device having lower L gives higher gd which comprises lower gain and early voltage of the device. Transconductance generation factor (TGF=gm/ID) and transconductance (gm) as a function of gate over drive voltage (VGT=VGS-Vth) are presented in Fig.3 (a). From the figure, it is clear that as the channel length decreases the gm value is increasing because of high drain current. The gm/ID ratio demonstrates how efficiently the current is used to achieve a certain value of transconductance. The advantage of high transconductance-to-drain ratio is the realization of circuits operating at low supply voltage. As shown in the figure, gm/ID is maximized towards the subthreshold region of device operation. From the Fig.3 (a), it is clear that the structure having channel length 60 nm shows higher gm/ID ratio as compare to others and it decreases as channel length decreases. Fig.3 (b) shows the variation of the early voltage (VEA) and intrinsic gain (AV) as a function of gate over drive voltage (VGT) for different channel lengths. For better analog performance the VEA and AV should be as high as possible. An enormous improvement is observed in VEA for channel length L=60 nm as compared to others. The intrinsic gain of the device, which is a ratio of transconductance and output conductance for various channel lengths is plotted against gate voltage (VGS) for Vds=0.5 V is shown in Fig.3 (b). The intrinsic gain (AV=gm/ gd) is a valuable figure of merit for operational transconductance amplifier. From the figure, the device having channel length 60 nm gives highest gain from others and it decreases as the channel length decreases. Both the extracted values of SS and calculated values of DIBL for different channel lengths are tabulated in Table 1. 121 P. K. Sahu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 119 - 125 v„.(V) (a) 24 -2° _c u to 3 "o > >> 20 16 12 —■•— L~60 nm ■ —>•— L=50 nm -—■ ■ —»— L=30 nm ^^ t i/ ¡/X V„c = 0.5 V -40 0.0 0.2 0.4 vGT(V) 0.6 0.8 sa 3 CA o o 3 OC O B 3 O ft m 50 30 20 10 - o' o 5" oo 3 (if c. a. a (b) Figure 3: (a) Transconductance generation factor (TGF) and transconductance (gm) (b) Early voltage (VEA) and intrinsic gain (AV) as a function of gate over drive voltage (VGT) for different channel lengths. The DIBL calculation is performed for Vth at VDS=0.1 V and VDS=1.0 V. From the table, it is clear that the SS value increases as channel length decreases and it is high for channel length 30 nm. Similarly, the DIBL value also increases as channel length decreases and it gives a maximum value for channel length of 30 nm. These two parameters are very important for short channel effects, which should be minimized. The maximum values for gm, gd, VEA, AV, TGF are also tabulated in Table 1. ID increases for lower channel length devices which consequently increases gm values for devices having lower value of L. However, because of high gd, the VEA, and AV becomes lower as L decreases. Coming from L=60 nm to 30 nm, the DIBL and SS values are more prominent for lower channel length devices and also the TGF and Gain are decreases as L decreases. Figure 4: Gate to source capacitance (Cgs) and gate to drain capacitance (Cgd) as a function of gate over drive voltage (VGT) for different channel lengths. Fig. 4 shows the intrinsic capacitances (Cgs & Cgd) as a function of VGT. As shown in figure, the intrinsic capacitance parameters increase swiftly in the super threshold region. This is because of the increase in the fringing field lines emanating from the gate edges. The device having channel length 60nm shows higher values of intrinsic capacitances (both Cgs & Cgd) and it decreases as channel length decreases. From Fig.5 (a), the variations of cut off frequency (fT=gm/2n(Cgs+Cgd)) and gain transconductance frequency product (GTFP=AV*TGF*fT) can be observed with respect to VGT for different values of channel lengths. Here, the value of fT obtained for the device having low channel length is higher and it gradually decreases as the channel length decreases. fT is inversely proportional to the intrinsic capacitances (Cgs & Cgd). So, fT value is low due to high capacitance values for higher channel length devices. It is interesting to see that the device having Table 1: Electrostatic & Analog performances for different values of channel lengths Channel Length (nm) DIBL (mV/V) SS (mV/dec-ade) Transconductance, gm (mS) Output Conductance, gd (MS) Early Voltage, Vea (V) Gain, AV (dB) TGF (V-1) Vds=0.5V L=60 20.71 62.31 2.81 12.94 24.130 46.742 43.637 L=50 21.12 63.12 2.93 16.57 20.737 44.969 42.840 L=40 37.24 65.95 3.05 24.53 15.787 41.921 40.639 L=30 49.88 68.35 3.18 54.84 8.499 35.458 34.669 122 P. K. Sahu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 119 - 125 Table 2: RF performances for different values of channel lengths Channel Length (nm) Cgs (fF) Cgd (fF) ft (GHz) GFP (GHz) TFP(GHz/V) GTFP (GHz/V) L=60 1.207 0.484 306.78 4.57*103 3.69*103 1.12*105 L=50 1.041 0.449 358.00 5.27*103 4.22*103 1.25*105 L=40 0.874 0.416 425.80 6.12*103 4.76*103 1.33*105 L=30 0.706 0.384 518.79 7.02*103 5.03*103 1.20*105 channel length L=40 nm shows a higher GTFP value as comparison to others. This is due to the reduction in peak electric field, lower output conductance of the device having channel length 40nm. The GTFP value is very low for L=30nm. I 1.5x10" 0.2 0.4 0.6 VflT(V) (a) 2.0x10 Figure 5: (a) Cut off frequency (fT) and gain transconductance frequency product (GTFP) (b) Gain frequency product (GFP) and transconductance frequency product (TFP) as a function of gate over drive voltage (VGT) for different channel lengths. The product of gm/ID and fT represents a trade-off between power and bandwidth and is utilized in moderate to high speed designs. Fig.5 (b) gives the gain frequency product (GFP=AV*fT) and TFP against gate over drive voltage (VGT) for different values of channel lengths. From the figure, the value of GFP increases as channel length decreases and reaches utmost for the device having channel length 30nm. The same figure also shows transconductance frequency product (TFP) as a function of VGT for different values of channel lengths. Where the bandwidth is flexible and part of the overall optimization process, it is important to consider the product of gm/ID and fT as shown in Fig. 5 (b). This figure of merit exhibits a 'sweet spot' i.e., peak value for all device cases. Peak values for the product (TFP) increases from 3.69*103 GHzV-1 to 4.76*103 GHzV-1 when gate length (L) is reduced from 60nm to 30nm. The maximum values for TFP i.e., 'sweet point' is achieved at a gate voltage of 0.35 V which is 0.15 V more than from the threshold voltage. From the figure it is clear that the device having channel lengths 40nm and 30nm gives higher TFP values as comparison to others. All the extracted values for analog/RF FOMs are plotted in Table 2 for different values of channel lengths. It is clear from the Table that, while the gate length is reduced the RF FOMs like fT, GFP and TFP are also increased because of high drain current which results in higher gm values for shorter gate length devices. However, the improvement in GTFP, which is a unique and major FOM, with L downscaling reduces below 40 nm due to short channel effects. From Table 1, the AV values are obtained around 41.921 dB and 35.458 dB for 40nm and 30nm respectively whereas the gm/ID shifts lower to 34.669 V-1 for 30nm technology from 40.639 V-1 for 40nm technology. The GTFP is nothing but the product of three parameters i.e., TGF, gain and frequency, so the peak values are more for 40 nm technology as compare to 30 nm technology. 5 Conclusion A detailed study on the analog/RF performance measure of GS-DG MOSFETs has been presented. It has been demonstrated that analog/RF performance metrics can be significantly enhanced by down scaling the channel length in terms of (a) analog 'sweet spot' and (b) compromise between gain and cut-off frequency i.e., GFP. However, the improvement in GTFP with L down scaling continues up till 40nm where a peak value of 1.33*105 GHzV-1 is attained. Beyond 40 nm, peak GTFP 123 P. K. Sahu et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 119 - 125 value reduces to 1.20*105 GHzV-1 in 30 nm GS-DG MOS-FET due to short channel effects (peak gm/ID~34.669 V-1 and gain~35.458 dB, Table 1). So, from the results it is clear that all studied parameters are more sensitive to the channel length (L) of the device. The calculated and simulated results demonstrate that the optimized value of "L" will be 40 nm for the chosen device dimension. The values of the parameters like DIBL=37.24 mV/V, SS=65.95 mV/decade, Ion=1.912 mA, A=41.92 dB, fT=425.80 GHz, GTFP=1.33*T05 GHz/V are achieved for L=40 nm. The other device parameters could also be properly chosen for further downscaling of the transistor. Due to lack of fabrication facilities, we can't validate our simulation results with the experimental results in literature. 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It was calculated from GC measurements as the ratio of peak area before and after desorption. The micropreconcentrator was manufactured using silicon-glass technology. The structure is 1.68 mm thick and has lateral dimensions 2 cm by 2 cm. It contains a 12 cm-long channel etched in an Si wafer. The micropreconcentrator is based on thermal desorption, and therefore the Pt heater was positioned at the bottom of the structure. The paper presents the technology behind the micropreconcentrator, and the thermal and preconcentration measurements of the manufactured structures. The Carboxen-1018 adsorbent material used in the experiments has also been studied. It is recommended by Sigma-Aldrich as a promising material for measuring concentrations of volatile organic compounds present in human breath. The lowest concentration factor value is around 30 for a mixture of diabetes biomarkers and the highest around 2800 for a single biomarker, i.e. acetone. The gas mixture has been prepared from certified gases using mass flow controllers (MFC) and a GC/MS setup. Keywords: Breath analysis, gas detectors, silicon-glass technology, micropreconcentrators Mikro predkoncentratorji tehnologije silicij-steklo za določevanje biomarkerjev diabetesa Izvleček: Raziskava predstavlja koncentracijske faktorje (CF) biomarkerjev diabetesa, kot so aceton, propan, etanol in etil-benzen, v mikro predkoncentratorski strukturi. Faktor koncentracije je določen kot razmerje predkoncentracije plina pred in po predkoncentracijskim procesom. Računan je iz GC meritev vršnih površin pred in po desorpciji. Mikro predkoncentrator je razvit v tehnologiji silicij-steklo. Struktura je Ivelika 2 x 2 cm2 in 1.68 mm debela. Vsebuje 12 cm, v silicijevo rezino jedkan, kanal. Ker mikro predkoncentrator deluje na osnovi termične desorpcije, je Pt grelec nameščen na dno strukture. Članek predstavlja tehnologijo mikro predkoncentratorja ter termične in predkoncentratorske meritve izdelanih struktur. V raziskavah je bil, kot absorpcijski material, uporabljen Carboxen-1018, ki ga podjetje Sigma-Aldrich promovira za meritev hlapnih organskih deležev v izdihanem zraku. faktor koncentracije za mešanico biomarkerjev diabetesa je 30, najvišji faktor koncentracije za posamezen biomarker pa 2800. Plinska mešanica je bila pripravljena iz certificiranih plinov s pomočjo kontrolerjev masnega pretoka in GC/MS merilnega mesta. Ključne besede: analiza dihanja, detektorji plina, tehnologija silicij-steklo, mikro predkoncentratorji * Corresponding Author's e-mail: 1 Introduction According to data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), 347 million people worldwide have diabetes. WHO projects that diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death in 2030 [1]. Current management of diabetes is mainly based on repeated testing of blood glucose. Other key metabolic variables such as insulin and lipids are less frequently controlled [2]. Blood glucose measurement is an invasive method, with a risk of serious consequences for the patient in case of infection. Frequent blood testing is especially necessary for patients receiving insulin treatment. The global recommendation is for patients to monitor their blood glucose concentration at least 3 times daily [3]. However, this is expensive, impractical and can be painful. New approaches for diabetes monitoring have been under consideration for many years. One alternative non-invasive method is breath analysis [4 - 126 © MIDEM Society A. Rydosz; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 126 - 136 8]. The human breath contains almost 3500 different volatile organic compounds (VOCs) [9]. Some of them are biomarkers, since their presence in breath indicates disease. The total number of diseases that can be detected by breath analysis is still unknown. However, results of breath analysis are presented in many papers, including research on lung cancer [10 - 13], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [14], metabolic disorders [15], oxidative stress [16], asthma [17], helicobacter pylori infection [18], diabetes [19, 20] and others. An average breath sample contains around 200 VOCs [9]. The concentrations of biomarkers in human breath are typically in the range of several ppt (parts per trillion) to several hundred ppb (parts per billion). Due to this, the portable devices for breath analysis have to detect biomarkers in such concentration range. Commercially-available gas sensors are under development for measuring samples at several tens parts per million (ppm). Furthermore, they have a lower selectivity for compositions of a few VOCs in a gas sample. A cheap and very effective method of decreasing the limit of detection and improving selectivity is the utilization of gas preconcentrators. Conventional preconcentrators are usually glass or stainless steel tubes filled with an adsorbent material. Similar solutions are also used in breath analysis [21, 22]. However, these structures have large lateral dimensions and they consume too much power to be used in portable devices. The paper describes micropreconcentrator structures as a solution that overcomes these limitations. The mi-cropreconcentrator designed by the author uses silicon micromachining technology and silicon as a base material. The channel is embedded inside the structure. The channel width of the micropreconcentrator is 300 and 350 mm. The Pt heater was positioned at the bottom of the structure and covered by a dielectric layer with the exception of the pads. In order to seal the channel from the top, glass anodic bonding is used. The main advantage of this is that it provides full control over the process of filling the spiral-shaped channel with adsorbent grains. Micropreconcentrators are well known in silicon-glass technology [23-28]. Bassam et al presented a MEMS-based multi-inlet/outlet preconcentrator coated with polymer adsorbents using inkjet printing [29]. The concentrator factor (CF) was in the 15 - 32 range for a single inlet/outlet port and around 1000 for multi-port design for pure nonane. Camara et al presented a micro gas preconcentrator with improved performance for pollution monitoring and detection of explosives. The authors used Tenax-TA as the adsorbent material, and they obtained a CF of around 23 (at exposure time of 45 min) for nitrobenzene (initial concentration of 1 ppm) [30]. Later, the same group presented a micro gas preconcentrator in porous silicon for benzene preconcentration [31]. The "practical" concentra- tion factor was around 55 for pure benzene, and it was largely dependent on the preconcentrator's external parameters such as the detection system (at 5 min adsorption time and 250 ppb initial concentration). Ivanov et al presented a silicon micropreconcentrator for detecting benzene [32]. The obtained concentration factors were between 5.28 and 40.25 for different flows and exposure times to benzene. A literature review highlighted the efforts to develop miniaturized preconcentrators for assessing lower detection levels for a single gas, mainly for benzene. There are very few papers presenting full investigation results on preconcentration levels of diabetes biomarkers. This paper presents the obtained concentration factor for a single gas (acetone, propane, ethanol or ethylben-zene), as well as for a mixture of diabetes biomarkers. 1.1 Diabetes biomarkers in exhaled breath Previously, the author has focused on acetone [33], since patients with diabetes tend to have higher acetone levels in their breath than healthy people. Exhaled acetone levels are usually around 300-900 ppb for healthy subjects and over 3000 ppb for patients with diabetes [34]. Analysis of acetone in breath has been used as a supplementary diagnostic tool for diabetes. However, analysis of the exhaled acetone is insufficient to control glucose levels in diabetes. Galasetti et al reported results of their studies into plasma glucose [35]. Eight patients with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and 17 healthy control patients were investigated. Two groups of four gases (cluster A: acetone, methyl nitrate, ethanol, ethylbenzene; cluster B: 2-pentyl nitrate, propane, methanol, acetone) were used as covariance to their models. The exhaled ethanol levels were between 9.6 and 45.0 ppb, acetone 280 - 364 ppb, methyl nitrate 5 - 216 ppb, and ethylbenzene 46 - 434 ppt. This 4-gas model works as a method of breath-based glucose detection with a mean correlation coefficient of 0.91 (R = 0.70 - 0.98) compared to standard glucose measurements [35]. Blood ethanol measurements are very common. "Haziness" (blurred vision) is defined when blood ethanol falls in the 0.5-1.0 g/l range, which corresponds to 130260 ppm in breath. In higher doses ("inebriation"), the effects of alcohol on the brain contribute to the loss of balance and coordination, loss of the ability to judge distance and height as well as dizziness. For "slight inebriation" (1.0-1.5 g/l) and "inebriation" (1.5-2.5 g/l), breath equivalents are 260-390 ppm and 390-650 ppm, respectively [36]. The presence of propane in breath is not fully explained. M. Barker et al measured exhaled VOCs and 127 A. Rydosz; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 126 - 136 ambient air from patients who suffer from cystic fibrosis and controls. Results show that the exhaled propane concentration is the same for both groups (1.95 ppb), when background propane concentration was approx. 1.38 ppb [37]. Rudnicka et al investigated patients with lung cancer. The exhaled propane was between 3.45 ppb and 5.96 ppb for healthy subjects and 3.19 ppb -9.74 ppb for patients with lung cancer [12]. In [38], the authors report that 80% of ethylbenzene and xylenes are metabolized by hepatic enzymes in the human body. In this case, the exhaled ethylbenzene concentrations are lower than in inhaled air. On the other hand, some metabolic changes can modify the inhaled/exhaled ratio [2]. In [39], the authors measured exhaled ethylbenzene in the 46 ppt - 434 ppt range and methyl nitrate in the 5 ppt - 216 ppt range for hypergly-caemia. Achieving such low concentrations of VOCs is one of the most difficult stages of the preconcentration measurements. 2 Experimental 21 Basic limitations in micropreconcentrator fabrication The microchannel shape and surface roughness are critical parameters for micropreconcentrators filled with adsorbent material. Due to this fact the fabrication process of micropreconcentrators was based on deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) of silicon substrate and the anodic bonding process. The microchannels were etched using the Bosch process, with an SiO2 layer used as a masking material for the process. The manufacturing details was reported in [33]. The micropreconcentrators were fabricated with two microchannel dimensions: 300 mm x 300 mm x 120 mm, and 350 mm x 350 mm x 120 mm. The microchannel volumes are 1.08 mm3 and 1.47 mm3, respectively. The approximate adsorbent weight in the micropreconcentrator is 2.59 mg ± 0.8 mg. The channel width and depth were selected to prevent clogging of the adsorbent material inside the channel (Fig.1a.) However, some defects appeared during the fabrication process. For this reason, a few structures had a channel that could not be filled. Before filling the micropreconcentrator with the adsorbent material, the channel was examined using an optical microscope. In recently reported structures, the gas inlet/outlet ports were placed on the edge of the structures. In the proposed solution, the gas ports are made with a glass cover. The author has investigated gas ports with a differently sized diameter. A filled micropreconcentrator with a NanoPort (NanoPort N-131, IDEX, Health & Science LCC, WA, USA) is presented in Fig.1b. a) Optical image of the channel filled with Carbox-en-1018 b) micropreconcentrator with assembled NanoPorts Figure 1: The micropreconcentrator filled with Carbox-en-1018 and gas inlet/outlet ports. 2.2 Thermal and Electrical Measurements As already mentioned, the micropreconcentrator is based on thermal desorption. Desorption temperature is dependent on the type of adsorbent material. The main goal is to achieve this temperature as fast as possible and then to stabilize it during the desorption process. Moreover, temperature distribution inside the channel needs to be uniform. The microheater was deposited to cover the entire working area of the microchannel (Fig.2). The nominal resistance was 40W ± 2W. The desorption temperature was set to 220oC; this was achieved after approx. 35 s (with a 10 W power supply) when gas was flowing through the microchannel (25 ml/min). For the purpose of controlling the micropreconcentrator temperature a Temperature Resistance Coefficient (TCR) of the Pt heater paste was measured. The value of TCR is 2026 ppm/oC. 128 A. Rydosz; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 126 - 136 (b) Figure 2: a) heater topology with dimensions, b) the micropreconcentrator - view of the heater side. The desorption can be improved if the micropreconcentrator is placed in isolation. Using the Minus Cryo-gel Z material (Aerogels Poland Nanotechnology) with a very low thermal conductivity (0.0014 W/mK), the desorption temperature is achieved after approx. 10 s with a 7 W power supply (Fig.3a). To reduce power consumption the lateral dimensions have to be reduced. New micropreconcentrator concept is still under investigation. The power consumption vs. temperature was presented on Fig. 3b. 2.3 Preconcentration Process Before taking the measurements, the microprecon-centrators are conditioned under specific parameters. The author used a typical time - temperature profile for adsorbent made with CMS (Carbon Molecular Sieve). To start with, the temperature was around 100oC for at least 30 minutes. Then, it was increased to 200oC and Thermal isolation: A Minus Cryogel Z (5 mm) —•—PTFE (5 mm) —"—Air if 220°C \ | Vv 21 s ■ \ 10s A. -i—>—i—■—i—>—i—>—i—■—i—■—i— 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time [s] (a) 50 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature [°C] (b) Figure 3: a) temperature changes over time for different thermal isolation, b) power supply vs. temperature for micropreconcentrator with Minus Cryogel Z isolation 300oC for 1h, respectively. At the end, the temperature was set to 350oC for around 30 minutes. The author used nitrogen (6N) as the carrier gas. The author previously investigated adsorbent materials from the Carbon Adsorbent Sampler Kit (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO 63178, USA) which contains eight different adsorbents. On the basis of the obtained results and data provided by the company, Carboxen-1018 was selected as a promising material for breath analysis. During the experiment, the author used four gases with certified concentrations: acetone (80 ppm and 800 ppb), ethanol (500 ppm), propane (1000 ppm), and ethylben-zene (100 ppb). A schematic view of the measurement system is presented in Fig 4. The measurement system was built using a Drechsler gas washing bottle and a 6-port electrically-actuated microvalve. Five gas lines were connected to the bottle. Mass flow controllers (MKS Instruments, MA, USA) were used to control the flow rate, while synthetic air was used to obtain lower concentrations of the investigated biomarkers. The gas mixture flow rate was set to 25 ml/min (same as the car- 129 A. Rydosz; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 126 - 136 rier gas). The maximum obtained value was around 28 ml/min. This was due to several factors, such as the microchannel being completely filled with adsorbent material (Fig.1a), and the hole diameter in the glass cover being too small (100 mm). micopreconcentrator Figure 4: Gas preconcentration measurement system Micropreconcentrator efficiency is measured using concentrator factors. The concentration factor is determined by (1): CF V sample V. desorbed V sample Wh x u (1) where: V , - sampled volume, V. desorbed vol- sample ' desorbed ume, Wh - width of injection band (min), u - desorption flow rate (ml/min) [40]. According to Poiseuille's equation flow rate in preconcentrator could be determined by: dV dt ■ vm nr4 AP 8nL (2) where: u - volumetric flow rate, V- volume (m3), t- time (s) , v is mean fluid/gas velocity along the length of the tube (m/s), r is the internal radius of the tube (m), AP is the pressure difference between the two ends (Pa), n is the dynamic fluid/gas viscosity (Pa-s), L is the total length of the tube in the x direction (m). The Poiseuille's law corresponds to Ohm's law for electrical circuits, where volumetric flow rate is analogous to the current and pressure drop is analogous to the voltage. In this case resistance is: R = 8nL nr (3) Equation (3) describes resistance in the tube, where resistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the radius. Referring to equations (1), (2) and (3) we can pre-calculate concentration factor in designed preconcentrator structures. Unfortunately theoretical calculations usually are different than experimental results. The difference is correlated with compressible nature of some gases and with non-laminar flow through the preconcentrator channel. Theoretical calculations should be performed before the experiment in order to predict what could be expected. The experiments have four stages: pre-purge, adsorption, purge, and desorption; each takes a specific length of time. The pre-purge stage was performed for at least 10 minutes under carrier gas to clean gas line connections and stabilize the pressure in the reference analyzing setup (GC/MS). The author used an SRI-310 GC with an AB-Plot Q capillary column and a MS Hiden HPR-20 system with high sensitivity (5 ppb for mass up to 510 amu). The adsorption time was adjusted during the measurements to calculate the CF vs. adsorption time. After adsorption, the second purge step was set to 1 minute and desorption for at least 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, the investigated gases were fully desorbed (Fig. 5.) Acetone preconcentration: —»—desorption: 3 min without preconcentration x 10 . Time [min] Figure 5: Desorption peak for different desorption time at constant flow rate set to 25 ml/min The concentration factor was obtained for gas mixtures with various VOCs concentrations. Taking into account all the literature reports, the author measured the concentration factor for a single biomarkers, as well as for a mixture of diabetes biomarkers. Before conducting clinical studied, it is necessary to perform a number of basic investigations in the laboratory. It is essential to achieve repeatable measurement results for a wide range of concentrations. 3 Results To start with, the author measured concentration factors for different concentrations of ethanol and propane separately. The results are presented in Fig. 6a. The maximum value of CF (400) was obtained for an initial concentration of ethanol of 500 ppm and 30 min adsorption time. The CF for 500 ppm, 50 ppm and 5 ppm of ethanol was 400, 77.8 and 6.5, respectively. The maximum CF for propane was 19.5 at an initial concentration of 500 ppm and 30 min adsorption time. Carboxen-1018 is useful for adsorption/desorption of u 130 A. Rydosz; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 126 - 136 small analytes, such as C2 - C3 hydrocarbons. However, it is less well suited to propane (C3H8) and ethylbenzene (C8H10), even at initial concentrations in the ppm range. In the next measurements, concentration factors were obtained for a mixture of acetone (80 ppm) with etha-nol and propane at different concentrations. The results are presented in Fig.6b. The highest CF value was obtained when acetone was mixed with 500 ppm etha-nol, reaching approx. 2325 for 30 min adsorption time. The CF for acetone with propane at 500 ppm was approx. 215 at the same conditions. 400 3 ■S 300 «S o 200 s S £ 5 ¡ 100 o o (a) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time [min] (b) Figure 6: Concentration factor vs. adsorption time for the channel filled with Carboxen-1018 and different concentrations of: a) propane and ethanol, b) propane and acetone, ethanol and acetone The next step in the laboratory experiments was measuring CF for a range of mixtures of acetone, ethanol and propane. The acetone concentration was set to 80 ppm and 800 ppb, and the ethanol/propane concentration was varied during the experiments. Concentration factors for such mixtures of gases vs. adsorption time are presented in Fig.7a. and Fig.7b, respectively. 80 -70- 10 0 (a) 40 3 ¿ 30 o o m o 20 13 o (b) Figure7: Concentration factor vs. adsorption time for the channel filled with Carboxen-1018 and: a) 80 ppm acetone, b) 800 ppb acetone with different ethanol/ propane concentrations, The CFmax for different combinations of acetone and other diabetes biomarkers (at 5 and 30 min adsorption time) are presented in table 1. Table 1: Maximum Concentration Factors obtained for various compositions of diabetes biomarkers Diabetes bio-marker name Initial concentration of VOCs Adsorption time [min] CFMAX Propane 500 ppm 5 11.70 30 19.50 Acetone 800 ppb 5 3.77 30 19.53 80 ppm 5 360.00 30 2831.00 Ethanol 500 ppm 5 24.60 30 400.00 Ethylbenzene 100 ppb 5 1.00 30 1.00 ■ 500 ppm • 80 ppm A 50 ppm ▼ 5 ppm Propane concentrations: ♦ 500 ppm 4 300 ppm > 150 ppm - /z^ Time [min] 1-■-1-'-1-■-1-'-1-■-r 5 10 15 20 25 30 Adsorption time [mini 800 ppb acetone + a ■ 40/40 ppm // • 80/80 ppm //// A 150/150 ppm y// ▼ 500/500 ppm * » i ' i ■ i ■ i ■ i ■ i 5 10 15 20 25 30 Adsorption time [mini 131 A. Rydosz; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 126 - 136 Ethanol + Acetone 500ppm + 80 ppm 5 244.45 30 2324.38 500 ppm + 800 ppb 5 1.30 30 2.00 Propane + Acetone 80 ppm + 80 ppm 5 35.55 30 376.63 80 ppm + 800 ppb 5 20.00 30 66.00 Ethanol + Propane + Acetone 40 ppm + 40 ppm + 80 ppm 5 15.00 30 83.02 150 ppm + 150 ppm + 800 ppb 5 6.42 30 42.14 Ethylbenzene + Ethanol 100 ppb + 500 ppm 5 1.70 30 1.95 Ethylbenzene + Propane 100 ppb + 500 ppm 5 1 30 1.08 Ethylbenzene + Acetone 100 ppb + 80 ppm 5 18.30 30 53.5 100 ppb + 800 ppb 5 1 30 1.12 Ethylbenzene + Acetone + Ethanol 100 ppb + 80 ppm + 5 ppm 5 12.25 30 30.53 100 ppb + 800 ppb + 5 ppm 5 1 30 1.05 Ethylbenzene + Acetone + Ethanol + Propane 100 ppb + 80 ppm + 10 ppm 5 7.30 30 25.12 100 ppb + 800 ppb + 10 ppm 5 1.05 30 2.00 Ethylbenzene + Acetone + Ethanol + Propane 100 ppb + 80 ppm + 5 ppm + 5 ppm 5 11.32 30 30.00 100 ppb + 800 ppb + 5 ppm + 5 ppm 5 1.50 30 1.75 The final composition of gases consists of ethylben-zene, acetone, ethanol and propane. The ethanol concentration was changed, and acetone, ethylbenzene and propane concentrations were set to values that had previously been calibrated and certificated. The concentration factor results for this experiment are presented in Fig.8. As it is shown in Fig.8. there is a linear correlation between concentration factor for the acetone and ethanol concentration in the composition of acetone (80 ppm), ethylbenzene (100 ppb), propane (5 ppm) and ethanol (5 - 500 ppm). The highest concentration factor for acetone is obtained for lower ethanol concentration. The measurements results confirmed, that there is evidently a significant lower adsorption capacity of Figure 8: Concentration factor vs. ethanol concentration for the channel filled with Carboxen-1018 and 80 ppm acetone, 5 ppm propane and 100 ppb ethylbenzene. the acetone in the present of interfering gases such as: propane and ethylbenzene. Due to fact, that Carbox-en-1018 possess a large percentage of narrow (60-70 nm) micropores, is useful for the adsorption/desorption of small analytes, such as: C2-C3 hydrocarbons. The obtained concentration factor for acetone (30 min adsorption) was in the range 25-30 for different ethanol concentrations. To compare, the concentration factor was approx. 2831, 2324, 376, 53 for pure acetone, acetone with ethanol, acetone with propane and acetone with ethylbenzene, respectively (Table 1). 4 Prospectives In the experiments, the GC/MS analysis setup was used only as the reference analyzer. In table 1 the concentration factors for different diabetes biomarkers concentration and adsorption time were presented. The micropreconcentrator with CFs >10 is suitable to use it with metal oxide (MOX) sensor array. A gas sensor array will be used in the final application. The author is currently developing arrays based on MOX sensors with a higher sensitivity and selectivity for diabetes biomarkers [41, 42]. MOX sensors are commonly used in many industrial and medical applications, including breath analysis [43]. However, the market still lacks sensors for the detection of diabetes biomarkers. Promising results were obtained by M. Righettoni et al. They proposed an acetone detector based on Si-doped WO3 nanoparticles made in the gas phase. The acetone sensor responded to the 3 ppm acetone concentration [44]. Due to this, the preconcentration remains a useful method of detecting exhaled acetone and other diabetes biomarkers. The concentration factors can be improved further by choosing preconcentration of two or three steps. Each step should to be dedicated 132 A. Rydosz; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 126 - 136 to concentrating different VOCs. Before commercialization the breakthrough time has to be determined. It can be done using the Wheeler-Jonas equation (4). It is the most widely used to estimate the breakthrough time of organic compounds on activated carbon: where: A, A, k - constant, t - adsorption time. h = WeWB pBWe C0Q kvC0 ln C - C 0 x C (4) where: tb is breakthrough time (min), We the equilibrium adsorption capacity (g/g), WB is the bed mass (g), C0 is the challenged concentration (g/l), Cx is the fraction of C0 where breakthrough is measured (g/l), kv is kinetic rate coefficient (1/min), pB - density (g/cm3), Q - gas flow rate (ml/min). To apply this equation the two parameters, We and kv, must be determined. Only We can be determined independently using some analytics method, i.e. gas chromatography or mass spectrometry. The kv must be determined empirically. However, the We in most cases is determined from a series of breakthrough experiments [45]. Even a slight deviation between the calculated equilibrium adsorption capacity and the effective adsorption capacity required for (4) may cause a significant error into the estimated breakthrough time. The effect of such error is discussed in [46]. Due to this limitation the tb is somewhat difficult to predict. First, kv cannot be measured directly experimentally. It has to be calculated either from the breakthrough time or from breakthrough curves. Second, there are different concept regarding how it should be calculated from (4). Some concepts are summarized in a review in paper [47]. So far, the three models for predicting adsorption rate coefficient have been developed. A model proposed by Jonas [48], an alternative model suggested by Wood [49]. Third model has been proposed by Lodewyckx and Vasant [50]. The major limitation of cited models is that they are not based on a systematic investigation of the parameters that might influence on adsorption rate coefficient, such as: velocity, inlet concentration, adsorbent material properties (carbon properties) and volatile organic compounds properties. In this work the author presents the results of systematic investigation on concentration factor obtained in mi-cropreconcentrator filled with Carboxen-1018 and for various concentration of the diabetes biomarkers. Such experiments are necessary for better understanding the fundamental behavior of adsorbent material under selected VOCs exposure. In the presented results, the following fitting equation was used (5): y = A1 - A2 ■ exp(- kt) (5) The experimental coefficient can be easily calculated from the fitting equation (5). Referring to equations (4) and (5) as well as data provided by the company we can pre-calculate adsorption rate coefficient in designed preconcentrator structures (6): k _ Pb • Q • ln(4 ) K _ W (6) where: WB is the bed mass (g), pB - density (g/cm3), Q -gas flow rate (ml/min). Fig.9a. shows the adsorption rate coefficient obtained from model proposed by Jonas [48] and from experimental results. Due to the fact that, kv is a function of ■c 400 I 300 Adsorption rate coefficient: —■—experimental results theoretical calculations 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Q [ml/min] (a) 50- 0) § 0- f Adsorption Capacity curve for acetone: ■ theoretical points —•— measurment points 40 60 Concetration [ppm] (b) Figure 9: a) Adsorption rate coefficient vs. gas flow rate calculated based on experimental results for micro-preconcentrator filled with Carboxen-1018 and upon exposure to acetone as well as theoretical calculations from Jonas model, b) equilibrium adsorption capacity vs. concentration for acetone obtained from experimental results for micropreconcentrator filled with Car-boxen-1018 and from theoretical calculations. 133 A. Rydosz; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 126 - 136 superficial velocity, microchannel geometry and particle shape/size, there are limits of the applicability of the estimated parameters. Thus, the kv obtained from experimental results and mathematical calculations are not of the same order of magnitude. It is generally necessary to determine kv and Weempirically. The equilibrium adsorption capacity obtained from experimental results and theoretical calculations for acetone for mi-cropreconcentrator filled with Carboxen-1018 are presented in Fig.9b. As it can be seen, for concentrations higher than 100 ppm the We for micropreconcentrator filled with Carboxen-1018 achieved a constant value. The resulting data can then be used directly to estimate the breakthrough time as well as adsorbent mass, which would be required to efficiently preconcentrate acetone. However, the main aim is to estimated the breakthrough time for all of the examined vapors as well as to compare with those measured with humid air, which is still under investigations. The investigation results would be used to manufacture the micropre-concentrators with suitable geometrical dimensions. In other words, such results help to determine the microchannel geometry which provide suitable concentration factor for acetone and it can be used to preconcentrate acetone in breath. 5 Conclusions Based on results reported by scientists, it can be assumed that a typical concentration of diabetes bio-markers in breath is a few hundred ppb. To analyze such concentrations using portable devices, it is necessary to use preconcentration methods. Exhaled breath contains many VOCs, although some would have been inhaled from ambient air. It needs to be analyzed before the experiment. In this paper the results obtained for the micropreconcentrator using silicon-glass technology filled with Carboxen-1018 are presented. The obtained concentration factor was approx. 2831 for 30 min adsorption time. Blanco et al [51] present the preconcentrator for benzene vapours. The obtained concentration factor was less than 400 for different adsorbent materials and different flow rates at 30 min adsorption time. Dow and Lang [52] present a mi-cromachined preconcentrator for ethylene monitoring system. The obtained concentration factor was in the range of 40 - 120 for different adsorption time and desorption flow rate. Tian et al [53] present a novel micropreconcentrator employing a laminar flow patterned heater for micro gas chromatography. The obtained concentration factor was approx. 118 for acetone after 30 min adsorption time. However, the concentration factor obtained for xylene was approx. 2015. The CF is highly dependent on adsorption time, gas flow and desorption temperature. The obtained CFs are sufficiently high to use fabricated devices in diabetes biomarker analysis. The micropreconcentrator with concentration factors higher than 10 can be used as a part of portable microsystem. The obtained CFs for a single diabetes biomarkers as well as for a mixture of diabetes biomarkers are quite good in comparison with other results presented in the Introduction part. A microsystem with three-step preconcentration and gas sensor array is currently under investigation. High humidity of breath also needs to be taken into account, as does the humidity of ambient air. 6 Acknowledgments This work was supported by the NCN Preludium Grant UM0-2013/09/N/ST7/01232 7 References 1. Definition and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and intermediate hyperglycaemia. (2006). Report of a WHO/IDF consultation, 1-50. 2. T. Minh, D. Blake, P. R. Galassetii. (2012). The clinical potential of exhaled breath analysis for diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 97, 195-205. 3. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes - 2011. (2011). Diabetes Care 34, 11-61. 4. C. Tassopoulos, D. Barnett, and T.R. Fraser. (1969). Breath-Acetone and Blood-Sugar Measurements in Diabetes. 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Shakir2, Yasin Ozgelep1 1Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey 2Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Kirkuk University, Kirkuk, Iraq Abstract: Gm-C filters are the most popular technique used in implementing integrated continuous-time filters. In the study, we proposed a 4th order differential Gm-C band-pass filter using improved floating current sources. The improved current source structure is simple and includes fewer transistors. This provides an effective use of the chip area and brings simplicity to the design of circuits. Thus it reduces the investment cost. The proposed filter structure does not contain the resistor which is very important for integration. All capacitors in proposed filter are grounded which reduces the parasitic effects. The proposed filter is simulated using CMOS TSMC 0.18^m technology. Simulation results are given to confirm the theoretical analysis. Keywords: Analogue filter, analogue signal processing, floating current source, MOS integrated circuits Diferencialen Gm-Cpasovno prehoden filter četrtega reda z uporabo izboljšanega plavajočega tokovnega vira Izvleček: Pri uporabi integriranih časovno neomejenih filtrov se najbolj uporablja tehnika Gm-C filtrov. V članku predlagamo diferencialen Gm-C pasovno prehoden filter četrtega reda z uporabo izboljšanega plavajočega tokovnega vira. Struktura izboljšanega tokovnega vira je enostavna in uporablja manj tranzistorjev, kar prinaša efektivno izrabo prostora in enostavnost vezja. Istočasno tudi znižuje stroške. Predlagani filter ne vsebuje upora, ki je potreben za integracijo. Vsi kondenzatorji so ozemljeni, kar zmanjšuje parazitne vplive. Filter je simuliran v CMOS TSMC 0.18 ^m tehnologiji. Podani so simulacijski rezultati, ki potrjujejo teorijo. Ključne besede: analogni filter, analogna obdelava signalov, plavajoči tokovni vir, MOS integrirana vezja * Corresponding Author's 1 Introduction A continuous time filter has been widely applied in video signal processing, hard disk drive, communication integrated circuit, CDMA, ultra-wideband wireless access technology, and etc. [1]. Gm-C filters are the most popular technique used in implementing integrated continuous-time filters [2]. Research and development in the microelectronic technology enable possibility to design filters with less number of active and passive components. It also brings versatility and simplicity to the design of circuits and systems while reducing the investment cost[3]. Mostly the desired radio frequency signal is narrowband and therefore most of the intermediate frequencies in a superheterodyne (superhet) receiver designed for applications are also narrowband. As a result of this important fact, band pass filters are very important building blocks in modern RF communication systems. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of a typical multistep superhet receiver with a digital back-end [4]. As the figure shows, a sequence of filter operations is used to convert the desired signal from radio frequency (RF), typically in the VHF (30 MHz to 300 MHz) range, down to one or more intermediate frequencies (IFs) and finally down to baseband, where the signal is digitized by an ADC [4]. The studies about the 4th order filters have been reported in the literature [1-2,5-9]. The comparison of 4th order filter circuits in terms of including active devices and passive components are shown in Table 1. 137 © MIDEM Society F. Kaçar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 137 - 141 Figure 1: A typical superheterodyne receiver [4] This paper proposes 4th order differential Gm-C bandpass filter using improved floating current sources. Improved floating current sources performance is better than the floating current sources at low frequencies, because of high output resistance. Compared with the studies that are shown in Table 1, the improved current source structure is simple and includes fewer transistors. Thus, we can use the chip area more effective and this brings simplicity to the design of circuits and reduces investment costs. Table 1: The 4th order filter structures reported in literature Active Device Active Device Number Passive Component Number Reference DVCC 4 8 [5] OTA 6,8,8 4,4,8 [6-8] OPAMP 2 20 [9] Current Mirror 4 4 [1] Gm cells 8 4 [2] 2 Proposed 4th order band-pass filter structure The improved floating current source has very simple structure as shown in Figure 2. Having two different Gm and its frequent use in recent studies make the floating current source useful. Its Gm is electronically adjustable using bias current as OTA structures. Floating current source operation is similar to OTA. But, there is only one G for OTA and two different G s in floating current mm source. The output resistance of the improved floating current source is higher than the floating current source which is proposed by Arbel and Goldminz [10]. M5, M6, M7 and M8 transistors are added to the conventional floating current source to get high output resistance values as shown in Figure 2. The high output resistance is a necessity in current-mode structures and therefore the improved floating current source is preferred according to conventional improved floating current source. High output resistance provides better results at low frequency region. Output current of the improved floating current source is calculated by multiplying the voltage difference between P and N termi- nals with G . The G for P terminal is (g,/g„)/2 and the Gm of the n terminal is -(g1+g2)/2. The capacitors are connected to the structure without using resistance and this connection provides the desired transfer function in filter and oscillator applications [11-12]. In this study, we proposed Gm-C filter application. Figure 2: Schematic representation of improved floating current source [12] W/L of transistors and DC values of the circuit are reported in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively. The functionality of the proposed circuit is demonstrated on a 4th order band pass ladder filter design which is illustrated in Figure 3 and the ladder filter component values are given in Table 4. Table 2: Transistor dimensions Transistors W(Mm) L(Mm) M1, M2 18 0.18 m3, M4 72 0.18 M5, M6 27 0.18 M7, Ms 90 0.18 138 F. Kaçar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 137 - 141 Table 3: DC values of improved floating current source Parameters Value Vdd, Vss ±0.9V Ibi> IB2 300|JA VB1,VB2 0.3V Figure 3: The LC Butterworth ladder filter Table 4: Ladder filter component values Component Value R1, R2 100Q, 100Q C1, C2 225pF, 12.5pF L1, L2 125nH, 2.251|H The block diagram of the proposed 4th order Gm-C band-pass filter is presented in Figure 4. The proposed filter block diagram is the equivalent filter of the ladder filter in Figure 3 which consists of passive components. Gm-C filter component values and performance parameters are given in Table 5. Table 5: Gm-c filter component values and performance parameters Component Value C1=Q; C2==C2' 225pF, 12.5pF Cl1=Cl1'=L1.( Gm)2 0,87pF Cl2=Cl2'=L2.( Gm)2 15,71 pF Parameter Gm1= Gm3= Gm4= Gm5= Gm6= Gm7= Gm8 2.642mA/V Gm2= Gm9 0.99mA/V Transfer function of the filter is given in Equation (1). H (s) = - Gm1 Gmt s + sC, G, G ■ G m2 . m3 m4 2 . /-i + s + sC, G C C ■ C 1 M W: n G n ■ Go m9 + m7 m8 C C ■ C 2 L2 (1) Center frequency of the band pass filter is given in Equation (2). = G • G G • G m 3 m4 VJm7 Cl • C Ll C • C 2 ^L 2 (2) 3 Simulations We perform the simulations by using LTSPICE program with TSMC CMOS 0.18 ^m process parameters. The performance parameters of improved floating current source used in simulations are presented in Table 6. Table 6: Performance parameters of IFCS G structure Parameter Value Vdd, Vss ±0.9V Ib1, IB2 300|A Vb1,Vb2 0.3V Gm1= Gm1 2.445mA/V Parasitic capacitances at p, n terminals 0.3pF, 15.6fF Input offset voltage 0 Power dissipation 0.54mW The output currents at n and p terminals of improved floating current source against input voltage (VY1-VY2) are shown in Figure 5. The output currents changes between ±300^A. Figure 6 clearly shows that the Gm of improved floating current source operates well at frequencies close to 100MHz. The ladder circuit in Figure 3 and the proposed circuit in Figure 4 are simulated with using the component values in Table 4 and Table 5. Figure 7 illustrates Figure 4: Block diagram of 4th order differential G -C band-pass filter 139 F. Kagar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 137 - 141 Figure 5: The DC transfer characteristic of improved floating current source Figure 6: The AC transfer characteristic of improved floating current source Gm the simulation results of ideal and proposed 4th order differential Gm-C band-pass filter. Center frequency is 30,11 MHz in LTSPICE simulation results of the filter responses. We calculated theoretical centre frequency using Equation 2 as w0=2nx30,05 MHz using the values in Table 5. Simulations results obtained from our experiments show good match with the theoretical results. Figure 7 shows that, the proposed filter can be used in modern RF communication circuits as the proposed filter operates intermediate frequencies in a superheterodyne (superhet) receiver. The large signal behavior of the proposed circuit band-pass filter was tested by applying a 10 MHz sinusoidal signal with different amplitudes to the input. The dependence of the output harmonic distortion of band-pass filter on input voltage amplitude is illustrated in Figure 8. The total harmonic distortion slowly increases (past tense olabilir bence) depending input voltage which is lower than 400mVp- 10' 1Cr Frequency(Hz) Figure 7: Ideal and simulation frequency responses of 4th order differential Gm-C band-pass filter p. The THD remains in acceptable limits i.e. 3 %. Thus it confirming the practical utility of the proposed circuit shown in Figure 8. Figure 8: Total harmonic distortion (THD) values of band-pass filter for different frequency values terminals 4 Conclusion In the study; a fourth order differential Gm-C band-pass filter using improved floating current sources is presented. Floating current source operation is similar to OTA. But, floating current source is superior to the OTA as it contains two different Gms while there is only one in OTA. The improved floating current source has very simple structure. Its Gm is electronically adjustable using bias current. The filter centre frequency is about 30MHz. Simulations results show good match with the 140 F. Kaçar et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 137 - 141 theoretical results. The proposed filter operates intermediate frequencies and can be used in modern RF communication circuits. The simulations obtained by LTSPICE indicate good functionality of the circuit, low total harmonic distortion. The improved current source structure is simple and includes fewer transistors. Thus, we can use the chip area effectively and also bring simplicity to the design of circuits and reduces the investment cost. The filter does not contain resistor and all capacitors are grounded. Therefore, it is suitable for integration and less effected from parasitic. 5 Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Istanbul University Research Fund for this financial support. This work was partially supported by Istanbul University Research Fund with the project code 16402. 6 References 1. FENG, J., WANG, C., ZANG, M., REN, Y. Realization of Current-Mode General Nth-Order Filter Based on Current Mirrors. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Control (ICACC2011), 2011, p. 367-370. 8. STEHR, U., HENKEL, F., DALLUGE, L., WALDOW, P. A Fully Differential CMOS Integrated 4th Order Reconfigurable Gm-C Lowpass Filter For Mobile Communication. ICECS2003, 2003, p. 1-4. 9. 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IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test, 2011, p. 108-111. 141 Original scientific paper /midem lournal of M Informacije | Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 142 - 151 MOSFET Spice parameter extraction by modified genetic algorithm Muhammed Emin Ba§ak1, Ayten Kuntman2, Hulusi Hakan Kuntman3 1,2Istanbul University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Avcilar, Istanbul, Turkey 3Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Electrical &Electronics Engineering, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey Abstract: This paper presents a modified genetic algorithm to extract MOSFET BSIM3V3 model parameters. There are several techniques for solving nonlinear optimization problems. Model equations are all non-linear functions and these functions are difficult to be employed in order to extract parameters using deterministic methods. In this study, modified genetic algorithm is applied to extraction of MOSFET BSIM3V3 model parameters. The results of experimental studies of both 0.35^m fabricated by C35 process and 0.7^m test transistors fabricated by TUBITAK Laboratories have been used for parameter extraction. Threshold voltage and mobility related to model parameters have been found for BSIM3V3. I-V characteristics have been obtained by using both genetic and modified genetic algorithm and then the results were compared with the measurement data. The simulation results show that the modified genetic algorithm implemented for parameter extraction is much more effective and accurate compared to the genetic algorithm. Keywords: MOSFET, parameter extraction, genetic algorithm, modified genetic algorithm Določitev Spice parameterov MOSFET s pomočjo spremenjenega generičnega algoritma Izvleček: Članek predstavlja spremenjen generičen algoritem za določitev modelnih parametrov MOSFET BSIM3V3. Obstajajo številni algoritmi reševanja nelinearnih optimizacijskih problemov. Vse enačbe so nelinearne, kar otežuje določitev parametrov sz determisnističnimi metodami. Ta določitev parametrov so bili uporabljeni eksperimentalni rezultati tranzistorjev TUBILAK Laboratories v 0.35 ^m in 0.70 ^m tehologiji. Pragovna napetost in mobilnost je bila določena za BSIM3V3. Za generičen in spremenjen generičen algoritem so bile določene I-U karakteristike. Rezultati kažejo, da so parametri pridobjeni s spremenjenim modelom precej boljši od parametrov pridobljenih z generičnim modelom Ključne besede: MOSFET, določitev parametrov, keneričen algoritem, spremenjen generičen algoritem * Corresponding Author's e-mail: 1 Introduction The BSIM models derived for MOS transistors use a very large number of parameters. These parameters are extracted for particular operating conditions. Finding a set of parameters is an optimization problem and hence genetic algorithms are good candidates for this task. Optimum parameter extraction exhibits great significance in modern technology [1-2]. Because of the local optimum in the solution space with traditional methods of parameter extraction, this type of extraction processes can produce results far from optimal solutions [3]. In this study, the abilities of genetic algorithm such as easiness, suitability for simple operation, effectiveness, and converging to global optimum are reflected to extraction of MOSFET model parameters. Generally, model parameters are extracted by using commercial software such as ICCAP, UTMOST, BSIMPro [1-3]; since model equations are all non-linear func- 142 © MIDEM Society M. E. Basak et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 142 - 151 tions, the combination of least squares and Newton Raphson iteration is often adopted. Other nonlinear fitting methods require simplification of the model equations and complex computation such as gradient and inverse Hessian matrix [1-3]. There are also analytical methods [4-5] to extract only a few parameters so that they are not practical for extraction of a complex model such a BSIM3V3. Although SaPOSM [1] and Fast Diffusion [6] methods are global optimization methods, the extraction process in these methods is slow and difficult because they use derivatives in the calculation. Genetic algorithm (GA) method doesn't need complex computation. Consequently, this method is more practical than conventional and analytical methods. One of the other known simple models, called a-power model [7], ignores the channel-length modulation effect and is also unable to predict an accurate value for the drain current in the saturation region. The n-th power model [8] considers the channel-length modulation but the accuracy of this method may not be satisfactory for some applications. A computational intelligence technique is used to extract and simulate the stationary and high-frequency properties of bipolar junction transistors in [9]. Genetic algorithm and simulated annealing are performed in determining the model parameters in [10, 11], but only nine parameters are used for the accuracy and the error prediction is found as 1.3% in these methods. The performance of the particle swarm optimizations (PSO) is better than the genetic algorithm in terms of accuracy and consistency shown in [12]. However, the root mean square (RMS) error between measurement data and model results is within 3-7% for various characteristics in PSO method. PSO and GA have been used to extract parameters for NMOS device in [13]. The calculated average errors have been found as 4.84% and 7.15% for PSO and GA, respectively. In a recent work, an application of differential evolution to extract 16 small signal model parameters of GaAs MES-FET (metal extended semiconductor field effect transistor) has been presented [14]. The MOS 9 Model is optimized using the simplified model instead of direct optimization by using GA in [15]. In essence, most of the research on GA has been done on electrical parameter extraction [15-21]. Before the actual fabrication of a designed circuit, the circuit performance should be predicted and evaluated. A better modeling is needed to predict and evaluate the behavior of the circuit. These models, designed mathematically, get the great benefit of improving and predicting the real time behaviour of the transistors. In this context, there are several works performed to realize accurate MOS transistor modeling [22-27]. Genetic Algorithm is an intelligence optimization algorithm that simulates the evolution of natural biology [28-29]. It originates from a population that represents a gather of probable results. GA is well suited for finding near optimal results in irregular parameter spaces. A population is composed of a certain quantity of individuals. These individuals are obtained by gene coding. After the generation of the initial population, the solution becomes more adequate with the population evolution according to the principle of natural selection. In every generation, individuals are selected according to their fitness. A new population that represents the new gather of new solutions is produced through crossover and mutation by using genetic operators [30]. The latter population is more suitable than former population. The most excellent individual of the last population is output as the approximately most suitable solution. Z. Michalewicz and et al. [31] proposed a modification of GA which uses the floating point representation and some specialized operators. In addition to applying the enhancements of GA, we proposed some extra contributions in MGA. In our study, the main structure of the flowchart, the order of the operators, ending condition, and using the method of the crossover and mutation operators are the main differences between GA and MGA. The aim of this paper is to show how the genetic algorithm can be modified and used. In this study, Spice BSIM3V3 MOS model parameters have been extracted and optimized with both genetic algorithm and modified genetic algorithm, separately. Both threshold voltage and mobility related model parameters have been found for BSIM3V3.3. I-V characteristics have been extracted by using both genetic algorithm and modified genetic algorithm. I-V characteristics of extracting parameters data results have been compared with measurement results. The simulation results show that a modified genetic algorithm extracts accurately and effectively all 26 model parameters of the MOSFET. This study not only extracts the BSIM3V3.3 MOSFET model parameters, but also enhances the genetic algorithm. Although the work has been performed using old technology, the proposed extraction strategy has been verified for the current technology devices. In this work, Section 2 gives an overview of genetic algorithm and modifications of the standard GA design. Section 3 describes basic points, including the necessary steps on parameter extraction using GA and MGA. Section 4 reflects the results and discussion, including the evaluation of measurements and the model parameters obtained, finally followed by Section 5 to conclude the work. 2 The genetic algorithm The genetic algorithm is an inspiration from the genetic process of nature. It offers acceptable solutions for 143 M. E. Basak et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 142 - 151 hard problems in reasonable computation times. GA tries to optimize the solution set for a number of iterations and picks up the most optimized solution available to a problem at the end. Initial population creation, fitness evaluation, selection, crossover, and mutation are the five basic functions of the algorithm. The number of mutations (M ) is determined in Equ- v num' " ation 3 by multiplying the number of chromosomes (Nchr) chosen as 26, the number of genes (Ngen) chosen as 500, and mutation rate (Mrate) chosen as 0,02. New mutated chromosomes (p ) are obtained by using ^ newmut' > ^ Equation 4. Creation of the initial population is the first step of the genetic algorithm. A population is a set of individuals used as parameters. Each individual has its own genetic content, called chromosomes. In the initial population creation process, chromosomes are produced randomly in order to assume diversity in the initial population. In our program, each chromosome is coded as floating point numbers in order to generate the solution vector. The lower and upper bound of the parameters representing the solution of the problem are given in Table 1. The population size is chosen as 500 in this study. After creating the initial population of parameters, the fitness value of parameters is evaluated. The fitness function which is used in both GA and MGA is presented in Equation 1. Mnum = Nchr * Ngen * Mrate f■ 1 'l -1 V d ,lab d ,mod el d .lab (1) where f is the fitness function, I and I corres- d,lab d,model ponds to the measured and extracted values of Ids of the MOSFET, respectively. If all chromosomes in fitness function are becoming nearly same, the program is terminated. Otherwise, either two parameters are randomly picked from the mating pool generated by the selection operator as the potential parents or they may be copied into the next generation directly. In each case, they have the ability to carry their superior properties to the next generation. The exchange of genetic material occurs between the parameters with a probability of p. New chromosomes (p ) are obtained by using the following equation. Pnew = ßPmn + (l - ßßP, dn (2) Here, p is the random number on the interval [0, 1]; pmn is the n-th variable in the mother chromosome and p. ■an is the n-th variable in the father chromosome. Crossover plays a primary role with the reproduction operator in GA. After reproduction emphasizes the highly fit strings, crossover recombines these selected strings to produce better individuals. After crossover, some randomly selected members are mutated according to some parameters in order to produce different genes that are not existed in the population. Pn pn +aN n (0,1) (3) (4) Where s is a standard deviation of the normal distribution and ~Nn(0,1) is a random number whose average and deviation are zero and one, respectively. The iterations continue for a predefined number of times, called generation, to reveal the most optimal solution. Classical genetic algorithm main program flowchart is given in Figure 1. In our program, number of generations are chosen as 100. Table 1: The upper and lower bound of MOSFET BSIM3V3 model parameters extracted by both GA and MGA No Parameters Lower Bound Upper Bound 1 VTHO 1x10"2 1 2 K1 1x10"10 1 3 K2 -1x10"10 1x10-10 4 U0 1 1x105 5 UA -1x10-20 1x10-20 6 UB 1x10-20 1 7 UC 1x10-20 1 8 NLX 1x10-10 1 9 DVT0 -100 100 10 DVT1 -100 100 11 DVT2 -1x 10-10 1x 10-10 12 RDSW 1 1x105 13 PRWG 1x10-20 1 14 PRWB -1x10-20 1 15 WR 1 2 16 W0 1x10-20 1 17 K3 -10 10 18 K3B -10 10 19 A0 -10 10 20 AGS -1 21 B0 1x10-20 22 B1 1 x10-20 23 KETA 1x10-20 24 DVT0W 1x10-20 25 DVT1W 1 1x1010 26 DVT2W -1x10-20 144 M. E. Basak et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 142 - 151 Figure 1: Main program flowchart of genetic algorithm 21A modified genetic algorithm Creation of the initial population is the first step of the modified genetic algorithm same as genetic algorithm. A population is a set of individuals used as parameters. Each individual has its own genetic content, called chromosomes. The modified genetic algorithm uses the floating point representation, where lower and upper bound for the parameters are used as the same as genetic algorithm. The population size is also chosen as same as genetic algorithm. The main differences between GA and MGA are listed below. Figure 2: Main program flowchart of modified genetic algorithm 1. The main flowchart of MGA shown in Figure 2 is different from the standard GA shown in Figure 1. 2. Using a selection operator is one of the main differences between the GA and MGA. Selection operator is used after the crossover and mutation operators are applied to all the population in the GA. Unlikely, the selection operator is used after the each individual of the population is applied to mutation and crossover operator in the MGA. 3. Crossover and mutation operators simultaneously apply to all populations in GA, but chromosomes are taken one by one and new parameter is obtained by randomly selected another three or five chromosomes in MGA. The suitability of existing chromosomes is compared with the suitability of the new chromosomes and then whichever is better is transferred into the next population. 145 M. E. Basak et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 142 - 151 4. The condition that terminates the GA is satisfied when either the values of all chromosomes are nearly same in the function or determined trials are completed. However, the end condition of MGA is satisfied either in the minimum value of the fitness function or when determined trial number is completed. 3 Parameter extraction Measurement of I-V characteristics of MOSFET was carried out using a parametric analyzer and wafer prober. After performing measurements using a wafer probe and parametric analyzer, the results of the I-V measurement were applied to GA and MGA. MOSFET model parameters determined by using five different steps applied to both genetic algorithm and modified genetic algorithm. These steps are defined below and summarized in Table 2. GA and the MGA program were written in MATLAB file. The operating temperature was settled at 294K. Different combinations of GA and MGA parameters were used to find the best fitness chromosome. The default generation count was taken as 100. If the result of the first run after 100 generations was not satisfactory and had an error greater than 10%, then a second run with a different random seed number was executed. Moreover, both of the algorithms were applied to the population during the simulation as the number of parameters was chosen as 500. Before extracting model parameters, some process parameters are required to be known. These process parameters are the gate oxide thickness (Tox), doping concentration in the channel (Nch), the temperature at which the data are taken (T), mask level channel length (Ldrawn), mask level channel width (Wdrawn) and junction depth (Xj). The values of the process parameters are shown in Table 3. Table 2: MOSFET model parameters extraction steps Table 3: Some process parameters are used in extraction Process Parameters Value Tox 7.575 x10-9 m Nch 2.611 x10171/cm3 T 294 K Ldrawn 0.45 ^m Wdrawn 0.538 ^m Xj 3.0 x 10-7 m One large sized device and two sets of small-sized devices are required to extract the transistor parameters. Geometric features of transistors used in the extraction of parameters are shown in Figure 3. Equations of the extracted parameters are taken from BSIM3V3.3 User's Manual [2] for the extraction process. w Large W and L Orthogonal set of W and L Minimum W and L ET -L Figure 3: Geometric features of transistors used in the extraction of parameters Step Parameters Dimensions of Transistors Measurement Step 1 VTH0, K1, K2, n0, UA, UB, UC Wide channel width and long channel length transistors Id vs Vgs data at Vds equals low voltage with different Vbs values Step 2 K3, W0, K3B Narrow channel width and long channel length transistors Id vs Vgs data at Vds equals low voltage with different Vbs values Step 3 RDSW, DVT0, DVT1, DVT2, NLX, WR, PRWG, PRWB Wide channel width and short channel length transistors Ids-VgS at Vds=0.05V, Vbs is Parameter Step 4 A0, AGS, B0, B1, KETA Short channel length and narrow channel width transistors Id - Vds curves obtained from different values of Vgs and Vds with the condition of zero. Step 5 DVT0W, DVT1W, DVT2W Short channel length and narrow channel width transistors Id - Vgs curves obtained from different values of Vbs and Vds equals low voltage 146 M. E. Basak et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 142 - 151 The first step is applied to the wide and long transistor and the target parameters are VTH0, K1, K2, UA, UB, and UC. It requires Id - Vgs curves at low voltage of Vds with different Vbs values [2-3]. VA = VTHo + Ki (( - Vbs)- K2Vbs (5) 1 + (( + UcVbs fv +2V ^ K gstT th Tox + U fv +2V \ K gst T th Tox (6) The second step is applied to the narrow W and long L transistor and the target parameters are K3, W0 and K3B. It requires Id - Vgs curves at low voltage of Vds with different Vbs values [2-3]. Vth = Vtho + Kl (( - Vbsf -4Ï)- KVs + K f -A l+-1 -l yfc + (( + K3BV„„f) Wf + w - Dvt01 exp| - DVT1 "27"]+ 2 exp| - DVT1 -f -l expl- Dsub 1+ 2expl- Dsub--!L I (n0 + ETABVbf K (7) The third step is applied to the wide W and short L device and the target parameters are RDSW, DVT0, DVT1, DVT2, NLX, WR, PRWG, and PRWB [2-3]. Vh = VTH0 + K ( - V„f )- K2Vbf + K 1 + - i L„, - Dvto I exp|-Dvti Lf j+ 2expj-Dm y1 I ((-'s ) exp| - DSUB wf- |+ 2exp| - DSUB I (TA0 + ETABVbsef Yds (g) 2L Lf RDSW (l + PRWGVgsteff + PRWB (106 We eff . (9) The fourth step is applied to only small sized device (short channel and narrow width). In this step, the large sized transistor with the fixed channel width and short-channel length was used for extraction of A0 and AGS parameters. Also fixed channel length with a large channel width of transistors and other small sized transistors were used for determining B0, B1, and KETA parameters. Id - Vds curves were obtained from different values of V and V. with the condition of zero [2-3]. gs bs L J -0, 1-AV,,\-f + —- Lf + 2VXjXe, g Lf + XjXd,, I W,„ + B 2 A Y ' + B (10) The fifth step is applied to small sized transistors. DVT0W, DVT1W, and DVT2W parameters were determined by using a small-sized transistor with the short channel length and narrow channel width. Id - Vgs curves were obtained from different values of Vbs [2-3]. Vh = Vtho + Kt( - Kf )- K2Vtslff T \ nv + k 1 + -1 ^ + ((3 + K3BVist W- + W - D ( exp| - D„i^- I + 2 expl - Dm^S- | ( - ^ ) exp| - dsub L;- I + 2 exP( - dsub Y1 I ( + ETABVbsefr Yds - Dvt ( ( exp V V - Dv W-Lf 2L + 2exp - Dv W-L- Vb, -'s ) (11) GA and the MGA program were written in MATLAB file. The main program flowcharts of a genetic algorithm and modified genetic algorithm are given in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. 4 Results and discussion The values of MOSFET BSIM3V3 model parameters extracted by GA and MGA for 0.7^m test transistors fabricated by TUBITAK Laboratories are shown in Table 4. The results of the fitted drain current using BSIM3V3 model with different bias gate are shown in Figure 4 - 5. In these figures, solid lines, squared lines, and dashed lines represent the I - V data measured, parameters extracted by using GA, and parameters extracted by using MGA, respectively. Model generated data with extracted values of parameters has shown excellent agreement with measurement data for all types of characteristics. Table 4: GA and MGA extracted MOSFET BSIM3V3 model parameters for 0.7 ^m test transistors fabricated by TUBITAK Parameters Extracted by GA Extracted by MGA VTHO 6.518x10-1 6.438X10-01 K1 7.935X10-01 7.7351X10-01 K2 -7.3912x10-02 -8.4912 X10-02 U0 4.491X10+02 4.511X10+02 UA -3.1652-10-10 -3.055-10-11 UB 2.565X10-18 2.7711X10-18 UC 2.3660X10-11 3.1660X10-14 NLX 4.23X10-7 4.1617X10-7 DVT0 3.05 3.013 DVT1 3.59 3.292 DVT2 -7.3916X10-2 -7.5516X10-2 147 I A, ,, = 1 + bulk 2. 0. - V, 1 + KetaV, M. E. Basak et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 142 - 151 Figure 4: The results of the fitted drain currents where VBS varies from 0 to -4.0 V with the step of 2 V. (The dimensions of transistor are W = 27 ^m and L = 27 ^m.) I-V Characteristics of a MOSFET 300 100 VGS = 6V ngjnt7LTir-LaDQX3iiiBaap oormnaa cm meas .....El - GA □ GA □ GA V — ~ MGA - - MGA -- MGA VGS = 3V VGS=1V 0.5 1.5 2.5 vcs 3.5 4.5 Figure 5: The results of the fitted drain currents where VGS varies from 1 to 5.0 V with the step of 2 V and bulk bias VBS is 0 V. (The dimensions of transistor are W = 27 Hm and L = 27 ^m.) The values of MOSFET BSIM3V3 model parameters extracted by GA and MGA for 0.35^m test transistors fabricated by C35 process are shown in Table 5. The result of the fitted drain current using BSIM3V3 model with different bias gate is shown in Figure 6 - 10. In these figures, solid lines, dotted lines, and dashed lines represent the I - V data measured, parameters extracted by using GA, and parameters extracted by using MGA, respectively. Model generated data with extracted values of parameters has shown excellent agreement with measurement data for all types of characteristics. Table 5: GA and MGA extracted MOSFET BSIM3V3 model parameters for 0.35 ^m transistors fabricated by C35 process No Parameters Extracted by GA Extracted by MGA 1 VTHO 4.999X10-1 5.013X10-01 2 K1 4.96296X10-01 5.0302X10-01 3 K2 3.3385X10-02 3.41X10-02 4 U0 4.788X10+02 4.7905X10+02 5 UA 4.605X10-12 4.396X10-12 6 UB 2.039X10-18 2.112X10-18 7 UC 7.785X10-20 2.914X10-17 8 NLX 2.048X10-7 1.856X10-7 9 DVT0 4.9101X101 4.9513X101 10 DVT1 1.04 1.091 11 DVT2 -8.975X 10-3 -8.416X10-2 12 RDSW 3.603X102 3.317X102 13 PRWG 7.433X10-19 1.901X10-17 14 PRWB -2.016X10-1 -2.518X10-1 15 WR 1.0091 1.0012 16 W0 3.173X10-7 2.731X10-7 17 K3 -1.536 -1.151 18 K3B -4.409X10-1 -0.4361 19 A0 2.164 2.704 20 AGS 1.848X10-1 2.598X10-1 21 B0 7.0391X10-9 5.359X10-9 22 B1 1.98X10-18 9.194X10-17 23 KETA 4.102X10-2 2.420X10-2 24 DVT0W 1.129X10-10 9.919X10-11 25 DVT1W 5.981X104 6.1702X104 26 DVT2W -2.332X10-2 -2.0141X10-3 Root Mean Squared (RMS) percentage errors of 0.35^m transistors fabricated by C35 process for both GA and Figure 6: The results of the fitted drain currents where VGS varies from 1.1 to 3.3 V with the step of 1.1 V and bulk bias VBS is 0 V. (The dimensions of transistors are W = 10 nm and L = 10 ^m). 148 M. E. Basak et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 142 - 151 MGA were calculated. The results showed that MGA implemented parameter extraction is more successful than GA implemented parameter extraction. The RMS error between measurement data and extracted data was shown in Table 6. It was observed that this error occurs between 0.75% and 2% for various characteristics of 0.35^m device. MGA results agree very well with the measurements. Table 6: Root Mean Squared (RMS) percentage errors of 0.35 ^m transistors fabricated by C35 process l-V Characteristics of a MOSFET Root Mean Squared Percentage Error (%) for GA Root Mean Squared Percentage Error (%) for MGA Id-Vds Id-Vgs Id-Vds Id-Vgs W=10|m L=10|m Vds=0.05V 2.44 2.09 1.19 1.61 Vds=3.3V 1.11 1.67 0.75 1.13 W=10|m L=0.35|m Vds=0.05V 1.09 1.66 0.76 0.81 Vds=3.3V 2.45 2.03 1.11 1.23 W=0.35|m L=10|m Vds=0.05V 2.25 2.11 1.08 1.06 Vds=3.3V 2.71 2.50 1.21 1.04 W=0.35|m L=0.35|m Vds=0.05V 3.01 3.58 1.93 1.63 Vds=3.3V 2.62 2.29 0.99 1.28 5 Conclusion In this research, based on a global optimization algorithm, modified genetic algorithm is employed to specify the MOSFET model parameter values. For this extraction experiment, the industrial Standard BSIM3V3.3 SPICE model is adopted. The results show that this technique reduces the engineering effort required to Figure 7: The results of the fitted drain currents where VGS varies from 1.1 to 3.3 V with the step of 1.1 V and bulk bias VBS is 0 V. (The dimensions of transistors are W = 0.35 ^m and L = 10 ^m). CO o meas - meas meas ---Vœ = 3.3V ■ • GA IT ■ ■ GA S ■ ■ GA / - — MGA — — MGA — — MGA ^---* VGS=22V- />■-- V_Q=1.1V r 9s 1.5 V, □s (V) Figure 8: The results of the fitted drain currents where VGS varies from 1.1 to 3.3 V with the step of 1.1 V and bulk bias VBS is 0 V. (The dimensions of transistors are W = 0.35 ^m and L = 0.35 ^m). 1 1.5 2 •gsM Figure 9: The results of the fitted drain currents where VBS varies from 0 to -2.0 V with the step of 1 V. (The dimensions of transistors are W = 10 ^m and L = 10 ^m.) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 ■«M Figure 10: The results of the fitted drain currents where VBS varies from 0 to -2.0 V with the step of 1 V. (The dimensions of transistors are W = 0.35 ^m and L = 0.35 ^m.) 149 M. E. Basak et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 142 - 151 produce a model while improving overall model quality. The modified genetic algorithm is empirically shown as a robust, general purpose optimizer, and suitable for optimizing multimodal and high dimensional objective functions. Furthermore, MGA is used as powerful genetic operators to concurrently guide its research throughout the solution space by considering a set of parameter at a time. The parameters are extracted step-by-step depending upon the characteristics where they play a major role. We have used a genetic algorithm and modified genetic algorithm to extract parameters for NMOS device. MGA is deemed highly effective in order to solve the non-linear and the transient problems. The results of the extracted parameters and measurement curves are obtained close to each other due to the fact that the same determined parameters of the mathematical models are used in the both algorithms. 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Arrived: 17. 12. 2013 Accepted: 04. 04. 2014 151 Original scientific paper /midem Journal of M Informacije | Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 152 - 158 Design of an intelligent electronic system for dump truck tip-over prevention Chin Leei Cham, Wooi Haw Tan Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University, Malaysia Abstract: This paper presents the basic idea behind the implementation of an intelligent electronic tip-over prevention system for a 30-tonne dump truck using a microcontroller. The objective is to design an intelligent control system to manage the stability of the truck during the dumping process. The three factors that contribute to the stability of the dump truck during the lifting process are the horizontal chassis position of the vehicle, the tilting angle of the dump bed, and the lifting speed. An intelligent tip-over prevention system has been designed and successfully tested by recording and analyzing the real-time data collected from multiple accelerometers and gyro sensors fixed on the dump bed and chassis of the truck with a feedback control for the dynamic lifting system. Keywords: Truck stability, Truck tip-over prevention systems Načrtovanje inteligentnega elektronskega sistema za preprečevanje prevrnite smetarskega tovornjaka Izvleček: Članek predstavlja osnovno idejo uporabe inteligentnega elektronskega sistema z mikrokontrolerjem za prevprečevanje prevrnitve 30 tonskega smetarskega tovornjaka. Namen Sistema je zagotavljanje stabilnosti tovornjaka med odlaganjem smeti. Trije parametric, ki vplivajo na stabilnost vozila med dvigovanjem kesona so vodorovna lega vozila, naklonski kot kesona in hitrost dvigovanja kesona. Inteligenten system preprečevanja prevrnitve je bil razvit in uspešno testiran na osnovi posnetih in analiziranih podatkov večih akcelerometrov in žiroskopov na kesonu in šasiji vozila. Sistem nudi povratne informacije dinamičnemu dvižnemu mehanizmu. Ključne besede: MOSFET; stabilnost vozila, system preprečevanja prevrnitve vozila * Corresponding Author's e-mail: 1 Introduction In developing construction areas, nonlinear soil-structure foundation is a great concern and significantly affects ground stability [1, 2, 5]. The unsaturated soil structure becomes unpredictable, especially during the rainy season. In an earth fill process, lifting a dump bed can cause the weight of a dump truck to shift to the back or tilt to either side of the truck. For instance, if one of the wheels of the truck sinks into the loosely compacted soil structure, the truck chassis will tilt to one side, causing the center of gravity of the rising dump bed to exceed the stability baseline range of the dump truck [9]. This phenomenon causes the dump truck to tip over to the side where the dump bed tilts. Dump truck tip-over generally happens too fast for the operator to react and unlift the dump bed to a safe range. A tip-over can reach the "point of no return" in approximately 0.5 to 0.75 second and cause the dump truck to flip completely in 1.5 seconds [3,8]. An operator may take 0.5 second to realize that the truck is overturning and another 0.5 second to react to the situation. In other words, the operator takes a whopping 1 second to recognize the hazard and react to it. Given this slow reaction, the 1-second delay makes the disaster unpreventable, which poses a great danger and compromises the safety of any operator of such a machine. Therefore, to enhance the safety scheme and improve the reaction response, an intelligent detection 152 © MIDEM Society C. L. Cham et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 152 - 158 system is necessary, which could accurately analyze the chassis horizontal position, dump bed tilt angle, and lifting speed so that an immediate response can be taken in motion planning of the lifting mechanism. To address the aforementioned concern, various studies on dump truck stability have been conducted with the goal of creating a safety scheme during task execution [4, 6, 7]. These schemes provide the operator with a table specifying the maximum angles they can lift the dump bed for a particular chassis tilt angle. The operator refers to the table and estimates the angle independently. These techniques require a manual control system used by skillful operators. Given the hazardous situation in a real construction site, operators may have difficulty in maintaining a standard and consistent performance [10]; thus, research on electronic monitoring and detection systems is essential. In the proposed system, the accelerometer and gyro sensor technology was used to perform chassis lateral position tracking, dump bed tilt angle sensing, and dump bed lifting speed recognition, as shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1: a) Chassis position tracking, b) Dump bed tilt angle sensing. In this study, the proposed intelligent stability control system consists of four sub-systems: 1, 2, 3, and 4, as shown in Fig. 2. Sub-systems 1 and 2 are the truck chassis lateral position tracking and the dump bed tilt angle measurement systems, respectively. The data collected from sub-systems 1 and 2 are processed by sub-system 3, which is the microcontroller-based data processing system. Sub-system 4 is the dump bed hydraulic shaft controlling system. Sub-system 1 Figure 2: Sub-systems. Both the truck chassis and dump bed measurement sub-systems are equipped with an accelerometer, gyro sensor, and microcontroller. Every sub-system works independently and performs data sampling, analog-to-digital conversion, and noise filtering. Data collected from sub-systems 1 and 2 are sent to sub-system 3 for processing. After processing, the control signal is fed back to sub-system 4 to control and adjust the speed and direction of the dump bed lifting actuator of the truck accordingly. 2 Measurement of chassis horizontal position, dump bed tilt angle, and lifting speed The positioning systems examined in this study are as follows: 1. Dump truck chassis positioning - Dump truck chassis position is measured with reference to the initial orientation of the gyro sensor that has been set on flat ground. 2. Dump bed tilting measurement - Relative positioning and incremental positioning. This type of sensing can provide accurate positioning of the dump bed relative to the truck chassis. 3. Lifting speed measurement - Relative positioning The horizontal position of the truck chassis is determined using a gyro sensor, such that a signal from the gyro sensor is read and compared relative to the ground. Initially, the horizontal position of the chassis should be at planar or near planar condition; then, a set of vector parameters is defined to determine the horizontal position. The lateral position of the chassis is checked before the dump bed is lifted to ensure that it is at the same height and that no tilt occurs. When the dump bed starts to tilt, the center of gravity of the region shifts accordingly; thus, the values of the current 153 C. L. Cham et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 152 - 158 tracking position is compared with the previous tracking values to determine the next tracking position. The forces for each axis component from the accelerometer are given by ( AdcR x - valuemax — Vze sensitivity ( AdcR, x- Ry = Vf_ value „ — V„ sensitivity ( AdcR x- ' ref value ,„ — V„ sensitivity where R „ and R are the force vectors in the x, y, and x , Ry, z ' z axes, respectively; Adc is the analog-to-digital conversion scheme; Vref is the reference voltage; valuemax is the maximum value for a particular AD converter; and is the reference voltage at zero gravity. The integrations of the gyro sensor and accelerometer are used to improve the dynamic tilt angle detection efficiency. The positioning of the truck chassis and dump bed angle are captured by examining the three-dimensional position of the tracking targets. A high-speed microcontroller is used to calculate the complexity of the dynamic data. Only the dump bed is supposed to tilt throughout the dump bed lifting process. The horizontal position of the truck chassis should remain unchanged, and the value of the gyro sensor should be maintained at horizontal planar value because no tilting of the truck chassis is allowed. The microcontroller immediately recalculates the chassis angle when the value of the accelerometer varies. The angle can be calculated as follows: . I R Ï . f Ry Ï A ( R A„ = arccos I —— a,r = arccos I —I A„ = arccos I R R where A , A , and A xr yr are the angles between the force vector R and the x, y, and z axes. After the movement of the truck chassis is detected and the tilt angle is calculated, sub-system 3 analyzes the situation. The data are then compared with the lifting speed of the dump bed. The dump bed tilting angle and lifting speed can be measured as follows: Rate A„ Rate Ayz = Adc Gyroxz X - V, ref sensitivity Adc GyrOyZ X yz value — V max zero raie where Rate A and Rate A are the rotation of projec- xz yz tions of the R vector in the XZ and the YZ planes, and value is the maximum value for a particular AD con- max ^ verter. A control signal is issued to slow down the lifting speed when the tilting of the chassis does not exceed the safety range from the center of gravity. However, when the value touches the boundary of the overturn range, the lifting process must be halted immediately and the delifting process must take over. Ù Figure 3: Process flow diagram. sensitivity Figure 4: Proof-of-concept implementation. Figure 4 shows the detailed hardware setup. Reference points are compared with the preset schemes. Based Rx = = r 154 C. L. Cham et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 152 - 158 on the feature error of comparison, the microcontroller generates an error signal and sends the control command to the USB I/O card for interfacing with the hydraulic pump control system. In this theory, several assumptions are made as follows: 1. The hydraulic pump stops instantaneously when the stop command is sent to the hydraulic controller. 2. The vibration of the dump truck is in a known range. 3. The microcontroller response is significantly faster than the gyro sensor response. 3 Tip-over range detection algorithm Sensor systems must have fault-tolerant and real-time capabilities. A tip-over safety range is derived and shown in Figure 5. The reference load is an 18-tonne weight carried on an 11.9-tonne truck chassis. The stability range is divided into three regions: safety, quasisafe, and dangerous. The quasi-safe region is where the combination of truck chassis tilt angle and dump bed tilt angle causes the center of gravity to be extremely near to the boundary of the stability baseline of the dump truck. The microcontroller from sub-system 3 analyzes the readings from sub-systems 1 and 2 to determine the stability region of the overall truck position. According to the proposed scheme, the truck lifting is at its maximum speed, which is 4°/sec, when the truck is in the safe region. When the truck reaches the quasisafe region, the lifting process is slowed down to 1°/ sec. The lifting process is stopped immediately and the delifting process takes over when the truck touches the dangerous cross over line. Chassis tilting angle (Degrees) Figure 5: Safe, quasi-safe, and dangerous regions. 4 Implementation of real dump truck system The lack of commercially available dump truck tip-over electronic sensing and control system motivated this study. Given that operating the dump truck usually involves hazardous conditions, the tip-over prevention system must be able to process real-time input and output data with minimum latency. The data are collected from sub-systems 1 and 2 where the influence of noise is addressed. Sub-system 3 should possess high computational data throughput. The system should be robust and compact enough, as well as efficient, so that it can be attached to the available onboard truck system. 4.1 Electronic circuit design A low noise gyro sensor with Kalman filtering is selected for the axes sensing part. The model used in our system is the MPU3300-gyroscope from InvenSense, which is equipped with a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter for digitizing the gyroscope outputs. The I2C protocol is used as the communication protocol among the sensors and microcontroller sub-systems. The following features are embedded in the intelligent detector system for robust control: - Automatic connection and disconnection - Estimation of system positions - Presentation of graphic image on LCD The output from the detection system is connected to the hydraulic lifting system. To ensure safety, the dump bed lifting process rechecks every sensor when the operator starts the lifting process. If any sensor has malfunctioned, the system triggers an alarm and automatically informs the operator and switches to manual mode. 4.2 Communication protocol among sensors and microcontrollers A synchronization approach must be applied for designing applications that collect data from the gyro sensors and accelerometers. The combination of such a system allows applications to request data synchronously. A microcontroller management system functions as a master process on the host that connects the sensing sub-systems and a lifting control system together. During the communication, the master and slave can be the receiver and transmitter, and the data transfer can be bi-directional (full duplex). The system clock is independent because each of the sub-systems are self-clocked and synchronized by the falling edge of the master controller. The details of the manager will 155 C. L. Cham et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 152 - 158 be described in another paper; thus, the capabilities of the manager are only listed in this paper as follows: - Microcontroller node sharing among multiple subcontrollers - Programming interfaces to access the submicro-controller systems - Dynamic network configurations without stopping any application Figure 6: Implementation on truck. 5 System analysis and performance evaluation A test area was constructed to evaluate the response of the tip-over prevention system of the truck. In this experiment, the truck chassis is initially set to a certain tilt angle; then, the fully loaded dump bed is lifted and measurements are conducted to observe the maximum angle of the tilting dump bed before the unlift-ing process. An excavator is used to pile up a slope with a certain tilt angle that mimics the real construction site, and the truck is driven onto the slope. During the testing stage, the entire system performs in automatic mode after the lifting button is pressed by the operator. The operator then leaves the truck to avoid any accident. The experimental slope is rebuilt for every particular angle. A total of 55 experiments have been conducted. The angles are from -27 degrees to 0 degree and from 0 degree to +27 degrees. The negative degrees indicate that the truck is tilting to the left, whereas the positive degrees indicate that the truck is tilting to the right. The truck chassis tilt angle is increased by 1 degree for each of the subsequent experiments. The experiment established demonstrates how closely the reaction of the tilt angle of the dump bed correlates to the dump truck chassis position in space. All of the components are integrated into a circuit board and constructed in an onboard embedded system. Two experiments have been conducted to evaluate the system. The first experiment tests the angle at which the dump bed tilting speed slows down upon entering the quasi-safe region. The dump bed lifting speed is initially set to its maximum lifting speed, which is 4°/sec. The dump bed rising speed and angle are monitored and recorded. The output response graph in Figure 7 shows the angle of the dump bed at the point where the lifting speed slows down to 1°/sec. The second experiment is executed in the quasi-safe region, where the dump bed lifting speed is 1°/sec. The second experiment tests the angle at which the dump bed lifting speed changes from 1°/sec to 0°/sec. 701-i-,-i-,-1- 0-1-1-1-1-1- -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Chassis tilting angle (degrees) Figure 7: Points at which the rising speed of the dump bed slows down. The output response graph shows that the real experimental results obtained from the control system of the decrease of dump bed lifting speed match the simulated data from the proposed scheme. This finding indicates that the dump bed lifting mechanism can have a smooth transition from the safe region to the quasi-safe region, which is proven in Figure 8 where the error between the real experimental result and the simulated data is less than 1 degree. The output response graph shown in Figure 9 indicates that the real experimental results obtained from the dump bed stopping angle are extremely close to the crossing line of the dangerous region from the simulated data. This result shows that the dump bed lifting mechanism can stop efficiently upon reaching the dangerous region as indicated in Figure 10 where the error between the real experimental result and the simulated data is less than 1 degree. Finally, Figure 11 shows both the combination of real experimental results and simulated data. 156 C. L. Cham et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 152 - 158 Figure 8: Errors between the experimental and simulated data for rising speed slow-down region of the dump bed. Chassis tilting angle (degrees) Figure 9: Points at which the dump bed stops rising. 6 Conclusion An intelligent dump truck tilt-over prevention system is proposed and successfully tested in this study. The system measures the tilt angle of the truck chassis and dump bed. The data are analyzed and used to control the speed of the lifting dump bed and the stopping angle so that the dump bed lifting range is within the safe region. The complete system developed in this project would have a significant effect on the safety of dump truck operators. 7 References: 1. T. P. Yan, "Design of 3201Z-type dump truck's lifting mechanism", Proceedings of Second International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering (MACE), Hohhot, Mongolia,pp.1165-1168, 15-17 July 2011. Chassis tilting angle (degrees) Figure 10: Error between the experimental and simulated data for region where the dump bed stops rising. - Dangerous region | Dangerous region | : —— Quasi safe region — | Safe region | -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Chassis tilting angle (degrees) Figure 11: Final response plot for both simulated and experimental data for the region where the speed of the dump bed slows and the dump bed stops rising. 2. S. Sarata, "Model-based task planning for loading operation in mining", Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and systems,Maui, Hawaii, USA, Vol.1, pp. 439-445, 29 0ct-03 Nov 2001. 3. 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Okamoto, "Automated route planning for milk-run transport logistics using model checking", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Networking and Computing (ICNC), Okinawa, Japan, pp.240-246, 5-7 Dec 2012. Arrived: 4.1.2014 Accepted: 10.4.2014 158 Original scientific paper /midem lournal of M Informacije | Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 159 - 167 Voltage summing current conveyor (VSCC) for oscillator and summing amplifier applications Sezai Alper Tekin Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey Abstract: In this paper, a voltage summing current conveyor (VSCC) as an active building block for realizing the controlled oscillator and the summing amplifier applications has been presented. The VSCC required low supply voltage as ± 0.5 V consumes low power and has a simple structure. The controlled oscillator has three passive components. The VSCC based oscillator offers using of the grounded capacitors which are suitable for IC implementation, using the less passive components, very good frequency stability and the low voltage operation. In addition, the summing amplifier has been realized using only one VSCC and a grounded passive resistor. The amplifier provides some advantages such as high accuracy and very high input impedance. The performance of the proposed circuit is simulated with SPICE to confirm the presented theory. Keywords: Current conveyor, oscillator, voltage summing circuit, low-voltage, floating gate MOS Krmiljen tokovni ojačevalnik za realizacijo oscilatorjev in napetostnih seštevalnikov Izvleček: V članku je, kot aktivni gradnik, predstavljen krmiljen tokovni ojačevalnik (VSCC) za realizacijo oscilatorjev in napetostnih seštevalnikov. Zahtevana nizka napajalna napetost ± 0.5 V zagotavlja nizko porabo in enostavno zgradbo. Krmiljen oscilator ima tri pasivne elemente. Oscilator na osnov VSCC nudi, ob uporabi ozemljenih kondenzatorjev in manj pasivnih elementov, dobro frekvenčno stabilnost in nizkonapetostno delovanje. Seštevalni ojačevalnik je realiziran le z enim VSCC in ozemljenim pasivnim uporom. Ojačevalnik nudi visoko natančnost in zelo visoko vhodno impedanco. Predlagano vezje je simulirano v SPICE okolju. Ključne besede: tokovni ojačevalnik, oscilator, napetostni seštevalnik, nizkonapetostno vezje, MOS s plavajočimi vrati * Corresponding Author's e-mail: 1 Introduction In recent years, differential difference current conveyor (DDCC) has been reported [1]. In [2], this circuit has been improved to the differential difference complementary current conveyor (DDCCC) [3]. The differential voltage current conveyor (DVCC) was proposed in [4], which could be realized using a DDCCC (grounding terminal Y3 of a DDCCC results in a DVCC). Numerous applications employing DVCC and DDCC have been proposed earlier [5-9]. Although there are various circuit topologies using voltage summer [10-13], it has not been shown in any active block using current conveyor implementing only voltage summing. Also, the voltage summing current conveyor can be realized with using DDCC. A current conveyor providing arithmetic operations has already been presented by Kuntman [9]. The linearity range of the circuit has been increased due to the properties of the FGMOS differential pair. How- ever, such a complex circuitry structure has not been required for voltage summing function and also, the circuit has no tunability. The sinusoidal waveform is an important function in electronics systems. The sinusoidal oscillators are commonly utilized in signal processing circuits, communication, control and measurement systems, etc. Therefore, several sinusoidal oscillators using operational amplifier (Op-Amp) have been introduced in the literature [14, 15]. On the other hand, the op-Amp allows the limited gain-bandwidth product. Thus situated, both the condition of the oscillation (CO) and the oscillation frequency of the oscillators designed using op-Amp are negatively affected. For this reason, these oscillators are not suitable for operating at higher frequencies [16]. Lately, current-mode circuits have been attracted 159 © MIDEM Society S. A. Tekin; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 159 - 167 attention due to having advantages such as wide bandwidth, simple circuit structure, wider dynamic range and low power dissipation [17]. In this context, there are many controllable oscillators with two or more active elements or employing only one active element such as current conveyor (CC), transconductance amplifier (OTA), current differencing transconductance amplifier (CDTA) and differential voltage current conveyor transconductance amplifier (DVCCTA) in the literature [18-22]. It can be seen that the above mentioned performance parameters of the current-mode circuits, especially total power dissipation, have been gone the worse when the more active elements have been used in the designing circuit. Although one active element has been used in design, the circuit structure using as an active element can be included a lot of components. Thus, both using less components and designing at low-voltage have been aimed recently [5, 23]. The summing amplifiers and the difference amplifiers using generally Op-Amp and the current conveyor have been presented in the previous studies [12, 24]. The circuit proposed in 2003 uses only three CCCIIs to realize the functions which are current variable by the bias currents of the conveyors [11]. It is shown that the dynamic range and the linearity of the circuit are not sufficient. Also, it has utilized a high supply voltage as ± 2.5 V. The designed circuits using Op-Amp usually suffers from having lots of passive components and restricted frequency performance of the circuit [16]. In this study, a voltage summing current conveyor (VSCC) for realizing the controlled oscillator and the summing amplifier applications has been presented. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to introduce a proposed VSCC as a new approach and to show the usability of its applications as a controlled oscillator and a summing amplifier. The VSCC has a simple structure and a good frequency performance. Besides, this circuit required low supply voltage as ± 0.5 V consumes low power. The controlled oscillator has three passive components (one grounded resistor and two grounded capacitors). This oscillator offers using of grounded capacitors which are adorable for IC implementation in a long side eliminating parasitic capacitances, using the less passive components, very good frequency stability and the low voltage operation. Additionally, the summing amplifier has been implemented using merely one VSCC and a grounded passive resistor. The amplifier exhibits high accuracy and very high input impedance. Finally, the functionality of the proposed circuit has been confirmed by the SPICE simulations. 2 Proposed Voltage Summing Current Conveyor The VSCC is designed by employing floating gate MOS transistors (FGMOS). The symbol and the equivalent circuit of an n-type FGMOS transistor with three inputs are shown in Fig. 1. There are several models to simulate the FGMOS transistors in [25]. The model of the FG-MOS used in proposed circuit is based on connecting capacitors in parallel with the resistors as given in [26]. Figure 1: The n-type FGMOS transistor with three inputs a) symbol, b) equivalent circuit FG1, FG2 and FG3 are the input gate terminals of the FGMOS transistor as displayed in Fig. 1. The input capacitances are CFG1, CFG2 and CFG3 and the input gates are coupled to floating gate of the FGMOS. CFGD, CFGS and CFGB are the parasitic capacitances between the drain, source, bulk and gate, respectively. Input gate voltages and drain, source and bulk voltages affect an effective floating gate voltage in proportion to value of the coupling capacitances. CT, sum of all the capacitances between the floating gate and the other terminals can be written as CT = CFGD + CFGS + CFGB + CFG1 + CFG 2 + CFG3 (1) Assumed that the relation shown in Eq.1 is C_n + Cc„ + FGD FGS CFGB << CFG1 + CFG2 + CFG3, then the total capacitance is approximately equal to CFG1 + CFG2 + CFG3. Here, VFG is the effective floating gate voltage and it can be defined as V — CFG1 VFG1 + CFG2VFG 2 + CFG3VFG3 (2) Ct The drain current IDS of the FGMOS transistor in saturation region is expressed as Ids = ^ [VFG - VS - VTH ]2 2 (3) where VFG is the effective floating gate voltage, VS is the source voltage, IDS is the drain current and VTH is the threshold voltage of the FGMOS transistor. In addition, 160 S. A. Tekin; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 159 - 167 kn known as transconductance parameter is u .C . ^ r n ox (W/L) where un is the electron mobility, Cox is the gateoxide capacitance per unit area, W/L is the aspect ratio of the FGMOS transistor. The block diagram of the voltage summing current conveyor as a new approach is demonstrated in Fig. 2. Figure 2: The block diagram and the equivalent circuit of the VSCC. For the VSCC, Y terminals have high input impedances. The input impedance of the port X is a parasitic resistance and the resistance value can be easily adjusted by bias current I0 of the VSCC. The Z terminals have high output impedances. The matrix equations of the VSCC are defined as follow: If it is assumed that CFG1= CFG2= CFG3= CFG, CT can be obtained as 3Cfg shown in Eq. 6. The gate-source voltages in (5) are given as VFGl = 3 (VY i + VY 2 + VC ) VFG 2 = 3 (Vx + VC ) (6) where VC is used for operating the FGMOS transistors at lower voltages. If Eq. 5 is arranged, it can be written as below. VFGS 2 VFGS1 = 3 (X VY1 VY 2 ) (7) The drain currents of transistors M1 and M2 can be writ- ten as, 1 W ( 1 / X hi kn(~) 3(( + Vy2 + VC)-V \2 2 " L 1 W ( 1/ X Id 2 =1 K(W) - (X + VC )-V TH L \2 TH (8.a) (8.b) Vx Rx 1 1 0 Ix 0 0 0 0 Vy Jy 2 0 0 0 0 Vy 2 Iz _ ± 1 0 0 0_ _ Vz (4) The circuit structure of the active block as introduced the FGMOS transistor based VSCC is shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3: The circuit structure of the VSCC. In Fig. 3, VFGS1 and VFGS2 are the floating gate-source voltages terminal for M, and M2 transistors, respectively. The effective floating gate voltages of M, and M2 transistors are VFG1 and VFG2. A loop equation written from floating gate of M2 to floating gate of M, transistor can be expressed as Vf fg 2 vfgs 2 + vfgs1 Vfgi = 0 (5) ID1 and ID2 are the drain currents of transistors M, and M2, respectively. VX- (VY1+VY2) = VXY. The relationship between input voltages can be calculated as Vxy = 3 • 1 10 +1X K (W/L) i Io - Ix K (W/L ) (9) where I0 is the biasing current of the differential pair. From equation (9), current IX shown in figure 3 can be written as IX =-x 3 3Vxy^JW/L)^2Io -2kn(W/L)(Vxr)2 (10) In equation (10), it is assumed that 2I0 >> kn(W/L)(VYX)/2 for a small input voltage. Using this approximation, the output current IX of the differential pair is obtained as Ix = 3 VXY 2 kn(W/L)j2T0 (11) From Equation (11), parasitic resistance of the circuit will be expressed as 3 I X iIoK (W/L ) (12) The parasitic resistance is easily controlled by biasing current. It is clear that the electronic tunability of the resistance is presented by this circuit. 161 S. A. Tekin; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 159 - 167 3 Simulation results The proposed VSCC was simulated by SPICE to confirm the theoretical approaches. The SPICE model 0.13 ^m TSMC CMOS technology parameter is used for the NMOS and the PMOS transistors. The aspect ratios of the MOS transistors, occurred in the VSCC implementation, are illustrated in Table I. The supply voltage is ±0.5 V. The value of the capacitances shown in Fig. 1 (b) as C_„ and Cc„ can be taken as 0.07 pF. FGI FG2 FG3 1 Table 1: The aspect ratio of the MOS transistors. Transistor W (Mm) L(Mm) M,, M2 0.78 0.26 M3,M4,M6,M7,Ms,M1o,M11,M12 2.6 0.26 M5,M9,M13,M,4 6.24 0.26 Figure 4 displays the changing of the input voltage VY1 versus voltage VX for the proposed VSCC. Figure 4: The voltage transfer curve for the VSCC. The graph has been obtained for the different values of the voltage VY2 as shown in Fig. 4. The curve which has highly linear characterization shows that the voltage transfer gain of the VSCC (VX/(VY1 + VY2)) is equal to 0.99. This value is more satisfactory according to the some designs presented in early studies [27-29]. The changing of the input current Ix versus current Iz for the VSCC is depicted in Fig. 5. The current gain between terminal X and terminal Z is 0.98. The current transfer curve of the VSCC has almost unity current gain (Iz / Ix). Also, the transfer of current is linear from X to Z node. Figure 6 displays the frequency response for the voltage transfer gain (VX / VY1). Figure 5: The current transfer curve for the VSCC. Figure 6: The frequency response of the voltage transfer gain for the proposed circuit. The frequency response of the VSCC is shown in figure 6 giving bandwidth of 80.1 MHz. The frequency response of the current transfer gain for the VSCC is shown in figure 7. This figure is valid for the all Y terminals having same inputs capacitance values. Figure 7: The frequency response of the current transfer gain for the proposed circuit. The cut-off frequency (-3 dB) is about 211.6 MHz as shown in figure 7. The performance parameters of the VSCC is shown in Table II. 162 S. A. Tekin; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 159 - 167 Table 2: The parametric characteristics of the VSCC. Parameters Values Supply voltage ±0.5V Input voltage range ±300 mV Output current range ±35|A Voltage transfer gain (VX/(VY1+VY2)) 0.99 Current transfer gain (IZ/IX) 0.98 3 dB bandwidth Iz/Ix 211.6 MHz 3 dB bandwidth Vx/Vy1, Vx/Vy2 80.1 MHz RX adjustable range (I0 = 1 ^A - 35 ^A) 14kO-2.1MO Y1 and Y2 input resistance 10 GO Z Output resistance 40 MO Power dissipation (I0 = 25 ^A) 61 |W The parameters of the proposed circuit according to the Table II are reasonable values. The proposed circuit offers some advantages such as described in below. 1. Low-voltage supply requirements about ±500 mV. 2. Low power consumption 61 mW. 3. Acceptable current and voltage gain bandwidth product close to 211.6 MHz and 80.1 MHz, respectively. 4. Electronically tunable intrinsic resistance having wide range. 5. Very high Z-output resistance. 6. Simple circuit design. 7. A new approach which has some advantages. 4 Controlled oscillator based on VSCC A controlled oscillator based on VSCC shown on Figure 8 is introduced to demonstrate the usability of the proposed VSCC. Figure 8: A controlled oscillator based on VSCC. The circuit consists of single VSCC, one passive resistor and two grounded capacitors. The characteristic equation of the proposed circuit is formulated as below 2 . S + s îRxC2 + RlCl — R]C2 ^ RXR1C1C2 + 1 RXR1C1C2 = 0 (13) where RX is the intrinsic resistance of all the current conveyors. From figure 15, input current lin is equal to current l2. From equation (11) the oscillation frequency of the oscillator and the condition of oscillation (CO) can be obtained as fo = CO: 1 n rxrCiC2 r1c1 + RXc2 2 (Period of SPI clock) (1) Tdelay < (Period of SPI clock) (2) For the SPI master/slave pair must use the same mode to communicate and SPI Mode 3 is selected as the communication between the MCU and the EtherCAT. 170 M. Hou et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 168 - 173 Therefore, we setup the Clock Polarity equal to 1, and the Clock Phase equal to 1. 4 MCU circuit for EtherCAT_ 41 Online real-time waveforms The MCU with online signals generated by a system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) Builder, which is monitored by a SignalTap II, have been shown in Fig.4. By using a SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer (ELA) in the MCU circuit system, we can observe the online behavior of this hardware circuit in real-time operating waveforms more practical than the Quartus II or Mod-elSim simulation. llame 17us 18us 19us i i 20us i 21 us EtherCAT JRQ SPI.CLOCK Tdelay | _ SPI SELECT -M SPI.DATAIN r 1 i SPI.DATAOUT (a) 1 MHz MCU circuit SPI clock lUme 2.20US 12.4US i 12.6us * i 12.8us . i EtherCAT JRQ SP1_CLOCK 1 (del >V SH.SELECT -W SPt_DATAI*J 1 1 SPI_DATAOUT 1 (b) 10 MHz MCU circuit SPI clock llime |85us 8.6 us 87ÛUS 88 US 8 9us EtherCAT JRQ SPI.CLOCK Tdel <*- SPl.SaECT - - SP1_DATAM 1 1 r SPI.DATAOUT (c) 20 MHz MCU circuit SPI clock Figure 4: MCU circuit online real-time signals by alTap II Sign- The MCU transmission clock directly influences the MCU circuit communication speed. Three different frequencies of the SPI clock are observed at 1 MHz, 10 MHz and 20 MHz, respectively, where the five signals are connected to the EtherCAT slave interface: Ether-CAT_IRQ, SPI_CLOCK, SPI_SELECT, SPI_DATAIN, and SPI_DATAOUT. The interrupt signal EtherCAT_IRQ is generated by the EtherCAT AL Event register dedicated to the MCU circuit, and typically has low signal polarity. The MCU can synchronously capture the falling edge while an internal interrupt requirement will be generated. The MCU master circuit starts the EtherCAT SPI access by asserting the SPI_SELECT signal and terminates it by taking back the SPI_SELECT, and generally has low signal polarity. During the communication we tested its online performance. Because the EtherCAT SPI slave device needs additional time for initialization in real situations, the actually maximum time delay (Tdelay) is about 1 clock cycle. By contrast, the minimum Tdelay is about half of the clock period. This has been analyzed in section 3.2 and the actual results are exactly the same. 4.2 Electrical characteristics To maintain the highest possible performance and reliability of the MCU circuit, we must consider the power consumption in a real situation. As depicted in Fig.5, the power consumption of the MCU (^Controller) circuit grows sharply from 610 mA to 637 mA with the communication SPI clock increases from 1 MHz to 20MHz. It is worth noting that the changing MCU current value is independent of power supply (3.3 V provided). Even so, it only depends on the communication frequency, which is determined by the SPI clock. Therefore, when starting a new MCU circuit design, the developer could try to follow the two guidelines: - Choose a suitable DC to DC voltage converter chip, for the absolute maximum output current must be provided. - Select a satisfactory battery supply, for the power consumption of the MCU circuit clearly rises as the communication clock increase, as shown in Fig.5. Figure 5: Electricity consumption 5 Conclusions In this study, our primary objective is to propose the architecture of the MCU circuit block based on FPGA for EtherCAT that are applied in a real-time system. The proposed MCU circuit integrates CPU, SRAM and Flash into the structure in order to investigate its whole behavior under different communication frequencies (1 171 M. Hou et al; Informacije Midem, Vol. 44, No. 2 (2014), 168 - 173 MHz, 10 MHz and 20 MHz). In particular, the power con- 4. sumption of the MCU circuit has been tested, which revealed the maximum output current and the tendency for MCU current under corresponding communication frequencies. Furthermore, the technical benefits and 5. practical operation are as follows: 1) MCU circuit block: The EtherCAT MCU circuit can be described as several system blocks, which could be easily found by researchers, 6. 2) Transmission speed: The MCU interface communication speed will be determined by SPI block frequencies. So, the developers could choose the proper SPI clock to satisfy their requirements. However, the maximum communication speed for the EtherCAT MCU is 20 M/S, 7. 3) Power consumption: The procedure allows designers to choose suitable power supply chips conveniently and estimate the battery supply time easily. 8. The online real-time signals have been captured and displayed by SignalTap II. Meanwhile, the performance of the MCU circuit has been discussed. 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Prof. Dr. Jože Furlan, UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia Prof. Dr. Radko Osredkar, UL, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Slovenia Franc Jan, Kranj, Slovenia Informacije MIDEM Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials ISSN 0352-9045 Publisher / Založnik: MIDEM Society / Društvo MIDEM Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, Ljubljana, Slovenia Strokovno društvo za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale, Ljubljana, Slovenija