ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME I No. 31 - 21 July 1948 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria, Trieste - 1948 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 258 UNIFICATION OF INCOME-TAX RATES ON WORKERS’ EARNINGS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to unify rates of tax on workers' incomes in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The income-tax on Cat. C/2 workers’ earnings shall be collected at the following rates : 4% on incomes exceeding Lire 240.000.— but not exceeding Lire 960.000.— per annum or pro-rata ; 8% on the portion of income in excess of Lire 960.000.— per annum or pro-rata. The exemption from income tax on Oat. C/2 workers’ earnings not exceeding Lire 240.000.— per annum or pro-rata, as provided for by Art. 2 of Order Mo. 4 dated 22 September 1947, is hereby confirmed. The above previsions shall apply as from the payments period in course on 1 April 1948. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette Dated at Trieste, this 14th day of July 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, TJ. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs EXEMPTION FROM STAMP DUTIES OF ACTS RELATING TO THE MOVEMENT OF CURRENCIES SUBSEQUENT TO IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF GOODS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to exempt from stamp duties the acts relating to the movement of currencies subsequent to imports and exports of goods and to the relative services enacted within the British- United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General. U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The acts relating to the movement of currencies subsequent to imports and exports of goods and to the relative services enacted by Bank of Italy or by Institutes of Credit delegated for that purpose or their agents, pursuant to commercial and financial agreements stipulated or to be stipulated by the Allied Military Government with foreign Governments and the Yugoslav Military Administration in their respective Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste, are exempt from stamp duties, other than receipts given by the interested parties, which are subject to a fix stamp tax of 12.-—- Lire to be paid by means of stamps or seal. The documents, however, to be attached to the acts for the performance of said operations, shall be regularly stamped according to their kind. ARTICLE II This Order shall come into force on the date that it is published in the Official Gazette, its provisions however shall become operative as from June 1, 1948. Dated at Trieste, this 14th day of July 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 285 RATES OF CONTRIBUTIONS IN AGRICULTURE DUE FOR THE YEAR 1948 WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to determine the contributions relating to the social insurance for the year 1948 due from agriculturists and agricultural workers m that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General. U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The contributions provided for by the „Articolo unico“ of R.D.L. 28 November 1938, No. 2138 and due in the Zone for the year 1948 shall be those set out in the Table attached to this Order. ARTICLE II Section 1. — The rates of contributions as set out in the attached Table shall apply to the working days ascertained in respect of each enterprise in accordance with R.D.L. 28 November 1938, No. 2138 and the rules for its implementation. Section 2. — As regards those enterprises employing fixed salaried workers, the number of their days of attendance shall be eomputed, for the purpose of contributions, in the amount of 300. In those cases where the above mentioned fixed salaried workers attend to agricultural works or to cattle, such working days shall be deducted from the number of those established in total for the enterprise for the cultivation of the land and the attendance of the cattle. Section 3. — As regards the „Aziende eoloniche“ and „Aziende mezzadrili“, the number of days employed by each working member of the family shall be calculated for the purpose of contributions in the amount of 240. Section 4. — The owners of rented land shall pay the rates as shown in the attached Table in respect of ,,salariati fissi“ and „giornalieri di campagna“ for each working day charged to them for works of ground improvement and soil regulation in terms of Article 5 of R.D.L. 24 September 1940, No. 1949. ARTICLE III Whenever during the year 1948 the rates of the supplementary contributions for Old Age and Invalidism and/or Tuberculosis Insurance set forth in Order No. 416 dated 24 July 1947, or the rates of the contribution for the Social Solidarity Fund set forth in Article IV of Order No. 462 dated 11 September 1947, should be altered, the rates fixed in the Table attached to this Order will be modified accordingly by special provision. ARTICLE IV As regards the Workmen’s compensation insurance in Agriculture, the contributions to be entered into the rolls of the Land Tax („Imposta fondiaria“) for the year 1948 in relation with the estimated revenue („Estimo catastale“) in accordance with paragraph 1) of Article 3 of Law No. 942 of 16 June 1939 will be determined by subsequent provision. ARTICLE V The lessors of land leased on a share-cropping basis („concedenti di fondi condotti a mezzadria e eolonia“) shall retain 'the amount of the contributions which may be due by the „Colono“ or „Mezzadro“ on behalf of any workers employed for works performed for the ,,Co-lono“ or „Mezzadro“. This Order shall become effective upon the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Allied Military Government. Dated at TRIESTE, this 14th day of July 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, IT. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs TABLE attached to Order No. 285 dated 14 July 1948 RATES OF CONTRIBUTION IN AGRICULTURE DUE FOR THE YEAR 1948 Categories of contributions Rates of Contribution For each working day of salaried workers whether or not attending to agricultural works and to cattle For each working-day of day-workers For each working day of „coloni“ and „mezzadri“ Men Women & children Men Women & children Men, W omen & children 1. Sickness Insurance 16,005 2,125 24,25 16,975 5,9461 2. Old Age & Invalidism : a) basic contribution 0,54 0,27 0,54 0,27 — b) supplementary contribution . . 6 3 6 3 — c) contribution to Social Solida- rity Fund 13,095 6,5475 13,095 6,5475 — d) indemnity for increased price of bread 1,164 1,164 1,164 1,164 — 3. Tubercolosis a) basic contribution 0,12 0,10 0,20 0,20 0,0625 b) supplementary contribution . . 2,40 2 4 4 1,25 4. Mariiage & Birth 0,073 0,08 0,24 0,22 0,0175 5. Family Allowance 60,50 60,50 60,50 60,50 — Contribution to Social Solidarity Fund provided for by No. 2, c) includes the quota-share to be bornq by the employer and the worker. In terms of Art. V of Order No. 462 dated II September 1947 the share of the contribution due by the workers shall be retained by the employer from the salaries paid. The share to be borne by the worker shall be Lire 4.365 for each working day of a man, and Lire 2,1825 for each working day of a woman or child. EXTENSION OF TIME LIMITS RELATING TO THE EXEMPTION OF REGISTRY TAX AND TURNOVER TAX ON THE PURCHASE OF SHIPS ABROAD WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to extend the time-limits relating to the exemption of registry tax and turnover tax on the purchase of ships abroad in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United Stales Forces (hereinafter referred, to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General. U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The time-limit provided for by Art. J of Order No. 151 dated 27 March 1948 is hereby extended to 31 August 1948. ARTICLE II The time-limit for the exemption of the turnover tax on the purchase of ships abroad provided for by Art. 9 of D. L. C. P. S. 29 June 1947, No. 779 implemented in the Zone by Order No. 40 dated 21 November 1947 is hereby extended to 31 August 1948. ARTICLE III This Order shall come into effect on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at Trieste, this 14th day of July 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 291 INCREASE OF RADIO LICENCE FEES WHEREAS it is considered necessary to increase the radio licence fees established by Order No. 83 dated 10 December 1947 in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I LICENCE PEES DUE BY PRIVATE PERSONS With effect from 1st July 1948, the radio licence fee due by private persons for the second half of the calendar year 1948 is hereby increased to lire 1.250.-—. PAYMENT OF FEES The payment of the licence fee referred to in Article I hereof shall be made not later than the 15th of August 1948 or, where possession of the radio-receiver commences after the said date, on the day of the commencement of such possession. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective as from the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 14th day of July 1948. RJDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 294 REPEAL OF PROVISIONS GOVERNING FAMILY ALLOWANCES TO PRIVATE PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY STATE MONOPOLY SALES OFFICES, WAREHOUSES AND SHOPS WHEREAS it has been deemed advisable and necessary to make provisions for the dissociation from „Cassa Unica per gli Assegni Familiariu of the private personnel employed by the Sales Offices, IWarehouses and Shops of the State Monopoly in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, (hereinafter referred, to as the „Zone“ ) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The aggregation of the private personnel employed by the sales offices, warehouses and shops of the State Monopoly with „Cassa Unica per gli Assegni Familiari“ as provided for by Ministerial Decree dated 3 January 1938, is hereby repealed, with effect from 1 October 1940. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective upon the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Allied Military Government. Dated at Trieste, this 14th day of July 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Director General, Civil. Affairs ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONSORZIO FOR THE „LAND RECLAMATION REGION TRIESTE ZONE“ WHEREAS, by Order No. 176 dated 9 March 1948, the entire Zone of Trieste has been made an undivided land reclamation region ; and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to establish a „Consorzio“ which should provide for the maintenance and execution of the land reclamation works and the transformation into cultivable land of the areas included in the said land reclamation region , NO W, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I There is hereby established, by virtue of Art. 56 and 71 of the Regulations concerning integral land reclamation as approved by R. D. 13 February 1933, No. 215, a „Consorzio“ for the maintenance of the land reclamation works and for the soil improvement of the areas included in the land reclamation region established by Order No. 176. ARTICLE II The said „Consorzio“ shall be called „Consorzio di Bonifica e di Trasformazione Fondiaria della Zona di Trieste“. ARTICLE III The „Consorzio per la Bonifica delle Noghere“ constituted by Administrative Order No. 63 is hereby dissolved ; its functions shall be transferred to the new „Consorzio di Bonifica e di Trasformazione Fondiaria della Zona di Trieste“. ARTICLE IV Pending the termination of the land reclamatic a works and the assessment of the contributions due by the Consortisti to the „Consorzio“, the „Consorzio“ shall be financed by the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE V A Special Commissioner of the „Consorzio“ shall be appointed by an Administrative Order upon designation to be made by the Office of Agriculture and Fisheries, Allied Military Government. ARTICLE VI This Order shall liecome effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at Trieste, this 17th clay of July 1943. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs PROVISIONS ON FISHING - REPEAL OF ORDER No. 20 WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to repeal Order No. 20 dated 24 September 1945 except Article 1 V and to make other provisions concerning fishing within that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States, Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I REPEAL OF ORDER No. 20 AS AMENDED BY ORDER No. 436 (20 A) DATED 15th AUGUST 1947 Order No. 20, dated 24 September 1945. with the exception of Article IV thereof as amended by Order No. 436 (20 A) dated 15th August 1947 is hereby repealed. ARTICLE II TERMINATION OF COLLECTION CENTRES The Collection Centres for fishing products and the consequent fixed contribution of 0.50% payable by the fishermen, provided for bj' the law of 30 October 1940, No. 1669 and relative explanatory Circular letter of „Commissariato Generale per la pesca“, are hereby terminated. ARTICLE III INVENTORY AND CASH BALANCE OF COLLECTION CENTRES The Office of Agriculture and Fisheries, Allied Military Government, shall give instructions for the disposal of assets and cash balances in the possession of the Collection Centres existing at the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE IV SALE OF FISH Section i. — All fish caught by boats registered within the Zone shall be carried to the wholesale public markets at Trieste and Muggia for sale by auction. The priority for sales shall be as follows : (a) To sellers for local consumption; (b) to industries for preserved fish ; (c) to wholesalers and exporters. The auction shall be carried out in accordance with local market custom and regulations in force. Section 2. — The sale of fish at sea is prohibited. PENALTIES Any person contravening the provisions of the foregoing Article shell be considered to have committed an offence and shall upon conviction by an Allied Military Court be liable to punishment by such fine or imprisonment or both as the Court shall direct. The Court may also order confiscation of the boat and its cargo. ARTICLE VI EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall take effect on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at Trieste, this 17th day of July. 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 80 APPOINTMENTS IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT WHEREAS by virtue of Order No. 259, dated 25 June 1948, the right of appointing the Zone President, the Zone Vice-President and the Mayors (Sindaci) of the Communes included within the Zone administered by the British-United States Forces has been reserved to the Allied Military Government; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigaditr General, V. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. Prof. Dott. Gino PALUTAN is hereby appointed Zone President. 2. Prof. Carlo SCHIFFRER is hereby appointed Zone Vice-President. 3. The following are hereby appointed Mayors (Sindaci) of the below-listed Communes as respectively indicated : Avv. Michele MIAN I, Trieste Sig. Piero ROBBA, Muggia Sig. Emilio GUSTIN, Monrupino Sig. Giovanni GRTJDEN, Sgonico Sig. Milan BEVK, S. Dorligo della Valle Sig. Otto KRALJ, Duino Aurisina 4. This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 3rd day of July 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, IT. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 92 REPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 21 WHEREAS it is considered necessary to discontinue the state of sequestration of the ,,DA-NUBIO-CONCORDIA“ Società Anonima di Assicurazioni Gene/,oli in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereafter referred to as „the Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General, V. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: The appointment of Giovanni BEZZI as Sequestrator for the „ D ANU BIO C O NC ÓRDIA “ Società Anonima di Assicurazioni Generali in the Zone, as provided for by Administrative Order No. 21 dated 24 January 1946, shall be, and hereby is, repealed with effect from 1 June 1948. Dated at Trieste, this 14th day of July 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, TJ. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 81 APPOINTMENT OF DR. ARMANDO LOVISATO AS COMMISSIONER OF THE „CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA E DI TRASFORMAZIONE DELLA ZONA DI TRIESTE“ WHEREAS by Order No. 234 the „Consorzio di Bonifica e di Trasformazione della Zona di Trieste“ has been established ; WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to appoint a, Commissioner for its special administration ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General. U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Aw. Dr. Armando LOVISATO is hereby appointed governmental Commissioner of the „Consorzio di Bonifica e di Trasformazione della Zona di Trieste“ under the supervision of the Office of Agriculture and Fisheries of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE II This Order shall come into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at Trieste, this 17th July 1948. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, U.S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Notice No. 17 MINIMUM SALARIES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY MEDICAL AMBULANCES, PATHOLOGY AND RADIOLOGY, MEDICAL GYMNASTICS, SURGICAL DENTISTRY AND ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTES Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wage Board established pursuant to Order No. 63, dated 1st December 1947, has issued, in respect of personnel employed by medical ambulances, pathology and radiology, medical gymnastics, surgical dentistry and orthopedic institutes, the following Award approved by the Department of Labor on 2nd July 1948 ; L O D 0 : ARTICOLO I STIPENDI E SALARI A) Impiegati amministrativi: 1) Impiegati di concetto ....... 2) Impiegati d’ordine IT. D. L. 18.000.— L. 17.600,-— mens. „ 15.000.— „ 14.600,— „ B) Impiegati tecnici: 1) Tecnico radiologo diplomato o comunque che svolga mansioni proprie del diplomato ........................ L. 18.000.— L. 17.600.— mens. 2) Odontotecnico diplomato capo laboratorio con almeno 1 dipendente qualificato e con responsabilità tecnica, amministrativa e disciplinare dei reparto ............. „ 24.000.— „ 22.600.— „ 3) Infermiera diplomata, in quanto svolga le mansioni proprie dell’abilitazione ...................................... „ 15.000.— „ 14.600.— „ 4) Assistente sanitaria .................................... „ —.— „ 17.600.— „ C) Personale non impiegatìzio: 1) Odontotecnico diplomato ............................. L. 18.000.— 2) Odontotecnico non diplomato ................. „ 13.000.— 3) Odontotecnico apprendista con più di 18 anni......... 5.000.— 4) Odontotecnico apprendista fino a 18 anni ............ „ 4.000.— 5) Ortopedico ........................................ „ 15.000.-— 6) Infermiere non diplomato ............................ „ 14.000.— 7) Aiutante o assistente di ambular Jrio ovvero colui che prepara lo strumento e tiene la pulizia del medesimo.. „ 14.000.— 8) Donne di pulizia addette agli ambulatori ............ „ —— L. 17.600.— „ 13.000,— 5.000, — 4.000, — 14.600,— „ 13.600,— 13.600,— „ 30.— orarie INDENNITÀ’ DI CONTINGENZA GRUPPI DI ETÀ’ Giornaliera Settimanale Mensile u. D. u. D. u. D. a) Non capi famiglia oltre 20 anni 461.50 400,— 2769.— 2400,— 12.000,— 10.400,— dai 18 ai 20 anni .... 415.40 323.05 2492.40 1938.30 10.800,— 8.400,— dai 16 ai 18 anni .... 346.15 252.30 2076.90 1513.80 9.000,— 7.560 — sotto i 16 anni 184.60 184.00 1107.60 1107.60 4.800.— 4.800,— apprendisti sopra i 18 anni .... 269.10 269.10 1615.40 1615.40 7.000.— 7.000.— fino ai 18 anni 192.30 192.30 1153.85 1153.85 5.000.— 5.000 — b) capi famiglia oltre i 20 anni 461.50 429.60 2769,— 2577.60 12.000,— 11.160.— dai 18 ai 20 anni .... 429.60 369.20 2577.60 2215.20 11.160,— 9.600,— L’indennità di contingenza si intende a. tutti gli effetti frazionabile ad ora in rapporto ad un orario di 8 ore giornaliere, rispettivamente di 208 ore mensili o all’orario contrattuale proprio di particolari categorie di lavoratori. L’indennità di contingenza sarà corrisposta per le sole ore di effettiva prestazione lavorativa e non costituisce parte integrante della retribuzione. Dovrà però venir corrisposta : a) Durante il periodo contrattuale di ferie. b) Durante il congedo matrimoniale. c) Nelle festività infrasettimanali e nelle ricorrenze nazionali riconosciute per legge o per contratto. d) Nel computo della gratifica natalizia e della 13.a mensilità. e) Nel calcolo dell’indennità sostitutiva del preavviso. f) Durante i brevi permessi o assenze per i quali l’azienda non faccia luogo a riduzione dello stipendio mensile. L’indennità di contingenza si aggancia »11’ indice costo-vita locale e ne subirà di conseguenza bimestralmente tutte le variazioni che ne potessero derivare sia in più che in meno, alla stessa stregua delle altre categorie. ARTICOLO 3 RIDUZIONE DI ORARIO E’ammessa la possibilità per il personale non impiegatizio, di essere assunto ad orario ridottò con un massimo di 4 ore giornaliere. In tal caso egli sarà retribuito proporzionalmente ad ora, con una maggiorazione del 20% sulla retribuzione globale. La paga oraria sarà determinata dividendo per 200 il salario mensile e per 8 l’indennità di contingenza giornaliera. ARTICOLO 4 SCATTI PER ANZIANITÀ’ (PER GLI IMPIEGATI) Gli stipendi di cui ail’art. 1 sono stipendi iniziali. Negli anni successivi detto personale -avrà diritto a percepire degli aumenti per anzianità nell’ammontare sottospecificato : 4% delio stipendio iniziale allo scadere del l.o e 2.o biennio di servizio ; 5% dello stipendio iniziale allo scadere del 3.0, 4.o, 5.0 e 6.0 biennio di servizio. ARTICOLO 5 PERSONALE MINORILE (NON SOGGETTO ALL’ APPRENDISTATO) Il personale minorile (maschile e femminile) percepirà : se con meno di 16 anni............................ 50% se fra i 16 ed i 18 anni ............................ 65% se fra i 18 ed i 20 anni ............................ 80% degli stipendi e salari spettanti al corrispondente personale (maschile e femminile) di età maggiore agli anni 20. ARTICOLO 6 GRATIFICA NATALIZIA E 13.a MENSILITÀ’ Al personale impiegatizio verrà corrisposta alla vigilia di Natale una 13.a mensilità pari ad una mensilità di stipendio e di indennità di contingenza ; il personale non impiegatizio avrà diritto a percepire una gratifica natalizia, pari a 25 giornate di salario e di indennità di contingenza. ^ . Nel caso di cessazione o di in. ,io del rapporto di lavora nel corso dell’anno, il personale di cui dianzi ha diritto a percepire tanti dodicesimi della 13.a mensilità o gratifica natalizia, quanti sono i. mesi di servizio prestati, computando come mese intero le frazioni di mese superiori a 15 giorni. DECORRENZA 11 presente Lodo entra in vigore il Lo luglio e avrà efficacia fino al 31 dicembre 1948. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Signed : Walter LEVITUS DELLA SANTA Livio NOVELLI Guido BORZAGHIN1 CAVALIERI Giovanni POLI Dott. Nicolò PASE Trieste, 21 giugno 1948 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Approved 2nd July 1948 Signed : R. G. HUMPHREY Major F. A. Trieste, 2nd July 1948. R. G. HUMPHREY Major F. A.. Chief Department of Labor Notice No. 18 EXTENSION OF THE LEGAL AND CONVENTIONAL TERMS IN CASES OF CLOSING DOWN OF INSTITUTES OF CREDIT AND BRANCH OFFICES DUE TO EXCEPTIONAL EVENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Order No. 256 dated this 24th of June 1948, the duration of the closure of Institutes of Credit and Banks due to exceptional events within the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) shall be determined by the Director of Finance of Allied Military Government. NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. OSMON, Lt. Colonel, Deputy Director of Finance, N OTIFY: ARTICLE I Upon request of Bank of Italy, it is determined that the closure of the Institutes of Credit, Institutes and branch-offices, as set forth in R. D. L. 12 March 1936, No. 375 and subsequent amendments, in the Zone, from 12 hours of 25th June to 26th of June 1948 was due to exceptional events. The legal and conventional terms which expired during the period of said closure are extended until 12th of July 1948, the fifteenth day from the resumption of work. Dated at Trieste, this 15th day of July 1948. J. OSMON, Lt. Col. Deputy Director of Finance Errata - Corrigenda Articles I and II of Order No. 281, CESSATION OF DISPOSABILITY OF DEMANIAL PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZATION FOR EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE STATE DOMAIN AND THE MONASTERY OF SAN CIPRIANO IN TRIESTE, published at page 468 of Official Gazette No. 29 dated 1st July 1948, are amended as follows : a) ARTICLE I should read as follows : „The real estate P. T. 2196, 2317 and 2447 of Trieste in Via Besenghi 14 and 20 owned by the State Domain, shall cease to be a non-disposable property. “ b) The first line of ARTICLE II should read as follows : „Authorization is hereby given for the exchange of the real estate P. T. 2196, 2317 and 2447...“ . ) CONTENTS Order Page No. 234 Establishment of a Consorzio for the „Land Reclamation Region Trieste Zone,, ............................................ 495 No. 258 Unification of income-tax rates on workers’ earnings ............. 489 No. 272 Provisions on fishing - Repeal of Order No. 20 ................... 496 No. 280 Exemption from stamp dirties of acts relating to the movement of currencies subsequent to imports and exports of goods.. 490 No. 285 Rates of contributions in agriculture due for the year 1948.. .. 490 No. 290 Extension of time-limits relating to the exemption of registry tax and turnover tax on the purchase of ships abroad......... 493 No. 291 Increase of radio licence fees ................................... 493 No. 294 Repeal of provisions governing family allowances to private personnel employed by State Monopoly Sales Offices, Warehouses and Shops............................................... 494 Administrative Order No. 80 Appointments in Local Government ................................. 497 No. 81 Appointment of Dr. Armando Lovisato as Commissioner of the „Consorzio di Bonifica e di Trasformazione della Zona di Trieste ....................................................... 498 No. 92 Repeal of Administrative Order No. 21 ........................... 498 Notice No. 17 Minimum salaries for personnel employed by medical ambulances, pathology and radiology, medical gymnastics, surgical dentistry and orthopedic institutes.............................. 499 No. 18 Extension of the legal and conventional terms in cases of closing down of Institutes of Credit and branch offices due to exceptional events ................................................. 502 Errata Corrigenda .............................................................. 503