24. NEDELJA MED LETOM 24TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 38/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 16. 9. 2018 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Jezus je od Petra pricakoval, da bo mislil po božje. Ker ni, ga je oštel in skoraj nagnal iz apostolskega zbora. Kako pa naj bi Peter, ki je bil clovek, mislil drugace kot po cloveško? Bog misli po božje, clovek pa misli po cloveško, kakor je komu v naravi. Po tej cloveški naravi in po svoji pameti je Peter pac mislil, da je za Jezusa trpljenje in smrt nekaj slabega, nekaj, kar se mu ne sme zgoditi. Zato ga je v najboljši veri od teh misli odvracal. Na Petrovem mestu bi enako storil vsakdo, ki bi imel Jezusa rad. Saj vendar ne gre, da bi Mesija moral doživeti neuspeh in ponižanje. Jezus pa Petra, ki tako misli, podi od sebe in ga imenuje naravnost satana. Kakšen nesporazum! Jezus, nikar se ne cudi Petru in njegovim cloveškim mislim! Ne cudi se kristjanom, da so v dvatisocletni zgodovini tvoje Cerkve preveckrat mislili po cloveško! Ne cudi se nam, novodobnim in pokoncilskim kristjanom. Priznavamo, da te tudi mi težko razumemo. Po cloveško mislimo. Ne gre in ne gre nam v glavo tvoj nasvet, naj se odpovedujemo samim sebi, naj jemljemo vsak dan nase svoj (in tvoj) križ, naj svoje življenje rajši izgubljamo, kakor da bi ga reševali. To se upira naši naravi. Kaj nam bo ostalo, ce sebe zavržemo? Ti pa pri svojem vztrajaš. Res pa je, da nam poti za sabo ne zapovedu-ješ, ampak nas nanjo le vabiš. »Ce kdo hoce«, praviš. In ce smo te pripravljeni prav razumeti, bomo spoznali, da nam s svojim vabilom k umiranju želiš samo dobro. Saj gre le za smrt vsega, kar je v nas zlo, da bi moglo tem bolj zaživeti, kar je v nas dobro. Takšno umiranje pa ne nasprotuje naši naravi, ampak jo vodi k njenemu najvecjemu razponu. Tisti, ki so te tako razumeli in šli za teboj, niso unicili sebe, ampak so ravno po tem umiranju dosegali vrhunce svojega življenja in ti sam si ravno po svojem ponižanju, trpljenju in smrti prišel v slavo tretjega dne. Naše misli so zazrte v sedanjost, božje pa segajo v tretji dan. (Prim., Franc Cerar, Evangelij na prepihu, st. 113) Cloveške in božje misli 405 | VESTNIK 2018 407 | VESTNIK 2018 409 | VESTNIK 2018 411 | VESTNIK 2018 413 | VESTNIK 2018 415 | VESTNIK 2018 2018 SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION AWARDS PRESENTATION The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation was created to provide students of Slovenian-Canadian descent, who are pursuing post-secondary education, and reside with the Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, or Niagara region, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community involvement, and apprecia-tion of their Slovenian heritage. Selected applicants will be granted a monetary award in the form of a scholarship or bursary from the foundation. This year’s awards will be presented on Sunday, September 23, 2018, at St. Gregory the Great Parish’s Fall Banquet. All information at Teresa Zupancic: t_zupancic@hotmail.com or calling 905-930-7545. For table reservations call: Terezija Sarjaš: 905-560-1218 Koncujejo se poletna praznovanja, zacenja se novo šolsko leto, pri nas pa imamo v tem casu praznovanje zavetnika naše cerkve, sv. Gregorija Velikega. Naš jesenski banket že nekaj casa praznujemo v drugi polovici septembra, takrat je vecina zopet nazaj doma. Jesenski banket pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem bo v nedeljo, 23. septembra 2018. Praznovanje bomo zaceli s sveto mašo ob 10:00h dopoldne. Ob 12:00h bo kosilo. Ob koncu kosila bo Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation nagradila izbrane kandidate. Za prijavo poklicite Terezijo Sarjaš: 905-560-1218 Kuverte za vaš dar dobite v atriju cerkve. Jesenski banket 2018 Fall Banquet VESTNIK 2018 | 406 VESTNIK 2018 | 408 VESTNIK 2018 | 410 VESTNIK 2018 | 412 VESTNIK 2018 | 414 SLOVENSKA ŠOLA - SLOVENIAN SCHOOL 2018/2019 Dear parents, September is almost here, and the school doors will soon open for another year. This means that it will also be time for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! If you have a child in Kindergarten or older in English school, he/she is eligible to enroll in Sloveni-an School. Be proud of your culture and heritage! As descendants of our small Slovenian nation, let's make it possible for our children to become ac-quainted with their ancestral homeland and learn Slovenian. One day they will thank you for having the foresight and the interest in sending them to Slovenian school. We all feel the need to offer our children extra curricular activities in sports, music, dance, etc. Don't you think that it is just as im-portant to offer them the opportunity to broaden their intellect by learning the language of their par-ents or grandparents? We urge you to think about it and send your children to SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! Our programs are easily comprehended and are geared towards the ability of the children. They are made along the lines of the ones used in English schools so that they can be easily followed and un-derstood. We also prepare the children of our parish for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Regular classes started on September 15th, 2018. Classes start at 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You can still register your child before the school hours. Although our goal is to teach the children to read, write and speak Slovenian, more importantly, it is to instill into them a Slovenian identity, a feel-ing of love and pride towards their Slovenian roots and their cultural heritage. Because our Slovenian School is a part of the Slovenian community, it also gives the children a sense of belonging. It is a place where they make lasting friendships. Our children are the guarantee for the continuance of our Slovenian identity and, more importantly, the continuance of our Slovenian community. It is important that we work together to keep their interest alive. Slove-nian School has been a rite of passage for so many of our Slovenian youth, and we would like to keep this tradi-tion going! Please give SLOVENIAN SCHOOL your full consideration and register your children on September 8th. If you have friends, who are of Slovenian back-ground and this notice does not reach them, please tell them and encourage them to send their children to our school. The cost is $75 for one child, $140 for two children, and $210 for 3 children. Be proud that you are Slovenian and give your chil-dren the same opportunity! We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions, you can contact Sandy by email at sferletic@gmail.com. Sandy Ferletic – Head Teacher Slovenian International Language School Prvi dan v Slovenski šoli, šolsko leto 2018-2019 MIDLAND V soboto, 8. septembra, na praznik Marijinega rojstva smo nekateri iz Hamiltona in Toronta poromali k božjepotni cerkvi Kanadskih mucencev v Midlandu. Že dolga leta se Slovenci v zacetku septembra zbiramo ob slovenskem znamenju - križu, ki je tam postavljen v spomin na vse žrtve med in po vojni. Ob 10:30 smo se zbrali najprej na komemoraciji, ki jo je pripravil odbor iz Toronta. Gospod Valentin Batic, župnik slovenske župnije Brezmadežne v Torontu, je komemoracijo zacel z molitvijo in kratko mislijo, nato so položili venec h križu, sledila je recitacija in nato govor, katerega glavna misel je bil spomin - 75 letnica - na padle iz Turjaka in blaženega mucenca Alojzija Grozdeta. Na koncu je združeni moški zbor župnij Brezmadežna in Marija Pomagaj zapel tri pesmi pod vodstvom Jožeta Oražma: Naj cuje nas, Polje kdo bo tebe ljubil, Oce, mati, bratje in sestre - za to zadnjo je voditelj povabil naj se vsi pridružijo petju. V parku, kjer so kipi križeveg pota, smo nato nadaljevali z našo pobožnostjo. Ob molitvi in pesmi smo se pomikali od postaje do postaje. Opoldne pa smo se zbrali v cerkvi za sveto mašo. Cerkev se je napolnila ne samo s Slovenci ampak tudi z drugimi romarji. G. Leopold Valant je vodil sveto mašo, g. Valentin Batic je povedal nekaj misli o pomenu praznika Marijinega rojstva; somaševala pa sva še g. Ivan Plazar in Drago Gacnik, SDB. Na koncu maše smo še zapeli litanije Matere Božje z odpevi. Po slovesnem blagoslovu z Najsvetejšim smo še zapeli Marija skoz življenje, potem smo se vsak po svoje odpravili proti domu. KONCERT VOKALNE SKUPINE PLAMEN IN TRIJE GOSTJE IZ SLOVENIJE V soboto zvecer ob 19:30 se je v župnijski dvorani na Brown's Line zacel koncert, ki ga je organizirala Maria Ahacic-Pollak. Poleg vokalne skupine PLAMEN, so nastopili še trije gostje iz Slovenije: pianistka Tanja Cinc, Violinistka Ana Julija Mlejnik in kitarist Timotej Kosovinc. Po prvi pesmi, Nmau cez jezero, ki jo je zapela vokalna skupina Plamen, se je predstavila nova veleposlanica republike Slovenije za Kanado, dr. Melita Gabric. Po posnetku sem zapisal nekaj njenih pozdravnih misli: »V veliko zadovoljstvo in cast mi je, da vas lahko pozdravim kot nova veleposlanica republike Slovenije v Kanadi. Še posebej mi je v veselje, da sem bila imenovana v to cast, da zastopam Slovenijo v državi, v kateri prebiva toliko Slovencev in slovenskih potomcev in potomk. Odlocila sem se, da govorim slovensko, upam, da me vsi razumete. Kot prvo bi se rada zahvalila gospe Mariji Ahacic-Pollak za prijazno vabilo in za to lepo priložnost, da se srecamo, in da se vam predstavim, samo tri dni potem, ko sem nastopila polno funkcijo veleposlanice. V sredo sem namrec predala svoja poverilna pisma generalni guvernerki Kanade, Julie Payette od predsednika republike Slovenije Boruta Pahorja in že danes imamo to lepo priložnost, da se srecamo. Želela bi tudi cestitati za izjemne uspehe, za izjemne dosežke, za umetniške dosežke, za kvaliteto, za privrženost slovenski kulturi in slovenski pesmi pevskemu zboru Plamen. Moram reci, da ste v Sloveniji zelo poznane in zelo visoko cenjene, da vas že nestrpno pricakujejo ... Bi se pa želela zahvaliti tudi širši skupnosti v Torontu, slovenski skupnosti, ki na tak lep nacin ohranja slovensko kulturo, mogoce na nacin, ki je vcasih v Sloveniji že pozabljen, ampak mislim, da ga v Sloveniji vse bolj cenimo. In vse bolj cenimo, da ste most med Slovenijo in med Kanado; da ste zelo pomemben del slovenskega naroda, ki dela Slovence in slovenski narod tudi bolj odprt in s tem tudi bolj uspešen. Resnicno mi je v veliko veselje in cutim tudi posebno odgovornost, ker sem veleposlanica v državi, kjer je toliko slovenstva in Slovencev, potomcev. Samo par besed o sebi. Da boste vedeli, kdo je prišel zastopati Slovenijo in kdo vam je vedno na voljo in cigar vrata so vedno na široko odprta. Sem profesionalna dipomatka, zadnjih 10 let sem vglavnem služila v New Yorku. In v New Yorku sem se tudi kot generalna konzulka srecala z našo slovensko skupnostjo v vzhodnem delu ZDA in moram reci, da je bil ta del, delo s slovensko skupnostjo, najbolj izpolnjujoc del mojega diplomatskega poklica. Tako da sem prepricana, imam veliko prijateljev v ZDA v slovenski skupnosti; prepricana sem in upam, da jih bom imela, da bom to rekla, ko bom odhajala, cez štiri leta, vsaj tako je predvide-no, iz Kanade, da se bomo poznali in da se bomo tudi spoprijateljili. Še enkrat bi želela poudariti, da smo tukaj zato, da vam pomagamo. Vse bom naredila, kar je v moji moci, da vas podpremo pri ohranjanju slovenske kulture in ohranjaju vezi s Slovenijo na vseh podrocjih – od kulturnega, gospodarskega, znanstvenega, športnega ... in tudi cisto cloveškega. Vedno dobrodošli, veste, kje nas dobite, moji kolegi in kolegice in jaz sama sem vam vedno na voljo. Želim vam lep vecer.« Prekmurje je s to svojo drugacno melodiko in narecjem prineslo slovenski ljudski pesmi poseben car. Sledi ljudska »Ne Ouri« v pristnem prekmurskem narecju. Priredba: R. Gobec. Solistke so: Susan Stajan, Tanja Stariha, Elizabeth Stariha... Vokalna skupina Plamen je, pod vodstvom Marije Ahacic Pollak, nastopala na treh kontinentih. V Sloveniji so gostovali sedemkrat, ZDA in tudi Avstraliji. Plamen v svojem repertoarju predstavlja tako Kanado kot tudi Slovenijo. Naslednjo pesem, Angel, je napisal kanadski avtor Sarah McLachlan. Sledi ji je slovenska popevka Poletna noc (M. Sepe, E. Budau, na klavirju spremlja Tanja Cinc). Kot prvi gost is Slovenije je nastopil kitarist, Timotej Kosovinc. Igra razlicne glasbene zvrsti, klasiko, pop, flamengo in druge. Kot komponist in interpretator svojih lastnih skladb je zmagovlaec na domacih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Študiral je klasicno kitaro in kompozicijo na Dunaju. Zaigral je tri skladbe: Špansko romaco neznanega avtorja; Tango en Skai: R. Dyens in svojo kompozicijo: Rock'n' Roll Sonata, 3rd movement: T. Kosovinc. Naslednja gostja je bila pianistka Tanja Cinc. Na domacih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih je osvojila 7 prvih nagrad. Študirala je v Ljubljani in Zagrebu. Dobila je Škrjancevo nagrado 2012 in Prešernovo nagrado na glasbeni akademiji v Ljubljani 2015. Zaigrala je dve skladbi: Nocturno op. 55/2 v Es-duru: F. Chopin in Poloneza op. 53. v As-duru: F. Chopin. Tretja gostja je violinistka Ana Julija Mejnik. Nastopala na razlicnih odrih po svetu in sodelovala z mnogimi orkestri. 2008 je igrala celo za angleško kraljico, Elizabeto II. Na klavirju jo je spremljala Tanja Cinc. Zaigrala je: Kreisler: Schon Rosmarin; J.Massenet: Meditation; F. Kreisler: Tamburin chinois. Koncert je zakljucila zopet vokalna skupina Plamen z naslednjimi pesmimi: Nothin' Gonna Stumble: G. Gilpin, J. Parker; The Rose: A. Mc Broom, K. Shaw, M.A. Pollak (guitar Timotej Kosovinc); Sweet dreams: D. Stewart, A. Lennox, D. Sharon, A. Raugh; Slovenia: V.&S. Avsenik, V. Ovsenik, M.A. Pollak. Ob koncu so sledile še zahvale, izrocitev šopkov in še nedakj dodatnih pesmi. Skupaj smo zapeli še tisto: Kje so tiste stezice ... potem pa družabni klepet ob kavi in prigrizku. V malo drugacni zasedbi so koncert ponovili v nedeljo popoldne pri društu Bled-Beamsville. DRUŠTVO TRIGLAV - LONDON V nedeljo, 9. septembra 2018 so se clani društva Triglav zbrali pri sveti maši v svoji dvorani, ki pa kmalu ne bo vec dom njihovega društva, saj je dvorana naprodaj. 24TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. First Reading Isaiah 50:5-9 To carry the cross is not to be weak but to be strong. Second Reading James 2:14-18 Good works come from faith, like heat comes from fire. Gospel Mark 8:27-35 It is only by his death and resurrection that Jesus can show who he really is. “And he began to teach them.” Illustration A senior priest was reflecting on his experienc-es for others at an earlier stage of their ministry: “In my early days as a priest in a parish, I used to say to myself something like this before I knocked on someone’s door: ‘Behind this door is someone whom Christ died for. More than that, if this was the only person in the world apart from Jesus himself, he would still have died for this person. If Our Lord considers this person worth dying for, and there is no one whom he does not think it is worth dying for, then this person, no matter what he or she seems like to you, is worth a few minutes of your time.’ I wouldn’t claim to have lived up to that, and I don’t always take the time to say those words to myself nowadays, but it is still a truth that I try to live by.” It is wise advice, because how often do we find ourselves to be grudging and impatient when we have to spend even a few minutes for someone else? A few minutes of our time is not much to offer, but it is a measure of how seriously we take the cross. We may have fantasies of offering our life for someone, but we may never be asked to do that. If we want to really measure how willing we are to give our life for anyone, why not consider how will-ing we are to give up even a few minutes of that life? Gospel Teaching The writer of Mark’s Gospel likes the word “begin”. People don’t just do things in the Gospel of Mark. They very often begin to do things. In fact, the Gospel itself begins with the word “beginning”: “The beginning of the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Everything that happens in the Gospel of Mark is a beginning of the things that the first readers of Mark are experiencing in their day. That is the whole point of the Gospel of Mark. The writer is addressing the question for his readers: How did it all begin? Yet there is an irony in the use of the words in today’s Gospel reading: “And he began to teach them.” So what exactly has Jesus been doing up to this moment? We have been told earlier in Mark’s Gospel, when the writer tells the story of the feed-ing of the five thousand, that Jesus began “to teach them at some length”, but what is meant in today’s Gospel reading is a new kind of teaching. Teaching is no longer just a matter of words: it is what is about to happen that will be the teaching. We can know the meaning of words but this is not the same as understanding them. Peter knows the word “Christ” but, until the passion of the Christ begins, he is not even close to understanding what it really means for Jesus to be the Christ, the anointed one. Peter will not fully understand anything that Jesus has said to him until he too carries his cross. Application If the cross of the Christ was just a word, then all we would have is memories; all we would be doing as Christians is commemorating an event from history. Yet the cross is a reality today. It is a choice made by every human being: either to be one who carries the cross, or to be one who impos-es the cross on others. The journey of Jesus is not a journey to death. Death is what his enemies plan for him; Jesus makes it a journey to life. It is a jour-ney through death, but not to death, because heaven is his home – and it is our home too. To carry the cross is, therefore, not a death wish but a life wish. It is possible to love without faith and hope, but not in the way that Christ loves. It is only through faith and hope in the risen Christ that we can offer to each other the life of God. So when Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem to endure the cross, imposed by others, we can truly say that now he is beginning to teach. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 23. september: St. Gregory the Great - Fall Banquet; Mass at 10:00 a.m., Dinner at Noon . 7. oktober: Sava - Mass 1:00 p.m. . 12.-13. oktober: Sava - Oktoberfest. Za petek so še vstopnice. Za vse informacije klicite Magdo na tel.: 905-627-0834 . 14. oktober: Lipa Park - Thanksgiving Luncheon . 14. oktober: Triglav - Vinska tragatev - Band: Europa . 16. oktober: SCCN/SKON - Meeting 7:30 p.m. at St. Gregory the Great Hall . 21. oktober: Triglav - Maša ob 12:30 p.m. v dvorani . 27. oktober: Slovenski Park - Fall Clean-up at 9:00 a.m. . 2. november: London - St. Peter's Cemetery - Mass at 2:00 p.m. . 4. november: Holy Sepulchre Cemetery - Mass at 2:00 p.m., prayers at: 3:00 p.m., 3:30 p.m. at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 5:00 p.m. at Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery . 10. november: St. Gregory the Great - Martinovanje. GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO . 16. september 9:30 a.m.: Jože Gimpelj in Janez Lovrencec . 23. september 10:00 a.m.: Clark, Steven, John, Tony . 30. september 9:30 a.m.: Lojze in Peter Grebenc . 7. oktober 9:30 a.m.: Ivan in Angela Antolin . 14. oktober 9:30 a.m.: Kolenko Family . 21. oktober 9:30 a.m.: Berkovic Family . DONATIONS - DAROVI Ob smrti Marije Horvat so za gradbeni sklad darovali namesto cvetja: - Terezija Prša $50 - Viktor in Olga Glavac $120 - Terezija Doma (Dundas) $50 - Lojze in Dragica Ferencak $100 - Stan Pelcar $100 - Lojzka Saje, Andrej Saje $50 Ob smrti Pavle Pelcar so za gradbeni sklad darovali namesto cvetja: - Manja Erzetic $50 - Karol in Milka Ferko $40 - Lojzka Saje, Andrej Saje $50 Iskrena hvala vsem za vaše darove. SLOVENSKO VELEPOSLANIŠTVO - OTTAWA Obvešcamo vas, da bomo z mesecem septembrom 2018 nekoliko spremenili uradne ure za konzularne stranke v Ottawi. Od 01.09.2018 naprej bodo uradne ure za konzularne stranke v Ottawi v ponedeljek, sredo in cetrtek, od 10.00 do 13.00 ure (in v sredah popoldne od 14.00 do 16.00 ure). Glede na dosedanjo ureditev to pomeni, da uradne ure za ponedeljek in cetrtek ostajajo nespremenjene. Sprememba je, da v torek vec ni uradnih ur, temvec bodo ob sredah. This message is to inform you that the of-fice hours for consular affairs at the Embassy of Slovenia in Ottawa are changing as of Sep-tember 1st, 2018. They will be as follows: Monday 10:00 –13:00 Wednesday 10:00 –13:00 and 14:00 –16:00 Thursday 10:00 –13:00 ZAHVALA - THANK YOU To everyone who came from near and far away to express their condolences, kind words, thoughts and prayers on the loss of our dear mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Paula, we want to thank you all very much. Stan, Josie Dube and her Family cannot measure the depth of our gratitude to those who shared their fond memories of Mom and helping to ease the pain of her loss. There could not have been any nicer things said about her that had not already been said. We would like to acknowledge the following including: Fr Drago Gacnik for the prayers and holding a lovely service for her. The Catholic Womens’s League for their nice homage to her at the service and prayers at the visitation. The people and all the caregivers at Arbour Creek for their dedication and kindness taking care of Mom. The staff at Donald V Brown Funeral Home for making a sad time more bearable. All the pallbearers Jay Cestnik, Claude Dube , Danny Demsar, Chris Dube, Justin Dube and Marcel Tavares – additional thanks to Claude for singing a wonderful rendition of Amazing Grace at the mass. The delicious reception meal prepared by Nancy Dundek and desserts by Aranka Dundek, Milka Ferko and Maria Korošec Finally there are all those who sent cards, notes, flowers and made donations – there are so many and you all deserve to be recognized – all we can say is a simple “Thank You” The Canadian Slovenian Historical So-ciety met at St. Gregory’s on September 15th. Members volunteers and guests who attended were able to see progress made with the organization, shelving and cata-loguing of the library materials. Jožica and Andrea have worked diligently on this pro-ject. The group also discussed plans for the upcoming year. The next meeting will be held on October 13th at Dom Lipa. Volun- SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 A.M., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 8:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slovenian), 11:00 A.M. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO 24. NEDELJA MED LETOM 16. SEPTEMBER Kornelij, papež Ciprijan, škof mucenec †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Jože in Anica Cuznar Martha in Toni Hocevar 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Jože Gimpelj z družino Jože Magdic z družino PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 17. SEPTEMBER Robert Bellarmin, šk-uc † Janez Grebenc, obl. 8:00 A.M. Lojze Grebenc TOREK - TUESDAY 18. SEPTEMBER Jožef Kupertinski, duh. † † † Marija Grebenc Jože Loušin Paula Pelcar 7:00 P.M. Lojze Grebenc Družina Pust Gizela Hauzar SREDA - WEDNESDAY 19. SEPTEMBER Januarij, škof-mucenec † † Po namenu (25/28) Sonya Rosmus Bogu in Materi Božji v zahvalo 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadic Mama Ignac Horvat z družino CETRTEK - THURSDAY 20. SEPTEMBER Andrej Kim, muc. † †† †† † Rozina Žagar Pokojni iz družine Malevic Pokojni iz družine Oberman Valter Fylypiw 7:00 P.M. Regina Halas Sin Martin z družino Hci Stanka Malevic z družino Mary Fylypiw PETEK - FRIDAY 21. SEPTEMBER Matej, apostol-evang. † † Štefan Gjerkeš Angelca Sintic 7:00 P.M. Stanko in Elizabeth Petek Majda Lukežic SOBOTA SATURDAY 22. SEPTEMBER Mavricij, mucenec † †† †† †† † Sonja Baudek Rudi in Terezija Hajdinjak Mihael in Zofija Ferencak Pokojni iz družine Rožic Rozina Novak 5:30 P.M. Sestra Hema z družino Dragica in Lojze Ferencak Lojze in Dragica Ferencak Marija in Vlado Mlacak Martin in Regina Nedelko 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM 23. SEPTEMBER Pij iz Pietrelcine, duh. Slomškova nedelja † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Martha Hocevar Franc Drvaric Paula Pelcar Franc Drvaric FALL BANQUET / Scolarship 10:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON Josip in Anica Pleša Aranka Dundek Poppa Family Hci Sidonia z družino UPPER PARISH HALL SVETE MAŠE - MASSES od 16. 9. 2018 do 23. 9. 2018